From b0c94b71b90c7ed4d3199e0ad019073c3f75f800 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skotlex <skotlex@54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 18:04:04 +0000
Subject: - Updated firepillar so it cannot be placed on top of others. -
 Updated the firepillar code so it behaves like the other traps. - Changed the
 default format for @me and @main to avoid crashes on the newer clients. -
 Fixed the char-sql server so it returns a valid 'not found' packet when
 attempting to load a non-existing homunculus. - Fixed jump to use 0,0 for
 random coordinates rather than -1,-1 - Added missing \n to error reporting in
 getmonsterinfo - Additional status changes now only get triggered if the
 attack did damage, not if they get absorbed. - Fixed a logical comparison in
 unit_free to properly remove pets/homuncs when their intimacy is reduced to
 0. - Properly set the opt3 value for Moonlight, Changeundead and Soul Link -
 Fixed the "no equip" flag of cards not being properly applied when attemting
 to equip items. - Added a check to avoid invoking pet menu entries when the
 pet is incuvated. - Fixed the session_data de-association in
 chrif_auth_delete - Cleaned chrif_auth_ok so that the latest received char
 info is kept when previous char login data was already in there. - Corrected
 docs mentioning non-existing flag 'mf_nopvp'

git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
 doc/script_commands.txt | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'doc')

diff --git a/doc/script_commands.txt b/doc/script_commands.txt
index 3806a2459..24bf4beb6 100644
--- a/doc/script_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/script_commands.txt
@@ -5391,10 +5391,10 @@ behavior of the map, you can see the list of the available ones in
 'db/const.txt' under 'mf_'.
 The map flags alter the behavior of the map regarding teleporting (mf_nomemo, 
-mf_noteleport, mf_nowarp, mf_nogo) storing location when disconnected 
+mf_noteleport, mf_nowarp, mf_nogo), storing location when disconnected 
 (mf_nosave), dead branch usage (mf_nobranch), penalties upon death 
 (mf_nopenalty, mf_nozenypenalty), PVP behavior (mf_pvp, mf_pvp_noparty, 
-mf_pvp_noguild, mf_nopvp), WoE behavior (mf_gvg,mf_gvg_noparty), ability to use 
+mf_pvp_noguild), WoE behavior (mf_gvg,mf_gvg_noparty), ability to use 
 skills or open up trade deals (mf_notrade, mf_novending, mf_noskill, mf_noicewall),
 current weather effects (mf_snow, mf_fog, mf_sakura, mf_leaves, mf_rain, mf_clouds, 
 mf_fireworks) and whether day/night will be in effect on this map (mf_indoors).
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2