From 2f6d4516113059d9edbe71b085540c9cda92fa03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Karas <>
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2014 11:34:32 +0300
Subject: Remove conf dir.

 db/re/achievement_db.conf |   6769 --
 db/re/attr_fix.txt        |     56 -
 db/re/exp_group_db.conf   |    259 -
 db/re/exp_guild.txt       |     51 -
 db/re/exp_homun.txt       |    151 -
 db/re/homunculus_db.txt   |     33 -
 db/re/item_chain.conf     |    121 -
 db/re/item_combo_db.txt   |    438 -
 db/re/item_db.conf        | 154514 -------------------------------------------
 db/re/item_group.conf     |   4843 --
 db/re/item_packages.conf  |  12871 ----
 db/re/job_db.conf         |   2014 -
 db/re/level_penalty.txt   |     56 -
 db/re/map_zone_db.conf    |    522 -
 db/re/mob_boss.txt        |     52 -
 db/re/mob_branch.txt      |    485 -
 db/re/mob_db.conf         |  84423 -----------------------
 db/re/mob_poring.txt      |     19 -
 db/re/mob_race2_db.txt    |     21 -
 db/re/mob_skill_db.conf   | 100667 ----------------------------
 db/re/pet_db.conf         |   2026 -
 db/re/refine_db.conf      |    529 -
 db/re/size_fix.txt        |      7 -
 db/re/skill_db.conf       |  38553 -----------
 db/re/skill_tree.conf     |   4044 --
 db/re/statpoint.txt       |    255 -
 26 files changed, 413779 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 db/re/achievement_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/attr_fix.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/exp_group_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/exp_guild.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/exp_homun.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/homunculus_db.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/item_chain.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/item_combo_db.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/item_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/item_group.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/item_packages.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/job_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/level_penalty.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/map_zone_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/mob_boss.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/mob_branch.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/mob_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/mob_poring.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/mob_race2_db.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/mob_skill_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/pet_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/refine_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/size_fix.txt
 delete mode 100644 db/re/skill_db.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/skill_tree.conf
 delete mode 100644 db/re/statpoint.txt

(limited to 'db/re')

diff --git a/db/re/achievement_db.conf b/db/re/achievement_db.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e54a1d924..000000000
--- a/db/re/achievement_db.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6769 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2018  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//= Achievement Database
-achievement_db: (
- *                   Entry Structure
- *****************************************************************
-	Id: (int)                           Unique ID of the achievement representing it's client-side equivalent.
-	Name: (string)                      Name/Title of the Achievement.
-	Type: (string)                      Validation type for the achievement.
-	                                     [Type]                             [Validation Description] (Trigger)
-	                                    ACH_QUEST:                          Specific achievement objective update (Script).
-	                                    ACH_KILL_PC_TOTAL:                  (Accumulative) Total kill count. (Player kill)
-	                                    ACH_KILL_PC_JOB:                    Kill a player of the specified job. (Player Kill)
-	                                    ACH_KILL_PC_JOBTYPE:                Kill a player of the specified job type. (Player Kill)
-	                                    ACH_KILL_MOB_CLASS:                 Kill a particular mob class. (Mob Kill)
-	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_PC_MAX:                  Maximum damage caused on a player. (Player Damage)
-	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_PC_TOTAL:                (Accumulative) Damage on players. (Player Damage)
-	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_PC_REC_MAX:              Maximum damage received by a player. (Receive Player Damage)
-	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_PC_REC_TOTAL:            (Accumulative) Damage received by players. (Receive Player Damage)
-	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_MOB_MAX:                 Maximum damage caused on a monster. (Monster Damage)
-	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_MOB_TOTAL:               (Accumulative) Damage caused on monsters. (Monster Damage)
-	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_MOB_REC_MAX:             Maximum damage received by a monster. (Receive Monster Damage)
-	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_MOB_REC_TOTAL:           (Accumulative) Damage received by monsters. (Receive Monster Damage)
-	                                    ACH_JOB_CHANGE:                     Change to a specific job. (Job Change)
-	                                    ACH_STATUS:                         Acquire a specific amount of a particular status type. (Stat Change)
-	                                    ACH_STATUS_BY_JOB:                  Acquire a specific amount of a status type as a job class. (Stat Change)
-	                                    ACH_STATUS_BY_JOBTYPE:              Acquire a specific amount of a status type as a job type. (Stat Change)
-	                                    ACH_CHATROOM_CREATE_DEAD:           (Accumulative) Create a chatroom when dead. (Chatroom Creation)
-	                                    ACH_CHATROOM_CREATE:                (Accumulative) Create a chatroom. (Chatroom Creation)
-	                                    ACH_CHATROOM_MEMBERS:               Gather 'n' members in a chatroom. (Chatroom Join)
-	                                    ACH_FRIEND_ADD:                     Add a specific number of friends. (Friend Addition)
-	                                    ACH_PARTY_CREATE:                   (Accumulative) Create a specific number of parties. (Party Creation)
-	                                    ACH_PARTY_JOIN:                     (Accumulative) Join a specific number of parties. (Party Join)
-	                                    ACH_MARRY:                          (Accumulative) Marry a specified number of times. (Marriage)
-	                                    ACH_ADOPT_BABY:                     (Accumulative) Get Adopted. (Adoption) 
-	                                    ACH_ADOPT_PARENT:                   (Accumulative) Adopt a Baby. (Adoption)
-	                                    ACH_ZENY_HOLD:                      Hold a specific amount of zeny in your inventory. (Gain Zeny)
-	                                    ACH_ZENY_GET_ONCE:                  Gain a specific amount of zeny in one transaction. (Gain Zeny)
-	                                    ACH_ZENY_GET_TOTAL:                 (Accumulative) Gain a specific amount of zeny in total. (Gain Zeny)
-	                                    ACH_ZENY_SPEND_ONCE:                Spend a specific amount of zeny in one transaction. (Pay Zeny)
-	                                    ACH_ZENY_SPEND_TOTAL:               (Accumulative) Spend a specific amount of zeny in total. (Pay Zeny)
-	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_SUCCESS:           Refine an item to +N. (Successful Refine)
-	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_FAILURE:           Fail to refine an item of +N refine. (Failed Refine)
-	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_SUCCESS_TOTAL:     (Accumulative) Refine an item successfully N times. (Success Refine)
-	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_FAILURE_TOTAL:     (Accumulative) Fail to refine an item N times. (Failed Refine)
-	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_SUCCESS_WLV:       Refine a Weapon of a particular Level to +N. (Success Refine)
-	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_FAILURE_WLV:       Fail to refine a Weapon of a particular level from +N. (Failed Refine)
-	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_SUCCESS_ID:        Refine a particular Item successfully to +N. (Success Refine)
-	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_FAILURE_ID:        Fail to refine a particular item successfully from +N. (Failed Refine)
-	                                    ACH_ITEM_GET_COUNT:                 Acquire N amount of an item of a particular ID. (Acquire Item)
-	                                    ACH_ITEM_GET_COUNT_ITEMTYPE:        Acquire N amount of items of a particular type mask. (Acquire Item)
-	                                    ACH_ITEM_GET_WORTH:                 Acquire an item of buy value N. (Acquire Item)
-	                                    ACH_ITEM_SELL_WORTH:                Sell an item of sell value N. (NPC Sell Item)
-	                                    ACH_PET_CREATE:                     Successfully tame a pet of a particular mob class. (Successful Pet Tame)
-	                                    ACH_ACHIEVE:                        Achieve an Achievement. (Achievement Completion)
-	                                    ACH_ACHIEVEMENT_RANK:               Achieve an Achievement Rank. (Achievement Rank Increase)
-	Objectives: {                       [Mandatory Field] Objectives of an achievement. Up to 10 objectives per achievement.
-	                                    To comply with the client's order of objectives, this list must be in order.
-	    *1: {
-	        Description: (string)       [Mandatory Field] Description of a particular objective.
-	        Criteria: {                 This is a field for achievements whose objectives must meet
-	                                    certain criteria before evaluating the player's progress for it.
-	            MobId: (mixed)          MonsterId required for an objective.
-	                                    For types such as ACH_KILL_MOB_CLASS and ACH_PET_CREATE. Can be either int or string constant.
-	            JobId: (mixed)          Array or Single entry of JobIds.
-	                                    For types - ACH_KILL_PC_JOBTYPE, ACH_JOB_CHANGE or ACH_STATUS_BY_JOBTYPE.
-	                                    Can be either a numeric or string constant.
-	            ItemId: (mixed)         ItemId required for an objective.
-	                                    For Types such as ACH_ITEM_GET_COUNT. Can be either int or string constant.
-	            StatusType: (mixed)     Status Type required for an objective.
-	                                    For Types such as ACH_STATUS, ACH_STATUS_BY_JOB, ACH_STATUS_BY_JOBTYPE.
-	                                    Types -
-	                                    "SP_STR"        - Strength
-	                                    "SP_AGI"        - Agility
-	                                    "SP_VIT"        - Vitality
-	                                    "SP_INT"        - Intelligence
-	                                    "SP_DEX"        - Dexterity
-	                                    "SP_LUK"        - Luck
-	                                    "SP_BASELEVEL"  - Base Level
-	                                    "SP_JOBLEVEL"   - Job Level
-	                                    Can be either int or string constant.
-	            ItemType: (mixed)       Item type that is required for this achievement.
-	                                    For Types such as ACH_ITEM_GET_COUNT_ITEMTYPE.
-	                                    Can be either int, string or list.
-	                                    Refer "Item types" Constants from constants.conf
-	            WeaponLevel: (int)      Weapon Level that is required for this achievement. (Eg. 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4).
-	                                    For Types such as ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_SUCCESS_WLV and ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_FAILURE_WLV.
-	            Achieve: (int)          AchievementID to be achieved.
-	                                    For Type - ACH_ACHIEVE.
-	        }
-	        Goal: (int)                 Target amount to be met for the completion of the objective. Default is 1.
-	    }
-	    ...
-	    *10: {...}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-	    Bonus: <""> (script)            Script code bonus to be given as a reward for an achievement.
-	    Items: {                        Item rewards per achievement. With a maximum defined in mmo.h as MAX_ACHEIVEMENT_ITEM_REWARDS.
-	        Apple: 1 (int)              Item ID (int or string constant) : Amount (int)
-	    }
-	    TitleId: (int)                  ID of the Title (from the Title System) awarded.
-	}
-	Points: (int)                       Points per achievement given on it's successful completion.
- *****************************************************************/
-	Id: 110000
-	Name: "At this time I live to eat"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Bring the food to Bigfoot at this hour"
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 110001
-	Name: "A fan of this polarity"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Lady of the house"
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Beautiful fine anak"
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Mistress in ambience"
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Beautiful wife and children"
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Down town Bachelor"
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Great act ability anak"
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "Great attack power bachelor"
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120001
-	Name: "North Prontera Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north prontera field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120002
-	Name: "North Prontera Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north prontera field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120003
-	Name: "North Prontera Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north prontera field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120004
-	Name: "West Prontera Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding west prontera field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120005
-	Name: "West Prontera Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding west prontera field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120006
-	Name: "East Prontera Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east prontera field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120007
-	Name: "South Prontera Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south prontera field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120008
-	Name: "South Prontera Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south prontera field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120009
-	Name: "South Prontera Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south prontera field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120010
-	Name: "South Prontera Field Exploration(4)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south prontera field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120011
-	Name: "East Geffen Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east geffen field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120012
-	Name: "Southeast Geffen Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding southeast geffen field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120013
-	Name: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding northwest geffen field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120014
-	Name: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding northwest geffen field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120015
-	Name: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding northwest geffen field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120016
-	Name: "South Geffen Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south geffen field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120017
-	Name: "South Geffen Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south geffen field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120018
-	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120019
-	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120020
-	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120021
-	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(4)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120022
-	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(5)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120023
-	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(6)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120024
-	Name: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding southwest payon field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120025
-	Name: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding southwest payon field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120026
-	Name: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding southwest payon field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120027
-	Name: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(4)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding southwest payon field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120028
-	Name: "East Payon Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east payon field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120029
-	Name: "East Payon Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east payon field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120030
-	Name: "East Payon Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east payon field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120031
-	Name: "East Payon Field Exploration(4)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east payon field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120032
-	Name: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120033
-	Name: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120034
-	Name: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120035
-	Name: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(4)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120036
-	Name: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(5)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120037
-	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120038
-	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120039
-	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120040
-	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(4)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120041
-	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(5)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120042
-	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(6)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120043
-	Name: "South Aldebaran Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south aldebaran field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120044
-	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120045
-	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120046
-	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120047
-	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(4)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120048
-	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(5)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120049
-	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(6)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120050
-	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(7)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120051
-	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(8)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120052
-	Name: "Border Checkpoint Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding border checkpoint field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120053
-	Name: "Border Checkpoint Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding border checkpoint field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120054
-	Name: "Kiel Hyre Mansion Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding kiel hyre mansion field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120055
-	Name: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding el mes plateau field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120056
-	Name: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding el mes plateau field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120057
-	Name: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding el mes plateau field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120058
-	Name: "El Mes Gorge Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding el mes gorge field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120059
-	Name: "Kiel Hyre Academy Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding kiel hyre academy field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120060
-	Name: "Guard Camp Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding guard camp field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120061
-	Name: "Yuno Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding yuno field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120062
-	Name: "Front of Thanatos Tower Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding front of thanatos tower field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120063
-	Name: "Hugel Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding hugel field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120064
-	Name: "Hugel Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding hugel field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120065
-	Name: "Hugel Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding hugel field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120066
-	Name: "Abyss Lake Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding abyss lake field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120067
-	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120068
-	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120069
-	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120070
-	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(4)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120071
-	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(5)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120072
-	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(6)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120073
-	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(7)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120074
-	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(8)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120075
-	Name: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding lighthalzen field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120076
-	Name: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding lighthalzen field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120077
-	Name: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding lighthalzen field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120078
-	Name: "Rachel Audhumbla Plains Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel audhumbla plains field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120079
-	Name: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel plains field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120080
-	Name: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel plains field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120081
-	Name: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel plains field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120082
-	Name: "Rachel Audhumbla Grassland Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel audhumbla grassland field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120083
-	Name: "Rachel Audhumbla Grassland Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel audhumbla grassland field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120084
-	Name: "Portus Luna Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding portus luna field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120085
-	Name: "Veins Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding veins field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120086
-	Name: "Veins Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding veins field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120087
-	Name: "Veins Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding veins field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120088
-	Name: "Veins Field Exploration(4)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding veins field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120089
-	Name: "Veins Field Exploration(5)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding veins field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120090
-	Name: "Eclage Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding eclage field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120091
-	Name: "North Bitfrost Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north bitfrost field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120092
-	Name: "South Bitfrost Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south bitfrost field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120093
-	Name: "Splendide Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding splendide field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120094
-	Name: "Splendide Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding splendide field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120095
-	Name: "Splendide Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding splendide field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120096
-	Name: "Manuk Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding manuk field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120097
-	Name: "Manuk Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding manuk field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120098
-	Name: "Manuk Field Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding manuk field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120099
-	Name: "Outskirts of Kamidal Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding outskirts of kamidal field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120100
-	Name: "Outskirts of Kamidal Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding outskirts of kamidal field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120101
-	Name: "Amatsu Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding amatsu field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120102
-	Name: "Kunlun Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding kunlun field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120103
-	Name: "Gonryun Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding gonryun field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120104
-	Name: "Ayothaya Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding ayothaya field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120105
-	Name: "Moscovia Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding moscovia field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120106
-	Name: "Brasilis Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding brasilis field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120107
-	Name: "Dewata Field Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding dewata field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120108
-	Name: "Malaya Field Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding malaya field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120109
-	Name: "Malaya Field Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding malaya field"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 120110
-	Name: "Abbey Underground Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding abbey underground dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120111
-	Name: "Abyss Lake Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding abyss lake dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120112
-	Name: "Clock Tower Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding clock tower dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120113
-	Name: "Amatsu Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding amatsu dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120114
-	Name: "Ant Hell Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding ant hell dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120115
-	Name: "Ayothaya Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding ayothaya dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120116
-	Name: "Comodo Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120117
-	Name: "Brasilis Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding brasilis dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120118
-	Name: "Clock Tower Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding clock tower dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120119
-	Name: "Istana Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding istana dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120120
-	Name: "Scaraba Hole Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding scaraba hole dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120121
-	Name: "Bitfrost Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding bitfrost dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120122
-	Name: "Einbroch Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding einbroch dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120123
-	Name: "Geffen Underground Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding geffen underground dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120124
-	Name: "Glastheim Dungeon Exploration(1)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding glastheim dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120125
-	Name: "Glastheim Dungeon Exploration(2)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding glastheim dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120126
-	Name: "Glastheim Dungeon Exploration(3)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding glastheim dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120127
-	Name: "Glastheim Dungeon Exploration(4)"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding glastheim dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120128
-	Name: "Kunlun Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Kunlun dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120129
-	Name: "Rachel Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120130
-	Name: "Sphinx Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sphinx dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120131
-	Name: "Izlude Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding izlude dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120132
-	Name: "Robot Factory Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding robot factory dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120133
-	Name: "Bio Lab Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding bio lab dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120134
-	Name: "Gonryun Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding gonryun dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120135
-	Name: "Nogg Road Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding nogg road dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120136
-	Name: "Coal Mine Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Coal mine dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120137
-	Name: "Pyramid Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding pyramid dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120138
-	Name: "Orc Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding orc dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120139
-	Name: "Payon Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding payon dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120140
-	Name: "Labyrinth Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding labyrinth dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120141
-	Name: "Undersea Tunnel Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding undersea tunnel dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120142
-	Name: "Thanatos Tower Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding thanatos tower dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120143
-	Name: "Thor Volcano Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding thor volcano dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120144
-	Name: "Sunken Ship Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sunken ship dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120145
-	Name: "Turtle Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding turtle dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 120146
-	Name: "Toy Factory Dungeon Exploration"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding toy factory dungeon"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 127001
-	Name: "Prontera Contribution"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Stranger"
-			Goal: 3000
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Village Freshman"
-			Goal: 6000
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Neighbor"
-			Goal: 12000
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Celebrity"
-			Goal: 20000
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "City Dictator"
-			Goal: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 127002
-	Name: "Geffen Contribution"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Stranger"
-			Goal: 3000
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Village Freshman"
-			Goal: 6000
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Neighbor"
-			Goal: 12000
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Celebrity"
-			Goal: 20000
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "City Dictator"
-			Goal: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 127003
-	Name: "Morocc Contribution"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Stranger"
-			Goal: 3000
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Village Freshman"
-			Goal: 6000
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Neighbor"
-			Goal: 12000
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Celebrity"
-			Goal: 20000
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "City Dictator"
-			Goal: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 127004
-	Name: "Payon Contribution"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Stranger"
-			Goal: 3000
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Village Freshman"
-			Goal: 6000
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Neighbor"
-			Goal: 12000
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Celebrity"
-			Goal: 20000
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "City Dictator"
-			Goal: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 127005
-	Name: "Yuno Contribution"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Stranger"
-			Goal: 3000
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Village Freshman"
-			Goal: 6000
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Neighbor"
-			Goal: 12000
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Celebrity"
-			Goal: 20000
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "City Dictator"
-			Goal: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 127006
-	Name: "Lighthalzen Contribution"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Stranger"
-			Goal: 3000
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Village Freshman"
-			Goal: 6000
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Neighbor"
-			Goal: 12000
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Celebrity"
-			Goal: 20000
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "City Dictator"
-			Goal: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 127007
-	Name: "Einbroch Contribution"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Stranger"
-			Goal: 3000
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Village Freshman"
-			Goal: 6000
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Neighbor"
-			Goal: 12000
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Celebrity"
-			Goal: 20000
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "City Dictator"
-			Goal: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 127008
-	Name: "Rachel Contribution"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Stranger"
-			Goal: 3000
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Village Freshman"
-			Goal: 6000
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Neighbor"
-			Goal: 12000
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Celebrity"
-			Goal: 20000
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "City Dictator"
-			Goal: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 127009
-	Name: "Veins Contribution"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Stranger"
-			Goal: 3000
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Village Freshman"
-			Goal: 6000
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Neighbor"
-			Goal: 12000
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Celebrity"
-			Goal: 20000
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "City Dictator"
-			Goal: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128000
-	Name: "Uninvited Guest"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Celine Kimmy"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "XM_CELINE_KIMI"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128001
-	Name: "Strange Guest"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Celine Kimmy"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "XM_CELINE_KIMI"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128002
-	Name: "Get along with map..."
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 25 Celine Kimmy"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "XM_CELINE_KIMI"
-			}
-			Goal: 25
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128003
-	Name: "Welcomed Guest"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Celine Kimmy"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "XM_CELINE_KIMI"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 128004
-	Name: "Kimmy's best friend"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 100 Celine Kimmy"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "XM_CELINE_KIMI"
-			}
-			Goal: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128005
-	Name: "Novice Angler"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Bakonawa"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BAKONAWA_1"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128006
-	Name: "Juicy Hunter"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Bakonawa"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BAKONAWA_1"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128007
-	Name: "Rhythm Master"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Bakonawa"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BAKONAWA_1"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128008
-	Name: "Bold Adventurer"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Baphomet"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BAPHOMET"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128009
-	Name: "Baphomet Hatred"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Baphomet"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BAPHOMET"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128010
-	Name: "Goat's Nemesis"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Baphomet"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BAPHOMET"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128011
-	Name: "Ordinary Tourist"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Grim Reaper Ankou"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128012
-	Name: "Backcountry Expert"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Grim Reaper Ankou"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128013
-	Name: "Able to eat more like this"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Grim Reaper Ankou"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128014
-	Name: "Digest hard meat"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Buwaya"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BUWAYA"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128015
-	Name: "Master of Escape"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Buwaya"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BUWAYA"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128016
-	Name: "Immortal Hunter"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Buwaya"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BUWAYA"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128017
-	Name: "Stood up and overcame despair"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 God of Despair Morocc"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MM_MOROCC_ADT"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128018
-	Name: "Ember of Hope"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 God of Despair Morocc"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MM_MOROCC_ADT"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128019
-	Name: "Pouring Aurora"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 25 God of Despair Morocc"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MM_MOROCC_ADT"
-			}
-			Goal: 25
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128020
-	Name: "Who is desperate? I am hopeless!"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 God of Despair Morocc"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MM_MOROCC_ADT"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 128021
-	Name: "I know god will save the world"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 100 God of Despair Morocc"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MM_MOROCC_ADT"
-			}
-			Goal: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128022
-	Name: "There was mercy in Morocc army"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Morocc necromancer"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "EP14_MORS_BOSSB"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128023
-	Name: "There was fear in Morocc army"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate Morocc 10 necromancer"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "EP14_MORS_BOSSB"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128024
-	Name: "Guard of weak army"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate Morocc 50 necromancer"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "EP14_MORS_BOSSB"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128025
-	Name: "Audience with the queen"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Faceworm Queen"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128026
-	Name: "Warm earth"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Earth Faceworm Queen"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128027
-	Name: "Water is very good exactly"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Water Faceworm Queen"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128028
-	Name: "Pleasant breeze"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Wind Faceworm Queen"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128029
-	Name: "Visitor of old castle"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Amdarais"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128030
-	Name: "Lord of old castle"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Amdarais"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128031
-	Name: "Conqueror of old castle"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Amdarais"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128032
-	Name: "Haggard sucker"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Amdarais (Superior)"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS_H"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128033
-	Name: "Hope of the Knight"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Amdarais (Superior)"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS_H"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128034
-	Name: "Guardian of the Dawn"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Amdarais (Superior)"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS_H"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128035
-	Name: "Time Traveler"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Sarah Irene"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MM_SARAH"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128036
-	Name: "Restore ancient relic"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Sarah Irene"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MM_SARAH"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128037
-	Name: "Master of relic transport"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Sarah Irene"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MM_SARAH"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128038
-	Name: "Show Jailbreak to the captain"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Ferlock"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "E1_FELOCK"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128039
-	Name: "Show Jailbreak to the weak captain"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Ferlock"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "E2_FELOCK"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128040
-	Name: "Riot on board"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Ferlock"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "E1_FELOCK"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128041
-	Name: "Turmoil on board"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Ferlock"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "E1_FELOCK"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128042
-	Name: "Rebellion on board"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Ferlock"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "E1_FELOCK"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128043
-	Name: "Revolt of Riot"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Ferlock"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "E2_FELOCK"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128044
-	Name: "Magic tournament champion"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Fenrir"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128045
-	Name: "Gladiator of Coliseum"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Fenrir"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128046
-	Name: "Slayer of Colosseum"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Fenrir"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128047
-	Name: "Endless Tower challenger"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Naght Sieger"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "NAGHT_SIEGER"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128048
-	Name: "Endless Tower Slayer"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Naght Sieger"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "NAGHT_SIEGER"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128049
-	Name: "Lord of the tower"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Naght Sieger"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "NAGHT_SIEGER"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 128050
-	Name: "Novice Exorcist"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 1 Bangungot Doll"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BANGUNGOT_3"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 128051
-	Name: "Experienced Exorcist"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 10 Bangungot Doll"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BANGUNGOT_3"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 128052
-	Name: "Legendary Exorcist"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eliminate 50 Bangungot Doll"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "BANGUNGOT_3"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 129001
-	Name: "Prontera Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "North Prontera Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120001
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "North Prontera Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120002
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "North Prontera Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120003
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "West Prontera Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120004
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "West Prontera Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120005
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "East Prontera Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120006
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "South Prontera Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120007
-			}
-		}
-		*8: {
-			Description: "South Prontera Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120008
-			}
-		}
-		*9: {
-			Description: "South Prontera Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120009
-			}
-		}
-		*10: {
-			Description: "South Prontera Field Exploration(4) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120010
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129002
-	Name: "Geffen Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "East Geffen Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120011
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Southeast Geffen Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120012
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120013
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120014
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120015
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "South Geffen Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120016
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "South Geffen Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120017
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129003
-	Name: "Sograt Desert Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120018
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120019
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120020
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(4) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120021
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(5) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120022
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(6) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120023
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129004
-	Name: "Payon Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120024
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120025
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120026
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(4) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120027
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "East Payon Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120028
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "East Payon Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120029
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "East Payon Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120030
-			}
-		}
-		*8: {
-			Description: "East Payon Field Exploration(4) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120031
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129005
-	Name: "North Mjolnir Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120032
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120033
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120034
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(4) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120035
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(5) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120036
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129006
-	Name: "South Mjolnir Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120037
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120038
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120039
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(4) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120040
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(5) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120041
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(6) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120042
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "South Aldebaran Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120043
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129007
-	Name: "Comodo Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120044
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120045
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120046
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(4) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120047
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(5) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120048
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(6) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120049
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(7) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120050
-			}
-		}
-		*8: {
-			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(8) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120051
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129008
-	Name: "Rune Midgard Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Prontera Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129001
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Geffen Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129002
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Sograt Desert Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129003
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Payon Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129004
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "North Mjolnir Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129005
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "South Mjolnir Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129006
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "Comodo Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129007
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Violet_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 129009
-	Name: "Yuno Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Border Checkpoint Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120052
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Border Checkpoint Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120053
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Kiel Hyre Mansion Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120054
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120055
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120056
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120057
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "El Mes Gorge Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120058
-			}
-		}
-		*8: {
-			Description: "Kiel Hyre Academy Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120059
-			}
-		}
-		*9: {
-			Description: "Guard Camp Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120060
-			}
-		}
-		*10: {
-			Description: "Yuno Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120061
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129010
-	Name: "Hugel Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Front of Thanatos Tower Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120062
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Hugel Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120063
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Hugel Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120064
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Hugel Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120065
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Abyss Lake Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120066
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129011
-	Name: "Einbroch Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120067
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120068
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120069
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(4) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120070
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(5) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120071
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(6) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120072
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(7) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120073
-			}
-		}
-		*8: {
-			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(8) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120074
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129012
-	Name: "Lighthalzen Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120075
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120076
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120077
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129013
-	Name: "Schwarzwald Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Yuno Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129009
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Hugel Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129010
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Einbroch Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129011
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Lighthalzen Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129012
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Violet_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 129014
-	Name: "Rachel Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Rachel Audhumbla Plains Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120078
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120079
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120080
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120081
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Rachel Audhumbla Grassland Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120082
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Rachel Audhumbla Grassland Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120083
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "Portus Luna Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120084
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129015
-	Name: "Veins Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Veins Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120085
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Veins Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120086
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Veins Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120087
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Veins Field Exploration(4) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120088
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Veins Field Exploration(5) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120089
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129016
-	Name: "Arunafeltz Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Rachel Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129014
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Veins Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129015
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Violet_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 129017
-	Name: "Laphine Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Eclage Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120090
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "North Bitfrost Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120091
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "South Bitfrost Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120092
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Splendide Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120093
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Splendide Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120094
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Splendide Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120095
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129018
-	Name: "Manuk Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Manuk Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120096
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Manuk Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120097
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Manuk Field Exploration(3) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120098
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Outskirts of Kamidal Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120099
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Outskirts of Kamidal Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120100
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 129019
-	Name: "Eclage Explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Laphine Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129017
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Manuk Explorer"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 129018
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Violet_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 129020
-	Name: "Localizing fields explorer"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Amatsu Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120101
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Kunlun Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120102
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Gonryun Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120103
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Ayothaya Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120104
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Moscovia Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120105
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Brasilis Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120106
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "Dewata Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120107
-			}
-		}
-		*8: {
-			Description: "Malaya Field Exploration(1) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120108
-			}
-		}
-		*9: {
-			Description: "Malaya Field Exploration(2) completed"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 120109
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			Old_Violet_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 130000
-	Name: "Socialite debut"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Visit Heine Royal Family and start conversation"
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Visit Nerius Royal Family and start conversation"
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Visit Walter Royal Family and start conversation"
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Visit Wigner Royal Family and start conversation"
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Visit Richard Royal Family and start conversation"
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Visit Gaebolg Royal Family and start conversation"
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "Visit Lugenburg Royal Family and start conversation"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1034
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 170000
-	Name: "Song chamber is not an accident"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Listen the secret song of five recomended court musician"
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 190000
-	Name: "Alliance workers of merchant city"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Novice Amethyst class"
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Expert Sardonyx class"
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Competence Person Aquamarine class"
-			Goal: 30
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Sparkling Diamond class"
-			Goal: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 200000
-	Name: "Acquire the first aura!"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Base level 99"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
-			}
-			Goal: 99
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1000
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			White_Slim_Pot_Box2: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 200001
-	Name: "Acquire the second aura!"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Base level 150"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
-			}
-			Goal: 150
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1001
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Dark_Snake_Lord_Hat: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 60
-	Id: 200002
-	Name: "Acquire the third aura!"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Base level 175"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
-			}
-			Goal: 175
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1002
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Advanced_Jao_King_Hat: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 70
-	Id: 200003
-	Name: "Master Job level!"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job level 50"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_JOBLEVEL"
-			}
-			Goal: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1003
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Old_Violet_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 200004
-	Name: "Grandmaster Job level!"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job level 70"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_JOBLEVEL"
-			}
-			Goal: 70
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1004
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Old_Card_Album_: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 200005
-	Name: "Official Adventurer"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to first class"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Swordman", "Job_Mage", "Job_Archer", "Job_Acolyte", "Job_Merchant", "Job_Thief" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 200006
-	Name: "First step of job change!"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "First step of job change"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 200007
-	Name: "Veteran Adventurer! (1)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to 2-1 classes"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Knight", "Job_Priest", "Job_Wizard", "Job_Blacksmith", "Job_Hunter", "Job_Assassin" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 25
-	Id: 200008
-	Name: "Veteran Adventurer! (2)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to 2-2 classes"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Crusader", "Job_Sage", "Job_Bard", "Job_Dancer", "Job_Alchemist", "Job_Rogue" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 25
-	Id: 200009
-	Name: "Warrior (1)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to transcendent 2-1 classes"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Lord_Knight", "Job_High_Wizard", "Job_Sniper", "Job_High_Priest", "Job_Whitesmith", "Job_Assassin_Cross" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 200010
-	Name: "Warrior (2)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to transcendent 2-2 classes"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Paladin", "Job_Professor", "Job_Clown", "Job_Gypsy", "Job_Champion", "Job_Creator", "Job_Stalker" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 200011
-	Name: "Elite Adventurer! (1)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to 3-1 classes"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Rune_Knight", "Job_Warlock", "Job_Ranger", "Job_Arch_Bishop", "Job_Mechanic", "Job_Guillotine_Cross" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 200012
-	Name: "Transcendentaler! (1)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to 3-1 classes after transcendent"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Rune_Knight_T", "Job_Warlock_T", "Job_Ranger_T", "Job_Arch_Bishop_T", "Job_Mechanic_T", "Job_Guillotine_Cross_T" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 60
-	Id: 200013
-	Name: "Elite Adventurer! (2)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to 3-2 classes"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Royal_Guard", "Job_Sorcerer", "Job_Minstrel", "Job_Wanderer", "Job_Sura", "Job_Genetic", "Job_Shadow_Chaser" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 200014
-	Name: "Transcendentaler! (2)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to 3-2 classes after transcendent"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Royal_Guard_T", "Job_Sorcerer_T", "Job_Minstrel_T", "Job_Wanderer_T", "Job_Sura_T", "Job_Genetic_T", "Job_Shadow_Chaser_T" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 60
-	Id: 200015
-	Name: "The way of exceptional character"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to expanded classes"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Taekwon", "Job_Gunslinger", "Job_Ninja", "Job_Summoner" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 200016
-	Name: "This is My way!"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Expanded 2nd classes"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: [ "Job_Star_Gladiator", "Job_Soul_Linker", "Job_Rebellion", "Job_Kagerou", "Job_Oboro" ]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 200017
-	Name: "Bearish Power!"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base STR 90º"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_STR"
-			}
-			Goal: 90
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 200018
-	Name: "Overflowing Magic!"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base INT 90"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_INT"
-			}
-			Goal: 90
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 200019
-	Name: "Healthy Body and Mental Health!"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base VIT 90"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_VIT"
-			}
-			Goal: 90
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 200020
-	Name: "Speed of Light"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base AGI 90"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_AGI"
-			}
-			Goal: 90
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 200021
-	Name: "Hawk Eyes"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base DEX 90"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_DEX"
-			}
-			Goal: 90
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 200022
-	Name: "Maximum Luck"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base LUK 90"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_LUK"
-			}
-			Goal: 90
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 200023
-	Name: "Dragonlike Power!"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base STR 125"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_STR"
-			}
-			Goal: 125
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" sc_start SC_GIANTGROWTH, 180000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 200024
-	Name: "Magic Insanity"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base INT 125"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_INT"
-			}
-			Goal: 125
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_HASTEUP, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start2 SC_MAGIC_CANDY, 60000, 30, 70; ">
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 200025
-	Name: "Rock Alloy"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base VIT 125"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_VIT"
-			}
-			Goal: 125
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_HEAL3, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start2 SC_S_LIFEPOTION, 600000, -5, 5; ">
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 200026
-	Name: "Speed of Light"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base AGI 125"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_AGI"
-			}
-			Goal: 125
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_STEAL, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_PLUSAVOIDVALUE, 60000, 20; ">
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 200027
-	Name: "Falcon's Eyes"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base DEX 125"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_DEX"
-			}
-			Goal: 125
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_CRITICALPERCENT, 300000, 30; ">
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 200028
-	Name: "Lucky Fever"
-	Type: "ACH_STATUS"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve base LUK 125"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_LUK"
-			}
-			Goal: 125
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_GLORIA, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_GLORIA, 15000, 0; ">
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 200029
-	Name: "Incarnation of Love and Hate"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve 99 base level as Novice"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
-				JobId: "Job_Novice"
-			}
-			Goal: 99
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 200030
-	Name: "I really love it!"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve 99 base level as 1st classes"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
-				JobId: ["Job_Swordman", "Job_Mage", "Job_Archer", "Job_Acolyte", "Job_Merchant", "Job_Thief"]
-			}
-			Goal: 99
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start(SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1); ">
-		Items: {
-			Bubble_Gum_Box_10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 200031
-	Name: "Reborn in Valhalla!"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Job change to transcendent Novice"
-			Criteria: {
-				JobId: "Job_Novice_High"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Special_Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 200032
-	Name: "Start of Another Adventure"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieve Base Level 100"
-			Criteria: {
-				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
-				JobId: "" // Rebirth?
-			}
-			Goal: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Items: {
-			ID23585: 1 (Non-Existent Item)
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220000
-	Name: "Community begin"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Create a chatroom"
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220001
-	Name: "A mouth only moment"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Create a chatroom when KO'ed"
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220002
-	Name: "Admiring the chatter"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Fill the chatroom with 20 people"
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220003
-	Name: "My friend's friend~"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Add 1 person as a friend"
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220004
-	Name: "A competition of popularity"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Add 10 person as a friend"
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220005
-	Name: "Let's Party~"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Create a party"
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220006
-	Name: "Married with who..?"
-	Type: "ACH_MARRY"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on marriage"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1022
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 220007
-	Name: "Can you grow?"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Adopted by parents"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1032
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 220008
-	Name: "Being a parent"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Adopt a child"
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1033
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 220009
-	Name: "Activating the market economy (1)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Spend 10000 zeny on vending merchant"
-			Goal: 10000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220010
-	Name: "Activating the market economy (2)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Spend 100000 zeny on vending merchant"
-			Goal: 1000000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 15
-	Id: 220011
-	Name: "Activating the market economy (3)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Spend 500000 zeny on vending merchant"
-			Goal: 5000000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 220012
-	Name: "Activating the market economy (4)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Spend 1.000000 zeny on vending merchant"
-			Goal: 100000000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 220013
-	Name: "Activating the market economy (5)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Spend 5.000000 zeny on vending merchant"
-			Goal: 500000000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 220014
-	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (1)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on refining level 1 weapon to +7"
-			Criteria: {
-				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
-				WeaponLevel: 1
-			}
-			Goal: 7
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220015
-	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (2)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on refining level 1 weapon to +12"
-			Criteria: {
-				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
-				WeaponLevel: 1
-			}
-			Goal: 12
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 15
-	Id: 220016
-	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (3)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on refining level 2 weapon to +7"
-			Criteria: {
-				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
-				WeaponLevel: 2
-			}
-			Goal: 7
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220017
-	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (4)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on refining level 2 weapon to +12"
-			Criteria: {
-				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
-				WeaponLevel: 2
-			}
-			Goal: 12
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 15
-	Id: 220018
-	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (5)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on refining level 3 weapon to +7"
-			Criteria: {
-				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
-				WeaponLevel: 3
-			}
-			Goal: 7
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 15
-	Id: 220019
-	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (6)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on refining level 3 weapon to +12"
-			Criteria: {
-				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
-				WeaponLevel: 3
-			}
-			Goal: 12
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 220020
-	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (7)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on refining level 4 weapon to +7"
-			Criteria: {
-				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
-				WeaponLevel: 4
-			}
-			Goal: 7
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 220021
-	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (8)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on refining level 4 weapon to +12"
-			Criteria: {
-				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
-				WeaponLevel: 4
-			}
-			Goal: 12
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 220022
-	Name: "Human's greed has no ending.."
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Experience the fail of refining"
-			Criteria: {
-				ItemType: ["IT_WEAPON", "IT_ARMOR"]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220023
-	Name: "I found it! (1)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 100 zeny"
-			Goal: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220024
-	Name: "I found it! (2)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 1000 zeny"
-			Goal: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220025
-	Name: "I found it! (3)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 5000 zeny"
-			Goal: 5000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 15
-	Id: 220026
-	Name: "I found it! (4)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 10000 zeny"
-			Goal: 10000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 15
-	Id: 220027
-	Name: "I found it! (5)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 50000 zeny"
-			Goal: 50000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 220028
-	Name: "I found it! (6)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 100000 zeny"
-			Goal: 100000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 220029
-	Name: "I found it! (7)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 150000 zeny"
-			Goal: 150000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 220030
-	Name: "Rich King (1)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Hold more than 10000 zeny in pocket"
-			Goal: 10000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 220031
-	Name: "Rich King (2)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Hold more than 100000 zeny in pocket"
-			Goal: 100000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 15
-	Id: 220032
-	Name: "Rich King (3)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Hold more than 1000000 zeny in pocket"
-			Goal: 1000000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 220033
-	Name: "Rich King (4)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Hold more than 10000000 zeny in pocket"
-			Goal: 10000000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 25
-	Id: 220034
-	Name: "Rich King (5)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Hold more than 100000000 zeny in pocket"
-			Goal: 100000000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 30
-	Id: 220035
-	Name: "Rich King (6)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Hold more than 1000000000 zeny in pocket"
-			Goal: 1000000000
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 40
-	Id: 230101
-	Name: "Poring - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Poring"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "PORING"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230102
-	Name: "Drops - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Drops"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "DROPS"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230103
-	Name: "Poporing - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Poporing"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "POPORING"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230104
-	Name: "Novice Poring - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Novice Poring"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230111
-	Name: "Chonchon - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Chonchon"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "CHONCHON"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230112
-	Name: "Steel Chonchon - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Steel Chonchon"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230113
-	Name: "Hunter Fly - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Hunter Fly"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "HUNTER_FLY"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230114
-	Name: "Rocker - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Rocker"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "ROCKER"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230115
-	Name: "Spore - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Spore"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "SPORE"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230116
-	Name: "Poison Spore - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Poison Spore"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "POISON_SPORE"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230121
-	Name: "Lunatic - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Lunatic"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "LUNATIC"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230122
-	Name: "Picky - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Picky"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "PICKY"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230123
-	Name: "Savage Bebe - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Savage Bebe"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "SAVAGE_BABE"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230124
-	Name: "Baby Desert Wolf - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Baby Desert Wolf"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "M_DESERT_WOLF_B"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230125
-	Name: "Smokie - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Smokie"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "SMOKIE"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230126
-	Name: "Yoyo - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Yoyo"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "YOYO"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230127
-	Name: "Peco Peco - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Peco Peco"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "PECOPECO"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230128
-	Name: "Petite - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Petite"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "PETIT"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230141
-	Name: "Munak - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Munak"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MUNAK"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230142
-	Name: "Isis - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Isis"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "ISIS"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230143
-	Name: "Sohee - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Sohee"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "SOHEE"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230144
-	Name: "Zherlthsh - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Zherlthsh"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "ZHERLTHSH"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230145
-	Name: "Alice - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Alice"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "ALICE"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230146
-	Name: "Succubus - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Succubus"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "SUCCUBUS"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230147
-	Name: "Loli Ruri - taming"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Succeed on Taming Loli Ruri"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "LOLI_RURI"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230201
-	Name: "Exploring Poring's life (1)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Hunt 10 Poring"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "PORING"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Hunt 10 Novice Poring"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Hunt 10 Drops"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "DROPS"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Hunt 10 Poporing"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "POPORING"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Hunt 10 Marin"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MARIN"
-			}
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 230202
-	Name: "Exploring Poring's life (2)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Hunt 1 Mastering"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MASTERING"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Hunt 1 Devilring"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "DEVILING"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Hunt 1 Angelring"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "ANGELING"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Hunt 1 Arch Angelring"
-			Criteria: {
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Hunt 1 Ghostring"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "GHOSTRING"
-			}
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 15
-	Id: 230203
-	Name: "Exploring Poring's life (3)"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Hunt 5 Metalring"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "METALING"
-			}
-			Goal: 5
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Hunt 5 Heavy Metalring"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "METALING"
-			}
-			Goal: 5
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Hunt 5 Magmaring"
-			Criteria: {
-				MobId: "MAGMARING"
-			}
-			Goal: 5
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 20
-	Id: 240000
-	Name: "Complete challenges after first introduction"
-	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Complete challenges after first introduction"
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240001
-	Name: "Achieve Level 1"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 1"
-			Goal: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240002
-	Name: "Achieve Level 2"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 2"
-			Goal: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240003
-	Name: "Achieve Level 3"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 3"
-			Goal: 3
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240004
-	Name: "Achieve Level 4"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 4"
-			Goal: 4
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240005
-	Name: "Achieve Level 5"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 5"
-			Goal: 5
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240006
-	Name: "Achieve Level 6"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 6"
-			Goal: 6
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240007
-	Name: "Achieve Level 7"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 7"
-			Goal: 7
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240008
-	Name: "Achieve Level 8"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 8"
-			Goal: 8
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240009
-	Name: "Achieve Level 9"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 9"
-			Goal: 9
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240010
-	Name: "Achieve Level 10"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 10"
-			Goal: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1023
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240011
-	Name: "Achieve Level 11"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 11"
-			Goal: 11
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240012
-	Name: "Achieve Level 12"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 12"
-			Goal: 12
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240013
-	Name: "Achieve Level 13"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 13"
-			Goal: 13
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240014
-	Name: "Achieve Level 14"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 14"
-			Goal: 14
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240015
-	Name: "Achieve Level 15"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 15"
-			Goal: 15
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240016
-	Name: "Achieve Level 16"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 16"
-			Goal: 16
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240017
-	Name: "Achieve Level 17"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 17"
-			Goal: 17
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240018
-	Name: "Achieve Level 18"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 18"
-			Goal: 18
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240019
-	Name: "Achieve Level 19"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 19"
-			Goal: 19
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-	Id: 240020
-	Name: "Achieve Level 20"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Achieving Rank 20"
-			Goal: 20
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1024
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-		Items: {
-			Gift_Box: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
-                         Postlude
-      Entries with criteria that must be read before itself.
- *****************************************************************/
-	Id: 230100
-	Name: "Poring is Love"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Poring - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230101
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Drops - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230102
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Poporing - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230103
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Novice Poring - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230104
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1025
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 230110
-	Name: "Entomologist"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Chonchon - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230111
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Steel Chonchon - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230112
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Hunter Fly - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230113
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Rocker - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230114
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Spore - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230115
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Poison Spore - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230116
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1026
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 230120
-	Name: "Animals are also our friend"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Lunatic - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230121
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Picky - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230122
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Savage Bebe - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230123
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Baby Desert Wolf - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230124
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Smokie - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230125
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Yoyo - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230126
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Peco Peco - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230127
-			}
-		}
-		*8: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Petite - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230128
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1027
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 230140
-	Name: "Monster Girls Unite!!"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Munak - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230141
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Isis - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230142
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Sohee - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230143
-			}
-		}
-		*4: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Zherlthsh - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230144
-			}
-		}
-		*5: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Alice - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230145
-			}
-		}
-		*6: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Succubus - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230146
-			}
-		}
-		*7: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Loli Ruri - taming' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230147
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Rewards: {
-		TitleId: 1029
-		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
-	}
-	Points: 50
-	Id: 230200
-	Name: "Poring seeker"
-	Objectives: {
-		*1: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Exploring Poring's life (1)' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230201
-			}
-		}
-		*2: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Exploring Poring's life (2)' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230202
-			}
-		}
-		*3: {
-			Description: "Complete 'Exploring Poring's life (3)' challenge"
-			Criteria: {
-				Achieve: 230203
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Points: 10
diff --git a/db/re/attr_fix.txt b/db/re/attr_fix.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 96d6b37d1..000000000
--- a/db/re/attr_fix.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// Elemental attribute damage adjustment tables
-// Row: target's defense element
-// Column: attacker's weapon element
-1,10	// lv1 Attribute table
-//Neut Watr Erth Fire Wind Pois Holy Shdw Gho  Und
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,  70, 100,  // Neutral
-  100,  25, 100, 150,  90, 100,  75, 100, 100, 100,  // Water
-  100, 100,  25,  90, 150, 100,  75, 100, 100, 100,  // Earth
-  100,  90, 150,  25, 100, 100,  75, 100, 100, 125,  // Fire
-  100, 175,  90, 100,  25, 100,  75, 100, 100, 100,  // Wind
-  100, 100, 125, 125, 125,   0,  75,  50, 100, -25,  // Poison
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,   0, 125, 100, 150,  // Holy
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100,  50, 125,   0, 100, -25,  // Shadow
-   70, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,  75,  75, 125, 100,  // Ghost
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100,  50, 100,   0, 100,   0,  // Undead
-2,10	// lv2 Attribute table
-//Neut Watr Erth Fire Wind Pois Holy Shdw Gho  Und
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,  50, 100,  // Neutral
-  100,   0, 100, 175,  80, 100,  50,  75, 100, 100,  // Water
-  100, 100,   0,  80, 175, 100,  50,  75, 100, 100,  // Earth
-  100,  80, 175,   0, 100, 100,  50,  75, 100, 150,  // Fire
-  100, 175,  80, 100,   0, 100,  50,  75, 100, 100,  // Wind
-  100,  75, 125, 125, 125,   0,  50,  25,  75, -50,  // Poison
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, -25, 150, 100, 175,  // Holy
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100,  25, 150, -25, 100, -50,  // Shadow
-   50,  75,  75,  75,  75,  75,  50,  50, 150, 125,  // Ghost
-  100,  75,  75,  75,  75,  25, 125,   0, 100,   0,  // Undead
-3,10	// lv3 Attribute table
-//Neut Watr Erth Fire Wind Pois Holy Shdw Gho  Und
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,   0, 100,  // Neutral
-  100, -25, 100, 200,  70, 100,  25,  50, 100, 125,  // Water
-  100, 100, -25,  70, 200, 100,  25,  50, 100, 100,  // Earth
-  100,  70, 200, -25, 100, 100,  25,  50, 100, 175,  // Fire
-  100, 200,  70, 100, -25, 100,  25,  50, 100, 100,  // Wind
-  100,  50, 100, 100, 100,   0,  25,   0,  50, -75,  // Poison
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 125, -50, 175, 100, 200,  // Holy
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100,   0, 175, -50, 100, -75,  // Shadow
-    0,  50,  50,  50,  50,  50,  25,  25, 175, 150,  // Ghost
-  100,  50,  50,  50,  50,   0, 150,   0, 100,   0,  // Undead
-4,10	// lv4 Attribute table
-//Neut Watr Erth Fire Wind Pois Holy Shdw Gho  Und
-  100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,   0, 100,  // Neutral
-  100, -50, 100, 200,  60,  75,   0,  25, 100, 150,  // Water
-  100, 100, -50,  60, 200,  75,   0,  25, 100,  50,  // Earth
-  100,  60, 200, -50, 100,  75,   0,  25, 100, 200,  // Fire
-  100, 200,  60, 100, -50,  75,   0,  25, 100, 100,  // Wind
-  100,  25,  75,  75,  75,   0,   0, -25,  25,-100,  // Poison
-  100,  75,  75,  75,  75, 125,-100, 200, 100, 200,  // Holy
-  100,  75,  75,  75,  75, -25, 200,-100, 100,-100,  // Shadow
-    0,  25,  25,  25,  25,  25,   0,   0, 200, 175,  // Ghost
-  100,  25,  25,  25,  25, -25, 175,   0, 100,   0,  // Undead
diff --git a/db/re/exp_group_db.conf b/db/re/exp_group_db.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c59d8e77d..000000000
--- a/db/re/exp_group_db.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2018  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//= Exp Groups Database File.
-base_exp_group_db: {
-	FirstClasses: {
-		MaxLevel: 99
-		Exp: [
-			350, 550, 900, 1500, 2200, 3200, 3800, 4200, 4550, 5000,
-			5500, 6000, 6100, 6350, 6700, 7350, 8000, 8400, 8800, 9200,
-			9700, 10300, 11000, 11800, 13000, 14000, 15000, 16000, 17000, 18000,
-			19000, 20000, 21000, 22000, 23200, 24000, 26000, 27500, 29000, 30000,
-			31500, 33000, 34000, 36000, 37500, 38000, 40000, 42000, 44500, 47000,
-			49000, 51000, 53000, 55000, 57000, 59000, 61500, 63000, 65000, 67000,
-			69000, 70000, 73000, 77000, 80000, 84000, 88000, 91000, 95000, 110000,
-			128000, 140000, 155000, 163000, 170000, 180000, 188000, 195000, 200000, 230000,
-			260000, 300000, 350000, 400000, 480000, 550000, 600000, 680000, 750000, 900000,
-			1000000, 1200000, 1500000, 1800000, 2100000, 2400000, 2800000, 3300000
-		]
-	}
-	TranscendedClasses: {
-		MaxLevel: 99
-		Exp: [
-			420, 660, 1080, 1800, 2640, 3840, 4560, 5040, 5460, 6000,
-			6600, 7200, 7320, 7620, 8040, 8820, 9600, 10080, 10560, 11040,
-			12610, 13390, 14300, 15340, 16900, 18460, 19500, 20800, 22100, 23400,
-			24700, 26000, 27300, 28600, 30160, 31200, 33800, 35750, 37700, 39000,
-			44100, 46200, 47600, 50400, 52500, 53200, 56000, 58800, 62300, 65800,
-			68600, 71400, 74200, 77000, 79800, 82600, 86100, 88200, 91000, 93800,
-			103500, 105000, 109500, 115500, 120000, 126000, 132000, 136500, 142500, 165000,
-			192000, 210000, 232500, 244500, 255000, 270000, 282000, 292500, 300000, 345000,
-			416000, 480000, 560000, 640000, 768000, 880000, 960000, 1088000, 1200000, 1440000,
-			1700000, 2040000, 2550000, 3060000, 3570000, 4080000, 4760000, 5610000
-		]
-	}
-	ThirdClasses: {
-		MaxLevel: 175
-		Exp: [
-			420, 660, 1080, 1800, 2640, 3840, 4560, 5040, 5460, 6000,
-			6600, 7200, 7320, 7620, 8040, 8820, 9600, 10080, 10560, 11040,
-			12610, 13390, 14300, 15340, 16900, 18460, 19500, 20800, 22100, 23400,
-			24700, 26000, 27300, 28600, 30160, 31200, 33800, 35750, 37700, 39000,
-			44100, 46200, 47600, 50400, 52500, 53200, 56000, 58800, 62300, 65800,
-			68600, 71400, 74200, 77000, 79800, 82600, 86100, 88200, 91000, 93800,
-			103500, 105000, 109500, 115500, 120000, 126000, 132000, 136500, 142500, 165000,
-			192000, 210000, 232500, 244500, 255000, 270000, 282000, 292500, 300000, 345000,
-			416000, 480000, 560000, 640000, 768000, 880000, 960000, 1088000, 1200000, 1440000,
-			1700000, 2040000, 2550000, 3060000, 3570000, 4080000, 4760000, 5610000, 6800000, 7070000,
-			7400000, 7770000, 8150000, 8550000, 9100000, 9610000, 10150000, 10570000, 11180000, 12000000,
-			12200000, 12930000, 13150000, 14030000, 14420000, 15420000, 15670000, 16870000, 17140000, 18720000,
-			19020000, 20590000, 20930000, 22690000, 23310000, 25290000, 26020000, 27860000, 28535000, 30990000,
-			31680000, 33560000, 34942000, 36372000, 38350000, 39890000, 41545000, 43330000, 45400000, 48100000,
-			50410000, 53370000, 56250000, 59230000, 62590000, 66120000, 70200000, 75330000, 81100000, 95000000,
-			98000000, 103000000, 107000000, 112000000, 116000000, 121000000, 125000000, 130000000, 134000000, 139000000,
-			145000000, 152200000, 160840000, 171200000, 191930000, 202290000, 214720000, 229640000, 247550000, 283370000,
-			301280000, 322770000, 348560000, 379500000
-		]
-	}
-	ExtendedClasses: {
-		MaxLevel: 160
-		Exp: [
-			420, 660, 1080, 1800, 2640, 3840, 4560, 5040, 5460, 6000,
-			6600, 7200, 7320, 7620, 8040, 8820, 9600, 10080, 10560, 11040,
-			12610, 13390, 14300, 15340, 16900, 18460, 19500, 20800, 22100, 23400,
-			24700, 26000, 27300, 28600, 30160, 31200, 33800, 35750, 37700, 39000,
-			44100, 46200, 47600, 50400, 52500, 53200, 56000, 58800, 62300, 65800,
-			68600, 71400, 74200, 77000, 79800, 82600, 86100, 88200, 91000, 93800,
-			103500, 105000, 109500, 115500, 120000, 126000, 132000, 136500, 142500, 165000,
-			192000, 210000, 232500, 244500, 255000, 270000, 282000, 292500, 300000, 345000,
-			416000, 480000, 560000, 640000, 768000, 880000, 960000, 1088000, 1200000, 1440000,
-			1700000, 2040000, 2550000, 3060000, 3570000, 4080000, 4760000, 5610000, 6800000, 7070000,
-			7400000, 7770000, 8150000, 8550000, 9100000, 9610000, 10150000, 10570000, 11180000, 12000000,
-			12200000, 12930000, 13150000, 14030000, 14420000, 15420000, 15670000, 16870000, 17140000, 18720000,
-			19020000, 20590000, 20930000, 22690000, 23310000, 25290000, 26020000, 27860000, 28535000, 30990000,
-			31680000, 33560000, 34942000, 36372000, 38350000, 39890000, 41545000, 43330000, 45400000, 48100000,
-			50410000, 53370000, 56250000, 59230000, 62590000, 66120000, 70200000, 75330000, 81100000, 95000000,
-			98000000, 103000000, 107000000, 112000000, 116000000, 121000000, 125000000, 130000000, 134000000
-		]
-	}
-	Summoner: {
-		MaxLevel: 175
-		Exp: [
-			420, 660, 1080, 1800, 2640, 3840, 4560, 5040, 5460, 6000,
-			6600, 7200, 7320, 7620, 8040, 8820, 9600, 10080, 10560, 11040,
-			12610, 13390, 14300, 15340, 16900, 18460, 19500, 20800, 22100, 23400,
-			24700, 26000, 27300, 28600, 30160, 31200, 33800, 35750, 37700, 39000,
-			44100, 46200, 47600, 50400, 52500, 53200, 56000, 58800, 62300, 65800,
-			68600, 71400, 74200, 77000, 79800, 82600, 86100, 88200, 91000, 93800,
-			103500, 105000, 109500, 115500, 120000, 126000, 132000, 136500, 142500, 165000,
-			192000, 210000, 232500, 244500, 255000, 270000, 282000, 292500, 300000, 345000,
-			416000, 480000, 560000, 640000, 768000, 880000, 960000, 1088000, 1200000, 1440000,
-			1700000, 2040000, 2550000, 3060000, 3570000, 4080000, 4760000, 5610000, 6800000, 7070000,
-			7400000, 7770000, 8150000, 8550000, 9100000, 9610000, 10150000, 10570000, 11180000, 12000000,
-			12200000, 12930000, 13150000, 14030000, 14420000, 15420000, 15670000, 16870000, 17140000, 18720000,
-			19020000, 20590000, 20930000, 22690000, 23310000, 25290000, 26020000, 27860000, 28535000, 30990000,
-			31680000, 33560000, 34942000, 36372000, 38350000, 39890000, 41545000, 43330000, 45400000, 48100000,
-			50410000, 53370000, 56250000, 59230000, 62590000, 66120000, 70200000, 75330000, 81100000, 95000000,
-			98000000, 103000000, 107000000, 112000000, 116000000, 121000000, 125000000, 130000000, 134000000,
-			139000000, 145000000, 152200000, 160840000, 171200000, 191930000, 202290000, 214720000, 229640000,
-			247550000, 283370000, 301280000, 322770000, 348560000, 379500000
-		]
-	}
-job_exp_group_db: {
-	Novice: {
-		MaxLevel: 10
-		Exp: [ 10, 18, 28, 40, 91, 151, 205, 268, 340 ]
-	}
-	FirstClasses: {
-		MaxLevel: 50
-		Exp: [
-			30, 60, 130, 260, 460, 780, 1060, 1300, 1560, 1910,
-			2290, 2680, 2990, 3340, 3740, 4360, 4970, 5530, 6120, 6700,
-			8090, 8920, 9970, 11080, 12690, 14440, 15850, 17400, 19220, 21060,
-			22870, 24910, 26840, 29080, 31320, 33300, 37110, 40500, 43570, 46180,
-			53510, 57200, 60310, 65690, 70090, 72130, 77540, 83320, 90120
-		]
-	}
-	SecondClasses: {
-		MaxLevel: 50
-		Exp: [
-			1600, 2500, 4200, 7000, 10300, 15900, 18900, 20900, 22600, 24900,
-			28800, 31500, 32000, 33300, 35100, 40500, 44100, 46300, 48500, 50700,
-			56000, 59400, 63500, 68100, 75000, 85700, 90500, 96600, 102600, 108600,
-			119700, 126000, 132300, 138600, 146100, 157500, 170600, 180400, 190300, 196800,
-			214900, 225200, 232000, 245700, 255900, 279300, 294000, 308700, 327000
-		]
-	}
-	HighNovice: {
-		MaxLevel: 10
-		Exp: [ 11, 20, 31, 44, 100, 166, 226, 295, 374 ]
-	}
-	TranscendedFirstClasses: {
-		MaxLevel: 50
-		Exp: [
-			50, 100, 200, 350, 550, 800, 1100, 1450, 1850, 2300,
-			2800, 3350, 3950, 4600, 5300, 6050, 6850, 7700, 8600, 9550,
-			10550, 11600, 12700, 13850, 15050, 16300, 17600, 18950, 20350, 21800,
-			23300, 24850, 26450, 28100, 29800, 31550, 33350, 35200, 37100, 39050,
-			41050, 43100, 45200, 47350, 49550, 51800, 54100, 56450, 58850
-		]
-	}
-	TranscendedSecondClasses: {
-		MaxLevel: 70
-		Exp: [
-			2400, 3800, 6200, 10400, 15200, 22900, 27100, 30000, 32500, 35700,
-			41300, 45000, 45800, 47600, 50300, 58700, 63900, 67100, 70300, 73500,
-			90600, 96200, 102700, 110200, 121400, 144700, 152900, 163100, 173300, 183500,
-			213500, 224700, 236000, 247200, 260700, 299800, 324800, 343600, 362300, 374800,
-			474400, 497000, 512100, 542200, 564800, 644300, 678200, 712100, 754500, 796900,
-			873100, 911900, 950600, 989400, 1028100, 1143300, 1199900, 1233800, 1279100, 1324300,
-			1486900, 1515900, 1603000, 1719200, 1806300, 2040300, 2244300, 2415900, 2746000
-		]
-	}
-	ThirdClasses: {
-		MaxLevel: 60
-		Exp: [
-			106000, 112000, 355000, 615000, 917000, 1253000, 1595000, 2007000, 2430000, 2868000,
-			3420000, 3863000, 4504000, 4998000, 5769000, 6321000, 7254000, 7870000, 9015000, 9530000,
-			11072000, 11848000, 13467000, 14337000, 16243000, 17216000, 19446000, 20781000, 23070000, 24453000,
-			27568000, 29118000, 31820000, 34125000, 37048000, 40204000, 42972000, 45937000, 49110000, 52696000,
-			57158000, 61305000, 67167000, 72285000, 77647000, 83624000, 91113000, 98548000, 107630000, 119077000,
-			131668000, 145518000, 160753000, 177511000, 195944000, 216220000, 238523000, 263056000, 290042000
-		]
-	}
-	ExtendedClasses: {
-		MaxLevel: 50
-		Exp: [
-			106000, 112000, 355000, 615000, 917000, 1253000, 1595000, 2007000, 2430000, 2868000,
-			3420000, 3863000, 4504000, 4998000, 5769000, 6321000, 7254000, 7870000, 9015000, 9530000, 11072000,
-			11848000, 13467000, 14337000, 16243000, 17216000, 19446000, 20781000, 23070000, 24453000, 27568000, 29118000,
-			31820000, 34125000, 37048000, 40204000, 42972000, 45937000, 49110000, 52696000, 57158000, 61305000, 67167000,
-			72285000, 77647000, 83624000, 91113000, 98548000, 107630000
-		]
-	}
-	NinjaAndGunslinger: {
-		MaxLevel: 70
-		Exp: [
-			100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 700, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1700,
-			1900, 2400, 2700, 3200, 3600, 4200, 4900, 5500, 6100, 6900,
-			7700, 8400, 9300, 10100, 11100, 12100, 13000, 14600, 16100, 17500,
-			18600, 21500, 23300, 24700, 27000, 29000, 30000, 32400, 35000, 38100,
-			41100, 44000, 46700, 49600, 52500, 55600, 58900, 62700, 65500, 69200,
-			72300, 81200, 84100, 89300, 95500, 100900, 107800, 114900, 120700, 128600,
-			150500, 176900, 196100, 219600, 234200, 247900, 266400, 281300, 296600
-		]
-	}
-	StarGladiator: {
-		MaxLevel: 50
-		Exp: [
-			50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700,
-			50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 50700, 101400,
-			112000, 118800, 127000, 136200, 150000, 171400, 181000, 193200, 205200, 217200,
-			239400, 252000, 264600, 277200, 292200, 315000, 341200, 360800, 380600, 393600,
-			429800, 450400, 464000, 491400, 511800, 558600, 588000, 617400, 654000
-		]
-	}
-	SoulLinker: {
-		MaxLevel: 50
-		Exp: [
-			2500, 4200, 7000, 10300, 15900, 18900, 20900, 22600, 24900, 28800,
-			31500, 32000, 33300, 35100, 40500, 44100, 46300, 48500, 50700, 56000,
-			59400, 63500, 68100, 75000, 85700, 90500, 96600, 102600, 108600, 119700,
-			126000, 132300, 138600, 146100, 157500, 170600, 180400, 190300, 196800, 214900,
-			225200, 232000, 245700, 255900, 279300, 294000, 308700, 327000, 345400
-		]
-	}
-	SuperNovice: {
-		MaxLevel: 99
-		Exp: [
-			30, 43, 58, 76, 116, 180, 220, 272, 336, 520,
-			604, 699, 802, 948, 1125, 1668, 1937, 2226, 3040, 3988,
-			5564, 6272, 7021, 9114, 11473, 15290, 16891, 18570, 23229, 28359,
-			36478, 39716, 43088, 52417, 62495, 78160, 84175, 90404, 107611, 125915,
-			153941, 191781, 204351, 248352, 286212, 386371, 409795, 482092, 509596, 982092,
-			992092, 1002092, 1012092, 1022092, 1032092, 1042092, 1052092, 1062092, 1072092, 1082092,
-			1092092, 1102092, 1112092, 1122092, 1132092, 1142092, 1152092, 1162092, 1172092, 1182092,
-			1192092, 1202092, 1212092, 1222092, 1232092, 1242092, 1252092, 1262092, 1272092, 1282092,
-			1292092, 1302092, 1312092, 1322092, 1332092, 1342092, 1352092, 1362092, 1372092, 1382092,
-			1392092, 1402092, 1412092, 1422092, 1432092, 1442092, 1452092, 1462092
-		]
-	}
-	Summoner: {
-		MaxLevel: 60
-		Exp: [
-			106000, 112000, 355000, 615000, 917000, 1253000, 1595000, 2007000, 2430000, 2868000,
-			3420000, 3863000, 4504000, 4998000, 5769000, 6321000, 7254000, 7870000, 9015000, 9530000,
-			11072000, 11848000, 13467000, 14337000, 16243000, 17216000, 19446000, 20781000, 23070000, 24453000,
-			27568000, 29118000, 31820000, 34125000, 37048000, 40204000, 42972000, 45937000, 49110000, 52696000,
-			57158000, 61305000, 67167000, 72285000, 77647000, 83624000, 91113000, 98548000, 107630000, 119077000,
-			131668000, 145518000, 160753000, 177511000, 195944000, 216220000, 238523000, 263056000, 290042000
-		]
-	}
diff --git a/db/re/exp_guild.txt b/db/re/exp_guild.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 928047600..000000000
--- a/db/re/exp_guild.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Guild LvUp experience value table
diff --git a/db/re/exp_homun.txt b/db/re/exp_homun.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f74c5016c..000000000
--- a/db/re/exp_homun.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-//Homunculus LvUp experience value table
diff --git a/db/re/homunculus_db.txt b/db/re/homunculus_db.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c74b70f7..000000000
--- a/db/re/homunculus_db.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// Homunculus Database
-// Structure of Database:
-// Class,EvoClass,Name,FoodID,HungryDelay,BaseSize,EvoSize,Race,Element,bASPD,bHP,bSP,bSTR,bAGI,bVIT,bINT,bDEX,bLUK,gnHP,gxHP,gnSP,gxSP,gnSTR,gxSTR,gnAGI,gxAGI,gnVIT,gxVIT,gnINT,gxINT,gnDEX,gxDEX,gnLUK,gxLUK,enHP,exHP,enSP,exSP,enSTR,exSTR,enAGI,exAGI,enVIT,exVIT,enINT,exINT,enDEX,exDEX,enLUK,exLUK
-// 01. Class        Homunculus ID.
-// 02. EvoClass     Homunculus ID of the evolved version.
-// 03. Name         Name of the homunculus.
-// 04. FoodID       Item ID of the homunuclus food.
-// 05. HungryDelay  Time interval in milliseconds after which the homunculus' hunger value is altered.
-// 06. BaseSize     Size of the base homunculus class (0 = small, 1 = normal, 2 = large).
-// 07. EvoSize      Size of the evolved homunculus class (0 = small, 1 = normal, 2 = large).
-// 08. Race         Race of the homunculus (0 = formless, 1 = undead, 2 = brute, 3 = plant, 4 = insect, 5 = fish, 6 = demon, 7 = demi-human, 8 = angel, 9 = dragon).
-// 09. Element      Element of the homunculus (0 = neutral, 1 = water, 2 = earth, 3 = fire, 4 = wind, 5 = poison, 6 = holy, 7 = dark, 8 = ghost, 9 = undead).
-//                  The element level is always 1.
-// ...
-// Legend: b: base, gn: growth min, gx: growth max, en: evolution min, ex: evolution max
-// NOTE: Only the growth values are in a 1/10 scale, the other stats are 1/1 (eg: 5 gmAGI means 0.5 agi)
diff --git a/db/re/item_chain.conf b/db/re/item_chain.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index a2e4efff4..000000000
--- a/db/re/item_chain.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2013-2015  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//================= More Information ======================================
- ************* Entry structure ********************************************
- **************************************************************************
-ITMCHAIN_<Name>: {
-	<Item_Name>: <chance>
-	// ...
-	Iron_Ore: 600
-	Iron: 380
-	Yellow_Live: 100
-	Coal: 80
-	Wind_Of_Verdure: 100
-	Phracon: 600
-	Crystal_Blue: 100
-	Boody_Red: 100
-	Steel: 50
-	Emveretarcon: 380
-	Elunium_Stone: 70
-	Oridecon_Stone: 80
-	Great_Nature: 40
-	Rough_Wind: 40
-	Mistic_Frozen: 40
-	Flame_Heart: 40
-	Elunium: 20
-	Oridecon: 20
-	Gold: 10
-	Emperium: 5
-	Dark_Red_Jewel: 80
-	Violet_Jewel: 30
-	Skyblue_Jewel: 40
-	Azure_Jewel: 130
-	Scarlet_Jewel: 70
-	Cardinal_Jewel: 190
-	Cardinal_Jewel_: 50
-	Red_Jewel: 130
-	Blue_Jewel: 140
-	White_Jewel: 80
-	Golden_Jewel: 150
-	Bluish_Green_Jewel: 150
-	Crystal_Jewel: 150
-	Crystal_Jewel_: 80
-	Crystal_Jewel__: 50
-	Crystal_Jewel___: 30
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela: 5
-	Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 5
-	Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 10
-	Red_Slim_Potion: 10
-	Resist_Earth: 10
-	Yellow_Herb: 20
-	Red_Potion: 20
-	Green_Herb: 30
-	Red_Herb: 30
-	Novice_Potion: 50
-	Nice_Sweet_Potato: 50
-	Candy: 100
-	Monsters_Feed: 200
-	Popped_Rice: 600
-	Royal_Jelly: 5
-	Str_Dish02: 10
-	Agi_Dish02: 10
-	Vit_Dish03: 10
-	Dex_Dish02: 10
-	Luk_Dish03: 10
-	Int_Dish02: 10
-	Apple_Juice: 30
-	Banana_Juice: 30
-	Grape_Juice: 30
-	Carrot_Juice: 30
-	Well_Baked_Cookie: 30
-	Ice_Cream: 50
-	Fish_Slice: 50
-	Cheese: 50
-	Shusi: 50
-	Bun: 50
-	Mojji: 50
-	Pumpkin: 50
-	Sweet_Potato: 100
-	Banana: 100
-	Apple: 600
diff --git a/db/re/item_combo_db.txt b/db/re/item_combo_db.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 739be9a65..000000000
--- a/db/re/item_combo_db.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-// Item Combos Database
-// Structure of Database:
-// ID:ID:ID:ID,{ Script }
-1166:2527,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,5; }
-1219:5782,{ bonus bAtkRate,3; }
-1220:5782,{ bonus bAtkRate,3; }
-1221:5782,{ bonus bAtkRate,3; }
-1284:2892,{ bonus bBaseAtk,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,AS_SONICBLOW,50; bonus bFlee,-30; }
-1285:2892,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,40; bonus bCritical,4; bonus bMaxHPrate,-10; }
-1287:15123,{ if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)>6) { autobonus2 "{ bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss; }",20,3000,BF_WEAPON,"{}"; } }
-1298:4317,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,5; }
-1298:4521,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,5; }
-1387:19021,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,WS_CARTTERMINATION,15+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)*5); }
-1407:5782,{ bonus bAtkRate,3; }
-1408:5782,{ bonus bAtkRate,3; }
-1409:5782,{ bonus bAtkRate,3; }
-1420:2115,{ bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,2,5; }
-1420:2133,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 4; bonus bDef,2; }
-1421:2133,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 4; bonus bDef,2; }
-1422:2133,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 4; bonus bDef,2; }
-1428:2115,{ bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,2,5; }
-1433:2153,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,CR_GRANDCROSS,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_RAYOFGENESIS,10; }
-1433:2153:18823:28372,{ bonus2 bSkillUseSP,CR_GRANDCROSS,30; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,LG_SHIELDPRESS,5; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,LG_BANISHINGPOINT,15; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,LG_CANNONSPEAR,10; }
-1433:28372,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_CANNONSPEAR,7*(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)/2); }
-1472:2677,{ bonus bMatkRate,6; bonus bDex,2; bonus bVariableCastrate,-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); }
-1472:2711,{ bonus bMatkRate,6; bonus bDex,2; bonus bVariableCastrate,-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); }
-1473:2677,{ bonus bMatkRate,6; bonus bDex,2; bonus bVariableCastrate,-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); }
-1473:2711,{ bonus bMatkRate,6; bonus bDex,2; bonus bVariableCastrate,-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); }
-1474:2527,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,5; }
-1477:2700,{ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Confusion,9500; }
-1479:2700,{ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Confusion,9500; }
-1564:2186,{ bonus bAspdRate,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); }
-1535:4361,{ bonus bBreakArmorRate,900; bonus bBreakWeaponRate,900; }
-1572:2716:2717,{ bonus bInt,5; bonus bMaxHP,700; bonus bAspdRate,5; }
-1573:2334,{ bonus bMdef,8; bonus bMaxSPrate,10; bonus bInt,4; }
-1573:2372,{ bonus bMdef,8; bonus bMaxSPrate,10; bonus bInt,4; }
-1573:2716:2717,{ bonus bInt,5; bonus bMaxHP,700; bonus bAspdRate,5; }
-1590:4037,{ bonus bAspdRate,5; }
-1590:4117,{ bonus bAspdRate,5; }
-1590:4037:4117,{ bonus bAspd,1; }
-1598:4037,{ bonus bAspdRate,5; }
-1598:4117,{ bonus bAspdRate,5; }
-1598:4037:4117,{ bonus bAspd,1; }
-1615:18539,{ bonus bMatk,10*getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; }
-1616:2515,{ bonus bSpeedRate,25; }
-1618:2509,{ bonus bMaxHP,300; bonus bMatkRate,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)-5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT) > 10) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,30; } else { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)*3; } }
-1618:2535,{ bonus bMatkRate,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,25; }
-1618:19020,{ bonus bMatk,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)*10; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)>=10) autobonus "{ bonus bVariableCastrate,-50; }",50,5000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_SUFFRAGIUM, AREA, playerattached()); }"; }
-1620:2509,{ bonus bMaxHP,300; bonus bMatkRate,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)-5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT) > 10) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,30; } else { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)*3; } }
-1620:2535,{ bonus bMatkRate,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,25; }
-1625:18542,{ bonus bHealPower,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); }
-1629:5045,{ bonus bDex,2; bonus bInt,2; bonus bSPrecovRate,5; bonus bMatkRate,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); }
-1631:2129,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,20; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_TURNUNDEAD,1,20; }
-1631:18542,{ bonus bHealPower,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)*3; }
-1636:18539,{ bonus bMatk,10*getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; }
-1636:18804,{ bonus bMatk,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)*10; }
-1649:2198,{ if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)>8) { bonus bMatk,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)*15; } if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)>9) { bonus bMatk,50; bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; } }
-1657:2471:2569:15029,{ bonus bHealPower,25; }
-1660:2471:2569:15029,{ bonus bHealPower,45; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AB_SILENTIUM,1,10; }
-1662:18539,{ bonus bMatk,10*getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; }
-1718:1774,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,50; }
-1723:2718,{ bonus bDex,1; bonus bMaxSP,50; bonus bSPrecovRate,10; }
-1726:1774,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,50; }
-1730:1752,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,25; }
-1731:1754,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,25; }
-1732:1756,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,25; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stone,1000; }
-1733:1755,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,25; bonus3 bAutoSpell,NJ_HUUJIN,5,100; if(readparam(bInt)>39) bonus3 bAutoSpell,NJ_HUUJIN,5,200; }
-1734:1753,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,50; }
-1741:2748,{ bonus bAtk,25; bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,200,ATF_WEAPON|ATF_LONG|ATF_TARGET; }
-1746:1773,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,50; }
-1764:18541,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,5; }
-1775:18114,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,70; }
-1776:18114,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,40; }
-1935:2988,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,CG_ARROWVULCAN,200; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,CG_ARROWVULCAN,20; }
-1990:2989,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,CG_ARROWVULCAN,200; }
-2001:2677,{ bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bDex,2; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,10; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,10; }
-2001:2711,{ bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bDex,2; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,10; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,10; }
-2007:2467:2859:15025,{ bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,40; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Earth,-30; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,-50; }
-2008:2468:2860:15026,{ bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Water,40; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,-30; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,-50; }
-2009:2469:2861:15027,{ bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Fire,40; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Water,-30; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-50; }
-2010:2470:2862:15028,{ bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Earth,40; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Fire,-30; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,-50; }
-2011:2467:2859:15025,{ bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,60; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Earth,-60; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,-50; }
-2012:2468:2860:15026,{ bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Water,60; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,-60; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,-50; }
-2013:2469:2861:15027,{ bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Fire,60; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Water,-60; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-50; }
-2014:2470:2862:15028,{ bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Earth,60; bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Fire,-60; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,-50; }
-2109:2717:2239,{ bonus bHPrecovRate,15; bonus bSPrecovRate,15; bonus bMatkRate,7; }
-2114:2353:5122,{ bonus bStr,2; bonus bDef,5; bonus bMdef,5; if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman) bonus bDef,6; }
-2115:2353:5124,{ bonus bDef,2-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP); bonus bMdef,5+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP); }
-2116:2355:2420:2521:5125,{ bonus bMaxHP,900; bonus bMaxSP,100; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,1,30; }
-2121:2717:2239,{ bonus bHPrecovRate,15; bonus bSPrecovRate,15; bonus bMatkRate,7; }
-2123:2701,{ bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; }
-2123:2881,{ bonus bMatk,getrefine()*2; }
-2124:2702,{ bonus bAspdRate,10; bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5; }
-2125:5782,{ bonus bDef,2; }
-2135:2426,{ bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500; autobonus "{ bonus bFlee,20; }",200,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); }"; }
-2137:2353:5124,{ bonus bDef,2-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP); bonus bMdef,5+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP); }
-2153:28372,{ if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)>5) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_SHIELDPRESS,(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)*8)-40; } }
-2157:2905,{ bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,10; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)>7) { bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Insect,4; bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,20; } }
-2160:19021,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,WS_CARTTERMINATION,15+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)*5); }
-2169:2491:2590:15051,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bMaxSPrate,10; }
-2171:15053,{ bonus bAgi,2; }
-2171:15056,{ bonus bAgi,2; }
-2173:15055,{ bonus bFlee,10; bonus bFlee2,10; }
-2183:15068:18776:20710:22015,{ bonus(bMaxHP, 900); bonus(bMaxSP, 100); bonus3(bAutoSpellWhenHit, HP_ASSUMPTIO, 1, 30); }
-2198:5966,{ if (isequipped(4441)) {} else { if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)>6) { bonus2 bSkillCooldown,WL_COMET,-20000; } if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)>9) { bonus2 bSkillCooldown,WL_COMET,-20000; } } }
-2254:18912,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 5; }
-2269:5781,{ bonus bMaxSP,30; bonus bInt,1; }
-2269:5786,{ bonus bMatkRate,1; }
-2269:5891,{ bonus bAllStats,1; }
-2270:5781,{ bonus bLuk,1; bonus bFlee,2; }
-2270:5786,{ bonus bAtkRate,1; }
-2270:5891,{ bonus bAllStats,1; }
-2278:18527,{ bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12192,20; }
-2281:18527,{ bonus bFlee,10; }
-2183:15068,{ bonus bAllStats,2; }
-2286:18539,{ bonus bUseSPrate,-3; }
-2312:2656,{ bonus bDef,5; bonus bMaxHP,150; }
-2313:2656,{ bonus bDef,5; bonus bMaxHP,150; }
-2337:2654,{ bonus bUseSPrate,-20; bonus bMaxHP,300; }
-2339:2522,{ bonus bAgi,5; bonus bFlee,10; }
-2339:2523,{ bonus bAgi,5; bonus bFlee,10; }
-2353:2417:2516,{ bonus bAgi,3; bonus bMaxHPrate,5; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-2353:2418:2517,{ bonus bVit,5; bonus bHPrecovRate,10; bonus bSPrecovRate,10; }
-2353:5123,{ if(readparam(bDex)>69) bonus bUseSPrate,-10; }
-2353:5493,{ if(readparam(bDex)>69) bonus bUseSPrate,-10; }
-2353:13428,{ bonus bMaxSP,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,KN_BOWLINGBASH,5; }
-2354:2419:2520:5128,{ bonus bVit,5; bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; bonus bDef,5; bonus bMdef,15; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10; }
-2354:2493:2599:19043,{ bonus bVit,5; bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; bonus bDef,5; bonus bMdef,15; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10; }
-2357:2421:2524:5171,{ bonus bAllStats,1; }
-2358:5153,{ bonus bLuk,6; bonus bFlee,5; bonus bInt,2; }
-2359:2654,{ bonus bUseSPrate,-20; bonus bMaxHP,300; }
-2365:2881,{ bonus bVariableCastrate,15; }
-2369:2428:2533:5306,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10; bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,10000; skill WZ_FIREPILLAR,10; }
-2371:2522,{ bonus bAgi,5; bonus bFlee,10; }
-2371:2523,{ bonus bAgi,5; bonus bFlee,10; }
-2374:2729,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 3; bonus bMatkRate,3; }
-2375:2729,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 3; bonus bMatkRate,3; }
-2376:2435:2538,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonDemiPlayer,-300; bonus bVit,3; bonus bMaxHPrate,12; bonus bHealPower2,10; bonus bAddItemHealRate,10; autobonus2 "{ bonus2 bHPRegenRate,600,1000; }",5,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, playerattached()); }"; }
-2377:2435:2538,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonDemiPlayer,-300; bonus bStr,3; bonus bMaxHPrate,12; bonus2 bSkillAtk,MC_MAMMONITE,20; bonus2 bSkillHeal,AM_POTIONPITCHER,10; bonus2 bSkillHeal2,AM_POTIONPITCHER,10; bonus2 bSkillHeal2,AL_HEAL,10; bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0; }
-2378:2435:2538,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonDemiPlayer,-300; bonus bAgi,3; bonus bMaxHPrate,12; bonus bCritical,5; bonus bAspdRate,5; autobonus "{ bonus2 bHPRegenRate,300,1000; }",10,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, playerattached()); }"; }
-2379:2436:2539,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonDemiPlayer,-300; bonus bInt,3; bonus bMaxHPrate,12; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,2000; autobonus2 "{ bonus bDefEle,Ele_Ghost; }",30,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENERGYCOAT, AREA, playerattached()); }"; }
-2380:2436:2539,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonDemiPlayer,-300; bonus bInt,3; bonus bMaxHPrate,12; bonus2 bVariableCastrate,AL_HOLYLIGHT,-50; bonus bHealPower,6; autobonus2 "{ bonus bDefEle,Ele_Ghost; }",30,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENERGYCOAT, AREA, playerattached()); }"; }
-2381:2436:2539,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonDemiPlayer,-300; bonus bDex,3; bonus bMaxHPrate,12; bonus bLongAtkDef,10; bonus bDelayrate,-25; }
-2382:2437:2540,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonDemiPlayer,-300; bonus bDex,3; bonus bMaxHPrate,12; bonus bLongAtkDef,10; bonus bDelayrate,-25; }
-2387:2440:2744,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,7; bonus bMaxSPrate,7; bonus bVariableCastrate,-3; bonus bDelayrate,-15; }
-2390:2749,{ bonus bFlee2,5; }
-2394:2444:2549,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5; bonus bMatkRate,5; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,10000; bonus2 bSkillHeal2,AM_POTIONPITCHER,3; bonus2 bSkillHeal2,AL_HEAL,3; bonus2 bSkillHeal2,PR_SANCTUARY,3; }
-2399:2553,{ bonus bAgi,5; bonus bFlee,15; }
-2408:2655,{ bonus bBaseAtk,50; bonus2 bAddDefClass,1196,20; bonus2 bAddDefClass,1197,20; }
-2424:2528,{ bonus bHPrecovRate,5; bonus bMaxHPrate,10; }
-2425:2529,{ bonus bFlee,10; }
-2425:2530,{ bonus bFlee,10; }
-2425:2551,{ bonus bFlee,10; }
-2433:2537,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,6; }
-2434:2529,{ bonus bFlee,10; }
-2434:2530,{ bonus bFlee,10; }
-2434:2551,{ bonus bFlee,10; }
-2441:2546,{ bonus bFlee,5; }
-2472:2570:15030:16013,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,15; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,AB_ADORAMUS,100; }
-2472:2570:15030:16018,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,30; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,30; bonus2 bSkillAtk,AB_ADORAMUS,200; bonus bVariableCastrate,-50; }
-2475:2574:2883:15036,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,14; bonus2 bSkillAtk,RK_HUNDREDSPEAR,50; skill CR_AUTOGUARD,1; bonus bUseSPrate,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10; }
-2476:2575:2884:15037,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,RK_SONICWAVE,100; bonus2 bSkillAtk,RK_WINDCUTTER,100; bonus3 bAutoSpell,RK_STORMBLAST,1,20; autobonus3 "{ bonus bAspd,2; }",1000,10000,LK_CONCENTRATION,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }"; }
-2477:2577:2886:15038,{ bonus bCritical,15; bonus bFlee,10; bonus bCritAtkRate,40; bonus2 bSkillAtk,GC_CROSSIMPACT,20; bonus bUseSPrate,10; }
-2478:2578:2887:15039,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 10; bonus bMatkRate,10; if(readparam(bStr)>119) { bonus bBaseAtk,30; } bonus3 bAutoSpell,ASC_BREAKER,getskilllv(ASC_BREAKER),10; bonus bCritical,-20; }
-2479:2580:2890:15042,{ bonus bAspd,2; bonus bLongAtkRate,30; bonus3 bAutoSpell,AC_DOUBLE,3,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,RA_ARROWSTORM,50; }
-2480:2581:2891:15043,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,RA_CLUSTERBOMB,20; bonus bFlee2,20; bonus bLongAtkRate,-30; bonus bAspd,-7; }
-2483:2586:15046,{ bonus bVit,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,15; }
-2484:2586:15047,{ bonus bDex,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,15; }
-2485:2587:15048,{ bonus bInt,5; bonus bMdef,10; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,15; }
-2518:2648:2649:5126,{ bonus bInt,5; bonus bMdef,11; bonus bMaxSPrate,20; bonus bNoCastCancel,0; bonus bVariableCastrate,25; }
-2519:2650:2651:5127,{ bonus bStr,2; bonus bLuk,9; bonus bCritical,13; bonus bBaseAtk,18; bonus bFlee2,13; }
-2519:2900:2901:19044,{ bonus bStr,2; bonus bLuk,9; bonus bCritical,13; bonus bBaseAtk,18; bonus bFlee2,13; }
-2527:13001,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,5; }
-2597:2616,{ bonus bCritAtkRate,5; bonus bCritical,10; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)>=5) { bonus bCritAtkRate,3; } if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)>=7) { bonus bCritAtkRate,4;} }
-2597:18803,{ bonus bUseSPrate,-5; }
-2607:2677,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,AL_HEAL,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,9; }
-2607:2711,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,AL_HEAL,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,9; }
-2607:2786,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,AL_HEAL,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,9; }
-2608:2677,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,AL_HEAL,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,9; }
-2608:2711,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,AL_HEAL,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,9; }
-2608:2786,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,AL_HEAL,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,9; }
-2615:5890,{ bonus bMdef,7; bonus bDef,7; }
-2616:5890,{ bonus bCritical,7; }
-2620:2746,{ bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,8; bonus bAspdRate,3; }
-2620:2747,{ bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,8; bonus bHit,3; bonus bVariableCastrate,-3; }
-2626:2677,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,AL_HEAL,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,9; }
-2626:2711,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,AL_HEAL,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,9; }
-2626:2786,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,AL_HEAL,50; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,9; }
-2678:2679,{ bonus4 bAutoSpell,MO_EXTREMITYFIST,1,3,1; bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_LEXAETERNA,1,20; bonus3 bAutoSpell,AS_SONICBLOW,5,50; bonus3 bAutoSpell,MO_INVESTIGATE,5,20; bonus3 bAutoSpell,ASC_METEORASSAULT,2,50; }
-2679:2792,{ bonus4 bAutoSpell,MO_EXTREMITYFIST,1,3,1; bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_LEXAETERNA,1,20; bonus3 bAutoSpell,AS_SONICBLOW,5,50; bonus3 bAutoSpell,MO_INVESTIGATE,5,20; bonus3 bAutoSpell,ASC_METEORASSAULT,2,50; }
-2701:2881,{ bonus bMatk,20; }
-2720:2772,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bHealPower,5; }
-2721:2772,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bHealPower,5; }
-2722:2772,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bHealPower,5; }
-2723:2772,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bHealPower,5; }
-2724:2772,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bHealPower,5; }
-2725:2772,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bHealPower,5; }
-2726:2727,{ bonus bUseSPrate,-25; }
-2733:2772,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5; bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bHealPower,5; }
-2747:13061,{ bonus bHit,5; bonus bMatk,5; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,SC_ENERVATION,20; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,SC_GROOMY,20;}
-2777:2778:5479,{ bonus bMaxHP,300; bonus bMatkRate,5; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5; }
-2779:2780:5482,{ bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bInt,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Angel,10; }
-2779:2780:5577,{ bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bInt,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Angel,10; }
-2950:15067:20709:22012,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,10; }
-2963:15073,{ bonus bAspdRate,5; }
-2963:15074,{ bonus bDelayrate,-5; bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5; }
-2964:15073,{ bonus bDelayrate,-5; bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5; }
-2964:15074,{ bonus bVariableCastrate,-5; }
-2997:2999,{ bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bAtkRate,10; }
-4001:4197,{ bonus bFlee,18; }
-4006:4266,{ bonus bFlee,18; }
-4009:4179,{ bonus bFlee,18; }
-4014:4306,{ bonus bFlee,18; }
-4015:5967,{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_All,5; }
-4021:4211,{ bonus bFlee,18; }
-4025:4222,{ bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Sleep,600; }
-4028:4296,{ bonus bStr,3; }
-4029:4183,{ bonus bFlee,18; }
-4031:4161,{ bonus bDef,3; bonus bVit,3; }
-4036:4186:4233:4281:4343,{ bonus bStr,4; bonus bMaxHPrate,7; bonus bMaxSPrate,7; bonus2 bSkillAtk,MC_MAMMONITE,20; bonus bSPDrainValue,1; if(BaseJob==Job_Alchemist) { bonus3 bAutoSpell,BS_ADRENALINE,1,10; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7139,3; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,905,10; } }
-4039:4210:4230:4257:4348,{ bonus bStr,6; bonus bAgi,4; bonus2 bSkillAtk,RG_BACKSTAP,10; if(getskilllv(RG_STRIPARMOR)==5) bonus3 bAutoSpell,RG_STRIPARMOR,5,50; if(BaseJob==Job_Rogue) { bonus bUseSPrate,-20; bonus3 bAutoSpell,RG_INTIMIDATE,1,-20; } }
-4072:21013,{ bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,15; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,15; }
-4074:4162,{ bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Blind,600; }
-4090:4212:4328,{ bonus bAllStats,1; }
-4106:4248,{ bonus bPerfectHitAddRate,20; }
-4127:4166,{ bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Curse,600; }
-4140:18574,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,5; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP)>=11) bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonBoss,5; }
-4152:5967,{ bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Apple_Juice,1000; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Banana_Juice,1000; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Carrot_Juice,1000; }
-4153:4247:4273,{ bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,544,RC_Fish,3000; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,30; }
-4161:5932,{ bonus4 bAutoSpell,PR_GLORIA,5,10,0; }
-4163:5967,{ bonus bAspdRate,3; bonus bAspd,1; bonus bAtkRate,-5; if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==11) { if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)>8) bonus bAspd,1; } }
-4168:4169,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bMaxSPrate,20; bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; }
-4172:4210:4230:4257:4272,{ bonus bAgi,5; bonus bStr,5; bonus bAspdRate,5; bonus bSpeedRate,25; bonus2 bSPDrainValue,1,0; if(BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus bNoGemStone,0; }
-4178:4199:4234:4252:4297,{ bonus bAgi,5; bonus bDex,3; bonus bLongAtkRate,20; bonus bPerfectHitAddRate,20; if(BaseClass==Job_Archer) { bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Brute,5; bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_Brute,100; } }
-4178:4234:4252:4297:4381,{ bonus bDex,5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,CG_ARROWVULCAN,5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,DC_THROWARROW,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,BA_MUSICALSTRIKE,10; if(BaseJob==Job_Bard||BaseJob==Job_Dancer) bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,CG_TAROTCARD,2,50; }
-4185:4217:4280:4293:4312,{ bonus bVit,10; bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; bonus bUseSPrate,-10; if(BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) { bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Undead,5; bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Demon,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,30; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,30; } }
-4185:4293:4312:4332,{ bonus bStr,3; bonus bMaxSP,80; bonus bBaseAtk,25; bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_CRUCIS,5,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,MO_EXTREMITYFIST,10; if(BaseJob==Job_Monk) { bonus bUseSPrate,-10; bonus bNoCastCancel,0; } }
-4186:4206:4233:4281:4321,{ bonus bLuk,10; bonus2 bSPDrainValue,2,0; bonus2 bSkillAtk,42,20; if(BaseClass==Job_Merchant) { bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,617,5; bonus bMagicDamageReturn,20; } }
-4191:4208:4258:4309:4325:4327,{ bonus bMaxHP,500; bonus bDef,5; bonus bMdef,5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,14,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,19,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,20,10; if(BaseClass==Job_Mage) { bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bVariableCastrate,-15; } }
-4193:4294,{ bonus bMaxHP,300; bonus bMaxSP,60; }
-4208:4258:4325:4327:4382,{ bonus bInt,3; bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_HEAVENDRIVE,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_THUNDERSTORM,10; if(BaseJob==Job_Sage) { bonus bMagicDamageReturn,20; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,716,100; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,715,100; bonus bVariableCastrate,-20; } }
-4218:4269,{ bonus bHPrecovRate,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,30; bonus bVit,4; bonus bInt,4; }
-4220:4246:4311:4319:4331,{ bonus bStr,10; bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bHPrecovRate,50; bonus3 bAutoSpell,BS_WEAPONPERFECT,1,3; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,501,500; if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman) { bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Red_Potion,50; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Yellow_Potion,50; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Orange_Potion,50; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,White_Potion,50; } }
-4229:4244:4299:4313,{ bonus bDef,3; bonus bMdef,3; }
-4237:4238,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,5,20; }
-4268:4277,{ bonus bBaseAtk,20; bonus bLuk,3; }
-4311:4319:4331:4371,{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bStr,1; bonus bDef,2; bonus bSPrecovRate,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PA_SHIELDCHAIN,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,PA_SACRIFICE,10; bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; if(BaseJob==Job_Crusader) bonus bDefEle,Ele_Holy; }
-4323:4324,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FROSTDIVER,3,250; }
-4335:21012,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,5,20+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)); }
-4345:21012,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,5,20+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)); }
-4350:21012,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_COLDBOLT,5,20+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)); }
-4380:21012,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBOLT,5,20+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)); }
-4388:21012,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_SOULSTRIKE,5,20+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)); }
-4435:4436,{ bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2; }
-4463:5966,{ if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==5||getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==23||getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==10) { bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,getequipid(EQI_HAND_R)*2; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,getequipid(EQI_HAND_R)*2; } }
-4505:4508,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_DRAGONFEAR,2,100+(getrefine()*10); }
-4507:19023,{ bonus2 bAddRace2,7,30; }
-4509:19023,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Insect,10; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Confusion,10000; }
-4517:5967,{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bCritAtkRate,5; if(BaseClass==Job_Archer) { bonus bCritAtkRate,10; } }
-4606:20778,{ bonus bMaxSPrate,44; bonus bSPGainValue,-(20+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)/2)); }
-4608:4609,{ bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,15; bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,15; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,5; bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,5; }
-4635:4636,{ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Burning,10000; }
-4642:4646,{ bonus bAtkRate,10; bonus bMatkRate,10; }
-4643:4646,{ bonus bAtkRate,10; bonus bMatkRate,10; }
-4644:4646,{ bonus bAtkRate,10; bonus bMatkRate,10; }
-4645:4646,{ bonus bAtkRate,10; bonus bMatkRate,10; }
-4653:4654,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,5; bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,50,RC_Brute; bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,50,RC_Undead; }
-4653:4655,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,5; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,50,RC_Brute; bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,50,RC_Undead; }
-//4656:4657,{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5; /* Increase the probability of causing Sleep to all targets on 11x11 cells. */ }
-5007:18913,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 5; }
-5021:18824,{ bonus bMaxHP,100; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP); }
-5040:5442,{ bonus bAspdRate,3; bonus bVariableCastrate,3; }
-5040:18672,{ bonus bSPrecovRate,3; }
-5040:18673,{ bonus bHealPower,10; }
-5068:5653,{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bAtkRate,5; }
-5074:5653,{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bAspdRate,2; }
-5086:18527,{ bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,12192,200; }
-5170:19024,{ bonus bAspdRate,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP)>6) bonus bAspdRate,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP)>8) bonus bMaxHPrate,5; }
-5176:18527,{ bonus bAspdRate,5; }
-5184:5657,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP); }
-//5206:5768,{ bonus bDex,1; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP) > 4) bonus bDelayrate,4-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP); }
-5358:5653,{ bonus bAgi,1; bonus bFlee,3; }
-//5359:5657,{ bonus bLongAtkRate,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP); }
-5574:5073,{ bonus bDex, 2; bonus bDef, 2; }
-5401:5653,{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bMatkRate,2; }
-5470:5653,{ bonus bDex,1; bonus bLongAtkRate,3; }
-5690:13428,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10; bonus bHit,10; }
-5890:28306,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 3; }
-5932:1737,{ if (Class == Job_Ranger || Class == Job_Ranger_T) skill HT_BLITZBEAT,5*getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R); }
-//5967:28321,{ skill HT_BLITZBEAT,-200; }
-13027:15044,{ bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,929,RC_Brute,100+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)*10); bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,929,RC_DemiPlayer,100+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)*10); bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,970,RC_Brute,20+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)*2); bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,970,RC_DemiPlayer,20+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)*2); }
-13034:13035,{ bonus bMaxSP,20; bonus bMaxHPrate,5; bonus bHit,10; bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,30; autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,100; }",1,7000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }"; }
-13035:28704,{ bonus bMaxSP,20; bonus bMaxHPrate,5; bonus bHit,10; bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,30; autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,100; }",1,7000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }"; }
-15041:18659,{ bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,10; bonus bDefEle,Ele_Fire; }
-15061:19026,{ bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Fish,10+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_ARMOR); }
-15068:20710,{ bonus(bAgi, 5); bonus(bFlee, 10); }
-15128:20773,{ bonus bDelayrate,-10; bonus bFlee2,6; if(BaseLevel>130) { bonus bDelayrate,-10;} }
-18507:18539,{ bonus bUseSPrate,-3; }
-18607:18672,{ bonus bSPrecovRate,3; }
-18607:18673,{ bonus bHealPower,10; }
-18823:28372,{ bonus2 bSkillVariableCast,CR_GRANDCROSS,-2000; bonus2 bSkillUseSP,LG_RAYOFGENESIS,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,CR_GRANDCROSS,BaseLevel; bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_RAYOFGENESIS,BaseLevel/30; }
-18823:2153:1433,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_CANNONSPEAR,20; bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_BANISHINGPOINT,20; bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_SHIELDPRESS,20; }
-15090:18820:20721:22033,{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WL_DRAINLIFE,3,100; }
-15091:18820:20721:22033,{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15; bonus bMaxHPrate,25; bonus bMaxSPrate,25; bonus bMatkRate,10; }
-15117:20744:22047,{ bonus bMaxHP,25; bonus bMaxSP,25; bonus bSpeedRate,25; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHOES)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_ARMOR) >= 30) { bonus bMaxHP,5; bonus bMaxSP,5; } }
-18510:18511,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Angel,3; }
-18728:15061:2495:20700,{ bonus bAllStats, 1; bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Water, 50; }
-18776:20710,{ bonus(bBaseAtk, 10); }
-18776:22015,{ bonus(bMatk, 20); }
-18824:18825,{ bonus bMaxHP,100; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP); }
-18874:2109:2971,{ bonus bHPrecovRate,15; bonus bSPrecovRate,15; bonus bMatkRate,7; }
-18997:28326:28327,{ bonus bSpeedRate,10; bonus bBaseAtk,50; bonus bMatk,50; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HEAD_TOP)>=9){ bonus bMaxHPrate,10; bonus bMaxSPrate,50; } }
-19026:15138,{ bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_Fish, 10 + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_ARMOR); }
-19026:20756,{ .@r = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT); bonus2 bSPGainRace, RC_Fish, 10; bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem, Shusi, RC_Fish, (5 + .@r); bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem, Fish_Slice, RC_Fish, (5 + .@r); bonus2 bAddItemHealRate, Shusi, 5; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate, Fish_Slice, 5; bonus bHPrecovRate, (5 + .@r); }
-19026:22059,{ bonus2 bCriticalAddRace, RC_Fish, 10 + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHOES); }
-19026:15138:22059:20756,{ bonus bMaxHP, 1000; bonus bMaxSP, 100; bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_Fish, 20; bonus2 bAddRace, RC_Fish, 50; bonus2 bMagicAddRace, RC_Fish, 50; bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Water, 50; }
-19827:20763,{ bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,4; }
-20717:22000,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22001,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22002,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22003,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22004,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22005,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22006,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22007,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22008,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22009,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22010,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20717:22011,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22000,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22001,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22002,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22003,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22004,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22005,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22006,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22007,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22008,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22009,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22010,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20718:22011,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,15; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; }
-20732:28101,{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 25; }
-22016:28320,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHOES); bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHOES); }
-28326:28327,{ bonus bInt,8; bonus bStr,8; }
-// Shadow Equipment
-24012:24013:24014:24015:24016:24017,{ bonus bAllStats,9; }
-24018:24019:24020,{ if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON) >= 23) { bonus bAtkRate,1; } }
-24021:24022:24023,{ if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON) >= 23) { bonus bMatkRate,1; } }
-24025:24028,{ .@r = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES); bonus bMaxHP,.@r; bonus bMaxSP,.@r; if(.@r >= 15) { bonus bMaxHPrate,1; } }
-24026:24027,{ .@r = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD); bonus bDef,.@r; if(.@r >= 15) { bonus2 bSubEle,0,1; } }
-24029:24031,{ .@r = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON); bonus bBaseAtk,.@r; if(.@r >= 15) { bonus bLongAtkRate,1; } }
-24030:24032,{ .@r = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON); bonus bCritical,.@r; bonus bBaseAtk,.@r; if(.@r >= 15) { bonus bCritAtkRate,1; } }
-24034:24040,{ bonus bLuk,1; }
-24035:24041,{ bonus bStr,1; }
-24036:24042,{ bonus bInt,1; }
-24037:24043,{ bonus bDex,1; }
-24038:24044,{ bonus bVit,1; }
-24039:24045,{ bonus bAgi,1; }
-24046:24051,{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,1; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L) >= 15) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,1; } }
-24052:24062,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,3; }
-24053:24063,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,5; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Boss,5; }
-24054:24065,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Brute,3; }
-24055:24066,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Insect,3; }
-24056:24067,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Fish,3; }
-24057:24071,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Dragon,3; }
-24058:24068,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Angel,3; }
-24059:24069,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Formless,3; }
-24060:24070,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Undead,3; }
-24061:24064,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Plant,3; }
-24072:24075,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,1; bonus bMaxSPrate,1; }
-24073:24076,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,1; bonus bMaxSPrate,1; }
-24074:24077,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,1; bonus bMaxSPrate,1; }
-24078:24079:24080,{ bonus3 bSPDrainRate,10,1+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)/10),0; }
-24081:24082:24083,{ bonus3 bHPDrainRateRace,11,40,2+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES)/5); }
-24084:24085:24086:24087:24088:24089,{ bonus bAllStats,1; .@r = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L); if (.@r >= 45) { bonus bNoGemStone,1; } bonus bUseSPrate,100-.@r; }
-24090:24091:24092,{ bonus bDef,5; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES) >= 20) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,100; }
-24090:24093:24094,{ bonus bDef,5; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES) >= 20) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,100; }
-24090:24095:24096,{ bonus bDef,5; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES) >= 20) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,100; }
-24090:24097:24098,{ bonus bDef,5; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES) >= 20) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,100; }
-24090:24099:24100:24101,{ bonus bDef,4; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) >= 30) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,100; }
-24090:24102:24103,{ bonus bDef,5; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) >= 20) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Bleeding,100; }
-24090:24104:24105:24106,{ bonus bDef,4; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) >= 30) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,100; }
-24090:24107:24108,{ bonus bDef,5; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) >= 20) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,100; }
-24109:24110:24048,{ bonus bNoCastCancel,1; bonus bVariableCastrate,40-(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)); }
-24111:24112:24113,{ bonus bNoCastCancel,1; bonus bUseSPrate,40-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES); }
-24150:24151,{ bonus bAtkRate,1; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L) >= 15) bonus bNoSizeFix,1; }
-24152:24153,{ bonus bAtk,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON); if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) >= 15) bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,1; }
-24154:24155,{ bonus bDef,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR); if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L) >= 15) bonus bUnbreakableArmor,1; }
-24156:24166:24167,{ bonus bBaseAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_DemiPlayer; }
-24157:24166:24167,{ bonus bBaseAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Demon; }
-24158:24166:24167,{ bonus bBaseAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Brute; }
-24159:24166:24167,{ bonus bBaseAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Insect; }
-24160:24166:24167,{ bonus bBaseAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Fish; }
-24161:24166:24167,{ bonus bBaseAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon; }
-24162:24166:24167,{ bonus bBaseAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Angel; }
-24163:24166:24167,{ bonus bBaseAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Formless; }
-24164:24166:24167,{ bonus bBaseAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Undead; }
-24165:24166:24167,{ bonus bBaseAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Plant; }
-24168:24169:24170,{ bonus bMatk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_DemiPlayer; }
-24168:24169:24171,{ bonus bMatk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_Demon; }
-24168:24169:24172,{ bonus bMatk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_Brute; }
-24168:24169:24173,{ bonus bMatk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_Insect; }
-24168:24169:24174,{ bonus bMatk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_Fish; }
-24168:24169:24175,{ bonus bMatk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_Dragon; }
-24168:24169:24176,{ bonus bMatk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_Angel; }
-24168:24169:24177,{ bonus bMatk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_Formless; }
-24168:24169:24178,{ bonus bMatk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_Undead; }
-24168:24169:24179,{ bonus bMatk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=25) bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_Plant; }
-24180:24181:24182:24183:24184:24185,{ .@refine = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L); bonus bAllStats,1; if(.@refine>=45) { bonus bMaxHPrate,(.@refine-60); sc_start4 SC_ENDURE,1,10,0,0,1;} }
-// 24186:24198,{ /* Reduces physical and magical damage received from Neutral property monsters by 2% */ }
-// 24187:24199,{ /* Reduces physical and magical damage received from Shadow property monsters by 2% */ }
-// 24188:24200,{ /* Reduces physical and magical damage received from Water property monsters by 2% */ }
-// 24189:24201,{ /* Reduces physical and magical damage received from Earth property monsters by 2% */ }
-// 24190:24202,{ /* Reduces physical and magical damage received from Fire property monsters by 2% */ }
-// 24191:24203,{ /* Reduces physical and magical damage received from Wind property monsters by 2% */; }
-// 24192:24204,{ /* Reduces physical and magical damage received from Poison property monsters by 2% */ }
-// 24193:24205,{ /* Reduces physical and magical damage received from Holy property monsters by 2% */ }
-// 24194:24206,{ /* Reduces physical and magical damage received from Ghost property monsters by 2% */ }
-// 24195:24207,{ /* Reduces physical and magical damage received from Undead property monsters by 2% */ }
-24196:24197,{ bonus bFlee,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)>=15) bonus bSpeedAddRate,3; }
-24208:24209,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, ((getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD))>=15?10:1); }
-24210:24211,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, ((getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD))>=15?20:10); }
-24212:24213,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, ((getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD))>=15?10:5); }
-24214:24215,{ bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, ((getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD))>=15?4:2); }
-24217:24218,{ if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L)>=15) bonus bAspd,1; }
-//24223:Enhanced Force Shadow Earring:Enhanced Force Shadow Pendant,{ .@refine = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L); if(.@refine)>=25 {bonus bAtkRate,2;} else if(.@refine)>=20 {bonus bAtkRate,1;} bonus bAtkRate,1; }
-24224:24225:24226,{ .@refine = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L); if(.@refine)>=25 { bonus bAtkRate,2; } else if(.@refine)>=20 { bonus bAtkRate,1; } bonus bAtk2,10; }
-//24227:Enhanced Soul Earring:Enhanced Soul Pendant,{ .@refine = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L); if(.@refine)>=25 {bonus bMatkRate,2;} else if(.@refine)>=20 {bonus bMatkRate,1;} bonus bMatkRate,1; }
-24228:24229:24230,{ .@refine = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_WEAPON)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L); if(.@refine)>=25 { bonus bMatkRate,2; } else if(.@refine)>=20 { bonus bMatkRate,1; } bonus bMatk,10; }
-24231:24232,{ bonus bFlee,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD) >=15) { bonus bAspd,1; } }
-24234:24235,{ bonus bAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L) >=15) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,1; } }
-24236:24237,{ bonus bAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L) >=15) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,1; } }
-24238:24239,{ bonus bAtk,5; if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_R) + getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ACC_L) >=15) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,1; } }
-24240:24241:24242,{ bonus bUseSPrate,-1; .@refine = getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES); bonus bVariableCastrate,(.@refine)/5; if(.@refine)>=25 { bonus bUseSPrate,-1; } }
-24243:24244:24245,{ bonus bDelayrate,-1; if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHIELD)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR)+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHADOW_SHOES) >= 25) bonus bDelayrate,-5; }
diff --git a/db/re/item_db.conf b/db/re/item_db.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 961fa102e..000000000
--- a/db/re/item_db.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154514 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2014-2018  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//= Items Database
-item_db: (
- ************* Entry structure ********************************************
- **************************************************************************
-	// ================ Mandatory fields ==============================
-	Id: ID                        (int)
-	AegisName: "Aegis_Name"       (string)
-	Name: "Item Name"             (string)
-	// ================ Optional fields ===============================
-	Type: Item Type               (string, defaults to "IT_ETC")
-	Buy: Buy Price                (int, defaults to Sell * 2)
-	Sell: Sell Price              (int, defaults to Buy / 2)
-	Weight: Item Weight           (int, defaults to 0)
-	Atk: Attack                   (int, defaults to 0)
-	Matk: Magical Attack          (int, defaults to 0, ignored in pre-re)
-	Def: Defense                  (int, defaults to 0)
-	Range: Attack Range           (int, defaults to 0)
-	Slots: Slots                  (int, defaults to 0)
-	Job: {                        (defaults to all job)
-		All: true/false               (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Novice: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Swordsman: true/false         (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Magician: true/false          (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Archer: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Acolyte: true/false           (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Merchant: true/false          (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Thief: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Knight: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Priest: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Wizard: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Blacksmith: true/false        (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Hunter: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Assassin: true/false          (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Crusader: true/false          (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Monk: true/false              (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Sage: true/false              (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Rogue: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Alchemist: true/false         (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Bard: true/false              (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Taekwon: true/false           (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Star_Gladiator: true/false    (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Soul_Linker: true/false       (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Gunslinger: true/false        (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Ninja: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Gangsi: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Death_Knight: true/false      (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Dark_Collector: true/false    (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Kagerou: true/false           (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Rebellion: true/false         (boolean, defaults to false)
-	}
-	Job: Job mask                 (alternate format, int, defaults to all jobs = 0xFFFFFFFF)
-	Upper: Upper mask             (bitmask array, string or int, defaults to "ITEMUPPER_ALL")
-	Gender: Gender                (string, defaults to "SEX_ANY")
-	Loc: Equip location           (bitmask array, string or int, required value for equipment)
-	WeaponLv: Weapon Level        (int, defaults to 0)
-	EquipLv: Equip required level (int, defaults to 0)
-	EquipLv: [min, max]           (alternative syntax with min / max level)
-	Refine: Refineable            (boolean, defaults to true)
-	DisableOptions: true/false    (boolean, defaults to false !!for equipments only!!) [Smokexyz]
-	Subtype: Item Subtype         (int, defaults to 0)
-	ViewSprite: Sprite view ID    (int, defaults to 0)
-	BindOnEquip: true/false       (boolean, defaults to false)
-	ForceSerial: true/false       (boolean, defaults to false)
-	BuyingStore: true/false       (boolean, defaults to false)
-	Delay: Delay to use item      (int, defaults to 0)
-	KeepAfterUse: true/false      (boolean, defaults to false)
-	DropAnnounce: true/false      (boolean, defaults to false)
-	ShowDropEffect: true/false    (boolean, defaults to false)
-	DropEffectMode: Effect Type   (int, default to 0)
-	Trade: {                      (defaults to no restrictions)
-		override: GroupID             (int, defaults to 100)
-		nodrop: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-		notrade: true/false           (boolean, defaults to false)
-		nostorage: true/false         (boolean, defaults to false)
-		nocart: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-		noselltonpc: true/false       (boolean, defaults to false)
-		nomail: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-		noauction: true/false         (boolean, defaults to false)
-		nogstorage: true/false        (boolean, defaults to false)
-		partneroverride: true/false   (boolean, defaults to false)
-	}
-	Nouse: {                      (defaults to no restrictions)
-		override: GroupID             (int, defaults to 100)
-		sitting: true/false           (boolean, defaults to false)
-	}
-	Stack: [amount, type]         (int, defaults to 0)
-	Sprite: SpriteID              (int, defaults to 0)
-	Script: <"
-		Script
-		(it can be multi-line)
-	">
-	OnEquipScript: <" OnEquip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" OnUnequip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
-//== Healing Items =========================================
-	Id: 501
-	AegisName: "Red_Potion"
-	Name: "Red Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 70
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">
-	Id: 502
-	AegisName: "Orange_Potion"
-	Name: "Orange Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(105,145),0; ">
-	Id: 503
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Potion"
-	Name: "Yellow Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 550
-	Weight: 130
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(175,235),0; ">
-	Id: 504
-	AegisName: "White_Potion"
-	Name: "White Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1200
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">
-	Id: 505
-	AegisName: "Blue_Potion"
-	Name: "Blue Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(40,60); ">
-	Id: 506
-	AegisName: "Green_Potion"
-	Name: "Green Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 40
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 507
-	AegisName: "Red_Herb"
-	Name: "Red Herb"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 18
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(18,28),0; ">
-	Id: 508
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Herb"
-	Name: "Yellow Herb"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 40
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(38,58),0; ">
-	Id: 509
-	AegisName: "White_Herb"
-	Name: "White Herb"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 120
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(75,115),0; ">
-	Id: 510
-	AegisName: "Blue_Herb"
-	Name: "Blue Herb"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 60
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(15,30); ">
-	Id: 511
-	AegisName: "Green_Herb"
-	Name: "Green Herb"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_end SC_POISON; ">
-	Id: 512
-	AegisName: "Apple"
-	Name: "Apple"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(16,22),0; ">
-	Id: 513
-	AegisName: "Banana"
-	Name: "Banana"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(17,21),0; ">
-	Id: 514
-	AegisName: "Grape"
-	Name: "Grape"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(10,15); ">
-	Id: 515
-	AegisName: "Carrot"
-	Name: "Carrot"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(18,20),0; ">
-	Id: 516
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Potato"
-	Name: "Potato"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(15,23),0; ">
-	Id: 517
-	AegisName: "Meat"
-	Name: "Meat"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(70,100),0; ">
-	Id: 518
-	AegisName: "Honey"
-	Name: "Honey"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(70,100),rand(20,40); ">
-	Id: 519
-	AegisName: "Milk"
-	Name: "Milk"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 25
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(27,37),0; ">
-	Id: 520
-	AegisName: "Leaflet_Of_Hinal"
-	Name: "Hinalle Leaflet"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 150
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(175,235),0; ">
-	Id: 521
-	AegisName: "Leaflet_Of_Aloe"
-	Name: "Aloe Leaflet"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 360
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">
-	Id: 522
-	AegisName: "Fruit_Of_Mastela"
-	Name: "Mastela Fruit"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 8500
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(400,600),0; ">
-	Id: 523
-	AegisName: "Holy_Water"
-	Name: "Holy Water"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_end SC_CURSE; ">
-	Id: 525
-	AegisName: "Panacea"
-	Name: "Panacea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 526
-	AegisName: "Royal_Jelly"
-	Name: "Royal Jelly"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 7000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60);
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 528
-	AegisName: "Monsters_Feed"
-	Name: "Monster's Feed"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 60
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(72,108),0; ">
-	Id: 529
-	AegisName: "Candy"
-	Name: "Candy"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">
-	Id: 530
-	AegisName: "Candy_Striper"
-	Name: "Candy Cane"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(105,145),0; ">
-	Id: 531
-	AegisName: "Apple_Juice"
-	Name: "Apple Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(25,35),0; ">
-	Id: 532
-	AegisName: "Banana_Juice"
-	Name: "Banana Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(26,34),0; ">
-	Id: 533
-	AegisName: "Grape_Juice"
-	Name: "Grape Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 250
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(15,25); ">
-	Id: 534
-	AegisName: "Carrot_Juice"
-	Name: "Carrot Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(27,33),0; ">
-	Id: 535
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin"
-	Name: "Pumpkin"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal 19,0; ">
-	Id: 536
-	AegisName: "Ice_Cream"
-	Name: "Ice Cream"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 150
-	Weight: 80
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(105,145),0;
-		sc_start SC_FREEZE,10000,0,2500,SCFLAG_NONE;
-	">
-	Id: 537
-	AegisName: "Pet_Food"
-	Name: "Pet Food"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,90),0; ">
-	Id: 538
-	AegisName: "Well_Baked_Cookie"
-	Name: "Well-baked Cookie"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(160,200),0; ">
-	Id: 539
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Cake"
-	Name: "Piece of Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(270,330),0; ">
-	Id: 540
-	AegisName: "Falcons_Feed"
-	Name: "Falcon Food"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(185,225),0; ">
-	Id: 541
-	AegisName: "Pecopecos_Feed"
-	Name: "PecoPeco Food"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">
-	Id: 542
-	AegisName: "Festive_Cookie"
-	Name: "Festive Cookie"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">
-	Id: 543
-	AegisName: "Festive_Rainbow_Cake"
-	Name: "Festive Rainbow Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">
-	Id: 544
-	AegisName: "Fish_Slice"
-	Name: "Raw Fish"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(25,60),0; ">
-	Id: 545
-	AegisName: "Red_Slim_Potion"
-	Name: "Condensed Red Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 150
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">
-	Id: 546
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Slim_Potion"
-	Name: "Condensed Yellow Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 600
-	Weight: 30
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(175,235),0; ">
-	Id: 547
-	AegisName: "White_Slim_Potion"
-	Name: "Condensed White Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1650
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">
-	Id: 548
-	AegisName: "Cheese"
-	Name: "Cheese"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2800
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(10,15); ">
-	Id: 549
-	AegisName: "Nice_Sweet_Potato"
-	Name: "Yam"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 180
-	Weight: 80
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(50,100),0;
-		sc_start SC_STUN,3000,0,1500,SCFLAG_NONE;
-	">
-	Id: 550
-	AegisName: "Popped_Rice"
-	Name: "Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(10,15),0; ">
-	Id: 551
-	AegisName: "Shusi"
-	Name: "Sushi"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,60),0; ">
-	Id: 552
-	AegisName: "KETUPAT"
-	Name: "Ketupat"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(70,90),rand(20,30); ">
-	Id: 553
-	AegisName: "Bun"
-	Name: "Bao"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(35,70),0; ">
-	Id: 554
-	AegisName: "Mojji"
-	Name: "Mochi"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(105,145),0;
-		sc_start SC_STUN,3000,0;
-		sc_start SC_BLIND,2000,0,1500,SCFLAG_NONE;
-	">
-	Id: 555
-	AegisName: "Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "Traditional Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(105,145),0; ">
-	Id: 556
-	AegisName: "Long_Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "Rice Cake Stick"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(20,25),0; ">
-	Id: 557
-	AegisName: "Hash_Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "Neatly Sliced Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(25,30),0; ">
-	Id: 558
-	AegisName: "Chocolate"
-	Name: "Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" itemheal 1,1; ">
-	Id: 559
-	AegisName: "HandMade_Chocolate"
-	Name: "Hand-made Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 560
-	AegisName: "HandMade_Chocolate_"
-	Name: "Handmade White Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 561
-	AegisName: "White_Chocolate"
-	Name: "White Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 562
-	AegisName: "Pizza"
-	Name: "Doublecrust Swiss Fondue"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(70,100),0; ">
-	Id: 563
-	AegisName: "Pizza_01"
-	Name: "Doublecrust Swiss Fondue"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1200
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(375,445),0; ">
-	Id: 564
-	AegisName: "Rice_Ball"
-	Name: "Rice Ball"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal 200,0; ">
-	Id: 565
-	AegisName: "Vita500_Bottle"
-	Name: "Vita500"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 580
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(142,274),0; ">
-	Id: 566
-	AegisName: "Tomyumkung"
-	Name: "Tom Yum Goong"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(244,350),rand(10,30);
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 567
-	AegisName: "Prawn"
-	Name: "Shrimp"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(117,192),0; ">
-	Id: 568
-	AegisName: "Lemon"
-	Name: "Lemon"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 60
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(10,20); ">
-	Id: 569
-	AegisName: "Novice_Potion"
-	Name: "Novice Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(44,66),0; ">
-	Id: 570
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Candy"
-	Name: "Lucky Candy"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">
-	Id: 571
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Candy_Cane"
-	Name: "Lucky Candy Cane"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(105,145),0; ">
-	Id: 572
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Cookie"
-	Name: "Lucky Cookie"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(160,200),0; ">
-	Id: 573
-	AegisName: "Chocolate_Drink"
-	Name: "Chocolate Drink"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 7000
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(330,410),rand(45,65);
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 574
-	AegisName: "Egg"
-	Name: "Egg"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(33,42),0; ">
-	Id: 575
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Cake_"
-	Name: "2nd Anniversary Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(270,330),0; ">
-	Id: 576
-	AegisName: "Prickly_Fruit"
-	Name: "Prickly Fruit"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 540
-	Weight: 60
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(150,300),rand(20,30); ">
-	Id: 577
-	AegisName: "Grain"
-	Name: "Bag of Grain"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(60,70),0; ">
-	Id: 578
-	AegisName: "Strawberry"
-	Name: "Strawberry"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(16,28); ">
-	Id: 579
-	AegisName: "Delicious_Fish"
-	Name: "Fresh Fish"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 250
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(100,150),0; ">
-	Id: 580
-	AegisName: "Bread"
-	Name: "Bread"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 150
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,90),0; ">
-	Id: 581
-	AegisName: "Mushroom"
-	Name: "Edible Mushroom"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 40
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(20,30),0; ">
-	Id: 582
-	AegisName: "Orange"
-	Name: "Orange"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(10,20),rand(10,20); ">
-	Id: 583
-	AegisName: "KETUPAT_"
-	Name: "Ketupat Sayur"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 7000
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60);
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 584
-	AegisName: "Fish_Ball_Soup"
-	Name: "Fish Cake Soup"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 60
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(40,70),0; ">
-	Id: 585
-	AegisName: "Wurst"
-	Name: "Wurst"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 40
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(15,20),0; ">
-	Id: 586
-	AegisName: "Mothers_Cake"
-	Name: "Mother's Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">
-	Id: 587
-	AegisName: "Prickly_Fruit_"
-	Name: "Red Prickly Fruit"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 880
-	Weight: 60
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(270,330),rand(20,30); ">
-	Id: 588
-	AegisName: "Spaghetti"
-	Name: "Spaghetti"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(40,70),0; ">
-	Id: 589
-	AegisName: "Pizza_02"
-	Name: "Piece of Pizza"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1200
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(375,445),0; ">
-	Id: 590
-	AegisName: "Brezel_"
-	Name: "Bretzel"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,90),0; ">
-	Id: 591
-	AegisName: "Caviar_Pancake"
-	Name: "Caviar Pancake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60);
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 592
-	AegisName: "Jam_Pancake"
-	Name: "Jam Pancake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60);
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 593
-	AegisName: "Honey_Pancake"
-	Name: "Honey Pancake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60);
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 594
-	AegisName: "Sour_Cream_Pancake"
-	Name: "Sour-Cream Pancake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60);
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 595
-	AegisName: "Mushroom_Pancake"
-	Name: "Mushroom Pancake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(325,405),rand(40,60);
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLIND;
-		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ILLUSION;
-	">
-	Id: 596
-	AegisName: "Cute_Strawberry_Choco"
-	Name: "Cute Strawberry-Choco"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(1,100); ">
-	Id: 597
-	AegisName: "Lovely_Choco_Tart"
-	Name: "Lovely Choco-Tart"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(10,400),0; ">
-	Id: 598
-	AegisName: "Light_Red_Pot"
-	Name: "Light Red Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">
-	Id: 599
-	AegisName: "Light_Orange_Pot"
-	Name: "Light Orange Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(105,145),0; ">
-//== Usable Items ==========================================
-	Id: 601
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Fly"
-	Name: "Fly Wing"
-	Buy: 60
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill AL_TELEPORT,1; ">
-	Id: 602
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Butterfly"
-	Name: "Butterfly Wing"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill AL_TELEPORT,3; ">
-	Id: 603
-	AegisName: "Old_Blue_Box"
-	Name: "Old Blue Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 603,1; ">
-	Id: 604
-	AegisName: "Branch_Of_Dead_Tree"
-	Name: "Dead Branch"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1,1,""; ">
-	Id: 605
-	AegisName: "Anodyne"
-	Name: "Anodyne"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill SM_ENDURE,1; ">
-	Id: 606
-	AegisName: "Aloebera"
-	Name: "Aloevera"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill SM_SELFPROVOKE,1; ">
-	Id: 607
-	AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry"
-	Name: "Yggdrasil Berry"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Delay: 5000
-	Script: <" percentheal 100,100; ">
-	Id: 608
-	AegisName: "Seed_Of_Yggdrasil"
-	Name: "Yggdrasil Seed"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Delay: 3000
-	Script: <" percentheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 609
-	AegisName: "Amulet"
-	Name: "Amulet"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 610
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil"
-	Name: "Yggdrasil Leaf"
-	Buy: 4000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill ALL_RESURRECTION,1; ">
-	Id: 611
-	AegisName: "Spectacles"
-	Name: "Magnifier"
-	Buy: 40
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill MC_IDENTIFY,1; ">
-	Id: 612
-	AegisName: "Portable_Furnace"
-	Name: "Mini Furnace"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 150
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" produce 21; ">
-	Id: 613
-	AegisName: "Iron_Hammer"
-	Name: "Iron Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" produce 1; ">
-	Id: 614
-	AegisName: "Golden_Hammer"
-	Name: "Golden Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" produce 2; ">
-	Id: 615
-	AegisName: "Oridecon_Hammer"
-	Name: "Oridecon Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 400
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" produce 3; ">
-	Id: 616
-	AegisName: "Old_Card_Album"
-	Name: "Old Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 616,1; ">
-	Id: 617
-	AegisName: "Old_Violet_Box"
-	Name: "Old Purple Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 617,1; ">
-	Id: 618
-	AegisName: "Worn_Out_Scroll"
-	Name: "Worn Out Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 619
-	AegisName: "Unripe_Apple"
-	Name: "Unripe Apple"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet PORING; ">
-	Id: 620
-	AegisName: "Orange_Juice"
-	Name: "Orange Juice"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet DROPS; ">
-	Id: 621
-	AegisName: "Bitter_Herb"
-	Name: "Bitter Herb"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet POPORING; ">
-	Id: 622
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Carrot"
-	Name: "Rainbow Carrot"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet LUNATIC; ">
-	Id: 623
-	AegisName: "Earthworm_The_Dude"
-	Name: "Earthworm the Dude"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 4000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet PICKY; ">
-	Id: 624
-	AegisName: "Rotten_Fish"
-	Name: "Rotten Fish"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet CHONCHON; ">
-	Id: 625
-	AegisName: "Lusty_Iron"
-	Name: "Rusty Iron"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet STEEL_CHONCHON; ">
-	Id: 626
-	AegisName: "Monster_Juice"
-	Name: "Monster Juice"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet HUNTER_FLY; ">
-	Id: 627
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Milk"
-	Name: "Sweet Milk"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 7000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet SAVAGE; ">
-	Id: 628
-	AegisName: "Well_Dried_Bone"
-	Name: "Well-Dried Bone"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet DESERT_WOLF_B; ">
-	Id: 629
-	AegisName: "Singing_Flower"
-	Name: "Singing Flower"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet ROCKER; ">
-	Id: 630
-	AegisName: "Dew_Laden_Moss"
-	Name: "Dew Laden Moss"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet SPORE; ">
-	Id: 631
-	AegisName: "Deadly_Noxious_Herb"
-	Name: "Deadly Noxious Herb"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet POISON_SPORE; ">
-	Id: 632
-	AegisName: "Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm"
-	Name: "Fatty Chubby Earthworm"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet PECOPECO; ">
-	Id: 633
-	AegisName: "Baked_Yam"
-	Name: "Sweet Potato"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet SMOKIE; ">
-	Id: 634
-	AegisName: "Tropical_Banana"
-	Name: "Tropical Banana"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet YOYO; ">
-	Id: 635
-	AegisName: "Horror_Of_Tribe"
-	Name: "Orc Trophy"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet ORK_WARRIOR; ">
-	Id: 636
-	AegisName: "No_Recipient"
-	Name: "No Recipient"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet MUNAK; ">
-	Id: 637
-	AegisName: "Old_Broom"
-	Name: "Old Broom"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 350
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet DOKEBI; ">
-	Id: 638
-	AegisName: "Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste"
-	Name: "Silver Knife of Chastity"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 12000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet SOHEE; ">
-	Id: 639
-	AegisName: "Armlet_Of_Obedience"
-	Name: "Armlet of Obedience"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 18000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet ISIS; ">
-	Id: 640
-	AegisName: "Shining_Stone"
-	Name: "Shining Stone"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet PETIT; ">
-	Id: 641
-	AegisName: "Contracts_In_Shadow"
-	Name: "Contract in Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet DEVIRUCHI; ">
-	Id: 642
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Devil"
-	Name: "Book of the Devil"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1800
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet BAPHOMET_; ">
-	Id: 643
-	AegisName: "Pet_Incubator"
-	Name: "Pet Incubator"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" bpet; ">
-	Id: 644
-	AegisName: "Gift_Box"
-	Name: "Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 644,1; ">
-	Id: 645
-	AegisName: "Center_Potion"
-	Name: "Concentration Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1,1800000,4; ">
-	Id: 656
-	AegisName: "Awakening_Potion"
-	Name: "Awakening Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 150
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Gangsi: true
-		Death_Knight: true
-		Dark_Collector: true
-		Kagerou: true
-		Rebellion: true
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION2,1800000,6; ">
-	Id: 657
-	AegisName: "Berserk_Potion"
-	Name: "Berserk Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 85
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION3,1800000,9; ">
-	Id: 658
-	AegisName: "Union_Of_Tribe"
-	Name: "Tribal Solidarity"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" guildgetexp rand(600000,1200000); ">
-	Id: 659
-	AegisName: "Heart_Of_Her"
-	Name: "Her Heart"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet BONGUN; ">
-	Id: 660
-	AegisName: "Prohibition_Red_Candle"
-	Name: "Forbidden Red Candle"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet ZHERLTHSH; ">
-	Id: 661
-	AegisName: "Sway_Apron"
-	Name: "Soft Apron"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet ALICE; ">
-	Id: 662
-	AegisName: "Inspector_Certificate"
-	Name: "Authoritative Badge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1450
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_HORSE, 180000, 25; ">
-	Id: 663
-	AegisName: "Korea_Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "Korean Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" percentheal 10,0; ">
-	Id: 664
-	AegisName: "Gift_Box_1"
-	Name: "Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 664,1; ">
-	Id: 665
-	AegisName: "Gift_Box_2"
-	Name: "Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 665,1; ">
-	Id: 666
-	AegisName: "Gift_Box_3"
-	Name: "Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 666,1; ">
-	Id: 667
-	AegisName: "Gift_Box_4"
-	Name: "Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 667,1; ">
-	Id: 668
-	AegisName: "Handsei"
-	Name: "New Year's Red Envelope"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" Zeny += rand(1000,10000); ">
-	Id: 669
-	AegisName: "Rice_Cake_Soup"
-	Name: "Tempting Rice-Cake Soup"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" percentheal -100,-100; ">
-	Id: 670
-	AegisName: "Gold_Coin_Moneybag"
-	Name: "Bag of Gold Coins"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 400
-	Id: 671
-	AegisName: "Gold_Coin"
-	Name: "Gold Roulette Coin"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" TmpRouletteGold += 1; ">
-	Id: 672
-	AegisName: "Copper_Coin_Moneybag"
-	Name: "Bag of Bronze Coins"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 400
-	Id: 673
-	AegisName: "Copper_Coin"
-	Name: "UGC Token"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 40
-	Id: 674
-	AegisName: "Mithril_Coin"
-	Name: "Mithril Coin"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 40
-	Id: 675
-	AegisName: "Silver_Coin"
-	Name: "Silver Roulette Coin"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" TmpRouletteSilver += 1; ">
-	Id: 676
-	AegisName: "Silver_Coin_Moneybag"
-	Name: "Bag of Silver Coins"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 400
-	Id: 677
-	AegisName: "White_Gold_Coin"
-	Name: "Platinum Coin"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 40
-	Id: 678
-	AegisName: "Poison_Bottle"
-	Name: "Poison Bottle"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		if (Class == Job_Assassin_Cross || Class == Job_Guillotine_Cross || Class == Job_Guillotine_Cross_T) {
-			sc_start SC_DPOISON, 60000, 0;
-			sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_INFINITY, 60000, 9;
-		} else {
-			percentheal -100, -100;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 679
-	AegisName: "Gold_Pill"
-	Name: "Pilule"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" percentheal 50, 50; ">
-	Id: 680
-	AegisName: "Magical_Carnation"
-	Name: "Magic Carnation"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Script: <" percentheal 0,20; ">
-	Id: 681
-	AegisName: "Memory_Of_Wedding"
-	Name: "Sweet Memory of Marriage"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" if (getpartnerid()) sc_start SC_WEDDING,600000,0; ">
-	Id: 682
-	AegisName: "Realgar_Wine"
-	Name: "Distilled Fighting Spirit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 60000, 30; ">
-	Id: 683
-	AegisName: "Exorcize_Herb"
-	Name: "Herb of Incantation"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 60000, 30; ">
-	Id: 684
-	AegisName: "Durian"
-	Name: "Durian"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 60000, 10;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 60000, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 685
-	AegisName: "RAMADAN"
-	Name: "Ramadan"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 300
-	Script: <" percentheal 100,50; ">
-	Id: 686
-	AegisName: "Earth_Scroll_1_3"
-	Name: "Level 3 Earth Spike"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill WZ_EARTHSPIKE,3; ">
-	Id: 687
-	AegisName: "Earth_Scroll_1_5"
-	Name: "Level 5 Earth Spike"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill WZ_EARTHSPIKE,5; ">
-	Id: 688
-	AegisName: "Cold_Scroll_1_3"
-	Name: "Level 3 Cold Bolt"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_COLDBOLT,3; ">
-	Id: 689
-	AegisName: "Cold_Scroll_1_5"
-	Name: "Level 5 Cold Bolt"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_COLDBOLT,5; ">
-	Id: 690
-	AegisName: "Fire_Scroll_1_3"
-	Name: "Level 3 Fire Bolt"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_FIREBOLT,3; ">
-	Id: 691
-	AegisName: "Fire_Scroll_1_5"
-	Name: "Level 5 Fire Bolt"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_FIREBOLT,5; ">
-	Id: 692
-	AegisName: "Wind_Scroll_1_3"
-	Name: "Level 3 Lightening Bolt"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,3; ">
-	Id: 693
-	AegisName: "Wind_Scroll_1_5"
-	Name: "Level 5 Lightening Bolt"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,5; ">
-	Id: 694
-	AegisName: "Ghost_Scroll_1_3"
-	Name: "Level 3 Soul Strike"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_SOULSTRIKE,3; ">
-	Id: 695
-	AegisName: "Ghost_Scroll_1_5"
-	Name: "Level 5 Soul Strike"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_SOULSTRIKE,5; ">
-	Id: 696
-	AegisName: "Fire_Scroll_2_1"
-	Name: "Level 1 Fire Ball"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_FIREBALL,1; ">
-	Id: 697
-	AegisName: "Fire_Scroll_2_5"
-	Name: "Level 5 Fire Ball"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_FIREBALL,5; ">
-	Id: 698
-	AegisName: "Fire_Scroll_3_1"
-	Name: "Level 1 Fire Wall"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_FIREWALL,1; ">
-	Id: 699
-	AegisName: "Fire_Scroll_3_5"
-	Name: "Level 5 Fire Wall"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_FIREWALL,5; ">
-	Id: 700
-	AegisName: "Cold_Scroll_2_1"
-	Name: "Level 1 Frost Diver"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_FROSTDIVER,1; ">
-//== Etc Items =============================================
-	Id: 701
-	AegisName: "Ora_Ora"
-	Name: "Ora Ora"
-	Buy: 55000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 702
-	AegisName: "Animal_Blood"
-	Name: "Animal Gore"
-	Buy: 450
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 703
-	AegisName: "Hinalle"
-	Name: "Hinalle"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 704
-	AegisName: "Aloe"
-	Name: "Aloe"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 705
-	AegisName: "Clover"
-	Name: "Clover"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 706
-	AegisName: "Four_Leaf_Clover"
-	Name: "Four Leaf Clover"
-	Buy: 80000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 707
-	AegisName: "Singing_Plant"
-	Name: "Singing Plant"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 708
-	AegisName: "Ment"
-	Name: "Ment"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 709
-	AegisName: "Izidor"
-	Name: "Izidor"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 710
-	AegisName: "Illusion_Flower"
-	Name: "Illusion Flower"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 711
-	AegisName: "Shoot"
-	Name: "Shoot"
-	Buy: 16
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 712
-	AegisName: "Flower"
-	Name: "Flower"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 713
-	AegisName: "Empty_Bottle"
-	Name: "Empty Bottle"
-	Buy: 6
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 714
-	AegisName: "Emperium"
-	Name: "Emperium"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 715
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Gemstone"
-	Name: "Yellow Gemstone"
-	Buy: 600
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 716
-	AegisName: "Red_Gemstone"
-	Name: "Red Gemstone"
-	Buy: 600
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 717
-	AegisName: "Blue_Gemstone"
-	Name: "Blue Gemstone"
-	Buy: 600
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 718
-	AegisName: "Dark_Red_Jewel"
-	Name: "Garnet"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 719
-	AegisName: "Violet_Jewel"
-	Name: "Amethyst"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 720
-	AegisName: "Skyblue_Jewel"
-	Name: "Aquamarine"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 721
-	AegisName: "Azure_Jewel"
-	Name: "Emerald"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 722
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Jewel"
-	Name: "Pearl"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 723
-	AegisName: "Cardinal_Jewel"
-	Name: "Ruby"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 724
-	AegisName: "Cardinal_Jewel_"
-	Name: "Cursed Ruby"
-	Buy: 600
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 725
-	AegisName: "Red_Jewel"
-	Name: "Sardonyx"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 726
-	AegisName: "Blue_Jewel"
-	Name: "Sapphire"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 727
-	AegisName: "White_Jewel"
-	Name: "Opal"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 728
-	AegisName: "Golden_Jewel"
-	Name: "Topaz"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 729
-	AegisName: "Bluish_Green_Jewel"
-	Name: "Zircon"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 730
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Jewel"
-	Name: "1carat Diamond"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 731
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Jewel_"
-	Name: "2carat Diamond"
-	Buy: 25000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 732
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Jewel__"
-	Name: "3carat Diamond"
-	Buy: 55000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 733
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Jewel___"
-	Name: "Cracked Diamond"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 734
-	AegisName: "Red_Frame"
-	Name: "Red Frame"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 735
-	AegisName: "Blue_Porcelain"
-	Name: "Chung Jah"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 736
-	AegisName: "White_Platter"
-	Name: "China"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 737
-	AegisName: "Black_Ladle"
-	Name: "Black Ladle"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 738
-	AegisName: "Pencil_Case"
-	Name: "Pencil Case"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 739
-	AegisName: "Rouge"
-	Name: "Rouge"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 740
-	AegisName: "Stuffed_Doll"
-	Name: "Puppet"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 741
-	AegisName: "Poring_Doll"
-	Name: "Poring Doll"
-	Buy: 1800
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 742
-	AegisName: "Chonchon_Doll"
-	Name: "Chonchon Doll"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 743
-	AegisName: "Spore_Doll"
-	Name: "Spore Doll"
-	Buy: 5500
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 744
-	AegisName: "Bunch_Of_Flowers"
-	Name: "Bouquet"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Id: 745
-	AegisName: "Wedding_Bouquet"
-	Name: "Wedding Bouquet"
-	Buy: 12000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Id: 746
-	AegisName: "Glass_Bead"
-	Name: "Glass Bead"
-	Buy: 1400
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 747
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Mirror"
-	Name: "Crystal Mirror"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 748
-	AegisName: "Witherless_Rose"
-	Name: "Witherless Rose"
-	Buy: 55000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 749
-	AegisName: "Frozen_Rose"
-	Name: "Frozen Rose"
-	Buy: 35000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 750
-	AegisName: "Baphomet_Doll"
-	Name: "Baphomet Doll"
-	Buy: 18000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 751
-	AegisName: "Osiris_Doll"
-	Name: "Osiris Doll"
-	Buy: 14000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 752
-	AegisName: "Grasshopper_Doll"
-	Name: "Rocker Doll"
-	Buy: 4000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 753
-	AegisName: "Monkey_Doll"
-	Name: "Yoyo Doll"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 754
-	AegisName: "Raccoondog_Doll"
-	Name: "Racoon Doll"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 756
-	AegisName: "Oridecon_Stone"
-	Name: "Rough Oridecon"
-	Buy: 550
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 757
-	AegisName: "Elunium_Stone"
-	Name: "Rough Elunium"
-	Buy: 650
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 901
-	AegisName: "Danggie"
-	Name: "Daenggie"
-	Buy: 260
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 902
-	AegisName: "Tree_Root"
-	Name: "Tree Root"
-	Buy: 12
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 903
-	AegisName: "Reptile_Tongue"
-	Name: "Reptile Tongue"
-	Buy: 140
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 904
-	AegisName: "Scorpions_Tail"
-	Name: "Scorpion Tail"
-	Buy: 124
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 905
-	AegisName: "Stem"
-	Name: "Stem"
-	Buy: 46
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 906
-	AegisName: "Pointed_Scale"
-	Name: "Pointed Scale"
-	Buy: 68
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 907
-	AegisName: "Resin"
-	Name: "Resin"
-	Buy: 120
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 908
-	AegisName: "Spawn"
-	Name: "Spawn"
-	Buy: 140
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 909
-	AegisName: "Jellopy"
-	Name: "Jellopy"
-	Buy: 6
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 910
-	AegisName: "Garlet"
-	Name: "Garlet"
-	Buy: 40
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 911
-	AegisName: "Scell"
-	Name: "Scell"
-	Buy: 160
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 912
-	AegisName: "Zargon"
-	Name: "Zargon"
-	Buy: 480
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 913
-	AegisName: "Tooth_Of_Bat"
-	Name: "Tooth of Bat"
-	Buy: 34
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 914
-	AegisName: "Fluff"
-	Name: "Fluff"
-	Buy: 8
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 915
-	AegisName: "Chrysalis"
-	Name: "Chrysalis"
-	Buy: 8
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 916
-	AegisName: "Feather_Of_Birds"
-	Name: "Feather of Birds"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 917
-	AegisName: "Talon"
-	Name: "Talon"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 918
-	AegisName: "Sticky_Webfoot"
-	Name: "Sticky Webfoot"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 919
-	AegisName: "Animals_Skin"
-	Name: "Animal Skin"
-	Buy: 36
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 920
-	AegisName: "Claw_Of_Wolves"
-	Name: "Wolf Claw"
-	Buy: 58
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 921
-	AegisName: "Mushroom_Spore"
-	Name: "Mushroom Spore"
-	Buy: 36
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 922
-	AegisName: "Orcish_Cuspid"
-	Name: "Orc's Fang"
-	Buy: 220
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 923
-	AegisName: "Evil_Horn"
-	Name: "Evil Horn"
-	Buy: 1200
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 924
-	AegisName: "Powder_Of_Butterfly"
-	Name: "Powder of Butterfly"
-	Buy: 90
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 925
-	AegisName: "Bill_Of_Birds"
-	Name: "Bill of Birds"
-	Buy: 64
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 926
-	AegisName: "Scale_Of_Snakes"
-	Name: "Snake Scale"
-	Buy: 82
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 928
-	AegisName: "Insect_Feeler"
-	Name: "Insect Feeler"
-	Buy: 114
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 929
-	AegisName: "Immortal_Heart"
-	Name: "Immortal Heart"
-	Buy: 374
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 930
-	AegisName: "Rotten_Bandage"
-	Name: "Rotten Bandage"
-	Buy: 350
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 931
-	AegisName: "Orcish_Voucher"
-	Name: "Orcish Voucher"
-	Buy: 142
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 932
-	AegisName: "Skel_Bone"
-	Name: "Skel-Bone"
-	Buy: 232
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 934
-	AegisName: "Mementos"
-	Name: "Memento"
-	Buy: 600
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 935
-	AegisName: "Shell"
-	Name: "Shell"
-	Buy: 14
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 936
-	AegisName: "Scales_Shell"
-	Name: "Scale Shell"
-	Buy: 466
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 937
-	AegisName: "Posionous_Canine"
-	Name: "Venom Canine"
-	Buy: 148
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 938
-	AegisName: "Sticky_Mucus"
-	Name: "Sticky Mucus"
-	Buy: 70
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 939
-	AegisName: "Bee_Sting"
-	Name: "Bee Sting"
-	Buy: 32
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 940
-	AegisName: "Grasshoppers_Leg"
-	Name: "Grasshopper's Leg"
-	Buy: 36
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 941
-	AegisName: "Nose_Ring"
-	Name: "Nose Ring"
-	Buy: 568
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 942
-	AegisName: "Yoyo_Tail"
-	Name: "Yoyo Tail"
-	Buy: 114
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 943
-	AegisName: "Solid_Shell"
-	Name: "Solid Shell"
-	Buy: 448
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 944
-	AegisName: "Horseshoe"
-	Name: "Horseshoe"
-	Buy: 588
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 945
-	AegisName: "Raccoon_Leaf"
-	Name: "Raccoon Leaf"
-	Buy: 106
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 946
-	AegisName: "Snails_Shell"
-	Name: "Snail's Shell"
-	Buy: 64
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 947
-	AegisName: "Horn"
-	Name: "Horn"
-	Buy: 116
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 948
-	AegisName: "Bears_Foot"
-	Name: "Bear's Footskin"
-	Buy: 174
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 949
-	AegisName: "Feather"
-	Name: "Feather"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 950
-	AegisName: "Heart_Of_Mermaid"
-	Name: "Heart of Mermaid"
-	Buy: 264
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 951
-	AegisName: "Fin"
-	Name: "Fin"
-	Buy: 412
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 952
-	AegisName: "Cactus_Needle"
-	Name: "Cactus Needle"
-	Buy: 82
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 953
-	AegisName: "Stone_Heart"
-	Name: "Stone Heart"
-	Buy: 184
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 954
-	AegisName: "Shining_Scales"
-	Name: "Shining Scale"
-	Buy: 466
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 955
-	AegisName: "Worm_Peelings"
-	Name: "Worm Peeling"
-	Buy: 52
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 956
-	AegisName: "Gill"
-	Name: "Gill"
-	Buy: 342
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 957
-	AegisName: "Decayed_Nail"
-	Name: "Decayed Nail"
-	Buy: 82
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 958
-	AegisName: "Horrendous_Mouth"
-	Name: "Horrendous Mouth"
-	Buy: 390
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 959
-	AegisName: "Rotten_Scale"
-	Name: "Stinky Scale"
-	Buy: 168
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 960
-	AegisName: "Nipper"
-	Name: "Nipper"
-	Buy: 114
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 961
-	AegisName: "Conch"
-	Name: "Conch"
-	Buy: 158
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 962
-	AegisName: "Tentacle"
-	Name: "Tentacle"
-	Buy: 70
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 963
-	AegisName: "Sharp_Scale"
-	Name: "Sharp Scale"
-	Buy: 250
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 964
-	AegisName: "Crap_Shell"
-	Name: "Crab Shell"
-	Buy: 90
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 965
-	AegisName: "Clam_Shell"
-	Name: "Clam Shell"
-	Buy: 56
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 966
-	AegisName: "Flesh_Of_Clam"
-	Name: "Clam Flesh"
-	Buy: 158
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 967
-	AegisName: "Turtle_Shell"
-	Name: "Turtle Shell"
-	Buy: 680
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 968
-	AegisName: "Voucher_Of_Orcish_Hero"
-	Name: "Heroic Emblem"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 969
-	AegisName: "Gold"
-	Name: "Gold"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 970
-	AegisName: "Alchol"
-	Name: "Alcohol"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 30
-	Id: 971
-	AegisName: "Detrimindexta"
-	Name: "Detrimindexta"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 972
-	AegisName: "Karvodailnirol"
-	Name: "Karvodailnirol"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 973
-	AegisName: "Counteragent"
-	Name: "Counteragent"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 974
-	AegisName: "Mixture"
-	Name: "Mixture"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 975
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Dyestuffs"
-	Name: "Scarlet Dyestuffs"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 976
-	AegisName: "Lemon_Dyestuffs"
-	Name: "Lemon Dyestuffs"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 978
-	AegisName: "Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs"
-	Name: "Cobaltblue Dyestuffs"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 979
-	AegisName: "Darkgreen_Dyestuffs"
-	Name: "Darkgreen Dyestuffs"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 980
-	AegisName: "Orange_Dyestuffs"
-	Name: "Orange Dyestuffs"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 981
-	AegisName: "Violet_Dyestuffs"
-	Name: "Violet Dyestuffs"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 982
-	AegisName: "White_Dyestuffs"
-	Name: "White Dyestuffs"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 983
-	AegisName: "Black_Dyestuffs"
-	Name: "Black Dyestuffs"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 984
-	AegisName: "Oridecon"
-	Name: "Oridecon"
-	Buy: 1100
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 985
-	AegisName: "Elunium"
-	Name: "Elunium"
-	Buy: 1100
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 986
-	AegisName: "Anvil"
-	Name: "Anvil"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 987
-	AegisName: "Oridecon_Anvil"
-	Name: "Oridecon Anvil"
-	Buy: 120000
-	Weight: 700
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 988
-	AegisName: "Golden_Anvil"
-	Name: "Golden Anvil"
-	Buy: 300000
-	Weight: 900
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 989
-	AegisName: "Emperium_Anvil"
-	Name: "Emperium Anvil"
-	Buy: 600000
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 990
-	AegisName: "Boody_Red"
-	Name: "Red Blood"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 991
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Blue"
-	Name: "Crystal Blue"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 992
-	AegisName: "Wind_Of_Verdure"
-	Name: "Wind of Verdure"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 993
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Live"
-	Name: "Green Live"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 994
-	AegisName: "Flame_Heart"
-	Name: "Flame Heart"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 995
-	AegisName: "Mistic_Frozen"
-	Name: "Mystic Frozen"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 996
-	AegisName: "Rough_Wind"
-	Name: "Rough Wind"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 997
-	AegisName: "Great_Nature"
-	Name: "Great Nature"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 998
-	AegisName: "Iron"
-	Name: "Iron"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 999
-	AegisName: "Steel"
-	Name: "Steel"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1000
-	AegisName: "Star_Crumb"
-	Name: "Star Crumb"
-	Buy: 4500
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1001
-	AegisName: "Sparkling_Dust"
-	Name: "Star Dust"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1002
-	AegisName: "Iron_Ore"
-	Name: "Iron Ore"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1003
-	AegisName: "Coal"
-	Name: "Coal"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1004
-	AegisName: "Patriotism_Marks"
-	Name: "Chivalry Emblem"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1005
-	AegisName: "Hammer_Of_Blacksmith"
-	Name: "Hammer of Blacksmith"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 800
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1006
-	AegisName: "Old_Magic_Book"
-	Name: "Old Magicbook"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1007
-	AegisName: "Penetration"
-	Name: "Necklace of Wisdom"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1008
-	AegisName: "Frozen_Heart"
-	Name: "Necklace of Oblivion"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1009
-	AegisName: "Sacred_Marks"
-	Name: "Hand of God"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1010
-	AegisName: "Phracon"
-	Name: "Phracon"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1011
-	AegisName: "Emveretarcon"
-	Name: "Emveretarcon"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1012
-	AegisName: "Lizard_Scruff"
-	Name: "Frill"
-	Buy: 250
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1013
-	AegisName: "Colorful_Shell"
-	Name: "Rainbow Shell"
-	Buy: 90
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1014
-	AegisName: "Jaws_Of_Ant"
-	Name: "Ant Jaw"
-	Buy: 232
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1015
-	AegisName: "Thin_N_Long_Tongue"
-	Name: "Tongue"
-	Buy: 528
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1016
-	AegisName: "Rat_Tail"
-	Name: "Rat Tail"
-	Buy: 52
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1017
-	AegisName: "Moustache_Of_Mole"
-	Name: "Mole Whiskers"
-	Buy: 106
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1018
-	AegisName: "Nail_Of_Mole"
-	Name: "Mole Claw"
-	Buy: 210
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1019
-	AegisName: "Wooden_Block"
-	Name: "Trunk"
-	Buy: 60
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1020
-	AegisName: "Long_Hair"
-	Name: "Black Hair"
-	Buy: 292
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1021
-	AegisName: "Dokkaebi_Horn"
-	Name: "Dokebi Horn"
-	Buy: 292
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1022
-	AegisName: "Fox_Tail"
-	Name: "Nine Tails"
-	Buy: 650
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1023
-	AegisName: "Fish_Tail"
-	Name: "Fish Tail"
-	Buy: 196
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1024
-	AegisName: "Chinese_Ink"
-	Name: "Squid Ink"
-	Buy: 264
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1025
-	AegisName: "Spiderweb"
-	Name: "Cobweb"
-	Buy: 184
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1026
-	AegisName: "Acorn"
-	Name: "Acorn"
-	Buy: 98
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1027
-	AegisName: "Porcupine_Spike"
-	Name: "Porcupine Quill"
-	Buy: 158
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1028
-	AegisName: "Wild_Boars_Mane"
-	Name: "Mane"
-	Buy: 196
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1029
-	AegisName: "Tigers_Skin"
-	Name: "Tiger Skin"
-	Buy: 548
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1030
-	AegisName: "Tiger_Footskin"
-	Name: "Tiger's Footskin"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1031
-	AegisName: "Limb_Of_Mantis"
-	Name: "Mantis Scythe"
-	Buy: 196
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1032
-	AegisName: "Blossom_Of_Maneater"
-	Name: "Maneater Blossom"
-	Buy: 196
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1033
-	AegisName: "Root_Of_Maneater"
-	Name: "Maneater Root"
-	Buy: 208
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1034
-	AegisName: "Cobold_Hair"
-	Name: "Blue Hair"
-	Buy: 342
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1035
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Canine"
-	Name: "Dragon Canine"
-	Buy: 484
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1036
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Scale"
-	Name: "Dragon Scale"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1037
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Train"
-	Name: "Dragon Tail"
-	Buy: 1200
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1038
-	AegisName: "Petite_DiablOfs_Horn"
-	Name: "Little Evil Horn"
-	Buy: 528
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1039
-	AegisName: "Petite_DiablOfs_Wing"
-	Name: "Little Evil Wing"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1040
-	AegisName: "Elder_Pixies_Beard"
-	Name: "Elder Pixie's Moustache"
-	Buy: 232
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1041
-	AegisName: "Lantern"
-	Name: "Lantern"
-	Buy: 250
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1042
-	AegisName: "Short_Leg"
-	Name: "Bug Leg"
-	Buy: 430
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1043
-	AegisName: "Nail_Of_Orc"
-	Name: "Orc Claw"
-	Buy: 168
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1044
-	AegisName: "Tooth_Of_"
-	Name: "Zenorc's Fang"
-	Buy: 264
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1045
-	AegisName: "Sacred_Masque"
-	Name: "Cultish Masque"
-	Buy: 412
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1046
-	AegisName: "Tweezer"
-	Name: "Scorpion Nipper"
-	Buy: 614
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1047
-	AegisName: "Head_Of_Medusa"
-	Name: "Dead Medusa"
-	Buy: 548
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1048
-	AegisName: "Slender_Snake"
-	Name: "Horrendous Hair"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1049
-	AegisName: "Skirt_Of_Virgin"
-	Name: "Skirt of Virgin"
-	Buy: 1700
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1050
-	AegisName: "Tendon"
-	Name: "Tendon"
-	Buy: 220
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1051
-	AegisName: "Detonator"
-	Name: "Detonator"
-	Buy: 450
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1052
-	AegisName: "Single_Cell"
-	Name: "Single Cell"
-	Buy: 46
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1053
-	AegisName: "Tooth_Of_Ancient_Fish"
-	Name: "Ancient Tooth"
-	Buy: 548
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1054
-	AegisName: "Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish"
-	Name: "Ancient Lips"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1055
-	AegisName: "Earthworm_Peeling"
-	Name: "Earthworm Peeling"
-	Buy: 196
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1056
-	AegisName: "Grit"
-	Name: "Grit"
-	Buy: 306
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1057
-	AegisName: "Moth_Dust"
-	Name: "Moth Dust"
-	Buy: 138
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1058
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Moth"
-	Name: "Moth Wings"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1059
-	AegisName: "Transparent_Cloth"
-	Name: "Fabric"
-	Buy: 306
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1060
-	AegisName: "Golden_Hair"
-	Name: "Golden Hair"
-	Buy: 430
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1061
-	AegisName: "Starsand_Of_Witch"
-	Name: "Witch Starsand"
-	Buy: 484
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1062
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Head"
-	Name: "Jack o' Pumpkin"
-	Buy: 374
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1063
-	AegisName: "Sharpened_Cuspid"
-	Name: "Fang"
-	Buy: 680
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1064
-	AegisName: "Reins"
-	Name: "Reins"
-	Buy: 802
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1065
-	AegisName: "Booby_Trap"
-	Name: "Trap"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1066
-	AegisName: "Tree_Of_Archer_1"
-	Name: "Fine-grained Trunk"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1067
-	AegisName: "Tree_Of_Archer_2"
-	Name: "Solid Trunk"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1068
-	AegisName: "Tree_Of_Archer_3"
-	Name: "Barren Trunk"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1069
-	AegisName: "Mushroom_Of_Thief_1"
-	Name: "Orange Net Mushroom"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1070
-	AegisName: "Mushroom_Of_Thief_2"
-	Name: "Orange Gooey Mushroom"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1071
-	AegisName: "Mage_Test_1"
-	Name: "Unknown Test Tube"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1072
-	AegisName: "Delivery_Message"
-	Name: "Delivery Message"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1073
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Voucher_1"
-	Name: "Voucher"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1074
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Voucher_2"
-	Name: "Voucher"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1075
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Voucher_3"
-	Name: "Voucher"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1076
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Voucher_4"
-	Name: "Voucher"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1077
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Voucher_5"
-	Name: "Voucher"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1078
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Voucher_6"
-	Name: "Voucher"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1079
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Voucher_7"
-	Name: "Voucher"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1080
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Voucher_8"
-	Name: "Voucher"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1081
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Box_1"
-	Name: "Delivery Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1082
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Box_2"
-	Name: "Delivery Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1083
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Box_3"
-	Name: "Delivery Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1084
-	AegisName: "Kapras_Pass"
-	Name: "Kafra Pass"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1085
-	AegisName: "Mage_Test_2"
-	Name: "Unknown Test Tube"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1086
-	AegisName: "Mage_Test_3"
-	Name: "Unknown Test Tube"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1087
-	AegisName: "Mage_Test_4"
-	Name: "Unknown Test Tube"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1088
-	AegisName: "Morocc_Potion"
-	Name: "Morroc Solution"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1089
-	AegisName: "Payon_Potion"
-	Name: "Payon Solution"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1090
-	AegisName: "Mage_Test_Etc"
-	Name: "Unknown Test Tube"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1091
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Box_Etc"
-	Name: "Delivery Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 1092
-	AegisName: "Empty_Cylinder"
-	Name: "Empty Test Tube"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1093
-	AegisName: "Empty_Potion"
-	Name: "Empty Potion Bottle"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1094
-	AegisName: "Short_Daenggie"
-	Name: "Short Daenggie"
-	Buy: 278
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1095
-	AegisName: "Needle_Of_Alarm"
-	Name: "Needle of Alarm"
-	Buy: 546
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1096
-	AegisName: "Round_Shell"
-	Name: "Round Shell"
-	Buy: 780
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1097
-	AegisName: "Worn_Out_Page"
-	Name: "Worn Out Page"
-	Buy: 948
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1098
-	AegisName: "Manacles"
-	Name: "Manacles"
-	Buy: 658
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 1099
-	AegisName: "Worn_Out_Prison_Uniform"
-	Name: "Worn-out Prison Uniform"
-	Buy: 680
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-//== One-Handed Swords =====================================
-	Id: 1101
-	AegisName: "Sword"
-	Name: "Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 25
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1102
-	AegisName: "Sword_"
-	Name: "Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 25
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1103
-	AegisName: "Sword__"
-	Name: "Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 25
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1104
-	AegisName: "Falchion"
-	Name: "Falchion"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 39
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1105
-	AegisName: "Falchion_"
-	Name: "Falchion"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 39
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1106
-	AegisName: "Falchion__"
-	Name: "Falchion"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 39
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1107
-	AegisName: "Blade"
-	Name: "Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2900
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 53
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1108
-	AegisName: "Blade_"
-	Name: "Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2900
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 53
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1109
-	AegisName: "Blade__"
-	Name: "Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2900
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 53
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1110
-	AegisName: "Lapier"
-	Name: "Rapier"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1111
-	AegisName: "Lapier_"
-	Name: "Rapier"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1112
-	AegisName: "Lapier__"
-	Name: "Rapier"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1113
-	AegisName: "Scimiter"
-	Name: "Scimiter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 17000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1114
-	AegisName: "Scimiter_"
-	Name: "Scimiter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 17000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1115
-	AegisName: "Scimiter__"
-	Name: "Scimiter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 17000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1116
-	AegisName: "Katana"
-	Name: "Katana"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1117
-	AegisName: "Katana_"
-	Name: "Katana"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1118
-	AegisName: "Katana__"
-	Name: "Katana"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1119
-	AegisName: "Tsurugi"
-	Name: "Tsurugi"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 51000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1120
-	AegisName: "Tsurugi_"
-	Name: "Tsurugi"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 51000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1121
-	AegisName: "Tsurugi__"
-	Name: "Tsurugi"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 51000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1122
-	AegisName: "Ring_Pommel_Saber"
-	Name: "Ring Pommel Saber"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 24000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1123
-	AegisName: "Haedonggum"
-	Name: "Haedonggum"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 1124
-	AegisName: "Orcish_Sword"
-	Name: "Orcish Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 5
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 1125
-	AegisName: "Ring_Pommel_Saber_"
-	Name: "Ring Pommel Saber"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 24000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1126
-	AegisName: "Saber"
-	Name: "Saber"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 49000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1127
-	AegisName: "Saber_"
-	Name: "Saber"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 49000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1128
-	AegisName: "Hae_Dong_Gum_"
-	Name: "Haedonggum"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 1129
-	AegisName: "Flamberge"
-	Name: "Flamberge"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1130
-	AegisName: "Nagan"
-	Name: "Nagan"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_DOUBLE,5;
-		bonus bDoubleRate,25;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1131
-	AegisName: "Ice_Falchon"
-	Name: "Ice Falchion"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,500;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Freeze,10;
-		skill MG_COLDBOLT,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_COLDBOLT,3,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1132
-	AegisName: "Edge"
-	Name: "Edge"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,30;
-		bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_NonBoss,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1133
-	AegisName: "Fire_Brand"
-	Name: "Fireblend"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		skill MG_FIREBOLT,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBOLT,3,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1134
-	AegisName: "Scissores_Sword"
-	Name: "Caesar's Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,25;
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Plant;
-	">
-	Id: 1135
-	AegisName: "Cutlas"
-	Name: "Cutlus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		skill SM_BASH,5;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1136
-	AegisName: "Solar_Sword"
-	Name: "Solar Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,1000,1;
-		bonus2 bSPLossRate,15,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 1137
-	AegisName: "Excalibur"
-	Name: "Excalibur"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bLuk,10;
-		bonus bDex,-1;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-	">
-	Id: 1138
-	AegisName: "Mysteltainn_"
-	Name: "Mysteltainn"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Ghost,15;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_STONECURSE,3,100;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stone,10;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-	">
-	Id: 1139
-	AegisName: "Tale_Fing_"
-	Name: "Tirfing"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,35,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 1140
-	AegisName: "Byeorrun_Gum"
-	Name: "Byeollungum"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonBoss,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,50;
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1141
-	AegisName: "Immaterial_Sword"
-	Name: "Immaterial Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Ghost;
-		bonus2 bSPVanishRate, 30, 30;
-		bonus bSPDrainValue, -1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 1142
-	AegisName: "Jewel_Sword"
-	Name: "Jeweled Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 104
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 68
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAddMonsterDropChainItem,ITMCHAIN_GEM; ">
-	Id: 1143
-	AegisName: "Gaia_Sword"
-	Name: "Gaia Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 74
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAddMonsterDropChainItem,ITMCHAIN_ORE; ">
-	Id: 1144
-	AegisName: "Sasimi"
-	Name: "Sashimi"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 75
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,544,RC_Fish,4000;
-	">
-	Id: 1145
-	AegisName: "Holy_Avenger"
-	Name: "Holy Avenger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 450000
-	Weight: 1350
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1146
-	AegisName: "Town_Sword"
-	Name: "Town Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 42000
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1147
-	AegisName: "Town_Sword_"
-	Name: "Town Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 42000
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 1148
-	AegisName: "Star_Dust_Blade"
-	Name: "Star Dust Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1149
-	AegisName: "Flamberge_"
-	Name: "Flamberge"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-//== Two-Handed Swords =====================================
-	Id: 1151
-	AegisName: "Slayer"
-	Name: "Slayer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1152
-	AegisName: "Slayer_"
-	Name: "Slayer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1153
-	AegisName: "Slayer__"
-	Name: "Slayer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1154
-	AegisName: "Bastard_Sword"
-	Name: "Bastard Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 22500
-	Weight: 1600
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1155
-	AegisName: "Bastard_Sword_"
-	Name: "Bastard Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 22500
-	Weight: 1600
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1156
-	AegisName: "Bastard_Sword__"
-	Name: "Bastard Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 22500
-	Weight: 1600
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1157
-	AegisName: "Two_Hand_Sword"
-	Name: "Two-handed Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1158
-	AegisName: "Two_Hand_Sword_"
-	Name: "Two-handed Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1159
-	AegisName: "Two_Hand_Sword__"
-	Name: "Two-handed Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1160
-	AegisName: "Broad_Sword"
-	Name: "Broad Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 65000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,5;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1161
-	AegisName: "Balmung"
-	Name: "Balmung"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-	">
-	Id: 1162
-	AegisName: "Broad_Sword_"
-	Name: "Broad Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 65000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,5;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1163
-	AegisName: "Claymore"
-	Name: "Claymore"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 74000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1164
-	AegisName: "Muramasa"
-	Name: "Muramasa"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 155
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,30;
-		bonus bAspdRate,8;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Curse,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1165
-	AegisName: "Masamune"
-	Name: "Masamune"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,30;
-		bonus bStr,-5;
-		bonus bAspd,2;
-		bonus bDefRate,-67;
-		bonus bDef2Rate,-67;
-	">
-	Id: 1166
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Slayer"
-	Name: "Dragon Slayer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,15;
-	">
-	Id: 1167
-	AegisName: "Schweizersabel"
-	Name: "Schweizersabel"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1600
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,3,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1168
-	AegisName: "Zweihander"
-	Name: "Zweihander"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 1169
-	AegisName: "Executioner_"
-	Name: "Executioner"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 155
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_DemiPlayer;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,-10;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-	">
-	Id: 1170
-	AegisName: "Katzbalger"
-	Name: "Katzbalger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 175
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,5;
-		bonus bDef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1171
-	AegisName: "Zweihander_"
-	Name: "Zweihander"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 1172
-	AegisName: "Claymore_"
-	Name: "Claymore"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 74000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 1173
-	AegisName: "Muramasa_C"
-	Name: "Muramasa"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 204
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,30;
-		bonus bAspdRate,8;
-	">
-	Id: 1174
-	AegisName: "Executioner_C"
-	Name: "Executioner"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 190
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_DemiPlayer;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,-10;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-	">
-	Id: 1175
-	AegisName: "Altas_Weapon"
-	Name: "Atlas Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3500
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=80) {
-			bonus bBreakArmorRate,500;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1176
-	AegisName: "Muscle_Cutter"
-	Name: "Muscle Cutter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,800;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_DECAGI,1,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1177
-	AegisName: "Muramash"
-	Name: "Muramash"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50; ">
-	Id: 1178
-	AegisName: "Schweizersabel_"
-	Name: "Schweizersabel"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1600
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,3,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1179
-	AegisName: "Executioner__"
-	Name: "Executioner"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 155
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_DemiPlayer;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,-10;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-	">
-	Id: 1180
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Slayer_"
-	Name: "Dragon Slayer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,15;
-	">
-	Id: 1181
-	AegisName: "Tae_Goo_Lyeon"
-	Name: "Tae Goo Lyeon"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee2,10;
-		if((JobLevel >= 70 && Class == Job_Rune_Knight_T) || (JobLevel >= 50 && Class == Job_Rune_Knight)) {
-			autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,50; }",10,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bUseSPrate,-20;
-			bonus bDelayrate,-20;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1182
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Eater"
-	Name: "Bloody Eater"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Ghost;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bCritical,100; bonus bBaseAtk,50; }",1,5000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_FIRESPLASHHIT, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus bHPGainValue,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1183
-	AegisName: "BF_Two_Handed_Sword1"
-	Name: "Brave Assaulter's Katzbalger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1184
-	AegisName: "BF_Two_Handed_Sword2"
-	Name: "Valorous Assaulter's Katzbalger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,20;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1185
-	AegisName: "Violet_Fear"
-	Name: "Violet Fear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 275
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_METEOR,3,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_FROSTNOVA,5,50;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss; }",50,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 1186
-	AegisName: "Death_Guidance"
-	Name: "Death Guidance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bFlee2,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_HELLPOWER,1,10;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpell,NPC_HELLPOWER,1,10,0;
-		if( getrefine()>8 ) bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT,2,20;
-		else bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_VAMPIRE_GIFT,1,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1187
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Twohand_Sword1"
-	Name: "Glorious Claymore"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,70;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(), 14)-3) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,LK_CONCENTRATION,max(getskilllv(LK_CONCENTRATION),1),30;
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,LK_AURABLADE,max(getskilllv(LK_AURABLADE),1),30;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1188
-	AegisName: "Veteran_Sword"
-	Name: "Veteran Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getskilllv(SM_BASH)==10) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,SM_BASH,50;
-		}
-		if(getskilllv(KN_BOWLINGBASH)==10) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,KN_BOWLINGBASH,50;
-		}
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1189
-	AegisName: "Krasnaya"
-	Name: "Krasnaya"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3800
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=95) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1190
-	AegisName: "Claymore_C"
-	Name: "Claymore"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,40;
-	">
-	Id: 1191
-	AegisName: "Alca_Bringer"
-	Name: "Alca Bringer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3400
-	Atk: 280
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspd,(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 1192
-	AegisName: "P_Slayer1"
-	Name: "Eden Slayer I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 162
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 26
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1193
-	AegisName: "P_Slayer2"
-	Name: "Eden Slayer II"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1194
-	AegisName: "F_Executioner_C"
-	Name: "Rental Executioner"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 190
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark; ">
-	Id: 1195
-	AegisName: "E_Executioner_C"
-	Name: "E Executioner C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 190
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark; ">
-	Id: 1196
-	AegisName: "Chrome_Twohand_Sword"
-	Name: "Two-Handed Chrome Metal Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 280
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 1197
-	AegisName: "P_Slayer3"
-	Name: "Eden Group Slayer III"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1198
-	AegisName: "Hairtail"
-	Name: "Hairtail"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bCritical,20;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,50;
-		bonus4 bAddEff,Eff_Cold,300,ATF_SHORT,3000;
-		if(BaseLevel>99) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,50;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1199
-	AegisName: "Ebony_Toe_Nail"
-	Name: "Ebony Toe Nail"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 250
-	Matk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-//== Daggers ===============================================
-	Id: 1201
-	AegisName: "Knife"
-	Name: "Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 17
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1202
-	AegisName: "Knife_"
-	Name: "Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 17
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1203
-	AegisName: "Knife__"
-	Name: "Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 17
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1204
-	AegisName: "Cutter"
-	Name: "Cutter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1250
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1205
-	AegisName: "Cutter_"
-	Name: "Cutter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1250
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1206
-	AegisName: "Cutter__"
-	Name: "Cutter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1250
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1207
-	AegisName: "Main_Gauche"
-	Name: "Main Gauche"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2400
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 43
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1208
-	AegisName: "Main_Gauche_"
-	Name: "Main Gauche"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2400
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 43
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1209
-	AegisName: "Main_Gauche__"
-	Name: "Main Gauche"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2400
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 43
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1210
-	AegisName: "Dirk"
-	Name: "Dirk"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 8500
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 59
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1211
-	AegisName: "Dirk_"
-	Name: "Dirk"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 8500
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 59
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1212
-	AegisName: "Dirk__"
-	Name: "Dirk"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 8500
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 59
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1213
-	AegisName: "Dagger"
-	Name: "Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 14000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 73
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1214
-	AegisName: "Dagger_"
-	Name: "Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 14000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 73
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1215
-	AegisName: "Dagger__"
-	Name: "Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 14000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 73
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1216
-	AegisName: "Stiletto"
-	Name: "Stiletto"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 19500
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 87
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1217
-	AegisName: "Stiletto_"
-	Name: "Stiletto"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 19500
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 87
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1218
-	AegisName: "Stiletto__"
-	Name: "Stiletto"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 19500
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 87
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1219
-	AegisName: "Gladius"
-	Name: "Gladius"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 43000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1220
-	AegisName: "Gladius_"
-	Name: "Gladius"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 43000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1221
-	AegisName: "Gladius__"
-	Name: "Gladius"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 43000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1222
-	AegisName: "Damascus"
-	Name: "Damascus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 49000
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 118
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 1223
-	AegisName: "Forturn_Sword"
-	Name: "Fortune Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus bFlee2,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1224
-	AegisName: "Sword_Breaker"
-	Name: "Swordbreaker"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bBreakWeaponRate,500; ">
-	Id: 1225
-	AegisName: "Mail_Breaker"
-	Name: "Mailbreaker"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bBreakArmorRate,500; ">
-	Id: 1226
-	AegisName: "Damascus_"
-	Name: "Damascus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 49000
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 118
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 1227
-	AegisName: "Weeder_Knife"
-	Name: "Weeder Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Plant;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,15;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,15;
-	">
-	Id: 1228
-	AegisName: "Combat_Knife"
-	Name: "Combat Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_DemiPlayer;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 1229
-	AegisName: "Mamas_Knife"
-	Name: "Kitchen Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 75
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,30;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,517,RC_Brute,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 1230
-	AegisName: "House_Auger"
-	Name: "Ice pick"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bDefRatioAtkRace, RC_All; ">
-	Id: 1231
-	AegisName: "Bazerald"
-	Name: "Bazerald"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1232
-	AegisName: "Assasin_Dagger"
-	Name: "Assassin Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,20;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,15;
-		bonus bAspdRate,2;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-	">
-	Id: 1233
-	AegisName: "Exercise"
-	Name: "Exorciser"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Demon;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,5;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 1234
-	AegisName: "Moonlight_Sword"
-	Name: "Moonlight Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		bonus bSPDrainValue,3;
-	">
-	Id: 1235
-	AegisName: "Azoth"
-	Name: "Azoth"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bClassChange,300; ">
-	Id: 1236
-	AegisName: "Sucsamad"
-	Name: "Sucsamad"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Wind,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1237
-	AegisName: "Grimtooth_"
-	Name: "Grimtooth"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		bonus bDefRate,-50;
-		bonus bDef2Rate,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 1238
-	AegisName: "Zeny_Knife"
-	Name: "Zeny Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 64
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bGetZenyNum,100,40; ">
-	Id: 1239
-	AegisName: "Poison_Knife"
-	Name: "Poison Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 64
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Poison;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,3000;
-	">
-	Id: 1240
-	AegisName: "Princess_Knife"
-	Name: "Princess Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 84
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 1241
-	AegisName: "Cursed_Dagger"
-	Name: "Cursed Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 80000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 55
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 85
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,5000; ">
-	Id: 1242
-	AegisName: "Counter_Dagger"
-	Name: "Dagger of Counter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 120000
-	Weight: 550
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,90; ">
-	Id: 1243
-	AegisName: "Novice_Knife"
-	Name: "Novice Main-Gauche"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 1
-	Atk: 45
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1244
-	AegisName: "Holy_Dagger"
-	Name: "Holy Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1245
-	AegisName: "Cinquedea"
-	Name: "Cinquedea"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1246
-	AegisName: "Cinquedea_"
-	Name: "Cinquedea"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1247
-	AegisName: "Kindling_Dagger"
-	Name: "Kindle Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 39
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 1248
-	AegisName: "Obsidian_Dagger"
-	Name: "Obsidian Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 39
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 1249
-	AegisName: "Fishermans_Dagger"
-	Name: "Fisherman's Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 39
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water; ">
-//== Katars ================================================
-	Id: 1250
-	AegisName: "Jur"
-	Name: "Jur"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 19500
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Id: 1251
-	AegisName: "Jur_"
-	Name: "Jur"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 19500
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Id: 1252
-	AegisName: "Katar"
-	Name: "Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 41000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 148
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 1253
-	AegisName: "Katar_"
-	Name: "Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 41000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 148
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 1254
-	AegisName: "Jamadhar"
-	Name: "Jamadhar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 37200
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 165
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Id: 1255
-	AegisName: "Jamadhar_"
-	Name: "Jamadhar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 37200
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 165
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Id: 1256
-	AegisName: "Katar_Of_Cold_Icicle"
-	Name: "Katar of Frozen Icicle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1257
-	AegisName: "Katar_Of_Thornbush"
-	Name: "Katar of Quaking"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1258
-	AegisName: "Katar_Of_Raging_Blaze"
-	Name: "Katar of Raging Blaze"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1259
-	AegisName: "Katar_Of_Piercing_Wind"
-	Name: "Katar of Piercing Wind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Sleep,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1260
-	AegisName: "Ghoul_Leg"
-	Name: "Sharpened Legbone of Ghoul"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 52500
-	Weight: 1700
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Undead; ">
-	Id: 1261
-	AegisName: "Infiltrator"
-	Name: "Infiltrator"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 57000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,50;
-		bonus bDef,3;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus bFlee2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1262
-	AegisName: "Nail_Of_Loki"
-	Name: "Loki's Nail"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,300; ">
-	Id: 1263
-	AegisName: "Unholy_Touch"
-	Name: "Unholy Touch"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1250
-	Atk: 151
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,200;
-		bonus bCritical,-1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1264
-	AegisName: "Various_Jur"
-	Name: "Specialty Jur"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Bleeding,10; ">
-	Id: 1265
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Roar"
-	Name: "Bloody Roar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_DemiPlayer;
-		bonus bFlee,-160;
-		bonus bFlee2,-160;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-100;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,-100;
-	">
-	Id: 1266
-	AegisName: "Infiltrator_"
-	Name: "Infiltrator"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 57000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,50;
-		bonus bDef,3;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus bFlee2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1267
-	AegisName: "Infiltrator_C"
-	Name: "Infiltrator"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 189
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,70;
-		bonus bDef,3;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus bFlee2,2;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1268
-	AegisName: "Wild_Beast_Claw"
-	Name: "Wild Beast Claw"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1450
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,2,100;
-		}
-		else bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,1,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1269
-	AegisName: "Inverse_Scale"
-	Name: "Inverse Scale"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_DRAGONFEAR,1,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1270
-	AegisName: "Drill_Katar"
-	Name: "Drill Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,ST_FULLSTRIP,1,150;
-	">
-	Id: 1271
-	AegisName: "Blood_Tears"
-	Name: "Blood Tears"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1700
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDEBLEEDING,2,30;
-		}
-		else bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDEBLEEDING,1,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1272
-	AegisName: "Scratcher"
-	Name: "Scratcher"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50; ">
-	Id: 1273
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Roar_C"
-	Name: "Bloody Roar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 148
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_DemiPlayer;
-		bonus bFlee,-160;
-		bonus bFlee2,-160;
-	">
-	Id: 1274
-	AegisName: "Unholy_Touch_C"
-	Name: "Unholy Touch"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 179
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,5000;
-		bonus bCritical,-1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1275
-	AegisName: "Katar_Of_Cold_Icicle_"
-	Name: "Katar of Frozen Icicle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1276
-	AegisName: "Katar_Of_Thornbush_"
-	Name: "Katar of Quaking"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1277
-	AegisName: "Katar_Of_Raging_Blaze_"
-	Name: "Katar of Raging Blaze"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1278
-	AegisName: "Katar_Of_Piercing_Wind_"
-	Name: "Katar of Piercing Wind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Sleep,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1279
-	AegisName: "BF_Katar1"
-	Name: "Brave Carnage Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,70;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1280
-	AegisName: "BF_Katar2"
-	Name: "Valorous Carnage Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,70;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,20;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1281
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Katar1"
-	Name: "Glorious Bloody Roar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,70;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,100; }",70,3000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 1282
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Katar2"
-	Name: "Glorious Jamadhar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,70;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,100; }",70,3000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 1283
-	AegisName: "Katar_Of_Speed"
-	Name: "Katar Of Speed"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 175
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AS_SONICBLOW,25;
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 1284
-	AegisName: "Krishna"
-	Name: "Krishna"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AS_GRIMTOOTH,10;
-		if(getskilllv(AS_SONICBLOW)) {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,AS_SONICBLOW,getskilllv(AS_SONICBLOW),5;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,AS_SONICBLOW,1,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1285
-	AegisName: "Cakram"
-	Name: "Chakram"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getskilllv(AS_KATAR)==10) {
-			bonus bHit,10;
-		}
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,ASC_METEORASSAULT,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1286
-	AegisName: "Jamadhar_C"
-	Name: "Jamadhar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,40;
-	">
-	Id: 1287
-	AegisName: "Durga"
-	Name: "Durga"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 190
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Id: 1288
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Fear_C"
-	Name: "Bloody Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 145
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1289
-	AegisName: "P_Katar1"
-	Name: "Eden Group Katar I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 155
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1290
-	AegisName: "Agent_Katar"
-	Name: "Agent Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 41000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,readparam(bLuk)/2; ">
-	Id: 1291
-	AegisName: "Guillotine_Katar"
-	Name: "Guillotine Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bFlee,-30;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,50;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GC_CROSSIMPACT,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1292
-	AegisName: "Upg_Katar"
-	Name: "Upgrade Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*10);
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,(getrefine()*2);
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bBaseAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*10); }
-	">
-	Id: 1293
-	AegisName: "Velum_Jamadhar"
-	Name: "Vellum Jamadhar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,getrefine();
-		bonus4 bSetDefRace,RC_Player,10000,5000,1;
-		bonus4 bSetMDefRace,RC_Player,10000,5000,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1294
-	AegisName: "Velum_Scare"
-	Name: "Vellum Scale"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bSPVanishRate, 1000, 10, BF_NORMAL; ">
-	Id: 1295
-	AegisName: "Blood_Tears_"
-	Name: "Blood Tears "
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1700
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDEBLEEDING,2,30;
-		}
-		else bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDEBLEEDING,1,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1296
-	AegisName: "Metal_Katar"
-	Name: "Metal Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 75
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*5);
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,getrefine();
-		.@val = min(BaseLevel/10, 12);
-		if (.@val > 2) { bonus bBaseAtk,((.@val-2)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 1297
-	AegisName: "Inverse_Scale_"
-	Name: "Inverse Scale"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_DRAGONFEAR,1,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1298
-	AegisName: "Shiver_Katar"
-	Name: "Shiver Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 2700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 1299
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Katar"
-	Name: "TE WoE Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,1000;
-	">
-//== One-Handed Axes =======================================
-	Id: 1301
-	AegisName: "Axe"
-	Name: "Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 38
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Id: 1302
-	AegisName: "Axe_"
-	Name: "Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 38
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Id: 1303
-	AegisName: "Axe__"
-	Name: "Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 38
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Id: 1304
-	AegisName: "Orcish_Axe"
-	Name: "Orcish Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 75
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Id: 1305
-	AegisName: "Cleaver"
-	Name: "Cleaver"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,517,RC_Brute,3000;
-	">
-	Id: 1306
-	AegisName: "War_Axe"
-	Name: "War Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 4200
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 76
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1307
-	AegisName: "Windhawk"
-	Name: "Windhawk"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 18000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1308
-	AegisName: "Golden_Axe"
-	Name: "Golden Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Id: 1309
-	AegisName: "Orcish_Axe_"
-	Name: "Orcish Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 75
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Id: 1310
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Onehand_Axe1"
-	Name: "Glorious Cleaver"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-			bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bAspdRate,5;
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,1,50;
-			bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,MC_MAMMONITE,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,2,200;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1311
-	AegisName: "Vecer_Axe"
-	Name: "Vecer Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=90) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-		}
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=90) {
-			bonus bCritical,5;
-		}
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=90||readparam(bLuk)>=90) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,MC_MAMMONITE,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1312
-	AegisName: "Orcish_Axe_C"
-	Name: "Orcish Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,70;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,70;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,70;
-	">
-	Id: 1313
-	AegisName: "Tourist_Axe"
-	Name: "Traveler's Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 77
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 1314
-	AegisName: "F_Tomahawk_C"
-	Name: "Rental Tomahawk"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 1315
-	AegisName: "F_Right_Epsilon_C"
-	Name: "Right Epsilon"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 229
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bStr,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1316
-	AegisName: "Adventure_Axe"
-	Name: "Adventure Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Id: 1317
-	AegisName: "Academy_Axe"
-	Name: "Academy Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 1600
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Id: 1318
-	AegisName: "Dofle_Axe"
-	Name: "Deflation Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 1800
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 1319
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Axe"
-	Name: "TE WoE Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 1323
-	AegisName: "Ru_Gold_Axe"
-	Name: "Ru Gold Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1800
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_1HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,8;
-		bonus bInt,8;
-	">
-	Id: 1326
-	AegisName: "War_Axe_IL"
-	Name: "War_Axe_IL"
-//== Two-Handed Axes =======================================
-	Id: 1351
-	AegisName: "Battle_Axe"
-	Name: "Battle Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 5400
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1352
-	AegisName: "Battle_Axe_"
-	Name: "Battle Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 5400
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1353
-	AegisName: "Battle_Axe__"
-	Name: "Battle Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 5400
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1354
-	AegisName: "Hammer"
-	Name: "Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 15500
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 16
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1355
-	AegisName: "Hammer_"
-	Name: "Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 15500
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 16
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1356
-	AegisName: "Hammer__"
-	Name: "Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 15500
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 16
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1357
-	AegisName: "Buster"
-	Name: "Buster"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 34000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 155
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1358
-	AegisName: "Buster_"
-	Name: "Buster"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 34000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 155
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1359
-	AegisName: "Buster__"
-	Name: "Buster"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 34000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 155
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1360
-	AegisName: "Two_Handed_Axe"
-	Name: "Two-handed Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 55000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1361
-	AegisName: "Two_Handed_Axe_"
-	Name: "Two-handed Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 55000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1362
-	AegisName: "Two_Handed_Axe__"
-	Name: "Two-handed Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 55000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1363
-	AegisName: "Brood_Axe"
-	Name: "Bloody Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 4000
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,10;
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 1364
-	AegisName: "Great_Axe"
-	Name: "Great Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1800
-	Atk: 187
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,MC_MAMMONITE,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1500;
-	">
-	Id: 1365
-	AegisName: "Sabbath"
-	Name: "Sabbath"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2300
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_Demon,50;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Undead,50;
-	">
-	Id: 1366
-	AegisName: "Right_Epsilon"
-	Name: "Light Epsilon"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2300
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		skill AL_HEAL,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,3;
-	">
-	Id: 1367
-	AegisName: "Slaughter"
-	Name: "Slaughter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth;
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Brute;
-		bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_Brute,40;
-	">
-	Id: 1368
-	AegisName: "Tomahawk"
-	Name: "Tomahawk"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 165
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		skill ITM_TOMAHAWK,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1369
-	AegisName: "Guillotine"
-	Name: "Guillotine"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 215
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_DemiPlayer,30;
-		bonus2 bSPGainRaceAttack,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-		bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1370
-	AegisName: "Doom_Slayer"
-	Name: "Doom Slayer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 6000
-	Atk: 10
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,-40;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,100;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=95) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,340;
-			bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,3000;
-			bonus bBreakArmorRate,500;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1371
-	AegisName: "Doom_Slayer_"
-	Name: "Doom Slayer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 6000
-	Atk: 10
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,-40;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,100;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=95) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,340;
-			bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,3000;
-			bonus bBreakArmorRate,500;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1372
-	AegisName: "Right_Epsilon_C"
-	Name: "Rental Light Epsilon"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 229
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		skill AL_HEAL,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,3;
-		bonus bStr,10;
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 1373
-	AegisName: "Brood_Axe_C"
-	Name: "Refined Bloody Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 205
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,20;
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1374
-	AegisName: "Tomahawk_C"
-	Name: "Tomahawk"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		skill ITM_TOMAHAWK,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1375
-	AegisName: "Berdysz"
-	Name: "Berdysz"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,13;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,15;
-	">
-	Id: 1376
-	AegisName: "Heart_Breaker"
-	Name: "Heart Breaker"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 175
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,20+getrefine();
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		if((Class==Job_Whitesmith)||(Class==Job_Creator)||(Class==Job_Mechanic)||(Class==Job_Mechanic_T)||(Class==Job_Genetic)||(Class==Job_Genetic_T)) bonus3 bAutoSpell,BS_HAMMERFALL,3,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1377
-	AegisName: "Hurricane_Fury"
-	Name: "Hurricane Fury"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3500
-	Atk: 332
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,10+getrefine();
-		bonus bAspdRate,getrefine();
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_PULSESTRIKE,5,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1378
-	AegisName: "Great_Axe_C"
-	Name: "Refined Great Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 215
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bHit,20;
-		bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,MC_MAMMONITE,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,2000;
-	">
-	Id: 1379
-	AegisName: "BF_Two_Handed_Axe1"
-	Name: "Valorous Insane Battle Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1380
-	AegisName: "BF_Two_Handed_Axe2"
-	Name: "Brave Insane Battle Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBreakArmorRate,10000; }",20,3000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1381
-	AegisName: "N_Battle_Axe"
-	Name: "Novice Battle Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Id: 1382
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Twohand_Axe1"
-	Name: "Glorious Twohanded Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,70;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-3) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,1,50;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,1,100;
-			bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,MC_MAMMONITE,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,2,200;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1383
-	AegisName: "Holy_Celestial_Axe"
-	Name: "Holy Celestial Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bVit,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_BLESSING,5,50;
-	">
-	Id: 1384
-	AegisName: "Veteran_Axe"
-	Name: "Veteran Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getskilllv(BS_DAGGER)==3) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		}
-		if(getskilllv(BS_SWORD)==3) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		}
-		if(getskilllv(BS_TWOHANDSWORD)==3) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		}
-		if(getskilllv(BS_KNUCKLE)==3) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		}
-		if(getskilllv(BS_SPEAR)==3) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		}
-		if(getskilllv(BS_AXE)==3) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		}
-		if(getskilllv(BS_MACE)==3) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		}
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,BS_HAMMERFALL,SM_MAGNUM,3,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1385
-	AegisName: "Bradium_Stonehammer"
-	Name: "Bradium Stonehammer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2700
-	Atk: 210
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,BS_HAMMERFALL,Eff_Stun,500+(200*getrefine()); ">
-	Id: 1386
-	AegisName: "Doom_Slayer_I"
-	Name: "Doom Slayer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 20
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,-25;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,100;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=95) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,400;
-			bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,3000;
-			bonus bBreakArmorRate,500;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1387
-	AegisName: "Giant_Axe"
-	Name: "Giant Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 4000
-	Atk: 330
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WS_CARTTERMINATION,15;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=95) {
-			bonus bHit,10;
-			bonus bAspdRate,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1388
-	AegisName: "Two_Handed_Axe_C"
-	Name: "Two-Handed Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,40;
-	">
-	Id: 1389
-	AegisName: "E_Tomahawk_C"
-	Name: "E Tomahawk C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 1390
-	AegisName: "E_Right_Epsilon_C"
-	Name: "E Right Epsilon C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 229
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bStr,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1391
-	AegisName: "P_Two_Handed_Axe1"
-	Name: "Eden Group Two Handed Axe I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 195
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1392
-	AegisName: "Ygnus_Stale"
-	Name: "Ygnus Stale"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1900
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1393
-	AegisName: "End_Sektura"
-	Name: "End Sektura"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1900
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus4 bAddEff,Eff_Cold,300,ATF_SHORT,3000;
-		bonus4 bAddEff,Eff_Cold,100,ATF_SELF,3000;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1394
-	AegisName: "Upg_Two_Handed_Axe"
-	Name: "Upgrade Two-Handed Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*14);
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bBaseAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*10); }
-	">
-	Id: 1395
-	AegisName: "Velum_Buster"
-	Name: "Vellum Buster"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon, 1;
-		bonus3 bSPVanishRate, 1000, 10, BF_NORMAL;
-	">
-	Id: 1396
-	AegisName: "Velum_Guillotine"
-	Name: "Vellum Guillotine"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 5500
-	Atk: 300
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Player,30;
-		if(getrefine()>=6) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,NC_AXEBOOMERANG,80;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,NC_POWERSWING,80;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,60;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1397
-	AegisName: "Bradium_Stonehammer_"
-	Name: "Bradium Stone Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2700
-	Atk: 210
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 1398
-	AegisName: "Metal_Two_Handed_Axe"
-	Name: "Metal Two-Handed Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*7);
-		.@val = min(BaseLevel/10, 12);
-		if (.@val > 2) { bonus bBaseAtk,((.@val-2)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 1399
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Two_Handed_Axe"
-	Name: "TE WoE Two-Handed Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000;
-	">
-//== One-Handed Spears =====================================
-	Id: 1400
-	AegisName: "Spear_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Spear of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-	">
-	Id: 1401
-	AegisName: "Javelin"
-	Name: "Javelin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 150
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 28
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1402
-	AegisName: "Javelin_"
-	Name: "Javelin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 150
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 28
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1403
-	AegisName: "Javelin__"
-	Name: "Javelin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 150
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 28
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1404
-	AegisName: "Spear"
-	Name: "Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1700
-	Weight: 850
-	Atk: 44
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1405
-	AegisName: "Spear_"
-	Name: "Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1700
-	Weight: 850
-	Atk: 44
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1406
-	AegisName: "Spear__"
-	Name: "Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1700
-	Weight: 850
-	Atk: 44
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1407
-	AegisName: "Pike"
-	Name: "Pike"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 3450
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1408
-	AegisName: "Pike_"
-	Name: "Pike"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 3450
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1409
-	AegisName: "Pike__"
-	Name: "Pike"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 3450
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1410
-	AegisName: "Lance"
-	Name: "Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1411
-	AegisName: "Lance_"
-	Name: "Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1412
-	AegisName: "Lance__"
-	Name: "Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1413
-	AegisName: "Gungnir"
-	Name: "Gungnir"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bPerfectHitRate,25;
-		bonus bHit,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1414
-	AegisName: "Gelerdria"
-	Name: "Gelerdria"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 145
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth;
-		bonus bMaxHP,800;
-		bonus bMaxSP,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 1415
-	AegisName: "Skewer"
-	Name: "Brocca"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 850
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,25;
-	">
-	Id: 1416
-	AegisName: "Tjungkuletti"
-	Name: "Tjungkuletti"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSPDrainValue,1;
-		bonus bSPGainValue,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1417
-	AegisName: "Pole_Axe"
-	Name: "Poll Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3800
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 71
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1418
-	AegisName: "Gungnir_"
-	Name: "Gungnir"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bPerfectHitRate,25;
-		bonus bHit,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1419
-	AegisName: "Pole_Axe_C"
-	Name: "Poll Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 4800
-	Atk: 195
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1420
-	AegisName: "Long_Horn"
-	Name: "Long Horn"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500;
-		skill TF_DETOXIFY,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1421
-	AegisName: "Battle_Hook"
-	Name: "Battle Hook"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		skill KN_PIERCE,3;
-	">
-	Id: 1422
-	AegisName: "Hunting_Spear"
-	Name: "Hunting Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 4200
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Brute;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,517,RC_Brute,1000;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,LK_JOINTBEAT,3,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1423
-	AegisName: "Pole_XO"
-	Name: "Pole XO"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50; ">
-	Id: 1424
-	AegisName: "Skewer_C"
-	Name: "Refined Brocca"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 149
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1425
-	AegisName: "BF_Spear1"
-	Name: "Assaulter Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(BaseJob==Job_Crusader) bonus bAspdRate,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1426
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Onehand_Spear1"
-	Name: "Glorious Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-			bonus bAspdRate,10;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			if(BaseJob==Job_Knight) bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,KN_PIERCE,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,2,200;
-			else if(BaseJob==Job_Crusader) bonus3 bAutoSpell,PA_PRESSURE,5,100;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1427
-	AegisName: "Spear_Of_Excellent"
-	Name: "Spear Of Excellent"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SM_MAGNUM,25;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1428
-	AegisName: "Long_Horn_M"
-	Name: "Long Horn"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500;
-		skill TF_DETOXIFY,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1429
-	AegisName: "Hunting_Spear_M"
-	Name: "Hunting Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 4200
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Brute;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,517,RC_Brute,1000;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,LK_JOINTBEAT,3,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1430
-	AegisName: "Pike_C"
-	Name: "Pike"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 74
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,70;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,70;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,70;
-	">
-	Id: 1431
-	AegisName: "F_Pole_Axe_C"
-	Name: "Rental Pole Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 4800
-	Atk: 195
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1432
-	AegisName: "E_Pole_Axe_C"
-	Name: "E Pole Axe C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 4800
-	Atk: 195
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1433
-	AegisName: "Imperial_Spear"
-	Name: "Imperial Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1800
-	Atk: 180
-	Matk: 40
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 102
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_CANNONSPEAR,20+getrefine()/2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_BANISHINGPOINT,20+getrefine()/2;
-	">
-	Id: 1434
-	AegisName: "P_Sphere1"
-	Name: "Eden Group Spear I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 165
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1435
-	AegisName: "Cannon_Spear"
-	Name: "Cannon Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1600
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,-100;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_CANNONSPEAR,10;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()/3);
-	">
-	Id: 1436
-	AegisName: "Velum_Spear"
-	Name: "Vellum Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 850
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,60;
-		if(getrefine()>=6) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,RK_HUNDREDSPEAR,80;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_PINPOINTATTACK,80;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,30;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1437
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Pike"
-	Name: "TE WoE Pike"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 1438
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Spear"
-	Name: "Thanatos Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 150
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 1441
-	AegisName: "Ru_Blue_Spear"
-	Name: "Ru Blue Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bAgi,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1443
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Spear"
-	Name: "Crimson Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_1HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-//== Two-Handed Spears =====================================
-	Id: 1450
-	AegisName: "Lance_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Lance of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2250
-	Atk: 225
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-	">
-	Id: 1451
-	AegisName: "Guisarme"
-	Name: "Guisarme"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 13000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 84
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1452
-	AegisName: "Guisarme_"
-	Name: "Guisarme"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 13000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 84
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1453
-	AegisName: "Guisarme__"
-	Name: "Guisarme"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 13000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 84
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1454
-	AegisName: "Glaive"
-	Name: "Glaive"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 104
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1455
-	AegisName: "Glaive_"
-	Name: "Glaive"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 104
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1456
-	AegisName: "Glaive__"
-	Name: "Glaive"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 104
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1457
-	AegisName: "Partizan"
-	Name: "Partizan"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 27000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 124
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1458
-	AegisName: "Partizan_"
-	Name: "Partizan"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 27000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 124
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1459
-	AegisName: "Partizan__"
-	Name: "Partizan"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 27000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 124
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1460
-	AegisName: "Trident"
-	Name: "Trident"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 51000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1461
-	AegisName: "Trident_"
-	Name: "Trident"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 51000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1462
-	AegisName: "Trident__"
-	Name: "Trident"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 51000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1463
-	AegisName: "Halberd"
-	Name: "Hallberd"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 54000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 165
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1464
-	AegisName: "Halberd_"
-	Name: "Hallberd"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 54000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 165
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1465
-	AegisName: "Halberd__"
-	Name: "Hallberd"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 54000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 165
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1466
-	AegisName: "Crescent_Scythe"
-	Name: "Crescent Scythe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,30;
-		bonus bHit,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1467
-	AegisName: "Bill_Guisarme"
-	Name: "Bill Guisarme"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 183
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1468
-	AegisName: "Zephyrus"
-	Name: "Zephyrus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,200;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_THUNDERSTORM,3,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1469
-	AegisName: "Longinuss_Spear"
-	Name: "Longinus's Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Angel,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1470
-	AegisName: "Brionac"
-	Name: "Brionac"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 190
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		skill AL_HEAL,5;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_SOULSTRIKE,3,100;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1471
-	AegisName: "Hell_Fire"
-	Name: "Hellfire"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3500
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBALL,3,100;
-		bonus bStr,3;
-	">
-//== Two-Handed Staves =====================================
-	Id: 1472
-	AegisName: "Staff_Of_Soul"
-	Name: "Soul Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 25
-	Matk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 73
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1473
-	AegisName: "Wizardy_Staff"
-	Name: "Wizardry Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2400
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-	">
-//== Two-Handed Spears =====================================
-	Id: 1474
-	AegisName: "Gae_Bolg"
-	Name: "Gae Bolg"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1475
-	AegisName: "Horseback_Lance"
-	Name: "Equestrian's Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3700
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 4
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1476
-	AegisName: "Crescent_Scythe_"
-	Name: "Crescent Scythe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,30;
-		bonus bHit,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1477
-	AegisName: "Spectral_Spear"
-	Name: "Spectral Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,20;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,20;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Confusion,10000,ATF_SELF|ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus bHPGainValue,50;
-	">
-	Id: 1478
-	AegisName: "Ahlspiess"
-	Name: "Ahlspiess"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace, RC_All;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,KN_PIERCE,5,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1479
-	AegisName: "Spectral_Spear_"
-	Name: "Spectral Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,20;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,20;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Confusion,10000,ATF_SELF|ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus bHPGainValue,50;
-	">
-	Id: 1480
-	AegisName: "Gae_Bolg_"
-	Name: "Gae Bolg"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1481
-	AegisName: "Zephyrus_"
-	Name: "Zephyrus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,200;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_THUNDERSTORM,3,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1482
-	AegisName: "BF_Lance1"
-	Name: "Assaulter Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,25;
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_DemiPlayer;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1483
-	AegisName: "Ivory_Lance"
-	Name: "Ivory Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,300;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,1,30;
-		skill KN_SPEARSTAB,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1484
-	AegisName: "Cardo"
-	Name: "Cardo"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 5600
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,-10;
-		bonus bDef,getrefine()/2;
-	">
-	Id: 1485
-	AegisName: "Battle_Fork"
-	Name: "Battle Fork"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 112
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Id: 1486
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Twohand_Spear1"
-	Name: "Glorious Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,70;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			if(BaseJob==Job_Knight) bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,KN_PIERCE,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,2,200;
-			else if(BaseJob==Job_Crusader) bonus3 bAutoSpell,PA_PRESSURE,5,200;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1487
-	AegisName: "Lance_C"
-	Name: "Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,50;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,50;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,50;
-	">
-	Id: 1488
-	AegisName: "Ahlspiess_C"
-	Name: "Ahlspiess"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace, RC_All;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,KN_PIERCE,5,30;
-	">
-	Id: 1489
-	AegisName: "Spearfish_"
-	Name: "Marlin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,KN_PIERCE,Eff_Bleeding,1000;
-		bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,LK_SPIRALPIERCE,Eff_Bleeding,1000;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,LK_SPIRALPIERCE,100;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_INSPIRATION,50;
-		//bonus4 bAddEff,Eff_FrosMisty,100,ATF_SHORT,3000; //Need to be Frost Misty
-		if(BaseLevel>99) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,30;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1490
-	AegisName: "Giant_Lance"
-	Name: "Giant Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 20000
-	Atk: 20
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspd,-10;
-		bonus2 bSkillCooldown,LK_SPIRALPIERCE,20000;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,300;
-		}
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-600; ">
-	Id: 1491
-	AegisName: "Upg_Lance"
-	Name: "Upgrade Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*12);
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bBaseAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*10); }
-	">
-	Id: 1492
-	AegisName: "Velum_Glaive"
-	Name: "Vellum Glaive"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 4500
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,80;
-		if(getrefine()>=6) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,LK_SPIRALPIERCE,100;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,KN_SPEARBOOMERANG,50;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			autobonus2 "{ bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,20; bonus bMagicDamageReturn,20; }",100,2000,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_REFLECTSHIELD, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1493
-	AegisName: "Metal_Lance"
-	Name: "Metal Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*6);
-		.@val = min(BaseLevel/10, 12);
-		if (.@val > 2) { bonus bBaseAtk,((.@val-2)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 1494
-	AegisName: "Undine_Spear"
-	Name: "Spear Of Odin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 3800
-	Atk: 190
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 1495
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Lance"
-	Name: "TE WoE Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 1496
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Long_Spear"
-	Name: "Thanatos Long Spear"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3750
-	Atk: 250
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 1498
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Lance"
-	Name: "Crimson Lance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1750
-	Atk: 175
-	Range: 3
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-//== Maces =================================================
-	Id: 1501
-	AegisName: "Club"
-	Name: "Club"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 120
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 23
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1502
-	AegisName: "Club_"
-	Name: "Club"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 120
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 23
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1503
-	AegisName: "Club__"
-	Name: "Club"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 120
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 23
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1504
-	AegisName: "Mace"
-	Name: "Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1600
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 37
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1505
-	AegisName: "Mace_"
-	Name: "Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1600
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 37
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1506
-	AegisName: "Mace__"
-	Name: "Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1600
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 37
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1507
-	AegisName: "Smasher"
-	Name: "Smasher"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 9000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 54
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1508
-	AegisName: "Smasher_"
-	Name: "Smasher"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 9000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 54
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1509
-	AegisName: "Smasher__"
-	Name: "Smasher"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 9000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 54
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1510
-	AegisName: "Flail"
-	Name: "Flail"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 16000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 69
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1511
-	AegisName: "Flail_"
-	Name: "Flail"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 16000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 69
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1512
-	AegisName: "Flail__"
-	Name: "Flail"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 16000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 69
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1513
-	AegisName: "Morning_Star"
-	Name: "Morning Star"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 41000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1514
-	AegisName: "Morning_Star_"
-	Name: "Morning Star"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 41000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1515
-	AegisName: "Morning_Star__"
-	Name: "Morning Star"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 41000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1516
-	AegisName: "Sword_Mace"
-	Name: "Sword Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1517
-	AegisName: "Sword_Mace_"
-	Name: "Sword Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1518
-	AegisName: "Sword_Mace__"
-	Name: "Sword Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1519
-	AegisName: "Chain"
-	Name: "Chain"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 23000
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 84
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1520
-	AegisName: "Chain_"
-	Name: "Chain"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 23000
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 84
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1521
-	AegisName: "Chain__"
-	Name: "Chain"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 23000
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 84
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1522
-	AegisName: "Stunner"
-	Name: "Stunner"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000; ">
-	Id: 1523
-	AegisName: "Spike"
-	Name: "Spike"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,40;
-		bonus bDefRate,-67;
-		bonus bDef2Rate,-67;
-	">
-	Id: 1524
-	AegisName: "Golden_Mace"
-	Name: "Golden Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1525
-	AegisName: "Long_Mace"
-	Name: "Long Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 3
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkDef,10; ">
-	Id: 1526
-	AegisName: "Slash"
-	Name: "Slash"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 145
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,15;
-		bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Undead,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1527
-	AegisName: "Quadrille"
-	Name: "Quadrille"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 165
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1528
-	AegisName: "Grand_Cross"
-	Name: "Grand Cross"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		skill PR_TURNUNDEAD,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_TURNUNDEAD,3,100;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainValueRace,RC_Undead,1;
-		bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Undead,3;
-	">
-	Id: 1529
-	AegisName: "Iron_Driver"
-	Name: "Iron Driver"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 155
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 78
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1530
-	AegisName: "Mjolnir"
-	Name: "Mjolnir"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 6000
-	Atk: 350
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,50;
-		bonus bStr,20;
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_THUNDERSTORM,10,100;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bSplashRange,1; }",50,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1531
-	AegisName: "Spanner"
-	Name: "Wrench"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,100;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,100;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,100;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1532
-	AegisName: "Stunner_"
-	Name: "Stunner"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000; ">
-	Id: 1533
-	AegisName: "Warrior_Balmung"
-	Name: "Warrior's Balmung"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,5; ">
-	Id: 1534
-	AegisName: "Spanner_C"
-	Name: "Wrench"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,100;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,100;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,100;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1535
-	AegisName: "Hollgrehenn_Hammer"
-	Name: "Hollgrehenn's Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 4444
-	Weight: 44
-	Atk: 4
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBreakArmorRate,100;
-		bonus bBreakWeaponRate,100;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=44) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,44;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1536
-	AegisName: "Good_Morning_Star"
-	Name: "Good Morning Star"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50; ">
-	Id: 1537
-	AegisName: "Quadrille_C"
-	Name: "Refined Quadrille"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 193
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,30;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,40;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,40;
-	">
-	Id: 1538
-	AegisName: "Spike_"
-	Name: "Spike"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,40;
-		bonus bDefRate,-67;
-		bonus bDef2Rate,-67;
-	">
-	Id: 1539
-	AegisName: "Golden_Mace_"
-	Name: "Golden Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1540
-	AegisName: "Grand_Cross_"
-	Name: "Grand Cross"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		skill PR_TURNUNDEAD,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_TURNUNDEAD,3,100;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainValueRace,RC_Undead,1;
-		bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Undead,3;
-	">
-	Id: 1541
-	AegisName: "Nemesis"
-	Name: "Nemesis"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_CRUCIS,1+getrefine(),100;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,50; }",10,20000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_BLOODDRAIN, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 1542
-	AegisName: "BF_Morning_Star1"
-	Name: "Valorous Battlefield Morning Star"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1543
-	AegisName: "BF_Morning_Star2"
-	Name: "Brave Battlefield Morning Star"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,5000; }",10,6000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 1544
-	AegisName: "Lunakaligo"
-	Name: "Lunakaligo"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=77) {
-			bonus bAspdRate,4;
-			bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1500;
-			bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12065,RC_Plant,500;
-			bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12043,RC_Brute,500;
-			bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12069,RC_Fish,500;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1545
-	AegisName: "N_Mace"
-	Name: "Novice Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 57
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 1546
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Onehand_Mace1"
-	Name: "Glorious Morning Star"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-			bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,2000;
-			bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1547
-	AegisName: "Mace_Of_Madness"
-	Name: "Mace Of Madness"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MC_CARTREVOLUTION,25;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1548
-	AegisName: "Veteran_Hammer"
-	Name: "Veteran Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 1800
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,getskilllv(AL_DP);
-		bonus bCritical,getskilllv(PR_MACEMASTERY)*2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1549
-	AegisName: "Pilebuncker"
-	Name: "Pile Bunker"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 3500
-	Atk: 450
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-//== Books =================================================
-	Id: 1550
-	AegisName: "Book"
-	Name: "Book"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Id: 1551
-	AegisName: "Bible"
-	Name: "Bible"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 1552
-	AegisName: "Tablet"
-	Name: "Tablet"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 51000
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Id: 1553
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Billows"
-	Name: "Book of Billows"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 35000
-	Weight: 750
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 1554
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Mother_Earth"
-	Name: "Book of Mother Earth"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 35000
-	Weight: 750
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 1555
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Blazing_Sun"
-	Name: "Book of the Blazing Sun"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 35000
-	Weight: 750
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 1556
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind"
-	Name: "Book of Gust of Wind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 35000
-	Weight: 750
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 1557
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_The_Apocalypse"
-	Name: "Book of the Apocalypse"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,7;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,7;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,7;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Wind,7;
-	">
-	Id: 1558
-	AegisName: "Girls_Diary"
-	Name: "Girl's Diary"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1188,150; ">
-	Id: 1559
-	AegisName: "Legacy_Of_Dragon"
-	Name: "Legacy of Dragon"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon;
-		bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Dragon,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1560
-	AegisName: "Diary_Of_Great_Sage"
-	Name: "Sage's Diary"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1100
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=50) { bonus bAspdRate,5; }
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=70) { bonus bMatkRate,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 1561
-	AegisName: "Hardback"
-	Name: "Hardcover Book"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1562
-	AegisName: "Bible_Of_Battlefield"
-	Name: "Battlefield Textbook"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_BLESSING,3+(getskilllv(AL_BLESSING)>3)*(getskilllv(AL_BLESSING)-3),20;
-	">
-	Id: 1563
-	AegisName: "Diary_Of_Great_Sage_C"
-	Name: "Rental Sage's Diary"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 135
-	Matk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate,5; ">
-	Id: 1564
-	AegisName: "Encyclopedia"
-	Name: "Encyclopedia"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 110
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bCritical,20+((readparam(bLuk)*2)/10);
-	">
-	Id: 1565
-	AegisName: "Death_Note"
-	Name: "Ledger of Death"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 137
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 85
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bLuk,-20;
-		bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus bAspdRate,getrefine();
-		if(BaseJob==Job_Sage) bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT,5,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1566
-	AegisName: "Diary_Of_Great_Basil"
-	Name: "Diary Of Great Basil"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50; ">
-	Id: 1567
-	AegisName: "Hardback_C"
-	Name: "Refined Hardcover Book"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 168
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1568
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Billows_"
-	Name: "Book of Billows"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 35000
-	Weight: 750
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 1569
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Mother_Earth_"
-	Name: "Book of Mother Earth"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 35000
-	Weight: 750
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 1570
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Blazing_Sun_"
-	Name: "Book of Blazing Sun"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 35000
-	Weight: 750
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 1571
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind_"
-	Name: "Book of Gust of Wind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 35000
-	Weight: 750
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 1572
-	AegisName: "Principles_Of_Magic"
-	Name: "Principles of Magic"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1573
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Magic"
-	Name: "Ancient Magic"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Id: 1574
-	AegisName: "BF_Book1"
-	Name: "Brave Battle Strategy Book"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 90
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1575
-	AegisName: "BF_Book2"
-	Name: "Valorous Battle Strategy Book"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 90
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1576
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Book1"
-	Name: "Glorious Tablet"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 90
-	Matk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,80;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,200; }",30,3000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_BASH3D, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 1577
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Book2"
-	Name: "Glorious Apocalypse"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 90
-	Matk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,80;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,5;
-			bonus bVariableCastrate,-5;
-			bonus bDelayrate,-5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1578
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Prayer"
-	Name: "Book Of Prayer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1579
-	AegisName: "Death_Note_M"
-	Name: "Book of the Dead"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 137
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 85
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bLuk,-20;
-		bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus bAspdRate,getrefine();
-		if(BaseJob==Job_Sage) bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT,5,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1580
-	AegisName: "Encyclopedia_C"
-	Name: "Giant Encyclopedia"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 145
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bCritical,20+((readparam(bLuk)*2)/10);
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,40;
-	">
-	Id: 1581
-	AegisName: "F_Diary_Of_Great_Sage_C"
-	Name: "Diary Of Great Sage"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Id: 1582
-	AegisName: "E_Diary_Of_Great_Sage_C"
-	Name: "E Diary Of Great Sage C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Id: 1583
-	AegisName: "P_Dic1"
-	Name: "Eden Group Dictionary I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 135
-	Matk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1584
-	AegisName: "Chilly_Spell_Book"
-	Name: "Chilly Spell Book"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_COLDBOLT,3*getrefine();
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SO_DIAMONDDUST,3*getrefine();
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,MG_COLDBOLT,-(5*getrefine());
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,SO_DIAMONDDUST,-(5*getrefine());
-	">
-	Id: 1585
-	AegisName: "Upg_Book"
-	Name: "Upgrade Book"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 45
-	Matk: 20
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*10);
-		bonus bMatk,(getrefine()*5);
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bMatk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 1586
-	AegisName: "Velum_Bible"
-	Name: "Vellum Bible"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 110
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseLevel>104) {
-			bonus bHealPower,(BaseLevel/5)-20;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=6) {
-			bonus2 bSkillCooldown,AB_CLEARANCE,-10000;
-			bonus2 bSkillCooldown,AB_LAUDARAMUS,-3000;
-			bonus2 bSkillCooldown,AB_LAUDAAGNUS,-3000;
-			bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AB_CLEARANCE,-60;
-			bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AB_LAUDARAMUS,-60;
-			bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AB_LAUDAAGNUS,-60;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1587
-	AegisName: "Velum_Encyclopedia"
-	Name: "Vellum Encyclopedia"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,80+getrefine();
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Player,30;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,200; }",10,3000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 1588
-	AegisName: "Metal_Book"
-	Name: "Metal Book"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 45
-	Matk: 10
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*5);
-		bonus bMatk,(getrefine()*2);
-		.@val = min(BaseLevel/10, 12);
-		if (.@val > 2) { bonus bBaseAtk,((.@val-2)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 1589
-	AegisName: "Legacy_Of_Dragon_"
-	Name: "Legacy of Dragon"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon;
-		bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Dragon,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1590
-	AegisName: "Snake_Encyclopedia"
-	Name: "Snake Encyclopedia"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 10
-	Matk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtk,getrefine()*3;
-		bonus bMatk,getrefine()*3;
-	">
-	Id: 1591
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Book"
-	Name: "TE WoE Book"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,5;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 1598
-	AegisName: "Snake_Encyclopedia_"
-	Name: "Snake Encyclopedia"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 10
-	Matk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtk,getrefine()*3;
-		bonus bMatk,getrefine()*3;
-	">
-//== GM Weapon =============================================
-	Id: 1599
-	AegisName: "Angra_Manyu"
-	Name: "Angra manyu"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	Atk: 10000
-	Matk: 10000
-	Range: 2
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,50;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,3300;
-		bonus bMatkRate,200;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,1000,100;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,1000,20;
-		bonus bHealPower,200;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 100;
-		skill WZ_STORMGUST,10;
-		skill WZ_METEOR,10;
-		skill WZ_VERMILION,10;
-		skill GM_SANDMAN,1;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-100;
-		bonus bFixedCastrate,-100;
-	">
-//== Staves ================================================
-	Id: 1600
-	AegisName: "Rod_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Rod of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1601
-	AegisName: "Rod"
-	Name: "Rod"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 15
-	Matk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Id: 1602
-	AegisName: "Rod_"
-	Name: "Rod"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 15
-	Matk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Id: 1603
-	AegisName: "Rod__"
-	Name: "Rod"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 15
-	Matk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Id: 1604
-	AegisName: "Wand"
-	Name: "Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 25
-	Matk: 45
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Id: 1605
-	AegisName: "Wand_"
-	Name: "Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 25
-	Matk: 45
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Id: 1606
-	AegisName: "Wand__"
-	Name: "Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 25
-	Matk: 45
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 1607
-	AegisName: "Staff"
-	Name: "Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 9500
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 40
-	Matk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 1608
-	AegisName: "Staff_"
-	Name: "Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 9500
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 40
-	Matk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 1609
-	AegisName: "Staff__"
-	Name: "Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 9500
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 40
-	Matk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 1610
-	AegisName: "Arc_Wand"
-	Name: "Arc Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 95
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 1611
-	AegisName: "Arc_Wand_"
-	Name: "Arc Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 95
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 1612
-	AegisName: "Arc_Wand__"
-	Name: "Arc Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 95
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 1613
-	AegisName: "Mighty_Staff"
-	Name: "Mighty Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 130
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,10;
-		bonus bSPDrainValue,-2;
-	">
-	Id: 1614
-	AegisName: "Blessed_Wand"
-	Name: "Wand of Occult"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 75
-	Matk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 1615
-	AegisName: "Bone_Wand"
-	Name: "Evil Bone Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 40
-	Matk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Undead;
-	">
-	Id: 1616
-	AegisName: "Staff_Of_Wing"
-	Name: "Wing Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 1617
-	AegisName: "Survival_Rod"
-	Name: "Survivor's Rod"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 85000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-	">
-	Id: 1618
-	AegisName: "Survival_Rod_"
-	Name: "Survivor's Rod"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 85000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bMaxHP,400;
-	">
-	Id: 1619
-	AegisName: "Survival_Rod2"
-	Name: "Survivor's Rod"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 85000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-	">
-	Id: 1620
-	AegisName: "Survival_Rod2_"
-	Name: "Survivor's Rod"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 85000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bMaxHP,400;
-	">
-	Id: 1621
-	AegisName: "Hypnotists_Staff"
-	Name: "Hypnotist's Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 43000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 1622
-	AegisName: "Hypnotists_Staff_"
-	Name: "Hypnotist's Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 1623
-	AegisName: "Mighty_Staff_C"
-	Name: "Mighty Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 165
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,10;
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bSPDrainValue,-1;
-	">
-	Id: 1624
-	AegisName: "Lich_Bone_Wand"
-	Name: "Lich's Bone Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Undead;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDECURSE,5,10+getrefine();
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,3;
-			bonus bMaxSP,300;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1625
-	AegisName: "Healing_Staff"
-	Name: "Healing Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 10
-	Matk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bHealPower,(getrefine()*3/2);
-	">
-	Id: 1626
-	AegisName: "Piercing_Staff"
-	Name: "Piercing Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 80
-	Matk: 145
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,10+getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 1627
-	AegisName: "Staffy"
-	Name: "Staffy"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 40
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50;
-	">
-	Id: 1628
-	AegisName: "Survival_Rod_C"
-	Name: "Refined Survivor's Rod"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 71
-	Matk: 145
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,4;
-		bonus bMatkRate,20;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1629
-	AegisName: "Walking_Stick"
-	Name: "Gentleman Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 40
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 1630
-	AegisName: "Release_Of_Wish"
-	Name: "Release of Wish"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bSPRegenRate,100,2000; bonus2 bHPRegenRate,50,2000; }",10,10000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 1631
-	AegisName: "Holy_Stick"
-	Name: "Holy Stick"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,AL_HOLYLIGHT,-25;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,PR_TURNUNDEAD,-25;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,PR_MAGNUS,-25;
-	">
-	Id: 1632
-	AegisName: "BF_Staff1"
-	Name: "Warlock's Magic Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,25;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500,ATF_SKILL;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1633
-	AegisName: "BF_Staff2"
-	Name: "Warlock's Battle Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,15;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500,ATF_SKILL;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1634
-	AegisName: "BF_Staff3"
-	Name: "Strong Recovery Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,14;
-		bonus2 bSPRegenRate,5,10000;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1635
-	AegisName: "BF_Staff4"
-	Name: "Speedy Recovery Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-15;
-		bonus2 bSPRegenRate,5,10000;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1636
-	AegisName: "Thorn_Staff"
-	Name: "Thorn Staff of Darkness"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,getrefine();
-		bonus bDelayrate,-(getrefine()*3/2);
-	">
-	Id: 1637
-	AegisName: "Eraser"
-	Name: "Eraser"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 80
-	Matk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,8;
-		if( getrefine() > 9 ) bonus5 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN,3,5,BF_MAGIC,0;
-		else bonus5 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN,1,5,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1638
-	AegisName: "Healing_Staff_C"
-	Name: "Staff Of Healing"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 10
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		bonus bHealPower,(getrefine()*3/2);
-	">
-	Id: 1639
-	AegisName: "N_Rod"
-	Name: "Novice Rod"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 15
-	Matk: 32
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Id: 1640
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Onehand_Staff1"
-	Name: "Glorious Arc Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 135
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,15;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,25+((getrefine()>5)?5:0);
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine() > 8) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,5;
-			bonus bVariableCastrate,-5;
-			bonus bDelayrate,-5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1641
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Onehand_Staff2"
-	Name: "Glorious Cure Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 135
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,14;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine() > 5) {
-			bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-			bonus bHealPower,5+(min(getrefine(),14)-5)*2;
-		}
-		if(getrefine() > 8) bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,AL_HEAL,AL_HEAL,10,100,1;
-		if(getrefine() > 9) {
-			bonus bHealPower,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1642
-	AegisName: "Staff_Of_Darkness"
-	Name: "Staff Of Darkness"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-5;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1643
-	AegisName: "Dead_Tree_Cane"
-	Name: "Dead Tree CaneStaff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 155
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		if (getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus bInt,getrefine()-5;
-			bonus bMaxHP,-200;
-			bonus bMaxSP,-100;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1644
-	AegisName: "Piercing_Staff_M"
-	Name: "Staff of Piercing"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,10+getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 1645
-	AegisName: "Lich_Bone_Wand_M"
-	Name: "Lich's Bone Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Undead;
-		bonus bMatkRate,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDECURSE,5,10+getrefine();
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,3;
-			bonus bMaxSP,300;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1646
-	AegisName: "Lacryma_Stick"
-	Name: "La'cryma Stick"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bMdef,getrefine();
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_STORMGUST,getrefine();
-		if (getrefine() > 9) bonus2 bVariableCastrate,WZ_STORMGUST,-8;
-	">
-	Id: 1647
-	AegisName: "Croce_Staff"
-	Name: "Croce Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 175
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,AL_HEAL,AL_BLESSING,max(getskilllv(AL_BLESSING),1),20;
-	">
-	Id: 1648
-	AegisName: "Staff_Of_Bordeaux"
-	Name: "Staff Of Bordeaux"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		if(getskilllv(SA_DRAGONOLOGY) == 5) {
-			bonus bUseSPrate,-15;
-			bonus bInt,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1649
-	AegisName: "Rafini_Staff"
-	Name: "Laphine Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bFixedCastrate,-getrefine(); ">
-	Id: 1650
-	AegisName: "P_Staff1"
-	Name: "Eden Staff I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 26
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 1651
-	AegisName: "P_Staff2"
-	Name: "Eden Staff II"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 1652
-	AegisName: "Tourist_Staff"
-	Name: "Traveler's Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 35
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1653
-	AegisName: "Staff_Of_Healing_C"
-	Name: "Healing Of Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 10
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bMatk,100;
-		bonus bHealPower,18;
-	">
-	Id: 1654
-	AegisName: "Mental_Stick"
-	Name: "Mental Stick"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 40
-	Matk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 102
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE,(getrefine()-5)*2;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,-(getrefine()-5)*2;
-		}
-		bonus2 bSkillVariableCast,SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE,-3000;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE,-60;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" itemheal 0,-100; ">
-	Id: 1655
-	AegisName: "Adventure_Staff"
-	Name: "Adventure Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 1656
-	AegisName: "Academy_Wand"
-	Name: "Academy Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 1657
-	AegisName: "Wand_Of_Affection"
-	Name: "Wand Of Affection"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bHealPower,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1658
-	AegisName: "P_Staff3"
-	Name: "Eden Group Staff III"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,4; ">
-	Id: 1659
-	AegisName: "Recovery_Light"
-	Name: "Light of Recovery"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bHealPower,(getrefine()*6);
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_HEAL,-(getrefine()*10);
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AB_CHEAL,-(getrefine()*12);
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AB_HIGHNESSHEAL,-(getrefine()*14);
-	">
-	Id: 1660
-	AegisName: "Wand_Of_Affection2"
-	Name: "Protection Staff II"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bHealPower,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1661
-	AegisName: "Mental_Destroyer"
-	Name: "Mental Destroyer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt, 10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon, 0;
-		bonus bUseSPrate, 100;
-		bonus bMdef, 20;
-		bonus3 bSPVanishRate, 1000, 5, BF_NORMAL | BF_SKILL;
-		if (getrefine() >= 6) {
-			bonus3 bSPVanishRate, 1000, 10, BF_NORMAL | BF_SKILL;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1662
-	AegisName: "Bone_Wand_"
-	Name: "Evil Bone Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 40
-	Matk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Undead;
-	">
-	Id: 1663
-	AegisName: "Staff_Of_Bordeaux_"
-	Name: "Staff Of Bordeaux"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		if(getskilllv(SA_DRAGONOLOGY) == 5) {
-			bonus bUseSPrate,-15;
-			bonus bInt,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1664
-	AegisName: "Thorn_Staff_"
-	Name: "Thorn Staff of Darkness"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,getrefine();
-		bonus bDelayrate,-(getrefine()*3/2);
-	">
-	Id: 1665
-	AegisName: "Piercing_Staff_"
-	Name: "Staff of Piercing"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,10+getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 1666
-	AegisName: "Healing_Staff_"
-	Name: "Staff Of Healing"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 10
-	Matk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		bonus bHealPower,(getrefine()*3/2);
-	">
-	Id: 1667
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Staff"
-	Name: "TE WoE Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,10;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 1668
-	AegisName: "Sword_Stick"
-	Name: "Sword Stick"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1669
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Staff"
-	Name: "Thanatos Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-		bonus bHealPower,15;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 1670
-	AegisName: "RWC_Memory_Staff"
-	Name: "RWC Memory Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 25
-	Matk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bMatk,30*(getrefine()/3);
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			.@val = 1;
-			bonus4 bAutoSpell,HW_MAGICPOWER,1,10,0;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 4) {
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace, RC_All, 5*(.@val+1);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1671
-	AegisName: "Staff_Of_Evil_Slayer"
-	Name: "Evil Slayer Vanquisher Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 155
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=9){ bonus bMatkRate,5; }
-		if(getrefine()>=12){ bonus bMatkRate,7; }
-	">
-	Id: 1680
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Rod"
-	Name: "Crimson Rod"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bMatk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 1681
-	AegisName: "Short_Foxtail_Staff"
-	Name: "Short Foxtail Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Id: 1683
-	AegisName: "Enriched_Foxtail_Staff"
-	Name: "Enriched Foxtail Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP, 50; ">
-	Id: 1684
-	AegisName: "Long_Foxtail_Staff"
-	Name: "Long Foxtail Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate, 5;
-		bonus bMaxHP, 200;
-	">
-	Id: 1685
-	AegisName: "Dragonfly_Sitting_Foxtail_Staff"
-	Name: "Dragonfly Sitting Foxtail Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt, 1;
-		bonus bMaxHP, 100;
-		bonus bMaxSP, 150;
-	">
-	Id: 1686
-	AegisName: "Large_Foxtail_Staff"
-	Name: "Large Foxtail Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate, 8;
-		bonus bDex, 1;
-		bonus bMaxHP, 200;
-		bonus bMaxSP, 100;
-	">
-	Id: 1687
-	AegisName: "Beginner_Foxtail_Staff"
-	Name: "Beginner Foxtail Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Atk: 40
-	Matk: 15
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP, 100; ">
-	Id: 1690
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Foxtail_Staff"
-	Name: "Mysterious Foxtail Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 80
-	Matk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP, 10 * (getrefine() / 3) + 50;
-		bonus bMatk, 10 * (getrefine() / 3);
-	">
-	Id: 1691
-	AegisName: "Strange_God_Foxtail_Staff"
-	Name: "Strange God Foxtail Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 240
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP, 100;
-		bonus bMatkRate, 2 * (getrefine() / 3);
-		bonus bMaxSPrate, getrefine() / 3;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) {
-			.@r = min(getrefine(), 10) - 7;
-			bonus bWeaponAtkRate,(20 * .@r) + 40;
-			bonus bWeaponMatkRate,(20 * .@r) + 40;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1692
-	AegisName: "Magical_Foxtail_Staff"
-	Name: "Magical Foxtail Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 260
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP, 100;
-		bonus bMatkRate, 2 * (getrefine() / 3);
-		bonus bMaxSPrate, getrefine() / 3;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) {
-			.@r = min(getrefine(), 10) - 7;
-			bonus bWeaponAtkRate, (20 * .@r) + 40;
-			bonus bWeaponMatkRate, (20 * .@r) + 40;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1693
-	AegisName: "Magical_Yellow_Foxtail_Staff"
-	Name: "Magical Yellow Foxtail Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 140
-	Matk: 280
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 175
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate, 3 * (getrefine() / 2);
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill, SU_FRESHSHRIMP, SU_ARCLOUSEDASH, max(1, getskilllv(SU_ARCLOUSEDASH)), 200;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill, SU_SV_STEMSPEAR, SU_FRESHSHRIMP, max(1, getskilllv(SU_FRESHSHRIMP)), 200;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) {
-			.@r = min(getrefine(), 10) - 7;
-			bonus bWeaponAtkRate, (20 * .@r) + 40;
-			bonus bWeaponMatkRate, (20 * .@r) + 40;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1694
-	AegisName: "Foxtail_Model"
-	Name: "Foxtail Model"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate, 8;
-		bonus bMaxHP, 100;
-		bonus bDex, (getrefine() / 3) * 2;
-		bonus bMaxSP, (getrefine() / 3) * 10;
-	">
-	Id: 1695
-	AegisName: "Delicate_Foxtail_Model"
-	Name: "Delicate Foxtail Model"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 195
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate, 8;
-		bonus bMaxHP, 200;
-		bonus bDex, (getrefine() / 3) * 3;
-		bonus bMaxSP, (getrefine() / 3) * 15;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) {
-			.@r = min(getrefine(), 10) - 7;
-			bonus bWeaponAtkRate, (20 * .@r) + 40;
-			bonus bWeaponMatkRate, (20 * .@r) + 40;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1696
-	AegisName: "Exquisite_Foxtail_Model"
-	Name: "Exquisite Foxtail Model"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 240
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate, 8;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate, 5;
-		bonus bDex, (getrefine() / 2) * 3;
-		bonus bMaxSP, (getrefine() / 2) * 15;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) {
-			.@r = min(getrefine(), 10) - 7;
-			bonus bWeaponAtkRate, (20 * .@r) + 40;
-			bonus bWeaponMatkRate, (20 * .@r) + 40;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1697
-	AegisName: "Exquisite_Yellow_Foxtail_Model"
-	Name: "Exquisite Yellow Foxtail Model"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 270
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 175
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate, 9;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate, 7;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate, getrefine() / 2;
-		bonus bMaxSP, (getrefine() / 2) * 20;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill, SU_PICKYPECK, SU_FRESHSHRIMP, max(1, getskilllv(SU_FRESHSHRIMP)), 200;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) {
-			.@r = min(getrefine(), 10) - 7;
-			bonus bWeaponAtkRate, (20 * .@r) + 40;
-			bonus bWeaponMatkRate, (20 * .@r) + 40;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1699
-	AegisName: "Paradise_Foxtail_Staff_I"
-	Name: "Eden Group Foxtail I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 135
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 26
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex, 3;
-		bonus bInt, 3;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate, 5;
-	">
-//== Bows ==================================================
-	Id: 1701
-	AegisName: "Bow"
-	Name: "Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 15
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1702
-	AegisName: "Bow_"
-	Name: "Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 15
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1703
-	AegisName: "Bow__"
-	Name: "Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 15
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1002,500;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1113,500;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1031,500;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1242,500;
-	">
-	Id: 1704
-	AegisName: "Composite_Bow"
-	Name: "Composite Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 29
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1705
-	AegisName: "Composite_Bow_"
-	Name: "Composite Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 29
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1706
-	AegisName: "Composite_Bow__"
-	Name: "Composite Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 29
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1707
-	AegisName: "Great_Bow"
-	Name: "Great Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1708
-	AegisName: "Great_Bow_"
-	Name: "Great Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1709
-	AegisName: "Great_Bow__"
-	Name: "Great Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1710
-	AegisName: "CrossBow"
-	Name: "Cross Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 17000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 65
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1711
-	AegisName: "CrossBow_"
-	Name: "Cross Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 17000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 65
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1712
-	AegisName: "CrossBow__"
-	Name: "Cross Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 17000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 65
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1713
-	AegisName: "Arbalest"
-	Name: "Arbalest Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 48000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 1714
-	AegisName: "Kakkung"
-	Name: "Gakkung Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 42000
-	Weight: 1100
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1715
-	AegisName: "Arbalest_"
-	Name: "Arbalest Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 48000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 1716
-	AegisName: "Kakkung_"
-	Name: "Gakkung Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 42000
-	Weight: 1100
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1718
-	AegisName: "Hunter_Bow"
-	Name: "Hunter Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 64000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1719
-	AegisName: "Bow_Of_Roguemaster"
-	Name: "Roguemaster's Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 75
-	Range: 11
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1720
-	AegisName: "Bow_Of_Rudra"
-	Name: "Rudra Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		skill AL_CURE,1;
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Poison,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Confusion,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 1721
-	AegisName: "Repeting_CrossBow"
-	Name: "Repeating Crossbow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 89000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 95
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1722
-	AegisName: "Balistar"
-	Name: "Ballista"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 124000
-	Weight: 3500
-	Atk: 145
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 77
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1723
-	AegisName: "Luna_Bow"
-	Name: "Luna Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,2+3*(getrefine()>5)+2*(getrefine()>8); ">
-	Id: 1724
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Wing"
-	Name: "Dragon Wing"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,1765,RC_Dragon,300;
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon;
-	">
-	Id: 1725
-	AegisName: "Bow_Of_Minstrel"
-	Name: "Minstrel Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1700
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1726
-	AegisName: "Hunter_Bow_"
-	Name: "Hunter Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 64000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1727
-	AegisName: "Balistar_"
-	Name: "Ballista"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 124000
-	Weight: 3500
-	Atk: 145
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 77
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1728
-	AegisName: "Balistar_C"
-	Name: "Ballista"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 194
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,20; ">
-	Id: 1729
-	AegisName: "Bow_Of_Rudra_C"
-	Name: "Rudra Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		skill AL_CURE,1;
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1730
-	AegisName: "Burning_Bow"
-	Name: "Burning Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 95
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10; ">
-	Id: 1731
-	AegisName: "Frozen_Bow"
-	Name: "Frozen Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,1000; ">
-	Id: 1732
-	AegisName: "Earth_Bow"
-	Name: "Earth Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1733
-	AegisName: "Gust_Bow"
-	Name: "Gust Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 95
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1734
-	AegisName: "Orc_Archer_Bow"
-	Name: "Orc Archer Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1600
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,1753,200; ">
-	Id: 1735
-	AegisName: "Kkakkung"
-	Name: "Kkakkung"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50; ">
-	Id: 1736
-	AegisName: "Double_Bound"
-	Name: "Double Bound"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,AC_DOUBLE,getskilllv(AC_DOUBLE),10; ">
-	Id: 1737
-	AegisName: "Ixion_Wing"
-	Name: "Ixion Wings"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,7; }",10+(getrefine()*2),7000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_HASTEUP, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,AC_CHARGEARROW,3;
-	">
-	Id: 1738
-	AegisName: "BF_Bow1"
-	Name: "Valorous Battle CrossBow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1739
-	AegisName: "BF_Bow2"
-	Name: "Brave Battle CrossBow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bInt,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1740
-	AegisName: "Nepenthes_Bow"
-	Name: "Nepenthes Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,AC_DOUBLE,AC_CHARGEARROW,1,20; ">
-	Id: 1741
-	AegisName: "Cursed_Lyre"
-	Name: "Cursed Lyre"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1250
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,-2;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,400;
-	">
-	Id: 1742
-	AegisName: "N_Composite_Bow"
-	Name: "Novice Composite Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 49
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 1743
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Bow1"
-	Name: "Glorious Hunter Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,getrefine() * 2;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus2 bSkillAtk,AC_DOUBLE,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1744
-	AegisName: "Bow_Of_Evil"
-	Name: "Bow Of Evil"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AC_DOUBLE,25;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1745
-	AegisName: "Falken_Blitz"
-	Name: "Falken Blitz"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SN_SHARPSHOOTING,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AC_DOUBLE,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AC_CHARGEARROW,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1746
-	AegisName: "Elven_Bow"
-	Name: "Elven Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 1747
-	AegisName: "P_Bow1"
-	Name: "Eden Bow I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 82
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 26
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1748
-	AegisName: "P_Bow2"
-	Name: "Eden Bow II"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1749
-	AegisName: "Tourist_Bow"
-	Name: "Traveler's Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 40
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-	">
-//== Arrows ================================================
-	Id: 1750
-	AegisName: "Arrow"
-	Name: "Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 1
-	Atk: 25
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Id: 1751
-	AegisName: "Silver_Arrow"
-	Name: "Silver Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy; ">
-	Id: 1752
-	AegisName: "Fire_Arrow"
-	Name: "Fire Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 1753
-	AegisName: "Steel_Arrow"
-	Name: "Steel Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 4
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 40
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Id: 1754
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Arrow"
-	Name: "Crystal Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 1755
-	AegisName: "Arrow_Of_Wind"
-	Name: "Arrow of Wind"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 1756
-	AegisName: "Stone_Arrow"
-	Name: "Stone Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 1757
-	AegisName: "Immatrial_Arrow"
-	Name: "Immaterial Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 1
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Ghost; ">
-	Id: 1758
-	AegisName: "Stun_Arrow"
-	Name: "Stun Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000; ">
-	Id: 1759
-	AegisName: "Freezing_Arrow"
-	Name: "Frozen Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 1760
-	AegisName: "Flash_Arrow"
-	Name: "Flash Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,1000; ">
-	Id: 1761
-	AegisName: "Curse_Arrow"
-	Name: "Cursed Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,1000; ">
-	Id: 1762
-	AegisName: "Rusty_Arrow"
-	Name: "Rusty Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Poison; ">
-	Id: 1763
-	AegisName: "Poison_Arrow"
-	Name: "Poison Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Poison;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,2000;
-	">
-	Id: 1764
-	AegisName: "Incisive_Arrow"
-	Name: "Sharp Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 10
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,20; ">
-	Id: 1765
-	AegisName: "Oridecon_Arrow"
-	Name: "Oridecon Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 30
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Id: 1766
-	AegisName: "Arrow_Of_Counter_Evil"
-	Name: "Arrow of Counter Evil"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 40
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy; ">
-	Id: 1767
-	AegisName: "Arrow_Of_Shadow"
-	Name: "Arrow of Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark; ">
-	Id: 1768
-	AegisName: "Sleep_Arrow"
-	Name: "Sleep Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Sleep,2000; ">
-	Id: 1769
-	AegisName: "Silence_Arrow"
-	Name: "Mute Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,1000; ">
-	Id: 1770
-	AegisName: "Iron_Arrow"
-	Name: "Iron Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 1
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Id: 1771
-	AegisName: "Venom_Knife"
-	Name: "Venom Knife"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_DAGGER"
-	Id: 1772
-	AegisName: "Holy_Arrow"
-	Name: "Holy Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1773
-	AegisName: "Arrow_Of_Elf"
-	Name: "Elven Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 5
-	Weight: 1
-	Atk: 45
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Id: 1774
-	AegisName: "Hunting_Arrow"
-	Name: "Hunting Arrow"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 5
-	Weight: 1
-	Atk: 35
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Id: 1775
-	AegisName: "Siege_Arrow_S"
-	Name: "WoE Arrow S"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 1
-	Atk: 45
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-	Id: 1776
-	AegisName: "Siege_Arrow_A"
-	Name: "WoE Arrow A"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 1
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
-//== Knuckles ==============================================
-	Id: 1800
-	AegisName: "Fist_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Fist of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-	">
-	Id: 1801
-	AegisName: "Waghnakh"
-	Name: "Waghnak"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1802
-	AegisName: "Waghnakh_"
-	Name: "Waghnak"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1803
-	AegisName: "Knuckle_Duster"
-	Name: "Knuckle Dusters"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 25000
-	Weight: 450
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1804
-	AegisName: "Knuckle_Duster_"
-	Name: "Knuckle Dusters"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 25000
-	Weight: 450
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1805
-	AegisName: "Hora"
-	Name: "Studded Knuckles"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 32000
-	Weight: 450
-	Atk: 65
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1806
-	AegisName: "Hora_"
-	Name: "Studded Knuckles"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 32000
-	Weight: 450
-	Atk: 65
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1807
-	AegisName: "Fist"
-	Name: "Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 53000
-	Weight: 650
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1808
-	AegisName: "Fist_"
-	Name: "Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 53000
-	Weight: 650
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1809
-	AegisName: "Claw"
-	Name: "Claw"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 67000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 86
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 1810
-	AegisName: "Claw_"
-	Name: "Claw"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 67000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 86
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 1811
-	AegisName: "Finger"
-	Name: "Finger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 58000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 97
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1812
-	AegisName: "Finger_"
-	Name: "Finger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 58000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 97
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1813
-	AegisName: "Kaiser_Knuckle"
-	Name: "Kaiser Knuckle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 450
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Wind,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1814
-	AegisName: "Berserk"
-	Name: "Berserk"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate,12; ">
-	Id: 1815
-	AegisName: "Claw_Of_Garm"
-	Name: "Hatii Claw"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 550
-	Atk: 152
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-2;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,200;
-	">
-	Id: 1816
-	AegisName: "Berserk_"
-	Name: "Berserk"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate,12; ">
-	Id: 1817
-	AegisName: "Kaiser_Knuckle_C"
-	Name: "Kaiser Knuckle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 159
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Wind,10;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1818
-	AegisName: "Magma_Fist"
-	Name: "Magma Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 650
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SA_FLAMELAUNCHER,5,10; ">
-	Id: 1819
-	AegisName: "Icicle_Fist"
-	Name: "Icicle Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 650
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SA_FROSTWEAPON,5,10; ">
-	Id: 1820
-	AegisName: "Electric_Fist"
-	Name: "Electric Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 650
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SA_LIGHTNINGLOADER,5,10; ">
-	Id: 1821
-	AegisName: "Seismic_Fist"
-	Name: "Seismic Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 650
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SA_SEISMICWEAPON,5,10; ">
-	Id: 1822
-	AegisName: "Combo_Battle_Glove"
-	Name: "Combo Battle Glove"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MO_TRIPLEATTACK,15;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MO_CHAINCOMBO,15;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MO_COMBOFINISH,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1823
-	AegisName: "BF_Knuckle1"
-	Name: "Valorous Battle Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpell,CH_SOULCOLLECT,1,5,0;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1824
-	AegisName: "BF_Knuckle2"
-	Name: "Brave Battle Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MO_EXTREMITYFIST,-25;
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MO_EXTREMITYFIST,-100; }",50,6000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_SUFFRAGIUM, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1825
-	AegisName: "Horn_Of_Hilthrion"
-	Name: "Horn of Hillslion"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 95
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,1,100;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,CH_PALMSTRIKE,MO_INVESTIGATE,1,100;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MO_CALLSPIRITS,5,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1826
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Knuckle1"
-	Name: "Glorious Claw"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,MO_INVESTIGATE,5,(getrefine()*10-50);
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_DECAGI,1,(getrefine()*10-50);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1827
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Knuckle2"
-	Name: "Glorious Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MO_EXTREMITYFIST,-100;
-			bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,CH_SOULCOLLECT,1,1000;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1828
-	AegisName: "Monk_Knuckle"
-	Name: "Monk Knuckle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE,25;
-	">
-	Id: 1829
-	AegisName: "Fist_C"
-	Name: "Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,40;
-	">
-	Id: 1830
-	AegisName: "Sura_Rampage"
-	Name: "Sura's Rampage"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 142
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 102
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SR_EARTHSHAKER,20;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SR_SKYNETBLOW,20;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bUseSPrate,-1*(getrefine()-6);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1831
-	AegisName: "P_Knuckle1"
-	Name: "Eden Group Knuckle I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1832
-	AegisName: "Velum_Claw"
-	Name: "Vellum Claw"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 650
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,100;
-		if(getrefine()>7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,20;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>9) {
-			bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MO_EXTREMITYFIST,-100;
-			bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,CH_SOULCOLLECT,1,10000;
-			bonus2 bHPLossRate,500,3000;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1833
-	AegisName: "Claw_Of_Flash"
-	Name: "Claw of Flash"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Id: 1834
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Fist"
-	Name: "TE WoE Fist"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 1835
-	AegisName: "Spartacus"
-	Name: "Spartacus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtkRate,getrefine();
-		if(getrefine()>9) bonus bNoSizeFix,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1836
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Knuckle"
-	Name: "Thanatos Knuckles"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1600
-	Atk: 60
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 1839
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Knuckle"
-	Name: "Crimson Knuckle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 1846
-	AegisName: "Combo_Battle_Glove_IL"
-	Name: "Combo_Battle_Glove_IL"
-	Id: 1848
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_SR_Nuckle"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_SR_Nuckle"
-	Id: 1862
-	AegisName: "Burning_Knuckle_OS"
-	Name: "Burning_Knuckle_OS"
-	Id: 1864
-	AegisName: "Evt_Iron_Nail_K"
-	Name: "Evt_Iron_Nail_K"
-//== Instruments ===========================================
-	Id: 1900
-	AegisName: "Violin_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Violin of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 130
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2))/2;
-	">
-	Id: 1901
-	AegisName: "Violin"
-	Name: "Violin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 4000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Id: 1902
-	AegisName: "Violin_"
-	Name: "Violin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 4000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Id: 1903
-	AegisName: "Mandolin"
-	Name: "Mandolin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 18000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Id: 1904
-	AegisName: "Mandolin_"
-	Name: "Mandolin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 18000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Id: 1905
-	AegisName: "Lute"
-	Name: "Lute"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 24500
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Id: 1906
-	AegisName: "Lute_"
-	Name: "Lute"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 24500
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Id: 1907
-	AegisName: "Guitar"
-	Name: "Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 47000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 142
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Id: 1908
-	AegisName: "Guitar_"
-	Name: "Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 47000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 142
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Id: 1909
-	AegisName: "Harp"
-	Name: "Harp"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 62000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 114
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 1910
-	AegisName: "Harp_"
-	Name: "Harp"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 62000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 114
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 1911
-	AegisName: "Guh_Moon_Goh"
-	Name: "Gumoongoh"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 54000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 126
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Id: 1912
-	AegisName: "Guh_Moon_Goh_"
-	Name: "Gumoongoh"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 54000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 126
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Id: 1913
-	AegisName: "Electronic_Guitar"
-	Name: "Electric Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1800
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		skill WZ_JUPITEL,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_JUPITEL,1,100;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1914
-	AegisName: "Guitar_Of_Passion"
-	Name: "Burning Passion Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 1915
-	AegisName: "Guitar_Of_Blue_Solo"
-	Name: "Loner's Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 1916
-	AegisName: "Guitar_Of_Vast_Land"
-	Name: "Green Acre Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 1917
-	AegisName: "Guitar_Of_Gentle_Breeze"
-	Name: "Gentle Breeze Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 27
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 1918
-	AegisName: "Oriental_Lute"
-	Name: "Oriental Lute"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,CG_ARROWVULCAN,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,BA_MUSICALSTRIKE,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1919
-	AegisName: "Base_Guitar"
-	Name: "Base Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSPGainValue,3;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_HEAVENDRIVE,3,30,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDECONFUSE,2,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1920
-	AegisName: "Berserk_Guitar"
-	Name: "Berserk Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1800
-	Atk: 10
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,100;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-100;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,50,5000;
-		bonus bDex,-readparam(bDex);
-	">
-	Id: 1921
-	AegisName: "Guh_Moon_Gom"
-	Name: "Gun Moon Gom"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50; ">
-	Id: 1922
-	AegisName: "Oriental_Lute_"
-	Name: "Oriental Lute"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,CG_ARROWVULCAN,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,BA_MUSICALSTRIKE,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1923
-	AegisName: "BF_Instrument1"
-	Name: "Valorous Battlefield Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1924
-	AegisName: "BF_Instrument2"
-	Name: "Brave Battlefield Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,CG_ARROWVULCAN,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1925
-	AegisName: "Cello"
-	Name: "Cello"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,BA_MUSICALSTRIKE,2;
-		bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,CG_ARROWVULCAN,3;
-	">
-	Id: 1926
-	AegisName: "Harp_Of_Nepenthes"
-	Name: "Harp of Nepenthes"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		if( getrefine()>9 ) {
-			bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,BA_MUSICALSTRIKE,Eff_Stun,2000;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,BA_MUSICALSTRIKE,Eff_Stun,1000;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1927
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Instrument1"
-	Name: "Glorious Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,CG_ARROWVULCAN,CG_TAROTCARD,5,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1928
-	AegisName: "Berserk_Guitar_I"
-	Name: "Spirited Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 40
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,100;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-100;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,50,5000;
-		bonus bDex,-readparam(bDex);
-	">
-	Id: 1929
-	AegisName: "Guitar_C"
-	Name: "Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 177
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,40;
-	">
-	Id: 1930
-	AegisName: "Green_Whistle"
-	Name: "Green Whistle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 170
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 102
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bSkillUseSP,MI_RUSH_WINDMILL,(getrefine()-5)*4;
-			bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WM_LULLABY_DEEPSLEEP,(getrefine()-5)*4;
-		}
-		bonus2 bSkillVariableCast,MI_RUSH_WINDMILL,-2000;
-		bonus2 bSkillVariableCast,WM_LULLABY_DEEPSLEEP,-2000;
-	">
-	Id: 1931
-	AegisName: "P_String_Inst1"
-	Name: "Eden Group Guitar I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1932
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Guitar"
-	Name: "TE WoE Guitar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 1933
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Violin"
-	Name: "Thanatos Violin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 200
-	Matk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 1934
-	AegisName: "Contabass"
-	Name: "Double Bass"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 124000
-	Weight: 250
-	Atk: 180
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillCooldown,WM_RANDOMIZESPELL,-2000;
-	">
-	Id: 1935
-	AegisName: "Ukulele_Of_Newoz"
-	Name: "Oz's New Ukulele"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 124000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,MI_RUSH_WINDMILL,-20;
-	">
-	Id: 1936
-	AegisName: "Ru_Blue_Violin"
-	Name: "Blue Violin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bVit,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1937
-	AegisName: "Ru_Gold_Violin"
-	Name: "Ru Gold Violin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,8;
-		bonus bVit,8;
-	">
-	Id: 1938
-	AegisName: "Infinity_Violin"
-	Name: "Infinity Violin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1939
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Viollin"
-	Name: "Crimson Violin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 1940
-	AegisName: "Conch_"
-	Name: "Conch"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_MUSICAL"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt, getrefine();
-		bonus bDex, getrefine();
-		if(getrefine() > 4) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MELEE, 10;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MAGIC, 10;
-			bonus2 bVariableCastrate, WM_REVERBERATION, -10;
-		}
-		if(getrefine() > 6) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MELEE, 10;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MAGIC, 10;
-			bonus2 bVariableCastrate, WM_REVERBERATION, -10;
-		}
-		if(getrefine() > 8) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MELEE, 20;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MAGIC, 20;
-			bonus2 bVariableCastrate, WM_REVERBERATION, -20;
-		}
-	">
-//== Whips =================================================
-	Id: 1950
-	AegisName: "Rope"
-	Name: "Rope"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 45
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Id: 1951
-	AegisName: "Rope_"
-	Name: "Rope"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 45
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Id: 1952
-	AegisName: "Line"
-	Name: "Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 12000
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 16
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Id: 1953
-	AegisName: "Line_"
-	Name: "Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 12000
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 16
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Id: 1954
-	AegisName: "Wire"
-	Name: "Wire Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 17500
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 95
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 16
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Id: 1955
-	AegisName: "Wire_"
-	Name: "Wire Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 17500
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 95
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 16
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Id: 1956
-	AegisName: "Rante"
-	Name: "Rante Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 32000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Id: 1957
-	AegisName: "Rante_"
-	Name: "Rante Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 32000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Id: 1958
-	AegisName: "Tail"
-	Name: "Tail Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 41000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,3; ">
-	Id: 1959
-	AegisName: "Tail_"
-	Name: "Tail Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 41000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,3; ">
-	Id: 1960
-	AegisName: "Whip"
-	Name: "Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 38000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Id: 1961
-	AegisName: "Whip_"
-	Name: "Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 38000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Id: 1962
-	AegisName: "Lariat"
-	Name: "Lariat Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 1963
-	AegisName: "Rapture_Rose"
-	Name: "Rapture Rose"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Poison;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 1964
-	AegisName: "Chemeti"
-	Name: "Chemeti Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 44
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,5;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bFlee2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 1965
-	AegisName: "Whip_Of_Red_Flame"
-	Name: "Red Flame Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 1966
-	AegisName: "Whip_Of_Ice_Piece"
-	Name: "Icicle Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 1967
-	AegisName: "Whip_Of_Earth"
-	Name: "Gaia Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 1968
-	AegisName: "Jump_Rope"
-	Name: "Skipping Rope"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,20; ">
-	Id: 1969
-	AegisName: "Bladed_Whip"
-	Name: "Blade Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,300; ">
-	Id: 1970
-	AegisName: "Queens_Whip"
-	Name: "Queen's Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1100
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,CG_ARROWVULCAN,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,DC_THROWARROW,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1971
-	AegisName: "Electric_Wire"
-	Name: "Electric Wire"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 1972
-	AegisName: "Electric_Eel"
-	Name: "Electric Eel"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_JUPITEL,3,20;
-		if(getrefine()>0) bonus3 bAutoSpell,CG_ARROWVULCAN,getrefine(),50;
-	">
-	Id: 1973
-	AegisName: "Sea_Witch_Foot"
-	Name: "Sea Witch's Foot"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSPGainValue,5;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_FROSTNOVA,3,50,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDESILENCE,2,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1974
-	AegisName: "Carrot_Whip"
-	Name: "Carrot Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" if(getrefine()>0) bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_INCAGI,getrefine(),10; ">
-	Id: 1975
-	AegisName: "Queen_Is_Whip"
-	Name: "Queen Is Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50; ">
-	Id: 1976
-	AegisName: "Queens_Whip_"
-	Name: "Queen's Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1100
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,CG_ARROWVULCAN,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,DC_THROWARROW,10;
-	">
-	Id: 1977
-	AegisName: "BF_Whip1"
-	Name: "Valorous Battle Lariat"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1978
-	AegisName: "BF_Whip2"
-	Name: "Brave Battle Lariat"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,CG_ARROWVULCAN,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 1979
-	AegisName: "Stem_Of_Nepenthes"
-	Name: "Stem of Nepenthes"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		if( getrefine()>=9 ) {
-			bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,DC_THROWARROW,Eff_Freeze,2000;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,DC_THROWARROW,Eff_Freeze,1000;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 1980
-	AegisName: "Whip_Of_Balance"
-	Name: "Whip of Balance"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,DC_THROWARROW,2;
-		bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,CG_ARROWVULCAN,3;
-	">
-	Id: 1981
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Whip1"
-	Name: "Glorious Lariat"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,CG_ARROWVULCAN,CG_TAROTCARD,5,100;
-	">
-	Id: 1982
-	AegisName: "Phenomena_Whip"
-	Name: "Phenomena Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,DC_THROWARROW,25;
-	">
-	Id: 1983
-	AegisName: "Rante_C"
-	Name: "Rante Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,40;
-	">
-	Id: 1984
-	AegisName: "Stem_Whip"
-	Name: "Stem Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 170
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 102
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WA_SWING_DANCE,(getrefine()-5)*4;
-			bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WM_LULLABY_DEEPSLEEP,(getrefine()-5)*4;
-		}
-		bonus2 bSkillVariableCast,WA_SWING_DANCE,-2000;
-		bonus2 bSkillVariableCast,WM_LULLABY_DEEPSLEEP,-2000;
-	">
-	Id: 1985
-	AegisName: "Rosebine"
-	Name: "Rosevine"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bAgi,-2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WM_VOICEOFSIREN,1,20;
-	">
-	Id: 1986
-	AegisName: "P_Tail1"
-	Name: "Eden Group Whip I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1987
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Rope"
-	Name: "TE WoE Rope"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 1988
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Whip"
-	Name: "Thanatos Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 200
-	Matk: 130
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 1989
-	AegisName: "Gymnastics_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Rhythmic Gymnastics Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 124000
-	Weight: 300
-	Atk: 150
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate,20; ">
-	Id: 1990
-	AegisName: "Floral_Mic_Of_Igu"
-	Name: "Bloody Floral Decoration Microphone"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 124000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSkillUseSP,CG_MOONLIT,-20; ">
-	Id: 1991
-	AegisName: "Ru_Blue_Whip"
-	Name: "Blue Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bVit,5;
-	">
-	Id: 1992
-	AegisName: "Ru_Gold_Whip"
-	Name: "Ru Gold Whip"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,8;
-		bonus bVit,8;
-	">
-	Id: 1994
-	AegisName: "Infinity_Wire"
-	Name: "Infinity Wire"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 1995
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Wire"
-	Name: "Crimson Wire"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 1996
-	AegisName: "Wire_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Wire of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 130
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_WHIP"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2))/2;
-	">
-//== More Two-Handed Staves ================================
-	Id: 2000
-	AegisName: "Destruction_Rod"
-	Name: "Staff of Destruction"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 130
-	Matk: 280
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bAgi,10;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,(getrefine()*2);
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_JUPITEL,5,(getrefine()*20);
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,HW_MAGICPOWER,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 2001
-	AegisName: "Divine_Cross"
-	Name: "Divine Cross"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 210
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bDex,4;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,15;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,15;
-	">
-	Id: 2002
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Twohand_Staff1"
-	Name: "Glorious Destruction Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 70
-	Matk: 210
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,getrefine();
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,15;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,(min(getrefine(),14)-5)*2;
-			bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5+(min(getrefine(),14)-5)*2;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,WZ_STORMGUST,MG_SAFETYWALL,10,200,1;
-			bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,WZ_METEOR,MG_SAFETYWALL,10,200,1;
-			bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,WZ_VERMILION,MG_SAFETYWALL,10,200,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2003
-	AegisName: "Destruction_Rod_M"
-	Name: "Staff of Destruction"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 130
-	Matk: 280
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bAgi,10;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,(getrefine()*2);
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_JUPITEL,5,(getrefine()*20);
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,HW_MAGICPOWER,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 2004
-	AegisName: "Kronos"
-	Name: "Kronos"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 240
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+(50*getrefine()/2);
-		autobonus "{ bonus bMatkRate,12; bonus bUseSPrate,20; }",1,5000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 2005
-	AegisName: "Dea_Staff"
-	Name: "Dea Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 220
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bMatkRate,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		autobonus3 "{ }",20,1000,AL_HEAL,"{ specialeffect(EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, playerattached()); heal 0,200; }";
-	">
-	Id: 2006
-	AegisName: "G_Staff_Of_Light"
-	Name: "Guardian Of Light Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1900
-	Atk: 80
-	Matk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bInt,6;
-	">
-	Id: 2007
-	AegisName: "Golden_Rod_Staff"
-	Name: "Golden Rod Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 230
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_JUPITEL,12;
-	">
-	Id: 2008
-	AegisName: "Aqua_Staff"
-	Name: "Aqua Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 230
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_COLDBOLT,12;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FROSTDIVER,12;
-	">
-	Id: 2009
-	AegisName: "Crimson_Staff"
-	Name: "Crimson Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 230
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBOLT,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBALL,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2010
-	AegisName: "Forest_Staff"
-	Name: "Forest Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 230
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_HEAVENDRIVE,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2011
-	AegisName: "Golden_Rod_Staff2"
-	Name: "Empowered Golden Rod Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 270
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_JUPITEL,30;
-	">
-	Id: 2012
-	AegisName: "Aqua_Staff2"
-	Name: "Empowered Aqua Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 270
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_COLDBOLT,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FROSTDIVER,30;
-	">
-	Id: 2013
-	AegisName: "Crimson_Staff2"
-	Name: "Empowered Crimson Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 270
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBOLT,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBALL,30;
-	">
-	Id: 2014
-	AegisName: "Forest_Staff2"
-	Name: "Empowered Forest Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 270
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_HEAVENDRIVE,30;
-	">
-	Id: 2015
-	AegisName: "Upg_Staff"
-	Name: "Upgrade Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,(getrefine()*10);
-		bonus bHealPower,getrefine();
-		if(BaseJob==Job_Wizard) bonus bMatk,30;
-		else if(BaseJob==Job_Sage) bonus bMatk,20;
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bMatk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*10); }
-	">
-	Id: 2016
-	AegisName: "Velum_Arc_Wand"
-	Name: "Vellum Arc Wand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 110
-	Matk: 220
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,25;
-		bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,25;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,15;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bVariableCastrate,-20;
-			bonus bFixedCast,-200;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2017
-	AegisName: "Divine_Cross_"
-	Name: "Divine Cross"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 210
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bDex,4;
-	">
-	Id: 2018
-	AegisName: "Metal_Staff"
-	Name: "Metal Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(BaseJob==Job_Wizard) bonus bMatk,15;
-		else if(BaseJob==Job_Sage) bonus bMatk,10;
-		bonus bMatk,(getrefine()*5);
-		.@val = min(BaseLevel/10, 12);
-		if (.@val > 2) { bonus bMatk,((.@val-2)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 2019
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Two_Hand_Staff"
-	Name: "TE Woe Two Hand Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,20;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 2020
-	AegisName: "Jormungand"
-	Name: "Jormungand"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 200
-	Matk: 280
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,20;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Poison;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,300,ATF_SKILL;
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Poison,100;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2021
-	AegisName: "Ganbantein"
-	Name: "Ganbantein"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 320
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,25;
-		bonus bDex,25;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpell,AB_SILENTIUM,1,100,BF_MAGIC,1;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,100,ATF_SKILL;
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Silence,10000;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2022
-	AegisName: "Staff_Of_Geffen"
-	Name: "Staff Of Geffen"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 150
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,20; ">
-	Id: 2023
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Rod"
-	Name: "Thanatos Two-Handed Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 250
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-		bonus bHealPower,18;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 2024
-	AegisName: "Infinity_Staff"
-	Name: "Infinity Staff"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Matk: 170
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2025
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Staff"
-	Name: "Staff of Crimson"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bMatk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 2026
-	AegisName: "Staff_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Staff of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_2HSTAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2039
-	AegisName: "Wizardy_Staff_IL"
-	Name: "Wizardy_Staff_IL"
-	Id: 2046
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_WL_Staff"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_WL_Staff"
-	Id: 2051
-	AegisName: "Survival_Staff_IL"
-	Name: "Survival_Staff_IL"
-	Id: 2054
-	AegisName: "Evt_Iron_Staff"
-	Name: "Evt_Iron_Staff"
-//== Shields ===============================================
-	Id: 2101
-	AegisName: "Guard"
-	Name: "Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 20
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 2102
-	AegisName: "Guard_"
-	Name: "Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 2103
-	AegisName: "Buckler"
-	Name: "Buckler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 14000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 40
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Id: 2104
-	AegisName: "Buckler_"
-	Name: "Buckler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 14000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Id: 2105
-	AegisName: "Shield"
-	Name: "Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 60
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2106
-	AegisName: "Shield_"
-	Name: "Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 60
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2107
-	AegisName: "Mirror_Shield"
-	Name: "Mirror Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 45
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2108
-	AegisName: "Mirror_Shield_"
-	Name: "Mirror Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2109
-	AegisName: "Memorize_Book"
-	Name: "Memory Book"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 25
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2110
-	AegisName: "Holy_Guard"
-	Name: "Holy Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 85000
-	Weight: 1400
-	Def: 110
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 68
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2111
-	AegisName: "Herald_Of_GOD"
-	Name: "Sacred Mission"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 128000
-	Weight: 1600
-	Def: 120
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 83
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableShield,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2112
-	AegisName: "Novice_Guard"
-	Name: "Novice Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 1
-	Def: 20
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2113
-	AegisName: "Novice_Shield"
-	Name: "Novice Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2114
-	AegisName: "Stone_Buckler"
-	Name: "Stone Buckler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,5; ">
-	Id: 2115
-	AegisName: "Valkyrjas_Shield"
-	Name: "Valkyrja's Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 80
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,20;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2116
-	AegisName: "Angels_Safeguard"
-	Name: "Angelic Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,5; ">
-	Id: 2117
-	AegisName: "Arm_Guard"
-	Name: "Arm Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 50
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 2118
-	AegisName: "Arm_Guard_"
-	Name: "Arm Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 2119
-	AegisName: "Improved_Arm_Guard"
-	Name: "Advanced Arm Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 45
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2120
-	AegisName: "Improved_Arm_Guard_"
-	Name: "Advanced Arm Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2121
-	AegisName: "Memorize_Book_"
-	Name: "Memory Book"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2122
-	AegisName: "Platinum_Shield"
-	Name: "Platinum Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 95
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 68
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,15;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,15;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_MAGICMIRROR,2,150,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2123
-	AegisName: "Orleans_Server"
-	Name: "Orleans's Server"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 75
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMagicDamageReturn,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2124
-	AegisName: "Thorny_Buckler"
-	Name: "Thorny Buckler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 85
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,2; ">
-	Id: 2125
-	AegisName: "Strong_Shield"
-	Name: "Strong Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Def: 90
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 75
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bNoKnockback,0;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,-20;
-	">
-	Id: 2126
-	AegisName: "Guyak_Shield"
-	Name: "Guyak Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMagicDamageReturn,2;
-		autobonus2 "{ bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5; }",20,1000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_REFLECTSHIELD, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 2127
-	AegisName: "Secular_Mission"
-	Name: "Secular Mission"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace, RC_All, 25; ">
-	Id: 2128
-	AegisName: "Herald_Of_GOD_"
-	Name: "Sacred Mission"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 128000
-	Weight: 1600
-	Def: 120
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 83
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableShield,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2129
-	AegisName: "Exorcism_Bible"
-	Name: "Exorcism Bible"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 80
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,3;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,3;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2130
-	AegisName: "Cross_Shield"
-	Name: "Cross Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Def: 130
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 80
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,PA_SHIELDCHAIN,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,CR_SHIELDBOOMERANG,30;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2131
-	AegisName: "Magic_Study_Vol1"
-	Name: "Magic Bible Vol1"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 18
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stun,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 2132
-	AegisName: "Shelter_Resistance"
-	Name: "Shelter Resistance"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 140
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,20;
-		bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2133
-	AegisName: "Tournament_Shield"
-	Name: "Tournament Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 105
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-		if (Class == Job_Lord_Knight)
-			bonus bAspdRate,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 2134
-	AegisName: "Shield_Of_Naga"
-	Name: "Shield of Naga"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 35
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		autobonus2 "{ bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,(getrefine()*3); }",10,5000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_GUARD, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 2135
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Guard"
-	Name: "Shadow Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 52
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rogue: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Id: 2136
-	AegisName: "Cracked_Buckler"
-	Name: "Cracked Buckler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 55
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,-10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_KYRIE,10,10;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2137
-	AegisName: "Valkyrjas_Shield_C"
-	Name: "Neo Valkyrja's Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 110
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,20;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2138
-	AegisName: "Bradium_Shield"
-	Name: "Bradium Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1800
-	Def: 98
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,CR_SHIELDBOOMERANG,60;
-		bonus bAgi,-1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-	">
-	Id: 2139
-	AegisName: "Flame_Thrower"
-	Name: "Flame Thrower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Def: 60
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 2140
-	AegisName: "Energy_Rune_Guard"
-	Name: "Energy Rune Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 70
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 99
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSPrate,2; ">
-	Id: 2141
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SShield7"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,25; ">
-	Id: 2142
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SShield30"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,25; ">
-	Id: 2143
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SShield60"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,25; ">
-	Id: 2144
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SShield90"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,25; ">
-	Id: 2145
-	AegisName: "Time_Keepr_Shield"
-	Name: "Guardian Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 20
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,25;
-	">
-	Id: 2146
-	AegisName: "Siver_Guard"
-	Name: "Siver Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 12500
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 60
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 22
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 2147
-	AegisName: "Round_Buckler"
-	Name: "Round Buckler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 24000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 90
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 22
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Id: 2148
-	AegisName: "Rotha_Shield"
-	Name: "Rosa Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 130
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2149
-	AegisName: "Upg_Guard"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 2150
-	AegisName: "Upg_Buckler"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Buckler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 2151
-	AegisName: "Upg_Shield"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 650
-	Def: 65
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 2152
-	AegisName: "Anti_Demon_Shield_C"
-	Name: "Anti Demon Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 120
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,25;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,25;
-		bonus bMaxHP,400;
-	">
-	Id: 2153
-	AegisName: "Imperial_Guard"
-	Name: "Imperial Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Def: 120
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 102
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(getrefine()>=6) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_SHIELDPRESS,20+((getrefine()-5)*2);
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_SHIELDPRESS,20;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2154
-	AegisName: "Toy_Shield"
-	Name: "Toy Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 2155
-	AegisName: "Academy_Shield"
-	Name: "Academy Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Id: 2156
-	AegisName: "Bible_Of_Promise1"
-	Name: "Bible of Promise(1st Vol.)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 110
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		skill ALL_ODINS_POWER,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2157
-	AegisName: "Insecticide"
-	Name: "Pesticide"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Insect,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2158
-	AegisName: "Ramor_Shield_Undead"
-	Name: "Ramorushirudo"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_Undead, 5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, -5;
-	">
-	Id: 2159
-	AegisName: "Sharel_Shield"
-	Name: "Sharerushirudo"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2160
-	AegisName: "Giant_Shield"
-	Name: "Giant Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 2800
-	Def: 130
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,5;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2161
-	AegisName: "Geffenia_Book_Water"
-	Name: "Geffenia Water Book"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=120) {
-			bonus bMatk,10;
-			bonus bMaxHP,800;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2162
-	AegisName: "Bible_Of_Promise2"
-	Name: "Bible of Promise(2nd Vol.)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 140
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		skill ALL_ODINS_POWER,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2163
-	AegisName: "Flow_Shield"
-	Name: "Floor Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2164
-	AegisName: "Sombre_Shield"
-	Name: "Bull Son Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2165
-	AegisName: "Sol_Shield"
-	Name: "Sol Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2166
-	AegisName: "Exorcism_Bible_"
-	Name: "Devil's Bible Drive"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 80
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 2167
-	AegisName: "Poison_Shield"
-	Name: "Poison Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2168
-	AegisName: "Immuned_Shield"
-	Name: "Immune Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 55
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" if (getrefine()>5) bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,min(getrefine(),12)-5; ">
-	Id: 2169
-	AegisName: "Kalasak"
-	Name: "Kalasag"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 40
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,getrefine()/3; ">
-	Id: 2170
-	AegisName: "Bayani_Kalasak"
-	Name: "Kalasag(Bayani)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,getrefine()/3; ">
-	Id: 2171
-	AegisName: "Fox_Armguard"
-	Name: "Fox Armguard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,5; ">
-	Id: 2172
-	AegisName: "Wolf_Armguard"
-	Name: "Wolf Armguard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 70
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,100; bonus bFlee,-50; }",10,5000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }"; ">
-	Id: 2173
-	AegisName: "Crescent_Armguard"
-	Name: "Crescent Armguard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus bDelayrate,-(getrefine()*2); ">
-	Id: 2174
-	AegisName: "Lumiere_Shield"
-	Name: "Lumiere Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2175
-	AegisName: "Esprit_Shield"
-	Name: "Spirit Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2176
-	AegisName: "Dark_Book"
-	Name: "Black Book"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 80
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2177
-	AegisName: "Shield_Of_Death"
-	Name: "Shield Of Death"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Def: 150
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 90
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,2;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonBoss,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 2178
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Buckler"
-	Name: "TE WoE Buckler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 15
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,15;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,15;
-	">
-	Id: 2179
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Shield"
-	Name: "TE WoE Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 25
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMaxHP,200;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2180
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Magic_Guard"
-	Name: "TE WoE Magic Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,25;
-		bonus bMaxSP,200;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2181
-	AegisName: "Hervor"
-	Name: "Hervor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 100
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_All,30;
-		bonus bUnbreakableShield,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2182
-	AegisName: "Hervor_Alvitr"
-	Name: "Hervor Alvitr"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 150
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,20;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_All,30;
-		/* TODO: bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"ALL_RAY_OF_PROTECTION",1,50; */
-		bonus bUnbreakableShield,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2183
-	AegisName: "Impr_Angels_Safeguard"
-	Name: "Advanced Angelic Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 99
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2185
-	AegisName: "Magic_Reflector"
-	Name: "Magic Reflector"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bMagicDamageReturn,3+((getrefine()>=9)?3:0);
-	">
-	Id: 2186
-	AegisName: "Encyclopedia_Revision"
-	Name: "Revised Encyclopedia"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 99
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,5;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-		if (getrefine()>6) bonus bCritical,2;
-		if (getrefine()>8) bonus bMatk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2187
-	AegisName: "Shield_Of_Gray"
-	Name: "Gray Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Def: 75
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 120
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10+(getrefine()/3);
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,30+getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 2188
-	AegisName: "Svalinn_J"
-	Name: "Svalinn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 80
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10+(getrefine()/3);
-		bonus bMaxHP,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 2189
-	AegisName: "Mad_Bunny"
-	Name: "Mad Bunny"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,6;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-		if (isequipped(20725)) {
-			if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_L)>6) {
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,(getrefine()*2)-12;
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,(getrefine()*2)-12;
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,(getrefine()*2)-12;
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,(getrefine()*2)-12;
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,(getrefine()*2)-12;
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,(getrefine()*2)-12;
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,(getrefine()*2)-12;
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,(getrefine()*2)-12;
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,(getrefine()*2)-12;
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,(getrefine()*2)-12;
-			}
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2190
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Shield_Of_Aeon"
-	Name: "Ancient Shield Of Aeon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 130
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		if(getrefine()>=14) { skill MG_STONECURSE,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 2198
-	AegisName: "Lapine_Shield"
-	Name: "Laphine Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMatk,20; }
-	">
-//== GM Shield =============================================
-	Id: 2199
-	AegisName: "Ahura_Mazda"
-	Name: "Ahura Mazdah"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	Def: 10000
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableShield,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,50;
-		bonus bMdef,99;
-		bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,100;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		skill WZ_ESTIMATION,1;
-		skill ST_FULLSTRIP,5;
-		skill HW_MAGICPOWER,10;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,200;
-		bonus bNoKnockback,0;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-20;
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-		bonus bIntravision,0;
-	">
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start4 SC_ENDURE,60000,10,0,0,1; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_ENDURE; ">
-//== Headgears =============================================
-	Id: 2201
-	AegisName: "Sunglasses"
-	Name: "Sunglasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 12
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,500; ">
-	Id: 2202
-	AegisName: "Sunglasses_"
-	Name: "Sunglasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 12
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,500; ">
-	Id: 2203
-	AegisName: "Glasses"
-	Name: "Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 4000
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2204
-	AegisName: "Glasses_"
-	Name: "Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 4000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 2205
-	AegisName: "Divers_Goggles"
-	Name: "Diver Goggles"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 3500
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 10
-	Id: 2206
-	AegisName: "Wedding_Veil"
-	Name: "Wedding Veil"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 23000
-	Weight: 100
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 44
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2207
-	AegisName: "Fancy_Flower"
-	Name: "Fancy Flower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,10; ">
-	Id: 2208
-	AegisName: "Ribbon"
-	Name: "Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 17
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2209
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_"
-	Name: "Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 17
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2210
-	AegisName: "Hair_Band"
-	Name: "Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 9
-	Id: 2211
-	AegisName: "Bandana"
-	Name: "Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 6
-	Id: 2212
-	AegisName: "Eye_Bandage"
-	Name: "Eye Patch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 13
-	Id: 2213
-	AegisName: "Cat_Hairband"
-	Name: "Kitty Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Id: 2214
-	AegisName: "Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 15
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 2215
-	AegisName: "Flower_Hairband"
-	Name: "Flower Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Id: 2216
-	AegisName: "Biretta"
-	Name: "Biretta"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 9000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 11
-	Id: 2217
-	AegisName: "Biretta_"
-	Name: "Biretta"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 9000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 11
-	Id: 2218
-	AegisName: "Flu_Mask"
-	Name: "Flu Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 8
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,1000; ">
-	Id: 2219
-	AegisName: "Flu_Mask_"
-	Name: "Flu Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 8
-	Id: 2220
-	AegisName: "Hat"
-	Name: "Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 16
-	Id: 2221
-	AegisName: "Hat_"
-	Name: "Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 16
-	Id: 2222
-	AegisName: "Turban"
-	Name: "Turban"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 4500
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 7
-	Id: 2223
-	AegisName: "Turban_"
-	Name: "Turban"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 4500
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 7
-	Id: 2224
-	AegisName: "Goggle"
-	Name: "Goggles"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 2225
-	AegisName: "Goggle_"
-	Name: "Goggles"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 2226
-	AegisName: "Cap"
-	Name: "Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 12000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 7
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 14
-	Id: 2227
-	AegisName: "Cap_"
-	Name: "Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 12000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 14
-	Id: 2228
-	AegisName: "Helm"
-	Name: "Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 44000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 13
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 40
-	Id: 2229
-	AegisName: "Helm_"
-	Name: "Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 44000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 40
-	Id: 2230
-	AegisName: "Gemmed_Sallet"
-	Name: "Gemmed Sallet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2231
-	AegisName: "Gemmed_Sallet_"
-	Name: "Gemmed Sallet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2232
-	AegisName: "Circlet"
-	Name: "Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 7500
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 18
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2233
-	AegisName: "Circlet_"
-	Name: "Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 7500
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 18
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2234
-	AegisName: "Tiara"
-	Name: "Tiara"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 7
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 19
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 2235
-	AegisName: "Crown"
-	Name: "Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 7
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 2236
-	AegisName: "Santas_Hat"
-	Name: "Santa Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 20
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2237
-	AegisName: "Weird_Goatee"
-	Name: "Bandit Beard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 21
-	Id: 2238
-	AegisName: "Weird_Moustache"
-	Name: "Moustache"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 22
-	Id: 2239
-	AegisName: "One_Eyed_Glass"
-	Name: "Monocle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 23
-	Id: 2240
-	AegisName: "Beard"
-	Name: "Beard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 24
-	Sprite: 2241
-	Id: 2241
-	AegisName: "Granpa_Beard"
-	Name: "Grampa Beard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 25
-	Id: 2242
-	AegisName: "Luxury_Sunglasses"
-	Name: "Purple Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 24000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 26
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,1000; ">
-	Id: 2243
-	AegisName: "Spinning_Eyes"
-	Name: "Geek Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 27
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,1500; ">
-	Id: 2244
-	AegisName: "Big_Sis_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Big Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 28
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2245
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Gents"
-	Name: "Sweet Gent"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 29
-	Id: 2246
-	AegisName: "Golden_Gear"
-	Name: "Golden Gear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 9
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 30
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 2247
-	AegisName: "Oldmans_Romance"
-	Name: "Romantic Gent"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 31
-	Id: 2248
-	AegisName: "Western_Grace"
-	Name: "Western Grace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 32
-	Id: 2249
-	AegisName: "Coronet"
-	Name: "Coronet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 33
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 2250
-	AegisName: "Fillet"
-	Name: "Cute Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 34
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,20; ">
-	Id: 2251
-	AegisName: "Holy_Bonnet"
-	Name: "Monk Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 35
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2252
-	AegisName: "Star_Sparkling"
-	Name: "Wizard Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 7
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 36
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,100; ">
-	Id: 2253
-	AegisName: "Sunflower"
-	Name: "Sunflower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 37
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,10; ">
-	Id: 2254
-	AegisName: "Angelic_Chain"
-	Name: "Angel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 38
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2255
-	AegisName: "Satanic_Chain"
-	Name: "Evil Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 39
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2256
-	AegisName: "Magestic_Goat"
-	Name: "Magestic Goat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 9
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 41
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 2257
-	AegisName: "Snowy_Horn"
-	Name: "Unicorn Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 42
-	Id: 2258
-	AegisName: "Sharp_Gear"
-	Name: "Spiky Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 43
-	Id: 2259
-	AegisName: "Mini_Propeller"
-	Name: "Mini Propeller"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 46
-	Id: 2260
-	AegisName: "Mini_Glasses"
-	Name: "Mini Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 28000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 47
-	Id: 2261
-	AegisName: "Prontera_Army_Cap"
-	Name: "Army Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 48
-	Id: 2262
-	AegisName: "Pierrot_Nose"
-	Name: "Clown Nose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 49
-	Id: 2263
-	AegisName: "Gangster_Patch"
-	Name: "Zorro Masque"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 50
-	Id: 2264
-	AegisName: "Munak_Turban"
-	Name: "Munak Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 51
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10; ">
-	Id: 2265
-	AegisName: "Ganster_Mask"
-	Name: "Gangster Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 52
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,1500; ">
-	Id: 2266
-	AegisName: "Iron_Cane"
-	Name: "Iron Cain"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 53
-	Id: 2267
-	AegisName: "Cigar"
-	Name: "Cigarette"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 54
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,3; ">
-	Id: 2268
-	AegisName: "Smoking_Pipe"
-	Name: "Pipe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 55
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,3; ">
-	Id: 2269
-	AegisName: "Centimental_Flower"
-	Name: "Romantic Flower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 56
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,3; ">
-	Id: 2270
-	AegisName: "Centimental_Leaf"
-	Name: "Romantic Leaf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 57
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,3; ">
-	Id: 2271
-	AegisName: "Jack_A_Dandy"
-	Name: "Jack be Dandy"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 58
-	Id: 2272
-	AegisName: "Stop_Post"
-	Name: "Stop Post"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 59
-	Id: 2273
-	AegisName: "Doctor_Cap"
-	Name: "Doctor Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 60
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 2274
-	AegisName: "Ghost_Bandana"
-	Name: "Ghost Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 61
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 2275
-	AegisName: "Red_Bandana"
-	Name: "Red Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 62
-	Id: 2276
-	AegisName: "Eagle_Eyes"
-	Name: "Angled Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 63
-	Id: 2277
-	AegisName: "Nurse_Cap"
-	Name: "Nurse Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 64
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 2278
-	AegisName: "Mr_Smile"
-	Name: "Mr. Smile"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 60
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 65
-	Id: 2279
-	AegisName: "Bomb_Wick"
-	Name: "Bomb Wick"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 66
-	Id: 2280
-	AegisName: "Sahkkat"
-	Name: "Sakkat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 67
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 2281
-	AegisName: "Phantom_Of_Opera"
-	Name: "Opera Masque"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 68
-	Id: 2282
-	AegisName: "Spirit_Chain"
-	Name: "Halo"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 69
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,15; ">
-	Id: 2283
-	AegisName: "Ear_Mufs"
-	Name: "Ear Muffs"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 70
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,1000; ">
-	Id: 2284
-	AegisName: "Antler"
-	Name: "Antlers"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 71
-	Id: 2285
-	AegisName: "Apple_Of_Archer"
-	Name: "Apple of Archer"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 72
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,3; ">
-	Id: 2286
-	AegisName: "Elven_Ears"
-	Name: "Elven Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 73
-	Id: 2287
-	AegisName: "Pirate_Bandana"
-	Name: "Pirate Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 74
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 2288
-	AegisName: "Mr_Scream"
-	Name: "Mr. Scream"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 75
-	Id: 2289
-	AegisName: "Poo_Poo_Hat"
-	Name: "Poo Poo Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 76
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10; ">
-	Id: 2290
-	AegisName: "Funeral_Costume"
-	Name: "Funeral Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 77
-	Id: 2291
-	AegisName: "Masquerade"
-	Name: "Masquerade"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 78
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,3; ">
-	Id: 2292
-	AegisName: "Welding_Mask"
-	Name: "Welding Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 79
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10; ">
-	Id: 2293
-	AegisName: "Pretend_Murdered"
-	Name: "Pretend Murdered"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 80
-	Id: 2294
-	AegisName: "Star_Dust"
-	Name: "Stellar"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 81
-	Id: 2295
-	AegisName: "Blinker"
-	Name: "Blinker"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 82
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000; ">
-	Id: 2296
-	AegisName: "Binoculars"
-	Name: "Binoculars"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 83
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 2297
-	AegisName: "Goblini_Mask"
-	Name: "Goblin Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 84
-	Id: 2298
-	AegisName: "Green_Feeler"
-	Name: "Green Feeler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 85
-	Id: 2299
-	AegisName: "Viking_Helm"
-	Name: "Orc Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 9
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 86
-//== Armors ================================================
-	Id: 2301
-	AegisName: "Cotton_Shirt"
-	Name: "Cotton Shirt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2302
-	AegisName: "Cotton_Shirt_"
-	Name: "Cotton Shirt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2303
-	AegisName: "Leather_Jacket"
-	Name: "Jacket"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 15
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2304
-	AegisName: "Leather_Jacket_"
-	Name: "Jacket"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2305
-	AegisName: "Adventure_Suit"
-	Name: "Adventurer's Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2306
-	AegisName: "Adventureres_Suit_"
-	Name: "Adventurer's Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2307
-	AegisName: "Mantle"
-	Name: "Mantle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 37
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2308
-	AegisName: "Mantle_"
-	Name: "Mantle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 37
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2309
-	AegisName: "Coat"
-	Name: "Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 22000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 42
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2310
-	AegisName: "Coat_"
-	Name: "Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 22000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 42
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2311
-	AegisName: "Mink_Coat"
-	Name: "Mink Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2300
-	Def: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Id: 2312
-	AegisName: "Padded_Armor"
-	Name: "Padded Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 48000
-	Weight: 2800
-	Def: 35
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2313
-	AegisName: "Padded_Armor_"
-	Name: "Padded Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 48000
-	Weight: 2800
-	Def: 35
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2314
-	AegisName: "Chain_Mail"
-	Name: "Chain Mail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 65000
-	Weight: 3300
-	Def: 55
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2315
-	AegisName: "Chain_Mail_"
-	Name: "Chain Mail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 65000
-	Weight: 3300
-	Def: 55
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2316
-	AegisName: "Plate_Armor"
-	Name: "Full Plate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 80000
-	Weight: 4500
-	Def: 70
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Id: 2317
-	AegisName: "Plate_Armor_"
-	Name: "Full Plate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 80000
-	Weight: 4500
-	Def: 70
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Id: 2318
-	AegisName: "Clothes_Of_The_Lord"
-	Name: "Lord's Clothes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Def: 59
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2319
-	AegisName: "Glittering_Clothes"
-	Name: "Glittering Jacket"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Def: 58
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,300;
-	">
-	Id: 2320
-	AegisName: "Formal_Suit"
-	Name: "Formal Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2321
-	AegisName: "Silk_Robe"
-	Name: "Silk Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 20
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 2322
-	AegisName: "Silk_Robe_"
-	Name: "Silk Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 2323
-	AegisName: "Scapulare"
-	Name: "Scapulare"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 6500
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 24
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2324
-	AegisName: "Scapulare_"
-	Name: "Scapulare"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 6500
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 24
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2325
-	AegisName: "Saint_Robe"
-	Name: "Saint's Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 54000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 50
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2326
-	AegisName: "Saint_Robe_"
-	Name: "Saint's Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 54000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2327
-	AegisName: "Holy_Robe"
-	Name: "Holy Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1700
-	Def: 57
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,15;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2328
-	AegisName: "Wooden_Mail"
-	Name: "Wooden Mail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5500
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 25
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2329
-	AegisName: "Wooden_Mail_"
-	Name: "Wooden Mail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5500
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2330
-	AegisName: "Tights"
-	Name: "Tights"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 71000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 27
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 2331
-	AegisName: "Tights_"
-	Name: "Tights"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 71000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 27
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 2332
-	AegisName: "Silver_Robe"
-	Name: "Silver Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 7000
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 23
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2333
-	AegisName: "Silver_Robe_"
-	Name: "Silver Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 7000
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 23
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2334
-	AegisName: "Mage_Coat"
-	Name: "Mage Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 40
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2335
-	AegisName: "Thief_Clothes"
-	Name: "Thief Clothes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 74000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 40
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 2336
-	AegisName: "Thief_Clothes_"
-	Name: "Thief Clothes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 74000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 2337
-	AegisName: "Ninja_Suit"
-	Name: "Ninja Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 58
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2338
-	AegisName: "Wedding_Dress"
-	Name: "Wedding Dress"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 43000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,15; ">
-	Id: 2339
-	AegisName: "G_Strings"
-	Name: "Pantie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 22
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2340
-	AegisName: "Novice_Breast"
-	Name: "Novice Breastplate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 89000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 32
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Id: 2341
-	AegisName: "Full_Plate_Armor"
-	Name: "Legion Plate Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 94000
-	Weight: 5500
-	Def: 79
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Id: 2342
-	AegisName: "Full_Plate_Armor_"
-	Name: "Legion Plate Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 102500
-	Weight: 5500
-	Def: 79
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Id: 2343
-	AegisName: "Robe_Of_Casting"
-	Name: "Robe of Cast"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 124800
-	Weight: 1100
-	Def: 40
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-3;
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-	">
-	Id: 2344
-	AegisName: "Flame_Sprits_Armor"
-	Name: "Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 136000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Def: 25
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 2345
-	AegisName: "Flame_Sprits_Armor_"
-	Name: "Lucius's Fierce Armor of Volcano"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 136000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 2346
-	AegisName: "Water_Sprits_Armor"
-	Name: "Saphien's Armor of Ocean"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 136000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Def: 25
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle,Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 2347
-	AegisName: "Water_Sprits_Armor_"
-	Name: "Saphien's Armor of Ocean"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 136000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle,Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 2348
-	AegisName: "Wind_Sprits_Armor"
-	Name: "Aebecee's Raging Typhoon Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 136000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Def: 25
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 2349
-	AegisName: "Wind_Sprits_Armor_"
-	Name: "Aebecee's Raging Typhoon Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 136000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 2350
-	AegisName: "Earth_Sprits_Armor"
-	Name: "Claytos Cracking Earth Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 136000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Def: 25
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle,Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 2351
-	AegisName: "Earth_Sprits_Armor_"
-	Name: "Claytos Cracking Earth Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 136000
-	Weight: 2200
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle,Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 2352
-	AegisName: "Novice_Plate"
-	Name: "Tattered Novice Ninja Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 1
-	Def: 25
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2353
-	AegisName: "Odins_Blessing"
-	Name: "Odin's Blessing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Def: 53
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Id: 2354
-	AegisName: "Goibnes_Armor"
-	Name: "Goibne's Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 3500
-	Def: 58
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 54
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2355
-	AegisName: "Angels_Protection"
-	Name: "Angelic Protection"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,20; ">
-	Id: 2356
-	AegisName: "Vestment_Of_Grace"
-	Name: "Blessed Holy Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,8000;
-	">
-	Id: 2357
-	AegisName: "Valkyrie_Armor"
-	Name: "Valkyrian Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 2800
-	Def: 55
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,5000;
-		else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 2358
-	AegisName: "Dress_Of_Angel"
-	Name: "Angel's Dress"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,4; ">
-	Id: 2359
-	AegisName: "Ninja_Suit_"
-	Name: "Ninja Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 58
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2360
-	AegisName: "Robe_Of_Casting_"
-	Name: "Robe of Cast"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 124800
-	Weight: 1100
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-3;
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-	">
-	Id: 2361
-	AegisName: "Blue_Aodai"
-	Name: "Blue Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bVit,5;
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bAgi,5;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2362
-	AegisName: "Red_Aodai"
-	Name: "Red Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bVit,5;
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bAgi,5;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2363
-	AegisName: "White_Aodai"
-	Name: "White Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2364
-	AegisName: "Meteo_Plate_Armor"
-	Name: "Meteo Plate Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 85
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,3000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,3000;
-	">
-	Id: 2365
-	AegisName: "Orleans_Gown"
-	Name: "Orleans's Gown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,15;
-		bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2366
-	AegisName: "Divine_Cloth"
-	Name: "Divine Cloth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,500;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,500;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,500;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,500;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,500;
-	">
-	Id: 2367
-	AegisName: "Sniping_Suit"
-	Name: "Sniping Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 750
-	Def: 42
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bCritical,6+(readparam(bLuk)/10);
-		bonus bDelayrate,-23;
-	">
-	Id: 2368
-	AegisName: "Golden_Armor"
-	Name: "Golden Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Def: 4
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,4; ">
-	Id: 2369
-	AegisName: "Freyja_Overcoat"
-	Name: "Freyja Overcoat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2370
-	AegisName: "Used_Mage_Coat"
-	Name: "Used Mage Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 15
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2371
-	AegisName: "G_Strings_"
-	Name: "Pantie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 22
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2372
-	AegisName: "Mage_Coat_"
-	Name: "Mage Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2373
-	AegisName: "Holy_Robe_"
-	Name: "Holy Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1700
-	Def: 57
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,15;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2374
-	AegisName: "Diabolus_Robe"
-	Name: "Diabolus Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 57
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bHealPower,6;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 2375
-	AegisName: "Diabolus_Armor"
-	Name: "Diabolus Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 79
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,500;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,500;
-	">
-	Id: 2376
-	AegisName: "Assaulter_Plate"
-	Name: "Assaulter Plate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 57
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2377
-	AegisName: "Elite_Engineer_Armor"
-	Name: "Elite Engineer Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2378
-	AegisName: "Assassin_Robe"
-	Name: "Assassin Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 41
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2379
-	AegisName: "Warlock_Battle_Robe"
-	Name: "Warlock's Battle Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 36
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2380
-	AegisName: "Medic_Robe"
-	Name: "Medic's Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2381
-	AegisName: "Elite_Archer_Suit"
-	Name: "Elite Archer Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 35
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2382
-	AegisName: "Elite_Shooter_Suit"
-	Name: "Elite Shooter Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2383
-	AegisName: "Brynhild"
-	Name: "Brynhild"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 120
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 94
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,20*BaseLevel;
-		bonus bMaxSP,5*BaseLevel;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 10;
-		bonus bMatkRate,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-		bonus bNoKnockback,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2384
-	AegisName: "Spritual_Tunic"
-	Name: "Spritual Tunic"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 38
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMaxHP,800;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,10000;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2385
-	AegisName: "Recuperative_Armor"
-	Name: "Recuperative Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 67
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bNoRegen,1;
-		bonus bNoRegen,2;
-		bonus bHPGainValue,60;
-		bonus bSPGainValue,6;
-		bonus bMagicHPGainValue,60;
-		bonus bMagicSPGainValue,6;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-100; ">
-	Id: 2386
-	AegisName: "Chameleon_Armor"
-	Name: "Chameleon Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1700
-	Def: 55
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,(BaseLevel*7);
-		bonus bMaxSP,(BaseLevel/2);
-		autobonus2 "{ bonus bNoMagicDamage,100; }",10,2000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENERGYCOAT, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		if( BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte ) bonus bMdef,5;
-		else if( BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief ) bonus bDef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2387
-	AegisName: "Sprint_Mail"
-	Name: "Sprint Mail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,5;
-		bonus bAddItemHealRate,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal,AL_HEAL,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2388
-	AegisName: "Kandura"
-	Name: "Kandura"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 36
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus bAspdRate,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2389
-	AegisName: "Armor_Of_Naga"
-	Name: "Armor of Naga"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,20; }",10,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 2390
-	AegisName: "Improved_Tights"
-	Name: "Improved Tights"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 38
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bFlee2,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2391
-	AegisName: "Life_Link"
-	Name: "Life Link"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3500
-	Def: 75
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 82
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,50;
-	">
-	Id: 2392
-	AegisName: "Old_Pant"
-	Name: "Old Green Pantie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 60
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,200;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MO_CALLSPIRITS,5,20;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2393
-	AegisName: "N_Adventurers_Suit"
-	Name: "Novice Adventurer's Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2394
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Suit1"
-	Name: "Glorious Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 81
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,20;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,7;
-	">
-	Id: 2395
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Suit2"
-	Name: "Glorious Popularized Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 61
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,600;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2396
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Suit3"
-	Name: "Glorious Mass-Production Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,500; ">
-	Id: 2397
-	AegisName: "Incredible_Coat"
-	Name: "Incredible Event Resignation Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 2398
-	AegisName: "Sniping_Suit_M"
-	Name: "Sniping Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 750
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bCritical,6+(readparam(bLuk)/10);
-		bonus bDelayrate,-23;
-	">
-	Id: 2399
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Vest"
-	Name: "Dragon Vest"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-//== Footgears =============================================
-	Id: 2401
-	AegisName: "Sandals"
-	Name: "Sandals"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 2402
-	AegisName: "Sandals_"
-	Name: "Sandals"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 2403
-	AegisName: "Shoes"
-	Name: "Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 3500
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 2404
-	AegisName: "Shoes_"
-	Name: "Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 3500
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 2405
-	AegisName: "Boots"
-	Name: "Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 18000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 16
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 2406
-	AegisName: "Boots_"
-	Name: "Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 18000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 16
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 2407
-	AegisName: "Chrystal_Pumps"
-	Name: "Crystal Pumps"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2408
-	AegisName: "Cuffs"
-	Name: "Shackles"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 18
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 2409
-	AegisName: "Spiky_Heel"
-	Name: "High Heels"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 8500
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2410
-	AegisName: "Sleipnir"
-	Name: "Sleipnir"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3500
-	Def: 40
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 94
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableShoes,0;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,20;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,20;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,25;
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-		bonus bInt,25;
-	">
-	Id: 2411
-	AegisName: "Grave"
-	Name: "Greaves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 48000
-	Weight: 750
-	Def: 27
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Id: 2412
-	AegisName: "Grave_"
-	Name: "Greaves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 54000
-	Weight: 750
-	Def: 27
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Id: 2413
-	AegisName: "Safty_Boots"
-	Name: "Safety Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 34000
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 22
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2414
-	AegisName: "Novice_Boots"
-	Name: "Novice Slippers"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 1
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2415
-	AegisName: "Slipper"
-	Name: "Bunny Slipper"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 34000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2416
-	AegisName: "Novice_Shoes"
-	Name: "Novice Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 35000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,5; ">
-	Id: 2417
-	AegisName: "Fricco_Shoes"
-	Name: "Fricco's Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Red_Potion,20;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Yellow_Potion,20;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Orange_Potion,20;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,White_Potion,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2418
-	AegisName: "Vidars_Boots"
-	Name: "Vidar's Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 650
-	Def: 13
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,9;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,9;
-	">
-	Id: 2419
-	AegisName: "Goibnes_Combat_Boots"
-	Name: "Goibne's Greaves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 13
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 54
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2420
-	AegisName: "Angels_Arrival"
-	Name: "Angel's Reincarnation"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 25
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,100; ">
-	Id: 2421
-	AegisName: "Valkyrie_Shoes"
-	Name: "Valkyrian Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableShoes,0;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus bMaxHP,(BaseLevel*5);
-		else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus bMaxSP,(JobLevel*2);
-	">
-	Id: 2422
-	AegisName: "High_Fashion_Sandals"
-	Name: "High Fashion Sandals"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 24000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 2423
-	AegisName: "Variant_Shoes"
-	Name: "Variant Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 13
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 85
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,20-getrefine();
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,20-getrefine();
-		bonus bDef,getrefine()/2;
-	">
-	Id: 2424
-	AegisName: "Tidal_Shoes"
-	Name: "Tidal Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5; ">
-	Id: 2425
-	AegisName: "Black_Leather_Boots"
-	Name: "Black Leather Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 16
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) bonus bAgi,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2426
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Walk"
-	Name: "Shadow Walk"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		if(getskilllv(AS_CLOAKING)<2) {
-			bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AS_CLOAKING,2,100,BF_MAGIC,0;
-		}
-		else bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AS_CLOAKING,getskilllv(AS_CLOAKING),100,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2427
-	AegisName: "Golden_Shoes"
-	Name: "Golden Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,4; ">
-	Id: 2428
-	AegisName: "Freyja_Boots"
-	Name: "Freyja Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 22
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5; ">
-	Id: 2429
-	AegisName: "Iron_Boots01"
-	Name: "Iron Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2430
-	AegisName: "Iron_Boots02"
-	Name: "Iron Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2431
-	AegisName: "Valley_Shoes"
-	Name: "Valley Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,7;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,7;
-	">
-	Id: 2432
-	AegisName: "Spiky_Heel_"
-	Name: "Highheels"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 8500
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2433
-	AegisName: "Diabolus_Boots"
-	Name: "Diabolus Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,(BaseLevel*10); ">
-	Id: 2434
-	AegisName: "Black_Leather_Boots_"
-	Name: "Black Leather Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 16
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) bonus bAgi,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2435
-	AegisName: "Battle_Greave"
-	Name: "Battle Greave"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2436
-	AegisName: "Combat_Boots"
-	Name: "Combat Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2437
-	AegisName: "Battle_Boots"
-	Name: "Battle Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2438
-	AegisName: "Paw_Of_Cat"
-	Name: "Paw Of Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		skill ALL_CATCRY, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 2439
-	AegisName: "Refresh_Shoes"
-	Name: "Refresh Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,17;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,8;
-		bonus2 bHPRegenRate,20,10000;
-		bonus2 bSPRegenRate,3,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 2440
-	AegisName: "Sprint_Shoes"
-	Name: "Sprint Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2441
-	AegisName: "Beach_Sandal"
-	Name: "Beach Sandals"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2442
-	AegisName: "Boots_Perforated"
-	Name: "Red Stocking Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 18
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,10;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_QUAGMIRE,3,30;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2443
-	AegisName: "Fish_Shoes"
-	Name: "Fisher's Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 250
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2444
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Shoes1"
-	Name: "Glorious Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 81
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,4;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_INCAGI,1,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2445
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Shoes2"
-	Name: "Glorious Popularized Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 61
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2446
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Shoes3"
-	Name: "Glorious Mass-Production Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,5; ">
-	Id: 2447
-	AegisName: "Military_Boots"
-	Name: "Army Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 2448
-	AegisName: "Air_Boss"
-	Name: "Air Boss"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 2449
-	AegisName: "Variant_Shoes_M"
-	Name: "Variant Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 85
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,20-getrefine();
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,20-getrefine();
-		bonus bDef,getrefine()/2;
-	">
-	Id: 2450
-	AegisName: "Vital_Tree_Shoes"
-	Name: "Vital Tree Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 16
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus2 bHPRegenRate,30,10000;
-		bonus bHealPower2,5;
-		bonus bAddItemHealRate,5;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2451
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SSandal7"
-	Name: "Freya Spirit Sandals"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,8;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,8;
-	">
-	Id: 2452
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SSandal30"
-	Name: "Freya Spirit Sandals"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,8;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,8;
-	">
-	Id: 2453
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SSandal60"
-	Name: "Freya Spirit Sandals"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,8;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,8;
-	">
-	Id: 2454
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SSandal90"
-	Name: "Freya Spirit Sandals"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,8;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,8;
-	">
-	Id: 2455
-	AegisName: "Time_Keepr_Boots"
-	Name: "Guardian Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 17
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,10;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2456
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Boots1"
-	Name: "Eden Group Boots I"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 14
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,10;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2457
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Boots2"
-	Name: "Eden Group Boots II"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 16
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 26
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,12;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,4;
-	">
-	Id: 2458
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Boots3"
-	Name: "Eden Group Boots III"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 18
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,14;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,6;
-	">
-	Id: 2459
-	AegisName: "Upg_Shoes"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 2460
-	AegisName: "Upg_Boots"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 21
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 2461
-	AegisName: "Upg_Greave"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Greaves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 32
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 2462
-	AegisName: "Sleipnir_C"
-	Name: "Ephemeral Sleipnir"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 40
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 94
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableShoes,0;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,20;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,20;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,15;
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 2463
-	AegisName: "Feral_Boots"
-	Name: "Feral Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 12
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2464
-	AegisName: "No_Fear_Shoes"
-	Name: "NoFear Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 6
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableShoes,0;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2465
-	AegisName: "Dance_Shoes"
-	Name: "Dance Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bAspdRate,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WA_SWING_DANCE,32;
-	">
-	Id: 2466
-	AegisName: "Training_Shoes"
-	Name: "Training Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 2467
-	AegisName: "Golden_Rod_Shoes"
-	Name: "Golden Rod Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,15;
-	">
-	Id: 2468
-	AegisName: "Aqua_Shoes"
-	Name: "Aqua Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,15;
-	">
-	Id: 2469
-	AegisName: "Crimson_Shoes"
-	Name: "Crimson Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,15;
-	">
-	Id: 2470
-	AegisName: "Forest_Shoes"
-	Name: "Forest Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,15;
-	">
-	Id: 2471
-	AegisName: "Shoes_Of_Affection"
-	Name: "Shoes Of Affection"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Formless,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Fish,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Dragon,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 2472
-	AegisName: "Shoes_Of_Judgement"
-	Name: "Shoes Of Judgement"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AB_JUDEX,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AB_JUDEX,-40;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-	">
-	Id: 2473
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Boots4"
-	Name: "Eden Group Boots IV"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,28;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,12;
-	">
-	Id: 2474
-	AegisName: "Lehmannza_Shoes"
-	Name: "Lehmannza Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2475
-	AegisName: "Ur_Greave"
-	Name: "Ur's Greaves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 32
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,40;
-		if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHOES)>7) bonus bMaxHPrate,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHOES)-7;
-	">
-	Id: 2476
-	AegisName: "Peuz_Greave"
-	Name: "Peuz's Greaves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 32
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,40;
-		if (getrefine() >= 8)
-			bonus bAgi, getrefine() - 7;
-	">
-	Id: 2477
-	AegisName: "Sabah_Shoes"
-	Name: "Sapha Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 18
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2478
-	AegisName: "Nab_Shoes"
-	Name: "Nab Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 18
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,3;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2479
-	AegisName: "White_Wing_Boots"
-	Name: "White Wing Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 18
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,RA_AIMEDBOLT,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2480
-	AegisName: "Black_Wing_Boots"
-	Name: "Black Wing Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 18
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2481
-	AegisName: "Rune_Boots"
-	Name: "Rune Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 2482
-	AegisName: "Shoes_Of_Valor"
-	Name: "Shoes Of Valor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2483
-	AegisName: "Siege_Greave"
-	Name: "WoE Greave"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 750
-	Def: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2484
-	AegisName: "Siege_Boots"
-	Name: "WoE Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2485
-	AegisName: "Siege_Shoes"
-	Name: "WoE Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2486
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Walk_"
-	Name: "Shadow Walker"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 2487
-	AegisName: "Vital_Tree_Shoes_"
-	Name: "Sephiroth's Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 16
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2488
-	AegisName: "Fricco_Shoes_"
-	Name: "Freyja Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 2489
-	AegisName: "Vidars_Boots_"
-	Name: "Vidar's Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 650
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Id: 2491
-	AegisName: "Bangungot_Boots"
-	Name: "Bangungot Boots of Nightmare"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,getrefine();
-		if(getrefine()>=14) {
-			bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2492
-	AegisName: "Bayani_Bangungot_Boots"
-	Name: "Bangungot Boots(Bayani)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,getrefine();
-		if(getrefine()>=12) {
-			bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2493
-	AegisName: "Goibnes_Combat_Boots_"
-	Name: "Goibne's Greaves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 54
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2494
-	AegisName: "Chrystal_Pumps_"
-	Name: "Crystal Pumps"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2495
-	AegisName: "Egir_Shoes"
-	Name: "Aegir Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseClass == Job_Mage || BaseClass == Job_Archer || BaseClass == Job_Acolyte)
-			bonus bMaxHP, BaseLevel * 5;
-		else if (BaseClass == Job_Swordman || BaseClass == Job_Merchant || BaseClass == Job_Thief)
-			bonus bMaxSP, JobLevel * 2;
-	">
-	Id: 2496
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Shoes"
-	Name: "TE WoE Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,5;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2500;
-	">
-	Id: 2497
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Boots"
-	Name: "TE WoE Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,200;
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,10;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2500;
-	">
-	Id: 2498
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Magic_Sandal"
-	Name: "TE WoE Magic Sandal"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,200;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,5;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2500;
-	">
-	Id: 2499
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Boots"
-	Name: "Temporal Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-	">
-//== Garments ==============================================
-	Id: 2501
-	AegisName: "Hood"
-	Name: "Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	Id: 2502
-	AegisName: "Hood_"
-	Name: "Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Id: 2503
-	AegisName: "Muffler"
-	Name: "Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Id: 2504
-	AegisName: "Muffler_"
-	Name: "Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Id: 2505
-	AegisName: "Manteau"
-	Name: "Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 32000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 13
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	Id: 2506
-	AegisName: "Manteau_"
-	Name: "Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 32000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	Id: 2507
-	AegisName: "Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord"
-	Name: "Ancient Cape"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 82000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 9
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 2508
-	AegisName: "Ragamuffin_Cape"
-	Name: "Ragamuffin Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment,0;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2509
-	AegisName: "Clack_Of_Servival"
-	Name: "Survivor's Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 550
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bVit,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2510
-	AegisName: "Novice_Hood"
-	Name: "Somber Novice Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 1
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,20; ">
-	Id: 2511
-	AegisName: "Skeletons_Cape"
-	Name: "Skeleton Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 13
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,-3;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bVit,-3;
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bAgi,-4;
-	">
-	Id: 2512
-	AegisName: "Novice_Manteau"
-	Name: "Novice Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10; ">
-	Id: 2513
-	AegisName: "Celestial_Robe"
-	Name: "Heavenly Maiden Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 18
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Id: 2514
-	AegisName: "Pauldron"
-	Name: "Pauldron"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Id: 2515
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Eagle"
-	Name: "Eagle Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 85
-	Id: 2516
-	AegisName: "Falcon_Robe"
-	Name: "Falcon Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,15;
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2517
-	AegisName: "Valis_Manteau"
-	Name: "Vali's Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 13
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15; ">
-	Id: 2518
-	AegisName: "Morpheuss_Shawl"
-	Name: "Morpheus's Shawl"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2519
-	AegisName: "Morriganes_Manteau"
-	Name: "Morrigane's Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 9
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 61
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bFlee2,8;
-	">
-	Id: 2520
-	AegisName: "Goibnes_Shoulder_Arms"
-	Name: "Goibne's Spaulders"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 11
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 54
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkDef,10;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2521
-	AegisName: "Angels_Warmth"
-	Name: "Angelic Cardigan"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Script: <" bonus bHPrecovRate,5; ">
-	Id: 2522
-	AegisName: "Undershirt"
-	Name: "Undershirt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 5
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,1; ">
-	Id: 2523
-	AegisName: "Undershirt_"
-	Name: "Undershirt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,1; ">
-	Id: 2524
-	AegisName: "Valkyrie_Manteau"
-	Name: "Valkyrian Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment,0;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus bFlee2,5+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)*2);
-		else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)*2);
-	">
-	Id: 2525
-	AegisName: "Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord_"
-	Name: "Ancient Cape"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 82000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 2526
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Scale_Coat"
-	Name: "Coat of Dragon Scale"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Def: 14
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,300; ">
-	Id: 2527
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Breath"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 16
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Dragon,15; ">
-	Id: 2528
-	AegisName: "Wool_Scarf"
-	Name: "Wool Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 11
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,4; ">
-	Id: 2529
-	AegisName: "Rider_Insignia"
-	Name: "Rider Insignia"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 13
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 2530
-	AegisName: "Rider_Insignia_"
-	Name: "Rider Insignia"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 2531
-	AegisName: "Ulfhedinn"
-	Name: "Ulfhedinn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_STONESKIN,6,20; ">
-	Id: 2532
-	AegisName: "Mithril_Magic_Cape"
-	Name: "Mithril Magic Cape"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_ANTIMAGIC,1,200,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2533
-	AegisName: "Freyja_Cape"
-	Name: "Freyja Cape"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,15; ">
-	Id: 2534
-	AegisName: "Ruffler"
-	Name: "Ruffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,17;
-		bonus bFlee,17;
-	">
-	Id: 2535
-	AegisName: "Cloak_Of_Survival_C"
-	Name: "Cloak Of Survival"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 17
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,10;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2536
-	AegisName: "Skin_Of_Ventus"
-	Name: "Skin of Ventus"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,200;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2537
-	AegisName: "Diabolus_Manteau"
-	Name: "Diabolus Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1916,10;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1917,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2538
-	AegisName: "Commander_Manteau"
-	Name: "Captain's Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 28
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2539
-	AegisName: "Commander_Manteau_"
-	Name: "Commander's Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2540
-	AegisName: "Sheriff_Manteau"
-	Name: "Sheriff's Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2541
-	AegisName: "Asprika"
-	Name: "Asprika"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 40
-	EquipLv: 94
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,30,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Water,30,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,30,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,30,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,30,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,30,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,30,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,30,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,30,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,30,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus bFlee,30;
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2542
-	AegisName: "Flame_Manteau"
-	Name: "Flame Manteau of Naght Sieger"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 16
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2543
-	AegisName: "Sylphid_Manteau"
-	Name: "Sylphid Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 33
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,13;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,13;
-		bonus bFlee2,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2544
-	AegisName: "Leather_Of_Tendrilion"
-	Name: "Leather of Tendrilion"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 14
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2545
-	AegisName: "Musika"
-	Name: "Musika"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,max(getskilllv(AL_HEAL),1),20;
-	">
-	Id: 2546
-	AegisName: "Beach_Manteau"
-	Name: "Beach Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Slots: 1
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2547
-	AegisName: "Cheap_Running_Shirts"
-	Name: "Cheap Undershirt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 11
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2548
-	AegisName: "Muffler_C"
-	Name: "Neo Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 22
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2549
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Muffler1"
-	Name: "Glorious Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2550
-	AegisName: "Fishers_Muffler"
-	Name: "Fisher's Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Id: 2551
-	AegisName: "Rider_Insignia_M"
-	Name: "Crest of the Rider"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 2552
-	AegisName: "Mithril_Magic_Cape_M"
-	Name: "Mithril Magic Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_ANTIMAGIC,1,200,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2553
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Manteau"
-	Name: "Dragon Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 14
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2554
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Angent_Skin"
-	Name: "Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,7;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,7;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,7;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,7;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,7;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,7;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,7;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,7;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,7;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,7;
-		bonus bMaxSP,(BaseLevel/3)+(getrefine()*10);
-		bonus3 bSPDrainRate,10,1,0;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2555
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SScarf7"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,15;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15;
-	">
-	Id: 2556
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SScarf30"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,15;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15;
-	">
-	Id: 2557
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SScarf60"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,15;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15;
-	">
-	Id: 2558
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SScarf90"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,15;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15;
-	">
-	Id: 2559
-	AegisName: "Time_Keepr_Manteau"
-	Name: "Guardian Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 9
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2560
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Manteau"
-	Name: "Eden Group Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 14
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10; ">
-	Id: 2561
-	AegisName: "Upg_Hood"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 2562
-	AegisName: "Upg_Muffler"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 2563
-	AegisName: "Upg_Manteau"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 18
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 2564
-	AegisName: "Feral_Tail"
-	Name: "Feral Tail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 16
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2565
-	AegisName: "Beach_Towel"
-	Name: "Beach Towel"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bFlee,7;
-	">
-	Id: 2566
-	AegisName: "Half_Asprika"
-	Name: "Asprika (Trial Version)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 20
-	EquipLv: 47
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Water,15,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,15,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,15,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,15,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,15,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,15,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,15,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,15,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,15,BF_SHORT;
-		bonus bFlee,15;
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2567
-	AegisName: "Academy_Manteau"
-	Name: "Academy Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Id: 2568
-	AegisName: "Muffler_Of_Roki"
-	Name: "Loki's Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 10
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment,0;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GC_CROSSIMPACT,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2569
-	AegisName: "Shawl_Of_Affection"
-	Name: "Shawl Of Affection"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AB_RENOVATIO,1,30,BF_WEAPON,0;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AB_RENOVATIO,1,40,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2570
-	AegisName: "Shawl_Of_Judgement"
-	Name: "Shawl Of Judgement"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		.@val = max(getskilllv(AB_ORATIO), 2);
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AB_ORATIO,.@val,30,BF_WEAPON,0;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AB_ORATIO,.@val,40,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 2571
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Manteau2"
-	Name: "Eden Group Manteau II"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 18
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,12;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2572
-	AegisName: "Katabart_Sholder"
-	Name: "Katabart Sholder"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Id: 2573
-	AegisName: "Archangel_Wing"
-	Name: "Eternal Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 18
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 2574
-	AegisName: "Ur_Manteau"
-	Name: "Ur's Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 20
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2575
-	AegisName: "Peuz_Manteau"
-	Name: "Peuz's Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 16
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2576
-	AegisName: "Bravery_Bag"
-	Name: "Heroic Backpack"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 2
-	Script: <"
-		skill BS_GREED,1;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			if(readparam(bStr)>=90) {
-				bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-			}
-			if(readparam(bInt)>=90) {
-				bonus bMatk,30;
-			}
-			if(readparam(bVit)>=90) {
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-			}
-			if(readparam(bAgi)>=90) {
-				bonus bAspdRate,8;
-			}
-			if(readparam(bDex)>=90) {
-				bonus bLongAtkRate,5;
-			}
-			if(readparam(bLuk)>=90) {
-				bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-			}
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			if(readparam(bStr)>=90) {
-				bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-			}
-			if(readparam(bInt)>=90) {
-				bonus bMatk,20;
-			}
-			if(readparam(bVit)>=90) {
-				bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-			}
-			if(readparam(bAgi)>=90) {
-				bonus bAspd,1;
-			}
-			if(readparam(bDex)>=90) {
-				bonus bLongAtkRate,5;
-			}
-			if(readparam(bLuk)>=90) {
-				bonus bCritAtkRate,5;
-			}
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2577
-	AegisName: "Sabah_Hood"
-	Name: "Sapha Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 13
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,12;
-		bonus bCritical,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 2578
-	AegisName: "Nab_Hood"
-	Name: "Nab Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 13
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,getrefine()*2;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,getrefine()*2;
-	">
-	Id: 2579
-	AegisName: "Magic_Stole"
-	Name: "Magic Stall"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2580
-	AegisName: "White_Wing_Manteau"
-	Name: "White Wing Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 15
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		autobonus2 "{ bonus bFlee,20; }",10,7000,BF_LONG,"{ specialeffect(EF_WIND, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 2581
-	AegisName: "Black_Wing_Manteau"
-	Name: "Black Wing Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 15
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		if(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)>6) bonus bFlee2,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)-6;
-	">
-	Id: 2582
-	AegisName: "Salvage_Cape"
-	Name: "Salvage Cape"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Script: <"
-		skill NJ_UTSUSEMI,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillCooldown,NJ_UTSUSEMI,30000;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,100;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-1200; ">
-	Id: 2583
-	AegisName: "Holy_Cape"
-	Name: "Holy Cape"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,-5;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2584
-	AegisName: "Wanderer_Outer"
-	Name: "Coat Of Wandering"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Id: 2585
-	AegisName: "Muffler_Of_Valor"
-	Name: "Muffler Of Valor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2586
-	AegisName: "Siege_Manteau"
-	Name: "WoE Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 32
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2587
-	AegisName: "Siege_Muffler"
-	Name: "WoE Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2588
-	AegisName: "Ragamuffin_Cape_"
-	Name: "Rag mantle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment,0;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2589
-	AegisName: "Fallen_Angel_Wing"
-	Name: "Fallen Angel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 18
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bAtk,readparam(bStr)/20;
-		bonus bMatk,readparam(bInt)/20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,readparam(bVit)/20;
-		bonus bAspdRate,readparam(bAgi)/20;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,readparam(bDex)/20;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,readparam(bLuk)/20;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2590
-	AegisName: "Buwaya_Cloth"
-	Name: "Buwaya Sack Cloth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 8
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower2,getrefine()/3;
-		bonus bAddItemHealRate,getrefine()/3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2591
-	AegisName: "Bayani_Buwaya_Cloth"
-	Name: "Buwaya Sack Cloth(Bayani)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower2,getrefine();
-		bonus bAddItemHealRate,getrefine();
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2592
-	AegisName: "Boss_Brownie_Manteau"
-	Name: "Cloak of Domovoi"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Id: 2593
-	AegisName: "Flow_Manteau"
-	Name: "Froid Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Id: 2594
-	AegisName: "Wrapping_Manteau"
-	Name: "Furoshiki Cloak"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Id: 2596
-	AegisName: "Sharel_Manteau"
-	Name: "Sharel Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2597
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Poncho"
-	Name: "Bloody Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <" bonus bCritAtkRate,3; ">
-	Id: 2599
-	AegisName: "Goibnes_Shoulder_Arms_"
-	Name: "Goibne's Spaulders"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 11
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 54
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkDef,10;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-	">
-//== Accessories ===========================================
-	Id: 2601
-	AegisName: "Ring"
-	Name: "Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 2602
-	AegisName: "Earring"
-	Name: "Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 2603
-	AegisName: "Necklace"
-	Name: "Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,2; ">
-	Id: 2604
-	AegisName: "Glove"
-	Name: "Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 2605
-	AegisName: "Brooch"
-	Name: "Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 2607
-	AegisName: "Clip"
-	Name: "Clip"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,10; ">
-	Id: 2608
-	AegisName: "Rosary"
-	Name: "Rosary"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2609
-	AegisName: "Skul_Ring"
-	Name: "Skull Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2610
-	AegisName: "Gold_Ring"
-	Name: "Gold Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2611
-	AegisName: "Silver_Ring"
-	Name: "Silver Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2612
-	AegisName: "Flower_Ring"
-	Name: "Flower Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2613
-	AegisName: "Diamond_Ring"
-	Name: "Diamond Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2614
-	AegisName: "An_Eye_Of_Dullahan"
-	Name: "Eye of Dullahan"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 90000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Poison,10000;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,4;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,4;
-	">
-	Id: 2615
-	AegisName: "Safety_Ring"
-	Name: "Safety Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2616
-	AegisName: "Critical_Ring"
-	Name: "Critical Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,5; ">
-	Id: 2617
-	AegisName: "Mitten_Of_Presbyter"
-	Name: "Celebrant's Mitten"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 35
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 2618
-	AegisName: "Matyrs_Flea_Guard"
-	Name: "Matyr's Leash"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 35
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 2619
-	AegisName: "Thimble_Of_Archer"
-	Name: "Bow Thimble"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,3; ">
-	Id: 2620
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Rogue"
-	Name: "Rogue's Treasure"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=90) {
-			bonus bHit,10;
-			bonus bFlee,10;
-		}
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=90) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-			bonus bCritical,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2621
-	AegisName: "Ring_"
-	Name: "Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 2622
-	AegisName: "Earring_"
-	Name: "Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 2623
-	AegisName: "Necklace_"
-	Name: "Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 2624
-	AegisName: "Glove_"
-	Name: "Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 2625
-	AegisName: "Brooch_"
-	Name: "Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 2626
-	AegisName: "Rosary_"
-	Name: "Rosary"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2627
-	AegisName: "Belt"
-	Name: "Belt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 25
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2628
-	AegisName: "Novice_Armlet"
-	Name: "Novice Armlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2629
-	AegisName: "Magingiorde"
-	Name: "Magingiorde"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 8000
-	Def: 2
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,40+BaseLevel/5;
-		bonus bMdef,7;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2630
-	AegisName: "Brysinggamen"
-	Name: "Brysinggamen"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 94
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex, 6;
-		bonus bStr, 6;
-		bonus bAgi, 6;
-		bonus bVit, 6;
-		bonus bInt, 10;
-		bonus bLuk, 10;
-		bonus bMdef, 5;
-		bonus bHealPower, 6;
-	">
-	Id: 2631
-	AegisName: "First_Age_Ring"
-	Name: "Celebration Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2632
-	AegisName: "Korean_Trinket"
-	Name: "Korean Trinket"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 125000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2633
-	AegisName: "Jade_Ring"
-	Name: "Jade Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 204000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2634
-	AegisName: "Bridegroom_Ring"
-	Name: "Wedding Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		skill WE_MALE,1;
-		skill WE_FEMALE,1;
-		skill WE_CALLPARTNER,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2635
-	AegisName: "Bride_Ring"
-	Name: "Wedding Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		skill WE_MALE,1;
-		skill WE_FEMALE,1;
-		skill WE_CALLPARTNER,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2636
-	AegisName: "Gold_Ring_"
-	Name: "Gold Christmas Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 2637
-	AegisName: "Silver_Ring_"
-	Name: "Silver Christmas Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 2638
-	AegisName: "Exorcize_Sachet"
-	Name: "Sacred Incense"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2639
-	AegisName: "Purification_Sachet"
-	Name: "Occult Incense"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2640
-	AegisName: "Kafra_Ring"
-	Name: "Kafra Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2641
-	AegisName: "Fashionable_Sack"
-	Name: "Fashion Hip Sack"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 2642
-	AegisName: "Serins_Gold_Ring"
-	Name: "Serin's Gold Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2643
-	AegisName: "Serins_Gold_Ring_"
-	Name: "Serin's Gold Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2644
-	AegisName: "The_Sign_"
-	Name: "The Sign"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 2645
-	AegisName: "Moonlight_Ring"
-	Name: "Moonlight Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,2; ">
-	Id: 2646
-	AegisName: "Bunch_Of_Carnation"
-	Name: "Bunch of Carnation"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,3; ">
-	Id: 2647
-	AegisName: "Nile_Rose"
-	Name: "Nile Rose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,10; ">
-	Id: 2648
-	AegisName: "Morpheuss_Ring"
-	Name: "Morpheus's Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2649
-	AegisName: "Morpheuss_Armlet"
-	Name: "Morpheus's Bracelet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2650
-	AegisName: "Morriganes_Belt"
-	Name: "Morrigane's Belt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 61
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2651
-	AegisName: "Morriganes_Pendant"
-	Name: "Morrigane's Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 61
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2652
-	AegisName: "Cursed_Lucky_Brooch"
-	Name: "Goddess of Fortune's Cursed Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,6;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Curse,50;
-	">
-	Id: 2653
-	AegisName: "Sacrifice_Ring"
-	Name: "Sacrifice Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2654
-	AegisName: "Shinobis_Sash"
-	Name: "Shinobi Sash"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2655
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Iron_Ball"
-	Name: "Bloodied Shackle Ball"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 4000
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2656
-	AegisName: "Hyper_Changer"
-	Name: "Armor Charm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,50; ">
-	Id: 2657
-	AegisName: "Lab_Passport"
-	Name: "Laboratory Permit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2658
-	AegisName: "Nile_Rose_"
-	Name: "Nile Rose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,10; ">
-	Id: 2659
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core01"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 01"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2660
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core02"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 02"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2661
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core03"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 03"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2662
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core04"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 04"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bHit,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2663
-	AegisName: "Gauntlet_Of_Accuracy"
-	Name: "Gauntlet of Hit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,15;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2664
-	AegisName: "Scarf_Belt"
-	Name: "Belcarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2665
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Exorcism"
-	Name: "Exorcising Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Undead,5;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Demon,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2666
-	AegisName: "Lamp_Of_Hope"
-	Name: "Lantern of Hope"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 2667
-	AegisName: "Glove_Of_Archer"
-	Name: "Renown Archer's Gloves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,5;
-		bonus bCritical,5;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2668
-	AegisName: "Womens_Glory"
-	Name: "Woman Glory"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2669
-	AegisName: "Golden_Necklace_"
-	Name: "RJC Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,10; ">
-	Id: 2670
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Longing"
-	Name: "Ring of Longing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,5; ">
-	Id: 2671
-	AegisName: "Thimble_Of_Archer_"
-	Name: "Bow Thimble"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,3; ">
-	Id: 2672
-	AegisName: "Anniversary_Ring"
-	Name: "3rd Anniversary Celebration Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2673
-	AegisName: "Shining_Ring"
-	Name: "Warrior's Shining Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2674
-	AegisName: "Honor_Ring"
-	Name: "Ring of Honor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2675
-	AegisName: "Lord_Ring"
-	Name: "Lord Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,3; ">
-	Id: 2676
-	AegisName: "Hunter_Earring"
-	Name: "Hunter's Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7618,100; ">
-	Id: 2677
-	AegisName: "Spiritual_Ring"
-	Name: "Spiritual Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2678
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Flame_Lord"
-	Name: "Ring Of Flame Lord"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,15;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,CH_SOULCOLLECT,1,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,1,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,PA_PRESSURE,2,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBALL,1,150;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,KN_BOWLINGBASH,5,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2679
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Resonance"
-	Name: "Ring Of Resonance"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_QUAGMIRE,1,50,0;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AS_SPLASHER,10,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,10,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,3,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,CG_TAROTCARD,5,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2680
-	AegisName: "Lesser_Elemental_Ring"
-	Name: "Lesser Elemental Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_ESTIMATION,1,80;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MC_IDENTIFY,1,50;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,TF_PICKSTONE,1,100;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,BS_GREED,1,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,TK_RUN,5,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,TK_HIGHJUMP,3,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NV_FIRSTAID,1,100;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,TF_BACKSLIDING,1,50;
-	">
-	Id: 2681
-	AegisName: "Republic_Ring"
-	Name: "Republic Anniversary Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,3; ">
-	Id: 2682
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Water"
-	Name: "Ring of Water"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5; ">
-	Id: 2683
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Fire"
-	Name: "Ring of Fire"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5; ">
-	Id: 2684
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Wind"
-	Name: "Ring of Wind"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5; ">
-	Id: 2685
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Earth"
-	Name: "Ring of Earth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5; ">
-	Id: 2686
-	AegisName: "Elven_Ears_C"
-	Name: "Rental Elven Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 73
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 2687
-	AegisName: "Steel_Flower_C"
-	Name: "Rental Steel Flower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 56
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Plant,3; ">
-	Id: 2688
-	AegisName: "Critical_Ring_C"
-	Name: "Rental Critical Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,10; ">
-	Id: 2689
-	AegisName: "Earring_C"
-	Name: "Rental Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 2690
-	AegisName: "Ring_C"
-	Name: "Rental Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,4; ">
-	Id: 2691
-	AegisName: "Necklace_C"
-	Name: "Rental Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,4; ">
-	Id: 2692
-	AegisName: "Glove_C"
-	Name: "Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,4; ">
-	Id: 2693
-	AegisName: "Brooch_C"
-	Name: "Rental Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,4; ">
-	Id: 2694
-	AegisName: "Rosary_C"
-	Name: "Rental Rosary"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bLuk,4;
-	">
-	Id: 2695
-	AegisName: "Safety_Ring_C"
-	Name: "Rental Safety Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,8; ">
-	Id: 2696
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core01_C"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 01"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2697
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core02_C"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 02"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2698
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core03_C"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 03"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2699
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core04_C"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 04"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bHit,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2700
-	AegisName: "Red_Silk_Seal"
-	Name: "Red Silk Seal"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2701
-	AegisName: "Orleans_Glove"
-	Name: "Orleans's Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2702
-	AegisName: "Bison_Horn"
-	Name: "Bison Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 2703
-	AegisName: "Expert_Ring"
-	Name: "Expert Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDelayrate,-5;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2704
-	AegisName: "Golden_Accessory"
-	Name: "Golden Accessories"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,4; ">
-	Id: 2705
-	AegisName: "Golden_Accessory2"
-	Name: "Golden Accessories"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12018,500; ">
-	Id: 2706
-	AegisName: "Handcuff"
-	Name: "Arrest Handcuffs"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2707
-	AegisName: "GUSLI"
-	Name: "Gusli"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2708
-	AegisName: "Chinese_Handicraft"
-	Name: "Chinese Handicraft"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 50
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBOLT,5,300; ">
-	Id: 2709
-	AegisName: "5_Anniversary_Coin"
-	Name: "5th Anniversary Coin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2710
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Iron_Ball_C"
-	Name: "Bloody Iron Ball"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,30; ">
-	Id: 2711
-	AegisName: "Spiritual_Ring_C"
-	Name: "Spiritual Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2712
-	AegisName: "Ragnarok_Limited_Ed"
-	Name: "Ragnarok Limited Edition"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2713
-	AegisName: "Certificate_TW"
-	Name: "Certificate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2714
-	AegisName: "Marvelous_Pandent"
-	Name: "Marvelous Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2715
-	AegisName: "Skul_Ring_"
-	Name: "Skull Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,1; ">
-	Id: 2716
-	AegisName: "Librarian_Glove"
-	Name: "Librarian Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,20; ">
-	Id: 2717
-	AegisName: "Pocket_Watch_"
-	Name: "Pocket Watch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 0
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,15;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,15;
-		bonus bMatkRate,7;
-	">
-	Id: 2718
-	AegisName: "Lunatic_Brooch"
-	Name: "Lunatic Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2719
-	AegisName: "Iron_Wrist"
-	Name: "Iron Wrist"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SM_BASH,6;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MC_MAMMONITE,6;
-	">
-	Id: 2720
-	AegisName: "Medal_Swordman"
-	Name: "Medal of Honor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,100,ATF_SHORT;
-	">
-	Id: 2721
-	AegisName: "Medal_Thief"
-	Name: "Medal of Honor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		bonus bMaxSP,80;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,100,ATF_SHORT;
-	">
-	Id: 2722
-	AegisName: "Medal_Acolyte"
-	Name: "Medal of Honor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bMdef,6;
-		bonus bMaxHP,600;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,100,ATF_SHORT;
-	">
-	Id: 2723
-	AegisName: "Medal_Mage"
-	Name: "Medal of Honor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bMdef,6;
-		bonus bMaxHP,600;
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stone,100;
-	">
-	Id: 2724
-	AegisName: "Medal_Archer"
-	Name: "Medal of Honor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		bonus bMaxSP,80;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,100,ATF_LONG;
-	">
-	Id: 2725
-	AegisName: "Medal_Merchant"
-	Name: "Medal of Honor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,100,ATF_SHORT;
-	">
-	Id: 2726
-	AegisName: "Icarus_Wing"
-	Name: "Icarus Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2727
-	AegisName: "Bowman_Scarf"
-	Name: "Bowman Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2728
-	AegisName: "Cursed_Hand"
-	Name: "Cursed Hand"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,1,30;
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2729
-	AegisName: "Diabolus_Ring"
-	Name: "Diabolus Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1916,10;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1917,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2730
-	AegisName: "Morroc_Seal"
-	Name: "Seal of Continental Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2731
-	AegisName: "Morroc_Charm_Stone"
-	Name: "Rune Spellstone"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-1;
-	">
-	Id: 2732
-	AegisName: "Morroc_Ring"
-	Name: "Death Loop"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,5; ">
-	Id: 2733
-	AegisName: "Medal_Gunner"
-	Name: "Sheriff Badge"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		bonus bMaxSP,80;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,100,ATF_LONG;
-	">
-	Id: 2734
-	AegisName: "Directive_A"
-	Name: "Directive"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2735
-	AegisName: "Directive_B"
-	Name: "Directive"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2736
-	AegisName: "Navel_Ring"
-	Name: "Navel Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2737
-	AegisName: "Foot_Ring"
-	Name: "Foot Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2738
-	AegisName: "Shiny_Coin"
-	Name: "Shiny Coin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 6;
-		bonus bMatkRate,6;
-	">
-	Id: 2739
-	AegisName: "Ordinary_Coin"
-	Name: "Ordinary Coin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2740
-	AegisName: "Rusty_Coin"
-	Name: "Rusty Coin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 3;
-		bonus bMatkRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2741
-	AegisName: "All_In_One_Ring"
-	Name: "All In One Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,10;
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2742
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Clip"
-	Name: "Lucky Clip"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2743
-	AegisName: "Angelic_Ring"
-	Name: "Angelic Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		autobonus3 "{ bonus bHealPower,20; }",50,3000,AL_HEAL;
-		autobonus3 "{ bonus bHealPower,20; }",50,3000,AM_POTIONPITCHER;
-		autobonus3 "{ bonus bHealPower,20; }",50,3000,PR_SANCTUARY;
-	">
-	Id: 2744
-	AegisName: "Sprint_Ring"
-	Name: "Sprint Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-		bonus bDelayrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2745
-	AegisName: "Pinguicula_Corsage"
-	Name: "Pinguicula Corsage"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,25;
-	">
-	Id: 2746
-	AegisName: "Cold_Heart"
-	Name: "Cold Heart"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,3; ">
-	Id: 2747
-	AegisName: "Black_Cat"
-	Name: "Black Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rogue: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,3; ">
-	Id: 2748
-	AegisName: "Cursed_Star"
-	Name: "Cursed Star"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 84
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bLuk,-1;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,50,10000;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,200,ATF_WEAPON|ATF_LONG|ATF_TARGET;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -300,0; ">
-	Id: 2749
-	AegisName: "Linen_Glove"
-	Name: "Linen Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 120
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2750
-	AegisName: "Summer_Night_Dream"
-	Name: "Midsummer Night's Dream"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" skill ALL_DREAM_SUMMERNIGHT,1; ">
-	Id: 2751
-	AegisName: "Academy_Badge"
-	Name: "Academy Of Badge"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseLevel<80) {
-			bonus bMaxHP,400;
-			bonus bMaxSP,200;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2752
-	AegisName: "Praxinus_C"
-	Name: "Praccsinos"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2753
-	AegisName: "Beholder_Ring"
-	Name: "Beholder Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Formless,15; ">
-	Id: 2754
-	AegisName: "Hallow_Ring"
-	Name: "Hallow Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Undead,15; ">
-	Id: 2755
-	AegisName: "Clamorous_Ring"
-	Name: "Clamorous Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Brute,15; ">
-	Id: 2756
-	AegisName: "Chemical_Ring"
-	Name: "Chemical Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Plant,15; ">
-	Id: 2757
-	AegisName: "Insecticide_Ring"
-	Name: "Insecticide Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Insect,15; ">
-	Id: 2758
-	AegisName: "Fisher_Ring"
-	Name: "Fischer Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Fish,15; ">
-	Id: 2759
-	AegisName: "Decussate_Ring"
-	Name: "Decussate Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Demon,15; ">
-	Id: 2760
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Ring"
-	Name: "Bloody Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,15; ">
-	Id: 2761
-	AegisName: "Satanic_Ring"
-	Name: "Satanic Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Angel,15; ">
-	Id: 2762
-	AegisName: "Dragoon_Ring"
-	Name: "Dragon Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Dragon,15; ">
-	Id: 2763
-	AegisName: "Skul_Ring_C"
-	Name: "Neo Skull Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal,AL_HEAL,5;
-		skill MG_SIGHT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2764
-	AegisName: "Small_Fishing_Rod"
-	Name: "Small Fishing Rod"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 250
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2765
-	AegisName: "Novice_Figure"
-	Name: "Novice Figure"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,70;
-		if(Class==Job_Novice || Class==Job_Novice_High || Class==Job_SuperNovice) bonus bMaxHP,30;
-	">
-	Id: 2766
-	AegisName: "Swordman_Figure"
-	Name: "Swordman Figure"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman) bonus bDef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2767
-	AegisName: "Acolyte_Figure"
-	Name: "Acolyte Figure"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus bMaxSP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 2768
-	AegisName: "Mage_Figure"
-	Name: "Mage Figure"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage) bonus bSPrecovRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2769
-	AegisName: "Archer_Figure"
-	Name: "Archer Figure"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Archer) bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2770
-	AegisName: "Thief_Figure"
-	Name: "Thief Figure"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus bAspdRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2771
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Figure"
-	Name: "Merchant Figure"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Merchant) bonus bCritical,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2772
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Ring1"
-	Name: "Glorious Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 81
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-3;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2773
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Ring2"
-	Name: "Glorious Popularized Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 61
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,2; ">
-	Id: 2774
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Ring3"
-	Name: "Glorious Mass-Production Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 2775
-	AegisName: "Lure"
-	Name: "Lure"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2776
-	AegisName: "Cool_Towel"
-	Name: "Adventurer's Trusty Towel"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_SUMMER,-1,0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_SUMMER; ">
-	Id: 2777
-	AegisName: "Shaman_Ring"
-	Name: "Shaman Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate,-5; ">
-	Id: 2778
-	AegisName: "Shaman_Earing"
-	Name: "Shaman Earrings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 2779
-	AegisName: "Dark_Knight_Belt"
-	Name: "Dark Knight Belt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2780
-	AegisName: "Dark_Knight_Glove"
-	Name: "Dark Knight Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,2; }",10,10000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }"; ">
-	Id: 2781
-	AegisName: "Aumduras_Grace"
-	Name: "Aumdura's Benefit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2782
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Wise_King"
-	Name: "Ring of the Ancient Wise King"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2783
-	AegisName: "Eyes_Stone_Ring"
-	Name: "Eye Stone Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,25;
-	">
-	Id: 2784
-	AegisName: "Oh_Holy_Night"
-	Name: "Christmas Musicbox"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" skill ALL_WEWISH,1; ">
-	Id: 2785
-	AegisName: "Orleans_Glove_M"
-	Name: "Orlean's Gloves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2786
-	AegisName: "Spiritual_Ring_M"
-	Name: "Spiritual Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2787
-	AegisName: "Waterdrop_Brooch"
-	Name: "Waterdrop Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2788
-	AegisName: "Bradium_Earing"
-	Name: "Bradium Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMatk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2789
-	AegisName: "Bradium_Ring"
-	Name: "Bradium Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2790
-	AegisName: "Bradium_Brooch"
-	Name: "Bradium Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bFlee,4;
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=120) {
-			bonus bCritical,4;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2791
-	AegisName: "Just_Got_Fish"
-	Name: "Fresh Fish"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,3; ">
-	Id: 2792
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Flame_Lord_I"
-	Name: "Ring of Flame Lord"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,15;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,CH_SOULCOLLECT,1,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,1,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,PA_PRESSURE,2,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBALL,1,150;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,KN_BOWLINGBASH,5,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2793
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Resonance_I"
-	Name: "Ring of Resonance"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_QUAGMIRE,1,50,0;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AS_SPLASHER,10,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,10,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,3,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,CG_TAROTCARD,5,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2794
-	AegisName: "Magic_Stone_Ring"
-	Name: "Magic Stone Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 2795
-	AegisName: "Green_Apple_Ring"
-	Name: "Green Apple Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(JobLevel<30) {
-			bonus bAllStats,6-(JobLevel/5);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2796
-	AegisName: "Magical_Stone"
-	Name: "Magical Stone"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2047,10;
-		bonus2 bAddDefClass,2048,-10;
-		bonus3 bAddClassDropItem,6152,2047,70;
-	">
-	Id: 2797
-	AegisName: "Magical_Stone_"
-	Name: "Magical Stone"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2049,10;
-		bonus2 bAddDefClass,2050,-10;
-		bonus3 bAddClassDropItem,6151,2049,70;
-	">
-	Id: 2798
-	AegisName: "Will_Of_Exhausted_Angel"
-	Name: "Will Of Exhausted Warrior"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(strcharinfo(PC_MAP)=="job3_arch02") {
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,1761,50;
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,1762,50;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2799
-	AegisName: "Kuirpenring"
-	Name: "Ring of Protection"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,1; ">
-	Id: 2800
-	AegisName: "Accelerator"
-	Name: "Accelerator"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 2801
-	AegisName: "Hovering_Booster"
-	Name: "Hovering Booster"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 2802
-	AegisName: "Suicidal_Device"
-	Name: "Suicidal Device"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2803
-	AegisName: "Shape_Shifter"
-	Name: "Shape Shifter"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 500
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 2804
-	AegisName: "Cooling_Device"
-	Name: "Cooling Device"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 2805
-	AegisName: "Mag_Field_Generator"
-	Name: "Magnetic Field Generator"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 6000
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 2806
-	AegisName: "Barrier_Builder"
-	Name: "Barrier Builder"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 150000
-	Weight: 8000
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 2807
-	AegisName: "Repair_Kit"
-	Name: "Repair Kit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 400
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2808
-	AegisName: "Camouflage_Generator"
-	Name: "Camouflage Generator"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,3; ">
-	Id: 2809
-	AegisName: "High_Quality_Cooler"
-	Name: "High Quality Cooler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 2810
-	AegisName: "Special_Cooler"
-	Name: "Special Cooler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 2811
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SBracelet7"
-	Name: "Freya Spirit Bracelet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 2812
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SBracelet30"
-	Name: "Freya Spirit Bracelet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 2813
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SBracelet60"
-	Name: "Freya Spirit Bracelet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 2814
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SBracelet90"
-	Name: "Freya Spirit Bracelet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 2815
-	AegisName: "Th_Ring_Of_Water"
-	Name: "Ring of Water"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2816
-	AegisName: "Radar_Ring1"
-	Name: "Radar Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2817
-	AegisName: "Radar_Ring2"
-	Name: "Radar Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2818
-	AegisName: "Radar_Ring3"
-	Name: "Radar Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2819
-	AegisName: "Swordman_Manual"
-	Name: "Swordman Manual"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 12]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		skill SM_BASH,1;
-		skill SM_PROVOKE,1;
-		skill SM_MAGNUM,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2820
-	AegisName: "Thief_Manual"
-	Name: "Thief Manual"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 12]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		skill TF_DOUBLE,3;
-		bonus bDoubleRate,15;
-		skill TF_STEAL,1;
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-		skill TF_POISON,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2821
-	AegisName: "Acolyte_Manual"
-	Name: "Acolyte Manual"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 12]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		skill AL_INCAGI,1;
-		skill AL_BLESSING,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2822
-	AegisName: "Archer_Manual"
-	Name: "Archer Manual"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 12]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		skill AC_OWL,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2823
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Manual"
-	Name: "Merchant Manual"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 12]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		skill MC_DISCOUNT,1;
-		skill MC_OVERCHARGE,10;
-		skill MC_IDENTIFY,1;
-		skill MC_MAMMONITE,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2824
-	AegisName: "Mage_Manual"
-	Name: "Mage Manual"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 12]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		skill MG_SRECOVERY,1;
-		skill MG_COLDBOLT,1;
-		skill MG_FIREWALL,1;
-		skill MG_FIREBOLT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2825
-	AegisName: "Shaman_EaringB"
-	Name: "Shaman Earrings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 2826
-	AegisName: "Dark_Knight_BeltB"
-	Name: "Dark Knight Belt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2827
-	AegisName: "Dark_Knight_GloveB"
-	Name: "Dark Knight Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ bonus bMaxHPrate,10; }",10,10000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }"; ">
-	Id: 2828
-	AegisName: "Upg_Clip"
-	Name: "Upg Clip"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-	">
-	Id: 2829
-	AegisName: "Greed_Clip"
-	Name: "Greed Clip"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2830
-	AegisName: "Magingiorde_C"
-	Name: "Ephemeral Magingiorde"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 2
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 94
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,40;
-		bonus bMdef,7;
-	">
-	Id: 2831
-	AegisName: "Brysinggamen_C"
-	Name: "Ephemeral Brysinggamen"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 94
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,6;
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bAgi,6;
-		bonus bLuk,10;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bHealPower,6;
-	">
-	Id: 2832
-	AegisName: "Freyja_Ring"
-	Name: "Freya Ring R"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2833
-	AegisName: "Odins_Recall"
-	Name: "Odin Recall R"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 2834
-	AegisName: "F_All_In_One_Ring"
-	Name: "All In One Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,10;
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2835
-	AegisName: "F_Critical_Ring_C"
-	Name: "Critical Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,10; ">
-	Id: 2836
-	AegisName: "F_Glove_C"
-	Name: "Rental Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,4; ">
-	Id: 2837
-	AegisName: "F_Safety_Ring_C"
-	Name: "Safety Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2838
-	AegisName: "F_Necklace_C"
-	Name: "Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,4; ">
-	Id: 2839
-	AegisName: "F_Ring_C"
-	Name: "Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,4; ">
-	Id: 2840
-	AegisName: "F_Rosary_C"
-	Name: "Rosary"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,4;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2841
-	AegisName: "Caracas_Ring"
-	Name: "Caracas Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Sage: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 2842
-	AegisName: "F_Earing_C"
-	Name: "Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 2843
-	AegisName: "Gold_Trickle"
-	Name: "Golden Bell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,50; ">
-	Id: 2844
-	AegisName: "El_Dicastes_Light"
-	Name: "Light of El Dicastes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" skill RETURN_TO_ELDICASTES,1; ">
-	Id: 2845
-	AegisName: "No_Fear_Belt"
-	Name: "NoFear Belts"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 2
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2846
-	AegisName: "E_All_In_One_Ring"
-	Name: "E All In One Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 2847
-	AegisName: "E_Critical_Ring_C"
-	Name: "E Critical Ring C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,10; ">
-	Id: 2848
-	AegisName: "E_Glove_C"
-	Name: "E Glove C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,4; ">
-	Id: 2849
-	AegisName: "E_Safety_Ring_C"
-	Name: "E Safety Ring C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 2850
-	AegisName: "E_Ring_C"
-	Name: "E Ring C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,4; ">
-	Id: 2851
-	AegisName: "E_Necklace_C"
-	Name: "E Necklace C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,4; ">
-	Id: 2852
-	AegisName: "E_Rosary_C"
-	Name: "E Rosary C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,4;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2853
-	AegisName: "Telekinetic_Orb"
-	Name: "Telekinetic Orb"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WL_SOULEXPANSION,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WL_SOULEXPANSION,-50;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 2854
-	AegisName: "Alchemy_Glove"
-	Name: "Alchemy Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 125
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Water,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBALL,5,30;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBOLT,5,30,BF_MAGIC,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2855
-	AegisName: "Whike_Black_Tail"
-	Name: "Whikebain's Black Tail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,7;
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Curse,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2856
-	AegisName: "Half_Megin"
-	Name: "Meginjard (Trial Version)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 47
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bStr,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2857
-	AegisName: "Half_Brysing"
-	Name: "Brisingamen (Trial Version)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 47
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2858
-	AegisName: "Pendant_Of_Guardian"
-	Name: "Pendant Of Guardian"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" skill ALL_GUARDIAN_RECALL,1; ">
-	Id: 2859
-	AegisName: "Golden_Rod_Orb"
-	Name: "Golden Rod Orb"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,15;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_JUPITEL,3,30;
-	">
-	Id: 2860
-	AegisName: "Aqua_Orb"
-	Name: "Aqua Orb"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,15;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_FROSTNOVA,3,30;
-	">
-	Id: 2861
-	AegisName: "Crimson_Orb"
-	Name: "Crimson Orb"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,15;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_SIGHTRASHER,3,30;
-	">
-	Id: 2862
-	AegisName: "Forest_Orb"
-	Name: "Forest Orb"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,15;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_QUAGMIRE,3,30;
-	">
-	Id: 2863
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Valkyrie"
-	Name: "Ring of The Valkyrie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 2
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 5; ">
-	Id: 2864
-	AegisName: "Light_Of_Cure"
-	Name: "Light Of Cure"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bHealPower,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2865
-	AegisName: "Seal_Of_Cathedral"
-	Name: "Seal Of Cathedral"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bHealPower,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2866
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Archbishop"
-	Name: "Ring Of Archbishop"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bHealPower,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2867
-	AegisName: "Broken_Bamboo_Piece"
-	Name: "Broken Bamboo Piece"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,2; ">
-	Id: 2868
-	AegisName: "Green_Batik"
-	Name: "Green Batik"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2869
-	AegisName: "Colorful_Ketupat"
-	Name: "Colorful Ketupat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2870
-	AegisName: "Tw_8th_Anni_Ring"
-	Name: "Tw 8th Anni Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bVit,5;
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bAgi,5;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2871
-	AegisName: "Brazilian_Emblem"
-	Name: "Symbol Of Brazil"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2872
-	AegisName: "G_Honor_Certificate"
-	Name: "G Honor Certificate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2873
-	AegisName: "Cat_Hand_Glove"
-	Name: "Cat Hand Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2874
-	AegisName: "Buffalo_Horn"
-	Name: "Buffalo Horns"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2875
-	AegisName: "RO_Appreciation_Ring"
-	Name: "Grate Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2876
-	AegisName: "Necklace_Spica"
-	Name: "Spica Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,1; ">
-	Id: 2877
-	AegisName: "Glove_Sabik"
-	Name: "Sabiku Gloves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,1; ">
-	Id: 2878
-	AegisName: "Bracelet_Arunairi"
-	Name: "Bracelet Alna And Iris"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,1; ">
-	Id: 2879
-	AegisName: "Badge_Giorredart"
-	Name: "Algol Badge"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,1; ">
-	Id: 2880
-	AegisName: "Ring_Lupak"
-	Name: "Rufaku Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,1; ">
-	Id: 2881
-	AegisName: "Orleans_Necklace"
-	Name: "Orlean's Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bMatk,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2882
-	AegisName: "Ecoro_Cardslip"
-	Name: "Card Sleeves ECO ?RO"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2883
-	AegisName: "Ur_Seal"
-	Name: "Ur's Seal"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,LK_SPIRALPIERCE,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,RK_HUNDREDSPEAR,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2884
-	AegisName: "Peuz_Seal"
-	Name: "Peuz's Seal"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2885
-	AegisName: "Mother_Heart"
-	Name: "Mother's Heart"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 120]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,30;
-		bonus bMatk,30;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 15;
-		skill CR_AUTOGUARD,3;
-		skill AL_CURE,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2886
-	AegisName: "Sabah_Ring"
-	Name: "Sapha Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,GC_DARKILLUSION,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2887
-	AegisName: "Nab_Ring"
-	Name: "Nab Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus bMatk,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2888
-	AegisName: "School_Bag"
-	Name: "Attending School Back"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-3;
-		if(BaseLevel<80) {
-			bonus bMaxHP,200;
-			bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2889
-	AegisName: "Endure_Ring"
-	Name: "Ring of Patience"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2890
-	AegisName: "White_Wing_Brooch"
-	Name: "White Wing Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2891
-	AegisName: "Black_wing_Brooch"
-	Name: "Black Wing Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bFlee2,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2892
-	AegisName: "Assassin_Handcuffs"
-	Name: "Assassin Handcuffs"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2893
-	AegisName: "Cursed_Heart"
-	Name: "Haunted Heart"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2894
-	AegisName: "Glove_Of_Shura"
-	Name: "Glove Of Shura"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,6;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-6;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,30;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2895
-	AegisName: "Medal_Of_Valor1"
-	Name: "Medal Of Valor1"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2896
-	AegisName: "Medal_Of_Valor2"
-	Name: "Medal Of Valor2"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2897
-	AegisName: "2011RWC_Necklace_J"
-	Name: "RWC Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 2898
-	AegisName: "Black_Rosary"
-	Name: "Black Rosary"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,15; ">
-	Id: 2899
-	AegisName: "Sound_Amplifier"
-	Name: "Sound Amplifier"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WM_METALICSOUND,150;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WM_METALICSOUND,-60;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 2900
-	AegisName: "Morriganes_Belt_"
-	Name: "Morrigane's Belt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 61
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2901
-	AegisName: "Morriganes_Pendant_"
-	Name: "Morrigane's Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 61
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2902
-	AegisName: "Morpheuss_Ring_"
-	Name: "Morpheus's Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 2903
-	AegisName: "Morpheuss_Armlet_"
-	Name: "Morpheus's Bracelet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 33
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 2904
-	AegisName: "Naqsh"
-	Name: "At Lorient"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2905
-	AegisName: "Super_Ora_Ora"
-	Name: "Ora Ora Very Strong"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2906
-	AegisName: "Happy_Gauntlet"
-	Name: "Gloves of Fortune"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 2907
-	AegisName: "Buwaya_Tattoo"
-	Name: "Buwaya Agimat Tattoo"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,7;
-		bonus bFixedCastrate,-7;
-	">
-	Id: 2908
-	AegisName: "Light_Ring"
-	Name: "Ring of Light"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2909
-	AegisName: "Darkness_Ring"
-	Name: "Ring of Darkness"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2910
-	AegisName: "Bakonawa_Tattoo"
-	Name: "Bakonawa Agimat Tattoo"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 7;
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 2911
-	AegisName: "Bangungot_Tattoo"
-	Name: "Bangungot Agimat Tattoo"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,4;
-		bonus bHealPower2,7;
-	">
-	Id: 2912
-	AegisName: "Xylitol_2011"
-	Name: "Xylitol 2011"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2913
-	AegisName: "Thief_Handcuff"
-	Name: "Thieves Large Handcuffs"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1400
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2914
-	AegisName: "Wizard_Left_Eye"
-	Name: "Wizard Left Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2915
-	AegisName: "Ettlang_Keepsake"
-	Name: "Ettlang Keepsake"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 2916
-	AegisName: "Fairy_Wing"
-	Name: "Fairy Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" skill ECLAGE_RECALL,1; ">
-	Id: 2917
-	AegisName: "Str_Glove"
-	Name: "Str Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(readparam(bStr)/10);
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=110) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2918
-	AegisName: "Int_Glove"
-	Name: "Int Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bMatk,(readparam(bInt)/10);
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=110) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2919
-	AegisName: "Agi_Glove"
-	Name: "Agi Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bFlee,(readparam(bAgi)/10);
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=110) {
-			bonus bFlee2,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2920
-	AegisName: "Vit_Glove"
-	Name: "Vit Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bMaxHP,(readparam(bVit)/10)*50;
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=110) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2921
-	AegisName: "Dex_Glove"
-	Name: "Dex Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bHit,(readparam(bDex)/10);
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=110) {
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2922
-	AegisName: "Luk_Glove"
-	Name: "Luk Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bCritical,(readparam(bLuk)/10);
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=110) {
-			bonus bCritAtkRate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2923
-	AegisName: "Str_Glove_"
-	Name: "Str Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(readparam(bStr)/10);
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=110) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2924
-	AegisName: "Int_Glove_"
-	Name: "Int Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bMatk,(readparam(bInt)/10);
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=110) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2925
-	AegisName: "Agi_Glove_"
-	Name: "Agi Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bFlee,(readparam(bAgi)/10);
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=110) {
-			bonus bFlee2,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2926
-	AegisName: "Vit_Glove_"
-	Name: "Vit Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bMaxHP,(readparam(bVit)/10)*50;
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=110) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2927
-	AegisName: "Dex_Glove_"
-	Name: "Dex Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bHit,(readparam(bDex)/10);
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=110) {
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2928
-	AegisName: "Luk_Glove_"
-	Name: "Luk Glove"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 75000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		bonus bCritical,(readparam(bLuk)/10);
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=110) {
-			bonus bCritAtkRate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 2936
-	AegisName: "Recovery_Ring"
-	Name: "Rings of Recovery"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 2940
-	AegisName: "Ninja_Manual"
-	Name: "Ninja Tutorial"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 12]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		skill NJ_UTSUSEMI,1;
-		skill NJ_KOUENKA,1;
-		skill NJ_SYURIKEN,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2941
-	AegisName: "Gunslinger_Manual"
-	Name: "Gunslinger Tutorial"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 12]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		skill GS_GLITTERING,1;
-		skill GS_ADJUSTMENT,1;
-		skill GS_INCREASING,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2942
-	AegisName: "Taekwon_Manual"
-	Name: "Taekwon Tutorial"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 12]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		skill TK_SEVENWIND,4;
-		skill TK_JUMPKICK,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2944
-	AegisName: "TE_Ring_Of_Protection"
-	Name: "TE Ring of Protection"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2945
-	AegisName: "TE_Ring_Of_Rage"
-	Name: "TE Rage Of Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2946
-	AegisName: "TE_Ring_Of_Defiance"
-	Name: "TE Ring Of Defiance"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2949
-	AegisName: "Silversmith_Bracelet"
-	Name: "Silversmith Bracelet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats, 1;
-		bonus bMdef, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 2950
-	AegisName: "Rune_Ring"
-	Name: "Rune Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: [1, 100]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 10; ">
-	Id: 2951
-	AegisName: "Kvasir_Ring_Blue"
-	Name: "Kvasir Ring Blue"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-		skill ECL_SNOWFLIP,1;
-	">
-	Id: 2952
-	AegisName: "Kvasir_Ring_Red"
-	Name: "Kvasir Ring Red"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-		skill "ECL_PEONYMAMY",1;
-	">
-	Id: 2953
-	AegisName: "Kvasir_Ring_Green"
-	Name: "Kvasir Ring Green"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		skill "ECL_SADAGUI",1;
-	">
-	Id: 2954
-	AegisName: "Kvasir_Ring_Brown"
-	Name: "Kvasir Ring Brown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		skill "ECL_SEQUOIADUST",1;
-	">
-	Id: 2959
-	AegisName: "Fidelity_Necklace"
-	Name: "Fidelity Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2960
-	AegisName: "Badge_Of_Manny"
-	Name: "Badge Of Manny"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 2963
-	AegisName: "Body_Power_Up_Ring"
-	Name: "Physical Enhancer Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2964
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Spell_Explosion"
-	Name: "Magic Intensifier Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 2966
-	AegisName: "RWC_2012_Ring"
-	Name: "RWC 2012 Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 1; ">
-	Id: 2967
-	AegisName: "RWC_2012_Ring_"
-	Name: "Chambered RWC 2012 Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 1; ">
-	Id: 2968
-	AegisName: "RWC_2012_Pendant"
-	Name: "RWC 2012 Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2969
-	AegisName: "RWC_2012_Pendant_"
-	Name: "Chambered RWC 2012 Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 2971
-	AegisName: "Pocket_Watch__"
-	Name: "Pocket Watch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,15;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,15;
-		bonus bMatkRate,7;
-	">
-	Id: 2981
-	AegisName: "RingOfHero"
-	Name: "Brave Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 2986
-	AegisName: "Snake_Ring"
-	Name: "Snake Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 2987
-	AegisName: "Snake_Pendant"
-	Name: "Snake Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 2988
-	AegisName: "Winged_Ring_Of_Newoz"
-	Name: "Oz's New Wing Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 62000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bVariableCastrate,-25; ">
-	Id: 2989
-	AegisName: "Floral_Bracelet_Of_Igu"
-	Name: "Bloody Floral Decoration Bracelet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 62000
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bVariableCastrate,-25; ">
-	Id: 2997
-	AegisName: "RWC_Gold_Brooch"
-	Name: "RWC Gold Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,20;
-		bonus bMatk,20;
-	">
-	Id: 2999
-	AegisName: "RWC_Silver_Brooch"
-	Name: "RWC Silver Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-	">
-//== Cards =================================================
-	Id: 4001
-	AegisName: "Poring_Card"
-	Name: "Poring Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bFlee2,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4002
-	AegisName: "Fabre_Card"
-	Name: "Fabre Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4003
-	AegisName: "Pupa_Card"
-	Name: "Pupa Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,700; ">
-	Id: 4004
-	AegisName: "Drops_Card"
-	Name: "Drops Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bHit,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4005
-	AegisName: "Poring__Card"
-	Name: "Santa Poring Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,20; ">
-	Id: 4006
-	AegisName: "Lunatic_Card"
-	Name: "Lunatic Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bCritical,1;
-		bonus bFlee2,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4007
-	AegisName: "Pecopeco_Egg_Card"
-	Name: "Pecopeco Egg Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Formless,20; ">
-	Id: 4008
-	AegisName: "Picky_Card"
-	Name: "Picky Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4009
-	AegisName: "Chonchon_Card"
-	Name: "Chonchon Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bFlee,2;
-	">
-	Id: 4010
-	AegisName: "Wilow_Card"
-	Name: "Willow Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,80; ">
-	Id: 4011
-	AegisName: "Picky__Card"
-	Name: "Picky Egg Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4012
-	AegisName: "Thief_Bug_Egg_Card"
-	Name: "Thiefbug Egg Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,400; ">
-	Id: 4013
-	AegisName: "Andre_Egg_Card"
-	Name: "Andre Egg Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,5; ">
-	Id: 4014
-	AegisName: "Roda_Frog_Card"
-	Name: "Roda Frog Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,400;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4015
-	AegisName: "Condor_Card"
-	Name: "Condor Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,10; ">
-	Id: 4016
-	AegisName: "Thief_Bug_Card"
-	Name: "Thief Bug Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 4017
-	AegisName: "Savage_Babe_Card"
-	Name: "Savage Bebe Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500; ">
-	Id: 4018
-	AegisName: "Andre_Larva_Card"
-	Name: "Andre Larva Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4019
-	AegisName: "Hornet_Card"
-	Name: "Hornet Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4020
-	AegisName: "Farmiliar_Card"
-	Name: "Familiar Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4021
-	AegisName: "Rocker_Card"
-	Name: "Rocker Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4022
-	AegisName: "Spore_Card"
-	Name: "Spore Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,2; ">
-	Id: 4023
-	AegisName: "Desert_Wolf_Babe_Card"
-	Name: "Baby Desertwolf Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 4024
-	AegisName: "Plankton_Card"
-	Name: "Plankton Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Sleep,500;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4025
-	AegisName: "Skeleton_Card"
-	Name: "Skeleton Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,200;
-	">
-	Id: 4026
-	AegisName: "Thief_Bug_Female_Card"
-	Name: "Female Thiefbug Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bFlee,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4027
-	AegisName: "Kukre_Card"
-	Name: "Kukre Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 4028
-	AegisName: "Tarou_Card"
-	Name: "Tarou Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 4029
-	AegisName: "Wolf_Card"
-	Name: "Wolf Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,15;
-		bonus bCritical,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4030
-	AegisName: "Mandragora_Card"
-	Name: "Mandragora Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Wind,20; ">
-	Id: 4031
-	AegisName: "Pecopeco_Card"
-	Name: "Pecopeco Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,10; ">
-	Id: 4032
-	AegisName: "Ambernite_Card"
-	Name: "Ambernite Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,2; ">
-	Id: 4033
-	AegisName: "Poporing_Card"
-	Name: "PoPoring Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" skill TF_DETOXIFY,1; ">
-	Id: 4034
-	AegisName: "Worm_Tail_Card"
-	Name: "Wormtail Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 4035
-	AegisName: "Hydra_Card"
-	Name: "Hydra Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,20; ">
-	Id: 4036
-	AegisName: "Muka_Card"
-	Name: "Muka Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bHPrecovRate,10; ">
-	Id: 4037
-	AegisName: "Snake_Card"
-	Name: "Snake Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,500;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4038
-	AegisName: "Zombie_Card"
-	Name: "Zombie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bHPrecovRate,20; ">
-	Id: 4039
-	AegisName: "Stainer_Card"
-	Name: "Stainer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,2000;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4040
-	AegisName: "Creamy_Card"
-	Name: "Creamy Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" skill AL_TELEPORT,1; ">
-	Id: 4041
-	AegisName: "Coco_Card"
-	Name: "Coco Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,2000;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4042
-	AegisName: "Steel_Chonchon_Card"
-	Name: "Steel Chonchon Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10;
-		bonus bDef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 4043
-	AegisName: "Andre_Card"
-	Name: "Andre Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,20; ">
-	Id: 4044
-	AegisName: "Smokie_Card"
-	Name: "Smokie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" skill TF_HIDING,1; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 4045
-	AegisName: "Horn_Card"
-	Name: "Horn Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkDef,35; ">
-	Id: 4046
-	AegisName: "Martin_Card"
-	Name: "Martin Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,2000;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4047
-	AegisName: "Ghostring_Card"
-	Name: "Ghostring Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Ghost;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-25;
-	">
-	Id: 4048
-	AegisName: "Poison_Spore_Card"
-	Name: "Poison Spore Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" skill TF_POISON,3; ">
-	Id: 4049
-	AegisName: "Vadon_Card"
-	Name: "Vadon Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,20; ">
-	Id: 4050
-	AegisName: "Thief_Bug_Male_Card"
-	Name: "Male Thiefbug Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 4051
-	AegisName: "Yoyo_Card"
-	Name: "Yoyo Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4052
-	AegisName: "Elder_Wilow_Card"
-	Name: "Elder Willow Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 4053
-	AegisName: "Vitata_Card"
-	Name: "Vitata Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 4054
-	AegisName: "Angeling_Card"
-	Name: "Angeling Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle,Ele_Holy; ">
-	Id: 4055
-	AegisName: "Marina_Card"
-	Name: "Marina Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,500;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4056
-	AegisName: "Dustiness_Card"
-	Name: "Dustiness Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,30;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4057
-	AegisName: "Metaller_Card"
-	Name: "Metaller Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,500;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4058
-	AegisName: "Thara_Frog_Card"
-	Name: "Thara Frog Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,30; ">
-	Id: 4059
-	AegisName: "Soldier_Andre_Card"
-	Name: "Soldier Andre Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,30; ">
-	Id: 4060
-	AegisName: "Goblin_Card"
-	Name: "Goblin Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,20; ">
-	Id: 4061
-	AegisName: "Cornutus_Card"
-	Name: "Cornutus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4062
-	AegisName: "Anacondaq_Card"
-	Name: "Anacondaq Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Poison,20; ">
-	Id: 4063
-	AegisName: "Caramel_Card"
-	Name: "Caramel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Insect,20; ">
-	Id: 4064
-	AegisName: "Zerom_Card"
-	Name: "Zerom Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,3; ">
-	Id: 4065
-	AegisName: "Kaho_Card"
-	Name: "Kaho Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,20; ">
-	Id: 4066
-	AegisName: "Orc_Warrior_Card"
-	Name: "Orc Warrior Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,30; ">
-	Id: 4067
-	AegisName: "Megalodon_Card"
-	Name: "Megalodon Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2000;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4068
-	AegisName: "Scorpion_Card"
-	Name: "Scorpion Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,20; ">
-	Id: 4069
-	AegisName: "Drainliar_Card"
-	Name: "Drainliar Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,20; ">
-	Id: 4070
-	AegisName: "Eggyra_Card"
-	Name: "Eggyra Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bSPrecovRate,15; ">
-	Id: 4071
-	AegisName: "Orc_Zombie_Card"
-	Name: "Orc Zombie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,30;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4072
-	AegisName: "Golem_Card"
-	Name: "Golem Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4073
-	AegisName: "Pirate_Skel_Card"
-	Name: "Pirate Skel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" skill MC_DISCOUNT,5; ">
-	Id: 4074
-	AegisName: "BigFoot_Card"
-	Name: "Bigfoot Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,30; ">
-	Id: 4075
-	AegisName: "Argos_Card"
-	Name: "Argos Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,2000;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4076
-	AegisName: "Magnolia_Card"
-	Name: "Magnolia Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,500;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4077
-	AegisName: "Phen_Card"
-	Name: "Phen Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 4078
-	AegisName: "Savage_Card"
-	Name: "Savage Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,3; ">
-	Id: 4079
-	AegisName: "Mantis_Card"
-	Name: "Mantis Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,3; ">
-	Id: 4080
-	AegisName: "Flora_Card"
-	Name: "Flora Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Fish,20; ">
-	Id: 4081
-	AegisName: "Hode_Card"
-	Name: "Hode Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,30;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4082
-	AegisName: "Desert_Wolf_Card"
-	Name: "Desert Wolf Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,15;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4083
-	AegisName: "Rafflesia_Card"
-	Name: "Rafflesia Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Fish,30; ">
-	Id: 4084
-	AegisName: "Marine_Sphere_Card"
-	Name: "Marine Sphere Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" skill SM_MAGNUM,3; ">
-	Id: 4085
-	AegisName: "Orc_Skeleton_Card"
-	Name: "Orc Skeleton Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,20; ">
-	Id: 4086
-	AegisName: "Soldier_Skeleton_Card"
-	Name: "Soldier Skeleton Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,9; ">
-	Id: 4087
-	AegisName: "Giearth_Card"
-	Name: "Giearth Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Confusion,10000;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,15;
-	">
-	Id: 4088
-	AegisName: "Frilldora_Card"
-	Name: "Frilldora Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" skill AS_CLOAKING,1; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_CLOAKING; ">
-	Id: 4089
-	AegisName: "Sword_Fish_Card"
-	Name: "Swordfish Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4090
-	AegisName: "Munak_Card"
-	Name: "Munak Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,1500;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4091
-	AegisName: "Kobold_Card"
-	Name: "Kobold Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bCritical,4;
-	">
-	Id: 4092
-	AegisName: "Skel_Worker_Card"
-	Name: "Skel Worker Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,15;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4093
-	AegisName: "Obeaune_Card"
-	Name: "Obeaune Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" skill AL_CURE,1; ">
-	Id: 4094
-	AegisName: "Archer_Skeleton_Card"
-	Name: "Archer Skeleton Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,10; ">
-	Id: 4095
-	AegisName: "Marse_Card"
-	Name: "Marse Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,30;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4096
-	AegisName: "Zenorc_Card"
-	Name: "Zenorc Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,400;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4097
-	AegisName: "Matyr_Card"
-	Name: "Matyr Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4098
-	AegisName: "Dokebi_Card"
-	Name: "Dokebi Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4099
-	AegisName: "Pasana_Card"
-	Name: "Pasana Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4100
-	AegisName: "Sohee_Card"
-	Name: "Sohee Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,15;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4101
-	AegisName: "Sand_Man_Card"
-	Name: "Sandman Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Earth;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4102
-	AegisName: "Whisper_Card"
-	Name: "Whisper Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 4103
-	AegisName: "Horong_Card"
-	Name: "Horong Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" skill MG_SIGHT,1; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_SIGHT; ">
-	Id: 4104
-	AegisName: "Requiem_Card"
-	Name: "Requiem Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Confusion,500; ">
-	Id: 4105
-	AegisName: "Marc_Card"
-	Name: "Marc Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 4106
-	AegisName: "Mummy_Card"
-	Name: "Mummy Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,20; ">
-	Id: 4107
-	AegisName: "Verit_Card"
-	Name: "Verit Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,8;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,8;
-	">
-	Id: 4108
-	AegisName: "Myst_Card"
-	Name: "Myst Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,30;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4109
-	AegisName: "Jakk_Card"
-	Name: "Jakk Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,30;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4110
-	AegisName: "Ghoul_Card"
-	Name: "Ghoul Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Poison,2000;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4111
-	AegisName: "Strouf_Card"
-	Name: "Strouf Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,20; ">
-	Id: 4112
-	AegisName: "Marduk_Card"
-	Name: "Marduk Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,10000; ">
-	Id: 4113
-	AegisName: "Marionette_Card"
-	Name: "Marionette Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,30;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4114
-	AegisName: "Argiope_Card"
-	Name: "Argiope Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Poison;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4115
-	AegisName: "Hunter_Fly_Card"
-	Name: "Hunter Fly Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bHPDrainRate,30,15; ">
-	Id: 4116
-	AegisName: "Isis_Card"
-	Name: "Isis Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,30;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4117
-	AegisName: "Side_Winder_Card"
-	Name: "Sidewinder Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_DOUBLE,1;
-		bonus bDoubleRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4118
-	AegisName: "Petit_Card"
-	Name: "Earth Petite Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,20; ">
-	Id: 4119
-	AegisName: "Bathory_Card"
-	Name: "Bathory Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle,Ele_Dark; ">
-	Id: 4120
-	AegisName: "Petit__Card"
-	Name: "Sky Petite Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Dragon,30; ">
-	Id: 4121
-	AegisName: "Phreeoni_Card"
-	Name: "Phreeoni Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,100; ">
-	Id: 4122
-	AegisName: "Deviruchi_Card"
-	Name: "Deviruchi Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 4123
-	AegisName: "Eddga_Card"
-	Name: "Eddga Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,-25; ">
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start4 SC_ENDURE,60000,10,0,0,1; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_ENDURE; ">
-	Id: 4124
-	AegisName: "Medusa_Card"
-	Name: "Medusa Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,15;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 4125
-	AegisName: "Deviace_Card"
-	Name: "Deviace Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,7;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,7;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,7;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Insect,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4126
-	AegisName: "Minorous_Card"
-	Name: "Minorous Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,15;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4127
-	AegisName: "Nightmare_Card"
-	Name: "Nightmare Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,10000;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4128
-	AegisName: "Golden_Bug_Card"
-	Name: "Golden Thiefbug Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bNoMagicDamage,100;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4129
-	AegisName: "Baphomet__Card"
-	Name: "Bapho Jr. Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bCritical,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4130
-	AegisName: "Scorpion_King_Card"
-	Name: "Scorpion King Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Undead,20; ">
-	Id: 4131
-	AegisName: "Moonlight_Flower_Card"
-	Name: "Moonlight Flower Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bSpeedRate,25; ">
-	Id: 4132
-	AegisName: "Mistress_Card"
-	Name: "Mistress Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bNoGemStone,0;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 4133
-	AegisName: "Daydric_Card"
-	Name: "Raydric Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,20; ">
-	Id: 4134
-	AegisName: "Dracula_Card"
-	Name: "Dracula Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPDrainRate,100,5; ">
-	Id: 4135
-	AegisName: "Orc_Load_Card"
-	Name: "Orc Lord Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,30; ">
-	Id: 4136
-	AegisName: "Khalitzburg_Card"
-	Name: "Khalitzburg Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,30; ">
-	Id: 4137
-	AegisName: "Drake_Card"
-	Name: "Drake Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bNoSizeFix,0; ">
-	Id: 4138
-	AegisName: "Anubis_Card"
-	Name: "Anubis Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,30; ">
-	Id: 4139
-	AegisName: "Joker_Card"
-	Name: "Joker Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" skill TF_STEAL,1; ">
-	Id: 4140
-	AegisName: "Knight_Of_Abyss_Card"
-	Name: "Abysmal Knight Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,25; ">
-	Id: 4141
-	AegisName: "Evil_Druid_Card"
-	Name: "Evil Druid Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Undead;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4142
-	AegisName: "Doppelganger_Card"
-	Name: "Doppelganger Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate,10; ">
-	Id: 4143
-	AegisName: "Orc_Hero_Card"
-	Name: "Orc Hero Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 4144
-	AegisName: "Osiris_Card"
-	Name: "Osiris Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bRestartFullRecover,0; ">
-	Id: 4145
-	AegisName: "Berzebub_Card"
-	Name: "Berzebub Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bVariableCastrate,-30; ">
-	Id: 4146
-	AegisName: "Maya_Card"
-	Name: "Maya Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMagicDamageReturn,50; ">
-	Id: 4147
-	AegisName: "Baphomet_Card"
-	Name: "Baphomet Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,-10;
-		bonus bSplashRange,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4148
-	AegisName: "Pharaoh_Card"
-	Name: "Pharaoh Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate,-30; ">
-	Id: 4149
-	AegisName: "Gargoyle_Card"
-	Name: "Gargoyle Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12028,RC_Insect,100; ">
-	Id: 4150
-	AegisName: "Goat_Card"
-	Name: "Goat Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()<6) {
-			bonus bDef,2;
-			bonus bMdef,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4151
-	AegisName: "Gajomart_Card"
-	Name: "Gajomart Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Plant,-20;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Plant,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4152
-	AegisName: "Galapago_Card"
-	Name: "Galapago Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Apple_Juice,50;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Banana_Juice,50;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Carrot_Juice,50;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,531,RC_Insect,300;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,532,RC_Insect,300;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,534,RC_Insect,300;
-	">
-	Id: 4153
-	AegisName: "Crab_Card"
-	Name: "Crab Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1266,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4154
-	AegisName: "Rice_Cake_Boy_Card"
-	Name: "Dumpling Kid Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Candy,50;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Candy_Striper,50;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,529,RC_DemiPlayer,300;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,530,RC_DemiPlayer,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4155
-	AegisName: "Goblin_Leader_Card"
-	Name: "Goblin Leader Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_Goblin,30; ">
-	Id: 4156
-	AegisName: "Steam_Goblin_Card"
-	Name: "Goblin Steamrider Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Formless,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4157
-	AegisName: "Goblin_Archer_Card"
-	Name: "Goblin Archer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Undead,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4158
-	AegisName: "Flying_Deleter_Card"
-	Name: "Sky Deleter Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-100;
-		bonus bHPGainValue,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4159
-	AegisName: "Nine_Tail_Card"
-	Name: "Nine Tail Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus bFlee,20;
-	">
-	Id: 4160
-	AegisName: "Antique_Firelock_Card"
-	Name: "Firelock Soldier Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4161
-	AegisName: "Grand_Peco_Card"
-	Name: "Grand Peco Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_GLORIA,1,50; ">
-	Id: 4162
-	AegisName: "Grizzly_Card"
-	Name: "Grizzly Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Blind,300; ">
-	Id: 4163
-	AegisName: "Gryphon_Card"
-	Name: "Gryphon Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,2;
-		bonus bCritical,7;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman) bonus3 bAutoSpell,KN_BOWLINGBASH,5,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4164
-	AegisName: "Gullinbursti_Card"
-	Name: "Gullinbursti Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Fish,-20;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Fish,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4165
-	AegisName: "Gig_Card"
-	Name: "Gig Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Insect,5; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-5; ">
-	Id: 4166
-	AegisName: "Nightmare_Terror_Card"
-	Name: "Nightmare Terror Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Curse,300; ">
-	Id: 4167
-	AegisName: "Neraid_Card"
-	Name: "Nereid Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Brute,5; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-5; ">
-	Id: 4168
-	AegisName: "Dark_Lord_Card"
-	Name: "Dark Lord Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_METEOR,5,100; ">
-	Id: 4169
-	AegisName: "Dark_Illusion_Card"
-	Name: "Dark Illusion Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,-10;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 4170
-	AegisName: "Dark_Frame_Card"
-	Name: "Dark Frame Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stone,600; ">
-	Id: 4171
-	AegisName: "Dark_Priest_Card"
-	Name: "Dark Priest Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSPVanishRate, 50, 10;
-		if (BaseJob == Job_Sage) bonus bSPDrainValue, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 4172
-	AegisName: "The_Paper_Card"
-	Name: "The Paper Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,20;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainValue,-1,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4173
-	AegisName: "Demon_Pungus_Card"
-	Name: "Demon Fungus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Sleep,600; ">
-	Id: 4174
-	AegisName: "Deviling_Card"
-	Name: "Deviling Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,-50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,-50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,-50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,-50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,-50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,-50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 4175
-	AegisName: "Poison_Toad_Card"
-	Name: "Poisonous Toad Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,TF_POISON,1,20;
-		bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,52,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4176
-	AegisName: "Dullahan_Card"
-	Name: "Dullahan Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Dragon,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4177
-	AegisName: "Dryad_Card"
-	Name: "Dryad Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,993,RC_Plant,100;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4178
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Tail_Card"
-	Name: "Dragon Tail Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AC_DOUBLE,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AC_SHOWER,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4179
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Fly_Card"
-	Name: "Dragon Fly Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 4180
-	AegisName: "Driller_Card"
-	Name: "Driller Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Dragon,5; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-5; ">
-	Id: 4181
-	AegisName: "Disguise_Card"
-	Name: "Disguise Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Silence,300+600*(readparam(bVit)>=77); ">
-	Id: 4182
-	AegisName: "Diabolic_Card"
-	Name: "Diabolic Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Demon,5; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-5; ">
-	Id: 4183
-	AegisName: "Vagabond_Wolf_Card"
-	Name: "Vagabond Wolf Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 4184
-	AegisName: "Lava_Golem_Card"
-	Name: "Lava Golem Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_Golem,30; ">
-	Id: 4185
-	AegisName: "Rideword_Card"
-	Name: "Rideword Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) {
-			bonus bInt,1;
-			bonus bMdef,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4186
-	AegisName: "Raggler_Card"
-	Name: "Raggler Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4187
-	AegisName: "Raydric_Archer_Card"
-	Name: "Raydric Archer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12030,RC_Demon,100; ">
-	Id: 4188
-	AegisName: "Leib_Olmai_Card"
-	Name: "Leib Olmai Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,990,RC_Brute,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4189
-	AegisName: "Wraith_Dead_Card"
-	Name: "Wraith Dead Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Curse,600; ">
-	Id: 4190
-	AegisName: "Wraith_Card"
-	Name: "Wraith Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12027,RC_Undead,100; ">
-	Id: 4191
-	AegisName: "Loli_Ruri_Card"
-	Name: "Loli Ruri Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,3,50; ">
-	Id: 4192
-	AegisName: "Rotar_Zairo_Card"
-	Name: "Rotar Zairo Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Fish,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4193
-	AegisName: "Lude_Card"
-	Name: "Lude Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" if(BaseJob==Job_Novice||BaseJob==Job_SuperNovice) bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,SM_ENDURE,1,200; ">
-	Id: 4194
-	AegisName: "Rybio_Card"
-	Name: "Rybio Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stun,300+600*(readparam(bDex)>=77); ">
-	Id: 4195
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Cat_Card"
-	Name: "Leaf Cat Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,991,RC_Fish,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4196
-	AegisName: "Marin_Card"
-	Name: "Marin Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,909,2000;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7126,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4197
-	AegisName: "Mastering_Card"
-	Name: "Mastering Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 4198
-	AegisName: "Maya_Puple_Card"
-	Name: "Maya Purple Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bIntravision,0; ">
-	Id: 4199
-	AegisName: "Merman_Card"
-	Name: "Merman Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,10;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4200
-	AegisName: "Megalith_Card"
-	Name: "Megalith Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" if(getrefine()<6) bonus bMdef,7; ">
-	Id: 4201
-	AegisName: "Majoruros_Card"
-	Name: "Majoruros Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stun,600; ">
-	Id: 4202
-	AegisName: "Civil_Servant_Card"
-	Name: "Mao Guai Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Ghost,20; ">
-	Id: 4203
-	AegisName: "Mutant_Dragon_Card"
-	Name: "Mutant Dragonoid Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,15;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBALL,3+2*(getskilllv(MG_FIREBALL)==10),50;
-	">
-	Id: 4204
-	AegisName: "Mini_Demon_Card"
-	Name: "Mini Demon Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,-20;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Brute,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4205
-	AegisName: "Mimic_Card"
-	Name: "Mimic Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,603,10; ">
-	Id: 4206
-	AegisName: "Mystcase_Card"
-	Name: "Myst Case Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,644,30; ">
-	Id: 4207
-	AegisName: "Mysteltainn_Card"
-	Name: "Mysteltainn Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,25;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4208
-	AegisName: "Miyabi_Ningyo_Card"
-	Name: "Miyabi Doll Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FROSTDIVER,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4209
-	AegisName: "Violy_Card"
-	Name: "Violy Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,BA_FROSTJOKER,1+4*(getskilllv(BA_FROSTJOKER)==5),20; ">
-	Id: 4210
-	AegisName: "Wander_Man_Card"
-	Name: "Wanderer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" if(BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus bFlee,20; ">
-	Id: 4211
-	AegisName: "Vocal_Card"
-	Name: "Vocal Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 4212
-	AegisName: "Bon_Gun_Card"
-	Name: "Bongun Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_BASH,1,20;
-		bonus2 bAddSkillBlow,SM_BASH,5;
-		bonus2 bAddDefClass,1026,-100;
-	">
-	Id: 4213
-	AegisName: "Brilight_Card"
-	Name: "Brilight Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Silence,600; ">
-	Id: 4214
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Murderer_Card"
-	Name: "Bloody Murderer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Insect,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4215
-	AegisName: "Blazzer_Card"
-	Name: "Blazzer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bAddMonsterDropChainItem,ITMCHAIN_FOOD; ">
-	Id: 4216
-	AegisName: "Sasquatch_Card"
-	Name: "Sasquatch Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Freeze,600; ">
-	Id: 4217
-	AegisName: "Live_Peach_Tree_Card"
-	Name: "Enchanted Peach Tree Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_HEAL,1+9*(getskilllv(AL_HEAL)==10),20; ">
-	Id: 4218
-	AegisName: "Succubus_Card"
-	Name: "Succubus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,-3;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-20;
-		bonus bMaxHP,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 4219
-	AegisName: "Sageworm_Card"
-	Name: "Sage Worm Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,715,30;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,716,30;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,717,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4220
-	AegisName: "Solider_Card"
-	Name: "Solider Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,2;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 4221
-	AegisName: "Skeleton_General_Card"
-	Name: "Skeleton General Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Insect,-20;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Insect,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4222
-	AegisName: "Skel_Prisoner_Card"
-	Name: "Skel Prisoner Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Sleep,300; ">
-	Id: 4223
-	AegisName: "Stalactic_Golem_Card"
-	Name: "Stalactic Golem Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,2000;
-	">
-	Id: 4224
-	AegisName: "Stem_Worm_Card"
-	Name: "Stem Worm Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12032,RC_Brute,100; ">
-	Id: 4225
-	AegisName: "Stone_Shooter_Card"
-	Name: "Stone Shooter Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus bHit,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4226
-	AegisName: "Sting_Card"
-	Name: "Sting Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,2;
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4227
-	AegisName: "Spring_Rabbit_Card"
-	Name: "Spring Rabbit Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Meat,50;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,528,50;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,Meat,RC_Brute,200;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,528,RC_Brute,200;
-	">
-	Id: 4228
-	AegisName: "Sleeper_Card"
-	Name: "Sleeper Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12031,RC_Fish,100; ">
-	Id: 4229
-	AegisName: "C_Tower_Manager_Card"
-	Name: "Tower Keeper Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 4230
-	AegisName: "Shinobi_Card"
-	Name: "Shinobi Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AS_CLOAKING,5,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4231
-	AegisName: "Increase_Soil_Card"
-	Name: "Mi Gao Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace2,RC2_Guardian,50; ">
-	Id: 4232
-	AegisName: "Wild_Ginseng_Card"
-	Name: "Hermit Plant Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Red_Herb,50;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Yellow_Herb,50;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,White_Herb,50;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,507,RC_Plant,300;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,508,RC_Plant,200;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,509,RC_Plant,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4233
-	AegisName: "Baby_Leopard_Card"
-	Name: "Baby Leopard Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Merchant) bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4234
-	AegisName: "Anolian_Card"
-	Name: "Anolian Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AC_CONCENTRATION,1+9*(getskilllv(AC_CONCENTRATION)==10),30; ">
-	Id: 4235
-	AegisName: "Cookie_XMAS_Card"
-	Name: "Christmas Cookie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Angel,-20;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Angel,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4236
-	AegisName: "Amon_Ra_Card"
-	Name: "Amon Ra Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_KYRIE,10,(30+70*(readparam(bInt)>=99));
-	">
-	Id: 4237
-	AegisName: "Owl_Duke_Card"
-	Name: "Owl Duke Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_IMPOSITIO,3,3; ">
-	Id: 4238
-	AegisName: "Owl_Baron_Card"
-	Name: "Owl Baron Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_LEXAETERNA,1,30; ">
-	Id: 4239
-	AegisName: "Iron_Fist_Card"
-	Name: "Iron Fist Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Formless,-20;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Formless,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4240
-	AegisName: "Arclouse_Card"
-	Name: "Arclouze Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()<6) {
-			bonus bDef,2;
-			bonus bMdef,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4241
-	AegisName: "Archangeling_Card"
-	Name: "Arc Angeling Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=77) {
-			bonus bHPrecovRate,100;
-			bonus bSPrecovRate,100;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4242
-	AegisName: "Apocalips_Card"
-	Name: "Apocalipse Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus bMaxHP,800;
-	">
-	Id: 4243
-	AegisName: "Antonio_Card"
-	Name: "Antonio Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_TELEPORT,1,500; ">
-	Id: 4244
-	AegisName: "Alarm_Card"
-	Name: "Alarm Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_SIGHT,1,200;
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4245
-	AegisName: "Am_Mut_Card"
-	Name: "Am Mut Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,-20;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4246
-	AegisName: "Assulter_Card"
-	Name: "Assaulter Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4247
-	AegisName: "Aster_Card"
-	Name: "Aster Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1074,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4248
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Mummy_Card"
-	Name: "Ancient Mummy Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_CRUCIS,5,30; ">
-	Id: 4249
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Worm_Card"
-	Name: "Ancient Worm Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,-20;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Demon,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4250
-	AegisName: "Executioner_Card"
-	Name: "Executioner Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,25;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4251
-	AegisName: "Elder_Card"
-	Name: "Elder Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_Guardian,40; ">
-	Id: 4252
-	AegisName: "Alligator_Card"
-	Name: "Alligator Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkDef,5; ">
-	Id: 4253
-	AegisName: "Alice_Card"
-	Name: "Alice Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,40;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonBoss,-40;
-	">
-	Id: 4254
-	AegisName: "Tirfing_Card"
-	Name: "Ogretooth Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,25;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4255
-	AegisName: "Orc_Lady_Card"
-	Name: "Orc Lady Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_Orc,30; ">
-	Id: 4256
-	AegisName: "Orc_Archer_Card"
-	Name: "Orc Archer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12034,RC_DemiPlayer,100; ">
-	Id: 4257
-	AegisName: "Wild_Rose_Card"
-	Name: "Wild Rose Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus bFlee2,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4258
-	AegisName: "Wicked_Nymph_Card"
-	Name: "Evil Nymph Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4259
-	AegisName: "Wooden_Golem_Card"
-	Name: "Wooden Golem Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4260
-	AegisName: "Wootan_Shooter_Card"
-	Name: "Wootan Shooter Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Confusion,2000;
-	">
-	Id: 4261
-	AegisName: "Wootan_Fighter_Card"
-	Name: "Wootan Fighter Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Bleeding,2000;
-	">
-	Id: 4262
-	AegisName: "Evil_Cloud_Hermit_Card"
-	Name: "Cloud Hermit Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12029,RC_Plant,100; ">
-	Id: 4263
-	AegisName: "Incant_Samurai_Card"
-	Name: "Samurai Spector Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-100;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,666,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <"
-		if((Hp<=999) && !getmapflag(strcharinfo(PC_MAP),mf_pvp) && !getmapflag(strcharinfo(PC_MAP),mf_pvp_noparty) && !getmapflag(strcharinfo(PC_MAP),mf_pvp_noguild)) {
-			heal(1-Hp),0;
-		}
-		else {
-			heal -999,0;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4264
-	AegisName: "Wind_Ghost_Card"
-	Name: "Wind Ghost Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_JUPITEL,3+7*(getskilllv(WZ_JUPITEL)==10),20; ">
-	Id: 4265
-	AegisName: "Li_Me_Mang_Ryang_Card"
-	Name: "Jing Guai Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12033,RC_Angel,100; ">
-	Id: 4266
-	AegisName: "Eclipse_Card"
-	Name: "Eclipse Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 4267
-	AegisName: "Explosion_Card"
-	Name: "Explosion Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Dragon,-20;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Dragon,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4268
-	AegisName: "Injustice_Card"
-	Name: "Injustice Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,AS_SONICBLOW,1,50; ">
-	Id: 4269
-	AegisName: "Incubus_Card"
-	Name: "Incubus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,-3;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,-20;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-	">
-	Id: 4270
-	AegisName: "Giant_Spider_Card"
-	Name: "Giant Spider Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Poison,600; ">
-	Id: 4271
-	AegisName: "Giant_Honet_Card"
-	Name: "Giant Hornet Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,992,RC_Insect,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4272
-	AegisName: "Dancing_Dragon_Card"
-	Name: "Zhu Po Long Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4273
-	AegisName: "Shellfish_Card"
-	Name: "Shell Fish Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1073,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4274
-	AegisName: "Zombie_Master_Card"
-	Name: "Zombie Master Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Undead,5; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-5; ">
-	Id: 4275
-	AegisName: "Zombie_Prisoner_Card"
-	Name: "Zombie Prisoner Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,-20;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4276
-	AegisName: "Lord_Of_Death_Card"
-	Name: "Lord of The Dead Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500,ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,500,ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,500,ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,500,ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500,ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_NonBoss,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4277
-	AegisName: "Zherlthsh_Card"
-	Name: "Zealotus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,BA_MUSICALSTRIKE,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,DC_THROWARROW,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4278
-	AegisName: "Gibbet_Card"
-	Name: "Gibbet Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" if(getrefine()<6) bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 4279
-	AegisName: "Deleter_Card"
-	Name: "Earth Deleter Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,-100;
-		bonus bSPGainValue,10;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-100; ">
-	Id: 4280
-	AegisName: "Geographer_Card"
-	Name: "Geographer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_BLESSING,2+8*(getskilllv(AL_BLESSING)==10),30; ">
-	Id: 4281
-	AegisName: "Zipper_Bear_Card"
-	Name: "Zipper Bear Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,30;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainValue,-1,0;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Merchant) bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4282
-	AegisName: "Tengu_Card"
-	Name: "Tengu Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bAddMonsterDropChainItem,ITMCHAIN_HEAL; ">
-	Id: 4283
-	AegisName: "Greatest_General_Card"
-	Name: "Greatest General Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,MO_CALLSPIRITS,5,2+18*(BaseClass==Job_Acolyte); ">
-	Id: 4284
-	AegisName: "Chepet_Card"
-	Name: "Chepet Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus4 bAutoSpell,AL_HEAL,5,50,1; ">
-	Id: 4285
-	AegisName: "Choco_Card"
-	Name: "Choco Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4286
-	AegisName: "Karakasa_Card"
-	Name: "Karakasa Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Confusion,300+600*(readparam(bStr)>=77); ">
-	Id: 4287
-	AegisName: "Kapha_Card"
-	Name: "Kapha Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" if(getrefine()<6) bonus bMdef,8; ">
-	Id: 4288
-	AegisName: "Carat_Card"
-	Name: "Carat Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus bMaxSP,150;
-	">
-	Id: 4289
-	AegisName: "Caterpillar_Card"
-	Name: "Caterpillar Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Plant,5; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-5; ">
-	Id: 4290
-	AegisName: "Cat_O_Nine_Tail_Card"
-	Name: "Cat O' Nine Tails Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bMagicDamageReturn,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4291
-	AegisName: "Kobold_Leader_Card"
-	Name: "Kobold Leader Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_Kobold,30; ">
-	Id: 4292
-	AegisName: "Kobold_Archer_Card"
-	Name: "Kobold Archer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Plant,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4293
-	AegisName: "Cookie_Card"
-	Name: "Cookie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AL_HOLYLIGHT,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4294
-	AegisName: "Quve_Card"
-	Name: "Quve Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" if(BaseJob==Job_Novice||BaseJob==Job_SuperNovice) bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_INCAGI,1,100; ">
-	Id: 4295
-	AegisName: "Kraben_Card"
-	Name: "Kraben Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Blind,600; ">
-	Id: 4296
-	AegisName: "Cramp_Card"
-	Name: "Cramp Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bGetZenyNum,500,1; ">
-	Id: 4297
-	AegisName: "Cruiser_Card"
-	Name: "Cruiser Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Brute,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4298
-	AegisName: "Cremy_Fear_Card"
-	Name: "Creamy Fear Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Confusion,600; ">
-	Id: 4299
-	AegisName: "Clock_Card"
-	Name: "Clock Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,CR_AUTOGUARD,3+7*(getskilllv(CR_AUTOGUARD)==10),30; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_AUTOGUARD; ">
-	Id: 4300
-	AegisName: "Chimera_Card"
-	Name: "Chimera Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Poison,300+600*(BaseJob==Job_Assassin); ">
-	Id: 4301
-	AegisName: "Killer_Mantis_Card"
-	Name: "Killer Mantis Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Bleeding,600; ">
-	Id: 4302
-	AegisName: "Tao_Gunka_Card"
-	Name: "Tao Gunka Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,100;
-		bonus bDefRate,-50;
-		bonus bMdefRate,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 4303
-	AegisName: "Whisper_Boss_Card"
-	Name: "Giant Whisper Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=80) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-		}
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=80) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-		}
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=80) {
-			bonus bCritical,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4304
-	AegisName: "Tamruan_Card"
-	Name: "Tamruan Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,CR_SHIELDCHARGE,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,CR_SHIELDBOOMERANG,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4305
-	AegisName: "Turtle_General_Card"
-	Name: "Turtle General Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_MAGNUM,10,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4306
-	AegisName: "Toad_Card"
-	Name: "Toad Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee2,1; ">
-	Id: 4307
-	AegisName: "Kind_Of_Beetle_Card"
-	Name: "Beetle King Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Fish,5; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-5; ">
-	Id: 4308
-	AegisName: "Tri_Joint_Card"
-	Name: "Tri Joint Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Formless,5; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-5; ">
-	Id: 4309
-	AegisName: "Parasite_Card"
-	Name: "Parasite Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Formless,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4310
-	AegisName: "Panzer_Goblin_Card"
-	Name: "Panzer Goblin Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Demon,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4311
-	AegisName: "Permeter_Card"
-	Name: "Permeter Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,15;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,15;
-	">
-	Id: 4312
-	AegisName: "Fur_Seal_Card"
-	Name: "Fur Seal Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,3;
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) {
-			bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Undead,9;
-			bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Demon,9;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4313
-	AegisName: "Punk_Card"
-	Name: "Punk Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_QUAGMIRE,1+4*(getskilllv(WZ_QUAGMIRE)==5),50,0; ">
-	Id: 4314
-	AegisName: "Penomena_Card"
-	Name: "Penomena Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Formless,30; ">
-	Id: 4315
-	AegisName: "Pest_Card"
-	Name: "Pest Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stone,300+600*(readparam(bInt)>=77); ">
-	Id: 4316
-	AegisName: "Fake_Angel_Card"
-	Name: "False Angel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_Angel,5; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-5; ">
-	Id: 4317
-	AegisName: "Mobster_Card"
-	Name: "Mobster Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,15;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus bCritical,4;
-	">
-	Id: 4318
-	AegisName: "Knight_Windstorm_Card"
-	Name: "Stormy Knight Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_STORMGUST,2,20;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,2000;
-	">
-	Id: 4319
-	AegisName: "Freezer_Card"
-	Name: "Freezer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) bonus2 bSkillAtk,SM_BASH,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4320
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Knight_Card"
-	Name: "Bloody Knight Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_METEOR,1,20; ">
-	Id: 4321
-	AegisName: "Hylozoist_Card"
-	Name: "Hylozoist Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bClassChange,100; ">
-	Id: 4322
-	AegisName: "High_Orc_Card"
-	Name: "High Orc Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4323
-	AegisName: "Garm_Baby_Card"
-	Name: "Hatii Bebe Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FROSTDIVER,3,50; ">
-	Id: 4324
-	AegisName: "Garm_Card"
-	Name: "Hatii Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Freeze,5000; ">
-	Id: 4325
-	AegisName: "Harpy_Card"
-	Name: "Harpy Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Formless,15;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_NAPALMBEAT,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4326
-	AegisName: "See_Otter_Card"
-	Name: "Sea-Otter Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2(bAddItemHealRate, Shusi, 50);
-		bonus2(bAddItemHealRate, Fish_Slice, 50);
-		bonus3(bAddMonsterDropItem, Shusi, RC_Fish, 300);
-		bonus3(bAddMonsterDropItem, Fish_Slice, RC_Fish, 300);
-	">
-	Id: 4327
-	AegisName: "Blood_Butterfly_Card"
-	Name: "Bloody Butterfly Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,30;
-		bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREWALL,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4328
-	AegisName: "Hyegun_Card"
-	Name: "Yao Jun Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,15;
-		bonus bCritical,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4329
-	AegisName: "Phendark_Card"
-	Name: "Phendark Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-5; ">
-	Id: 4330
-	AegisName: "Dark_Snake_Lord_Card"
-	Name: "Evil Snake Lord Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 4331
-	AegisName: "Heater_Card"
-	Name: "Heater Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman) bonus bFlee2,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4332
-	AegisName: "Waste_Stove_Card"
-	Name: "Waste Stove Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4333
-	AegisName: "Venomous_Card"
-	Name: "Venomous Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Poison,3000,ATF_TARGET|ATF_SELF; ">
-	Id: 4334
-	AegisName: "Noxious_Card"
-	Name: "Noxious Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkDef,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4335
-	AegisName: "Pitman_Card"
-	Name: "Pitman Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_HEAVENDRIVE,5;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-50; ">
-	Id: 4336
-	AegisName: "Ungoliant_Card"
-	Name: "Ungoliant Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,10;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Bleeding,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 4337
-	AegisName: "Porcellio_Card"
-	Name: "Porcellio Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,25;
-		bonus bDef,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 4338
-	AegisName: "Obsidian_Card"
-	Name: "Obsidian Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,readparam(bDex)/18; ">
-	Id: 4339
-	AegisName: "Mineral_Card"
-	Name: "Mineral Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,-25;
-		bonus bDef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4340
-	AegisName: "Teddy_Bear_Card"
-	Name: "Teddy Bear Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,30; ">
-	Id: 4341
-	AegisName: "Metaling_Card"
-	Name: "Metaling Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,RG_STRIPWEAPON,1,50; ">
-	Id: 4342
-	AegisName: "Rsx_0806_Card"
-	Name: "RSX-0806 Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-		bonus bNoKnockback,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4343
-	AegisName: "Mole_Card"
-	Name: "Holden Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 4344
-	AegisName: "Anopheles_Card"
-	Name: "Anopheles Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12058,RC_Insect,50; ">
-	Id: 4345
-	AegisName: "Hill_Wind_Card"
-	Name: "Hill Wind Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_THUNDERSTORM,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_JUPITEL,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_VERMILION,5;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-50; ">
-	Id: 4346
-	AegisName: "Ygnizem_Card"
-	Name: "Egnigem Cenia Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,readparam(bInt)/18; ">
-	Id: 4347
-	AegisName: "Armaia_Card"
-	Name: "Armeyer Dinze Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12053,RC_Fish,50; ">
-	Id: 4348
-	AegisName: "Whikebain_Card"
-	Name: "Wickebine Tres Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,RG_STRIPARMOR,1,50; ">
-	Id: 4349
-	AegisName: "Erend_Card"
-	Name: "Errende Ebecee Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_PNEUMA,1,50,0; ">
-	Id: 4350
-	AegisName: "Rawrel_Card"
-	Name: "Laurell Weinder Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_FROSTNOVA,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_STORMGUST,3;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-50; ">
-	Id: 4351
-	AegisName: "Kavac_Card"
-	Name: "Kavach Icarus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()<=4) {
-			bonus bFlee,20;
-			bonus bFlee2,1;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus bFlee,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4352
-	AegisName: "B_Ygnizem_Card"
-	Name: "Boss Egnigem Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		bonus2 bHPRegenRate,50,10000;
-		bonus2 bSPRegenRate,10,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 4353
-	AegisName: "Removal_Card"
-	Name: "Remover Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,800-40*getrefine();
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4354
-	AegisName: "Gemini_Card"
-	Name: "Gemini-S58 Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=90) {
-			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,3000;
-			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,3000;
-		}
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=80) {
-			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,5000;
-			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,5000;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4355
-	AegisName: "Gremlin_Card"
-	Name: "Gremlin Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12043,RC_Brute,50; ">
-	Id: 4356
-	AegisName: "Beholder_Card"
-	Name: "Beholder Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" skill SA_CASTCANCEL,1; ">
-	Id: 4357
-	AegisName: "B_Seyren_Card"
-	Name: "Lord Knight Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill LK_BERSERK,1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 4358
-	AegisName: "Seyren_Card"
-	Name: "Seyren Windsor Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,getrefine()-6; ">
-	Id: 4359
-	AegisName: "B_Eremes_Card"
-	Name: "Assassin Cross Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" skill AS_CLOAKING,3; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_CLOAKING; ">
-	Id: 4360
-	AegisName: "Eremes_Card"
-	Name: "Eremes Guile Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10; ">
-	Id: 4361
-	AegisName: "B_Harword_Card"
-	Name: "MasterSmith Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBreakWeaponRate,1000;
-		bonus bBreakArmorRate,700;
-	">
-	Id: 4362
-	AegisName: "Harword_Card"
-	Name: "Howard Alt-Eisen Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,-5;
-		bonus bHit,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4363
-	AegisName: "B_Magaleta_Card"
-	Name: "High Priest Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,1,50,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0; ">
-	Id: 4364
-	AegisName: "Magaleta_Card"
-	Name: "Margaretha Sorin Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_LEXDIVINA,5,150,BF_MAGIC,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4365
-	AegisName: "B_Katrinn_Card"
-	Name: "High Wizard Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_NonBoss;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,100;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,-100;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-2000; ">
-	Id: 4366
-	AegisName: "Katrinn_Card"
-	Name: "Kathryne Keyron Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,getrefine()*-1;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4367
-	AegisName: "B_Shecil_Card"
-	Name: "Sniper Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,20;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 4368
-	AegisName: "Shecil_Card"
-	Name: "Cecil Damon Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		bonus bHit,-30;
-	">
-	Id: 4369
-	AegisName: "Venatu_Card"
-	Name: "Venatu Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,readparam(bAgi)/18; ">
-	Id: 4370
-	AegisName: "Dimik_Card"
-	Name: "Dimik Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,getrefine()-5; ">
-	Id: 4371
-	AegisName: "Archdam_Card"
-	Name: "Archdam Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,20;
-	">
-	Id: 4372
-	AegisName: "Bacsojin_Card"
-	Name: "White Lady Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,30;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,15;
-	">
-	Id: 4373
-	AegisName: "Chung_E_Card"
-	Name: "Green Maiden Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,getrefine()-5;
-		bonus bCritical,min(getrefine(),10);
-	">
-	Id: 4374
-	AegisName: "Apocalips_H_Card"
-	Name: "Vesper Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Boss,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4375
-	AegisName: "Orc_Baby_Card_Card"
-	Name: "Orc Baby Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15;
-			bonus bFlee,15;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-			bonus bFlee,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4376
-	AegisName: "Lady_Tanee_Card"
-	Name: "Lady Tanee Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-40;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,50;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,513,200;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,513,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4377
-	AegisName: "Green_Iguana_Card"
-	Name: "Grove Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12063,RC_Formless,50; ">
-	Id: 4378
-	AegisName: "Acidus_Card"
-	Name: "Gold Acidus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()<=4) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,8;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,8;
-			bonus bHPrecovRate,5;
-			bonus bSPrecovRate,5;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,4;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,4;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4379
-	AegisName: "Acidus__Card"
-	Name: "Blue Acidus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()<=4) {
-			bonus bSPrecovRate,5;
-			bonus bMaxSP,80;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus bMaxSP,40;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4380
-	AegisName: "Ferus_Card"
-	Name: "Red Ferus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_FIREPILLAR,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_METEOR,5;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-50; ">
-	Id: 4381
-	AegisName: "Ferus__Card"
-	Name: "Green Ferus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4382
-	AegisName: "Novus__Card"
-	Name: "Yellow Novus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4383
-	AegisName: "Novus_Card"
-	Name: "Red Novus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Confusion,3000,ATF_TARGET|ATF_SELF; ">
-	Id: 4384
-	AegisName: "Hydro_Card"
-	Name: "Hydro Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SA_SPELLBREAKER,1,100; ">
-	Id: 4385
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Egg_Card"
-	Name: "Dragon Egg Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12048,RC_Dragon,50; ">
-	Id: 4386
-	AegisName: "Detale_Card"
-	Name: "Detardeurus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,-20;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,10000;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,SA_LANDPROTECTOR,1,70,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4387
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Mimic_Card"
-	Name: "Ancient Mimic Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,readparam(bLuk)/18; ">
-	Id: 4388
-	AegisName: "Deathword_Card"
-	Name: "Death Word Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_NAPALMBEAT,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_SOULSTRIKE,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,HW_NAPALMVULCAN,5;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-50; ">
-	Id: 4389
-	AegisName: "Plasma_Card"
-	Name: "Plasma Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12118,50;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12119,50;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12120,50;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12121,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4390
-	AegisName: "Breeze_Card"
-	Name: "Breeze Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500;
-	">
-	Id: 4391
-	AegisName: "Retribution_Card"
-	Name: "Baroness of Retribution Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12068,RC_Angel,50; ">
-	Id: 4392
-	AegisName: "Observation_Card"
-	Name: "Dame of Sentinel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,readparam(bVit)/18; ">
-	Id: 4393
-	AegisName: "Shelter_Card"
-	Name: "Mistress of Shelter Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,readparam(bStr)/18; ">
-	Id: 4394
-	AegisName: "Solace_Card"
-	Name: "Lady Solace Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" if(BaseJob==Job_Priest) bonus3 bAutoSpell,CR_GRANDCROSS,5,20; ">
-	Id: 4395
-	AegisName: "Tha_Maero_Card"
-	Name: "Maero of Thanatos Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_DECAGI,3,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4396
-	AegisName: "Tha_Odium_Card"
-	Name: "Odium of Thanatos Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,getrefine()-5; ">
-	Id: 4397
-	AegisName: "Tha_Despero_Card"
-	Name: "Despero of Thanatos Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,getrefine()-6; ">
-	Id: 4398
-	AegisName: "Tha_Dolor_Card"
-	Name: "Dolor of Thanatos Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,10; ">
-	Id: 4399
-	AegisName: "Thanatos_Card"
-	Name: "Memory of Thanatos Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefRatioAtkRace, RC_All;
-		bonus bSPDrainValue,-1;
-		bonus bDef,-30;
-		bonus bFlee,-30;
-	">
-	Id: 4400
-	AegisName: "Aliza_Card"
-	Name: "Aliza Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,DC_WINKCHARM,1,50+50*(BaseJob==Job_Dancer); ">
-	Id: 4401
-	AegisName: "Alicel_Card"
-	Name: "Alicel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bDef,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 4402
-	AegisName: "Aliot_Card"
-	Name: "Aliot Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) {
-			bonus bStr,2;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		}
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) {
-			bonus bInt,2;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4403
-	AegisName: "Kiel_Card"
-	Name: "Kiel-D-01 Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDelayrate,-30; ">
-	Id: 4404
-	AegisName: "Skogul_Card"
-	Name: "Skogul Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Bleeding,3000,ATF_TARGET|ATF_SELF; ">
-	Id: 4405
-	AegisName: "Frus_Card"
-	Name: "Frus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMagicDamageReturn,min(getrefine(),10)*2;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage) bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4406
-	AegisName: "Skeggiold_Card"
-	Name: "Skeggiold Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,2; ">
-	Id: 4407
-	AegisName: "Randgris_Card"
-	Name: "Randgris Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,SA_DISPELL,1,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4408
-	AegisName: "Gloom_Under_Night_Card"
-	Name: "Gloom Under Night Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,40;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Angel,40;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,40;
-	">
-	Id: 4409
-	AegisName: "Agav_Card"
-	Name: "Agav Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bDef,-10;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage) bonus bMaxSP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4410
-	AegisName: "Echio_Card"
-	Name: "Echio Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,15;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman) bonus bMaxHP,500;
-	">
-	Id: 4411
-	AegisName: "Vanberk_Card"
-	Name: "Vanberk Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bCritical,100; }",5,5000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 4412
-	AegisName: "Isilla_Card"
-	Name: "Isilla Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bVariableCastrate,-50; bonus bFlee,30; }",50,5000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_SUFFRAGIUM, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 4413
-	AegisName: "Hodremlin_Card"
-	Name: "Hodremlin Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,15;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,15;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,15;
-		autobonus2 "{ bonus bFlee2,30; }",3,10000,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_WIND, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 4414
-	AegisName: "Seeker_Card"
-	Name: "Seeker Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill MG_STONECURSE,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,3000;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4415
-	AegisName: "Snowier_Card"
-	Name: "Snowier Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,536,500;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,536,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4416
-	AegisName: "Siroma_Card"
-	Name: "Siroma Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_COLDBOLT,25;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MG_COLDBOLT,-25;
-	">
-	Id: 4417
-	AegisName: "Ice_Titan_Card"
-	Name: "Ice Titan Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		autobonus2 "{ bonus bDef,10; }",3,10000,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_FREEZED, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 4418
-	AegisName: "Gazeti_Card"
-	Name: "Gazeti Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_COLDBOLT,2,100; ">
-	Id: 4419
-	AegisName: "Ktullanux_Card"
-	Name: "Ktullanux Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,50;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_FROSTNOVA,10,20,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4420
-	AegisName: "Muscipular_Card"
-	Name: "Muscipular Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,1,100;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_INCAGI,1,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4421
-	AegisName: "Drosera_Card"
-	Name: "Drosera Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),9)>3) bonus bCritical,15; ">
-	Id: 4422
-	AegisName: "Roween_Card"
-	Name: "Roween Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus bFlee2,3;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Fish,15;
-	">
-	Id: 4423
-	AegisName: "Galion_Card"
-	Name: "Galion Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4424
-	AegisName: "Stapo_Card"
-	Name: "Stapo Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_PICKSTONE,1;
-		skill TF_THROWSTONE,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4425
-	AegisName: "Atroce_Card"
-	Name: "Atroce Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,25;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,100; }",5,10000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 4426
-	AegisName: "Byorgue_Card"
-	Name: "Byorgue Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseJob == Job_Rogue) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,10;
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4427
-	AegisName: "Sword_Guardian_Card"
-	Name: "Sword Guardian Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==2||getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==3) {
-			bonus bHit,5;
-			bonus bCritical,5;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,62,25;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4428
-	AegisName: "Bow_Guardian_Card"
-	Name: "Bow Guardian Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==11) {
-			bonus bHit,5;
-			bonus bCritical,5;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,AC_SHOWER,50;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4429
-	AegisName: "Salamander_Card"
-	Name: "Salamander Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_FIREPILLAR,40;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_METEOR,40;
-	">
-	Id: 4430
-	AegisName: "Ifrit_Card"
-	Name: "Ifrit Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(JobLevel/10);
-		bonus bCritical,(JobLevel/10);
-		bonus bHit,(JobLevel/10);
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_EARTHQUAKE,10,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4431
-	AegisName: "Kasa_Card"
-	Name: "Kasa Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBALL,5,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBOLT,5,20;
-	">
-	Id: 4432
-	AegisName: "Magmaring_Card"
-	Name: "Magmaring Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Brute,15;
-	">
-	Id: 4433
-	AegisName: "Imp_Card"
-	Name: "Imp Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBOLT,25;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MG_FIREBOLT,-25;
-	">
-	Id: 4434
-	AegisName: "Knocker_Card"
-	Name: "Knocker Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Formless,5;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,756,RC_Formless,10;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,757,RC_Formless,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4435
-	AegisName: "Zombie_Slaughter_Card"
-	Name: "Zombie Slaughter Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-		bonus bHPGainValue,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4436
-	AegisName: "Ragged_Zombie_Card"
-	Name: "Ragged Zombie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Bleeding,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4437
-	AegisName: "Hell_Poodle_Card"
-	Name: "Hell Poodle Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,1;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,517,100;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,50,ATF_SHORT;
-	">
-	Id: 4438
-	AegisName: "Banshee_Card"
-	Name: "Banshee Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage) {
-			bonus bMaxSP,100;
-			bonus bMaxHP,-100;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_NAPALMBEAT,20;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_SOULSTRIKE,20;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,HW_NAPALMVULCAN,20;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4439
-	AegisName: "Flame_Skull_Card"
-	Name: "Flame Skull Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,3000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,3000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,3000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,3000;
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Blind,500;
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stun,500;
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Curse,500;
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stone,500;
-	">
-	Id: 4440
-	AegisName: "Necromancer_Card"
-	Name: "Necromancer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		.@i = getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11);
-		if (.@i == 10 || .@i == 23) {
-			bonus bInt,1;
-			bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4441
-	AegisName: "Fallen_Bishop_Card"
-	Name: "Fallen Bishop Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,-50;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,50;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4442
-	AegisName: "Tatacho_Card"
-	Name: "Tatacho Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,20;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4443
-	AegisName: "Aqua_Elemental_Card"
-	Name: "Aqua Elemental Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,20;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4444
-	AegisName: "Draco_Card"
-	Name: "Draco Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,20;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4445
-	AegisName: "Luciola_Vespa_Card"
-	Name: "Luciola Vespa Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,20;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4446
-	AegisName: "P_Skeleton_Card"
-	Name: "Enhanced Skeleton Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,15;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,200;
-		if(BaseLevel>99) {
-			bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,100;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4447
-	AegisName: "Centipede_Card"
-	Name: "Centipede Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,20;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Poison,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4448
-	AegisName: "Cornus_Card"
-	Name: "Cornus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,20;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4449
-	AegisName: "Dark_Shadow_Card"
-	Name: "Dark Shadow Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,20;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4450
-	AegisName: "Banshee_Master_Card"
-	Name: "Banshee Master Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4451
-	AegisName: "Ant_Buyanne_Card"
-	Name: "Entweihen Crothen Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMatk,100; ">
-	Id: 4452
-	AegisName: "Centipede_Larva_Card"
-	Name: "Centipede Larva Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMatk,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4453
-	AegisName: "Hilsrion_Card"
-	Name: "Hillslion Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,25; ">
-	Id: 4454
-	AegisName: "Light_Up_Card1"
-	Name: "No name card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 4455
-	AegisName: "Light_Up_Card2"
-	Name: "No name card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 4456
-	AegisName: "Nidhogg_Shadow_Card"
-	Name: "Nidhoggur Shadow Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		if (Class == Job_High_Wizard || Class == Job_Baby_Warlock || Class == Job_Warlock || Class == Job_Warlock_T) bonus bFixedCastrate,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 4457
-	AegisName: "Nahtzigger_Card"
-	Name: "Naght Seiger Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_NAPALMBEAT,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_SOULSTRIKE,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,HW_NAPALMVULCAN,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GS_MAGICALBULLET,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WL_SOULEXPANSION,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4458
-	AegisName: "Duneirre_Card"
-	Name: "Duneyrr Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bFlee2,10; }",10,10000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 4459
-	AegisName: "Lata_Card"
-	Name: "Rata Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bFixedCastrate,-50; }",5,4000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_SUFFRAGIUM, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 4460
-	AegisName: "Ringco_Card"
-	Name: "Rhyncho Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,4;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_HEAL,-15;
-	">
-	Id: 4461
-	AegisName: "Pillar_Card"
-	Name: "Phylla Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bCritical,20; }",15,4000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 4462
-	AegisName: "Hardrock_Mommos_Card"
-	Name: "Hardrock Mammoth Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,5;
-		if(getrefine()>=12) {
-			bonus bDef,20;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=14) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4463
-	AegisName: "Tendrilion_Card"
-	Name: "Tendrillion Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,5;
-		if(getrefine()>=12) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,35;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=14) {
-			bonus bCritical,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4464
-	AegisName: "Aunoe_Card"
-	Name: "Aunoe Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bCritAtkRate,20; ">
-	Id: 4465
-	AegisName: "Panat_Card"
-	Name: "Fanat Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==3) {
-			if(getrefine()>=10) {
-				bonus bAspd,1;
-			}
-			if(getrefine()>=14) {
-				bonus bAspd,1;
-			}
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4466
-	AegisName: "Beholder_Master_Card"
-	Name: "Beholder Master Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,3;
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==11) {
-			if(getrefine()>=10) {
-				bonus bAspd,1;
-			}
-			if(getrefine()>=14) {
-				bonus bAspd,1;
-			}
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4467
-	AegisName: "Heavy_Metaling_Card"
-	Name: "Heavy Metaling Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Merchant) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,MC_CARTREVOLUTION,50;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4468
-	AegisName: "Pinguicula_Dark_Card"
-	Name: "Dark Pinguicula Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7932,10;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7933,10;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7934,10;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7935,10;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7936,10;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7937,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4469
-	AegisName: "Naga_Card"
-	Name: "Naga Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Fish,10; ">
-	Id: 4470
-	AegisName: "Nepenthes_Card"
-	Name: "Nepenthes Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Plant,10; ">
-	Id: 4471
-	AegisName: "Egg_Of_Draco_Card"
-	Name: "Draco Egg Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Dragon,10; ">
-	Id: 4472
-	AegisName: "Bradium_Goram_Card"
-	Name: "Bradium Golem Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Brute,10; ">
-	Id: 4473
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Tree_Card"
-	Name: "Ancient Tree Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,10; ">
-	Id: 4474
-	AegisName: "Jakudam_Card"
-	Name: "Zakudam Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10; ">
-	Id: 4475
-	AegisName: "Cobalt_Mineral_Card"
-	Name: "Cobalt Mineral Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Formless,10; ">
-	Id: 4476
-	AegisName: "Pinguicula_Card"
-	Name: "Pinguicula Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Insect,10; ">
-	Id: 4477
-	AegisName: "Hell_Apocalips_Card"
-	Name: "Hell Apocalypse Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,10; ">
-	Id: 4478
-	AegisName: "Light_Up_Card3"
-	Name: "Lie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Id: 4479
-	AegisName: "Light_Up_Card4"
-	Name: "Lie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 4480
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Kiel_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Kiel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDelayrate,((getrefine()>14)?-20:-15); ">
-	Id: 4481
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Ktullanux_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Ktullanux Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,((getrefine()>14)?35:25);
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_FROSTNOVA,10,10,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4482
-	AegisName: "Sealed_B_Ygnizem_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed B Ygnizem Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		.@rate = (getrefine()>14)?7:5;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,.@rate;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,.@rate;
-		bonus2 bHPRegenRate,50,10000;
-		bonus2 bSPRegenRate,10,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 4483
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Dracula_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Dracula Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPDrainRate,((getrefine()>14)?70:50),5; ">
-	Id: 4484
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Mistress_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Mistress Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bNoGemStone,0;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,((getrefine()>14)?35:50);
-	">
-	Id: 4485
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Gloom_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Gloom Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		.@rate = (getrefine()>14)?30:20;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,.@rate;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,.@rate;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Angel,.@rate;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,.@rate;
-	">
-	Id: 4486
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Berz_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Berzebub Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bVariableCastrate,-15; ">
-	Id: 4487
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Ifrit_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Ifrit Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(JobLevel/20);
-		bonus bCritical,(JobLevel/20);
-		bonus bHit,(JobLevel/20);
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_EARTHQUAKE,5,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4488
-	AegisName: "Sealed_D_Lord_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Dark Lord Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_METEOR,5,50; ">
-	Id: 4489
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Pharaoh_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Pharaoh Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate,-15; ">
-	Id: 4490
-	AegisName: "Sealed_M_Flower_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Moonlight Flower Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" skill AL_INCAGI,((getrefine()>14)?5:1); ">
-	Id: 4491
-	AegisName: "Sealed_B_Shecil_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Sniper Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-100;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,5,((getrefine()>14)?15:10);
-	">
-	Id: 4492
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Orc_Hero_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Orc Hero Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,((getrefine()>14)?6000:4000);
-	">
-	Id: 4493
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Tao_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Tao Gunka Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,((getrefine()>14)?75:50);
-		bonus bDefRate,-50;
-		bonus bMdefRate,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 4494
-	AegisName: "Sealed_TurtleG_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Turtle General Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, (getrefine() > 14) ? 15 : 10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_MAGNUM,10,15;
-	">
-	Id: 4495
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Amon_Ra_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Amon Ra Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_KYRIE,((getrefine()>14)?8:5),(15+35*(readparam(bInt)>=99));
-	">
-	Id: 4496
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Drake_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Drake Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 4497
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Knight_WS_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Stormy Knight Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_STORMGUST,1,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze, ((getrefine()>14)?1500:1000);
-	">
-	Id: 4498
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Lady_Tanee_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Lady Tanee Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,((getrefine()>14)?-50:-60);
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,50;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,513,100;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,513,((getrefine()>14)?80:50);
-	">
-	Id: 4499
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Samurai_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Incantation Samurai Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-100;
-		if (getrefine()>14) bonus2 bHPLossRate,777,8000;
-		else bonus2 bHPLossRate,888,5000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <"
-		if((Hp<=999) && !getmapflag(strcharinfo(PC_MAP),mf_pvp) && !getmapflag(strcharinfo(PC_MAP),mf_pvp_noparty) && !getmapflag(strcharinfo(PC_MAP),mf_pvp_noguild)) {
-			heal(1-Hp),0;
-		}
-		else {
-			heal -999,0;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4500
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Orc_Load_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Orc Lord Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,((getrefine()>14)?25:15); ">
-	Id: 4501
-	AegisName: "Sealed_B_Magaleta_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed High Priest Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,1,((getrefine()>14)?35:25),BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0; ">
-	Id: 4502
-	AegisName: "Sealed_B_Harword_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed MasterSmith Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine()>14) {
-			bonus bBreakWeaponRate,800;
-			bonus bBreakArmorRate,600;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus bBreakWeaponRate,500;
-			bonus bBreakArmorRate,400;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4503
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Apocalips_H_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Vesper Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Boss,((getrefine()>14)?25:15);
-	">
-	Id: 4504
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Eddga_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Eddga Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,((getrefine()>14)?-35:-50); ">
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start4 SC_ENDURE,60000,10,0,0,1; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_ENDURE; ">
-	Id: 4505
-	AegisName: "Scaraba_Card"
-	Name: "Scaraba Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,20;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,-1;
-	">
-	Id: 4506
-	AegisName: "Dolomedes_Card"
-	Name: "Dolomedes Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Archer) {
-			bonus bDex,getrefine()/3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4507
-	AegisName: "Q_Scaraba_Card"
-	Name: "Queen Scaraba Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_Scaraba,30;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12806,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4508
-	AegisName: "Gold_Scaraba_Card"
-	Name: "Gold Scaraba Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-1;
-	">
-	Id: 4509
-	AegisName: "Gold_Q_Scaraba_Card"
-	Name: "Gold Queen Scaraba Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4510
-	AegisName: "Miming_Card"
-	Name: "Miming Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Deepsleep,500; ">
-	Id: 4511
-	AegisName: "Little_Fatum_Card"
-	Name: "Little Fatum Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,500,ATF_SKILL; ">
-	Id: 4512
-	AegisName: "Parus_Card"
-	Name: "Parus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,3;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) {
-			bonus bHealPower,getrefine()/2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4513
-	AegisName: "Angra_Mantis_Card"
-	Name: "Angra Mantis Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,2;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Thief) {
-			bonus bCritAtkRate,getrefine()/2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4514
-	AegisName: "Pom_Spider_Card"
-	Name: "Pom Spider Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,20; ">
-	Id: 4515
-	AegisName: "Alnoldi_Card"
-	Name: "Alnoldi Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,30; ">
-	Id: 4516
-	AegisName: "Comodo_Card"
-	Name: "Comodo Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,50;
-		bonus bFlee,-25;
-	">
-	Id: 4517
-	AegisName: "Cendrawasih_Card"
-	Name: "Cendrawasih Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage) {
-			bonus bInt,getrefine()/3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4518
-	AegisName: "Banaspaty_Card"
-	Name: "Banaspaty Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Burning,1500; ">
-	Id: 4519
-	AegisName: "Butoijo_Card"
-	Name: "Butoijo Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Angel,20; ">
-	Id: 4520
-	AegisName: "Leak_Card"
-	Name: "Leak Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Confusion,5000;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Confusion,5000,ATF_SKILL;
-	">
-	Id: 4521
-	AegisName: "Sedora_Card"
-	Name: "Sedora Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bCritAtkRate,15; ">
-	Id: 4522
-	AegisName: "Sropho_Card"
-	Name: "Sropho Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus4 bAddEff,Eff_Cold,500,ATF_SHORT,3000; ">
-	Id: 4523
-	AegisName: "Pot_Dofle_Card"
-	Name: "Pot Dofle Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Fish,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4524
-	AegisName: "King_Dramoh_Card"
-	Name: "King Dramoh Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman) {
-			bonus bStr,getrefine()/3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4525
-	AegisName: "Kraken_Card"
-	Name: "Kraken Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-		skill RG_RAID,1;
-		bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,RG_RAID,Eff_Bleeding,1000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 4526
-	AegisName: "Odd_Coelacanth_Card"
-	Name: "Weird Coelacanth Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-		bonus bMdef,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4527
-	AegisName: "Black_Coelacanth_Card"
-	Name: "Dark Coelacanth Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus bDef,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4528
-	AegisName: "Mutant_Coelacanth_Card"
-	Name: "Mutant Coelacanth Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,2+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-getrefine()/2;
-	">
-	Id: 4529
-	AegisName: "Cruel_Coelacanth_Card"
-	Name: "Violent Coelacanth Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 2+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,-getrefine()/2;
-	">
-	Id: 4530
-	AegisName: "Siorava_Card"
-	Name: "Siorava Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Merchant) {
-			bonus bLuk,getrefine()/3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4531
-	AegisName: "Red_Eruma_Card"
-	Name: "Red Eruma Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,500,ATF_SKILL; ">
-	Id: 4532
-	AegisName: "Wild_Rider_Card"
-	Name: "Wild Rider Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_INCAGI,1,10; ">
-	Id: 4533
-	AegisName: "Mini_Octopus_Card"
-	Name: "Octopus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500,ATF_SKILL; ">
-	Id: 4534
-	AegisName: "Giant_Octopus_Card"
-	Name: "Giant Octopus Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,12;
-		skill WZ_WATERBALL,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4535
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Rand_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Rand Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 4536
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Atroce_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Atroce Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,((getrefine()>14)?25:15);
-		autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,((getrefine()>14)?75:50); }",5,10000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 4537
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Phreeoni_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Phreeoni Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,((getrefine()>14)?75:50); ">
-	Id: 4538
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Bacsojin_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed White Lady Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine()>14) {
-			bonus bHealPower,25;
-			bonus bUseSPrate,20;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus bHealPower,15;
-			bonus bUseSPrate,30;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4539
-	AegisName: "Sealed_F_Bishop_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Fallen Bishop Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,((getrefine()>14)?8:5);
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,-50;
-		.@rate = (getrefine()>14)?33:25;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,.@rate;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,.@rate;
-	">
-	Id: 4540
-	AegisName: "SLD_Lord_Of_Death_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Lord Of The Death Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		.@rate = (getrefine()>14)?350:250;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,.@rate,ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,.@rate,ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,.@rate,ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,.@rate,ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,.@rate,ATF_SHORT;
-		bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_NonBoss,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4541
-	AegisName: "SLD_B_Katrinn_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed High Wizard Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreMdefRace,RC_NonBoss;
-		if (getrefine()>14) {
-			bonus bVariableCastrate,120;
-			bonus bSPrecovRate,-120;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus bVariableCastrate,150;
-			bonus bSPrecovRate,-150;
-		}
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,((getrefine()>14)?-2000:-3000); ">
-	Id: 4542
-	AegisName: "SLD_Detale_Card"
-	Name: "SLD Detale Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 4543
-	AegisName: "SLD_Garm_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Garm Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Freeze,((getrefine()>14)?4000:2500); ">
-	Id: 4544
-	AegisName: "SLD_Dark_Snake_Card"
-	Name: "Sealed Dark Snake Lord Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		if (getrefine()>14) {
-			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,7500;
-			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,7500;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,5000;
-			bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,5000;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4545
-	AegisName: "Novice_Poring_Card"
-	Name: "Novice Poring Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 4546
-	AegisName: "Valkhiri_Card"
-	Name: "Val'khiri Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 4547
-	AegisName: "Upd_Byorgue_Card"
-	Name: "Enhanced Byorgue Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseJob == Job_Rogue) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,10;
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 10;
-		}
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,SC_BODYPAINT,Eff_Confusion,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4548
-	AegisName: "Upd_Salamander_Card"
-	Name: "Enhanced Salamander Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_FIREPILLAR,40;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_METEOR,40;
-	">
-	Id: 4549
-	AegisName: "Upd_Maya_Puple_Card"
-	Name: "Upd Maya Puple Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIntravision,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		skill AL_RUWACH,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4550
-	AegisName: "Upd_Bow_Guardian_Card"
-	Name: "Upd Bow Guardian Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==11) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,RA_ARROWSTORM,50;
-			bonus bCritical,25+10*(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)/4);
-			bonus bHit,5;
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,HT_PHANTASMIC,1,100;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4551
-	AegisName: "Upd_Necromancer_Card"
-	Name: "Enhanced Necromancer Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==10) {
-			bonus bInt,1;
-			bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,2;
-			bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,getrefine()/4;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4552
-	AegisName: "Manny_Card"
-	Name: "Manny Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4553
-	AegisName: "Sid_Card"
-	Name: "Sid Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4554
-	AegisName: "Diego_Card"
-	Name: "Diego Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4555
-	AegisName: "Scrat_Card"
-	Name: "Scrat Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4556
-	AegisName: "Fenrir_Card"
-	Name: "Fenrir Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,50;
-		bonus bMatk,(getrefine()*5);
-		bonus bFixedCastrate,-70;
-	">
-	Id: 4557
-	AegisName: "Fenrir_Card_"
-	Name: "Weakened Fenrir Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,25;
-	">
-	Id: 4558
-	AegisName: "Woodie_Card"
-	Name: "Chun Tree Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_KYRIE,2,20;
-	">
-	Id: 4559
-	AegisName: "M_Morocc_Card"
-	Name: "Devil Morocc Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspd,1;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 4560
-	AegisName: "Clown_Card"
-	Name: "Clown Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,20;
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=110) {
-			bonus bFlee,20;
-		}
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==13) {
-			skill BA_POEMBRAGI,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4561
-	AegisName: "Professor_Card"
-	Name: "Professor Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,7;
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=110) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,7;
-		}
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,SA_LANDPROTECTOR,5,70,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4562
-	AegisName: "Champion_Card"
-	Name: "Champion Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,7;
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=110) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,7;
-		}
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MO_INVESTIGATE,5,70,BF_WEAPON,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4563
-	AegisName: "Creator_Card"
-	Name: "Creator Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,20;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=110) {
-			bonus bCritical,20;
-		}
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AM_ACIDTERROR,5,70,BF_WEAPON,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4564
-	AegisName: "Stalker_Card"
-	Name: "Stalker Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,20;
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=110) {
-			bonus bHit,20;
-		}
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,ST_FULLSTRIP,1,70,BF_WEAPON,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4565
-	AegisName: "Paladin_Card"
-	Name: "Paladin Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=110) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		}
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,CR_GRANDCROSS,10,70,BF_WEAPON,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4566
-	AegisName: "Gypsy_Card"
-	Name: "Gypsy Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==13) {
-			skill DC_FORTUNEKISS,10;
-		}
-		bonus bFlee,20;
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=110) {
-			bonus bFlee,20;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4567
-	AegisName: "Alphoccio_Card"
-	Name: "Alphoccio Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		if(BaseJob==Job_Bard) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4568
-	AegisName: "Ceila_Card"
-	Name: "Celia Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		skill SA_ABRACADABRA,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4569
-	AegisName: "Chen_Card"
-	Name: "Chen Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		skill MO_CALLSPIRITS,2;
-	">
-	Id: 4570
-	AegisName: "Flamel_Card"
-	Name: "Flamel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,501,200;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,502,200;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,503,200;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,504,200;
-	">
-	Id: 4571
-	AegisName: "Gertie_Card"
-	Name: "Gertie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4572
-	AegisName: "Randel_Card"
-	Name: "Randel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		skill CR_AUTOGUARD,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4573
-	AegisName: "Trentini_Card"
-	Name: "Trentini Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		if(BaseJob==Job_Dancer) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4574
-	AegisName: "Daehyon_Card"
-	Name: "General Daehyon Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if((getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==3)||(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==4)) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,100;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4575
-	AegisName: "Soheon_Card"
-	Name: "Armed Guard Soheon Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==1) {
-			if(getrefine()>=10) {
-				bonus bAspd,1;
-			}
-			if(getrefine()>=14) {
-				bonus bAspd,1;
-			}
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4576
-	AegisName: "Gioia_Card"
-	Name: "Gioia Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,100;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Ghost,100;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,-30;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-30;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,-30;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,-30;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,-30;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,-30;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-30;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,-30;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,-30;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,-30;
-	">
-	Id: 4577
-	AegisName: "Elvira_Card"
-	Name: "Elvira Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,20;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Ghost,20;
-	">
-	Id: 4578
-	AegisName: "Pyuriel_Card"
-	Name: "Angry Student Pyuriel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,30;
-		bonus2 bSubRace, RC_All, -10;
-	">
-	Id: 4579
-	AegisName: "Lora_Card"
-	Name: "Warrior Lola Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==8) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-			bonus bCritical,10;
-		}
-		bonus bBaseAtk,getrefine();
-		bonus bCritical,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 4580
-	AegisName: "Kades_Card"
-	Name: "Guardian Kades Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-100;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,-100;
-	">
-	Id: 4581
-	AegisName: "Rudo_Card"
-	Name: "Rudo Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		autobonus "{ sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_HORSE, 3000, 25; bonus bAgi, 44; heal 0, -40; }", 3, 3000, 0, "{ specialeffect(EF_WIND, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 4582
-	AegisName: "Bungisngis_Card"
-	Name: "Bungisngis Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,getrefine()/2; ">
-	Id: 4583
-	AegisName: "Engkanto_Card"
-	Name: "Engkanto Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Poison,30;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Plant,30;
-	">
-	Id: 4584
-	AegisName: "Manananggal_Card"
-	Name: "Manananggal Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSPDrainValue,1;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,-1;
-	">
-	Id: 4585
-	AegisName: "Mangkukulam_Card"
-	Name: "Mangkukulam Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		bonus bHPGainValue,-666;
-	">
-	Id: 4586
-	AegisName: "Tikbalang_Card"
-	Name: "Tikbalang Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4587
-	AegisName: "Tiyanak_Card"
-	Name: "Tiyanak Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,12;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Fish,12;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Brute,12;
-	">
-	Id: 4588
-	AegisName: "Wakwak_Card"
-	Name: "Wakwak Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,5*(readparam(bStr)/10); ">
-	Id: 4589
-	AegisName: "Jejeling_Card"
-	Name: "Jejeling Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,200*(readparam(bVit)/10); ">
-	Id: 4590
-	AegisName: "Bangungot_Card"
-	Name: "Bangungot Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDESLEEP,3,2500,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4591
-	AegisName: "Bakonawa_Card"
-	Name: "Bakonawa Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,4;
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Bleeding,2000;
-	">
-	Id: 4592
-	AegisName: "Buwaya_Card"
-	Name: "Buwaya Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,4;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDESTONE,3,2500,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4593
-	AegisName: "Menblatt_Card"
-	Name: "Menblatt Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,1*(readparam(bDex)/10); ">
-	Id: 4594
-	AegisName: "Petal_Card"
-	Name: "Petal Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bCritAtkRate,2*(readparam(bLuk)/10); ">
-	Id: 4595
-	AegisName: "Cenere_Card"
-	Name: "Cenere Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,2*(readparam(bAgi)/10);
-		bonus bDelayrate,-2*(readparam(bAgi)/10);
-	">
-	Id: 4596
-	AegisName: "AntiqueBook_Card"
-	Name: "Antique Book Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMatk,5*(readparam(bInt)/10); ">
-	Id: 4597
-	AegisName: "LichternB_Card"
-	Name: "Lichtern Blue Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Water,(getrefine()>=9)?10:5;
-	">
-	Id: 4598
-	AegisName: "LichternY_Card"
-	Name: "Lichtern Green Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Ghost,(getrefine()>=9)?10:5;
-	">
-	Id: 4599
-	AegisName: "LichternR_Card"
-	Name: "Lichtern Red Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Fire,(getrefine()>=9)?10:5;
-	">
-	Id: 4600
-	AegisName: "LichternG_Card"
-	Name: "Lichtern Yellow Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Earth,(getrefine()>=9)?10:5;
-	">
-	Id: 4601
-	AegisName: "Amdarais_Card"
-	Name: "Amdarais Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,15;
-		bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,666,4000;
-		bonus2 bSPLossRate,66,4000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -6666,-666; ">
-	Id: 4602
-	AegisName: "AmdaraisH_Card"
-	Name: "Realized Amdarais Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,20;
-		bonus bMatkRate,20;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,666,6000;
-		bonus2 bSPLossRate,66,6000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -6666,-666; ">
-	Id: 4603
-	AegisName: "CorruptionRoot_Card"
-	Name: "Corruption Root Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDESTONE,1,70,BF_WEAPON,0;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDESLEEP,1,70,BF_WEAPON,0;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDECURSE,1,70,BF_WEAPON,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4604
-	AegisName: "CorruptionRootH_Card"
-	Name: "Realized Corruption Root Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,30;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDESTONE,2,70,BF_WEAPON,0;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDESLEEP,2,70,BF_WEAPON,0;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDECURSE,2,70,BF_WEAPON,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4605
-	AegisName: "UndeadKnightM_Card"
-	Name: "Agony Of Royal Knight Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-44;
-		bonus bHPGainValue,200+10*getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 4606
-	AegisName: "UndeadKnightF_Card"
-	Name: "Grudge of Royal Knight Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,-44;
-		bonus bSPGainValue,20+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0,-444; ">
-	Id: 4607
-	AegisName: "FaithfulManager_Card"
-	Name: "Faithful Manager Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus bMatk,5;
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11) == 15) {
-			if(getrefine()>=10) {
-				bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-				bonus bMatk,20;
-			}
-			if(getrefine()>=14) {
-				bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-				bonus bMatk,20;
-			}
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4608
-	AegisName: "White_Knightage_Card"
-	Name: "White Knight Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,15;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,20;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,20;
-	">
-	Id: 4609
-	AegisName: "Khali_Knightage_Card"
-	Name: "Khalitzburg Knight Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,20;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,25;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,25;
-	">
-	Id: 4610
-	AegisName: "Sarah_Card"
-	Name: "Sarah Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 4625
-	AegisName: "Timeholder_Card"
-	Name: "Timeholder Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,20;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4626
-	AegisName: "Big_Ben_Card"
-	Name: "Big Ben Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Formless,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4627
-	AegisName: "Big_Bell_Card"
-	Name: "Big Bell Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Formless,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4628
-	AegisName: "Neo_Punk_Card"
-	Name: "Neo Punk Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Formless,20;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,20;
-	">
-	Id: 4629
-	AegisName: "Arc_Elder_Card"
-	Name: "Arc Elder Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Earth,(getrefine()*3);
-	">
-	Id: 4630
-	AegisName: "Time_Keeper_Card"
-	Name: "Time Keeper Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDECURSE,2,20;
-	">
-	Id: 4631
-	AegisName: "Owl_Viscount_Card"
-	Name: "Owl Viscount Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4632
-	AegisName: "Owl_Marquees_Card"
-	Name: "Owl Marquees Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getskilllv(SA_VIOLENTGALE)==5) {
-			bonus5 bAutoSpell,SA_VIOLENTGALE,5,20,BF_WEAPON,0;
-		}
-		else bonus5 bAutoSpell,SA_VIOLENTGALE,1,20,BF_WEAPON,0;
-	">
-	Id: 4633
-	AegisName: "P_Archer_Skeleton_Card"
-	Name: "Enhanced Archer Skeleton Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,10;
-		if(BaseLevel>99) {
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4634
-	AegisName: "P_Soldier_Skeleton_Card"
-	Name: "Enhanced Soldier Skeleton Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,9;
-		if(BaseLevel>99) {
-			bonus bCritical,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4635
-	AegisName: "P_Amdarais_Card"
-	Name: "Enhanced Amdarais Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_ARMOR)*10;
-		bonus bFlee,-(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_ARMOR)*2);
-		if(BaseLevel>99) {
-			bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4636
-	AegisName: "Bijou_Card"
-	Name: "Bijou Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,10000;
-		bonus bAtkRate,10;
-		bonus bMatkRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4637
-	AegisName: "Immortal_Corpse_Card"
-	Name: "Immortal Corps Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPGainValue,50;
-		bonus bSPGainValue,5;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,-100;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,100; ">
-	Id: 4638
-	AegisName: "Watcher_Card"
-	Name: "Watcher Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,30;
-		/* When attacked by enemy, drain 5 SP from user. */
-	">
-	Id: 4639
-	AegisName: "Taffy_Card"
-	Name: "Taffy Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4640
-	AegisName: "Frozen_Wolf_Card"
-	Name: "Frozen Wolf Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4641
-	AegisName: "Zombie_Guard_Card"
-	Name: "Zombie Guard Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,-100;
-		/*Each time you get a physical attack, recover SP by 1.*/
-	">
-	Id: 4642
-	AegisName: "Min_Toad_Card"
-	Name: "Infinite Toad Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee2,2;
-		if (getrefine() > 6) bonus bFlee2,2;
-		if (getrefine() > 8) bonus bFlee2,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4643
-	AegisName: "Min_Vagabond_Wolf_Card"
-	Name: "Infinite Vagabond Wolf Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,10;
-		if (getrefine() > 6) bonus bAtk,10;
-		if (getrefine() > 8) bonus bAtk,15;
-	">
-	Id: 4644
-	AegisName: "Min_Vocal_Card"
-	Name: "Infinite Vocal Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if (getrefine() > 6) bonus bMdef,10;
-		if (getrefine() > 8) bonus bMdef,15;
-	">
-	Id: 4645
-	AegisName: "Min_Eclipse_Card"
-	Name: "Infinite Eclipse Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		if (getrefine() > 6) bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		if (getrefine() > 8) bonus bMaxHP,400;
-	">
-	Id: 4646
-	AegisName: "Min_Chimera_Card"
-	Name: "Infinite Chimera Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,8; bonus bMaxSPrate,4;
-	">
-	Id: 4647
-	AegisName: "Min_Osiris_Card"
-	Name: "Infinite_Osiris_Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bHPGainValue,300; ">
-	Id: 4648
-	AegisName: "Min_Eddga_Card"
-	Name: "Infinite_Eddga_Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,SM_PROVOKE,10,500; ">
-	Id: 4649
-	AegisName: "Min_Phreeoni_Card"
-	Name: "Infinite Phreeoni Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,100; ">
-	Id: 4650
-	AegisName: "Min_Ork_Hero_Card"
-	Name: "Infinite Orc Hero Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stun,10000,BF_MAGIC; /* NOTE: Works only on monsters, going to test further in Official servers if also works on players. [Frost] */
-	">
-	Id: 4651
-	AegisName: "Min_Tao_Gunka_Card"
-	Name: "Infinite Tao Gunka Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,10000;
-		bonus bAgi,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 4652
-	AegisName: "N_Amon_Ra_Card"
-	Name: "Nightmare Amon Ra Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Dark,50;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Undead,50;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,50;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4653
-	AegisName: "N_Arclouse_Card"
-	Name: "Nightmare Arclouse Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,20;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,20;
-	">
-	Id: 4654
-	AegisName: "N_Mimic_Card"
-	Name: "Nightmare Mimic Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Brute,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4655
-	AegisName: "N_Minorous_Card"
-	Name: "Nightmare Minorous Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4656
-	AegisName: "N_Mummy_Card"
-	Name: "Nightmare Mummy Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" /* When physically and magically attacked, chance to cause Sleep to all targets on 11x11 cells. */ ">
-	Id: 4657
-	AegisName: "N_Ancient_Mummy_Card"
-	Name: "Nightmare Ancient Mummy Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,15;
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Fire,3+(getrefine()*3);
-	">
-	Id: 4658
-	AegisName: "N_Verit_Card"
-	Name: "Nightmare Verit Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		if (getrefine() > 6) bonus bMatkRate,3;
-		if (getrefine() > 8) bonus bMatkRate,2;
-	">
-	Id: 4659
-	AegisName: "Eggring_Card"
-	Name: "Eggring Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4660
-	AegisName: "Scout_Basilisk_Card"
-	Name: "Scout Basilisk Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,5;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4661
-	AegisName: "Charge_Basilisk_Card"
-	Name: "Charge Basilisk Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,-15;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,20;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,20;
-	">
-	Id: 4662
-	AegisName: "Big_Eggring_Card"
-	Name: "Big Eggring Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,25;
-		bonus bMatk,25;
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,1000;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus bAtk,-5/(readparam(bStr)*10);
-		bonus bAspdRate,-2/(readparam(bAgi)*10);
-		bonus bMatk,-5/(readparam(bInt)*10);
-		bonus bMaxHP,-200/(readparam(bVit)*10);
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,-1/(readparam(bDex)*10);
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,-2/(readparam(bLuk)*10);
-	">
-	Id: 4663
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Lunatic_Card"
-	Name: "Leaf Lunatic Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,5; ">
-	Id: 4664
-	AegisName: "Grass_Fabre_Card"
-	Name: "Grass Fabre Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 4665
-	AegisName: "Wild_Hornet_Card"
-	Name: "Wild Hornet Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAtk,5; ">
-	Id: 4666
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Rodafrog_Card"
-	Name: "Swift Roda Frog Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-	">
-	Id: 4667
-	AegisName: "Hunter_Wolf_Card"
-	Name: "Hunter Wolf Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,30; ">
-	Id: 4668
-	AegisName: "Trance_Spore_Card"
-	Name: "Trance Spore Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4669
-	AegisName: "Jungle_Mandragora_Card"
-	Name: "Jungle Mandragora Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Wind,3;
-		if (getrefine() > 6) bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		if (getrefine() > 8) bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Wind,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4670
-	AegisName: "Fruit_Pom_Spider_Card"
-	Name: "Fruit Pom Spider"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Fire,3;
-		if (getrefine() > 6) bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		if (getrefine() > 8) bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Fire,7;
-	">
-	Id: 4671
-	AegisName: "V_Celia_Card"
-	Name: "Sorcerer Celia Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Sorcerer || Class == Job_Sorcerer_T) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-			bonus bMatkRate,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4672
-	AegisName: "V_Chen_Card"
-	Name: "Sura Chen Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Sura || Class == Job_Sura_T) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-			bonus bAtkRate,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4673
-	AegisName: "V_Alphoccio_Card"
-	Name: "Minstrel Alphoccio Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Minstrel || Class == Job_Minstrel_T) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,15;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4674
-	AegisName: "V_Eremes_Card"
-	Name: "Guillotine Cross Eremes Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Guillotine_Cross || Class == Job_Guillotine_Cross_T) {
-			bonus bFlee2,10;
-			bonus bAtkRate,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4675
-	AegisName: "V_Magaleta_Card"
-	Name: "Arch Bishop Magaleta Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Arch_Bishop || Class == Job_Arch_Bishop_T) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-			bonus bHealPower,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4676
-	AegisName: "V_Shecil_Card"
-	Name: "Ranger Cecil Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Ranger || Class == Job_Ranger_T) {
-			bonus bCritical,20;
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4677
-	AegisName: "V_Harword_Card"
-	Name: "Merchanic Howard Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Mechanic || Class == Job_Mechanic_T) {
-			bonus bHit,20;
-			bonus bAtkRate,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4678
-	AegisName: "V_Katrinn_Card"
-	Name: "Warlock Kathryne Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Warlock || Class == Job_Warlock_T) {
-			bonus bMdef,80;
-			bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4679
-	AegisName: "V_Seyren_Card"
-	Name: "Rune Knight Seyren Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Rune_Knight || Class == Job_Rune_Knight_T) {
-			bonus bAspd,2;
-			bonus bAtkRate,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4680
-	AegisName: "V_Randel_Card"
-	Name: "Royal Guard Randel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Royal_Guard || Class == Job_Royal_Guard_T) {
-			bonus bDef,350;
-			bonus bAtkRate,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4681
-	AegisName: "V_Flamel_Card"
-	Name: "Genetic Flamel Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Genetic || Class == Job_Genetic_T) {
-			bonus bFlee,20;
-			bonus bAtkRate,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4682
-	AegisName: "V_Gertie_Card"
-	Name: "Shadow Chaser Gertie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Shadow_Chaser || Class == Job_Shadow_Chaser_T) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,5;
-			bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4683
-	AegisName: "V_Trentini_Card"
-	Name: "Wanderer Trentini Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (BaseLevel == 175) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAllStats,10;
-		if (Class == Job_Wanderer || Class == Job_Wanderer_T) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4684
-	AegisName: "V_B_Eremes_Card"
-	Name: "True Eremes Guile Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GC_CROSSIMPACT,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,GC_CROSSIMPACT,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,GC_CROSSIMPACT,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4685
-	AegisName: "V_B_Magaleta_Card"
-	Name: "True Margaretha Sorin Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AB_JUDEX,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,AB_JUDEX,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,AB_JUDEX,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4686
-	AegisName: "V_B_Katrinn_Card"
-	Name: "True Kathryne Keyron Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WL_HELLINFERNO,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,WL_HELLINFERNO,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,WL_HELLINFERNO,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4687
-	AegisName: "V_B_Shecil_Card"
-	Name: "True Cecil Damon Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,RA_AIMEDBOLT,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,RA_AIMEDBOLT,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,RA_AIMEDBOLT,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4688
-	AegisName: "V_B_Harword_Card"
-	Name: "True Howard Alt-Eisen Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,NC_POWERSWING,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,NC_POWERSWING,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,NC_POWERSWING,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4689
-	AegisName: "V_B_Seyren_Card"
-	Name: "True Seyren Windsor Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,RK_SONICWAVE,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,RK_SONICWAVE,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,RK_SONICWAVE,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4690
-	AegisName: "V_B_Randel_Card"
-	Name: "True Randel Lawrence Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_BANISHINGPOINT,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_BANISHINGPOINT,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_BANISHINGPOINT,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4691
-	AegisName: "V_B_Flamel_Card"
-	Name: "True Flamel Emure Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GN_CARTCANNON,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,GN_CARTCANNON,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,GN_CARTCANNON,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4692
-	AegisName: "V_B_Celia_Card"
-	Name: "True Celia Alde Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SO_CLOUD_KILL,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,SO_CLOUD_KILL,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,SO_CLOUDKILL,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4693
-	AegisName: "V_B_Chen_Card"
-	Name: "True Chen Liu Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SR_DRAGONCOMBO,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,SR_DRAGONCOMBO,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,SR_DRAGONCOMBO,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4694
-	AegisName: "V_B_Gertie_Card"
-	Name: "True Gertie Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SC_FEINTBOMB,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,SC_FEINTBOMB,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,SC_FEINTBOMB,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4695
-	AegisName: "V_B_Trentini_Card"
-	Name: "True Trentini Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WM_METALICSOUND,50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) bonus2 bSkillAtk,WM_METALICSOUND,50;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus2 bSkillAtk,WM_METALICSOUND,50;
-	">
-	Id: 4696
-	AegisName: "V_B_Alphoccio_Card"
-	Name: "True Alphoccio Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MELEE, 50;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MAGIC, 50;
-		if (getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_R) == 4) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MELEE, 50;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MAGIC, 50;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MELEE, 50;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WM_REVERBERATION_MAGIC, 50;
-		}
-	">
-//== Armor Enchant System ==================================
-	Id: 4700
-	AegisName: "Strength1"
-	Name: "STR+1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 4701
-	AegisName: "Strength2"
-	Name: "STR+2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 4702
-	AegisName: "Strength3"
-	Name: "STR+3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,3; ">
-	Id: 4703
-	AegisName: "Strength4"
-	Name: "STR+4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,4; ">
-	Id: 4704
-	AegisName: "Strength5"
-	Name: "STR+5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,5; ">
-	Id: 4705
-	AegisName: "Strength6"
-	Name: "STR+6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,6; ">
-	Id: 4706
-	AegisName: "Strength7"
-	Name: "STR+7"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,7; ">
-	Id: 4707
-	AegisName: "Strength8"
-	Name: "STR+8"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,8; ">
-	Id: 4708
-	AegisName: "Strength9"
-	Name: "STR+9"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,9; ">
-	Id: 4709
-	AegisName: "Strength10"
-	Name: "STR+10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,10; ">
-	Id: 4710
-	AegisName: "Inteligence1"
-	Name: "INT+1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 4711
-	AegisName: "Inteligence2"
-	Name: "INT+2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 4712
-	AegisName: "Inteligence3"
-	Name: "INT+3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 4713
-	AegisName: "Inteligence4"
-	Name: "INT+4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,4; ">
-	Id: 4714
-	AegisName: "Inteligence5"
-	Name: "INT+5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,5; ">
-	Id: 4715
-	AegisName: "Inteligence6"
-	Name: "INT+6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,6; ">
-	Id: 4716
-	AegisName: "Inteligence7"
-	Name: "INT+7"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,7; ">
-	Id: 4717
-	AegisName: "Inteligence8"
-	Name: "INT+8"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,8; ">
-	Id: 4718
-	AegisName: "Inteligence9"
-	Name: "INT+9"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,9; ">
-	Id: 4719
-	AegisName: "Inteligence10"
-	Name: "INT+10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,10; ">
-	Id: 4720
-	AegisName: "Dexterity1"
-	Name: "DEX+1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 4721
-	AegisName: "Dexterity2"
-	Name: "DEX+2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 4722
-	AegisName: "Dexterity3"
-	Name: "DEX+3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,3; ">
-	Id: 4723
-	AegisName: "Dexterity4"
-	Name: "DEX+4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,4; ">
-	Id: 4724
-	AegisName: "Dexterity5"
-	Name: "DEX+5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,5; ">
-	Id: 4725
-	AegisName: "Dexterity6"
-	Name: "DEX+6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,6; ">
-	Id: 4726
-	AegisName: "Dexterity7"
-	Name: "DEX+7"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,7; ">
-	Id: 4727
-	AegisName: "Dexterity8"
-	Name: "DEX+8"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,8; ">
-	Id: 4728
-	AegisName: "Dexterity9"
-	Name: "DEX+9"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,9; ">
-	Id: 4729
-	AegisName: "Dexterity10"
-	Name: "DEX+10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,10; ">
-	Id: 4730
-	AegisName: "Agility1"
-	Name: "AGI+1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 4731
-	AegisName: "Agility2"
-	Name: "AGI+2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 4732
-	AegisName: "Agility3"
-	Name: "AGI+3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,3; ">
-	Id: 4733
-	AegisName: "Agility4"
-	Name: "AGI+4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,4; ">
-	Id: 4734
-	AegisName: "Agility5"
-	Name: "AGI+5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,5; ">
-	Id: 4735
-	AegisName: "Agility6"
-	Name: "AGI+6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,6; ">
-	Id: 4736
-	AegisName: "Agility7"
-	Name: "AGI+7"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,7; ">
-	Id: 4737
-	AegisName: "Agility8"
-	Name: "AGI+8"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,8; ">
-	Id: 4738
-	AegisName: "Agility9"
-	Name: "AGI+9"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,9; ">
-	Id: 4739
-	AegisName: "Agility10"
-	Name: "AGI+10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,10; ">
-	Id: 4740
-	AegisName: "Vitality1"
-	Name: "VIT+1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 4741
-	AegisName: "Vitality2"
-	Name: "VIT+2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,2; ">
-	Id: 4742
-	AegisName: "Vitality3"
-	Name: "VIT+3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,3; ">
-	Id: 4743
-	AegisName: "Vitality4"
-	Name: "VIT+4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,4; ">
-	Id: 4744
-	AegisName: "Vitality5"
-	Name: "VIT+5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,5; ">
-	Id: 4745
-	AegisName: "Vitality6"
-	Name: "VIT+6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,6; ">
-	Id: 4746
-	AegisName: "Vitality7"
-	Name: "VIT+7"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,7; ">
-	Id: 4747
-	AegisName: "Vitality8"
-	Name: "VIT+8"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,8; ">
-	Id: 4748
-	AegisName: "Vitality9"
-	Name: "VIT+9"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,9; ">
-	Id: 4749
-	AegisName: "Vitality10"
-	Name: "VIT+10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,10; ">
-	Id: 4750
-	AegisName: "Luck1"
-	Name: "LUK+1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 4751
-	AegisName: "Luck2"
-	Name: "LUK+2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 4752
-	AegisName: "Luck3"
-	Name: "LUK+3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,3; ">
-	Id: 4753
-	AegisName: "Luck4"
-	Name: "LUK+4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,4; ">
-	Id: 4754
-	AegisName: "Luck5"
-	Name: "LUK+5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,5; ">
-	Id: 4755
-	AegisName: "Luck6"
-	Name: "LUK+6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,6; ">
-	Id: 4756
-	AegisName: "Luck7"
-	Name: "LUK+7"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,7; ">
-	Id: 4757
-	AegisName: "Luck8"
-	Name: "LUK+8"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,8; ">
-	Id: 4758
-	AegisName: "Luck9"
-	Name: "LUK+9"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,9; ">
-	Id: 4759
-	AegisName: "Luck10"
-	Name: "LUK+10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,10; ">
-	Id: 4760
-	AegisName: "Matk1"
-	Name: "MATK+1%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		bonus bFixedCastrate,-1;
-	">
-	Id: 4761
-	AegisName: "Matk2"
-	Name: "MATK+2%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		bonus bFixedCastrate,-1;
-	">
-	Id: 4762
-	AegisName: "Evasion6"
-	Name: "FLEE+6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,6; ">
-	Id: 4763
-	AegisName: "Evasion12"
-	Name: "FLEE+12"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,12; ">
-	Id: 4764
-	AegisName: "Critical5"
-	Name: "CRI+5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,5; ">
-	Id: 4765
-	AegisName: "Critical7"
-	Name: "CRI+7"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,7; ">
-	Id: 4766
-	AegisName: "Atk2"
-	Name: "ATK+2%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkRate,2; ">
-	Id: 4767
-	AegisName: "Atk3"
-	Name: "ATK+3%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkRate,3; ">
-	Id: 4768
-	AegisName: "Str1_J"
-	Name: "Str1 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 4769
-	AegisName: "Str2_J"
-	Name: "Str2 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 4770
-	AegisName: "Str3_J"
-	Name: "Str3 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,3; ">
-	Id: 4771
-	AegisName: "Int1_J"
-	Name: "Int1 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 4772
-	AegisName: "Int2_J"
-	Name: "Int2 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 4773
-	AegisName: "Int3_J"
-	Name: "Int3 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 4774
-	AegisName: "Vit1_J"
-	Name: "Vit1 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 4775
-	AegisName: "Vit2_J"
-	Name: "Vit2 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,2; ">
-	Id: 4776
-	AegisName: "Vit3_J"
-	Name: "Vit3 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,3; ">
-	Id: 4777
-	AegisName: "Agi1_J"
-	Name: "Agi1 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 4778
-	AegisName: "Agi2_J"
-	Name: "Agi2 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 4779
-	AegisName: "Agi3_J"
-	Name: "Agi3 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,3; ">
-	Id: 4780
-	AegisName: "Dex1_J"
-	Name: "Dex1 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 4781
-	AegisName: "Dex2_J"
-	Name: "Dex2 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 4782
-	AegisName: "Dex3_J"
-	Name: "Dex3 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,3; ">
-	Id: 4783
-	AegisName: "Luk1_J"
-	Name: "Luk1 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 4784
-	AegisName: "Luk2_J"
-	Name: "Luk2 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 4785
-	AegisName: "Luk3_J"
-	Name: "Luk3 J"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,3; ">
-	Id: 4786
-	AegisName: "Mdef2"
-	Name: "MDEF+2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,2; ">
-	Id: 4787
-	AegisName: "Mdef4"
-	Name: "MDEF+4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,4; ">
-	Id: 4788
-	AegisName: "Mdef6"
-	Name: "MDEF+6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,6; ">
-	Id: 4789
-	AegisName: "Mdef8"
-	Name: "MDEF+8"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,8; ">
-	Id: 4790
-	AegisName: "Mdef10"
-	Name: "MDEF+10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 4791
-	AegisName: "Def3"
-	Name: "DEF+3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,3; ">
-	Id: 4792
-	AegisName: "Def6"
-	Name: "DEF+6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,6; ">
-	Id: 4793
-	AegisName: "Def9"
-	Name: "DEF+9"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,9; ">
-	Id: 4794
-	AegisName: "Def12"
-	Name: "DEF+12"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,12; ">
-	Id: 4795
-	AegisName: "HP100"
-	Name: "HP+100"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,100; ">
-	Id: 4796
-	AegisName: "HP200"
-	Name: "HP+200"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,200; ">
-	Id: 4797
-	AegisName: "HP300"
-	Name: "HP+300"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,300; ">
-	Id: 4798
-	AegisName: "HP400"
-	Name: "HP+400"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,400; ">
-	Id: 4799
-	AegisName: "HP500"
-	Name: "HP+500"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,500; ">
-	Id: 4800
-	AegisName: "SP50"
-	Name: "SP+50"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,50; ">
-	Id: 4801
-	AegisName: "SP100"
-	Name: "SP+100"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,100; ">
-	Id: 4802
-	AegisName: "SP150"
-	Name: "SP+150"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,150; ">
-	Id: 4803
-	AegisName: "Highness_Heal_3sec"
-	Name: "Cure1Lv."
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSkillCooldown,AB_HIGHNESSHEAL,-3000; ">
-	Id: 4804
-	AegisName: "Coluceo_Heal30"
-	Name: "Catholic1Lv."
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AB_CHEAL,30; ">
-	Id: 4805
-	AegisName: "Heal_Amount2"
-	Name: "Archbishop1Lv."
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bHealPower,3; ">
-	Id: 4806
-	AegisName: "Matk3"
-	Name: "MATK+3%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,3;
-		bonus bFixedCastrate,-1;
-	">
-	Id: 4807
-	AegisName: "Atk_Speed1"
-	Name: "Atk Speed1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspd,1; ">
-	Id: 4808
-	AegisName: "Fighting_Spirit4"
-	Name: "Fighting Spirit4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,15;
-		bonus bHit,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4809
-	AegisName: "Fighting_Spirit3"
-	Name: "Fighting Spirit3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,12;
-		bonus bHit,4;
-	">
-	Id: 4810
-	AegisName: "Fighting_Spirit2"
-	Name: "Fighting Spirit2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,9;
-		bonus bHit,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4811
-	AegisName: "Fighting_Spirit1"
-	Name: "Fighting Spirit1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,6;
-		bonus bHit,2;
-	">
-	Id: 4812
-	AegisName: "Spell4"
-	Name: "Spell4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,15;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 4813
-	AegisName: "Spell3"
-	Name: "Spell3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,12;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-8;
-	">
-	Id: 4814
-	AegisName: "Spell2"
-	Name: "Spell2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,9;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-6;
-	">
-	Id: 4815
-	AegisName: "Spell1"
-	Name: "Spell1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,6;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-4;
-	">
-	Id: 4816
-	AegisName: "Sharp3"
-	Name: "Sharp3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,12;
-		bonus bHit,4;
-	">
-	Id: 4817
-	AegisName: "Sharp2"
-	Name: "Sharp2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,9;
-		bonus bHit,3;
-	">
-	Id: 4818
-	AegisName: "Sharp1"
-	Name: "Sharp1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,6;
-		bonus bHit,2;
-	">
-	Id: 4819
-	AegisName: "Atk1"
-	Name: "Atk1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkRate,1; ">
-	Id: 4820
-	AegisName: "Fighting_Spirit5"
-	Name: "Fighting Spirit5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,18;
-		bonus bHit,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4821
-	AegisName: "Fighting_Spirit6"
-	Name: "Fighting Spirit6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,21;
-		bonus bHit,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4822
-	AegisName: "Fighting_Spirit7"
-	Name: "Fighting Spirit7"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,24;
-		bonus bHit,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4823
-	AegisName: "Fighting_Spirit8"
-	Name: "Fighting Spirit8"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,27;
-		bonus bHit,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4824
-	AegisName: "Fighting_Spirit9"
-	Name: "Fighting Spirit9"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,30;
-		bonus bHit,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4825
-	AegisName: "Fighting_Spirit10"
-	Name: "Fighting Spirit10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,50;
-		bonus bHit,15;
-	">
-	Id: 4826
-	AegisName: "Spell5"
-	Name: "Spell5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,18;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 4827
-	AegisName: "Spell6"
-	Name: "Spell6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,21;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 4828
-	AegisName: "Spell7"
-	Name: "Spell7"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,24;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 4829
-	AegisName: "Spell8"
-	Name: "Spell8"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,27;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 4830
-	AegisName: "Spell9"
-	Name: "Spell9"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,30;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 4831
-	AegisName: "Spell10"
-	Name: "Spell10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,50;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-20;
-	">
-	Id: 4832
-	AegisName: "Expert_Archer1"
-	Name: "Expert Archer1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,2; ">
-	Id: 4833
-	AegisName: "Expert_Archer2"
-	Name: "Expert Archer2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,4; ">
-	Id: 4834
-	AegisName: "Expert_Archer3"
-	Name: "Expert Archer3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,6; ">
-	Id: 4835
-	AegisName: "Expert_Archer4"
-	Name: "Expert Archer4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,8; ">
-	Id: 4836
-	AegisName: "Expert_Archer5"
-	Name: "Expert Archer5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,10; ">
-	Id: 4837
-	AegisName: "Expert_Archer6"
-	Name: "Expert Archer6"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,12; ">
-	Id: 4838
-	AegisName: "Expert_Archer7"
-	Name: "Expert Archer7"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,14; ">
-	Id: 4839
-	AegisName: "Expert_Archer8"
-	Name: "Expert Archer8"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,16; ">
-	Id: 4840
-	AegisName: "Expert_Archer9"
-	Name: "Expert Archer9"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,18; ">
-	Id: 4841
-	AegisName: "Expert_Archer10"
-	Name: "Expert Archer10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,20;
-		bonus bAspd,1;
-	">
-	Id: 4842
-	AegisName: "Atk_Speed2"
-	Name: "Atk Speed2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspd,2; ">
-	Id: 4843
-	AegisName: "Sharp4"
-	Name: "Sharp4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,14;
-		bonus bHit,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4844
-	AegisName: "Sharp5"
-	Name: "Sharp5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,15;
-		bonus bHit,6;
-	">
-	Id: 4845
-	AegisName: "Sea_Energy"
-	Name: "Strength Of Ocean"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Id: 4846
-	AegisName: "2011Valentin_Angel"
-	Name: "Fully Loved Stone"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4847
-	AegisName: "2011Valentin_Devil"
-	Name: "Spelled Stone"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4848
-	AegisName: "Immuned1"
-	Name: "Immune Level 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5; ">
-	Id: 4849
-	AegisName: "Cranial1"
-	Name: "Cranial Level 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5; ">
-	Id: 4850
-	AegisName: "Heal_Amount3"
-	Name: "Heal Amount3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,6;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 4851
-	AegisName: "Heal_Amount4"
-	Name: "Heal Amount4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,12;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 4852
-	AegisName: "Heal_Amount5"
-	Name: "Heal Amount5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,20;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,15;
-	">
-	Id: 4853
-	AegisName: "S_Str"
-	Name: "Special Str"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		if (getrefine() >= 8) {
-			bonus bStr,3;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bAspd,1;
-			bonus bFixedCastrate,-7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4854
-	AegisName: "S_Agi"
-	Name: "Special Agi"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		if (getrefine() >= 8) {
-			bonus bAgi,3;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bAspd,1;
-			bonus bFixedCastrate,-7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4855
-	AegisName: "S_Vital"
-	Name: "Special Vit"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		if (getrefine() >= 8) {
-			bonus bVit,3;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 9) {
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bAspd,1;
-			bonus bFixedCastrate,-7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4856
-	AegisName: "S_Int"
-	Name: "Special Int"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		if (getrefine() >= 8) {
-			bonus bInt,3;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 9) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bAspd,1;
-			bonus bFixedCastrate,-7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4857
-	AegisName: "S_Dex"
-	Name: "Special Dex"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		if (getrefine() >= 8) {
-			bonus bDex,3;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 9) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bAspd,1;
-			bonus bFixedCastrate,-7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4858
-	AegisName: "S_Luck"
-	Name: "Special Luk"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		if (getrefine() >= 8) {
-			bonus bLuk,3;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 9) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bAspd,1;
-			bonus bFixedCastrate,-7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4859
-	AegisName: "Evasion1"
-	Name: "Evasion1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,1; ">
-	Id: 4860
-	AegisName: "Evasion3"
-	Name: "Evasion3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,3; ">
-	Id: 4861
-	AegisName: "MHP1"
-	Name: "MHP+1%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,1; ">
-	Id: 4862
-	AegisName: "MHP2"
-	Name: "MHP+2%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,2; ">
-	Id: 4863
-	AegisName: "Fatal1"
-	Name: "Fatal1Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate, 4;
-		bonus bCritical, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 4864
-	AegisName: "Fatal2"
-	Name: "Fatal2Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate, 6;
-		bonus bCritical, 2;
-	">
-	Id: 4865
-	AegisName: "Fatal3"
-	Name: "Fatal3Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate, 8;
-		bonus bCritical, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 4866
-	AegisName: "Fatal4"
-	Name: "Fatal4Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate, 10;
-		bonus bCritical, 4;
-	">
-	Id: 4867
-	AegisName: "MHP3"
-	Name: "MHP+3%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 4868
-	AegisName: "MHP4"
-	Name: "MHP+4%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,4; ">
-	Id: 4869
-	AegisName: "Attack_Delay_1"
-	Name: "DelayafterAttack1Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate, 4; ">
-	Id: 4870
-	AegisName: "SP25"
-	Name: "SP+25"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,25; ">
-	Id: 4871
-	AegisName: "SP75"
-	Name: "SP+75"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,75; ">
-	Id: 4872
-	AegisName: "Attack_Delay_2"
-	Name: "DelayafterAttack2Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate, 6; ">
-	Id: 4873
-	AegisName: "Attack_Delay_3"
-	Name: "DelayafterAttack3Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate, 8; ">
-	Id: 4875
-	AegisName: "Bears_Power"
-	Name: "Strength of Bear"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" autobonus2 "{ bonus bStr, 200; bonus2 bHPLossRate, 500, 1000; montransform BIGFOOT, 5000; }", 20, 5000, BF_WEAPON, "{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); showscript \"?!!!!\"; }"; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0, -300; ">
-	Id: 4876
-	AegisName: "Runaway_Magic"
-	Name: "Runaway Magic"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ bonus bInt, 200; bonus2 bSPLossRate, 200, 1000; }", 15, 10000, BF_MAGIC, "{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); showscript \"YOooooooo!!!!!\"; }"; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0, -2000; ">
-	Id: 4877
-	AegisName: "Speed_Of_Light"
-	Name: "Speed Of Light"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate, 100; bonus bFlee2, 100; bonus2 bHPLossRate, 400, 1000; bonus2 bSPLossRate, 40, 1000; }", 10, 5000, BF_WEAPON, "{ specialeffect(EF_FLASHER, AREA, playerattached()); }"; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0, -300; ">
-	Id: 4878
-	AegisName: "Muscle_Fool"
-	Name: "Muscle Fool"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" autobonus2 "{ bonus bDef, 1000; bonus bMatkRate, -50; bonus bAtkRate, -50; }", 20, 5000, BF_WEAPON, "{ specialeffect(EF_MAGNUMBREAK, AREA, playerattached()); }"; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0, -300; ">
-	Id: 4879
-	AegisName: "Hawkeye"
-	Name: "Hawkeye"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ bonus bDex, 200; bonus2 bSPLossRate, 50, 1000; }", 30, 5000, BF_WEAPON, "{ specialeffect(EF_FLASHER, AREA, playerattached()); }"; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0, -300; ">
-	Id: 4880
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Day"
-	Name: "Lucky Day"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem, Treasure_Box, 10; bonus bLuk, 200; }", 15, 5000, BF_WEAPON | BF_MAGIC, "{ specialeffect(EF_MVP, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		autobonus2 "{ bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem, Treasure_Box, 1; bonus bLuk, 200; }", 1, 5000, BF_WEAPON | BF_MAGIC, "{ specialeffect(EF_MVP, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal 0, -300; ">
-	Id: 4881
-	AegisName: "Attack_Delay_4"
-	Name: "DelayafterAttack4Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate, 10; ">
-	Id: 4882
-	AegisName: "Atk1p"
-	Name: "ATK + 1%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkRate, 1; ">
-	Id: 4883
-	AegisName: "Matk1p"
-	Name: "MATK + 1%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMatkRate, 1; ">
-	Id: 4884
-	AegisName: "HIT1"
-	Name: "HIT + 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bHit, 1; ">
-	Id: 4885
-	AegisName: "Conjure1"
-	Name: "Spell 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk, 5;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 4886
-	AegisName: "Conjure2"
-	Name: "Spell 2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk, 10;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 4887
-	AegisName: "Conjure3"
-	Name: "Spell 3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk, 15;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 4888
-	AegisName: "Conjure4"
-	Name: "Spell 4"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk, 20;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 4889
-	AegisName: "Conjure5"
-	Name: "Spell 5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk, 30;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate, -5;
-	">
-	Id: 4890
-	AegisName: "Mdef1"
-	Name: "MDEF+1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef, 1; ">
-	Id: 4891
-	AegisName: "Mdef3"
-	Name: "MDEF+3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef, 3; ">
-	Id: 4892
-	AegisName: "Mdef5"
-	Name: "MDEF+5"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef, 5; ">
-	Id: 4893
-	AegisName: "Def15"
-	Name: "DEF+15"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef, 15; ">
-	Id: 4894
-	AegisName: "Atk4p"
-	Name: "ATK + 4%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkRate, 4; ">
-	Id: 4895
-	AegisName: "Atk5p"
-	Name: "ATK + 5%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkRate, 5; ">
-	Id: 4896
-	AegisName: "Matk2p"
-	Name: "MATK + 2%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMatkRate, 2; ">
-	Id: 4897
-	AegisName: "Matk3p"
-	Name: "MATK + 3%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMatkRate, 3; ">
-	Id: 4898
-	AegisName: "Matk4p"
-	Name: "MATK + 4%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMatkRate, 4; ">
-	Id: 4899
-	AegisName: "Matk5p"
-	Name: "MATK + 5%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMatkRate, 5; ">
-	Id: 4900
-	AegisName: "MHP5"
-	Name: "MHP+5%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate, 5; ">
-	Id: 4902
-	AegisName: "Def18"
-	Name: "DEF+18"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef, 18; ">
-	Id: 4903
-	AegisName: "Def21"
-	Name: "DEF+21"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef, 21; ">
-	Id: 4904
-	AegisName: "Atk6p"
-	Name: "ATK+6%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkRate, 6; ">
-	Id: 4905
-	AegisName: "Atk7p"
-	Name: "ATK+7%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkRate, 7; ">
-	Id: 4906
-	AegisName: "Matk6p"
-	Name: "MATK+6%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMatkRate, 6; ">
-	Id: 4907
-	AegisName: "Matk7p"
-	Name: "MATK+7%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkRate, 7; ">
-	Id: 4908
-	AegisName: "Force1"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil STR 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr, 1;
-		bonus bBaseAtk, 3;
-		bonus bInt, -1;
-	">
-	Id: 4909
-	AegisName: "Force2"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil STR 2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr, 2;
-		bonus bBaseAtk, 6;
-		bonus bInt, -2;
-	">
-	Id: 4910
-	AegisName: "Force3"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil STR 3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr, 4;
-		bonus bBaseAtk, 12;
-		bonus bInt, -4;
-	">
-	Id: 4911
-	AegisName: "Intellect1"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil INT 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt, 1;
-		bonus bMatk, 3;
-		bonus bStr, -1;
-	">
-	Id: 4912
-	AegisName: "Intellect2"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil INT 2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt, 2;
-		bonus bMatk, 6;
-		bonus bStr, -2;
-	">
-	Id: 4913
-	AegisName: "Intellect3"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil INT 3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt, 4;
-		bonus bMatk, 12;
-		bonus bStr, -4;
-	">
-	Id: 4914
-	AegisName: "Swiftness1"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil AGI 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi, 1;
-		bonus bFlee, 2;
-		bonus bVit, -1;
-	">
-	Id: 4915
-	AegisName: "Swiftness2"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil AGI 2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi, 2;
-		bonus bFlee, 4;
-		bonus bVit, -2;
-	">
-	Id: 4916
-	AegisName: "Swiftness3"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil AGI 3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi, 4;
-		bonus bFlee, 8;
-		bonus bVit, -4;
-	">
-	Id: 4917
-	AegisName: "Tough1"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil VIT 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit, 1;
-		bonus bDef, 3;
-		bonus bMdef, 2;
-		bonus bAgi, -1;
-	">
-	Id: 4918
-	AegisName: "Tough2"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil VIT 2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit, 2;
-		bonus bDef, 6;
-		bonus bMdef, 4;
-		bonus bAgi, -2;
-	">
-	Id: 4919
-	AegisName: "Tough3"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil VIT 3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit, 4;
-		bonus bDef, 12;
-		bonus bMdef, 8;
-		bonus bAgi, -4;
-	">
-	Id: 4920
-	AegisName: "Artful1"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil DEX 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex, 1;
-		bonus bHit, 2;
-		bonus bLuk, -1;
-	">
-	Id: 4921
-	AegisName: "Artful2"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil DEX 2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex, 2;
-		bonus bHit, 4;
-		bonus bLuk, -2;
-	">
-	Id: 4922
-	AegisName: "Artful3"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil DEX 3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex, 4;
-		bonus bHit, 8;
-		bonus bLuk, -4;
-	">
-	Id: 4923
-	AegisName: "Fortune1"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil LUK 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk, 1;
-		bonus bCritical, 1;
-		bonus bDex, -1;
-	">
-	Id: 4924
-	AegisName: "Fortune2"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil LUK 2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk, 2;
-		bonus bCritical, 2;
-		bonus bDex, -2;
-	">
-	Id: 4925
-	AegisName: "Fortune3"
-	Name: "Essence Of Evil LUK 3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk, 4;
-		bonus bCritical, 4;
-		bonus bDex, -4;
-	">
-	Id: 4926
-	AegisName: "Critical1"
-	Name: "Critical1Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical, 1; ">
-	Id: 4927
-	AegisName: "HP50"
-	Name: "HP+50"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP, 50; ">
-	Id: 4928
-	AegisName: "SP10"
-	Name: "SP+10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP, 10; ">
-	Id: 4929
-	AegisName: "MSP1"
-	Name: "MSP+1%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSPrate, 1; ">
-	Id: 4930
-	AegisName: "HEAL2"
-	Name: "Increase Recovery"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bHPrecovRate, 2; ">
-	Id: 4931
-	AegisName: "HEALHP1"
-	Name: "Healing 10"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bHPRegenRate, 10, 10000; ">
-	Id: 4932
-	AegisName: "HEALSP1"
-	Name: "SP Recovery 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bSPGainValue, 1; ">
-	Id: 4933
-	AegisName: "Tolerance_Not1"
-	Name: "Neutral Properties Lv1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Neutral, 1; ">
-	Id: 4934
-	AegisName: "Tolerance_Not2"
-	Name: "Neutral Properties Lv2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Neutral, 2; ">
-	Id: 4935
-	AegisName: "Tolerance_Not3"
-	Name: "Neutral Properties Lv3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Neutral, 3; ">
-	Id: 4936
-	AegisName: "ATK_BIG1"
-	Name: "Large Attack 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddSize, Size_Large, 1; ">
-	Id: 4937
-	AegisName: "ATK_MEDIUM1"
-	Name: "Medium Attack 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddSize, Size_Medium, 1; ">
-	Id: 4938
-	AegisName: "ATK_SMALL1"
-	Name: "Small Attack 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddSize, Size_Small, 1; ">
-	Id: 4939
-	AegisName: "Critical2"
-	Name: "Critical2Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical, 2; ">
-	Id: 4940
-	AegisName: "Critical3"
-	Name: "Critical3Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical, 4; ">
-	Id: 4941
-	AegisName: "Critical4"
-	Name: "Critical4Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical, 6; ">
-	Id: 4942
-	AegisName: "Dodge1"
-	Name: "Critical Lv1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical, 3; ">
-	Id: 4943
-	AegisName: "Dodge2"
-	Name: "Shedding2Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee2, 4; ">
-	Id: 4944
-	AegisName: "Dodge3"
-	Name: "Shedding3Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee2, 5; ">
-	Id: 4945
-	AegisName: "Thrift1"
-	Name: "Saving Lv1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate, -2; ">
-	Id: 4946
-	AegisName: "Thrift2"
-	Name: "Saving Lv2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate, -4; ">
-	Id: 4947
-	AegisName: "Thrift3"
-	Name: "Saving Lv3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate, -6; ">
-	Id: 4948
-	AegisName: "Skill_Delay1"
-	Name: "Delay After Skill Lv1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDelayrate, -2; ">
-	Id: 4949
-	AegisName: "Skill_Delay2"
-	Name: "Delay After Skill Lv2"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDelayrate, -4; ">
-	Id: 4950
-	AegisName: "Skill_Delay3"
-	Name: "Delay After Skill Lv3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDelayrate, -6; ">
-	Id: 4951
-	AegisName: "Darkness_Drop"
-	Name: "Darkness Drop"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAddEle, Ele_Dark, 2, BF_WEAPON | BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Dark, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 4952
-	AegisName: "Fire_Drop"
-	Name: "Fire Drop"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAddEle, Ele_Fire, 2, BF_WEAPON | BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Fire, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 4953
-	AegisName: "Water_Drop"
-	Name: "Water Drop"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAddEle, Ele_Water, 2, BF_WEAPON | BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Water, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 4954
-	AegisName: "Earth_Drop"
-	Name: "Earth Drop"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAddEle, Ele_Earth, 2, BF_WEAPON | BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Earth, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 4955
-	AegisName: "Light_Drop"
-	Name: "Light Drop"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAddEle, Ele_Holy, 2, BF_WEAPON | BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Holy, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 4956
-	AegisName: "Recovery_Drop"
-	Name: "Recovery Drop"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal, AL_HEAL, 2;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal, PR_SANCTUARY, 2;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal, AM_POTIONPITCHER, 2;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal, AB_HIGHNESS_HEAL, 2;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal, AB_CHEAL, 2;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal2, AL_HEAL, 2;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal2, PR_SANCTUARY, 2;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal2, AM_POTIONPITCHER, 2;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal2, AB_HIGHNESS_HEAL, 2;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal2, AB_CHEAL, 2;
-		bonus bAddItemHealRate, 2;
-	">
-	Id: 4957
-	AegisName: "The_Power_Of_Famitsu"
-	Name: "The Power Of Famitsu"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP, 832; ">
-	Id: 4958
-	AegisName: "Double_Pediatric_Palace"
-	Name: "Double Pediatric Palace"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDelayrate, -1; ">
-	Id: 4959
-	AegisName: "Sagittarius"
-	Name: "Sagittarius"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate, 1; ">
-	Id: 4960
-	AegisName: "Aquarius"
-	Name: "Aquarius"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate, -2; ">
-	Id: 4961
-	AegisName: "Aries"
-	Name: "Aries"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMatk, 10; ">
-	Id: 4962
-	AegisName: "Cancer"
-	Name: "Cancer"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk, 3; ">
-	Id: 4963
-	AegisName: "Taurus"
-	Name: "Taurus"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk, 3;
-		bonus bHit, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 4964
-	AegisName: "Capricorn"
-	Name: "Capricorn"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMatkRate, 3; ">
-	Id: 4965
-	AegisName: "Pisces"
-	Name: "Pisces"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bVariableCastrate, -2; ">
-	Id: 4966
-	AegisName: "Scorpio"
-	Name: "Scorpio"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Id: 4967
-	AegisName: "Leo"
-	Name: "Leo"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkRate, 3; ">
-	Id: 4968
-	AegisName: "Virgo"
-	Name: "Virgo"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal, AL_HEAL, 1;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal, PR_SANCTUARY, 1;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal, AM_POTIONPITCHER, 1;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal, AB_HIGHNESS_HEAL, 1;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal, AB_CHEAL, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 4969
-	AegisName: "Libra"
-	Name: "Libra"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal2, AL_HEAL, 1;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal2, PR_SANCTUARY, 1;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal2, AM_POTIONPITCHER, 1;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal2, AB_HIGHNESS_HEAL, 1;
-		bonus2 bSkillHeal2, AB_CHEAL, 1;
-		bonus bAddItemHealRate, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 4970
-	AegisName: "Fire_Property_Reactor"
-	Name: "Fire Property Reactor"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle, Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 4971
-	AegisName: "Water_Property_Reactor"
-	Name: "Water Property Reactor"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle, Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 4972
-	AegisName: "Earth_Property_Reactor"
-	Name: "Earth Property Reactor"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle, Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 4973
-	AegisName: "Wind_Property_Reactor"
-	Name: "Wind Property Reactor"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDefEle, Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 4974
-	AegisName: "Fire_Resistance_Reactor"
-	Name: "Fire Resistance Reactor"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Fire, 25;
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Water, -25;
-	">
-	Id: 4975
-	AegisName: "Water_Resistance_Reactor"
-	Name: "Water Resistance Reactor"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Water, 25;
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Wind, -25;
-	">
-	Id: 4976
-	AegisName: "Earth_Resistance_Reactor"
-	Name: "Earth Resistance Reactor"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Earth, 25;
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Fire, -25;
-	">
-	Id: 4977
-	AegisName: "Wind_Resistance_Reactor"
-	Name: "Wind Resistance Reactor"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Wind, 25;
-		bonus2 bSubEle, Ele_Earth, -25;
-	">
-	Id: 4978
-	AegisName: "Restoration_Reactor_101"
-	Name: "Restoration Reactor 101"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bHPRegenRate, (getrefine() >= 7) ? 100 : 50, 5000; ">
-	Id: 4979
-	AegisName: "Restoration_Reactor_102"
-	Name: "Restoration Reactor 102"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPRegenRate, (getrefine() >= 7) ? 5 : 3, 500; ">
-	Id: 4980
-	AegisName: "Restoration_Reactor_201"
-	Name: "Restoration Reactor 201"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bHPrecovRate, (getrefine() >= 7) ? 100 : 50; ">
-	Id: 4981
-	AegisName: "Restoration_Reactor_202"
-	Name: "Restoration Reactor 202"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bSPrecovRate, (getrefine() >= 7) ? 100 : 50; ">
-	Id: 4982
-	AegisName: "Auxiliary_Reactor_STR"
-	Name: "Auxiliary Reactor STR"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (readparam(bStr) >= 10) bonus bBaseAtk, 5;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bBaseAtk, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 4983
-	AegisName: "Auxiliary_Reactor_INT"
-	Name: "Auxiliary Reactor INT"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (readparam(bInt) >= 10) bonus bMatk, 5;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bMatk, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 4984
-	AegisName: "Auxiliary_Reactor_DEF"
-	Name: "Auxiliary Reactor DEF"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef, 100; ">
-	Id: 4985
-	AegisName: "Auxiliary_Reactor_Perfect"
-	Name: "Auxiliary Reactor Perfect"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee2, 3; ">
-	Id: 4986
-	AegisName: "Auxiliary_Reactor_Attack"
-	Name: "Auxiliary Reactor Attack"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk, 20; ">
-	Id: 4987
-	AegisName: "Auxiliary_Reactor_Magic"
-	Name: "Auxiliary Reactor Magic"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMatk, 20; ">
-	Id: 4988
-	AegisName: "Auxiliary_Reactor_MaxHP"
-	Name: "Auxiliary Reactor MaxHP"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate, 5; ">
-	Id: 4989
-	AegisName: "Auxiliary_Reactor_MaxSP"
-	Name: "Auxiliary_Reactor_MaxHP"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSPrate, 3; ">
-	Id: 4990
-	AegisName: "Auxiliary_Reactor_Frozen"
-	Name: "Auxiliary Reactor Frozen"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff, Eff_Freeze, 10000; ">
-	Id: 4991
-	AegisName: "Auxiliary_Reactor_ASPD"
-	Name: "Auxiliary Reactor ASPD"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspd, 1; ">
-	Id: 4992
-	AegisName: "HPdrain1"
-	Name: "HP Absorb 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bHPDrainRate, 1, 1; ">
-	Id: 4993
-	AegisName: "SPdrain1"
-	Name: "SP Absorb 1"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSPDrainRate, 1, 1; ">
-	Id: 4994
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Might1"
-	Name: "Rune Of Might 1Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bStr, 5;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bAtkRate, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 4995
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Might2"
-	Name: "Rune Of Might 2Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bStr, 6;
-		if (getrefine() >= 11) {
-			bonus bStr, 1;
-			bonus bAtkRate, 7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4996
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Might3"
-	Name: "Rune Of Might 3Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bStr, 7;
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bStr, 1;
-			bonus bAtkRate, 8;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 13) {
-			bonus bStr, 1;
-			bonus bAtkRate, 2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4997
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Agility1"
-	Name: "Rune Of Agility 1Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bAgi, 5;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bFlee2, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 4998
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Agility2"
-	Name: "Rune Of Agility 2Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bAgi, 6;
-		if (getrefine() >= 11) {
-			bonus bAgi, 1;
-			bonus bFlee2, 7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 4999
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Agility3"
-	Name: "Rune Of Agility 3Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bAgi, 7;
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bAgi, 1;
-			bonus bFlee2, 5;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 13) {
-			bonus bAgi, 1;
-			bonus bFlee2, 5;
-		}
-	">
-//== More Headgears ========================================
-	Id: 5001
-	AegisName: "Headset"
-	Name: "Headset"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 87
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,1000; ">
-	Id: 5002
-	AegisName: "Gemmed_Crown"
-	Name: "Jewel Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 9
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 88
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5003
-	AegisName: "Joker_Jester"
-	Name: "Joker Jester"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 89
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5004
-	AegisName: "Oxygen_Mask"
-	Name: "Oxygen Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 90
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Poison,2000; ">
-	Id: 5005
-	AegisName: "Gas_Mask"
-	Name: "Gas Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 91
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Poison,3000; ">
-	Id: 5006
-	AegisName: "Machoman_Glasses"
-	Name: "Machoman's Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 36000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 92
-	Id: 5007
-	AegisName: "Loard_Circlet"
-	Name: "Grand Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 7
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	ViewSprite: 93
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-	">
-	Id: 5008
-	AegisName: "Puppy_Love"
-	Name: "Puppy Love"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 94
-	Id: 5009
-	AegisName: "Safety_Helmet"
-	Name: "Safety Helmet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 7
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 95
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5010
-	AegisName: "Indian_Hair_Piece"
-	Name: "Indian Fillet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 96
-	Id: 5011
-	AegisName: "Antenna"
-	Name: "Aerial"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 97
-	Id: 5012
-	AegisName: "Ph_D_Hat"
-	Name: "Ph.D Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 98
-	Id: 5013
-	AegisName: "Horn_Of_Lord_Kaho"
-	Name: "Lord Kaho's Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 30
-	ViewSprite: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bAgi,10;
-		bonus bVit,10;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bLuk,20;
-	">
-	Id: 5014
-	AegisName: "Fin_Helm"
-	Name: "Fin Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 100
-	Id: 5015
-	AegisName: "Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Egg Shell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 6
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 101
-	Id: 5016
-	AegisName: "Boys_Cap"
-	Name: "Boy's Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 102
-	Id: 5017
-	AegisName: "Bone_Helm"
-	Name: "Bone Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 15
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 103
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,-15; ">
-	Id: 5018
-	AegisName: "Feather_Bonnet"
-	Name: "Feather Bonnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 104
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 5019
-	AegisName: "Corsair"
-	Name: "Corsair"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 11
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 105
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5020
-	AegisName: "Kafra_Band"
-	Name: "Kafra Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 106
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5021
-	AegisName: "Bankruptcy_Of_Heart"
-	Name: "Grief for Greed"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 38
-	ViewSprite: 107
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5022
-	AegisName: "Helm_Of_Sun"
-	Name: "Hat of the Sun God"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2400
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 138
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5023
-	AegisName: "Hat_Of_Bundle"
-	Name: "Parcel Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 108
-	Id: 5024
-	AegisName: "Hat_Of_Cake"
-	Name: "Cake Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 109
-	Id: 5025
-	AegisName: "Helm_Of_Angel"
-	Name: "Helm of Angel"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1600
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 74
-	ViewSprite: 110
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5026
-	AegisName: "Hat_Of_Cook"
-	Name: "Chef Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 111
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 5027
-	AegisName: "Wizardry_Hat"
-	Name: "Mage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 112
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-	">
-	Id: 5028
-	AegisName: "Candle"
-	Name: "Candle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	ViewSprite: 113
-	Id: 5029
-	AegisName: "Spore_Hat"
-	Name: "Spore Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 114
-	Id: 5030
-	AegisName: "Panda_Cap"
-	Name: "Panda Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 115
-	Id: 5031
-	AegisName: "Mine_Helm"
-	Name: "Mine Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 9
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	ViewSprite: 116
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 5032
-	AegisName: "Picnic_Hat"
-	Name: "Sunday Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 117
-	Id: 5033
-	AegisName: "Smokie_Hat"
-	Name: "Raccoon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 118
-	Id: 5034
-	AegisName: "Light_Bulb_Band"
-	Name: "Bulb Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 119
-	Id: 5035
-	AegisName: "Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 38
-	ViewSprite: 120
-	Id: 5036
-	AegisName: "Cross_Band"
-	Name: "Cross Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 121
-	Id: 5037
-	AegisName: "Fruit_Shell"
-	Name: "Nut Shell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 122
-	Id: 5038
-	AegisName: "Deviruchi_Cap"
-	Name: "Deviruchi Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 64
-	ViewSprite: 123
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5039
-	AegisName: "Mottled_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Rainbow Eggshell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 19
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 124
-	Id: 5040
-	AegisName: "Blush"
-	Name: "Blush"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 125
-	Id: 5041
-	AegisName: "Heart_Hair_Pin"
-	Name: "Heart Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 126
-	Id: 5042
-	AegisName: "Hair_Protector"
-	Name: "Bao Bao"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 14
-	ViewSprite: 127
-	Id: 5043
-	AegisName: "Opera_Ghost_Mask"
-	Name: "Opera Phantom Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 128
-	Id: 5044
-	AegisName: "Devils_Wing"
-	Name: "Evil Wing Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 129
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5045
-	AegisName: "Magician_Hat"
-	Name: "Magician Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 130
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5046
-	AegisName: "Bongun_Hat"
-	Name: "Bongun Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 139
-	Id: 5047
-	AegisName: "Fashion_Sunglass"
-	Name: "Fashionable Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 131
-	Id: 5048
-	AegisName: "First_Moon_Hair_Pin"
-	Name: "Cresent Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 132
-	Id: 5049
-	AegisName: "Stripe_Band"
-	Name: "Striped Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 133
-	Id: 5050
-	AegisName: "Mystery_Fruit_Shell"
-	Name: "Wonder Nutshell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 134
-	Id: 5051
-	AegisName: "Kitty_Bell"
-	Name: "Pussy Cat Bell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 135
-	Id: 5052
-	AegisName: "Blue_Hair_Band"
-	Name: "Blue Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 136
-	Id: 5053
-	AegisName: "Spinx_Helm"
-	Name: "Sphinx Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 137
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 5054
-	AegisName: "Assasin_Mask"
-	Name: "Assassin Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 180
-	Id: 5055
-	AegisName: "Novice_Egg_Cap"
-	Name: "Novice False Eggshell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 1
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 101
-	Id: 5056
-	AegisName: "Love_Berry"
-	Name: "Fruit of Love"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 140
-	Id: 5057
-	AegisName: "Ear_Of_Black_Cat"
-	Name: "Black Cat Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 16000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 141
-	Id: 5058
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "Drooping Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 142
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,15;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,3000;
-	">
-	Id: 5059
-	AegisName: "Brown_Bear_Cap"
-	Name: "Teddybear Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 143
-	Id: 5060
-	AegisName: "Party_Hat"
-	Name: "Party Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 144
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 5061
-	AegisName: "Flower_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Flower Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 145
-	Id: 5062
-	AegisName: "Straw_Hat"
-	Name: "Straw Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 146
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 5063
-	AegisName: "Plaster"
-	Name: "Giant Band Aid"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 147
-	Id: 5064
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Headgear"
-	Name: "Smokie Leaf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 148
-	Id: 5065
-	AegisName: "Fish_On_Head"
-	Name: "Blue Fish"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 149
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Fish,10; ">
-	Id: 5066
-	AegisName: "Horn_Of_Succubus"
-	Name: "Succubus Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 7
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 150
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5067
-	AegisName: "Sombrero"
-	Name: "Sombrero"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 151
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 5068
-	AegisName: "Ear_Of_Devils_Wing"
-	Name: "Evil Wing Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 152
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5069
-	AegisName: "Mask_Of_Fox"
-	Name: "Kitsune Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 153
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5070
-	AegisName: "Headband_Of_Power"
-	Name: "Hot-blooded Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 154
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 5071
-	AegisName: "Indian_Headband"
-	Name: "Indian Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 155
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 5072
-	AegisName: "Inccubus_Horn"
-	Name: "Incubus Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 7
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 156
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5073
-	AegisName: "Cap_Of_Concentration"
-	Name: "Model Training Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 157
-	Script: <" bonus bDex, 2; ">
-	Id: 5074
-	AegisName: "Ear_Of_Angels_Wing"
-	Name: "Angel Wing Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 158
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5075
-	AegisName: "Cowboy_Hat"
-	Name: "Cowboy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	ViewSprite: 159
-	Id: 5076
-	AegisName: "Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Beanie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 160
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 5077
-	AegisName: "Tulip_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Tulip Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 161
-	Id: 5078
-	AegisName: "Sea_Otter_Cap"
-	Name: "Sea-Otter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 162
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5079
-	AegisName: "Crossed_Hair_Band"
-	Name: "X Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 163
-	Id: 5080
-	AegisName: "Headgear_Of_Queen"
-	Name: "Crown of Ancient Queen"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 164
-	Id: 5081
-	AegisName: "Mistress_Crown"
-	Name: "Crown of Mistress"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 75
-	ViewSprite: 165
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5082
-	AegisName: "Mushroom_Band"
-	Name: "Decorative Mushroom"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 166
-	Id: 5083
-	AegisName: "Red_Tailed_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Red Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 167
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 5084
-	AegisName: "Lazy_Raccoon"
-	Name: "Lazy Smokie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 168
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,2000; ">
-	Id: 5085
-	AegisName: "Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Small Ribbons"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 169
-	Id: 5086
-	AegisName: "Alarm_Mask"
-	Name: "Alarm Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 170
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,5000; ">
-	Id: 5087
-	AegisName: "Goblin_Mask_01"
-	Name: "Poker Face"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 171
-	Id: 5088
-	AegisName: "Goblin_Mask_02"
-	Name: "Surprised Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 172
-	Id: 5089
-	AegisName: "Goblin_Mask_03"
-	Name: "Annoyed Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 173
-	Id: 5090
-	AegisName: "Goblin_Mask_04"
-	Name: "Goblin Leader Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 174
-	Id: 5091
-	AegisName: "Big_Golden_Bell"
-	Name: "Decorative Golden Bell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 35
-	ViewSprite: 175
-	Id: 5092
-	AegisName: "Blue_Coif"
-	Name: "Coif"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 150000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 176
-	Id: 5093
-	AegisName: "Blue_Coif_"
-	Name: "Coif"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 150000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 177
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,100; ">
-	Id: 5094
-	AegisName: "Orc_Hero_Helm"
-	Name: "Helmet of Orc Hero"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500000
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	ViewSprite: 178
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5095
-	AegisName: "Orc_Hero_Helm_"
-	Name: "Helmet of Orc Hero"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	ViewSprite: 179
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5096
-	AegisName: "Assassin_Mask_"
-	Name: "Assassin Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 180
-	Id: 5097
-	AegisName: "Cone_Hat_"
-	Name: "Holiday Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 400
-	ViewSprite: 144
-	Id: 5098
-	AegisName: "Tiger_Mask"
-	Name: "Tiger Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 181
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 5099
-	AegisName: "Cat_Hat"
-	Name: "Neko Mimi"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 182
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5100
-	AegisName: "Sales_Signboard"
-	Name: "Sales Banner"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	EquipLv: 75
-	ViewSprite: 183
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5101
-	AegisName: "Takius_Blindfold"
-	Name: "Takius Blindfold"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 184
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5102
-	AegisName: "Round_Eyes"
-	Name: "Blank Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 185
-	Id: 5103
-	AegisName: "Sunflower_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Sunflower Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 186
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bCriticalRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5104
-	AegisName: "Dark_Blindfold"
-	Name: "Dark Blinder"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 187
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,200;
-	">
-	Id: 5105
-	AegisName: "Hat_Of_Cake_"
-	Name: "2nd Anniversary Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 24
-	ViewSprite: 109
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,60;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,7864,7,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5106
-	AegisName: "Cone_Hat_INA"
-	Name: "2nd Anniversary Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 144
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMatkRate,3;
-		bonus bFlee,3;
-		bonus bHit,3;
-		bonus bFlee2,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5107
-	AegisName: "Well_Baked_Toast"
-	Name: "Crunch Toast"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 188
-	Id: 5108
-	AegisName: "Detective_Hat"
-	Name: "Renown Detective's Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 189
-	Id: 5109
-	AegisName: "Red_Bonnet"
-	Name: "Red Bonnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 190
-	Id: 5110
-	AegisName: "Baby_Pacifier"
-	Name: "Baby Pacifier"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 191
-	Id: 5111
-	AegisName: "Galapago_Cap"
-	Name: "Galapago Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	ViewSprite: 192
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,605,100; ">
-	Id: 5112
-	AegisName: "Super_Novice_Hat"
-	Name: "Super Novice Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 8500
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 193
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 5113
-	AegisName: "Angry_Mouth"
-	Name: "Angry Snarl"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 194
-	Id: 5114
-	AegisName: "Fedora"
-	Name: "Bucket Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 195
-	Id: 5115
-	AegisName: "Winter_Hat"
-	Name: "Winter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 196
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,1000; ">
-	Id: 5116
-	AegisName: "Banana_Hat"
-	Name: "Banana Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 197
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_PROVOKE,3,30; ">
-	Id: 5117
-	AegisName: "Mistic_Rose"
-	Name: "Mystic Rose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 198
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,2; ">
-	Id: 5118
-	AegisName: "Ear_Of_Puppy"
-	Name: "Puppy Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 199
-	Id: 5119
-	AegisName: "Super_Novice_Hat_"
-	Name: "Super Novice Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 8500
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 193
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 5120
-	AegisName: "Fedora_"
-	Name: "Bucket Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 195
-	Id: 5121
-	AegisName: "Zherlthsh_Mask"
-	Name: "Zealotus Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 200
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5122
-	AegisName: "Magni_Cap"
-	Name: "Magni's Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 9
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 250
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 5123
-	AegisName: "Ulle_Cap"
-	Name: "Ulle's Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 254
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5124
-	AegisName: "Fricca_Circlet"
-	Name: "Fricca's Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	ViewSprite: 251
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5125
-	AegisName: "Kiss_Of_Angel"
-	Name: "Angel's Kiss"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 255
-	Script: <" bonus bSPrecovRate,3; ">
-	Id: 5126
-	AegisName: "Morpheuss_Hood"
-	Name: "Morpheus's Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 33
-	ViewSprite: 256
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5127
-	AegisName: "Morriganes_Helm"
-	Name: "Morrigane's Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 61
-	ViewSprite: 257
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5128
-	AegisName: "Goibnes_Helmet"
-	Name: "Goibne's Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 54
-	ViewSprite: 258
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5129
-	AegisName: "Bird_Nest"
-	Name: "Bird Nest"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 201
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5130
-	AegisName: "Lion_Mask"
-	Name: "Lion Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 75
-	ViewSprite: 202
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Silence,500;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5131
-	AegisName: "Close_Helmet"
-	Name: "Close Helmet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 75
-	ViewSprite: 203
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5132
-	AegisName: "Angeling_Hat"
-	Name: "Angeling Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 204
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10; ">
-	Id: 5133
-	AegisName: "Sheep_Hat"
-	Name: "Sheep Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 205
-	Script: <" bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5; ">
-	Id: 5134
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Hat"
-	Name: "Pumpkin-Head"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 206
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,3; ">
-	Id: 5135
-	AegisName: "Cyclops_Visor"
-	Name: "Cyclop's Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 207
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,50; ">
-	Id: 5136
-	AegisName: "Santas_Hat_"
-	Name: "Antonio's Santa Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 20
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,2; ">
-	Id: 5137
-	AegisName: "Alice_Doll"
-	Name: "Alice Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 208
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Sleep,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5138
-	AegisName: "Magic_Eyes"
-	Name: "Magic Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 209
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,20;
-	">
-	Id: 5139
-	AegisName: "Hibiscus"
-	Name: "Hibiscus"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 210
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5140
-	AegisName: "Charming_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Charming Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 211
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5141
-	AegisName: "Marionette_Doll"
-	Name: "Marionette Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 212
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5142
-	AegisName: "Crescent_Helm"
-	Name: "Crescent Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 48000
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 213
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5143
-	AegisName: "Kabuki_Mask"
-	Name: "Kabuki Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 214
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,3000; ">
-	Id: 5144
-	AegisName: "Gambler_Hat"
-	Name: "Gamble Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 16
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,5; ">
-	Id: 5145
-	AegisName: "Carnival_Joker_Jester"
-	Name: "Carnival Joker Jester"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 89
-	Id: 5146
-	AegisName: "Elephant_Hat"
-	Name: "Elephant Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	ViewSprite: 215
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		skill WZ_WATERBALL,1;
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus3 bAutoSpell,BS_GREED,1,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5147
-	AegisName: "Baseball_Cap"
-	Name: "Baseball Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 216
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5148
-	AegisName: "Phrygian_Cap"
-	Name: "Phrygian Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	ViewSprite: 217
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5149
-	AegisName: "Silver_Tiara"
-	Name: "Silver Tiara"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 218
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5150
-	AegisName: "Joker_Jester_"
-	Name: "Joker Jester"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 219
-	Script: <" bonus bSpeedRate,25; ">
-	Id: 5151
-	AegisName: "Headset_OST"
-	Name: "Note Headphone"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 220
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,1000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 5152
-	AegisName: "Chinese_Crown"
-	Name: "Chinese Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 221
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,1000;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5153
-	AegisName: "Angeling_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Angeling Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 222
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,5; ">
-	Id: 5154
-	AegisName: "Sunglasses_F"
-	Name: "Father's Sunglasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 12
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5155
-	AegisName: "Granpa_Beard_F"
-	Name: "Father's White Moustache"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 25
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,20; ">
-	Id: 5156
-	AegisName: "Flu_Mask_F"
-	Name: "Father's Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 8
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMatkRate,1; ">
-	Id: 5157
-	AegisName: "Viking_Helm_"
-	Name: "Orc Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 86
-	Id: 5158
-	AegisName: "Holy_Bonnet_"
-	Name: "Monk Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 35
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5159
-	AegisName: "Golden_Gear_"
-	Name: "Golden Gear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 30
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 5160
-	AegisName: "Magestic_Goat_"
-	Name: "Magestic Goat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 41
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5161
-	AegisName: "Sharp_Gear_"
-	Name: "Spiky Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 43
-	Id: 5162
-	AegisName: "Bone_Helm_"
-	Name: "Bone Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 103
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,-15; ">
-	Id: 5163
-	AegisName: "Corsair_"
-	Name: "Corsair"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 105
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5164
-	AegisName: "Tiara_"
-	Name: "Tiara"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 19
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 5165
-	AegisName: "Crown_"
-	Name: "Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 45
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 5166
-	AegisName: "Spinx_Helm_"
-	Name: "Sphinx Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 137
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 5167
-	AegisName: "Munak_Turban_"
-	Name: "Munak Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 51
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10; ">
-	Id: 5168
-	AegisName: "Bongun_Hat_"
-	Name: "Bongun Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 139
-	Id: 5169
-	AegisName: "Bride_Mask"
-	Name: "Bride Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 223
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Taekwon) {
-			bonus bLuk,2;
-			bonus bCritical,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5170
-	AegisName: "Feather_Beret"
-	Name: "Feather Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 224
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5171
-	AegisName: "Valkyrie_Helm"
-	Name: "Valkyrie Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 225
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 5172
-	AegisName: "Beret"
-	Name: "Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 700
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 226
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10; ">
-	Id: 5173
-	AegisName: "Satto_Hat"
-	Name: "Magistrate Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 227
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Taekwon) {
-			bonus bAgi,1;
-			bonus bHPrecovRate,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5174
-	AegisName: "Ayam"
-	Name: "Ayam"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 228
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Taekwon) {
-			bonus bInt,1;
-			bonus bSPrecovRate,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5175
-	AegisName: "Censor_Bar"
-	Name: "Censor Bar"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 229
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,500;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bHit,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 5176
-	AegisName: "Hahoe_Mask"
-	Name: "Hahoe Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 230
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Taekwon) {
-			bonus bLuk,1;
-			bonus bFlee2,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5177
-	AegisName: "Guardian_Lion_Mask"
-	Name: "Mythical Lion Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 231
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Taekwon) {
-			bonus bDex,2;
-			bonus bBaseAtk,2*getrefine();
-			bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000,ATF_SHORT;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5178
-	AegisName: "Candle_"
-	Name: "Candle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	ViewSprite: 113
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 5179
-	AegisName: "Gold_Tiara"
-	Name: "Golden Tiara"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 232
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5180
-	AegisName: "Phrygian_Cap_"
-	Name: "France Holiday Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 217
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5181
-	AegisName: "Helm_Of_Darkness"
-	Name: "Helm of Darkness"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 233
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 5182
-	AegisName: "Puppy_Hat"
-	Name: "Puppy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 234
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_GLORIA,1,10+20*(readparam(bAgi)>=77);
-	">
-	Id: 5183
-	AegisName: "Bird_Nest_Hat"
-	Name: "Bird Nest Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 235
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 5184
-	AegisName: "Captain_Hat"
-	Name: "Captain's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 236
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5; ">
-	Id: 5185
-	AegisName: "Laurel_Wreath"
-	Name: "Laurel Wreath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 237
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,500;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,500;
-	">
-	Id: 5186
-	AegisName: "Geographer_Band"
-	Name: "Geographer Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 238
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,1,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5187
-	AegisName: "Twin_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Twin Red Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 239
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_STONESKIN,6,10;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_ANTIMAGIC,6,120,BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5188
-	AegisName: "Minstrel_Hat"
-	Name: "Creative Convention Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 240
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5189
-	AegisName: "Fallen_Leaves"
-	Name: "Autumn Leaves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 241
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,40;
-		bonus bMaxSP,40;
-	">
-	Id: 5190
-	AegisName: "Baseball_Cap_"
-	Name: "Independence Memorial Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 20
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 216
-	Id: 5191
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Black"
-	Name: "Black Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 242
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5192
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Yellow"
-	Name: "Yellow Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 243
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5193
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Green"
-	Name: "Green Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 244
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5194
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Pink"
-	Name: "Pink Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 245
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5195
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Red"
-	Name: "Red Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 246
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5196
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Orange"
-	Name: "Orange Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 247
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5197
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_White"
-	Name: "White Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 248
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5198
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Bunny"
-	Name: "Evolved Drooping Bunny"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 249
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bFlee,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5199
-	AegisName: "Baseball_Cap_I"
-	Name: "Baseball Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 216
-	Id: 5200
-	AegisName: "Coppola"
-	Name: "Coppola"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	ViewSprite: 252
-	Id: 5201
-	AegisName: "Party_Hat_B"
-	Name: "Party Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 144
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,3; ">
-	Id: 5202
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Hat_"
-	Name: "Fantastic Pumpkin-Head"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 206
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,5; ">
-	Id: 5203
-	AegisName: "Tongue_Mask"
-	Name: "Smiling Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 253
-	Script: <" bonus bSpeedRate,25; ">
-	Id: 5204
-	AegisName: "Event_Pierrot_Nose"
-	Name: "Rudolph's Nose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 49
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,3000;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12130,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5205
-	AegisName: "Wreath"
-	Name: "Emperor's Laurel Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 261
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5206
-	AegisName: "Romantic_White_Flower"
-	Name: "Romantic White Flower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 259
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,3; ">
-	Id: 5207
-	AegisName: "Gold_Spirit_Chain"
-	Name: "Angel Blessing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 260
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5208
-	AegisName: "Rideword_Hat"
-	Name: "Rideword Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 262
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,50,8;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,4;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,10,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 5209
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Baseball_Cap"
-	Name: "Love Dad Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	ViewSprite: 263
-	Id: 5210
-	AegisName: "Flying_Angel"
-	Name: "Flapping Angel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 264
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-3;
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5211
-	AegisName: "Dress_Hat"
-	Name: "Dress Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 265
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,7;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-			bonus bMatkRate,1;
-			bonus bHealPower,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5212
-	AegisName: "Satellite_Hairband"
-	Name: "Satellite Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 266
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-		bonus bMaxSP,10;
-		skill AL_RUWACH,1;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_RUWACH; ">
-	Id: 5213
-	AegisName: "Black_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Sheila Hairnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 267
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5214
-	AegisName: "Moonlight_Flower_Hat"
-	Name: "Moonlight Flower Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 268
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_INCAGI,1,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5215
-	AegisName: "Angelic_Chain_"
-	Name: "Evolved Angel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 38
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5216
-	AegisName: "Satanic_Chain_"
-	Name: "Evolved Evil Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 39
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bFlee,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5217
-	AegisName: "Magestic_Goat_TW"
-	Name: "Evolved Magestic Goat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 41
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 5218
-	AegisName: "Bunny_Band_"
-	Name: "Evolved Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 15
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5219
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Kitty_"
-	Name: "Evolved Drooping Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 142
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,18;
-		bonus bFlee,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5220
-	AegisName: "Smoking_Pipe_"
-	Name: "Evolved Pipe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 55
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5221
-	AegisName: "Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon_"
-	Name: "Evolved Pair of Red Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 169
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,5; ">
-	Id: 5222
-	AegisName: "Fish_On_Head_"
-	Name: "Evolved Blue Fish"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 149
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5223
-	AegisName: "Big_Golden_Bell_"
-	Name: "Evolved Big Golden Bell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 35
-	ViewSprite: 175
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 5224
-	AegisName: "Orc_Hero_Helm_TW"
-	Name: "Evolved Orc Hero Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500000
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 55
-	ViewSprite: 178
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5225
-	AegisName: "Marcher_Hat"
-	Name: "Parade Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 269
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_ANGELUS,5,30,0;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,1,1,0;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,1000;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,AL_HEAL,PR_LEXAETERNA,1,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 5226
-	AegisName: "Mini_Propeller_"
-	Name: "Mini Propeller"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 270
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 5227
-	AegisName: "Red_Deviruchi_Cap"
-	Name: "Red Deviruchi Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 64
-	ViewSprite: 271
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5228
-	AegisName: "White_Deviruchi_Cap"
-	Name: "Gray Deviruchi Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 64
-	ViewSprite: 272
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5229
-	AegisName: "Gray_Deviruchi_Cap"
-	Name: "Brown Deviruchi Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 64
-	ViewSprite: 273
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5230
-	AegisName: "White_Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "Gray Drooping Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 274
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,3000;
-		bonus bMdef,15;
-	">
-	Id: 5231
-	AegisName: "Gray_Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "Brown Drooping Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 275
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,3000;
-		bonus bMdef,15;
-	">
-	Id: 5232
-	AegisName: "Pink_Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "Pink Drooping Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 276
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,3000;
-		bonus bMdef,15;
-	">
-	Id: 5233
-	AegisName: "Blue_Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "Blue Drooping Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 277
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,3000;
-		bonus bMdef,15;
-	">
-	Id: 5234
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "Yellow Drooping Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 278
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,3000;
-		bonus bMdef,15;
-	">
-	Id: 5235
-	AegisName: "Gray_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Brown Beanie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 279
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 5236
-	AegisName: "Blue_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Blue Beanie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 280
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 5237
-	AegisName: "Pink_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Pink Beanie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 281
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 5238
-	AegisName: "Red_Wizardry_Hat"
-	Name: "Red Mage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 282
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-	">
-	Id: 5239
-	AegisName: "White_Wizardry_Hat"
-	Name: "Gray Mage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 283
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-	">
-	Id: 5240
-	AegisName: "Gray_Wizardry_Hat"
-	Name: "Brown Mage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 284
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-	">
-	Id: 5241
-	AegisName: "Blue_Wizardry_Hat"
-	Name: "Blue Mage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 285
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-	">
-	Id: 5242
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Wizardry_Hat"
-	Name: "Yellow Mage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 286
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-	">
-	Id: 5243
-	AegisName: "Chullos"
-	Name: "Shafka"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 287
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,1000; ">
-	Id: 5244
-	AegisName: "Elven_Blindfold"
-	Name: "Elven Blindfold"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 288
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000; ">
-	Id: 5245
-	AegisName: "Elven_Sunglasses"
-	Name: "Elven Sunglasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 289
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,500; ">
-	Id: 5246
-	AegisName: "Angelic_Helm"
-	Name: "Angelic Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 7
-	ViewSprite: 290
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5247
-	AegisName: "Satanic_Helm"
-	Name: "Satanic Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 8
-	ViewSprite: 291
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5248
-	AegisName: "Robotic_Blindfold"
-	Name: "Robotic Blindfold"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 292
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000; ">
-	Id: 5249
-	AegisName: "Human_Blindfold"
-	Name: "Human Blindfold"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 293
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000; ">
-	Id: 5250
-	AegisName: "Robotic_Ears"
-	Name: "Robotic Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 294
-	Id: 5251
-	AegisName: "Round_Ears"
-	Name: "Round Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 295
-	Id: 5252
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Nine_Tail"
-	Name: "Drooping Ninetail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 296
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_GLORIA,1,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5253
-	AegisName: "Lif_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Lif Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 297
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,getrefine();
-		bonus bDef,getrefine()*-1;
-	">
-	Id: 5254
-	AegisName: "Deviling_Hat"
-	Name: "Deviling Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 298
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,-20;
-		if(getrefine()>=6) {
-			bonus bCritical,getrefine()-5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5255
-	AegisName: "Triple_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Triple Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 299
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,BS_GREED,1,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5256
-	AegisName: "Valkyrie_Feather_Band"
-	Name: "Valkyrie Feather Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 300
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,1,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5257
-	AegisName: "Soulless_Wing"
-	Name: "Soul Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 301
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,1,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5258
-	AegisName: "Afro_Wig"
-	Name: "Afro Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 302
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NV_FIRSTAID,1,300;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5259
-	AegisName: "Elephant_Hat_"
-	Name: "Elephant Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 215
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_WATERBALL,3,10;
-		skill AL_HOLYWATER,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5260
-	AegisName: "Cookie_Hat"
-	Name: "Cookie Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 217
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5261
-	AegisName: "Silver_Tiara_"
-	Name: "Silver Tiara"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 218
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage) bonus bMatkRate,(JobLevel/20);
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus bUseSPrate,-(JobLevel/10);
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Archer) bonus bMaxSP,(JobLevel*2);
-	">
-	Id: 5262
-	AegisName: "Gold_Tiara_"
-	Name: "Golden Tiara"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 232
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		if((readparam(bDex)<56)&&(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief)) {
-			bonus bDex,JobLevel/7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5263
-	AegisName: "Ati_Atihan_Hat"
-	Name: "Pagdayaw"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 303
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,1;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,300;
-	">
-	Id: 5264
-	AegisName: "Aussie_Flag_Hat"
-	Name: "Australian Flag Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	ViewSprite: 304
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,2; ">
-	Id: 5265
-	AegisName: "Apple_Of_Archer_C"
-	Name: "Rental Apple of Archer"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 72
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,4; ">
-	Id: 5266
-	AegisName: "Bunny_Band_C"
-	Name: "Rental Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 15
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5267
-	AegisName: "Sahkkat_C"
-	Name: "Sahkkat C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 67
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,3; ">
-	Id: 5268
-	AegisName: "Lord_Circlet_C"
-	Name: "Grand Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 93
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-	">
-	Id: 5269
-	AegisName: "Flying_Angel_"
-	Name: "Flapping Angel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 264
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 5270
-	AegisName: "Fallen_Leaves_"
-	Name: "Autumn Leaves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 241
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee2,5; ">
-	Id: 5271
-	AegisName: "Chinese_Crown_"
-	Name: "Phoenix Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 221
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 5272
-	AegisName: "Tongue_Mask_"
-	Name: "Tongue Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 253
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_PROVOKE,5,50; ">
-	Id: 5273
-	AegisName: "Happy_Wig"
-	Name: "Happy Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 305
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-		bonus bDef,4;
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 5274
-	AegisName: "Shiny_Wig"
-	Name: "Shiny Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 306
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-		bonus bDef,4;
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 5275
-	AegisName: "Marvelous_Wig"
-	Name: "Marvelous Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 307
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-		bonus bDef,4;
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 5276
-	AegisName: "Fantastic_Wig"
-	Name: "Fantastic Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 308
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-		bonus bDef,4;
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 5277
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Bandana"
-	Name: "Air Pirate's Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 309
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bLongAtkDef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5278
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Yellow Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 310
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bLongAtkDef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5279
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Kitty_C"
-	Name: "Refined Drooping Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 142
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
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-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,15;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,3000;
-	">
-	Id: 5280
-	AegisName: "Magestic_Goat_C"
-	Name: "Baphomet Horns"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 41
-	Trade: {
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-		nomail: true
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-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5281
-	AegisName: "Deviruchi_Cap_C"
-	Name: "Refined Deviruchi Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 123
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
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-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5282
-	AegisName: "euRO_Baseball_Cap"
-	Name: "Europe Baseball Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 216
-	Id: 5283
-	AegisName: "Chick_Hat"
-	Name: "Chick Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 311
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		skill TF_DOUBLE,2;
-		bonus bDoubleRate,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5284
-	AegisName: "Water_Lily_Crown"
-	Name: "Water Lily Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 312
-	Script: <"
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-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,5;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5285
-	AegisName: "Vane_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Vane Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 313
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 5286
-	AegisName: "Pecopeco_Hairband"
-	Name: "Pecopeco Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 6
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 314
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bSpeedRate,10;
-		bonus bAspdRate,-10;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 5287
-	AegisName: "Vacation_Hat"
-	Name: "Vacation Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 315
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5288
-	AegisName: "Red_Glasses"
-	Name: "Red Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 316
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5289
-	AegisName: "Vanilmirth_Hat"
-	Name: "Vanilmirth Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 317
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBOLT,1,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_COLDBOLT,1,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,1,10;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5290
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Bunny_"
-	Name: "Drooping Bunny"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 249
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bFlee,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5291
-	AegisName: "Kettle_Hat"
-	Name: "Kettle Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 318
-	Script: <"
-		bonus4 bAutoSpell,SA_DELUGE,2,10,0;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_WATERBALL,3,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5292
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Skull"
-	Name: "Dragon Skull"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 10
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 319
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Dragon,5; ">
-	Id: 5293
-	AegisName: "Ramen_Hat"
-	Name: "Ramen Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 3
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 320
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bDex,4;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_DECAGI,1,30,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5294
-	AegisName: "Whisper_Mask"
-	Name: "Whisper Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 321
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
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-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 5295
-	AegisName: "Golden_Bandana"
-	Name: "Golden Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2400
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 138
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,4; ">
-	Id: 5296
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Nine_Tail_"
-	Name: "Drooping Nine Tail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 296
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bCritical,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5297
-	AegisName: "Soulless_Wing_"
-	Name: "Soul Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 301
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus2 bSPRegenRate,2,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 5298
-	AegisName: "Marvelous_Wig_"
-	Name: "Dokebi's Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 307
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,-5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 5299
-	AegisName: "Ati_Atihan_Hat_"
-	Name: "Pagdayaw"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 303
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,DC_SCREAM,1,50; ">
-	Id: 5300
-	AegisName: "Bullock_Helm"
-	Name: "Bullock Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 322
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,100; ">
-	Id: 5301
-	AegisName: "Russian_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Victory Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 323
-	Id: 5302
-	AegisName: "Lotus_Flower_Hat"
-	Name: "Water Lily Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 324
-	Id: 5303
-	AegisName: "Flower_Coronet"
-	Name: "Flower Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 325
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5304
-	AegisName: "Cap_Of_Blindness"
-	Name: "Cap Of Blindness"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 326
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,700;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 5305
-	AegisName: "Pirate_Dagger"
-	Name: "Pirate Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 327
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,5; ">
-	Id: 5306
-	AegisName: "Freyja_Crown"
-	Name: "Freyja Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 20
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 328
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
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-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5; ">
-	Id: 5307
-	AegisName: "Carmen_Mirandas_Hat"
-	Name: "Carmen Miranda's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 329
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,DC_WINKCHARM,1,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5308
-	AegisName: "Brazilian_Flag_Hat"
-	Name: "Brazilian Flag Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 330
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bSpeedAddRate,25; ">
-	Id: 5309
-	AegisName: "Mahican"
-	Name: "Wool Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 331
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" skill RG_GRAFFITI,1; ">
-	Id: 5310
-	AegisName: "Bulb_Hairband"
-	Name: "Shining Electric Bulb Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 332
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,10;
-		skill MG_SIGHT,1;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_SIGHT; ">
-	Id: 5311
-	AegisName: "Large_Hibiscus"
-	Name: "Large Hisbiscus"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 333
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,15; ">
-	Id: 5312
-	AegisName: "Ayothaya_Hat"
-	Name: "Ayothaya King's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 334
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5313
-	AegisName: "Diadem"
-	Name: "Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 335
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMatkRate,3;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-3;
-	">
-	Id: 5314
-	AegisName: "Hockey_Mask"
-	Name: "Hockey Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 336
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5; ">
-	Id: 5315
-	AegisName: "Observer"
-	Name: "Observer"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 35
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 337
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		skill WZ_ESTIMATION,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5316
-	AegisName: "Umbrella_Hat"
-	Name: "Umbrella Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 338
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,3; ">
-	Id: 5317
-	AegisName: "Fisherman_Hat"
-	Name: "Fisherman Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 339
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_WATERBALL,3,50; ">
-	Id: 5318
-	AegisName: "Poring_Party_Hat"
-	Name: "Poring Party Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	ViewSprite: 340
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,3; ">
-	Id: 5319
-	AegisName: "Hellomother_Hat"
-	Name: "Arc Angeling Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 341
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel, 5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Angel, 5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,5;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12033,RC_Angel,100;
-	">
-	Id: 5320
-	AegisName: "Champion_Wreath"
-	Name: "Champion Wreath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 261
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,1,50,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5321
-	AegisName: "Indonesian_Bandana"
-	Name: "Indonesian Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 342
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,518,300;
-	">
-	Id: 5322
-	AegisName: "Scarf"
-	Name: "Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 24
-	ViewSprite: 343
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5323
-	AegisName: "Misstrance_Crown"
-	Name: "Misstrance Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 14
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 165
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
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-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,2; ">
-	Id: 5324
-	AegisName: "Little_Angel_Doll"
-	Name: "Little Angel Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 344
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,CR_GRANDCROSS,3,30,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5325
-	AegisName: "Robo_Eye"
-	Name: "Robo Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 345
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5326
-	AegisName: "Masquerade_C"
-	Name: "Masquerade C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 78
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,7; ">
-	Id: 5327
-	AegisName: "Orc_Hero_Helm_C"
-	Name: "Refined Helmet of Orc Hero"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 178
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bVit,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5328
-	AegisName: "Evil_Wing_Ears_C"
-	Name: "Evil Wing Ears C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 152
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5329
-	AegisName: "Dark_Blindfold_C"
-	Name: "Costume Dark Blindfold"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 187
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,500;
-	">
-	Id: 5330
-	AegisName: "kRO_Drooping_Kitty_C"
-	Name: "kRO Drooping Kitty C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 9
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 142
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,15;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,4000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 5331
-	AegisName: "Corsair_C"
-	Name: "Corsair C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 14
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 105
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5332
-	AegisName: "Loki_Mask"
-	Name: "Loki Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 346
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee2,3; ">
-	Id: 5333
-	AegisName: "Radio_Antenna"
-	Name: "Radio Antenna"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 347
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bCritical,5;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_THUNDERSTORM,5,30,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5334
-	AegisName: "Angeling_Wanna_Fly"
-	Name: "Flapping Angeling"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 348
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5335
-	AegisName: "Jumping_Poring"
-	Name: "Jumping Poring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 349
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5336
-	AegisName: "Guildsman_Recruiter"
-	Name: "Guildsman Recruiter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 350
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5337
-	AegisName: "Party_Recruiter_Hat"
-	Name: "Party Recruiter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 351
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5338
-	AegisName: "Bf_Recruiter_Hat"
-	Name: "Bf Recruiter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 352
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5339
-	AegisName: "Friend_Recruiter_Hat"
-	Name: "Friend Recruiter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 353
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5340
-	AegisName: "Deprotai_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Defolty Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 354
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_ANGELUS,10,20,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5341
-	AegisName: "Claris_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Glaris Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 355
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		bonus bMagicHPGainValue,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5342
-	AegisName: "Sorin_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Sorin Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 356
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,50; }",20,10000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 5343
-	AegisName: "Tayelin_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Telling Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 357
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,504,10;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,547,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5344
-	AegisName: "Binit_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Bennit Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 358
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,5; }",20,30000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_HASTEUP, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 5345
-	AegisName: "Debril_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "W Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 359
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5346
-	AegisName: "Gf_Recruiter_Hat"
-	Name: "Gf Recruiter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 360
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5347
-	AegisName: "Ph_D_Hat_"
-	Name: "Ph.D Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 98
-	Id: 5348
-	AegisName: "Big_Sis_Ribbon_"
-	Name: "Big Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 15000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 28
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5349
-	AegisName: "Boys_Cap_"
-	Name: "Boy's Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 102
-	Id: 5350
-	AegisName: "Pirate_Bandana_"
-	Name: "Pirate Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 74
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5351
-	AegisName: "Sunflower_"
-	Name: "Sunflower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 37
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,10; ">
-	Id: 5352
-	AegisName: "Poporing_Cap"
-	Name: "Poporing Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 38
-	ViewSprite: 361
-	Id: 5353
-	AegisName: "Helm_Of_Sun_"
-	Name: "Hat of the Sun God"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2400
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 138
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,1,1,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5354
-	AegisName: "Muslim_Hat_M"
-	Name: "Muslim Hat M"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 362
-	Script: <" bonus bVariableCastrate,-5; ">
-	Id: 5355
-	AegisName: "Muslim_Hat_F"
-	Name: "Selendang"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 363
-	Script: <" bonus bVariableCastrate,-5; ">
-	Id: 5356
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Hat_H"
-	Name: "Festival Pumpkin Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 206
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5357
-	AegisName: "Wings_Of_Victory"
-	Name: "Wings Of Victory"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 365
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5358
-	AegisName: "Pecopeco_Wing_Ears"
-	Name: "Peco Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 366
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5359
-	AegisName: "J_Captain_Hat"
-	Name: "Ship Captain Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 367
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,7;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 5360
-	AegisName: "Whikebain_Ears"
-	Name: "Wickebine's Black Cat Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 368
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus bDefRate,-50;
-		bonus bDef2Rate,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 5361
-	AegisName: "Gang_Scarf"
-	Name: "Gangster Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 369
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		if(BaseJob==Job_Rogue) skill RG_GANGSTER,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5362
-	AegisName: "Ninja_Scroll"
-	Name: "Ninja Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 370
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMatkRate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5363
-	AegisName: "Helm_Of_Abyss"
-	Name: "Abysmal Knight Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 371
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,-10;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5364
-	AegisName: "Dark_Snake_Lord_Hat"
-	Name: "Evil Snake Lord Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 150
-	ViewSprite: 372
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12582,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5365
-	AegisName: "Fried_Egg"
-	Name: "Mangolia Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 373
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk, 5;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit, BS_GREED, 1, 10, BF_SHORT, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 5366
-	AegisName: "Hat_0f_King"
-	Name: "Love Dad Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 374
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,5; ">
-	Id: 5367
-	AegisName: "Hyegun_Hat"
-	Name: "Yao Jun Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 375
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5368
-	AegisName: "White_Wing"
-	Name: "White Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 38
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12280,300; ">
-	Id: 5369
-	AegisName: "Dark_Wing"
-	Name: "Dark Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 39
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12279,300; ">
-	Id: 5370
-	AegisName: "Orchid_Hairband"
-	Name: "Orchid Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 376
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 5371
-	AegisName: "Hat_Of_Judge"
-	Name: "Judge Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 377
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5372
-	AegisName: "Drooping_White_Kitty"
-	Name: "Koneko Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 378
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-3;
-		bonus bMatkRate,3;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,3;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5373
-	AegisName: "Darkness_Helm"
-	Name: "Dark Randgris Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 379
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5374
-	AegisName: "L_Magestic_Goat"
-	Name: "Gigantic Magestic Goat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 10
-	ViewSprite: 380
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,12;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(JobLevel*2)/7;
-	">
-	Id: 5375
-	AegisName: "L_Orc_Hero_Helm"
-	Name: "Faux Orc Boss Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 381
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,BS_WEAPONPERFECT,3,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5376
-	AegisName: "Satanic_Chain_P"
-	Name: "Flying Evil Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 382
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,120;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Curse,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5377
-	AegisName: "Antique_Pipe"
-	Name: "Gentleman's Pipe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 383
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5378
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Ear_Hat"
-	Name: "Bunny Top Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	ViewSprite: 384
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_INCAGI,5,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5379
-	AegisName: "Balloon_Hat"
-	Name: "Tam"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 385
-	Script: <" bonus bMatkRate,(getrefine()*1); ">
-	Id: 5380
-	AegisName: "Fish_Head_Hat"
-	Name: "Fish Head Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 386
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SA_FROSTWEAPON,1,5; ">
-	Id: 5381
-	AegisName: "Santa_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Santa Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 387
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5382
-	AegisName: "Bell_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Bell Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 388
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		skill AL_ANGELUS,1;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_ANGELUS; ">
-	Id: 5383
-	AegisName: "Hunting_Cap"
-	Name: "Hunting Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 389
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5384
-	AegisName: "Santa_Hat_1"
-	Name: "Twin Pom Santa"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 390
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		skill WZ_ESTIMATION,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_INCAGI,1,500;
-	">
-	Id: 5385
-	AegisName: "Yoyo_Hat"
-	Name: "Yoyo Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 391
-	Script: <" skill TF_HIDING,1; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 5386
-	AegisName: "Ayam_"
-	Name: "New Year's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 70
-	Def: 7
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 228
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,7;
-		bonus bFlee,7;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12198,200;
-	">
-	Id: 5387
-	AegisName: "Neko_Mimi_Kafra"
-	Name: "Neko Mimi Kafra"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 392
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 5388
-	AegisName: "Snake_Head"
-	Name: "Snake Head"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 393
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_DOUBLE,5;
-		bonus bDoubleRate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 5389
-	AegisName: "Angel_Spirit"
-	Name: "Angel Spirit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 394
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bHit,15;
-	">
-	Id: 5390
-	AegisName: "Santa_Hat_2"
-	Name: "Blue Christmas Cheer"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 395
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,3000; ">
-	Id: 5391
-	AegisName: "Toast_C"
-	Name: "Toast"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 188
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,617,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5392
-	AegisName: "Louyang_Cap"
-	Name: "Louyang NewYear Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 396
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 5393
-	AegisName: "Valentine_Hat"
-	Name: "Valentine Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 397
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,7;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,7;
-	">
-	Id: 5394
-	AegisName: "Bubblegum_Lower"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Low"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 100;
-	">
-	Id: 5395
-	AegisName: "Tiraya_Bonnet"
-	Name: "Tiraya Bonnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 398
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100+(getrefine()*20);
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5396
-	AegisName: "Jasper_Crest"
-	Name: "Jasper Crest"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 399
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5397
-	AegisName: "Scuba_Mask"
-	Name: "Scuba Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 400
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Fish,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5398
-	AegisName: "Bone_Head"
-	Name: "Bone Head"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 85
-	ViewSprite: 401
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,500;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Bleeding,500;
-	">
-	Id: 5399
-	AegisName: "Mandragora_Cap"
-	Name: "Mandragora Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 85
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 402
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,DC_SCREAM,5,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5400
-	AegisName: "Fox_Hat"
-	Name: "Fox Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 403
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 5401
-	AegisName: "Black_Glasses"
-	Name: "Black Frame Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 404
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5402
-	AegisName: "Mischievous_Fairy"
-	Name: "Mischievous Fairy"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 405
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bFlee2,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5403
-	AegisName: "Fish_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Fish In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 406
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,579,500;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,579,25;
-	">
-	Id: 5404
-	AegisName: "Blue_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Blue Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 407
-	Script: <" bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AC_CONCENTRATION,2,7,0; ">
-	Id: 5405
-	AegisName: "Filir_Hat"
-	Name: "Filir Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 408
-	Script: <" bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,1; ">
-	Id: 5406
-	AegisName: "Academy_Freshman_Hat"
-	Name: "Academy Freshman Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 409
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,80;
-		bonus bMaxSP,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5407
-	AegisName: "Academy_Graduating_Cap"
-	Name: "Academy Completion Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 410
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5408
-	AegisName: "Old_Bandanna"
-	Name: "Old Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 6
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5409
-	AegisName: "New_Cowboy_Hat"
-	Name: "Purple Cowboy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 411
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5410
-	AegisName: "Bread_Bag2"
-	Name: "Brown Paperbag Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 412
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,400;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,4;
-	">
-	Id: 5411
-	AegisName: "White_Snake_Hat"
-	Name: "White Snake Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 413
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 5412
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Candy"
-	Name: "Lollipop"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 414
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 5413
-	AegisName: "Popcorn_Hat"
-	Name: "Popcorn Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 415
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10; ">
-	Id: 5414
-	AegisName: "Campfire_Hat"
-	Name: "Campfire Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 416
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_FIREBALL,5,100,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5415
-	AegisName: "Poring_Cake_Cap"
-	Name: "Poring Cake Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 10
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 417
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bCritical,5;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-5;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 5416
-	AegisName: "Beer_Cap"
-	Name: "Beer Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 4
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 18
-	ViewSprite: 418
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		skill SM_RECOVERY,3;
-		skill MG_SRECOVERY,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5417
-	AegisName: "Crown_Parrot"
-	Name: "Crown Parrots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 419
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,10000;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,DC_SCREAM,1,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5418
-	AegisName: "Soldier_Hat"
-	Name: "Soldier Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 420
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 3;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5419
-	AegisName: "Evolved_Leaf"
-	Name: "Leaves Of Grass"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 57
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Plant,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5420
-	AegisName: "Mask_Of_Ifrit"
-	Name: "Ifrit Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 421
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-10;
-		skill MG_SIGHT,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_METEOR,3,50;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBOLT,3,50;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_SIGHT; ">
-	Id: 5421
-	AegisName: "Ifrits_Ear"
-	Name: "Ifrit's Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 422
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBOLT,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_FIREPILLAR,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_METEOR,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SM_BASH,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SM_MAGNUM,2;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,KN_PIERCE,2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 5422
-	AegisName: "Linguistic_Book_Cap"
-	Name: "Linguistic Book Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 70
-	ViewSprite: 423
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5423
-	AegisName: "Lovecap_China"
-	Name: "I LOVE CHINA"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 424
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5424
-	AegisName: "Fanta_Orange_Can"
-	Name: "Fanta Orange Can Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 425
-	Id: 5425
-	AegisName: "Fanta_Grape_Can"
-	Name: "Fanta Grape Can Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 426
-	Id: 5426
-	AegisName: "Karada_Meguri_Tea_Hat"
-	Name: "Karada Meguricha Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 427
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 5427
-	AegisName: "Royal_Milk_Tea_Hat"
-	Name: "Black Tea Kochakaden Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 428
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 5428
-	AegisName: "Bread_Bag1"
-	Name: "RWC Anniversary Bread Envelope"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 429
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,12; ">
-	Id: 5429
-	AegisName: "Bogy_Cap"
-	Name: "Dokebi Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 430
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,5;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5430
-	AegisName: "Sacred_Torch_Coronet"
-	Name: "Promethean Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 6
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 431
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,20;
-		skill MG_FIREBOLT,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5431
-	AegisName: "Chicken_Hat"
-	Name: "Chicken Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 432
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MC_LOUD,1,30;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5432
-	AegisName: "Brazil_Baseball_Cap"
-	Name: "bRO 4th Anniversary Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 433
-	Script: <"
-		if (gettime(GETTIME_MONTH) == SEPTEMBER && gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) >= 10 && gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) <= 24)
-			bonus bAllStats,4;
-	">
-	Id: 5433
-	AegisName: "Golden_Wreath"
-	Name: "Champion's Wreath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 434
-	Id: 5434
-	AegisName: "Cola_Can"
-	Name: "Coca-Cola Bottle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 435
-	Id: 5435
-	AegisName: "Coke_Hat"
-	Name: "Coca-Cola Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 436
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,80;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus bMdef,getrefine()-5;
-			bonus bMaxSP,(getrefine()-5)*10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5436
-	AegisName: "Brides_Corolla"
-	Name: "Bride's Corolla"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 437
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5437
-	AegisName: "Flower_Of_Fairy"
-	Name: "Fairy Flower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 438
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5438
-	AegisName: "Fillet_Green"
-	Name: "Cute Green Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 439
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,20; ">
-	Id: 5439
-	AegisName: "Fillet_Red"
-	Name: "Cute Red Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 440
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,20; ">
-	Id: 5440
-	AegisName: "Fillet_Blue"
-	Name: "Cute Blue Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 441
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,20; ">
-	Id: 5441
-	AegisName: "Fillet_White"
-	Name: "Cute White Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 442
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,20; ">
-	Id: 5442
-	AegisName: "Necktie"
-	Name: "Necktie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 443
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bHit,-5;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5443
-	AegisName: "Status_Of_Baby_Angel"
-	Name: "Statue Of Baby Angel"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 444
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_STRECOVERY,1,20,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5444
-	AegisName: "Hair_Brush"
-	Name: "Hair Brush"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 445
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,6; ">
-	Id: 5445
-	AegisName: "Candy_Cane_In_The_Mouth"
-	Name: "Candy Cane In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 446
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMaxSP,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5446
-	AegisName: "Cat_Foot_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Catfoot Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 447
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus bFlee2,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5447
-	AegisName: "Frog_Cap"
-	Name: "Frog Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 448
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Insect,12;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Insect,12;
-	">
-	Id: 5448
-	AegisName: "Solo_Play_Box1"
-	Name: "Indifferent Solo Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 449
-	Script: <" skill RG_GRAFFITI,1; ">
-	Id: 5449
-	AegisName: "Solo_Play_Box2"
-	Name: "Angry Solo Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 450
-	Script: <" skill RG_GRAFFITI,1; ">
-	Id: 5450
-	AegisName: "Sun_Cap"
-	Name: "Solar Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 451
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5451
-	AegisName: "Dragonhelm_Gold"
-	Name: "Gold Dragonhelm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 14
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 452
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate, 10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 5452
-	AegisName: "Dragonhelm_Silver"
-	Name: "Silver Dragonhelm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 453
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate, 7;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 7;
-	">
-	Id: 5453
-	AegisName: "Dragonhelm_Copper"
-	Name: "Copper Dragonhelm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 454
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate, 5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 5454
-	AegisName: "Dog_Cap_"
-	Name: "Puppy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 234
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bCritical,100; }",10,3000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		autobonus "{ bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,100; }",10,3000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 5455
-	AegisName: "Geographer_Band_"
-	Name: "Decorative Geographer"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 238
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_HEAL,5,50;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,5,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5456
-	AegisName: "Vacation_Hat_"
-	Name: "Summer Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	ViewSprite: 315
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,5;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate,20;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,15;
-	">
-	Id: 5457
-	AegisName: "Spring_Rabbit_Hat"
-	Name: "Moon Rabbit Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 455
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>4) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,getrefine()-4;
-			bonus bMatkRate,getrefine()-4;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5458
-	AegisName: "Pinwheel_Cap"
-	Name: "Pinwheel Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 456
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5459
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Bunny_Chusuk"
-	Name: "Drooping Bunny"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 249
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bFlee,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5460
-	AegisName: "Adv_Dragon_Skull"
-	Name: "Evolved Dragon Skull Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 14
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 457
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5461
-	AegisName: "Adv_Whisper_Mask"
-	Name: "Evolved Whisper Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 458
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,20;
-	">
-	Id: 5462
-	AegisName: "Spiked_Scarf"
-	Name: "Spiked Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 3
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 459
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5463
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Scarf"
-	Name: "Rainbow Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 460
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5464
-	AegisName: "Zaha_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Zaha Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 461
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		skill PR_MAGNIFICAT,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5465
-	AegisName: "Celestial_Hat"
-	Name: "Hat Of Fortune"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 462
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(getrefine()>4) bonus bLuk,getrefine()-4;
-	">
-	Id: 5466
-	AegisName: "Wind_Milestone"
-	Name: "Wind's Guide"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 463
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5467
-	AegisName: "Helm_Of_Dragoon"
-	Name: "Dragon Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 464
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_DRAGONFEAR,1,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5468
-	AegisName: "Parade_Cap"
-	Name: "Parade Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 465
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDelayrate,-5;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		if(getrefine()>5) bonus bVariableCastrate,-(getrefine()-5);
-	">
-	Id: 5469
-	AegisName: "Noble_Hat"
-	Name: "Musketeer Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 466
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,BS_ADRENALINE,1,7;
-	">
-	Id: 5470
-	AegisName: "Eyes_Of_Darkness"
-	Name: "Darkness Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 467
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 5471
-	AegisName: "Hairband_Of_Reginleif"
-	Name: "Reginrev's Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 468
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5472
-	AegisName: "Red_White_Hat"
-	Name: "Red White Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 469
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,554,RC_DemiPlayer,200; ">
-	Id: 5473
-	AegisName: "Forceps_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Crab Nipper Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 470
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_COLDBOLT,1,30;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,991,RC_Fish,100;
-	">
-	Id: 5474
-	AegisName: "Notice_Board"
-	Name: "AFK Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 471
-	Id: 5475
-	AegisName: "Cube_Mask"
-	Name: "Quove Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 472
-	Id: 5476
-	AegisName: "Hairband_Of_Grandpeco"
-	Name: "Grand Peco Headdress"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 473
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_Orc,15;
-	">
-	Id: 5477
-	AegisName: "Bro_Flag"
-	Name: "Brazilian Flag Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 474
-	Id: 5478
-	AegisName: "Classic_Hat"
-	Name: "Classic Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 475
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-	">
-	Id: 5479
-	AegisName: "Shamans_Hair_Ornament"
-	Name: "Shaman's Hair Decoration"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 476
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5480
-	AegisName: "Bizofnil_Wing_Deco"
-	Name: "Bijofnil Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 477
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_IMPOSITIO,3,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5481
-	AegisName: "Hermose_Cap"
-	Name: "Hermode Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 478
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,-20;
-		bonus bMatkRate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 5482
-	AegisName: "Dark_Knight_Mask"
-	Name: "Dark Knight Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 479
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,3; ">
-	Id: 5483
-	AegisName: "Odin_Mask"
-	Name: "Odin Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 480
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bHit,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,6;
-	">
-	Id: 5484
-	AegisName: "Taiwan_Flag_Hat"
-	Name: "Holidays Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 482
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bVit,5;
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bAgi,5;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5485
-	AegisName: "Tiger_Face"
-	Name: "Tiger Face"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 483
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Brute,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5486
-	AegisName: "J_Anniversary_Hat"
-	Name: "Anniversary Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 395
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,2; ">
-	Id: 5487
-	AegisName: "J_Poringcake_Hat"
-	Name: "Poring Cake Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 417
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 5488
-	AegisName: "J_Twin_Santahat"
-	Name: "Cute Santa Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 390
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5489
-	AegisName: "Love_Daddy"
-	Name: "Love Daddy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 484
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 5490
-	AegisName: "Anubis_Helm"
-	Name: "Anubis Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 485
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,10;
-		bonus bHealPower2,10;
-		bonus bAddItemHealRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5491
-	AegisName: "Hat_Of_Outlaw"
-	Name: "Bandit Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 486
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5492
-	AegisName: "Boys_Cap_I"
-	Name: "Student Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 102
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5493
-	AegisName: "Ulle_Cap_I"
-	Name: "Ulle's Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 12
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 254
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5494
-	AegisName: "Spinx_Helm_I"
-	Name: "Sphinx Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 137
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,5; ">
-	Id: 5495
-	AegisName: "Power_Of_Thor"
-	Name: "Power Of Thor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 493
-	Script: <"
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-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5496
-	AegisName: "Dice_Hat"
-	Name: "Dice Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 494
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,4; ">
-	Id: 5497
-	AegisName: "King_Tiger_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Edgga Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 495
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5498
-	AegisName: "Wondering_Wolf_Helm"
-	Name: "Vagabond Wolf Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 490
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,5;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5499
-	AegisName: "Pizza_Hat"
-	Name: "Pizza Pie of Plenty"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 487
-	Script: <" skill SM_PROVOKE,1; ">
-	Id: 5500
-	AegisName: "Icecream_Hat"
-	Name: "Ice Cream Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 488
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		skill MG_FROSTDIVER,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5501
-	AegisName: "Pirates_Pride"
-	Name: "Pirate's Pride"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 496
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_Ninja,5;
-		bonus2 bSubRace2,RC2_Ninja,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5502
-	AegisName: "Necromencers_Hood"
-	Name: "Necromancer's Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 491
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_DARKSTRIKE,5,5,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5503
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Magic_Hat"
-	Name: "Rabbit Magic Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 497
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_FIREBOLT,1,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_COLDBOLT,1,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,1,20;
-	">
-	Id: 5504
-	AegisName: "China_Wedding_Veil"
-	Name: "RO 5th Wedding Anniversary"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 489
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 5505
-	AegisName: "Asara_Fairy_Hat"
-	Name: "Ashura Fairy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 492
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5506
-	AegisName: "Blue_Pajamas_Hat"
-	Name: "Blue Pajamas Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 501
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5507
-	AegisName: "Pink_Pajamas_Hat"
-	Name: "Pink Pajamas Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 502
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5508
-	AegisName: "Shark_Hat"
-	Name: "Shark Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 503
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5509
-	AegisName: "Sting_Hat"
-	Name: "Sting Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 10
-	ViewSprite: 504
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,1,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5510
-	AegisName: "Shower_Cap"
-	Name: "Shower Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 507
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bFlee,3;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,10;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Fish,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5511
-	AegisName: "Samambaia"
-	Name: "Samambaia"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 508
-	Script: <" bonus bSPrecovRate,8; ">
-	Id: 5512
-	AegisName: "Aquarius_Diadem"
-	Name: "Aquarius Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 509
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDef,1;
-			bonus bBaseAtk,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5513
-	AegisName: "Aquarius_Crown"
-	Name: "Aquarius Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 510
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDef,1;
-			bonus bBaseAtk,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5514
-	AegisName: "Pisces_Diadem"
-	Name: "Pisces Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 511
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDef,1;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5515
-	AegisName: "Pisces_Crown"
-	Name: "Pisces Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 512
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDef,1;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5516
-	AegisName: "Hawk_Eyes01"
-	Name: "Hawk Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 23
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5517
-	AegisName: "Hawk_Eyes02"
-	Name: "Hawk Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 23
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 5518
-	AegisName: "L_Magestic_Goat2"
-	Name: "Large Baphomet Horns"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 10
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 513
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,12;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(JobLevel*2)/7;
-	">
-	Id: 5519
-	AegisName: "Peacock_Feather"
-	Name: "Peacock Feather"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 514
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5520
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Earplug"
-	Name: "Rabbit Earmuffs"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 515
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 4;
-		bonus bMatkRate,4;
-	">
-	Id: 5521
-	AegisName: "Angry_Mouth_C"
-	Name: "Angry Snarl"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 194
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-3;
-	">
-	Id: 5522
-	AegisName: "Fanta_Zero_Lemon_Hat"
-	Name: "Fanta Zero Lemon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 516
-	Id: 5523
-	AegisName: "Sakura_Mist_Hat"
-	Name: "Sakura Mist Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 517
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 5524
-	AegisName: "Sakura_Milk_Tea_Hat"
-	Name: "Sakura Milk Tea Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 518
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5525
-	AegisName: "First_Leaf_Tea_Hat"
-	Name: "First Leaf Tea Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 519
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,80;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-	">
-	Id: 5526
-	AegisName: "Lady_Tanee_Doll"
-	Name: "Lady Tanee Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 520
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bFlee,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,513,200;
-	">
-	Id: 5527
-	AegisName: "Lunatic_Hat"
-	Name: "Lunatic Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 521
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,622,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5528
-	AegisName: "King_Frog_Hat"
-	Name: "Frog King Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 522
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 5529
-	AegisName: "Evils_Bone_Hat"
-	Name: "Frost Giant's Skull"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 523
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-		skill WZ_FROSTNOVA,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5530
-	AegisName: "Raven_Cap"
-	Name: "Raven Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 524
-	Id: 5531
-	AegisName: "B_Dragon_Hat"
-	Name: "Baby Dragon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 525
-	Id: 5532
-	AegisName: "Pirate_Dagger_J"
-	Name: "Pirate Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 327
-	Script: <" bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,1; ">
-	Id: 5533
-	AegisName: "Emperor_Wreath_J"
-	Name: "Emperor Wreath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 80
-	ViewSprite: 261
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 5534
-	AegisName: "Fox_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Fox Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 403
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5535
-	AegisName: "Side_Cap"
-	Name: "Side Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 529
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5536
-	AegisName: "Spare_Card"
-	Name: "Spare Card"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 526
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,6187,1000;
-		bonus bFlee2,10;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,617,5;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12132,30;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12130,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5537
-	AegisName: "Quati_Hat"
-	Name: "Coati Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 527
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5538
-	AegisName: "Tucan_Hat"
-	Name: "Tucan Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 528
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bCritical,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5539
-	AegisName: "Jaguar_Hat"
-	Name: "Jaguar Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 25
-	ViewSprite: 530
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		skill MC_LOUD,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5540
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SCirclet7"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 18
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5541
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SCirclet30"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 18
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5542
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SCirclet60"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 18
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5543
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SCirclet90"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 18
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5544
-	AegisName: "Time_Keeper_Hat"
-	Name: "Guardian Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 240
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5545
-	AegisName: "Aries_Diadem"
-	Name: "Aries Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 531
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDef,1;
-			bonus bVit,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5546
-	AegisName: "Aries_Crown"
-	Name: "Aries Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 532
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDef,1;
-			bonus bVit,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5547
-	AegisName: "RJC_Katusa"
-	Name: "Red Flower Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 533
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_HEAVENDRIVE,15+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R);
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,15+getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R);
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,WZ_HEAVENDRIVE,-25;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,-25;
-	">
-	Id: 5548
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Rose"
-	Name: "Rose Of Crimson"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 534
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5549
-	AegisName: "Taurus_Diadem"
-	Name: "Taurus Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 535
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDex,1;
-			bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5550
-	AegisName: "Taurus_Crown"
-	Name: "Taurus Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 536
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDex,1;
-			bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5551
-	AegisName: "Holy_Egg_Hat"
-	Name: "Sacreg Egg Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 537
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5552
-	AegisName: "Fest_Lord_Circlet"
-	Name: "Festival Grand Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 93
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5553
-	AegisName: "Fest_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Festival Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 14
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 15
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,9;
-	">
-	Id: 5554
-	AegisName: "Octopus_Hat"
-	Name: "Octopus Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 538
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_PROVOKE,5,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5555
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Cat_Hat"
-	Name: "Leaf Cat Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 539
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,3,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5556
-	AegisName: "Fur_Seal_Hat"
-	Name: "Seal Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 540
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_FROSTNOVA,1,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5557
-	AegisName: "Wild_Rose_Hat"
-	Name: "Wild Rose Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 541
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,3; ">
-	Id: 5558
-	AegisName: "Saci_Hat"
-	Name: "Luxury Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 542
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,510,RC_Plant,500; ">
-	Id: 5559
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_White_Cloth_E"
-	Name: "Piece Of White Cloth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 543
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 6;
-		bonus bMatkRate,6;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,6;
-		bonus bHealPower,6;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-20;
-		bonus bAspd,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5560
-	AegisName: "Bullock_Helm_J"
-	Name: "Horned Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 75
-	ViewSprite: 322
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bNoKnockback,0;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,-20;
-	">
-	Id: 5561
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Magic_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Rabbit Magic Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 497
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_FIREBOLT,3,10,3;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_COLDBOLT,3,10,3;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,3,10,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,1,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5562
-	AegisName: "Good_Wedding_Veil_J"
-	Name: "Love of Truth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 489
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-3;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 5563
-	AegisName: "Dolor_Hat"
-	Name: "Dolor Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 547
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_LEXAETERNA,1,15;
-	">
-	Id: 5564
-	AegisName: "Crown_Of_Deceit"
-	Name: "Crown of Deceit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 85
-	ViewSprite: 544
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 5565
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Arhat_Mask"
-	Name: "Dragon Arhat Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 545
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10; ">
-	Id: 5566
-	AegisName: "Tiger_Arhat_Mask"
-	Name: "Tiger Arhat Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 546
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2; ">
-	Id: 5567
-	AegisName: "Bright_Fury"
-	Name: "Rage Of Luster"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 548
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 2;
-		bonus bAspdRate,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5568
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Bonnet"
-	Name: "Rabbit Bonnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 549
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-3;
-	">
-	Id: 5569
-	AegisName: "Gemini_Diadem"
-	Name: "Gemini Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 550
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bMdef,7;
-			bonus bMatkRate,8;
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5570
-	AegisName: "Gemini_Crown"
-	Name: "Gemini Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 551
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDef,1;
-			bonus bMatk,15;
-			bonus bFlee,10;
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5571
-	AegisName: "Rasta_Wig"
-	Name: "Rasta Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 552
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5572
-	AegisName: "Savage_Baby_Hat"
-	Name: "Savage Babe Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 553
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 5573
-	AegisName: "Bogy_Horn"
-	Name: "Dokebi Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 554
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAddMonsterDropChainItem,ITMCHAIN_GEM;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MC_MAMMONITE,5,70;
-	">
-	Id: 5574
-	AegisName: "Pencil_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Well-Chewed Pencil"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 555
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm, 0;
-		bonus bHitRate, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 5575
-	AegisName: "Onigiri_Hat"
-	Name: "Rice Ball Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 556
-	Id: 5576
-	AegisName: "Japan_Winecup"
-	Name: "Wine Cup"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 557
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 5577
-	AegisName: "Dark_Knight_MaskB"
-	Name: "Dark Knight Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 479
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bStr,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5578
-	AegisName: "Voyage_Hat"
-	Name: "Voyage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 236
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 5579
-	AegisName: "Wanderers_Sakkat"
-	Name: "Wanderer's Sakkat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 558
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bFlee,3;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bFlee,2;
-			bonus bAgi,2;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bCritical,10;
-			bonus bAspdRate,8;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5580
-	AegisName: "Red_Beret"
-	Name: "Red Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 559
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 5581
-	AegisName: "Cancer_Diadem"
-	Name: "Cancer Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 560
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bMdef,1;
-			bonus bHealPower,3;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5582
-	AegisName: "Cancer_Crown"
-	Name: "Cancer Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 561
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDef,1;
-			bonus bBaseAtk,15;
-			bonus bFlee,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5583
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Hat"
-	Name: "Eden Group Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 12
-	ViewSprite: 465
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5584
-	AegisName: "Majestic_Evil_Horn"
-	Name: "Majestic Devil Horns"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 562
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,3;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,3,15;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,1,7;
-	">
-	Id: 5585
-	AegisName: "Rune_Hairband"
-	Name: "Rune Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 564
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,3;
-		bonus bHit,5;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,1,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5586
-	AegisName: "Mosquito_Coil"
-	Name: "Mosquito Coil"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 563
-	Id: 5587
-	AegisName: "Mosquito_Coil_1Use"
-	Name: "Mosquito Coil For 1 Use"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 563
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1627,100;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1095,20;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1160,20;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1105,20;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1097,20;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1051,20;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1053,20;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1054,20;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,1048,20;
-	">
-	Id: 5588
-	AegisName: "Leo_Crown"
-	Name: "Leo Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 565
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bDef,1;
-			bonus bFlee,10;
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,TK_SEVENWIND,4,50;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5589
-	AegisName: "Leo_Diadem"
-	Name: "Leo Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 566
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bFlee,10;
-			bonus bAspdRate,3;
-			autobonus "{ bonus bSplashRange,1; }",10,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5590
-	AegisName: "K_Poring_Cake_Cap"
-	Name: "Poring Cake Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 417
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bMaxHP,BaseLevel*2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5591
-	AegisName: "Desert_Prince"
-	Name: "Desert Prince"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 567
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5592
-	AegisName: "Sigruns_Wing"
-	Name: "Sigrun's Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 568
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief||(BaseJob==Job_Taekwon&&Class!=Job_Soul_Linker)) bonus bAspd,1;
-		else if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte||Class==Job_Ninja||Class==Job_Soul_Linker) {
-			bonus bMatk,5;
-			bonus bHealPower,2;
-		}
-		else if(BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Gunslinger) bonus bLongAtkRate,2;
-		else if(BaseJob==Job_Novice||BaseJob==Job_SuperNovice) {
-			bonus bMaxHP,120;
-			bonus bMaxSP,60;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5593
-	AegisName: "K_Rabbit_Bonnet"
-	Name: "Rabbit Bonnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 549
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,3;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-3;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,5;
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,5;
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5594
-	AegisName: "Donut_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Donut In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 569
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bHPRegenRate,1,10000;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 5595
-	AegisName: "Eye_Of_Juno"
-	Name: "Eye Of Juno"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 570
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,2; ">
-	Id: 5596
-	AegisName: "4Leaf_Clover_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Four Leaf Clover"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 571
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12245,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5597
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Chewing Gum"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 572
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5598
-	AegisName: "Virgo_Crown"
-	Name: "Virgo Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 573
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bAspdRate,1;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-			autobonus "{ bonus bDex,20; }",10,6000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5599
-	AegisName: "Virgo_Diadem"
-	Name: "Virgo Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 574
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) bonus3 bAutoSpell,MO_BALKYOUNG,1,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5600
-	AegisName: "Br_Twin_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Brazil Twin Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 575
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5601
-	AegisName: "Br_Beret"
-	Name: "Banana Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 576
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5602
-	AegisName: "Jaguar_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Jaguar Face"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 530
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 5603
-	AegisName: "RTC_Winner_Only"
-	Name: "RWC Statue(Winner)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 577
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5604
-	AegisName: "RTC_Second_Best"
-	Name: "RWC Statue(Second)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 578
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-		bonus bAspdRate,7;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5605
-	AegisName: "RTC_Third_Best"
-	Name: "RWC Statue(3rd)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 579
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5606
-	AegisName: "Campume_Hat"
-	Name: "American Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 3
-	ViewSprite: 580
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 5607
-	AegisName: "Lyria_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Lyria Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 581
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5608
-	AegisName: "Dorothy_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Dorothy Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 582
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,80;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5609
-	AegisName: "Chung_Hairband"
-	Name: "Chung Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 583
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MC_MAMMONITE,5,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5610
-	AegisName: "Ice_Wing_Ear"
-	Name: "Ice Ear Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 584
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_COLDBOLT,5,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5611
-	AegisName: "Turtle_Hat"
-	Name: "Turtle Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 585
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_DECAGI,3,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5612
-	AegisName: "F_Blue_Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "Blue Drooping Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 277
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,15; ">
-	Id: 5613
-	AegisName: "F_Flying_Angel"
-	Name: "Flapping Angel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 264
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5614
-	AegisName: "F_Smoking_Pipe_"
-	Name: "Evolved Pipe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 55
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5615
-	AegisName: "F_Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon_"
-	Name: "Evolved Pair of Red Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 169
-	Id: 5616
-	AegisName: "F_Fish_On_Head_"
-	Name: "Evolved Blue Fish"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 149
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5617
-	AegisName: "F_Hibiscus"
-	Name: "Hibiscus"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 210
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5618
-	AegisName: "F_Cat_Hat"
-	Name: "Neko Mimi"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 182
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5619
-	AegisName: "F_Bunny_Band_"
-	Name: "Evolved Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 15
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5620
-	AegisName: "F_Magestic_Goat_TW"
-	Name: "Evolved Magestic Goat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 41
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 5621
-	AegisName: "F_Sheep_Hat"
-	Name: "Sheep Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 205
-	Script: <" bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5; ">
-	Id: 5622
-	AegisName: "F_Mini_Propeller_"
-	Name: "Mini Propeller"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 270
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 5623
-	AegisName: "F_Alice_Doll"
-	Name: "Alice Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 208
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5624
-	AegisName: "F_Red_Glasses"
-	Name: "Red Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 316
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5625
-	AegisName: "F_Chick_Hat"
-	Name: "Chick Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 311
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 5626
-	AegisName: "F_White_Deviruchi_Cap"
-	Name: "Gray Deviruchi Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 64
-	ViewSprite: 272
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5627
-	AegisName: "F_Vane_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Vane Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 313
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 5628
-	AegisName: "F_Pecopeco_Hairband"
-	Name: "Pecopeco Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 3
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 314
-	Id: 5629
-	AegisName: "F_Vacation_Hat"
-	Name: "Vacation Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 315
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5630
-	AegisName: "F_Charming_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Charming Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 211
-	Id: 5631
-	AegisName: "F_Water_Lily_Crown"
-	Name: "Water Lily Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 312
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5632
-	AegisName: "F_Vanilmirth_Hat"
-	Name: "Vanilmirth Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 317
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5633
-	AegisName: "F_Drooping_Bunny_"
-	Name: "Drooping Bunny"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 249
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 5634
-	AegisName: "F_Kettle_Hat"
-	Name: "Kettle Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 318
-	Id: 5635
-	AegisName: "F_Dragon_Skull"
-	Name: "Dragon Skull"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 319
-	Id: 5636
-	AegisName: "F_Ramen_Hat"
-	Name: "Ramen Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 320
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bDex,4;
-	">
-	Id: 5637
-	AegisName: "F_Pink_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Pink Beanie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 281
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 5638
-	AegisName: "F_Puppy_Hat"
-	Name: "Puppy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 234
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 5639
-	AegisName: "F_Magic_Eyes"
-	Name: "Magic Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 209
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 5640
-	AegisName: "F_Jumping_Poring"
-	Name: "Jumping Poring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 349
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5641
-	AegisName: "F_Robo_Eye"
-	Name: "Robo Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 345
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5642
-	AegisName: "F_Yellow_Wizardry_Hat"
-	Name: "Yellow Mage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 286
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5643
-	AegisName: "F_Crescent_Helm"
-	Name: "Crescent Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 213
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5644
-	AegisName: "F_Tiger_Mask"
-	Name: "Tiger Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 181
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,3; ">
-	Id: 5645
-	AegisName: "F_Fantastic_Wig"
-	Name: "Fantastic Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 308
-	Id: 5646
-	AegisName: "F_Whisper_Mask"
-	Name: "Whisper Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 321
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5647
-	AegisName: "F_Bunny_Band_C"
-	Name: "Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 9
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 15
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 5648
-	AegisName: "F_Centimental_Flower_C"
-	Name: "Centimental Flower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 56
-	Id: 5649
-	AegisName: "F_Apple_Of_Archer_C"
-	Name: "Apple Of Archer"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 7
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 72
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,4; ">
-	Id: 5650
-	AegisName: "F_Elven_Ears_C"
-	Name: "Elven Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 73
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 5651
-	AegisName: "F_Brooch_C"
-	Name: "Brooch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,4; ">
-	Id: 5652
-	AegisName: "F_Magestic_Goat_C"
-	Name: "Magestic Goat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 41
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5653
-	AegisName: "Darkness_Helm_J"
-	Name: "Darkness Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 586
-	Id: 5654
-	AegisName: "Holy_Marching_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Holy Marching Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 587
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_ASPERSIO,2,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5655
-	AegisName: "Dark_Snake_Lord_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Dark Snake Lord Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 372
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bDex,-2;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bVariableCastrate,-50; bonus bFlee,30; }",50,5000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_SUFFRAGIUM, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 5656
-	AegisName: "Scooter_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Scooter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 588
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 5657
-	AegisName: "Antique_Pipe_J"
-	Name: "Captain's Pipe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 383
-	Id: 5658
-	AegisName: "Imp_Hat"
-	Name: "Imp Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 589
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SA_FLAMELAUNCHER,1,5; ">
-	Id: 5659
-	AegisName: "Sleepr_Hat"
-	Name: "Sleeper Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 590
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SA_SEISMICWEAPON,1,5; ">
-	Id: 5660
-	AegisName: "Gryphon_Hat"
-	Name: "Gryphon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 591
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,SA_LIGHTNINGLOADER,1,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5661
-	AegisName: "Red_Pirate_Bandana"
-	Name: "Red Pirate Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 592
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAspdRate,2;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-2;
-	">
-	Id: 5662
-	AegisName: "Libra_Crown"
-	Name: "Libra Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 593
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,3; ">
-	Id: 5663
-	AegisName: "Libra_Diadem"
-	Name: "Libra Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 594
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,3; ">
-	Id: 5664
-	AegisName: "Filir_Wing"
-	Name: "Filir's Pinions"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 595
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,2;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-2;
-	">
-	Id: 5665
-	AegisName: "Shaman_Hat"
-	Name: "Norn Feather Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 596
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5666
-	AegisName: "Golden_Crown"
-	Name: "Crown Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 597
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5667
-	AegisName: "Skull_Hood"
-	Name: "Skull Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 598
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) autobonus "{ bonus bCritical,30; bonus bHit,10; }",10,10000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 5668
-	AegisName: "Weird_Pumpkin_Hat"
-	Name: "Weird Pumpkin Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 206
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,6097,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5669
-	AegisName: "Poring_Party_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Poring Party Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 340
-	Id: 5670
-	AegisName: "Aniv_Star_Hat"
-	Name: "Anniversary Thief Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	ViewSprite: 599
-	Id: 5671
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Morocc_Minion"
-	Name: "Incarnation Of Morocc Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 600
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSPGainValue,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5672
-	AegisName: "Southern_Cross"
-	Name: "Southern Cross"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 601
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 5673
-	AegisName: "Home_Cherry_Blossom"
-	Name: "Nostalgic Sakura"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 602
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,35;
-	">
-	Id: 5674
-	AegisName: "Pig_Moneybox"
-	Name: "Piggie Bank"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 603
-	Id: 5675
-	AegisName: "Poring_Letter"
-	Name: "Poring Letter"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 604
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 5676
-	AegisName: "Scorpio_Crown"
-	Name: "Scorpio Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 605
-	Id: 5677
-	AegisName: "Scorpio_Diadem"
-	Name: "Scorpio Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 606
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 5678
-	AegisName: "Notation_Hairband"
-	Name: "Musical Note Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 607
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 5679
-	AegisName: "Engineer_Cap"
-	Name: "Engineer Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 608
-	Id: 5680
-	AegisName: "Hawkeyes"
-	Name: "Hawk Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 609
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 5681
-	AegisName: "F_Ribbon_Green"
-	Name: "Green Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 244
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5682
-	AegisName: "Triangle_Rune_Cap"
-	Name: "Triangle Rune Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 610
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 5683
-	AegisName: "Majestic_Goat_Repl"
-	Name: "Horn Of Arch Evil Model"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 41
-	Id: 5684
-	AegisName: "Jewel_Crown_Repl"
-	Name: "Luxurious Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 88
-	Id: 5685
-	AegisName: "Prontera_Army_Cap_Repl"
-	Name: "A Military Cap Of A Knight"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 48
-	Id: 5686
-	AegisName: "Feather_Bonnet_Repl"
-	Name: "A Hat With Nice Feather"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 104
-	Id: 5687
-	AegisName: "Viking_Helm_Repl"
-	Name: "Light Hornhelm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 86
-	Id: 5688
-	AegisName: "2009Love_Daddy"
-	Name: "2009 Love Dad"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 611
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,2; ">
-	Id: 5689
-	AegisName: "Queen_Ant_Diadem"
-	Name: "Ant Queen Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 75
-	ViewSprite: 612
-	Id: 5690
-	AegisName: "Red_Wing_Hat"
-	Name: "Red Wing Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	ViewSprite: 613
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() > 6) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 2;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() > 8) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 2;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5691
-	AegisName: "Catain_Bandanna"
-	Name: "Sailor's Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 542
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,20;
-	">
-	Id: 5692
-	AegisName: "Sea_Cat_Hat"
-	Name: "Sea Cat Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 539
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5693
-	AegisName: "No_Fear_Underware"
-	Name: "NoFear Underwear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 30
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5694
-	AegisName: "No_Fear_P_Headgear"
-	Name: "NoFear Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 614
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5695
-	AegisName: "E_Blue_Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "E Blue Drooping Kitty"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 277
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,15; ">
-	Id: 5696
-	AegisName: "E_Flying_Angel"
-	Name: "E Flying Angel"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 264
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5697
-	AegisName: "E_Smoking_Pipe_"
-	Name: "E Smoking Pipe "
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 55
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5698
-	AegisName: "E_Pair_OE_Red_Ribbon_"
-	Name: "E Pair OE Red Ribbon "
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 169
-	Id: 5699
-	AegisName: "E_Fish_On_Head_"
-	Name: "E Fish On Head "
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 149
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5700
-	AegisName: "E_Hibiscus"
-	Name: "E Hibiscus"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 210
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5701
-	AegisName: "E_Cat_Hat"
-	Name: "E Cat Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 182
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5702
-	AegisName: "E_Bunny_Band_"
-	Name: "E Bunny Band "
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 15
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5703
-	AegisName: "E_Magestic_Goat_TW"
-	Name: "E Magestic Goat TW"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 41
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 5704
-	AegisName: "E_Sheep_Hat"
-	Name: "E Sheep Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 205
-	Id: 5705
-	AegisName: "E_Mini_Propeller_"
-	Name: "E Mini Propeller "
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 270
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 5706
-	AegisName: "E_Alice_Doll"
-	Name: "E Alice Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 208
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5707
-	AegisName: "E_Red_Glasses"
-	Name: "E Red Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 316
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5708
-	AegisName: "E_Chick_Hat"
-	Name: "E Chick Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 311
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 5709
-	AegisName: "E_White_Deviruchi_Cap"
-	Name: "E White Deviruchi Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 64
-	ViewSprite: 272
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5710
-	AegisName: "E_Vane_Hairpin"
-	Name: "E Vane Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 313
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 5711
-	AegisName: "E_Pecopeco_Hairband"
-	Name: "E Pecopeco Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 3
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 314
-	Id: 5712
-	AegisName: "E_Vacation_Hat"
-	Name: "E Vacation Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 315
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5713
-	AegisName: "E_Charming_Ribbon"
-	Name: "E Charming Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 211
-	Id: 5714
-	AegisName: "E_Water_Lily_Crown"
-	Name: "E Water Lily Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 312
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5715
-	AegisName: "E_Vanilmirth_Hat"
-	Name: "E Vanilmirth Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 317
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5716
-	AegisName: "E_Drooping_Bunny_"
-	Name: "E Drooping Bunny "
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 249
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 5717
-	AegisName: "E_Kettle_Hat"
-	Name: "E Kettle Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 318
-	Id: 5718
-	AegisName: "E_Dragon_Skull"
-	Name: "E Dragon Skull"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 319
-	Id: 5719
-	AegisName: "E_Ramen_Hat"
-	Name: "E Ramen Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 320
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bDex,4;
-	">
-	Id: 5720
-	AegisName: "E_Pink_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "E Pink Fur Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 281
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 5721
-	AegisName: "E_Puppy_Hat"
-	Name: "E Puppy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 234
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 5722
-	AegisName: "E_Magic_Eyes"
-	Name: "E Magic Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 209
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 5723
-	AegisName: "E_Jumping_Poring"
-	Name: "E Jumping Poring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 349
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5724
-	AegisName: "E_Robo_Eye"
-	Name: "E Robo Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 345
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5725
-	AegisName: "E_Yellow_Wizardry_Hat"
-	Name: "E Yellow Wizardry Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 286
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5726
-	AegisName: "E_Crescent_Helm"
-	Name: "E Crescent Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 8
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 213
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 5727
-	AegisName: "E_Tiger_Mask"
-	Name: "E Tiger Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 181
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,3; ">
-	Id: 5728
-	AegisName: "E_Fantastic_Wig"
-	Name: "E Fantastic Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 308
-	Id: 5729
-	AegisName: "E_Bunny_Band_C"
-	Name: "E Bunny Band C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 9
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 15
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 5730
-	AegisName: "E_Centimental_Flower_C"
-	Name: "E Centimental Flower C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 56
-	Id: 5731
-	AegisName: "E_Apple_OE_Archer_C"
-	Name: "E Apple OE Archer C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 7
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 72
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,4; ">
-	Id: 5732
-	AegisName: "E_Elven_Ears_C"
-	Name: "E Elven Ears C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 73
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 5733
-	AegisName: "E_Brooch_C"
-	Name: "E Brooch C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,4; ">
-	Id: 5734
-	AegisName: "E_Magestic_Goat_C"
-	Name: "E Magestic Goat C"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 2
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 41
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 5735
-	AegisName: "E_Ribbon_Green"
-	Name: "E Ribbon Green"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	ViewSprite: 244
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5736
-	AegisName: "EF_Whisper_Mask"
-	Name: "EF Whisper Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 321
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 5737
-	AegisName: "Cactus_Hat"
-	Name: "Potted Muka Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 615
-	Script: <"
-		skill SM_PROVOKE,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5738
-	AegisName: "Snowman_Hat"
-	Name: "Snowman Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 616
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,7;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,530,100;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12354,300;
-		if(getrefine()>7) {
-			bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,BA_FROSTJOKER,5,20,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,BA_FROSTJOKER,1,20,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5739
-	AegisName: "Sagittarius_Crown"
-	Name: "Sagittarius Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 617
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,7;
-		if(getrefine()>6) bonus bAspdRate,2;
-		if(getrefine()>7) bonus bAgi,2;
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus bLongAtkRate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>9) autobonus2 "{ bonus bDex,10; bonus bAgi,10; }",3,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_WIND, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 5740
-	AegisName: "Sagittarius_Diadem"
-	Name: "Sagittarius Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 618
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,7;
-		if(getrefine()>6) bonus bVariableCastrate,-3;
-		if(getrefine()>7) bonus5 bAutoSpell,WZ_SIGHTRASHER,1,5,BF_MAGIC,0;
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus bVariableCastrate,-2;
-		if(getrefine()>9) bonus bMatkRate,4;
-	">
-	Id: 5741
-	AegisName: "Im_Egg_Shell_Hat"
-	Name: "Eternal Egg Skin Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 101
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower2,5;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,610,10;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Red_Potion,5;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Yellow_Potion,5;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Orange_Potion,5;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,White_Potion,5;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Red_Slim_Potion,5;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Yellow_Slim_Potion,5;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,White_Slim_Potion,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5742
-	AegisName: "Rudolf_Santa_Hat"
-	Name: "Rudolf Santa Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 619
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Piece_Of_Cake,100;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Well_Baked_Cookie,100;
-	">
-	Id: 5743
-	AegisName: "Orange_Stem_Hat"
-	Name: "Orange Stem Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 620
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5744
-	AegisName: "Capricorn_Crown"
-	Name: "Capricorn Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 621
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5745
-	AegisName: "Capricorn_Diadem"
-	Name: "Capricorn Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 622
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5746
-	AegisName: "Rune_Circlet"
-	Name: "Rune Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 623
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-			bonus bMatk,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5747
-	AegisName: "Mitra"
-	Name: "Mitra"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 624
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=120) {
-			bonus bMatk,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5748
-	AegisName: "Sniper_Goggle"
-	Name: "Sniper Goggle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 625
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=120) {
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,4;
-			bonus bAspd,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5749
-	AegisName: "Driver_Band"
-	Name: "Driver Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 626
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-			bonus bCritical,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5750
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Handicraft"
-	Name: "Shadow Handicraft"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rogue: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 627
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=120) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-			bonus bFlee,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5751
-	AegisName: "Minstrel_Song_Hat"
-	Name: "Maestro Song's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 628
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,4;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,MI_RUSH_WINDMILL,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5752
-	AegisName: "Midas_Whisper"
-	Name: "Midas Whisper"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 629
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,5;
-			bonus bAspd,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5753
-	AegisName: "Magic_Stone_Hat"
-	Name: "Magic Stone Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 630
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=120) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,10;
-			bonus bVariableCastrate,-2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5754
-	AegisName: "Blazing_Soul"
-	Name: "Blazing Soul"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 631
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-			bonus bHit,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5755
-	AegisName: "Silent_Executer"
-	Name: "Silent Executor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 632
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=120) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-			bonus bFlee2,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5756
-	AegisName: "Wind_Whisper"
-	Name: "Wind Whisper"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 633
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=120) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,10;
-			bonus bFlee,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5757
-	AegisName: "Schmidt_Helm"
-	Name: "Dip Schmidt Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 17
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 634
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=120) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,10;
-			bonus bDef,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5758
-	AegisName: "Dying_Swan"
-	Name: "Dying Swan"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 635
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WA_SWING_DANCE,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WA_SYMPHONY_OF_LOVER,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5759
-	AegisName: "Noah_Hat"
-	Name: "Noa's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 636
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 5760
-	AegisName: "Driver_Band_"
-	Name: "Driver Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 637
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-			bonus bCritical,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5761
-	AegisName: "Sloth_Hat"
-	Name: "Sloth Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 638
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AS_SONICBLOW,5,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5762
-	AegisName: "Duneyrr_Helm"
-	Name: "Duneyrr Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 639
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats, 1;
-		bonus bMdef, 5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_Brute, 2;
-	">
-	Id: 5763
-	AegisName: "Red_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Red Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 640
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5764
-	AegisName: "Love_Rabbit_Hood"
-	Name: "Love Rabbit Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 549
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_GLORIA,3,((readparam(bAgi)>=80)?30:10); ">
-	Id: 5765
-	AegisName: "Black_Tail_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Pitch Black Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 642
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bLongAtkDef,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5766
-	AegisName: "Amistr_Cap"
-	Name: "Amistr Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 643
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,5;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_STONESKIN,6,20;
-	">
-	Id: 5767
-	AegisName: "Samurai_Mask"
-	Name: "Samurai Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 644
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 1; ">
-	Id: 5768
-	AegisName: "Sakura_Coronet"
-	Name: "Cherry Blossom Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 645
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bMaxSP,25;
-	">
-	Id: 5769
-	AegisName: "Gold_Angel_Sculpture"
-	Name: "Estatua Peque? Angel Oro"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 646
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		skill RG_GRAFFITI,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5770
-	AegisName: "Splash_Hat"
-	Name: "Splash Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 349
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ sc_start SC_PROPERTYWIND,180000,1; }",3,180000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }"; ">
-	Id: 5771
-	AegisName: "Family_Hat"
-	Name: "Family Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 109
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,2;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,2;
-		skill PR_MAGNIFICAT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5772
-	AegisName: "Red_Navy_Hat"
-	Name: "Blood Admiral's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	ViewSprite: 651
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 10; ">
-	Id: 5773
-	AegisName: "Navy_Beret"
-	Name: "Navy Blue Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	ViewSprite: 652
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 10; ">
-	Id: 5774
-	AegisName: "Red_Pirate_Hat"
-	Name: "Scallywag's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	ViewSprite: 496
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 10; ">
-	Id: 5775
-	AegisName: "Choco_Donut_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Chocolate Donut"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 653
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 5776
-	AegisName: "Blazing_Sun"
-	Name: "Blazin Sun"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	ViewSprite: 654
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MG_FIREBOLT,-5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBOLT,5;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MG_FIREBALL,-5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBALL,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREWALL,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_METEOR,3;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5777
-	AegisName: "Remover_Hat"
-	Name: "Remover Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 655
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,713,RC_Formless,200;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,971,RC_Formless,30;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,972,RC_Formless,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5778
-	AegisName: "Blue_Arara_Hat"
-	Name: "Turkey On Your Head"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 656
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,574,500;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,574,5;
-		.@rate = min(getrefine(),10);
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,.@rate;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,.@rate;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_INCAGI,.@rate,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_INCAGI,.@rate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5779
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Boto"
-	Name: "Drooping Boto"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 657
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 5780
-	AegisName: "Tendrilion_Hat"
-	Name: "Tendrilion Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 658
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 10;
-		skill WZ_EARTHSPIKE, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 5781
-	AegisName: "Persika"
-	Name: "Persica"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 659
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bFlee,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-	">
-	Id: 5782
-	AegisName: "Hoplite_Helmet"
-	Name: "Legionaire Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 660
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5783
-	AegisName: "YellowBunny_Hairband"
-	Name: "YellowBunny Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 662
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		if (getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,2;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>9) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,2;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5784
-	AegisName: "PinkBunny_Hairband"
-	Name: "Pink Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 663
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		if (getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,2;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>9) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,2;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5785
-	AegisName: "Green_Bunny_Hairband"
-	Name: "Green Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 664
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		if (getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,2;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>9) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,2;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5786
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Elven_Ear"
-	Name: "Ancient Fairy Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 665
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-	">
-	Id: 5787
-	AegisName: "Tha_Maero_Mask"
-	Name: "Tha Maero Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 666
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5788
-	AegisName: "3D_Glasses"
-	Name: "3D Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 661
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Formless,4;
-	">
-	Id: 5789
-	AegisName: "Thanatos_Mal_Mask"
-	Name: "Thanatos Odium Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 667
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5790
-	AegisName: "Holy_Mom_Love"
-	Name: "Mother's Kindness"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 610
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,-5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,-5;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_COLDBOLT,1,20;
-	">
-	Id: 5791
-	AegisName: "Tenkaippin_Ramen"
-	Name: "Tenkaippin Ramen"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 668
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,-1;
-		bonus bDex,4;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5792
-	AegisName: "Fish_Pin"
-	Name: "Fish Pin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 669
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Fish,1; ">
-	Id: 5793
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Of_Life"
-	Name: "Life Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 575
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5794
-	AegisName: "3D_Glasses_"
-	Name: "3D Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 661
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5795
-	AegisName: "Red_Dress_Hat"
-	Name: "Bright Red Dress Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	ViewSprite: 670
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,7;
-		bonus bAtkRate,4;
-		bonus bMatkRate,4;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		if (getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,2;
-			bonus bMatkRate,2;
-			bonus bHealPower,1;
-			bonus bInt,2;
-			bonus bStr,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5796
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 369
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 5797
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf2"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf II"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 369
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 5798
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf3"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf III"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 369
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 30;
-	">
-	Id: 5799
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf4"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf IV"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 369
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 40;
-	">
-	Id: 5800
-	AegisName: "Blush_Of_Groom"
-	Name: "Blush of Groom"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 125
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5801
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Of_Bride"
-	Name: "Red Tailed Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 10
-	ViewSprite: 167
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		if(getskilllv(AL_HEAL)==10) {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,10,20;
-		}
-		else {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,5,20;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5802
-	AegisName: "Upgrade_Elephant_Hat"
-	Name: "Upgrade Elephant Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 215
-	Id: 5803
-	AegisName: "Flower_Love_Hat"
-	Name: "Love Flower Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,608,100; ">
-	Id: 5804
-	AegisName: "Pirate_Eyepatch"
-	Name: "Pirate Eye Bandage"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 13
-	Id: 5805
-	AegisName: "Victorious_Coronet"
-	Name: "Victorious Coronet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 2
-	Gender: "SEX_FEMALE"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 43
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,15;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5806
-	AegisName: "Poem_Natalia_Hat"
-	Name: "Poem Natalia Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 9
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 67
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5807
-	AegisName: "October_Fest_Cap"
-	Name: "October Fest Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 104
-	Id: 5808
-	AegisName: "Diabolus_Helmet"
-	Name: "Dark Bacilium"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 364
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,2000+(getrefine()*200);
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2000+(getrefine()*200);
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,2000+(getrefine()*200);
-	">
-	Id: 5809
-	AegisName: "Boom_Boom_Hat"
-	Name: "Boom Boom Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 216
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,5;
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 5810
-	AegisName: "Ph_D_Hat_V"
-	Name: "Ph.D Hat V"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 98
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5811
-	AegisName: "Santa_Beard"
-	Name: "Santa's Beard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 25
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,5; ">
-	Id: 5812
-	AegisName: "Hat_Of_Expert"
-	Name: "Hat Of Expert"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 16
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Bleeding,500,ATF_TARGET|ATF_SELF;
-		bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Silence,500,ATF_TARGET|ATF_SELF;
-		bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Confusion,500,ATF_TARGET|ATF_SELF;
-		bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Curse,500,ATF_TARGET|ATF_SELF;
-		bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Blind,500,ATF_TARGET|ATF_SELF;
-	">
-	Id: 5813
-	AegisName: "Red_Ph_D_Hat"
-	Name: "Red Scholar Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 500
-	ViewSprite: 481
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 5814
-	AegisName: "Ati_Atihan_Hat3"
-	Name: "Ati Atihan Hat3"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 303
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5815
-	AegisName: "Cowboy_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Classic Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 475
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,5;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,5;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5816
-	AegisName: "Classic_Hat_J"
-	Name: "New Cowboy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	ViewSprite: 411
-	Id: 5817
-	AegisName: "Valentine_Pledge"
-	Name: "Valentine's Emblem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 3
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
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-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bHealPower,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 3;
-		bonus bMatkRate,3;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bAspdRate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5818
-	AegisName: "Carnival_Hat"
-	Name: "Carnival Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 505
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,3; ">
-	Id: 5819
-	AegisName: "Carnival_Circlet"
-	Name: "Carnival Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 506
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,3; ">
-	Id: 5820
-	AegisName: "Black_Elven_Ears"
-	Name: "Black Fairy Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 498
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5821
-	AegisName: "Gold_Tulip_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Golden Tulip Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 499
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 5; ">
-	Id: 5822
-	AegisName: "Love_Chick_Hat"
-	Name: "Chicken Of Love Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 500
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,4;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,7;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,7;
-	">
-	Id: 5823
-	AegisName: "Love_Arrow"
-	Name: "Arrow Of Love"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
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-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bAgi,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5824
-	AegisName: "Fools_Day_Hat"
-	Name: "April Fool's Day Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 265
-	Id: 5825
-	AegisName: "Badge_Of_Order_Grace"
-	Name: "Knight Of Honor Badge"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,10;
-		bonus bMatkRate,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,1500;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5826
-	AegisName: "Valkyrie_Helmet"
-	Name: "Helm Of Valkyrie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 225
-	Script: <"
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-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5827
-	AegisName: "Book_File_Hat"
-	Name: "Book Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 423
-	Id: 5828
-	AegisName: "Honor_Gold_Ring"
-	Name: "Gold Ring Of Honor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 50
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5829
-	AegisName: "Ordinary_Armor"
-	Name: "Ordinary Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Id: 5830
-	AegisName: "Woe_Sahkkat"
-	Name: "Woe Sahkkat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 67
-	Id: 5831
-	AegisName: "Woe_Big_Sis_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Woe Big Sis Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 28
-	Id: 5832
-	AegisName: "Woe_Vane_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Woe Vane Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 313
-	Id: 5833
-	AegisName: "Woe_Picnic_Hat"
-	Name: "Woe Picnic Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 117
-	Id: 5834
-	AegisName: "Woe_Crown"
-	Name: "Woe Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 45
-	Id: 5835
-	AegisName: "Woe_Tiara"
-	Name: "Woe Tiara"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 19
-	Id: 5836
-	AegisName: "Woe_Boys_Cap"
-	Name: "Woe Boys Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 102
-	Id: 5837
-	AegisName: "Woe_Sunglass"
-	Name: "Woe Sunglass"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 12
-	Id: 5838
-	AegisName: "Woe_Fin_Helm"
-	Name: "Woe Fin Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 100
-	Id: 5839
-	AegisName: "Woe_Blush"
-	Name: "Woe Blush"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 125
-	Id: 5840
-	AegisName: "Woe_Elven_Ears"
-	Name: "Woe Elven Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 73
-	Id: 5841
-	AegisName: "Shaman_Hat_"
-	Name: "Shaman Hat "
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 596
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,3,BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Water,3,BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,3,BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,3,BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,3,BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,3,BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,3,BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,3,BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,3,BF_MAGIC;
-		bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,3,BF_MAGIC;
-	">
-	Id: 5842
-	AegisName: "Loyal_Ring1"
-	Name: "Loyal Ring1"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Id: 5843
-	AegisName: "Loyal_Ring2"
-	Name: "Loyal Ring2"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,2; ">
-	Id: 5844
-	AegisName: "Loyal_Ring3"
-	Name: "Loyal Ring3"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,3; ">
-	Id: 5845
-	AegisName: "Buzzy_Ball_Board"
-	Name: "Buzzy Ball Board"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 400
-	ViewSprite: 641
-	Id: 5846
-	AegisName: "Buzzy_Ball_Gum"
-	Name: "Buzzy Ball Gum"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 572
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5847
-	AegisName: "Fools_Day_Helmet"
-	Name: "Fools Day Helmet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 647
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bVit,-3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5848
-	AegisName: "Robin_Eyepatch"
-	Name: "Bandit Disguise"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 50
-	Id: 5849
-	AegisName: "Doctor_Hairband"
-	Name: "Doctor Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 60
-	Id: 5850
-	AegisName: "Golden_Savage_Hat"
-	Name: "Golden Savage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 648
-	Id: 5851
-	AegisName: "Summer_Knight"
-	Name: "Summer Knight"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 138
-	Id: 5852
-	AegisName: "Easter_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Easter Egg Shell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: -7
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 537
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,-7;
-		bonus bMdef,-7;
-		bonus2 bHPRegenRate,(MaxHp/100),10000;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) bonus bFlee,2;
-		if (getrefine() >= 9) bonus2 bSPRegenRate,(MaxSp/100),10000;
-	">
-	Id: 5855
-	AegisName: "Fish_Rod"
-	Name: "Fishing Rod"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 5856
-	AegisName: "Passion_FB_Hat"
-	Name: "Passion Soccerball Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 671
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5857
-	AegisName: "Cool_FB_Hat"
-	Name: "Cool Soccerball Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 672
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5858
-	AegisName: "Victory_FB_Hat"
-	Name: "Soccerball Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 673
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5859
-	AegisName: "Glory_FB_Hat"
-	Name: "Glorious Soccerball Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 674
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5864
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Booster"
-	Name: "Shadow Booster"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	ViewSprite: 873
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspd,1;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-1;
-	">
-	Id: 5868
-	AegisName: "Bushy_Moustache"
-	Name: "Bushy Moustache"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1004
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 5869
-	AegisName: "Mimic_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Mimic Egg Shell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 999
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stone,600;
-		bonus bSpeedRate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 5870
-	AegisName: "Bunny_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Bunny Egg Shell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 1000
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bAspd,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5871
-	AegisName: "Picky_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Picky Egg Shell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 1001
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 5873
-	AegisName: "Helmet_Of_Siegfried"
-	Name: "Helmet of Siegfried"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 1055
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Dragon,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,600,4000;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,5,20; /* Custom - IRO */
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5874
-	AegisName: "Circlet_Of_Kriemhild"
-	Name: "Circlet of Kriemhild"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 1056
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Dragon,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,400,4000;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,PR_KYRIE,5,50;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5875
-	AegisName: "Diadem_Of_Bruenhild"
-	Name: "Diadem of Brinhild"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 1057
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Dragon,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,300,4000;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,SM_ENDURE,5,50;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5881
-	AegisName: "Weissbier_Hat"
-	Name: "Weissbier Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1079
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,3;
-		bonus bDex,-10;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpell,WZ_ESTIMATION,1,800,1;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpell,MC_IDENTIFY,1,500,1;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpell,TF_PICKSTONE,1,1000,1;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpell,BS_GREED,1,100,1;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,TK_RUN,5,200,BF_SHORT,0;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,TK_HIGHJUMP,3,300,BF_SHORT,0;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NV_FIRSTAID,1,1000,BF_SHORT,0;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,TF_BACKSLIDING,1,500,BF_SHORT,0;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-			bonus bDex,-5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5890
-	AegisName: "Angel_Earing"
-	Name: "Angel Earrings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1093
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5891
-	AegisName: "Black_Cat_Hat"
-	Name: "Black Cat Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 7
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 1105
-	Script: <"
-		bonus5 bAutoSpell,DC_SCREAM,5,50,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0; /* Custom - TWRO */
-	">
-	Id: 5897
-	AegisName: "Ascendant_Crown_"
-	Name: "Ascendant Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1118
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,10;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,15;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,15;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 15;
-		bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		bonus bHit,20;
-		bonus bFlee,20;
-		bonus bCritical,20;
-		bonus bFlee2,10;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-	">
-	Id: 5898
-	AegisName: "Autumn_Headband"
-	Name: "Autumn Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1119
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,SN_WINDWALK,20;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus bAtk,2*(readparam(bInt)/5); }
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,RA_ARROWSTORM,2*(BaseLevel/10); }
-	">
-	Id: 5899
-	AegisName: "Black_Ribbon_"
-	Name: "Black Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1120
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,RK_WINDCUTTER,50;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,RK_SONICWAVE,50;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus bAtk,2*(readparam(bAgi)/5); }
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,RK_IGNITIONBREAK,30; }
-	">
-	Id: 5900
-	AegisName: "Divine_Guard_Hat_"
-	Name: "Divine Guard Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1121
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,5;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,5;
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,max(getskilllv(AL_HEAL),5),100,BF_WEAPON,0; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,LG_RAYOFGENESIS,20; }
-	">
-	Id: 5904
-	AegisName: "Inconspicuous_Hat_"
-	Name: "Inconspicuous Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rogue: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1125
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,7;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus bMatk,(readparam(bInt)/5)*2; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bMatkRate,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 5905
-	AegisName: "Lyrica_Hat_"
-	Name: "Lyrica Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1126
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM_MELEE,15;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus bFixedCastrate,-(getskilllv(BA_MUSICALLESSON)*4); }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM,10; }
-	">
-	Id: 5906
-	AegisName: "Oni_Horns"
-	Name: "Oni Horns"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1127
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GC_COUNTERSLASH,getskilllv(GC_WEAPONBLOCKING)*10;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bAtk,10;
-			bonus bHit,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus3 bAutoSpell,GC_CROSSIMPACT,1,100; }
-	">
-	Id: 5907
-	AegisName: "Sea_Captain_Hat_"
-	Name: "Sea Captain Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1128
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,NC_AXETORNADO,20;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,NC_AXEBOOMERANG,20;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,NC_AXETORNADO,getskilllv(BS_WEAPONRESEARCH); }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,NC_AXETORNADO,getskilllv(NC_TRAININGAXE); }
-	">
-	Id: 5918
-	AegisName: "Gambler_Seal"
-	Name: "Gambler Seal"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1202
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 5921
-	AegisName: "Fish_Monsters_Grill"
-	Name: "Fish Monster's Grill"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 1218
-	Id: 5932
-	AegisName: "Heaven_Cage"
-	Name: "Birdcage Of Paradise"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 1286
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus bCritical,5;
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		if (Class == Job_Ranger || Class == Job_Ranger_T) {
-			skill HT_BLITZBEAT,5*getrefine();
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5933
-	AegisName: "Crow_Tengu_Mask"
-	Name: "Crow Tengu Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	EquipLv: 80
-	ViewSprite: 1287
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,1;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,2;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=108) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,1;
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,2;
-		}
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,2;
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5934
-	AegisName: "Happy_Balloon_J"
-	Name: "Happy Balloon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1289
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,644,30; /*Custom - JRO*/
-		/*+Mistcase card, when base Luk is 77 or more, Has change to drops \'Happy Box\' when killing a monster.*/
-	">
-	Id: 5941
-	AegisName: "Joystick_Hat"
-	Name: "Joystick Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1305
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpell,BS_ADRENALINE,5,100,0;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AC_CONCENTRATION,5,100,BF_WEAPON,0;
-	">
-	Id: 5942
-	AegisName: "Lovegame_Hat"
-	Name: "Lovegame Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1306
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,DC_WINKCHARM,1,500,BF_WEAPON,1;
-	">
-	Id: 5966
-	AegisName: "KarduiEar"
-	Name: "Kardui Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 1357
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,2*(readparam(bDex)/10);
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=108) {
-			bonus bMatk,60;
-			bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-		}
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=120) {
-			bonus bMatk,40;
-			bonus bVariableCastrate,-5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5967
-	AegisName: "FlyingGalapago"
-	Name: "Flying Galapagos"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	EquipLv: 110
-	ViewSprite: 1358
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,HT_BLITZBEAT,getskilllv(HT_BLITZBEAT),(10*getskilllv(HT_BLITZBEAT))+(readparam(bLuk)/3);
-		if(getskilllv(HT_STEELCROW)>0) { skill HT_BLITZBEAT,40; }
-	">
-	Id: 5968
-	AegisName: "DVAngelNurseCap"
-	Name: "Divine Angel Nurse Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 1359
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,3;
-		bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-		if(getrefine()>4) { bonus bHealPower,3; }
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus bHealPower,3; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bHealPower,3; }
-	">
-	Id: 5969
-	AegisName: "QueenAnzRevenge"
-	Name: "Queen Anne's Revenge"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1360
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 7;
-		if (getrefine() > 4) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 2;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() > 6) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() > 8) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-			bonus bNoSizeFix,0;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 5970
-	AegisName: "RuneHelm"
-	Name: "Rune Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 1361
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,4;
-		if(BaseLevel<100) { bonus bVit,getrefine()/2; }
-		if(BaseLevel>99) { bonus bVit,getrefine(); }
-		/* Grant additional effects on Rune stone skill activation */
-	">
-//== More Etc Items ========================================
-	Id: 6000
-	AegisName: "Dark_Ashes"
-	Name: "Ashes of Darkness"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6001
-	AegisName: "Essence_Of_Fire"
-	Name: "Essence of Fire"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6002
-	AegisName: "Token_Of_Apostle"
-	Name: "Token of Apostle"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6003
-	AegisName: "Soul_Pendant"
-	Name: "Pendant of Spirit"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6004
-	AegisName: "Bapho_Doll"
-	Name: "Cursed Baphomet Doll"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6005
-	AegisName: "New_Year_Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "NewYear Ricecake"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6006
-	AegisName: "Rice_Cake_Delivery_Box"
-	Name: "Delivery Ricecake Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6007
-	AegisName: "New_Year_Rice_Cake_Soup"
-	Name: "NewYear Ricecake Soup"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6008
-	AegisName: "Wood"
-	Name: "Lumber"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6009
-	AegisName: "Large_Magical_Fan"
-	Name: "Big Fan Of Magic"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6010
-	AegisName: "Pickaxe"
-	Name: "Hoe"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6011
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_B"
-	Name: "Blue B Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6012
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_C"
-	Name: "Blue C Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6013
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_J"
-	Name: "Blue J Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6015
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_M"
-	Name: "Blue M Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6016
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_Q"
-	Name: "Blue Q Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6017
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_T"
-	Name: "Blue T Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6018
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_V"
-	Name: "Blue V Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6019
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_Z"
-	Name: "Blue Z Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6020
-	AegisName: "Fur"
-	Name: "Fur"
-	Buy: 704
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6021
-	AegisName: "Peaked_Hat"
-	Name: "Peaked Hat"
-	Buy: 433
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6022
-	AegisName: "Hard_Skin"
-	Name: "Hard Skin"
-	Buy: 884
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6023
-	AegisName: "Mystic_Horn"
-	Name: "Mystic Horn"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6024
-	AegisName: "17Carat_Dia"
-	Name: "17Carat Diamond"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 6025
-	AegisName: "Towel_Of_Memory"
-	Name: "Towel of Memory"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6026
-	AegisName: "Marriage_Covenant"
-	Name: "Written Oath Of Marriage"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6027
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Of_Feardoom"
-	Name: "Crystal Of Feardom"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6028
-	AegisName: "Seal_Scroll"
-	Name: "Sealed Scroll"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6029
-	AegisName: "Morocc_Tracing_Log"
-	Name: "Morocc Tracing Log"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6030
-	AegisName: "Glitering_PaperA"
-	Name: "Glittering Paper"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6031
-	AegisName: "Glitering_PaperB"
-	Name: "Glittering Paper"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6032
-	AegisName: "Horn_Of_Hilsrion"
-	Name: "Horn of Hillslion"
-	Buy: 567
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6033
-	AegisName: "Horn_Of_Tendrilion"
-	Name: "Horn of Tendrilion"
-	Buy: 567
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6034
-	AegisName: "Weird_Part"
-	Name: "Weird Part"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6035
-	AegisName: "Decaying_Stem"
-	Name: "Decaying Stem"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6036
-	AegisName: "Invite_To_Meeting"
-	Name: "Meeting Invitation"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6037
-	AegisName: "Rough_File"
-	Name: "Messy File"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6038
-	AegisName: "Neat_Report"
-	Name: "Neat Report"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6039
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Fish"
-	Name: "Piece of Fish"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6040
-	AegisName: "Some_Of_Report"
-	Name: "Part of a Report"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6041
-	AegisName: "Strong_Bine"
-	Name: "Strong Vine"
-	Buy: 30
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 6042
-	AegisName: "Ordinary_Branch"
-	Name: "Ordinary Branch"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6043
-	AegisName: "Letter_From_Lugen"
-	Name: "Letter from Lugen"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6044
-	AegisName: "Letter_From_Otto"
-	Name: "Letter from Otto"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6045
-	AegisName: "Supply_Box"
-	Name: "Supply Box"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6046
-	AegisName: "Clothing_Dye_Coupon"
-	Name: "New Clothing Dye Coupon"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "SetPalete",1; ">
-	Id: 6047
-	AegisName: "Clothing_Dye_Coupon2"
-	Name: "Original Clothing Dye Coupon"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "SetPalete",2; ">
-	Id: 6048
-	AegisName: "Unidentified_Mineral"
-	Name: "Unidentified Mineral"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6049
-	AegisName: "Marlin"
-	Name: "Marlin"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6050
-	AegisName: "Mercenary_Contract"
-	Name: "Mercenary Contract"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6051
-	AegisName: "Gray_Hollow"
-	Name: "Gray Hollow"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6052
-	AegisName: "Ornamental_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Ornament Hairpin"
-	Buy: 1
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6053
-	AegisName: "Yuanbao"
-	Name: "Circle Step"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 6054
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_6"
-	Name: "Number 6 Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6055
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_Annyver"
-	Name: "Character Week Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6056
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_Sary"
-	Name: "Character Year Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6057
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_E"
-	Name: "Character Lee Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6058
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_Ven"
-	Name: "Character Ben Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6059
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_Nt"
-	Name: "Character Project Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6060
-	AegisName: "Moon_Admin_Ticket"
-	Name: "Month Viewing Ticket"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6061
-	AegisName: "Plantain"
-	Name: "Blood Beginner"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 6062
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake15"
-	Name: "Letter Moon Cake"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6063
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake16"
-	Name: "Letter Moon Cake"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6064
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake17"
-	Name: "Letter Moon Cake"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6065
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake18"
-	Name: "Letter Moon Cake"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6066
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake19"
-	Name: "Letter Moon Cake"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6067
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake20"
-	Name: "Letter Moon Cake"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6068
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Skin"
-	Name: "Leather Rabbit"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6069
-	AegisName: "ABUNDANCE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6070
-	AegisName: "Shamans_Old_Paper"
-	Name: "Shaman's Document"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6071
-	AegisName: "Broken_Sword"
-	Name: "Broken Sword"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6072
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Bizofnil"
-	Name: "Bijofnil Feather"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6073
-	AegisName: "Dragons_Mane"
-	Name: "Dragon's Mane"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6074
-	AegisName: "Bazetts_Order"
-	Name: "Bazett's Order"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6075
-	AegisName: "Crystalized_Teardrop"
-	Name: "Crystalized Teardrop"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6076
-	AegisName: "Portable_Toolbox"
-	Name: "Portable Toolbox"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6077
-	AegisName: "Rough_Mineral"
-	Name: "Rough Mineral"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6078
-	AegisName: "Stone_Fragments"
-	Name: "Stone Fragment"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6079
-	AegisName: "Flower_Of_Alfheim"
-	Name: "Flower Of Alfheim"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6080
-	AegisName: "Manuk_Coin"
-	Name: "Manuk Coin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6081
-	AegisName: "Splendide_Coin"
-	Name: "Splendide Coin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6082
-	AegisName: "Spirit_Of_Alfheim"
-	Name: "Spirit Of Alfheim"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6083
-	AegisName: "Dolly_Capsule"
-	Name: "Capsule Dolls"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6084
-	AegisName: "Bradium_Fragments"
-	Name: "Bradium Fragments"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6085
-	AegisName: "Shaggy_Muffler"
-	Name: "Shaggy Muffler"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6086
-	AegisName: "Withered_Flower"
-	Name: "Withered Flower"
-	Buy: 890
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6087
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Of_Soul_01"
-	Name: "Spiritual Crystal"
-	Buy: 1050
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6088
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Of_Soul_02"
-	Name: "Spiritual Crystal"
-	Buy: 1050
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6089
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Darkness"
-	Name: "Dark Piece"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6090
-	AegisName: "Purified_Bradium"
-	Name: "Refined Bradium"
-	Buy: 1100
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6091
-	AegisName: "Dark_Red_Scale"
-	Name: "Darkred Scale Piece"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6092
-	AegisName: "Singing_Crystal_Piece"
-	Name: "Piece Of Singing Crystal"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6093
-	AegisName: "Egg_Of_Draco"
-	Name: "Draco's Egg"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6094
-	AegisName: "Traditional_Cookie"
-	Name: "Traditional Cookie"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6095
-	AegisName: "Flavored_Alcohol"
-	Name: "Flavored Alcohol"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6096
-	AegisName: "Fish_With_Blue_Back"
-	Name: "Fish With Blue Back"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6097
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Pie_"
-	Name: "Pumpkin Pie"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6098
-	AegisName: "Small_Snow_Flower"
-	Name: "Small Snow Flower"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6099
-	AegisName: "Grilled_Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "Grilled Rice Cake"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6100
-	AegisName: "Damp_Darkness"
-	Name: "Damp Darkness"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6101
-	AegisName: "Attendance_Card"
-	Name: "Attendance Card"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6102
-	AegisName: "Report_On_Splendide"
-	Name: "Report On Splendide"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6103
-	AegisName: "Report_On_Manuk"
-	Name: "Report On Manuk"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6104
-	AegisName: "Big_Cell"
-	Name: "Big Cell"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6105
-	AegisName: "Morning_Dew"
-	Name: "Morning Dew"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6106
-	AegisName: "Well_Ripened_Berry"
-	Name: "Well Ripened Berry"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6107
-	AegisName: "Sunset_On_The_Rock"
-	Name: "Sunset On The Rock"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6108
-	AegisName: "Apple_Pudding"
-	Name: "Apple Pudding"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6109
-	AegisName: "Plant_Neutrient"
-	Name: "Plant Neutrient"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6110
-	AegisName: "Vital_Flower"
-	Name: "Yellow Vital Flower"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6111
-	AegisName: "Mystic_Stone"
-	Name: "Mystic Stone"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6112
-	AegisName: "Fresh_Plant"
-	Name: "Fresh Plant"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6113
-	AegisName: "Vital_Flower_"
-	Name: "Blue Vital Flower"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6114
-	AegisName: "Flame_Gemstone"
-	Name: "Flame Gemstone"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6115
-	AegisName: "Bun_"
-	Name: "Bun"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6116
-	AegisName: "Succu_Pet_Coupon"
-	Name: "Succubus Pet Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6117
-	AegisName: "Imp_Pet_Coupon"
-	Name: "Imp Pet Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6118
-	AegisName: "Chung_E_Pet_Coupon"
-	Name: "Chung E Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6119
-	AegisName: "Natural_Leather"
-	Name: "Cow Leather"
-	Id: 6120
-	AegisName: "Face_Paint"
-	Name: "Face Paint"
-	Buy: 150
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6121
-	AegisName: "Makeover_Brush"
-	Name: "Makeover Brush"
-	Buy: 12
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6122
-	AegisName: "Paint_Brush"
-	Name: "Paint Brush"
-	Buy: 12
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6123
-	AegisName: "Surface_Paint"
-	Name: "Surface Paint"
-	Buy: 250
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6124
-	AegisName: "Wolfs_Flute"
-	Name: "Wolf Flute"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6125
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Box"
-	Name: "Bunny Box"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6126
-	AegisName: "Happy_Box"
-	Name: "Summer Happy Box"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6127
-	AegisName: "Purification_Stone"
-	Name: "Purification Stone"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6128
-	AegisName: "Guillotine_Antidote"
-	Name: "Antidote"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6129
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Nightmare"
-	Name: "Nightmare Terror Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6130
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Loli_Ruri"
-	Name: "Ticket Loli Ruri"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6131
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Goblin_Leader"
-	Name: "Goblin Leader Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6132
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Incubus"
-	Name: "Incubus Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6133
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Miyabi_Ningyo"
-	Name: "Miyabi Ningyo Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6134
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Whisper"
-	Name: "Giant Whisper Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6135
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Wicked_Nymph"
-	Name: "Evil Nymph Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6136
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Medusa"
-	Name: "Medusa Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6137
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Stoneshooter"
-	Name: "Stone Shooter Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6138
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Marionette"
-	Name: "Marionette Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6139
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Leafcat"
-	Name: "Leaf Cat Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6140
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Dullahan"
-	Name: "Dullahan Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6141
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Shinobi"
-	Name: "Shinobi Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6142
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Golem"
-	Name: "Golem Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6143
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Civil_Servant"
-	Name: "Civil Servant Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6144
-	AegisName: "Heartbroken_Tears"
-	Name: "Regrettable Tears"
-	Buy: 1250
-	Weight: 2
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6145
-	AegisName: "Vulcan_Bullet"
-	Name: "Vulcan Bullet"
-	Buy: 12
-	Weight: 2
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6146
-	AegisName: "Magic_Gear_Fuel"
-	Name: "Magic Gear Fuel"
-	Buy: 375
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6147
-	AegisName: "Liquid_Condensed_Bullet"
-	Name: "Liquid Condensed Bullet"
-	Buy: 125
-	Weight: 3
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6148
-	AegisName: "Chocolate_Of_Eternity"
-	Name: "Eternity Of Chocolate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6149
-	AegisName: "Plain_Chocolate"
-	Name: "Simple Chocolate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6150
-	AegisName: "Key_Of_The_Mansion"
-	Name: "Mansion Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6151
-	AegisName: "Peice_Of_Great_Bradium"
-	Name: "Giant Bradium Fragment"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6152
-	AegisName: "Glittering_Crystal"
-	Name: "Glittering Crystal"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6153
-	AegisName: "Special_Exchange_Coupon"
-	Name: "Special Exchange Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6154
-	AegisName: "Broken_Horn_Pipe"
-	Name: "Broken Horn Pipe"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6155
-	AegisName: "Coke_Membership_Card"
-	Name: "Member Card"
-	Id: 6156
-	AegisName: "Approval_Report"
-	Name: "A Report To Be Approved"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6157
-	AegisName: "Poring_Ticket"
-	Name: "Festa Gold Medal"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6158
-	AegisName: "Drops_Ticket"
-	Name: "Vote 2"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6159
-	AegisName: "Poporing_Ticket"
-	Name: "Poporing Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6160
-	AegisName: "Lunatic_Ticket"
-	Name: "Lunatic Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6161
-	AegisName: "Picky_Ticket"
-	Name: "Picky Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6162
-	AegisName: "Pecopeco_Ticket"
-	Name: "Peco Peco Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6163
-	AegisName: "Savage_Baby_Ticket"
-	Name: "Savage Babe Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6164
-	AegisName: "Spore_Ticket"
-	Name: "Spore Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6165
-	AegisName: "Poison_Spore_Ticket"
-	Name: "Poison Spore Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6166
-	AegisName: "Chonchon_Ticket"
-	Name: "Chonchon Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6167
-	AegisName: "Steel_Chonchon_Ticket"
-	Name: "Steel Chonchon Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6168
-	AegisName: "Petit_Ticket"
-	Name: "Sky Petite Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6169
-	AegisName: "Deviruchi_Ticket"
-	Name: "Deviruchi Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6170
-	AegisName: "Isis_Ticket"
-	Name: "Isis Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6171
-	AegisName: "Smokie_Ticket"
-	Name: "Smokie Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6172
-	AegisName: "Dokebi_Ticket"
-	Name: "Dokebi Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6173
-	AegisName: "Desert_Wolf_B_Ticket"
-	Name: "Baby Desert Wolf Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6174
-	AegisName: "Yoyo_Ticket"
-	Name: "Yoyo Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6175
-	AegisName: "Sohee_Ticket"
-	Name: "Sohee Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6176
-	AegisName: "Rocker_Ticket"
-	Name: "Rocker Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6177
-	AegisName: "Hunter_Fly_Ticket"
-	Name: "Hunter Fly Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6178
-	AegisName: "Orc_Warrior_Ticket"
-	Name: "Orc Warrior Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6179
-	AegisName: "Bapho_Jr_Ticket"
-	Name: "Bapho Jr. Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6180
-	AegisName: "Munak_Ticket"
-	Name: "Munak Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6181
-	AegisName: "Bongun_Ticket"
-	Name: "Bongun Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6182
-	AegisName: "Goblin_Ticket"
-	Name: "Christmas Goblin Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6183
-	AegisName: "Hardtack_Ticket"
-	Name: "Rice Cake Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6184
-	AegisName: "Zherlthsh_Ticket"
-	Name: "Zherlthsh Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6185
-	AegisName: "Alice_Ticket"
-	Name: "Alice Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6186
-	AegisName: "Monkey_Wrench"
-	Name: "Monkey Wrench"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6187
-	AegisName: "Blank_Card"
-	Name: "Blank Card"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6188
-	AegisName: "Slot_Coupon"
-	Name: "Slotting Advertisement"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6189
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_FB"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Fire Bolt)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6190
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_CB"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Cold Bolt)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6191
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_LB"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Lightning Bolt)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6192
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_SG"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Storm Gust)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6193
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_LOV"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Lord Of Vermilion)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6194
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_MS"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Meteor Storm)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6195
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_CM"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Comet)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6196
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_TV"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Tetra Vortex)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6197
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_TS"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Thunder Storm)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6198
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_JT"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Jupitel Thunder)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6199
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_WB"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Water Ball)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6200
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_HD"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Heaven's Drive)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6201
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_ES"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Earth Spike)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6202
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_ES_"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Earth Strain)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6203
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_CL"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Chain Lightning)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6204
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_CR"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Crimson Rock)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6205
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book_DL"
-	Name: "Spell Book(Drain Life)"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6206
-	AegisName: "I_Love_You"
-	Name: "I Love You"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6207
-	AegisName: "Thank_You"
-	Name: "Thanks"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6208
-	AegisName: "I_Respect_You"
-	Name: "Respect"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6209
-	AegisName: "Glory_Of_Knights"
-	Name: "Knight Of Honor"
-	Id: 6210
-	AegisName: "Seed_Of_Horny_Plant"
-	Name: "Thorn Plant Seed"
-	Buy: 750
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6211
-	AegisName: "Bloodsuck_Plant_Seed"
-	Name: "Blood Sucker Plant Seed"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6212
-	AegisName: "Bomb_Mushroom_Spore"
-	Name: "Bomb Mushroom Spore"
-	Buy: 1250
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6213
-	AegisName: "Explosive_Powder"
-	Name: "Explosive Powder"
-	Buy: 625
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6214
-	AegisName: "Smoke_Powder"
-	Name: "Smoke Powder"
-	Buy: 625
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6215
-	AegisName: "Tear_Gas"
-	Name: "Tear Gas"
-	Buy: 625
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6216
-	AegisName: "Oil_Bottle"
-	Name: "Oil Bottle"
-	Buy: 1250
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6217
-	AegisName: "Mandragora_Flowerpot"
-	Name: "Mandragora Flowerpot"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6218
-	AegisName: "Disin_Delivery_Box"
-	Name: "Dieshin's Delivery Box"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6219
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Mark"
-	Name: "Eden Group Mark"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6220
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Dyestuff"
-	Name: "Mysterious Dyestuffs"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6221
-	AegisName: "Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball"
-	Name: "Mystic Hydra Ball"
-	Id: 6222
-	AegisName: "Shining_Beads"
-	Name: "Shining Beads"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6223
-	AegisName: "Carnium"
-	Name: "Carnium"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6224
-	AegisName: "Bradium"
-	Name: "Bradium"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6225
-	AegisName: "HD_Carnium"
-	Name: "HD Carnium"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6226
-	AegisName: "HD_Bradium"
-	Name: "HD Bradium"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6228
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Weapon_9Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 9 Weapon Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6229
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Weapon_8Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 8 Weapon Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6230
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Weapon_7Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 7 Weapon Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6231
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Weapon_6Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 6 Weapon Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6232
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Armor_9Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 9 Body Armor Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6233
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Armor_8Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 8 Body Armor Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6234
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Armor_7Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 7 Body Armor Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6235
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Armor_6Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 7 Headgear Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6236
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_7"
-	Name: "Blue 7 Card"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6237
-	AegisName: "Guarana_Fruit"
-	Name: "Guarana Fruit"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6238
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Weapon_11Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 11 Weapon Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6239
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Armor_11Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 11 Armor Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6240
-	AegisName: "HD_Oridecon"
-	Name: "HD Oridecon"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6241
-	AegisName: "HD_Elunium"
-	Name: "HD Elunium"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6242
-	AegisName: "Midgard_Coin"
-	Name: "Midgard Coin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 6243
-	AegisName: "Exchange_Coupon"
-	Name: "WPS Point Token"
-	Id: 6244
-	AegisName: "Gun_Powder"
-	Name: "Gun Powder"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6245
-	AegisName: "Black_Powder"
-	Name: "Black Powder"
-	Buy: 125
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6246
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Powder"
-	Name: "Yellow Powder"
-	Buy: 125
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6247
-	AegisName: "White_Powder"
-	Name: "White Powder"
-	Buy: 125
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6248
-	AegisName: "Melange_Pot"
-	Name: "Melange Pot"
-	Buy: 750
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6249
-	AegisName: "Savage_Meat"
-	Name: "Savage Meat"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6250
-	AegisName: "Cooking_Skewer"
-	Name: "Cooking Skewer"
-	Buy: 375
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6251
-	AegisName: "Black_Charcoal"
-	Name: "Black Charcoal"
-	Buy: 375
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6252
-	AegisName: "Wolf_Blood"
-	Name: "Blood Of Wolf"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6253
-	AegisName: "Cold_Ice"
-	Name: "Cold Ice"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6254
-	AegisName: "Beef_Head_Meat"
-	Name: "Beef Head"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6255
-	AegisName: "Large_Cookpot"
-	Name: "Large Cookpot"
-	Buy: 625
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6256
-	AegisName: "Ice_Fragment"
-	Name: "Ice Piece"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6257
-	AegisName: "Ice_Crystal"
-	Name: "Ice Crystal"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6258
-	AegisName: "Comodo_Tropic_Fruit"
-	Name: "Comodo Tropical Fruit"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6259
-	AegisName: "Drocera_Tentacle"
-	Name: "Drosera Tentacle"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6260
-	AegisName: "Petti_Tail"
-	Name: "Petite's Tail"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6261
-	AegisName: "Fine_Noodle"
-	Name: "Fine Noodle"
-	Buy: 625
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6262
-	AegisName: "Cool_Gravy"
-	Name: "Cool Gravy"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6263
-	AegisName: "Coconut_Fruit"
-	Name: "Coconut Fruit"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6264
-	AegisName: "Melon"
-	Name: "Melon"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6265
-	AegisName: "Pineapple"
-	Name: "Pineapple"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6266
-	AegisName: "Cheat_Key"
-	Name: "Key Of Deception"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6267
-	AegisName: "Virtual_Key"
-	Name: "Key Of Illusion"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6268
-	AegisName: "Mirth_Key"
-	Name: "Key Of Pleasure"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6269
-	AegisName: "Master_Brush"
-	Name: "A Master's Brush"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6270
-	AegisName: "Mins_Picture"
-	Name: "A Picture Of Maestro Song"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6271
-	AegisName: "Mins_Receipt"
-	Name: "Receipt"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6272
-	AegisName: "Experiment_Seed"
-	Name: "Seed For Experiemnt"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6273
-	AegisName: "Altered_Seed"
-	Name: "Seed For Experiemnt"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6274
-	AegisName: "Saint_Cloth_Piece"
-	Name: "Saint's Clothing Piece"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6275
-	AegisName: "King_Shield"
-	Name: "King's Shield"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6276
-	AegisName: "Clear_Reagent"
-	Name: "Clear Reagent"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6277
-	AegisName: "Red_Reagent"
-	Name: "Red Reagent"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6278
-	AegisName: "Black_Reagent"
-	Name: "Black Reagent"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6279
-	AegisName: "Apple_Bomb_CB"
-	Name: "How To Make An Apple Bomb"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6280
-	AegisName: "Pinepple_Bomb_CB"
-	Name: "How To Make A Pineapple Bomb"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6281
-	AegisName: "Coconut_Bomb_CB"
-	Name: "How To Make A Coconut Fruit Bomb"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6282
-	AegisName: "Melon_Bomb_CB"
-	Name: "How To Make A Melon Bomb"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6283
-	AegisName: "Banana_Bomb_CB"
-	Name: "How To Make A Banana Bomb"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6284
-	AegisName: "Plant_Genetic_Grow"
-	Name: "How To Grow Plant Genes"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6285
-	AegisName: "Quality_Potion_Book"
-	Name: "How To Make High Quality Potion"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6286
-	AegisName: "F_Max_Weight_Up_Scroll"
-	Name: "Gym Pass"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6287
-	AegisName: "F_Clothing_Dye_Coupon"
-	Name: "Omni Clothing Dye"
-	Id: 6288
-	AegisName: "F_Happy_Box"
-	Name: "Summer Happy Box"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 6289
-	AegisName: "F_Mysterious_Dyestuff"
-	Name: "Mysterious Dyestuffs"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6290
-	AegisName: "F_New_Style_Coupon"
-	Name: "Hairstyle Coupon"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6291
-	AegisName: "F_Enriched_Elunium"
-	Name: "Enriched Elunium"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6292
-	AegisName: "F_Enriched_Oridecon"
-	Name: "Enriched Oridecon"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6293
-	AegisName: "F_Token_Of_Siegfried"
-	Name: "Token Of Siegfried"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6294
-	AegisName: "F_Marriage_Covenant"
-	Name: "Marriage Covenant"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6295
-	AegisName: "F_Clothing_Dye_Coupon2"
-	Name: "Original Clothing Dye Coupon"
-	Id: 6296
-	AegisName: "RF_Taining_Notice"
-	Name: "RF Taining Notice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6297
-	AegisName: "Bottle_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Bottle Throw"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6298
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Head_Crushed"
-	Name: "Crushed Pumpkin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6299
-	AegisName: "Worn_Cloth_Piece"
-	Name: "Worn Fabric"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6300
-	AegisName: "J_7Draw"
-	Name: "J 7Draw"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6301
-	AegisName: "J_Semi_Draw"
-	Name: "J Semi Draw"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6302
-	AegisName: "GM_Handwriting"
-	Name: "GM Max Bond"
-	Buy: 20004
-	Id: 6303
-	AegisName: "Changed_Hydra_Ball"
-	Name: "Changed Hydra Ball"
-	Id: 6304
-	AegisName: "Sapa_Feat_Cert"
-	Name: "Sapha Certification"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6305
-	AegisName: "Frozen_Skin_Piece"
-	Name: "Frozen Piece of Skin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6306
-	AegisName: "Solid_Bloodstain"
-	Name: "Clotted Bloodstain"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6307
-	AegisName: "Suspicious_Magic_Stone"
-	Name: "Strange Magic Stone"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6308
-	AegisName: "Unidentified_Relic"
-	Name: "Unknown Relic"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
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-	}
-	Id: 6309
-	AegisName: "E_Max_Weight_Up_Scroll"
-	Name: "E Max Weight Up Scroll"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6310
-	AegisName: "E_Cloth_Dye_Coupon"
-	Name: "E Cloth Dye Coupon"
-	Id: 6311
-	AegisName: "E_Happy_Box"
-	Name: "E Happy Box"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 6312
-	AegisName: "E_Mysterious_Dyestuff"
-	Name: "E Mysterious Dyestuff"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6313
-	AegisName: "E_New_Style_Coupon"
-	Name: "E New Style Coupon"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6314
-	AegisName: "E_Enriched_Elunium"
-	Name: "E Enriched Elunium"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6315
-	AegisName: "E_Enriched_Oridecon"
-	Name: "E Enriched Oridecon"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6316
-	AegisName: "E_Token_Of_Siegfried"
-	Name: "E Token Of Siegfried"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6317
-	AegisName: "E_Marriage_Covenant"
-	Name: "E Marriage Covenant"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6318
-	AegisName: "E_Cloth_Dye_Coupon2"
-	Name: "E Cloth Dye Coupon2"
-	Id: 6319
-	AegisName: "Small_Bradium"
-	Name: "Small Bradium"
-	Buy: 324
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6320
-	AegisName: "Premium_Reset_Stone"
-	Name: "Magical Stone"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6321
-	AegisName: "Rakehorn_Helm"
-	Name: "Rake Horn Helm"
-	Buy: 822
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6322
-	AegisName: "Antler_Helm"
-	Name: "Antler Helm"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6323
-	AegisName: "Twinhorn_Helm"
-	Name: "Twin Horn Helm"
-	Buy: 728
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6324
-	AegisName: "Singlehorn_Helm"
-	Name: "Single Horn Helm"
-	Buy: 702
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6325
-	AegisName: "White_Spider_Limb"
-	Name: "White Spider Limb"
-	Buy: 1004
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6326
-	AegisName: "Queen_Wing_Piece"
-	Name: "Piece of Queen's Wing"
-	Buy: 1630
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6327
-	AegisName: "Lmtd_HD_Bradium"
-	Name: "Limited HD Bradium"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6328
-	AegisName: "Calender_January"
-	Name: "January Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6329
-	AegisName: "Calender_February"
-	Name: "February Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6330
-	AegisName: "Calender_March"
-	Name: "March Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6331
-	AegisName: "Calender_April"
-	Name: "April Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6332
-	AegisName: "Calender_May"
-	Name: "May Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6333
-	AegisName: "Calender_June"
-	Name: "June Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6334
-	AegisName: "Calender_July"
-	Name: "July Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6335
-	AegisName: "Calender_August"
-	Name: "August Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6336
-	AegisName: "Calender_September"
-	Name: "September Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6337
-	AegisName: "Calender_October"
-	Name: "October Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6338
-	AegisName: "Calender_November"
-	Name: "November Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6339
-	AegisName: "Calender_December"
-	Name: "December Calendar"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6340
-	AegisName: "Fade_Notation_Green"
-	Name: "Faded Music(Green)"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6341
-	AegisName: "Fade_Notation_Red"
-	Name: "Faded Music(Red)"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6342
-	AegisName: "Fade_Notation_Purple"
-	Name: "Faded Music(Purple)"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6343
-	AegisName: "Fade_Notation_Blue"
-	Name: "Faded Music(Blue)"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6344
-	AegisName: "Muscle_Story"
-	Name: "Muscle Story"
-	Id: 6345
-	AegisName: "Love_Ball"
-	Name: "Love Lump"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6346
-	AegisName: "Seagate_Mark"
-	Name: "Seagate Mark"
-	Id: 6347
-	AegisName: "Bless_Word_Paper1"
-	Name: "Bless Word Paper1"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6348
-	AegisName: "Bless_Word_Paper2"
-	Name: "Bless Word Paper2"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6349
-	AegisName: "Bless_Word_Paper3"
-	Name: "Bless Word Paper3"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6350
-	AegisName: "Bless_Word_Paper4"
-	Name: "Bless Word Paper4"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6351
-	AegisName: "Bless_Word_Paper5"
-	Name: "Bless Word Paper5"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6352
-	AegisName: "Bless_Word_Paper6"
-	Name: "Bless Word Paper6"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6353
-	AegisName: "Bless_Word_Paper7"
-	Name: "Bless Word Paper7"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6354
-	AegisName: "Bless_Word_Paper8"
-	Name: "Bless Word Paper8"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6355
-	AegisName: "Bless_Word_Paper9"
-	Name: "Bless Word Paper9"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6356
-	AegisName: "Bless_Word_Paper10"
-	Name: "Bless Word Paper10"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6357
-	AegisName: "Fortune_Cookie_Fail"
-	Name: "Fortune Cookie Fail"
-	Buy: 4020
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6358
-	AegisName: "Free_Cash_Coupon"
-	Name: "Free Cash Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6359
-	AegisName: "Guidebook_Exchange"
-	Name: "Guidebook Exchange"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6360
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Pts"
-	Name: "Scarlet Point"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 5
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6361
-	AegisName: "Indigo_Pts"
-	Name: "Indigo Point"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 5
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6362
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Wish_Pts"
-	Name: "Yellow Wish Point"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 5
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6363
-	AegisName: "Lime_Green_Pts"
-	Name: "Lime Green Point"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 5
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6369
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Bead_A"
-	Name: "Amatsu Bead A"
-	Id: 6370
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Bead_Ma"
-	Name: "Amatsu Bead Ma"
-	Id: 6371
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Bead_Tsu"
-	Name: "Amatsu Bead Tsu"
-	Id: 6372
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Bead_Jam"
-	Name: "Amatsu Bead Jam"
-	Id: 6373
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Bead_Bo"
-	Name: "Amatsu Bead Bo"
-	Id: 6374
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Bead_Ree"
-	Name: "Amatsu Bead Ree"
-	Id: 6375
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Bead_"
-	Name: "Amatsu Bead !"
-	Id: 6376
-	AegisName: "KVM_Badge"
-	Name: "KVM Badge"
-	Id: 6377
-	AegisName: "Buy_Market_Permit"
-	Name: "Bulk Buyer Shop License"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6378
-	AegisName: "Winning_Mark"
-	Name: "Token Of Victory War"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6379
-	AegisName: "Card_Coin"
-	Name: "Card Coin"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6380
-	AegisName: "Mora_Coin"
-	Name: "Mora Coin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6381
-	AegisName: "Field_Shovel"
-	Name: "Field Shovel"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6382
-	AegisName: "Urn"
-	Name: "Urn"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6383
-	AegisName: "Clue_Of_Lope"
-	Name: "Lope's Clue"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6384
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Lope"
-	Name: "Lope's Ring"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6385
-	AegisName: "Research_Tool_Bag"
-	Name: "Research Tool Bag"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6386
-	AegisName: "Bathtub_R_Sample"
-	Name: "Bath Water Sample"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6387
-	AegisName: "Teeth_Sample"
-	Name: "Teeth Sample"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6388
-	AegisName: "Scale_Sample"
-	Name: "Scale Sample"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6389
-	AegisName: "Puddle_R_Sample"
-	Name: "Sample of Puddle Research"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6390
-	AegisName: "Small_Pocket"
-	Name: "Small Pocket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6391
-	AegisName: "Splendid_Supply_Kit"
-	Name: "Splendid Supply Kit"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6392
-	AegisName: "Bradium_Box"
-	Name: "Bradium Box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6393
-	AegisName: "Round_Feather"
-	Name: "Round Feather"
-	Buy: 700
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6394
-	AegisName: "Golden_Feather"
-	Name: "Golden Feather"
-	Buy: 650
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6395
-	AegisName: "Angel_Magic_Power"
-	Name: "Angel Magic Power"
-	Buy: 820
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6396
-	AegisName: "Auger_Of_Spirit"
-	Name: "Spiritual Auger"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6397
-	AegisName: "PR_Team_Ticket"
-	Name: "Tickets Public Relations"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6398
-	AegisName: "Develop_Team_Ticket"
-	Name: "Development Team's ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6399
-	AegisName: "Marketing_Team_Ticket"
-	Name: "Tickets Marketing"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6400
-	AegisName: "Operating_Team_Ticket"
-	Name: "Operation Team's Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6401
-	AegisName: "Palm_O"
-	Name: "Palm Oils"
-	Weight: 500
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6402
-	AegisName: "Oil_Palm_F"
-	Name: "Palm Oil Fruit"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6403
-	AegisName: "Comodo_L"
-	Name: "Comodo Leather"
-	Buy: 5
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6404
-	AegisName: "Caress_H"
-	Name: "Keris Hilt"
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 6405
-	AegisName: "Cendrawasih_F"
-	Name: "Cendrawasih Feather"
-	Buy: 3
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6406
-	AegisName: "Cendrawasih_SF"
-	Name: "Shining Cendrawasih Feather"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 6407
-	AegisName: "Sang_Stone_Fragment"
-	Name: "Sang Stone Fragment"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 6408
-	AegisName: "Sang_Stone"
-	Name: "Sang Stone"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6409
-	AegisName: "Sang_Stone_Mass"
-	Name: "Sang Stone Mass"
-	Buy: 30
-	Id: 6410
-	AegisName: "Idul_Fitri_Card"
-	Name: "Idul Fitri Card"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6411
-	AegisName: "Ripe_Watermelon"
-	Name: "Ripe Watermelon"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6412
-	AegisName: "Special_Medal"
-	Name: "Special Medal"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6413
-	AegisName: "New_Insurance"
-	Name: "New Insurance"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6414
-	AegisName: "Raganta_Card"
-	Name: "Among The Other Card"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6415
-	AegisName: "Strange_Embryo"
-	Name: "Strange Embryo"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6416
-	AegisName: "Pet_Exchange"
-	Name: "Around The Exchange Carpet Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6417
-	AegisName: "Silvervine"
-	Name: "Silvervine Fruit"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6418
-	AegisName: "Agrade_Coin"
-	Name: "AClass Coin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6419
-	AegisName: "Bgrade_Coin"
-	Name: "BClass Coin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6420
-	AegisName: "Cgrade_Coin"
-	Name: "CClass Coin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6421
-	AegisName: "Dgrade_Coin"
-	Name: "DClass Coin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6422
-	AegisName: "Egrade_Coin"
-	Name: "EClass Coin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6423
-	AegisName: "Anger_Seagod"
-	Name: "Seagod Anger"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6424
-	AegisName: "Halloween_Fragment"
-	Name: "Spirit Piece"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6425
-	AegisName: "Halloween_Certificate"
-	Name: "Halloween Certificate"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6426
-	AegisName: "Bad_Can"
-	Name: "Poor Can"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6427
-	AegisName: "Bad_Can_Sack"
-	Name: "Poor Can Sack"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6428
-	AegisName: "Bravery_Card_A"
-	Name: "Adventure Card A"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6429
-	AegisName: "Bravery_Card_B"
-	Name: "Adventure Card B"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6430
-	AegisName: "Picture_Piece"
-	Name: "Fragment of Picture"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6431
-	AegisName: "Bucket"
-	Name: "Bucket"
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6432
-	AegisName: "Full_Bucket"
-	Name: "All Filled Bucket"
-	Weight: 3000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6433
-	AegisName: "Clean_Brush"
-	Name: "Cleaning Brush"
-	Weight: 300
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6434
-	AegisName: "Fix_Kit"
-	Name: "Fixing Kit"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6435
-	AegisName: "Fresh_Fruit"
-	Name: "Fresh Fruit"
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6436
-	AegisName: "Ptotection_Seagod"
-	Name: "Seagod's Protection"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6437
-	AegisName: "Scaraba_Perfume"
-	Name: "Scaraba Perfume"
-	Id: 6438
-	AegisName: "Unbreakable_Weap"
-	Name: "Blessed Weapon Ore"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6439
-	AegisName: "Unbreakable_Def"
-	Name: "Blessed Armor Ore"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6440
-	AegisName: "General_Lubricant"
-	Name: "Ordinary Lubricant"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6441
-	AegisName: "High_RankLubricant"
-	Name: "High Ranked Lubricant"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6442
-	AegisName: "Octopus_Hunt_Stick"
-	Name: "Octopus Hunting Stick"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6443
-	AegisName: "Sillit_Pong_Bottle"
-	Name: "Sillit Pong Bottle"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6444
-	AegisName: "Emperium_G"
-	Name: "Emperium G"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 1000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6445
-	AegisName: "Blue_Card_X"
-	Name: "Blue Card X"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6446
-	AegisName: "Green_Paper"
-	Name: "Green Paper"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6447
-	AegisName: "Red_Paper"
-	Name: "Red Paper"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6448
-	AegisName: "White_Paper"
-	Name: "White Paper"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6449
-	AegisName: "Casual_Diary"
-	Name: "Ordinary Kid's Diary"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6450
-	AegisName: "Honest_Diary"
-	Name: "Honest Kid's Diary"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6451
-	AegisName: "Unknown_Fish"
-	Name: "Unidentified Fish"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6452
-	AegisName: "Etoile_Ring"
-	Name: "Etoille's Ring"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6453
-	AegisName: "Undelivered_Gift"
-	Name: "Undelivered Gift"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6454
-	AegisName: "Santa_Bag"
-	Name: "Santa Bag"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6455
-	AegisName: "Tiny_Ticket"
-	Name: "Tiny Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6456
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Weapon_5Up"
-	Name: "Weapon 5 Smelting Guarantee Volume"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6457
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Armor_5Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 10 Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6459
-	AegisName: "Jae_Sinho_Unpo"
-	Name: "Fortune Gun"
-	Id: 6460
-	AegisName: "Jae_Sinho_Undo"
-	Name: "fortune"
-	Id: 6461
-	AegisName: "Mimong_Sungjin"
-	Name: "Sung Jin Mimong"
-	Id: 6462
-	AegisName: "Gilsang_Yeoui"
-	Name: "Lucky Face"
-	Id: 6463
-	AegisName: "Sin_Sun_Jeonsul"
-	Name: "Fresh scripture Legend"
-	Id: 6464
-	AegisName: "Hate_Bundle"
-	Name: "Hate Crate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6465
-	AegisName: "Guard_Coin"
-	Name: "Guardian Coin"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6466
-	AegisName: "Clean_Water"
-	Name: "Clean Water"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6467
-	AegisName: "Perfume"
-	Name: "Perfume"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6468
-	AegisName: "Thai_Perfume"
-	Name: "Thai Perfume"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6469
-	AegisName: "Will_Of_Warrior"
-	Name: "Will of Warrior"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6470
-	AegisName: "Blood_Thirst"
-	Name: "Blood Thirst"
-	Buy: 1200
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6471
-	AegisName: "Goast_Chill"
-	Name: "Ghost Chill"
-	Buy: 1600
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6472
-	AegisName: "Holy_Mom_Blaze"
-	Name: "Virgin's Splendor"
-	Id: 6473
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Orb01"
-	Name: "Pearl Spring (Cherry Beans)"
-	Id: 6474
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Orb02"
-	Name: "Pearl Spring (Sakura T)"
-	Id: 6475
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Orb03"
-	Name: "Pearl Spring (Cold Scarlet Cherry)"
-	Id: 6476
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Orb04"
-	Name: "Pearl Spring (Miyama Sakura)"
-	Id: 6477
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Orb05"
-	Name: "Pearl Spring (Sato Sakura)"
-	Id: 6478
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Orb06"
-	Name: "Pearl Spring (Wild Cherry Tree)"
-	Id: 6479
-	AegisName: "Amatsu_Orb07"
-	Name: "Pearl Spring (Edo Equinox)"
-	Id: 6480
-	AegisName: "Event_coin"
-	Name: "10Th Event Coin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6481
-	AegisName: "Holy_Rock_Piece"
-	Name: "Sacred Rock Shard"
-	Id: 6482
-	AegisName: "Ancient_City_Key"
-	Name: "Ancient City Key"
-	Id: 6483
-	AegisName: "Dream_Scroll"
-	Name: "Dream Scroll"
-	Id: 6484
-	AegisName: "Enchant_Book"
-	Name: "Heroic Desocketing Book"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6485
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_2"
-	Name: "Blue 2 Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6486
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_0"
-	Name: "Blue 0 Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6487
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_1"
-	Name: "Blue 1 Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6488
-	AegisName: "Thanks_Invest_Ticket"
-	Name: "Thanks Invest Ticket"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6489
-	AegisName: "Cats_Invest_Certif"
-	Name: "Cats Invest Certificate"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6490
-	AegisName: "Magic_Clay_Fragment"
-	Name: "Piece of Clay Magic"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6491
-	AegisName: "Magic_Clay"
-	Name: "Clay Magic"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6492
-	AegisName: "Magic_Clay_Lump"
-	Name: "Magic Lump Of clay"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6493
-	AegisName: "Makibishi"
-	Name: "Makibishi"
-	Buy: 30
-	Weight: 1
-	Id: 6494
-	AegisName: "Kafra_Coin2"
-	Name: "Kafra Coin"
-	Id: 6495
-	AegisName: "Para_Logro_Badge"
-	Name: "Eden Merit Badge"
-	Id: 6496
-	AegisName: "Tikbalang_Thick_Spine"
-	Name: "Tikbalang's Thick Spine"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6497
-	AegisName: "Lesser_Agimat"
-	Name: "Lesser Agimat"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 6498
-	AegisName: "Jejellopy"
-	Name: "Jejellopy"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6499
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Grudge"
-	Name: "Ancient Grudge"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6500
-	AegisName: "Sharp_Bamboo"
-	Name: "Sharpened Bamboo"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6501
-	AegisName: "Salt_Bag"
-	Name: "Salt Bag"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6502
-	AegisName: "Silver_Cross"
-	Name: "Silver Cross"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6503
-	AegisName: "Soul_Protection"
-	Name: "Spiritual Protection"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6504
-	AegisName: "Cast_Iron_Caldron"
-	Name: "Cast-Iron Caldron"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6505
-	AegisName: "Purified_Bone"
-	Name: "Purified Spirit Bone"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6506
-	AegisName: "Offering_Bouquet"
-	Name: "Offering Bouquet"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6507
-	AegisName: "Evil_Bone"
-	Name: "Evil Spirit Bone"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6508
-	AegisName: "Silver_Bracelet"
-	Name: "Silver Bracelet"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6509
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Flower"
-	Name: "Mysterious Flower"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6510
-	AegisName: "Elegant_Flower"
-	Name: "Elegant Flower"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6511
-	AegisName: "Beautiful_Flower"
-	Name: "Beautiful Flower"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6512
-	AegisName: "Charm_Fire"
-	Name: "Charm Fire"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 1
-	Id: 6513
-	AegisName: "Charm_Ice"
-	Name: "Charm Ice"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 1
-	Id: 6514
-	AegisName: "Charm_Wind"
-	Name: "Charm Wind"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 1
-	Id: 6515
-	AegisName: "Charm_Earth"
-	Name: "Charm Earth"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 1
-	Id: 6516
-	AegisName: "Bakonawa_Doll"
-	Name: "Bakonawa Doll"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6517
-	AegisName: "Bangungot_Doll"
-	Name: "Bangungot Doll"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6518
-	AegisName: "Buwaya_Doll"
-	Name: "Buwaya Doll"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6519
-	AegisName: "Collected_Sample"
-	Name: "Collected Sample"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6520
-	AegisName: "Lost_Belongings"
-	Name: "Lost Belongings"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6521
-	AegisName: "Royal_Certificate"
-	Name: "King's Mark"
-	Id: 6522
-	AegisName: "Royal_Certificate_"
-	Name: "King's Mark"
-	Id: 6523
-	AegisName: "Bakonawa_Spirit_Piece"
-	Name: "Piece of Bakonawa's Spirit"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6524
-	AegisName: "Bangungot_Spirit_Piece"
-	Name: "Piece of Bangungot's Spirit"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6525
-	AegisName: "Buwaya_Spirit_Piece"
-	Name: "Piece of Buwaya's Spirit"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6526
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_Happy"
-	Name: "BlueCard Happy"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6527
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_Enjoy"
-	Name: "BlueCard Enjoy"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6528
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_Light"
-	Name: "BlueCard Light"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6529
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_Mid"
-	Name: "BlueCard Mid"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6530
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_Fall"
-	Name: "BlueCard Fall"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6531
-	AegisName: "Royal_Certificate__"
-	Name: "King's Mark"
-	Id: 6532
-	AegisName: "Honey_Songpyun"
-	Name: "Honey Rice Cake"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6533
-	AegisName: "Torn_Document"
-	Name: "Torn Document"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 500
-	Id: 6534
-	AegisName: "Fruit_Sundae"
-	Name: "Fruit Sundae"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 6535
-	AegisName: "Red_Cloth"
-	Name: "Piece Of Red Fabric"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6536
-	AegisName: "Star_Decor"
-	Name: "Star Shape Decoration"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6537
-	AegisName: "Sky_Medal"
-	Name: "Sky Tuesday"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6538
-	AegisName: "Real_Blank_Card"
-	Name: "Blank Card"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6539
-	AegisName: "Old_Left_Lapine"
-	Name: "Old Left Lapine"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6540
-	AegisName: "Golden_Leaf"
-	Name: "Golden Leaf"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6541
-	AegisName: "Avant_Research_Data"
-	Name: "Avant Research Data"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6542
-	AegisName: "Star_Shape_Mushroom"
-	Name: "Star Shape Mushroom"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6543
-	AegisName: "Lv110_Achieved_Coin"
-	Name: "110 Level Reached Coin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6544
-	AegisName: "Lv120_Achieved_Coin"
-	Name: "120 Level Reached Coin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6545
-	AegisName: "Firm_Hair"
-	Name: "Firm Hair"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6546
-	AegisName: "Younger_Bro_Letter"
-	Name: "Younger Brother Letter"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6547
-	AegisName: "Stained_Research_Book"
-	Name: "Stained Research Book"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6548
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Lapine_Wing"
-	Name: "Piece Of Lapine Wing"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6549
-	AegisName: "Courtesy_Ticket"
-	Name: "Pass kindly"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6550
-	AegisName: "Brownie_Ticket"
-	Name: "Brownie Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6551
-	AegisName: "RWC_Spirit_Auger"
-	Name: "Black Devil Auger"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6552
-	AegisName: "Mail_Package"
-	Name: "Mail Package"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6553
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Made_Wood"
-	Name: "Leaf Made Wood"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6554
-	AegisName: "Seed_Box"
-	Name: "Seed Box"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6555
-	AegisName: "Birthday_Candle"
-	Name: "Birthday Candle"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6556
-	AegisName: "Nespresso_Ticket"
-	Name: "Coupon Coffee capsule Machine"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6557
-	AegisName: "Fancy_Fairy_Wing"
-	Name: "Fancy Fairy Wing"
-	Buy: 2350
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6558
-	AegisName: "Pile_Of_Acorn"
-	Name: "Pile Of Acorn"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6559
-	AegisName: "Eye_Drops"
-	Name: "Eye Drops"
-	Buy: 1780
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6560
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Bookmark"
-	Name: "Leaf Bookmark"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6561
-	AegisName: "Dustball"
-	Name: "Dustball"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6562
-	AegisName: "Tiny_Mouse_Tail"
-	Name: "Tiny Mouse Tail"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6563
-	AegisName: "Weeds"
-	Name: "Weeds"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6564
-	AegisName: "Captive_Hatchling"
-	Name: "Captive Hatchling"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6565
-	AegisName: "Racy_Spice"
-	Name: "Racy Spice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6566
-	AegisName: "Cacao99_Recipe"
-	Name: "Fierce cacao 99 Recipe"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6567
-	AegisName: "Choco_Drink_Recipe"
-	Name: "Chocolate Drink Recipe"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6581
-	AegisName: "Holy_Amulet"
-	Name: "Divine Amulet"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6583
-	AegisName: "3rd_Test_Pass"
-	Name: "3rd Test Pass"
-	Id: 6584
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Weapon_12Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 12 Weapon Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6585
-	AegisName: "Guarantee_Armor_12Up"
-	Name: "Safe to 12 Armor Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6586
-	AegisName: "Captured_Book"
-	Name: "Captured Book"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6592
-	AegisName: "Small_Wooden_Chest"
-	Name: "Small Wooden Chest"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6593
-	AegisName: "Cryptura_Hair_Coupon"
-	Name: "Criatura Hair Coupon"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6594
-	AegisName: "Magic_Bronze_Bullion"
-	Name: "Magic Bronze Bullion"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Id: 6595
-	AegisName: "Hammer_Of_Velund"
-	Name: "Hammer Of Velund"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Id: 6596
-	AegisName: "Anvil_Of_Velund"
-	Name: "Anvil Of Velund"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Id: 6597
-	AegisName: "Bracelet_Of_Velund"
-	Name: "Bracelet Of Velund"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Id: 6598
-	AegisName: "Rib_Of_Jormungand"
-	Name: "Rib Of Jormungand"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10000
-	Id: 6599
-	AegisName: "Spirit_Of_Hugin"
-	Name: "Spirit Of Hugin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 6600
-	AegisName: "Spirit_Of_Munin"
-	Name: "Spirit Of Munin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 6601
-	AegisName: "Chisel_Of_Giant"
-	Name: "Chisel Of Giant"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Id: 6602
-	AegisName: "Secret_Of_Rune"
-	Name: "Secret Of Rune"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 6603
-	AegisName: "Skin_Of_Hraesvelg"
-	Name: "Skin Of Hraesvelg"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Id: 6604
-	AegisName: "Essence_Of_Rune"
-	Name: "Essence Of Rune"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6605
-	AegisName: "Muspellium"
-	Name: "Muspellium"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6606
-	AegisName: "P_Cart_C"
-	Name: "P Cart C"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6607
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Crystal"
-	Name: "Temporal Crystal"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6608
-	AegisName: "Coagulated_Spell"
-	Name: "Coagulated Spell"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6609
-	AegisName: "Glast_Decayed_Nail"
-	Name: "Glast Decayed Nail"
-	Buy: 82
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6610
-	AegisName: "Glast_Horrendous_Mouth"
-	Name: "Glast Horrendous Mouth"
-	Buy: 390
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6612
-	AegisName: "Gold_Coin_Basket"
-	Name: "Gold Coin Basket"
-	Buy: 300000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6613
-	AegisName: "Colorful_Brooch"
-	Name: "Colorful Brooch"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 6615
-	AegisName: "Siege_Guild_Coin"
-	Name: "Siege Guild Coin"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6616
-	AegisName: "Lmtd_Manny_Card"
-	Name: "Lmtd Manny Card"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6617
-	AegisName: "Lmtd_Sid_Card"
-	Name: "Lmtd Sid Card"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6618
-	AegisName: "Lmtd_Diego_Card"
-	Name: "Lmtd Diego Card"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6619
-	AegisName: "Lmtd_Scrat_Card"
-	Name: "Lmtd Scrat Card"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6623
-	AegisName: "Rough_Energy_Crystal"
-	Name: "Rough Energy Crystal"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6624
-	AegisName: "Purified_Energy_Crystal"
-	Name: "Purified Energy Crystal"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6625
-	AegisName: "High_Purity_Energy_Xtal"
-	Name: "High Energy Crystal"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6635
-	AegisName: "Blacksmith_Blessing"
-	Name: "Blacksmith's Blessing"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 6646
-	AegisName: "Poring_Badge"
-	Name: "Poring Badge"
-	Id: 6649
-	AegisName: "Broken_Horn"
-	Name: "Broken Horn"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6654
-	AegisName: "Needle_And_Thread"
-	Name: "Needle And Thread"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6655
-	AegisName: "Firm_Pumpkin"
-	Name: "Hard Pumpkin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6656
-	AegisName: "Goast_Free_Charm"
-	Name: "Controlling Amulet"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6657
-	AegisName: "Memory_Of_Jack"
-	Name: "Jack Memories"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6658
-	AegisName: "Halloween_Coin"
-	Name: "Halloween Coin"
-	Id: 6665
-	AegisName: "RWC_Inicializer"
-	Name: "RWC Enchant Reset Ticket"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6671
-	AegisName: "Geffen_Magic_Coin"
-	Name: "Geffen Magic Tournament Coin"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6672
-	AegisName: "Gray_Shard"
-	Name: "Gray Piece"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6673
-	AegisName: "Bossnia_Pass"
-	Name: "Ticket to Bossnia"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6674
-	AegisName: "Daily_Coin"
-	Name: "Part-time Receipt"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6681
-	AegisName: "XMAS_Cookie"
-	Name: "XMAS Cookie"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6682
-	AegisName: "Bag_Of_Selling_Goods"
-	Name: "Bag Of Selling Goods"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6707
-	AegisName: "Cash_Hair_Coupon"
-	Name: "Cash Hair Coupon"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6712
-	AegisName: "Lovely_Stick"
-	Name: "Love Wand"
-	Id: 6755
-	AegisName: "Corrupted_Charm"
-	Name: "Contaminated Magic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6804
-	Name: "Organic Pumpkin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6805
-	Name: "Inorganic Pumpkin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 6821
-	AegisName: "Solo_Troops_Badge"
-	Name: "Single Union Badge"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6913
-	AegisName: "Sacred_Rosary"
-	Name: "Sacred Rosary"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6914
-	AegisName: "Black_Soul"
-	Name: "Black Soul"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6915
-	AegisName: "Captured_Soul"
-	Name: "Captured Soul"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 6959
-	AegisName: "Costume_Change_Ticket"
-	Name: "Costume Change Ticket"
-	Id: 7001
-	AegisName: "Mould_Powder"
-	Name: "Mould Powder"
-	Buy: 466
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7002
-	AegisName: "Ogre_Tooth"
-	Name: "Ogre Tooth"
-	Buy: 658
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7003
-	AegisName: "Anolian_Skin"
-	Name: "Anolian Skin"
-	Buy: 968
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7004
-	AegisName: "Mud_Lump"
-	Name: "Mud Lump"
-	Buy: 876
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7005
-	AegisName: "Skull"
-	Name: "Skull"
-	Buy: 1044
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7006
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Red_Bat"
-	Name: "Wing of Red Bat"
-	Buy: 168
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7007
-	AegisName: "Claw_Of_Rat"
-	Name: "Claw of Rat"
-	Buy: 748
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7008
-	AegisName: "Stiff_Horn"
-	Name: "Stiff Horn"
-	Buy: 636
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7009
-	AegisName: "Glitter_Shell"
-	Name: "Glitter Shell"
-	Buy: 528
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7010
-	AegisName: "Tail_Of_Steel_Scorpion"
-	Name: "Tail of Steel Scorpion"
-	Buy: 548
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7011
-	AegisName: "Claw_Of_Monkey"
-	Name: "Claw of Monkey"
-	Buy: 466
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7012
-	AegisName: "Tough_Scalelike_Stem"
-	Name: "Tough Scalelike Stem"
-	Buy: 412
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7013
-	AegisName: "Coral_Reef"
-	Name: "Coral Reef"
-	Buy: 772
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7014
-	AegisName: "Old_Portrait"
-	Name: "Old Portrait"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7015
-	AegisName: "Bookclip_In_Memory"
-	Name: "Bookclip in Memory"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7016
-	AegisName: "Spoon_Stub"
-	Name: "Spoon Stub"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7017
-	AegisName: "Executioners_Mitten"
-	Name: "Executioner's Mitten"
-	Buy: 4500
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7018
-	AegisName: "Young_Twig"
-	Name: "Young Twig"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7019
-	AegisName: "Lokis_Whispers"
-	Name: "Loki's Whispers"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7020
-	AegisName: "Mothers_Nightmare"
-	Name: "Mother's Nightmare"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7021
-	AegisName: "Foolishness_Of_Blind"
-	Name: "Foolishness of the Blind"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7022
-	AegisName: "Old_Hilt"
-	Name: "Old Hilt"
-	Buy: 150
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7023
-	AegisName: "Blade_Lost_In_Darkness"
-	Name: "Blade Lost in Darkness"
-	Buy: 12000
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7024
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Edge"
-	Name: "Bloody Edge"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7025
-	AegisName: "Lucifers_Lament"
-	Name: "Lucifer's Lament"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7026
-	AegisName: "Key_Of_Clock_Tower"
-	Name: "Key of Clock Tower"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7027
-	AegisName: "Underground_Key"
-	Name: "Key of Underground"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7028
-	AegisName: "Invite_For_Duel"
-	Name: "Invite for Duel"
-	Id: 7029
-	AegisName: "Admission_For_Duel"
-	Name: "Admission for Duel"
-	Id: 7030
-	AegisName: "Claw_Of_Desert_Wolf"
-	Name: "Claw of Desert Wolf"
-	Buy: 208
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7031
-	AegisName: "Old_Frying_Pan"
-	Name: "Old Frying Pan"
-	Buy: 196
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7032
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Piece of Egg Shell"
-	Buy: 168
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7033
-	AegisName: "Poison_Spore"
-	Name: "Poison Spore"
-	Buy: 114
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7034
-	AegisName: "Red_Socks_With_Holes"
-	Name: "Red Stocking"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7035
-	AegisName: "Matchstick"
-	Name: "Matchstick"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7036
-	AegisName: "Fang_Of_Garm"
-	Name: "Fang of Hatii"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7037
-	AegisName: "Trade_Coupon"
-	Name: "Coupon"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7038
-	AegisName: "Yarn"
-	Name: "Yarn"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7039
-	AegisName: "Novice_Nametag"
-	Name: "Newbie Tag"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7040
-	AegisName: "Megaphone"
-	Name: "Megaphone"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7041
-	AegisName: "Fine_Grit"
-	Name: "Fine Grit"
-	Buy: 120
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7042
-	AegisName: "Leather_Bag_Of_Infinity"
-	Name: "Leather Bag of Infinity"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7043
-	AegisName: "Fine_Sand"
-	Name: "Fine Sand"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7044
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra"
-	Name: "Vigorgra"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7045
-	AegisName: "Magic_Paint"
-	Name: "Magic Paint"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7046
-	AegisName: "Cart_Parts"
-	Name: "Cart Parts"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7047
-	AegisName: "Alices_Apron"
-	Name: "Alice's Apron"
-	Buy: 2424
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7048
-	AegisName: "Talon_Of_Griffin"
-	Name: "Talon of Griffon"
-	Buy: 5418
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7049
-	AegisName: "Stone"
-	Name: "Stone"
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7050
-	AegisName: "Cotton_Mat"
-	Name: "Cotton Mat"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7051
-	AegisName: "Silk_Mat"
-	Name: "Silk Mat"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7052
-	AegisName: "Old_Magazine"
-	Name: "Old Papers"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7053
-	AegisName: "Cyfar"
-	Name: "Cyfar"
-	Buy: 772
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7054
-	AegisName: "Brigan"
-	Name: "Brigan"
-	Buy: 746
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7055
-	AegisName: "Animal_Pooopoo"
-	Name: "Animal Poop"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7056
-	AegisName: "Payroll_Of_Kafra"
-	Name: "Payroll Of Kafra"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7057
-	AegisName: "Gallar_Horn"
-	Name: "Gjallar"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7058
-	AegisName: "Gullraifnir"
-	Name: "Gleipnir"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7059
-	AegisName: "Cargo_Free_Ticket"
-	Name: "Free Ticket for Kafra Storage"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7060
-	AegisName: "Warp_Free_Ticket"
-	Name: "Free Ticket for Kafra Transportation"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7061
-	AegisName: "Cart_Free_Ticket"
-	Name: "Free Ticket for the Cart Service"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7062
-	AegisName: "Turtle_Shell_"
-	Name: "Broken Turtle Shell"
-	Buy: 280
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7063
-	AegisName: "Soft_Feather"
-	Name: "Soft Feather"
-	Buy: 280
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7064
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Fly_Wing"
-	Name: "Wing of Dragonfly"
-	Buy: 520
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7065
-	AegisName: "Sea_Otter_Leather"
-	Name: "Sea-otter Fur"
-	Buy: 820
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7066
-	AegisName: "Ice_Piece"
-	Name: "Ice Cubic"
-	Buy: 660
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7067
-	AegisName: "Stone_Piece"
-	Name: "Stone Fragment"
-	Buy: 640
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7068
-	AegisName: "Burn_Tree"
-	Name: "Burnt Tree"
-	Buy: 722
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7069
-	AegisName: "Broken_Armor_Piece"
-	Name: "Destroyed Armor"
-	Buy: 1042
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7070
-	AegisName: "Broken_Shell"
-	Name: "Broken Shell"
-	Buy: 900
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7071
-	AegisName: "Tatters_Clothes"
-	Name: "Tattered Clothes"
-	Buy: 1280
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7072
-	AegisName: "Rust_Suriken"
-	Name: "Old Shuriken"
-	Buy: 1780
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7073
-	AegisName: "Jewel_Of_Prayer"
-	Name: "Freya's Jewel"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7074
-	AegisName: "Iron_Glove"
-	Name: "Thor's Gauntlets"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7075
-	AegisName: "Iron_Maiden"
-	Name: "Iron Maiden"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7076
-	AegisName: "Mystery_Wheel"
-	Name: "Wheel of the Unknown"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7077
-	AegisName: "Silver_Fancy"
-	Name: "Silver Ornament"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7078
-	AegisName: "Anger_Of_Valkurye"
-	Name: "Wrath of Valkyrie"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7079
-	AegisName: "Feather_Of_Angel"
-	Name: "Feather of Angel Wing"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7080
-	AegisName: "Foot_Step_Of_Cat"
-	Name: "Cat Tread"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7081
-	AegisName: "Beard_Of_Women"
-	Name: "Woman's Moustache"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7082
-	AegisName: "Root_Of_Stone"
-	Name: "Root of Stone"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7083
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Fish"
-	Name: "Spirit of Fish"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7084
-	AegisName: "Saliva_Of_Bird"
-	Name: "Sputum of Bird"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7085
-	AegisName: "Tendon_Of_Bear"
-	Name: "Sinew of Bear"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7086
-	AegisName: "Symbol_Of_Sun"
-	Name: "Amblem of the Sun God"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7087
-	AegisName: "Breath_Of_Soul"
-	Name: "Breath of Spirit"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7088
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Of_Snow"
-	Name: "Snow Crystal"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7089
-	AegisName: "Indication_Of_Tempest"
-	Name: "Omen of Tempest"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7090
-	AegisName: "Slilince_Wave"
-	Name: "Ripple"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7091
-	AegisName: "Rough_Billows"
-	Name: "Billow"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7092
-	AegisName: "Air_Stream"
-	Name: "Drifting Air"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7093
-	AegisName: "Wheel"
-	Name: "Cogwheel"
-	Buy: 1512
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7094
-	AegisName: "Mystery_Piece"
-	Name: "Fragment"
-	Buy: 1344
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7095
-	AegisName: "Broken_Steel_Piece"
-	Name: "Metal Fragment"
-	Buy: 1075
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7096
-	AegisName: "Cold_Magma"
-	Name: "Lava"
-	Buy: 1109
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7097
-	AegisName: "Burning_Heart"
-	Name: "Burning Heart"
-	Buy: 924
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7098
-	AegisName: "Live_Coal"
-	Name: "Live Coal"
-	Buy: 638
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7099
-	AegisName: "Old_Magic_Circle"
-	Name: "Worn-out Magic Scroll"
-	Buy: 773
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7100
-	AegisName: "Sharp_Leaf"
-	Name: "Sharp Leaf"
-	Buy: 806
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7101
-	AegisName: "Peco_Wing_Feather"
-	Name: "PecoPeco Feather"
-	Buy: 454
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7102
-	AegisName: "Hideous_Dream"
-	Name: "Nightmare"
-	Buy: 1075
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7103
-	AegisName: "Unknown_Liquid_Bottle"
-	Name: "Unknown Liquid Bottle"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7104
-	AegisName: "Fake_Angel_Wing"
-	Name: "False Angel Wing"
-	Buy: 756
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7105
-	AegisName: "Fake_Angel_Loop"
-	Name: "False Heaven Ring"
-	Buy: 924
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7106
-	AegisName: "Goats_Horn"
-	Name: "Antelope Horn"
-	Buy: 672
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7107
-	AegisName: "Gaoats_Skin"
-	Name: "Antelope Skin"
-	Buy: 756
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7108
-	AegisName: "Boroken_Shiled_Piece"
-	Name: "Piece of Shield"
-	Buy: 1680
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7109
-	AegisName: "Shine_Spear_Blade"
-	Name: "Shining Spear Blade"
-	Buy: 840
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7110
-	AegisName: "Vroken_Sword"
-	Name: "Broken Sword"
-	Buy: 588
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7111
-	AegisName: "Smooth_Paper"
-	Name: "Slick Paper"
-	Buy: 706
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7112
-	AegisName: "Fright_Paper_Blade"
-	Name: "Sharp Paper"
-	Buy: 907
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7113
-	AegisName: "Broken_Pharaoh_Symbol"
-	Name: "Broken Pharaoh Emblem"
-	Buy: 2016
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7114
-	AegisName: "Tutankhamens_Mask"
-	Name: "Masque of Tutankhamen"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7115
-	AegisName: "Harpys_Feather"
-	Name: "Harpy Feather"
-	Buy: 1142
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7116
-	AegisName: "Harpys_Claw"
-	Name: "Harpy Talon"
-	Buy: 1210
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7117
-	AegisName: "Rent_Spell_Book"
-	Name: "Torn Magic Book"
-	Buy: 1142
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7118
-	AegisName: "Rent_Scroll"
-	Name: "Torn Scroll"
-	Buy: 1361
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7119
-	AegisName: "Spawns"
-	Name: "Bacillus"
-	Buy: 1025
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7120
-	AegisName: "Burning_Horse_Shoe"
-	Name: "Burning Horseshoe"
-	Buy: 823
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7121
-	AegisName: "Honey_Jar"
-	Name: "Honey Pot"
-	Buy: 622
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7122
-	AegisName: "Hot_Hair"
-	Name: "Burning Hair"
-	Buy: 974
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7123
-	AegisName: "Dragons_Skin"
-	Name: "Dragon Skin"
-	Buy: 1025
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7124
-	AegisName: "Sand_Lump"
-	Name: "Sand Clump"
-	Buy: 706
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7125
-	AegisName: "Scropions_Nipper"
-	Name: "Scorpion Claw"
-	Buy: 706
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7126
-	AegisName: "Large_Jellopy"
-	Name: "Large Jellopy"
-	Buy: 840
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7127
-	AegisName: "Alcol_Create_Book"
-	Name: "Alcohol Creation Guide"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7128
-	AegisName: "FireBottle_Create_Book"
-	Name: "Bottle Grenade Creation Guide"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7129
-	AegisName: "Acid_Create_Book"
-	Name: "Acid Bottle Creation Guide"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7130
-	AegisName: "Plant_Create_Book"
-	Name: "Plant Bottle Creation Guide"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7131
-	AegisName: "Mine_Create_Book"
-	Name: "Marine Sphere Creation Guide"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7132
-	AegisName: "Coating_Create_Book"
-	Name: "Glistening Coat Creation Guide"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7133
-	AegisName: "Slim_Potion_Create_Book"
-	Name: "Condensed Potion Creation Guide"
-	Buy: 240000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7134
-	AegisName: "Medicine_Bowl"
-	Name: "Medicine Bowl"
-	Buy: 8
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7135
-	AegisName: "Fire_Bottle"
-	Name: "Bottle Grenade"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7136
-	AegisName: "Acid_Bottle"
-	Name: "Acid Bottle"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7137
-	AegisName: "MenEater_Plant_Bottle"
-	Name: "Plant Bottle"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7138
-	AegisName: "Mini_Bottle"
-	Name: "Marine Sphere Bottle"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7139
-	AegisName: "Coating_Bottle"
-	Name: "Glistening Coat"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7140
-	AegisName: "Seed_Of_Life"
-	Name: "Seed of Life"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Id: 7141
-	AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry_Dew"
-	Name: "Morning Dew of Yggdrasil"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7142
-	AegisName: "Germination_Breed"
-	Name: "Embryo"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7143
-	AegisName: "Life_Force_Pot"
-	Name: "Glass Tube"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7144
-	AegisName: "Normal_Potion_Book"
-	Name: "Potion Creation Gude"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7145
-	AegisName: "Rag_T_Shirts"
-	Name: "Ragnarok T-shirt"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7146
-	AegisName: "Vacance_Ticket"
-	Name: "Vacation Ticket"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7147
-	AegisName: "Jasmin"
-	Name: "Jasmine"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7148
-	AegisName: "Mother_Letter"
-	Name: "Mother's Letter"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7149
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Plate"
-	Name: "Yellow Plate"
-	Buy: 220
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7150
-	AegisName: "Bamboo_Cut"
-	Name: "Piece of Bamboo"
-	Buy: 310
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7151
-	AegisName: "Oil_Paper"
-	Name: "Oil Paper"
-	Buy: 210
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7152
-	AegisName: "Glossy_Hair"
-	Name: "Glossy Hair"
-	Buy: 340
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7153
-	AegisName: "Old_Japaness_Clothes"
-	Name: "Worn-out Kimono"
-	Buy: 590
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7154
-	AegisName: "Poison_Powder"
-	Name: "Poisonous Powder"
-	Buy: 160
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7155
-	AegisName: "Poison_Toads_Skin"
-	Name: "Poisonous Toad Skin"
-	Buy: 280
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7156
-	AegisName: "Broken_Shuriken"
-	Name: "Broken Shuriken"
-	Buy: 470
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7157
-	AegisName: "Black_Mask"
-	Name: "Dark Mask"
-	Buy: 315
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7158
-	AegisName: "Broken_Wine_Vessel"
-	Name: "Broken Liquor Jar"
-	Buy: 160
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7159
-	AegisName: "Tengus_Nose"
-	Name: "Tengu Nose"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7160
-	AegisName: "Lords_Passable_Ticket"
-	Name: "Feudal Lord Permit"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7161
-	AegisName: "Black_Bears_Skin"
-	Name: "Black Bear Skin"
-	Buy: 384
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7162
-	AegisName: "Cloud_Piece"
-	Name: "Cloud Crumb"
-	Buy: 390
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7163
-	AegisName: "Sharp_Feeler"
-	Name: "Hard Feeler"
-	Buy: 570
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7164
-	AegisName: "Hard_Peach"
-	Name: "Solid Peach"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7165
-	AegisName: "Limpid_Celestial_Robe"
-	Name: "Transparent Celestial Robe"
-	Buy: 650
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7166
-	AegisName: "Soft_Silk_Cloth"
-	Name: "Soft Silk"
-	Buy: 1200
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7167
-	AegisName: "Mystery_Iron_Bit"
-	Name: "Strange Steel Piece"
-	Buy: 430
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7168
-	AegisName: "Great_Wing"
-	Name: "Giant Butterfly Wing"
-	Buy: 614
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7169
-	AegisName: "Taegeuk_Plate"
-	Name: "Ba Gua"
-	Buy: 2800
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7170
-	AegisName: "Tuxedo"
-	Name: "Tuxedo"
-	Buy: 43000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Id: 7171
-	AegisName: "Leopard_Skin"
-	Name: "Leopard Skin"
-	Buy: 282
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7172
-	AegisName: "Leopard_Talon"
-	Name: "Leopard Claw"
-	Buy: 290
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7173
-	AegisName: "BurnBuster_Bag"
-	Name: "Bun Buster Bag"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7174
-	AegisName: "Packing_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Wrapping Lace"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7175
-	AegisName: "Packing_Paper"
-	Name: "Wrapping Paper"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7176
-	AegisName: "XMAS_Coupon"
-	Name: "Royal Certificate"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7177
-	AegisName: "Part_Of_Stars_Sob"
-	Name: "Crumb of Sobbing Starlight"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7178
-	AegisName: "Stars_Sob"
-	Name: "Sobbing Starlight"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7179
-	AegisName: "Donation_Card"
-	Name: "Proof of Donation"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7180
-	AegisName: "Introduction_Of_Mr_Han"
-	Name: "Hahn Sukbong's Recommendation"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7181
-	AegisName: "Receipt_01"
-	Name: "Receipt"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7182
-	AegisName: "Cacao"
-	Name: "Cacao"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7183
-	AegisName: "Sister_Letter"
-	Name: "Letter from Sister"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7184
-	AegisName: "Piano_Keyboard"
-	Name: "Piano Key"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7185
-	AegisName: "Quiz_Ticket"
-	Name: "Quiz Entry"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7186
-	AegisName: "Thin_Stem"
-	Name: "Thin Trunk"
-	Buy: 380
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7187
-	AegisName: "Festival_Mask"
-	Name: "Festival Mask"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7188
-	AegisName: "Browny_Root"
-	Name: "Brown Root"
-	Buy: 560
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7189
-	AegisName: "Heart_Of_Tree"
-	Name: "Wooden Heart"
-	Buy: 680
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7190
-	AegisName: "Solid_Peeling"
-	Name: "Solid Husk"
-	Buy: 140
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7191
-	AegisName: "Lamplight"
-	Name: "Lamp"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7192
-	AegisName: "Blade_Of_Pinwheel"
-	Name: "Vane"
-	Buy: 160
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7193
-	AegisName: "Germinating_Sprout"
-	Name: "Sprout"
-	Buy: 230
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7194
-	AegisName: "Soft_Leaf"
-	Name: "Soft Blade of Grass"
-	Buy: 400
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7195
-	AegisName: "Air_Rifle"
-	Name: "Slingshot"
-	Buy: 210
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7196
-	AegisName: "Shoulder_Protection"
-	Name: "Shoulder Protector"
-	Buy: 230
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7197
-	AegisName: "Tough_Vines"
-	Name: "Tough Vines"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7198
-	AegisName: "Great_Leaf"
-	Name: "Huge Leaf"
-	Buy: 610
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7199
-	AegisName: "Coupon"
-	Name: "Event Tickets"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7200
-	AegisName: "Flexible_String"
-	Name: "Elastic Band"
-	Buy: 380
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7201
-	AegisName: "Log"
-	Name: "Log"
-	Buy: 250
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7202
-	AegisName: "Beetle_Nipper"
-	Name: "Pincher of Beetle"
-	Buy: 290
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7203
-	AegisName: "Solid_Twig"
-	Name: "Strong Branch"
-	Buy: 190
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7204
-	AegisName: "Gunpowder"
-	Name: "Gunpowder"
-	Buy: 320
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7205
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Black_Cloth"
-	Name: "Piece of Black Cloth"
-	Buy: 526
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7206
-	AegisName: "Black_Kitty_Doll"
-	Name: "Black Cat Doll"
-	Buy: 1440
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7207
-	AegisName: "Old_Manteau"
-	Name: "Old Manteau"
-	Buy: 1050
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7208
-	AegisName: "Rusty_Cleaver"
-	Name: "Rusty Kitchen Knife"
-	Buy: 1780
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7209
-	AegisName: "Dullahans_Helm"
-	Name: "Helm of Dullahan"
-	Buy: 1350
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7210
-	AegisName: "Dullahan_Armor"
-	Name: "Armor Piece of Dullahan"
-	Buy: 790
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7211
-	AegisName: "Rojerta_Piece"
-	Name: "Fragment of Rossata Stone"
-	Buy: 2600
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7212
-	AegisName: "Hanging_Doll"
-	Name: "Hung Doll"
-	Buy: 1020
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7213
-	AegisName: "Needle_Pouch"
-	Name: "Needle Packet"
-	Buy: 832
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7214
-	AegisName: "Bat_Cage"
-	Name: "Bat Cage"
-	Buy: 880
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7215
-	AegisName: "Broken_Needle"
-	Name: "Broken Needle"
-	Buy: 690
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7216
-	AegisName: "Red_Scarf"
-	Name: "Red Muffler"
-	Buy: 660
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7217
-	AegisName: "Spool"
-	Name: "Spool"
-	Buy: 424
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7218
-	AegisName: "Rotten_Rope"
-	Name: "Decomposed Rope"
-	Buy: 390
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7219
-	AegisName: "Striped_Socks"
-	Name: "Striped Sock"
-	Buy: 920
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7220
-	AegisName: "Ectoplasm"
-	Name: "Ectoplasm"
-	Buy: 322
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7221
-	AegisName: "Tangled_Chain"
-	Name: "Tangled Chains"
-	Buy: 740
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7222
-	AegisName: "Tree_Knot"
-	Name: "Wooden Gnarl"
-	Buy: 468
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7223
-	AegisName: "Distorted_Portrait"
-	Name: "Contorted Self-Portrait"
-	Buy: 2032
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7224
-	AegisName: "Stone_Of_Intelligence"
-	Name: "Stone of Sage"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7225
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Bucket"
-	Name: "Pumpkin Lantern"
-	Buy: 486
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7226
-	AegisName: "Pill"
-	Name: "Pellet"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7227
-	AegisName: "TCG_Card"
-	Name: "Bossnia Entrance Ticket"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7228
-	AegisName: "Gold_Bullion"
-	Name: "Gold Bullion"
-	Buy: 300000
-	Weight: 300
-	Id: 7229
-	AegisName: "Silver_Bullion"
-	Name: "Silver Bullion"
-	Buy: 500000
-	Weight: 300
-	Id: 7230
-	AegisName: "White_Gold_Bullion"
-	Name: "Platinum Bullion"
-	Buy: 600000
-	Weight: 300
-	Id: 7231
-	AegisName: "Gold_Ore"
-	Name: "Gold Ore"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Id: 7232
-	AegisName: "Silver_Ore"
-	Name: "Silver Ore"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Id: 7233
-	AegisName: "Mithril_Ore"
-	Name: "Mithril Ore"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Id: 7234
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Guild"
-	Name: "Spirit of Guild"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7235
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Courage"
-	Name: "Spirit of Charge"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7236
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Guard"
-	Name: "Spirit of Protection"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7237
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Partnership"
-	Name: "Spirit of Association"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7238
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Correspondence"
-	Name: "Spirit of Coordination"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7239
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Proceeding"
-	Name: "Spirit of Advance"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7240
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Confidence"
-	Name: "Spirit of Trust"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7241
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Agreement"
-	Name: "Spirit of Union"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7242
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Harmony"
-	Name: "Spirit of Combination"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7243
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Cooperate"
-	Name: "Spirit of Cooperation"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7244
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Unity"
-	Name: "Spirit of Solidarity"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7245
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Friendship"
-	Name: "Spirit of Friendship"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7246
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Peace"
-	Name: "Spirit of Peace"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7247
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Spirit"
-	Name: "Spirit of Determination"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7248
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Honor"
-	Name: "Spirit of Honor"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7249
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Service"
-	Name: "Spirit of Service"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7250
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Glory"
-	Name: "Spirit of Glory"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7251
-	AegisName: "Soul_Of_Victory"
-	Name: "Spirit of Victory"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7252
-	AegisName: "Herb_Medicine"
-	Name: "Herbal Medicine"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7253
-	AegisName: "Taeguk_Flag"
-	Name: "Golden Korean Flag"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7254
-	AegisName: "Digital_Print_Ticket"
-	Name: "Digital Picture Printing Coupon"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7255
-	AegisName: "China_Marble01"
-	Name: "Mystic Orb"
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7256
-	AegisName: "China_Marble02"
-	Name: "Mystic Orb"
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7257
-	AegisName: "China_Marble03"
-	Name: "Mystic Orb"
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7258
-	AegisName: "China_Marble04"
-	Name: "Mystic Orb"
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7259
-	AegisName: "China_Marble05"
-	Name: "Mystic Orb"
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7260
-	AegisName: "China_Marble06"
-	Name: "Mystic Orb"
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7261
-	AegisName: "China_Marble07"
-	Name: "Mystic Orb"
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7262
-	AegisName: "Fan"
-	Name: "Folding Fan of Cat Ghost"
-	Buy: 466
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7263
-	AegisName: "Cat_Eyed_Stone"
-	Name: "Cat's Eye"
-	Buy: 954
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7264
-	AegisName: "Dried_Sand"
-	Name: "Dry Sand"
-	Buy: 322
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7265
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Horn"
-	Name: "Dragon Horn"
-	Buy: 544
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7266
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Fang"
-	Name: "Denture from Dragon Mask"
-	Buy: 436
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7267
-	AegisName: "Tiger_Skin_Panties"
-	Name: "Tiger Panty"
-	Buy: 298
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7268
-	AegisName: "Little_Blacky_Ghost"
-	Name: "Little Ghost Doll"
-	Buy: 1210
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7269
-	AegisName: "Bib"
-	Name: "Pinafore"
-	Buy: 960
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7270
-	AegisName: "Milk_Bottle"
-	Name: "Nursing Bottle"
-	Buy: 1100
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7271
-	AegisName: "Figure"
-	Name: "Novice Figure"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7272
-	AegisName: "Meat_Dumpling_Doll"
-	Name: "Rice Ball Doll"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7273
-	AegisName: "Golden_Necklace"
-	Name: "RWC Necklace"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7274
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Translator"
-	Name: "Translated Ancient Language"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7275
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Document"
-	Name: "Record of Ancient Language"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7276
-	AegisName: "Picture_Letter"
-	Name: "Doodled Message"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7277
-	AegisName: "Munak_Doll"
-	Name: "Munak Doll"
-	Buy: 8900
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7278
-	AegisName: "Wellbeing_Letter"
-	Name: "Letter to Wife"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7279
-	AegisName: "Vita500_Lid"
-	Name: "Vita500 Lid"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7280
-	AegisName: "Quiz_Ticket01"
-	Name: "1st Quiz Entry"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7281
-	AegisName: "Quiz_Ticket02"
-	Name: "2nd Quiz Entry"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7282
-	AegisName: "Quiz_Ticket03"
-	Name: "3rd Quiz Entry"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7283
-	AegisName: "Quiz_Ticket04"
-	Name: "4th Quiz Entry"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7284
-	AegisName: "Quiz_Ticket05"
-	Name: "5th Quiz Entry"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7285
-	AegisName: "Thread_Skein"
-	Name: "Holy Threads"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7286
-	AegisName: "Chilli"
-	Name: "Red Chile"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7287
-	AegisName: "Thread_Skein_"
-	Name: "Holier Threads"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7288
-	AegisName: "Thai_Ring"
-	Name: "Engagement Ring"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7289
-	AegisName: "Olivine"
-	Name: "Peridot"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7290
-	AegisName: "Phlogopite"
-	Name: "Phlogopite"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7291
-	AegisName: "Agate"
-	Name: "Agate"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7292
-	AegisName: "Muscovite"
-	Name: "Muscovite"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7293
-	AegisName: "Rose_Quartz"
-	Name: "Rose Quartz"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7294
-	AegisName: "Turquoise"
-	Name: "Turquoise"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7295
-	AegisName: "Citrine"
-	Name: "Citrin"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7296
-	AegisName: "Pyroxene"
-	Name: "Pyroxene"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7297
-	AegisName: "Biotite"
-	Name: "Biotite"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7298
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Clothes"
-	Name: "Fig Leaf"
-	Buy: 538
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7299
-	AegisName: "Bamboo_Basket"
-	Name: "Straw Basket"
-	Buy: 632
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7300
-	AegisName: "Gemstone"
-	Name: "Gemstone"
-	Buy: 1420
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7301
-	AegisName: "Sword_Accessory"
-	Name: "Tassel"
-	Buy: 798
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7302
-	AegisName: "KRATHONG"
-	Name: "Krathong"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7303
-	AegisName: "Bag_Of_Rice"
-	Name: "Straw Rice Bag"
-	Weight: 800
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7304
-	AegisName: "Witchs_Spell_Book"
-	Name: "Witch's Spell Scroll"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7305
-	AegisName: "Authority_Of_Nine_World"
-	Name: "Symbol of the Nine Realms"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7306
-	AegisName: "Fragment_Of_Soul"
-	Name: "Piece of Spirit"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7307
-	AegisName: "Whisper_Of_Soul"
-	Name: "Spiritual Whispers"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7308
-	AegisName: "Witchs_Potion"
-	Name: "Witch's Tonic"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7309
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Crow"
-	Name: "Crow Wing"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7310
-	AegisName: "Free_Peco_Ticket"
-	Name: "Free Ticket for Peco Ride"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7311
-	AegisName: "Free_Flying_Ship_Ticket"
-	Name: "Free Ticket for Flyship"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7312
-	AegisName: "Jubilee"
-	Name: "Jubilee"
-	Buy: 32
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7313
-	AegisName: "Seal_Of_Witch"
-	Name: "Witch's Medal"
-	Buy: 2
-	Id: 7314
-	AegisName: "The_Sign"
-	Name: "The Sign"
-	Buy: 2
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7315
-	AegisName: "Dark_Crystal_Fragment"
-	Name: "Dark Crystal Fragment"
-	Buy: 422
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7316
-	AegisName: "Long_Limb"
-	Name: "Insect Leg"
-	Buy: 658
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7317
-	AegisName: "Screw"
-	Name: "Rusty Screw"
-	Buy: 534
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7318
-	AegisName: "Old_Pick"
-	Name: "Old Pick"
-	Buy: 512
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7319
-	AegisName: "Old_Steel_Plate"
-	Name: "Used Iron Plate"
-	Buy: 1024
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7320
-	AegisName: "Air_Pollutant"
-	Name: "Dust Pollutant"
-	Buy: 256
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7321
-	AegisName: "Fragment_Of_Crystal"
-	Name: "Crystal Fragment"
-	Buy: 552
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7322
-	AegisName: "Poisonous_Gas"
-	Name: "Toxic Gas"
-	Buy: 666
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7323
-	AegisName: "Battered_Kettle"
-	Name: "Battered Kettle"
-	Buy: 256
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7325
-	AegisName: "Tube"
-	Name: "Flexible Tube"
-	Buy: 102
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7326
-	AegisName: "Fluorescent_Liquid"
-	Name: "Fluorescent Liquid"
-	Buy: 712
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7327
-	AegisName: "Headlamp"
-	Name: "Flashlight"
-	Buy: 1024
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7328
-	AegisName: "Legendary_Scroll"
-	Name: "Legend of Songkran"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7329
-	AegisName: "Old_Copper_Key"
-	Name: "Old Bronze Key"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7330
-	AegisName: "2anny"
-	Name: "Mystic Orb"
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7331
-	AegisName: "Flower_Of_Heaven"
-	Name: "Heaven Flower"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7332
-	AegisName: "Slate"
-	Name: "Complete Tablet"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7333
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Slate_1"
-	Name: "Prontera Tablet"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7334
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Slate_2"
-	Name: "Payon Tablet"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7335
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Slate_3"
-	Name: "Morroc Tablet"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7336
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Slate_4"
-	Name: "Geffen Tablet"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7337
-	AegisName: "Eye_Of_Hellion"
-	Name: "Eye of Hellion"
-	Id: 7338
-	AegisName: "RO_Transportation_Card"
-	Name: "One-way Ticket"
-	Id: 7339
-	AegisName: "RO_Transportation_Card_"
-	Name: "Commemorative Travel Card"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7340
-	AegisName: "Will_Of_Darkness"
-	Name: "Will of the Darkness"
-	Buy: 734
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7341
-	AegisName: "Worn_Out_Pendant"
-	Name: "Old Pendant"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7342
-	AegisName: "File01"
-	Name: "File Folder"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7343
-	AegisName: "File02"
-	Name: "Sealed File Folder"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7344
-	AegisName: "File03"
-	Name: "Shinokas Case File"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7345
-	AegisName: "Armlet_Of_Prisoner"
-	Name: "Handcuffs"
-	Buy: 724
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7346
-	AegisName: "Pile_Of_Ymir_Heart"
-	Name: "Ymir's Heart Piece"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7347
-	AegisName: "Lab_Staff_Record"
-	Name: "Research Chart"
-	Buy: 840
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7348
-	AegisName: "Indication_Of_Member01"
-	Name: "Membership Card"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7349
-	AegisName: "Indication_Of_Member02"
-	Name: "Archive Permit"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7350
-	AegisName: "Pass"
-	Name: "Pass"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7351
-	AegisName: "Friends_Diary"
-	Name: "Friend's Diary"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7352
-	AegisName: "Transparent_Plate01"
-	Name: "Transparent Plate"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7353
-	AegisName: "Transparent_Plate02"
-	Name: "Transparent Plate"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7354
-	AegisName: "Transparent_Plate03"
-	Name: "Transparent Plate"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7355
-	AegisName: "Transparent_Plate04"
-	Name: "Transparent Plate"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7356
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Crest1"
-	Name: "Crest Piece"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7357
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Crest2"
-	Name: "Crest Piece"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7358
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Crest3"
-	Name: "Crest Piece"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7359
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Crest4"
-	Name: "Crest Piece"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7360
-	AegisName: "RO_Festival_Ticket"
-	Name: "RO Festival Invitation"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7361
-	AegisName: "Lotto01"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 01"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7362
-	AegisName: "Lotto02"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 02"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7363
-	AegisName: "Lotto03"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 03"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7364
-	AegisName: "Lotto04"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 04"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7365
-	AegisName: "Lotto05"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 05"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7366
-	AegisName: "Lotto06"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 06"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7367
-	AegisName: "Lotto07"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 07"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7368
-	AegisName: "Lotto08"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 08"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7369
-	AegisName: "Lotto09"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 09"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7370
-	AegisName: "Lotto10"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 10"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7371
-	AegisName: "Lotto11"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 11"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7372
-	AegisName: "Lotto12"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 12"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7373
-	AegisName: "Lotto13"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 13"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7374
-	AegisName: "Lotto14"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 14"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7375
-	AegisName: "Lotto15"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 15"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7376
-	AegisName: "Lotto16"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 16"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7377
-	AegisName: "Lotto17"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 17"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7378
-	AegisName: "Lotto18"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 18"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7379
-	AegisName: "Lotto19"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 19"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7380
-	AegisName: "Lotto20"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 20"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7381
-	AegisName: "Lotto21"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 21"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7382
-	AegisName: "Lotto22"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 22"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7383
-	AegisName: "Lotto23"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 23"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7384
-	AegisName: "Lotto24"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 24"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7385
-	AegisName: "Lotto25"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 25"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7386
-	AegisName: "Lotto26"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 26"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7387
-	AegisName: "Lotto27"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 27"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7388
-	AegisName: "Lotto28"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 28"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7389
-	AegisName: "Lotto29"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 29"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7390
-	AegisName: "Lotto30"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 30"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7391
-	AegisName: "Lotto31"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 31"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7392
-	AegisName: "Lotto32"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 32"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7393
-	AegisName: "Lotto33"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 33"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7394
-	AegisName: "Lotto34"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 34"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7395
-	AegisName: "Lotto35"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 35"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7396
-	AegisName: "Lotto36"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 36"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7397
-	AegisName: "Lotto37"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 37"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7398
-	AegisName: "Lotto38"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 38"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7399
-	AegisName: "Word_Card01"
-	Name: "Selamat"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7400
-	AegisName: "Word_Card02"
-	Name: "Hari"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7401
-	AegisName: "Word_Card03"
-	Name: "Kemerdekaan"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7402
-	AegisName: "Word_Card04"
-	Name: "Republik"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7403
-	AegisName: "Word_Card05"
-	Name: "Indonesia"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7404
-	AegisName: "Word_Card06"
-	Name: "Ke-60"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7405
-	AegisName: "Crushed_Can"
-	Name: "Crushed Can"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7406
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake1"
-	Name: "Yuebing"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7407
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake2"
-	Name: "Yuebing"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7408
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake3"
-	Name: "Yuebing"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7409
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake4"
-	Name: "Yuebing"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7410
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake5"
-	Name: "Yuebing"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7411
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake6"
-	Name: "Yuebing"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7412
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake7"
-	Name: "Yuebing"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7413
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake8"
-	Name: "Yuebing"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7414
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake9"
-	Name: "Yuebing"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7415
-	AegisName: "Stone_Of_Summons"
-	Name: "Summoning Stone"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7416
-	AegisName: "Letter_Of_Recommend"
-	Name: "Letter of Recommendation"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7417
-	AegisName: "Mission_ScrollA"
-	Name: "Written Request(A)"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7418
-	AegisName: "Mission_ScrollB"
-	Name: "Written Request(B)"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7419
-	AegisName: "Embryo_HandBook"
-	Name: "Embryo Creation Guide"
-	Buy: 48000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7420
-	AegisName: "Skull_"
-	Name: "Skull"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7421
-	AegisName: "Key_Red"
-	Name: "Red Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7422
-	AegisName: "Key_Yellow"
-	Name: "Yellow Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7423
-	AegisName: "Key_Blue"
-	Name: "Blue Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7424
-	AegisName: "Key_Green"
-	Name: "Green Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7425
-	AegisName: "Key_Black"
-	Name: "Black Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7426
-	AegisName: "Magic_Gem_Red"
-	Name: "Red Charm Stone"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7427
-	AegisName: "Magic_Gem_Yellow"
-	Name: "Yellow Charm Stone"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7428
-	AegisName: "Magic_Gem_Blue"
-	Name: "Blue Charm Stone"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7429
-	AegisName: "Magic_Gem_Green"
-	Name: "Green Charm Stone"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7430
-	AegisName: "Magic_Gem_Black"
-	Name: "Black Charm Stone"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7431
-	AegisName: "Several_Books"
-	Name: "Pile of Books"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7432
-	AegisName: "Leather_Pouch"
-	Name: "Leather Pouch"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7433
-	AegisName: "Scroll"
-	Name: "Blank Scroll"
-	Buy: 4000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7434
-	AegisName: "Elemental_Potion_Book"
-	Name: "Elemental Potion Creation Guide"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7435
-	AegisName: "Golden_Bracelet"
-	Name: "Golden Ornament"
-	Buy: 1907
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7436
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Memory_Green"
-	Name: "Fragment of Agony"
-	Buy: 1506
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7437
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Memory_Purple"
-	Name: "Fragment of Misery"
-	Buy: 1506
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7438
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Memory_Blue"
-	Name: "Fragment of Hatred"
-	Buy: 1506
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7439
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Memory_Red"
-	Name: "Fragment of Despair"
-	Buy: 1506
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7440
-	AegisName: "Red_Feather"
-	Name: "Red Feather"
-	Buy: 1335
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7441
-	AegisName: "Blue_Feather"
-	Name: "Blue Feather"
-	Buy: 1408
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7442
-	AegisName: "Cursed_Seal"
-	Name: "Cursed Seal"
-	Buy: 1332
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7443
-	AegisName: "Tri_Headed_Dragon_Head"
-	Name: "Three-Headed Dragon's Head"
-	Buy: 956
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7444
-	AegisName: "Treasure_Box"
-	Name: "Treasure Box"
-	Buy: 300000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7445
-	AegisName: "Dragonball_Green"
-	Name: "Green Bijou"
-	Buy: 887
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7446
-	AegisName: "Dragonball_Blue"
-	Name: "Blue Bijou"
-	Buy: 887
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7447
-	AegisName: "Dragonball_Red"
-	Name: "Red Bijou"
-	Buy: 887
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7448
-	AegisName: "Dragonball_Yellow"
-	Name: "Yellow Bijou"
-	Buy: 887
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7449
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Page"
-	Name: "Bloody Page"
-	Buy: 681
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7450
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Bone_Armor"
-	Name: "Skeletal Armor Piece"
-	Buy: 2050
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7451
-	AegisName: "Scale_Of_Red_Dragon"
-	Name: "Fire Dragon Scale"
-	Buy: 1852
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7452
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Spice"
-	Name: "Yellow Spice"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7453
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Sauce"
-	Name: "Sweet Sauce"
-	Buy: 700
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7454
-	AegisName: "Plain_Sauce"
-	Name: "Savory Sauce"
-	Buy: 700
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7455
-	AegisName: "Hot_Sauce"
-	Name: "Spicy Sauce"
-	Buy: 700
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7456
-	AegisName: "Red_Spice"
-	Name: "Red Spice"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7457
-	AegisName: "Cooking_Oil"
-	Name: "Cooking Oil"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7458
-	AegisName: "Baphomets_Horn"
-	Name: "Fortune Horn"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7459
-	AegisName: "RAMADAN_"
-	Name: "Idul Fitri Card"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7460
-	AegisName: "Niflheim_Ticket"
-	Name: "Niflheim Express Ticket"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7461
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_A"
-	Name: "Blue A Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7462
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_E"
-	Name: "Blue E Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7463
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_F"
-	Name: "Blue F Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7464
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_H"
-	Name: "Blue H Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7465
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_L"
-	Name: "Blue L Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7466
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_N"
-	Name: "Blue N Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7467
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_O"
-	Name: "Blue O Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7468
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_P"
-	Name: "Blue P Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7469
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_U"
-	Name: "Blue U Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7470
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_W"
-	Name: "Blue W Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7471
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_Y"
-	Name: "Blue Y Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7472
-	AegisName: "Cookbook01"
-	Name: "Level 1 Cookbook"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7473
-	AegisName: "Cookbook02"
-	Name: "Level 2 Cookbook"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7474
-	AegisName: "Cookbook03"
-	Name: "Level 3 Cookbook"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7475
-	AegisName: "Cookbook04"
-	Name: "Level 4 Cookbook"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7476
-	AegisName: "Cookbook05"
-	Name: "Level 5 Cookbook"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7477
-	AegisName: "Cookbook06"
-	Name: "Level 6 Cookbook"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7478
-	AegisName: "Cookbook07"
-	Name: "Level 7 Cookbook"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7479
-	AegisName: "Cookbook08"
-	Name: "Level 8 Cookbook"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7480
-	AegisName: "Cookbook09"
-	Name: "Level 9 Cookbook"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7481
-	AegisName: "Cookbook10"
-	Name: "Level 10 Cookbook"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7482
-	AegisName: "Pot"
-	Name: "Pot"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7483
-	AegisName: "Key_Of_Seal"
-	Name: "Key of the Seal"
-	Id: 7484
-	AegisName: "Warrior_Symbol"
-	Name: "Symbol of a Brave Warrior"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7485
-	AegisName: "2nd_Floor_Pass"
-	Name: "Cloud General"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7486
-	AegisName: "3rd_Floor_Pass"
-	Name: "Wind General"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7487
-	AegisName: "Tavern_Wine"
-	Name: "Culinary Wine"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7488
-	AegisName: "Delivery_Box"
-	Name: "Delivery Package"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7489
-	AegisName: "Villa_Spare_Key"
-	Name: "Cottage Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7490
-	AegisName: "Kyll_Hire_Letter"
-	Name: "Letter to Elly"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7491
-	AegisName: "Iron_Box"
-	Name: "Steel Box"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7492
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Key_Card"
-	Name: "Yellow Keycard"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7493
-	AegisName: "Golden_Key"
-	Name: "Golden Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7494
-	AegisName: "Kiel_Button"
-	Name: "Luxurious Button"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7495
-	AegisName: "Blue_Key_Card"
-	Name: "Blue Keycard"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7496
-	AegisName: "Red_Key_Card"
-	Name: "Red Keycard"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7497
-	AegisName: "Steel_Piece"
-	Name: "Metal Fragment"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7498
-	AegisName: "Rosimier_Key"
-	Name: "Rosimier Mansion Keys"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7499
-	AegisName: "Family_Portrait"
-	Name: "Family Portrait"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7500
-	AegisName: "Elysia_Portrait"
-	Name: "Woman's Portrait"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7501
-	AegisName: "Kyll_Hire_Letter2"
-	Name: "K.H's Letter"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7502
-	AegisName: "Piece_Memo_Of_James"
-	Name: "James's Note"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7503
-	AegisName: "Man_Portrait"
-	Name: "Man's Portrait"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7504
-	AegisName: "Toy_Motor"
-	Name: "Power Device"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7505
-	AegisName: "Toy_Key"
-	Name: "Toy Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7506
-	AegisName: "Black_Key_Card"
-	Name: "Black Keycard"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7507
-	AegisName: "Sturdy_Iron_Piece"
-	Name: "Solid Iron Piece"
-	Buy: 842
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7508
-	AegisName: "Elysia_Ring"
-	Name: "Allysia's Ring"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7509
-	AegisName: "Fancy_Key_Card"
-	Name: "Luxurious Keycard"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7510
-	AegisName: "Valhalla_Flower"
-	Name: "Valhala's Flower"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7511
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Darkness"
-	Name: "Rune of Darkness"
-	Buy: 2526
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7512
-	AegisName: "Burnt_Parts"
-	Name: "Burnt Part"
-	Buy: 1600
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7513
-	AegisName: "Pocket_Watch"
-	Name: "Pocket Watch"
-	Buy: 3420
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7514
-	AegisName: "Monster_Ticket"
-	Name: "Monster Ticket"
-	Buy: 2
-	Id: 7515
-	AegisName: "Marvelous_Medal"
-	Name: "Prize Medal"
-	Buy: 2
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7516
-	AegisName: "Green_Key_Card"
-	Name: "Green Keycard"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7517
-	AegisName: "Gold_Coin_"
-	Name: "Gold Coin"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7518
-	AegisName: "Womens_Medal"
-	Name: "Women's Medal"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7519
-	AegisName: "Money_Envelope"
-	Name: "Handsel"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7520
-	AegisName: "Chinese_Scroll"
-	Name: "Please Be Rich"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7521
-	AegisName: "Flame_Stone"
-	Name: "Flame Stone"
-	Buy: 112
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7522
-	AegisName: "Ice_Stone"
-	Name: "Ice Stone"
-	Buy: 112
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7523
-	AegisName: "Wind_Stone"
-	Name: "Wind Stone"
-	Buy: 112
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7524
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Orb"
-	Name: "Shadow Orb"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7525
-	AegisName: "Summer_Feast_Ticket"
-	Name: "Summer Festival Ticket"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7526
-	AegisName: "Manuscript_Paper"
-	Name: "Manuscript Paper"
-	Buy: 2
-	Id: 7527
-	AegisName: "Life_Book"
-	Name: "Book About True Life"
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7528
-	AegisName: "Id_Lottery_Ticket"
-	Name: "Lottery Ticket"
-	Id: 7529
-	AegisName: "Stolen_Sandals"
-	Name: "Stolen Sandal"
-	Id: 7530
-	AegisName: "Travel_Brochure_01"
-	Name: "Travel Brochure [Amatsu]"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7531
-	AegisName: "Travel_Brochure_02"
-	Name: "Travel Brochure [Kunlun]"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7532
-	AegisName: "Travel_Brochure_03"
-	Name: "Travel Brochure [Louyang]"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7533
-	AegisName: "Travel_Brochure_04"
-	Name: "Travel Brochure [Ayothaya]"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7534
-	AegisName: "Photo_Album_01"
-	Name: "Amatsu Completed Photo Album"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7535
-	AegisName: "Photo_Album_02"
-	Name: "Kunlun Completed Photo Album"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7536
-	AegisName: "Photo_Album_03"
-	Name: "Louyang Completed Photo Album"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7537
-	AegisName: "Photo_Album_04"
-	Name: "Ayothaya Completed Photo Album"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7538
-	AegisName: "Sifted_Sand"
-	Name: "Sand for Work"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7539
-	AegisName: "Poring_Coin"
-	Name: "Poring Coin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7540
-	AegisName: "Lotto39"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 39"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7541
-	AegisName: "Lotto40"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 40"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7542
-	AegisName: "Lotto41"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 41"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7543
-	AegisName: "Lotto42"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 42"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7544
-	AegisName: "Lotto43"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 43"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7545
-	AegisName: "Lotto44"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 44"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7546
-	AegisName: "Lotto45"
-	Name: "Lotto Ball 45"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7547
-	AegisName: "Soccer_Ball"
-	Name: "Soccer Ball"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7548
-	AegisName: "Soccer_Shoes"
-	Name: "Soccer Shoes"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7549
-	AegisName: "Brazilian_Flag"
-	Name: "Brazilian Flag"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7550
-	AegisName: "Ticket01"
-	Name: "6.13 Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7551
-	AegisName: "Ticket02"
-	Name: "6.18 Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7552
-	AegisName: "Ticket03"
-	Name: "6.22 Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7553
-	AegisName: "Lotus_Flower"
-	Name: "Water Lily"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7554
-	AegisName: "Striped_Candle"
-	Name: "Striped Candle"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7555
-	AegisName: "Green_Incense"
-	Name: "Green Incense"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7556
-	AegisName: "Longing_Heart"
-	Name: "Longing Heart"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7557
-	AegisName: "Invitation_Letter"
-	Name: "Invitation Letter"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7558
-	AegisName: "Invitation_Ticket"
-	Name: "Invitation Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7559
-	AegisName: "Key_Of_Flower_Garden"
-	Name: "Key to the Secret Garden"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7560
-	AegisName: "Longing_Heart2"
-	Name: "Longing Heart"
-	Id: 7561
-	AegisName: "Ice_Heart"
-	Name: "Glacial Heart"
-	Buy: 606
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7562
-	AegisName: "Ice_Scale"
-	Name: "Ice Scale"
-	Buy: 3020
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7563
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Rune"
-	Name: "Bloody Rune"
-	Buy: 2016
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7564
-	AegisName: "Rotten_Meat"
-	Name: "Rotten Meat"
-	Buy: 102
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7565
-	AegisName: "Sticky_Poison"
-	Name: "Sticky Poison"
-	Buy: 350
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7566
-	AegisName: "Will_Of_Darkness_"
-	Name: "Will of Red Darkness"
-	Buy: 1530
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7567
-	AegisName: "Suspicious_Hat"
-	Name: "Suspicious Hat"
-	Buy: 1290
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7568
-	AegisName: "White_Mask"
-	Name: "White Mask"
-	Buy: 1060
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7569
-	AegisName: "Hammer_Of_Wind"
-	Name: "Wind Hammer"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7570
-	AegisName: "Temple_Lottery_Ticket"
-	Name: "Temple Lottery Ticket"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7571
-	AegisName: "Diary_Of_Blue"
-	Name: "Bruspetti's Diary"
-	Id: 7572
-	AegisName: "Magic_Necklace"
-	Name: "Ashy Necklace"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7573
-	AegisName: "Magic_Necklace_"
-	Name: "Sparkling Necklace"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7574
-	AegisName: "Ice_Particle"
-	Name: "Freezing Snow Powder"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7575
-	AegisName: "Red_Jewel_"
-	Name: "Red Jewel"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7576
-	AegisName: "Blue_Jewel_"
-	Name: "Blue Jewel"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7577
-	AegisName: "Golden_Jewel_"
-	Name: "Yellow Jewel"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7578
-	AegisName: "Anti_Spell_Bead"
-	Name: "Countermagic Crystal"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7579
-	AegisName: "Silk_Handkerchief"
-	Name: "Silk Handkerchief of Zhi Nu"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7580
-	AegisName: "Black_Bead"
-	Name: "Black Bead"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7581
-	AegisName: "Anniversary_Ticket"
-	Name: "Celebration Document"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7582
-	AegisName: "Gem_Of_Ruin"
-	Name: "Jewel of Destruction"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7583
-	AegisName: "Evil_Mind"
-	Name: "Evil Mind"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7584
-	AegisName: "Proof_Of_Guard1"
-	Name: "Guard's First Proof"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7585
-	AegisName: "Proof_Of_Guard2"
-	Name: "Guard's Second Proof"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7586
-	AegisName: "Proof_Of_Guard3"
-	Name: "Guard's Third Proof"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7587
-	AegisName: "Proof_Of_Guard4"
-	Name: "Guard's Fourth Proof"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7588
-	AegisName: "IPOD_Ticker"
-	Name: "IPOD Coupon"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7589
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake10"
-	Name: "Lettered Moon Snack 01"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7590
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake11"
-	Name: "Lettered Moon Snack 02"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7591
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake12"
-	Name: "Lettered Moon Snack 03"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7592
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake13"
-	Name: "Lettered Moon Snack 04"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7593
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake14"
-	Name: "Lettered Moon Snack 05"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7594
-	AegisName: "Sonias_Letter"
-	Name: "Sonia's Letter"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7595
-	AegisName: "Unique_Sword"
-	Name: "Special Sword"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7596
-	AegisName: "Unique_Shield"
-	Name: "Special Shield"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7597
-	AegisName: "Magic_Stone"
-	Name: "Magic Stone"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7598
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_I"
-	Name: "Blue I Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7599
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_D"
-	Name: "Blue D Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7600
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_K"
-	Name: "Blue K Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7601
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_S"
-	Name: "Blue S Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7602
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_R"
-	Name: "Blue R Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7603
-	AegisName: "RO_Party_Ticket"
-	Name: "RO Party Invitation Ticket"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7604
-	AegisName: "Flour"
-	Name: "Flour"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7605
-	AegisName: "Chicken_Egg"
-	Name: "Chicken Egg"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7606
-	AegisName: "Coin"
-	Name: "Token of the Ox"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7607
-	AegisName: "Evil_Dragon_Head"
-	Name: "Neck of Demon Dragon"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7608
-	AegisName: "Premium_Ticket"
-	Name: "Premium Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7609
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Mojo"
-	Name: "Pumpkin Mojo"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7610
-	AegisName: "Food_Ticket"
-	Name: "Food Exchange Ticket"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7611
-	AegisName: "Fox_Symbol"
-	Name: "Symbol of Fox"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7612
-	AegisName: "Heart_Of_Fox_Queen"
-	Name: "Heart of Queen Fox"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7613
-	AegisName: "Small_Rice_Dough"
-	Name: "Small Rice Cake Dough"
-	Id: 7614
-	AegisName: "Special_Packing_Paper"
-	Name: "Wrapping Paper"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7615
-	AegisName: "MVP_Ticket"
-	Name: "MVP Voucher"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7616
-	AegisName: "Mini_Boss_Ticket"
-	Name: "Miniboss Voucher"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7617
-	AegisName: "Monster_Ticket_"
-	Name: "Monster Voucher"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7618
-	AegisName: "Monster_Crystal"
-	Name: "Monster Crystal"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7619
-	AegisName: "Enriched_Elunium"
-	Name: "Old Enriched Elunium"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7620
-	AegisName: "Enriched_Oridecon"
-	Name: "Old Enriched Oridecon"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7621
-	AegisName: "Token_Of_Siegfried"
-	Name: "Token Of Siegfried"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7622
-	AegisName: "New_Style_Coupon"
-	Name: "Hairstyle Coupon"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7623
-	AegisName: "Name_Change_Coupon"
-	Name: "Ticket Of Identification"
-	Buy: 2
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7624
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza23"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza23"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7625
-	AegisName: "Registration_Ticket"
-	Name: "Operators special compensation"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7626
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_Token"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Token"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7627
-	AegisName: "Sage_Key"
-	Name: "Sage Key"
-	Id: 7628
-	AegisName: "Idiot_Key"
-	Name: "Idiot Key"
-	Id: 7629
-	AegisName: "Pink_Gift_Box"
-	Name: "Pink Gift Box"
-	Id: 7630
-	AegisName: "Clean_Beach_Brush"
-	Name: "Broom clean Beaches"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7631
-	AegisName: "Trash_Debris"
-	Name: "Waste Residue"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7632
-	AegisName: "To_Afterworld_Record"
-	Name: "Terrible Report Card"
-	Id: 7633
-	AegisName: "To_Heaven_Record"
-	Name: "Heavensent Report Card"
-	Id: 7634
-	AegisName: "Rose_Of_Father"
-	Name: "Father Rose"
-	Id: 7635
-	AegisName: "Perfume_Pouch"
-	Name: "Incense Bag"
-	Buy: 100
-	Id: 7636
-	AegisName: "Magic_Potion_Bottle"
-	Name: "Magic Potion Bottle"
-	Id: 7637
-	AegisName: "Father_Giftbox"
-	Name: "Father Gift Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7638
-	AegisName: "Tw_Green_Box"
-	Name: "Green Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7639
-	AegisName: "Tw_Red_Box"
-	Name: "Red Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7642
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Coin"
-	Name: "Bloody Coin"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 7646
-	AegisName: "RO_Luk_Bookmark"
-	Name: "RO Luk Bookmark"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7647
-	AegisName: "Taiwan_Luk_Coin"
-	Name: "Taiwan Luk Coin"
-	Id: 7648
-	AegisName: "Snake_Bookmark"
-	Name: "Snake Bookmark"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7649
-	AegisName: "Big_Luk_Bookmark"
-	Name: "Big Luk Bookmark"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7651
-	AegisName: "Mystery_Egg"
-	Name: "Mystery Egg"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7663
-	AegisName: "Fullmetal_Jacket_Bullet"
-	Name: "Full Metal Jacket"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 10
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Id: 7664
-	AegisName: "Mine_Projectile"
-	Name: "Projection Landmines"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 450
-	Weight: 3
-	Atk: 10
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_GRENADE"
-	Id: 7665
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Tail_Missile"
-	Name: "Dragon Tail Missile"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 100
-	Atk: 10
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_GRENADE"
-	Id: 7701
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Spirit"
-	Name: "Soul"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7702
-	AegisName: "Special_Cogwheel"
-	Name: "Special Cogwheel"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7703
-	AegisName: "Piece_Of_Cogwheel"
-	Name: "Piece of Cogwheel"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7704
-	AegisName: "Broken_Thermometer"
-	Name: "Broken Thermometer"
-	Buy: 2
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7705
-	AegisName: "Note_Of_Geologist"
-	Name: "Note of Geologist"
-	Buy: 2
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7706
-	AegisName: "Spoiled_Carrot_Juice"
-	Name: "Broken Carrot Juice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 40
-	Id: 7707
-	AegisName: "Spoiled_Banana_Juice"
-	Name: "Broken Banana Juice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 40
-	Id: 7708
-	AegisName: "Spoiled_Apple_Juice"
-	Name: "Broken Apple Juice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 40
-	Id: 7709
-	AegisName: "Spoiled_Grape_Juice"
-	Name: "Broken Grape Juice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 40
-	Id: 7710
-	AegisName: "Black_Gemstone"
-	Name: "Black Gemstone"
-	Buy: 600
-	Weight: 30
-	Id: 7711
-	AegisName: "Update_Ticket"
-	Name: "Event Ticket"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7712
-	AegisName: "Nokia5500"
-	Name: "Nokia 5500"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7713
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_A_"
-	Name: "Blue A(2) Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7714
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_R_"
-	Name: "Blue R(2) Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7715
-	AegisName: "Handmade_Choco_Recipe"
-	Name: "Hand-made Chocolate Recipe"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7716
-	AegisName: "Strawberry_Choco_Recipe"
-	Name: "Chocolate Strawberry Recipe"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7717
-	AegisName: "Choco_Tart_Recipe"
-	Name: "Chocolate Tart Recipe"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7718
-	AegisName: "Cacao_Bean"
-	Name: "Cacao Bean"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7719
-	AegisName: "BlueCard_G"
-	Name: "Blue G Card"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7720
-	AegisName: "Gold_Coin_US"
-	Name: "Gold Coin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7721
-	AegisName: "Treasure_Box_"
-	Name: "Treasure Box"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 500
-	Id: 7722
-	AegisName: "Debt_Note"
-	Name: "Debt Note"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7723
-	AegisName: "Diamond_Of_Ruin"
-	Name: "Diamond of Ruin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7724
-	AegisName: "Forbidden_Secret_Art"
-	Name: "Forbidden Secret Art"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7725
-	AegisName: "Unlucky_Emerald"
-	Name: "Unlucky Emerald"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7726
-	AegisName: "Token_Of_King"
-	Name: "Token of King"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7727
-	AegisName: "HP_Doctor_Ticket"
-	Name: "HP Doctor Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7728
-	AegisName: "SP_Doctor_Ticket"
-	Name: "SP Doctor Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7729
-	AegisName: "Rok_Star_Badge"
-	Name: "Rok Star Badge"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7730
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate1"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 1"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7731
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate2"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 2"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7732
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate3"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 3"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7733
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate4"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 4"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7734
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate5"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 5"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7735
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate6"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 6"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7736
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate7"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 7"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7737
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate8"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 8"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7738
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate9"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 9"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7739
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate10"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 10"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7740
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate11"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 11"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7741
-	AegisName: "Mission_Certificate12"
-	Name: "Mission Ticket 12"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		noselltonpc: true
-	}
-	Id: 7742
-	AegisName: "Kaong"
-	Name: "Kaong"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7743
-	AegisName: "Gulaman"
-	Name: "Gulaman"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7744
-	AegisName: "Leche_Flan"
-	Name: "Leche Flan"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7745
-	AegisName: "Ube_Jam"
-	Name: "Ube Jam"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7746
-	AegisName: "Sago"
-	Name: "Sago"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7747
-	AegisName: "Langka"
-	Name: "Langka"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7748
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Bean"
-	Name: "Sweet Beans"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7749
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Banana"
-	Name: "Sweet Bananas"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7750
-	AegisName: "Macapuno"
-	Name: "Macapuno"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7751
-	AegisName: "Old_White_Cloth"
-	Name: "Old White Cloth"
-	Buy: 550
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7752
-	AegisName: "Clattering_Skull"
-	Name: "Clattering Skull"
-	Buy: 840
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7753
-	AegisName: "Broken_Farming_Utensil"
-	Name: "Broken Farming Utensil"
-	Buy: 330
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7754
-	AegisName: "Broken_Crown"
-	Name: "Broken Crown"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7755
-	AegisName: "Research_Note"
-	Name: "Research Note"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7756
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Book"
-	Name: "Sealed Book"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7757
-	AegisName: "Mithril"
-	Name: "Mithril"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7758
-	AegisName: "Star_Crystal"
-	Name: "Star Crystal"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7759
-	AegisName: "Geology_Report"
-	Name: "Geologist's Report"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7760
-	AegisName: "Yaga_Magic_Book"
-	Name: "Yaga's Magic Book"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7761
-	AegisName: "Magic_Gourd_Bottle"
-	Name: "Magic Gourd Bottle"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7762
-	AegisName: "Yaga_Pestle"
-	Name: "Yaga's Pestle"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7763
-	AegisName: "Sticky_Herb"
-	Name: "Sticky Herb"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7764
-	AegisName: "High_Strength_Adhesive"
-	Name: "High Strength Adhesive"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7765
-	AegisName: "Yaga_Secret_Medicine"
-	Name: "Baba Yaga's Secret Medicine"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7766
-	AegisName: "Bok_Choy"
-	Name: "Bok Choy"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7767
-	AegisName: "Chung_E_Cake"
-	Name: "Chung E Cake"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7768
-	AegisName: "Squid"
-	Name: "Squid"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7769
-	AegisName: "Egg_Yolk"
-	Name: "Egg Yolk"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7770
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Rice"
-	Name: "Sweet Rice"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7771
-	AegisName: "Lotus_Leaf"
-	Name: "Lotus Leaf"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7772
-	AegisName: "String"
-	Name: "String"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7773
-	AegisName: "War_Badge"
-	Name: "War Badge"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7774
-	AegisName: "Chung_E_Ticket"
-	Name: "Chung E Ticket"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7775
-	AegisName: "Spring_Rabbit_Ticket"
-	Name: "Spring Rabbit Ticket"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7776
-	AegisName: "Max_Weight_Up_Scroll"
-	Name: "Gym Pass"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7777
-	AegisName: "Gold_Box"
-	Name: "Sealed Golden Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7778
-	AegisName: "Silver_Box"
-	Name: "Sealed Silver Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7779
-	AegisName: "Gold_Key_TW"
-	Name: "Golden Key"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
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-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7780
-	AegisName: "Silver_Key"
-	Name: "Silver Key"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
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-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7781
-	AegisName: "Heart_Box"
-	Name: "Engrave Treasure Box"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7782
-	AegisName: "Gold_Key77"
-	Name: "Episode 13.1 Poporing Key"
-	Weight: 10
-	DropAnnounce: true
-	Id: 7783
-	AegisName: "Silver_Key77"
-	Name: "Episode 13.2 Poring Key"
-	Weight: 10
-	DropAnnounce: true
-	Id: 7784
-	AegisName: "Fawner_Coupon1"
-	Name: "Free Coupon 1"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
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-		noauction: true
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-	Id: 7785
-	AegisName: "Fawner_Coupon2"
-	Name: "Free Coupon 2"
-	Weight: 10
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-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
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-	Id: 7786
-	AegisName: "Fawner_Coupon3"
-	Name: "Free Coupon 3"
-	Weight: 10
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-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
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-	Id: 7787
-	AegisName: "Fawner_Coupon4"
-	Name: "Free Coupon 4"
-	Weight: 10
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-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7788
-	AegisName: "Fawner_Coupon5"
-	Name: "Free Coupon 5"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
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-		notrade: true
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-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7789
-	AegisName: "Fawner_Coupon6"
-	Name: "Free Coupon 6"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
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-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
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-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7790
-	AegisName: "Fawner_Coupon7"
-	Name: "Free Coupon 7"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7791
-	AegisName: "Fawner_Coupon8"
-	Name: "Free Coupon 8"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7792
-	AegisName: "Guyak"
-	Name: "Old"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7793
-	AegisName: "Golden_Apple"
-	Name: "Golden Apple"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7794
-	AegisName: "Fate_Of_Crow"
-	Name: "The Crow of Destiny"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7795
-	AegisName: "Mami_Photo_Album"
-	Name: "Mammi's Photo Album"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7796
-	AegisName: "Author_Autograph"
-	Name: "Author's Autograph"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7797
-	AegisName: "Author_Memo"
-	Name: "Author's Memo"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7798
-	AegisName: "Dark_Debris"
-	Name: "Fragment of Darkness"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7799
-	AegisName: "Dark_Crystal"
-	Name: "Crystal of Darkness"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7800
-	AegisName: "Golden_Apple_"
-	Name: "Golden Charm Apple"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7801
-	AegisName: "Girl_Fan_Letter"
-	Name: "Girl's Letter"
-	Trade: {
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-	Id: 7802
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-	Name: "Signature Notebook"
-	Trade: {
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-		nogstorage: true
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-	Id: 7803
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual_TW"
-	Name: "Beginner's Field Manual"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
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-		notrade: true
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-	Id: 7805
-	AegisName: "Brown_Ring"
-	Name: "Brown Jenoss's Family Ring"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7806
-	AegisName: "Black_Anvil"
-	Name: "God Anvil"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7807
-	AegisName: "Ore"
-	Name: "God Mineral"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7808
-	AegisName: "Gold_Hammer"
-	Name: "God Hammer"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7809
-	AegisName: "Gold_Furnace"
-	Name: "God Furnace"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7810
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Cat_Eyed_Stone"
-	Name: "Symbol of Richness"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7811
-	AegisName: "Gold_Anvil"
-	Name: "Anvil"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7812
-	AegisName: "Red_Cat_Eyed_Stone"
-	Name: "Symbol of Bravery"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7813
-	AegisName: "Th_Red_Ring"
-	Name: "Red Jenoss's Family Ring"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7814
-	AegisName: "Green_Ring"
-	Name: "Green Jenoss's Family Ring"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7815
-	AegisName: "Blue_Ring"
-	Name: "Blue Jenoss's Family Ring"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7816
-	AegisName: "Blue_Cat_Eyed_Stone"
-	Name: "Symbol of Faith"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7817
-	AegisName: "White_Cat_Eyed_Stone"
-	Name: "Symbol of Peace"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7818
-	AegisName: "RJC_Golden_Necklace"
-	Name: "Jessur's Necklace"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7819
-	AegisName: "Nokia5300"
-	Name: "Nokia 5300"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7820
-	AegisName: "Morroc_Skin"
-	Name: "Piece of Morocc Skin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7821
-	AegisName: "Green_Apple"
-	Name: "Green Apple"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7822
-	AegisName: "Whole_Barbecue"
-	Name: "Whole Barbecue"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7823
-	AegisName: "Meat_Veg_Skewer"
-	Name: "Meat Veg Skewer"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7824
-	AegisName: "Spirit_Liquor"
-	Name: "Spirit Liquor"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7825
-	AegisName: "Heroic_Stone"
-	Name: "Heroic Stone"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7826
-	AegisName: "Continental_Guard_Paper"
-	Name: "Continental Guard Paper"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7827
-	AegisName: "Mineral_Report"
-	Name: "Mineral Evals"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7828
-	AegisName: "BF_Badge1"
-	Name: "Bravery Badge"
-	Trade: {
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-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7829
-	AegisName: "BF_Badge2"
-	Name: "Valor Badge"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7830
-	AegisName: "Goddess_Tear"
-	Name: "Goddess Tear"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7831
-	AegisName: "Valkyrie_Token"
-	Name: "Valkyrie's Token"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7832
-	AegisName: "Brynhild_Armor_Piece"
-	Name: "Brynhild Armor Piece"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7833
-	AegisName: "Hero_Remains"
-	Name: "Hero's Remains"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7834
-	AegisName: "Andvari_Ring"
-	Name: "Andvari's Ring"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7835
-	AegisName: "Dusk_Glow"
-	Name: "Dusk Glow"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7836
-	AegisName: "Dawn_Essence"
-	Name: "Dawn Essence"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7837
-	AegisName: "Cold_Moonlight"
-	Name: "Cold Moonlight"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7838
-	AegisName: "Hazy_Starlight"
-	Name: "Hazy Starlight"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7839
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Key"
-	Name: "Crystal Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7840
-	AegisName: "Valkyrie_Gift"
-	Name: "Valkyrie's Gift"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7841
-	AegisName: "Spotted_Paper"
-	Name: "Stained Piece Of Paper"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7842
-	AegisName: "Torn_Paper"
-	Name: "Torn Piece Of Paper"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7843
-	AegisName: "Old_Paper"
-	Name: "Old Piece Of Paper"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7844
-	AegisName: "Burnt_Paper"
-	Name: "Burnt Pieces Of Paper"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7845
-	AegisName: "Copy_Of_Spotted_Paper"
-	Name: "Copy Of Spotted Paper"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7846
-	AegisName: "Copy_Of_Torn_Paper"
-	Name: "Copy Of Torn Paper"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7847
-	AegisName: "Copy_Of_Old_Paper"
-	Name: "Copy Of Old Paper"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7848
-	AegisName: "Copy_Of_Burnt_Paper"
-	Name: "Copy Of Burnt Paper"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7849
-	AegisName: "Soul_Crystal"
-	Name: "Soul Crystal"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7850
-	AegisName: "Wooden_Block_"
-	Name: "Wooden Block"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7851
-	AegisName: "Pass_F1"
-	Name: "Wii Raffle Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7852
-	AegisName: "Pass_F2"
-	Name: "Divx Player Raffle Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7853
-	AegisName: "Pass_F3"
-	Name: "iPod nano Raffle Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7854
-	AegisName: "Pass_CF"
-	Name: "Comodo Festival Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7855
-	AegisName: "Heart"
-	Name: "Heart"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7856
-	AegisName: "Girl_Bunch_Of_Flower_"
-	Name: "Girl's Bouquet"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 7857
-	AegisName: "Handmade_Kitty_Doll"
-	Name: "Hand-made Kitty Doll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 30
-	Id: 7858
-	AegisName: "Dragonball_Yellow_"
-	Name: "Dragonball Yellow"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7859
-	AegisName: "Game_Ticket"
-	Name: "Game Ticket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7860
-	AegisName: "Peeps"
-	Name: "Peeps"
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 7861
-	AegisName: "Jelly_Bean"
-	Name: "Jelly Bean"
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 7862
-	AegisName: "Marshmallow"
-	Name: "Marshmallow"
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 7863
-	AegisName: "GOLD_ID4"
-	Name: "Special Gold"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7864
-	AegisName: "Love_Flower"
-	Name: "Stolen Cacao"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7865
-	AegisName: "Gold_Pouch"
-	Name: "Gold Pouch"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7866
-	AegisName: "Certificate"
-	Name: "Certificate"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7867
-	AegisName: "SesamePouch"
-	Name: "Sesame Bag"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7868
-	AegisName: "Water"
-	Name: "Fresh Water"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7869
-	AegisName: "RicePouch"
-	Name: "Rice Pouch"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7870
-	AegisName: "Corn"
-	Name: "Corn"
-	Buy: 5
-	Weight: 20
-	Id: 7871
-	AegisName: "BeanPouch"
-	Name: "Bean Bag"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 20
-	Id: 7872
-	AegisName: "Grass"
-	Name: "Herb"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 30
-	Id: 7873
-	AegisName: "MVP_Monster_Scroll"
-	Name: "MVP Monster Scroll"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7874
-	AegisName: "Monster_Scroll"
-	Name: "Create Monster Scroll"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7875
-	AegisName: "Pirate_Box"
-	Name: "Pirate Treasure"
-	Buy: 300000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7876
-	AegisName: "Gold_Key"
-	Name: "Golden Key"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7877
-	AegisName: "Red_Ring"
-	Name: "Red Ring"
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7878
-	AegisName: "Lusalka_Hair"
-	Name: "Lusalka's Hair"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7879
-	AegisName: "Golden_Thread"
-	Name: "Golden Thread"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7880
-	AegisName: "Babayaga_Silver_Spoon"
-	Name: "Baba Yaga's Silver Spoon"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7881
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_Magic"
-	Name: "Mystery Magic Book"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7882
-	AegisName: "Pointed_Branch"
-	Name: "Sharp Branch"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7883
-	AegisName: "Pointed_Wooden_Flute"
-	Name: "Wooden Flute"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7884
-	AegisName: "Jade_Plate"
-	Name: "Jade Plate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7885
-	AegisName: "Sacred_Arrow"
-	Name: "Sacred Arrow"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7886
-	AegisName: "Bean_Paste"
-	Name: "Bean Paste"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7887
-	AegisName: "Dried_Fruit_Box"
-	Name: "Dried Fruit Box"
-	Weight: 30
-	Id: 7888
-	AegisName: "Bag_Of_Nuts"
-	Name: "Bag of Nuts"
-	Weight: 30
-	Id: 7889
-	AegisName: "Chicken_Feed"
-	Name: "Chicken Feed"
-	Weight: 20
-	Id: 7891
-	AegisName: "Mug"
-	Name: "Mug"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7892
-	AegisName: "Charcoal"
-	Name: "Charcoal"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7893
-	AegisName: "Sulfur"
-	Name: "Sulphur"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7894
-	AegisName: "Nitrate"
-	Name: "Nitrogen Acid"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7895
-	AegisName: "TRO_Memory_Book01"
-	Name: "Rama5 Book"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7896
-	AegisName: "TRO_Memory_Book02"
-	Name: "Loykrathong Book"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7897
-	AegisName: "TRO_Memory_Book03"
-	Name: "Constitution Book"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7898
-	AegisName: "VVS_Balmung"
-	Name: "VV Strong Balmung"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7899
-	AegisName: "Spiritualist_Dagger"
-	Name: "Dagger Of Psychic"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7900
-	AegisName: "Jenoss_Ring1"
-	Name: "Jonathan Family Ring"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7901
-	AegisName: "Jenoss_Ring2"
-	Name: "Jillberriel Family Ring"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7902
-	AegisName: "Jenoss_Ring3"
-	Name: "Jessur Family Ring"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7903
-	AegisName: "Jenoss_Ring4"
-	Name: "Jenoss Family Ring"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7904
-	AegisName: "Piano_Key"
-	Name: "Piano Key"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7905
-	AegisName: "Rok_Star_Badge_"
-	Name: "Rok Star Badge"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7906
-	AegisName: "Poppy_Wreath"
-	Name: "Poppy Wreath"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7907
-	AegisName: "Bobbin_Of_Goddess"
-	Name: "Bobbin Of Goddess"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7908
-	AegisName: "Louis_Hair_Coupon"
-	Name: "Louise's Beauty Coupon"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7909
-	AegisName: "Stolen_Cookie"
-	Name: "Stolen Cookie"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7910
-	AegisName: "Stolen_Candy"
-	Name: "Stolen Candy"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7911
-	AegisName: "Yulia_Hat"
-	Name: "Yulia's Hat"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7912
-	AegisName: "Portable_Snowman"
-	Name: "Portable Snowman Machine"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7913
-	AegisName: "Test_Certificate"
-	Name: "Battle Test Certificate"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7914
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Document_TW"
-	Name: "Ancient Language Document"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7915
-	AegisName: "Copper_Coin_"
-	Name: "Shred Of Evidence"
-	Id: 7916
-	AegisName: "Silver_Coin_"
-	Name: "Silver Coin"
-	Id: 7917
-	AegisName: "Magic_Potion"
-	Name: "Magic Potion"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7918
-	AegisName: "Particle_Of_Memory"
-	Name: "Fragment Of Memory"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 7919
-	AegisName: "Festival_Ticket"
-	Name: "Festival Ticket"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7920
-	AegisName: "Heros_Arsenal"
-	Name: "Hero's Arsenal"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7921
-	AegisName: "Essence_Of_Dragon"
-	Name: "Essence Of Dragon"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7922
-	AegisName: "RWC_Ticket"
-	Name: "RWC Voucher Items"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7923
-	AegisName: "KRATHONG_"
-	Name: "Krathong"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7924
-	AegisName: "Gold_Paper"
-	Name: "Gold Paper"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7925
-	AegisName: "Silver_Paper"
-	Name: "Silver Paper"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7926
-	AegisName: "Incense"
-	Name: "Incense"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7927
-	AegisName: "Candle_TW"
-	Name: "Candle TW"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7928
-	AegisName: "Brazilian_Flag_"
-	Name: "Brazil National Flag"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7929
-	AegisName: "Golden_Coin_"
-	Name: "Gold Coin"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7930
-	AegisName: "Cowkings_Nose_Ring"
-	Name: "Devil's Cattle Ring"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7931
-	AegisName: "Poison_Kit"
-	Name: "Poison Kit"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7932
-	AegisName: "Poison_Herb_Nerium"
-	Name: "Poison Herb Nerium"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7933
-	AegisName: "Poison_Herb_Rantana"
-	Name: "Poison Herb Rantana"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7934
-	AegisName: "Poison_Herb_Makulata"
-	Name: "Poison Herb Makulata"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7935
-	AegisName: "Poison_Herb_Seratum"
-	Name: "Poison Herb Seratum"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7936
-	AegisName: "Poison_Herb_Scopolia"
-	Name: "Poison Herb Scopolia"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7937
-	AegisName: "Poison_Herb_Amoena"
-	Name: "Poison Herb Amoena"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7938
-	AegisName: "Light_Granule"
-	Name: "Light Granule"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7939
-	AegisName: "Elder_Branch"
-	Name: "Elder Branch"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7940
-	AegisName: "Special_Alloy_Trap"
-	Name: "Special Alloy Trap"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 2
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 7941
-	AegisName: "Halloween_Ticket"
-	Name: "Halloween Ticket"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 7942
-	AegisName: "Letter_From_Chico"
-	Name: "Chico Cesar Letter"
-	Id: 7943
-	AegisName: "Caskinya"
-	Name: "Caskinya"
-	Id: 7944
-	AegisName: "Box_Of_Seal"
-	Name: "Sealed Box"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7945
-	AegisName: "Almighty_Charm"
-	Name: "Universal Amulet"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7946
-	AegisName: "Valentine_Gold_Ring"
-	Name: "Gold Ring Of Valentine"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 7947
-	AegisName: "Valentine_Silver_Ring"
-	Name: "Silver Ring Of Valentine"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 7948
-	AegisName: "Box"
-	Name: "Box"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7949
-	AegisName: "Woven_Wool"
-	Name: "Woven Wool"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7950
-	AegisName: "Ayothaya_Ticket"
-	Name: "Ayothaya Fest Ticket"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7951
-	AegisName: "Gold_Tulip"
-	Name: "Golden Tulip Flower"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7952
-	AegisName: "Gift_From_Romiros"
-	Name: "Gift Of Lomi Ross"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7953
-	AegisName: "Gift_From_Juliedge"
-	Name: "Gift Of Juliet"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7954
-	AegisName: "Festival_Ticket_"
-	Name: "Summer Festival Ticket"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7955
-	AegisName: "Lost_Card1"
-	Name: "Forgotten Card 1"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 7956
-	AegisName: "Lost_Card2"
-	Name: "Forgotten Card 2"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 7957
-	AegisName: "Lost_Card3"
-	Name: "Forgotten Card 3"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 7958
-	AegisName: "Lost_Card4"
-	Name: "Forgotten Card 4"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 7959
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Gold_Coin"
-	Name: "UP Coin"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Id: 7960
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Silver_Coin"
-	Name: "Ancient Silver"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Id: 7961
-	AegisName: "Weapon_Exchange"
-	Name: "Weapon Exchange Ticket"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7962
-	AegisName: "Treasure_Map1"
-	Name: "Treasure Map1"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7963
-	AegisName: "Treasure_Map2"
-	Name: "Treasure Map2"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7964
-	AegisName: "Treasure_Map3"
-	Name: "Treasure Map3"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7965
-	AegisName: "Treasure_Map4"
-	Name: "Treasure Map4"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7966
-	AegisName: "Weird_Parchment1"
-	Name: "Weird Parchment1"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7967
-	AegisName: "Weird_Parchment2"
-	Name: "Weird Parchment2"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7968
-	AegisName: "Weird_Parchment3"
-	Name: "Weird Parchment3"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7969
-	AegisName: "Weird_Parchment4"
-	Name: "Weird Parchment4"
-	Buy: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 7970
-	AegisName: "Unwritten_Letter1"
-	Name: "Unwritten Letter1"
-	Id: 7971
-	AegisName: "Unwritten_Letter2"
-	Name: "Unwritten Letter2"
-	Id: 7972
-	AegisName: "Oath_Day_Letter"
-	Name: "Oath Day Letter"
-	Id: 7973
-	AegisName: "Immortality_Egg"
-	Name: "Eternal Eggs"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 7974
-	AegisName: "Illusion_Piece"
-	Name: "Misty's Illusion Piece"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 7975
-	AegisName: "Cupid_Choco"
-	Name: "Cupid's Chocolate"
-	Id: 7976
-	AegisName: "Gf_Magic_Coin"
-	Name: "Gf Magic Coin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 7977
-	AegisName: "Hunting_Medal_Badge"
-	Name: "Hunting Medal Badge"
-	Id: 7978
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza1"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza1"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7979
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza2"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza2"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7980
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza3"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza3"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7981
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza4"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza4"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7982
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza5"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza5"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7983
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza6"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza6"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7984
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza7"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza7"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7985
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza8"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza8"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7986
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza9"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza9"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7987
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza10"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza10"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7988
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza11"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza11"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7989
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza12"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza12"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7990
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza13"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza13"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7991
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza14"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza14"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7992
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza15"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza15"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7993
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza16"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza16"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7994
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza17"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza17"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7995
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza18"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza18"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7996
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza19"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza19"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7997
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza20"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza20"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7998
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza21"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza21"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 7999
-	AegisName: "Spring_Stanza22"
-	Name: "Spring Stanza22"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-//== Pet Eggs ==============================================
-	Id: 9001
-	AegisName: "Poring_Egg"
-	Name: "Poring Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9002
-	AegisName: "Drops_Egg"
-	Name: "Drops Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9003
-	AegisName: "Poporing_Egg"
-	Name: "Poporing Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9004
-	AegisName: "Lunatic_Egg"
-	Name: "Lunatic Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9005
-	AegisName: "Picky_Egg"
-	Name: "Picky Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9006
-	AegisName: "Chonchon_Egg"
-	Name: "Chonchon Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9007
-	AegisName: "Steel_Chonchon_Egg"
-	Name: "Steel Chonchon Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9008
-	AegisName: "Hunter_Fly_Egg"
-	Name: "Hunter Fly Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9009
-	AegisName: "Savage_Bebe_Egg"
-	Name: "Savage Bebe Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9010
-	AegisName: "Baby_Desert_Wolf_Egg"
-	Name: "Baby Desert Wolf Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9011
-	AegisName: "Rocker_Egg"
-	Name: "Rocker Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9012
-	AegisName: "Spore_Egg"
-	Name: "Spore Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9013
-	AegisName: "Poison_Spore_Egg"
-	Name: "Poison Spore Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9014
-	AegisName: "PecoPeco_Egg"
-	Name: "PecoPeco Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9015
-	AegisName: "Smokie_Egg"
-	Name: "Smokie Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9016
-	AegisName: "Yoyo_Egg"
-	Name: "Yoyo Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9017
-	AegisName: "Orc_Warrior_Egg"
-	Name: "Orc Warrior Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9018
-	AegisName: "Munak_Egg"
-	Name: "Munak Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9019
-	AegisName: "Dokkaebi_Egg"
-	Name: "Dokebi Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9020
-	AegisName: "Sohee_Egg"
-	Name: "Sohee Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9021
-	AegisName: "Isis_Egg"
-	Name: "Isis Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9022
-	AegisName: "Green_Petite_Egg"
-	Name: "Green Petite Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9023
-	AegisName: "Deviruchi_Egg"
-	Name: "Deviruchi Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9024
-	AegisName: "Bapho_Jr_Egg"
-	Name: "Bapho Jr. Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9025
-	AegisName: "Bongun_Egg"
-	Name: "Bongun Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9026
-	AegisName: "Zherlthsh_Egg"
-	Name: "Zealotus Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9027
-	AegisName: "Alice_Egg"
-	Name: "Alice Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9028
-	AegisName: "Rice_Cake_Egg"
-	Name: "Hard Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Id: 9029
-	AegisName: "Santa_Goblin_Egg"
-	Name: "X-mas Goblin's Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9030
-	AegisName: "Chung_E_Egg"
-	Name: "Green Maiden Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9031
-	AegisName: "Spring_Rabbit_Egg"
-	Name: "Spring Rabbit Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9032
-	AegisName: "Knife_Goblin_Egg"
-	Name: "Knife Goblin Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9033
-	AegisName: "Flail_Goblin_Egg"
-	Name: "Flail Goblin Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9034
-	AegisName: "Hammer_Goblin_Egg"
-	Name: "Hammer Goblin Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9035
-	AegisName: "Red_Deleter_Egg"
-	Name: "Red Deleter Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9036
-	AegisName: "Diabolic_Egg"
-	Name: "Diabolic Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9037
-	AegisName: "Wanderer_Egg"
-	Name: "Wanderer Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9038
-	AegisName: "New_Year_Doll_Egg"
-	Name: "New Year Doll Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9039
-	AegisName: "Bacsojin_Egg"
-	Name: "Bacsojin Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9040
-	AegisName: "Civil_Servant_Egg"
-	Name: "Civil Servant Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9041
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Cat_Egg"
-	Name: "Leaf Cat Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9042
-	AegisName: "Loli_Ruri_Egg"
-	Name: "Loli Ruri Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9043
-	AegisName: "Marionette_Egg"
-	Name: "Marionette Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9044
-	AegisName: "Shinobi_Egg"
-	Name: "Shinobi Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9045
-	AegisName: "Whisper_Egg"
-	Name: "Whisper Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9046
-	AegisName: "Goblin_Leader_Egg"
-	Name: "Goblin Leader Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9047
-	AegisName: "Wicked_Nymph_Egg"
-	Name: "Wicked Nymph Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9048
-	AegisName: "Miyabi_Ningyo_Egg"
-	Name: "Miyabi Ningyo Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9049
-	AegisName: "Dullahan_Egg"
-	Name: "Dullahan Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9050
-	AegisName: "Medusa_Egg"
-	Name: "Medusa Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9051
-	AegisName: "Stone_Shooter_Egg"
-	Name: "Stone Shooter Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9052
-	AegisName: "Incubus_Egg"
-	Name: "Incubus Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9053
-	AegisName: "Golem_Egg"
-	Name: "Golem Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9054
-	AegisName: "Nightmare_Terror_Egg"
-	Name: "Nightmare Terror Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9055
-	AegisName: "Succubus_Egg"
-	Name: "Succubus Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9056
-	AegisName: "Imp_Egg"
-	Name: "Imp Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9057
-	AegisName: "Egg_Of_Tiny"
-	Name: "Egg Of Tiny"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9058
-	AegisName: "Snow_Rabbit_Egg"
-	Name: "Christmas Snow Rabbit Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 9059
-	AegisName: "Tikbalang_Pet"
-	Name: "Tikbalang Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9060
-	AegisName: "Brownie_Egg"
-	Name: "Egg of Domovoi"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9061
-	AegisName: "Marin_Egg"
-	Name: "Marin Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9062
-	AegisName: "Novice_Poring_Egg"
-	Name: "Novice Poring Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9069
-	AegisName: "Mastering_Egg"
-	Name: "Mastering Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9070
-	AegisName: "Savage_Egg"
-	Name: "Savage Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9071
-	AegisName: "Grand_Peco_Peco_Egg"
-	Name: "Grand Peco Peco Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9087
-	AegisName: "High_Orc_Egg"
-	Name: "High Orc Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9088
-	AegisName: "Angeling_Egg"
-	Name: "Angeling Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9089
-	AegisName: "Am_Mut_Egg"
-	Name: "Am Mut Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9090
-	AegisName: "Little_Isis_Egg"
-	Name: "Little Isis Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9091
-	AegisName: "Choco_Egg"
-	Name: "Choco Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9092
-	AegisName: "Eggring_Egg"
-	Name: "Eggring Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9093
-	AegisName: "Hyegun_Egg"
-	Name: "Hyegun Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9094
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Lunatic_Egg"
-	Name: "Leaf Lunatic Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9095
-	AegisName: "Nine_Tails_Egg"
-	Name: "Nine Tails Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9096
-	AegisName: "Cat_o_Nine_Tails_Egg"
-	Name: "Cat o' Nine Tails Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9097
-	AegisName: "Diabolic_Egg_"
-	Name: "Diabolic Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9098
-	AegisName: "Earth_Deleter_Egg"
-	Name: "Earth Deleter Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9099
-	AegisName: "Teddy_Bear_Egg"
-	Name: "Teddy Bear Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9100
-	AegisName: "Gremlin_Egg"
-	Name: "Gremlin Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9101
-	AegisName: "Scatelon_Egg"
-	Name: "Scatleton Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9102
-	AegisName: "Mummy_Egg"
-	Name: "Mummy Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9103
-	AegisName: "Willow_Egg"
-	Name: "Willow Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9104
-	AegisName: "Roween_Egg"
-	Name: "Roween Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9105
-	AegisName: "Hodremlin_Egg"
-	Name: "Hodremlin Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9106
-	AegisName: "Metaller_Egg"
-	Name: "Metaller Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9107
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Mummy_Egg"
-	Name: "Ancient Mummy Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9108
-	AegisName: "Abandoned_Teddy_Bear_Egg"
-	Name: "Abandoned Teddy Bear Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9109
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Drops_Egg"
-	Name: "Sweet Drops Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9111
-	AegisName: "Phreeoni_Egg"
-	Name: "Phreeoni Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9112
-	AegisName: "Moonlight_Flower_Egg"
-	Name: "Moonlight Flower Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 9113
-	AegisName: "Skelion_Egg"
-	Name: "Skelion Egg"
-	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
-	Buy: 20
-//== Pet Accessories =======================================
-	Id: 10001
-	AegisName: "Skull_Helm"
-	Name: "Skull Helm"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10002
-	AegisName: "Monster_Oxygen_Mask"
-	Name: "Monster Oxygen Mask"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10003
-	AegisName: "Transparent_Headgear"
-	Name: "Transparent Head Protector"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10004
-	AegisName: "Pacifier"
-	Name: "Pacifier"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10005
-	AegisName: "Wig"
-	Name: "Wig"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10006
-	AegisName: "Queens_Hair_Ornament"
-	Name: "Queen's Hair Ornament"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10007
-	AegisName: "Silk_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Silk Ribbon"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10008
-	AegisName: "Punisher"
-	Name: "Punisher"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10009
-	AegisName: "Wild_Flower"
-	Name: "Wild Flower"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10010
-	AegisName: "Battered_Pot"
-	Name: "Battered Pot"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10011
-	AegisName: "Stellar_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Stellar Hairpin"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10012
-	AegisName: "Tiny_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Tiny Egg Shell"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10013
-	AegisName: "Backpack"
-	Name: "Poring Pet Backpack"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Id: 10014
-	AegisName: "Rocker_Glasses"
-	Name: "Rocker Glasses"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Id: 10015
-	AegisName: "Green_Lace"
-	Name: "Green Lace"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10016
-	AegisName: "Golden_Bell"
-	Name: "Golden Bell"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10017
-	AegisName: "Bark_Shorts"
-	Name: "Bark Shorts"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10018
-	AegisName: "Monkey_Circlet"
-	Name: "Monkey Circlet"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10019
-	AegisName: "Red_Muffler"
-	Name: "Red Scarf"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10020
-	AegisName: "Sword_Of_Grave_Keeper"
-	Name: "Grave Keeper's Sword"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10021
-	AegisName: "Round_Hair_Ornament"
-	Name: "Circular Headgear"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10022
-	AegisName: "Golden_Earing"
-	Name: "Gold Earring"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10023
-	AegisName: "Green_Lucky_Bag"
-	Name: "Green Jewel Bag"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10024
-	AegisName: "Fashionable_Glasses"
-	Name: "Fashionable Glasses"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10025
-	AegisName: "Star_Hairband"
-	Name: "Hairband Of Stars"
-	Buy: 300000
-	Id: 10026
-	AegisName: "Wine_On_Sleeve"
-	Name: "Tassel for Durumagi"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10027
-	AegisName: "Spirit_Chain_"
-	Name: "Pet Soul Ring"
-	Buy: 300000
-	Id: 10028
-	AegisName: "Nice_Badge"
-	Name: "Beautiful Badges"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10029
-	AegisName: "Jade_Trinket"
-	Name: "Jade Trinket"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10030
-	AegisName: "Summer_Fan"
-	Name: "Summer Fan"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10031
-	AegisName: "Death_Coil"
-	Name: "Ring Of Death"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10032
-	AegisName: "Queens_Coronet"
-	Name: "Queen's Coronet"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10033
-	AegisName: "Apro_Hair"
-	Name: "Afro"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10034
-	AegisName: "Ball_Mask"
-	Name: "Masked Ball"
-	Buy: 300000
-	Id: 10035
-	AegisName: "Windup_Spring"
-	Name: "Spring"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10036
-	AegisName: "Hell_Horn"
-	Name: "Horn Of Hell"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10037
-	AegisName: "Black_Butterfly_Mask"
-	Name: "Black Butterfly Mask"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10038
-	AegisName: "Horn_Protector"
-	Name: "Horn Barrier"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10039
-	AegisName: "Tw_Backpack"
-	Name: "Tw Backpack"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 10042
-	AegisName: "Dark_Mane"
-	Name: "Dark_Mane"
-//== Misc "Etc" Books ======================================
-	Id: 11000
-	AegisName: "Prontera_Book_01"
-	Name: "History book of Prontera"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11001
-	AegisName: "Adventure_Story01"
-	Name: "Adventure Story Vol.1"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11002
-	AegisName: "Great_Chef_Orleans01"
-	Name: "Chef King Orleans Vol.1"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11003
-	AegisName: "Legend_Of_Kafra01"
-	Name: "Kafra Legend Vol.1"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11004
-	AegisName: "Mercenary_Rebellion"
-	Name: "Old Book"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11005
-	AegisName: "Tyrant_Schmidt"
-	Name: "Rune Royal Family Book"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11006
-	AegisName: "Blood_Flower01"
-	Name: "Blood Flower Vol.1"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11007
-	AegisName: "Blood_Flower02"
-	Name: "Blood Flower Vol.2"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11008
-	AegisName: "Barmund"
-	Name: "Biographical Dictionary Copy Edition"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11009
-	AegisName: "Adventure_Story02"
-	Name: "Adventure Story Vol.2"
-	Buy: 8000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11010
-	AegisName: "Reward_List_Book"
-	Name: "Battlegrounds Catalog"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11011
-	AegisName: "Barmund_Note"
-	Name: "Varmunt's Note"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 11012
-	AegisName: "Expedition_Report"
-	Name: "Expedition Report"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
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-	Id: 11013
-	AegisName: "Expedition_Report_Vol1"
-	Name: "Expedition Report Vol1"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
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-	Id: 11014
-	AegisName: "Expedition_Report_Vol2"
-	Name: "Expedition Report Vol2"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 11015
-	AegisName: "Expedition_Report_Vol3"
-	Name: "Expedition Report Vol3"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
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-	Id: 11016
-	AegisName: "Expedition_Report_Vol4"
-	Name: "Expedition Report Vol4"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 11017
-	AegisName: "Reward_List_Book2"
-	Name: "KVM Reward Items Catalog"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11018
-	AegisName: "Splendide_Selling_Item"
-	Name: "Splendide Selling Item"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11019
-	AegisName: "Manuk_Selling_Item"
-	Name: "Manuk Selling Item"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11020
-	AegisName: "Japan_Book1"
-	Name: "Japanese Book1"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11021
-	AegisName: "Japan_Book2"
-	Name: "Japanese Book2"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11022
-	AegisName: "Mix_Cook_Book"
-	Name: "Cooking Book: Mix Cooking"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11023
-	AegisName: "Increase_Stamina_Study"
-	Name: "How To Increase Stamina"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11024
-	AegisName: "Vital_Drink_CB"
-	Name: "How To Increase Vitality"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 11025
-	AegisName: "Swordman_Book_Basic"
-	Name: "Swordman Book Basic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11026
-	AegisName: "Swordman_Book_Practice"
-	Name: "Swordman Book Practice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11027
-	AegisName: "Swrodman_Book_Misc"
-	Name: "Swrodman Book Misc"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11028
-	AegisName: "Thief_Book_Basic"
-	Name: "Thief Book Basic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11029
-	AegisName: "Thief_Book_Practice"
-	Name: "Thief Book Practice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11030
-	AegisName: "Thief_Book_Misc"
-	Name: "Thief Book Misc"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11031
-	AegisName: "Archer_Book_Basic"
-	Name: "Archer Book Basic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11032
-	AegisName: "Archer_Book_Practice"
-	Name: "Archer Book Practice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11033
-	AegisName: "Archer_Book_Misc"
-	Name: "Archer Book Misc"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11034
-	AegisName: "Acol_Book_Basic"
-	Name: "Acol Book Basic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11035
-	AegisName: "Acol_Book_Practice"
-	Name: "Acol Book Practice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11036
-	AegisName: "Acol_Book_Misc"
-	Name: "Acol Book Misc"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11037
-	AegisName: "Mage_Book_Basic"
-	Name: "Mage Book Basic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11038
-	AegisName: "Mage_Book_Practice"
-	Name: "Mage Book Practice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11039
-	AegisName: "Mage_Book_Misc"
-	Name: "Mage Book Misc"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11040
-	AegisName: "Mer_Book_Basic"
-	Name: "Mer Book Basic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11041
-	AegisName: "Mer_Book_Practice"
-	Name: "Mer Book Practice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11042
-	AegisName: "Mer_Book_Misc"
-	Name: "Mer Book Misc"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11043
-	AegisName: "TK_Book_Basic"
-	Name: "TK Book Basic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11044
-	AegisName: "TK_Book_Practice"
-	Name: "TK Book Practice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11045
-	AegisName: "TK_Book_Misc"
-	Name: "TK Book Misc"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11046
-	AegisName: "Ninja_Book_Basic"
-	Name: "Ninja Book Basic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11047
-	AegisName: "Ninja_Book_Practice"
-	Name: "Ninja Book Practice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11048
-	AegisName: "Ninja_Book_Misc"
-	Name: "Ninja Book Misc"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11049
-	AegisName: "Gun_Book_Basic"
-	Name: "Gun Book Basic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11050
-	AegisName: "Gun_Book_Practice"
-	Name: "Gun Book Practice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11051
-	AegisName: "Gun_Book_Misc"
-	Name: "Gun Book Misc"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11052
-	AegisName: "SN_Book_Basic"
-	Name: "SN Book Basic"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11053
-	AegisName: "SN_Book_Practice"
-	Name: "SN Book Practice"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11054
-	AegisName: "SN_Book_Misc"
-	Name: "SN Book Misc"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11055
-	AegisName: "Basic_Adventure"
-	Name: "Basic Adventure"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11056
-	AegisName: "Spiritualism_Guide"
-	Name: "Spiritualism Guide"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11057
-	AegisName: "Feb_Sweets"
-	Name: "February Sweets"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 11058
-	AegisName: "Novice_Combi_Book"
-	Name: "Beginner Item Book"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11059
-	AegisName: "WoE_TE_Rental_List"
-	Name: "WoE TE Rental List"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 11060
-	AegisName: "Energy_Xtal_Combi_Book"
-	Name: "Energy Crystal Book"
-	Weight: 10
-//== More Usable Items =====================================
-	Id: 11500
-	AegisName: "Light_Yellow_Pot"
-	Name: "Light Yellow Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 550
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(175,235),0; ">
-	Id: 11501
-	AegisName: "Light_White_Pot"
-	Name: "Light White Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1200
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">
-	Id: 11502
-	AegisName: "Light_Blue_Pot"
-	Name: "Light Blue Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(40,60); ">
-	Id: 11503
-	AegisName: "Siege_White_Potion"
-	Name: "WoE White Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(400,500),0; ">
-	Id: 11504
-	AegisName: "Siege_Blue_Potion"
-	Name: "WoE Blue Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(50,70); ">
-	Id: 11505
-	AegisName: "Iris"
-	Name: "Iris"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 30
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,150; ">
-	Id: 11506
-	AegisName: "Fanta_Orange"
-	Name: "Fanta Orange"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11507
-	AegisName: "Fanta_Grape"
-	Name: "Fanta Grape"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11508
-	AegisName: "Karada_Meguri_Tea"
-	Name: "Karada Meguricha"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11509
-	AegisName: "Royal_Milk_Tea"
-	Name: "Black Tea Kochakaden"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11510
-	AegisName: "Coke_Zero"
-	Name: "Coca Cola Zero"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11511
-	AegisName: "Coke_No_Cal"
-	Name: "Diet Coca Cola"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11512
-	AegisName: "Coca_Cola"
-	Name: "Coca Cola"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11513
-	AegisName: "Protect_Neck_Candy"
-	Name: "Throat Lozenge"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 250
-	Weight: 1
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(5,25),0; ">
-	Id: 11514
-	AegisName: "Enriched_Slim_Pot"
-	Name: "Enriched Slim Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(335,415),0; ">
-	Id: 11515
-	AegisName: "Coconut"
-	Name: "Coconut"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 120
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(300,400),0; ">
-	Id: 11516
-	AegisName: "Asai_Fruit"
-	Name: "Asai Fruit"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(16,22),0; ">
-	Id: 11517
-	AegisName: "Puri_Potion"
-	Name: "Purification Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(400,600),0; ">
-	Id: 11518
-	AegisName: "N_Blue_Potion"
-	Name: "Cure Free"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 50
-	EquipLv: [1, 20]
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,5; ">
-	Id: 11519
-	AegisName: "Beef_Toast"
-	Name: "Bifrost"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1200
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(170,250),0; ">
-	Id: 11520
-	AegisName: "Mora_Mandarin"
-	Name: "Mora Mandarin"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 20
-	EquipLv: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(50,80); ">
-	Id: 11521
-	AegisName: "Pingui_Berry_Juice"
-	Name: "Pinguicula Berry Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 50
-	EquipLv: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(400,800),rand(50,80); ">
-	Id: 11522
-	AegisName: "Red_Raffle_Sap"
-	Name: "Red Raffle Sap"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2500
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Delay: 1000
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(400,800),0; ">
-	Id: 11523
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Raffle_Sap"
-	Name: "Yellow Raffle Sap"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 120
-	EquipLv: 110
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Delay: 2000
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(600,1000),0; ">
-	Id: 11524
-	AegisName: "White_Raffle_Sap"
-	Name: "White Raffle Sap"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 3500
-	Weight: 140
-	EquipLv: 120
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Delay: 3000
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(800,1200),0; ">
-	Id: 11525
-	AegisName: "Mora_Hip_Tea"
-	Name: "Mora Hip Tea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	EquipLv: 120
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Delay: 5000
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(1500,2000),0; ">
-	Id: 11526
-	AegisName: "Rafflecino"
-	Name: "Rafflecino"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 120
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(120,160); ">
-	Id: 11527
-	AegisName: "Baklava"
-	Name: "Baklava"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 3500
-	Weight: 600
-	Script: <" itemheal 1200,440; ">
-	Id: 11528
-	AegisName: "Kanafeh"
-	Name: "Kanafeh"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" itemheal 300,240; ">
-	Id: 11529
-	AegisName: "MAAMOUL_"
-	Name: "MAAMOUL "
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal 120,60; ">
-	Id: 11530
-	AegisName: "Jujube"
-	Name: "Jujube"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal 30,0; ">
-	Id: 11531
-	AegisName: "Coffee"
-	Name: "Coffee"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,10; ">
-	Id: 11532
-	AegisName: "Nasi_Goreng"
-	Name: "Nasi Goreng"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(17,23),0; ">
-	Id: 11533
-	AegisName: "Satay"
-	Name: "Satay"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(17,23),0; ">
-	Id: 11534
-	AegisName: "Coco_Juice"
-	Name: "Coconut Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(17,23),0; ">
-	Id: 11535
-	AegisName: "Almond_Chocolate"
-	Name: "Almond Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 190
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(8,16); ">
-	Id: 11536
-	AegisName: "Cat_Hard_Biscuit"
-	Name: "Cat's Ship Biscuit"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		.@temp = rand(1,4);
-		if (.@temp == 1) {
-			heal -100, 0;
-		} else if (.@temp == 2) {
-			showscript "Huuph...! Yucky..! Wa, Water...!!";
-			sc_start SC_STUN, 3000, 0, 50000, SCFLAG_NONE;
-		} else if (.@temp == 3) {
-			showscript "Yeeyuck...!! This is rotten!!";
-			sc_start SC_POISON, 50000, 0;
-		} else {
-			specialeffect(EF_HIT4, AREA, playerattached());
-			showscript "Arrrrrgggg...!! Bu, Bu, Bugggggg!!!!!";
-			getitem Rice_weevil_Bug, 1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 11537
-	AegisName: "Rice_weevil_Bug"
-	Name: "Weevil Bug Worm"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		.@temp = rand(1,6);
-		if (.@temp == 1) {
-			specialeffect(EF_POISONHIT, AREA, playerattached());
-			showscript "Errrgg!!! This is so.. bitter....!!";
-			heal 0,-50;
-		} else if (.@temp == 2) {
-			specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, playerattached());
-			showscript "....Well at least this is good for my health though.";
-			percentheal 15,0;
-		} else if (.@temp == 3) {
-			specialeffect(EF_POISONHIT, AREA, playerattached());
-			showscript "Phewphew!! Arg.... Is this poisoned or what?!";
-			heal 0,-100;
-		} else if (.@temp == 4) {
-			specialeffect(EF_POISONHIT, AREA, playerattached());
-			showscript "Whasdfhwkljhrtklwert....!!";
-			heal 0,-200;
-		} else if (.@temp == 5) {
-			specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, playerattached());
-			showscript "It's ok, no one sew me yet..";
-			percentheal 10,0;
-		} else {
-			specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, playerattached());
-			showscript "I really need something to eat... ?? Sorry, little buggy.";
-			percentheal 5,0;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 11538
-	AegisName: "Octupus_Leg"
-	Name: "Fresh Octopus Legs"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 30
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(35,60),rand(5,10); ">
-	Id: 11539
-	AegisName: "Athale_Choco"
-	Name: "Handmade Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 11540
-	AegisName: "Shyai_Choco"
-	Name: "Handmade Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 11541
-	AegisName: "Mid_Choco"
-	Name: "Handmade Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 11542
-	AegisName: "Zonda_Choco"
-	Name: "Handmade Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 11543
-	AegisName: "Goedo_Choco"
-	Name: "Handmade Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 11544
-	AegisName: "Huike_Choco"
-	Name: "Handmade Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 11545
-	AegisName: "Rune_Choco"
-	Name: "Handmade Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 11546
-	AegisName: "Pope_Choco"
-	Name: "Handmade Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 11547
-	AegisName: "Woe_Violet_Potion"
-	Name: "WoE Violet Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(500,700),rand(60,85); ">
-	Id: 11548
-	AegisName: "Woe_White_Potion"
-	Name: "WoE White Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" percentheal 10,0; ">
-	Id: 11549
-	AegisName: "Woe_Blue_Potion"
-	Name: "WoE Blue Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <" percentheal 0,10; ">
-	Id: 11550
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Cake"
-	Name: "Pumpkin Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 40
-	Script: <" percentheal 5,5; ">
-	Id: 11551
-	AegisName: "Savory_Herb_Salad"
-	Name: "Aromatic Herb Seasoned"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(20,30),0; ">
-	Id: 11552
-	AegisName: "Apple_Carrot_Salad"
-	Name: "Apple Carrot Salad"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(20,30),0; ">
-	Id: 11553
-	AegisName: "Casual_Stew"
-	Name: "Anything Casserole"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(20,30),0; ">
-	Id: 11554
-	AegisName: "Golden_Roasted_Apple"
-	Name: "92 Golden Apple"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(20,30),0; ">
-	Id: 11557
-	AegisName: "TE_White_Potion"
-	Name: "TE White Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 300
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">
-	Id: 11558
-	AegisName: "TE_White_Slim_Potion"
-	Name: "TE White Slim Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 275
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">
-	Id: 11592
-	AegisName: "Trance_Candy_R"
-	Name: "Red Transform Candy"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 30
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(45,65), 0;
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!! Bloody Murderer Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform BLOODY_MURDERER, 600000, SC_MTF_MHP, 1000;
-	">
-	Id: 11593
-	AegisName: "Trance_Candy_B"
-	Name: "Blue Transform Candy"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 30
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(45,65), 0;
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!!! Bathory Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform BATHORY, 600000, SC_MTF_MSP, 100;
-	">
-	Id: 11594
-	AegisName: "Trance_Candy_Y"
-	Name: "Yellow Transform Candy"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 30
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(45,65),0;
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!! Jack Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform JAKK, 600000, SC_MTF_PUMPKIN, 2000;
-	">
-	Id: 11595
-	AegisName: "Trance_Candy_G"
-	Name: "Green Transform Candy"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 30
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal rand(45,65),0;
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!! Cube Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform QUVE, 600000, SC_MTF_HITFLEE, 10, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 11602
-	AegisName: "Catnip_Fruit"
-	Name: "Catnip Fruit"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 1
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(10,40),0; ">
-	Id: 11607
-	AegisName: "Crepe"
-	Name: "Crepe"
-	Id: 11608
-	AegisName: "Chocolate_Egg"
-	Name: "Chocolate_Egg"
-	Id: 11609
-	AegisName: "Yummy_Cookie_Egg"
-	Name: "Yummy_Cookie_Egg"
-	Id: 11611
-	AegisName: "Pop_Corn"
-	Name: "Pop_Corn"
-	Id: 11612
-	AegisName: "Aromatic_Pop_Corn"
-	Name: "Aromatic_Pop_Corn"
-	Id: 11614
-	AegisName: "Fresh_Milk"
-	Name: "Fresh_Milk"
-	Id: 11615
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Potato_"
-	Name: "Sweet_Potato_"
-	Id: 11620
-	AegisName: "Bearopy"
-	Name: "Bearopy"
-	Id: 11625
-	AegisName: "Aromatic_Pop_Corn_"
-	Name: "Aromatic_Pop_Corn_"
-	Id: 11701
-	AegisName: "Girl_Bunch_Of_Flower"
-	Name: "Girl's Bouquet"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(105,145),0; ">
-	Id: 11702
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cookie"
-	Name: "Moon Cookie"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 300
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Id: 11703
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Blood"
-	Name: "Mystery Blood"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 30
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(25,35); ">
-	Id: 11704
-	AegisName: "KETUPAT_F"
-	Name: "Ketupat"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(70,90),0; ">
-	Id: 11705
-	AegisName: "Special_White_Potion"
-	Name: "Child Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(425,425),0; ">
-	Id: 11706
-	AegisName: "Steak"
-	Name: "Steak"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(700,1000),0; ">
-	Id: 11707
-	AegisName: "Roasted_Beef"
-	Name: "Roast Beef"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" itemheal 0,rand(100,200); ">
-	Id: 11708
-	AegisName: "Fore_Flank_Sirloin"
-	Name: "Fore Flank Sirloin"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(30,50),rand(1,5); ">
-	Id: 11709
-	AegisName: "Fanta_Zero_Lemon"
-	Name: "Fanta Zero Lemon"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11710
-	AegisName: "Sakura_Mist"
-	Name: "Sakura Mist"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11711
-	AegisName: "Sakura_Milk_Tea"
-	Name: "Sakura Milk Tea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11712
-	AegisName: "First_Leaf_Tea"
-	Name: "Flower"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,70),rand(10,12); ">
-	Id: 11713
-	AegisName: "Julias_Candy"
-	Name: "Julia's Candy"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 30
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(40,45),0; ">
-	Id: 11715
-	AegisName: "Fruit_Salad"
-	Name: "Fruit Salad"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_SPELLBREAKER, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_TARGET_ASPD, 180000, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 11716
-	AegisName: "Shepherd_Salad"
-	Name: "Shepherd Salad"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_LIGHTSPHERE, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_HEALPLUS, 180000, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 11717
-	AegisName: "Yogurt"
-	Name: "Yogurt"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 140
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_HEAL3, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_ATKER_MOVESPEED, 180000, 5, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 11718
-	AegisName: "Sushi_Kebab"
-	Name: "Sushi Kebab"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 60
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_HEAL3, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_M_LIFEPOTION, 180000, -4, 4;
-	">
-	Id: 11719
-	AegisName: "Bisket_Dessert"
-	Name: "Bisket Dessert"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP, 1800000, 100;">
-	Id: 12000
-	AegisName: "Cold_Scroll_2_5"
-	Name: "Level 5 Frost Diver"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MG_FROSTDIVER,5; ">
-	Id: 12001
-	AegisName: "Holy_Scroll_1_3"
-	Name: "Level 3 Heal"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill AL_HEAL,3; ">
-	Id: 12002
-	AegisName: "Holy_Scroll_1_5"
-	Name: "Level 5 Heal"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill AL_HEAL,5; ">
-	Id: 12003
-	AegisName: "Holy_Scroll_2_1"
-	Name: "Level 1 Teleport"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill AL_TELEPORT,1; ">
-	Id: 12004
-	AegisName: "Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12005
-	AegisName: "Iron_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Iron Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Iron_Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12006
-	AegisName: "Steel_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Steel Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Steel_Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12007
-	AegisName: "Ori_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Oridecon Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Oridecon_Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12008
-	AegisName: "Fire_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Fire Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Fire_Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12009
-	AegisName: "Silver_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Silver Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Silver_Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12010
-	AegisName: "Wind_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Wind Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Arrow_Of_Wind, 500; ">
-	Id: 12011
-	AegisName: "Stone_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Stone Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Stone_Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12012
-	AegisName: "Crystal_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Crystal Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Crystal_Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12013
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Shadow Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Arrow_Of_Shadow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12014
-	AegisName: "Imma_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Immaterial Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Immatrial_Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12015
-	AegisName: "Rusty_Arrow_Container"
-	Name: "Rusty Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Rusty_Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12016
-	AegisName: "Speed_Up_Potion"
-	Name: "Speed Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_POTION, 5000, 100; ">
-	Id: 12017
-	AegisName: "Slow_Down_Potion"
-	Name: "Slow Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MOVESLOW_POTION, 5000, 100; ">
-	Id: 12018
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker"
-	Name: "Firecracker"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" end; ">
-	Id: 12019
-	AegisName: "Holy_Egg"
-	Name: "Holy Egg"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <" itemskill ALL_RESURRECTION,2; ">
-	Id: 12020
-	AegisName: "Water_Of_Darkness"
-	Name: "Cursed Water"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill ITEM_ENCHANTARMS,8; ">
-	Id: 12021
-	AegisName: "Pork_Belly"
-	Name: "Pork"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(70,99),0; ">
-	Id: 12022
-	AegisName: "Spareribs"
-	Name: "Galbi"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(70,99),0; ">
-	Id: 12023
-	AegisName: "Giftbox_China"
-	Name: "Wrapped Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12023,1; ">
-	Id: 12024
-	AegisName: "Red_Pouch_Of_Surprise"
-	Name: "Red Pouch"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 50
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-4,1,""; ">
-	Id: 12025
-	AegisName: "Egg_Boy"
-	Name: "Dano Festival Egg"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12025,1; ">
-	Id: 12026
-	AegisName: "Egg_Girl"
-	Name: "Dano Festival Egg"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12026,1; ">
-	Id: 12027
-	AegisName: "Giggling_Box"
-	Name: "Giggling Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 9,0;
-		sc_start SC_CURSE,30000,0,3000,SCFLAG_NONE;
-	">
-	Id: 12028
-	AegisName: "Box_Of_Thunder"
-	Name: "Box of Thunder"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_HORSE, 20000, 25; ">
-	Id: 12029
-	AegisName: "Gloomy_Box"
-	Name: "Box of Gloom"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill AC_CONCENTRATION,1; ">
-	Id: 12030
-	AegisName: "Box_Of_Grudge"
-	Name: "Box of Resentment"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 60000, 20; ">
-	Id: 12031
-	AegisName: "Sleepy_Box"
-	Name: "Box of Drowsiness"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 60000, 20; ">
-	Id: 12032
-	AegisName: "Box_Of_Storm"
-	Name: "Box of Storms"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill ITEM_ENCHANTARMS,2; ">
-	Id: 12033
-	AegisName: "Box_Of_Sunlight"
-	Name: "Box of Sunlight"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CLAIRVOYANCE,30000,0; ">
-	Id: 12034
-	AegisName: "Painting_Box"
-	Name: "Box of Panting"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 0,9;
-		sc_start SC_SILENCE,30000,0,3000,SCFLAG_NONE;
-	">
-	Id: 12035
-	AegisName: "Lotto_Box01"
-	Name: "Lotto Box 01"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12035,1; ">
-	Id: 12036
-	AegisName: "Lotto_Box02"
-	Name: "Lotto Box 02"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12036,1; ">
-	Id: 12037
-	AegisName: "Lotto_Box03"
-	Name: "Lotto Box 03"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12037,1; ">
-	Id: 12038
-	AegisName: "Lotto_Box04"
-	Name: "Lotto Box 04"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12038,1; ">
-	Id: 12039
-	AegisName: "Lotto_Box05"
-	Name: "Lotto Box 05"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12039,1; ">
-	Id: 12040
-	AegisName: "Stone_Of_Intelligence_"
-	Name: "Stone of Sage"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" homevolution; ">
-	Id: 12041
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish01"
-	Name: "Fried Grasshopper Legs"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 60
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12042
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish02"
-	Name: "Seasoned Sticky Webfoot"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12043
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish03"
-	Name: "Bomber Steak"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12044
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish04"
-	Name: "Herb Marinade Beef"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,4;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12045
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish05"
-	Name: "Lutie Lady's Pancake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 10,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12046
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish01"
-	Name: "Grape Juice Herbal Tea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 0,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12047
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish02"
-	Name: "Autumn Red Tea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 0,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12048
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish03"
-	Name: "Honey Herbal Tea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 0,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12049
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish04"
-	Name: "Morroc Fruit Wine"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,4;
-		percentheal 0,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12050
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish05"
-	Name: "Mastela Fruit Wine"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 400
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 0,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12051
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish01"
-	Name: "Steamed Crab Nippers"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12052
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish02"
-	Name: "Assorted Seafood"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12053
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish03"
-	Name: "Clam Soup"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12054
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish04"
-	Name: "Seasoned Jellyfish"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,4;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12055
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish05"
-	Name: "Spicy Fried Bao"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 800
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 10,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12056
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish01"
-	Name: "Frog Egg Squid Ink Soup"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 3,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12057
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish02"
-	Name: "Smooth Noodle"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 3,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12058
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish03"
-	Name: "Tentacle Cheese Gratin"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 3,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12059
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish04"
-	Name: "Lutie Cold Noodle"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 400
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,4;
-		percentheal 3,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12060
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish05"
-	Name: "Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 6,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12061
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish01"
-	Name: "Honey Grape Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12062
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish02"
-	Name: "Chocolate Mousse Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12063
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish03"
-	Name: "Fruit Mix"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12064
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish04"
-	Name: "Cream Sandwich"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,4;
-		percentheal 2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12065
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish05"
-	Name: "Green Salad"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 5,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12066
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish01"
-	Name: "Fried Monkey Tails"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 60
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 3,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12067
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish02"
-	Name: "Mixed Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 3,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12068
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish03"
-	Name: "Fried Sweet Potato"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 4,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12069
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish04"
-	Name: "Steamed Ancient Lips"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,4;
-		percentheal 4,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12070
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish05"
-	Name: "Fried Scorpion Tails"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 400
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 5,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12071
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish06"
-	Name: "Shiny Marinade Beef"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 800
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,6;
-		percentheal 10,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12072
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish07"
-	Name: "Whole Roast"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,7;
-		percentheal 10,4;
-	">
-	Id: 12073
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish08"
-	Name: "Bearfoot Special"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,8;
-		percentheal 15,6;
-	">
-	Id: 12074
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish09"
-	Name: "Tendon Satay"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,9;
-		percentheal 15,8;
-	">
-	Id: 12075
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish10"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,10;
-		percentheal 20,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12076
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish06"
-	Name: "Red Mushroom Wine"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,6;
-		percentheal 2,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12077
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish07"
-	Name: "Special Royal Jelly Herbal Tea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 800
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,7;
-		percentheal 4,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12078
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish08"
-	Name: "Royal Family Tea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,8;
-		percentheal 6,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12079
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish09"
-	Name: "Tristram 12"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,9;
-		percentheal 8,15;
-	">
-	Id: 12080
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish10"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,10;
-		percentheal 10,20;
-	">
-	Id: 12081
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish06"
-	Name: "Awfully Bitter Bracer"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,6;
-		percentheal 13,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12082
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish07"
-	Name: "Sumptuous Feast"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 400
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,7;
-		percentheal 16,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12083
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish08"
-	Name: "Giant Burito"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,8;
-		percentheal 19,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12084
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish09"
-	Name: "Ascending Dragon Soup"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,9;
-		percentheal 22,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12085
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish10"
-	Name: "Immortal Stew"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,10;
-		percentheal 25,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12086
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish06"
-	Name: "Chile Shrimp Gratin"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 800
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,6;
-		percentheal 7,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12087
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish07"
-	Name: "Steamed Alligator with Vegetable"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 800
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,7;
-		percentheal 8,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12088
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish08"
-	Name: "Incredibly Spicy Curry"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,8;
-		percentheal 9,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12089
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish09"
-	Name: "Special Meat Stew"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,9;
-		percentheal 10,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12090
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish10"
-	Name: "Steamed Desert Scorpions"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,10;
-		percentheal 15,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12091
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish06"
-	Name: "Peach Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 800
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,6;
-		percentheal 5,6;
-	">
-	Id: 12092
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish07"
-	Name: "Soul Haunted Bread"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 800
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,7;
-		percentheal 5,7;
-	">
-	Id: 12093
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish08"
-	Name: "Special Toast"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,8;
-		percentheal 5,8;
-	">
-	Id: 12094
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish09"
-	Name: "Heavenly Fruit Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,9;
-		percentheal 5,9;
-	">
-	Id: 12095
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish10"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,10;
-		percentheal 10,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12096
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish06"
-	Name: "Lucky Soup"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,6;
-		percentheal 6,3;
-	">
-	Id: 12097
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish07"
-	Name: "Assorted Shish Kebob"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 800
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,7;
-		percentheal 7,3;
-	">
-	Id: 12098
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish08"
-	Name: "Strawberry Flavored Rice Ball"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,8;
-		percentheal 9,3;
-	">
-	Id: 12099
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish09"
-	Name: "Blood Flavored Soda"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 1000
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,9;
-		percentheal 10,4;
-	">
-	Id: 12100
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish10"
-	Name: "Cooked Nine Tail's Tails"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,10;
-		percentheal 14,8;
-	">
-	Id: 12101
-	AegisName: "Citron"
-	Name: "Citron"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE,180000,30; ">
-	Id: 12102
-	AegisName: "Meat_Skewer"
-	Name: "Grilled Skewer"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICHIT,180000,30; ">
-	Id: 12103
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Dead_Branch"
-	Name: "Bloody Branch"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-3,1,""; ">
-	Id: 12104
-	AegisName: "Random_Quiver"
-	Name: "Random Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12104,1; ">
-	Id: 12105
-	AegisName: "Set_Of_Taiming_Item"
-	Name: "Taming Gift Set"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		getrandgroupitem 12105,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12105,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12105,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12106
-	AegisName: "Accessory_Box"
-	Name: "Jewelry Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12106,1; ">
-	Id: 12107
-	AegisName: "Wrapped_Mask"
-	Name: "Wrapped Mask"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12107,1; ">
-	Id: 12108
-	AegisName: "Bundle_Of_Magic_Scroll"
-	Name: "Scroll Package"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		getrandgroupitem 12108,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12108,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12108,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12108,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12108,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12109
-	AegisName: "Poring_Box"
-	Name: "Poring Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-2,1,""; ">
-	Id: 12110
-	AegisName: "First_Aid_Kit"
-	Name: "First Aid Kit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		getrandgroupitem 12110,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12110,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12110,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12110,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12110,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12111
-	AegisName: "Food_Package"
-	Name: "Bundle of Food"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		getrandgroupitem 12111,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12111,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12111,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12112
-	AegisName: "Tropical_Sograt"
-	Name: "Tropical Sograt"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CURSE,10000,1; ">
-	Id: 12113
-	AegisName: "Vermilion_The_Beach"
-	Name: "Vermilion on the Beach"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_STUN,10000,1; ">
-	Id: 12114
-	AegisName: "Elemental_Fire"
-	Name: "Elemental Converter"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill ITEM_ENCHANTARMS,4; ">
-	Id: 12115
-	AegisName: "Elemental_Water"
-	Name: "Elemental Converter"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill ITEM_ENCHANTARMS,2; ">
-	Id: 12116
-	AegisName: "Elemental_Earth"
-	Name: "Elemental Converter"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill ITEM_ENCHANTARMS,3; ">
-	Id: 12117
-	AegisName: "Elemental_Wind"
-	Name: "Elemental Converter"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill ITEM_ENCHANTARMS,5; ">
-	Id: 12118
-	AegisName: "Resist_Fire"
-	Name: "Fireproof Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ARMORPROPERTY,1200000,-15,0,20,0; ">
-	Id: 12119
-	AegisName: "Resist_Water"
-	Name: "Coldproof Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ARMORPROPERTY,1200000,20,0,0,-15; ">
-	Id: 12120
-	AegisName: "Resist_Earth"
-	Name: "Earthproof Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ARMORPROPERTY,1200000,0,20,-15,0; ">
-	Id: 12121
-	AegisName: "Resist_Wind"
-	Name: "Thunderproof Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ARMORPROPERTY,1200000,0,-15,0,20; ">
-	Id: 12122
-	AegisName: "Sesame_Pastry"
-	Name: "Sesame Pastry"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICHIT,1200000,30; ">
-	Id: 12123
-	AegisName: "Honey_Pastry"
-	Name: "Honey Pastry"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE, 1200000, 30; ">
-	Id: 12124
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Cake"
-	Name: "Rainbow Cake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 1200000, 10;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 120000, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 12125
-	AegisName: "Outdoor_Cooking_Kits"
-	Name: "Outdoor Cooking Kit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" cooking 11; ">
-	Id: 12126
-	AegisName: "Indoor_Cooking_Kits"
-	Name: "Home Cooking Kit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 30
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" cooking 12; ">
-	Id: 12127
-	AegisName: "High_end_Cooking_Kits"
-	Name: "Professional Cooking Kit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" cooking 13; ">
-	Id: 12128
-	AegisName: "Imperial_Cooking_Kits"
-	Name: "Royal Cooking Kit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" cooking 14; ">
-	Id: 12129
-	AegisName: "Fantastic_Cooking_Kits"
-	Name: "Fantastic Cooking Kit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" cooking 15; ">
-	Id: 12130
-	AegisName: "Cookie_Bag"
-	Name: "Cookie Bag"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		getrandgroupitem 12130,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12130,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12130,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12131
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Potion"
-	Name: "Lucky Potion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK, 1800000, 15; ">
-	Id: 12132
-	AegisName: "Red_Bag"
-	Name: "Santa's Bag"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_XMAS, 600000, 0;
-		sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_HORSE, 600000, 25;
-	">
-	Id: 12133
-	AegisName: "Ice_Cream_"
-	Name: "McDonald's Ice Cone"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <"
-		if (gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH) != MDiceCone) {
-			MDiceCone = gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH);
-			percentheal 50,50;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12134
-	AegisName: "Red_Envelope"
-	Name: "Red Envelope"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" Zeny += rand(1000,10000); ">
-	Id: 12135
-	AegisName: "Green_Ale"
-	Name: "Green Ale"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 30
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 50,50;
-		sc_start SC_CONFUSION,10000,0,1000,SCFLAG_NONE;
-	">
-	Id: 12136
-	AegisName: "Womens_Bundle"
-	Name: "Women's Bundle"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" getitem callfunc("F_RandMes",4,558,529,2668,7518),1; ">
-	Id: 12137
-	AegisName: "1st_Stage_Prize"
-	Name: "First Stage Prize"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 12138
-	AegisName: "2nd_Stage_Prize"
-	Name: "Second Stage Prize"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 12139
-	AegisName: "3rd_Stage_Prize"
-	Name: "Third Stage Prize"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 12140
-	AegisName: "4th_Stage_Prize"
-	Name: "Fourth Stage Prize"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 12141
-	AegisName: "5th_Stage_Prize"
-	Name: "Fifth Stage Prize"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 12142
-	AegisName: "Magic_Book"
-	Name: "Book of Magic"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1800000,10; ">
-	Id: 12143
-	AegisName: "Red_Can"
-	Name: "Red Can"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 300
-	Id: 12144
-	AegisName: "Sphere_Case_Wind"
-	Name: "Lightning Sphere Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 350
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Lighting_Sphere, 500; ">
-	Id: 12145
-	AegisName: "Sphere_Case_Darkness"
-	Name: "Blind Sphere Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 350
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Blind_Sphere, 500; ">
-	Id: 12146
-	AegisName: "Sphere_Case_Poison"
-	Name: "Poison Sphere Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 350
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Poison_Sphere, 500; ">
-	Id: 12147
-	AegisName: "Sphere_Case_Water"
-	Name: "Freezing Sphere Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 350
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Freezing_Sphere, 500; ">
-	Id: 12148
-	AegisName: "Sphere_Case_Fire"
-	Name: "Flare Sphere Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 350
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Flare_Sphere, 500; ">
-	Id: 12149
-	AegisName: "Bullet_Case"
-	Name: "Cartridge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Bullet, 500; ">
-	Id: 12150
-	AegisName: "Bullet_Case_Blood"
-	Name: "Blood Cartridge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Shell_Of_Blood, 500; ">
-	Id: 12151
-	AegisName: "Bullet_Case_Silver"
-	Name: "Silver Cartridge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Silver_Bullet, 500; ">
-	Id: 12152
-	AegisName: "Special_Box"
-	Name: "Special Present"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12153
-	AegisName: "Bow_Mercenary_Scroll1"
-	Name: "Bowman Scroll 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ARCHER01, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12154
-	AegisName: "Bow_Mercenary_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Bowman Scroll 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ARCHER02, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12155
-	AegisName: "Bow_Mercenary_Scroll3"
-	Name: "Bowman Scroll 3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ARCHER03, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12156
-	AegisName: "Bow_Mercenary_Scroll4"
-	Name: "Bowman Scroll 4"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ARCHER04, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12157
-	AegisName: "Bow_Mercenary_Scroll5"
-	Name: "Bowman Scroll 5"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ARCHER05, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12158
-	AegisName: "Bow_Mercenary_Scroll6"
-	Name: "Bowman Scroll 6"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ARCHER06, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12159
-	AegisName: "Bow_Mercenary_Scroll7"
-	Name: "Bowman Scroll 7"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ARCHER07, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12160
-	AegisName: "Bow_Mercenary_Scroll8"
-	Name: "Bowman Scroll 8"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ARCHER08, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12161
-	AegisName: "Bow_Mercenary_Scroll9"
-	Name: "Bowman Scroll 9"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ARCHER09, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12162
-	AegisName: "Bow_Mercenary_Scroll10"
-	Name: "Bowman Scroll 10"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ARCHER10, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12163
-	AegisName: "SwordMercenary_Scroll1"
-	Name: "Fencer Scroll 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SWORDMAN01, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12164
-	AegisName: "SwordMercenary_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Fencer Scroll 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SWORDMAN02, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12165
-	AegisName: "SwordMercenary_Scroll3"
-	Name: "Fencer Scroll 3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SWORDMAN03, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12166
-	AegisName: "SwordMercenary_Scroll4"
-	Name: "Fencer Scroll 4"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SWORDMAN04, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12167
-	AegisName: "SwordMercenary_Scroll5"
-	Name: "Fencer Scroll 5"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SWORDMAN05, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12168
-	AegisName: "SwordMercenary_Scroll6"
-	Name: "Fencer Scroll 6"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SWORDMAN06, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12169
-	AegisName: "SwordMercenary_Scroll7"
-	Name: "Fencer Scroll 7"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SWORDMAN07, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12170
-	AegisName: "SwordMercenary_Scroll8"
-	Name: "Fencer Scroll 8"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SWORDMAN08, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12171
-	AegisName: "SwordMercenary_Scroll9"
-	Name: "Fencer Scroll 9"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SWORDMAN09, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12172
-	AegisName: "SwordMercenary_Scroll10"
-	Name: "Fencer Scroll 10"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SWORDMAN10, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12173
-	AegisName: "SpearMercenary_Scroll1"
-	Name: "Spearman Scroll 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LANCER01, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12174
-	AegisName: "SpearMercenary_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Spearman Scroll 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LANCER02, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12175
-	AegisName: "SpearMercenary_Scroll3"
-	Name: "Spearman Scroll 3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LANCER03, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12176
-	AegisName: "SpearMercenary_Scroll4"
-	Name: "Spearman Scroll 4"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LANCER04, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12177
-	AegisName: "SpearMercenary_Scroll5"
-	Name: "Spearman Scroll 5"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LANCER05, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12178
-	AegisName: "SpearMercenary_Scroll6"
-	Name: "Spearman Scroll 6"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LANCER06, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12179
-	AegisName: "SpearMercenary_Scroll7"
-	Name: "Spearman Scroll 7"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LANCER07, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12180
-	AegisName: "SpearMercenary_Scroll8"
-	Name: "Spearman Scroll 8"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LANCER08, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12181
-	AegisName: "SpearMercenary_Scroll9"
-	Name: "Spearman Scroll 9"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LANCER09, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12182
-	AegisName: "SpearMercenary_Scroll10"
-	Name: "Spearman Scroll 10"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LANCER10, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12183
-	AegisName: "Holy_Arrow_Quiver"
-	Name: "Holy Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Holy_Arrow, 500; ">
-	Id: 12184
-	AegisName: "Mercenary_Red_Potion"
-	Name: "Mercenary Red Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" mercenary_heal 1000,0; ">
-	Id: 12185
-	AegisName: "Mercenary_Blue_Potion"
-	Name: "Mercenary Blue Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" mercenary_heal 0,100; ">
-	Id: 12186
-	AegisName: "Red_Box"
-	Name: "Old Red Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12186,1; ">
-	Id: 12187
-	AegisName: "Green_Box"
-	Name: "Old Green Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12187,1; ">
-	Id: 12188
-	AegisName: "Magical_Moon_Cake"
-	Name: "Grace Moon Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Script: <" percentheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 12189
-	AegisName: "Red_Box_"
-	Name: "Old Red Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 50000
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12189,1; ">
-	Id: 12190
-	AegisName: "Moon_Cake"
-	Name: "Moon Cake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 300
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_INFINITY, 180000, 25; ">
-	Id: 12191
-	AegisName: "Special_Moon_Cake"
-	Name: "Special Moon Cake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 500
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 600000, 4;
-		sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_HORSE, 600000, 25;
-	">
-	Id: 12192
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Pie"
-	Name: "Pumpkin Pie"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" percentheal 5,5; ">
-	Id: 12193
-	AegisName: "Brezel"
-	Name: "Pretzel"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 20
-	Id: 12194
-	AegisName: "Hometown_Gift"
-	Name: "Hometown Gift"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		getrandgroupitem 12194,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12194,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12194,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12195
-	AegisName: "Plain_Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "Plain Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" percentheal 0,20; ">
-	Id: 12196
-	AegisName: "Hearty_Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "Hearty Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" percentheal 50,0; ">
-	Id: 12197
-	AegisName: "Salty_Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "Salty Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" percentheal 10,10; ">
-	Id: 12198
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "Lucky Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,21; ">
-	Id: 12199
-	AegisName: "Rice_Scroll"
-	Name: "Scroll of Magic"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12200
-	AegisName: "Event_Cake"
-	Name: "X-mas Cake"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" itemskill PR_MAGNIFICAT,3; ">
-	Id: 12201
-	AegisName: "Red_Box_C"
-	Name: "Commonplace Red Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-//== Cash Shop Usable Items ================================
-	Id: 12202
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start(SC_FOOD_STR_CASH, 1800000, 10);
-		percentheal(20, 10);
-	">
-	Id: 12203
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Steamed Scorpion"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start(SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH, 1800000, 10);
-		percentheal(15, 5);
-	">
-	Id: 12204
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start(SC_FOOD_INT_CASH, 1800000, 10);
-		percentheal(10, 20);
-	">
-	Id: 12205
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start(SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH, 1800000, 10);
-		percentheal(10, 10);
-	">
-	Id: 12206
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Cooked Nine Tail's Tails"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start(SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH, 1800000, 10);
-		percentheal(14, 8);
-	">
-	Id: 12207
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Stew Of Immortality"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start(SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH, 1800000, 10);
-		percentheal(25, 0);
-	">
-	Id: 12208
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual"
-	Name: "Battle Manual"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Delay: 60000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,1800000,50; ">
-	Id: 12209
-	AegisName: "Insurance"
-	Name: "Life Insurance"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_DEATHPENALTY,1800000,0; ">
-	Id: 12210
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Delay: 60000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM,1800000,200; ">
-	Id: 12211
-	AegisName: "Kafra_Card"
-	Name: "Kafra Card"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashStore"; ">
-	Id: 12212
-	AegisName: "Giant_Fly_Wing"
-	Name: "Giant Fly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashPartyCall"; ">
-	Id: 12213
-	AegisName: "Neuralizer"
-	Name: "Neuralizer"
-	Buy: 2
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashReset"; ">
-	Id: 12214
-	AegisName: "Convex_Mirror"
-	Name: "Convex Mirror"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_BOSS_ALARM,600000,0; ">
-	Id: 12215
-	AegisName: "Blessing_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV10 Blessing Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		skilleffect AL_BLESSING,0;
-		sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12216
-	AegisName: "Inc_Agi_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV10 Agil Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(Hp>15) {
-			skilleffect AL_INCAGI,0;
-			sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10;
-			heal -15,0;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12217
-	AegisName: "Aspersio_5_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV5 Aspersio Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(countitem(523)>0) {
-			skilleffect PR_ASPERSIO,0;
-			sc_start SC_ASPERSIO,180000,5;
-			delitem 523,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12218
-	AegisName: "Assumptio_5_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV5 Assumptio Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,100000,5;
-		skilleffect HP_ASSUMPTIO,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12219
-	AegisName: "Wind_Walk_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV10 Wind Walker Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		skilleffect SN_WINDWALK,0;
-		sc_start SC_WINDWALK,250000,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12220
-	AegisName: "Adrenaline_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV5 Adrenaline Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		.@type = getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11);
-		if (.@type==6||.@type==7||.@type==8) {
-			skilleffect BS_ADRENALINE,0;
-			sc_start SC_ADRENALINE,150000,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12221
-	AegisName: "Megaphone_"
-	Name: "Megaphone"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		input @megaphone$;
-		announce strcharinfo(PC_NAME) + ": " + @megaphone$,bc_all,0xFF0000;
-		end;
-	">
-	Id: 12225
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Candy_Striper"
-	Name: "Sweet Candy Cane"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet GOBLIN_XMAS; ">
-	Id: 12226
-	AegisName: "Examination1"
-	Name: "Examination1"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_INFINITY, 5400000, 100;
-		percentheal 100, 100;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR, 5400000, 10;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX, 5400000, 5;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 5400000, 22;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 5400000, 15;
-	">
-	Id: 12227
-	AegisName: "Examination2"
-	Name: "Examination2"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_INFINITY, 5400000, 100;
-		percentheal 100, 100;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT, 5400000, 8;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT, 5400000, 7;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK, 5400000, 7;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 3600000, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 12228
-	AegisName: "Examination3"
-	Name: "Examination3"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_INFINITY, 5400000, 100;
-		percentheal 100, 100;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI, 5400000, 15;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 5400000, 52;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 5400000, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 12229
-	AegisName: "Examination4"
-	Name: "Examination4"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_INFINITY, 5400000, 100;
-		percentheal 100, 100;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR, 5400000, 3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI, 5400000, 5;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT, 5400000, 10;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 5400000, 52;
-	">
-	Id: 12230
-	AegisName: "Examination5"
-	Name: "Examination5"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_INFINITY, 5400000, 100;
-		percentheal 100, 100;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT, 5400000, 3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX, 5400000, 12;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 5400000, 20;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 5400000, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 12231
-	AegisName: "Examination6"
-	Name: "Examination6"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 100, 100;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR, 5400000, 6;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX, 5400000, 6;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI, 5400000, 6;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT, 5400000, 6;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT, 5400000, 6;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK, 5400000, 6;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 5400000, 24;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 5400000, 24;
-	">
-	Id: 12232
-	AegisName: "Gingerbread"
-	Name: "Ginger Bread"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION2, 900000, 6;
-		sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_INFINITY, 900000, 100;
-	">
-	Id: 12233
-	AegisName: "Kvass"
-	Name: "Kvass"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" percentheal 100,100; ">
-	Id: 12234
-	AegisName: "Cacao99"
-	Name: "Fierce Cacao 99%"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" percentheal 25,0; ">
-	Id: 12235
-	AegisName: "Strawberry_Choco"
-	Name: "Chocolate Strawberry"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 0,5;
-		skilleffect AL_BLESSING,0;
-		sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12236
-	AegisName: "Choco_Tart"
-	Name: "Chocolate Tart"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 5,0;
-		itemskill AL_ANGELUS,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12237
-	AegisName: "Choco_Lump"
-	Name: "Junky Chocolate"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 100
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 0,5;
-		sc_start SC_POISON,18000,0;
-		sc_start SC_BLOODING,18000,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12238
-	AegisName: "New_Year_Rice_Cake_1"
-	Name: "New Year Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_DPOISON,10000,0,1000,SCFLAG_NONE;
-		sc_start SC_POISON,50000,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12239
-	AegisName: "New_Year_Rice_Cake_2"
-	Name: "New Year Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_DPOISON,10000,0,1000,SCFLAG_NONE;
-		sc_start SC_POISON,50000,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12240
-	AegisName: "Old_Yellow_Box"
-	Name: "Old Yellow Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12240,1; ">
-	Id: 12241
-	AegisName: "M_Center_Potion"
-	Name: "Mercenary Concentration Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" mercenary_sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1,1800000,0; ">
-	Id: 12242
-	AegisName: "M_Awakening_Potion"
-	Name: "Mercenary Awakening Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 150
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" mercenary_sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION2,1800000,0; ">
-	Id: 12243
-	AegisName: "M_Berserk_Potion"
-	Name: "Mercenary Berserk Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" mercenary_sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION3,1800000,0; ">
-	Id: 12244
-	AegisName: "Old_Gift_Box"
-	Name: "Old Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12244,1; ">
-	Id: 12245
-	AegisName: "Green_Ale_US"
-	Name: "Green Ale"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 500
-	Script: <" percentheal 100,0; ">
-	Id: 12246
-	AegisName: "Magic_Card_Album"
-	Name: "Mystical Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12246,1; ">
-	Id: 12247
-	AegisName: "Halohalo"
-	Name: "Halo-Halo"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,600000,3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,600000,3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,600000,3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,600000,3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,600000,3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,600000,3;
-	">
-	Id: 12248
-	AegisName: "Masquerade_Ball_Box"
-	Name: "Fancy Ball Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12248,1; ">
-	Id: 12249
-	AegisName: "Payroll_Of_Kafra_"
-	Name: "Payment Statement for Kafra Employee"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12250
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish10_M"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,3600000,10;
-		percentheal 20,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12251
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish10_M"
-	Name: "Steamed Desert Scorpions"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,3600000,10;
-		percentheal 15,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12252
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish10_M"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,3600000,10;
-		percentheal 10,20;
-	">
-	Id: 12253
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish10_M"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,3600000,10;
-		percentheal 10,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12254
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish10_M"
-	Name: "Cooked Nine Tail"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,3600000,10;
-		percentheal 14,8;
-	">
-	Id: 12255
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish10_M"
-	Name: "Immortal Stew"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,3600000,10;
-		percentheal 25,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12256
-	AegisName: "PRO_Gift_Box"
-	Name: "PRO Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12257
-	AegisName: "Cold_Medicine"
-	Name: "Cold Medicine"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <" percentheal 25,25; ">
-	Id: 12258
-	AegisName: "Bombring_Box"
-	Name: "Bombring Capsule"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(strcharinfo(PC_MAP)=="job3_rang02") {
-			monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",1904,1,"";
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12259
-	AegisName: "Miracle_Medicine"
-	Name: "Miracle Tonic"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getexp 3000000,1500000; ">
-	Id: 12260
-	AegisName: "Cool_Summer_Outfit"
-	Name: "Cool Summer Outfit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_SUMMER,600000,0; ">
-	Id: 12261
-	AegisName: "Secret_Medicine"
-	Name: "Leap of Fantasy"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getexp 2000000,1000000; ">
-	Id: 12262
-	AegisName: "Inspector_Certificate_"
-	Name: "Authoritative Badge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_HORSE, 180000, 25; ">
-	Id: 12263
-	AegisName: "Comp_Battle_Manual"
-	Name: "Field Manual"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,1800000,50; ">
-	Id: 12264
-	AegisName: "Comp_Bubble_Gum"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM,1800000,200; ">
-	Id: 12265
-	AegisName: "Comp_Insurance"
-	Name: "Life Insurrance"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_DEATHPENALTY,1800000,0; ">
-	Id: 12266
-	AegisName: "Sesame_Pastry_"
-	Name: "Sesame Pastry"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICHIT,1200000,30; ">
-	Id: 12267
-	AegisName: "Honey_Pastry_"
-	Name: "Honey Pastry"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE,1200000,30; ">
-	Id: 12268
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Cake_"
-	Name: "Rainbow Cake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 60000, 10;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 60000, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 12269
-	AegisName: "Tasty_Colonel"
-	Name: "Tasty Pink Ration"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 600000, 15; ">
-	Id: 12270
-	AegisName: "Tasty_Major"
-	Name: "Tasty White Ration"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 600000, 15; ">
-	Id: 12271
-	AegisName: "Mre_A"
-	Name: "Military Ration A"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" percentheal 5,0; ">
-	Id: 12272
-	AegisName: "Mre_B"
-	Name: "Military Ration B"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICHIT,600000,33; ">
-	Id: 12273
-	AegisName: "Mre_C"
-	Name: "Military Ration C"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 70
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE,600000,33; ">
-	Id: 12274
-	AegisName: "Gold_Pill_1"
-	Name: "Daehwandan"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start2 SC_ATKER_ASPD, 3600000, 5, 10; ">
-	Id: 12275
-	AegisName: "Gold_Pill_2"
-	Name: "Taecheongdan"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start2 SC_ATKER_MOVESPEED, 3600000, 5, 10; ">
-	Id: 12276
-	AegisName: "Mimic_Scroll"
-	Name: "Mimic Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_MIMIC, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12277
-	AegisName: "Disguise_Scroll"
-	Name: "Disguise Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_DISGUISE, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12278
-	AegisName: "Alice_Scroll"
-	Name: "Alice Contract"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_ALICE, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12279
-	AegisName: "Undead_Element_Scroll"
-	Name: "Undead Elemental Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_RESIST,300000,20,20,20,20; ">
-	Id: 12280
-	AegisName: "Holy_Element_Scroll"
-	Name: "Holy Elemental Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_BENEDICTIO, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_BENEDICTIO,300000,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12281
-	AegisName: "Tresure_Box_WoE"
-	Name: "Event Treasure Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12282
-	AegisName: "Internet_Cafe1"
-	Name: "Internet Cafe1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR, 5400000, 3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX, 5400000, 3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI, 5400000, 3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT, 5400000, 3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT, 5400000, 3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK, 5400000, 3;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 5400000, 15;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 5400000, 15;
-	">
-	Id: 12283
-	AegisName: "Internet_Cafe2"
-	Name: "Internet Cafe2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR, 5400000, 8;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX, 5400000, 4;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI, 5400000, 6;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 5400000, 32;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE, 5400000, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 12284
-	AegisName: "Internet_Cafe3"
-	Name: "Internet Cafe3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT, 5400000, 8;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT, 5400000, 4;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX, 5400000, 6;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 5400000, 40;
-	">
-	Id: 12285
-	AegisName: "Internet_Cafe4"
-	Name: "Internet Cafe4"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX, 5400000, 8;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK, 5400000, 4;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI, 5400000, 6;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 5400000, 24;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 5400000, 24;
-	">
-	Id: 12286
-	AegisName: "Masquerade_Ball_Box2"
-	Name: "Masquerade Ball Box2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12286,1; ">
-	Id: 12287
-	AegisName: "Love_Angel"
-	Name: "Love Angel Magic Powder"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" setfont 1; ">
-	Id: 12288
-	AegisName: "Squirrel"
-	Name: "Squirrel Magic Powder"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" setfont 2; ">
-	Id: 12289
-	AegisName: "Gogo"
-	Name: "Gogo Magic Powder"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" setfont 3; ">
-	Id: 12290
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Can"
-	Name: "Mysterious Can Magic Powder"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 5,0;
-		skilleffect AL_BLESSING,0;
-		sc_start SC_BLESSING,120000,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12291
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_PET_Bottle"
-	Name: "Mysterious PET Bottle"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 5,0;
-		skilleffect AL_INCAGI,0;
-		sc_start SC_INC_AGI,120000,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12292
-	AegisName: "Unripe_Fruit"
-	Name: "Unripe Yggdrasilberry"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" percentheal 20,0; ">
-	Id: 12293
-	AegisName: "Dried_Yggdrasilberry"
-	Name: "Dried Yggdrasilberry"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 200
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" percentheal 0,20; ">
-	Id: 12294
-	AegisName: "PC_Bang_Coin_Box1"
-	Name: "Blue Christmas Cheer Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2740,1; ">
-	Id: 12295
-	AegisName: "PC_Bang_Coin_Box2"
-	Name: "Groove Pack 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2739,1; ">
-	Id: 12296
-	AegisName: "PC_Bang_Coin_Box3"
-	Name: "Splendid Spring Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2738,1; ">
-	Id: 12297
-	AegisName: "PC_Bang_Coin_Box4"
-	Name: "Expanded Party Buff Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2738,2; ">
-	Id: 12298
-	AegisName: "SP_Potion"
-	Name: "SP Consumption Reduction Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_SPELLBREAKER, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_ATKER_BLOOD, 3600000, 15;
-	">
-	Id: 12299
-	AegisName: "Mega_Resist_Potion"
-	Name: "Mega Resist Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_GUARD, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_TARGET_BLOOD, 3600000, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 12300
-	AegisName: "Wild_Rose_Scroll"
-	Name: "Wild Rose Contract"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_WILD_ROSE, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12301
-	AegisName: "Doppelganger_Scroll"
-	Name: "Doppelganger Contract"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_DOPPELGANGER, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12302
-	AegisName: "Ygnizem_Scroll"
-	Name: "Egnigem Cenia Contract"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_YGNIZEM, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12303
-	AegisName: "Water_Of_Blessing"
-	Name: "Blessing Of Water"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12304
-	AegisName: "Picture_Diary"
-	Name: "Diary Magic Powder"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" setfont 4; ">
-	Id: 12305
-	AegisName: "Mini_Heart"
-	Name: "Mini Heart Magic Powder"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" setfont 5; ">
-	Id: 12306
-	AegisName: "Newcomer"
-	Name: "Freshman Magic Powder"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" setfont 6; ">
-	Id: 12307
-	AegisName: "Kid"
-	Name: "Kid Magic Powder"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" setfont 7; ">
-	Id: 12308
-	AegisName: "Magic_Castle"
-	Name: "Magic Magic Powder"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" setfont 8; ">
-	Id: 12309
-	AegisName: "Bulging_Head"
-	Name: "JJangu Magic Powder"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" setfont 9; ">
-	Id: 12310
-	AegisName: "Spray_Of_Flowers"
-	Name: "Spray Of Flowers"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE,600000,10; ">
-	Id: 12311
-	AegisName: "Large_Spray_Of_Flowers"
-	Name: "Huge Spray Of Flowers"
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill ALL_PARTYFLEE,1; ">
-	Id: 12312
-	AegisName: "Thick_Manual50"
-	Name: "Thick Battle Manual"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,3600000,50; ">
-	Id: 12313
-	AegisName: "Protection_Of_Angel"
-	Name: "Guardian Angel"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill ALL_ANGEL_PROTECT,1; ">
-	Id: 12314
-	AegisName: "Noive_Box"
-	Name: "Noive Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12315
-	AegisName: "Goddess_Bless"
-	Name: "Goddess Of Blessing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12316
-	AegisName: "Angel_Bless"
-	Name: "Angel Of Blessing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12317
-	AegisName: "Powder_Snow"
-	Name: "Snow Powder"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" end; ">
-	Id: 12318
-	AegisName: "Little_Heart"
-	Name: "Small Hearts"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12319
-	AegisName: "Strawberry_Cake"
-	Name: "Rune Strawberry Cake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 300
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 600000, 5;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 600000, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 12320
-	AegisName: "Pineapple_Juice"
-	Name: "Schwartzwald Pine Jubilee"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 300
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICHIT,600000,10;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE,600000,20;
-	">
-	Id: 12321
-	AegisName: "Spicy_Sandwich"
-	Name: "Arunafeltz Desert Sandwich"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 300
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_CRITICALSUCCESSVALUE,600000,7; ">
-	Id: 12322
-	AegisName: "Chocolate_Pie"
-	Name: "Chocolate Pie"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" percentheal 5,5; ">
-	Id: 12323
-	AegisName: "N_Fly_Wing"
-	Name: "Novice Fly Wing"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill AL_TELEPORT,1; ">
-	Id: 12324
-	AegisName: "N_Butterfly_Wing"
-	Name: "Novice Butterfly Wing"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill AL_TELEPORT,3; ">
-	Id: 12325
-	AegisName: "N_Magnifier"
-	Name: "Novice Magnifier"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill MC_IDENTIFY,1; ">
-	Id: 12326
-	AegisName: "J_Firecracker"
-	Name: "Firecracker"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Id: 12327
-	AegisName: "Charm_Of_Luck"
-	Name: "Unsuitable Of Lucky"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,3600000,20; ">
-	Id: 12328
-	AegisName: "Charm_Of_Happiness"
-	Name: "Unsuitable Of Happyness"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1800
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,20000,10;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,20000,10;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,20000,10;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,20000,10;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,20000,10;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,20000,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12329
-	AegisName: "Recall_MaleGM"
-	Name: "Support Game Master"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_GAMEMASTER, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12330
-	AegisName: "Recall_FemaleGM"
-	Name: "Support Game Master"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" mercenary_create F_GAMEMASTER, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12331
-	AegisName: "Ginseng"
-	Name: "Ginseng"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" percentheal 6,0; ">
-	Id: 12332
-	AegisName: "Fruit_Juice"
-	Name: "Fruit Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" percentheal 0,6; ">
-	Id: 12333
-	AegisName: "Ansila"
-	Name: "Ancilla"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Stack: [3, 1]
-	Script: <" percentheal 0,15; ">
-	Id: 12334
-	AegisName: "Cherish_Box"
-	Name: "Treasure Edition Helm Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12334,1; ">
-	Id: 12335
-	AegisName: "Yummy_Skewered_Dish"
-	Name: "Grilled Delicious Skewer"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 350
-	Script: <" percentheal 60,60; ">
-	Id: 12336
-	AegisName: "Baked_Mushroom"
-	Name: "Grilled Mushroom"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 300
-	Script: <" percentheal 30,30; ">
-	Id: 12337
-	AegisName: "Grilled_Sausage"
-	Name: "Grilled Sausages"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 300
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" percentheal 20,20; ">
-	Id: 12338
-	AegisName: "Grilled_Corn"
-	Name: "Grilled Corn"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,180000,2;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,180000,2;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,180000,2;
-	">
-	Id: 12339
-	AegisName: "Cherish_Box_Ori"
-	Name: "Treasure Edition Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12339,1; ">
-	Id: 12340
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Rice_Powder"
-	Name: "Chewy Rice Powder"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet EVENT_RICECAKE; ">
-	Id: 12341
-	AegisName: "Special_Alloy_Trap_Box"
-	Name: "Special Alloy Trap Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem 7940,100; ">
-	Id: 12342
-	AegisName: "Manuks_Opportunity"
-	Name: "Manuk's Opportunity"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_MANU_ATK,600000,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12343
-	AegisName: "Manuks_Courage"
-	Name: "Manuk's Courage"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_GUARD, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_MANU_DEF,600000,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12344
-	AegisName: "Pinguiculas_fruit_Jam"
-	Name: "Pinguicula's Fruit Jam"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_SPL_ATK,600000,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12345
-	AegisName: "Luciolas_Honey_Jam"
-	Name: "Luciola's Honey Jam"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_GUARD, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_SPL_DEF,600000,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12346
-	AegisName: "Unripe_Acorn"
-	Name: "Unripe Acorn"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" heal -100,0; ">
-	Id: 12347
-	AegisName: "Acorn_Jelly"
-	Name: "Acorn Jelly"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill ALL_REVERSEORCISH,1; ">
-	Id: 12348
-	AegisName: "Manuks_Faith"
-	Name: "Manuk's Faith"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_MANU_MATK,600000,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12349
-	AegisName: "Cornus_Tears"
-	Name: "Cornus' Tears"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_SPL_MATK,600000,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12350
-	AegisName: "Angeling_Potion"
-	Name: "Angeling Potion"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		skilleffect AL_BLESSING,0;
-		sc_start SC_BLESSING,120000,5;
-		itemskill AL_ANGELUS,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12351
-	AegisName: "Shout_Megaphone"
-	Name: "Scream Megaphone"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" itemskill MC_LOUD,1; ">
-	Id: 12352
-	AegisName: "Dun_Tele_Scroll3"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll 3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashDungeon",3; ">
-	Id: 12353
-	AegisName: "Tiny_Waterbottle"
-	Name: "Small Bottle"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 600
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PROPERTYWATER,90000,1; ">
-	Id: 12354
-	AegisName: "Buche_De_Noel"
-	Name: "Buche De Noel"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_ANGELUS, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start4 SC_BUCHEDENOEL, 600000, 3, 3, 3, 7;
-	">
-	Id: 12355
-	AegisName: "Xmas_Gift"
-	Name: "Xmas Gift"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12355,1; ">
-	Id: 12356
-	AegisName: "Louise_Costume_Box"
-	Name: "Louise Costume Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12356,1; ">
-	Id: 12357
-	AegisName: "Shiny_Wing_Gown"
-	Name: "Gingerbread Cookie"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" pet BACSOJIN_; ">
-	Id: 12358
-	AegisName: "Fan_Of_Wind"
-	Name: "Fan Of Wind"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet CIVIL_SERVANT; ">
-	Id: 12359
-	AegisName: "Very_Soft_Plant"
-	Name: "Very Soft Plant"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet LEAF_CAT; ">
-	Id: 12360
-	AegisName: "Very_Red_Juice"
-	Name: "Very Red Juice"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet LOLI_RURI; ">
-	Id: 12361
-	AegisName: "Delicious_Shaved_Ice"
-	Name: "Delicious Shaved Ice"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet MARIONETTE; ">
-	Id: 12362
-	AegisName: "Kuloren"
-	Name: "Kuloren"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet SHINOBI; ">
-	Id: 12363
-	AegisName: "Fit_Pipe"
-	Name: "Ghost Coffin"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet WHISPER; ">
-	Id: 12364
-	AegisName: "Staff_Of_Leader"
-	Name: "Staff Of Leader"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet GOBLIN_LEADER; ">
-	Id: 12365
-	AegisName: "Charming_Lotus"
-	Name: "Charming Lotus"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet WICKED_NYMPH; ">
-	Id: 12366
-	AegisName: "Gril_Doll"
-	Name: "Girl Doll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet MIYABI_NINGYO; ">
-	Id: 12367
-	AegisName: "Luxury_Whisky_Bottle"
-	Name: "Luxury Whisky Bottle"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet DULLAHAN; ">
-	Id: 12368
-	AegisName: "Splendid_Mirror"
-	Name: "Splendid Mirror"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet MEDUSA; ">
-	Id: 12369
-	AegisName: "Oilpalm_Coconut"
-	Name: "Oilpalm Coconut"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet STONE_SHOOTER; ">
-	Id: 12370
-	AegisName: "Grils_Naivety"
-	Name: "Girl's Naivety"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet INCUBUS; ">
-	Id: 12371
-	AegisName: "Magical_Lithography"
-	Name: "Magical Lithography"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet GOLEM; ">
-	Id: 12372
-	AegisName: "Hell_Contract"
-	Name: "Hell Contract"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet NIGHTMARE_TERROR; ">
-	Id: 12373
-	AegisName: "Boys_Naivety"
-	Name: "Boy's Pure Heart"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet SUCCUBUS; ">
-	Id: 12374
-	AegisName: "Flaming_Ice"
-	Name: "Ice Fireworks"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet IMP; ">
-	Id: 12375
-	AegisName: "Acaraje"
-	Name: "Akaraje"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 80
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_STEAL, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_ACARAJE,120000,5,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12376
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Can2"
-	Name: "Mysterious Can2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 3, 0;
-		itemskill PR_GLORIA, 2;
-	">
-	Id: 12377
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_PET_Bottle2"
-	Name: "Mysterious PET Bottle2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 0, 3;
-		itemskill PR_MAGNIFICAT, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 12378
-	AegisName: "2009_Rice_Cake_Soup"
-	Name: "Rice Cake Soup"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" percentheal 50, 50; ">
-	Id: 12379
-	AegisName: "Popes_Cookie"
-	Name: "Pope Cookie"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 12380
-	AegisName: "Desert_Wolf_Babe_Scroll"
-	Name: "Job Change Flute"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_DESERT_WOLF_B, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12381
-	AegisName: "ValkyrieA_Scroll"
-	Name: "Ancient Language Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (strcharinfo(PC_MAP) == "job3_arch02") {
-			mercenary_create VALKYRIE_A, 1800000;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12382
-	AegisName: "ValkyrieB_Scroll"
-	Name: "Ancient Language Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (strcharinfo(PC_MAP) == "job3_arch02") {
-			mercenary_create VALKYRIE_B, 1800000;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12383
-	AegisName: "Vulcan_Bullet_Magazine"
-	Name: "Vulcan Bullet Magazine"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 13750
-	Weight: 500
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Vulcan_Bullet, 1000; ">
-	Id: 12384
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Ruby_Water"
-	Name: "Rainbow Ruby"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(strcharinfo(PC_MAP)=="job3_war02") {
-			itemskill WL_FROSTMISTY,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12385
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Ruby_Fire"
-	Name: "Rainbow Ruby"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(strcharinfo(PC_MAP)=="job3_war02") {
-			itemskill WL_CRIMSONROCK,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12386
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Ruby_Wind"
-	Name: "Rainbow Ruby"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(strcharinfo(PC_MAP)=="job3_war02") {
-			itemskill WL_CHAINLIGHTNING,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12387
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Ruby_Earth"
-	Name: "Rainbow Ruby"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(strcharinfo(PC_MAP)=="job3_war02") {
-			itemskill WL_EARTHSTRAIN,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12388
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Crush"
-	Name: "Rhydo Runestone For Apprentice"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(strcharinfo(PC_MAP)=="job3_rune02") {
-			itemskill RK_CRUSHSTRIKE,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12389
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Storm"
-	Name: "Pertz Runestone For Apprentice"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(strcharinfo(PC_MAP)=="job3_rune02") {
-			itemskill RK_STORMBLAST,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12390
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Millennium"
-	Name: "Verkana Runestone For Apprentice"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(strcharinfo(PC_MAP)=="job3_rune02") {
-			itemskill RK_MILLENNIUMSHIELD,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12391
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Egg_C"
-	Name: "RWC Groove Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12392
-	AegisName: "RepairA"
-	Name: "Repair A"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 275
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" if(checkmount() == MOUNT_MADO) itemheal rand(200,300), 0; ">
-	Id: 12393
-	AegisName: "RepairB"
-	Name: "Repair B"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 625
-	Weight: 140
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" if(checkmount() == MOUNT_MADO) itemheal rand(300,400), 0; ">
-	Id: 12394
-	AegisName: "RepairC"
-	Name: "Repair C"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 1375
-	Weight: 180
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" if(checkmount() == MOUNT_MADO) itemheal rand(400,500), 0; ">
-	Id: 12395
-	AegisName: "Tantanmen"
-	Name: "Tantan Noodle"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" pet CHUNG_E; ">
-	Id: 12396
-	AegisName: "Fools_Day_Box"
-	Name: "Gift Box?"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		.@temp = rand(1,10);
-		if (.@temp == 1) itemskill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-		else if (.@temp == 2) itemskill AL_TELEPORT,3;
-		else if (.@temp == 3) percentheal 50,0;
-		else if (.@temp == 4) percentheal 0,50;
-		else if (.@temp == 5) percentheal 50,50;
-		else if (.@temp == 6) getitem Apple,1;
-		else if (.@temp == 7) itemskill ALL_REVERSEORCISH,1;
-		else if (.@temp == 8) specialeffect(EF_MAPPILLAR2, AREA, playerattached());
-		else if (.@temp == 9) specialeffect(EF_ANGEL2, AREA, playerattached());
-		else specialeffect(EF_COIN, AREA, playerattached());
-	">
-	Id: 12397
-	AegisName: "Fools_Day_Box2"
-	Name: "Gift Box?"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		.@temp = rand(1,10);
-		if (.@temp == 1) itemskill TF_DETOXIFY,1;
-		else if (.@temp == 2) itemskill TF_PICKSTONE,1;
-		else if (.@temp == 3) itemskill BA_FROSTJOKER,1;
-		else if (.@temp == 4) itemskill DC_SCREAM,1;
-		else if (.@temp == 5) percentheal 50,50;
-		else if (.@temp == 6) getitem Jellopy,1;
-		else if (.@temp == 7) itemskill AL_RUWACH,1;
-		else if (.@temp == 8) specialeffect(EF_BEGINASURA, AREA, playerattached());
-		else if (.@temp == 9) specialeffect(EF_MVP, AREA, playerattached());
-		else specialeffect(EF_CURSEATTACK, AREA, playerattached());
-	">
-	Id: 12398
-	AegisName: "PCBang_Gift_Box"
-	Name: "PCRoom Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12399
-	AegisName: "Castle_Treasure_Box"
-	Name: "Castle Treasure Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Id: 12400
-	AegisName: "Water_Of_Blessing_"
-	Name: "Water Of Blessing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12401
-	AegisName: "Rune_Kn_Test_Int"
-	Name: "Rune Kn Test Int"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,300000,40; ">
-	Id: 12402
-	AegisName: "29Fruit"
-	Name: "29Truth"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" percentheal 5,5; ">
-	Id: 12403
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Egg_C2"
-	Name: "RWC2011 Lucky Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12404
-	AegisName: "Acti_Potion"
-	Name: "Activation Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12405
-	AegisName: "Underripe_Yggseed"
-	Name: "Unripe Seed Of Yggdrasil"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		percentheal 30,30;
-		skilleffect AL_BLESSING,0;
-		sc_start SC_BLESSING,140000,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12406
-	AegisName: "Psychic_ArmorS"
-	Name: "Psychic Armor Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_ENERGYCOAT, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_PROPERTY, 10000, 1, Ele_Neutral, 1, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 12407
-	AegisName: "PCBang_Coupon_Box"
-	Name: "PCRoom Coupon Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12408
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Cat_Ball"
-	Name: "Hydra Ball"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" pet E_HYDRA; ">
-	Id: 12409
-	AegisName: "Pork_Belly_H"
-	Name: "1st Class Pork Belly"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 12410
-	AegisName: "Spareribs_H"
-	Name: "Thick Pork Belly"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 12411
-	AegisName: "HE_Battle_Manual"
-	Name: "HE Battle Manual"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,900000,200; ">
-	Id: 12412
-	AegisName: "HE_Bubble_Gum"
-	Name: "HE Bubble Gum"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM,900000,300; ">
-	Id: 12413
-	AegisName: "PCBang_Coupon_Box2"
-	Name: "PCRoom Coupon Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12414
-	AegisName: "Guarana_Candy"
-	Name: "Guarana Candy"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1,1800000,0;
-		sc_start SC_INC_AGI,140000,5;
-		skilleffect AL_INCAGI,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12415
-	AegisName: "Siege_Teleport_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Siege Map Teleport Scroll II"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Id: 12416
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Egg_C3"
-	Name: "Thanksgiving Groove Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12417
-	AegisName: "Boost500"
-	Name: "Boost500"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_BOOST500, 500000, 10; ">
-	Id: 12418
-	AegisName: "Full_SwingK"
-	Name: "Full SwingK"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FULL_SWING_K, 500000, 50; ">
-	Id: 12419
-	AegisName: "Mana_Plus"
-	Name: "Mana +"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MANA_PLUS, 500000, 50; ">
-	Id: 12420
-	AegisName: "Stamina_Up_M"
-	Name: "Muramura(M)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MUSTLE_M, 500000, 5; ">
-	Id: 12421
-	AegisName: "Digestive_F"
-	Name: "Falmons(F)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_LIFE_FORCE_F, 500000, 5; ">
-	Id: 12422
-	AegisName: "HP_Increase_PotionS"
-	Name: "HP Increase Potion(Small)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH, 500000, 1, 1, 500, 2; ">
-	Id: 12423
-	AegisName: "HP_Increase_PotionM"
-	Name: "HP Increase Potion(Mid)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH, 500000, 1, 2, 1500, 3; ">
-	Id: 12424
-	AegisName: "HP_Increase_PotionL"
-	Name: "HP Increase Potion(Large)"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 80
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH, 500000, 1, 3, 2500, 5; ">
-	Id: 12425
-	AegisName: "SP_Increase_PotionS"
-	Name: "SP Increase Potion(Small)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 20
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH, 500000, 1, 1, 0, 2; ">
-	Id: 12426
-	AegisName: "SP_Increase_PotionM"
-	Name: "SP Increase Potion(Mid)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 40
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH, 500000, 1, 2, 0, 4; ">
-	Id: 12427
-	AegisName: "SP_Increase_PotionL"
-	Name: "SP Increase Potion(Large)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 80
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH, 500000, 1, 3, 0, 8; ">
-	Id: 12428
-	AegisName: "Enrich_White_PotionZ"
-	Name: "Enriched White PotionZ"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 70
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_EXTRACT_WHITE_POTION_Z, 500000, 20;
-		heal 1000, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 12429
-	AegisName: "Savage_BBQ"
-	Name: "Savage BBQ"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_SAVAGE_STEAK, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 12430
-	AegisName: "Wug_Blood_Cocktail"
-	Name: "Warg Blood Cocktail"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_COCKTAIL_WARG_BLOOD, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 12431
-	AegisName: "Minor_Brisket"
-	Name: "Minor Brisket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MINOR_BBQ, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 12432
-	AegisName: "Siroma_Icetea"
-	Name: "Siroma Icetea"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_SIROMA_ICE_TEA, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 12433
-	AegisName: "Drocera_Herb_Stew"
-	Name: "Drosera Herb Stew"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_DROCERA_HERB_STEAMED, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 12434
-	AegisName: "Petti_Tail_Noodle"
-	Name: "Petite Tail Noodles"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PUTTI_TAILS_NOODLES, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 12435
-	AegisName: "Black_Thing"
-	Name: "Black Thing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" sc_start2 SC_STOMACHACHE, 60000, rand(5,10), 75; ">
-	Id: 12436
-	AegisName: "Vitata500"
-	Name: "Vitata500"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start2 SC_VITATA_500, 500000, 20, 5;
-		heal 0, 200;
-	">
-	Id: 12437
-	AegisName: "Enrich_Celermine_Juice"
-	Name: "Enrich Celermine Juice"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_EXTRACT_SALAMINE_JUICE, 500000, 10; ">
-	Id: 12438
-	AegisName: "F_Giant_Fly_Wing"
-	Name: "Giant Fly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12439
-	AegisName: "F_Battle_Manual"
-	Name: "Old Battle Manual"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12440
-	AegisName: "F_Insurance"
-	Name: "Insurance"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12441
-	AegisName: "F_Bubble_Gum"
-	Name: "Old Bubble Gum"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12442
-	AegisName: "F_Kafra_Card"
-	Name: "Kafra Card"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12443
-	AegisName: "F_Neuralizer"
-	Name: "Neuralizer"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Id: 12444
-	AegisName: "F_Dun_Tele_Scroll1"
-	Name: "WoE Teleport Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashSiegeTele"; ">
-	Id: 12445
-	AegisName: "F_Str_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12446
-	AegisName: "F_Agi_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Steamed Desert Scorpions"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12447
-	AegisName: "F_Int_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12448
-	AegisName: "F_Dex_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12449
-	AegisName: "F_Luk_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Nine Tail"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12450
-	AegisName: "F_Vit_Dish10_"
-	Name: "Stew Of Immortality"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12451
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Rune"
-	Name: "Yellow Butterfly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12452
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Schwaltz"
-	Name: "Green Butterfly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12453
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Rachel"
-	Name: "Red Butterfly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12454
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Local"
-	Name: "Blue Butterfly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12456
-	AegisName: "F_Greed_Scroll"
-	Name: "Greed Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12457
-	AegisName: "F_Glass_Of_Illusion"
-	Name: "Glass Of Illusion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12458
-	AegisName: "F_Abrasive"
-	Name: "Abrasive"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12459
-	AegisName: "F_Med_Life_Potion"
-	Name: "Medium Life Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12460
-	AegisName: "F_Small_Life_Potion"
-	Name: "Small Life Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12461
-	AegisName: "F_Regeneration_Potion"
-	Name: "Regeneration Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12462
-	AegisName: "F_B_Mdef_Potion"
-	Name: "Big Magic Defense Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12463
-	AegisName: "F_S_Mdef_Potion"
-	Name: "Small Magic Defense Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12464
-	AegisName: "F_B_Def_Potion"
-	Name: "Big Defense Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12465
-	AegisName: "F_S_Def_Potion"
-	Name: "Small Defense Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12466
-	AegisName: "F_Blessing_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV10 Blessing Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12467
-	AegisName: "F_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV10 Agil Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12468
-	AegisName: "F_Aspersio_5_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV5 Aspersio Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12470
-	AegisName: "F_Wind_Walk_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV10 Wind Walker Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12471
-	AegisName: "F_Adrenaline_Scroll"
-	Name: "LV5 Adrenaline Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12472
-	AegisName: "F_Convex_Mirror"
-	Name: "Convex Mirror"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12473
-	AegisName: "RWC_Parti_Box"
-	Name: "Participant's Request Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12474
-	AegisName: "RWC_Final_Comp_Box"
-	Name: "RWC Final Event Memorial Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(12474); ">
-	Id: 12475
-	AegisName: "Cure_Free"
-	Name: "Cure Free"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLOODING;
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ORCISH;
-		heal 500,0;
-	">
-	Id: 12476
-	AegisName: "PCBang_Coupon_Box3"
-	Name: "PCRoom Coupon Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12477
-	AegisName: "Gift_Bundle"
-	Name: "Prontera Costume Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12478
-	AegisName: "Chance_Box"
-	Name: "Opportunity Of Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12479
-	AegisName: "Caracas_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Caracas Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12480
-	AegisName: "Attend_3Day_Box"
-	Name: "Attendance 3rd Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12481
-	AegisName: "Attend_7Day_Box"
-	Name: "Attendance 7th Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12482
-	AegisName: "Attend_10Day_Box"
-	Name: "Attendance 10day Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12483
-	AegisName: "Attend_15Day_Box"
-	Name: "Attendance 15day Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12484
-	AegisName: "Attend_20Day_Box"
-	Name: "Attendance 20day Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12485
-	AegisName: "Attend_25Day_Box"
-	Name: "Attendance 25day Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12486
-	AegisName: "GoldPC_First_Box"
-	Name: "Gold PCRoom 1etc. Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12487
-	AegisName: "PC_4Leaf_Clover_Box"
-	Name: "PCRoom Leaf Clover Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12488
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Gift_Box"
-	Name: "Valkyrie Mercenary Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12489
-	AegisName: "Ticket_Gift_Box2"
-	Name: "Ticket Gift Box II"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12490
-	AegisName: "Vivid_Notation"
-	Name: "Christmas Music Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 12491
-	AegisName: "Curious_Snowball"
-	Name: "Curious Snowball"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 12492
-	AegisName: "Crumpled_Paper"
-	Name: "Crumpled Wad Paper"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12493
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Egg_C4"
-	Name: "Groovy Dragon Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12494
-	AegisName: "E_Giant_Fly_Wing"
-	Name: "E Giant Fly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12495
-	AegisName: "E_Battle_Manual"
-	Name: "E Battle Manual"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12496
-	AegisName: "E_Insurance"
-	Name: "E Insurance"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12497
-	AegisName: "E_Bubble_Gum"
-	Name: "E Bubble Gum"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12498
-	AegisName: "E_Kafra_Card"
-	Name: "E Kafra Card"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12499
-	AegisName: "E_Neuralizer"
-	Name: "E Neuralizer"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Id: 12500
-	AegisName: "E_Dun_Tele_Scroll1"
-	Name: "E Dun Tele Scroll1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12501
-	AegisName: "E_Str_Dish10_"
-	Name: "E Str Dish10 "
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12502
-	AegisName: "E_Agi_Dish10_"
-	Name: "E Agi Dish10 "
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12503
-	AegisName: "E_Int_Dish10_"
-	Name: "E Int Dish10 "
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12504
-	AegisName: "E_Dex_Dish10_"
-	Name: "E Dex Dish10 "
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12505
-	AegisName: "E_Luk_Dish10_"
-	Name: "E Luk Dish10 "
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12506
-	AegisName: "E_Vit_Dish10_"
-	Name: "E Vit Dish10 "
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12507
-	AegisName: "E_WOB_Rune"
-	Name: "Yellow Butterfly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12508
-	AegisName: "E_WOB_Schwaltz"
-	Name: "Green Butterfly Wings"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12509
-	AegisName: "E_WOB_Rachel"
-	Name: "Red Butterfly Wings"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12510
-	AegisName: "E_WOB_Local"
-	Name: "Blue Butterfly wings"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12511
-	AegisName: "E_Siege_Teleport_Scroll"
-	Name: "E Siege Teleport Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12512
-	AegisName: "E_Greed_Scroll"
-	Name: "E Greed Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12513
-	AegisName: "E_Glass_Of_Illusion"
-	Name: "E Glass Of Illusion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12514
-	AegisName: "E_Abrasive"
-	Name: "E Abrasive"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		autobonus("{ bonus(bCriticalRate, 30); }", 100, 1000);
-	">
-	Id: 12515
-	AegisName: "E_Med_Life_Potion"
-	Name: "E Med Life Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12516
-	AegisName: "E_Small_Life_Potion"
-	Name: "E Small Life Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12517
-	AegisName: "E_Regeneration_Potion"
-	Name: "E Regeneration Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12518
-	AegisName: "E_B_Mdef_Potion"
-	Name: "E B Mdef Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12519
-	AegisName: "E_S_Mdef_Potion"
-	Name: "E S Mdef Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12520
-	AegisName: "E_B_Def_Potion"
-	Name: "E B Def Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12521
-	AegisName: "E_S_Def_Potion"
-	Name: "E S Def Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12522
-	AegisName: "E_Blessing_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "E Blessing 10 Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12523
-	AegisName: "E_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "E Inc Agi 10 Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12524
-	AegisName: "E_Aspersio_5_Scroll"
-	Name: "E Aspersio 5 Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12525
-	AegisName: "E_Assumptio_5_Scroll"
-	Name: "E Assumptio 5 Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12526
-	AegisName: "E_Wind_Walk_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "E Wind Walk 10 Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12527
-	AegisName: "E_Adrenaline_Scroll"
-	Name: "E Adrenaline Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12528
-	AegisName: "E_Convex_Mirror"
-	Name: "E Convex Mirror"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12529
-	AegisName: "White_Slim_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "White Slim Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem White_Slim_Potion, 200; ">
-	Id: 12530
-	AegisName: "Mastela_Fruit_Box"
-	Name: "Mastela Fruit Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Fruit_Of_Mastela, 200; ">
-	Id: 12531
-	AegisName: "White_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "White Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem White_Potion, 100; ">
-	Id: 12532
-	AegisName: "Royal_Jelly_Box2"
-	Name: "Royal Jelly Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Royal_Jelly, 100; ">
-	Id: 12533
-	AegisName: "Blue_Herb_Box2"
-	Name: "Blue Herb Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Blue_Herb, 100; ">
-	Id: 12534
-	AegisName: "Yggdrasil_Seed_Box"
-	Name: "Yggdrasil Seed Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Seed_Of_Yggdrasil, 30; ">
-	Id: 12535
-	AegisName: "Iggdrasilberry_Box"
-	Name: "Yggdrasil Berry Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Yggdrasilberry, 15; ">
-	Id: 12536
-	AegisName: "NY_Rice_Cake_Soup"
-	Name: "New Year's Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" percentheal 20,20; ">
-	Id: 12537
-	AegisName: "Solo_Gift_Basket"
-	Name: "Gift Chocolate Basket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12538
-	AegisName: "Couple_Event_Basket"
-	Name: "Firecracker Basket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12539
-	AegisName: "Splendid_Box"
-	Name: "Brilliant Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Id: 12540
-	AegisName: "GM_Warp_Box"
-	Name: "GM Warp Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12541
-	AegisName: "Fortune_Cookie1"
-	Name: "Fortune Cookie1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12542
-	AegisName: "Fortune_Cookie2"
-	Name: "Fortune Cookie2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12543
-	AegisName: "Fortune_Cookie3"
-	Name: "Fortune Cookie3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12544
-	AegisName: "Mystic_Tree_Branch"
-	Name: "Mystic Tree Branch"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12545
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Egg_C5"
-	Name: "Fortune Egg"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12546
-	AegisName: "Suspicious_Dish"
-	Name: "Dark matter"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_POISON,12000,0; ">
-	Id: 12547
-	AegisName: "Chalcenodny_Box"
-	Name: "Chalcenodny Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 200
-	Id: 12548
-	AegisName: "Buy_Market_Permit2"
-	Name: "Black Market Bulk Buyer Shop License"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" buyingstore 2; ">
-	Id: 12549
-	AegisName: "White_Slim_Pot_Box2"
-	Name: "White Slim Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem White_Slim_Potion, 100; ">
-	Id: 12550
-	AegisName: "Poison_Bottle_Box2"
-	Name: "Poison Bottle Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Poison_Bottle, 30; ">
-	Id: 12551
-	AegisName: "MVP_Tele_Scroll"
-	Name: "MVP Tele Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12552
-	AegisName: "Quest_Tele_Scroll"
-	Name: "Quest Tele Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12553
-	AegisName: "Brysinggamen_Piece_Box"
-	Name: "Brysinggamen Keep Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12554
-	AegisName: "Asprika_Piece_Box"
-	Name: "Asprika Piece Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12555
-	AegisName: "Brynhild_Piece_Box"
-	Name: "Brynhild Piece Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12556
-	AegisName: "Sleipnir_Piece_Box"
-	Name: "Sleipnir Keep Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12557
-	AegisName: "Mjolnir_Piece_Box"
-	Name: "Mjolnir Keep Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12558
-	AegisName: "Magingiorde_Piece_Box"
-	Name: "Magingiorde Keep Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12559
-	AegisName: "Tenkaippin_Strong"
-	Name: "Tenkaippin Strong"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 650
-	Weight: 200
-	Id: 12560
-	AegisName: "Tenkaippin_Clean"
-	Name: "Tenkaippin Clean"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 650
-	Weight: 200
-	Id: 12561
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Seed"
-	Name: "Mysterious Seed"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" warp "bif_fild01",32,382; ">
-	Id: 12562
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_Plus"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Plus"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12563
-	AegisName: "BM75"
-	Name: "BM75"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12564
-	AegisName: "3D_Glasses_Box"
-	Name: "3D Glasses Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12565
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf_Box"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12566
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf2_Box"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf II Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12567
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf3_Box"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf III Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12568
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf4_Box"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf IV Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12569
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf6_Box"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf VI Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12570
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf8_Box"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf VIII Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12571
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf10_Box"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf X Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12572
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf10_Box2"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf X Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12573
-	AegisName: "Fruit_Basket"
-	Name: "Fruit Basket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12574
-	AegisName: "Mora_Berry"
-	Name: "Mora Berry"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 20
-	EquipLv: 120
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		itemheal 0, rand(50,65);
-		specialeffect(EF_GUARD, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_MORA_BUFF, 120000, 50;
-	">
-	Id: 12575
-	AegisName: "Arrow_Of_Elf_Cntr"
-	Name: "Elf's Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 250
-	EquipLv: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Arrow_Of_Elf,500; ">
-	Id: 12576
-	AegisName: "Hunting_Arrow_Cntr"
-	Name: "Hunting Arrow Quiver"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 250
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" getitem Hunting_Arrow,500; ">
-	Id: 12577
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Egg_C6"
-	Name: "Fortune Egg"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12578
-	AegisName: "Rapid_Life_Water"
-	Name: "Rapid Water"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_G_LIFEPOTION, 600000, -6, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 12579
-	AegisName: "Ring_Of_Valkyrie_Box"
-	Name: "Ring of The Valkyrie Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12580
-	AegisName: "Vending_Search_Scroll"
-	Name: "Window Shopper Catalogue"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" searchstores 10,0; ">
-	Id: 12581
-	AegisName: "Vending_Search_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Bargain Hunter's Catalogue"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" searchstores 10,1; ">
-	Id: 12582
-	AegisName: "Siege_Supply_Box"
-	Name: "WoE Supply Box"
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 12583
-	AegisName: "PR_Team_Box"
-	Name: "Public Relations box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12584
-	AegisName: "Develop_Team_box"
-	Name: "Development Team box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12585
-	AegisName: "Marketing_Team_Box"
-	Name: "Marketing Team box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12586
-	AegisName: "Operating_Team_Box"
-	Name: "Operation Team box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12587
-	AegisName: "Summer_Night_box"
-	Name: "A Summer Night's Box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12591
-	AegisName: "Uni_Catalog_Bz"
-	Name: "Black Market Catalogue"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" searchstores 10,1; ">
-	Id: 12592
-	AegisName: "Cyclops_Box1"
-	Name: "Cyclops Box1"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12593
-	AegisName: "Cyclops_Box2"
-	Name: "Cyclops Box2"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12594
-	AegisName: "Cyclops_Box3"
-	Name: "Cyclops Box3"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12595
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Egg_C7"
-	Name: "Incarnation Of Morocc Doll Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12596
-	AegisName: "Magic_Candy"
-	Name: "Magic Candy"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Delay: 180000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_HASTEUP, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_MAGIC_CANDY, 60000, 30, 70;
-	">
-	Id: 12597
-	AegisName: "Opor_Ayam"
-	Name: "Opor Ayam"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Id: 12598
-	AegisName: "Dendeng_Balado"
-	Name: "Dendeng Balado"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Id: 12599
-	AegisName: "Kurma"
-	Name: "Kurma"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 12600
-	AegisName: "Treasure_Box_Scroll"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest Summoned"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12601
-	AegisName: "Cold_Watermelon_Juice"
-	Name: "Fresh Watermelon Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" percentheal 5,5; ">
-	Id: 12602
-	AegisName: "Special_Box1"
-	Name: "Special Box I"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 12603
-	AegisName: "Special_Box2"
-	Name: "Special Box II"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 12604
-	AegisName: "Special_Box3"
-	Name: "Special Box III"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 12605
-	AegisName: "Special_Box4"
-	Name: "Special Box IV"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 12606
-	AegisName: "Special_Box5"
-	Name: "Special Box V"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 12607
-	AegisName: "Lolli_Pop_Box"
-	Name: "Delicious Lollipop Box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12608
-	AegisName: "Splendid_Box2"
-	Name: "Splendid Box2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12609
-	AegisName: "Old_Ore_Box"
-	Name: "Old Ore Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12612
-	AegisName: "Old_Coin_Pocket"
-	Name: "Shabby Coin Bag"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12613
-	AegisName: "High_Coin_Pocket"
-	Name: "Premium Coin Bag"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12614
-	AegisName: "Mid_Coin_Pocket"
-	Name: "Normal Coin Bag"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12615
-	AegisName: "Low_Coin_Pocket"
-	Name: "Poor Coin Bag"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12616
-	AegisName: "Sgrade_Pocket"
-	Name: "S Grade Coin Bag"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12617
-	AegisName: "Agrade_Pocket"
-	Name: "Agrade Pocket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12618
-	AegisName: "Bgrade_Pocket"
-	Name: "Bgrade Pocket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12619
-	AegisName: "Cgrade_Pocket"
-	Name: "Cgrade Pocket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12620
-	AegisName: "Dgrade_Pocket"
-	Name: "Dgrade Pocket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12621
-	AegisName: "Egrade_Pocket"
-	Name: "Egrade Pocket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12622
-	AegisName: "Boarding_Halter"
-	Name: "Halter Lead"
-	Buy: 20
-	Delay: 3000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" setcashmount(); ">
-	Id: 12623
-	AegisName: "High_Weapon_Box"
-	Name: "High Weapon Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 12623,1; ">
-	Id: 12624
-	AegisName: "Delicious_Jelly"
-	Name: "Delicious Jelly"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" percentheal 3,3; ">
-	Id: 12625
-	AegisName: "Sapa_Feat_Cert_Pack"
-	Name: "Proof Of Sapha's Honor Package"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12626
-	AegisName: "Wander_Man_Scroll"
-	Name: "Wanderman Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_WANDER_MAN, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12627
-	AegisName: "Wicked_Nymph_Scroll"
-	Name: "Wicked Nymph Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_WICKED_NYMPH, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12628
-	AegisName: "Kasa_Scroll"
-	Name: "Kasa Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_KASA, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12629
-	AegisName: "Salamander_Scroll"
-	Name: "Salamander Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_SALAMANDER, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12630
-	AegisName: "Teddy_Bear_Scroll"
-	Name: "Teddy Bear Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_TEDDY_BEAR, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12631
-	AegisName: "Macro_Stone_A"
-	Name: "Stone (1Hour)"
-	Id: 12632
-	AegisName: "Macro_Stone_B"
-	Name: "Stone (1Hour)"
-	Id: 12633
-	AegisName: "Malang_Cat_Can"
-	Name: "Malang Cat Can"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect EF_MAGICALATTHIT;
-		sc_start2 SC_OVERLAPEXPUP,1200000,10,20;
-	">
-	Id: 12636
-	AegisName: "Malang_Sp_Can"
-	Name: "Malang Sp Can"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" warp "malangdo",140,114; ">
-	Id: 12637
-	AegisName: "Gong_Bug_Pocket"
-	Name: "Gong Bug Pocket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Gong_Bung, 200; ">
-	Id: 12638
-	AegisName: "Dried_Squid_Box"
-	Name: "Dried Squid Box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Dried_Squid, 200; ">
-	Id: 12639
-	AegisName: "Flying_Fish_Box"
-	Name: "Flying Fish Box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Flying_Fish, 200; ">
-	Id: 12640
-	AegisName: "Starfish_Box"
-	Name: "Starfish Box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Starfish, 200; ">
-	Id: 12641
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Egg_C8"
-	Name: "New Recruit Pack"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12642
-	AegisName: "Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2"
-	Name: "Mastela Fruit 100 Box"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Fruit_Of_Mastela, 100; ">
-	Id: 12643
-	AegisName: "E_Coin_Pack50"
-	Name: "E Coin Pack50"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" getitem Egrade_Coin, 50; ">
-	Id: 12644
-	AegisName: "PCBang_Coupon_Box4"
-	Name: "PCRoom Coupon Box IV"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12645
-	AegisName: "J_Aspersio_5_Scroll_C"
-	Name: "Sacred Scroll"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12646
-	AegisName: "Takoyaki"
-	Name: "Fired Octopus"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 30
-	Script:<"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK, 6000, 10;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 6000, 20;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 6000, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 12647
-	AegisName: "Ink_Ball"
-	Name: "See Ink"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 30
-	Id: 12648
-	AegisName: "Special_Potion_Set"
-	Name: "Comprehensive Set Of Potions"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <"
-		getitem Red_Potion,10;
-		getitem Orange_Potion,10;
-		getitem Yellow_Potion,10;
-		getitem Blue_Potion,10;
-	">
-	Id: 12649
-	AegisName: "Lv70_Imperial_Gift"
-	Name: "Level 70 Bounty"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem Str_Dish08,5;
-		getitem Agi_Dish08,5;
-		getitem Int_Dish08,5;
-		getitem Vit_Dish08,5;
-		getitem Dex_Dish08,5;
-		getitem Luk_Dish08,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12650
-	AegisName: "Lv90_Imperial_Gift"
-	Name: "Level 90 Bounty"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Comp_Battle_Manual,5; ">
-	Id: 12651
-	AegisName: "Lv110_Imperial_Gift"
-	Name: "Level 110 Bounty"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem High_Weapon_Box,1;
-		getitem Octo_Hstick,Box,1;
-		getitem Octo_Hstick,Box,1;
-		getitem Octo_Hstick_Box,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12652
-	AegisName: "Lv130_Imperial_Gift"
-	Name: "Level 130 Bounty"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem High_Coin_Pocket,10; ">
-	Id: 12653
-	AegisName: "Lv150_Imperial_Gift"
-	Name: "Level 150 Bounty"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem Protection_Seagod_Box,1;
-		getitem Protection_Seagod_Box,1;
-		getitem Protection_Seagod_Box,1;
-		getitem Dark_Snake_Lord_Hat,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12654
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Egg_C9"
-	Name: "Recruit's Mount Gift"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12655
-	AegisName: "Brain_Powder"
-	Name: "Brain Powder"
-	Buy: 2000
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 12656
-	AegisName: "Magical_Powder"
-	Name: "Magical Powder"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 200
-	Id: 12657
-	AegisName: "Madness_Powder"
-	Name: "Madness Powder"
-	Buy: 4000
-	Weight: 300
-	Id: 12658
-	AegisName: "Trans_Scroll_Devi"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll(Deviruchi)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!! Deviling Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform DEVIRUCHI, 1200000, SC_MTF_ASPD, 10, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 12659
-	AegisName: "Trans_Scroll_Ray_Arch"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll(Raydric)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!! Raydric Archer Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform RAYDRIC_ARCHER, 1200000, SC_MTF_RANGEATK, 25;
-	">
-	Id: 12660
-	AegisName: "Trans_Scroll_Mavka"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll(Mavka)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!! Mavka Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform MAVKA, 1200000, SC_MTF_RANGEATK, 25;
-	">
-	Id: 12661
-	AegisName: "Trans_Scroll_Marduk"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll(Marduk)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!! Marduk Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform MARDUK, 1200000, SC_MTF_MATK, 25;
-	">
-	Id: 12662
-	AegisName: "Trans_Scroll_Banshee"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll(Banshee)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!! Banshee Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform BANSHEE, 1200000, SC_MTF_MATK, 25;
-	">
-	Id: 12663
-	AegisName: "Trans_Scroll_Poring"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll(Poring)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!! Poring Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform PORING, 1200000, SC_MTF_CRIDAMAGE, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 12664
-	AegisName: "Trans_Scroll_Golem"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll(Golem)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		showscript "Trans-Form-!! Golem Fo-rm!!";
-		montransform GOLEM, 1200000, SC_MTF_MLEATKED, 2;
-	">
-	Id: 12665
-	AegisName: "Grovel_Buff"
-	Name: "Grovel Buff"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 12666
-	AegisName: "Thai_Perfume_MATK"
-	Name: "Thai Perfume(MATK)"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12667
-	AegisName: "Thai_Perfume_ATK"
-	Name: "Thai Perfume(ATK)"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12668
-	AegisName: "Thai_Perfume_ASPD"
-	Name: "Thai Perfume(ASPD)"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12669
-	AegisName: "Thai_Perfume_CAST"
-	Name: "Thai Perfume(CAST)"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12670
-	AegisName: "Beast_Powder"
-	Name: "Beast Powder"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 12671
-	AegisName: "99lv_Battle_Manual"
-	Name: "99lv Battle Manual"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12672
-	AegisName: "Start_New_Box"
-	Name: "Start New Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem Old_Violet_Box, 2;
-		getitem Comp_Battle_Manual, 2;
-		getitem Recall_MaleGM, 3;
-		getitem Recall_FemaleGM, 2;
-	">
-	Id: 12673
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Egg_C10"
-	Name: "Lucky Egg C10"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12674
-	AegisName: "God_Material_Box"
-	Name: "God Material Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Id: 12675
-	AegisName: "Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box"
-	Name: "Siege Weapon Supply Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box,1; ">
-	Id: 12676
-	AegisName: "Sg_Violet_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Siege Violet Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getitem Woe_Violet_Potion, 50; ">
-	Id: 12677
-	AegisName: "Siege_Arrow_Quiver_S"
-	Name: "Siege Arrow Quiver S"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Script: <" getitem Siege_Arrow_S, 200; ">
-	Id: 12678
-	AegisName: "Siege_Arrow_Quiver_A"
-	Name: "Siege Arrow Quiver A"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Script: <" getitem Siege_Arrow_A, 200; ">
-	Id: 12679
-	AegisName: "Sg_White_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Siege White Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getitem Woe_White_Potion, 30; ">
-	Id: 12680
-	AegisName: "Sg_Blue_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Siege Blue Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getitem Woe_Blue_Potion, 10; ">
-	Id: 12681
-	AegisName: "Nestea_Lemon"
-	Name: "Nestea Lemon"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 12682
-	AegisName: "Nestea_Blacktea"
-	Name: "Nestea Black Tea"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 30
-	Id: 12683
-	AegisName: "Sg_Vi_Potion_Box200"
-	Name: "Siege Violet Potion Box (200)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" getitem Woe_Violet_Potion, 200; ">
-	Id: 12684
-	AegisName: "ASPD_Potion"
-	Name: "ASPD Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12685
-	AegisName: "Gryphon_Egg_Scroll"
-	Name: "Gryphon Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12686
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish20"
-	Name: "Str Dish20"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12687
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish20"
-	Name: "Int Dish20"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12688
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish20"
-	Name: "Vit Dish20"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12689
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish20"
-	Name: "Dex Dish20"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12690
-	AegisName: "Old_C_Album_Helm"
-	Name: "Headgear Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 12691
-	AegisName: "Old_C_Album_Armor"
-	Name: "Armor Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 12692
-	AegisName: "Old_C_Album_Shield"
-	Name: "Shield Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 12693
-	AegisName: "Old_C_Album_Garment"
-	Name: "Garment Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 12694
-	AegisName: "Old_C_Album_Shoes"
-	Name: "Shoes Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 12695
-	AegisName: "Old_C_Album_Acc"
-	Name: "Accessory Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 12696
-	AegisName: "RWC_Cele_Fire"
-	Name: "RWC Celebration Firecracker"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" sc_start2 SC_2011RWC, 10000, 3, 5; ">
-	Id: 12697
-	AegisName: "RWC_Cele_Fire2"
-	Name: "RWC Celebration Firecracker 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" sc_start2 SC_2011RWC, 10000, 3, 5; ">
-	Id: 12698
-	AegisName: "Old_C_Album_Weapon"
-	Name: "Weapon Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 12699
-	AegisName: "Tikbalang_Belt"
-	Name: "Tikbalang Harness"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" pet TIKBALANG; ">
-	Id: 12700
-	AegisName: "Insideout_Shirt"
-	Name: "Inside-out Shirt"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" warp "malaya",242,211; ">
-	Id: 12701
-	AegisName: "Old_Blue_Box_F"
-	Name: "Old Blue Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12702
-	AegisName: "Old_Bleu_Box"
-	Name: "Old Blue Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 200
-	Trade: {
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getrandgroupitem Old_Bleu_Box,1;
-		getrandgroupitem Old_Bleu_Box,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12703
-	AegisName: "Holy_Egg_2"
-	Name: "Holy Egg"
-	Weight: 50
-	Id: 12704
-	AegisName: "Elixir_Of_Life"
-	Name: "Elixir of Life"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	EquipLv: 85
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" percentheal 100,0; ">
-	Id: 12705
-	AegisName: "Noble_Nameplate"
-	Name: "Noble Nameplate"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,1800000,100; ">
-	Id: 12706
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Cookie01"
-	Name: "Lucky Cookie"
-	Weight: 100
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill PR_GLORIA,5; ">
-	Id: 12707
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Cookie02"
-	Name: "Lucky Cookie"
-	Weight: 100
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill PR_MAGNIFICAT,1; ">
-	Id: 12708
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Cookie03"
-	Name: "Lucky Cookie"
-	Weight: 100
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill PR_IMPOSITIO,3; ">
-	Id: 12709
-	AegisName: "Guyak_Candy"
-	Name: "Guyak Candy"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <" percentheal 30,30; ">
-	Id: 12710
-	AegisName: "Guyak_Pudding"
-	Name: "Guyak Pudding"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 200
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_POTION, 300000, 100; ">
-	Id: 12711
-	AegisName: "Pretzel"
-	Name: "Pretzel"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <" itemheal rand(50,90),0; ">
-	Id: 12712
-	AegisName: "Green_Beer"
-	Name: "Green Beer"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <" percentheal 0,50; ">
-	Id: 12713
-	AegisName: "Monster_Extract"
-	Name: "Monster Extract"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12714
-	AegisName: "Easter_Scroll"
-	Name: "Easter Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem Easter_Scroll,1; ">
-	Id: 12715
-	AegisName: "Black_Treasure_Box"
-	Name: "Black Treasure Chest"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12716
-	AegisName: "Indian_Rice_Cake"
-	Name: "Indian Rice Cake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-//== Guillotine Cross Poisons ==============================
-	Id: 12717
-	AegisName: "Poison_Paralysis"
-	Name: "Paralysis"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_ENCHANTPOISON, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PARALYSE, 300000, 0, 10, SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK;
-	">
-	Id: 12718
-	AegisName: "Poison_Leech"
-	Name: "Leech End"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_ENCHANTPOISON, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_LEECHESEND, 300000, 0, 10, SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK;
-	">
-	Id: 12719
-	AegisName: "Poison_Oblivion"
-	Name: "Oblivion Curse"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_ENCHANTPOISON, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_OBLIVIONCURSE, 300000, 0, 10, SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK;
-	">
-	Id: 12720
-	AegisName: "Poison_Contamination"
-	Name: "Death Hurt"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_ENCHANTPOISON, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_DEATHHURT, 300000, 0, 10, SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK;
-	">
-	Id: 12721
-	AegisName: "Poison_Numb"
-	Name: "Toxin"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_ENCHANTPOISON, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_TOXIN, 300000, 0, 10, SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK;
-	">
-	Id: 12722
-	AegisName: "Poison_Fever"
-	Name: "Pyrexia"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_ENCHANTPOISON, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PYREXIA, 300000, 0, 10, SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK;
-	">
-	Id: 12723
-	AegisName: "Poison_Laughing"
-	Name: "Magic Mushroom"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_ENCHANTPOISON, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_MAGICMUSHROOM, 300000, 0, 10, SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK;
-	">
-	Id: 12724
-	AegisName: "Poison_Fatigue"
-	Name: "Venom Bleed"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_ENCHANTPOISON, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_VENOMBLEED, 15000, 0, 10, SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK;
-	">
-//== Rune Knight's Rune Stones =============================
-	Id: 12725
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Nosiege"
-	Name: "Nosiege Runestone"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Delay: 120000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Stack: [20, 1]
-	Script: <" itemskill RK_REFRESH, 1; ">
-	Id: 12726
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Rhydo"
-	Name: "Rhydo Runestone"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Delay: 30000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Stack: [20, 1]
-	Script: <" itemskill RK_CRUSHSTRIKE, 1; ">
-	Id: 12727
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Verkana"
-	Name: "Verkana Runestone"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Delay: 60000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Stack: [20, 1]
-	Script: <" itemskill RK_MILLENNIUMSHIELD, 1; ">
-	Id: 12728
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Isia"
-	Name: "Isia Runestone"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Stack: [20, 1]
-	Script: <" itemskill RK_VITALITYACTIVATION, 1; ">
-	Id: 12729
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Asir"
-	Name: "Asir Runestone"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Stack: [20, 1]
-	Script: <" itemskill RK_FIGHTINGSPIRIT, 1; ">
-	Id: 12730
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Urj"
-	Name: "Urj Runestone"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Stack: [20, 1]
-	Script: <" itemskill RK_ABUNDANCE, 1; ">
-	Id: 12731
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Turisus"
-	Name: "Turisus Runestone"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Stack: [20, 1]
-	Script: <" itemskill RK_GIANTGROWTH, 1; ">
-	Id: 12732
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Pertz"
-	Name: "Pertz Runestone"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Delay: 1000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Stack: [20, 1]
-	Script: <" itemskill RK_STORMBLAST, 1; ">
-	Id: 12733
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Hagalas"
-	Name: "Hagalas Runestone"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Stack: [20, 1]
-	Script: <" itemskill RK_STONEHARDSKIN, 1; ">
-//==  Rune Knight Rune Ores =============================
-	Id: 12734
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Quality"
-	Name: "Quality Rough Runestone"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" makerune 5; ">
-	Id: 12735
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Ancient"
-	Name: "Ancient Rough Runestone"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" makerune 11; ">
-	Id: 12736
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Mystic"
-	Name: "Mystic Rough Runestone"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" makerune 14; ">
-	Id: 12737
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Ordinary"
-	Name: "General Rough Runestone"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" makerune 2; ">
-	Id: 12738
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Rare"
-	Name: "Rare Rough Runestone"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	BuyingStore: true
-	Script: <" makerune 8; ">
-//== More Cash Shop Usable Items ===========================
-	Id: 12739
-	AegisName: "Snow_Flower"
-	Name: "Snow Flower"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" percentheal 10,10; ">
-	Id: 12740
-	AegisName: "Inc_Str_Scroll"
-	Name: "Amplification Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_STR_SCROLL, 60000, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 12741
-	AegisName: "Inc_Int_Scroll"
-	Name: "Intellect Amplification Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_SPELLBREAKER, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_INT_SCROLL, 60000, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 12742
-	AegisName: "Valentine_Gift_Box1"
-	Name: "Valentine Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" getitem Valentine_Gold_Ring,1; ">
-	Id: 12743
-	AegisName: "Valentine_Gift_Box2"
-	Name: "Valentine Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" getitem Valentine_Silver_Ring,1; ">
-	Id: 12744
-	AegisName: "Chocotate_Box"
-	Name: "Chocolate Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" getitem Chocolate,1; ">
-	Id: 12745
-	AegisName: "Skull_Scroll"
-	Name: "Skull Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_SKELSCROLL,1800000,5; ">
-	Id: 12746
-	AegisName: "Destruction_Scroll"
-	Name: "Destruction Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_DISTRUCTIONSCROLL,1800000,5; ">
-	Id: 12747
-	AegisName: "Royal_Scroll"
-	Name: "Royal Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_ROYALSCROLL,1800000,5; ">
-	Id: 12748
-	AegisName: "Immune_Scroll"
-	Name: "Immune Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_IMMUNITYSCROLL,1800000,5; ">
-	Id: 12749
-	AegisName: "Mystic_Scroll"
-	Name: "Mystic Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MYSTICSCROLL,1800000,5; ">
-	Id: 12750
-	AegisName: "Battle_Scroll"
-	Name: "Battle Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_BATTLESCROLL,1800000,5; ">
-	Id: 12751
-	AegisName: "Armor_Scroll"
-	Name: "Armor Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start2 SC_ARMORSCROLL,1800000,5,10; ">
-	Id: 12752
-	AegisName: "Prayer_Scroll"
-	Name: "Prayer Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start2 SC_FREYJASCROLL,1800000,5,10; ">
-	Id: 12753
-	AegisName: "Soul_Scroll"
-	Name: "Soul Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_SOULSCROLL,1800000,5; ">
-	Id: 12754
-	AegisName: "New_Year_Bun"
-	Name: "New Year Bun"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" percentheal 50,50; ">
-	Id: 12755
-	AegisName: "Traditional_Firecrack"
-	Name: "Traditional Firecrack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_POK_JAP, AREA, playerattached());
-		itemskill MO_CALLSPIRITS,3;
-		itemskill MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE,5;
-	">
-	Id: 12756
-	AegisName: "New_Gift_Envelope"
-	Name: "New Gift Envelope"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12757
-	AegisName: "Loyal_Ring1_Box"
-	Name: "Loyal Ring1 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 12758
-	AegisName: "Loyal_Ring2_Box"
-	Name: "Loyal Ring2 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 12759
-	AegisName: "Loyal_Ring3_Box"
-	Name: "Loyal Ring3 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Id: 12760
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_Green"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Green"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12761
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_Yellow"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Yellow"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12762
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_Orange"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Orange"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12763
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_Red"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Red"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12764
-	AegisName: "Fools_Day_Box_Tw"
-	Name: "Fools Day Box Tw"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 12765
-	AegisName: "Summer_Knight_Box"
-	Name: "Summer Knight Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12766
-	AegisName: "Reward_Job_BM25"
-	Name: "JOB Battle Manual"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSONLYJOBEXP,1800000,25; ">
-	Id: 12767
-	AegisName: "Passion_FB_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Passion FB Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12768
-	AegisName: "Cool_FB_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Cool FB Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12769
-	AegisName: "Victory_FB_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Victory FB Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12770
-	AegisName: "Glory_FB_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Glory FB Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12771
-	AegisName: "Passion_Hat_Box2"
-	Name: "Passion Hat Box2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12772
-	AegisName: "Cool_Hat_Box2"
-	Name: "Cool Hat Box2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12773
-	AegisName: "Victory_Hat_Box2"
-	Name: "Victory Hat Box2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12774
-	AegisName: "Empty_Potion_Bottle"
-	Name: "Empty Potion Bottle"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 12775
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Spirit_Agimat"
-	Name: "Greater Agimat of Ancient Spirit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_PROVIDENCE, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PHI_DEMON, 1200000, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 12776
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish20"
-	Name: "Agi Dish20"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12777
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish20"
-	Name: "Luk Dish20"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12778
-	AegisName: "Bapho_Jr_Scroll"
-	Name: "Baphomet Jr Ally Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_BAPHOMET, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12779
-	AegisName: "Galapago_Scroll"
-	Name: "Galapago Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create M_GALAPAGO, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12780
-	AegisName: "10M_Zeny_Check"
-	Name: "10M Zeny Check"
-	Id: 12781
-	AegisName: "1M_Zeny_Check"
-	Name: "1M Zeny Check"
-	Id: 12782
-	AegisName: "100T_Zeny_Check"
-	Name: "100T Zeny Check"
-	Id: 12783
-	AegisName: "10000_Zeny_Check"
-	Name: "10000 Zeny Check"
-	Id: 12784
-	AegisName: "1000_Zeny_Check"
-	Name: "1000 Zeny Check"
-	Id: 12785
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Egg_Scroll"
-	Name: "Dragon Egg"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12786
-	AegisName: "Change_Slot_Card"
-	Name: "Character Position Change Coupon"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" SlotChange += 1; ">
-	Id: 12787
-	AegisName: "Diabolic_Scroll"
-	Name: "Diabolic Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_DIABOLIC, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12788
-	AegisName: "No100_Firecracker"
-	Name: "No100 Firecracker"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Id: 12789
-	AegisName: "Juicy_Fruit"
-	Name: "Juicy Fruit"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 12790
-	AegisName: "Change_Name_Card"
-	Name: "Name Change Coupon"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" CharRename += 1; ">
-	Id: 12791
-	AegisName: "Combat_Pill"
-	Name: "Magic Battle Serum"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_GM_BATTLE, 600000, 5, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 12792
-	AegisName: "P_Combat_Pill"
-	Name: "Advanced Magic Battle Serum"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_GM_BATTLE2, 600000, 10, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 12793
-	AegisName: "Combat_Pill_Box10"
-	Name: "Magic Battle Serum Box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Combat_Pill, 10; ">
-	Id: 12794
-	AegisName: "P_Combat_Pill_Box10"
-	Name: "Advanced Magic Battle Serum Box"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem P_Combat_Pill, 10; ">
-	Id: 12795
-	AegisName: "2011_RWC_Scroll_Kr"
-	Name: "2011 RWC Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12796
-	AegisName: "Red_Booster"
-	Name: "Red Boost"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		itemskill AC_CONCENTRATION,(getskilllv(AC_CONCENTRATION)<3?3:getskilllv(AC_CONCENTRATION));
-	">
-	Id: 12797
-	AegisName: "Wish_Maiden_Scroll"
-	Name: "Wish Maiden Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_WISH_MAIDEN, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12798
-	AegisName: "Zealotus_Scroll"
-	Name: "Zealotus Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ZHERLTHSH, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12800
-	AegisName: "Ktullanux_Scroll"
-	Name: "Ktullanux Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_KTULLANUX, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12801
-	AegisName: "Eddga_Scroll"
-	Name: "Eddga Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_EDDGA, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12805
-	AegisName: "Mystic_Powder"
-	Name: "Mystic Powder"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_WIND, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_MYSTICPOWDER, 300000, 20, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 12806
-	AegisName: "Scaraba_Scroll"
-	Name: "Antler Scaraba Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_ANTLER_SCARABA, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12807
-	AegisName: "Mercenary_Casting_"
-	Name: "Mercenary Casting"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem Bow_Mercenary_Scroll8,5;
-		getitem SwordMercenary_Scroll8,5;
-		getitem Spear_Mercenary_Scroll8,5;
-		getitem Mother_Love_Box,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12808
-	AegisName: "Mother_Love_Box"
-	Name: "Mother_Love_Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem Mother_Heart,1209600; ">
-	Id: 12809
-	AegisName: "Level_Up_Box"
-	Name: "Level Up Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Script: <"
-		getitem Comp_Battle_Manual,5;
-		getitem Comp_Bubble_Gum,5;
-		getitem Comp_Insurance,5;
-		getitem Reward_Job_BM25,5;
-		getitem Zherlthsh_Tck_Box_,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12812
-	AegisName: "Snow_Flip"
-	Name: "Snow Flip"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemskill ECL_SNOWFLIP,1; ">
-	Id: 12813
-	AegisName: "Peony_Mommy"
-	Name: "Peony Mamy"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemskill ECL_PEONYMAMY,1; ">
-	Id: 12814
-	AegisName: "Slapping_Herb"
-	Name: "Sadagui"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemskill ECL_SADAGUI,1; ">
-	Id: 12815
-	AegisName: "Yggdrasil_Dust"
-	Name: "Sequoia Dust"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" itemskill ECL_SEQUOIADUST,1; ">
-	Id: 12817
-	AegisName: "Old_Card_Album_"
-	Name: "Old Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Id: 12818
-	AegisName: "High_Weapon_Box_"
-	Name: "Advanced Weapons Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Level_Up_Box,1; ">
-	Id: 12819
-	AegisName: "Zherlthsh_Tck_Box_"
-	Name: "Zherlthsh Ticket Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	EquipLv: 150
-	Script: <" getitem Zherlthsh_Ticket,1; ">
-	Id: 12820
-	AegisName: "Mao_Guai_Scroll"
-	Name: "Mao Guai Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_CIVIL_SERVANT, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12821
-	AegisName: "Loli_Ruri_Scroll"
-	Name: "Loli Ruri Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_LOLI_RURI, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12822
-	AegisName: "Songpyun_Box50"
-	Name: "Korea Rice Cake 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem Korea_Rice_Cake, 50; ">
-	Id: 12823
-	AegisName: "Sedora_Scroll"
-	Name: "Sedora Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_SEDORA, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12824
-	AegisName: "Chepet_Scroll"
-	Name: "Chepet Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" mercenary_create MER_CHEPET, 1800000; ">
-	Id: 12831
-	AegisName: "Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem Red_Slim_Potion, 100;
-		getitem Yellow_Slim_Potion, 100;
-		getitem White_Slim_Potion, 100;
-		getitem Blue_Potion, 100;
-	">
-	Id: 12845
-	AegisName: "WOB_Amatsu"
-	Name: "Amatsu Butterfly Wing"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" warp "iz_ng01",26,57; ">
-	Id: 12846
-	AegisName: "Unripe_Apple2"
-	Name: "Little Unripe Apple"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 50
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet LITTLE_PORING; ">
-	Id: 12847
-	AegisName: "Old_Equipment_Box"
-	Name: "Old Equipment Box"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 12848
-	AegisName: "Falcon_Flute"
-	Name: "Falcon Flute"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getskilllv(HT_FALCON)) {
-			if (checkoption(Option_Wug) || checkoption(Option_Wugrider)) end;
-			if (checkfalcon() == 1) {
-				setfalcon 0;
-			}
-			else {
-				setfalcon 1;
-			}
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 12849
-	AegisName: "Combination_Kit"
-	Name: "Union Kit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12850
-	AegisName: "Heaven_Scroll"
-	Name: "Heaven Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12851
-	AegisName: "Vocation_Scroll"
-	Name: "Vocation Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12852
-	AegisName: "Wisdom_Scroll"
-	Name: "Wisdom Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12853
-	AegisName: "Patron_Scroll"
-	Name: "Patron Scroll"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 12873
-	AegisName: "TE_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "TE Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem TE_White_Slim_Potion,10; ">
-	Id: 12874
-	AegisName: "Frost_Giant_Blood"
-	Name: "Frost Giant Blood"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_CON, AREA, playerattached());
-		autobonus "{ heal -3000,0; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,100; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,100; }",10,0,0,SI_GVG_GIANT;
-	">
-	Id: 12875
-	AegisName: "Golem_Stone"
-	Name: "Golem Stone"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_CON, AREA, playerattached());
-		autobonus "{ heal 0,-300; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,15; }",10,0,0,SI_GVG_GOLEM;
-	">
-	Id: 12876
-	AegisName: "Elf_Tear_Stun"
-	Name: "Elf Tear Stun"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ heal -3000,0; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,10000; }",10,0,0,SI_GVG_STUN; ">
-	Id: 12877
-	AegisName: "Elf_Tear_Stone_Curse"
-	Name: "Elf Tear Stone Curse"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ heal -3000,0; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,10000; }",10,0,0,SI_GVG_STONE; ">
-	Id: 12878
-	AegisName: "Elf_Tear_Freezing"
-	Name: "Elf Tear Freezing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ heal -3000,0; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,10000; }",10,0,0,SI_GVG_FREEZ; ">
-	Id: 12879
-	AegisName: "Elf_Tear_Sleep"
-	Name: "Elf Tear Sleep"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ heal -3000,0; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,10000; }",10,0,0,SI_GVG_SLEEP; ">
-	Id: 12880
-	AegisName: "Elf_Tear_Curse"
-	Name: "Elf Tear Curse"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ heal -3000,0; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,10000; }",10,0,0,SI_GVG_CURSE; ">
-	Id: 12881
-	AegisName: "Elf_Tear_Silence"
-	Name: "Elf Tear Silence"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ heal -3000,0; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,10000; }",10,0,0,SI_GVG_SILENCE; ">
-	Id: 12882
-	AegisName: "Elf_Tear_Blind"
-	Name: "Elf Tear Blind"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ heal -3000,0; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000; }",10,0,0,SI_GVG_BLIND; ">
-	Id: 12884
-	AegisName: "C_Center_Potion"
-	Name: "Infinite Concentration Potion"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1,1800000,4;
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_CON, AREA, playerattached());  /* NOTE: No special effect when used. */
-	">
-	Id: 12885
-	AegisName: "C_Awakening_Potion"
-	Name: "Infinite Awakening Potion"
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Gangsi: true
-		Death_Knight: true
-		Dark_Collector: true
-		Kagerou: true
-		Rebellion: true
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION2,1800000,6;
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_, AREA, playerattached());  /* NOTE: No special effect when used. */
-	">
-	Id: 12886
-	AegisName: "C_Berserk_Potion"
-	Name: "Infinite Berserk Potion"
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 85
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION3,1800000,9;
-		specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); /* NOTE: No special effect when used. */
-	">
-	Id: 12887
-	AegisName: "C_Wing_Of_Fly"
-	Name: "Infinite Fly Wing"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		warp strcharinfo(PC_MAP),0,0; /* NOTE: Temporary script until we get the correct information. */
-	">
-	Id: 12888
-	AegisName: "Siege_Kit_Box"
-	Name: "Siege Kit Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getrandgroupitem 12888,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12888,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 12888,1;
-	">
-	Id: 12900
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual_Box"
-	Name: "Battle Manual Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12208,10; ">
-	Id: 12901
-	AegisName: "Insurance_Package"
-	Name: "Insurance Package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12209,10; ">
-	Id: 12902
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_Box"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12210,10; ">
-	Id: 12903
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12202,10; ">
-	Id: 12904
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Steamed Scorpion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12203,10; ">
-	Id: 12905
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12204,10; ">
-	Id: 12906
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12205,10; ">
-	Id: 12907
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Nine Tail Dish Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12206,10; ">
-	Id: 12908
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Stew Of Immortality Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12207,10; ">
-	Id: 12909
-	AegisName: "Kafra_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Kafra Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12211,10; ">
-	Id: 12910
-	AegisName: "Giant_Fly_Wing_Box"
-	Name: "Giant Fly Wing Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12212,50; ">
-	Id: 12911
-	AegisName: "Neuralizer_Box"
-	Name: "Neuralizer Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12213,1; ">
-	Id: 12912
-	AegisName: "Convex_Mirror_Box"
-	Name: "Convex Mirror Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12214,10; ">
-	Id: 12913
-	AegisName: "Blessing_10_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Blessing 10 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12215,50; ">
-	Id: 12914
-	AegisName: "Inc_Agi_10_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Increase AGI 10 scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12216,50; ">
-	Id: 12915
-	AegisName: "Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Aspersio 5 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12217,50; ">
-	Id: 12916
-	AegisName: "Assumptio_5_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Assumptio 5 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12218,50; ">
-	Id: 12917
-	AegisName: "Wind_Walk_10_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Wind Walk 10 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12219,50; ">
-	Id: 12918
-	AegisName: "Adrenaline_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Adrenaline 5 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12220,50; ">
-	Id: 12919
-	AegisName: "Megaphone_Box"
-	Name: "Megaphone Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12221,10; ">
-	Id: 12920
-	AegisName: "Enriched_Elunium_Box"
-	Name: "Enriched Elunium 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7619,10; ">
-	Id: 12921
-	AegisName: "Enriched_Oridecon_Box"
-	Name: "Enriched Oridecon 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7620,10; ">
-	Id: 12922
-	AegisName: "Token_Of_Siegfried_Box"
-	Name: "Token of Siegfried Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7621,10; ">
-	Id: 12923
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box1"
-	Name: "December Lucky Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 12925,1; ">
-	Id: 12924
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box2"
-	Name: "Anniversary Destiny Crate"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 12926,1; ">
-	Id: 12925
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll1"
-	Name: "Kafra Item Mall Prize Package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12926
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Anniversary Destiny Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12927
-	AegisName: "J_Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Aspersio Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12928,10; ">
-	Id: 12928
-	AegisName: "J_Aspersio_5_Scroll"
-	Name: "Sacred Scroll"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill PR_ASPERSIO,5; ">
-	Id: 12929
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box3"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Box 3"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12932,1; ">
-	Id: 12930
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box4"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Box 4"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12933,1; ">
-	Id: 12931
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box5"
-	Name: "Playspan 5x Easter Lucky Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12934,1; ">
-	Id: 12932
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll3"
-	Name: "Episode 13.2 Key Package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12933
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll4"
-	Name: "Summer Hat Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12934
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll5"
-	Name: "Easter Lucky Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12935
-	AegisName: "Infiltrator_Box"
-	Name: "Infiltrator Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1267,604800; ">
-	Id: 12936
-	AegisName: "Muramasa_Box"
-	Name: "Muramasa Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1173,604800; ">
-	Id: 12937
-	AegisName: "Excalibur_Box"
-	Name: "Excalibur Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13401,604800; ">
-	Id: 12938
-	AegisName: "Combat_Knife_Box"
-	Name: "Combat Knife Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13021,604800; ">
-	Id: 12939
-	AegisName: "Counter_Dagger_Box"
-	Name: "Dagger of Counter Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13022,604800; ">
-	Id: 12940
-	AegisName: "Kaiser_Knuckle_Box"
-	Name: "Kaiser Knuckle Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1817,604800; ">
-	Id: 12941
-	AegisName: "Pole_Axe_Box"
-	Name: "Poll Axe Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1419,604800; ">
-	Id: 12942
-	AegisName: "Mighty_Staff_Box"
-	Name: "Mighty Staff Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1623,604800; ">
-	Id: 12943
-	AegisName: "Right_Epsilon_Box"
-	Name: "Light Epsilon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1372,604800; ">
-	Id: 12944
-	AegisName: "Balistar_Box"
-	Name: "Ballista Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1728,604800; ">
-	Id: 12945
-	AegisName: "Diary_Of_Great_Sage_Box"
-	Name: "Sage's Diary Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1563,604800; ">
-	Id: 12946
-	AegisName: "Asura_Box"
-	Name: "Asura Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13023,604800; ">
-	Id: 12947
-	AegisName: "Apple_Of_Archer_Box"
-	Name: "Apple of Archer Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5265,1209600; ">
-	Id: 12948
-	AegisName: "Bunny_Band_Box"
-	Name: "Bunny Band Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5266,1209600; ">
-	Id: 12949
-	AegisName: "Sahkkat_Box"
-	Name: "Sakkat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5267,1209600; ">
-	Id: 12950
-	AegisName: "Lord_Circlet_Box"
-	Name: "Grand Circlet Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5268,1209600; ">
-	Id: 12951
-	AegisName: "Elven_Ears_Box"
-	Name: "Elven Ears Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2686,604800; ">
-	Id: 12952
-	AegisName: "Steel_Flower_Box"
-	Name: "Steel Flower Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2687,1209600; ">
-	Id: 12953
-	AegisName: "Critical_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Critical Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2688,604800; ">
-	Id: 12954
-	AegisName: "Earring_Box"
-	Name: "Earring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2689,604800; ">
-	Id: 12955
-	AegisName: "Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2690,604800; ">
-	Id: 12956
-	AegisName: "Necklace_Box"
-	Name: "Necklace Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2691,604800; ">
-	Id: 12957
-	AegisName: "Glove_Box"
-	Name: "Glove Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2692,604800; ">
-	Id: 12958
-	AegisName: "Brooch_Box"
-	Name: "Brooch Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2693,604800; ">
-	Id: 12959
-	AegisName: "Rosary_Box"
-	Name: "Rosary Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2694,604800; ">
-	Id: 12960
-	AegisName: "Safety_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Safety Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2695,604800; ">
-	Id: 12961
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core01_Box"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 01 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2696,604800; ">
-	Id: 12962
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core02_Box"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 02 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2697,604800; ">
-	Id: 12963
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core03_Box"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 03 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2698,604800; ">
-	Id: 12964
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core04_Box"
-	Name: "Vesper Core 04 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2699,604800; ">
-	Id: 12965
-	AegisName: "Emergency_Box1"
-	Name: "Emergency Level 1 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12968,1; ">
-	Id: 12966
-	AegisName: "Emergency_Box2"
-	Name: "Emergency Level 2 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12969,1; ">
-	Id: 12967
-	AegisName: "Emergency_Box3"
-	Name: "Emergency Level 3 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12970,1; ">
-	Id: 12968
-	AegisName: "Emergency_Scroll1"
-	Name: "Emergency Level 1 Scroll"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill GD_EMERGENCYCALL,1; ">
-	Id: 12969
-	AegisName: "Emergency_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Emergency Level 2 Scroll"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill GD_EMERGENCYCALL,1; ">
-	Id: 12970
-	AegisName: "Emergency_Scroll3"
-	Name: "Emergency Level 3 Scroll"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill GD_EMERGENCYCALL,1; ">
-	Id: 12971
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Box1"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll Box 1"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12977,10; ">
-	Id: 12972
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Box2"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll Box 2"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12978,10; ">
-	Id: 12973
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Box3"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll Box 3"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12979,10; ">
-	Id: 12974
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Box4"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll Box 4"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12980,10; ">
-	Id: 12975
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Box5"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll Box 5"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12981,10; ">
-	Id: 12976
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Box6"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll Box 6"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12982,10; ">
-	Id: 12977
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Scroll1"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashTele",1; ">
-	Id: 12978
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashTele",2; ">
-	Id: 12979
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Scroll3"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll 3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashTele",3; ">
-	Id: 12980
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Scroll4"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll 4"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashTele",4; ">
-	Id: 12981
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Scroll5"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll 5"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashTele",5; ">
-	Id: 12982
-	AegisName: "Teleport_Scroll6"
-	Name: "Teleport Scroll 6"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashTele",6; ">
-	Id: 12983
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box6"
-	Name: "Christmas Holiday Crate"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12989,1; ">
-	Id: 12984
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box7"
-	Name: "Halloween Spooky Crate"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12990,1; ">
-	Id: 12985
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box8"
-	Name: "Summer Lucky Crate"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12991,1; ">
-	Id: 12986
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box9"
-	Name: "Adventurer Pack Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12992,1; ">
-	Id: 12987
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box10"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll Box 10"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12993,1; ">
-	Id: 12988
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box11"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll Box 11"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12994,1; ">
-	Id: 12989
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll6"
-	Name: "Christmas Holiday Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12990
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll7"
-	Name: "Halloween Spooky Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12991
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll8"
-	Name: "Party Hard Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12992
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll9"
-	Name: "Adventurer Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12993
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll10"
-	Name: "Party Buff Scroll Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12994
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll11"
-	Name: "HD Elunium 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 12995
-	AegisName: "White_Herb_Box"
-	Name: "White Herb Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 509,15; ">
-	Id: 12996
-	AegisName: "Blue_Herb_Box"
-	Name: "Blue Herb Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 510,15; ">
-	Id: 12997
-	AegisName: "Elunium_Box"
-	Name: "Elunium Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 985,5; ">
-	Id: 12998
-	AegisName: "Oridecon_Box"
-	Name: "Oridecon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 984,5; ">
-	Id: 12999
-	AegisName: "Branch_Of_Dead_Tree_Box"
-	Name: "Dead Branch Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 604,3; ">
-//== More Daggers ==========================================
-	Id: 13000
-	AegisName: "Jujube_Dagger"
-	Name: "Jujube Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 39
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 13001
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Killer"
-	Name: "Dragon Killer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Dragon,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13002
-	AegisName: "Ginnungagap"
-	Name: "Ginnungagap"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 148
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Blind,50;
-	">
-	Id: 13003
-	AegisName: "Coward"
-	Name: "Cowardice Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 52000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,5; ">
-	Id: 13004
-	AegisName: "Coward_"
-	Name: "Cowardice Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 52000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,5; ">
-	Id: 13005
-	AegisName: "Angelwing_Short_Sword"
-	Name: "Angelic Wing Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13006
-	AegisName: "Khukri"
-	Name: "Khukri"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 240000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13007
-	AegisName: "Jitte"
-	Name: "Jitte"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 35
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bBreakWeaponRate,200; ">
-	Id: 13008
-	AegisName: "Jitte_"
-	Name: "Jitte"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 35
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bBreakWeaponRate,200; ">
-	Id: 13009
-	AegisName: "Kamaitachi"
-	Name: "Kamaitachi"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 48000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 13010
-	AegisName: "Asura"
-	Name: "Asura"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13011
-	AegisName: "Asura_"
-	Name: "Asura"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13012
-	AegisName: "Murasame"
-	Name: "Murasame"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 95
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13013
-	AegisName: "Murasame_"
-	Name: "Murasame"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 95
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13014
-	AegisName: "Hakujin"
-	Name: "Hakujin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 42
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_HEAL,1,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13015
-	AegisName: "Hakujin_"
-	Name: "Hakujin"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 42
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_HEAL,1,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13016
-	AegisName: "Poison_Knife_"
-	Name: "Poison Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 64
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Poison;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,3000;
-	">
-	Id: 13017
-	AegisName: "House_Auger_"
-	Name: "Ice Pick"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bDefRatioAtkRace, RC_All; ">
-	Id: 13018
-	AegisName: "Sucsamad_"
-	Name: "Sucsamad"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Wind,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13019
-	AegisName: "Ginnungagap_"
-	Name: "Ginnungagap"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 148
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Blind,50;
-	">
-	Id: 13020
-	AegisName: "Warrior_Balmung_"
-	Name: "Warrior's Balmung"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,5; ">
-	Id: 13021
-	AegisName: "Combat_Knife_C"
-	Name: "Rental Combat Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 129
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_DemiPlayer;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,-10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		bonus bSPDrainValue,3;
-	">
-	Id: 13022
-	AegisName: "Counter_Dagger_C"
-	Name: "Rental Dagger of Counter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 209
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,90; ">
-	Id: 13023
-	AegisName: "Asura_C"
-	Name: "Rental Asura"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 98
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13024
-	AegisName: "Sword_Breaker_C"
-	Name: "Swordbreaker"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bBreakWeaponRate,500; ">
-	Id: 13025
-	AegisName: "Mail_Breaker_C"
-	Name: "MailBreaker"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bBreakArmorRate,500; ">
-	Id: 13026
-	AegisName: "Moonlight_Sword_C"
-	Name: "Moonlight Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		bonus bSPDrainValue,3;
-	">
-	Id: 13027
-	AegisName: "Scalpel"
-	Name: "Scalpel"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,500; ">
-	Id: 13028
-	AegisName: "Tooth_Blade"
-	Name: "Tooth Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_SLOWCAST,2,70;
-		}
-		else bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_SLOWCAST,1,50;
-	">
-	Id: 13029
-	AegisName: "Prinsence_Knife"
-	Name: "Prinsense Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50; ">
-	Id: 13030
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Killer_"
-	Name: "Dragon Killer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_Dragon;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Dragon,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13031
-	AegisName: "Sword_Breaker_"
-	Name: "Swordbreaker"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bBreakWeaponRate,500; ">
-	Id: 13032
-	AegisName: "Mail_Breaker_"
-	Name: "Mailbreaker"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bBreakArmorRate,500; ">
-	Id: 13033
-	AegisName: "Assasin_Dagger_"
-	Name: "Assassin Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 36
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,20;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,15;
-		bonus bAspdRate,2;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-	">
-	Id: 13034
-	AegisName: "Twilight_Desert"
-	Name: "Desert Twilight"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13035
-	AegisName: "Sandstorm"
-	Name: "Sandstorm"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13036
-	AegisName: "BF_Dagger1"
-	Name: "Brave Assassin's Damascus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Ninja||BaseClass==Job_Rogue) bonus bMatk,90;
-	">
-	Id: 13037
-	AegisName: "BF_Dagger2"
-	Name: "Valorous Assassin's Damascus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bDefRatioAtkRace, RC_All; }",10,6000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_HASTEUP, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Ninja||BaseClass==Job_Rogue) bonus bMatk,90;
-	">
-	Id: 13038
-	AegisName: "Dagger_Of_Hunter"
-	Name: "Dagger of Hunter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Rogue: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,RG_BACKSTAP,SM_BASH,10,100;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,RG_BACKSTAP,20;
-	">
-	Id: 13039
-	AegisName: "Ivory_Knife"
-	Name: "Ivory Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,300;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,1,30;
-	">
-	Id: 13040
-	AegisName: "N_Cutter"
-	Name: "Novice Cutter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13041
-	AegisName: "N_Main_Gauche"
-	Name: "Novice Main Gauche"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 63
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13042
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Dagger1"
-	Name: "Glorious Gladius"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,PR_LEXDIVINA,1,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,RG_RAID,NPC_WIDEBLEEDING,1,250;
-	">
-	Id: 13043
-	AegisName: "Fortune_Sword_I"
-	Name: "Fortune Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,5; ">
-	Id: 13044
-	AegisName: "House_Auger_I"
-	Name: "Ice Pick"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13045
-	AegisName: "Kamaitachi_I"
-	Name: "Kamaitachi"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 155
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13046
-	AegisName: "Krieg"
-	Name: "Krieg"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,RG_BACKSTAP,Eff_Bleeding,1000;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,RG_BACKSTAP,15;
-	">
-	Id: 13047
-	AegisName: "Weihna"
-	Name: "Weihna"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,RG_RAID,Eff_Poison,1000;
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 10; }",5,5000,BF_WEAPON|BF_SHORT,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 13048
-	AegisName: "Damascus_C"
-	Name: "Damascus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 153
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,40;
-	">
-	Id: 13049
-	AegisName: "Lacma"
-	Name: "Lacma"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 650
-	Atk: 45
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()>=3) {
-			bonus bAtk,40;
-			bonus bMatk,40;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=6) {
-			bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,8;
-			autobonus "{ bonus bNoSizeFix,0; }",10,5000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=9) bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,20;
-		if(getrefine()>=12) bonus bNoSizeFix,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13050
-	AegisName: "P_Dagger1"
-	Name: "Eden Dagger I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 124
-	Matk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 26
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13051
-	AegisName: "P_Dagger2"
-	Name: "Eden Dagger II"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 158
-	Matk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13052
-	AegisName: "Tourist_Dagger"
-	Name: "Traveler's Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 51
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-	">
-	Id: 13053
-	AegisName: "F_Moonlight_Sword_C"
-	Name: "Rental Moonlight Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13054
-	AegisName: "F_Combat_Knife_C"
-	Name: "Combat Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 129
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13055
-	AegisName: "F_Asura_C"
-	Name: "Asura"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13056
-	AegisName: "F_Counter_Dagger_C"
-	Name: "Counter Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 209
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13057
-	AegisName: "E_Moonlight_Sword_C"
-	Name: "E Moonlight Sword C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13058
-	AegisName: "E_Combat_Knife_C"
-	Name: "E Combat Knife C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 129
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13059
-	AegisName: "E_Asura_C"
-	Name: "E Asura C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13060
-	AegisName: "E_Counter_Dagger_C"
-	Name: "E Counter Dagger C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 209
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13061
-	AegisName: "Black_Wing"
-	Name: "Black Wing"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 142
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rogue: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 102
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SC_FATALMENACE,30;
-		if(getrefine() >= 6) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,SC_FATALMENACE,(getrefine()-5)*2;
-			bonus bMatk,(getrefine()-5)*3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 13062
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Dagger"
-	Name: "Ancient Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 107
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,120;
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,5;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Curse,20;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,20,ATF_SELF|ATF_SKILL;
-	">
-	Id: 13063
-	AegisName: "Adventure_Knife"
-	Name: "Adventure Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 13064
-	AegisName: "Academy_Knife"
-	Name: "Academy Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 13065
-	AegisName: "Academy_Eti_Knife"
-	Name: "Academy Eti Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 13066
-	AegisName: "P_Dagger3"
-	Name: "Eden Group Dagger III"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 165
-	Matk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13067
-	AegisName: "Caress"
-	Name: "Keris"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 107
-	Matk: 70
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bHPDrainRate,20,10; ">
-	Id: 13068
-	AegisName: "Saurel"
-	Name: "Saurel"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 160
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,30; }",10,7000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		autobonus "{ bonus bMatk,20; }",10,7000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_SUFFRAGIUM, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		if(BaseLevel>99) {
-			bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-			bonus bMatk,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 13069
-	AegisName: "Aztoe_Nail"
-	Name: "Aztoe Nail"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 160
-	Matk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,100+(getrefine()*50);
-	">
-	Id: 13070
-	AegisName: "Scarletto_Nail"
-	Name: "Scarletto Nail"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 160
-	Matk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stone,100+(getrefine()*50);
-	">
-	Id: 13071
-	AegisName: "Upg_Dagger"
-	Name: "Upgrade Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 55
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*10);
-		bonus bMatk,(getrefine()*5);
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bBaseAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 13072
-	AegisName: "Velum_Damascus"
-	Name: "Vellum Damascus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,getrefine();
-		bonus4 bSetDefRace,RC_Player,10000,5000,1;
-		bonus4 bSetMDefRace,RC_Player,10000,5000,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13073
-	AegisName: "Counter_Dagger_"
-	Name: "Dagger of Counter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 120000
-	Weight: 550
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13074
-	AegisName: "Ninja_Cutter"
-	Name: "Ninja Cutter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13075
-	AegisName: "Kurenai"
-	Name: "Kurenai"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 13076
-	AegisName: "Raksasa_Dagger"
-	Name: "Raksasa Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 13077
-	AegisName: "Kagekiri"
-	Name: "Kagekiri"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13078
-	AegisName: "Mikatsuki"
-	Name: "Mikatsuki"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 50
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-5;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 13079
-	AegisName: "Metal_Dagger"
-	Name: "Metal Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 55
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*5);
-		bonus bMatk,(getrefine()*2);
-		.@val = min(BaseLevel/10, 12);
-		if (.@val > 2) { bonus bBaseAtk,((.@val-2)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 13081
-	AegisName: "Octo_kitchen_Knife"
-	Name: "Discount knife Octopus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 140
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13083
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Knife"
-	Name: "T Woe Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Gangsi: true
-		Death_Knight: true
-		Dark_Collector: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13086
-	AegisName: "Goldsmithing_Dagger"
-	Name: "Goldsmithing Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 35
-	Matk: 25
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 13090
-	AegisName: "FaceWormQueen_Leg"
-	Name: "Faceworm Queen Leg"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 180
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus(bInt, 3);
-		autobonus("{ bonus3(bAutoSpell, NPC_EARTHQUAKE, 1, 200); }", 8, 5000, BF_NORMAL, "{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); montransform(FACEWORM_QUEEN, 5000); }");
-	">
-	Id: 13092
-	AegisName: "RWC_Memory_Knife"
-	Name: "RWC Memory Knife"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Sell: 500
-	Weight: 650
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,20*(getrefine()/3);
-		bonus bMatk,20*(getrefine()/3);
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			.@val = 1;
-			bonus4 bAutoSpell,BS_WEAPONPERFECT,1,20,0;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 6) {
-			.@rate = 5*(.@val+1);
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, .@rate;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace, RC_All, .@rate;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 13093
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Dagger"
-	Name: "Thanatos Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 100
-	Matk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 13094
-	AegisName: "Dagger_Of_Evil_Slayer"
-	Name: "Evil Slayer Stabber Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAtkRate,5; }
-		if(getrefine()>=12) { bonus bAtkRate,7; }
-	">
-//== Revolvers =============================================
-	Id: 13100
-	AegisName: "Six_Shooter"
-	Name: "Six Shooter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 4500
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,-10; ">
-	Id: 13101
-	AegisName: "Six_Shooter_"
-	Name: "Six Shooter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 4500
-	Weight: 400
-	Atk: 30
-	Range: 7
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,-10; ">
-	Id: 13102
-	AegisName: "Crimson_Bolt"
-	Name: "Crimson Bolt"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 450
-	Atk: 45
-	Range: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 35
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,-10; ">
-	Id: 13103
-	AegisName: "Crimson_Bolt_"
-	Name: "Crimson Bolt"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 450
-	Atk: 45
-	Range: 7
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 35
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,-10; ">
-	Id: 13104
-	AegisName: "The_Garrison"
-	Name: "Garrison"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 48000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,-10; ">
-	Id: 13105
-	AegisName: "The_Garrison_"
-	Name: "Garrison"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 48000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 7
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,-10; ">
-	Id: 13106
-	AegisName: "Gold_Lux"
-	Name: "Gold Lux"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 20
-	Range: 7
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,-10;
-		if(getskilllv(GS_GLITTERING)>0) bonus3 bAutoSpell,GS_GLITTERING,getskilllv(GS_GLITTERING),100;
-	">
-	Id: 13107
-	AegisName: "Wasteland_Outlaw"
-	Name: "Wasteland's Outlaw"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 580
-	Atk: 68
-	Range: 7
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,readparam(bAgi)/10;
-		bonus bAspdRate,readparam(bAgi)/14;
-	">
-	Id: 13108
-	AegisName: "BF_Pistol1"
-	Name: "Soldier Revolver"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 70
-	Range: 7
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bHit,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,100; }",10,3000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13109
-	AegisName: "Wasteland_Outlaw_C"
-	Name: "Western Outlaw"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 7
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,readparam(bAgi)/10;
-		bonus bAspdRate,readparam(bAgi)/14;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 10;
-		bonus bMatkRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13110
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Pistol1"
-	Name: "Glorious Pistol"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 7
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,GS_RAPIDSHOWER,GS_GLITTERING,1,1000;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,GS_RAPIDSHOWER,getrefine()*2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 13111
-	AegisName: "Sharpshooter_Revolver"
-	Name: "Sharpshooter Revolver"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 105
-	Range: 7
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 13112
-	AegisName: "P_Revolver1"
-	Name: "Eden Revolver I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 44
-	Range: 7
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 26
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,-5; ">
-	Id: 13113
-	AegisName: "P_Revolver2"
-	Name: "Eden Revolver II"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 7
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,-5; ">
-	Id: 13114
-	AegisName: "P_Revolver3"
-	Name: "Eden Group Revolver III"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 76
-	Range: 7
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,-5; ">
-	Id: 13115
-	AegisName: "Upg_Revolver"
-	Name: "Upgrade Revolver"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 35
-	Range: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*5);
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,(getrefine()*2);
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bBaseAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 13116
-	AegisName: "Novice_Revolver"
-	Name: "Beginner Revolver"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 20
-	Range: 7
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,-5; ">
-	Id: 13117
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Pistol"
-	Name: "TE Woe Pistol"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 7
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13120
-	AegisName: "H_FEATHER_H_FIRE"
-	Name: "Heaven's_Feather_&_Hell's_Fire"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1250000
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GS_DESPERADO,20;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,RL_FALLEN_ANGEL,20;
-	">
-	Id: 13122
-	AegisName: "ALTAIR_ARES"
-	Name: "Altea & Ares"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1450000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,5;
-		bonus bDelayrate,10;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,30;
-	">
-	Id: 13124
-	AegisName: "ALTAIR_ARES_"
-	Name: "Altea & Ares"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1450000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,5;
-		bonus bDelayrate,10;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,30;
-	">
-	Id: 13127
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Revolver"
-	Name: "Crimson Revolver"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 7
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 13128
-	AegisName: "Revolver_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Revolver of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2)); ">
-	Id: 13144
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_RL_Gun"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_RL_Gun"
-	Id: 13146
-	AegisName: "Calf_Deathadder"
-	Name: "Calf_Deathadder"
-//== Guns ==================================================
-	Id: 13150
-	AegisName: "Branch"
-	Name: "Branch"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Id: 13151
-	AegisName: "The_Cyclone"
-	Name: "Cyclone"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 17500
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13152
-	AegisName: "The_Cyclone_"
-	Name: "Cyclone"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 17500
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 24
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13153
-	AegisName: "Dusk"
-	Name: "Dusk"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 23500
-	Weight: 750
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 56
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13154
-	AegisName: "Rolling_Stone"
-	Name: "Rolling Stone"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 12000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 14
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <" bonus bSplashRange,1; ">
-	Id: 13155
-	AegisName: "Black_Rose"
-	Name: "Black Rose"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 32000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 35
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <" bonus bSplashRange,1; ">
-	Id: 13156
-	AegisName: "Gate_Keeper"
-	Name: "Gate Keeper"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 210
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSplashRange,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,GS_SPREADATTACK,6,50;
-	">
-	Id: 13157
-	AegisName: "Drifter"
-	Name: "Drifter"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 80000
-	Weight: 2300
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
-	Id: 13158
-	AegisName: "Butcher"
-	Name: "Butcher"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 130000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 75
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 68
-	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Brute,10; ">
-	Id: 13159
-	AegisName: "Butcher_"
-	Name: "Butcher"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 130000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 75
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 68
-	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Brute,10; ">
-	Id: 13160
-	AegisName: "Destroyer"
-	Name: "Destroyer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 110000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 52
-	Subtype: "W_GRENADE"
-	Script: <" bonus bBreakArmorRate,200; ">
-	Id: 13161
-	AegisName: "Destroyer_"
-	Name: "Destroyer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 110000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 52
-	Subtype: "W_GRENADE"
-	Script: <" bonus bBreakArmorRate,200; ">
-	Id: 13162
-	AegisName: "Inferno"
-	Name: "Inferno"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 230000
-	Weight: 1250
-	Atk: 280
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_GRENADE"
-	Id: 13163
-	AegisName: "Long_Barrel"
-	Name: "Long Barrel"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bCritical,20;
-		bonus bAspdRate,-3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,GS_TRACKING,5,20;
-	">
-	Id: 13164
-	AegisName: "Long_Barrel_"
-	Name: "Long Barrel"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bCritical,20;
-		bonus bAspdRate,-3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,GS_TRACKING,5,20;
-	">
-	Id: 13165
-	AegisName: "Jungle_Carbine"
-	Name: "Jungle Carbine"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bCritical,4;
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-		bonus bHit,-readparam(bDex)/3;
-	">
-	Id: 13166
-	AegisName: "Jungle_Carbine_"
-	Name: "Jungle Carbine"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bCritical,4;
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-		bonus bHit,-readparam(bDex)/3;
-	">
-	Id: 13167
-	AegisName: "Gate_KeeperDD"
-	Name: "Gate Keeper-DD"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 72000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSplashRange,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,GS_SPREADATTACK,6,50;
-		bonus bDef,getrefine();
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13168
-	AegisName: "Thunder_P"
-	Name: "Thunder P"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 76000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSplashRange,1;
-		bonus bHit,-5;
-		bonus bAspdRate,20;
-	">
-	Id: 13169
-	AegisName: "Thunder_P_"
-	Name: "Thunder P"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 76000
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSplashRange,1;
-		bonus bHit,-5;
-		bonus bAspdRate,20;
-	">
-	Id: 13170
-	AegisName: "Lever_Action_Rifle"
-	Name: "Lever Action Rifle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 770
-	Atk: 138
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,20;
-		bonus bCritical,50;
-		bonus bAspdRate,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 13171
-	AegisName: "BF_Rifle1"
-	Name: "Soldier Rifle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,GS_TRACKING,-25;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13172
-	AegisName: "BF_Gatling_Gun1"
-	Name: "Soldier GatlingGun"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,35;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,80; bonus2 bHPLossRate,120,1000; }",10,6000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_BASH3D, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13173
-	AegisName: "BF_Shotgun1"
-	Name: "Soldier Shotgun"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bSplashRange,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,80; bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,1000; }",30,6000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_BASH3D, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13174
-	AegisName: "BF_Launcher1"
-	Name: "Soldier Grenade Launcher"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 300
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_GRENADE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bSplashRange,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,300; bonus2 bHPLossRate,120,1000; }",30,9000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_BASH3D, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13175
-	AegisName: "Lever_Action_Rifle_C"
-	Name: "Lever Action Rifle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,20;
-		bonus bCritical,50;
-		bonus bAspdRate,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 13176
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Rifle1"
-	Name: "Glorious Rifle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GS_TRIPLEACTION,30;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus2 bVariableCastrate,GS_TRACKING,25;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,GS_TRACKING,getrefine() * 3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 13177
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Gatling1"
-	Name: "Glorious Gatling gun"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,35;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GS_TRIPLEACTION,30;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),10)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() > 8) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, getrefine();
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 13178
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Shotgun1"
-	Name: "Glorious Shotgun"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,55;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bSplashRange,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GS_TRIPLEACTION,30;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),10)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,GS_SPREADATTACK,getrefine() * 2;
-			bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,GS_SPREADATTACK,Eff_Stun,2000;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 13179
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Launcher1"
-	Name: "Glorious Grenade Launcher"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 330
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_GRENADE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,35;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,GS_TRIPLEACTION,30;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),10)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,GS_GROUNDDRIFT,getrefine() * 2;
-			bonus3 bAddEffOnSkill,GS_SPREADATTACK,Eff_Stun,2000;
-			autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate,20; }",200,20000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		}
-	">
-// Novice Guns
-	Id: 13180
-	AegisName: "Novice_Rifle"
-	Name: "Starter Branch"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Id: 13181
-	AegisName: "Novice_Shotgun"
-	Name: "Beginner Shotgun"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Id: 13182
-	AegisName: "Novice_Gatling"
-	Name: "Beginner GatlingGun"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 40
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
-	Id: 13183
-	AegisName: "Novice_Grenade_Launcher"
-	Name: "Beginner Grenade Launcher"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 40
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_GRENADE"
-	Id: 13184
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Rifle"
-	Name: "TE Woe Rifle"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Silence,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13185
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Gatling"
-	Name: "TE Woe Gatling"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13186
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Shotgun"
-	Name: "TE Woe Shotgun"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13187
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Grenade"
-	Name: "TE Woe Grenade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_GRENADE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13189
-	AegisName: "COLORSCOPE"
-	Name: "Color Scope"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1350000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 240
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,30;
-		bonus bCriticalRate,30;
-	">
-	Id: 13190
-	AegisName: "RAG203_"
-	Name: "RAG203"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1800000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 260
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bCriticalRate,15;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpell,AL_DECAGI,1,500,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13192
-	AegisName: "DEATHFIRE"
-	Name: "Death Fire"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1250000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 400
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 108
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bHit,-50;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 13193
-	AegisName: "R_THUNDER"
-	Name: "Rolling Thunder"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1350000
-	Weight: 1800
-	Atk: 280
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,-10;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_THUNDERSTORM,5,500;
-	">
-	Id: 13194
-	AegisName: "P_BREAKER"
-	Name: "Peace Breaker"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1950000
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,-25;
-		bonus bAspdRate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 13195
-	AegisName: "RAG203"
-	Name: "RAG203"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1800000
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 260
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bCriticalRate,15;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpell,AL_DECAGI,1,10,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13196
-	AegisName: "P_BREAKER_"
-	Name: "Peace Breaker"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1950000
-	Weight: 1400
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,-25;
-		bonus bAspdRate,25;
-	">
-	Id: 13197
-	AegisName: "MINIMAY"
-	Name: "Mini Mei"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1600000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 106
-	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
-	Id: 13198
-	AegisName: "TEMPEST"
-	Name: "Tempest"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2200000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,-25;
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,20;
-	">
-	Id: 13199
-	AegisName: "TEMPEST_"
-	Name: "Tempest"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2200000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,-25;
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,20;
-	">
-//== Bullets ===============================================
-	Id: 13200
-	AegisName: "Bullet"
-	Name: "Bullet"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 10
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Neutral; ">
-	Id: 13201
-	AegisName: "Silver_Bullet"
-	Name: "Silver Bullet"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 15
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy; ">
-	Id: 13202
-	AegisName: "Shell_Of_Blood"
-	Name: "Bloody Shell"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 30
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Neutral;
-		bonus2 bAddEff, Eff_Bleeding, 100;
-	">
-	Id: 13203
-	AegisName: "Flare_Sphere"
-	Name: "Flare Sphere"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 80
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_GRENADE"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 13204
-	AegisName: "Lighting_Sphere"
-	Name: "Lightning Sphere"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 80
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_GRENADE"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 13205
-	AegisName: "Poison_Sphere"
-	Name: "Poison Sphere"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 80
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_GRENADE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Poison;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,500;
-	">
-	Id: 13206
-	AegisName: "Blind_Sphere"
-	Name: "Blind Sphere"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 80
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_GRENADE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500;
-	">
-	Id: 13207
-	AegisName: "Freezing_Sphere"
-	Name: "Freezing Sphere"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 80
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_GRENADE"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 13208
-	AegisName: "Gong_Bug"
-	Name: "GongBug"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Weight: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000; ">
-	Id: 13210
-	AegisName: "Slug_Bullet_1"
-	Name: "Slug Ammunition L"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 250
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Neutral; ">
-	Id: 13211
-	AegisName: "Slug_Bullet_2"
-	Name: "Slug Ammunition M"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Neutral; ">
-	Id: 13212
-	AegisName: "Slug_Bullet_3"
-	Name: "Slug Ammunition H"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 750
-	Weight: 750
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Neutral; ">
-	Id: 13213
-	AegisName: "Slug_Bullet_4"
-	Name: "Slug Ammunition SH"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Neutral; ">
-	Id: 13214
-	AegisName: "Slug_Bullet_5"
-	Name: "Slug Ammunition XH"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 1
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Neutral; ">
-	Id: 13215
-	AegisName: "AP_Ammo"
-	Name: "Armor-Piercing Bullet"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Neutral; ">
-	Id: 13216
-	AegisName: "Blaze_Bullet"
-	Name: "Blazing Bullet"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 40
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 13217
-	AegisName: "Freezing_Bullet"
-	Name: "Freezing Bullet"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 40
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 13218
-	AegisName: "Electric_Shock_Bullet"
-	Name: "Lightning Bullet"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 40
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 13219
-	AegisName: "Magical_Stone_Bullet"
-	Name: "Magic Stone Bullet"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 40
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 13220
-	AegisName: "Sanctified_Bullet"
-	Name: "Purifying Bullet"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 40
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Holy; ">
-	Id: 13221
-	AegisName: "Silver_Bullet_"
-	Name: "Silver Bullet"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 5
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 15
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Holy; ">
-	Id: 13222
-	AegisName: "Shell_Of_Blood_"
-	Name: "Bloody Shell"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 2
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Neutral;
-		bonus2 bAddEff, Eff_Bleeding, 100;
-	">
-	Id: 13223
-	AegisName: "Flare_Sphere_"
-	Name: "Incendiary Grenade"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 13224
-	AegisName: "Lighting_Sphere_"
-	Name: "Lightning Grenade"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 13225
-	AegisName: "Poison_Sphere_"
-	Name: "Poison Grenade"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Poison;
-		bonus2 bAddEff, Eff_Poison, 500;
-	">
-	Id: 13226
-	AegisName: "Blind_Sphere_"
-	Name: "Flash Grenade"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Dark;
-		bonus2 bAddEff, Eff_Blind, 500;
-	">
-	Id: 13227
-	AegisName: "Freezing_Sphere_"
-	Name: "Cyro Grenade"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 15
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Water; ">
-//== Shurikens & Kunais ====================================
-	Id: 13250
-	AegisName: "Shuriken"
-	Name: "Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 4
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 10
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_SHURIKEN"
-	Id: 13251
-	AegisName: "Nimbus_Shuriken"
-	Name: "Nimbus Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Subtype: "A_SHURIKEN"
-	Id: 13252
-	AegisName: "Flash_Shuriken"
-	Name: "Flash Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 45
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "A_SHURIKEN"
-	Id: 13253
-	AegisName: "Sharp_Leaf_Shuriken"
-	Name: "Sharp Leaf Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 40
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 70
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "A_SHURIKEN"
-	Id: 13254
-	AegisName: "Thorn_Needle_Shuriken"
-	Name: "Thorn Needle Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 100
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "A_SHURIKEN"
-	Id: 13255
-	AegisName: "Kunai_Of_Icicle"
-	Name: "Icicle Kunai"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 20
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_KUNAI"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water; ">
-	Id: 13256
-	AegisName: "Kunai_Of_Black_Soil"
-	Name: "Black Earth Kunai"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 20
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_KUNAI"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Earth; ">
-	Id: 13257
-	AegisName: "Kunai_Of_Furious_Wind"
-	Name: "High Wind Kunai"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 20
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_KUNAI"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind; ">
-	Id: 13258
-	AegisName: "Kunai_Of_Fierce_Flame"
-	Name: "Heat Wave Kunai"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 20
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_KUNAI"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 13259
-	AegisName: "Kunai_Of_Deadly_Poison"
-	Name: "Fell Poison Kunai"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 20
-	Atk: 30
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_KUNAI"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Poison;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,500;
-	">
-//== Geneticist Created Bombs and Throwing Items ===========
-	Id: 13260
-	AegisName: "Apple_Bomb"
-	Name: "Apple Bomb"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 1
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Id: 13261
-	AegisName: "Coconut_Bomb"
-	Name: "Coconut Bomb"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 1
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Id: 13262
-	AegisName: "Melon_Bomb"
-	Name: "Melon Bomb"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 1
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Id: 13263
-	AegisName: "Pineapple_Bomb"
-	Name: "Pineapple Bomb"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 1
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Id: 13264
-	AegisName: "Banana_Bomb"
-	Name: "Banana Bomb"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 1
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Id: 13265
-	AegisName: "Black_Lump"
-	Name: "Black Lump"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Id: 13266
-	AegisName: "Black_Hard_Lump"
-	Name: "Black Hard Lump"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Id: 13267
-	AegisName: "Very_Hard_Lump"
-	Name: "Very Hard Lump"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Id: 13268
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Powder"
-	Name: "Mysterious Powder"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MYSTERIOUS_POWDER, 10000, 2; ">
-	Id: 13269
-	AegisName: "Boost500_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Throwing Boost500"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_BOOST500, 500000, 10; ">
-	Id: 13270
-	AegisName: "Full_SwingK_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Full SwingK Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FULL_SWING_K, 500000, 50; ">
-	Id: 13271
-	AegisName: "Mana_Plus_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Mana + Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MANA_PLUS, 500000, 50; ">
-	Id: 13272
-	AegisName: "Cure_Free_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Cure Free Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <"
-		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
-		sc_end SC_BLOODING;
-		sc_end SC_POISON;
-		sc_end SC_CURSE;
-		sc_end SC_ORCISH;
-		heal 500, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 13273
-	AegisName: "Stamina_Up_M_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Throwing Muramura(M)"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MUSTLE_M, 500000, 5; ">
-	Id: 13274
-	AegisName: "Digestive_F_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Throwing Falmons(F)"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_LIFE_FORCE_F, 500000, 5; ">
-	Id: 13275
-	AegisName: "HP_Inc_PotS_To_Throw"
-	Name: "HP Increase Potion(Small) Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH, 500000, 2, 1, 500, 2; ">
-	Id: 13276
-	AegisName: "HP_Inc_PotM_To_Throw"
-	Name: "HP Increase Potion(Mid) Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 40
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH, 500000, 2, 2, 1500, 3; ">
-	Id: 13277
-	AegisName: "HP_Inc_PotL_To_Throw"
-	Name: "HP Increase Potion(Large) Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 80
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH, 500000, 2, 3, 2500, 5; ">
-	Id: 13278
-	AegisName: "SP_Inc_PotS_To_Throw"
-	Name: "HP Increase Potion(Small) Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH, 500000, 2, 1, 0, 2; ">
-	Id: 13279
-	AegisName: "SP_Inc_PotM_To_Throw"
-	Name: "SP Increase Potion(Mid) Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 40
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH, 500000, 2, 2, 0, 4; ">
-	Id: 13280
-	AegisName: "SP_Inc_PotL_To_Throw"
-	Name: "SP Increase Potion(Large) Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 80
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start4 SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH, 500000, 2, 3, 0, 8; ">
-	Id: 13281
-	AegisName: "En_White_PotZ_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Enriched White PotionZ Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 70
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_EXTRACT_WHITE_POTION_Z, 500000, 20;
-		heal 1000, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 13282
-	AegisName: "Vitata500_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Vitata50 Throw0"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start2 SC_VITATA_500, 500000, 20, 5;
-		heal 0, 200;
-	">
-	Id: 13283
-	AegisName: "En_Cel_Juice_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Enrich Celermine Juice Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_EXTRACT_SALAMINE_JUICE, 500000, 10; ">
-	Id: 13284
-	AegisName: "Savage_BBQ_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Savage BBQ Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_SAVAGE_STEAK, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 13285
-	AegisName: "Wug_Cocktail_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Warg Cocktail To Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_COCKTAIL_WARG_BLOOD, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 13286
-	AegisName: "M_Brisket_To_Throw"
-	Name: "M Brisket To Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MINOR_BBQ, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 13287
-	AegisName: "Siroma_Icetea_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Siroma Icetea To Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_SIROMA_ICE_TEA, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 13288
-	AegisName: "Drocera_Stew_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Drosera Stew To Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_DROCERA_HERB_STEAMED, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 13289
-	AegisName: "Petti_Noodle_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Petite Noodle To Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PUTTI_TAILS_NOODLES, 300000, 20; ">
-	Id: 13290
-	AegisName: "Black_Thing_To_Throw"
-	Name: "Black Thing To Throw"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 50
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "A_THROWWEAPON"
-	Script: <" sc_start2 SC_STOMACHACHE, 60000, rand(5,10), 75; ">
-//== More Shurikens & Kunais ===============================
-	Id: 13291
-	AegisName: "Starfish"
-	Name: "Starfish"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 110
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "A_KUNAI"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Neutral;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13292
-	AegisName: "Dried_Squid"
-	Name: "Dried Squid"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_KUNAI"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Neutral;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13293
-	AegisName: "Flying_Fish"
-	Name: "Flying Fish"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_SHURIKEN"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Neutral;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,1,3;
-	">
-	Id: 13294
-	AegisName: "Explosive_Kunai"
-	Name: "Explosive Kunai"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 30
-	Atk: 50
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "A_KUNAI"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Neutral; ">
-	Id: 13295
-	AegisName: "Light_Shuriken"
-	Name: "Light Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Weight: 5
-	Atk: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_SHURIKEN"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-//== Ninja Fuuma Shurikens =================================
-	Id: 13300
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Bird_Wing"
-	Name: "Huuma Wing Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 90000
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bDex,-2;
-		bonus bAgi,-1;
-	">
-	Id: 13301
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Giant_Wheel"
-	Name: "Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 42
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,100;
-	">
-	Id: 13302
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Giant_Wheel_"
-	Name: "Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 42
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,100;
-	">
-	Id: 13303
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Blaze"
-	Name: "Huuma Blaze Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 78000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus bDex,-2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBALL,5,30;
-	">
-	Id: 13304
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Calm_Mind"
-	Name: "Huuma Calm Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1550
-	Atk: 112
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,NJ_HUUMA,30;
-		bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13305
-	AegisName: "BF_Huuma_Shuriken1"
-	Name: "Brave Huuma Front Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 55
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13306
-	AegisName: "BF_Huuma_Shuriken2"
-	Name: "Valorous Huuma Front Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 55
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,NJ_HUUMA,100; bonus2 bSkillAtk,NJ_ISSEN,100; }",50,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13307
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Huuma_Shuriken1"
-	Name: "Glorious Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 55
-	Matk: 90
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,95;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bMatkRate,15;
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,NJ_HUUMA,100; bonus2 bSkillAtk,NJ_ISSEN,100; }",50,10000;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-3) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,NJ_ISSEN,AL_HEAL,10,1000,1;
-			bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,NJ_HUUMA,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,2,200;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 13308
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Blaze_I"
-	Name: "Huuma Blaze Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 230
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-	">
-	Id: 13309
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Giant_Wheel_C"
-	Name: "Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 99
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13310
-	AegisName: "P_Huuma_Shuriken1"
-	Name: "Eden Group Huuma Shuriken I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 150
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bMatk,50; ">
-	Id: 13311
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Shadow"
-	Name: "Huuma Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,3; ">
-	Id: 13312
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Job_Test"
-	Name: "Huuma Job Test"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 90000
-	Weight: 3000
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13313
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Swirling_Petal"
-	Name: "Huuma Swirling Petal"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 150
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,50;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,KO_HUUMARANKA,20;
-	">
-	Id: 13314
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Fluttering_Snow"
-	Name: "Huuma Fluttering Snow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 200
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,50;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NJ_HYOUSYOURAKU,max(getskilllv(NJ_HYOUSYOURAKU),1),30;
-	">
-	Id: 13315
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Thunderstorm"
-	Name: "Huuma Thunderstorm"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 100000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 200
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,50;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NJ_RAIGEKISAI,max(getskilllv(NJ_RAIGEKISAI),1),30;
-	">
-	Id: 13316
-	AegisName: "Upg_Huuma_Shuriken"
-	Name: "Upg Huuma Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 55
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10*getrefine();
-		bonus bMatk,5*getrefine();
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,getrefine();
-		if(BaseLevel>=70) { bonus bBaseAtk,5*((BaseLevel-60)/10); }
-	">
-	Id: 13317
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Huuma"
-	Name: "TE Woe Huuma"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 80
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13327
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Huuma"
-	Name: "Crimson Huuma Shuriken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2))/2;
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 13328
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Shuriken_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Huuma Shuriken of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 150
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_HUUMA"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2))/2;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13337
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Fluttering_Snow_IL"
-	Name: "Huuma_Fluttering_Snow_IL"
-	Id: 13338
-	AegisName: "Huuma_Bird_Wing_IL"
-	Name: "Huuma_Bird_Wing_IL"
-	Id: 13341
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_KO_Humma"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_KO_Humma"
-//== More One-Handed Swords ================================
-	Id: 13400
-	AegisName: "Cutlas_"
-	Name: "Cutlus"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		skill SM_BASH,5;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13401
-	AegisName: "Excalibur_C"
-	Name: "Excalibur"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 199
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,10;
-		bonus bLuk,10;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-	">
-	Id: 13402
-	AegisName: "Cutlas_C"
-	Name: "Cutlas"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		skill SM_BASH,5;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bDef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13403
-	AegisName: "Solar_Sword_C"
-	Name: "Solar Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,1000,1;
-		bonus2 bSPLossRate,15,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 13404
-	AegisName: "Platinum_Shotel"
-	Name: "Platinum Shotel"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,50; ">
-	Id: 13405
-	AegisName: "Curved_Sword"
-	Name: "Curved Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 125
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,300;
-	">
-	Id: 13406
-	AegisName: "Edger"
-	Name: "Edger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 50; ">
-	Id: 13407
-	AegisName: "Nagan_C"
-	Name: "Refined Nagan"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 148
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_DOUBLE,5;
-		bonus bDoubleRate,25;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,40;
-	">
-	Id: 13408
-	AegisName: "Fire_Brand_C"
-	Name: "Refined Fireblend"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		skill MG_FIREBOLT,5;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBOLT,5,100;
-	">
-	Id: 13409
-	AegisName: "Immaterial_Sword_C"
-	Name: "Refined Immaterial Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nostorage: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle, Ele_Ghost;
-		bonus2 bSPVanishRate, 45, 30;
-		bonus bSPDrainValue, -1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 13410
-	AegisName: "BF_Sword1"
-	Name: "Valorous Gladiator Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13411
-	AegisName: "BF_Sword2"
-	Name: "Brave Gladiator Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 115
-	Matk: 74
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus bMatkRate,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 13412
-	AegisName: "Twin_Edge_B"
-	Name: "Twin Edge of Naght Sieger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
-		skill MG_FROSTDIVER,5;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss; }",50,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 13413
-	AegisName: "Twin_Edge_R"
-	Name: "Twin Edge of Naght Sieger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 75
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		skill WZ_METEOR,3;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss; }",50,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 13414
-	AegisName: "Elemental_Sword"
-	Name: "Elemental Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 105
-	Matk: 95
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_COLDBOLT,3,50;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,MG_COLDBOLT,MG_FIREBOLT,3,1000;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,MG_FIREBOLT,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,3,1000;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,3,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13415
-	AegisName: "N_Falchion"
-	Name: "Novice Falchion"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 59
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 2
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 13416
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Onehand_Sword1"
-	Name: "Glorious Flamberge"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,75;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,20;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,((min(getrefine(),14)-4) ** (2));
-			bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bAspdRate,5;
-			bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,SM_BASH,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,2,200;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 13417
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Onehand_Sword2"
-	Name: "Glorious Rapier"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 130
-	Matk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) { bonus bUseSPrate,-10; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bInt,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 13418
-	AegisName: "Krieger_Onehand_Sword3"
-	Name: "Glorious Holy Avenger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 130
-	Matk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		if(getrefine()>5) { bonus bUseSPrate,-10; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus4 bAutoSpellOnSkill,PA_PRESSURE,PR_LEXAETERNA,1,1000; }
-		if(getrefine()>9) { bonus bInt,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 13419
-	AegisName: "Holy_Saber"
-	Name: "Holy Saber"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13420
-	AegisName: "Honglyuns_Sword"
-	Name: "Honglyun's Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-	">
-	Id: 13421
-	AegisName: "Ruber"
-	Name: "Ruber"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,KN_BOWLINGBASH,20; bonus2 bSkillAtk,SM_BASH,20; }",5,15000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }"; ">
-	Id: 13422
-	AegisName: "Flamberge_C"
-	Name: "Flamberge"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 13423
-	AegisName: "P_Sabre1"
-	Name: "Eden Sabre I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 147
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 26
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13424
-	AegisName: "P_Sabre2"
-	Name: "Eden Sabre II"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13425
-	AegisName: "Tourist_Sword"
-	Name: "Traveler's Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 61
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13426
-	AegisName: "F_Cutlas_C"
-	Name: "Rental Cutlas"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 13427
-	AegisName: "F_Solar_Sword_C"
-	Name: "Rental Solar Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 13428
-	AegisName: "Priest_Sword"
-	Name: "Priest Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 13429
-	AegisName: "E_Cutlas_C"
-	Name: "E Cutlas C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 13430
-	AegisName: "E_Solar_Sword_C"
-	Name: "E Solar Sword C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; ">
-	Id: 13431
-	AegisName: "Chrome_Sword"
-	Name: "Chrome Metal Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13432
-	AegisName: "Adventure_Sword"
-	Name: "Adventure Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 13433
-	AegisName: "Academy_Sword"
-	Name: "Academy Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 13434
-	AegisName: "P_Saber3"
-	Name: "Eden Group Saber III"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13438
-	AegisName: "Magical_Blade"
-	Name: "Magical Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 60000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 165
-	Matk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Id: 13439
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Sword"
-	Name: "TE Woe Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 13440
-	AegisName: "Ceremonial_Sword"
-	Name: "Ceremonial Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 60
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy; ">
-	Id: 13441
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Sword"
-	Name: "Thanatos Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 150
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt, 6;
-		bonus bVit, 6;
-		bonus bLuk, -6;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate, 50, 5;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate, 10, 5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate, 100, 10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 13442
-	AegisName: "Old_Parasol"
-	Name: "Old Parasol"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 120
-	Matk: 80
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,getrefine();
-		skill MG_SOULSTRIKE,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13444
-	AegisName: "Pala"
-	Name: "Pala"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 190
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate,8; ">
-	Id: 13454
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Saber"
-	Name: "Crimson Saber"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 850
-	Atk: 85
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 13455
-	AegisName: "Saber_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Saber of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1350
-	Atk: 135
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2)); ">
-	Id: 13469
-	AegisName: "Immaterial_Sword_IL"
-	Name: "Immaterial_Sword_IL"
-	Id: 13483
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_GN_Sword"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_GN_Sword"
-	Id: 13493
-	AegisName: "Cannon_Rapier_OS"
-	Name: "Cannon_Rapier_OS"
-	Id: 13495
-	AegisName: "Evt_Bluefire_Sword"
-	Name: "Evt_Bluefire_Sword"
-//== More Cash Shop Items ==================================
-	Id: 13500
-	AegisName: "Insurance60_Package"
-	Name: "Life Insurrance Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14500,10; ">
-	Id: 13501
-	AegisName: "Assorted_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Experience Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13502
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Kitty_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Drooping Cat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5279,604800; ">
-	Id: 13503
-	AegisName: "Magestic_Goat_Box"
-	Name: "Baphomet Horns Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5280,604800; ">
-	Id: 13504
-	AegisName: "Deviruchi_Cap_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Deviruchi Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5281,604800; ">
-	Id: 13505
-	AegisName: "Executioner_Box"
-	Name: "Executioner Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1174,604800; ">
-	Id: 13506
-	AegisName: "Brood_Axe_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Bloody Axe Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1373,604800; ">
-	Id: 13507
-	AegisName: "Tomahawk_Box"
-	Name: "Tomahawk Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1374,604800; ">
-	Id: 13508
-	AegisName: "Bow_Of_Rudra_Box"
-	Name: "Rudra Bow Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1729,604800; ">
-	Id: 13509
-	AegisName: "Cutlas_Box"
-	Name: "Cutlas Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13402,604800; ">
-	Id: 13510
-	AegisName: "Solar_Sword_Box"
-	Name: "Solar Sword Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13403,604800; ">
-	Id: 13511
-	AegisName: "Sword_Breaker_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Swordbreaker Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13024,604800; ">
-	Id: 13512
-	AegisName: "Mail_Breaker_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Mailbreaker Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13025,604800; ">
-	Id: 13513
-	AegisName: "Moonlight_Sword_Box"
-	Name: "Moonlight Dagger Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13026,604800; ">
-	Id: 13514
-	AegisName: "Spanner_Box"
-	Name: "Wrench Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1534,604800; ">
-	Id: 13515
-	AegisName: "Grape_Box"
-	Name: "Grape Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 514,10; ">
-	Id: 13516
-	AegisName: "Royal_Jelly_Box"
-	Name: "Royal Jelly Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 526,5; ">
-	Id: 13517
-	AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry_Box"
-	Name: "Yggdrasil Berry Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 607,3; ">
-	Id: 13518
-	AegisName: "Weapon_Card_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13558,1; ">
-	Id: 13519
-	AegisName: "Armor_Card_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13559,1; ">
-	Id: 13520
-	AegisName: "Helmet_Card_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Helmet Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13560,1; ">
-	Id: 13521
-	AegisName: "Hood_Card_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Garment Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13561,1; ">
-	Id: 13522
-	AegisName: "Hood_Card_Scroll_Box2"
-	Name: "Shield Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13562,1; ">
-	Id: 13523
-	AegisName: "Shoes_Card_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Shoes Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13563,1; ">
-	Id: 13524
-	AegisName: "Accy_Card_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13564,1; ">
-	Id: 13525
-	AegisName: "Zeny_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Zeny Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14508,1; ">
-	Id: 13526
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box1_"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll Box 12"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12925,30; ">
-	Id: 13527
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box2_"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll Box 13"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12926,30; ">
-	Id: 13528
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box3_"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll Box 14"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12932,30; ">
-	Id: 13529
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box4_"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll Box 15"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12933,30; ">
-	Id: 13530
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box5_"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll Box 16"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12934,30; ">
-	Id: 13531
-	AegisName: "Light_Red_Pot_Box"
-	Name: "Light Red Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 598,50; ">
-	Id: 13532
-	AegisName: "Light_Orange_Pot_Box"
-	Name: "Light Orange Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 599,50; ">
-	Id: 13533
-	AegisName: "Light_Yellow_Pot_Box"
-	Name: "Light Yellow Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 11500,50; ">
-	Id: 13534
-	AegisName: "Light_White_Pot_Box"
-	Name: "Light White Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 11501,50; ">
-	Id: 13535
-	AegisName: "Light_Center_Pot_Box"
-	Name: "Light Center Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Light_Center_Pot, 20; ">
-	Id: 13536
-	AegisName: "Light_Awakening_Pot_Box"
-	Name: "Light Awakening Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Light_Center_Pot, 20; ">
-	Id: 13537
-	AegisName: "Light_Berserk_Pot_Box"
-	Name: "Light Berserk Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Light_Center_Pot, 20; ">
-	Id: 13538
-	AegisName: "Meteor_10_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Meteor Storm Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14512,50; ">
-	Id: 13539
-	AegisName: "Storm_10_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Storm Gust Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14513,50; ">
-	Id: 13540
-	AegisName: "Vermilion_10_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Lord of Vermilion Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14514,50; ">
-	Id: 13541
-	AegisName: "Lex_Aeterna_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Lex Aeterna Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14515,50; ">
-	Id: 13542
-	AegisName: "Magnificat_5_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Magnificat Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14516,50; ">
-	Id: 13543
-	AegisName: "CP_Helm_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Chemical Protection Helm Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14517,10;
-		getitem 7139,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13544
-	AegisName: "CP_Shield_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Chemical Protection Shield Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14518,10;
-		getitem 7139,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13545
-	AegisName: "CP_Armor_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Chemical Protection Armor Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14519,10;
-		getitem 7139,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13546
-	AegisName: "CP_Weapon_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Chemical Protection Weapon Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14520,10;
-		getitem 7139,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13547
-	AegisName: "Repair_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Repair Weapon Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14587,5;
-		getitem 1002,5;
-		getitem 998,5;
-		getitem 756,5;
-		getitem 999,5;
-	">
-	Id: 13548
-	AegisName: "Big_Bun_Box"
-	Name: "Big Bun Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14522,50; ">
-	Id: 13549
-	AegisName: "Pill__Box"
-	Name: "Pill Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14523,50; ">
-	Id: 13550
-	AegisName: "Superb_Fish_Slice_Box"
-	Name: "Fish Slice Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14524,50; ">
-	Id: 13551
-	AegisName: "Chewy_Ricecake_Box"
-	Name: "Chewy Ricecake Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14525,10; ">
-	Id: 13552
-	AegisName: "Oriental_Pastry_Box"
-	Name: "Pastry Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14526,10; ">
-	Id: 13553
-	AegisName: "Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14527,50; ">
-	Id: 13554
-	AegisName: "Weapon_Card_Scroll_Box2"
-	Name: "Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13565,1; ">
-	Id: 13555
-	AegisName: "Weapon_Card_Scroll_Box3"
-	Name: "Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13566,1; ">
-	Id: 13556
-	AegisName: "Armor_Card_Scroll_Box2"
-	Name: "Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13567,1; ">
-	Id: 13557
-	AegisName: "Accy_Card_Scroll_Box2"
-	Name: "Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13568,1; ">
-	Id: 13558
-	AegisName: "Weapon_Card_Scroll"
-	Name: "Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13559
-	AegisName: "Armor_Card_Scroll"
-	Name: "Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13560
-	AegisName: "Helmet_Card_Scroll"
-	Name: "Helmet Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13561
-	AegisName: "Hood_Card_Scroll"
-	Name: "Garment Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13562
-	AegisName: "Hood_Card_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Shield Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13563
-	AegisName: "Shoes_Card_Scroll"
-	Name: "Shoes Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13564
-	AegisName: "Accy_Card_Scroll"
-	Name: "Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13565
-	AegisName: "Weapon_Card_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13566
-	AegisName: "Weapon_Card_Scroll3"
-	Name: "Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13567
-	AegisName: "Armor_Card_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13568
-	AegisName: "Accy_Card_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13569
-	AegisName: "PVP_Tele_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "PVP Teleport Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14528,10; ">
-	Id: 13570
-	AegisName: "Giant_Fly_Wing_Box50"
-	Name: "Giant Fly Wing Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12212,50; ">
-	Id: 13571
-	AegisName: "Giant_Fly_Wing_Box100"
-	Name: "Giant Fly Wing Box(100)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12212,100; ">
-	Id: 13572
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12205,30; ">
-	Id: 13573
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12205,50; ">
-	Id: 13574
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Nine Tail Dish 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12206,30; ">
-	Id: 13575
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Nine Tail Dish 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12206,50; ">
-	Id: 13576
-	AegisName: "Inc_Agi_10_Box30"
-	Name: "Increase Agility Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12216,30; ">
-	Id: 13577
-	AegisName: "Inc_Agi_10_Box50"
-	Name: "Increase Agility Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12216,50; ">
-	Id: 13578
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Stew of Immortality 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12207,30; ">
-	Id: 13579
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Stew of Immortality 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12207,50; ">
-	Id: 13580
-	AegisName: "Insurance_Package30"
-	Name: "Life Insurance 30 Package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12209,30; ">
-	Id: 13581
-	AegisName: "Insurance_Package50"
-	Name: "Life Insurrance Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12209,50; ">
-	Id: 13582
-	AegisName: "Convex_Mirror_Box5"
-	Name: "Convex Mirror Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12214,5; ">
-	Id: 13583
-	AegisName: "Convex_Mirror_Box30"
-	Name: "Convex Mirror Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12214,30; ">
-	Id: 13584
-	AegisName: "Blessing10_Box30"
-	Name: "Blessing Scroll 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12215,30; ">
-	Id: 13585
-	AegisName: "Blessing10_Box50"
-	Name: "Blessing Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12215,50; ">
-	Id: 13586
-	AegisName: "Adrenaline10_Box30"
-	Name: "Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12220,30; ">
-	Id: 13587
-	AegisName: "Adrenaline10_Box50"
-	Name: "Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12220,50; ">
-	Id: 13588
-	AegisName: "Assumptio_5_Box30"
-	Name: "Assumptio Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12218,30; ">
-	Id: 13589
-	AegisName: "Assumptio_5_Box50"
-	Name: "Assumptio Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12218,50; ">
-	Id: 13590
-	AegisName: "Aspersio_5_Box30"
-	Name: "Aspersio Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12217,30; ">
-	Id: 13591
-	AegisName: "Aspersio_5_Box50"
-	Name: "Aspersio Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12217,50; ">
-	Id: 13592
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Steamed Scorpion 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12203,30; ">
-	Id: 13593
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Steamed Scorpion 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12203,50; ">
-	Id: 13594
-	AegisName: "Wind_Walk10_Box30"
-	Name: "Wind Walk Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12219,30; ">
-	Id: 13595
-	AegisName: "Wind_Walk10_Box50"
-	Name: "Wind Walk Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12219,50; ">
-	Id: 13596
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12204,30; ">
-	Id: 13597
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12204,50; ">
-	Id: 13598
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual_Box1"
-	Name: "Field Manual Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12208,1; ">
-	Id: 13599
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual_Box5"
-	Name: "Field Manual Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12208,5; ">
-	Id: 13600
-	AegisName: "Siegfried_Box5"
-	Name: "Token of Ziegfried Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7621,5; ">
-	Id: 13601
-	AegisName: "Siegfried_Box20"
-	Name: "Token Of Siegfried 20 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7621,20; ">
-	Id: 13602
-	AegisName: "Kafra_Card_Box30"
-	Name: "Kafra Card Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12211,30; ">
-	Id: 13603
-	AegisName: "Kafra_Card_Box50"
-	Name: "Kafra Card Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12211,50; ">
-	Id: 13604
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12202,30; ">
-	Id: 13605
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12202,50; ">
-	Id: 13606
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_Box1"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12210,1; ">
-	Id: 13607
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_Box5"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12210,5; ">
-	Id: 13608
-	AegisName: "Megaphone_Box1"
-	Name: "Megaphone Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12221,1; ">
-	Id: 13609
-	AegisName: "Megaphone_Box5"
-	Name: "Megaphone Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12221,5; ">
-	Id: 13610
-	AegisName: "Enriched_Elunium_Box5"
-	Name: "Enriched Elunium 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7619,5; ">
-	Id: 13611
-	AegisName: "Enriched_Oridecon_Box5"
-	Name: "Enriched Oridecon 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7620,5; ">
-	Id: 13612
-	AegisName: "Handcuff_Box"
-	Name: "Arrest Handcuffs Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2706,1; ">
-	Id: 13613
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg_Box1"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg Box 1"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13617,1; ">
-	Id: 13614
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg_Box2"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg Box 2"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13618,1; ">
-	Id: 13615
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg_Box3"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg Box 3"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13619,1; ">
-	Id: 13616
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg_Box4"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg Box 4"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13620,1; ">
-	Id: 13617
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg1"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13618
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg2"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13619
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg3"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg 3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13620
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg4"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg 4"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13621
-	AegisName: "Greed_Box30"
-	Name: "Greed Scroll 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14529,30; ">
-	Id: 13622
-	AegisName: "Greed_Box50"
-	Name: "Greed Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14529,50; ">
-	Id: 13623
-	AegisName: "Greed_Box100"
-	Name: "Greed Scroll Box(100)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14529,100; ">
-	Id: 13624
-	AegisName: "Flee_30_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Evasion Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Flee_30_Scroll,1; ">
-	Id: 13625
-	AegisName: "Accuracy_30_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Concentration Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Accuracy_30_Scroll,1; ">
-	Id: 13626
-	AegisName: "Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box1"
-	Name: "Super Card Pet Egg Box 1"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13630,1; ">
-	Id: 13627
-	AegisName: "Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box2"
-	Name: "Super Card Pet Egg Box 2"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13631,1; ">
-	Id: 13628
-	AegisName: "Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box3"
-	Name: "Super Card Pet Egg Box 3"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13632,1; ">
-	Id: 13629
-	AegisName: "Super_Card_Pet_Egg_Box4"
-	Name: "Super Card Pet Egg Box 4"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13633,1; ">
-	Id: 13630
-	AegisName: "Super_Card_Pet_Egg1"
-	Name: "Super Card Pet Egg 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13631
-	AegisName: "Super_Card_Pet_Egg2"
-	Name: "Super Card Pet Egg 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13632
-	AegisName: "Super_Card_Pet_Egg3"
-	Name: "Super Card Pet Egg 3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13633
-	AegisName: "Super_Card_Pet_Egg4"
-	Name: "Super Card Pet Egg 4"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13634
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package1"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 1"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,2;
-		getitem 12251,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13635
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package2"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 2"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,2;
-		getitem 12255,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13636
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package3"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 3"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,2;
-		getitem 12253,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13637
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package4"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 4"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,2;
-		getitem 12255,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13638
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package5"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 5"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,2;
-		getitem 12250,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13639
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package6"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 6"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,2;
-		getitem 12251,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12217,20;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13640
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package7"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 1"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,4;
-		getitem 12251,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12216,30;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 13641
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package8"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 2"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,4;
-		getitem 12255,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12216,30;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 13642
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package9"
-	Name: "Start your Journey Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,4;
-		getitem 12253,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12216,30;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 13643
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package10"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 4"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,4;
-		getitem 12255,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12216,30;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 13644
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package11"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 5"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,4;
-		getitem 12250,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12216,30;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 13645
-	AegisName: "Vigorgra_Package12"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 6"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,4;
-		getitem 12251,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12217,40;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 13646
-	AegisName: "Infiltrator_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Infiltrator Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1267,604800; ">
-	Id: 13647
-	AegisName: "Muramasa_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Muramasa Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1173,604800; ">
-	Id: 13648
-	AegisName: "Excalibur_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Excalibur Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13401,604800; ">
-	Id: 13649
-	AegisName: "Combat_Knife_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Combat Knife Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13021,604800; ">
-	Id: 13650
-	AegisName: "Counter_Dagger_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Dagger of Counter Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13022,604800; ">
-	Id: 13651
-	AegisName: "Kaiser_Knuckle_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Kaiser Knuckle Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1817,604800; ">
-	Id: 13652
-	AegisName: "Pole_Axe_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Pole Axe Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1419,604800; ">
-	Id: 13653
-	AegisName: "Mighty_Staff_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Mighty Staff Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1623,604800; ">
-	Id: 13654
-	AegisName: "Right_Epsilon_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Light Epsilon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1372,604800; ">
-	Id: 13655
-	AegisName: "Balistar_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Ballista Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1728,604800; ">
-	Id: 13656
-	AegisName: "Diary_Of_Sage_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Sage's Diary Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1563,604800; ">
-	Id: 13657
-	AegisName: "Asura_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Ashura Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13023,604800; ">
-	Id: 13658
-	AegisName: "Apple_Of_Archer_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Apple of Archer Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5265,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13659
-	AegisName: "Bunny_Band_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Bunny Band Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5266,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13660
-	AegisName: "Sahkkat_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Sakkat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5267,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13661
-	AegisName: "Lord_Circlet_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Grand Circlet Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5268,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13662
-	AegisName: "Elven_Ears_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Elven Ears Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2686,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13663
-	AegisName: "Steel_Flower_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Romantic Flower Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2687,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13664
-	AegisName: "Critical_Ring_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Critical Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2688,604800; ">
-	Id: 13665
-	AegisName: "Earring_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Earring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2689,604800; ">
-	Id: 13666
-	AegisName: "Ring_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2690,604800; ">
-	Id: 13667
-	AegisName: "Necklace_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Necklace Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2691,604800; ">
-	Id: 13668
-	AegisName: "Glove_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Glove Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2692,604800; ">
-	Id: 13669
-	AegisName: "Brooch_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Brooch Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2693,604800; ">
-	Id: 13670
-	AegisName: "Rosary_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Rosary Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2694,604800; ">
-	Id: 13671
-	AegisName: "Safety_Ring_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Safety Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2695,604800; ">
-	Id: 13672
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core01_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Vesper Core 01 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2696,604800; ">
-	Id: 13673
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core02_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Vesper Core 02 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2697,604800; ">
-	Id: 13674
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core03_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Vesper Core 03 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2698,604800; ">
-	Id: 13675
-	AegisName: "Vesper_Core04_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Vesper Core 04 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2699,604800; ">
-	Id: 13676
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Kitty_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Drooping Cat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5279,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13677
-	AegisName: "Magestic_Goat_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Majestic Goat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5280,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13678
-	AegisName: "Deviruchi_Cap_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Deviruchi Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5281,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13679
-	AegisName: "Executioner_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Executioner Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1174,604800; ">
-	Id: 13680
-	AegisName: "Brood_Axe_Box1"
-	Name: "Punksutawney Phil's Lucky Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1373,604800; ">
-	Id: 13681
-	AegisName: "Tomahawk_Box1"
-	Name: "Serpent's Surprise"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1374,604800; ">
-	Id: 13682
-	AegisName: "Bow_Of_Rudra_Box1"
-	Name: "Tricky Halloween Treat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1729,604800; ">
-	Id: 13683
-	AegisName: "Cutlas_Box1"
-	Name: "Lovely Groove Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13402,604800; ">
-	Id: 13684
-	AegisName: "Solar_Sword_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Solar Sword Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13403,604800; ">
-	Id: 13685
-	AegisName: "Sword_Breaker_Box1"
-	Name: "Tricky Halloween Treat Crate"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13024,604800; ">
-	Id: 13686
-	AegisName: "Mail_Breaker_Box1"
-	Name: "Yule Love This Lucky Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13025,604800; ">
-	Id: 13687
-	AegisName: "Moonlight_Sword_Box1"
-	Name: "Apocalypse Survivor Fire Sale Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13026,604800; ">
-	Id: 13688
-	AegisName: "Spanner_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Wrench Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1534,604800; ">
-	Id: 13689
-	AegisName: "Bok_Choy_Box"
-	Name: "Bok Choy Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7766,100; ">
-	Id: 13690
-	AegisName: "Chung_E_Cake_Box"
-	Name: "Chung E Cake Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7767,100; ">
-	Id: 13691
-	AegisName: "Freyja_Overcoat_Box"
-	Name: "Freya's Clothes Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2369,604800; ">
-	Id: 13692
-	AegisName: "Freyja_Boots_Box"
-	Name: "Freya's Boots Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2428,604800; ">
-	Id: 13693
-	AegisName: "Freyja_Cape_Box"
-	Name: "Freya's Manteau Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2533,604800; ">
-	Id: 13694
-	AegisName: "Freyja_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Freya's Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5306,604800; ">
-	Id: 13695
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual25_Box"
-	Name: "Field Manual 25% Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14532,10; ">
-	Id: 13696
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual100_Box"
-	Name: "Field Manual 100% Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14533,10; ">
-	Id: 13697
-	AegisName: "J_Blessing10_Box"
-	Name: "Blessing Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12215,10; ">
-	Id: 13698
-	AegisName: "J_Inc_Agi10_Box"
-	Name: "Increase Agility Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12216,10; ">
-	Id: 13699
-	AegisName: "J_Wind_Walk10_Box"
-	Name: "Wind Walk Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12219,10; ">
-	Id: 13700
-	AegisName: "J_Adrenaline10_Box"
-	Name: "Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12220,10; ">
-	Id: 13701
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll12"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll 12"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13702
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll13"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll 13"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13703
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll14"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll 14"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13704
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg5"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg 5"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13705
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg6"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg 6"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13706
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg7"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg 7"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13707
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg8"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg 8"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13708
-	AegisName: "Pet_Egg_Scroll_E"
-	Name: "Pet Egg Scroll E"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13709
-	AegisName: "BRO_Package_1"
-	Name: "BRO Package Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13710
-	AegisName: "Max_Weight_Up_Box"
-	Name: "Gym Pass Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7776,10; ">
-	Id: 13711
-	AegisName: "Small_Life_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Small Life Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14534,10; ">
-	Id: 13712
-	AegisName: "Small_Life_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Small Life Potion 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14534,30; ">
-	Id: 13713
-	AegisName: "Small_Life_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Small Life Potion 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14534,50; ">
-	Id: 13714
-	AegisName: "Med_Life_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Medium Life Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14535,10; ">
-	Id: 13715
-	AegisName: "Med_Life_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Medium Life Potion 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14535,30; ">
-	Id: 13716
-	AegisName: "Med_Life_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Medium Life Potion 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14535,50; ">
-	Id: 13717
-	AegisName: "Abrasive_Box5"
-	Name: "Abrasive 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14536,5; ">
-	Id: 13718
-	AegisName: "Abrasive_Box10"
-	Name: "Abrasive 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14536,10; ">
-	Id: 13719
-	AegisName: "Regeneration_Box5"
-	Name: "Regeneration Potion 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14537,5; ">
-	Id: 13720
-	AegisName: "Regeneration_Box10"
-	Name: "Regeneration 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14537,10; ">
-	Id: 13721
-	AegisName: "Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14527,10; ">
-	Id: 13722
-	AegisName: "Pecopeco_Hairband_Box"
-	Name: "Pecopeco Hairband Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5286,1; ">
-	Id: 13723
-	AegisName: "Red_Glasses_Box"
-	Name: "Red Glasses Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5288,1; ">
-	Id: 13724
-	AegisName: "Whisper_Mask_Box"
-	Name: "Whisper Mask Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5294,1; ">
-	Id: 13725
-	AegisName: "Ramen_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Ramen Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5293,1; ">
-	Id: 13726
-	AegisName: "Gold_Box_"
-	Name: "Golden Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7777,1; ">
-	Id: 13727
-	AegisName: "Silver_Box_"
-	Name: "Silver Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7778,1; ">
-	Id: 13728
-	AegisName: "Gold_Key1_Box"
-	Name: "Golden Key Box(1)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7779,1; ">
-	Id: 13729
-	AegisName: "Gold_Key5_Box"
-	Name: "Golden Key Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7779,5; ">
-	Id: 13730
-	AegisName: "Silver_Key1_Box"
-	Name: "Silver Key Box(1)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7780,1; ">
-	Id: 13731
-	AegisName: "Silver_Key5_Box"
-	Name: "Silver Key Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7780,5; ">
-	Id: 13734
-	AegisName: "Pecopeco_Hairband_Box1"
-	Name: "Peco Peco Hairband Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5286,1; ">
-	Id: 13735
-	AegisName: "Red_Glasses_Box1"
-	Name: "Red Glasses Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5288,1; ">
-	Id: 13736
-	AegisName: "Whisper_Mask_Box1"
-	Name: "Whisper Mask Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5294,1; ">
-	Id: 13737
-	AegisName: "Ramen_Hat_Box1"
-	Name: "Ramen Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5293,1; ">
-	Id: 13738
-	AegisName: "Glass_Of_Illusion_Box5"
-	Name: "Glass of Illusion 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14538,5; ">
-	Id: 13739
-	AegisName: "Glass_Of_Illusion_Box10"
-	Name: "Glass of Illusion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14538,10; ">
-	Id: 13740
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Armor_S_Box5"
-	Name: "Shadow Armor Scroll 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Shadow_Armor_S, 5; ">
-	Id: 13741
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Armor_S_Box10"
-	Name: "Shadow Armor Scroll 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Shadow_Armor_S, 10; ">
-	Id: 13742
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Armor_S_Box30"
-	Name: "Shadow Armor Scroll 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Shadow_Armor_S, 30; ">
-	Id: 13743
-	AegisName: "Holy_Armor_S_Box5"
-	Name: "Holy Armor Scroll 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Holy_Armor_S, 5; ">
-	Id: 13744
-	AegisName: "Holy_Armor_S_Box10"
-	Name: "Holy Armor Scroll 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Holy_Armor_S, 10; ">
-	Id: 13745
-	AegisName: "Holy_Armor_S_Box30"
-	Name: "Holy Armor Scroll 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Holy_Armor_S, 30; ">
-	Id: 13746
-	AegisName: "S_Def_Potion_Box10"
-	Name: "Small Defense Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14541,10; ">
-	Id: 13747
-	AegisName: "S_Def_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Small Defense Potion 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14541,30; ">
-	Id: 13748
-	AegisName: "S_Def_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Small Defense Potion 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14541,50; ">
-	Id: 13749
-	AegisName: "B_Def_Potion_Box10"
-	Name: "Big Defense Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14542,10; ">
-	Id: 13750
-	AegisName: "B_Def_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Big Defense Potion 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14542,30; ">
-	Id: 13751
-	AegisName: "B_Def_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Big Defense Potion 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14542,50; ">
-	Id: 13752
-	AegisName: "S_Mdef_Potion_Box10"
-	Name: "Small Magic Defense Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14543,10; ">
-	Id: 13753
-	AegisName: "S_Mdef_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Small Magic Defense Potion 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14543,30; ">
-	Id: 13754
-	AegisName: "S_Mdef_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Small Magic Defense Potion 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14543,50; ">
-	Id: 13755
-	AegisName: "B_Mdef_Potion_Box10"
-	Name: "Big Magic Defense Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14544,10; ">
-	Id: 13756
-	AegisName: "B_Mdef_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Big Magic Defense Potion 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14544,30; ">
-	Id: 13757
-	AegisName: "B_Mdef_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Big Magic Defense Potion 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14544,50; ">
-	Id: 13758
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual_X3_Box"
-	Name: "Field Manual 300% Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14545,20; ">
-	Id: 13759
-	AegisName: "In_Blue_Herb_Box"
-	Name: "Blue Herb Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 510,50; ">
-	Id: 13760
-	AegisName: "Honey_Box"
-	Name: "Honey Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 518,100; ">
-	Id: 13761
-	AegisName: "Empty_Bottle_Box"
-	Name: "Empty Bottle Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 713,500; ">
-	Id: 13762
-	AegisName: "In_Royal_Jelly_Box"
-	Name: "Royal Jelly Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 526,70; ">
-	Id: 13763
-	AegisName: "5_Anniversary_Coin_Box"
-	Name: "PCRoom Premium Anniversary Coin Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2709,1; ">
-	Id: 13764
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual_Box_TW"
-	Name: "Beginner's Field Manual Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7803,5; ">
-	Id: 13765
-	AegisName: "Certificate_TW_Box"
-	Name: "... Certificate"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7804,1; ">
-	Id: 13766
-	AegisName: "Nagan_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Nagan Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13407,604800; ">
-	Id: 13767
-	AegisName: "Skewer_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Brocca Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1424,604800; ">
-	Id: 13768
-	AegisName: "Survival_Rod_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Survivor's Rod Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1628,604800; ">
-	Id: 13769
-	AegisName: "Quadrille_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Quadrille Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1537,604800; ">
-	Id: 13770
-	AegisName: "Great_Axe_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Great Axe Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1378,604800; ">
-	Id: 13771
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Roar_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Bloody Roar Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1273,604800; ">
-	Id: 13772
-	AegisName: "Hardback_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Hardcover Book Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1567,604800; ">
-	Id: 13773
-	AegisName: "Fire_Brand_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Fireblend Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13408,604800; ">
-	Id: 13774
-	AegisName: "Immaterial_Sword_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Immaterial Sword Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13409,604800; ">
-	Id: 13775
-	AegisName: "Unholy_Touch_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Unholy Touch Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1274,604800; ">
-	Id: 13776
-	AegisName: "Cloak_Of_Survival_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Survivor's Manteau Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2535,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13777
-	AegisName: "Masquerade_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Masquerade Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5326,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13778
-	AegisName: "Orc_Hero_Helm_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Helmet of Orc Hero Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5327,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13779
-	AegisName: "Evil_Wing_Ears_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Wing of Diablo Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5328,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13780
-	AegisName: "Dark_Blindfold_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Dark Blinder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5329,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13781
-	AegisName: "kRO_Drooping_Kitty_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Drooping Cat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5330,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13782
-	AegisName: "Corsair_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Corsair Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5331,1209600; ">
-	Id: 13783
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Iron_Ball_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Bloodied Shackle Ball Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2710,604800; ">
-	Id: 13784
-	AegisName: "Spiritual_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Spiritual Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2711,604800; ">
-	Id: 13785
-	AegisName: "Nagan_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Nagan Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13407,86400; ">
-	Id: 13786
-	AegisName: "Skewer_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Brocca Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1424,86400; ">
-	Id: 13787
-	AegisName: "Survival_Rod_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Survivor's Rod Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1628,86400; ">
-	Id: 13788
-	AegisName: "Quadrille_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Quadrille Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1537,86400; ">
-	Id: 13789
-	AegisName: "Great_Axe_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Great Axe Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1378,86400; ">
-	Id: 13790
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Roar_Box1"
-	Name: "Fall Into The Groove Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1273,86400; ">
-	Id: 13791
-	AegisName: "Hardback_Box1"
-	Name: "Turkey Day Groove Pack with Gravy"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1567,86400; ">
-	Id: 13792
-	AegisName: "Fire_Brand_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Fireblend Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13408,86400; ">
-	Id: 13793
-	AegisName: "Immaterial_Sword_Box1"
-	Name: "Black Friday Groove Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13409,86400; ">
-	Id: 13794
-	AegisName: "Unholy_Touch_Box1"
-	Name: "Cyber Monday Lucky Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1274,86400; ">
-	Id: 13795
-	AegisName: "Cloak_Of_Survival_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Survivor's Manteau Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2535,86400; ">
-	Id: 13796
-	AegisName: "Masquerade_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Masquerade Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5326,86400; ">
-	Id: 13797
-	AegisName: "Orc_Hero_Helm_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Helmet of Orc Hero Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5327,86400; ">
-	Id: 13798
-	AegisName: "Evil_Wing_Ears_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Wing of Diablo Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5328,86400; ">
-	Id: 13799
-	AegisName: "Dark_Blindfold_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Dark Blinder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5329,86400; ">
-	Id: 13800
-	AegisName: "kRO_Drooping_Kitty_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Drooping Cat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5330,86400; ">
-	Id: 13801
-	AegisName: "Corsair_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Corsair Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5331,86400; ">
-	Id: 13802
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Iron_Ball_Box1"
-	Name: "Pirate's Booty Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2710,86400; ">
-	Id: 13803
-	AegisName: "Spiritual_Ring_Box1"
-	Name: "Refined Spiritual Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2711,86400; ">
-	Id: 13804
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker_Love_Box"
-	Name: "I Love You Firecracker Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14546,10; ">
-	Id: 13805
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker_Wday_Box"
-	Name: "Whiteday Firecracker Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14547,10; ">
-	Id: 13806
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker_Vday_Box"
-	Name: "Valentine's Day Firecracker Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14548,10; ">
-	Id: 13807
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker_Bday_Box"
-	Name: "Birthday Firecracker Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14549,10; ">
-	Id: 13808
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker_Xmas_Box"
-	Name: "Xmas Firecracker Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14550,10; ">
-	Id: 13809
-	AegisName: "Blue_Gemstone_Box"
-	Name: "Blue Gemstone Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 717,100; ">
-	Id: 13810
-	AegisName: "Blue_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Light Blue Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 11502,25; ">
-	Id: 13811
-	AegisName: "Food_Box_Lv1"
-	Name: "+20 Basic Food Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14551,1;
-		getitem 14554,1;
-		getitem 14557,1;
-		getitem 14560,1;
-		getitem 14563,1;
-		getitem 14566,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13812
-	AegisName: "Food_Box_Lv2"
-	Name: "Food Box Vol 2"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14552,1;
-		getitem 14555,1;
-		getitem 14558,1;
-		getitem 14561,1;
-		getitem 14564,1;
-		getitem 14567,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13813
-	AegisName: "Food_Box_Lv3"
-	Name: "Food Box Vol 3"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14553,1;
-		getitem 14556,1;
-		getitem 14559,1;
-		getitem 14562,1;
-		getitem 14565,1;
-		getitem 14568,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13814
-	AegisName: "Indonesia_Box"
-	Name: "Healing Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13815
-	AegisName: "Knife_Goblin_Box"
-	Name: "Knife Goblin Taming Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Knife_Goblin_Ring, 10; ">
-	Id: 13816
-	AegisName: "Flail_Goblin_Box"
-	Name: "Flail Goblin Taming Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Flail_Goblin_Ring, 10; ">
-	Id: 13817
-	AegisName: "Hammer_Goblin_Box"
-	Name: "Hammer Goblin Taming Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Hammer_Goblin_Ring, 10; ">
-	Id: 13818
-	AegisName: "Red_Deleter_Box"
-	Name: "Red Deleter Taming Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Holy_Marble, 10; ">
-	Id: 13819
-	AegisName: "Diabolic_Box"
-	Name: "Diabolic Taming Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Red_Burning_Stone, 10; ">
-	Id: 13820
-	AegisName: "Wanderer_Box"
-	Name: "Wanderer Taming Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Skull_Of_Vagabond, 10; ">
-	Id: 13821
-	AegisName: "Green_Apple_Box"
-	Name: "Green Apple Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7821,10; ">
-	Id: 13822
-	AegisName: "Whole_Barbecue_Box"
-	Name: "Barbeque Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7822,10; ">
-	Id: 13823
-	AegisName: "Meat_Veg_Skewer_Box"
-	Name: "Meat Skewer Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7823,10; ">
-	Id: 13824
-	AegisName: "Spirit_Liquor_Box"
-	Name: "Spirit Liquor Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7824,10; ">
-	Id: 13825
-	AegisName: "Green_Box_"
-	Name: "Old Green Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 13826
-	AegisName: "Power_Box1"
-	Name: "Power Box 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 682,1;
-		getitem 12123,1;
-		getitem 12122,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13827
-	AegisName: "Power_Box2"
-	Name: "Power Box 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 683,1;
-		getitem 12123,1;
-		getitem 12122,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13828
-	AegisName: "Resist_Box1"
-	Name: "Resist Box 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12118,1;
-		getitem 12119,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13829
-	AegisName: "Resist_Box2"
-	Name: "Resist Box 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12120,1;
-		getitem 12121,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13830
-	AegisName: "Stat_Boost1"
-	Name: "Stat Boost 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_CHASEWALK2,60000,5;
-		sc_start SC_INCAGI,60000,5;
-		sc_start SC_INCVIT,60000,5;
-	">
-	Id: 13831
-	AegisName: "Stat_Boost2"
-	Name: "Stat Boost 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_INCINT,60000,5;
-		sc_start SC_INCLUK,60000,5;
-		sc_start SC_INCDEX,60000,5;
-	">
-	Id: 13832
-	AegisName: "Stat_Boost3"
-	Name: "Stat Boost 3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_INCAGI,60000,5;
-		sc_start SC_INCVIT,60000,5;
-		sc_start SC_INCDEX,60000,5;
-	">
-	Id: 13833
-	AegisName: "Stat_Boost4"
-	Name: "Stat Boost 4"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_INCINT,60000,5;
-		sc_start SC_INCVIT,60000,5;
-		sc_start SC_INCDEX,60000,5;
-	">
-	Id: 13834
-	AegisName: "Dun_Tele_Scroll2_Box5"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll II Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14581,5; ">
-	Id: 13835
-	AegisName: "Dun_Tele_Scroll2_Box10"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll II Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14581,10; ">
-	Id: 13836
-	AegisName: "Mbl_Str_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12250,1; ">
-	Id: 13837
-	AegisName: "Mbl_Agi_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Steamed Desert Scorpions Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12251,1; ">
-	Id: 13838
-	AegisName: "Mbl_Int_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12252,1; ">
-	Id: 13839
-	AegisName: "Mbl_Dex_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12253,1; ">
-	Id: 13840
-	AegisName: "Mbl_Luk_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Cooked Nine Tail Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12254,1; ">
-	Id: 13841
-	AegisName: "Mbl_Vit_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Immortal Stew Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12255,1; ">
-	Id: 13842
-	AegisName: "Mbl_Kafra_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Payment Statement for Kafra Employee Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12249,1; ">
-	Id: 13843
-	AegisName: "Mbl_Battle_Manual_Box"
-	Name: "Field Manual Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14532,1; ">
-	Id: 13844
-	AegisName: "Heroic_Stone_Box"
-	Name: "Heroic Stone Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7825,1; ">
-	Id: 13845
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Travel_Sack1"
-	Name: "Mystery Travel Sack A"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13846
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Travel_Sack2"
-	Name: "Mystery Travel Sack B"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13847
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Travel_Sack3"
-	Name: "Mystery Travel Sack C"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13848
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Travel_Sack4"
-	Name: "Mystery Travel Sack D"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13849
-	AegisName: "WOB_Box_Rune5"
-	Name: "Yellow Butterfly Wing Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14582,5; ">
-	Id: 13850
-	AegisName: "WOB_Box_Rune10"
-	Name: "Yellow Butterfly Wing Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14582,10; ">
-	Id: 13851
-	AegisName: "WOB_Box_Schawaltz5"
-	Name: "Green Butterfly Wing Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14583,5; ">
-	Id: 13852
-	AegisName: "WOB_Box_Schawaltz10"
-	Name: "Green Butterfly Wing Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14583,10; ">
-	Id: 13853
-	AegisName: "WOB_Box_Rachel5"
-	Name: "Red Butterfly Wing Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14584,5; ">
-	Id: 13854
-	AegisName: "WOB_Box_Rachel10"
-	Name: "Red Butterfly Wing Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14584,10; ">
-	Id: 13855
-	AegisName: "WOB_Box_Local5"
-	Name: "Blue Butterfly Wing Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14585,5; ">
-	Id: 13856
-	AegisName: "WOB_Box_Local10"
-	Name: "Blue Butterfly Wing Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14585,10; ">
-	Id: 13857
-	AegisName: "Spark_Candy_Box5"
-	Name: "Candy Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Spark_Candy, 5; ">
-	Id: 13858
-	AegisName: "Spark_Candy_Box10"
-	Name: "Candy Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Spark_Candy, 10; ">
-	Id: 13859
-	AegisName: "Directive_A_Envelope"
-	Name: "Directive Envelope A"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2734,1; ">
-	Id: 13860
-	AegisName: "Directive_B_Envelope"
-	Name: "Directive Envelope B"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2735,1; ">
-	Id: 13861
-	AegisName: "Mini_Battle_Manual_Box"
-	Name: "Small Field Manual Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12208,4; ">
-	Id: 13862
-	AegisName: "Trial_Box"
-	Name: "Trial Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-	">
-	Id: 13863
-	AegisName: "Repair_Scroll_Box10"
-	Name: "Repair Weapon Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14521,10;
-		getitem 1002,10;
-		getitem 998,10;
-		getitem 756,10;
-		getitem 999,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13864
-	AegisName: "Hockey_Mask_Box"
-	Name: "Hockey Mask Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5314,604800; ">
-	Id: 13865
-	AegisName: "Observer_Box"
-	Name: "Observer Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5315,604800; ">
-	Id: 13866
-	AegisName: "Flying_Angel_Box"
-	Name: "Flapping Angel Wing Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5210,1; ">
-	Id: 13867
-	AegisName: "Neko_Mimi_Box"
-	Name: "Neko Mimi Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5099,1; ">
-	Id: 13868
-	AegisName: "MFH_Box"
-	Name: "Moonlight Flower Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5214,1; ">
-	Id: 13869
-	AegisName: "Chick_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Chick Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5283,1; ">
-	Id: 13870
-	AegisName: "New_Style_Box"
-	Name: "Beauty Gift Certificate Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7622,1; ">
-	Id: 13871
-	AegisName: "Magician_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Mage Set Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4327,1;
-		getitem 4309,1;
-		getitem 4325,1;
-		getitem 4208,1;
-		getitem 4258,1;
-		getitem 4191,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13872
-	AegisName: "Acolyte_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Acolyte Set Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4185,1;
-		getitem 4312,1;
-		getitem 4217,1;
-		getitem 4280,1;
-		getitem 4293,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13873
-	AegisName: "Archer_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Archer Set Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4297,1;
-		getitem 4234,1;
-		getitem 4199,1;
-		getitem 4178,1;
-		getitem 4252,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13874
-	AegisName: "Swordman_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Swordman Set Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4319,1;
-		getitem 4331,1;
-		getitem 4220,1;
-		getitem 4311,1;
-		getitem 4246,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13875
-	AegisName: "Thief_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Thief Set Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4230,1;
-		getitem 4210,1;
-		getitem 4257,1;
-		getitem 4172,1;
-		getitem 4272,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13876
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Merchant Set Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4206,1;
-		getitem 4281,1;
-		getitem 4186,1;
-		getitem 4233,1;
-		getitem 4321,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13877
-	AegisName: "Clock_Tower_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Clock Tower Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4244,1;
-		getitem 4299,1;
-		getitem 4313,1;
-		getitem 4229,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13878
-	AegisName: "Geffenia_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Geffenia Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4218,1;
-		getitem 4269,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13879
-	AegisName: "Owl_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Owl Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4237,1;
-		getitem 4238,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13880
-	AegisName: "Ghost_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Ghost Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4193,1;
-		getitem 4294,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13881
-	AegisName: "Nightmare_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Nightmare Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4127,1;
-		getitem 4166,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13882
-	AegisName: "Curse_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Curse Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4076,4; ">
-	Id: 13883
-	AegisName: "Sleep_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Sleep Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4024,4; ">
-	Id: 13884
-	AegisName: "Freeze_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Freeze Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4055,4; ">
-	Id: 13885
-	AegisName: "Stun_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Stun Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4017,4; ">
-	Id: 13886
-	AegisName: "Silence_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Silence Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4057,4; ">
-	Id: 13887
-	AegisName: "Blind_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Blind Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4020,4; ">
-	Id: 13888
-	AegisName: "Chaos_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Chaos Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4104,4; ">
-	Id: 13889
-	AegisName: "Elunium_Box_"
-	Name: "Elunium Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 985,10; ">
-	Id: 13890
-	AegisName: "Oridecon_Box_"
-	Name: "Oridecon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 984,10; ">
-	Id: 13891
-	AegisName: "Fire_Converter_Box"
-	Name: "Fire Converter Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12114,10; ">
-	Id: 13892
-	AegisName: "Water_Converter_Box"
-	Name: "Water Converter Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12115,10; ">
-	Id: 13893
-	AegisName: "Wind_Converter_Box"
-	Name: "Wind Converter Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12117,10; ">
-	Id: 13894
-	AegisName: "Earth_Converter_Box"
-	Name: "Earth Converter Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12116,10; ">
-	Id: 13895
-	AegisName: "Starter_Pack"
-	Name: "Starter Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 7229,2;
-		getitem 569,300;
-		getitem 504,20;
-		getitem 505,20;
-		getitem 7060,30;
-		getitem 2403,1;
-		getitem 5039,1;
-		getitem 2503,1;
-		getitem 2307,1;
-		getitem 616,1;
-		getitem 603,1;
-		getitem 617,1;
-		getitem 610,5;
-		getitem 604,5;
-	">
-	Id: 13896
-	AegisName: "Mimic_Summon_Box5"
-	Name: "Mimic Summoning Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Mimic_Scroll, 5; ">
-	Id: 13897
-	AegisName: "Disguise_Summon_Box5"
-	Name: "Disguise Summoning Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Disguise_Scroll, 5; ">
-	Id: 13898
-	AegisName: "Alice_Summon_Box5"
-	Name: "Alice Summoning Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Alice_Scroll, 5; ">
-	Id: 13899
-	AegisName: "Mimic_Summon_Box10"
-	Name: "Mimic Summoning Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Mimic_Scroll, 10; ">
-	Id: 13900
-	AegisName: "Disguise_Summon_Box10"
-	Name: "Disguise Summoning Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Disguise_Scroll, 10; ">
-	Id: 13901
-	AegisName: "Alice_Summon_Box10"
-	Name: "Alice Summoning Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Alice_Scroll, 10; ">
-	Id: 13902
-	AegisName: "Fish_Head_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Fish Head Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5380,1; ">
-	Id: 13903
-	AegisName: "Santa_Poring_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Santa Poring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5381,1; ">
-	Id: 13904
-	AegisName: "Bell_Ribbon_Box"
-	Name: "Bell Ribbon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5382,1; ">
-	Id: 13905
-	AegisName: "Hard_Core_Set_Box"
-	Name: "XM Hardcore Set Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12208,10;
-		getitem 12209,10;
-		getitem 12210,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13906
-	AegisName: "Kitty_Set_Box"
-	Name: "XM Kitty Set Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 5230,1;
-		getitem 5231,1;
-		getitem 5232,1;
-		getitem 5233,1;
-		getitem 5234,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13907
-	AegisName: "Soft_Core_Set_Box"
-	Name: "XM Softcore Set Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12208,5;
-		getitem 12209,5;
-		getitem 12210,5;
-	">
-	Id: 13908
-	AegisName: "Deviruchi_Set_Box"
-	Name: "Class Set Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 5227,1;
-		getitem 5228,1;
-		getitem 5229,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13909
-	AegisName: "MVP_Hunt_Box"
-	Name: "MVP Hunting Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 7621,1;
-		getitem 12210,1;
-		getitem 12221,1;
-		getitem 12214,3;
-	">
-	Id: 13910
-	AegisName: "Brewing_Box"
-	Name: "XM Brewing Set Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12204,10;
-		getitem 12205,10;
-		getitem 12206,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13911
-	AegisName: "Xmas_Pet_Scroll"
-	Name: "Christmas Pet Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13912
-	AegisName: "Party_Blessing_Box"
-	Name: "Party Blessing 10 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14588,10; ">
-	Id: 13913
-	AegisName: "Party_Inc_Agi_Box"
-	Name: "Party Increase Agi 10 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14589,10; ">
-	Id: 13914
-	AegisName: "Party_Assumptio_Box"
-	Name: "Party Assumptio 5 Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14590,10; ">
-	Id: 13915
-	AegisName: "Love_Angel_Box"
-	Name: "Love Angel Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12287,604800; ">
-	Id: 13916
-	AegisName: "Squirrel_Box"
-	Name: "Squirrel Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12288,604800; ">
-	Id: 13917
-	AegisName: "Gogo_Box"
-	Name: "Gogo Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12289,604800; ">
-	Id: 13918
-	AegisName: "Drooping_W_Kitty_Box"
-	Name: "Koneko Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5372,1; ">
-	Id: 13919
-	AegisName: "L_Magestic_Goat_Box"
-	Name: "Baphomet Horns Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5374,1; ">
-	Id: 13920
-	AegisName: "Satanic_Chain_P_Box"
-	Name: "Flying Evil Wing Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5376,1; ">
-	Id: 13921
-	AegisName: "Antique_Pipe_Box"
-	Name: "Gentleman's Pipe Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5377,1; ">
-	Id: 13922
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Ear_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Bunny Top Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5378,1; ">
-	Id: 13923
-	AegisName: "Darkness_Helm_Box"
-	Name: "Dark Randgris Helm Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5373,1; ">
-	Id: 13924
-	AegisName: "L_Orc_Hero_Helm_Box"
-	Name: "Orc Hero Headdress Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5375,1; ">
-	Id: 13925
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Scroll08"
-	Name: "Mouse Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13926
-	AegisName: "Crusader_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Crusader Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4371,1;
-		getitem 4311,1;
-		getitem 4319,1;
-		getitem 4331,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13927
-	AegisName: "Alchemist_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Alchemist Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4281,1;
-		getitem 4233,1;
-		getitem 4343,1;
-		getitem 4186,1;
-		getitem 4036,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13928
-	AegisName: "Rogue_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Rogue Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4039,1;
-		getitem 4210,1;
-		getitem 4257,1;
-		getitem 4230,1;
-		getitem 4348,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13929
-	AegisName: "Bard_Dancer_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Bard Dancer Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4297,1;
-		getitem 4234,1;
-		getitem 4178,1;
-		getitem 4381,1;
-		getitem 4252,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13930
-	AegisName: "Sage_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Sage card box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4382,1;
-		getitem 4258,1;
-		getitem 4325,1;
-		getitem 4208,1;
-		getitem 4327,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13931
-	AegisName: "Monk_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Monk Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 4312,1;
-		getitem 4332,1;
-		getitem 4185,1;
-		getitem 4293,1;
-	">
-	Id: 13932
-	AegisName: "Sylph_Box"
-	Name: "Sylph Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4345,4; ">
-	Id: 13933
-	AegisName: "Undine_Box"
-	Name: "Undine Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4350,4; ">
-	Id: 13934
-	AegisName: "Salamander_Box"
-	Name: "Salamander Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4380,4; ">
-	Id: 13935
-	AegisName: "Soul_Box"
-	Name: "Soul Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4388,4; ">
-	Id: 13936
-	AegisName: "Noum_Bpx"
-	Name: "Gnome Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 4335,4; ">
-	Id: 13937
-	AegisName: "Robo_Eye_Box"
-	Name: "Robo Eye Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5325,1; ">
-	Id: 13938
-	AegisName: "Twin_Ribbon_Box"
-	Name: "Maiden's Twin Ribbon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5187,1; ">
-	Id: 13939
-	AegisName: "Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5313,1; ">
-	Id: 13940
-	AegisName: "Siege_Tele_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "WoE Teleport Scroll 100 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14591,100; ">
-	Id: 13941
-	AegisName: "Valentine_Scroll_TW"
-	Name: "Taiwan Valentine Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13942
-	AegisName: "Love_Angel_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Love Angel Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 14009,2592000; ">
-	Id: 13943
-	AegisName: "Squirrel_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Squirrel Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 14010,2592000; ">
-	Id: 13944
-	AegisName: "Gogo_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Gogo Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 14011,2592000; ">
-	Id: 13945
-	AegisName: "Br_SwordPackage"
-	Name: "Brazil Swordsman Package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13946
-	AegisName: "Br_MagePackage"
-	Name: "Brazil Magician Package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13947
-	AegisName: "Br_AcolPackage"
-	Name: "Brazil Acolyte Package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13948
-	AegisName: "Br_ArcherPackage"
-	Name: "Brazil Archer package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13949
-	AegisName: "Br_MerPackage"
-	Name: "Brazil Merchant Package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13950
-	AegisName: "Br_ThiefPackage"
-	Name: "Brazil Thief Package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 13951
-	AegisName: "Wasteland_Outlaw_Box"
-	Name: "Western Outlaw Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13109,604800; ">
-	Id: 13952
-	AegisName: "Lever_Action_Rifle_Box"
-	Name: "Lever Action Rifle Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13170,604800; ">
-	Id: 13953
-	AegisName: "All_In_One_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "All In One Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2741,604800; ">
-	Id: 13954
-	AegisName: "Spiritual_Tunic_Box"
-	Name: "Spiritual Tunic Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2384,604800; ">
-	Id: 13955
-	AegisName: "Recuperative_Armor_Box"
-	Name: "Recuvative Armor Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2385,604800; ">
-	Id: 13956
-	AegisName: "Shelter_Resistance_Box"
-	Name: "Shell Of Resistance Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2132,604800; ">
-	Id: 13957
-	AegisName: "Sylphid_Manteau_Box"
-	Name: "Silf Manteau Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2543,604800; ">
-	Id: 13958
-	AegisName: "Refresh_Shoes_Box"
-	Name: "Refresh Shoes Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2439,604800; ">
-	Id: 13959
-	AegisName: "Toast_Box"
-	Name: "Crunch Toast Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5391,604800; ">
-	Id: 13960
-	AegisName: "Name_Change_Coupon_Box"
-	Name: "Identification Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7623,1; ">
-	Id: 13961
-	AegisName: "Mojji_Box"
-	Name: "Mochi Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 554,5; ">
-	Id: 13962
-	AegisName: "Deprotai_Doll_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Defolty Doll Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5340,1; ">
-	Id: 13963
-	AegisName: "Claris_Doll_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Glaris Doll Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5341,1; ">
-	Id: 13964
-	AegisName: "Sorin_Doll_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Sorin Doll Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5342,1; ">
-	Id: 13965
-	AegisName: "Tayelin_Doll_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Telling Doll Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5343,1; ">
-	Id: 13966
-	AegisName: "Binit_Doll_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Vinit Doll Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5344,1; ">
-	Id: 13967
-	AegisName: "Debril_Doll_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "W Doll Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5345,1; ">
-	Id: 13968
-	AegisName: "Bubblegum_Lower_Box"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Low Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5394,86400; ">
-	Id: 13969
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Clip_Box"
-	Name: "Lucky Clip Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2742,86400; ">
-	Id: 13970
-	AegisName: "Iron_10_Box"
-	Name: "Iron Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 998,10; ">
-	Id: 13971
-	AegisName: "Steel_10_Box"
-	Name: "Steel Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 999,10; ">
-	Id: 13972
-	AegisName: "Coal_10_Box"
-	Name: "Coal Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 1003,10; ">
-	Id: 13973
-	AegisName: "Poison_Bottle_30_Box"
-	Name: "Poison Bottle Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 678,30; ">
-	Id: 13974
-	AegisName: "TW_Scroll01"
-	Name: "Fisherman Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 13975
-	AegisName: "Picture_Diary_Box"
-	Name: "Diary Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12304,604800; ">
-	Id: 13976
-	AegisName: "Mini_Heart_Box"
-	Name: "Mini Heart Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12305,604800; ">
-	Id: 13977
-	AegisName: "Newcomer_Box"
-	Name: "Freshman Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12306,604800; ">
-	Id: 13978
-	AegisName: "Kid_Box"
-	Name: "Kid Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12307,604800; ">
-	Id: 13979
-	AegisName: "Magic_Castle_Box"
-	Name: "Magic Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12308,604800; ">
-	Id: 13980
-	AegisName: "Bulging_Head_Box"
-	Name: "JJangu Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12309,604800; ">
-	Id: 13981
-	AegisName: "Picture_Diary_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Diary Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12304,2592000; ">
-	Id: 13982
-	AegisName: "Mini_Heart_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Mini Heart Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12305,2592000; ">
-	Id: 13983
-	AegisName: "Newcomer_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Freshman Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12306,2592000; ">
-	Id: 13984
-	AegisName: "Kid_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Kid Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12307,2592000; ">
-	Id: 13985
-	AegisName: "Magic_Castle_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Magic Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12308,2592000; ">
-	Id: 13986
-	AegisName: "Bulging_Head_Box_1m"
-	Name: "JJangu Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12309,2592000; ">
-	Id: 13987
-	AegisName: "Ori_Stone_5_Box"
-	Name: "Rough Oridecon Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 756,5; ">
-	Id: 13988
-	AegisName: "Ori_Stone_50_Box"
-	Name: "Rough Oridecon Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 756,50; ">
-	Id: 13989
-	AegisName: "Acidbomb_10_Box"
-	Name: "Acid Bomb Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 7135,10;
-		getitem 7136,10;
-	">
-	Id: 13990
-	AegisName: "Job_Manual50_Box"
-	Name: "Job Battle Manual 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14592,10; ">
-	Id: 13991
-	AegisName: "Tiger_Mask_Box"
-	Name: "Tiger Mask Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5098,1; ">
-	Id: 13992
-	AegisName: "Cat_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Neko Mimi Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5099,1; ">
-	Id: 13993
-	AegisName: "Alice_Doll_Box"
-	Name: "Alice Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5137,1; ">
-	Id: 13994
-	AegisName: "Speed_Up_Potion_Box5"
-	Name: "Speed Potion Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Speed_Up_Potion, 5; ">
-	Id: 13995
-	AegisName: "Speed_Up_Potion_Box10"
-	Name: "Speed Potion Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Speed_Up_Potion, 10; ">
-	Id: 13996
-	AegisName: "Big_Bun_Box100"
-	Name: "Big Bun Box(100)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14522,100; ">
-	Id: 13997
-	AegisName: "Big_Bun_Box500"
-	Name: "Big Bun Box(500)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14522,500; ">
-	Id: 13998
-	AegisName: "Giant_Fly_Wing_Box500"
-	Name: "Giant Fly Wing Box 500"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12212,500; ">
-	Id: 13999
-	AegisName: "Pill__Box100"
-	Name: "Pill Box(100)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14523,100; ">
-	Id: 14000
-	AegisName: "Pill__Box500"
-	Name: "Pill Box(500)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14523,500; ">
-	Id: 14001
-	AegisName: "Basic_Siege_Supply_Box"
-	Name: "Recruit Siege Supply Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 11503,25;
-		getitem 11504,10;
-	">
-	Id: 14002
-	AegisName: "Adv_Siege_Supply_Box"
-	Name: "Advanced WoE Supply Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 11503,50;
-		getitem 11504,20;
-	">
-	Id: 14003
-	AegisName: "Elite_Siege_Supply_Box"
-	Name: "Elite Siege Supply Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 11503,100;
-		getitem 11504,50;
-	">
-	Id: 14004
-	AegisName: "Poison_Bottle_10_Box"
-	Name: "Poison Bottle Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 678,10; ">
-	Id: 14005
-	AegisName: "Poison_Bottle_5_Box"
-	Name: "Poison Bottle Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 678,5; ">
-	Id: 14006
-	AegisName: "F_Drooping_W_Kitty_Box"
-	Name: "Evolved Drooping Cat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5372,1; ">
-	Id: 14007
-	AegisName: "F_Rabbit_Ear_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Evolved Rabbits Headband Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5378,1; ">
-	Id: 14008
-	AegisName: "F_L_Orc_Hero_Helm_Box"
-	Name: "Evolved Helmet Of Orc Hero Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5375,1; ">
-	Id: 14009
-	AegisName: "F_Love_Angel_Box"
-	Name: "Love Angel Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12287,604800; ">
-	Id: 14010
-	AegisName: "F_Squirrel_Box"
-	Name: "Squillroll Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12288,604800; ">
-	Id: 14011
-	AegisName: "F_Gogo_Box"
-	Name: "Gogo Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12289,604800; ">
-	Id: 14012
-	AegisName: "F_Love_Angel_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Love Angel Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13915,2592000; ">
-	Id: 14013
-	AegisName: "F_Squirrel_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Squillroll Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13916,2592000; ">
-	Id: 14014
-	AegisName: "F_Gogo_Box_1m"
-	Name: "Gogo Magic Powder Box 30 Days"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13917,2592000; ">
-	Id: 14015
-	AegisName: "F_Wasteland_Outlaw_Box"
-	Name: "Western Outlaw Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13107,604800; ">
-	Id: 14016
-	AegisName: "F_Lever_Action_Rifle_Box"
-	Name: "Lever Action Rifle Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13170,604800; ">
-	Id: 14017
-	AegisName: "F_All_In_One_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "All In One Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2741,604800; ">
-	Id: 14018
-	AegisName: "F_Spritual_Tunic_Box"
-	Name: "Spiritual Tunic Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2384,604800; ">
-	Id: 14019
-	AegisName: "F_Recuperative_Box"
-	Name: "Recuvative Armor Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2385,604800; ">
-	Id: 14020
-	AegisName: "F_Shelter_Resist_Box"
-	Name: "Shell Of Resistance Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2132,604800; ">
-	Id: 14021
-	AegisName: "F_Sylphid_Manteau_Box"
-	Name: "Silf Manteau Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2543,604800; ">
-	Id: 14022
-	AegisName: "F_Refresh_Shoes_Box"
-	Name: "Refresh Shoes Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2439,604800; ">
-	Id: 14023
-	AegisName: "F_Toast_Box"
-	Name: "Crunch Toast Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5391,604800; ">
-	Id: 14024
-	AegisName: "F_Robo_Eye_Box"
-	Name: "Robo Eye Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5325,1; ">
-	Id: 14025
-	AegisName: "F_Twin_Ribbon_Box"
-	Name: "Maiden's Twin Ribbon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5187,1; ">
-	Id: 14026
-	AegisName: "F_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5313,1; ">
-	Id: 14027
-	AegisName: "F_Fish_Head_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Fish Head Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5380,1; ">
-	Id: 14028
-	AegisName: "F_Santa_Poring_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "SantaPoring Cap Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5381,1; ">
-	Id: 14029
-	AegisName: "F_Bell_Ribbon_Box"
-	Name: "Bell Ribbon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5382,1; ">
-	Id: 14030
-	AegisName: "F_Mimic_Scroll_Box5"
-	Name: "Mimic Summoning Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Mimic_Scroll, 5; ">
-	Id: 14031
-	AegisName: "F_Disguise_Scroll_Box5"
-	Name: "Disguise Summoning Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Disguise_Scroll, 5; ">
-	Id: 14032
-	AegisName: "F_Alice_Scroll_Box5"
-	Name: "Alice Summoning Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Alice_Scroll, 5; ">
-	Id: 14033
-	AegisName: "F_Mimic_Scroll_Box10"
-	Name: "Mimic Summoning Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Mimic_Scroll, 10; ">
-	Id: 14034
-	AegisName: "F_Disguise_Scroll_Box10"
-	Name: "Disguise Summoning Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Disguise_Scroll, 10; ">
-	Id: 14035
-	AegisName: "F_Alice_Scroll_Box10"
-	Name: "Alice Summoning Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Alice_Scroll, 10; ">
-	Id: 14036
-	AegisName: "F_New_Style_Coupon_Box"
-	Name: "New Style Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7622,1; ">
-	Id: 14037
-	AegisName: "F_Repair_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Safe to All Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14521,5;
-		getitem 1002,5;
-		getitem 998,5;
-		getitem 756,5;
-		getitem 999,5;
-	">
-	Id: 14038
-	AegisName: "F_Repair_Scroll_Box10"
-	Name: "Repair Weapon Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14521,10;
-		getitem 1002,10;
-		getitem 998,10;
-		getitem 756,10;
-		getitem 999,10;
-	">
-	Id: 14039
-	AegisName: "F_Hockey_Mask_Box"
-	Name: "Hockey Mask Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5314,604800; ">
-	Id: 14040
-	AegisName: "F_Observer_Box"
-	Name: "Observer Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5315,604800; ">
-	Id: 14041
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Rune_Box5"
-	Name: "Yellow Butterfly Wing Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14582,5; ">
-	Id: 14042
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Rune_Box10"
-	Name: "Yellow Butterfly Wing Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14582,10; ">
-	Id: 14043
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Schwaltz_Box5"
-	Name: "Green Butterfly Wing Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14583,5; ">
-	Id: 14044
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Schwaltz_Box10"
-	Name: "Green Butterfly Wing Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14583,10; ">
-	Id: 14045
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Rachel_Box5"
-	Name: "Red Butterfly Wing Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14584,5; ">
-	Id: 14046
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Rachel_Box10"
-	Name: "Red Butterfly Wing Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14584,10; ">
-	Id: 14047
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Local_Box5"
-	Name: "Blue Butterfly Wing Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14585,5; ">
-	Id: 14048
-	AegisName: "F_WOB_Local_Box10"
-	Name: "Blue Butterfly Wing Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14585,10; ">
-	Id: 14049
-	AegisName: "F_Spark_Candy_Box5"
-	Name: "Candy Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Spark_Candy, 5; ">
-	Id: 14050
-	AegisName: "F_Spark_Candy_Box10"
-	Name: "Candy Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Spark_Candy, 10; ">
-	Id: 14051
-	AegisName: "F_Dun_Tel_Scroll2_Box5"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll II Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14581,5; ">
-	Id: 14052
-	AegisName: "F_Dun_Tel_Scroll2_Box10"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll II Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14581,10; ">
-	Id: 14053
-	AegisName: "F_Little_Angel_Doll_Box"
-	Name: "Little Angel Doll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5324,1; ">
-	Id: 14054
-	AegisName: "F_Triple_Poring_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Poring 3 Hats Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5255,1; ">
-	Id: 14055
-	AegisName: "F_Nagan_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Nagan Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13407,604800; ">
-	Id: 14056
-	AegisName: "F_Skewer_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Brocca Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1424,604800; ">
-	Id: 14057
-	AegisName: "F_Survival_Rod_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Survivor's Rod Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1628,604800; ">
-	Id: 14058
-	AegisName: "F_Quadrille_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Quadrille Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1537,604800; ">
-	Id: 14059
-	AegisName: "F_Great_Axe_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Great Axe Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1378,604800; ">
-	Id: 14060
-	AegisName: "F_Bloody_Roar_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Bloody Roar Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1273,604800; ">
-	Id: 14061
-	AegisName: "F_Hardback_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Hardcover Book Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1567,604800; ">
-	Id: 14062
-	AegisName: "F_Fire_Brand_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Fireblend Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13408,604800; ">
-	Id: 14063
-	AegisName: "F_Immaterial_Sword_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Immaterial Sword Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13409,604800; ">
-	Id: 14064
-	AegisName: "F_Unholy_Touch_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Unholy Touch Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1274,604800; ">
-	Id: 14065
-	AegisName: "F_Clack_Of_Servival_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Survivor's Manteau Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2535,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14066
-	AegisName: "F_Masquerade_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Masquerade Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5326,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14067
-	AegisName: "F_Orc_Hero_Helm_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Helmet of Orc Hero Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5327,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14068
-	AegisName: "F_Ear_Of_Devil_Wing_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Wing of Diablo Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5328,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14069
-	AegisName: "F_Dark_Blindfold_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Dark Blinder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5329,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14070
-	AegisName: "F_K_Drooping_Kitty_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Drooping Cat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5330,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14071
-	AegisName: "F_Corsair_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Corsair Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5331,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14072
-	AegisName: "F_Bloody_Iron_Ball_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Bloodied Shackle Ball Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2710,604800; ">
-	Id: 14073
-	AegisName: "F_Spiritual_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Spiritual Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2711,604800; ">
-	Id: 14074
-	AegisName: "F_G_O_I_Box5"
-	Name: "Wine Glass of Illusion Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14538,5; ">
-	Id: 14075
-	AegisName: "F_G_O_I_Box10"
-	Name: "Glass Of Illusion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14538,10; ">
-	Id: 14076
-	AegisName: "F_Shadow_Armor_S_Box5"
-	Name: "Scroll of Shadow Armor Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14539,5; ">
-	Id: 14077
-	AegisName: "F_Shadow_Armor_S_Box10"
-	Name: "Scroll of Shadow Armor Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14539,10; ">
-	Id: 14078
-	AegisName: "F_Shadow_Armor_S_Box30"
-	Name: "Scroll of Shadow Armor Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14539,30; ">
-	Id: 14079
-	AegisName: "F_Holy_Armor_S_Box5"
-	Name: "Scroll of Holy Armor Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14540,5; ">
-	Id: 14080
-	AegisName: "F_Holy_Armor_S_Box10"
-	Name: "Scroll of Holy Armor Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14540,10; ">
-	Id: 14081
-	AegisName: "F_Holy_Armor_S_Box30"
-	Name: "Scroll of Holy Armor Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14540,30; ">
-	Id: 14082
-	AegisName: "FS_Def_Potion_Box10"
-	Name: "Small Defense Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14541,10; ">
-	Id: 14083
-	AegisName: "FS_Def_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Small Physical Defense Potion Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14541,30; ">
-	Id: 14084
-	AegisName: "FS_Def_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Small Physical Defense Potion Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14541,50; ">
-	Id: 14085
-	AegisName: "FB_Def_Potion_Box10"
-	Name: "Big Defense Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14542,10; ">
-	Id: 14086
-	AegisName: "FB_Def_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Large Physical Defense Potion Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14542,30; ">
-	Id: 14087
-	AegisName: "FB_Def_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Large Physical Defense Potion Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14542,50; ">
-	Id: 14088
-	AegisName: "FS_Mdef_Potion_Box10"
-	Name: "Small Magic Defense Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14543,10; ">
-	Id: 14089
-	AegisName: "FS_Mdef_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Small Magical Defense Potion Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14543,30; ">
-	Id: 14090
-	AegisName: "FS_Mdef_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Small Magical Defense Potion Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14543,50; ">
-	Id: 14091
-	AegisName: "FB_Mdef_Potion_Box10"
-	Name: "Big Magic Defense Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14544,10; ">
-	Id: 14092
-	AegisName: "FB_Mdef_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Large Magical Defense Potion Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14544,30; ">
-	Id: 14093
-	AegisName: "FB_Mdef_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Large Magical Defense Potion Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14544,50; ">
-	Id: 14094
-	AegisName: "F_Flying_Angel_Box"
-	Name: "Flapping Angel Wing Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5210,1; ">
-	Id: 14095
-	AegisName: "F_Cat_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Neko Mimi Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5099,1; ">
-	Id: 14096
-	AegisName: "F_M_F_H_Box"
-	Name: "Moonlight Flower Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5214,1; ">
-	Id: 14097
-	AegisName: "F_Chick_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Chick Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5283,1; ">
-	Id: 14098
-	AegisName: "F_Pecopeco_Hairband_Box"
-	Name: "Pecopeco Hairband Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5286,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14099
-	AegisName: "F_Red_Glasses_Box"
-	Name: "Red Glasses Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5288,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14100
-	AegisName: "F_Whisper_Mask_Box"
-	Name: "Whisper Mask Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5294,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14101
-	AegisName: "F_Ramen_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Ramen Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5293,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14102
-	AegisName: "F_Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14527,5; ">
-	Id: 14103
-	AegisName: "F_Max_Weight_Up_Box"
-	Name: "Gym Membership Card Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7776,1; ">
-	Id: 14104
-	AegisName: "F_S_Life_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Small Life Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14534,10; ">
-	Id: 14105
-	AegisName: "F_S_Life_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Small Life Potion Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14534,30; ">
-	Id: 14106
-	AegisName: "F_S_Life_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Small Life Potion Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14534,50; ">
-	Id: 14107
-	AegisName: "F_M_Life_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Medium Life Potion 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14535,10; ">
-	Id: 14108
-	AegisName: "F_M_Life_Potion_Box30"
-	Name: "Medium Life Potion Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14535,30; ">
-	Id: 14109
-	AegisName: "F_M_Life_Potion_Box50"
-	Name: "Medium Life Potion Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14535,50; ">
-	Id: 14110
-	AegisName: "F_Abrasive_Box5"
-	Name: "Abrasive Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14536,5; ">
-	Id: 14111
-	AegisName: "F_Abrasive_Box10"
-	Name: "Abrasive 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14536,10; ">
-	Id: 14112
-	AegisName: "F_Regeneration_Box5"
-	Name: "Regeneration Potion 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14537,5; ">
-	Id: 14113
-	AegisName: "F_Regeneration_Box10"
-	Name: "Regeneration Potion Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14537,10; ">
-	Id: 14114
-	AegisName: "F_Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14527,10; ">
-	Id: 14115
-	AegisName: "F_Infiltrator_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Infiltrator Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1267,604800; ">
-	Id: 14116
-	AegisName: "F_Muramasa_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Muramasa Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1173,604800; ">
-	Id: 14117
-	AegisName: "F_Excalibur_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Excalibur Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13401,604800; ">
-	Id: 14118
-	AegisName: "F_Combat_Knife_Box"
-	Name: "Combat Knife Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13021,604800; ">
-	Id: 14119
-	AegisName: "F_Counter_Dagger_Box"
-	Name: "Counter Dagger Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13022,604800; ">
-	Id: 14120
-	AegisName: "F_Kaiser_Knuckle_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Kaiser Knuckle Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1817,604800; ">
-	Id: 14121
-	AegisName: "F_Mighty_Staff_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Mighty Staff Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1623,604800; ">
-	Id: 14122
-	AegisName: "F_Right_Epsilon_Box"
-	Name: "Light Epsilon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1372,604800; ">
-	Id: 14123
-	AegisName: "F_Balistar_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Ballista Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1728,604800; ">
-	Id: 14124
-	AegisName: "F_Diary_Of_Great_Sage"
-	Name: "Refined Sage's Diary Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1563,604800; ">
-	Id: 14125
-	AegisName: "F_Asura_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Ashura Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13023,604800; ">
-	Id: 14126
-	AegisName: "F_Apple_Of_Archer_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Apple of Archer Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5265,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14127
-	AegisName: "F_Bunny_Band_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Bunny Band Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5266,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14128
-	AegisName: "F_Sahkkat_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Sakkat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5267,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14129
-	AegisName: "F_Lord_Circlet_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Grand Circlet Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 5268,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14130
-	AegisName: "F_Elven_Ears_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Elven Ears Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2686,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14131
-	AegisName: "F_Steel_Flower_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Romantic Flower Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2687,1209600; ">
-	Id: 14132
-	AegisName: "F_Critical_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Critical Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2688,604800; ">
-	Id: 14133
-	AegisName: "F_Earring_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Earring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2689,604800; ">
-	Id: 14134
-	AegisName: "F_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2690,604800; ">
-	Id: 14135
-	AegisName: "F_Necklace_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Necklace Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2691,604800; ">
-	Id: 14136
-	AegisName: "F_Glove_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Glove Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2692,604800; ">
-	Id: 14137
-	AegisName: "F_Brooch_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Brooch Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2693,604800; ">
-	Id: 14138
-	AegisName: "F_Rosary_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Rosary Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2694,604800; ">
-	Id: 14139
-	AegisName: "F_Safety_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Refined Safety Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2695,604800; ">
-	Id: 14140
-	AegisName: "F_Vesper_Core_Box01"
-	Name: "Refined Vesper Core 01 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2696,604800; ">
-	Id: 14141
-	AegisName: "F_Vesper_Core_Box02"
-	Name: "Refined Vesper Core 02 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2697,604800; ">
-	Id: 14142
-	AegisName: "F_Vesper_Core_Box03"
-	Name: "Refined Vesper Core 03 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2698,604800; ">
-	Id: 14143
-	AegisName: "F_Vesper_Core_Box04"
-	Name: "Refined Vesper Core 04 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2699,604800; ">
-	Id: 14144
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package1"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 1"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,2;
-		getitem 12251,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 14145
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package2"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 2"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,2;
-		getitem 12255,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 14146
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package3"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 3"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,2;
-		getitem 12253,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 14147
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package4"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 4"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,2;
-		getitem 12255,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 14148
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package5"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 5"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,2;
-		getitem 12250,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12216,15;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 14149
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package6"
-	Name: "1 Hour Package Vol. 6"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,2;
-		getitem 12251,2;
-		getitem 12208,2;
-		getitem 12215,15;
-		getitem 12217,20;
-		getitem 12211,1;
-		getitem 7621,1;
-	">
-	Id: 14150
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package7"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 1"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,4;
-		getitem 12251,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12216,30;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14151
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package8"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 2"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,4;
-		getitem 12255,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12216,30;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14152
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package9"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 3"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,4;
-		getitem 12253,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12216,30;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14153
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package10"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 4"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,4;
-		getitem 12255,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12216,30;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14154
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package11"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 5"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12252,4;
-		getitem 12250,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12216,30;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14155
-	AegisName: "F_Vigorgra_Package12"
-	Name: "2 Hour Package Vol. 6"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12250,4;
-		getitem 12251,4;
-		getitem 12208,4;
-		getitem 12215,30;
-		getitem 12217,40;
-		getitem 12211,2;
-		getitem 7621,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14156
-	AegisName: "F_Battle_Manual_Box"
-	Name: "Field Manual Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12208,10; ">
-	Id: 14157
-	AegisName: "F_Insurance_Package"
-	Name: "Life Insurrance Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12209,10; ">
-	Id: 14158
-	AegisName: "F_Bubble_Gum_Box"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12210,10; ">
-	Id: 14159
-	AegisName: "F_Str_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12202,10; ">
-	Id: 14160
-	AegisName: "F_Agi_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Steamed Desert Scorpions Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12203,10; ">
-	Id: 14161
-	AegisName: "F_Int_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12204,10; ">
-	Id: 14162
-	AegisName: "F_Dex_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12205,10; ">
-	Id: 14163
-	AegisName: "F_Luk_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Cooked Nine Tail Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12206,10; ">
-	Id: 14164
-	AegisName: "F_Vit_Dish_Box"
-	Name: "Immortal Stew Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12207,10; ">
-	Id: 14165
-	AegisName: "F_Kafra_Card_Box"
-	Name: "Kafra Card Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12211,10; ">
-	Id: 14166
-	AegisName: "F_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box"
-	Name: "Giant Fly Wing Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12212,10; ">
-	Id: 14167
-	AegisName: "F_Neuralizer_Box"
-	Name: "Neuralizer Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12213,1; ">
-	Id: 14168
-	AegisName: "F_Convex_Mirror_Box"
-	Name: "Convex Mirror Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12214,10; ">
-	Id: 14169
-	AegisName: "F_Blessing_10_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Blessing Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12215,10; ">
-	Id: 14170
-	AegisName: "F_Inc_Agi_10_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Increase Agility Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12216,10; ">
-	Id: 14171
-	AegisName: "F_Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Aspersio Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12217,10;
-		getitem 523,10;
-	">
-	Id: 14172
-	AegisName: "F_Assumptio_5_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Assumptio Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12218,10; ">
-	Id: 14173
-	AegisName: "F_Wind_Walk_10_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Wind Walk Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12219,10; ">
-	Id: 14174
-	AegisName: "F_Adrenaline_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12220,10; ">
-	Id: 14175
-	AegisName: "F_Megaphone_Box"
-	Name: "Megaphone Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12221,10; ">
-	Id: 14176
-	AegisName: "F_Enriched_Elunium_Box"
-	Name: "Enriched Elunium Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7619,10; ">
-	Id: 14177
-	AegisName: "F_Enriched_Oridecon_Box"
-	Name: "Enriched Oridecon Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7620,10; ">
-	Id: 14178
-	AegisName: "F_Token_Of_Siegfried_Box"
-	Name: "Token of Ziegfried Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7621,10; ">
-	Id: 14179
-	AegisName: "F_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box50"
-	Name: "Giant Fly Wing Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12212,50; ">
-	Id: 14180
-	AegisName: "F_Giant_Fly_Wing_Box100"
-	Name: "Giant Fly Wing Box(100)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12212,100; ">
-	Id: 14181
-	AegisName: "F_Dex_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12205,30; ">
-	Id: 14182
-	AegisName: "F_Dex_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12205,50; ">
-	Id: 14183
-	AegisName: "F_Luk_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Cooked Nine Tail Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12206,30; ">
-	Id: 14184
-	AegisName: "F_Luk_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Cooked Nine Tail Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12206,50; ">
-	Id: 14185
-	AegisName: "F_Inc_Agi_10_Box30"
-	Name: "Increase Agility Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12216,30; ">
-	Id: 14186
-	AegisName: "F_Inc_Agi_10_Box50"
-	Name: "Increase Agility Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12216,50; ">
-	Id: 14187
-	AegisName: "F_Vit_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Immortal Stew Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12207,30; ">
-	Id: 14188
-	AegisName: "F_Vit_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Immortal Stew Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12207,50; ">
-	Id: 14189
-	AegisName: "F_Insurance_Package30"
-	Name: "Life Insurrance Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12209,30; ">
-	Id: 14190
-	AegisName: "F_Insurance_Package50"
-	Name: "Life Insurrance Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12209,50; ">
-	Id: 14191
-	AegisName: "F_Convex_Mirror_Box5"
-	Name: "Convex Mirror Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12214,5; ">
-	Id: 14192
-	AegisName: "F_Convex_Mirror_Box30"
-	Name: "Convex Mirror Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12214,30; ">
-	Id: 14193
-	AegisName: "F_Blessing10_Box30"
-	Name: "Blessing Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12215,30; ">
-	Id: 14194
-	AegisName: "F_Blessing10_Box50"
-	Name: "Blessing Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12215,50; ">
-	Id: 14195
-	AegisName: "F_Adrenaline10_Box30"
-	Name: "Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12220,30; ">
-	Id: 14196
-	AegisName: "F_Adrenaline10_Box50"
-	Name: "Adrenaline Rush Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12220,50; ">
-	Id: 14197
-	AegisName: "F_Assumptio_5_Box30"
-	Name: "Assumptio Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12218,30; ">
-	Id: 14198
-	AegisName: "F_Assumptio_5_Box50"
-	Name: "Assumptio Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12218,50; ">
-	Id: 14199
-	AegisName: "F_Aspersio_5_Box30"
-	Name: "Aspersio Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12217,30;
-		getitem 523,30;
-	">
-	Id: 14200
-	AegisName: "F_Aspersio_5_Box50"
-	Name: "Aspersio Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12217,50;
-		getitem 523,50;
-	">
-	Id: 14201
-	AegisName: "F_Agi_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Steamed Desert Scorpions Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12203,30; ">
-	Id: 14202
-	AegisName: "F_Agi_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Steamed Desert Scorpions Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12203,50; ">
-	Id: 14203
-	AegisName: "F_Wind_Walk10_Box30"
-	Name: "Wind Walk Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12219,30; ">
-	Id: 14204
-	AegisName: "F_Wind_Walk10_Box50"
-	Name: "Wind Walk Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12219,50; ">
-	Id: 14205
-	AegisName: "F_Int_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12204,30; ">
-	Id: 14206
-	AegisName: "F_Int_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12204,50; ">
-	Id: 14207
-	AegisName: "F_Battle_Manual_Box1"
-	Name: "Field Manual Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12208,1; ">
-	Id: 14208
-	AegisName: "F_Battle_Manual_Box5"
-	Name: "Field Manual Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12208,5; ">
-	Id: 14209
-	AegisName: "F_Siegfried_Box5"
-	Name: "Token of Ziegfried Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7621,5; ">
-	Id: 14210
-	AegisName: "F_Siegfried_Box20"
-	Name: "Token of Ziegfried Box(20)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7621,20; ">
-	Id: 14211
-	AegisName: "F_Kafra_Card_Box30"
-	Name: "Kafra Card Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12211,30; ">
-	Id: 14212
-	AegisName: "F_Kafra_Card_Box50"
-	Name: "Kafra Card Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12211,50; ">
-	Id: 14213
-	AegisName: "F_Str_Dish_Box30"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12202,30; ">
-	Id: 14214
-	AegisName: "F_Str_Dish_Box50"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12202,50; ">
-	Id: 14215
-	AegisName: "F_Bubble_Gum_Box1"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12210,1; ">
-	Id: 14216
-	AegisName: "F_Bubble_Gum_Box5"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12210,5; ">
-	Id: 14217
-	AegisName: "F_Megaphone_Box1"
-	Name: "Megaphone Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12221,1; ">
-	Id: 14218
-	AegisName: "F_Megaphone_Box5"
-	Name: "Megaphone Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12221,5; ">
-	Id: 14219
-	AegisName: "F_Enriched_Elunium_Box5"
-	Name: "Enriched Elunium Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7619,5; ">
-	Id: 14220
-	AegisName: "FEnriched_Oridecon_Box5"
-	Name: "Enriched Oridecon Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7620,5; ">
-	Id: 14221
-	AegisName: "MP_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Mystical Amplification Scroll(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14593,10; ">
-	Id: 14222
-	AegisName: "MP_Scroll_Box30"
-	Name: "Mystical Amplification Scroll(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14593,30; ">
-	Id: 14223
-	AegisName: "MP_Scroll_Box50"
-	Name: "Mystical Amplification Scroll(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14593,50; ">
-	Id: 14224
-	AegisName: "Quagmire_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Quagmire Scroll Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14594,10; ">
-	Id: 14225
-	AegisName: "Quagmire_Scroll_Box30"
-	Name: "Quagmire Scroll Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14594,30; ">
-	Id: 14226
-	AegisName: "Quagmire_Scroll_Box50"
-	Name: "Quagmire Scroll Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14594,50; ">
-	Id: 14227
-	AegisName: "Healing_Staff_Box"
-	Name: "Staff of Healing Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1638,604800; ">
-	Id: 14228
-	AegisName: "Praxinus_Box"
-	Name: "Praccsinos Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2752,604800; ">
-	Id: 14229
-	AegisName: "Cherry_Blossom_Scroll"
-	Name: "Cherry Blossoms Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14230
-	AegisName: "Headphone_Box"
-	Name: "Note Headphones Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5151,1; ">
-	Id: 14231
-	AegisName: "Novice_Box"
-	Name: "Novice Breastplate Boxes"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14232
-	AegisName: "Yggdrasilberry_Box_"
-	Name: "Yggdrasil Berry Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 607,10; ">
-	Id: 14233
-	AegisName: "Dead_Tree_Branch_Box1"
-	Name: "Dead Branch Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 604,10; ">
-	Id: 14234
-	AegisName: "Dead_Tree_Branch_Box2"
-	Name: "Dead Branch Box(25)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 604,25; ">
-	Id: 14235
-	AegisName: "Field_Manual_Box_2"
-	Name: "Field Manual 2 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12208,2; ">
-	Id: 14236
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish_Box60"
-	Name: "Steamed Tongue 20 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12202,20; ">
-	Id: 14237
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish_Box60"
-	Name: "Steamed Desert Scorpions Box(20)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12203,20; ">
-	Id: 14238
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish_Box60"
-	Name: "Immortal Stew 20 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12207,20; ">
-	Id: 14239
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish_Box60"
-	Name: "Dragon Breath Cocktail 20 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12204,20; ">
-	Id: 14240
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish_Box60"
-	Name: "Hwergelmir's Tonic 20 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12205,20; ">
-	Id: 14241
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish_Box60"
-	Name: "Nine Tail Dish 20 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12206,20; ">
-	Id: 14242
-	AegisName: "Beholder_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Beholder Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2753,604800; ">
-	Id: 14243
-	AegisName: "Hallow_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Hallow Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2754,604800; ">
-	Id: 14244
-	AegisName: "Clamorous_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Clamorous Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2755,604800; ">
-	Id: 14245
-	AegisName: "Chemical_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Chemical Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2756,604800; ">
-	Id: 14246
-	AegisName: "Insecticide_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Insecticide Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2757,604800; ">
-	Id: 14247
-	AegisName: "Fisher_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Fisher Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2758,604800; ">
-	Id: 14248
-	AegisName: "Decussate_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Decussate Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2759,604800; ">
-	Id: 14249
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Bloody Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2760,604800; ">
-	Id: 14250
-	AegisName: "Satanic_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Satanic Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2761,604800; ">
-	Id: 14251
-	AegisName: "Dragoon_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "Dragon Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2762,604800; ">
-	Id: 14252
-	AegisName: "Beholder_Ring_Box2"
-	Name: "Beholder Ring Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2753,1296000; ">
-	Id: 14253
-	AegisName: "Hallow_Ring_Box2"
-	Name: "Hallow Ring Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2754,1296000; ">
-	Id: 14254
-	AegisName: "Clamorous_Ring_Box2"
-	Name: "Clamorous Ring Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2755,1296000; ">
-	Id: 14255
-	AegisName: "Chemical_Ring_Box2"
-	Name: "Chemical Ring Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2756,1296000; ">
-	Id: 14256
-	AegisName: "Insecticide_Ring_Box2"
-	Name: "Insecticide Ring Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2757,1296000; ">
-	Id: 14257
-	AegisName: "Fisher_Ring_Box2"
-	Name: "Fisher Ring Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2758,1296000; ">
-	Id: 14258
-	AegisName: "Decussate_Ring_Box2"
-	Name: "Decussate Ring Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2759,1296000; ">
-	Id: 14259
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Ring_Box2"
-	Name: "Bloody Ring Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2760,1296000; ">
-	Id: 14260
-	AegisName: "Satanic_Ring_Box2"
-	Name: "Satanic Ring Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2761,1296000; ">
-	Id: 14261
-	AegisName: "Dragoon_Ring_Box2"
-	Name: "Dragon Ring Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2762,1296000; ">
-	Id: 14262
-	AegisName: "Diary_Magic_Powder_Box"
-	Name: "Diary Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12304,604800; ">
-	Id: 14263
-	AegisName: "Mini_Heart_Magic_Powder_Box"
-	Name: "Mini Heart Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12305,604800; ">
-	Id: 14264
-	AegisName: "Freshman_Magic_Powder_Box"
-	Name: "Freshman Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12306,604800; ">
-	Id: 14265
-	AegisName: "Kid_Magic_Powder_Box"
-	Name: "Kid Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12307,604800; ">
-	Id: 14266
-	AegisName: "Magic_Magic_Powder_Box"
-	Name: "Magic Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12308,604800; ">
-	Id: 14267
-	AegisName: "JJangu_Magic_Powder_Box"
-	Name: "JJangu Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12309,604800; ">
-	Id: 14268
-	AegisName: "Diary_Magic_Powder_Box4"
-	Name: "Diary Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14269
-	AegisName: "Mini_Heart_Magic_Powder_Box4"
-	Name: "Mini_Heart_Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14270
-	AegisName: "Freshman_Magic_Powder_Box4"
-	Name: "Freshman Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14271
-	AegisName: "Kid_Magic_Powder_Box4"
-	Name: "Kid Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14272
-	AegisName: "Magic_Magic_Powder_Box4"
-	Name: "Magic Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14273
-	AegisName: "JJangu_Magic_Powder_Box4"
-	Name: "JJangu Magic Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14274
-	AegisName: "F_Magic_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Mystical Amplification Scroll 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14593,10; ">
-	Id: 14275
-	AegisName: "F_Magic_Scroll_Box30"
-	Name: "Mystical Amplification Scroll 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14593,30; ">
-	Id: 14276
-	AegisName: "F_Magic_Scroll_Box50"
-	Name: "Mystical Amplification Scroll 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14593,50; ">
-	Id: 14277
-	AegisName: "F_Quagmire_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Quagmire Scroll 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14594,10; ">
-	Id: 14278
-	AegisName: "F_Quagmire_Scroll_Box30"
-	Name: "Quagmire Scroll 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14594,30; ">
-	Id: 14279
-	AegisName: "F_Quagmire_Scroll_Box50"
-	Name: "Quagmire Scroll 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 14594,50; ">
-	Id: 14280
-	AegisName: "Healing_Staff_Box2"
-	Name: "Healing Staff Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1638,604800; ">
-	Id: 14281
-	AegisName: "Praccsinos_Box"
-	Name: "Praccsinos_Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2752,604800; ">
-	Id: 14282
-	AegisName: "Emperium_Box"
-	Name: "Emperium Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 714,1; ">
-	Id: 14283
-	AegisName: "Marriage_Covenant_Box"
-	Name: "Marriage Certificate Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6026,1; ">
-	Id: 14284
-	AegisName: "Muffler_C_Box"
-	Name: "Muffler Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2548,604800; ">
-	Id: 14285
-	AegisName: "Valkyrjas_Shield_C_Box"
-	Name: "Balkiriah Shield Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2137,604800; ">
-	Id: 14286
-	AegisName: "Skul_Ring_C_Box"
-	Name: "Skull Ring Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 2763,604800; ">
-	Id: 14287
-	AegisName: "S_Barricade_Repair_Kit"
-	Name: "Barricade Repair Kit"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 1019,30;
-		getitem 999,10;
-		getitem 1011,10;
-		getitem 984,5;
-	">
-	Id: 14288
-	AegisName: "S_Gstone_Repair_Kit"
-	Name: "Guardian Stone Repair Kit"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 984,1;
-		getitem 985,1;
-		getitem 7049,30;
-		getitem 717,5;
-		getitem 716,5;
-		getitem 715,5;
-	">
-	Id: 14289
-	AegisName: "Cloth_Dye_Coupon_Box"
-	Name: "Clothing Dye Coupon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6046,1; ">
-	Id: 14290
-	AegisName: "Cloth_Dye_Coupon2_Box"
-	Name: "Clothing Dye Coupon Box II"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6047,1; ">
-	Id: 14291
-	AegisName: "Cloth_Dye_Coupon3_Box"
-	Name: "Clothing Dye Coupon Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6046,1; ">
-	Id: 14292
-	AegisName: "Cloth_Dye_Coupon4_Box"
-	Name: "Clothing Dye Coupon Box II"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6047,1; ">
-	Id: 14293
-	AegisName: "Mercenary_Contract_Box"
-	Name: "Mercenary Contract Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6050,1; ">
-	Id: 14294
-	AegisName: "Mercenary_Contract_5Box"
-	Name: "Mercenary Contract Box 5ea"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6050,5; ">
-	Id: 14295
-	AegisName: "Mercenary_Contract_10Bo"
-	Name: "Mercenary Contract Box 10ea"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6050,10; ">
-	Id: 14296
-	AegisName: "Angel_Scroll"
-	Name: "Angel Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14297
-	AegisName: "Devil_Scroll"
-	Name: "Devil Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14298
-	AegisName: "Surprise_Scroll"
-	Name: "Surprised Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14300
-	AegisName: "Mask_Of_Ifrit_Box"
-	Name: "Mask Of Ifrit Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5420,1; ">
-	Id: 14301
-	AegisName: "Ifrits_Ear_Box"
-	Name: "Ifrit's Ear Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5421,1; ">
-	Id: 14304
-	AegisName: "Scuba_Mask_Box"
-	Name: "Scuba Mask Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5397,1; ">
-	Id: 14306
-	AegisName: "RWC_Special_Scroll"
-	Name: "RWC Special Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14307
-	AegisName: "RWC_Limited_Scroll"
-	Name: "RWC Limited Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14308
-	AegisName: "Ardor_Scroll"
-	Name: "Ardor Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14314
-	AegisName: "Phreeoni_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Phreeoni Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem PhreeoniS, 10; ">
-	Id: 14315
-	AegisName: "GhostringS_Box"
-	Name: "Ghostring Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem GhostringS, 10; ">
-	Id: 14316
-	AegisName: "July7_Scroll"
-	Name: "Love Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14317
-	AegisName: "Bacsojin_Scroll"
-	Name: "Bacsojin Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14343
-	AegisName: "Spiked_Scarf_Box"
-	Name: "Spiked Scarf Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5462,1; ">
-	Id: 14344
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Scarf_Box"
-	Name: "Rainbow Scarf Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5463,1; ">
-	Id: 14345
-	AegisName: "Animal_Scroll"
-	Name: "Animal Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14349
-	AegisName: "Mental_Potion20_Box"
-	Name: "Mental Potion Box(20)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Mental_Potion,20; ">
-	Id: 14350
-	AegisName: "Mental_Potion50_Box"
-	Name: "Mental Potion Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Mental_Potion,50; ">
-	Id: 14351
-	AegisName: "Tyrs_Blessing20_Box"
-	Name: "Tyr's Blessing Box(20)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Tyrs_Blessing,20; ">
-	Id: 14352
-	AegisName: "Tyrs_Blessing50_Box"
-	Name: "Tyr's Blessing Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Tyrs_Blessing,50; ">
-	Id: 14359
-	AegisName: "TaogunkaS_Box"
-	Name: "Tao Gunka Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem TaogunkaS, 10; ">
-	Id: 14360
-	AegisName: "MistressS_Box"
-	Name: "Mistress Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem MistressS, 10; ">
-	Id: 14361
-	AegisName: "Orc_HeroS_Box"
-	Name: "Orc Hero Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Orc_HeroS, 10; ">
-	Id: 14362
-	AegisName: "Orc_LoadS_Box"
-	Name: "Orc Lord Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Ord_LoadS, 10; ">
-	Id: 14363
-	AegisName: "Heart_Scroll"
-	Name: "Warm Heart Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14372
-	AegisName: "Powder_Snow_Box"
-	Name: "Snow Powder Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 12317,1; ">
-	Id: 14375
-	AegisName: "Holy_Celestial_Axe_Box"
-	Name: "Holy Celestial Axe Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 1383,1; ">
-	Id: 14376
-	AegisName: "Angeling_Pot_Box"
-	Name: "Angeling Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 12350,10; ">
-	Id: 14377
-	AegisName: "Shout_Megaphone_Box"
-	Name: "Scream Megaphone Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 12351,10; ">
-	Id: 14379
-	AegisName: "Love_Daddy_Box"
-	Name: "Love Daddy Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5489,1; ">
-	Id: 14380
-	AegisName: "Anubis_Helm_Box"
-	Name: "Anubis Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5490,1; ">
-	Id: 14381
-	AegisName: "Piercing_Box_M"
-	Name: "Staff of Piercing Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 1644,1; ">
-	Id: 14382
-	AegisName: "Lich_Bone_Box_M"
-	Name: "Lich's Bone Wand Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 1645,1; ">
-	Id: 14383
-	AegisName: "Long_Horn_Box_M"
-	Name: "Long Horn Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 1428,1; ">
-	Id: 14384
-	AegisName: "Hunting_Spear_Box_M"
-	Name: "Hunting Spear Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 1429,1; ">
-	Id: 14385
-	AegisName: "Death_Note_Box_M"
-	Name: "Book of the Dead Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 1579,1; ">
-	Id: 14393
-	AegisName: "Almighty_Charm_Box"
-	Name: "Universal Amulet Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7945,1; ">
-	Id: 14407
-	AegisName: "Xmas_Scroll"
-	Name: "Christmas Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14408
-	AegisName: "New_Year_Scroll"
-	Name: "Solar Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14438
-	AegisName: "Honglyuns_Sword_Box"
-	Name: "Honglyun's Sword Sword Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13420,1; ">
-	Id: 14439
-	AegisName: "Power_Of_Thor_Box"
-	Name: "Power Of Thor Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5495,1; ">
-	Id: 14440
-	AegisName: "Dice_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Dice Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5496,1; ">
-	Id: 14441
-	AegisName: "King_Tiger_Doll_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "King Tiger Doll Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5497,1; ">
-	Id: 14442
-	AegisName: "Wondering_Wolf_Helm_Box"
-	Name: "Wandering Wolf Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5498,1; ">
-	Id: 14443
-	AegisName: "Pizza_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Pizza Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5499,1; ">
-	Id: 14444
-	AegisName: "Icecream_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Ice Cream Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5500,1; ">
-	Id: 14447
-	AegisName: "Pirates_Pride_Box"
-	Name: "Scallywag's Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5501,1; ">
-	Id: 14448
-	AegisName: "Necromencers_Hood_Box"
-	Name: "Necromancer Hood Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5502,1; ">
-	Id: 14459
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Magic_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Magic Rabbit Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5503,1; ">
-	Id: 14460
-	AegisName: "China_Wedding_Veil_Box"
-	Name: "RO 5th Wedding Anniversary Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5504,1; ">
-	Id: 14461
-	AegisName: "Asara_Fairy_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Ashura Fairy Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5505,1; ">
-	Id: 14466
-	AegisName: "Valentine_Pledge_Box"
-	Name: "Valentine's Emblem Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14469
-	AegisName: "Ox_Tail_Scroll"
-	Name: "Ox Tail Egg"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 14485
-	AegisName: "Academy_Badge_Box"
-	Name: "Academy Of Badge Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 2751,1; ">
-	Id: 14486
-	AegisName: "Academy_Fresh_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Academy Freshman Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5406,1; ">
-	Id: 14487
-	AegisName: "Academy_Gradu_Cap_Box"
-	Name: "Academy Completion Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5407,1; ">
-	Id: 14488
-	AegisName: "Blue_Pajamas_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Blue Pajamas Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5506,1; ">
-	Id: 14489
-	AegisName: "Pink_Pajamas_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Pink Pajamas Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5507,1; ">
-	Id: 14500
-	AegisName: "Insurance60"
-	Name: "Life Insurrance Certificate"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_DEATHPENALTY,3600000,0; ">
-	Id: 14508
-	AegisName: "Zeny_Scroll"
-	Name: "Zeny Pet Egg Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14509
-	AegisName: "Light_Center_Pot"
-	Name: "Light Concentration Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 800
-	Weight: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1,1800000,4; ">
-	Id: 14510
-	AegisName: "Light_Awakening_Pot"
-	Name: "Light Awakening Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 1500
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Gangsi: true
-		Death_Knight: true
-		Dark_Collector: true
-		Kagerou: true
-		Rebellion: true
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION2,1800000,6; ">
-	Id: 14511
-	AegisName: "Light_Berserk_Pot"
-	Name: "Light Berserk Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 3000
-	Weight: 20
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-	}
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION3,1800000,9; ">
-	Id: 14512
-	AegisName: "Meteor_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "Meteor Storm Scroll"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill WZ_METEOR,10; ">
-	Id: 14513
-	AegisName: "Storm_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "Storm Gust Scroll"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill WZ_STORMGUST,10; ">
-	Id: 14514
-	AegisName: "Vermilion_10_Scroll"
-	Name: "Lord of Vermilion Scroll"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill WZ_VERMILION,10; ">
-	Id: 14515
-	AegisName: "Lex_Aeterna_Scroll"
-	Name: "Lex Aeterna Scroll"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill PR_LEXAETERNA,1; ">
-	Id: 14516
-	AegisName: "Magnificat_5_Scroll"
-	Name: "Magnificat Scroll"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill PR_MAGNIFICAT,5; ">
-	Id: 14517
-	AegisName: "CP_Helm_Scroll"
-	Name: "Chemical Protection Helm Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" unitskilluseid getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT),237,5; ">
-	Id: 14518
-	AegisName: "CP_Shield_Scroll"
-	Name: "Chemical Protection Shield Scrol"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" unitskilluseid getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT),235,5; ">
-	Id: 14519
-	AegisName: "CP_Armor_Scroll"
-	Name: "Chemical Protection Armor Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" unitskilluseid getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT),236,5; ">
-	Id: 14520
-	AegisName: "CP_Weapon_Scroll"
-	Name: "Chemical Protection Weapon Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" unitskilluseid getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT),234,5; ">
-	Id: 14521
-	AegisName: "Repair_Scroll"
-	Name: "Repair Weapon Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" unitskilluseid getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT),108,1; ">
-	Id: 14522
-	AegisName: "Big_Bun"
-	Name: "Big Bun"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" percentheal 100,0; ">
-	Id: 14523
-	AegisName: "Pill_"
-	Name: "Pill"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" percentheal 0,100; ">
-	Id: 14524
-	AegisName: "Superb_Fish_Slice"
-	Name: "Superb Fish Slice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" percentheal 100,100; ">
-	Id: 14525
-	AegisName: "Chewy_Ricecake"
-	Name: "Chewy Ricecake"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 1800000, 10; ">
-	Id: 14526
-	AegisName: "Oriental_Pastry"
-	Name: "Oriental Pastry"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 1800000, 10; ">
-	Id: 14527
-	AegisName: "Dun_Tele_Scroll1"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashDungeon",1; ">
-	Id: 14528
-	AegisName: "PVP_Tele_Scroll"
-	Name: "PVP Teleport Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14529
-	AegisName: "Greed_Scroll"
-	Name: "Greed Scroll"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill BS_GREED,1; ">
-	Id: 14530
-	AegisName: "Flee_30_Scroll"
-	Name: "Evasion Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE,1800000,30; ">
-	Id: 14531
-	AegisName: "Accuracy_30_Scroll"
-	Name: "Concentration Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICHIT,1800000,30; ">
-	Id: 14532
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual25"
-	Name: "Field Manual 25%"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,1800000,25; ">
-	Id: 14533
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual100"
-	Name: "Field Manual 100%"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,1800000,100; ">
-	Id: 14534
-	AegisName: "Small_Life_Potion"
-	Name: "Small Life Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_HEAL3, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_S_LIFEPOTION, 600000, -5, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 14535
-	AegisName: "Med_Life_Potion"
-	Name: "Medium Life Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_HEAL3, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_L_LIFEPOTION, 600000, -7, 4;
-	">
-	Id: 14536
-	AegisName: "Abrasive"
-	Name: "Abrasive"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_CRITICALPERCENT, 300000, 30;
-	">
-	Id: 14537
-	AegisName: "Regeneration_Potion"
-	Name: "Regeneration Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_LIGHTSPHERE, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_HEALPLUS, 1800000, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 14538
-	AegisName: "Glass_Of_Illusion"
-	Name: "Glass of Illusion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Delay: 300000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_STEAL, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PLUSAVOIDVALUE, 60000, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 14539
-	AegisName: "Shadow_Armor_S"
-	Name: "Shadow Armor Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_CLOAKING, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_PROPERTY, 1800000, 1, Ele_Dark, 1, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 14540
-	AegisName: "Holy_Armor_S"
-	Name: "Holy Armor Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_BENEDICTIO, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_PROPERTY, 1800000, 1, Ele_Holy, 1, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 14541
-	AegisName: "S_Def_Potion"
-	Name: "Small Defense Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_GUARD, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PROTECT_DEF, 60000, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 14542
-	AegisName: "B_Def_Potion"
-	Name: "Big Defense Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_GUARD, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PROTECT_DEF, 180000, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 14543
-	AegisName: "S_Mdef_Potion"
-	Name: "Small Magic Defense Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_SPELLBREAKER, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PROTECT_MDEF, 60000, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 14544
-	AegisName: "B_Mdef_Potion"
-	Name: "Big Magic Defense Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_SPELLBREAKER, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PROTECT_MDEF, 180000, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 14545
-	AegisName: "Battle_Manual_X3"
-	Name: "Battle Manual X3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSEXP,1800000,300; ">
-	Id: 14546
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker_Love"
-	Name: "I Love You Firecracker"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" end; ">
-	Id: 14547
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker_Wday"
-	Name: "Whiteday Firecracker"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" end; ">
-	Id: 14548
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker_Vday"
-	Name: "Valentine's Day Firecracker"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" end; ">
-	Id: 14549
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker_Bday"
-	Name: "Birthday Firecracker"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" end; ">
-	Id: 14550
-	AegisName: "Fire_Cracker_Xmas"
-	Name: "Xmas Firecracker"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" end; ">
-	Id: 14551
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish01_"
-	Name: "Fried Grasshopper Legs"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 14552
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish02_"
-	Name: "Seasoned Sticky Webfoot"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 14553
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish03_"
-	Name: "Bomber Steak"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 14554
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish01_"
-	Name: "Grape Juice Herbal Tea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 0,5;
-	">
-	Id: 14555
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish02_"
-	Name: "Autumn Red Tea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 0,5;
-	">
-	Id: 14556
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish03_"
-	Name: "Honey Herbal Tea"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 0,5;
-	">
-	Id: 14557
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish01_"
-	Name: "Steamed Crab Nippers"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 14558
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish02_"
-	Name: "Assorted Seafood"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 14559
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish03_"
-	Name: "Clam Soup"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 5,0;
-	">
-	Id: 14560
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish01_"
-	Name: "Frog Egg Squid Ink Soup"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 3,1;
-	">
-	Id: 14561
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish02_"
-	Name: "Smooth Noodle"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 3,1;
-	">
-	Id: 14562
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish03_"
-	Name: "Tentacle Cheese Gratin"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 3,1;
-	">
-	Id: 14563
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish01_"
-	Name: "Honey Grape Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14564
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish02_"
-	Name: "Chocolate Mousse Cake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14565
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish03_"
-	Name: "Fruit Mix"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14566
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish01_"
-	Name: "Fried Monkey Tails"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,1;
-		percentheal 3,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14567
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish02_"
-	Name: "Mixed Juice"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,2;
-		percentheal 3,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14568
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish03_"
-	Name: "Fried Sweet Potato"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,3;
-		percentheal 4,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14569
-	AegisName: "Knife_Goblin_Ring"
-	Name: "Knife Goblin Ring"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet GOBLIN_1; ">
-	Id: 14570
-	AegisName: "Flail_Goblin_Ring"
-	Name: "Flail Goblin Ring"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet GOBLIN_2; ">
-	Id: 14571
-	AegisName: "Hammer_Goblin_Ring"
-	Name: "Hammer Goblin Ring"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet GOBLIN_4; ">
-	Id: 14572
-	AegisName: "Holy_Marble"
-	Name: "Holy Marble"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet DELETER_; ">
-	Id: 14573
-	AegisName: "Red_Burning_Stone"
-	Name: "Red Burning Stone"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" pet DIABOLIC; ">
-	Id: 14574
-	AegisName: "Skull_Of_Vagabond"
-	Name: "Vagabond's Skull"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" pet WANDER_MAN; ">
-	Id: 14575
-	AegisName: "Str_Dish05_"
-	Name: "Lutie Lady's Pancake"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 10,0;
-	">
-	Id: 14576
-	AegisName: "Int_Dish05_"
-	Name: "Mastela Fruit Wine"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 0,10;
-	">
-	Id: 14577
-	AegisName: "Vit_Dish05_"
-	Name: "Spicy Fried Bao"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 10,0;
-	">
-	Id: 14578
-	AegisName: "Agi_Dish05_"
-	Name: "Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 6,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14579
-	AegisName: "Dex_Dish05_"
-	Name: "Green Salad"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 5,5;
-	">
-	Id: 14580
-	AegisName: "Luk_Dish05_"
-	Name: "Fried Scorpion Tails"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,1200000,5;
-		percentheal 5,2;
-	">
-	Id: 14581
-	AegisName: "Dun_Tele_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Dungeon Teleport Scroll II"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashDungeon",2; ">
-	Id: 14582
-	AegisName: "WOB_Rune"
-	Name: "Yellow Butterfly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashCity",1; ">
-	Id: 14583
-	AegisName: "WOB_Schwaltz"
-	Name: "Green Butterfly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashCity",2; ">
-	Id: 14584
-	AegisName: "WOB_Rachel"
-	Name: "Red Butterfly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashCity",3; ">
-	Id: 14585
-	AegisName: "WOB_Local"
-	Name: "Blue Butterfly Wing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashCity",4; ">
-	Id: 14586
-	AegisName: "Spark_Candy"
-	Name: "Jumping Candy"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Delay: 180000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_HASTEUP, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start2 SC_STEAMPACK, 60000, 20, 25;
-	">
-	Id: 14587
-	AegisName: "Repair_Scroll_"
-	Name: "Equipment Repair Spell Book"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill BS_REPAIRWEAPON,1; ">
-	Id: 14588
-	AegisName: "Pty_Blessing_Scroll"
-	Name: "Party Blessing 10 Scroll"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill CASH_BLESSING,10; ">
-	Id: 14589
-	AegisName: "Pty_Inc_Agi_Scroll"
-	Name: "Party Increase Agi 10 Scroll"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill CASH_INCAGI,10; ">
-	Id: 14590
-	AegisName: "Pty_Assumptio_Scroll"
-	Name: "Party Assumptio 5 Scroll"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill CASH_ASSUMPTIO,5; ">
-	Id: 14591
-	AegisName: "Siege_Teleport_Scroll"
-	Name: "WoE Teleport Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" callfunc "F_CashSiegeTele"; ">
-	Id: 14592
-	AegisName: "Job_Manual50"
-	Name: "Job Battle Manual"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSONLYJOBEXP,1800000,50; ">
-	Id: 14593
-	AegisName: "Magic_Power_Scroll"
-	Name: "Mystical Amplification Scroll"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill HW_MAGICPOWER,10; ">
-	Id: 14594
-	AegisName: "Quagmire_Scroll"
-	Name: "Quagmire scroll"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" itemskill WZ_QUAGMIRE,5; ">
-	Id: 14595
-	AegisName: "Unsealed_Magic_Spell"
-	Name: "Unsealed Magic Spell"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" warp "yuno_fild09",255,127; ">
-	Id: 14596
-	AegisName: "Pierre_Treasurebox"
-	Name: "Pierre's Treasurebox"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 100
-	Script: <"
-		getrandgroupitem 14596,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 14596,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 14596,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 14596,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 14596,1;
-		getrandgroupitem 14596,1;
-	">
-	Id: 14597
-	AegisName: "PhreeoniS"
-	Name: "Phreeoni Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICHIT, 180000, 100; ">
-	Id: 14598
-	AegisName: "GhostringS"
-	Name: "Ghostring Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_LIGHTSPHERE, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start4 SC_ARMOR_PROPERTY, 60000, 1, Ele_Neutral, 1, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 14599
-	AegisName: "Greed_Scroll_C"
-	Name: "Greed Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Id: 14600
-	AegisName: "Mental_Potion"
-	Name: "Mental Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_SPELLBREAKER, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_TARGET_ASPD, 1800000, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 14601
-	AegisName: "Tyrs_Blessing"
-	Name: "Tyr's Blessing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE, 300000, 30;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICHIT, 300000, 30;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 300000, 20;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 300000, 20;
-	">
-	Id: 14602
-	AegisName: "TaogunkaS"
-	Name: "Tao Gunka Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_LIGHTSPHERE, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start4 SC_MVPCARD_TAOGUNKA, 1800000, 100, 50, 50, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 14603
-	AegisName: "MistressS"
-	Name: "Mistress Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_SPELLBREAKER, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_MVPCARD_MISTRESS, 180000, 25;
-	">
-	Id: 14604
-	AegisName: "Orc_HeroS"
-	Name: "Orc Hero Scard"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_MVPCARD_ORCHERO, 180000, 100; ">
-	Id: 14605
-	AegisName: "Orc_LoadS"
-	Name: "Orc Load Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_LIGHTSPHERE, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_MVPCARD_ORCLORD, 180000, 30;
-	">
-	Id: 14606
-	AegisName: "Job_Manual25"
-	Name: "JOB Battle Manual"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Nouse: {
-		sitting: true
-	}
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_CASH_PLUSONLYJOBEXP, 1800000, 25; ">
-	Id: 14607
-	AegisName: "Luxurious_Dinner_W"
-	Name: "Luxurious Western Food"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 600
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,3600000,3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,3600000,3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,3600000,3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,3600000,3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,3600000,3;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,3600000,3;
-	">
-	Id: 14608
-	AegisName: "Luxurious_Dinner_E"
-	Name: "Manchu-Han Imperial Feast"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,3600000,6;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX,3600000,6;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI,3600000,6;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,3600000,6;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT,3600000,6;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK,3600000,6;
-	">
-	Id: 14609
-	AegisName: "Spoiled_Cuisine"
-	Name: "Spoiled Cuisine"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 5000
-	Weight: 300
-	Script: <" percentheal 10,10; ">
-	Id: 14611
-	AegisName: "M_Def_Potion"
-	Name: "M Def Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_GUARD, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PROTECT_DEF, 120000, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 14612
-	AegisName: "M_Mdef_Potion"
-	Name: "M Mdef Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_SPELLBREAKER, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PROTECT_MDEF, 120000, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 14613
-	AegisName: "RWC_Scroll_2012"
-	Name: "RWC Arms Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 14614
-	AegisName: "Ex_Def_Potion"
-	Name: "Special Defense Potion"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		specialeffect(EF_GUARD, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PROTECT_DEF, 1800000, 3;
-		sc_start SC_PROTECT_MDEF, 1800000, 3;
-	">
-	Id: 14616
-	AegisName: "STR_Biscuit_Stick"
-	Name: "Bar of Strength"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_STR, 180000, 15;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 60000, rand(11,111);
-	">
-	Id: 14617
-	AegisName: "VIT_Biscuit_Stick"
-	Name: "Bar of Fitness"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT, 180000, 15;
-		percentheal rand(11,33), 0;
-	">
-	Id: 14618
-	AegisName: "AGI_Biscuit_Stick"
-	Name: "Bar of Agility"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_AGI, 180000, 15;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE, 60000, rand(11,33);
-	">
-	Id: 14619
-	AegisName: "INT_Biscuit_Stick"
-	Name: "Bar of Knowledge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_INT, 180000, 15;
-		sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, 60000, rand(11,111);
-	">
-	Id: 14620
-	AegisName: "DEX_Biscuit_Stick"
-	Name: "Bar of Tricks"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_DEX, 180000, 15;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICHIT, 60000, rand(11,33);
-	">
-	Id: 14621
-	AegisName: "LUK_Biscuit_Stick"
-	Name: "Bar of Luck"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_LUK, 180000, 15;
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_CRITICALSUCCESSVALUE, 60000, rand(11,13);
-	">
-	Id: 14674
-	AegisName: "Cup_Of_Boza"
-	Name: "Cup Of Boza"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start2 SC_CUP_OF_BOZA, 120000, 10, 5; ">
-	Id: 14680
-	AegisName: "Cup_Of_Mintlemon"
-	Name: "Cup Of Mintlemon"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		sc_start SC_FOOD_VIT, 180000, 15;
-		specialeffect(EF_GUARD, AREA, playerattached());
-		sc_start SC_PROTECT_DEF, 60000, 3;
-		sc_start SC_PROTECT_MDEF, 60000, 3;
-	">
-//== More Armors ===========================================
-	Id: 15000
-	AegisName: "Bone_Plate"
-	Name: "Bone Plate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 60
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Brute,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDEBLEEDING,1,10;
-	">
-	Id: 15001
-	AegisName: "Odins_Blessing_I"
-	Name: "Odin's Blessing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 15002
-	AegisName: "Rune_Plate"
-	Name: "Rune Plate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 95
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 15003
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SRobe7"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 7
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,700; ">
-	Id: 15004
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SRobe30"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 7
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,700; ">
-	Id: 15005
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SRobe60"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 7
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,700; ">
-	Id: 15006
-	AegisName: "Freyja_SRobe90"
-	Name: "Freya Soul Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 7
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,700; ">
-	Id: 15007
-	AegisName: "Time_Keepr_Robe"
-	Name: "Guardian Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 62
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,200;
-	">
-	Id: 15008
-	AegisName: "Flame_Sprits_Armor__"
-	Name: "Flame Sprits Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 25
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-	">
-	Id: 15009
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Uniform1"
-	Name: "Eden Group Uniform I"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 35
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,10;
-	">
-	Id: 15010
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Uniform2"
-	Name: "Eden Group Uniform II"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 46
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 26
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,200;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-	">
-	Id: 15011
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Uniform3"
-	Name: "Eden Group Uniform III"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 58
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 15012
-	AegisName: "Puente_Robe"
-	Name: "Puente Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 12000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 42
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 22
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFixedCastrate,-3;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-	">
-	Id: 15013
-	AegisName: "Claire_Suits"
-	Name: "Claire Suits"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 28000
-	Weight: 2800
-	Def: 58
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 22
-	Id: 15014
-	AegisName: "Ebone_Armor"
-	Name: "Ebone Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 40000
-	Weight: 4500
-	Def: 93
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Id: 15015
-	AegisName: "Upg_Adv_Suit"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Adventure Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 15016
-	AegisName: "Upg_Coat"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 47
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 15017
-	AegisName: "Upg_Saint_Robe"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Saint Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 55
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 15018
-	AegisName: "Upg_Tights"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Tight"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 32
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 15019
-	AegisName: "Upg_Thief_Cloth"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Thief Clothes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Thief: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 15020
-	AegisName: "Upg_Mail"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Mail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1650
-	Def: 60
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 15021
-	AegisName: "Upg_Formal_Dress"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Formal Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,3; ">
-	Id: 15022
-	AegisName: "Brazil_Swimsuit"
-	Name: "Swimming Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,4;
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 15023
-	AegisName: "Half_Brynhild"
-	Name: "Brynhild (Trial Version)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 60
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 47
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,20*BaseLevel;
-		bonus bMaxSP,5*BaseLevel;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-		bonus bNoKnockback,0;
-	">
-	Id: 15024
-	AegisName: "Army_Padding"
-	Name: "Army Padding"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 10
-	Def: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 15025
-	AegisName: "Golden_Rod_Robe"
-	Name: "Golden Rod Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 40
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=120) {
-			bonus bInt,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 15026
-	AegisName: "Aqua_Robe"
-	Name: "Aqua Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 40
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Water;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=120) {
-			bonus bInt,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 15027
-	AegisName: "Crimson_Robe"
-	Name: "Crimson Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 40
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Fire;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=120) {
-			bonus bInt,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 15028
-	AegisName: "Forest_Robe"
-	Name: "Forest Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 40
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Earth;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=120) {
-			bonus bInt,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 15029
-	AegisName: "Robe_Of_Affection"
-	Name: "Robe Of Affection"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 22
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AB_CLEMENTIA,50;
-	">
-	Id: 15030
-	AegisName: "Robe_Of_Judgement"
-	Name: "Robe Of Judgement"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 22
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Formless,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Fish,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,-10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Dragon,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 15031
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Armor"
-	Name: "Eden Group Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 70
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 15032
-	AegisName: "Tidung"
-	Name: "Tidung"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,1500;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,1500;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,5;
-	">
-	Id: 15033
-	AegisName: "Tutorial_Mattle"
-	Name: "Tutorial Mantle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 37
-	Job: {
-		All: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 15034
-	AegisName: "Tutorial_Mattle_"
-	Name: "Tutorial Mantle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 37
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 15035
-	AegisName: "2010Love_Daddy"
-	Name: "2010 Love Daddy Shirt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,9000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,9000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,9000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,9000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,9000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,9000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Confusion,9000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,9000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Poison,9000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Bleeding,9000;
-	">
-	Id: 15036
-	AegisName: "Ur_Plate"
-	Name: "Ur's Plate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 110
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_ARMOR);
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-	">
-	Id: 15037
-	AegisName: "Peuz_Plate"
-	Name: "Peuz's Plate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 110
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-		bonus bFlee,17;
-	">
-	Id: 15038
-	AegisName: "Sabah_Cloth"
-	Name: "Sapha's Cloth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,ASC_METEORASSAULT,max(getskilllv(ASC_METEORASSAULT),1),20;
-	">
-	Id: 15039
-	AegisName: "Nab_Cloth"
-	Name: "Nab's Cloth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-	">
-	Id: 15040
-	AegisName: "Prison_Uniform"
-	Name: "Prison Uniform"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		.@rate = min(getrefine(), 10);
-		bonus bHit,.@rate;
-		bonus bFlee,.@rate;
-	">
-	Id: 15041
-	AegisName: "Boitata_Armor"
-	Name: "Boitata Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,7;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 15042
-	AegisName: "White_Wing_Suits"
-	Name: "White Wing Suits"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,getrefine()*2;
-		bonus bFlee,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 15043
-	AegisName: "Black_Wing_Suits"
-	Name: "Black Wing Suits"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_ARMOR)*3;
-	">
-	Id: 15044
-	AegisName: "Green_Operation_Coat"
-	Name: "Green Operation Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 660
-	Def: 66
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-	">
-	Id: 15045
-	AegisName: "Armor_Of_Valor"
-	Name: "Armor Of Valor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	Id: 15046
-	AegisName: "Siege_Plate"
-	Name: "WoE Plate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 3300
-	Def: 85
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,2;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus bHealPower2,12;
-			bonus bAddItemHealRate,12;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,25;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 15047
-	AegisName: "Siege_Suits"
-	Name: "WoE Suits"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 750
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,2;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus bFlee2,5;
-			bonus bLongAtkDef,20;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 15048
-	AegisName: "Siege_Robe"
-	Name: "WoE Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,20;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,2;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus bFlee,5;
-			bonus bLongAtkDef,15;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bMaxHP,1000;
-			bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 15049
-	AegisName: "Armor_Of_Faith"
-	Name: "Invincible God Clothes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,4;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-	">
-	Id: 15050
-	AegisName: "Armor_Of_Sanctity"
-	Name: "Province"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,4;
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus bVit,4;
-		bonus bDex,4;
-		bonus bAgi,4;
-		bonus bLuk,4;
-	">
-	Id: 15051
-	AegisName: "Bakonawa_Armor"
-	Name: "Bakonawa Scale Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 55
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-	">
-	Id: 15052
-	AegisName: "Bayani_Bakonawa_Armor"
-	Name: "Bakonawa Scale Armor(Bayani)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 55
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-	">
-	Id: 15053
-	AegisName: "Special_Ninja_Suit"
-	Name: "Special Ninja Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 70
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1+(getrefine()/3); ">
-	Id: 15054
-	AegisName: "Ninja_Scale_Armor"
-	Name: "Ninja Scale Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 1800
-	Def: 90
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,15;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,-30;
-	">
-	Id: 15055
-	AegisName: "Tenebris_Latitantes"
-	Name: "Tenebris Latitantes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 60
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,KO_ZANZOU,1,50,1;
-	">
-	Id: 15056
-	AegisName: "Special_Ninja_Suit_"
-	Name: "Special Ninja Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 70
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1+(getrefine()/3); ">
-	Id: 15057
-	AegisName: "Pure_White_Apron"
-	Name: "White Apron"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Id: 15058
-	AegisName: "Rider_Suit"
-	Name: "Rider Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 55
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 15059
-	AegisName: "2011Love_Daddy"
-	Name: "2011Love Daddy"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 80
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 15060
-	AegisName: "Sky_Blue_Smock"
-	Name: "Sky-Blue Smock"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Id: 15061
-	AegisName: "Egir_Armor"
-	Name: "Aegir Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 2600
-	Def: 55
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats, 1;
-		if (BaseClass == Job_Mage || BaseClass == Job_Archer || BaseClass == Job_Acolyte)
-			bonus2 bResEff, Eff_Silence, 5000;
-		else if (BaseClass == Job_Swordman || BaseClass == Job_Merchant || BaseClass == Job_Thief)
-			bonus2 bResEff, Eff_Stun, 5000;
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 15062
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Coat"
-	Name: "TE Woe Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 15
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,15;
-		bonus bMaxHP,250;
-		bonus bMaxSP,250;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,10;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-	">
-	Id: 15063
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Chain_Mail"
-	Name: "TE Woe Chain Mail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 25
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMaxHP,450;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,15;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-	">
-	Id: 15064
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Mage_Coat"
-	Name: "TE Woe Mage Coat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,25;
-		bonus bMaxHP,200;
-		bonus bMaxSP,200;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,5;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0;
-	">
-	Id: 15066
-	AegisName: "Engraved_Armor"
-	Name: "Engraved Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 120
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 150
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,25; ">
-	Id: 15067
-	AegisName: "Rune_Suit"
-	Name: "Rune Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	EquipLv: [1, 100]
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,10; ">
-	Id: 15068
-	AegisName: "Im_Angels_Protection"
-	Name: "Advanced Angelic Protection"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,30; ">
-	Id: 15073
-	AegisName: "Anti_Magic_Suit"
-	Name: "Anti-Magic Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		if (getrefine()>6) { bonus bMdef,5; }
-		if (getrefine()>8) { bonus bMaxHPrate,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 15074
-	AegisName: "Geffen_Mage_Robe"
-	Name: "Geffen Magic Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-10;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,15;
-		bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-		if (getrefine()>6) { bonus bUseSPrate,-5; }
-		if (getrefine()>8) { bonus bVariableCastrate,-5; }
-	">
-	Id: 15089
-	AegisName: "Lounge_Suit"
-	Name: "Menswear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 40
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,3+((getrefine()>=7)?2:0);
-		bonus bDelayrate,-3-((getrefine()>=7)?2:0);
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-3-((getrefine()>=7)?2:0);
-	">
-	Id: 15090
-	AegisName: "Armor_Of_Gray"
-	Name: "Gray Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 2400
-	Def: 90
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,10+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 15091
-	AegisName: "Gray_Robe"
-	Name: "Gray Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1300
-	Def: 55
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,10+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 15116
-	AegisName: "Airship_Armor"
-	Name: "Armor Of Airship"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 125
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,1000;
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-	">
-	Id: 15117
-	AegisName: "Felock_Armor"
-	Name: "Tarlock's Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 750
-	Def: 70
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 125
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus bMaxHP,500;
-			bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus bMaxHP,200;
-			bonus bMaxSP,20;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=12) {
-			bonus bMaxHP,300;
-			bonus bMaxSP,30;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 15121
-	AegisName: "Robe_Of_Sarah"
-	Name: "Sarah Combat Robe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 35
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 145
-	Script: <"
-		//TODO: Confirm the real rate and additional MAtk
-		autobonus("{ bonus(bMatk, 20); }", 100, (10 + ((getrefine()) ? getrefine() * 8 : 0)) * 1000, BF_MAGIC);
-	">
-	Id: 15123
-	AegisName: "Whikebain_Suit"
-	Name: "Whikebain Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 9000
-	Def: 56
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,DC_WINKCHARM,1,20; /* Custom - IDRO */
-		if(getrefine()>4) { bonus bCritAtkRate,4; }
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus bCritAtkRate,6; }
-	">
-	Id: 15126
-	AegisName: "Female_Poring_Balloon"
-	Name: "Private Doram Suits"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 80
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP, 500;
-		bonus bMaxSP, 100;
-		bonus bDex, getrefine() / 3;
-		bonus bInt, getrefine() / 3;
-	">
-	Id: 15128
-	AegisName: "Female_Poring_Egg"
-	Name: "Excellion Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,(getrefine()/3)*4;
-		if(BaseLevel>130) { bonus bVit,4; }
-	">
-	Id: 15129
-	AegisName: "Blue_Bellflower_Hat"
-	Name: "Luxury Doram Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate, 10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate, 10;
-		bonus bDex, getrefine() / 2;
-		bonus bInt, getrefine() / 2;
-	">
-	Id: 15138
-	AegisName: "Aegir_Armor"
-	Name: "Aegir Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 1600
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP, 500;
-		bonus bMaxSP, 50;
-		bonus bUnbreakableArmor, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 15150
-	AegisName: "White_Shirt"
-	Name: "White Shirt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 6
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,70;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-	">
-	Id: 15151
-	AegisName: "White_Eco_Shirt"
-	Name: "White Eco-Shirt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 40
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 15
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,150;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-	">
-	Id: 15156
-	AegisName: "Elegant_Doram_Suit"
-	Name: "Elegant Doram Suit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 120
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 175
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate, 15;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate, 15;
-		bonus bDex, getrefine();
-		bonus bInt, getrefine();
-		if (getrefine() > 9)
-			bonus bUseSPrate, -5;
-	">
-	Id: 15212
-	AegisName: "YSF01_Plate"
-	Name: "YSF01_Plate"
-	Id: 15246
-	AegisName: "True_Hunting_Mail"
-	Name: "True_Hunting_Mail"
-	Id: 15247
-	AegisName: "R_Hunting_Mail"
-	Name: "R_Hunting_Mail"
-	Id: 15250
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Suits"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Suits"
-	Id: 15280
-	AegisName: "S_CriticalHit_Armor"
-	Name: "S_CriticalHit_Armor"
-	Id: 15348
-	AegisName: "Goibne_Armor_IL"
-	Name: "Goibne_Armor_IL"
-	Id: 15376
-	AegisName: "Illusion_Armor_A"
-	Name: "Illusion_Armor_A"
-	Id: 15377
-	AegisName: "Illusion_Armor_B"
-	Name: "Illusion_Armor_B"
-	Id: 15383
-	AegisName: "Time_Overload_Robe"
-	Name: "Time_Overload_Robe"
-	Id: 15388
-	AegisName: "Schmidt_Suits"
-	Name: "Schmidt_Suits"
-	Id: 15389
-	AegisName: "Schmidt_Manteau"
-	Name: "Schmidt_Manteau"
-//== More Maces ============================================
-	Id: 16000
-	AegisName: "Erde"
-	Name: "Erde"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AM_ACIDTERROR,20;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AM_DEMONSTRATION,20;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus bHealPower,10;
-	">
-	Id: 16001
-	AegisName: "Red_Square_Bag"
-	Name: "Red Square Bag"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,200;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AM_ACIDTERROR,20;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,AM_DEMONSTRATION,20;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,501,50;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,502,20;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,503,20;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,504,20;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,505,10;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=95) {
-			bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 16002
-	AegisName: "Stunner_C"
-	Name: "Stunner"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 175
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,40;
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,40;
-	">
-	Id: 16003
-	AegisName: "Carga_Mace"
-	Name: "Carga Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 175
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 16004
-	AegisName: "P_Mace1"
-	Name: "Eden Mace I"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 142
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 26
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16005
-	AegisName: "P_Mace2"
-	Name: "Eden Mace II"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 163
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16006
-	AegisName: "Tourist_Mace"
-	Name: "Traveler's Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 45
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 16007
-	AegisName: "Mjolnir_C"
-	Name: "Ephemeral Mjolnir"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus bStr,15;
-		bonus bDex,40;
-	">
-	Id: 16008
-	AegisName: "F_Spanner_C"
-	Name: "Rental Wrench"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 16009
-	AegisName: "E_Spanner_C"
-	Name: "E Spanner C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 16010
-	AegisName: "Red_Ether_Bag"
-	Name: "Red Ether Bag"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 15
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 102
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 6) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, GN_CRAZYWEED_ATK, 20 + ((getrefine()-5)*2);
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, GN_DEMONIC_FIRE, 20 + ((getrefine()-5)*2);
-		} else {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, GN_CRAZYWEED_ATK, 20;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, GN_DEMONIC_FIRE, 20;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 16011
-	AegisName: "Adventure_Mace"
-	Name: "Adventure Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 16012
-	AegisName: "Academy_Mace"
-	Name: "Academy Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Id: 16013
-	AegisName: "Mace_Of_Judgement"
-	Name: "Mace Of Judgement"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 140
-	Matk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,20; }",30,7000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_SPELLBREAKER, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,20; }",5,7000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 16014
-	AegisName: "P_Mace3"
-	Name: "Eden Group Mace3"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 172
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16015
-	AegisName: "Cat_Club"
-	Name: "Cat Club"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Atk: 88
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 3
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,15;
-		bonus4 bAddEff,Eff_Deepsleep,300,ATF_SHORT,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 16016
-	AegisName: "Tuna"
-	Name: "Tuna"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,150;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_BASH,5,20;
-		bonus4 bAddEff,Eff_Cold,100,ATF_SHORT,3000;
-		if(BaseLevel>99) { bonus bBaseAtk,20; }
-	">
-	Id: 16017
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Cross"
-	Name: "Bloody Cross"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WL_HELLINFERNO,1,max(getrefine(),1)*20;
-	">
-	Id: 16018
-	AegisName: "Mace_Of_Judgement2"
-	Name: "Empowered Mace Of Judgement"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 170
-	Matk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,40; }",60,7000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_SPELLBREAKER, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		autobonus "{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,40; }",10,7000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 16019
-	AegisName: "Upg_Mace"
-	Name: "Upgrade Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*10);
-		bonus bHealPower,getrefine();
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bBaseAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 16020
-	AegisName: "Velum_Stunner"
-	Name: "Vellum Stunner"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,1000+getrefine();
-		bonus bAspdRate,getrefine();
-		bonus4 bSetDefRace,RC_Player,10000,5000,1;
-		bonus4 bSetMDefRace,RC_Player,10000,5000,1;
-	">
-	Id: 16021
-	AegisName: "Velum_Flail"
-	Name: "Vellum Flail"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,5,10;
-		bonus bHit,getrefine();
-		bonus bCritical,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 16022
-	AegisName: "Nemesis_"
-	Name: "Nemesis"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Monk: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-	">
-	Id: 16023
-	AegisName: "Metal_Mace"
-	Name: "Metal Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*5);
-		.@val = min(BaseLevel/10, 12);
-		if (.@val > 2) { bonus bBaseAtk,((.@val-2)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 16024
-	AegisName: "Quadrille_"
-	Name: "Quadrille"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 165
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,10;
-	">
-	Id: 16025
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Mace"
-	Name: "TE Woe Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Acolyte: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Freeze,1000;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-	">
-	Id: 16026
-	AegisName: "RWC_Memory_Mace"
-	Name: "RWC Memory Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 16027
-	AegisName: "Hammer_Of_Evil_Slayer"
-	Name: "Evil Slayer Destroyer Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1350
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAtkRate,5; }
-		if(getrefine()>=12) { bonus bAtkRate,7; }
-	">
-	Id: 16028
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Hammer"
-	Name: "Thanatos Hammer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 180
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 16030
-	AegisName: "Pilebuncker_S"
-	Name: "Pile Bunker S"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 400
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate, (getrefine() / 2); ">
-	Id: 16031
-	AegisName: "Pilebuncker_P"
-	Name: "Pile Bunker P"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 4000
-	Atk: 450
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk, (getrefine() * 5); ">
-	Id: 16032
-	AegisName: "Pilebuncker_T"
-	Name: "Pile Bunker T"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 3500
-	Atk: 400
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate, - getrefine(); ">
-	Id: 16039
-	AegisName: "Spoon"
-	Name: "Spoon"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspd,10;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 16040
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Mace"
-	Name: "Crimson Mace"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 16041
-	AegisName: "Mace_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Mace of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_MACE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 16063
-	AegisName: "Long_Mace_IL"
-	Name: "Long_Mace_IL"
-	Id: 16065
-	AegisName: "Iron_Driver_IL"
-	Name: "Iron_Driver_IL"
-	Id: 16075
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_NC_Mace"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_NC_Mace"
-	Id: 16076
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_N2_Mace"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_N2_Mace"
-	Id: 16088
-	AegisName: "Saphir_Hall_OS"
-	Name: "Saphir_Hall_OS"
-	Id: 16089
-	AegisName: "Ultio_Spes_OS"
-	Name: "Ultio_Spes_OS"
-//== More Rental Boxes =====================================
-	Id: 16131
-	AegisName: "Lady_Tanee_Doll_Box"
-	Name: "Tanigumi Girl Doll Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5526,1; ">
-	Id: 16132
-	AegisName: "Lunatic_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Lunatic Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5527,1; ">
-	Id: 16134
-	AegisName: "King_Frog_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Frog King Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5528,1; ">
-	Id: 16135
-	AegisName: "Evils_Bone_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Satanic Bone Helm Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5529,1; ">
-	Id: 16185
-	AegisName: "Raven_Cap_Box"
-	Name: "Crow Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5530,1; ">
-	Id: 16186
-	AegisName: "B_Dragon_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Baby Dragon Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5531,1; ">
-	Id: 16192
-	AegisName: "Quati_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Quati Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5537,1; ">
-	Id: 16193
-	AegisName: "Tucan_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Tucan Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5538,1; ">
-	Id: 16194
-	AegisName: "Jaguar_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Jaguar Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5539,1; ">
-	Id: 16195
-	AegisName: "Tw_March_Scroll"
-	Name: "Taiwan April Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 16226
-	AegisName: "Aries_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Aries Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5545,1; ">
-	Id: 16227
-	AegisName: "Aries_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Aries Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5546,1; ">
-	Id: 16228
-	AegisName: "RJC_Katusa_Box"
-	Name: "RJC Katyusha Flower Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5547,1; ">
-	Id: 16229
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Rose_Box"
-	Name: "Rose Of Crimson Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5548,1; ">
-	Id: 16230
-	AegisName: "Taurus_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Taurus Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5549,1; ">
-	Id: 16231
-	AegisName: "Taurus_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Taurus Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5550,1; ">
-	Id: 16232
-	AegisName: "Reginleif_Box"
-	Name: "Hairband Of Reginleif Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5471,1; ">
-	Id: 16235
-	AegisName: "Octopus_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Octopus Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5554,1; ">
-	Id: 16236
-	AegisName: "Leaf_Cat_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Leaf Cat Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5555,1; ">
-	Id: 16237
-	AegisName: "Fur_Seal_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Seal Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5556,1; ">
-	Id: 16238
-	AegisName: "Wild_Rose_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Wild Rose Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5557,1; ">
-	Id: 16239
-	AegisName: "Saci_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Luxury Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5558,1; ">
-	Id: 16246
-	AegisName: "Crown_Of_Deceit_Box"
-	Name: "Crown of Deceit Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5564,1; ">
-	Id: 16247
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Arhat_Mask_Box"
-	Name: "Dragon Arhat Mask Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5565,1; ">
-	Id: 16248
-	AegisName: "Tiger_Arhat_Mask_Box"
-	Name: "Tiger Arhat Mask Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5566,1; ">
-	Id: 16249
-	AegisName: "Knight_Gift_Box"
-	Name: "Knight's Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 16251
-	AegisName: "Gemini_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Gemini Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5569,1; ">
-	Id: 16252
-	AegisName: "Gemini_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Gemini Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5570,1; ">
-	Id: 16253
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Scroll"
-	Name: "Rabbit Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 16254
-	AegisName: "Energizing_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Activation Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16257
-	AegisName: "Buddah_Scroll"
-	Name: "French Heart Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16258
-	AegisName: "HD_Bradium_Box5"
-	Name: "HD Bradium 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6226,5; ">
-	Id: 16259
-	AegisName: "HD_Carnium_Box5"
-	Name: "HD Carnium 5 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6225,5; ">
-	Id: 16260
-	AegisName: "HD_Bradium_Box10"
-	Name: "HD Bradium 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6226,10; ">
-	Id: 16261
-	AegisName: "HD_Carnium_Box10"
-	Name: "HD Carnium 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6225,10; ">
-	Id: 16269
-	AegisName: "Cancer_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Cancer Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5581,1; ">
-	Id: 16270
-	AegisName: "Cancer_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Cancer Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5582,1; ">
-	Id: 16304
-	AegisName: "Evil_Incarnation_Disable"
-	Name: "Deviling Incarnation Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16305
-	AegisName: "Upg_Guard_Box"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Guard Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2149,1; ">
-	Id: 16306
-	AegisName: "F_Upg_Guard_Box"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Guard Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2149,1; ">
-	Id: 16307
-	AegisName: "Upg_Buckler_Box"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Buckler Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2150,1; ">
-	Id: 16308
-	AegisName: "F_Upg_Buckler_Box"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Buckler Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2150,1; ">
-	Id: 16309
-	AegisName: "Upg_Shield_Box"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Shield Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2151,1; ">
-	Id: 16310
-	AegisName: "F_Upg_Shield_Box"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Shield Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2151,1; ">
-	Id: 16311
-	AegisName: "Upg_Shoes_Box"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Shoes Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2459,1; ">
-	Id: 16312
-	AegisName: "F_Upg_Shoes_Box"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Shoes Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2459,1; ">
-	Id: 16313
-	AegisName: "Upg_Boots_Box"
-	Name: "Reinforcement Boots Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2460,1; ">
-	Id: 16343
-	AegisName: "Leo_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Leo Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5588,1; ">
-	Id: 16344
-	AegisName: "Leo_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Leo Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5589,1; ">
-	Id: 16345
-	AegisName: "F_Leo_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Leo Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5588,1; ">
-	Id: 16346
-	AegisName: "F_Leo_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Leo Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5589,1; ">
-	Id: 16360
-	AegisName: "Desert_Prince_Box"
-	Name: "Desert Prince Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5591,1; ">
-	Id: 16361
-	AegisName: "FDesert_Prince_Box"
-	Name: "Desert Prince Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5591,1; ">
-	Id: 16362
-	AegisName: "Sigruns_Wing_Box"
-	Name: "Sigrun's Wings Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5592,1; ">
-	Id: 16363
-	AegisName: "FSigruns_Wing_Box"
-	Name: "Sigrun's Wings Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5592,1; ">
-	Id: 16368
-	AegisName: "Virgo_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Virgo Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5598,1; ">
-	Id: 16371
-	AegisName: "Tw_Aug_Scroll"
-	Name: "Tw Aug Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16372
-	AegisName: "F_Clover_Box_Mouth"
-	Name: "Four Leaf Clover Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16374
-	AegisName: "Mouth_Bubble_Gum_Box"
-	Name: "Chewing Bubblegum R Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16381
-	AegisName: "WoE_Teleport_Scroll_100_Box"
-	Name: "WoE Teleport Scroll 100 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12444,100; ">
-	Id: 16385
-	AegisName: "F_Clover_Box_Mouth2"
-	Name: "O'Riley's Green Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16386
-	AegisName: "F_Clover_Box_Mouth4"
-	Name: "4 Leaf Clover In Mouth R Box III"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16389
-	AegisName: "BGum_Box_In_Mouth2"
-	Name: "Chewing Bubblegum R Box II"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16390
-	AegisName: "BGum_Box_In_Mouth4"
-	Name: "Chewing Bubblegum R Box III"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16393
-	AegisName: "HD_Ori_Box5"
-	Name: "Purified Oridecon Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6240,5; ">
-	Id: 16394
-	AegisName: "HD_Ori_Box10"
-	Name: "Purified Oridecon Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6240,10; ">
-	Id: 16395
-	AegisName: "HD_Elu_Box5"
-	Name: "Purified Eluminium(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6241,5; ">
-	Id: 16396
-	AegisName: "HD_Elu_Box10"
-	Name: "Purified Eluminium(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6241,10; ">
-	Id: 16397
-	AegisName: "Virgo_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Virgo Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5599,1; ">
-	Id: 16405
-	AegisName: "Midgard_Coin_Box"
-	Name: "Midgard Coin Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6242,1; ">
-	Id: 16406
-	AegisName: "FMidgard_Coin_Box"
-	Name: "Midgard Coin Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6242,1; ">
-	Id: 16409
-	AegisName: "Tw_Sep_Scroll"
-	Name: "Flower Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16410
-	AegisName: "Chung_Hairband_Box"
-	Name: "Chung Hairband Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5609,1; ">
-	Id: 16411
-	AegisName: "FChung_Hairband_Box"
-	Name: "FChung Hairband Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5609,1; ">
-	Id: 16412
-	AegisName: "Ice_Wing_Ear_Box"
-	Name: "Ice Wing Ear Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5610,1; ">
-	Id: 16413
-	AegisName: "FIce_Wing_Ear_Box"
-	Name: "FIce Wing Ear Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5610,1; ">
-	Id: 16414
-	AegisName: "Turtle_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Turtle Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5611,1; ">
-	Id: 16415
-	AegisName: "FTurtle_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Turtle Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5611,1; ">
-	Id: 16418
-	AegisName: "Giant_Fly_Wing_Box_500"
-	Name: "Giant Fly Wing Box 500"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 12212,500; ">
-	Id: 16419
-	AegisName: "Greed_Scroll_Box_30"
-	Name: "Greed Scroll 30 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 14529,30; ">
-	Id: 16420
-	AegisName: "Adventurer_Pack"
-	Name: "Adventurer Pack"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 12208,10;
-		getitem 12210,10;
-		getitem 12216,20;
-		getitem 12215,20;
-		getitem 7621,10;
-		getitem 12209,10;
-		getitem 12211,5;
-		getitem 12450,10;
-		getitem 12448,10;
-		getitem 12446,10;
-		getitem 12206,10;
-		getitem 12445,10;
-		getitem 12447,10;
-	">
-	Id: 16423
-	AegisName: "PoporingKey"
-	Name: "PoporingKey"
-	Id: 16424
-	AegisName: "Executioner_Box_"
-	Name: "Executioner Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" rentitem 1174,604800; ">
-	Id: 16425
-	AegisName: "Cutlus_Box"
-	Name: "Cutlus Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" rentitem 13402,604800; ">
-	Id: 16426
-	AegisName: "Moonlight_Dagger_Box"
-	Name: "Moonlight Dagger Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" rentitem 13026,604800; ">
-	Id: 16427
-	AegisName: "Wrench_Box"
-	Name: "Wrench Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" rentitem 1534,604800; ">
-	Id: 16428
-	AegisName: "Solar_Sword_Box_"
-	Name: "Solar Sword Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" rentitem 13403,604800; ">
-	Id: 16429
-	AegisName: "Tomahawk_Box_"
-	Name: "Tomahawk Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" rentitem 1374,604800; ">
-	Id: 16430
-	AegisName: "Rudra_Bow_Box"
-	Name: "Rudra Bow Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" rentitem 1729,604800; ">
-	Id: 16431
-	AegisName: "Pole_Axe_Box_"
-	Name: "Pole Axe Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" rentitem 1419,604800; ">
-	Id: 16436
-	AegisName: "Libra_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Libra Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5662,1; ">
-	Id: 16438
-	AegisName: "Libra_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Libra Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5663,1; ">
-	Id: 16440
-	AegisName: "Filir_Wing_Box"
-	Name: "Filir Wings Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5664,1; ">
-	Id: 16446
-	AegisName: "Tw_October_Scroll"
-	Name: "Pegasus Egg"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16447
-	AegisName: "Scorpio_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Scorpio Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5676,1; ">
-	Id: 16448
-	AegisName: "Scorpio_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Scorpio Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5677,1; ">
-	Id: 16450
-	AegisName: "FScorpio_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Scorpio Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5677,1; ">
-	Id: 16456
-	AegisName: "My_Scroll1"
-	Name: "Bride's Ribbon Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16457
-	AegisName: "Tw_Nov_Scroll"
-	Name: "Bough Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16461
-	AegisName: "Red_Wing_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Red Wing Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5690,1; ">
-	Id: 16462
-	AegisName: "FRed_Wing_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Red Wing Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5690,1; ">
-	Id: 16466
-	AegisName: "My_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Egg Of Light Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16483
-	AegisName: "Abrasive_Box_10"
-	Name: "Abrasive Box (10)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem(E_Abrasive, 10); ">
-	Id: 16503
-	AegisName: "E_Insurance_Package"
-	Name: "E Insurance Package"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 12209,10; ">
-	Id: 16504
-	AegisName: "Bubble_Gum_Box_10"
-	Name: "Bubble Gum Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem(Bubble_Gum, 10); ">
-	Id: 16542
-	AegisName: "Xmas_Bless"
-	Name: "Xmas Bless"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 16543
-	AegisName: "Snowman_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Snowman Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5738,1; ">
-	Id: 16544
-	AegisName: "FSnowman_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Snowman Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 5738,1; ">
-	Id: 16548
-	AegisName: "Sagittarius_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Ephemeral Brysinggamen Trade Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5739,1; ">
-	Id: 16549
-	AegisName: "Sagittarius_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Ephemeral Sleipnir Trade Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5740,1; ">
-	Id: 16555
-	AegisName: "Pr_Reset_Stone_Box"
-	Name: "Playspan Reset Stone Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16556
-	AegisName: "FPremium_Reset_Stone_Box"
-	Name: "Reset Stone Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16557
-	AegisName: "CP_Helm_Scroll10"
-	Name: "CP Helm Scroll10"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Script: <" getitem 14517,10; ">
-	Id: 16558
-	AegisName: "CP_Shield_Scroll10"
-	Name: "CP Shield Scroll10"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Script: <" getitem 14518,10; ">
-	Id: 16559
-	AegisName: "CP_Armor_Scroll10"
-	Name: "CP Armor Scroll10"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Script: <" getitem 14519,10; ">
-	Id: 16560
-	AegisName: "CP_Weapon_Scroll10"
-	Name: "CP Weapon Scroll10"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Script: <" getitem 14520,10; ">
-	Id: 16561
-	AegisName: "CP_Scroll_Package"
-	Name: "CP Scroll Package"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Id: 16562
-	AegisName: "Majestic_Devil_Scroll"
-	Name: "Majestic Devil Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16563
-	AegisName: "BM100_Box_5"
-	Name: "BM100 Box 5"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 14533,5; ">
-	Id: 16565
-	AegisName: "Capricorn_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Capricorn Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5744,1; ">
-	Id: 16567
-	AegisName: "Capricorn_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Capricorn Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5745,1; ">
-	Id: 16568
-	AegisName: "FCapricorn_Diadem_Box"
-	Name: "Capricorn Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5745,1; ">
-	Id: 16569
-	AegisName: "Summer_Scroll"
-	Name: "Komodo Egg"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 16576
-	AegisName: "Illusion_Nothing"
-	Name: "Illusion Nothing"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16577
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Captain"
-	Name: "Dragon Captain"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 16582
-	AegisName: "Red_Bunny_Band_Box"
-	Name: "Red Bunny Band Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5763,1; ">
-	Id: 16584
-	AegisName: "Sloth_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Sloth Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5761,1; ">
-	Id: 16585
-	AegisName: "F_Sloth_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "F Sloth Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5761,1; ">
-	Id: 16586
-	AegisName: "Duneyrr_Helm_Box"
-	Name: "Duneyrr Helm Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5762,1; ">
-	Id: 16587
-	AegisName: "F_Duneyrr_Helm_Box"
-	Name: "F Duneyrr Helm Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5762,1; ">
-	Id: 16600
-	AegisName: "Spring_Flower_Scr_Tw"
-	Name: "Spring Flower Scr Tw"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 16601
-	AegisName: "Blue_Arara_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Blue Arara Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5778,1; ">
-	Id: 16602
-	AegisName: "F_Blue_Arara_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "F Blue Arara Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 5778,1; ">
-	Id: 16619
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Bunnyband_Box"
-	Name: "Yellow Bunnyband Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 5783,1; ">
-	Id: 16631
-	AegisName: "Aributa_Scroll"
-	Name: "Aributa Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 16638
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Of_Life_Box"
-	Name: "Ribbon of Life Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16639
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Of_Life_Box2"
-	Name: "Ribbon of Life Box II"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16640
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Of_Life_Box3"
-	Name: "Life Ribbon Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16652
-	AegisName: "Flame_Light"
-	Name: "Flame Light"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16653
-	AegisName: "BM75_10Box"
-	Name: "BM75 10Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 12563,10; ">
-	Id: 16654
-	AegisName: "Valiant_Will"
-	Name: "Valiant Will"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 16665
-	AegisName: "Virgo_Scroll"
-	Name: "Virgo Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 16666
-	AegisName: "Magic_Candy_Box10"
-	Name: "Magic Candy Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Magic_Candy, 10; ">
-	Id: 16673
-	AegisName: "Libra_Scroll"
-	Name: "Libra Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16675
-	AegisName: "Splash_Scroll"
-	Name: "Splash Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16677
-	AegisName: "Universal_Catalog_Gold_Box10"
-	Name: "Universal Catalog Gold 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12581,10; ">
-	Id: 16681
-	AegisName: "BR_Independence_Scroll"
-	Name: "BR Independence Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16682
-	AegisName: "Boarding_Halter_Box"
-	Name: "Halter Lead 7 Day Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12622,604800; ">
-	Id: 16683
-	AegisName: "B_Halter_Box_30Days"
-	Name: "Halter Lead 30 Day Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 12622,2592000; ">
-	Id: 16684
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Fly_Box10"
-	Name: "Wing Of Fly Box10"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 601,10; ">
-	Id: 16685
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Fly_Box50"
-	Name: "Wing Of Fly Box50"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 601,50; ">
-	Id: 16686
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Fly_Box100"
-	Name: "Wing Of Fly Box100"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 601,100; ">
-	Id: 16687
-	AegisName: "RWC2010_SuitcaseA"
-	Name: "RWC 2010 Travel Sack 1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16688
-	AegisName: "RWC2010_SuitcaseB"
-	Name: "RWC 2010 Travel Sack 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16691
-	AegisName: "Scorpius_Scroll"
-	Name: "Scorpius Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 16740
-	AegisName: "Ptotection_Seagod_Box"
-	Name: "Seagod's Protection Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 6436,86400; ">
-	Id: 16741
-	AegisName: "Hairtail_Box1"
-	Name: "Hairtail Box(1hr)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1198,86400; ">
-	Id: 16742
-	AegisName: "Hairtail_Box2"
-	Name: "Hairtail Box(7day)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1198,604800; ">
-	Id: 16743
-	AegisName: "Spearfish_Box1"
-	Name: "Marlin Box(1hr)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1489,86400; ">
-	Id: 16744
-	AegisName: "Spearfish_Box2"
-	Name: "Marlin Box(7day)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 1489,604800; ">
-	Id: 16745
-	AegisName: "Saurel_Box1"
-	Name: "Saurel Box(1hr)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13068,86400; ">
-	Id: 16746
-	AegisName: "Saurel_Box2"
-	Name: "Saurel Box(7day)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13068,604800; ">
-	Id: 16747
-	AegisName: "Tuna_Box1"
-	Name: "Tuna Box(1hr)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 16016,86400; ">
-	Id: 16748
-	AegisName: "Tuna_Box2"
-	Name: "Tuna Box(7day)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 16016,604800; ">
-	Id: 16749
-	AegisName: "Malang_Crab_Box1"
-	Name: "Malangdo Crab Box(1hr)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 18107,86400; ">
-	Id: 16750
-	AegisName: "Malang_Crab_Box2"
-	Name: "Malangdo Crab Box(7day)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 18107,604800; ">
-	Id: 16751
-	AegisName: "Brindle_Eel_Box1"
-	Name: "Spotty Eel Box1"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 18108,86400; ">
-	Id: 16752
-	AegisName: "Brindle_Eel_Box2"
-	Name: "Spotty Eel Box2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 18108,604800; ">
-	Id: 16753
-	AegisName: "Unbreak_Weap_Box"
-	Name: "Blessed Weapon Ore Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 6438,1; ">
-	Id: 16754
-	AegisName: "F_Unbreak_Weap_Box"
-	Name: "F Unbreak Weap Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 6438,1; ">
-	Id: 16755
-	AegisName: "Unbreak_Def_Box"
-	Name: "Blessed Armor Ore Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 6439,1; ">
-	Id: 16756
-	AegisName: "F_Unbreak_Def_Box"
-	Name: "F Unbreak Def Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 6439,1; ">
-	Id: 16757
-	AegisName: "Hallo_Scroll"
-	Name: "halloween Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16760
-	AegisName: "Umbala_Spirit_Box2"
-	Name: "Umbala Spirit Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16761
-	AegisName: "F_Umbala_Spirit_Box2"
-	Name: "Umbala Spirit Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16763
-	AegisName: "Ptotection_Seagod_Box2"
-	Name: "Seagod's Protection Box2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 6436,604800; ">
-	Id: 16764
-	AegisName: "Ptotection_Seagod_Box3"
-	Name: "Seagod's Protection Box3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 6436,1209600; ">
-	Id: 16765
-	AegisName: "Octo_Hstick_Box"
-	Name: "Octopus Hstick Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 6442,86400; ">
-	Id: 16766
-	AegisName: "Octo_Hstick_Box2"
-	Name: "Octopus Hstick Box2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 6442,259200; ">
-	Id: 16767
-	AegisName: "Octo_Hstick_Box3"
-	Name: "Octopus Hstick Box3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 6442,604800; ">
-	Id: 16770
-	AegisName: "Silvervine_Fruit_Box10"
-	Name: "Silvervine 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 6417,10;
-		getitem 12636,30;
-	">
-	Id: 16771
-	AegisName: "Silvervine_Fruit_Box40"
-	Name: "Silvervine 40 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 6417,40;
-		getitem 12636,120;
-	">
-	Id: 16774
-	AegisName: "Asgard_Scroll"
-	Name: "Asgard Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16775
-	AegisName: "Sagittarius_Scroll"
-	Name: "Sagittarius Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16776
-	AegisName: "Universal_Catalog_Gold_Box10_"
-	Name: "Universal Catalog Gold 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12581,10; ">
-	Id: 16777
-	AegisName: "Universal_Catalog_Gold_Box50"
-	Name: "Universal Catalog Gold 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12581,50; ">
-	Id: 16826
-	AegisName: "Sagittarius_Scr_Box"
-	Name: "Sagittarius Scr Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16843
-	AegisName: "Beauty_Gift_Box"
-	Name: "Beauty Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem(New_Style_Coupon, 1); ">
-	Id: 16854
-	AegisName: "Clothing_Dye_Box"
-	Name: "Clothing Dye Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem(Clothing_Dye_Coupon, 1); ">
-	Id: 16855
-	AegisName: "Clothing_Dye_Orig_Box"
-	Name: "Clothing Dye Orig Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem(Clothing_Dye_Coupon2, 1); ">
-	Id: 16972
-	AegisName: "Weather_Report_Box"
-	Name: "Weather Forecast Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16973
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Costume Yellow Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 19515,1; ">
-	Id: 16974
-	AegisName: "Comin_Actor_Box"
-	Name: "Costume Old-Timey Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16975
-	AegisName: "Singing_Bird_Box"
-	Name: "Costume Singing Bird Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 19516,1; ">
-	Id: 16976
-	AegisName: "Hen_Set_Box"
-	Name: "Costume Chicken Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16977
-	AegisName: "Red_Minicrown_Box"
-	Name: "Costume Mini Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 19522,1; ">
-	Id: 16979
-	AegisName: "Silvervine_Fruit_Box4"
-	Name: "Silvervine 4 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 6417,4;
-		getitem 12636,12;
-	">
-	Id: 16990
-	AegisName: "Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll"
-	Name: "Sagittar Diadem Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16991
-	AegisName: "Sagittar_Di_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Sagittar Di Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16992
-	AegisName: "Butterfly_Wing_Box20"
-	Name: "Butterfly Wing Box20"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 602,20; ">
-	Id: 16993
-	AegisName: "Butterfly_Wing_Box50"
-	Name: "Butterfly Wing Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 602,50; ">
-	Id: 16995
-	AegisName: "Old_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Old Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 16996
-	AegisName: "Capri_Crown_Scroll"
-	Name: "Capri Crown Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16997
-	AegisName: "Capri_Crown_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Capri Crown Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 16998
-	AegisName: "Archangel_Wing_Box"
-	Name: "Archangel's Wing Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2573,1; ">
-	Id: 16999
-	AegisName: "Bravery_Bag_Box"
-	Name: "Heroic Backpack Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2576,1; ">
-	Id: 17000
-	AegisName: "Wander_Man_Box5"
-	Name: "WanderM. Summon Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Wander_Man_Scroll, 5; ">
-	Id: 17001
-	AegisName: "Wander_Man_Box10"
-	Name: "WanderM. Summon Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Wander_Man_Scroll, 10; ">
-	Id: 17002
-	AegisName: "Wicked_Nymph_Box5"
-	Name: "Wicked N. Summon Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Wicked_Nymph_Scrolll, 5; ">
-	Id: 17003
-	AegisName: "Wicked_Nymph_Box10"
-	Name: "Wicked N. Summon Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Wicked_Nymph_Scrolll, 10; ">
-	Id: 17004
-	AegisName: "Kasa_Scroll_Box5"
-	Name: "Kasa Summon Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Kasa_Scroll, 5; ">
-	Id: 17005
-	AegisName: "Kasa_Scroll_Box10"
-	Name: "Kasa Summon Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Kasa_Scroll, 10; ">
-	Id: 17006
-	AegisName: "Salamander_Box5"
-	Name: "Salamander Summon Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Salamander_Scroll, 5; ">
-	Id: 17007
-	AegisName: "Salamander_Box10"
-	Name: "Salamander Summon Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Salamander_Scroll, 10; ">
-	Id: 17008
-	AegisName: "Teddy_Bear_Box5"
-	Name: "Teddy Bear Summon Box(5)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Teddy_Bear_Scroll, 5; ">
-	Id: 17009
-	AegisName: "Teddy_Bear_Box10"
-	Name: "Teddy Bear Summon Box(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem Teddy_Bear_Scroll, 10; ">
-	Id: 17011
-	AegisName: "Capricon_Di_Scroll"
-	Name: "New YearCapricon scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17012
-	AegisName: "Capricon_Di_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "New Year Capricon Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17013
-	AegisName: "Malang_Woe_Encard_Box"
-	Name: "Malangdo Woe Encard Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 16740,1;
-		getitem 16765,1;
-	">
-	Id: 17014
-	AegisName: "Butterfly_ear_Box"
-	Name: "Costume Butterfly Ears Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 19509,1; ">
-	Id: 17015
-	AegisName: "Stuckhead_Screw_Box"
-	Name: "Costume Bolt Ears Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 19510,1; ">
-	Id: 17016
-	AegisName: "Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll"
-	Name: "Aquarius Diadem Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17017
-	AegisName: "Aquarius_Di_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Aquarius Diadem Box 10"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17018
-	AegisName: "Libra_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Libra Scroll2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17019
-	AegisName: "Scorpio_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Scorpio Scroll2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17020
-	AegisName: "Tw_Nov_Scroll2"
-	Name: "Anubis Scroll II"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17021
-	AegisName: "Summer_Scroll3"
-	Name: "Summer Scroll3"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17022
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg1_2"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg1 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17023
-	AegisName: "Super_Pet_Egg4_2"
-	Name: "Super Pet Egg4 2"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17024
-	AegisName: "Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll"
-	Name: "Lovely Aquarius Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17025
-	AegisName: "Lovely_Aquarius_Box"
-	Name: "Lovely Aquarius Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17026
-	AegisName: "Boitata_Scroll"
-	Name: "Boitata Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17028
-	AegisName: "Pisces_Diadem_Scroll"
-	Name: "Pisces Diadem Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17029
-	AegisName: "Pisces_Diadem_Box2"
-	Name: "Pisces Diadem Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17030
-	AegisName: "St_Pat_Hat_box"
-	Name: "St Patrick's Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 18565,1; ">
-	Id: 17035
-	AegisName: "Energetic_Pisces_Scroll"
-	Name: "Energetic Pisces Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17036
-	AegisName: "Energetic_Pisces_Box"
-	Name: "Energetic Pisces Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17037
-	AegisName: "Trans_Box_Devi"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll Box(Deviruchi)(10)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12658,10; ">
-	Id: 17038
-	AegisName: "Trans_Box_Ray_Arch"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll Box(Raydric Archer)(10)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12659,10; ">
-	Id: 17039
-	AegisName: "Trans_Box_Mavka"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll Box(Mavka)(10)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12660,10; ">
-	Id: 17040
-	AegisName: "Trans_Box_Marduk"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll Box(Manuk)(10)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12661,10; ">
-	Id: 17041
-	AegisName: "Trans_Box_Banshee"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll Box(Banshee)(10)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12662,10; ">
-	Id: 17042
-	AegisName: "Trans_Box_Poring"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll Box(Poring)(10)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12663,10; ">
-	Id: 17043
-	AegisName: "Trans_Box_Golem"
-	Name: "Transformation Scroll Box(Golem)(10)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12664,10; ">
-	Id: 17050
-	AegisName: "Aries_Scroll_"
-	Name: "Aries Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17051
-	AegisName: "Aries_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Aries Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17052
-	AegisName: "Holy_Mom_Blaze_Box"
-	Name: "Virgin Splendor Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 6472,1; ">
-	Id: 17056
-	AegisName: "Wiz_Card_Album"
-	Name: "Wiz Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17057
-	AegisName: "Swordman_Card_Album"
-	Name: "Swordman Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17058
-	AegisName: "Thief_Card_Album"
-	Name: "Thief Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17059
-	AegisName: "Acolyte_Card_Album"
-	Name: "Acolyte Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17060
-	AegisName: "Merchant_Card_Album"
-	Name: "Merchant Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17061
-	AegisName: "Archer_Card_Album"
-	Name: "Archer Card Album"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17062
-	AegisName: "Taurus_Diadem_Scroll"
-	Name: "Taurus Diadem Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17063
-	AegisName: "Taurus_Di_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Taurus Di Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17064
-	AegisName: "Tw_Sagitt_Scroll"
-	Name: "Tw Sagitt Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17066
-	AegisName: "Poison_Bottle_Box50"
-	Name: "Poison Bottle Box50"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 678,50; ">
-	Id: 17067
-	AegisName: "Poison_Bottle_Box100"
-	Name: "Poison Bottle Box(100)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 678,100; ">
-	Id: 17068
-	AegisName: "Acidbomb_Box50"
-	Name: "Acid Bomb 50 Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17069
-	AegisName: "Acidbomb_Box100"
-	Name: "Acidbomb Box(100)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17070
-	AegisName: "Acidbomb_Box500"
-	Name: "Acidbomb Box(500)"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17071
-	AegisName: "Superb_Fish_Box50"
-	Name: "Superb Fish Box(50)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 14524,50; ">
-	Id: 17072
-	AegisName: "Superb_Fish_Box100"
-	Name: "Superb Fish Box(100)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 14524,100; ">
-	Id: 17073
-	AegisName: "Superb_Fish_Box500"
-	Name: "Superb Fish Box(500)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 14524,500; ">
-	Id: 17074
-	AegisName: "Empty_Bottle_Box10"
-	Name: "Empty Bottle Box10"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 713,10; ">
-	Id: 17075
-	AegisName: "Empty_Bottle_Box100"
-	Name: "Empty Bottle Box100"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 713,100; ">
-	Id: 17076
-	AegisName: "Empty_Bottle_Box500"
-	Name: "Empty Bottle Box500"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 713,500; ">
-	Id: 17077
-	AegisName: "Taurus_Crown_Scroll"
-	Name: "Taurus Crown Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17078
-	AegisName: "Taurus_Crown_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Taurus Crown Scroll Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17080
-	AegisName: "Scorpio_Scroll3"
-	Name: "March and Groove Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17081
-	AegisName: "Yggdrasil_Crown_Box"
-	Name: "Yggdrasil Crown Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 18580,1; ">
-	Id: 17082
-	AegisName: "Gemi_Diadem_Scroll"
-	Name: "Alora's Costume Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17083
-	AegisName: "Gemi_Diadem_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Hawt Groove Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17084
-	AegisName: "Upg_Katar_Box"
-	Name: "Upgrade Katar Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 1292,1; ">
-	Id: 17085
-	AegisName: "Upg_Two_Handed_Axe_Box"
-	Name: "Upgrade Two-Handed Axe Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 1394,1; ">
-	Id: 17086
-	AegisName: "Upg_Lance_Box"
-	Name: "Upgrade Spear Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 1491,1; ">
-	Id: 17087
-	AegisName: "Upg_Book_Box"
-	Name: "Upgrade Book Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 1585,1; ">
-	Id: 17088
-	AegisName: "Upg_Staff_Box"
-	Name: "Upgrade Staff Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2015,1; ">
-	Id: 17089
-	AegisName: "Upg_Dagger_Box"
-	Name: "Upgrade Dagger Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13071,1; ">
-	Id: 17090
-	AegisName: "Upg_Revolver_Box"
-	Name: "Upgrade Revolver Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 13115,1; ">
-	Id: 17091
-	AegisName: "Upg_Mace_Box"
-	Name: "Upgrade Mace Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 16019,1; ">
-	Id: 17092
-	AegisName: "Upg_Bow_Box"
-	Name: "Upgrade Bow Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 18112,1; ">
-	Id: 17093
-	AegisName: "Upg_Twohand_Sword_Box"
-	Name: "Upgrade Two-Hand Sword Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 21000,1; ">
-	Id: 17094
-	AegisName: "Upg_Katar_Box2"
-	Name: "Upgrade Katar Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 17095
-	AegisName: "Upg_Two_Handed_Axe_Box2"
-	Name: "Upgrade Two-Hand Axe Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 17096
-	AegisName: "Upg_Lance_Box2"
-	Name: "Upgrade Lance Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 17104
-	AegisName: "HD_Oridecon_50Box"
-	Name: "HD Oridecon 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 6240,50; ">
-	Id: 17105
-	AegisName: "HD_Elunium_50Box"
-	Name: "HD Elunium 50 Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 6241,50; ">
-	Id: 17106
-	AegisName: "Max_Weight_Up_10Box"
-	Name: "Heavy Lifter Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 7776,10; ">
-	Id: 17107
-	AegisName: "Gemi_Crown_Scroll"
-	Name: "Gemini Crown Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17108
-	AegisName: "Gemi_Crown_Scroll_Box"
-	Name: "Gemini Crown Scroll 10 Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17109
-	AegisName: "Capri_Scroll"
-	Name: "May You Groove On Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17110
-	AegisName: "Aquarius_Scroll"
-	Name: "Aquarius Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17113
-	AegisName: "Pisces_Scroll"
-	Name: "Marching Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17114
-	AegisName: "Horn_Of_The_Ancient_Box"
-	Name: "Ancient Horns Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 18595,1; ">
-	Id: 17115
-	AegisName: "Sprout_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Sprout Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 18596,1; ">
-	Id: 17116
-	AegisName: "Mercury_Helm_Box"
-	Name: "Mercury Riser Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 18597,1; ">
-	Id: 17118
-	AegisName: "ASPD_Potion_Box10"
-	Name: "ASPD Enhanced Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 17120
-	AegisName: "Taurus_Scroll"
-	Name: "Taurus Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17121
-	AegisName: "Starry_Scroll"
-	Name: "Starry Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17122
-	AegisName: "Immuned_Shield_Box"
-	Name: "Immune Shield Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2168,1; ">
-	Id: 17123
-	AegisName: "Black_Devil_Mask_Box"
-	Name: "Black Devil's Mask Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 18599,1; ">
-	Id: 17124
-	AegisName: "Cat_Ears_Beret_Box"
-	Name: "Cat Ear Beret Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 18600,1; ">
-	Id: 17125
-	AegisName: "Red_Bread_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Red Pom Band Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem 18601,1; ">
-	Id: 17126
-	AegisName: "ASPD_Potion_Box10_2"
-	Name: "ASPD Enhanced Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 12684,10; ">
-	Id: 17127
-	AegisName: "Leo_Scroll2"
-	Name: "March Groove and Win Crate"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17134
-	AegisName: "RWC_Scroll"
-	Name: "RWC Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17138
-	AegisName: "Ms_Cancer_Scroll"
-	Name: "Cancer Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17139
-	AegisName: "RWC_Super_Scroll"
-	Name: "RWC Super Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17140
-	AegisName: "Leo_Scroll3"
-	Name: "Leo Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17141
-	AegisName: "Ms_Virgo_Scroll"
-	Name: "Virgo Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17143
-	AegisName: "Ms_Scorpio_Scroll"
-	Name: "Scorpius Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17146
-	AegisName: "Dep_Alice_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Dep Alice Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 18630,1; ">
-	Id: 17147
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Chef_Hat_Box"
-	Name: "Ribbon Chef Hat Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 18631,1; ">
-	Id: 17152
-	AegisName: "Bridal_Ribbon_Box"
-	Name: "Bridal Ribbon Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 18636,1; ">
-	Id: 17155
-	AegisName: "Upg_Huuma_Shuriken_Box"
-	Name: "Upg Huuma Shuriken Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem 13316,86400; ">
-	Id: 17156
-	AegisName: "TCG_Card_Scroll"
-	Name: "Bossnia Ticket Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17157
-	AegisName: "Vital_Flower_Box"
-	Name: "Vital Flower Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 6113,10; ">
-	Id: 17158
-	AegisName: "Flame_Gemstone_Box"
-	Name: "Flame Gemstone Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" getitem 6114,10; ">
-	Id: 17162
-	AegisName: "Boarding_Halter_Box7"
-	Name: "Boarding Halter Box 7D"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 17163
-	AegisName: "Mystic_Powder_Box30"
-	Name: "Mystic Powder Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem Mystic_Powder, 30; ">
-	Id: 17165
-	AegisName: "Challenge_Kit"
-	Name: "Challenge Kit"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17176
-	AegisName: "Boarding_Halter_Box3"
-	Name: "Halter Lead Box[Trial]"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 17181
-	AegisName: "Jan_Groove_Box"
-	Name: "Getting Lucky Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17184
-	AegisName: "3rd_Test_Pass_Box"
-	Name: "3rd Test Pass Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Script: <" getitem 6583,1; ">
-	Id: 17203
-	AegisName: "Free_Pass_Box"
-	Name: "Free Pass Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17207
-	AegisName: "Idn_Heart_Scroll"
-	Name: "Idn Heart Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17209
-	AegisName: "Tw_Rainbow_Scroll"
-	Name: "Tw Rainbow Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17210
-	AegisName: "Tw_Red_Scroll"
-	Name: "Tw Red Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17211
-	AegisName: "Tw_Orange_Scroll"
-	Name: "Tw Orange Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17212
-	AegisName: "Tw_Yellow_Scroll"
-	Name: "Tw Yellow Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17226
-	AegisName: "C_Center_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Infinite Concentration Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem C_Center_Potion,604800; ">
-	Id: 17227
-	AegisName: "C_Awakening_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Infinite Awakening Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem C_Awakening_Potion,604800; ">
-	Id: 17228
-	AegisName: "C_Berserk_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Infinite Berserk Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem Infinite_Berserk_Potion,604800; ">
-	Id: 17229
-	AegisName: "C_Wing_Of_Fly_Box"
-	Name: "Infinite Fly Wing Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem C_Wing_Of_Fly,604800; ">
-	Id: 17233
-	AegisName: "Scroll_Of_Death"
-	Name: "Scroll Of Death"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17234
-	AegisName: "Scroll_Of_Life"
-	Name: "Scroll Of Life"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17235
-	AegisName: "Scroll_Of_Magic"
-	Name: "Scroll Of Magic"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17236
-	AegisName: "Scroll_Of_Thews"
-	Name: "Scroll Of Thews"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17237
-	AegisName: "Scroll_Of_Darkness"
-	Name: "Scroll Of Darkness"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17238
-	AegisName: "Scroll_Of_Holiness"
-	Name: "Scroll Of Holiness"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17239
-	AegisName: "Horned_Scroll"
-	Name: "Horned Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17240
-	AegisName: "Mercury_Scroll"
-	Name: "Mercury Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17245
-	AegisName: "Idn_Independ_Scroll"
-	Name: "Idn Independ Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17246
-	AegisName: "HD_Elu_Box30"
-	Name: "HD Elunium Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6241,30; ">
-	Id: 17247
-	AegisName: "HD_Ori_Box30"
-	Name: "HD Oridecon Box(30)"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 6240,30; ">
-	Id: 17251
-	AegisName: "C_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_Box"
-	Name: "Fly Wing Infinite 3rd Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-		nogstorage: true
-	}
-	Script: <" rentitem C_Wing_Of_Fly,259200; ">
-	Id: 17252
-	AegisName: "RWC_2012_Set_Box"
-	Name: "RWC Rally Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" packageitem(); ">
-	Id: 17253
-	AegisName: "RWC_2012_Ring_Box"
-	Name: "RWC Enchant Reset Ticket Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2966,1; ">
-	Id: 17254
-	AegisName: "RWC_2012_Pendant_Box"
-	Name: "RWC Enchant Reset 5 Ticket Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem 2968,1; ">
-	Id: 17256
-	AegisName: "Good_Student_Gift_Box"
-	Name: "Good Student Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17257
-	AegisName: "Bad_Student_Gift_Box"
-	Name: "Bad Student Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Id: 17262
-	AegisName: "Ex_Def_Potion_Box"
-	Name: "Special Defense Potion Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 17270
-	AegisName: "STR_Biscuit_Stick_Box"
-	Name: "Bar of Strength Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem STR_Biscuit_Stick,20; ">
-	Id: 17271
-	AegisName: "VIT_Biscuit_Stick_Box"
-	Name: "Bar of Fitness Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem VIT_Biscuit_Stick,20; ">
-	Id: 17272
-	AegisName: "AGI_Biscuit_Stick_Box"
-	Name: "Bar of Agility Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem AGI_Biscuit_Stick,20; ">
-	Id: 17273
-	AegisName: "INT_Biscuit_Stick_Box"
-	Name: "Bar of Knowledge Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem INT_Biscuit_Stick,20; ">
-	Id: 17274
-	AegisName: "DEX_Biscuit_Stick_Box"
-	Name: "Bar of Tricks Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem DEX_Biscuit_Stick,20; ">
-	Id: 17275
-	AegisName: "LUK_Biscuit_Stick_Box"
-	Name: "Bar of Luck Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Weight: 10
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" getitem LUK_Biscuit_Stick,20; ">
-	Id: 17336
-	AegisName: "Jeremy_Beauty_Coupon_Box"
-	Name: "Jeremy's Beauty Coupon Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getitem(Cash_Hair_Coupon, 1); ">
-	Id: 17774
-	AegisName: "Almighty_Plus_Box3"
-	Name: "Almighty_Plus_Box3"
-	Id: 17775
-	AegisName: "Almighty100_PlusBox3"
-	Name: "Almighty100_PlusBox3"
-	Id: 17882
-	AegisName: "Refine_Ore_Box17_Set10"
-	Name: "Refine_Ore_Box17_Set10"
-	Id: 17883
-	AegisName: "Refine_Ore_Box17"
-	Name: "Refine_Ore_Box17"
-	Id: 17884
-	AegisName: "HD_Refine_Ore_Box5"
-	Name: "HD_Refine_Ore_Box5"
-	Id: 17885
-	AegisName: "HD_High_Refine_Box3"
-	Name: "HD_High_Refine_Box3"
-	Id: 17886
-	AegisName: "Infinity_Box"
-	Name: "Infinity_Box"
-	Id: 17887
-	AegisName: "Infinity_10_Box"
-	Name: "Infinity_10_Box"
-	Id: 17894
-	AegisName: "New_Vigorgra_Package"
-	Name: "New_Vigorgra_Package"
-	Id: 17895
-	AegisName: "New_Vigorgra_Set"
-	Name: "New_Vigorgra_Set"
-	Id: 17914
-	AegisName: "2017_GStar_CostumeBox"
-	Name: "2017_GStar_CostumeBox"
-	Id: 17923
-	AegisName: "Refine_Ore_Box18"
-	Name: "Refine_Ore_Box18"
-	Id: 17924
-	AegisName: "Refine_Ore_Box18_Set10"
-	Name: "Refine_Ore_Box18_Set10"
-	Id: 17925
-	AegisName: "HD_Refine_Ore_Box6"
-	Name: "HD_Refine_Ore_Box6"
-	Id: 17926
-	AegisName: "HD_High_Refine_Box4"
-	Name: "HD_High_Refine_Box4"
-	Id: 17935
-	AegisName: "New_3_Potion_pack"
-	Name: "New_3_Potion_pack"
-	Id: 17936
-	AegisName: "New_3_Potion_10pack"
-	Name: "New_3_Potion_10pack"
-	Id: 17940
-	AegisName: "Nyangvine_Box10_3"
-	Name: "Nyangvine_Box10_3"
-	Id: 17941
-	AegisName: "Nyangvine_Box100_3"
-	Name: "Nyangvine_Box100_3"
-	Id: 17944
-	AegisName: "Almighty_Plus_Box4"
-	Name: "Almighty_Plus_Box4"
-	Id: 17945
-	AegisName: "Almighty100_PlusBox4"
-	Name: "Almighty100_PlusBox4"
-//== Mechanic / Geneticist Cannon Balls ====================
-	Id: 18000
-	AegisName: "Cannon_Ball"
-	Name: "Cannon Ball"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 10
-	Atk: 100
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_CANNONBALL"
-	Id: 18001
-	AegisName: "Holy_Cannon_Ball"
-	Name: "Holy Cannon Ball"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Atk: 120
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_CANNONBALL"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy; ">
-	Id: 18002
-	AegisName: "Dark_Cannon_Ball"
-	Name: "Dark Cannon Ball"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Atk: 120
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_CANNONBALL"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark; ">
-	Id: 18003
-	AegisName: "Soul_Cannon_Ball"
-	Name: "Soul Cannon Ball"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 10
-	Atk: 120
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_CANNONBALL"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Ghost; ">
-	Id: 18004
-	AegisName: "Iron_Cannon_Ball"
-	Name: "Iron Cannon Ball"
-	Type: "IT_AMMO"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 10
-	Atk: 250
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
-	Subtype: "A_CANNONBALL"
-//== More Bows =============================================
-	Id: 18100
-	AegisName: "Shooting_Star_C"
-	Name: "Shooting Star"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 1
-	Atk: 190
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,20; ">
-	Id: 18101
-	AegisName: "F_Bow_Of_Rudra_C"
-	Name: "Rental Bow Of Rudra"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		skill AL_CURE,1;
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Poison,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Confusion,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 18102
-	AegisName: "E_Bow_Of_Rudra_C"
-	Name: "E Bow Of Rudra C"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2
-	Atk: 185
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		skill AL_CURE,1;
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Poison,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Confusion,5000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 18103
-	AegisName: "Mystic_Bow"
-	Name: "Mystic Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1700
-	Atk: 75
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,100;
-		bonus bInt,4;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18104
-	AegisName: "Adventure_Bow"
-	Name: "Adventure Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; ">
-	Id: 18105
-	AegisName: "Academy_Bow"
-	Name: "Academy Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 90
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 18106
-	AegisName: "P_Bow3"
-	Name: "Eden Group Bow3"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 140
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 18107
-	AegisName: "Malang_Snow_Crab"
-	Name: "Malang Snow Crab"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,50;
-		if(BaseLevel>99) {
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18108
-	AegisName: "Brindle_Eel"
-	Name: "Brindle Eel"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bAspd,2; }",10,7000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_HASTEUP, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		if(BaseLevel>99) {
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18109
-	AegisName: "Catapult"
-	Name: "Catapult"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1100
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Rogue: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SC_TRIANGLESHOT,(getrefine()*2);
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,SC_TRIANGLESHOT,(getrefine()*2);
-	">
-	Id: 18110
-	AegisName: "Big_CrossBow"
-	Name: "Big CrossBow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 900
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,RA_ARROWSTORM,(getrefine()*5);
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,RA_ARROWSTORM,(getrefine()*-5);
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=120) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 18111
-	AegisName: "Creeper_Bow"
-	Name: "Creeper Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,PF_SPIDERWEB,1,200;
-	">
-	Id: 18112
-	AegisName: "Upg_Bow"
-	Name: "Upgrade Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 60
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*7);
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,(getrefine()*2);
-		if(BaseJob==Job_Hunter) bonus bBaseAtk,20;
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bBaseAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*10); }
-	">
-	Id: 18113
-	AegisName: "Velum_Arbalest"
-	Name: "Vellum Arbalest"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1100
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bSPVanishRate, 1000, 4, BF_NORMAL;
-		bonus bAspd, -5;
-	">
-	Id: 18114
-	AegisName: "Velum_CrossBow"
-	Name: "Vellum CrossBow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1100
-	Atk: 110
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,30+getrefine();
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Player,30;
-	">
-	Id: 18115
-	AegisName: "Orc_Archer_Bow_"
-	Name: "Orc Archer's Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1600
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 18116
-	AegisName: "Metal_Bow"
-	Name: "Metal Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseJob==Job_Hunter && Upper!=2) bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*3);
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,getrefine();
-		.@val = max(BaseLevel/10, 12);
-		if (.@val > 2) { bonus bBaseAtk,((.@val-2)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 18117
-	AegisName: "Royal_Bow"
-	Name: "Royal Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 80
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 105
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Id: 18118
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Bow"
-	Name: "TE Woe Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,40;
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Curse,1000;
-	">
-	Id: 18119
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Bow"
-	Name: "Thanatos Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 180
-	Matk: 110
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 18120
-	AegisName: "Bow_Of_Evil_Slayer"
-	Name: "Evil Slayer Piercer Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1350
-	Atk: 115
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAtkRate,5; }
-		if(getrefine()>=12) { bonus bAtkRate,7; }
-	">
-	Id: 18121
-	AegisName: "Bow_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Bow of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1700
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2)); ">
-	Id: 18122
-	AegisName: "Gigantic_Bow"
-	Name: "Giant Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Atk: 195
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,40;
-		bonus bAspdRate,-15;
-		bonus bHit,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 18123
-	AegisName: "Bow_Of_Storm"
-	Name: "Bow of Storms"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 12400
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillCooldown,WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM,-20;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM,15;
-	">
-	Id: 18124
-	AegisName: "Half_BF_Bow1"
-	Name: "Half BF Bow1"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 5
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,30;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18126
-	AegisName: "Ru_Blue_Bow"
-	Name: "Blue Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Hunter: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,5;
-		bonus bDex,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18128
-	AegisName: "Infinity_Bow"
-	Name: "Infinity Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 160
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Thief: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 18130
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Bow"
-	Name: "Crimson Bow"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 5
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 7
-	Subtype: "W_BOW"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 18149
-	AegisName: "Balistar_IL"
-	Name: "Balistar_IL"
-	Id: 18165
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_RN_Bow"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_RN_Bow"
-	Id: 18166
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_WM_Bow"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_WM_Bow"
-	Id: 18170
-	AegisName: "Neev_Bow_Of_Rogue"
-	Name: "Neev_Bow_Of_Rogue"
-	Id: 18174
-	AegisName: "Hunter_Bow_IL"
-	Name: "Hunter_Bow_IL"
-	Id: 18178
-	AegisName: "Virtual_Bow_OS"
-	Name: "Virtual_Bow_OS"
-	Id: 18179
-	AegisName: "MH_P89_OS"
-	Name: "MH_P89_OS"
-	Id: 18180
-	AegisName: "AC_B44_OS"
-	Name: "AC_B44_OS"
-	Id: 18182
-	AegisName: "Evt_Royal_Bow_K"
-	Name: "Evt_Royal_Bow_K"
-	Id: 18183
-	AegisName: "Evt_Narcis_Bow"
-	Name: "Evt_Narcis_Bow"
-//== More Headgears ========================================
-	Id: 18500
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf6"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf VI"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 369
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 60;
-	">
-	Id: 18501
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf8"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf VIII"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 369
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 80;
-	">
-	Id: 18502
-	AegisName: "Cheer_Scarf10"
-	Name: "Cheering scarf X"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 369
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 100;
-	">
-	Id: 18503
-	AegisName: "Small_Horn_Of_Devil"
-	Name: "Small Devil Horns"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 562
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18504
-	AegisName: "Anubis_Helm_J"
-	Name: "Anubis Helm J"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 485
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefRate,-50;
-		bonus bMdefRate,-50;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,NPC_WIDESTONE,2,10,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18505
-	AegisName: "Umbala_Spirit"
-	Name: "Umbala Spirit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 675
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,517,500;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,517,25;
-	">
-	Id: 18506
-	AegisName: "Hattah_Black"
-	Name: "Hata Black"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 12000
-	Weight: 4000
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 676
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18507
-	AegisName: "Elven_Ears_"
-	Name: "Elven Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 73
-	Id: 18508
-	AegisName: "Garuda_Hat"
-	Name: "Garuda Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 677
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace, RC_All, 5;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bHit,10;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,522,(getrefine()*100)-600; } /* Custom - KRO */
-	">
-	Id: 18509
-	AegisName: "RWC2010_Indonesia"
-	Name: "RWC 2010 Indonesia"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 15
-	ViewSprite: 678
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,501,100;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,504,100;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus bAspd,1;
-		bonus bAtkRate,3;
-		bonus bMatkRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18510
-	AegisName: "Blood_Angel_Hair_Band"
-	Name: "Bloody Angel Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 679
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10; ">
-	Id: 18511
-	AegisName: "Blood_Angel_Wing_Ear"
-	Name: "Bloody Angel Wing Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 680
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,2;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18512
-	AegisName: "Juho_Necktie"
-	Name: "Necktie of Drunkard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 443
-	Id: 18513
-	AegisName: "Shining_Sunflower"
-	Name: "Shining Sunflower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 681
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 18514
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Hat2"
-	Name: "Eden Group Hat II"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 682
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,10; }",50,5000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_ENHANCE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		autobonus "{ bonus bMatk,10; }",50,5000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 18515
-	AegisName: "RTC_Winner_Headgear"
-	Name: "RTC winners Pitching"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 683
-	Id: 18516
-	AegisName: "RTC_2nd_Headgear"
-	Name: "RTC Second Pitching"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 684
-	Id: 18517
-	AegisName: "RTC_3rd_Headgear"
-	Name: "RTC 3rd Winner Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 6000
-	Weight: 2500
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 685
-	Id: 18518
-	AegisName: "Ear_Of_Angels_Wing_"
-	Name: "Angel Wing Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 158
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 18519
-	AegisName: "Ear_Of_Devils_Wing_"
-	Name: "Wing of Diablo"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 152
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 18520
-	AegisName: "Jaty_C"
-	Name: "Jaty Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 686
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18521
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Clover"
-	Name: "Lucky Clover"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 571
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,20;
-	">
-	Id: 18522
-	AegisName: "Evil_Marcher_Hat"
-	Name: "Evil Marching Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 687
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 2;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus bCriticalRate,10; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,5;
-			bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18523
-	AegisName: "Super_Scell"
-	Name: "Thunderstorm Cloud"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 688
-	Id: 18524
-	AegisName: "Dokkebi_Mask"
-	Name: "Mask Of Demon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 689
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18525
-	AegisName: "Watermelon_Hat"
-	Name: "Watermelon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 690
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18526
-	AegisName: "Yummy_Lollipop"
-	Name: "Delicious Lollipop"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 446
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 18527
-	AegisName: "Gloomy_Pumpkin_Hat"
-	Name: "Gloomy Pumpkin Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 691
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12192,10;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18528
-	AegisName: "Tare_Neko_Cru"
-	Name: "Drooping Neko Crew"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 692
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18529
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Wild_Rose"
-	Name: "Drooping Wild Rose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 541
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-10;
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18530
-	AegisName: "Tha_Despero_Mask"
-	Name: "Thanatos Despero Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 693
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bLuk,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 18531
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Permeter"
-	Name: "Drooping Permeter"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 694
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRace2,RC2_Turtle,20; ">
-	Id: 18532
-	AegisName: "Heart_Ribbon_Band"
-	Name: "Heart Ribbon Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 708
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 18533
-	AegisName: "Honeybee_Hat"
-	Name: "Honey Bee Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 709
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Insect,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Insect,5;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,518,RC_Insect,50;
-	">
-	Id: 18534
-	AegisName: "Fancy_Phantom_Mask"
-	Name: "Fancy Phantom Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 710
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bDelayrate,-1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,0+(getrefine()*100);
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MC_MAMMONITE,20;
-	">
-	Id: 18535
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Hat_2010"
-	Name: "Pumpkin Hat 2010"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	ViewSprite: 206
-	Id: 18536
-	AegisName: "Foxtail"
-	Name: "Foxtail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 711
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-1;
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18537
-	AegisName: "Malangdo_Hat"
-	Name: "Malangdo Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 726
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,6; ">
-	Id: 18538
-	AegisName: "Evil_Whisper"
-	Name: "Spirit Whispers"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 712
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18539
-	AegisName: "Skull_Cap"
-	Name: "Skull Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 713
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		if(getrefine() >= 5) { bonus bMatkRate,3; }
-		if(getrefine() >= 7) { bonus bMatkRate,3; }
-	">
-	Id: 18540
-	AegisName: "Evil_Mask"
-	Name: "Demon Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 714
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate,1; ">
-	Id: 18541
-	AegisName: "Little_Fhat"
-	Name: "Little Feather Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 715
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus bCritAtkRate,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 18542
-	AegisName: "All_Love_Guard"
-	Name: "Benevolent Guardian"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 716
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,2;
-		bonus bHealPower2,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus bHealPower,3; }
-	">
-	Id: 18543
-	AegisName: "Witchs_Hat"
-	Name: "Witch Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 7
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 717
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18544
-	AegisName: "Blrabbit_Hband"
-	Name: "Blrabbit Hband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 718
-	Id: 18545
-	AegisName: "Whrabbit_Hband"
-	Name: "Whrabbit Hband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 719
-	Id: 18546
-	AegisName: "Lover_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Sweetheart Gum Of Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 720
-	Id: 18547
-	AegisName: "Campus_Festival"
-	Name: "Campus Festival Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 721
-	Script: <" skill AL_INCAGI,2; ">
-	Id: 18548
-	AegisName: "Tiny_Hat"
-	Name: "Taini Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 30
-	ViewSprite: 722
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18549
-	AegisName: "Butterfly_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Butterfly Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 723
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 18550
-	AegisName: "Asgard_Blessing"
-	Name: "Asgard Blessing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 724
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 18551
-	AegisName: "Galaxy_Circlet"
-	Name: "Galaxy Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 725
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 18552
-	AegisName: "Proba_Angel_Blessing"
-	Name: "Baby Angel Stone Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 444
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 18553
-	AegisName: "Mini_Tree"
-	Name: "Christmas Tree Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 5
-	ViewSprite: 727
-	Id: 18554
-	AegisName: "King_Prawn_Hat"
-	Name: "Amami Old Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 8
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 728
-	Id: 18555
-	AegisName: "General_Helmet"
-	Name: "Dragon General Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 729
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Dragon,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Dragon,5;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,7444,RC_Dragon,2;
-	 ">
-	Id: 18556
-	AegisName: "Angel_Helmet"
-	Name: "Angel's Symbol"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 18557
-	AegisName: "Devil_Helmet"
-	Name: "Devil's Symbol"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 12
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 18558
-	AegisName: "Sinsuncho_Hat"
-	Name: "Sinsuncho Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 730
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Plant,5;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Plant,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 18559
-	AegisName: "Fafnir_Skin"
-	Name: "Fafunirusukin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 152
-	Id: 18560
-	AegisName: "Fafnir_Mask"
-	Name: "Fafunirumasuku"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 180
-	Id: 18561
-	AegisName: "B_Feather_Beret"
-	Name: "Black Feather Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 731
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18562
-	AegisName: "Bone_Hat"
-	Name: "Death Corsage"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 732
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 18563
-	AegisName: "Heart_Wing_Hairband"
-	Name: "Heart Wing Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 733
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDelayrate,-(5+(3*(getrefine()/3)));
-		bonus bUseSPrate,10-(3*(getrefine()/3));
-	">
-	Id: 18564
-	AegisName: "Love_Piece"
-	Name: "Fragments of The Love"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 734
-	Id: 18565
-	AegisName: "Leprechaun_Hat"
-	Name: "St Patrick's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 735
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-	">
-	Id: 18566
-	AegisName: "Nut_Donut_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Nut Donut In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 736
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 18567
-	AegisName: "Stretched_Nose"
-	Name: "Increased His Nose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 737
-	Id: 18568
-	AegisName: "Humming_Bird"
-	Name: "Humming Bird"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 702
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,6; ">
-	Id: 18569
-	AegisName: "Soft_Sheep_Hat"
-	Name: "Soft Sheep Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 738
-	Id: 18570
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Gold_Deco"
-	Name: "Ancient Gold Ornament"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 56000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 739
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseLevel >= 150) {
-			bonus bAllStats,2;
-		}
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) {
-			bonus bAtkRate, 8;
-		}
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) {
-			bonus bMatkRate,8;
-		}
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Archer) {
-			bonus bDex,3;
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18571
-	AegisName: "Lucky_Hat"
-	Name: "Lucky Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 740
-	Id: 18572
-	AegisName: "Korean_Judge_Hat"
-	Name: "Judges Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 377
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,2; ">
-	Id: 18573
-	AegisName: "White_Feather"
-	Name: "White Feather"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 741
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,20;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-10;
-		if (getrefine()>4) {
-			bonus bHit,-10;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-			bonus bHit,((getrefine()-4)/2)*3;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,((getrefine()-4)/2)*3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18574
-	AegisName: "Lord_of_Death"
-	Name: "Lord of the Dead Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 742
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonBoss,-5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,10;
-		if(getrefine()>4) { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,getrefine()-4; }
-	">
-	Id: 18575
-	AegisName: "Wunderkammer"
-	Name: "Wunderkammer"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 743
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 18576
-	AegisName: "YinYang_Earring"
-	Name: "Yin Yang Earrings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 744
-	Id: 18577
-	AegisName: "24_Bolt"
-	Name: "Screw Stuck Head"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 696
-	Id: 18578
-	AegisName: "Helm_Of_Valor"
-	Name: "Helm Of Valor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 4
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 258
-	Id: 18579
-	AegisName: "9th_Anni_Hat"
-	Name: "kRO 9 Anniversary Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 90
-	ViewSprite: 745
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,9;
-	">
-	Id: 18580
-	AegisName: "Yggdrasil_Crown"
-	Name: "Yggdrasil Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Gender: "SEX_MALE"
-	ViewSprite: 746
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bHealPower,1;
-		bonus bHealPower2,1;
-		if(getrefine() >= 7) { bonus bHealPower,5; }
-		if(getrefine() >= 9) { bonus bHealPower,3; }
-	">
-	Id: 18581
-	AegisName: "Red_Tiger_Mask"
-	Name: "Red Tiger Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 747
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,3; ">
-	Id: 18582
-	AegisName: "Blue_Tiger_Mask"
-	Name: "Blue Tiger Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 748
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,3; ">
-	Id: 18583
-	AegisName: "Navy_Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "Navy Drooping Kitty"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 749
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,15; ">
-	Id: 18584
-	AegisName: "Brown_Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "Brown Drooping Kitty"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 250000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 750
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,15; ">
-	Id: 18585
-	AegisName: "Orange_Bunny_Hairband"
-	Name: "Orange Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	ViewSprite: 751
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bVit,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18586
-	AegisName: "Violet_Bunny_Hairband"
-	Name: "Violet Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	ViewSprite: 752
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18587
-	AegisName: "Blue_Bunny_Hairband"
-	Name: "Blue Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	ViewSprite: 753
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18588
-	AegisName: "Silver_Bunny_Hairband"
-	Name: "Silvah Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	ViewSprite: 754
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18589
-	AegisName: "Strawberry_Hat"
-	Name: "Strawberry Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 755
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,578,100+(10*getrefine());
-	">
-	Id: 18590
-	AegisName: "Gemma_Hairband"
-	Name: "Demon Hair Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 564
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,3; ">
-	Id: 18591
-	AegisName: "Mini_Glasses_"
-	Name: "Mini Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 47
-	Id: 18592
-	AegisName: "Nestea_Hat"
-	Name: "Nestea Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 756
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18593
-	AegisName: "Fancy_Mini_Crown"
-	Name: "Fancy Mini Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 707
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18594
-	AegisName: "Magni_Cap_"
-	Name: "Magni Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 250
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 18595
-	AegisName: "Horn_Of_Ancient"
-	Name: "Ancient Horns"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 757
-	Script: <" autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,100; }",5,10000,0,"{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }"; ">
-	Id: 18596
-	AegisName: "Sprout_Hat"
-	Name: "Sprout Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 758
-	Script: <" skill WZ_HEAVENDRIVE,3; ">
-	Id: 18597
-	AegisName: "Mercury_Helm"
-	Name: "Mercury Riser"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 759
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-		bonus bCritical,3;
-		if(getrefine() >= 7) {
-			bonus bAspdRate,2;
-			bonus bCritical,2;
-		}
-		if(getrefine() >= 9) {
-			bonus bAspdRate,2;
-			bonus bCritical,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18598
-	AegisName: "Mini_Tree_J"
-	Name: "Holy xmas Tree"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 727
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,20; ">
-	Id: 18599
-	AegisName: "Black_Devil_Mask"
-	Name: "Black Devil's Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 760
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,2; ">
-	Id: 18600
-	AegisName: "Cat_Ears_Beret"
-	Name: "Cat Ear Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 761
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,(getrefine()-5);
-			bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,(getrefine()-5);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18601
-	AegisName: "Red_Bread_Hat"
-	Name: "Red Pom Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 762
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,(getrefine()-5);
-			bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,(getrefine()-5);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18602
-	AegisName: "Watermelon_Slice"
-	Name: "Watermelon Bite"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 763
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,4;
-	">
-	Id: 18603
-	AegisName: "Black_Devil_Mask_"
-	Name: "Black Devil's Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 760
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 18604
-	AegisName: "Falcon_Mask"
-	Name: "Falcon Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 782
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18605
-	AegisName: "Dark_Age"
-	Name: "Dark Age"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 766
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark; }",30,60000;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-10;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Angel,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 18606
-	AegisName: "Tear_Drop"
-	Name: "Tear drop"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 767
-	Id: 18607
-	AegisName: "Blush_"
-	Name: "Blush"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 125
-	Id: 18608
-	AegisName: "Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon2"
-	Name: "Small Ribbons"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 45
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 169
-	Id: 18609
-	AegisName: "Dark_Blindfold_"
-	Name: "Dark Blinder"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 187
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,10000;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,200;
-	">
-	Id: 18610
-	AegisName: "7th_Anni_Hat_B"
-	Name: "7th Anni Hat B"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 4
-	ViewSprite: 778
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,5;
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-	">
-	Id: 18611
-	AegisName: "Black_Glasses_"
-	Name: "Black Frame Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 404
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18612
-	AegisName: "White_Musang_Hat"
-	Name: "White Musang Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 770
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18613
-	AegisName: "Black_Musang_Hat"
-	Name: "Black Musang Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 45000
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 771
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18614
-	AegisName: "Grim_Reaper_Hat"
-	Name: "Grim Reaper"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 732
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,3; ">
-	Id: 18615
-	AegisName: "Injured_Eyepatch"
-	Name: "Injured Eyepatch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 772
-	Id: 18616
-	AegisName: "Long_Tongue"
-	Name: "Long Tongue"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 773
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 18617
-	AegisName: "Onigiri_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Onigiri"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 774
-	Id: 18618
-	AegisName: "Airplane_Hat"
-	Name: "Rockabilly Hair"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 775
-	Id: 18619
-	AegisName: "Thief_Bandana"
-	Name: "Thief Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 776
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,TF_STEAL,1,20;
-	">
-	Id: 18620
-	AegisName: "Heart_Eyepatch"
-	Name: "Heart Eyepatch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 779
-	Id: 18621
-	AegisName: "Gangster_Mask_A"
-	Name: "Mobster's Disguise"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 52
-	Id: 18622
-	AegisName: "Rocket_Helm1"
-	Name: "Rocket Helm1"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	ViewSprite: 764
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bAllStats,5;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18623
-	AegisName: "Rocket_Helm2"
-	Name: "Rocket Helm2"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	ViewSprite: 765
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bAllStats,4;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18624
-	AegisName: "Rocket_Helm3"
-	Name: "Rocket Helm3"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	ViewSprite: 768
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18625
-	AegisName: "Rocket_Helm_RWC"
-	Name: "Rocket Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	ViewSprite: 769
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18626
-	AegisName: "Gelato_Hat"
-	Name: "Gelato Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 777
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			skill MG_FROSTDIVER,5;
-		}
-		else {
-			skill MG_FROSTDIVER,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18627
-	AegisName: "Dried_Leaf"
-	Name: "Dried Leaf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 711
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18628
-	AegisName: "Tare_Brownie"
-	Name: "Tare Brownie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 781
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef, 5;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate, 2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 18629
-	AegisName: "B_Desert_Wolf_Hat"
-	Name: "B Desert Wolf Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 783
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,15;
-	">
-	Id: 18630
-	AegisName: "Dep_Alice_Hat"
-	Name: "Drooping Alice"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 784
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_Demon, 10;
-		if(getrefine() > 6) {
-			autobonus "{ bonus bAspdRate, 100; }", 10, 7000, 0, "{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18631
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Chef_Hat"
-	Name: "Ribbon Chef hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 785
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12125,500;
-			bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12126,500;
-			bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12127,400;
-			bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12128,300;
-			bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,12129,200;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18632
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Poring_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Yellow Poring Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 786
-	Id: 18633
-	AegisName: "Pink_Poring_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Pink Poring Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 787
-	Id: 18634
-	AegisName: "Green_Poring_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Green Poring Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 788
-	Id: 18635
-	AegisName: "Blue_Poring_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Blue Poring Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 789
-	Id: 18636
-	AegisName: "Bridal_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Ribbon of bride"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 6
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 790
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,DC_WINKCHARM,1,100,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18637
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Admiral_Helm"
-	Name: "Ancient Admiral Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 660
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		if(getrefine()>7) { bonus bSpeedRate,25; }
-	">
-	Id: 18638
-	AegisName: "Citron_Hat"
-	Name: "Citron Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 791
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18639
-	AegisName: "Naval_Officer_Hat"
-	Name: "Naval Officer Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 792
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		/* Increase damage against water property monster by +10% */
-	">
-	Id: 18640
-	AegisName: "Starfish_Headband"
-	Name: "Starfish Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 793
-	Id: 18641
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Magic_Hat"
-	Name: "Ribbon Magic Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 794
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18642
-	AegisName: "hand_Scissorhand_Model"
-	Name: "Scissorhand Model"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 795
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 18643
-	AegisName: "Rockhand_Model"
-	Name: "Rockhand Model"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 796
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 18644
-	AegisName: "Paperhand_Model"
-	Name: "Paperhand Model"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 797
-	Id: 18645
-	AegisName: "Sailor_Hat"
-	Name: "Sailor Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 798
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt, 1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 18646
-	AegisName: "Cow_Hat"
-	Name: "Cow Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 799
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,519,100;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18647
-	AegisName: "Star_Eyepatch"
-	Name: "Stunning Star Eyepatch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 800
-	Script: <" bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,1500; ">
-	Id: 18648
-	AegisName: "Tongue_Charm"
-	Name: "Tongue Charm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 801
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,3; ">
-	Id: 18649
-	AegisName: "Lude_Mask"
-	Name: "Lude Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 802
-	Id: 18650
-	AegisName: "RWC_Shouting_Mouth"
-	Name: "RWC Shouting Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 194
-	Id: 18651
-	AegisName: "Ignis_Cap"
-	Name: "Ignis Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 803
-	Id: 18652
-	AegisName: "Vanargand_Helm"
-	Name: "Vanargand Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 80
-	ViewSprite: 804
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10*(5+1*(getrefine()>7)+2*(getrefine()>8)+2*(getrefine()>9)),1+2*(getrefine()>5)+2*(getrefine()>7)+3*(getrefine()>9);
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10*(5+1*(getrefine()>8)+2*(getrefine()>9)),1+(getrefine()>7)+2*(getrefine()>9);
-	">
-	Id: 18653
-	AegisName: "Devi_Headphone"
-	Name: "Headphones Debiruchi"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 805
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,4;
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18654
-	AegisName: "SS_Bandana"
-	Name: "SS Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 806
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,10000;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-	">
-	Id: 18655
-	AegisName: "Lupin_One_Eyed_Glasses"
-	Name: "Dragonfly Monocle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 23
-	Id: 18656
-	AegisName: "Wit_Pumpkin_Hat"
-	Name: "Witch's Pumpkin Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 717
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,15;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,15;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,15;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,15;
-	">
-	Id: 18657
-	AegisName: "Pegasus_Wing_Ears"
-	Name: "Pegasus Ear Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 568
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAspdRate,1;
-		if(BaseLevel>=100) { bonus bAspdRate,1; }
-		if(BaseLevel>=150) { bonus bAspdRate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 18658
-	AegisName: "Holy_Santa_Beard"
-	Name: "Santa's Beard Holy"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 25
-	Id: 18659
-	AegisName: "Boitata_Hat"
-	Name: "Boitata Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 808
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AS_SONICBLOW,5,10;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Fire; }",10000,1800000;
-	">
-	Id: 18660
-	AegisName: "Indi_Feather_Band"
-	Name: "Indian Feather Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 809
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 18661
-	AegisName: "Trident_Helmet"
-	Name: "Trident Helmet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 810
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 18662
-	AegisName: "Antler_Fedora"
-	Name: "Antler Fedora"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 811
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 18663
-	AegisName: "Sunglasses_Bball_Hat"
-	Name: "Sunglasses Baseball Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 812
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 18664
-	AegisName: "Blind_Glasses"
-	Name: "Stunner Shades"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 813
-	Id: 18665
-	AegisName: "Orange_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Orange In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 814
-	Id: 18666
-	AegisName: "CD_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "CD In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 815
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_COLDBOLT,3,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_SOULSTRIKE,3, 30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,3,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_FIREBOLT,3,30;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,3,30;
-	">
-	Id: 18667
-	AegisName: "Cat_Lace_Hairband"
-	Name: "Cat Lace Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 816
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,3; ">
-	Id: 18668
-	AegisName: "Droopy_Turtle_Hat"
-	Name: "Droopy Turtle Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 694
-	Script: <" skill AL_DECAGI,3; ">
-	Id: 18669
-	AegisName: "Cowhide_Hat"
-	Name: "Cowhide Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 819
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18670
-	AegisName: "Hankie_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Handkerchief In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 12
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 818
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,3; ">
-	Id: 18671
-	AegisName: "Rudolf_Hairband"
-	Name: "Rudolf Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 836
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_INCAGI,10,50;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,Carrot,2000;
-	">
-	Id: 18672
-	AegisName: "Tare_Pope"
-	Name: "Flap Pope"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 817
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18673
-	AegisName: "Tare_Pope_"
-	Name: "Chibi Pope"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 817
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,7;
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus bHealPower,getrefine()-6; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bMatkRate,7; }
-		if(getrefine()>11) { bonus bMatkRate,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 18674
-	AegisName: "Planewing_Hat"
-	Name: "Planewing Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 11
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bAspdRate,1;
-		bonus2 bSPLossRate,5,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 18675
-	AegisName: "Green_Apple_Hat"
-	Name: "Green Apple Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 11
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bHit,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18676
-	AegisName: "Hexagon_Spectacles"
-	Name: "Hexagon Spectacles"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 822
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,2; ">
-	Id: 18677
-	AegisName: "Cherry_Twig_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Cherry Twig In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 823
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18678
-	AegisName: "Leek_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Leek In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 824
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18679
-	AegisName: "Abacus_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Abacus In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 825
-	Script: <"
-		skill MC_IDENTIFY,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18680
-	AegisName: "Tw_Frog_Hat"
-	Name: "Tw Frog Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 35
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 826
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Insect,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18681
-	AegisName: "Puppy_Ears_Hat"
-	Name: "Puppy Ears Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 827
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 18682
-	AegisName: "Teardrop"
-	Name: "Teardrop"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 828
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,15; ">
-	Id: 18683
-	AegisName: "Carrot_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Carrot In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 829
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Plant,3;">
-	Id: 18684
-	AegisName: "Showy_High_Cap"
-	Name: "Showy High Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 11
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18685
-	AegisName: "Stardust_Hairband"
-	Name: "Stardust Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 831
-	Id: 18686
-	AegisName: "2011_RMSC_1"
-	Name: "2011 RMSC 1"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 832
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18687
-	AegisName: "2011_RMSC_2"
-	Name: "2011 RMSC 2"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 832
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18688
-	AegisName: "2011_RMSC_3"
-	Name: "2011 RMSC 3"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 832
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18689
-	AegisName: "2011_RMSC_4"
-	Name: "2011 RMSC 4"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 832
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 18690
-	AegisName: "Sirt_Evil_Eye"
-	Name: "Sirt Evil Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 345
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18691
-	AegisName: "Rising_Black_Dragon"
-	Name: "Ascension Black Dragon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 863
-	Id: 18692
-	AegisName: "Mike_Hat"
-	Name: "Mike Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 837
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18693
-	AegisName: "Sleeping_Kitty_Cat"
-	Name: "Sleeping Kitty Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 838
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18694
-	AegisName: "Red_Hood"
-	Name: "Red Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 839
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18695
-	AegisName: "Phoenix_Crown"
-	Name: "Phoenix Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 840
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 18696
-	AegisName: "Orange_Hat"
-	Name: "Orange Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 841
-	Script: <"
-		skill MC_MAMMONITE,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18697
-	AegisName: "Syringe_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Syringe In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 842
-	Id: 18698
-	AegisName: "Cheesy_Snack_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Cheesy Snack In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 843
-	Id: 18699
-	AegisName: "Starving_Fish_Hat"
-	Name: "Starving Fish Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 3
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 844
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Fish,15;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,579,RC_Fish,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18700
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Rabbit Ribbon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 845
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 18701
-	AegisName: "Ancient_Civil_Man"
-	Name: "Ancient Civil Man Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 846
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		if(getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==15) bonus bVariableCastrate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18702
-	AegisName: "Shaving_Cream"
-	Name: "Shaving Cream"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 847
-	Id: 18703
-	AegisName: "Stem_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Stem In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 848
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Poison,2000;
-	">
-	Id: 18704
-	AegisName: "Drosera_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Drosera Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 640
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 64
-	ViewSprite: 850
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,4; ">
-	Id: 18705
-	AegisName: "Flip_Hat"
-	Name: "Flip Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 862
-	Id: 18706
-	AegisName: "Can_Hat"
-	Name: "Can Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 851
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,3; ">
-	Id: 18707
-	AegisName: "Maneater_Flower_Hat"
-	Name: "Maneater Flower Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 852
-	Id: 18708
-	AegisName: "Candy_Hat"
-	Name: "Candy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 853
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_HEAL,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18709
-	AegisName: "Black_Knitted_Hat"
-	Name: "Black Knitted Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 854
-	Id: 18710
-	AegisName: "Sugared_Fruit_Stick"
-	Name: "Sugared Fruit Stick"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 855
-	Id: 18711
-	AegisName: "Electric_Sunglass"
-	Name: "Electric Sunglass"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 856
-	Id: 18712
-	AegisName: "Fan_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Fan In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 857
-	Id: 18713
-	AegisName: "Monkey_On_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Monkey Fur Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 858
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18714
-	AegisName: "Hippo_Hat"
-	Name: "Hippo Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 859
-	Id: 18715
-	AegisName: "Helm_Of_Thoth"
-	Name: "Helm Of Thoth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 860
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18716
-	AegisName: "Strawberry_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Strawberry In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 861
-	Id: 18717
-	AegisName: "Skull_Hood_"
-	Name: "Skull Hood_"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 598
-	Id: 18718
-	AegisName: "Rose_Hairband"
-	Name: "Rose Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 864
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18720
-	AegisName: "Magical_Booster"
-	Name: "Magical Booster"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 873
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18721
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Valentine_Cap"
-	Name: "Sweet Valentine Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 865
-	Id: 18722
-	AegisName: "Winged_Feather_Ears"
-	Name: "Winged Feather Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 724
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-		if(BaseLevel >= 100) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-		}
-		if(BaseLevel >= 150) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18723
-	AegisName: "Aura_Quartz_Crown"
-	Name: "AuraQuartz Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 866
-	Id: 18724
-	AegisName: "Baphomet_Horns"
-	Name: "Baphomet Horns"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 380
-	Id: 18725
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Knithat"
-	Name: "Rabbit Knit Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 867
-	Id: 18726
-	AegisName: "Skymet"
-	Name: "Skymet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Weight: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 868
-	Id: 18727
-	AegisName: "Sedora_Hat"
-	Name: "Sedora Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 869
-	Id: 18728
-	AegisName: "Egir_Helm"
-	Name: "Aegir Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 110
-	ViewSprite: 870
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef, 5;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 18729
-	AegisName: "MVP_Basketball"
-	Name: "MVP Basketball Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 871
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,522,30;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-3;
-		if(getrefine()>=12) { bonus bVariableCastrate,-1; }
-		if(getrefine()>=14) { bonus bVariableCastrate,-1; }
-	">
-	Id: 18730
-	AegisName: "Cryptura_Academy_Hat"
-	Name: "Criatura Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 872
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,5;
-		bonus bMaxHP,15;
-	">
-	Id: 18731
-	AegisName: "Valkyrie_Outing_Helm"
-	Name: "Valkyrie Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 225
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 18732
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Cap"
-	Name: "TE WoE Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 14
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,20;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18733
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Bone_Helm"
-	Name: "TE WoE Bone Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 40
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,20;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18734
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Magic_Eyes"
-	Name: "TE WoE Magic Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 209
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,20;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,25;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18736
-	AegisName: "Censor_Bar_"
-	Name: "Censor Bar"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 229
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		/*TODO: sc_start EFST_UNKNOWN_NAME 9999 1*/
-	">
-	Id: 18737
-	AegisName: "Fortier_Mask"
-	Name: "Fortier Masque"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 876
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 18739
-	AegisName: "Carnation_Hairband"
-	Name: "Carnation Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 878
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 18740
-	AegisName: "C_Hair_Of_The_Strong"
-	Name: "RMSC2012 Special Costume"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 879
-	Id: 18741
-	AegisName: "C_Will_O_Wisp"
-	Name: "Will O Wisp"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 880
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_STRANGELIGHTS,-1,0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_STRANGELIGHTS; ">
-	Id: 18742
-	AegisName: "C_MoonStar_Accessory"
-	Name: "Moon and Stars"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 881
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_MOONSTAR,-1,0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_MOONSTAR; ">
-	Id: 18743
-	AegisName: "C_Spirit_Of_Chung_E"
-	Name: "Spirit Of Chung E"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 882
-	Id: 18744
-	AegisName: "C_World_Star"
-	Name: "Twilight"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 883
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_SUPER_STAR,-1,0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_SUPER_STAR; ">
-	Id: 18745
-	AegisName: "Choco_Stick_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Choco Stick In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 884
-	Id: 18746
-	AegisName: "Chilly_Breath"
-	Name: "Chilly Breath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 885
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 18747
-	AegisName: "Eyes_Of_Ifrit"
-	Name: "Eyes Of Ifrit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 886
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 18748
-	AegisName: "Gold_Ingot_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Gold Ingot Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 887
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18749
-	AegisName: "Majoruros_Horn"
-	Name: "Majoruros Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 888
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 18750
-	AegisName: "Poker_Card_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Poker Card In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 889
-	Id: 18752
-	AegisName: "Cursed_Book"
-	Name: "Cursed Book"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 890
-	Id: 18753
-	AegisName: "Tw_Rice_Ball"
-	Name: "Rice Dumpling Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 6
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 892
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18754
-	AegisName: "Blood_Sucker"
-	Name: "Blood Sucker"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 893
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 18755
-	AegisName: "Feather_Beret_"
-	Name: "Feather Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 224
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef, 1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm, 0;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 10;
-	">
-	Id: 18756
-	AegisName: "Black_Shiba_Inu_Hat"
-	Name: "Black Shiba Inu Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 894
-	Id: 18757
-	AegisName: "Holy_Klobuk"
-	Name: "Holy Klobuk"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 895
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus bHealPower,3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18758
-	AegisName: "Hat_Of_Scrat"
-	Name: "Hat Of Scrat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 896
-	Id: 18759
-	AegisName: "Stretched_Nose_M"
-	Name: "Wood Goblin's Nose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 737
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 18760
-	AegisName: "Remodel_Wizardry_Hat"
-	Name: "Modified Mage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 112
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,150;
-		bonus bMatk,getrefine();
-		if(getrefine()>=7) bonus bInt,getrefine()-6;
-	">
-	Id: 18761
-	AegisName: "Remodel_Magician_Hat"
-	Name: "Modified Magician Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 130
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50+(getrefine()*5);
-		if(getrefine()>=7) bonus bDex,getrefine()-6;
-	">
-	Id: 18762
-	AegisName: "Remodel_Mask_Of_Fox"
-	Name: "Modified Kitsune Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 153
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus bFlee2,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 18763
-	AegisName: "Remodel_Joker_Jester"
-	Name: "Modified Jester Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 89
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus bCritAtkRate,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 18764
-	AegisName: "Remodel_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Modified Bunny Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 15
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus bCritical,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 18765
-	AegisName: "Enhanced_Corsair"
-	Name: "Modified Corsair"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 99
-	ViewSprite: 105
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,1; }
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bMaxHPrate,3; }
-	">
-	Id: 18766
-	AegisName: "Enhanced_Helm_Of_Angel"
-	Name: "Modified Helm of Angel"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1600
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 99
-	ViewSprite: 110
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus bAgi,2;
-			bonus bLuk,2;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 18767
-	AegisName: "Enhanced_Helm_Of_Sun"
-	Name: "Modified Solar Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2400
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 99
-	ViewSprite: 138
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bAtk,10;
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus bAtk,15;
-			bonus bMatk,15;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus bAtk,15;
-			bonus bMatk,15;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18768
-	AegisName: "Enhanced_Bone_Helm"
-	Name: "Modified Bone Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 103
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,-15;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,2;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,2; }
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 18769
-	AegisName: "Remodel_Munak_Turban"
-	Name: "Modified Munak Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 51
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10; }
-	">
-	Id: 18770
-	AegisName: "Remodel_Bongun_Hat"
-	Name: "Modified Bongun Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 139
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,10; }
-	">
-	Id: 18771
-	AegisName: "Remodel_Opera_Mask"
-	Name: "Modified Opera Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 128
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,5;
-		bonus bAtk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18772
-	AegisName: "Improved_Binoculars"
-	Name: "Modified Binoculars"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Archer: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 83
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18773
-	AegisName: "Improved_Fin_Helm"
-	Name: "Modified Fin Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 65
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+(BaseLevel*10);
-	">
-	Id: 18774
-	AegisName: "Improved_Assassin_Mask"
-	Name: "Modified Assassin Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 180
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,1;
-		bonus bCriticalRate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18775
-	AegisName: "Improved_Welding_Mask"
-	Name: "Modified Welding Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Job: {
-		Merchant: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 79
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18776
-	AegisName: "Improved_Kiss_Of_Angel"
-	Name: "Modified Angel's Kiss"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 99
-	ViewSprite: 255
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bSPrecovRate,30;
-	">
-	Id: 18777
-	AegisName: "Aladdin_Lamp"
-	Name: "Aladdin Lamp"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 897
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18778
-	AegisName: "Pink_Bunny_Hair_Band"
-	Name: "Pink Bunny Hair Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 898
-	Id: 18779
-	AegisName: "RWC_Champ_Crown_Red"
-	Name: "RWC Crown Of Victory(1st)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 902
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 18780
-	AegisName: "RWC_Champ_Crown_Blue"
-	Name: "RWC Crown Of Victory(2nd)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 903
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 18781
-	AegisName: "RWC_Champ_Crown_Black"
-	Name: "RWC Crown Of Victory(3rd)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 904
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 18782
-	AegisName: "Butterfly_Wing_Ear_J"
-	Name: "Butterfly Wing Ear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 695
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18783
-	AegisName: "Rose_Corolla"
-	Name: "Rose Corolla"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 583
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,50;
-		if(getrefine()>5) { bonus bUseSPrate,-((getrefine()*10)-50); }
-	">
-	Id: 18784
-	AegisName: "Elder_Devil_Horns_"
-	Name: "Elder Devil Horns"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 757
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 18785
-	AegisName: "King_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "King Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 905
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		if(getrefine()>4) {
-			bonus bDex,(getrefine()-4);
-			bonus bLuk,(getrefine()-4);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18786
-	AegisName: "Anemos_Mask"
-	Name: "Anemos Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 906
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 18787
-	AegisName: "Goaltender_Mask"
-	Name: "Goaltender Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 336
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,8;
-	">
-	Id: 18788
-	AegisName: "Starlight_Scope"
-	Name: "Starlight Scope"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 83
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,1;
-		if(BaseLevel>100) { bonus bLongAtkRate,1; }
-		if(BaseLevel>150) { bonus bLongAtkRate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 18789
-	AegisName: "Poison_Spore_Hat"
-	Name: "Poison Spore Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 899
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,921,100+((getrefine()/2)*20); /* Custom - JRO */
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7033,100+((getrefine()/2)*20);
-	">
-	Id: 18790
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Rainbow Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 900
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,-5;
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18791
-	AegisName: "Shrine_Maiden_Hat"
-	Name: "Shrine Maiden Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 908
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,30;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,PR_MAGNUS,(getrefine()/2)*5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,max(getskilllv(AL_HEAL),1),50; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bFixedCastrate,-1; }
-	">
-	Id: 18792
-	AegisName: "Indonesian_Id_Sakkat"
-	Name: "Indonesian Id Sakkat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 45
-	ViewSprite: 901
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18793
-	AegisName: "Sorc_Night_Cap"
-	Name: "Sorc Night Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Sage: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 911
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBOLT,50;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,50;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_COLDBOLT,50;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,SO_SPELLFIST,25; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bAspd,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 18794
-	AegisName: "Ordinary_Black_Mage_Hat"
-	Name: "Plain Black Mage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Wizard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 912
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk, WL_CRIMSONROCK, 5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk, WL_JACKFROST, 5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk, WL_EARTHSTRAIN, 5;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk, WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK, 5;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate, RC_NonBoss, 10;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate, RC_NonBoss, getrefine() * 2;
-		if (getrefine() > 6) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WL_CRIMSONROCK, 5;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WL_JACKFROST, 5;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WL_EARTHSTRAIN, 5;
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk, WL_CHAINLIGHTNING_ATK, 5;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() > 8) {
-			bonus bMatkRate, 5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18795
-	AegisName: "Night_Sparrow_Hat"
-	Name: "Night Sparrow Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 15
-	Job: {
-		Bard: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 913
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFixedCastrate,-(getskilllv(BA_MUSICALLESSON)*5);
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM_MELEE,25; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bMaxSP,200; }
-	">
-	Id: 18796
-	AegisName: "RWC_Champ_Crown_QF"
-	Name: "RWC Crown Of Victory(8th)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 914
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,10000;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18797
-	AegisName: "Deep_Angel_Hairband"
-	Name: "Deep Angel Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 915
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18798
-	AegisName: "Pink_Angel_Hairband"
-	Name: "Pink Angel Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 916
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18799
-	AegisName: "Mask_of_Nero"
-	Name: "Mask of Nero"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 917
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Water,4;
-	">
-	Id: 18800
-	AegisName: "Mask_of_Formic"
-	Name: "Mask of Formic"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 918
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAtkEle,Ele_Earth,4;
-	">
-	Id: 18801
-	AegisName: "Gale_Hair_Ornament"
-	Name: "Gale Hair Ornament"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 6
-	ViewSprite: 809
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		skill NJ_RAIGEKISAI,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,15;
-		if (getrefine()>8) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 18802
-	AegisName: "Poring_Fedora_Hat"
-	Name: "Poring Fedora Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 919
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		if (getrefine()>4) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,getrefine()-4;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,-((getrefine()*2)-8);
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>9) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,4;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,-3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18803
-	AegisName: "Rose_Cascade"
-	Name: "Rose Cascade"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 920
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-5;
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=100) {
-			bonus bUseSPrate,-5;
-		}
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=120) {
-			bonus bUseSPrate,-5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18804
-	AegisName: "Thornwood_Band"
-	Name: "Thornwood Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 921
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		if (getrefine()>4) {
-			bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Water,5;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18805
-	AegisName: "Eclipse_Hat"
-	Name: "Eclipse Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	ViewSprite: 922
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18806
-	AegisName: "Black_Rabbit_Hat"
-	Name: "Black Rabbit Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 923
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18807
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Yuzu_Hat"
-	Name: "White Citron Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 924
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18808
-	AegisName: "Wing_Form_Spectacle"
-	Name: "Wing Style Spectacle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 925
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 18810
-	AegisName: "Hell_Pumpkin_Hat"
-	Name: "Hell Pumpkin Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 12
-	ViewSprite: 717
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18811
-	AegisName: "White_Snake_Hat_"
-	Name: "White Snake Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 413
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Undead,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18812
-	AegisName: "Elder_Crown"
-	Name: "Elder Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 933
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7939,50;
-		if (getrefine()>=6) { bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7939,50; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7939,50; }
-	">
-	Id: 18813
-	AegisName: "New_Wave_Sunglasses"
-	Name: "New Wave Sunglasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 856
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDelayrate,-10;
-	">
-	Id: 18814
-	AegisName: "Angel_School_Cap"
-	Name: "Angel School Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 927
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18815
-	AegisName: "Devil_School_Cap"
-	Name: "Devil School Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 928
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18816
-	AegisName: "Adv_Angel_School_Cap"
-	Name: "Evoked Angel School Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 929
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18817
-	AegisName: "Adv_Devil_School_Cap"
-	Name: "Evoked Devil School Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	ViewSprite: 930
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18818
-	AegisName: "Red_Pencil_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Red Pencil In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 931
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bHit,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18819
-	AegisName: "Blue_Pencil_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Blue Pencil In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 932
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bHit,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18820
-	AegisName: "Gray_Helmet"
-	Name: "Gray Helmet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 450
-	Def: 35
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 120
-	ViewSprite: 941
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,3+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 18821
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Feather_Deco"
-	Name: "RWC Commemorative Pin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 934
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,1;
-		bonus bMatkRate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18822
-	AegisName: "Flame_Wing_Ear"
-	Name: "Flame Wing Ear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 422
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_MAGNUM,1,30; ">
-	Id: 18823
-	AegisName: "Imperial_Feather"
-	Name: "Imperial Feather"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 935
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		if (readparam(bAgi)>=108) {
-			bonus bAspdRate,1;
-			bonus bAspd,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18824
-	AegisName: "Mask_Of_Bankrupt"
-	Name: "Mask Of Bankrupt"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 490
-	EquipLv: 49
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 936
-	Script: <"
-		bonus3 bHPDrainRate,10,1,0;
-		bonus3 bSPDrainRate,10,1,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18825
-	AegisName: "Bankruptcy_Of_Heart_"
-	Name: "Bankruptcy Of Heart"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 38
-	ViewSprite: 107
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18826
-	AegisName: "Woodie_Hat"
-	Name: "Chun Tree Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 939
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bVit,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18827
-	AegisName: "Valkyrie_Circlet"
-	Name: "Valkyrie Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 940
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18828
-	AegisName: "2012RMSCNO1"
-	Name: "RMSC2012 Champion Headgear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 942
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,5;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18829
-	AegisName: "2012RMSCNO2"
-	Name: "RMSC2012 1st Runner Headgear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 943
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,4;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18830
-	AegisName: "2012RMSCNO3"
-	Name: "RMSC2012 2nd Runner Headgear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 944
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18831
-	AegisName: "2012RMSCNO4"
-	Name: "RMSC2012 Special Headgear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 945
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-	">
-	Id: 18832
-	AegisName: "Rolf_Von_Gigue_666"
-	Name: "Rolf Von Gigue 666"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	ViewSprite: 946
-	Id: 18833
-	AegisName: "Marin_Crown"
-	Name: "Marin Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 10
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 948
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,MG_FROSTDIVER,3,10;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,MG_COLDBOLT,5,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18834
-	AegisName: "Sakura_Hairband"
-	Name: "Sakura Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 3
-	ViewSprite: 949
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,3;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,3,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18835
-	AegisName: "TW_10th_Anni_Hat"
-	Name: "RO10th Anni Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 950
-	Id: 18836
-	AegisName: "TW_10th_Anni_Lmtd_Hat"
-	Name: "Lmt RO10th Anni Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 10
-	ViewSprite: 951
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100+(getrefine()*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,10+(getrefine()*10);
-		bonus bAtk,getrefine();
-		bonus bMatk,getrefine();
-		if (getrefine()>=11) {
-			bonus bAtk,10;
-			bonus bMatk,10;
-			bonus bHit,10;
-			bonus bFlee,10;
-			bonus bCritical,10;
-			bonus bFixedCastrate,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18837
-	AegisName: "Cheering_Whistle"
-	Name: "Cheering Whistle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 952
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 18839
-	AegisName: "Poring_Sunglasses_"
-	Name: "Poring Sunglasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 954
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 18840
-	AegisName: "King_Poring_Hat_" // FIXME: Unknown
-	Name: "King Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 905
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-	">
-	Id: 18841
-	AegisName: "Small_Poring_Band"
-	Name: "Small Poring Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 955
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,(getrefine()/3)*2;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 3;
-		if (getrefine()>9) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 18842
-	AegisName: "Hat_Of_Girl"
-	Name: "Hat Of Girl"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 956
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,(getrefine()/3)*2;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,7;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,-3;
-	">
-	Id: 18843
-	AegisName: "Small_Deviling_Hat"
-	Name: "Small Deviling Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 7
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 957
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 5;
-		if (getrefine() > 7) { bonus bMaxHPrate, getrefine()-7; }
-	">
-	Id: 18844
-	AegisName: "Blue_Poring_Bubble"
-	Name: "Blue Poring Bubble"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 958
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-		bonus bFlee2,2;
-	">
-	Id: 18845
-	AegisName: "Banshee_Master_Kiss"
-	Name: "Banshee Master Kiss"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 959
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm, 0;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate, 3;
-		autobonus2 "{ bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 100; }", 10, 3000, BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC, "{ specialeffect(EF_POTION_BERSERK, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-	">
-	Id: 18846
-	AegisName: "Seagod_Protector"
-	Name: "Seagod Protector"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 960
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5; ">
-	Id: 18847
-	AegisName: "Jolly_Roger"
-	Name: "Jolly Roger"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 962
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,2;
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,3; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,3; }
-	">
-	Id: 18848
-	AegisName: "Lush_Rose"
-	Name: "Fresh Roses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 963
-	Script: <" bonus bMatk,20+getrefine(); ">
-	Id: 18849
-	AegisName: "Celines_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Celine Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 967
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bMatk,40+getrefine();
-		bonus bMagicHPGainValue,200;
-		bonus2 bHPRegenRate,50,5000;
-	">
-	Id: 18850
-	AegisName: "Polar_Bear_Cap"
-	Name: "Polar Bear Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 7
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 966
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18851
-	AegisName: "ValentineHeart"
-	Name: "Valentine Heart"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 397
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 18852
-	AegisName: "Berry_Hat_Decoration"
-	Name: "Tasty Strawberry Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 968
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=12) { bonus bAspd,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 18853
-	AegisName: "Berry_Hat_Decoration_"
-	Name: "Tasty Strawberry Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 150
-	Def: 4
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 968
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=12) { bonus bAspd,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 18854
-	AegisName: "ValentineYellowHeart"
-	Name: "Yellow Valentine Heart"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 865
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSPrate,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 18855
-	AegisName: "Aviator_Hat"
-	Name: "Aviator Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 10
-	ViewSprite: 972
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,3;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18858
-	AegisName: "Pink_Angeling_Bubble"
-	Name: "Pink Angeling Bubble"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 975
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,200;
-		bonus bAspd,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18859
-	AegisName: "Angeling_Bubble"
-	Name: "Angeling Bubble"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 976
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 18860
-	AegisName: "Preschool_Hat"
-	Name: "Preschool Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 977
-	Id: 18870
-	AegisName: "Very_Sweet_Candy_Bar"
-	Name: "Very Sweet Candy Bar"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 446
-	Id: 18871
-	AegisName: "Very_Sweet_Candy"
-	Name: "Very Sweet Candy"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 446
-	Id: 18872
-	AegisName: "Snake_Hat"
-	Name: "Snake Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 986
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18873
-	AegisName: "Sweet_Valentine_Out"
-	Name: "Sweet Valentine Out"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 865
-	Id: 18874
-	AegisName: "One_Eyed_Glass_"
-	Name: "Cyclops Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 23
-	Id: 18879
-	AegisName: "Angry_Scorpion_Hat"
-	Name: "Angry Scorpion Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 995
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,5; ">
-	Id: 18880
-	AegisName: "Advanced_Jao_King_Hat"
-	Name: "Advanced Jao King Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 996
-	Id: 18885
-	AegisName: "Jejecap"
-	Name: "Jejecap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 1011
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 18886
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Long_Octopus"
-	Name: "Rainbow Long Octopus"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1007
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bDex,3;
-	">
-	Id: 18887
-	AegisName: "Aqua_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Aqua Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1012
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,2;
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bMdef,5;
-			bonus bMatkRate,4;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>11) { bonus bFixedCastrate,-10; }
-	">
-	Id: 18888
-	AegisName: "Maroon_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Maroon Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1013
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus bAtkRate,2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,4;
-			bonus bMatkRate,4;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>11) { bonus bFixedCastrate,-10; }
-	">
-	Id: 18889
-	AegisName: "Golden_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Golden Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1014
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,5;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,5;
-			bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>11) { bonus bFixedCastrate,-10; }
-	">
-	Id: 18890
-	AegisName: "Gray_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Gray Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1015
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bLuk,5;
-		bonus bAtkRate,2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bAtkRate,4;
-			bonus bMatkRate,4;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>11) { bonus bFixedCastrate,-10; }
-	">
-	Id: 18891
-	AegisName: "Husky_Hat"
-	Name: "Husky Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1016
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,SN_WINDWALK,5,100+(getrefine()*30),0;
-	">
-	Id: 18892
-	AegisName: "Ufo_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Ufo Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 1017
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus bCritical,5;
-		bonus bHit,5;
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) { bonus bVariableCastrate,-5; }
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bDelayrate,-5;
-			bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18893
-	AegisName: "Dragon_Claw_Helm"
-	Name: "Dragon Claw Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 1018
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 8;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_Dragon, 8;
-		bonus2 bAddItemHealRate, 517, 200;
-		if(getrefine() > 11) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate, 7;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate, 3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18894
-	AegisName: "Rainbow_Star"
-	Name: "Rainbow Star"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1019
-	Script: <" bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 5; ">
-	Id: 18895
-	AegisName: "Celestial_Dark_Flame"
-	Name: "Celestial Dark Flame"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1008
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5; ">
-	Id: 18896
-	AegisName: "Pterios_Fins"
-	Name: "Pterios Fins"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1009
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,8; ">
-	Id: 18897
-	AegisName: "Azure_Diadem"
-	Name: "Azure Diadem"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1010
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,8; ">
-	Id: 18898
-	AegisName: "Yggdrasil_Herald_Crown"
-	Name: "Yggdrasil Herald Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 997
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,5;
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		if(getrefine()>7) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,getrefine()-7;
-			bonus bFixedCastrate,-(getrefine()-7);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 18900
-	AegisName: "Weisswurst"
-	Name: "Weisswurst"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1022
-	Id: 18901
-	AegisName: "Seppl_Hat"
-	Name: "Seppl Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 60
-	ViewSprite: 1023
-	Id: 18908
-	AegisName: "Isabella_Red_Ear"
-	Name: "Piamette's Red Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1030
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,5;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAspd,1+((getrefine()/2)-4); }
-	">
-	Id: 18909
-	AegisName: "Isabella_Brown_Ear"
-	Name: "Piamette's Brown Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1031
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		bonus bMatk,getrefine()*2;
-	">
-	Id: 18910
-	AegisName: "Isabella_Blue_Ear"
-	Name: "Piamette's Blue Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1032
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,5;
-		if(getrefine()>=12) { bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 18911
-	AegisName: "Red_Flower_Hat"
-	Name: "Red Flower Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1033
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,3;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		if(getrefine()>=12) { bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 18912
-	AegisName: "Bell_Pigeon"
-	Name: "Bell Pigeon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1034
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_RUWACH,1,50,BF_WEAPON,0; /* Custom - PRO */
-	">
-	Id: 18913
-	AegisName: "Gossip_Raven"
-	Name: "Gossip Raven"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1035
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_RUWACH,1,50,BF_WEAPON,0; /* Custom - PRO */
-	">
-	Id: 18914
-	AegisName: "Kid_Deviling"
-	Name: "Baby Deviling"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1036
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,AL_BLESSING,7,50;
-	">
-	Id: 18915
-	AegisName: "Blood_Buffterfly"
-	Name: "Blood Butterfly Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1037
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,200;
-	">
-	Id: 18916
-	AegisName: "Bear_Balloon"
-	Name: "Bear Balloon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1038
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-	">
-	Id: 18917
-	AegisName: "LoveLove_Balloon"
-	Name: "LoveLove Balloon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1039
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18918
-	AegisName: "Long_Octopus_Balloon"
-	Name: "Cute Octopus Balloon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1040
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-	">
-	Id: 18921
-	AegisName: "C_Lamp_Of_Alladin"
-	Name: "Costume Tarnished Lamp"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 897
-	Id: 18929
-	AegisName: "Elephant_Model_Hat"
-	Name: "Elephant Model Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 1065
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,WZ_STORMGUST,5,50,BF_WEAPON,0; /* Custom - IRO */
-		if(getrefine()>=8) { bonus bDex,1+((getrefine()/2)-4); }
-	">
-	Id: 18934
-	AegisName: "Fox_Ears_Bell_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Fox Ears Drop Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 1070
-	Id: 18937
-	AegisName: "Memories_Of_Lovers"
-	Name: "Memories of Lover"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1072
-	Id: 18938
-	AegisName: "Astro_Circle"
-	Name: "Astro Circle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1073
-	Id: 18942
-	AegisName: "Knit_Cap_Of_Water"
-	Name: "Knit Cap of Water"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1000
-	EquipLv: 90
-	ViewSprite: 1077
-	Id: 18943
-	AegisName: "Silk_Hat_Of_Earth"
-	Name: "Silk Hat of Earth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1000
-	EquipLv: 90
-	ViewSprite: 1078
-	Id: 18944
-	AegisName: "Deviruchi_Balloon"
-	Name: "Deviruchi Ballon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1082
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,1;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18945
-	AegisName: "Tare_Maid_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Super Cute Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 1083
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bFlee,-1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,2;
-		bonus bMaxSP,30;
-		skill PR_MAGNIFICAT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 18946
-	AegisName: "Tare_HSchool_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Very Cute Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 2
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 1084
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bFlee,-1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-		bonus bMaxSP,15;
-	">
-	Id: 18969
-	AegisName: "Boss_Beret"
-	Name: "Boss Beret_J"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1134
-	Id: 18997
-	AegisName: "Riot_Chip"
-	Name: "Riot Chip"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1201
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,50;
-		bonus bFlee,50;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,-50;
-	">
-	Id: 19014
-	AegisName: "Gravekeeper_Blinker"
-	Name: "Gravekeeper Blinker"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 1210
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,5;
-	">
-	Id: 19015
-	AegisName: "C_Kamas_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Kama's Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 564
-	Id: 19019
-	AegisName: "Elemental_Crown"
-	Name: "Elemental Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 1219
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,3;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,4;
-		bonus bDex,(getrefine()/2);
-		if(BaseLevel>130) { bonus bDex,getrefine(); }
-	">
-	Id: 19020
-	AegisName: "Survive_Circlet"
-	Name: "Survive Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 1220
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,3;
-		bonus bMatkRate,4;
-		if(BaseLevel<100) { bonus bInt,getrefine()/2; } else { bonus bInt,getrefine(); }
-	">
-	Id: 19021
-	AegisName: "Gigant_Helm"
-	Name: "Gigant Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 50
-	ViewSprite: 1221
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,3;
-		bonus bAtkRate,4;
-		if(BaseLevel<100) { bonus bStr,getrefine()/2; } else { bonus bStr,getrefine(); }
-	/* +Giant Lance, when using Joint Beat, auto cast Lv.1 Spiral pierce, */
-	/* every refine of lance increase the chance of trigger and increase damage of spiral pierce by 5%. */
-	">
-	Id: 19022
-	AegisName: "Floating_Stone_Of_Int"
-	Name: "Floating Stone Of Intelligence"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1230
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_FSTONE, -1, 0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_FSTONE; ">
-	Id: 19023
-	AegisName: "Queen_Scaraba_Crown"
-	Name: "Queen Scaraba Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 1500
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 1231
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDefRate,-50;
-		bonus bMdefRate,-50;
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Insect,getrefine();
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDECONFUSE,2,100+(getrefine()*10); /* Custom - JRO */
-	">
-	Id: 19024
-	AegisName: "Protect_Feathers"
-	Name: "Protect Feathers"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1232
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-		bonus bAspdRate,-5;
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=108) {
-			bonus bAspdRate,-5;
-			bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-		}
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=120) {
-			bonus bMdef,3;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 19025
-	AegisName: "Puppy_Ears_Hat_"
-	Name: "Puppy Ears Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 827
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Brute,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,5;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,7938,RC_Brute,100;
-	">
-	Id: 19026
-	AegisName: "Aegir_Helm"
-	Name: "Aegir Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 800
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 110
-	ViewSprite: 870
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit, 3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 19027
-	AegisName: "Type_10_Glasses"
-	Name: "Type-10 Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 1237
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Brute,4;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Brute,5;
-	">
-	Id: 19028
-	AegisName: "Devils_Minion"
-	Name: "Devil's Minion"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 40
-	ViewSprite: 1036
-	Script: <"
-	">
-	Id: 19029
-	AegisName: "Alice_Friesinger_Hat_69"
-	Name: "Alice Friesinger Hat 69"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 300
-	ViewSprite: 1249
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,15;
-	">
-	Id: 19031
-	AegisName: "Fallen_Angel_Blessing"
-	Name: "Fallen Angel Blessing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1250
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,5;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Angel,3;
-	">
-	Id: 19041
-	AegisName: "Black_Fairy_Ears"
-	Name: "Black Fairy Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 498
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Demon,4;
-	">
-	Id: 19042
-	AegisName: "Maneater_Flower_Hat_"
-	Name: "Maneater Flower Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 852
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainValueRace,RC_Insect,5;
-		bonus bHPGainValue,100;
-	">
-	Id: 19043
-	AegisName: "Goibnes_Helmet_"
-	Name: "Goibne's Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 54
-	ViewSprite: 258
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,3;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 19044
-	AegisName: "Morriganes_Helm_"
-	Name: "Morrigane's Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 30000
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	EquipLv: 61
-	ViewSprite: 257
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,3;
-	">
-	Id: 19045
-	AegisName: "Blue_Ears_Accessory"
-	Name: "Blue Ears Accessory"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	EquipLv: 10
-	ViewSprite: 1186
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,4;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,5;
-	">
-	Id: 19046
-	AegisName: "Poisonous_Man"
-	Name: "Poisonous Man"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 16
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Taekwon: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Gangsi: true
-		Death_Knight: true
-		Dark_Collector: true
-		Kagerou: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,200;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,1;
-	">
-	Id: 19047
-	AegisName: "Angeling_Furhat"
-	Name: "Angeling Furhat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 20
-	ViewSprite: 953
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainValueRace,RC_Angel,5;
-		bonus bHPGainValue,100;
-		if(getrefine()>=5) { bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,5; }
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 19051
-	AegisName: "Warrior_Moon_Cat_Hat"
-	Name: "Warrior Moon Cat Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1308
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,40,10+(getrefine()/3);
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,2+(getrefine()/5);
-	">
-	Id: 19053
-	AegisName: "Fighter_Moon_Cat_Hat"
-	Name: "Fighter Moon Cat Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1308
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		skill ALL_CATCRY, 1;
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		bonus3 bAddEff,Eff_Stun,500+(getrefine()*100),ATF_SHORT|ATF_LONG;
-	">
-	Id: 19080
-	AegisName: "Nettie_Heart_Bubblegum"
-	Name: "Nettie Heart Bubblegum"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	ViewSprite: 720
-	Trade: {
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 19081
-	AegisName: "Faceworm_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Faceworm Egg Shell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 1308
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,20;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2528,5;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2529,5;
-		bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2530,5;
-		bonus2 bAddDefClass,2529,5;
-		bonus2 bAddDefClass,2528,5;
-		bonus2 bAddDefClass,2530,5;
-		if(getrefine()>=5) {
-			bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2528,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2529,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2530,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,2529,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,2528,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,2530,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2528,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2529,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2530,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,2529,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,2528,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,2530,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2528,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2529,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2530,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,2529,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,2528,5;
-			bonus2 bAddDefClass,2530,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 19085
-	AegisName: "Sigruns_Wing_"
-	Name: "Sigrun's Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 568
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief||(BaseJob==Job_Taekwon&&Class!=Job_Soul_Linker)) {
-			bonus bAspd,1;
-			bonus bAgi,-2;
-		}
-		else if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte||Class==Job_Ninja||Class==Job_Soul_Linker) {
-			bonus bMatk,3;
-			bonus bHealPower,1;
-		}
-		else if(BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Gunslinger) {
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,1;
-		}
-		else if(BaseJob==Job_Novice||BaseJob==Job_SuperNovice) {
-			bonus bMaxHP,60;
-			bonus bMaxSP,30;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 19086
-	AegisName: "Robo_Eye_"
-	Name: "Robo Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 2
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 10
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 345
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-		bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 19087
-	AegisName: "Angel_Spirit_"
-	Name: "Angel Spirit"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 200
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 394
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bHit,8;
-	">
-	Id: 19209
-	AegisName: "Nurse_Cap_IL"
-	Name: "Nurse_Cap_IL"
-	Id: 19210
-	AegisName: "Apple_Of_Archer_IL"
-	Name: "Apple_Of_Archer_IL"
-	Id: 19223
-	AegisName: "Cap_IL"
-	Name: "Cap_IL"
-	Id: 19247
-	AegisName: "Fancy_Flower_IL"
-	Name: "Fancy_Flower_IL"
-	Id: 19264
-	AegisName: "GoldFish_Hat"
-	Name: "GoldFish_Hat"
-	Id: 19265
-	AegisName: "Smoky_TransformHat"
-	Name: "Smoky_TransformHat"
-	Id: 19277
-	AegisName: "Soda_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Soda_In_Mouth"
-	Id: 19291
-	AegisName: "C_Shiba_Inu"
-	Name: "C_Shiba_Inu"
-	Id: 19294
-	AegisName: "C_CatEars_Cyber_HeadP_R"
-	Name: "C_CatEars_Cyber_HeadP_R"
-	Id: 19300
-	AegisName: "Dog_Officer"
-	Name: "Dog_Officer"
-	Id: 19310
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Cap"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Cap"
-	Id: 19339
-	AegisName: "Egg_Crispinette"
-	Name: "Egg_Crispinette"
-	Id: 19344
-	AegisName: "Headband_Of_Power_IL"
-	Name: "Headband_Of_Power_IL"
-	Id: 19366
-	AegisName: "Goibne_Helmet_IL"
-	Name: "Goibne_Helmet_IL"
-	Id: 19382
-	AegisName: "Pop_Popcorn_Hat"
-	Name: "Pop_Popcorn_Hat"
-	Id: 19389
-	AegisName: "E_Oxygen_Mask"
-	Name: "E_Oxygen_Mask"
-	Id: 19396
-	AegisName: "Racing_C_Star"
-	Name: "Racing_C_Star"
-	Id: 19397
-	AegisName: "Racing_C_Soul"
-	Name: "Racing_C_Soul"
-	Id: 19404
-	AegisName: "Biting_Off_Rideword"
-	Name: "Biting_Off_Rideword"
-//== Costume System ========================================
-	Id: 19500
-	AegisName: "T_Mr_Smile"
-	Name: "Costume Mr. Smile"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 65
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 19501
-	AegisName: "T_Spinx_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Sphinx Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Slots: 1
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 137
-	Id: 19502
-	AegisName: "T_Goggle"
-	Name: "Costume Goggles"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 19503
-	AegisName: "T_Munak_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Munak Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 51
-	Id: 19504
-	AegisName: "T_Sunglasses"
-	Name: "Costume Sunglasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 12
-	Id: 19505
-	AegisName: "T_Cigarette"
-	Name: "Costume Cigarette"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 54
-	Id: 19506
-	AegisName: "T_Valkyrie_Feather_Band"
-	Name: "Costume Valkyrie Feather Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	ViewSprite: 300
-	Id: 19507
-	AegisName: "Fine_Sun"
-	Name: "Costume Shining Sun"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 654
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19508
-	AegisName: "T_Gemmed_Sallet"
-	Name: "Costume Gemmed Sallet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19509
-	AegisName: "Butterfly_Wing_Ear"
-	Name: "Costume Yellow Butterfly Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 695
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19510
-	AegisName: "Nut_On_Head"
-	Name: "Costume Bolt Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 696
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19511
-	AegisName: "Heart_Eye_Patch1"
-	Name: "Costume Heart Blue Eyebandge"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 697
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19512
-	AegisName: "Heart_Eye_Patch2"
-	Name: "Costume Heart Pink Eyebandge"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 698
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19513
-	AegisName: "Chicken_Beak"
-	Name: "Costume Chicken Beak"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 699
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19514
-	AegisName: "Charlie_Beard"
-	Name: "Costume Old Timey Mustache"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 700
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19515
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Yellow Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 701
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19516
-	AegisName: "Singing_Bird"
-	Name: "Costume Singing Bird"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 702
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19517
-	AegisName: "Cocks_Comb"
-	Name: "Costume Rooster's Comb"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 703
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19518
-	AegisName: "Rainbow"
-	Name: "Costume Rainbow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 704
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19519
-	AegisName: "Lightning_Cloud"
-	Name: "Costume Lightning Cloud"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 688
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19520
-	AegisName: "Rain_Cloud"
-	Name: "Costume Rain Cloud"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 705
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19521
-	AegisName: "Charlie_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Old Timey Derby"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 706
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19522
-	AegisName: "Mini_Crown1"
-	Name: "Costume Mini Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 707
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19523
-	AegisName: "Donation_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Green Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 244
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19524
-	AegisName: "C_Green_Feeler"
-	Name: "Costume Green Tentacles"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 85
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19525
-	AegisName: "C_Jack_A_Dandy"
-	Name: "Costume Jack be Dandy"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 58
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19526
-	AegisName: "C_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 40
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19527
-	AegisName: "C_Sharp_Gear"
-	Name: "Costume Spiky Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 43
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19528
-	AegisName: "C_Iron_Cane"
-	Name: "Costume Iron Kane"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 53
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19529
-	AegisName: "C_Angelic_Chain"
-	Name: "Costume Angel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 38
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-	">
-	Id: 19530
-	AegisName: "C_Wild_Rose"
-	Name: "Costume Wild Rose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 541
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bAtk,2;
-		bonus bMatk,2;
-	">
-	Id: 19531
-	AegisName: "C_Cube_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Cube Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 472
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19532
-	AegisName: "C_Red_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Costume Red Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 640
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-	">
-	Id: 19533
-	AegisName: "C_Spore_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Spore Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 114
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 19534
-	AegisName: "C_Tha_Despero_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Despero of Thanatos"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 693
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,1;
-		bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		bonus bHealPower,1;
-	">
-	Id: 19535
-	AegisName: "C_Sinsuncho_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Sinsuncho Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 730
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 19536
-	AegisName: "C_Rose_Corsage"
-	Name: "Costume Rose RJC Cathusa"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 533
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 1;
-	">
-	Id: 19537
-	AegisName: "C_Gryphon_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Gryphon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 591
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19538
-	AegisName: "Full_Moon"
-	Name: "Costume Full Moon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 780
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19539
-	AegisName: "C_Reginleif_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Hairband Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 468
-	Script: <" bonus bAllStats,1; ">
-	Id: 19540
-	AegisName: "C_Rabbit_Earplug"
-	Name: "Costume Bunny Ear Costume"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 515
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bFlee,2;
-	">
-	Id: 19541
-	AegisName: "C_Romantic_White_Flower"
-	Name: "Costume White Flower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 259
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-	">
-	Id: 19542
-	AegisName: "C_Devil_Whisper"
-	Name: "Costume Devil's Whisper"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 712
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Angel,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Demon,1;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,523,RC_Angel,400;
-		bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,12020,RC_Demon,400;
-	">
-	Id: 19543
-	AegisName: "Oliver_Wolf_Hood"
-	Name: "Costume Oliver Wolf Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	EquipLv: 70
-	ViewSprite: 849
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19544
-	AegisName: "C_Tare_Neko_Cru"
-	Name: "Costume Drooping Neko Crew Costume"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 692
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19545
-	AegisName: "C_Boys_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Boy's Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 102
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19546
-	AegisName: "C_Valkyrie_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Valkyrie Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 225
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19547
-	AegisName: "C_Deviruchi_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Deviruchi Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 123
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19548
-	AegisName: "C_Frog_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Frog Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 448
-	OnEquipScript: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19549
-	AegisName: "C_Magestic_Goat"
-	Name: "Costume Majestic Goat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 41
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19550
-	AegisName: "C_Blush"
-	Name: "Costume Blush"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 125
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19551
-	AegisName: "C_Elven_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume Elven Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 73
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19552
-	AegisName: "C_Centimental_Flower"
-	Name: "Costume Romantic Flower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 56
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19553
-	AegisName: "C_Assassin_Mask_"
-	Name: "Costume Assassin Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 180
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19554
-	AegisName: "C_Hahoe_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Hahoe Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 230
-	Id: 19555
-	AegisName: "C_Crescent_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Crescent Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 213
-	Id: 19556
-	AegisName: "C_Kabuki_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Kabuki Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 214
-	Id: 19557
-	AegisName: "C_Ayothaya_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Ayothaya Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 334
-	Id: 19558
-	AegisName: "C_Raven_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Raven Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 524
-	Id: 19559
-	AegisName: "C_B_Dragon_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Baby Dragon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 525
-	Id: 19560
-	AegisName: "C_Quati_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Kwati Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 527
-	Id: 19561
-	AegisName: "C_Tucan_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Tucan Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 528
-	Id: 19562
-	AegisName: "C_Jaguar_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Jaguar Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 530
-	Id: 19563
-	AegisName: "C_Dragon_Arhat_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Dragon Arhat Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 545
-	Id: 19564
-	AegisName: "C_Tiger_Arhat_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Tiger Arhat Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 546
-	Id: 19565
-	AegisName: "C_Chung_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Dynasty Decoration"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 583
-	Id: 19566
-	AegisName: "C_Samurai_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Samurai Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 644
-	Id: 19567
-	AegisName: "C_Hatah_Black"
-	Name: "Costume Hatah Black"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 676
-	Id: 19568
-	AegisName: "C_Horn_Of_The_Ancient"
-	Name: "Costume Ancient Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 757
-	Id: 19569
-	AegisName: "C_Sprout_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Sprout Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 758
-	Id: 19570
-	AegisName: "C_Mercury_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Mercury Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 759
-	Id: 19571
-	AegisName: "C_White_Musang_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume White Musang Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 770
-	Id: 19572
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Musang_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Black Musang Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 771
-	Id: 19573
-	AegisName: "C_Heart_Wing_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Heart Wing Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 733
-	Id: 19574
-	AegisName: "C_Lord_of_Death"
-	Name: "Costume Lord Of Death Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 742
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19575
-	AegisName: "C_Rising_Black_Dragon"
-	Name: "Costume Ascension Black Dragon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 863
-	Id: 19576
-	AegisName: "C_Tare_Pope"
-	Name: "Costume Tare Popedoll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 817
-	Id: 19577
-	AegisName: "10th_Anni_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume 10th Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 874
-	Id: 19579
-	AegisName: "C_Red_Wing_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Red Wind Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 613
-	Id: 19580
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-	Name: "Costume Sphinx Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 137
-	Id: 19581
-	AegisName: "C_Adventurers_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Adventurer's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 891
-	Id: 19582
-	AegisName: "C_Cowboy_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Cowboy Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 411
-	Id: 19583
-	AegisName: "C_Gangster_Patch"
-	Name: "Costume Zorro Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 50
-	Id: 19584
-	AegisName: "C_Dagger_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume Dagger In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 327
-	Id: 19585
-	AegisName: "C_Feather_Beret"
-	Name: "Costume Feather Beret"
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-	ViewSprite: 224
-	Id: 19586
-	AegisName: "C_Pink_Bunny_Band_J"
-	Name: "Costume Pink Bunny Hair Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 100
-	Sell: 50
-	ViewSprite: 898
-	Id: 19587
-	AegisName: "C_King_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume King Poring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 905
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 19589
-	AegisName: "C_Fallen_Angel_Lost_J"
-	Name: "C Fallen Angel Lost J"
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-	Id: 19597
-	AegisName: "C_Magic_Eyes"
-	Name: "Costume Magic Eyes"
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-	Id: 19598
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-	Name: "Costume Wandering Wolf Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	ViewSprite: 490
-	Id: 19599
-	AegisName: "C_Imp_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Imp Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 589
-	Id: 19600
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Kiehl"
-	Name: "Costume Drooping Kiehl"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	EquipLv: 30
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 909
-	Id: 19601
-	AegisName: "Drooping_Aliot"
-	Name: "Costume Drooping Aliot"
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-	Weight: 100
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-	ViewSprite: 910
-	Id: 19602
-	AegisName: "C_Invisible_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Invisible Cap"
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-	Id: 19603
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-	Name: "Costume Koneko Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	ViewSprite: 378
-	Id: 19604
-	AegisName: "C_Invisible_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Invisible Mask"
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-	AegisName: "C_Gang_Scarf"
-	Name: "Costume Gang Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	AegisName: "C_Ninja_Scroll"
-	Name: "Costume Ninja Scroll"
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-	AegisName: "C_Love_Chick_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Chicken Love Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19608
-	AegisName: "C_Chick_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Chick Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19609
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-	Name: "Costume Red Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	AegisName: "C_Whisper_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Whisper Mask"
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-	Name: "Costume Peco Ears"
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-	Id: 19612
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-	Name: "Costume Note Headphone"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19613
-	AegisName: "C_Valkyrie_Feather_Band"
-	Name: "Costume Valkyrie Feather Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19614
-	AegisName: "C_Super_Novice_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Super Novice Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19615
-	AegisName: "C_Loki_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Loki Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19616
-	AegisName: "C_Wickebines_Black_Cat_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume Wickebine's Black Cat Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 368
-	Id: 19617
-	AegisName: "C_Puppy_Headband"
-	Name: "Costume Puppy Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 199
-	Id: 19619
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-	Name: "Costume Corsair"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 105
-	Id: 19620
-	AegisName: "C_Detective_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Detective Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19621
-	AegisName: "C_Ear_Of_Devils_Wing"
-	Name: "Costume Evil Wing Ears"
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-	Name: "Costume Crescent Hairpin"
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-	Id: 19623
-	AegisName: "C_Bijofnil_Wings"
-	Name: "Costume Bijofnil Wings"
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-	Id: 19624
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-	Name: "Costume Blank Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 185
-	Id: 19625
-	AegisName: "C_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Costume Refined Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 15
-	Id: 19627
-	AegisName: "C_Satellite_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Satellite Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Slots: 1
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-	Id: 19628
-	AegisName: "C_Headset"
-	Name: "Costume Headset"
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-	ViewSprite: 97
-	Id: 19629
-	AegisName: "C_Tiara"
-	Name: "Costume Tiara"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	ViewSprite: 19
-	Id: 19630
-	AegisName: "C_Crown"
-	Name: "Costume Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 45
-	Id: 19631
-	AegisName: "C_Poring_Fedora_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Poring Fedora Hat"
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-	Id: 19632
-	AegisName: "C_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 16
-	Id: 19633
-	AegisName: "C_Flower_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Flower Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Id: 19634
-	AegisName: "C_Flu_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Flu Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 8
-	Id: 19635
-	AegisName: "C_Mini_Propeller"
-	Name: "Costume Mini Propeller"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 46
-	Id: 19636
-	AegisName: "C_Pierrot_Nose"
-	Name: "Costume Clown Nose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	ViewSprite: 49
-	Id: 19637
-	AegisName: "C_Nurse_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Nurse Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 64
-	Id: 19638
-	AegisName: "C_Mr_Smile"
-	Name: "Costume Mr Smile"
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-	ViewSprite: 65
-	Id: 19639
-	AegisName: "C_Sahkkat"
-	Name: "Costume Sakkat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 67
-	Id: 19640
-	AegisName: "C_Charming_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Charming Ribbon"
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-	AegisName: "C_Moonlight_Flower_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Moonlight Flower Hat"
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-	Name: "Costume Wickebine Ears"
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-	Id: 19644
-	AegisName: "C_Takius_Blindfold"
-	Name: "Costume Takius Blindfold"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Name: "Costume Phoenix Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Name: "Costume Ramen Hat"
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-	Id: 19647
-	AegisName: "C_Red_Deviruchi_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Red Deviruchi Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	AegisName: "C_Fallen_Leaves"
-	Name: "Costume Autumn Leaves"
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-	Id: 19649
-	AegisName: "C_White_Baby_Cat_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume White Kitten Ears"
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-	Id: 19650
-	AegisName: "C_Rainbow_Feather_Deco"
-	Name: "Costume Five Colored Feathers"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19651
-	AegisName: "C_RWC_Shouting_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume RWC Shouting Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Sell: 500
-	ViewSprite: 194
-	Id: 19652
-	AegisName: "C_Rabbit_Magic_Hat"
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-	Id: 19653
-	AegisName: "C_Marcher_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Marcher Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19654
-	AegisName: "C_J_Captain_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Master's Hat"
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-	Id: 19655
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-	Name: "C Tiraya Bonnet"
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-	Buy: 20
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-	ViewSprite: 398
-	Id: 19656
-	AegisName: "C_Minstrel_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Minstrel Hat"
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-	Id: 19657
-	AegisName: "C_Captain_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Captain Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 236
-	Id: 19658
-	AegisName: "C_Vacation_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Vacation Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19659
-	AegisName: "C_Gray_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Brown Beanie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19660
-	AegisName: "C_Coppola"
-	Name: "Costume Coppola"
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-	Name: "Costume Sweet Bonnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19662
-	AegisName: "C_Magician_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Magician Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19663
-	AegisName: "Wishing_Sky_Lantern"
-	Name: "Costume Wish Lamp"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19664
-	AegisName: "C_Campus_Festival"
-	Name: "Costume Campus Festival"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19665
-	AegisName: "C_Poring_Cake_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Poring Cake Hat"
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-	Id: 19666
-	AegisName: "C_Cookie_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Cookie Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 217
-	Id: 19667
-	AegisName: "C_Dragon_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Dragon Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19668
-	AegisName: "C_Wind_Milestone"
-	Name: "Costume Wind Milestone"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19669
-	AegisName: "C_Reginleif_Hairband_"
-	Name: "Costume Reginrev's Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19670
-	AegisName: "C_Southern_Cross"
-	Name: "Costume Southern Cross"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19671
-	AegisName: "C_Piggie_Bank"
-	Name: "Costume Piggie Bank"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19672
-	AegisName: "C_Poring_Letter"
-	Name: "Costume Poring Letter"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19673
-	AegisName: "C_Benevolent_Guardian"
-	Name: "Costume Benevolent Guardian"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	AegisName: "C_Evil_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Demon Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	AegisName: "C_Jumping_Poring"
-	Name: "Costume Jumping Poring"
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-	Id: 19676
-	AegisName: "C_Rainbow_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Rainbow Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19677
-	AegisName: "C_Soulless_Wing"
-	Name: "Costume Soulless Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	AegisName: "C_Bell_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Bell Ribbon"
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-	Id: 19679
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-	Name: "Costume Round Eyes J"
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-	Name: "Costume Tongue Mask"
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-	Name: "Costume Silver Tiara"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19682
-	AegisName: "C_Santa_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume SantaPoring Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 387
-	Id: 19683
-	AegisName: "C_Sweet_Candy"
-	Name: "Costume Sweet Candy"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19684
-	AegisName: "C_Happy_Wig"
-	Name: "Costume Happy Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	AegisName: "C_ShineSantaPoring"
-	Name: "Costume Shine Stanta Poring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	AegisName: "C_SantaHairband"
-	Name: "Costume Santa Doll Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 964
-	Id: 19687
-	AegisName: "C_Lush_Rose"
-	Name: "Costume Fresh Roses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
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-	Id: 19688
-	AegisName: "C_RJC_Katusa"
-	Name: "Costume Katusa"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	AegisName: "C_Ati_Atihan_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Ati Atihan"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	AegisName: "C_Dark_Snake_Lord_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Costume Dark Snake Lord Hat J"
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-	AegisName: "C_Blue_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Blue Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19692
-	AegisName: "C_Antique_Pipe_J"
-	Name: "Costume Antique Pipe J"
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-	Id: 19693
-	AegisName: "C_Triple_Poring_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Triple Poring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19694
-	AegisName: "C_Vane_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Costume Vane Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19695
-	AegisName: "C_Kettle_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Kettle Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19696
-	AegisName: "C_Friend_Mochiring_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Friend Mochiring Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 965
-	Id: 19697
-	AegisName: "C_Rudolph_Santa_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Rudolph Santa Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 919
-	Id: 19698
-	AegisName: "C_Bf_Recruiter_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Bf Recruiter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 352
-	Id: 19699
-	AegisName: "C_Gf_Recruiter_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Gf Recruiter Hat"
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-	Id: 19700
-	AegisName: "C_RWC_Champ_Crown_2nd"
-	Name: "Costume RWC Champ Crown 2nd"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19701
-	AegisName: "C_Red_Bonnet"
-	Name: "Costumes Red Bonnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 190
-	Id: 19702
-	AegisName: "C_Santa_Hat_1"
-	Name: "Costume Twin Pompom By JB"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 390
-	Id: 19706
-	AegisName: "C_Red_Dress_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Red Dress Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 670
-	Id: 19707
-	AegisName: "C_Polar_Bear_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Polar Bear Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 966
-	Id: 19708
-	AegisName: "C_Withe_Snake_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Withe Snake Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 413
-	Id: 19709
-	AegisName: "C_Yellow_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Yellow Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19710
-	AegisName: "C_Wings_Of_Victory"
-	Name: "Costume Wings of Victory"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19712
-	AegisName: "C_Little_Angel_Doll"
-	Name: "Costume Little Angel Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19713
-	AegisName: "C_Lucky_Clover"
-	Name: "Costume Lucky Clover"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19714
-	AegisName: "C_Lady_Tanee_Doll"
-	Name: "Costume Lady Tanee Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19715
-	AegisName: "C_Scarf"
-	Name: "Costume Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 343
-	Id: 19716
-	AegisName: "C_Alice_Doll"
-	Name: "Costume Alice Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19717
-	AegisName: "C_Ribbon_Pink"
-	Name: "Costume Pink Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19718
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-	Name: "Costume Gothic Head Dress"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19721
-	AegisName: "C_Darkness_Helm"
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-	Id: 19722
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-	Name: "Costume Black Glasses"
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-	Id: 19723
-	AegisName: "C_Sacred_Torch_Coronet"
-	Name: "Costume Sacred Torch Coronet"
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-	Id: 19724
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-	Id: 19725
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-	Id: 19726
-	AegisName: "C_Scarlet_Rose"
-	Name: "Costume Scarlet Rose"
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-	Id: 19727
-	AegisName: "C_Deviling_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Deviling Hat"
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-	AegisName: "C_Tare_Zonda"
-	Name: "Costume Tare Zonda"
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-	Id: 19729
-	AegisName: "C_Neko_Mimi_Kafra"
-	Name: "Costume Neko Mimi Kafra"
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-	Id: 19730
-	AegisName: "C_Snake_Hat"
-	Name: "C Snake Hat"
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-	Buy: 20
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-	ViewSprite: 986
-	Id: 19731
-	AegisName: "C_Satanic_Chain"
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-	Id: 19732
-	AegisName: "C_Goblin_Mask_04"
-	Name: "Costume Goblin Leader Mask"
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-	Id: 19733
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-	Id: 19734
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-	Name: "Costume Binoculars"
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-	ViewSprite: 83
-	Id: 19735
-	AegisName: "C_Fin_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Fin Helm"
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-	Id: 19736
-	AegisName: "C_Gas_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Gas Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
-	ViewSprite: 91
-	Id: 19737
-	AegisName: "C_Corsair_K"
-	Name: "Costume Refined Corsair"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	ViewSprite: 105
-	Id: 19738
-	AegisName: "C_Detective_Hat_K"
-	Name: "Costume Renown Detective's Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	ViewSprite: 189
-	Id: 19739
-	AegisName: "C_Sleeping_Kitty_Cat"
-	Name: "Costume Sleeping Cat Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 1000
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-	Id: 19741
-	AegisName: "C_Majestic_Devil_Horns"
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-	Id: 19742
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-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 1; ">
-	Id: 19743
-	AegisName: "C_Anubis_Helm_J"
-	Name: "Costume Anubis Helm J"
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-	Id: 19744
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Tail_Ribbon"
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-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19745
-	AegisName: "C_Holy_Marching_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Costume Holy Marching Hat J"
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-	Id: 19746
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-	Name: "Costume Executioner Hood"
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-	Id: 19747
-	AegisName: "C_Tha_Despero_Mask_J"
-	Name: "Costume Tha Despero Mask J"
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-	Name: "Costume Gold Spirit Chain"
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-	AegisName: "C_Saint_Frill_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Saint Frill Ribbon"
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-	Name: "Costume Light Darkness Crown"
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-	AegisName: "C_Shelter_Wing_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume Shelter Wing Ears"
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-	AegisName: "C_Celestial_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Celestial Hat"
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-	Name: "Costume Good Wedding Veil"
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-	AegisName: "C_YinYang_Earring"
-	Name: "Costume YinYang Earring"
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-	AegisName: "C_Holy_Mom_Love"
-	Name: "Costume Holy Mom Love"
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-	AegisName: "C_Frog_King_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Frog King Hat"
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-	Id: 19759
-	AegisName: "C_Umbrella_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Umbrella Hat"
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-	AegisName: "C_Rainbow_Veil"
-	Name: "Costume Rainbow Veil"
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-	Name: "Costume White Lily"
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-	Id: 19762
-	AegisName: "C_Happy_Peace_Proof"
-	Name: "Costume Happy Peace Proof"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19763
-	AegisName: "C_Leaf_Cat_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Leaf Cat Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 539
-	Id: 19764
-	AegisName: "C_Monster_Card"
-	Name: "Costume Monster Card"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19765
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-	Id: 19766
-	AegisName: "C_Yggdrasil_Hat"
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-	Id: 19767
-	AegisName: "C_Home_Cherry_Blossom"
-	Name: "Costume Home Cherry Blossom"
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-	Id: 19768
-	AegisName: "C_Sakura_Coronet"
-	Name: "Costume Sakura Coronet"
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-	Id: 19770
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-	Name: "Costume Butterfly Hairpin"
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-	AegisName: "C_Honeybee_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Honeybee Hat"
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-	Id: 19773
-	AegisName: "C_Angeling_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Costume Angeling Hairpin"
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-	Id: 19775
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-	Id: 19776
-	AegisName: "C_Tomboy_Fairy"
-	Name: "Costume Tomboy Fairy"
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-	AegisName: "C_Twinkle_Little_Star"
-	Name: "Costume Twinkle Little Star"
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-	Id: 19779
-	AegisName: "C_Persika"
-	Name: "Costume Persica"
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-	Id: 19780
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-	Id: 19781
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-	Name: "Costume Crown of Mistress"
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-	AegisName: "C_Goblin_Mask_02"
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-	AegisName: "C_Goblin_Mask_03"
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-	Name: "Costume Bone Helm"
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-	Id: 19799
-	AegisName: "C_Golden_Gear"
-	Name: "Costume Golden Gear"
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-	AegisName: "C_Carnation_Hairband"
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-	Name: "Costume Pinwheel Cap"
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-	Name: "Costume Red Vane Hairpin"
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-	Name: "Costume Taboo Curse Scroll"
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-	Name: "Costume Full Bloom Hairpin"
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-	Name: "Costume Large Hibiscus"
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-	AegisName: "C_Icecream_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Icecream Hat"
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-	Id: 19814
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-	Name: "Costume Shiny Wig"
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-	Id: 19815
-	AegisName: "C_Lolita_Ten_Gallon_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Lolita Ten Gallon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19816
-	AegisName: "C_Pecopeco_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Pecopeco Cap"
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-	Id: 19817
-	AegisName: "C_Ifrits_Breath"
-	Name: "Costume Ifrit's Breath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19818
-	AegisName: "C_Droop_Morocc_Minion"
-	Name: "Costume Drooping Morocc Minion"
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-	Name: "Costume Hyegun Hat"
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-	Id: 19824
-	AegisName: "C_Evil_Druid_Hat"
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-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19825
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-	Name: "Costume Vicious Stop Bandage"
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-	Id: 19826
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-	Name: "Costume Ice Wings Ears"
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-	Name: "Costume Fedora"
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-	Name: "C Straw Hat"
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-	ViewSprite: 146
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-	Id: 19831
-	AegisName: "C_Filir_Hat"
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-	Id: 19832
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-	Name: "Costume Poring Hat"
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-	Id: 19833
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-	Id: 19834
-	AegisName: "C_Baseball_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Baseball Cap"
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-	Id: 19835
-	AegisName: "C_Lif_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Lif Doll Hat"
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-	Id: 19836
-	AegisName: "C_L_Magestic_Goat"
-	Name: "Costume Large Majestic Horns"
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-	Id: 19837
-	AegisName: "C_Asara_Fairy_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Asara Fairy Hat"
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-	Id: 19838
-	AegisName: "C_Fox_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Fox Hatt"
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-	Id: 19839
-	AegisName: "C_Vanilmirth_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Vanilmirth Hat"
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-	Id: 19841
-	AegisName: "C_Dragonhelm_Copper"
-	Name: "Costume Dragonhelm Copper"
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-	Id: 19842
-	AegisName: "C_Puppy_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Puppy Hat"
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-	Id: 19843
-	AegisName: "C_Cat_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Kitty Band"
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-	Id: 19844
-	AegisName: "C_Turban"
-	Name: "Costume Turban"
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-	Id: 19845
-	AegisName: "C_Hair_Protector"
-	Name: "Costume Bao Bao"
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-	Id: 19846
-	AegisName: "C_Opera_Ghost_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Opera Phantom Mask"
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-	Id: 19847
-	AegisName: "C_Big_Sis_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Big Ribbon"
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-	Id: 19848
-	AegisName: "C_Angeling_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Angeling Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 204
-	Id: 19849
-	AegisName: "C_Munak_Turban"
-	Name: "Costume Munak Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 51
-	Id: 19850
-	AegisName: "C_Bongun_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Bongun Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 139
-	Id: 19851
-	AegisName: "C_Brown_Bear_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Teddybear Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 143
-	Id: 19853
-	AegisName: "C_Filir_Wing"
-	Name: "Costume Filir Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 595
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 19855
-	AegisName: "C_Happy_Summer_Wig"
-	Name: "Costume Happy Summer Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1059
-	Id: 19856
-	AegisName: "C_Iceflake_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Snow Cone Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1080
-	Id: 19857
-	AegisName: "C_King_Prawn_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Crayfish Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 728
-	Id: 19858
-	AegisName: "C_Leaf_Headgear"
-	Name: "Costume Smokie Leaf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 148
-	Id: 19859
-	AegisName: "C_Flying_Angel_" // FIXME: Unknown
-	Name: "Costume Flying Angel"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 264
-	Id: 19860
-	AegisName: "C_Cryptura_Hair_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume School Criatura Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 872
-	Id: 19861
-	AegisName: "C_Heart_Hair_Pin"
-	Name: "Costume Heart Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 126
-	Id: 19862
-	AegisName: "C_Horn_Of_Succubus"
-	Name: "Costume Succubus Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 150
-	Id: 19863
-	AegisName: "C_Inccubus_Horn"
-	Name: "Costume Incubus Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 156
-	Id: 19864
-	AegisName: "C_Dokebis_Wig"
-	Name: "Costume Dokebi's Wig"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 302
-	Id: 19865
-	AegisName: "C_Joker_Jester"
-	Name: "Costume Joker Jester"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 89
-	Id: 19866
-	AegisName: "C_Blue_Pajamas_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Blue Pajamas"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 501
-	Id: 19867
-	AegisName: "C_Pink_Pajamas_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Red Pajamas"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 501
-	Id: 19868
-	AegisName: "C_Showy_High_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Showy High Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 830
-	Id: 19869
-	AegisName: "C_Ancient_Civil_Man"
-	Name: "Costume Antiquity Helmet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 846
-	Id: 19871
-	AegisName: "C_Music_Decoration"
-	Name: "Decoration of Music"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1074
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_DECORATION_OF_MUSIC, -1, 0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_DECORATION_OF_MUSIC; ">
-	Id: 19873
-	AegisName: "C_Carnival_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Carnival Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 505
-	Id: 19874
-	AegisName: "C_Carnival_Circlet"
-	Name: "Costume Carnival Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 506
-	Id: 19875
-	AegisName: "C_Love_Rabbit_Hood"
-	Name: "Costume Love Rabbit Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 549
-	Trade: {
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 19876
-	AegisName: "C_Rabbit_Ear_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Rabbit Ear Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 384
-	Id: 19877
-	AegisName: "C_Eyes_Of_Darkness"
-	Name: "Costume Eyes Of Darkness"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 467
-	Id: 19878
-	AegisName: "C_Drooping_Bunny"
-	Name: "Costume Drooping Bunny"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 249
-	Id: 19879
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Bunny_Band"
-	Name: "Costume Black Bunny Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 267
-	Id: 19880
-	AegisName: "C_Golden_Tiara"
-	Name: "Costume Golden Tiara"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 232
-	Id: 19881
-	AegisName: "C_Pretty_Rabbit_Hood"
-	Name: "Costume Pretty Rabbit Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1085
-	Trade: {
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 19882
-	AegisName: "C_Flowerpot_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Flowerpot Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1086
-	Id: 19883
-	AegisName: "C_Piamette_Hood"
-	Name: "Costume Piamette Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1087
-	Id: 19884
-	AegisName: "C_Vanargandr_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Vanargand Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 804
-	Id: 19885
-	AegisName: "C_Blinker"
-	Name: "Costume Blinker"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 82
-	Id: 19886
-	AegisName: "C_Luxury_Sunglasses"
-	Name: "Costume Purple Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 26
-	Id: 19887
-	AegisName: "C_One_Eyed_Glass"
-	Name: "Costume Cyclops Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 23
-	Id: 19888
-	AegisName: "C_Glasses"
-	Name: "Costume Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 19889
-	AegisName: "C_Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Small Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 169
-	Id: 19890
-	AegisName: "C_Mage_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Mage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 112
-	Id: 19891
-	AegisName: "C_Magnolia_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Magnolia Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 373
-	Id: 19892
-	AegisName: "C_Night_Sparrow_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Night Sparrow Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 913
-	Id: 19893
-	AegisName: "C_Ordinary_Black_Magician_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Ordinary Black Magician Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 912
-	Id: 19894
-	AegisName: "C_Shrine_Maiden_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Shrine Maiden Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 908
-	Id: 19895
-	AegisName: "C_Magicians_Night_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Magician's Night Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 911
-	Id: 19896
-	AegisName: "C_PRO_10th_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume PRO 10th Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1094
-	Id: 19897
-	AegisName: "C_RPC13_1ST_Wreath"
-	Name: "Costume RPC13 1ST Wreath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 261
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 19898
-	AegisName: "C_RPC13_2ND_Wreath"
-	Name: "Costume RPC13 2ND Wreath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 261
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,2;
-		bonus bMdef,2;
-	">
-	Id: 19899
-	AegisName: "C_RPC13_3RD_Wreath"
-	Name: "Costume RPC13 3RD Wreath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 261
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus bMdef,1;
-	">
-	Id: 19900
-	AegisName: "C_Cool_Pirate_Eyepatch"
-	Name: "Costume Cool Pirate Eyepatch"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1097
-	Id: 19901
-	AegisName: "C_Orc_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Orc Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 86
-	Id: 19902
-	AegisName: "C_Cigar"
-	Name: "Costume Cigarette"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 54
-	Id: 19903
-	AegisName: "C_Witchs_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Witch's Pumpkin Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 717
-	Id: 19904
-	AegisName: "C_Skull_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Skull Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 713
-	Id: 19905
-	AegisName: "C_Secret_Society_Hood"
-	Name: "Costume Secret Society Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 806
-	Id: 19906
-	AegisName: "C_Screw_stuck_in_head"
-	Name: "Costume Screw stuck in head"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 696
-	Id: 19907
-	AegisName: "C_Fascinating_Phantom_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Fascinating Phantom Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 710
-	Id: 19908
-	AegisName: "C_Flag_Crown_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Flag Crown Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 219
-	Id: 19909
-	AegisName: "C_White_Deviruchi_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume White Deviruchi Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 272
-	Id: 19910
-	AegisName: "C_Halloween_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Halloween Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1098
-	Id: 19911
-	AegisName: "C_Triangle_Roof_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Triangle Roof Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1099
-	Id: 19912
-	AegisName: "C_Cat_Eye"
-	Name: "Costume Cat Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1100
-	Id: 19913
-	AegisName: "C_Poo_Poo_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Poo Poo Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 76
-	Id: 19914
-	AegisName: "Felock_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Tarlock's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1101
-	Id: 19916
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Cat_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Black Cat Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1105
-	Id: 19917
-	AegisName: "C_Gloomy_Pumpkin_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Dark Pumpkin Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 691
-	Id: 19918
-	AegisName: "C_Lude_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Lude Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 802
-	Id: 19919
-	AegisName: "C_Cube_Mask_"
-	Name: "Costume Quve Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 472
-	Id: 19920
-	AegisName: "C_Adv_Whisper_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Evolved Whisper Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 458
-	Id: 19922
-	AegisName: "C_Noah_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Noah's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 636
-	Id: 19925
-	AegisName: "C_One_Eyed_Glasses"
-	Name: "Costume Monocle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 23
-	Id: 19928
-	AegisName: "C_Gothic_Heart_Wing"
-	Name: "Costume Gothic Heart Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1111
-	Id: 19929
-	AegisName: "C_Classical_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Classical Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1112
-	Id: 19930
-	AegisName: "C_Angel_Mini_Silk_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Angel Mini Silk Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1113
-	Id: 19931
-	AegisName: "C_Lazy_Raccoon"
-	Name: "Costume Lazy Smokie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 168
-	Id: 19932
-	AegisName: "C_Cap_Of_Concentration"
-	Name: "Costume Model Training Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 157
-	Id: 19934
-	AegisName: "C_10Gallon_Hat_Of_Flame"
-	Name: "Costume Flaming Ten Gallon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1075
-	Id: 19935
-	AegisName: "C_Hunting_Cap_Of_Gust"
-	Name: "Costume Hunting Cap Of Gust"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1076
-	Id: 19936
-	AegisName: "C_Knit_Cap_Of_Water"
-	Name: "Costume Knit Cap Of Water"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1077
-	Id: 19938
-	AegisName: "C_Love_Bunny_Hood"
-	Name: "Costume Love Bunny Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 549
-	Id: 19939
-	AegisName: "C_Antler"
-	Name: "Costume Antlers"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 71
-	Id: 19941
-	AegisName: "C_Ear_Mufs"
-	Name: "Costume Ear Muffs"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 70
-	Id: 19949
-	AegisName: "C_RWC2013_Japan_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume RWC2013 Japan Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1136
-	Id: 19952
-	AegisName: "C_Bubble_Gum_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume Bubble Gum in Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 572
-	Id: 19953
-	AegisName: "C_Parade_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Parade Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 465
-	Id: 19954
-	AegisName: "C_3D_Glasses"
-	Name: "Costume 3D Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 661
-	Id: 19955
-	AegisName: "C_Mini_Tree_J"
-	Name: "Costume Mini Tree"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 727
-	Id: 19956
-	AegisName: "C_Soldier_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Soldier Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 420
-	Id: 19957
-	AegisName: "C_Scooter_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Costume Scooter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 588
-	Id: 19958
-	AegisName: "C_Choir_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Choir Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1137
-	Id: 19959
-	AegisName: "C_Drooping_Argiope"
-	Name: "Costume Drooping Argiope"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1138
-	Id: 19960
-	AegisName: "C_Chain_Puppet"
-	Name: "Costume Chain Puppet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1139
-	Id: 19961
-	AegisName: "C_Rune_Circlet"
-	Name: "Costume Rune Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 623
-	Id: 19962
-	AegisName: "C_Mitra"
-	Name: "Costume Mitra"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 624
-	Id: 19963
-	AegisName: "C_Driver_Band_R"
-	Name: "Costume Driver Band Red"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 626
-	Id: 19964
-	AegisName: "C_Driver_Band_Y"
-	Name: "Costume Driver Band Yellow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 637
-	Id: 19965
-	AegisName: "C_Shadow_Handicraft"
-	Name: "Costume Shadow Handicraft"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 627
-	Id: 19966
-	AegisName: "C_Minstrel_Song_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Minstrel Song's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 628
-	Id: 19967
-	AegisName: "C_Midas_Whisper"
-	Name: "Costume Midas Whisper"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 629
-	Id: 19968
-	AegisName: "C_Magic_Stone_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Magic Stone Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 630
-	Id: 19969
-	AegisName: "C_Blazing_Soul"
-	Name: "Costume Blazing Soul"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 631
-	Id: 19970
-	AegisName: "C_Wind_Whisper"
-	Name: "Costume Wind Whisper"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 633
-	Id: 19971
-	AegisName: "C_Dying_Swan"
-	Name: "Costume Dying Swan"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 635
-	Id: 19972
-	AegisName: "C_Protect_Of_Crown"
-	Name: "Costume Protect Of Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1140
-	Id: 19973
-	AegisName: "C_Circlet_Of_Bone"
-	Name: "Costume Circlet Of Bones"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1141
-	Id: 19974
-	AegisName: "C_Camouflage_RabbitHood"
-	Name: "Costume Camouflage Rabbit Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1142
-	Id: 19976
-	AegisName: "C_Cat_Santa_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Cat Santa Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1144
-	Id: 19977
-	AegisName: "C_Golden_Exclamation"
-	Name: "Costume Golden Exclamation Mark"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1145
-	Id: 19978
-	AegisName: "C_Silver_Exclamation"
-	Name: "Costume Silver Exclamation Mark"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1146
-	Id: 19979
-	AegisName: "C_Golden_Question"
-	Name: "Costume Golden Question Mark"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1147
-	Id: 19980
-	AegisName: "C_Silver_Question"
-	Name: "Costume Silver Question Mark"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1148
-	Id: 19982
-	AegisName: "C_Santas_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Santa Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 727
-	Id: 19983
-	AegisName: "C_Flower_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Costume Flower Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 145
-	Id: 19984
-	AegisName: "C_Winter_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Winter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 196
-	Id: 19985
-	AegisName: "C_Aura_Quartz_Crown"
-	Name: "Costume Aura Quartz"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 866
-	Id: 19986
-	AegisName: "C_Lunatic_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Lunatic Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 521
-	Id: 19987
-	AegisName: "C_Blue_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Blue Fur Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 280
-	Id: 19988
-	AegisName: "C_Elder_Crown"
-	Name: "Costume Elder Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 933
-	Id: 19989
-	AegisName: "C_Mouton_Life"
-	Name: "Costume Mouton Life"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1156
-	Id: 19990
-	AegisName: "C_Snow_Rabbit_Knit_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Rabbit Knit Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1157
-	Id: 19991
-	AegisName: "C_Galanthus_Guard"
-	Name: "Costume Galanthus Guard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1158
-	Id: 19992
-	AegisName: "C_Chilly_Breath"
-	Name: "Costume Chilly Breath"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 885
-	Id: 19994
-	AegisName: "C_saLUsalo_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume saLUsalo Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1171
-	Id: 19996
-	AegisName: "Horse_King"
-	Name: "Costume Horse King"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1189
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 19997
-	AegisName: "C_Bomb_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Bomb Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19998
-	AegisName: "C_Dragon_Turtle_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Dragon Turtle Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 19999
-	AegisName: "Mouse_Hat1"
-	Name: "Costume Mouse Hat1"
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-	Id: 20000
-	AegisName: "Mouse_Hat2"
-	Name: "Costume Mouse Hat2"
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-	ViewSprite: 1194
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-	Id: 20001
-	AegisName: "Mouse_Hat3"
-	Name: "Costume Mouse Hat3"
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-	Id: 20002
-	AegisName: "Mouse_Hat4"
-	Name: "Costume Mouse Hat4"
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-	Id: 20003
-	AegisName: "Mouse_Hat5"
-	Name: "Costume Mouse Hat5"
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-	Id: 20004
-	AegisName: "C_Big_Golden_Bell"
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-	Id: 20005
-	AegisName: "C_Sigrun_Wing"
-	Name: "Costume Sigrun Wing"
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-	Id: 20006
-	AegisName: "C_Dark_Knight_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Dark Knight Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 479
-	Id: 20007
-	AegisName: "C_Horned_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Horned Hat"
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-	ViewSprite: 322
-	Id: 20008
-	AegisName: "C_Dragon_General_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Dragon General Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20009
-	AegisName: "C_Dragon_Skull_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Dragon Skull Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20010
-	AegisName: "C_Rainbow_Wing_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume Rainbow Ears Feather"
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-	Id: 20011
-	AegisName: "C_Lightning_Speed"
-	Name: "Costume Lightning Speed"
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-	Id: 20012
-	AegisName: "C_Double_Horn_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Double Horn Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20013
-	AegisName: "C_Chef_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Chef Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20014
-	AegisName: "Lincoln_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Lincoln Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20015
-	AegisName: "Lincoln_Beard"
-	Name: "Costume Lincoln Beard"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20016
-	AegisName: "Lobster_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Cool Dinner Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20017
-	AegisName: "C_Marionette_Doll"
-	Name: "Costume Marionette Doll"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20019
-	AegisName: "Beret_Of_Artist"
-	Name: "Costume Artisant Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1209
-	Id: 20020
-	AegisName: "C_Zaha_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Zaha Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 461
-	Id: 20021
-	AegisName: "C_Heart_Ribbon_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Heart Ribbon Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20022
-	AegisName: "C_Love_Fragment"
-	Name: "Costume Love Fragment"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20023
-	AegisName: "C_Red_Beret"
-	Name: "Costume Red Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20024
-	AegisName: "C_Orange_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Orange Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 247
-	Id: 20025
-	AegisName: "Cow_Hat1"
-	Name: "Costume Cow Hat1"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20026
-	AegisName: "Cow_Hat2"
-	Name: "Costume Cow Hat2"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1212
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-	Id: 20027
-	AegisName: "Cow_Hat3"
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-	Id: 20028
-	AegisName: "Cow_Hat4"
-	Name: "Costume Cow Hat4"
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-	}
-	Id: 20029
-	AegisName: "C_Donut_in_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume Donut in Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 569
-	Id: 20030
-	AegisName: "C_Choco_Donut_in_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume Choco Donut in Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 653
-	Id: 20031
-	AegisName: "C_Bunny_Head_Dress"
-	Name: "Costume Bunny Headress"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1215
-	Id: 20032
-	AegisName: "C_Firinto_Scarf"
-	Name: "Costume Firinto Scarf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1216
-	Id: 20033
-	AegisName: "C_Buddhist_Priest_Crown"
-	Name: "Costume Monk Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1217
-	Id: 20034
-	AegisName: "C_Jack_Castle_Bat"
-	Name: "Costume Jack Castle Bat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1041
-	Id: 20035
-	AegisName: "C_Miracle_Blue_Rose"
-	Name: "Costume Miracle Blue Rose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1064
-	Id: 20036
-	AegisName: "C_Sword_Master_Crown"
-	Name: "Costume Crown of Victory"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 981
-	Id: 20037
-	AegisName: "C_Owlduke_Silk_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Owlduke Silk Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 982
-	Id: 20038
-	AegisName: "C_Alphonse_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Alphonse Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1214
-	Id: 20039
-	AegisName: "C_Butterfly_Wing_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume Butterfly Wing Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 695
-	Id: 20040
-	AegisName: "C_Chung_Hairband_"
-	Name: "Costume Chung Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 583
-	Id: 20041
-	AegisName: "C_Rose_Headband"
-	Name: "Costume Rose Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 864
-	Id: 20042
-	AegisName: "C_Hermos_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Hermos Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20043
-	AegisName: "C_Cherryblossom_in_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume Cherryblossom in Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 823
-	Id: 20044
-	AegisName: "C_Carmen_Mirandas_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Carmen Miranda's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 329
-	Id: 20045
-	AegisName: "C_Samambaia"
-	Name: "Costume Samambaia"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 508
-	Id: 20046
-	AegisName: "C_Blue_Ribbon_Band"
-	Name: "Costume Blue Ribbon Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1222
-	Id: 20047
-	AegisName: "C_Pray_Cherry_Blossom"
-	Name: "Costume Prayer Cherry Blossom"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1223
-	Id: 20048
-	AegisName: "C_Wind_Of_The_Prairie"
-	Name: "Costume Wind Prairie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1224
-	Id: 20049
-	AegisName: "C_Plaster"
-	Name: "Costume Giant Aid Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20050
-	AegisName: "C_Ph_D_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Ph.D Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 98
-	Id: 20051
-	AegisName: "C_Stop_Post"
-	Name: "Costume Stop Post"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20052
-	AegisName: "C_AFK_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume AFK Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20053
-	AegisName: "C_WKing_Tiger_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume WKing Tiger Doll Hat"
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-	}
-	Id: 20054
-	AegisName: "C_Baby_Pacifier"
-	Name: "Costume Pacifier"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 191
-	Id: 20055
-	AegisName: "C_Ghost_Bandana"
-	Name: "Costume Ghost Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 61
-	Id: 20056
-	AegisName: "C_Bride_Corolla"
-	Name: "Costume Bride's Corolla"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 437
-	Id: 20057
-	AegisName: "C_Feather_Bonnet"
-	Name: "Costume Feather Bonnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 104
-	Id: 20058
-	AegisName: "C_Hot_Blood_Headband"
-	Name: "Costume Hot Blood Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 154
-	Id: 20059
-	AegisName: "C_Welding_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Welding Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 79
-	Id: 20060
-	AegisName: "C_Construction_Helmet"
-	Name: "Costume Construction Helmet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 95
-	Id: 20061
-	AegisName: "C_Demo_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Demo Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 52
-	Id: 20062
-	AegisName: "C_Angel_Stair"
-	Name: "Costume Angel Stair"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_HAT_EFFECT, -1, 0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HAT_EFFECT; ">
-	Id: 20063
-	AegisName: "C_Yellow_Brain_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Yellow Brain Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1228
-	Trade: {
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-	}
-	Id: 20064
-	AegisName: "C_Blue_Brain_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Blue Brain Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1229
-	Trade: {
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-	}
-	Id: 20065
-	AegisName: "C_Hairband_Of_Grandpeco"
-	Name: "Costume Grand Peco Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 473
-	Id: 20066
-	AegisName: "C_Pecopeco_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Pecopeco Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 314
-	Id: 20067
-	AegisName: "C_White_Rabbit_Headband"
-	Name: "Costume White Rabbit Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 719
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
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-	Id: 20068
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Rabbit_Headband"
-	Name: "Costume Black Rabbit Headband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 718
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-		nodrop: true
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-	Id: 20069
-	AegisName: "C_Gryphon_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Gryphon Hairband"
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-	Id: 20070
-	AegisName: "C_Alpaca_Hood"
-	Name: "Costume Alpaca Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1234
-	Id: 20071
-	AegisName: "C_Worg_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume Worg In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1235
-	Id: 20073
-	AegisName: "C_Hair_Band"
-	Name: "Costume Hair Band"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20074
-	AegisName: "C_Biretta"
-	Name: "Costume Biretta"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 11
-	Id: 20075
-	AegisName: "C_Little_Fhat"
-	Name: "Costume Little Feather Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20076
-	AegisName: "C_Idun_Wing_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume Idun Feather Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 724
-	Id: 20077
-	AegisName: "C_Wing_Form_Spectacle"
-	Name: "Costume Wing Frame Sunglasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 925
-	Id: 20078
-	AegisName: "C_White_Feather"
-	Name: "Costume White Feather"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20079
-	AegisName: "C_Love_Daddy_2013"
-	Name: "Costume Forgotten Angel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20080
-	AegisName: "C_Shamans_Hair_Orna"
-	Name: "Costume Shaman Hair Ornament"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20081
-	AegisName: "C_Metal_Dragon_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Metal Dragon Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1242
-	Id: 20082
-	AegisName: "C_Metal_Dragon_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Metal Dragon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20083
-	AegisName: "C_Mythlit_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Mythlit Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1244
-	Id: 20084
-	AegisName: "C_Clover_Coronet"
-	Name: "Costume Ceremonial Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20085
-	AegisName: "C_Clover_Silkhat"
-	Name: "Costume St Patrick's Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20086
-	AegisName: "C_Dragon_Cintamani_Hat1"
-	Name: "Costume Dragon Cintamani Hat1"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20087
-	AegisName: "C_Dragon_Cintamani_Hat2"
-	Name: "Costume Dragon Cintamani Hat2"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1246
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-	Id: 20088
-	AegisName: "C_Dragon_Cintamani_Hat3"
-	Name: "Costume Dragon Cintamani Hat3"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1247
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-	Id: 20089
-	AegisName: "C_Dragon_Cintamani_Hat4"
-	Name: "Costume Dragon Cintamani Hat4"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1248
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-	Id: 20090
-	AegisName: "C_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Costume Egg Shell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 101
-	Id: 20091
-	AegisName: "C_Smoking_Pipe"
-	Name: "Costume Smoking Pipe"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 55
-	Id: 20092
-	AegisName: "C_Sales_Signboard"
-	Name: "Costume Sale Banner"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 183
-	Id: 20093
-	AegisName: "C_Star_Sparkling"
-	Name: "Costume Wizard Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 36
-	Id: 20094
-	AegisName: "C_Fillet_Green"
-	Name: "Costume Green Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20095
-	AegisName: "C_Fillet_Red"
-	Name: "Costume Red Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20096
-	AegisName: "C_Fillet_Blue"
-	Name: "Costume Blue Ribbonn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20097
-	AegisName: "C_Fillet_White"
-	Name: "Costume White Ribbon"
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-	Id: 20098
-	AegisName: "C_Vampire_Hairband"
-	Name: "Costume Vampire Hairband"
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-	Id: 20099
-	AegisName: "C_Ljosalfar"
-	Name: "Costume Ljosalfar"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_LJOSALFAR,-1,0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_LJOSALFAR; ">
-	Id: 20100
-	AegisName: "C_Volume_Fhat"
-	Name: "Costume Volume Fhat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20101
-	AegisName: "C_Bragi_Wing_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume Bragi Wing Ears"
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-	Id: 20102
-	AegisName: "C_Horse_King_J"
-	Name: "Costume Horse King_J"
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-	Id: 20103
-	AegisName: "C_Drooping_Panda"
-	Name: "Costume Drooping Panda"
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-	Id: 20104
-	AegisName: "C_Picky_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Costume Picky Egg Shell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20105
-	AegisName: "C_Fish_Head"
-	Name: "Costume Fish Head"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20106
-	AegisName: "C_Classic_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Classic Hat"
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-	Id: 20107
-	AegisName: "C_Fish_in_mouth"
-	Name: "Costume Fish in mouth"
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-	ViewSprite: 406
-	Id: 20108
-	AegisName: "C_Blind_Glasses"
-	Name: "Costume Blind Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 813
-	Id: 20109
-	AegisName: "C_Jolly_Roger_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Jolly Roger Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 962
-	Id: 20110
-	AegisName: "C_Coiledup_Snake_Hat1"
-	Name: "Costume Coiledup Snake Hat1"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1258
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-	}
-	Id: 20111
-	AegisName: "C_Coiledup_Snake_Hat2"
-	Name: "Costume Coiledup Snake Hat2"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1259
-	Trade: {
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-	}
-	Id: 20112
-	AegisName: "C_Aqua_Ten_Gallon_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Aqua Ten Gallon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1256
-	Id: 20113
-	AegisName: "C_Star_Reading_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Star Reading Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1253
-	Id: 20114
-	AegisName: "C_Funeral_Costume"
-	Name: "Costume Funeral Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 77
-	Id: 20115
-	AegisName: "C_Under_Rim_Glasses"
-	Name: "Costume Under Rim Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1255
-	Id: 20116
-	AegisName: "C_Mermaid_Headphone"
-	Name: "Costume Mermaid Headphones"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1254
-	Id: 20117
-	AegisName: "C_Raspberry_Mousse_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Raspberry Mousse Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1257
-	Id: 20118
-	AegisName: "C_Hat_Of_Cake"
-	Name: "Costume Cake Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 109
-	Id: 20119
-	AegisName: "C_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Beanie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 160
-	Id: 20120
-	AegisName: "C_Antenna"
-	Name: "Costume Antenna"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 97
-	Id: 20121
-	AegisName: "C_Lotus_Flower_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Water Lily Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 324
-	Id: 20122
-	AegisName: "Happy_Summer_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Happy Summer Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1260
-	Id: 20123
-	AegisName: "C_Eagle_Eyes"
-	Name: "Costume Eagle Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 63
-	Id: 20124
-	AegisName: "C_Masquerade"
-	Name: "Costume Masquerade"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 78
-	Id: 20125
-	AegisName: "C_Mini_Glasses"
-	Name: "Costume Mini Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 47
-	Id: 20126
-	AegisName: "C_Odium_Thanatos_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Odium Thanatos Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 667
-	Id: 20127
-	AegisName: "C_Abysmal_Knight_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Abysmal Knight Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 371
-	Id: 20128
-	AegisName: "C_Remover_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Remover Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 655
-	Id: 20129
-	AegisName: "C_Poporing_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Poporing Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 361
-	Id: 20130
-	AegisName: "C_Whisper_Tall_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Whisper Tall Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1265
-	Id: 20131
-	AegisName: "C_C_Tower_Manager_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Clock Tower Manager Incom"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1266
-	Id: 20132
-	AegisName: "C_Subject_Aura"
-	Name: "Costume Subject Aura"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1267
-	Id: 20133
-	AegisName: "C_Poring_Mascot_Costume"
-	Name: "Costume Poring Mascot"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1268
-	Id: 20134
-	AegisName: "C_Helm_Of_Abyss_White"
-	Name: "Costume White Helm Of Abyss"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1269
-	Id: 20135
-	AegisName: "C_12th_Anniversary_Crown"
-	Name: "Costume 12th Anniversary Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1117
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
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-		noselltonpc: true
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-	}
-	Id: 20136
-	AegisName: "C_12th_Anniversary_Fairy_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume 12th Anniversary Fairy Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 875
-	Trade: {
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-	}
-	Id: 20137
-	AegisName: "C_Bomb_Wick"
-	Name: "Costume Bomb Wick"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 66
-	Id: 20138
-	AegisName: "C_Sea_Otter_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Sea Otter Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 162
-	Id: 20139
-	AegisName: "C_Mini_Horse_Hairpin1"
-	Name: "Costume Mini Horse Hairpin1"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1271
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
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-	}
-	Id: 20140
-	AegisName: "C_Mini_Horse_Hairpin2"
-	Name: "Costume Mini Horse Hairpin2"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1272
-	Trade: {
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-	}
-	Id: 20141
-	AegisName: "C_Observer"
-	Name: "Costume Observer"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 337
-	Id: 20142
-	AegisName: "C_Machoman_Glasses"
-	Name: "Costume Machoman Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 92
-	Id: 20143
-	AegisName: "C_Candy_Cane_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume Candy Cane In Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 665
-	Id: 20144
-	AegisName: "C_Ancient_Elven_Ear"
-	Name: "Costume Ancient Elven Ear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 665
-	Id: 20145
-	AegisName: "C_Robo_Eye"
-	Name: "Costume Robo Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 345
-	Id: 20146
-	AegisName: "C_Angel_Spirit"
-	Name: "Costume Angel Of Ghost"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 394
-	Id: 20147
-	AegisName: "C_Bell_Pigeon"
-	Name: "Costume Pigeon On Shoulder"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1034
-	Id: 20148
-	AegisName: "C_Musketeer_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Musketeer Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 466
-	Id: 20149
-	AegisName: "C_Hexagon_Glasses"
-	Name: "Costume Hexagon Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 822
-	Id: 20150
-	AegisName: "C_Wind_Fan"
-	Name: "Costume Wind Fan"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1051
-	Id: 20151
-	AegisName: "C_Poison_Spore_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Poison Spore Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 899
-	Id: 20152
-	AegisName: "C_Straw_Rice_Bag"
-	Name: "Costume Straw Rice Bag"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1273
-	Id: 20153
-	AegisName: "C_Monochrome_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Monochrome Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1274
-	Id: 20154
-	AegisName: "C_Maple_Which_Falls"
-	Name: "Costume Falling Maple leafs"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1275
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_MAPLE_FALLS, -1, 0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_MAPLE_FALLS; ">
-	Id: 20155
-	AegisName: "C_Ladys_Feather_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Lady Feather Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1276
-	Id: 20156
-	AegisName: "C_Fan_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume Fan in Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 857
-	Id: 20157
-	AegisName: "C_Fish_On_Head"
-	Name: "Costume Blue Fish"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 149
-	Id: 20158
-	AegisName: "C_Circlet"
-	Name: "Costume Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 18
-	Id: 20159
-	AegisName: "C_Blue_Hair_Band"
-	Name: "Costume Blue Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 136
-	Id: 20160
-	AegisName: "C_Fried_Egg"
-	Name: "Costume Magnolia Hat_J"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 373
-	Id: 20161
-	AegisName: "C_Prontera_Army_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Army Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 48
-	Id: 20162
-	AegisName: "C_Lamb_Hat1"
-	Name: "Costume Lamb Hat1"
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-	ViewSprite: 1277
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-		nodrop: true
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-	}
-	Id: 20163
-	AegisName: "C_Lamb_Hat2"
-	Name: "Costume Lamb Hat2"
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-	ViewSprite: 1278
-	Trade: {
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-	}
-	Id: 20164
-	AegisName: "C_Duneyrr_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Duneyrr Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 639
-	Id: 20165
-	AegisName: "C_Tendrilion_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Tendrilion Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 658
-	Id: 20166
-	AegisName: "C_Hockey_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Hockey Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 336
-	Id: 20167
-	AegisName: "C_Deviruchi_Headphone"
-	Name: "Costume Deviruchi Headphone"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 805
-	Id: 20168
-	AegisName: "C_Skull_Hood"
-	Name: "Costume Skull Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 598
-	Id: 20169
-	AegisName: "C_Long_Tongue"
-	Name: "Costume Long Tongue"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 773
-	Id: 20170
-	AegisName: "C_Brown_Deviruchi_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Brown Deviruchi Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 273
-	Id: 20171
-	AegisName: "C_Sepia_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Sepia Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1280
-	Id: 20172
-	AegisName: "C_Pumpkin_Head"
-	Name: "Costume Pumpkin Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1281
-	Id: 20173
-	AegisName: "C_Lude_Hood"
-	Name: "Costume Lude Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1282
-	Id: 20174
-	AegisName: "C_Halloween_Hat_Orange"
-	Name: "Costume Orange Halloween Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1283
-	Id: 20175
-	AegisName: "C_Diabolic_Headphone"
-	Name: "Costume Diabolic Headphone"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1284
-	Id: 20176
-	AegisName: "Happy_Pierrot_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Happy Pierrot Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1288
-	Id: 20177
-	AegisName: "C_Drooping_Dorasuke"
-	Name: "Costume Drooping Dorasuke"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1290
-	Id: 20178
-	AegisName: "C_Puppy_Love"
-	Name: "Costume Puppy Love"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 94
-	Id: 20179
-	AegisName: "C_Monkey_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Monkey Fur Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 858
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
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-	}
-	Id: 20180
-	AegisName: "C_Westren_Grace"
-	Name: "Costume Western Grace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 32
-	Id: 20181
-	AegisName: "C_Mistic_Rose"
-	Name: "Costume Mystic Rose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 198
-	Id: 20182
-	AegisName: "C_Mottled_Egg_Shell"
-	Name: "Costume Rainbow Eggshell"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 124
-	Id: 20183
-	AegisName: "C_There_Is_Something"
-	Name: "C There Is Something"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1091
-	Id: 20184
-	AegisName: "C_Party_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Party Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 144
-	Id: 20185
-	AegisName: "C_Fashionable_Glasses"
-	Name: "Costume Fashionable Glasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 131
-	Id: 20186
-	AegisName: "C_Magni_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Magni's Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 250
-	Id: 20187
-	AegisName: "C_Friccas_Circlet"
-	Name: "Costume Fricca's Circlet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 251
-	Id: 20188
-	AegisName: "C_Morpheuss_Hood"
-	Name: "Costume Morpheus's Hood"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 256
-	Id: 20189
-	AegisName: "C_Goibnes_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Goibne's Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 258
-	Id: 20190
-	AegisName: "C_Chick_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Costume Chick Hat J"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 432
-	Id: 20191
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Cat_Ears_Beret"
-	Name: "Costume Black Cat Ears Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1071
-	Id: 20192
-	AegisName: "C_Green_Foxtail"
-	Name: "Costume Green Foxtail"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1058
-	Id: 20193
-	AegisName: "C_Puppy_Grass"
-	Name: "Costume Puppy Grass"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 711
-	Id: 20194
-	AegisName: "C_Lion_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Lion Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 202
-	Id: 20195
-	AegisName: "C_Scratching_Cat"
-	Name: "Costume Scratching Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20196
-	AegisName: "C_Leopard_Ear_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Leopard Ear Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1293
-	Id: 20197
-	AegisName: "C_Amistr_Beret"
-	Name: "Costume Amistr Beret"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1294
-	Id: 20198
-	AegisName: "C_Misty_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume Misty Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1295
-	Id: 20199
-	AegisName: "C_Evil_Marcher_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Evil Marching Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 687
-	Id: 20200
-	AegisName: "C_Rabbit_Head_Dress"
-	Name: "Costume Rabbit Headdress"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1095
-	Id: 20201
-	AegisName: "C_Banshee_Master_Kiss"
-	Name: "Costume Banshee Master Kiss"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 959
-	Id: 20202
-	AegisName: "C_Deviruchi_Balloon"
-	Name: "Costume Deviruchi Balloon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1082
-	Id: 20203
-	AegisName: "C_Bandana"
-	Name: "Costume Bandana"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 6
-	Id: 20204
-	AegisName: "C_Hunting_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Hunting Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 389
-	Id: 20205
-	AegisName: "C_Fancy_Flower"
-	Name: "Costume Fancy Flower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Id: 20206
-	AegisName: "C_Chicken_Hat1"
-	Name: "Costume Chicken Hat1"
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-	Id: 20207
-	AegisName: "C_Stripe_Band"
-	Name: "Costume Striped Hairband"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20208
-	AegisName: "C_Necktie"
-	Name: "Costume Necktie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 443
-	Id: 20209
-	AegisName: "C_Mermaid_Longing"
-	Name: "Costume Mermaid Bubbles"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1299
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_MERMAID_LONGING,-1,0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_MERMAID_LONGING; ">
-	Id: 20210
-	AegisName: "C_Chicken_Hat2"
-	Name: "Costume Chicken Hat2"
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-	Id: 20211
-	AegisName: "C_Chicken_Hat3"
-	Name: "Costume Chicken Hat3"
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-	Id: 20212
-	AegisName: "C_Loki_Nidhogg_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Loki & Nidhoggur dolls"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1304
-	Id: 20213
-	AegisName: "C_Robot_Eyes"
-	Name: "Costume Robot Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 345
-	Id: 20214
-	AegisName: "C_Evil_Marcher_Hat_J"
-	Name: "Costume Evil Marcher Hat J"
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-	Id: 20215
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Devil_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Black Devil Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 760
-	Id: 20216
-	AegisName: "C_Rideword_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Rideword Hat"
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-	Id: 20217
-	AegisName: "C_Arabian_Veil"
-	Name: "Costume Arabian Veil"
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-	Id: 20218
-	AegisName: "C_Spell_Circuit"
-	Name: "Costume Spell Circuit"
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-	Id: 20219
-	AegisName: "C_Angel_Marcher_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Angel Marcher Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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-	Id: 20220
-	AegisName: "C_Dark_Night_Veil"
-	Name: "Costume Dark Night Veil"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1303
-	Id: 20221
-	AegisName: "C_Ifrit_Eyes"
-	Name: "Costume Ifrit Eyes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 886
-	Id: 20222
-	AegisName: "C_Santa_Hat_2"
-	Name: "Costume Blue Santa Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 395
-	Id: 20223
-	AegisName: "C_Centimental_Leaf"
-	Name: "Costume Romantic Leaf"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 57
-	Id: 20224
-	AegisName: "C_Red_Tailed_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Red Tailed Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 167
-	Id: 20225
-	AegisName: "C_Pumpkin_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Pumpkin Head"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 206
-	Id: 20226
-	AegisName: "C_Hair_Brush"
-	Name: "Costume Red Comb"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 445
-	Id: 20227
-	AegisName: "C_Husky_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Husky Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1016
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 20228
-	AegisName: "C_Piggie_Bank_J"
-	Name: "Costume Piggie Bank J"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 603
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 20229
-	AegisName: "C_New_Year_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Costume New Year Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1155
-	Id: 20230
-	AegisName: "C_Mask_Of_Bankrupt"
-	Name: "Costume Bankruptcy Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 936
-	Id: 20231
-	AegisName: "C_Snowman_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Snowman Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 616
-	Id: 20232
-	AegisName: "C_Celines_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Celines Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 967
-	Id: 20233
-	AegisName: "C_Gold_Angel_Sculpture"
-	Name: "Costume Golden Statue of Baby Angel"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 646
-	Id: 20234
-	AegisName: "C_Baphomet_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Baphomet Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1311
-	Id: 20235
-	AegisName: "C_Frozen_Land_Rose"
-	Name: "Costume Frozen Rose"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1025
-	Id: 20236
-	AegisName: "C_Hellomother_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Arc Angeling Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 241
-	Id: 20237
-	AegisName: "C_Pink_Fur_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Pink Beanie"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 281
-	Id: 20238
-	AegisName: "C_Blue_Drooping_Kitty"
-	Name: "Costume Drooping Blue Cat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 277
-	Id: 20239
-	AegisName: "C_Large_Ribbon_Muffler"
-	Name: "Costume Large Ribbon Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1312
-	Id: 20240
-	AegisName: "C_Gift_Of_Snow"
-	Name: "Costume Gift of Snow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Id: 20241
-	AegisName: "C_Eclipse_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Eclipse Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 922
-	Id: 20242
-	AegisName: "C_Snownow_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Snownow Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1313
-	Id: 20243
-	AegisName: "C_Choco_Mint_Bonnet"
-	Name: "Costume Choco Mint Bonnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1314
-	Id: 20244
-	AegisName: "C_Zealotus_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Zealotus Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 200
-	Id: 20245
-	AegisName: "C_Cat_Paw_Hairpin"
-	Name: "Costume Cat Paw Hairpin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 447
-	Id: 20246
-	AegisName: "C_Decoration_of_Time"
-	Name: "Costume Decoration of Time"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1309
-	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_TIME_ACCESSORY, -1, 0; ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_TIME_ACCESSORY; ">
-	Id: 20247
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Hand_of_Fate"
-	Name: "Costume Black Hand of Fate"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1310
-	Id: 20248
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Strong_Hair"
-	Name: "Costume Black Strong Hair"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1315
-	Id: 20249
-	AegisName: "C_Red_Strong_Hair"
-	Name: "Costume Red Strong Hair"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1316
-	Id: 20250
-	AegisName: "C_White_Strong_Hair"
-	Name: "Costume White Strong Hair"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1317
-	Id: 20251
-	AegisName: "C_Rose_Cascade"
-	Name: "Costume Rose Cascade"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 920
-	Id: 20252
-	AegisName: "C_Accessory_of_Ascetic"
-	Name: "Costume Mage Decoration"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1150
-	Id: 20253
-	AegisName: "C_Droopy_Alice_Doll"
-	Name: "Costume Drooping Alicel"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 784
-	Id: 20254
-	AegisName: "C_Ribbon_Yellow"
-	Name: "Costume Yellow Ribbonn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 243
-	Id: 20255
-	AegisName: "C_Love_Cheek"
-	Name: "Costume Love Cheeks"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1318
-	Id: 20256
-	AegisName: "C_Honey_Pancakes"
-	Name: "Costume Honey Pancake"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1319
-	Id: 20257
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Rabbit_Bonnet"
-	Name: "Costume Black Rabbit Bonnet"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1320
-	Id: 20258
-	AegisName: "C_Blue_Head_Dress"
-	Name: "Costume Blue Headdress"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1321
-	Id: 20259
-	AegisName: "C_Pink_Clover"
-	Name: "Costume Pink Clover"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1322
-	Id: 20260
-	AegisName: "C_Stardust"
-	Name: "Costume Stardust"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 81
-	Id: 20262
-	AegisName: "C_Fox_Ears_Bell_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Fox Ears Drop Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1070
-	Id: 20263
-	AegisName: "C_Hat_Of_Drowsy_Cat"
-	Name: "Costume Sleeping Cat Hat J"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 838
-	Id: 20264
-	AegisName: "C_Blood_Sucker"
-	Name: "Costume Blood Sucker"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 893
-	Id: 20265
-	AegisName: "C_Bird_Nest_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Bird Nest Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 235
-	Id: 20266
-	AegisName: "C_Secret_Zipper"
-	Name: "Costume Secret Zipper"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1324
-	Id: 20267
-	AegisName: "C_Penguin_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Penguin Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1325
-	Id: 20268
-	AegisName: "C_Sleep_Eclipse_Family"
-	Name: "Costume Sleep Eclipse Family"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1326
-	Id: 20269
-	AegisName: "C_White_Fox_Ear_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume White Fox Ear Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1327
-	Id: 20270
-	AegisName: "C_Gryphon_Wing_Ears"
-	Name: "Costume Gryphon Wing Ears"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1328
-	Id: 20271
-	AegisName: "C_Sunflower"
-	Name: "Costume Sunflower"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 37
-	Id: 20272
-	AegisName: "C_Snowy_Horn"
-	Name: "Costume Unicorn Horn"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 42
-	Id: 20273
-	AegisName: "C_Soft_Sheep_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Soft Sheep Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 738
-	Id: 20274
-	AegisName: "C_Polar_Bear_Cap_J"
-	Name: "Costume Polar Bear Cap J"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 966
-	Id: 20277
-	AegisName: "C_Balloon_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Balloon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 385
-	Id: 20278
-	AegisName: "C_Mans_Medal"
-	Name: "Costume Man's Medal"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 775
-	Id: 20279
-	AegisName: "C_Cheering_Whistle"
-	Name: "Costume Cheering Whistle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 952
-	Id: 20280
-	AegisName: "C_Pencil_In_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume Well-Chewed Pencil"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 555
-	Id: 20281
-	AegisName: "C_Kindergarten_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Kindergarten Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 977
-	Id: 20282
-	AegisName: "C_White_Student_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume White Student Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 877
-	Id: 20283
-	AegisName: "C_Over_Protector"
-	Name: "Costume Over Protector"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1329
-	Id: 20284
-	AegisName: "C_Cherry_Blossom_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Sakura Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1330
-	Id: 20285
-	AegisName: "C_Blossom_Fluttering"
-	Name: "Costume Dancing Fallen Sakura"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1331
-	OnEquipScript: <" hateffect(HAT_EF_BLOSSOM_FLUTTERING, true); ">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" hateffect(HAT_EF_BLOSSOM_FLUTTERING, false); ">
-	Id: 20286
-	AegisName: "C_Under_Rim_Glasses_Red"
-	Name: "Costume Under Rim Glasses Red"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1332
-	Id: 20287
-	AegisName: "C_Mans_Medal_"
-	Name: "Costume Man's Medal(Gold)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1333
-	Id: 20288
-	AegisName: "C_Bijou_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Bijou Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1334
-	Id: 20291
-	AegisName: "C_Helm_of_Thoth"
-	Name: "Costume Helm of Thoth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 860
-	Id: 20292
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Ramen_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Black Ramen Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1338
-	Id: 20293
-	AegisName: "C_Sleeper_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Sleeper Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 590
-	Id: 20294
-	AegisName: "C_Savage_Babe_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Savage Babe Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 553
-	Id: 20295
-	AegisName: "C_Poring_Sunglasses"
-	Name: "Costume Poring Sunglasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 954
-	Id: 20296
-	AegisName: "C_Yoyo_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Yoyo Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 391
-	Id: 20297
-	AegisName: "C_Cactus_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Cactus Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 615
-	Id: 20298
-	AegisName: "C_Happy_Lunatic_Ear"
-	Name: "Costume Happy Lunatic Hanging Ear"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1340
-	Id: 20299
-	AegisName: "C_Face_Crusher"
-	Name: "Costume Face Crusher"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1341
-	Id: 20300
-	AegisName: "C_Hill_Wind_Mask"
-	Name: "Costume Hill Wind Mask"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1342
-	Id: 20301
-	AegisName: "C_Golden_Savage_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Golden Savage Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 648
-	Id: 20302
-	AegisName: "C_Beelzebub_Crown"
-	Name: "Costume Beelzebub Crown"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1343
-	Id: 20303
-	AegisName: "C_Mandragora_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Mandragora Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 402
-	Id: 20304
-	AegisName: "C_Raccoon_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Raccoon Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 118
-	Id: 20307
-	AegisName: "C_Beginner_Cap"
-	Name: "Costume Beginner Cap"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1348
-	Script: <"
-		if(BaseLevel<100) {
-			bonus bHit,30-(3*(BaseLevel/10));
-			bonus bMaxHP,1000-(100*(BaseLevel/10));
-			bonus bMaxSP,200-(20*(BaseLevel/10));
-			bonus bVariableCastrate,-10+(BaseLevel/10);
-			bonus bHealPower,150-(10*(BaseLevel/10));
-			bonus bHealPower2,10*(BaseLevel/10);
-			bonus bAddItemHealRate,10*(BaseLevel/10);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 20311
-	AegisName: "C_Magical_Booster"
-	Name: "Costume Magical Booster"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 873
-	Id: 20312
-	AegisName: "C_Barons_Evil_Eye"
-	Name: "Costume Baron's Evil Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 989
-	Id: 20313
-	AegisName: "C_CD_in_Mouth"
-	Name: "Costume CD in Mouth"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 815
-	Id: 20314
-	AegisName: "C_New_Wave_Sunglasses"
-	Name: "Costume New Wave Sunglasses"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 856
-	Id: 20315
-	AegisName: "C_Analyze_Eye"
-	Name: "Costume Analyze Eye"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1351
-	Id: 20316
-	AegisName: "C_Seraph_Wing_Helm"
-	Name: "Costume Seraph Wing Helm"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1352
-	Id: 20317
-	AegisName: "C_Nekomimi_Cyber_Headphone"
-	Name: "Costume Nekomimi Cyber Headphone"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1353
-	Id: 20318
-	AegisName: "C_Charleston_Antenna"
-	Name: "Costume Charleston Antenna"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1354
-	Id: 20319
-	AegisName: "C_Crimson_Booster"
-	Name: "Costume Crimson Booster"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1355
-	Id: 20329
-	AegisName: "C_Very_Cute_Doll_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Very Cute Doll Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1084
-	Id: 20330
-	AegisName: "C_Sombrero"
-	Name: "Costume Sombrero"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 151
-	Id: 20331
-	AegisName: "C_Desert_Prince"
-	Name: "Costume Desert Prince"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 567
-	Id: 20332
-	AegisName: "C_Pure_White_Ribbon"
-	Name: "Costume Pure White Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1175
-	Id: 20333
-	AegisName: "C_Family_Hat"
-	Name: "Costume Family Hat"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 650
-//== New Garments ==========================================
-	Id: 20500
-	AegisName: "T_Archangel_Wing"
-	Name: "T Archangel's Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Refine: false
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 20514
-	AegisName: "C_Thanatos_Sword"
-	Name: "C_Thanatos_Sword"
-	Id: 20515
-	AegisName: "C_Magic_Circle"
-	Name: "C_Magic_Circle"
-	Id: 20516
-	AegisName: "C_Wings_of_Michael"
-	Name: "C_Wings_of_Michael"
-	Id: 20517
-	AegisName: "C_GiantCatBag_TW"
-	Name: "C_GiantCatBag_TW"
-	Id: 20528
-	AegisName: "C_GoldButterfly_Wing"
-	Name: "C_GoldButterfly_Wing"
-	Id: 20530
-	AegisName: "C_Wings_of_Gabriel"
-	Name: "C_Wings_of_Gabriel"
-	Id: 20533
-	AegisName: "C_PinkButterfly_Wing_T"
-	Name: "C_PinkButterfly_Wing_T"
-	Id: 20535
-	AegisName: "C_Digital_Space"
-	Name: "C_Digital_Space"
-	Id: 20600
-	AegisName: "Fantastic_Aura"
-	Name: "Fantastic Aura"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: 16384 // FIXME
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bUnbreakableHelm,0; ">
-	Id: 20700
-	AegisName: "Egir_Manteau"
-	Name: "Aegir Mantle"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment, 0;
-		if (BaseClass == Job_Mage || BaseClass == Job_Archer || BaseClass == Job_Acolyte)
-			bonus bFlee2, 5 + (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT) * 2);
-		else if (BaseClass == Job_Swordman || BaseClass == Job_Merchant || BaseClass == Job_Thief)
-			bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn, 5 + (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT) * 2);
-	">
-	Id: 20702
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Muffler"
-	Name: "TE Woe Muffler"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,5;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,5;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,25;
-	">
-	Id: 20703
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Manteau"
-	Name: "TE Woe Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment,1;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,10;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,25;
-	">
-	Id: 20704
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Magic_Manteau"
-	Name: "TE Woe Magic Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 5
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Magician: true
-		Acolyte: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-	}
-	Refine: false
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment,1;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player,10;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,25;
-	">
-	Id: 20706
-	AegisName: "Amistr_Bag"
-	Name: "Amistr Bag"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 18
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,5;
-	">
-	Id: 20707
-	AegisName: "Kirin_Wing"
-	Name: "Kirin Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 18
-	ViewSprite: 6
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-	">
-	Id: 20709
-	AegisName: "Mana_Manteau"
-	Name: "Mana Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	EquipLv: [1, 100]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,10; ">
-	Id: 20710
-	AegisName: "Impr_Angels_Warmth"
-	Name: "Modified Angel's Cardigan"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 6
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <" bonus bHPrecovRate,50; ">
-	Id: 20711
-	AegisName: "Manteau_Of_Diego"
-	Name: "Manteau Of Diego"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-	">
-	Id: 20717
-	AegisName: "FaceWorm_Skin"
-	Name: "Gigant Snake Skin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 38
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 20718
-	AegisName: "FaceWorm_Skin_"
-	Name: "Gigant Snake Skin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 38
-	Slots: 1
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,10; ">
-	Id: 20721
-	AegisName: "Cloak_Of_Gray"
-	Name: "Gray Cloak"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 45
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,3+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 20724
-	AegisName: "Love_Dad_Wings_2012"
-	Name: "Love Dad Wing 2012"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Script: <"
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=90) {
-			bonus bAllStats,1;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,1;
-			bonus bStr,getrefine();
-		}
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=90) {
-			bonus bAllStats,1;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,1;
-			bonus bAgi,getrefine();
-		}
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=90) {
-			bonus bAllStats,1;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,1;
-			bonus bVit,getrefine();
-		}
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=90) {
-			bonus bAllStats,1;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,1;
-			bonus bInt,getrefine();
-		}
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=90) {
-			bonus bAllStats,1;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,1;
-			bonus bDex,getrefine();
-		}
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=90) {
-			bonus bAllStats,1;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,1;
-			bonus bLuk,getrefine();
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 20725
-	AegisName: "Ribbon_Piamat"
-	Name: "Piamette Ribbon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 30
-	ViewSprite: 7
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-	">
-	Id: 20727
-	AegisName: "Brilliant_Golden_Wings"
-	Name: "Brilliant Golden Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 5
-	Id: 20730
-	AegisName: "Hood_of_Loyal"
-	Name: "Hood of Loyal"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 30
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus bNoKnockback,0;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_All,-20;
-	">
-	Id: 20732
-	AegisName: "Supplement_Part_Con"
-	Name: "Physical Complement Device"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,6+(getrefine()/2);
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bHPrecovRate,50; }
-	">
-	Id: 20733
-	AegisName: "Upgrade_Part_Engine"
-	Name: "Reinforced Parts - Engine"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDelayrate,-10;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10; }
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bDelayrate,-10; }
-	">
-	Id: 20737
-	AegisName: "C_Kirin_Wing"
-	Name: "Costume Kirin Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 6
-	Id: 20743
-	AegisName: "Airship_Cape"
-	Name: "Manteau Of Airship"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 125
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,20;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-20;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-	">
-	Id: 20744
-	AegisName: "Felock_Cape"
-	Name: "Tarlock's Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 12
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 125
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,20;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,10;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bVariableCastrate,-10; }
-		if (getrefine()>=12) { bonus bVariableCastrate,-5; }
-	">
-	Id: 20746
-	AegisName: "C_Rudra_Wing"
-	Name: "Costume Rudra Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 8
-	Id: 20748
-	AegisName: "Manteau_Of_Fallen"
-	Name: "Manteau of The Fallen"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 20
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,5;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=90) { bonus bBaseAtk,10+(getrefine()*2); }
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=90) { bonus bMatk,20+(getrefine()*3); }
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=90) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,3+((getrefine()>=8)?3:0)+((getrefine()>=10)?4:0); }
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=90) { bonus bLongAtkRate,3+(getrefine()/2); }
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=90) { bonus bCriticalRate,5+getrefine(); }
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=90) {
-			bonus bAspdRate,3+(getrefine()/2);
-			bonus bAspd,((getrefine()>=10)?1:0);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 20749
-	AegisName: "Manteau_Of_Fallen_"
-	Name: "Manteau of The Fallen"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 170
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,5;
-		bonus bFlee,10;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,getrefine()/2;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=90) { bonus bBaseAtk,10+(getrefine()*2); }
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=90) { bonus bMatk,20+(getrefine()*3); }
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=90) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,3+((getrefine()>=8)?3:0)+((getrefine()>=10)?4:0); }
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=90) { bonus bLongAtkRate,3+(getrefine()/2); }
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=90) { bonus bCriticalRate,5+getrefine(); }
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=90) {
-			bonus bAspdRate,3+(getrefine()/2);
-			bonus bAspd,((getrefine()>=10)?1:0);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 20756
-	AegisName: "Aegir_Cloak"
-	Name: "Aegir Cloak"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP, 500;
-		bonus bMaxSP, 50;
-		bonus bUnbreakableGarment, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 20757
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Happiness"
-	Name: "Heavenly Wings1"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 9
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		skill AL_INCAGI,3;
-	">
-	Id: 20758
-	AegisName: "Wing_Of_Happiness_"
-	Name: "Heavenly Wings2"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 9
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAllStats,3;
-		skill AL_INCAGI,3;
-	">
-	Id: 20761
-	AegisName: "C_Wing_Of_Happiness"
-	Name: "Costume Wing of Happiness"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 9
-	Id: 20762
-	AegisName: "C_GreatDevilWing"
-	Name: "Costume Great Devil Wings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 10
-	Id: 20763
-	AegisName: "C_Amistr_Bag"
-	Name: "Costume Amistr Bag"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 4
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRaceTolerance,RC_Player,1;
-	">
-	Id: 20764
-	AegisName: "C_Fallen_Angel_Wing"
-	Name: "Costume Fallen Angel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 3
-	Id: 20765
-	AegisName: "C_Archangel_Wing"
-	Name: "Costume Archangel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Id: 20768
-	AegisName: "Arch_Angel_Wing"
-	Name: "Arch Angel Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 18
-	ViewSprite: 10
-	Id: 20773
-	AegisName: "Excellion_Wing"
-	Name: "Excellion Wing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 900
-	Def: 40
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee2,8;
-		bonus bFlee,getrefine()*2;
-		if(BaseLevel>130) { bonus bFlee2,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 20778
-	AegisName: "Crimson_Stole"
-	Name: "Crimson Stole"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 8
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-(1+2*(getrefine()/3));
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) {
-			bonus bSPGainValue, 20;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 20788
-	AegisName: "Private_Doram_Manteau"
-	Name: "Private Doram Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,2;
-		bonus bFlee2,getrefine()/3;
-	">
-	Id: 20789
-	AegisName: "Luxury_Doram_Manteau"
-	Name: "Luxury Doram Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee, 7;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral, 3;
-		bonus bFlee2, getrefine() / 3;
-		bonus bLuk, getrefine() / 3;
-	">
-	Id: 20790
-	AegisName: "Elegant_Doram_Manteau"
-	Name: "Elegant Doram Manteau"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	EquipLv: 175
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee, 10;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral, 5;
-		bonus bFlee2, getrefine() / 2;
-		bonus bInt, getrefine() / 2;
-		bonus bDex, getrefine() / 2;
-		bonus bLuk, getrefine() / 2;
-	">
-	Id: 20838
-	AegisName: "Muffler_IL"
-	Name: "Muffler_IL"
-	Id: 20840
-	AegisName: "Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord_IL"
-	Name: "Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord_IL"
-	Id: 20847
-	AegisName: "Clack_Of_Servival_IL"
-	Name: "Clack_Of_Servival_IL"
-	Id: 20856
-	AegisName: "YSF01_Manteau"
-	Name: "YSF01_Manteau"
-	Id: 20902
-	AegisName: "True_Hunting_Manteau"
-	Name: "True_Hunting_Manteau"
-	Id: 20903
-	AegisName: "R_Hunting_Manteau"
-	Name: "R_Hunting_Manteau"
-	Id: 20906
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Manteau"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Manteau"
-	Id: 20923
-	AegisName: "Goibne_Shoulder_IL"
-	Name: "Goibne_Shoulder_IL"
-	Id: 20933
-	AegisName: "Illusion_Engine_A"
-	Name: "Illusion_Engine_A"
-	Id: 20934
-	AegisName: "Illusion_Engine_B"
-	Name: "Illusion_Engine_B"
-	Id: 20939
-	AegisName: "Time_Overload_Hood"
-	Name: "Time_Overload_Hood"
-	Id: 20940
-	AegisName: "Violet_Halo"
-	Name: "Violet_Halo"
-	Id: 20944
-	AegisName: "Fairy_Cloth"
-	Name: "Fairy_Cloth"
-//== New Two-Handed Swords =================================
-	Id: 21000
-	AegisName: "Upg_Twohand_Sword"
-	Name: "Upgrade Two-Hand Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1500
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,(getrefine()*12);
-		bonus bMatk,(getrefine()*5);
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bBaseAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*10); }
-	">
-	Id: 21001
-	AegisName: "Velum_Claymore"
-	Name: "Vellum Claymore"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3500
-	Atk: 260
-	Range: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,80;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,30;
-		if(getrefine()>=6) { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,40; }
-		if(getrefine()>=9) {
-			autobonus2 "{ bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,20; bonus bMagicDamageReturn,20; }",200,1000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_REFLECTSHIELD, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 21002
-	AegisName: "Velum_Katzbalger"
-	Name: "Vellum Katzbalger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 95
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bHPVanishRate, 1000, 8, BF_NORMAL; ">
-	Id: 21003
-	AegisName: "Muramasa_"
-	Name: "Muramasa"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 155
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 48
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,30;
-		bonus bAspdRate,8;
-		bonus2 bAddEff2,Eff_Curse,10;
-	">
-	Id: 21004
-	AegisName: "Alca_Bringer_"
-	Name: "Alca Bringer"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3400
-	Atk: 280
-	Range: 2
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAspd,(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 21005
-	AegisName: "Metal_Two_Hand_Sword"
-	Name: "Metal Two-Handed Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 95
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,getrefine()*6;
-		bonus bMatk,getrefine()*2;
-		if(BaseLevel>20) { bonus bAtk,min(((BaseLevel-20)/10)*5,120); }
-	">
-	Id: 21006
-	AegisName: "TE_Woe_Two_Hand_Sword"
-	Name: "TE WoE Two Hand Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Bleeding,1000;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,40;
-	">
-	Id: 21007
-	AegisName: "Heavy_Sword"
-	Name: "Heavy Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 330
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 1
-	EquipLv: 150
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,20; ">
-	Id: 21008
-	AegisName: "Small_Karasuma"
-	Name: "Small Karasuma"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1000
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,getrefine()*2;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_CRITICALWOUND,1,50; /* Custom - JRO */
-	">
-	Id: 21009
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Great_Sword"
-	Name: "Thanatos Great Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 280
-	Matk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 21010
-	AegisName: "Tw_Sword_Of_Evil_Slayer"
-	Name: "Evil Slayer Slasher Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 225
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAtkRate,5; }
-		if(getrefine()>=12) { bonus bAtkRate,7; }
-	">
-	Id: 21011
-	AegisName: "Giant_Blade"
-	Name: "Gigantic Blade"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 5000
-	Atk: 300
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAspdRate,-5;
-		if(readparam(bStr)<110) {
-			bonus bAtk,-250;
-		}
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 21012
-	AegisName: "Mashirubeken"
-	Name: "Mashirubeken"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 200
-	Matk: 150
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Id: 21013
-	AegisName: "Companion_Cavalry_Sword"
-	Name: "Companion Cavalry Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 210
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,KN_AUTOCOUNTER,-2;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,LK_PARRYING,-25;
-	">
-	Id: 21014
-	AegisName: "Infinity_Two_Hand_Sword"
-	Name: "Infinity Two-Handed Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 230
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 21015
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Twohand_Sword"
-	Name: "Crimson Two-Handed Sword"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1700
-	Atk: 170
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2))/2;
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 21016
-	AegisName: "Two_Handed_Sword_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Two-Handed Sword of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2200
-	Atk: 220
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <" bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2)); ">
-	Id: 21018
-	AegisName: "Lindy_Hop"
-	Name: "Lindy Hop"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3400
-	Atk: 340
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Knight: true
-		Crusader: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 170
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtkRate,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus bAspdRate,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 21019
-	AegisName: "Onimaru"
-	Name: "Onimaru"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Weight: 4200
-	Atk: 75
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 130
-	Subtype: "W_2HSWORD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,min(readparam(bStr),120);
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=95) { bonus bAtk,40; }
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=108) { bonus bAtk,40; }
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) { bonus bAtk,40; }
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus3 bAutoSpell,NPC_WIDECURSE,5,10; } /* Custom - JRO */
-		if(getrefine()>=9) { skill LK_BERSERK,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 21037
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_RK_T_Sword"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_RK_T_Sword"
-	Id: 21047
-	AegisName: "Beam_Claymore_OS"
-	Name: "Beam_Claymore_OS"
-	Id: 21049
-	AegisName: "Evt_Oriental_Sword"
-	Name: "Evt_Oriental_Sword"
-//== New Shoes =============================================
-	Id: 22000
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Str_Boots"
-	Name: "Temporal STR Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 25
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		bonus bAtk,(getrefine()/3)*7;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) { bonus bAtk,50; }
-	">
-	Id: 22001
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Int_Boots"
-	Name: "Temporal INT Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		bonus bMatk,(getrefine()/3)*10;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=120) {
-			bonus bMatk,60;
-			bonus bMdef,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22002
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Agi_Boots"
-	Name: "Temporal AGI Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 25
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		bonus bAspdRate,(getrefine()/3)*3;
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=120) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 22003
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Vit_Boots"
-	Name: "Temporal VIT Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 25
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=120) { bonus bMaxHPrate,8; }
-	">
-	Id: 22004
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Dex_Boots"
-	Name: "Temporal DEX Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 25
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		bonus bDex,(getrefine()/3)*3;
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=120) {
-			bonus bFixedCast,-500;
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22005
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Luk_Boots"
-	Name: "Temporal LUK Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 20
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,getrefine()/3;
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=120) {
-			bonus bCritAtkRate,30;
-			bonus bMdef,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22006
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Str_Boots_"
-	Name: "Temporal STR Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		bonus bAtk,(getrefine()/3)*7;
-		if(readparam(bStr)>=120) { bonus bAtk,50; }
-	">
-	Id: 22007
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Vit_Boots_"
-	Name: "Temporal VIT Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		if(readparam(bVit)>=120) { bonus bMaxHPrate,8; }
-	">
-	Id: 22008
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Dex_Boots_"
-	Name: "Temporal DEX Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		bonus bDex,(getrefine()/3)*3;
-		if(readparam(bDex)>=120) {
-			bonus bFixedCast,-500;
-			bonus bLongAtkRate,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22009
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Int_Boots_"
-	Name: "Temporal INT Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		bonus bMatk,(getrefine()/3)*10;
-		if(readparam(bInt)>=120) {
-			bonus bMatk,60;
-			bonus bMdef,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22010
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Agi_Boots_"
-	Name: "Temporal AGI Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		bonus bAspdRate,(getrefine()/3)*3;
-		if(readparam(bAgi)>=120) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 22011
-	AegisName: "Temporal_Luk_Boots_"
-	Name: "Temporal LUK Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,300+((getrefine()/3)*100);
-		bonus bMaxSP,30+((getrefine()/3)*10);
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,getrefine()/3;
-		if(readparam(bLuk)>=120) {
-			bonus bCritAtkRate,30;
-			bonus bMdef,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22012
-	AegisName: "Mana_Boots"
-	Name: "Mana Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: [1, 100]
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,10; ">
-	Id: 22014
-	AegisName: "Enhanced_Variant_Shoes"
-	Name: "Enhanced Variant Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-		Priest: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Monk: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Gangsi: true
-		Death_Knight: true
-		Dark_Collector: true
-		Kagerou: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 85
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,12;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,12;
-		bonus bDef,getrefine();
-		bonus bMdef,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 22015
-	AegisName: "Impr_Angels_Arrival"
-	Name: "Advanced Angel's Reincarnation"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 8
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 99
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,500;
-		bonus bMaxSP,100;
-	">
-	Id: 22016
-	AegisName: "Assassin_Shoes"
-	Name: "Assassin Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,5+getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 22018
-	AegisName: "Shoes_Of_Wise_Man"
-	Name: "Shoes Of Wise Man"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine()>5) {
-			bonus bInt,getrefine()-5;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,-(getrefine()-5);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22019
-	AegisName: "Immuned_Boots"
-	Name: "Immune Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,-3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,-3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,-3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,-3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,-3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-3;
-		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,-3;
-		if (getrefine()>5) { bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,getrefine()-5; }
-	">
-	Id: 22033
-	AegisName: "Boots_Of_Gray"
-	Name: "Boots of Gray"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,1+getrefine()/3; ">
-	Id: 22034
-	AegisName: "Crimson_Gaiter"
-	Name: "Crimson Gaiter"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 10
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,2;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,2;
-		if(getrefine()>=6) {
-			bonus bCritical,3;
-			bonus bCritAtkRate,3;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22035
-	AegisName: "Vet_Nepen_Heel"
-	Name: "Heroic Nepenthes Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Script: <" if (getrefine()>=8) { bonus bVariableCastrate,-5-((getrefine()>=9)?getrefine():0); } ">
-	Id: 22036
-	AegisName: "Vet_SliverFox_Boots"
-	Name: "Heroic Silver Fox Leather Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Script: <" bonus bLongAtkRate,5+((getrefine()>=8)?getrefine():0); ">
-	Id: 22037
-	AegisName: "Vet_Ungo_Boots"
-	Name: "Heroic Ungoliant Upgrade Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate,-5-((getrefine()>=8)?getrefine():0); ">
-	Id: 22038
-	AegisName: "Shoes_of_Hope"
-	Name: "Shoes of Hope"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>= 6) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,5;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22039
-	AegisName: "Elemental_Boots"
-	Name: "Elemental Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBOLT,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_COLDBOLT,3;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,3;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,-3;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MG_FIREBOLT,-3;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MG_COLDBOLT,-3;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,-3;
-		if(getrefine()>= 6) {
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,(getrefine()-5);
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_FIREBOLT,(getrefine()-5);
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,MG_COLDBOLT,(getrefine()-5);
-			bonus2 bSkillAtk,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,(getrefine()-5);
-			bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT,-(getrefine()-5);
-			bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MG_FIREBOLT,-(getrefine()-5);
-			bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MG_COLDBOLT,-(getrefine()-5);
-			bonus2 bVariableCastrate,WZ_EARTHSPIKE,-(getrefine()-5);
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22040
-	AegisName: "Fashion_Shoes"
-	Name: "New Trend Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 13
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		if(getrefine()>= 12) { bonus bAspd,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 22041
-	AegisName: "Fashion_Shoes_"
-	Name: "New Trend Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,10;
-		if(getrefine()>= 12) { bonus bAspd,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 22042
-	AegisName: "Terraria"
-	Name: "Terraria"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 15
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bAspd,1;
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus bUnbreakableShoes,1;
-	">
-	Id: 22043
-	AegisName: "Supplement_Part_Agi"
-	Name: "AGI Complement"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 350
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate,5+(getrefine()/4); ">
-	Id: 22044
-	AegisName: "Upgrade_Part_Booster"
-	Name: "Reinforced Parts - Booster"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 1000
-	Def: 23
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Blacksmith: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,NC_HOVERING,15;
-		if(getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSkillUseSP,NC_HOVERING,-20; }
-	">
-	Id: 22045
-	AegisName: "Beach_Sandals"
-	Name: "Summer Sandals"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 200
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_INCAGI,10,300;
-	">
-	Id: 22046
-	AegisName: "Airship_Boots"
-	Name: "Boots of Airship"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Def: 26
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 125
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bAspdRate,10;
-	">
-	Id: 22047
-	AegisName: "Felock_Boots"
-	Name: "Tarlock's Boots"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 250
-	Def: 13
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 125
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-				bonus bAgi,1;
-				bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-				bonus bAgi,1;
-				bonus bAspdRate,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>11) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 22059
-	AegisName: "Aegir_Shoes"
-	Name: "Egir Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 200000
-	Weight: 300
-	Def: 13
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 40
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP, 500;
-		bonus bMaxSP, 50;
-		bonus bUnbreakableShoes, 0;
-	">
-	Id: 22067
-	AegisName: "Witch_Shoes"
-	Name: "Witch Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 3500
-	Weight: 400
-	Def: 10
-	Job: {
-		All: true
-		Novice: false
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	Script: <"
-		skill ALL_CATCRY, 1;
-		bonus bUnbreakableShoes, 1;
-		autobonus3 "{ }", 1000, 7000, ALL_CATCRY, "{ montransform LOLI_RURI, 420000; }";
-	">
-	Id: 22076
-	AegisName: "Wooden_Slipper"
-	Name: "Wooden Slipper"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 50
-	Def: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 9
-	Script: <" bonus2 bHPRegenRate,2,10000; ">
-	Id: 22077
-	AegisName: "Red_Eco_Friendly_Shoes"
-	Name: "Red Eco-Friendly Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 20
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 18
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,5;
-		bonus2 bHPRegenRate,4,10000;
-		bonus2 bSPRegenRate,1,10000;
-	">
-	Id: 22083
-	AegisName: "Private_Doram_Shoes"
-	Name: "Private Doram Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 25
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP, 100;
-		bonus bMaxSP, 50;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate, getrefine() * 10 / 3;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate, getrefine() * 10 / 3;
-	">
-	Id: 22084
-	AegisName: "Luxury_Doram_Shoes"
-	Name: "Luxury Doram Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Def: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP, 300;
-		bonus bMaxSP, 100;
-		bonus bHPrecovRate, 20 * getrefine() / 3;
-		bonus bSPrecovRate, 20 * getrefine() / 3;
-	">
-	Id: 22085
-	AegisName: "Elegant_Doram_Shoes"
-	Name: "Elegant Doram Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 700
-	Def: 35
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_SHOES"
-	EquipLv: 175
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate, 10;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate, 5;
-		bonus bMaxHP, 100 * getrefine() / 2;
-		bonus bMaxSP, 20 * getrefine() / 2;
-		if ((getrefine() / 2) >= 4)
-			bonus2 bSkillUseSP, SU_LOPE, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 22133
-	AegisName: "Shoes_IL"
-	Name: "Shoes_IL"
-	Id: 22141
-	AegisName: "YSF01_Greave"
-	Name: "YSF01_Greave"
-	Id: 22168
-	AegisName: "True_Hunting_Boots"
-	Name: "True_Hunting_Boots"
-	Id: 22169
-	AegisName: "R_Hunting_Boots"
-	Name: "R_Hunting_Boots"
-	Id: 22171
-	AegisName: "ShoesOfGuardsman"
-	Name: "ShoesOfGuardsman"
-	Id: 22173
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Boots"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Boots"
-	Id: 22190
-	AegisName: "Boots_IL"
-	Name: "Boots_IL"
-	Id: 22192
-	AegisName: "Goibne_Boots_IL"
-	Name: "Goibne_Boots_IL"
-	Id: 22196
-	AegisName: "Illusion_Leg_A"
-	Name: "Illusion_Leg_A"
-	Id: 22197
-	AegisName: "Illusion_Leg_B"
-	Name: "Illusion_Leg_B"
-	Id: 22204
-	AegisName: "Time_Overload_Boots"
-	Name: "Time_Overload_Boots"
-//== New Etc Items =========================================
-	Id: 22508
-	AegisName: "Para_Team_Mark_"
-	Name: "Eden Group Mark"
-	Delay: 1200000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" warp "moc_para01", 171, 115; ">
-	Id: 22514
-	AegisName: "Candy_Holder"
-	Name: "Candy Holder"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Id: 22515
-	AegisName: "Key_Of_Twisted_Time"
-	Name: "Twisted Key of Time"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 300
-	Id: 22534
-	AegisName: "Closedmind_Box"
-	Name: "Closed Mind Box"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 1000
-	EquipLv: 1
-	Script: <"
-		// getgroupitem(IG_Sealed_Mind_Box);
-	">
-	Id: 22537
-	AegisName: "PrizeOfHero"
-	Name: "Prize Of Hero"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: 1
-	Script: <"
-		// getrandgroupitem(IG_PrizeOfHero, 1);
-	">
-	Id: 22540
-	AegisName: "Runstone_Lux"
-	Name: "Lux Anima Rune"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Knight: true
-	}
-	Delay: 60000
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Stack: [20, 1]
-	Script: <" itemskill RK_LUXANIMA, 1; ">
-	Id: 22669
-	AegisName: "HALLOWEEN_G_BOX"
-	Name: "Halloween Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Weight: 20
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 22669,1; ">
-	Id: 22670
-	Name: "Invitation of Darkness"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		.@temp = rand(1,3);
-		if (.@temp == 1) {
-			specialeffect(EF_DEVIL, AREA, playerattached());
-			warp "niflheim",193,186;
-		} else if (.@temp == 2) {
-			specialeffect(EF_DEVIL, AREA, playerattached());
-			warp "niflheim",106,254;
-		} else {
-			specialeffect(EF_DEVIL, AREA, playerattached());
-			warp "niflheim",347,255;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 22675
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Scroll"
-	Name: "Mysterious Scroll"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_INT,3600000,30; ">
-	Id: 22676
-	AegisName: "Hangul_Day_Event_Box"
-	Name: "Hangul Day Event Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 22675,10;
-		getitem 607,9;
-	">
-	Id: 22679
-	AegisName: "Chest_Of_Death"
-	Name: "Death Bin"
-	Type: "IT_CASH"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 170
-	Script: <" /* ToDo */ ">
-	Id: 22685
-	AegisName: "Solo_Christmas_Gift"
-	Name: "Single Union Christmas Gift"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" /* ToDo GroupItem */ ">
-	Id: 22686
-	AegisName: "Solo_Cookie"
-	Name: "Single Cookie"
-	Type: "IT_HEALING"
-	Weight: 50
-	Script: <" percentheal 5,5; ">
-	Id: 22737
-	AegisName: "Bullet_Case_Blood_"
-	Name: "Bloody Bullet Case"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	Script: <" getitem Shell_Of_Blood_, 500; ">
-	Id: 22738
-	AegisName: "Bullet_Case_Silver_"
-	Name: "Silver Bullet Case"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	Script: <" getitem Silver_Bullet_, 500; ">
-	Id: 22739
-	AegisName: "Sphere_Case_Wind_"
-	Name: "Lightning Sphere Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 350
-	Script: <" getitem Lighting_Sphere_, 500; ">
-	Id: 22740
-	AegisName: "Sphere_Case_Darkness_"
-	Name: "Blind Sphere Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 350
-	Script: <" getitem Blind_Sphere_, 500; ">
-	Id: 22741
-	AegisName: "Sphere_Case_Poison_"
-	Name: "Poison Sphere Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 350
-	Script: <" getitem Poison_Sphere_, 500; ">
-	Id: 22742
-	AegisName: "Sphere_Case_Water_"
-	Name: "Freezing Sphere Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 350
-	Script: <" getitem Freezing_Sphere_, 500; ">
-	Id: 22743
-	AegisName: "Sphere_Case_Fire_"
-	Name: "Flare Sphere Pack"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 350
-	Script: <" getitem Flare_Sphere_, 500; ">
-	Id: 22744
-	AegisName: "Bullet_Case_AP"
-	Name: "Armor-Piercing Cartrige"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	Script: <" getitem AP_Ammo, 500; ">
-	Id: 22745
-	AegisName: "Bullet_Case_Blaze"
-	Name: "Incandescence Shot Cartridge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	Script: <" getitem Blaze_Bullet, 500; ">
-	Id: 22746
-	AegisName: "Bullet_Case_Fleeze"
-	Name: "Glaciation Shot Cartridge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	Script: <" getitem Freezing_Bullet, 500; ">
-	Id: 22747
-	AegisName: "Bullet_Case_Electric"
-	Name: "Dengeki Shot Cartridge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	Script: <" getitem Electric_Shock_Bullet, 500; ">
-	Id: 22748
-	AegisName: "Bullet_Case_Stone"
-	Name: "Hearthstone Shot Cartridge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	Script: <" getitem Magical_Stone_Bullet, 500; ">
-	Id: 22749
-	AegisName: "Sanctified_Bullet_Case"
-	Name: "Purification Shot Cartridge"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 2
-	Weight: 250
-	Script: <" getitem Sanctified_Bullet, 500; ">
-	Id: 22777
-	AegisName: "Buff_Gift_Set"
-	Name: "Buff Gift Set"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		getitem 14534,5;
-		getitem 12215,5;
-		getitem 12216,5;
-	">
-	Id: 22808
-	AegisName: "Special_Gift_Box"
-	Name: "Special Gift Box"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Id: 22837
-	AegisName: "Integer_Time"
-	Name: "Integer Time"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nostorage: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <" TmpRouletteBronze += 1; ">
-	Id: 22838
-	AegisName: "Something_Candy_Holder"
-	Name: "Pumpkin Candy Holder"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <" getrandgroupitem 22838,1; ">
-	Id: 22876
-	AegisName: "Old_Money_Pocket"
-	Name: "Old Money Pocket"
-	Type: "IT_USABLE"
-	Script: <" Zeny += rand(500, 550); ">
-	Id: 23242
-	AegisName: "Fried_Chicken"
-	Name: "Fried_Chicken"
-	Id: 23243
-	AegisName: "Fried_Chicken_1"
-	Name: "Fried_Chicken_1"
-	Id: 23256
-	AegisName: "Elixir_Bandage"
-	Name: "Elixir_Bandage"
-	Id: 23257
-	AegisName: "Dew_Of_Old_Tree"
-	Name: "Dew_Of_Old_Tree"
-	Id: 23258
-	AegisName: "Foul_Rotten_Meat"
-	Name: "Foul_Rotten_Meat"
-	Id: 23259
-	AegisName: "St_Cupcake"
-	Name: "St_Cupcake"
-	Id: 23260
-	AegisName: "Parfait"
-	Name: "Parfait"
-	Id: 23261
-	AegisName: "Macaron"
-	Name: "Macaron"
-	Id: 23277
-	AegisName: "Mado_Box"
-	Name: "Mado_Box"
-	Id: 23332
-	AegisName: "Costama_EggV01"
-	Name: "Costama_EggV01"
-	Id: 23342
-	AegisName: "Vend_Arbeit1_1Lv"
-	Name: "Vend_Arbeit1_1Lv"
-	Id: 23343
-	AegisName: "Vend_Arbeit1_2Lv"
-	Name: "Vend_Arbeit1_2Lv"
-	Id: 23344
-	AegisName: "Vend_Arbeit1_3Lv"
-	Name: "Vend_Arbeit1_3Lv"
-	Id: 23345
-	AegisName: "Buy_Arbeit1_1Lv"
-	Name: "Buy_Arbeit1_1Lv"
-	Id: 23346
-	AegisName: "Buy_Arbeit1_2Lv"
-	Name: "Buy_Arbeit1_2Lv"
-	Id: 23347
-	AegisName: "Buy_Arbeit1_3Lv"
-	Name: "Buy_Arbeit1_3Lv"
-	Id: 23348
-	AegisName: "Vend_Arbeit_1Lv"
-	Name: "Vend_Arbeit_1Lv"
-	Id: 23349
-	AegisName: "Vend_Arbeit_2Lv"
-	Name: "Vend_Arbeit_2Lv"
-	Id: 23350
-	AegisName: "Vend_Arbeit_3Lv"
-	Name: "Vend_Arbeit_3Lv"
-	Id: 23351
-	AegisName: "Buy_Arbeit_1Lv"
-	Name: "Buy_Arbeit_1Lv"
-	Id: 23352
-	AegisName: "Buy_Arbeit_2Lv"
-	Name: "Buy_Arbeit_2Lv"
-	Id: 23353
-	AegisName: "Buy_Arbeit_3Lv"
-	Name: "Buy_Arbeit_3Lv"
-	Id: 23354
-	AegisName: "Vend_Arbeit1_1Lv_"
-	Name: "Vend_Arbeit1_1Lv_"
-	Id: 23355
-	AegisName: "Vend_Arbeit1_2Lv_"
-	Name: "Vend_Arbeit1_2Lv_"
-	Id: 23356
-	AegisName: "Vend_Arbeit1_3Lv_"
-	Name: "Vend_Arbeit1_3Lv_"
-	Id: 23357
-	AegisName: "Buy_Arbeit1_1Lv_"
-	Name: "Buy_Arbeit1_1Lv_"
-	Id: 23358
-	AegisName: "Buy_Arbeit1_2Lv_"
-	Name: "Buy_Arbeit1_2Lv_"
-	Id: 23359
-	AegisName: "Buy_Arbeit1_3Lv_"
-	Name: "Buy_Arbeit1_3Lv_"
-	Id: 23405
-	AegisName: "Green_Scroll_K2"
-	Name: "Green_Scroll_K2"
-	Id: 23440
-	AegisName: "Sentimental_Scroll"
-	Name: "Sentimental_Scroll"
-	Id: 23444
-	AegisName: "July_Hair_Box"
-	Name: "July_Hair_Box"
-	Id: 23446
-	AegisName: "Savage_Trap"
-	Name: "Savage_Trap"
-	Id: 23473
-	AegisName: "Infinity_Scroll"
-	Name: "Infinity_Scroll"
-	Id: 23475
-	AegisName: "Infinity_Drink"
-	Name: "Infinity_Drink"
-	Id: 23484
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_5"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_5"
-	Id: 23485
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_10"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_10"
-	Id: 23486
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_15"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_15"
-	Id: 23487
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_20"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_20"
-	Id: 23488
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_25"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_25"
-	Id: 23489
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_30"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_30"
-	Id: 23490
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_35"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_35"
-	Id: 23491
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_40"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_40"
-	Id: 23492
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_45"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_45"
-	Id: 23493
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_50"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_50"
-	Id: 23494
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_55"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_55"
-	Id: 23495
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_60"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_60"
-	Id: 23496
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_65"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_65"
-	Id: 23497
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_70"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_70"
-	Id: 23498
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_75"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_75"
-	Id: 23499
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_80"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_80"
-	Id: 23500
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_85"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_85"
-	Id: 23501
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_90"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_90"
-	Id: 23502
-	AegisName: "Firstaid_Box_95"
-	Name: "Firstaid_Box_95"
-	Id: 23503
-	AegisName: "Red_Potion_B_20"
-	Name: "Red_Potion_B_20"
-	Id: 23504
-	AegisName: "Orange_Potion_B_20"
-	Name: "Orange_Potion_B_20"
-	Id: 23505
-	AegisName: "Yellow_Potion_B_20"
-	Name: "Yellow_Potion_B_20"
-	Id: 23506
-	AegisName: "White_Potion_B_20"
-	Name: "White_Potion_B_20"
-	Id: 23533
-	AegisName: "Vote_Rose"
-	Name: "Vote_Rose"
-	Id: 23537
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Scroll"
-	Name: "Bloody_Scroll"
-	Id: 23549
-	AegisName: "Snow_Cookie"
-	Name: "Snow_Cookie"
-	Id: 23550
-	AegisName: "Winter_Cookie"
-	Name: "Winter_Cookie"
-	Id: 23551
-	AegisName: "Festi_Cookie"
-	Name: "Festi_Cookie"
-	Id: 23552
-	AegisName: "Flora_Cookie"
-	Name: "Flora_Cookie"
-	Id: 23554
-	AegisName: "Snow_Festa_CardPack"
-	Name: "Snow_Festa_CardPack"
-	Id: 23575
-	AegisName: "Adventurer_Box_1"
-	Name: "Adventurer_Box_1"
-	Id: 23576
-	AegisName: "Adventurer_Box_15"
-	Name: "Adventurer_Box_15"
-	Id: 23577
-	AegisName: "Adventurer_Box_30"
-	Name: "Adventurer_Box_30"
-	Id: 23578
-	AegisName: "Adventurer_Box_45"
-	Name: "Adventurer_Box_45"
-	Id: 23579
-	AegisName: "Adventurer_Box_60"
-	Name: "Adventurer_Box_60"
-	Id: 23580
-	AegisName: "Adventurer_Box_75"
-	Name: "Adventurer_Box_75"
-	Id: 23581
-	AegisName: "Adventurer_Box_90"
-	Name: "Adventurer_Box_90"
-	Id: 23582
-	AegisName: "E_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_Box"
-	Name: "E_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_Box"
-	Id: 23583
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Box"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Box"
-	Id: 23584
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_S_Box"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_S_Box"
-	Id: 23585
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Box_100"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Box_100"
-	Id: 23586
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Box_110"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Box_110"
-	Id: 23587
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Box_120"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Box_120"
-	Id: 23618
-	AegisName: "2017_Special_Scroll"
-	Name: "2017_Special_Scroll"
-	Id: 23650
-	AegisName: "Ice_Scroll"
-	Name: "Ice_Scroll"
-	Id: 23661
-	AegisName: "2018_New_Year_Scroll"
-	Name: "2018_New_Year_Scroll"
-	Id: 23683
-	AegisName: "EVT_JAN02KR"
-	Name: "EVT_JAN02KR"
-	Id: 23700
-	AegisName: "Lunar_New_Year_Scroll"
-	Name: "Lunar_New_Year_Scroll"
-	Id: 23706
-	AegisName: "Reactor_Z"
-	Name: "Reactor_Z"
-	Id: 23707
-	AegisName: "Reactor_Z_"
-	Name: "Reactor_Z_"
-	Id: 23710
-	AegisName: "2018_Spring_Scroll"
-	Name: "2018_Spring_Scroll"
-	Id: 23723
-	AegisName: "Melon_Bread"
-	Name: "Melon_Bread"
-	Id: 23765
-	AegisName: "Costama_EggV02"
-	Name: "Costama_EggV02"
-	Id: 23771
-	AegisName: "Mysterious_Plastic"
-	Name: "Mysterious_Plastic"
-	Id: 23772
-	AegisName: "EP17_1_SPC01"
-	Name: "EP17_1_SPC01"
-	Id: 23773
-	AegisName: "EP17_1_SPC02"
-	Name: "EP17_1_SPC02"
-	Id: 23774
-	AegisName: "EP17_1_SPC03"
-	Name: "EP17_1_SPC03"
-	Id: 23775
-	AegisName: "EP17_1_SPC04"
-	Name: "EP17_1_SPC04"
-	Id: 23817
-	AegisName: "Bs_Making_Scrolls"
-	Name: "Bs_Making_Scrolls"
-	Id: 23878
-	AegisName: "StarSoul_Scroll"
-	Name: "StarSoul_Scroll"
-	Id: 23897
-	AegisName: "2018_Jump_Thx_Box"
-	Name: "2018_Jump_Thx_Box"
-	Id: 23898
-	AegisName: "Comp_Power_Booster"
-	Name: "Comp_Power_Booster"
-	Id: 23899
-	AegisName: "Comp_Almighty"
-	Name: "Comp_Almighty"
-	Id: 23900
-	AegisName: "Time_Overload_Box"
-	Name: "Time_Overload_Box"
-	Id: 23901
-	AegisName: "110LVUP"
-	Name: "110LVUP"
-	Id: 23921
-	AegisName: "Season_Evt_Reward"
-	Name: "Season_Evt_Reward"
-	Id: 23962
-	AegisName: "Malang_Cat_Can2"
-	Name: "Malang_Cat_Can2"
-//== Shadow Equipments =====================================
-	Id: 24000
-	AegisName: "T1_Shadow_Armor"
-	Name: "T STR1 Armor Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,1; ">
-	Id: 24001
-	AegisName: "T1_Shadow_Weapon"
-	Name: "T DEX1 Weapon Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 24002
-	AegisName: "T1_Shadow_Shield"
-	Name: "T LUK1 Shield Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,1; ">
-	Id: 24003
-	AegisName: "T1_Shadow_Shoes"
-	Name: "T AGI1 Shoes Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,1; ">
-	Id: 24004
-	AegisName: "T1_Shadow_R_Accessory"
-	Name: "T VIT1 Earrings Shadow(R)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 24005
-	AegisName: "T1_Shadow_L_Accessory"
-	Name: "T INT1 Pendant Shadow(L)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 24006
-	AegisName: "T2_Shadow_Armor"
-	Name: "T STR2 Armor Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,2; ">
-	Id: 24007
-	AegisName: "T2_Shadow_Weapon"
-	Name: "T DEX2 Weapon Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 30
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 24008
-	AegisName: "T2_Shadow_Shield"
-	Name: "T LUK2 Shield Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Script: <" bonus bLuk,2; ">
-	Id: 24009
-	AegisName: "T2_Shadow_Shoes"
-	Name: "T AGI2 Shoes Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 90
-	Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; ">
-	Id: 24010
-	AegisName: "T2_Shadow_R_Accessory"
-	Name: "T VIT2 Earrings Shadow(R)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,2; ">
-	Id: 24011
-	AegisName: "T2_Shadow_L_Accessory"
-	Name: "T INT2 Pendant Shadow(L)"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 150
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 24012
-	AegisName: "S_Promotion_Weapon"
-	Name: "Promotional Weapon Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,getrefine();
-		bonus bMatk,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24013
-	AegisName: "S_Promotion_Armor"
-	Name: "Promotional Armor Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,getrefine()*10;
-	">
-	Id: 24014
-	AegisName: "S_Promotion_Shoes"
-	Name: "Promotional Shoes Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,getrefine()*10;
-	">
-	Id: 24015
-	AegisName: "S_Promotion_Shield"
-	Name: "Promotional Shield Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,getrefine()*10;
-	">
-	Id: 24016
-	AegisName: "S_Promotion_Earring"
-	Name: "Promotional Earring Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,getrefine()*10;
-	">
-	Id: 24017
-	AegisName: "S_Promotion_Pendant"
-	Name: "Promotional Pendant Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bMaxHP,getrefine()*10;
-	">
-	Id: 24018
-	AegisName: "S_Physical_Earring"
-	Name: "Shadow Physical Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bAspdRate,(getrefine()>=7)?2:1; ">
-	Id: 24019
-	AegisName: "S_Physical_Weapon"
-	Name: "Shadow Physical Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bAtkRate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24020
-	AegisName: "S_Physical_Pendant"
-	Name: "Shadow Physical Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMaxHPrate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24021
-	AegisName: "S_Magical_Earring"
-	Name: "Shadow Magical Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVariableCastrate,-(getrefine()>=7)?2:1; ">
-	Id: 24022
-	AegisName: "S_Magical_Weapon"
-	Name: "Shadow Magical Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMatkRate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24023
-	AegisName: "S_Magical_Pendant"
-	Name: "Shadow Magical Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMaxSPrate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24024
-	AegisName: "S_Breezy_Armor"
-	Name: "Shadow Breeze Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,5+(getrefine()>=7?10:0); ">
-	Id: 24025
-	AegisName: "S_Champion_Shoes"
-	Name: "Shadow Champion Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,20;
-		bonus bMaxSP,10;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus bMaxHPrate,1;
-			bonus bMaxSPrate,1;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24026
-	AegisName: "S_Athena_Shield"
-	Name: "Shadow Athena Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,(getrefine()>=7)?20:10; ">
-	Id: 24027
-	AegisName: "S_Immune_Armor"
-	Name: "Immune Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bSubEle,0,1; ">
-	Id: 24028
-	AegisName: "S_Hard_Armor"
-	Name: "Hard Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,50;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMaxHPrate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24029
-	AegisName: "S_Ancient_Armor"
-	Name: "Ancient Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,(getrefine()>=7)?20:10; ">
-	Id: 24030
-	AegisName: "S_Critical_Armor"
-	Name: "Critital Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,(getrefine()>=7)?10:5; ">
-	Id: 24031
-	AegisName: "S_Kingbird_Weapon"
-	Name: "King Bird Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bLongAtkRate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24032
-	AegisName: "S_Cri_Hit_Weapon"
-	Name: "Critical Hit Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bBaseAtk,10;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bCritAtkRate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24033
-	AegisName: "S_Healing_Weapon"
-	Name: "Healing Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Matk: 10
-	Script: <" if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bHealPower2,5; } ">
-	Id: 24034
-	AegisName: "S_Lucky_Weapon"
-	Name: "Lucky Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bLuk,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bLuk,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24035
-	AegisName: "S_Power_Earring"
-	Name: "Power Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bStr,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bStr,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24036
-	AegisName: "S_Int_Pendant"
-	Name: "Intelligent Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bInt,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bInt,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24037
-	AegisName: "S_Dexterous_Armor"
-	Name: "Dexterous Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bDex,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bDex,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24038
-	AegisName: "S_Vital_Shoes"
-	Name: "Vital Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bVit,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bVit,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24039
-	AegisName: "S_Athletic_Shield"
-	Name: "Athletic Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bAgi,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAgi,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24040
-	AegisName: "S_Lucky_Armor"
-	Name: "Lucky Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus bCritical,(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24041
-	AegisName: "S_Power_Pendant"
-	Name: "Power Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bBaseAtk,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24042
-	AegisName: "S_Int_Earring"
-	Name: "Intelligent Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMatk,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24043
-	AegisName: "S_Dexterous_Weapon"
-	Name: "Dexterous Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bHit,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24044
-	AegisName: "S_Vital_Shield"
-	Name: "Vital Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,1;
-		bonus bDef,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24045
-	AegisName: "S_Athletic_Shoes"
-	Name: "Athletic Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,1;
-		bonus bFlee,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24046
-	AegisName: "S_Resist_Spell_Pendant"
-	Name: "Resist Spell Power Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,(getrefine()>=7)?6:3; ">
-	Id: 24047
-	AegisName: "S_Rapid_Pendant"
-	Name: "Rapid Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspdRate,1+((getrefine()>=9)?2:(getrefine()>=7)?1:0);
-	">
-	Id: 24048
-	AegisName: "S_Caster_Pendant"
-	Name: "Casters Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,1+((getrefine()>=9)?2:(getrefine()>=7)?1:0);
-	">
-	Id: 24049
-	AegisName: "S_Hard_Earring"
-	Name: "Hard Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,((getrefine()>=9)?2:(getrefine()>=7)?1:0);
-	">
-	Id: 24050
-	AegisName: "S_Wise_Earring"
-	Name: "Wise Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,((getrefine()>=9)?2:(getrefine()>=7)?1:0);
-	">
-	Id: 24051
-	AegisName: "S_Athena_Earring"
-	Name: "Athena Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,(getrefine()>=7)?20:10; ">
-	Id: 24052
-	AegisName: "S_Cranial_Shield"
-	Name: "Cranial Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24053
-	AegisName: "S_Safeguard_Shield"
-	Name: "Safeguard Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Boss,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24054
-	AegisName: "S_Brutal_Shield"
-	Name: "Brutal Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24055
-	AegisName: "S_Gargantua_Shield"
-	Name: "Gargantua Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Insect,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Insect,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Insect,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24056
-	AegisName: "S_Homers_Shield"
-	Name: "Homer's Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Fish,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Fish,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Fish,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24057
-	AegisName: "S_Dragoon_Shield"
-	Name: "Dragoon Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Dragon,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Dragon,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Dragon,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24058
-	AegisName: "S_Satanic_Shield"
-	Name: "Satanic Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Angel,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Angel,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Angel,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24059
-	AegisName: "S_Flameguard_Shield"
-	Name: "Fire Proof Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Formless,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Formless,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Formless,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24060
-	AegisName: "S_Requiem_Shield"
-	Name: "Requiem Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24061
-	AegisName: "S_Cadi_Shield"
-	Name: "Cadi Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Plant,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Plant,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Plant,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24062
-	AegisName: "S_Bloody_Shoes"
-	Name: "Bloody Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24063
-	AegisName: "S_Liberation_Shoes"
-	Name: "Liberation Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Boss,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,1;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Boss,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,2;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Boss,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24064
-	AegisName: "S_Chemical_Shoes"
-	Name: "Chemical Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Plant,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,1;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Plant,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Plant,2;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Plant,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24065
-	AegisName: "S_Clamorous_Shoes"
-	Name: "Glamorous Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,2,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,1;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,2,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Brute,2;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,2,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24066
-	AegisName: "S_Insecticide_Shoes"
-	Name: "Insecticide Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Insect,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Insect,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Insect,1;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Insect,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Insect,2;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Insect,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24067
-	AegisName: "S_Fisher_Shoes"
-	Name: "Fisher Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Fish,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Fish,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Fish,1;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Fish,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Fish,2;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Fish,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24068
-	AegisName: "S_Seraphim_Shoes"
-	Name: "Seraphim Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Angel,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Angel,1;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Angel,2;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Angel,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24069
-	AegisName: "S_Beholder_Shoes"
-	Name: "Beholder Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Formless,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Formless,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Formless,1;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Formless,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Formless,2;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Formless,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24070
-	AegisName: "S_Divine_Shoes"
-	Name: "Divine Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,1;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,2;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Undead,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24071
-	AegisName: "S_Dragoon_Shoes"
-	Name: "Dragoons Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,2;
-		bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Dragon,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,1;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Dragon,1;
-		}
-		if (getrefine()>=9) {
-			bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Dragon,2;
-			bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Dragon,2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24072
-	AegisName: "S_Big_Armor"
-	Name: "Large Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Large,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24073
-	AegisName: "S_Medium_Armor"
-	Name: "Medium Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Medium,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24074
-	AegisName: "S_Small_Armor"
-	Name: "Small Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bSubSize,Size_Small,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24075
-	AegisName: "S_Big_Weapon"
-	Name: "Large Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24076
-	AegisName: "S_Medium_Weapon"
-	Name: "Medium Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24077
-	AegisName: "S_Small_Weapon"
-	Name: "Small Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,2;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24078
-	AegisName: "S_Spiritual_Weapon"
-	Name: "Spiritual Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-5;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bSPrecovRate,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 24079
-	AegisName: "S_Spiritual_Earring"
-	Name: "Spiritual Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxSP,50;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMaxSPrate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24080
-	AegisName: "S_Spiritual_Pendent"
-	Name: "Spiritual Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSPrate,(getrefine()>=7?2:1); ">
-	Id: 24081
-	AegisName: "S_Malicious_Armor"
-	Name: "Malevolent Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHP,100;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMaxHPrate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24082
-	AegisName: "S_Malicious_Shoes"
-	Name: "Malevolent Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHPrate,(getrefine()>=7?2:1); ">
-	Id: 24083
-	AegisName: "S_Malicious_Shield"
-	Name: "Malevolent Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bHPrecovRate,(getrefine()>=7?10:5); ">
-	Id: 24084
-	AegisName: "S_Gemstone_Armor"
-	Name: "Gemstone Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bCritical,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24085
-	AegisName: "S_Gemstone_Shoes"
-	Name: "Gemstone Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24086
-	AegisName: "S_Gemstone_Shield"
-	Name: "Gemstone Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24087
-	AegisName: "S_Gemstone_Weapon"
-	Name: "Gemstone Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24088
-	AegisName: "S_Gemstone_Earring"
-	Name: "Gemstone Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMatk,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24089
-	AegisName: "S_Gemstone_Pendent"
-	Name: "Gemstone Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24090
-	AegisName: "S_Stability_Shield"
-	Name: "Stability Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,3;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Bleeding,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,getrefine();
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,getrefine();
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,getrefine();
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24091
-	AegisName: "S_Plasterers_Armor"
-	Name: "Plasterus Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24092
-	AegisName: "S_Plasterers_Shoes"
-	Name: "Plasterus Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24093
-	AegisName: "S_Insomniac_Armor"
-	Name: "Insomnia Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24094
-	AegisName: "S_Insomniac_Shoes"
-	Name: "Insomnia Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24095
-	AegisName: "S_Peerless_Armor"
-	Name: "Peerless Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24096
-	AegisName: "S_Peerless_Shoes"
-	Name: "Peerless Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24097
-	AegisName: "S_Adurate_Armor"
-	Name: "Adurate Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24098
-	AegisName: "S_Adurate_Shoes"
-	Name: "Adurate Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Blind,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24099
-	AegisName: "Unfreez_Weapon_S"
-	Name: "Freezing Frozen Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24100
-	AegisName: "Unfreeze_Earing_S"
-	Name: "Freezing Frozen Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24101
-	AegisName: "Unfreeze_Pendent_S"
-	Name: "Freezing Frozen Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24102
-	AegisName: "Vitality_Earing_S"
-	Name: "Vitality Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Bleeding,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24103
-	AegisName: "Vitality_Pendant_S"
-	Name: "Vitality Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Bleeding,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24104
-	AegisName: "S_Neutral_Weapon"
-	Name: "Neutral Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,getrefine()/2;
-	">
-	Id: 24105
-	AegisName: "S_Neutral_Earring"
-	Name: "Neutral Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24106
-	AegisName: "S_Neutral_Pendent"
-	Name: "Neutral Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24107
-	AegisName: "S_Curse_Lift_Earring"
-	Name: "Frozen Curse Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24108
-	AegisName: "S_Curse_Lift_Pendent"
-	Name: "Frozen Curse Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDef,1;
-		bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Curse,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24109
-	AegisName: "S_Caster_earring"
-	Name: "Caster Shadow Earrings"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bVariableCastrate,-1-((getrefine()>=7)?1:0); ">
-	Id: 24110
-	AegisName: "S_Caster_Weapon"
-	Name: "Caster Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-1-((getrefine()>=7)?1:0)-((getrefine()>=9)?2:0);
-	">
-	Id: 24111
-	AegisName: "S_Spell_Flow_Shoes"
-	Name: "Spell Flow Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUseSPrate,1;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) { bonus bSPrecovRate,5; }
-	">
-	Id: 24112
-	AegisName: "S_Spell_Flow_Armor"
-	Name: "Spell Flow Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bUseSPrate,1+((getrefine()>=7)?1:0)+((getrefine()>=9)?1:0); ">
-	Id: 24113
-	AegisName: "S_Spell_Flow_Shield"
-	Name: "Spell Flow Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUseSPrate,1;
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) { bonus bMaxSPrate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24114
-	AegisName: "S_Greed_Armor"
-	Name: "Greed Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill BS_GREED,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BS_GREED,100-(getrefine()*10);
-	">
-	Id: 24115
-	AegisName: "S_Greed_Shoes"
-	Name: "Greed Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill BS_GREED,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BS_GREED,100-(getrefine()*10);
-	">
-	Id: 24116
-	AegisName: "S_Greed_Shield"
-	Name: "Greed Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill BS_GREED,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BS_GREED,100-(getrefine()*10);
-	">
-	Id: 24117
-	AegisName: "S_Greed_Weapon"
-	Name: "Greed Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill BS_GREED,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BS_GREED,100-(getrefine()*10);
-	">
-	Id: 24118
-	AegisName: "S_Greed_Earring"
-	Name: "Greed Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill BS_GREED,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BS_GREED,100-(getrefine()*10);
-	">
-	Id: 24119
-	AegisName: "S_Greed_Pendant"
-	Name: "Greed Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill BS_GREED,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,BS_GREED,100-(getrefine()*10);
-	">
-	Id: 24120
-	AegisName: "S_Heal_Armor"
-	Name: "Heal Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_HEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24121
-	AegisName: "S_Heal_Shoes"
-	Name: "Heal Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_HEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24122
-	AegisName: "S_Heal_Shield"
-	Name: "Heal Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_HEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24123
-	AegisName: "S_Heal_Weapon"
-	Name: "Heal Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_HEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24124
-	AegisName: "S_Heal_Earring"
-	Name: "Heal Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_HEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24125
-	AegisName: "S_Heal_Pendant"
-	Name: "Heal Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_HEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24126
-	AegisName: "S_Hiding_Armor"
-	Name: "Hiding Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_HIDING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 24127
-	AegisName: "S_Hiding_Shoes"
-	Name: "Hiding Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_HIDING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 24128
-	AegisName: "S_Hiding_Shield"
-	Name: "Hiding Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_HIDING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 24129
-	AegisName: "S_Hiding_Weapon"
-	Name: "Hiding Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_HIDING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 24130
-	AegisName: "S_Hiding_Earring"
-	Name: "Hiding Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_HIDING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 24131
-	AegisName: "S_Hiding_Pendant"
-	Name: "Hiding Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_HIDING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_HIDING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_HIDING; ">
-	Id: 24132
-	AegisName: "S_Cloaking_Armor"
-	Name: "Cloaking Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AS_CLOAKING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AS_CLOAKING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_CLOAKING; ">
-	Id: 24133
-	AegisName: "S_Cloaking_Shoes"
-	Name: "Cloaking Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AS_CLOAKING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AS_CLOAKING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_CLOAKING; ">
-	Id: 24134
-	AegisName: "S_Cloaking_Shield"
-	Name: "Cloaking Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AS_CLOAKING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AS_CLOAKING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_CLOAKING; ">
-	Id: 24135
-	AegisName: "S_Cloaking_Weapon"
-	Name: "Cloaking Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AS_CLOAKING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AS_CLOAKING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_CLOAKING; ">
-	Id: 24136
-	AegisName: "S_Cloaking_Earring"
-	Name: "Cloaking Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AS_CLOAKING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AS_CLOAKING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_CLOAKING; ">
-	Id: 24137
-	AegisName: "S_Cloaking_Pendant"
-	Name: "Cloaking Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AS_CLOAKING,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AS_CLOAKING,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_CLOAKING; ">
-	Id: 24138
-	AegisName: "S_Teleport_Armor"
-	Name: "Teleport Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_TELEPORT,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24139
-	AegisName: "S_Teleport_Shoes"
-	Name: "Teleport Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_TELEPORT,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24140
-	AegisName: "S_Teleport_Shield"
-	Name: "Teleport Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_TELEPORT,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24141
-	AegisName: "S_Teleport_Weapon"
-	Name: "Teleport Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_TELEPORT,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24142
-	AegisName: "S_Teleport_Earring"
-	Name: "Teleport Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_TELEPORT,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24143
-	AegisName: "S_Teleport_Pendant"
-	Name: "Teleport Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,AL_TELEPORT,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24144
-	AegisName: "S_Steal_Armor"
-	Name: "Steal Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_STEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_STEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24145
-	AegisName: "S_Steal_Shoes"
-	Name: "Steal Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_STEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_STEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24146
-	AegisName: "S_Steal_Shield"
-	Name: "Steal Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_STEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_STEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24147
-	AegisName: "S_Steal_Weapon"
-	Name: "Steal Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_STEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_STEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24148
-	AegisName: "S_Steal_Earring"
-	Name: "Steal Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_STEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_STEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24149
-	AegisName: "S_Steal_Pendant"
-	Name: "Steal Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		skill TF_STEAL,1;
-		bonus2 bSkillUseSP,TF_STEAL,50-(getrefine()*5);
-	">
-	Id: 24150
-	AegisName: "S_Infinity_Earring"
-	Name: "Infinity Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_All,1+((getrefine()>=9)?2:(getrefine()>=7)?1:0);
-	">
-	Id: 24151
-	AegisName: "S_Infinity_Pendant"
-	Name: "Infinity Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSubSize,Size_All,1+((getrefine()>=9)?2:(getrefine()>=7)?1:0);
-	">
-	Id: 24152
-	AegisName: "S_Solid_Weapon"
-	Name: "Solid Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24153
-	AegisName: "S_Solid_Earring"
-	Name: "Solid Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bHit,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24154
-	AegisName: "S_Immortal_Armor"
-	Name: "Solid Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24155
-	AegisName: "S_Immortal_Pendant"
-	Name: "Solid Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24156
-	AegisName: "S_Executioner_Weapon"
-	Name: "Demihuman Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24157
-	AegisName: "S_Exorcist_Weapon"
-	Name: "Exorcist Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Demon,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24158
-	AegisName: "S_Hunting_Weapon"
-	Name: "Hunting Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Brute,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24159
-	AegisName: "S_Insect_Net_Weapon"
-	Name: "Insect Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Insect,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24160
-	AegisName: "S_Fishing_Weapon"
-	Name: "Fishing Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Fish,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24161
-	AegisName: "S_Dragon_Killer_Weapon"
-	Name: "Dragon Killer Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Dragon,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24162
-	AegisName: "S_Corrupt_Weapon"
-	Name: "Angelus Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Angel,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24163
-	AegisName: "S_Vibration_Weapon"
-	Name: "Formless Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Formless,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24164
-	AegisName: "S_Holy_Water_Weapon"
-	Name: "Holy Water Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Undead,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24165
-	AegisName: "S_Scissors_Weapon"
-	Name: "Plant Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_Plant,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24166
-	AegisName: "S_Penetration_Earring"
-	Name: "Penetration Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate, RC_All, 5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24167
-	AegisName: "S_Penetration_Pendent"
-	Name: "Penetration Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate, RC_All, 5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24168
-	AegisName: "S_Tempest_Earring"
-	Name: "Tempest Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_NonBoss,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24169
-	AegisName: "S_Tempest_Pendent"
-	Name: "Tempest Pendant Shadow"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_NonBoss,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24170
-	AegisName: "S_M_Executioner_Weapon"
-	Name: "Magic Executioner Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24171
-	AegisName: "S_M_Exorcist_Weapon"
-	Name: "Magic Exorcist Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Demon,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24172
-	AegisName: "S_M_Hunting_Weapon"
-	Name: "Magic Hunting Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Brute,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24173
-	AegisName: "S_M_Insect_Net_Weapon"
-	Name: "Magic Insecticide Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Insect,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24174
-	AegisName: "S_M_Fishing_Weapon"
-	Name: "Magic Fishing Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Fish,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24175
-	AegisName: "S_M_Dragon_K_Weapon"
-	Name: "Magic Dragon Killer Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Dragon,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24176
-	AegisName: "S_M_Corrupt_Weapon"
-	Name: "Magic Angelus Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Angel,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24177
-	AegisName: "S_M_Vibration_Weapon"
-	Name: "Magic Formless Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Formless,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24178
-	AegisName: "S_M_Holy_Water_Weapon"
-	Name: "Magic Holy Water Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Undead,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24179
-	AegisName: "S_M_Scissors_Weapon"
-	Name: "Magic Caesars Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Plant,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24180
-	AegisName: "S_Bearers_Armor"
-	Name: "Bearer's Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMdef,1+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24181
-	AegisName: "S_Bearers_Shoes"
-	Name: "Bearer's Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxSP,50+(5*(getrefine()/2)); ">
-	Id: 24182
-	AegisName: "S_Bearers_Shield"
-	Name: "Bearer's Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bDef,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24183
-	AegisName: "S_Bearers_Weapon"
-	Name: "Bearer's Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMaxHP,100+(10*(getrefine()/2)); ">
-	Id: 24184
-	AegisName: "S_Bearers_Earring"
-	Name: "Bearer's Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bMatk,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24185
-	AegisName: "S_Bearers_Pendent"
-	Name: "Bearer's Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bBaseAtk,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24186
-	AegisName: "S_Basis_Armor"
-	Name: "Basis Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Neutral,1+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Neutral,1+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24187
-	AegisName: "S_Hallowed_Armor"
-	Name: "Hallowed Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Dark,1+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Dark,1+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24188
-	AegisName: "S_Saharic_Armor"
-	Name: "Underneith Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,1+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Water,1+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24189
-	AegisName: "S_Underneath_Armor"
-	Name: "Underneath Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,1+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Earth,1+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24190
-	AegisName: "S_Flam_Armor"
-	Name: "Flame Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,1+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Fire,1+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24191
-	AegisName: "S_Windy_Armor"
-	Name: "Windy Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Wind,1+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Wind,1+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24192
-	AegisName: "S_Envenom_Armor"
-	Name: "Envenom Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Poison,1+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Poison,1+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24193
-	AegisName: "S_Damned_Armor"
-	Name: "Damned Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Holy,1+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Holy,1+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24194
-	AegisName: "S_Geist_Armor"
-	Name: "Exorcism Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Ghost,1+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Ghost,1+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24195
-	AegisName: "S_Divine_Armor"
-	Name: "Divine Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Undead,1+(getrefine()/2);
-		bonus2 bMagicAddEle,Ele_Undead,1+(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24196
-	AegisName: "S_Hasty_Shoes"
-	Name: "Hasty Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24197
-	AegisName: "S_Hasty_Armor"
-	Name: "Hasty Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <" bonus bFlee,5+(getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24198
-	AegisName: "S_Basis_Shield"
-	Name: "Basis Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		/* Reduces physical and magical damage receive from Neutral property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +7, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Neutral property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +9, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Neutral property monsters by 1%. */
-	">
-	Id: 24199
-	AegisName: "S_Hallowed_Shield"
-	Name: "Hallowed Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		/* Reduces physical and magical damage receive from Shadow property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +7, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Shadow property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +9, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Shadow property monsters by 1%. */
-	">
-	Id: 24200
-	AegisName: "S_Saharic_Shield"
-	Name: "Saharic Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		/* Reduces physical and magical damage receive from Water property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +7, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Water property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +9, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Water property monsters by 1%. */
-	">
-	Id: 24201
-	AegisName: "S_Underneath_Shield"
-	Name: "Underneath Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		/* Reduces physical and magical damage receive from Earth property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +7, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Earth property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +9, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Earth property monsters by 1%. */
-	">
-	Id: 24202
-	AegisName: "S_Flam_Shield"
-	Name: "Flammable Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		/* Reduces physical and magical damage receive from Fire property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +7, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Fire property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +9, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Fire property monsters by 1%. */
-	">
-	Id: 24203
-	AegisName: "S_Windy_Shield"
-	Name: "Windy Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		/* Reduces physical and magical damage receive from Wind property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +7, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Wind property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +9, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Wind property monsters by 1%. */
-	">
-	Id: 24204
-	AegisName: "S_Envenom_Shield"
-	Name: "Envenom Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		/* Reduces physical and magical damage receive from Poison property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +7, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Poison property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +9, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Poison property monsters by 1%. */
-	">
-	Id: 24205
-	AegisName: "S_Damned_Shield"
-	Name: "Damned Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		/* Reduces physical and magical damage receive from Holy property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +7, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Holy property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +9, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Holy property monsters by 1%. */
-	">
-	Id: 24206
-	AegisName: "S_Geist_Shield"
-	Name: "Exorcism Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		/* Reduces physical and magical damage receive from Ghost property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +7, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Ghost property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +9, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Ghost property monsters by 1%. */
-	">
-	Id: 24207
-	AegisName: "S_Divine_Shield"
-	Name: "Divine Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		/* Reduces physical and magical damage receive from Undead property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +7, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Undead property monsters by 1%. */
-		/* Refined to +9, reduces physical and magical damage receive from Undead property monsters by 1%. */
-	">
-	Id: 24208
-	AegisName: "S_Expert_Shoes"
-	Name: "Expert Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	EquipLv: [150, 175]
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 1; ">
-	Id: 24209
-	AegisName: "S_Expert_Shield"
-	Name: "Expert Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: [150, 175]
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, (getrefine()/4); ">
-	Id: 24210
-	AegisName: "S_Beginner_Shoes"
-	Name: "Beginner Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	EquipLv: [1, 49]
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, getrefine(); ">
-	Id: 24211
-	AegisName: "S_Beginner_Shield"
-	Name: "Beginner Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: [1, 49]
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, getrefine(); ">
-	Id: 24212
-	AegisName: "S_Rookie_Shoes"
-	Name: "Rookie Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: [50, 99]
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, (getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24213
-	AegisName: "S_Rookie_Shield"
-	Name: "Rookie Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: [50, 99]
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, (getrefine()/2); ">
-	Id: 24214
-	AegisName: "S_Advanced_Shoes"
-	Name: "Advanced Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	EquipLv: [100, 149]
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, (getrefine()/3); ">
-	Id: 24215
-	AegisName: "S_Advanced_Shield"
-	Name: "Advanced Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: [100, 149]
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, (getrefine()/3); ">
-	Id: 24216
-	AegisName: "S_Attack_Armor"
-	Name: "Attack Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		autobonus "{ bonus bAtk2,(getrefine()*5); }",(getrefine()*20)+100,3000,BF_NORMAL;
-	">
-	Id: 24217
-	AegisName: "S_Blitz_Earring"
-	Name: "Blitz Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHit,(getrefine()/2)+5;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24218
-	AegisName: "S_Blitz_Pendent"
-	Name: "Blitz Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk2,(getrefine()/2)+5;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24219
-	AegisName: "S_ColdBolt_Armor"
-	Name: "Cold Bolt Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine()>=2) {
-			autobonus "{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,14,(getrefine()/2),1000; }",(getrefine()*2)+100,100,BF_SHORT;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24220
-	AegisName: "S_FireBolt_Armor"
-	Name: "Fire Bolt Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine()>=2) {
-			autobonus "{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,19,(getrefine()/2),1000; }",(getrefine()*2)+100,100,BF_SHORT;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24221
-	AegisName: "S_LightingBolt_Armor"
-	Name: "Lightning Bolt Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine()>=2) {
-			autobonus "{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,20,(getrefine()/2),1000; }",(getrefine()*2)+100,100,BF_SHORT;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24222
-	AegisName: "S_EarthSpike_Armor"
-	Name: "Earth Spike Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine()>=2) {
-			autobonus "{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,90,(getrefine()/2),1000; }",(getrefine()*2)+100,100,BF_SHORT;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 24223
-	AegisName: "S_Enhance_Force_Weapon"
-	Name: "Enhanced Force Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk2,10;
-		bonus bAtkRate,(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24224
-	AegisName: "S_Force_Weapon"
-	Name: "Force Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bAtkRate,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAtkRate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24225
-	AegisName: "S_Force_Earring"
-	Name: "Force Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk2,(5+getrefine());
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMaxHPrate,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bMaxSPrate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24226
-	AegisName: "S_Force_Pendant"
-	Name: "Force Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk2,5+getrefine();
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMaxHPrate,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bMaxSPrate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24227
-	AegisName: "S_Enhance_Spirit_Weapon"
-	Name: "Enhanced Soul Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,10;
-		bonus bMatkRate,(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24228
-	AegisName: "S_Spirit_Weapon"
-	Name: "Soul Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatkRate,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMatkRate,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bMatkRate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24229
-	AegisName: "S_Spirit_Earring"
-	Name: "Soul Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,(5+getrefine());
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMaxHPrate,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bMatkRate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24230
-	AegisName: "S_Spirit_Pendant"
-	Name: "Soul Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,(5+getrefine());
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bMaxHPrate,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bMatkRate,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24231
-	AegisName: "S_Blitz_Shoes"
-	Name: "Blitz Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee,5;
-		if (getrefine()>=2) { bonus bCritical,2; }
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24232
-	AegisName: "S_Blitz_Shield"
-	Name: "Blitz Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bCritical,5;
-		if (getrefine()>=2) { bonus bCritical,2; }
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bAspd,1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24233
-	AegisName: "S_Exceed_Weapon"
-	Name: "Exceeding Shadow Weapon"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,5;
-		bonus bMatk,5;
-		bonus bAtkRate,getrefine();
-		bonus bMatkRate,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 24234
-	AegisName: "S_Titan_Earring"
-	Name: "Titan Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24235
-	AegisName: "S_Titan_Pendant"
-	Name: "Titan Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Large,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24236
-	AegisName: "S_Boned_Earring"
-	Name: "Boned Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24237
-	AegisName: "S_Boned_Pendant"
-	Name: "Boned Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Medium,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24238
-	AegisName: "S_Gigantic_Earring"
-	Name: "Gigantic Shadow Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24239
-	AegisName: "S_Gigantic_Pendant"
-	Name: "Gigantic Shadow Pendant"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_Small,2; }
-	">
-	Id: 24240
-	AegisName: "S_Caster_Shoes"
-	Name: "Caster Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,5;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-1;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24241
-	AegisName: "S_Caster_Shield"
-	Name: "Caster Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,5;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-1;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24242
-	AegisName: "S_Caster_Armor"
-	Name: "Caster Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMatk,5;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-1;
-		bonus bUseSPrate,-(getrefine()/2);
-	">
-	Id: 24243
-	AegisName: "S_Reload_Shoes"
-	Name: "Reload Shadow Shoes"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDelayrate,-1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bDelayrate,-1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bDelayrate,-1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24244
-	AegisName: "S_Reload_Shield"
-	Name: "Reload Shadow Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDelayrate,-1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bDelayrate,-1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bDelayrate,-1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24245
-	AegisName: "S_Reload_Armor"
-	Name: "Reload Shadow Armor"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDelayrate,-1;
-		if (getrefine()>=7) { bonus bDelayrate,-1; }
-		if (getrefine()>=9) { bonus bDelayrate,-1; }
-	">
-	Id: 24380
-	AegisName: "Sentimental_Weapone_S"
-	Name: "Sentimental_Weapone_S"
-	Id: 24381
-	AegisName: "Sentimental_Earring_S"
-	Name: "Sentimental_Earring_S"
-	Id: 24382
-	AegisName: "Sentimental_Pendant_S"
-	Name: "Sentimental_Pendant_S"
-	Id: 24383
-	AegisName: "Enchanting_Weapone_S"
-	Name: "Enchanting_Weapone_S"
-	Id: 24384
-	AegisName: "Enchanting_Earring_S"
-	Name: "Enchanting_Earring_S"
-	Id: 24385
-	AegisName: "Enchanting_Pendant_S"
-	Name: "Enchanting_Pendant_S"
-	Id: 24386
-	AegisName: "S_Infinity_Weapon"
-	Name: "S_Infinity_Weapon"
-	Id: 24387
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Armor_S"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Armor_S"
-	Id: 24388
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Shield_S"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Shield_S"
-	Id: 24389
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Shoes_S"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Shoes_S"
-	Id: 24390
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Weapon_S"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Weapon_S"
-	Id: 24391
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Earring_S"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Earring_S"
-	Id: 24392
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Pendant_S"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Pendant_S"
-	Id: 24393
-	AegisName: "S_Physical_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_Physical_Shoes"
-	Id: 24394
-	AegisName: "S_Physical_Shield"
-	Name: "S_Physical_Shield"
-	Id: 24395
-	AegisName: "S_Physical_Armor"
-	Name: "S_Physical_Armor"
-	Id: 24396
-	AegisName: "S_Magical_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_Magical_Shoes"
-	Id: 24397
-	AegisName: "S_Magical_Shield"
-	Name: "S_Magical_Shield"
-	Id: 24398
-	AegisName: "S_Magical_Armor"
-	Name: "S_Magical_Armor"
-	Id: 24399
-	AegisName: "S_ImmunedAthena_Shield"
-	Name: "S_ImmunedAthena_Shield"
-	Id: 24400
-	AegisName: "S_HardChamption_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_HardChamption_Shoes"
-	Id: 24401
-	AegisName: "S_KingbirdAncient_Armor"
-	Name: "S_KingbirdAncient_Armor"
-	Id: 24402
-	AegisName: "S_Rebellion_Armor"
-	Name: "S_Rebellion_Armor"
-	Id: 24403
-	AegisName: "S_Kagerou_Armor"
-	Name: "S_Kagerou_Armor"
-	Id: 24404
-	AegisName: "S_Oboro_Armor"
-	Name: "S_Oboro_Armor"
-	Id: 24405
-	AegisName: "S_Rebellion_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_Rebellion_Shoes"
-	Id: 24406
-	AegisName: "S_Kagerou_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_Kagerou_Shoes"
-	Id: 24407
-	AegisName: "S_Oboro_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_Oboro_Shoes"
-	Id: 24408
-	AegisName: "S_DoramPhysical_Armor"
-	Name: "S_DoramPhysical_Armor"
-	Id: 24409
-	AegisName: "S_DoramPhysical_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_DoramPhysical_Shoes"
-	Id: 24410
-	AegisName: "S_DoramMagical_Armor"
-	Name: "S_DoramMagical_Armor"
-	Id: 24411
-	AegisName: "S_DoramMagical_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_DoramMagical_Shoes"
-	Id: 24412
-	AegisName: "S_Star_Emperor_Armor"
-	Name: "S_Star_Emperor_Armor"
-	Id: 24413
-	AegisName: "S_Star_Emperor_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_Star_Emperor_Shoes"
-	Id: 24414
-	AegisName: "S_Soul_Reaper_Armor"
-	Name: "S_Soul_Reaper_Armor"
-	Id: 24415
-	AegisName: "S_Soul_Reaper_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_Soul_Reaper_Shoes"
-	Id: 24416
-	AegisName: "S_Timeoverload_Weapon"
-	Name: "S_Timeoverload_Weapon"
-	Id: 24417
-	AegisName: "S_Timeoverload_Armor"
-	Name: "S_Timeoverload_Armor"
-	Id: 24418
-	AegisName: "S_Timeoverload_Shield"
-	Name: "S_Timeoverload_Shield"
-	Id: 24419
-	AegisName: "S_Timeoverload_Shoes"
-	Name: "S_Timeoverload_Shoes"
-	Id: 24420
-	AegisName: "S_Timeoverload_Earing"
-	Name: "S_Timeoverload_Earing"
-	Id: 24421
-	AegisName: "S_Timeoverload_Pandent"
-	Name: "S_Timeoverload_Pandent"
-	Id: 25258
-	AegisName: "BrokenArrow"
-	Name: "BrokenArrow"
-	Id: 25265
-	AegisName: "Shining_Spore"
-	Name: "Shining_Spore"
-	Id: 25266
-	AegisName: "Dried_Leaf_Of_Ygg"
-	Name: "Dried_Leaf_Of_Ygg"
-	Id: 25271
-	AegisName: "IllusionStone"
-	Name: "IllusionStone"
-	Id: 25290
-	AegisName: "Sweets_Coin"
-	Name: "Sweets_Coin"
-	Id: 25294
-	AegisName: "Clover_Ticket"
-	Name: "Clover_Ticket"
-	Id: 25295
-	AegisName: "Happiness_Clover"
-	Name: "Happiness_Clover"
-	Id: 25340
-	AegisName: "Golden_Corn"
-	Name: "Golden_Corn"
-	Id: 25375
-	AegisName: "Mightysoul_Essence"
-	Name: "Mightysoul_Essence"
-	Id: 25390
-	AegisName: "Captured_Savage"
-	Name: "Captured_Savage"
-	Id: 25391
-	AegisName: "Goodly_Bough"
-	Name: "Goodly_Bough"
-	Id: 25392
-	AegisName: "Free_Pass_Ticket"
-	Name: "Free_Pass_Ticket"
-	Id: 25393
-	AegisName: "Delicious_Corn"
-	Name: "Delicious_Corn"
-	Id: 25394
-	AegisName: "Fruit_Lunch"
-	Name: "Fruit_Lunch"
-	Id: 25395
-	AegisName: "Small_Embers"
-	Name: "Small_Embers"
-	Id: 25401
-	AegisName: "Black_Fur"
-	Name: "Black_Fur"
-	Id: 25408
-	AegisName: "Memory_Of_Gyol"
-	Name: "Memory_Of_Gyol"
-	Id: 25409
-	AegisName: "SuraStone_Top"
-	Name: "SuraStone_Top"
-	Id: 25410
-	AegisName: "SuraStone_Middle"
-	Name: "SuraStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25411
-	AegisName: "SuraStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "SuraStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25412
-	AegisName: "SuraStone_Robe"
-	Name: "SuraStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25413
-	AegisName: "RangerStone_Top"
-	Name: "RangerStone_Top"
-	Id: 25414
-	AegisName: "RangerStone_Middle"
-	Name: "RangerStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25415
-	AegisName: "RangerStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "RangerStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25416
-	AegisName: "RangerStone_Robe"
-	Name: "RangerStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25417
-	AegisName: "SorcererStone_Top"
-	Name: "SorcererStone_Top"
-	Id: 25418
-	AegisName: "SorcererStone_Middle"
-	Name: "SorcererStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25419
-	AegisName: "SorcererStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "SorcererStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25420
-	AegisName: "SorcererStone_Robe"
-	Name: "SorcererStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25421
-	AegisName: "Pumpkin_Decor"
-	Name: "Pumpkin_Decor"
-	Id: 25422
-	AegisName: "White_Thin_Stem"
-	Name: "White_Thin_Stem"
-	Id: 25425
-	AegisName: "SnowFlower_Of_Spell"
-	Name: "SnowFlower_Of_Spell"
-	Id: 25426
-	AegisName: "Warm_Cotton"
-	Name: "Warm_Cotton"
-	Id: 25427
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_W_Coupon"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_W_Coupon"
-	Id: 25428
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_W_7Up"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_W_7Up"
-	Id: 25445
-	AegisName: "RuneknightStone_Top"
-	Name: "RuneknightStone_Top"
-	Id: 25446
-	AegisName: "RuneknightStone_Middle"
-	Name: "RuneknightStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25447
-	AegisName: "RuneknightStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "RuneknightStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25448
-	AegisName: "RuneknightStone_Robe"
-	Name: "RuneknightStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25449
-	AegisName: "GeneticStone_Robe"
-	Name: "GeneticStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25450
-	AegisName: "GeneticStone_Top"
-	Name: "GeneticStone_Top"
-	Id: 25451
-	AegisName: "GeneticStone_Middle"
-	Name: "GeneticStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25452
-	AegisName: "GeneticStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "GeneticStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25453
-	AegisName: "WarlockStone_Top"
-	Name: "WarlockStone_Top"
-	Id: 25454
-	AegisName: "WarlockStone_Middle"
-	Name: "WarlockStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25455
-	AegisName: "WarlockStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "WarlockStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25456
-	AegisName: "WarlockStone_Robe"
-	Name: "WarlockStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25464
-	AegisName: "World_Tour_Ticket"
-	Name: "World_Tour_Ticket"
-	Id: 25479
-	AegisName: "Dogly_Bottle"
-	Name: "Dogly_Bottle"
-	Id: 25490
-	AegisName: "ShadowchaserStone_Top"
-	Name: "ShadowchaserStone_Top"
-	Id: 25491
-	AegisName: "ShadowchaseStone_Middle"
-	Name: "ShadowchaseStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25492
-	AegisName: "ShadowchaseStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "ShadowchaseStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25493
-	AegisName: "ShadowchaserStone_Robe"
-	Name: "ShadowchaserStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25494
-	AegisName: "MechanicStone_Top"
-	Name: "MechanicStone_Top"
-	Id: 25495
-	AegisName: "MechanicStone_Middle"
-	Name: "MechanicStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25496
-	AegisName: "MechanicStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "MechanicStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25497
-	AegisName: "MechanicStone_Robe"
-	Name: "MechanicStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25498
-	AegisName: "WanderMinstrelStone_Top"
-	Name: "WanderMinstrelStone_Top"
-	Id: 25499
-	AegisName: "WanderMinstStone_Middle"
-	Name: "WanderMinstStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25500
-	AegisName: "WanderMinstStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "WanderMinstStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25501
-	AegisName: "WanderMinstreStone_Robe"
-	Name: "WanderMinstreStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25504
-	AegisName: "Visionary_Ticket"
-	Name: "Visionary_Ticket"
-	Id: 25508
-	AegisName: "Token_of_OrcGeneral"
-	Name: "Token_of_OrcGeneral"
-	Id: 25511
-	AegisName: "Evt_March04_KR"
-	Name: "Evt_March04_KR"
-	Id: 25512
-	AegisName: "Evt_March05_KR"
-	Name: "Evt_March05_KR"
-	Id: 25616
-	AegisName: "Green_Bearopy"
-	Name: "Green_Bearopy"
-	Id: 25622
-	AegisName: "White_Snake_Tear"
-	Name: "White_Snake_Tear"
-	Id: 25627
-	AegisName: "Gold_Card"
-	Name: "Gold_Card"
-	Id: 25629
-	AegisName: "Konts_Letter"
-	Name: "Konts_Letter"
-	Id: 25633
-	AegisName: "Token_Of_Wootan"
-	Name: "Token_Of_Wootan"
-	Id: 25634
-	AegisName: "Wootan_D_S_Piece"
-	Name: "Wootan_D_S_Piece"
-	Id: 25638
-	AegisName: "Token_Of_Bigstone"
-	Name: "Token_Of_Bigstone"
-	Id: 25639
-	AegisName: "Fragment_Of_Rock"
-	Name: "Fragment_Of_Rock"
-	Id: 25643
-	AegisName: "Autographed_Book"
-	Name: "Autographed_Book"
-	Id: 25655
-	AegisName: "Dalcom_Coin"
-	Name: "Dalcom_Coin"
-	Id: 25656
-	AegisName: "Stamp_Note"
-	Name: "Stamp_Note"
-	Id: 25657
-	AegisName: "Evt_July01_KR"
-	Name: "Evt_July01_KR"
-	Id: 25658
-	AegisName: "Evt_July02_KR"
-	Name: "Evt_July02_KR"
-	Id: 25659
-	AegisName: "Evt_May02_KR"
-	Name: "Evt_May02_KR"
-	Id: 25664
-	AegisName: "Evt_July03_KR"
-	Name: "Evt_July03_KR"
-	Id: 25665
-	AegisName: "Dienes_Envelope"
-	Name: "Dienes_Envelope"
-	Id: 25666
-	AegisName: "Id_Card"
-	Name: "Id_Card"
-	Id: 25668
-	AegisName: "Broken_Weapon"
-	Name: "Broken_Weapon"
-	Id: 25669
-	AegisName: "Unknown_Parts"
-	Name: "Unknown_Parts"
-	Id: 25706
-	AegisName: "HighpriestStone_Top"
-	Name: "HighpriestStone_Top"
-	Id: 25707
-	AegisName: "HighpriestStone_Middle"
-	Name: "HighpriestStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25708
-	AegisName: "HighpriestStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "HighpriestStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25709
-	AegisName: "ArchbishopStone_Robe"
-	Name: "ArchbishopStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25710
-	AegisName: "PaladinStone_Top"
-	Name: "PaladinStone_Top"
-	Id: 25711
-	AegisName: "PaladinStone_Middle"
-	Name: "PaladinStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25712
-	AegisName: "PaladinStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "PaladinStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25713
-	AegisName: "RoyalguardStone_Robe"
-	Name: "RoyalguardStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25714
-	AegisName: "AssacrossStone_Top"
-	Name: "AssacrossStone_Top"
-	Id: 25715
-	AegisName: "AssacrossStone_Middle"
-	Name: "AssacrossStone_Middle"
-	Id: 25716
-	AegisName: "AssacrossStone_Bottom"
-	Name: "AssacrossStone_Bottom"
-	Id: 25717
-	AegisName: "GuillcrossStone_Robe"
-	Name: "GuillcrossStone_Robe"
-	Id: 25723
-	AegisName: "Cor_Core"
-	Name: "Cor_Core"
-	Id: 25728
-	AegisName: "Shadowdecon_Ore"
-	Name: "Shadowdecon_Ore"
-	Id: 25729
-	AegisName: "Shadowdecon"
-	Name: "Shadowdecon"
-	Id: 25730
-	AegisName: "Zelunium_Ore"
-	Name: "Zelunium_Ore"
-	Id: 25731
-	AegisName: "Zelunium"
-	Name: "Zelunium"
-	Id: 25734
-	AegisName: "Sealed_Weapon_Ticket"
-	Name: "Sealed_Weapon_Ticket"
-	Id: 25735
-	AegisName: "Unsealing_Token"
-	Name: "Unsealing_Token"
-	Id: 25739
-	AegisName: "GH_Cursed_Crystal"
-	Name: "GH_Cursed_Crystal"
-	Id: 25740
-	AegisName: "GH_Cursed_Gemstone"
-	Name: "GH_Cursed_Gemstone"
-	Id: 25793
-	AegisName: "Inventory_Extension_Coupon"
-	Name: "Inventory_Extension_Coupon"
-	Id: 26007
-	AegisName: "Spectral_Spear_IL"
-	Name: "Spectral_Spear_IL"
-	Id: 26015
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_LG_Lance"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_LG_Lance"
-//== New Staffs ============================================
-	Id: 26101
-	AegisName: "Paradise_Foxtail_Staff_III"
-	Name: "Eden Group Foxtail Staff III"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 150
-	Matk: 195
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 60
-	Refine: false
-	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,5;
-		bonus bInt,5;
-		bonus bLongAtkRate,7;
-	">
-	Id: 26109
-	AegisName: "Staff_Of_Bordeaux_IL"
-	Name: "Staff_Of_Bordeaux_IL"
-	Id: 26110
-	AegisName: "CandyCaneRod"
-	Name: "CandyCaneRod"
-	Id: 26111
-	AegisName: "Metal_Foxtail"
-	Name: "Metal_Foxtail"
-	Id: 26119
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_SO_Rod"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_SO_Rod"
-	Id: 26120
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_DO_Rod"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_DO_Rod"
-	Id: 26151
-	AegisName: "Rutilus_Stick_OS"
-	Name: "Rutilus_Stick_OS"
-	Id: 26155
-	AegisName: "MeawFoxtail"
-	Name: "MeawFoxtail"
-	Id: 26156
-	AegisName: "Evt_Shadow_Staff_K"
-	Name: "Evt_Shadow_Staff_K"
-//== New Cards
-	Id: 27164
-	AegisName: "Faceworm_Queen_Card"
-	Name: "Faceworm Queen Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Loc: 64
-	Script: <"
-		bonus(bMaxHPrate, -10);
-		bonus(bCritical, 15 + getrefine());
-		bonus(bCritAtkRate, getrefine());
-	">
-	Id: 27182
-	AegisName: "Captain_Felock_Card"
-	Name: "Captain Felock Card"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Script: <"
-		bonus(bAtk, 30);
-		bonus2(bSkillAtk, RL_AM_BLAST, getrefine() >= 10 ? 60 : 30);
-		bonus2(bSkillAtk, RL_HAMMER_OF_GOD, getrefine() >= 10 ? 60 : 30);
-	">
-//== New Katars ============================================
-	Id: 28000
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Katar"
-	Name: "Thanatos Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1800
-	Atk: 220
-	Matk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 28001
-	AegisName: "Katar_Of_Evil_Slayer"
-	Name: "Evil Slayer Ripper Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1200
-	Atk: 120
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demon,10;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Undead,10;
-		if(getrefine()>8) { bonus bAtkRate,5; }
-		if(getrefine()>11) { bonus bAtkRate,7; }
-	">
-	Id: 28002
-	AegisName: "Half_BF_Katar2"
-	Name: "Half BF Katar2"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bDex,1;
-		bonus bLuk,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,35;
-		bonus bCritAtkRate,10;
-		bonus bAspdRate,3;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 28007
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Katar"
-	Name: "Crimson Katar"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1300
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,5*((BaseLevel-70)/10); }
-	">
-	Id: 28008
-	AegisName: "Katar_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Katar of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1800
-	Atk: 180
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-	">
-	Id: 28010
-	AegisName: "Juliette_de_Rachel"
-	Name: "Juliette de Rachel"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 300
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 170
-	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,getrefine()/2;
-		bonus bAspdRate,getrefine();
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 28022
-	AegisName: "Infiltrator_IL"
-	Name: "Infiltrator_IL"
-	Id: 28023
-	AegisName: "Ghoul_Leg_IL"
-	Name: "Ghoul_Leg_IL"
-	Id: 28027
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_GC_Katar"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_GC_Katar"
-	Id: 28038
-	AegisName: "Meuchler_OS"
-	Name: "Meuchler_OS"
-	Id: 28040
-	AegisName: "Evt_Shiver_Katar_K"
-	Name: "Evt_Shiver_Katar_K"
-//== New Axes ==============================================
-	Id: 28100
-	AegisName: "Thanos_Axe"
-	Name: "Thanatos Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 4000
-	Atk: 300
-	Matk: 80
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,6;
-		bonus bVit,6;
-		bonus bLuk,-6;
-		bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5;
-		bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,10000;
-	">
-	OnUnequipScript: <" heal -1000,0; ">
-	Id: 28101
-	AegisName: "Tornado_Axe"
-	Name: "Axe Tornado"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 500
-	Weight: 4000
-	Atk: 320
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
-		bonus2 bSkillCooldown,NC_AXETORNADO,-1000;
-	">
-	Id: 28105
-	AegisName: "Infinity_Two_handed_Axe"
-	Name: "Infinity Two-handed Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 265
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 28106
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Twohand_Axe"
-	Name: "Crimson Two-handed Axe"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 200
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 28107
-	AegisName: "Two_Handed_Axe_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Two-Handed Axe of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 2500
-	Atk: 250
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Swordsman: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Knight: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Alchemist: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_2HAXE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 28136
-	AegisName: "Blasti_OS"
-	Name: "Blasti_OS"
-	Id: 28137
-	AegisName: "Evt_Avenger"
-	Name: "Evt_Avenger"
-//== New Grenade Launcher ==================================
-	Id: 28200
-	AegisName: "END_OF_HORIZON"
-	Name: "End Of The Horizon"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2700000
-	Weight: 2400
-	Atk: 410
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 110
-	Subtype: "W_GRENADE"
-	Id: 28201
-	AegisName: "Southern_Cross_R"
-	Name: "Southern Cross"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2800000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 480
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 141
-	Subtype: "W_GRENADE"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,GC_CROSSIMPACT,1,50; ">
-	Id: 28202
-	AegisName: "Southern_Cross_R_"
-	Name: "Southern Cross"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 2800000
-	Weight: 2000
-	Atk: 480
-	Range: 9
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 141
-	Subtype: "W_GRENADE"
-	Script: <" bonus3 bAutoSpell,GC_CROSSIMPACT,1,50; ">
-	Id: 28203
-	AegisName: "Half_BF_Rifle1"
-	Name: "Half BF Rifle1"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 50
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bHit,8;
-		bonus bCritical,8;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,30;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,GS_TRACKING,-20;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 28204
-	AegisName: "Half_BF_Shotgun1"
-	Name: "Half BF Shotgun1"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Atk: 100
-	Range: 9
-	Job: {
-		Gunslinger: true
-		Rebellion: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ARMS"
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 80
-	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bSplashRange,1;
-		bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiPlayer,30;
-		bonus2 bIgnoreDefRate,RC_DemiPlayer,10;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,80; bonus2 bHPLossRate,100,1000; }",30,6000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect(EF_BASH3D, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 28240
-	AegisName: "Calf_Kingcobra"
-	Name: "Calf_Kingcobra"
-	Id: 28241
-	AegisName: "Calf_Diamondback"
-	Name: "Calf_Diamondback"
-	Id: 28242
-	AegisName: "Calf_Anaconda"
-	Name: "Calf_Anaconda"
-	Id: 28243
-	AegisName: "Calf_Python"
-	Name: "Calf_Python"
-	Id: 28244
-	AegisName: "Gate_KeeperDD_IL"
-	Name: "Gate_KeeperDD_IL"
-	Id: 28253
-	AegisName: "HR_S55_OS"
-	Name: "HR_S55_OS"
-//== New Accessories =======================================
-	Id: 28306
-	AegisName: "Bless_Of_Moon"
-	Name: "Luna's Blessing"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 5
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,3;
-		bonus bAllStats,1;
-		bonus5 bAutoSpell,CG_TAROTCARD,5,100,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,1;
-	">
-	Id: 28310
-	AegisName: "Earring_Of_Sarah_L"
-	Name: "Sarah's Left Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 145
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_HEAL,1;
-	">
-	Id: 28311
-	AegisName: "Earring_Of_Sarah_R"
-	Name: "Sarah's Right Earring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 145
-	Refine: false
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		skill AL_TELEPORT,1;
-	">
-	Id: 28320
-	AegisName: "Desperation_of_Assassin"
-	Name: "Desperation of Assassin"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspd,1;
-	">
-	Id: 28326
-	AegisName: "Broken_Chip_1"
-	Name: "Broken Chips 01"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <" bonus bStr,4; ">
-	Id: 28327
-	AegisName: "Broken_Chip_2"
-	Name: "Broken Chips 02"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,4; ">
-	Id: 28332
-	AegisName: "Jewel_Ring"
-	Name: "Jewerly Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Weight: 100
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,20;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bAspd,2; }",50,2000,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC;
-	">
-	Id: 28333
-	AegisName: "Gold_PC_Room_Ring"
-	Name: "Gold PC Room Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		noselltonpc: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 28362
-	AegisName: "Str_Gloves"
-	Name: "Str Gloves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,2;
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 28363
-	AegisName: "Agi_Gloves"
-	Name: "Agi Gloves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi,2;
-		bonus bAspdRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 28364
-	AegisName: "Int_Gloves"
-	Name: "Int Gloves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt,2;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 28365
-	AegisName: "Vit_Gloves"
-	Name: "Vit Gloves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit,2;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,5;
-	">
-	Id: 28366
-	AegisName: "Dex_Gloves"
-	Name: "Dex Gloves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex,2;
-		bonus bVariableCastrate,-5;
-	">
-	Id: 28367
-	AegisName: "Luk_Gloves"
-	Name: "Luk Gloves"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 120
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk,2;
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-	">
-	Id: 28372
-	AegisName: "Imperial_Ring"
-	Name: "Imperial Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 500
-	Def: 3
-	Slots: 1
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 50
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr,1;
-		bonus bInt,1;
-		bonus bMaxHPrate,3;
-		bonus bMaxSPrate,3;
-	">
-	Id: 28374
-	AegisName: "Foxtail_Ring"
-	Name: "Foxtail Ring"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 1
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,5;
-		.@lvl = min(BaseLevel/5,10);
-		bonus bAtk,2*.@lvl;
-		bonus bMatk,2*.@lvl;
-		bonus bMaxHP,10*.@lvl;
-		bonus bMaxSP,5*.@lvl;
-	">
-	Id: 28380
-	AegisName: "Fresh_Grass_Necklace"
-	Name: "Fresh Grass Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bFlee2,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillCooldown,SU_SCAROFTAROU,-5000;
-	">
-	Id: 28381
-	AegisName: "Cute_Grass_Necklace"
-	Name: "Cute Grass Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bHealPower,5;
-		bonus2 bSkillCooldown,SU_TUNAPARTY,-7000;
-	">
-	Id: 28382
-	AegisName: "Charm_Grass_Necklace"
-	Name: "Charm Grass Necklace"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 10
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bMdef,5;
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,SU_CN_METEOR,-1000;
-	">
-	Id: 28413
-	AegisName: "Lesser_Mackerel_Talisman"
-	Name: "Lesser Mackerel Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,1; ">
-	Id: 28414
-	AegisName: "Intermediate_Mackerel_Talisman"
-	Name: "Intermediate Mackerel Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,2; ">
-	Id: 28415
-	AegisName: "Greater_Mackerel_Talisman"
-	Name: "Greater Mackerel Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 175
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bVit,3; ">
-	Id: 28416
-	AegisName: "Lesser_Leaf_Talisman"
-	Name: "Lesser Leaf Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,1; ">
-	Id: 28417
-	AegisName: "Intermediate_Leaf_Talisman"
-	Name: "Intermediate Leaf Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,2; ">
-	Id: 28418
-	AegisName: "Greater_Leaf_Talisman"
-	Name: "Greater Leaf Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 175
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bInt,3; ">
-	Id: 28419
-	AegisName: "Lesser_Rabbit_Talisman"
-	Name: "Lesser Rabbit Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,1; ">
-	Id: 28420
-	AegisName: "Intermediate_Rabbit_Talisman"
-	Name: "Intermediate Rabbit Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 140
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,2; ">
-	Id: 28421
-	AegisName: "Greater_Rabbit_Talisman"
-	Name: "Greater Rabbit Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 175
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <" bonus bDex,3; ">
-	Id: 28422
-	AegisName: "Shiny_Branch_Talisman"
-	Name: "Shiny Branch Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,SU_SV_STEMSPEAR,-50;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SU_SV_STEMSPEAR,(readparam(bInt)/2)+(20 * getskilllv(SU_SV_STEMSPEAR));
-		//Need to confirm damage formula
-	">
-	Id: 28423
-	AegisName: "Fresh_Tuna_Talisman"
-	Name: "Fresh Tuna Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bSkillCooldown,SU_TUNAPARTY,-5000;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,SU_TUNAPARTY,max(1,getskilllv(SU_TUNAPARTY)),10;
-	">
-	Id: 28424
-	AegisName: "Chubby_Worm_Talisman"
-	Name: "Chubby Worm Talisman"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 0
-	Weight: 100
-	Def: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Summoner: true
-	}
-	Loc: "EQP_ACC"
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Refine: false
-	Script: <"
-		bonus2 bVariableCastrate,SU_PICKYPECK,-50;
-		bonus2 bSkillAtk,SU_PICKYPECK,(readparam(bDex)/2)+(20 * getskilllv(SU_PICKYPECK));
-		//Need to confirm damage formula
-	">
-	Id: 28508
-	AegisName: "Skul_Ring_IL"
-	Name: "Skul_Ring_IL"
-	Id: 28509
-	AegisName: "Ring_IL"
-	Name: "Ring_IL"
-	Id: 28510
-	AegisName: "Vampire_s_Servant"
-	Name: "Vampire_s_Servant"
-	Id: 28534
-	AegisName: "RKC_2017_Pendant"
-	Name: "RKC_2017_Pendant"
-	Id: 28535
-	AegisName: "RKC_2017_Ring"
-	Name: "RKC_2017_Ring"
-	Id: 28566
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_Ring"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_Ring"
-//== New Books =============================================
-	Id: 28604
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Bible"
-	Name: "Crimson Bible"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 450
-	Atk: 45
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2))/2;
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 28605
-	AegisName: "Book_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Book of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 950
-	Atk: 95
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Priest: true
-		Sage: true
-		Star_Gladiator: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_BOOK"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;
-	">
-	Id: 28612
-	AegisName: "Book_Of_The_Apo_IL"
-	Name: "Book_Of_The_Apo_IL"
-	Id: 28616
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_AB_Bible"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_AB_Bible"
-	Id: 28626
-	AegisName: "Tablet_IL"
-	Name: "Tablet_IL"
-	Id: 28629
-	AegisName: "Circuit_Board_OS"
-	Name: "Circuit_Board_OS"
-	Id: 28631
-	AegisName: "Time_Kamiji"
-	Name: "Time_Kamiji"
-//== New Daggers ===========================================
-	Id: 28703
-	AegisName: "Infinity_Dagger"
-	Name: "Infinity Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 500
-	Atk: 125
-	Matk: 100
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 100
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Trade: {
-		nodrop: true
-		notrade: true
-		nocart: true
-		nogstorage: true
-		nomail: true
-		noauction: true
-	}
-	Id: 28704
-	AegisName: "Twilight_Desert_"
-	Name: "Desert Twilight"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 600
-	Atk: 130
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 4
-	Job: {
-		Assassin: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 2
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Id: 28705
-	AegisName: "Scarlet_Dagger"
-	Name: "Crimson Dagger"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 550
-	Atk: 55
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 2
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 3
-	EquipLv: 70
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2))/2;
-		if(BaseLevel>70) { bonus bAtk,(((BaseLevel-70)/10)*5); }
-	">
-	Id: 28706
-	AegisName: "Dagger_of_Vicious_Mind"
-	Name: "Dagger of Vicious Mind"
-	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 1050
-	Atk: 105
-	Matk: 50
-	Range: 1
-	Slots: 1
-	Job: {
-		Novice: true
-		Swordsman: true
-		Magician: true
-		Archer: true
-		Merchant: true
-		Thief: true
-		Knight: true
-		Wizard: true
-		Blacksmith: true
-		Hunter: true
-		Assassin: true
-		Crusader: true
-		Sage: true
-		Rogue: true
-		Alchemist: true
-		Bard: true
-		Soul_Linker: true
-		Ninja: true
-		Kagerou: true
-	}
-	WeaponLv: 4
-	EquipLv: 160
-	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2));
-		bonus bMatk,((min(getrefine(),15)) ** (2))/2;
-	">
-	Id: 28725
-	AegisName: "Moonlight_Sword_IL"
-	Name: "Moonlight_Sword_IL"
-	Id: 28740
-	AegisName: "Rebeginer_SC_Dagger"
-	Name: "Rebeginer_SC_Dagger"
-	Id: 28745
-	AegisName: "Counter_Dagger_IL"
-	Name: "Counter_Dagger_IL"
-	Id: 28755
-	AegisName: "Kuroiro_OS"
-	Name: "Kuroiro_OS"
-	Id: 28759
-	AegisName: "Evt_Magic_Sword"
-	Name: "Evt_Magic_Sword"
-//== New Shields ===========================================
-	Id: 28900
-	AegisName: "Praetorian_Shield"
-	Name: "Praetorian Shield"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Buy: 20
-	Weight: 3000
-	Def: 30
-	Slots: 1
-	EquipLv: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <"
-		skill LG_SHIELDSPELL,1;
-		bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,HP_ASSUMPTIO,3,20+(getrefine());
-		bonus bDef,getrefine()*10;
-		bonus bMdef,getrefine();
-	">
-	Id: 28901
-	AegisName: "Cursed_Mad_Bunny"
-	Name: "Cursed Mad Bunny"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAspd,3;
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,10;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bMagicDamageReturn,60; }",100,2000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_NONE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bAtk,5;
-			bonus bMatk,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bAtk,10;
-			bonus bMatk,10;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>11) {
-			bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-			bonus bCritical,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 28902
-	AegisName: "Mad_Bunny_"
-	Name: "Mad Bunny"
-	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
-	Weight: 100
-	Slots: 1
-	ViewSprite: 1
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAtkRate,5;
-		bonus bMatkRate,5;
-		bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,10;
-		autobonus "{ bonus bMagicDamageReturn,60; }",100,2000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect(EF_NONE, AREA, playerattached()); }";
-		if(getrefine()>6) {
-			bonus bAtk,5;
-			bonus bMatk,5;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>8) {
-			bonus bAtk,10;
-			bonus bMatk,10;
-		}
-		if(getrefine()>11) {
-			bonus bNoCastCancel,0;
-			bonus bCritical,10;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 28922
-	AegisName: "Herald_Of_GOD_IL"
-	Name: "Herald_Of_GOD_IL"
-	Id: 28942
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Knight_Shield"
-	Name: "Bloody_Knight_Shield"
-	Id: 28945
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Knight_Shield_"
-	Name: "Bloody_Knight_Shield_"
-	Id: 28946
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Knight_Shield__"
-	Name: "Bloody_Knight_Shield__"
-	Id: 28953
-	AegisName: "Poring_B_Shield"
-	Name: "Poring_B_Shield"
-//== New Enchantment Stones ================================
-	Id: 29000
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Magic1"
-	Name: "Rune Of Magic Power 1Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bInt, 5;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bMatkRate, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 29001
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Magic2"
-	Name: "Rune Of Magic Power 2Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bInt, 6;
-		if (getrefine() >= 11) {
-			bonus bInt, 1;
-			bonus bMatkRate, 7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 29002
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Magic3"
-	Name: "Rune Of Magic Power 3Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bInt, 7;
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bInt, 1;
-			bonus bMatkRate, 8;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 13) {
-			bonus bInt, 1;
-			bonus bMatkRate, 2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 29003
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Dexterity1"
-	Name: "Rune Of Dexterity 1Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bDex, 5;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bLongAtkRate, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 29004
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Dexterity2"
-	Name: "Rune Of Dexterity 2Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bDex, 6;
-		if (getrefine() >= 11) {
-			bonus bDex, 1;
-			bonus bLongAtkRate, 7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 29005
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Dexterity3"
-	Name: "Rune Of Dexterity 3Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bDex, 7;
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bDex, 1;
-			bonus bLongAtkRate, 8;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 13) {
-			bonus bDex, 1;
-			bonus bLongAtkRate, 2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 29006
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Fortune1"
-	Name: "Rune Of Fortune 1Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bLuk, 5;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bCritAtkRate, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 29007
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Fortune2"
-	Name: "Rune Of Fortune 2Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bLuk, 6;
-		if (getrefine() >= 11) {
-			bonus bLuk, 1;
-			bonus bCritAtkRate, 7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 29008
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Fortune3"
-	Name: "Rune Of Fortune 3Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bLuk, 7;
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bLuk, 1;
-			bonus bCritAtkRate, 8;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 13) {
-			bonus bLuk, 1;
-			bonus bCritAtkRate, 6;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 29009
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Stamina1"
-	Name: "Rune Of Stamina 1Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bVit, 5;
-		if (getrefine() >= 10) bonus bMaxHPrate, 5;
-	">
-	Id: 29010
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Stamina2"
-	Name: "Rune Of Stamina 2Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bVit, 6;
-		if (getrefine() >= 11) {
-			bonus bVit, 1;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate, 7;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 29011
-	AegisName: "Rune_Of_Stamina3"
-	Name: "Rune Of Stamina 3Lv"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		if (getrefine() >= 7) bonus bVit, 7;
-		if (getrefine() >= 12) {
-			bonus bVit, 1;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate, 8;
-		}
-		if (getrefine() >= 13) {
-			bonus bVit, 1;
-			bonus bMaxHPrate, 2;
-		}
-	">
-	Id: 29013
-	AegisName: "HPAbsorb3"
-	Name: "HP Absorb 3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bHPDrainRate, 1, 3; ">
-	Id: 29014
-	AegisName: "STR3_INT3"
-	Name: "STR+3 INT-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr, 3;
-		bonus bInt, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29015
-	AegisName: "STR3_DEX3"
-	Name: "STR+3 DEX-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bStr, 3;
-		bonus bDex, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29016
-	AegisName: "INT3_DEX3"
-	Name: "INT+3 DEX-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt, 3;
-		bonus bDex, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29017
-	AegisName: "INT3_VIT3"
-	Name: "INT+3 VIT-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bInt, 3;
-		bonus bVit, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29018
-	AegisName: "DEX3_VIT3"
-	Name: "DEX+3 VIT-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex, 3;
-		bonus bVit, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29019
-	AegisName: "DEX3_AGI3"
-	Name: "DEX+3 AGI-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bDex, 3;
-		bonus bAgi, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29020
-	AegisName: "VIT3_AGI3"
-	Name: "VIT+3 AGI-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit, 3;
-		bonus bAgi, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29021
-	AegisName: "VIT3_LUK3"
-	Name: "VIT+3 LUK-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bVit, 3;
-		bonus bLuk, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29022
-	AegisName: "AGI3_LUK3"
-	Name: "AGI+3 LUK-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi, 3;
-		bonus bLuk, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29023
-	AegisName: "AGI3_STR3"
-	Name: "AGI+3 STR-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bAgi, 3;
-		bonus bStr, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29024
-	AegisName: "LUK3_STR3"
-	Name: "LUK+3 STR-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk, 3;
-		bonus bStr, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29025
-	AegisName: "LUK3_INT3"
-	Name: "LUK+3 INT-3"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <"
-		bonus bLuk, 3;
-		bonus bInt, -3;
-	">
-	Id: 29026
-	AegisName: "DEF20"
-	Name: "DEF+20"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus bDef, 20; ">
-	Id: 29027
-	AegisName: "EXP2"
-	Name: "EXP+2%"
-	Type: "IT_CARD"
-	Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace, RC_All, 2; ">
-	Id: 29540
-	AegisName: "Deep_Black_Pearl"
-	Name: "Deep_Black_Pearl"
-	Id: 29547
-	AegisName: "Sea_Sapphire"
-	Name: "Sea_Sapphire"
-	Id: 29548
-	AegisName: "Red_Fog_Garnet"
-	Name: "Red_Fog_Garnet"
-	Id: 29549
-	AegisName: "Lightning_Topaz"
-	Name: "Lightning_Topaz"
-	Id: 29550
-	AegisName: "Poisoned_Amethyst"
-	Name: "Poisoned_Amethyst"
-	Id: 29551
-	AegisName: "Frost_Zircon"
-	Name: "Frost_Zircon"
-	Id: 29552
-	AegisName: "Deep_Black_Pearl_"
-	Name: "Deep_Black_Pearl_"
-	Id: 29587
-	AegisName: "Lightning_Topaz_"
-	Name: "Lightning_Topaz_"
-	Id: 29588
-	AegisName: "Bloody_Ruby"
-	Name: "Bloody_Ruby"
-	Id: 29589
-	AegisName: "GH_Cursed_Gemstone_"
-	Name: "GH_Cursed_Gemstone_"
-	Id: 29590
-	AegisName: "GH_Cursed_Crystal_"
-	Name: "GH_Cursed_Crystal_"
-	Id: 29591
-	AegisName: "Cursed_Emerald"
-	Name: "Cursed_Emerald"
-	Id: 29592
-	AegisName: "Shinee_Opal"
-	Name: "Shinee_Opal"
-	Id: 31172
-	AegisName: "Roast_Memory"
-	Name: "Roast_Memory"
-	Id: 31186
-	AegisName: "C_Black_Cat"
-	Name: "C_Black_Cat"
-	Id: 31195
-	AegisName: "Choco_Minihat"
-	Name: "Choco_Minihat"
-	Id: 31197
-	AegisName: "Egg_Crispinette_"
-	Name: "Egg_Crispinette_"
-	Id: 31208
-	AegisName: "Straight_Long_YL"
-	Name: "Straight_Long_YL"
-	Id: 31209
-	AegisName: "Straight_Long_WH"
-	Name: "Straight_Long_WH"
-	Id: 31249
-	AegisName: "Rabbit_Hopping"
-	Name: "Rabbit_Hopping"
-	Id: 31261
-	AegisName: "Soda_In_Mouth_"
-	Name: "Soda_In_Mouth_"
-	Id: 31300
-	AegisName: "Warm_Cat_Muffler"
-	Name: "Warm_Cat_Muffler"
-	Id: 31313
-	AegisName: "C_FallenAngelWingEar"
-	Name: "C_FallenAngelWingEar"
-	Id: 31314
-	AegisName: "C_Ghost_Holiday"
-	Name: "C_Ghost_Holiday"
-	Id: 31316
-	AegisName: "C_FlutterButterfly_BL"
-	Name: "C_FlutterButterfly_BL"
-	Id: 31329
-	AegisName: "C_Alice_Wig"
-	Name: "C_Alice_Wig"
-	Id: 31332
-	AegisName: "C_Khalitzburg_Helm_BL"
-	Name: "C_Khalitzburg_Helm_BL"
-	Id: 31368
-	AegisName: "Harvest_Festa_Hat"
-	Name: "Harvest_Festa_Hat"
-	Id: 31369
-	AegisName: "Straight_Long_WH_"
-	Name: "Straight_Long_WH_"
-	Id: 31370
-	AegisName: "Straight_Long_YL_"
-	Name: "Straight_Long_YL_"
-	Id: 31387
-	AegisName: "Jjakk"
-	Name: "Jjakk"
-	Id: 31389
-	AegisName: "White_Bird_Rose"
-	Name: "White_Bird_Rose"
-	Id: 31390
-	AegisName: "Let_It_Snow"
-	Name: "Let_It_Snow"
-	Id: 31396
-	AegisName: "C_Sorcerer_Hood"
-	Name: "C_Sorcerer_Hood"
-	Id: 31397
-	AegisName: "C_Pope_Sitting_Head"
-	Name: "C_Pope_Sitting_Head"
-	Id: 31398
-	AegisName: "C_Blinking_Thin_Eyes"
-	Name: "C_Blinking_Thin_Eyes"
-	Id: 31407
-	AegisName: "Alice_Wig_PK"
-	Name: "Alice_Wig_PK"
-	Id: 31415
-	AegisName: "C_Wanderer_Sakkat"
-	Name: "C_Wanderer_Sakkat"
-	Id: 31432
-	AegisName: "C_Luwmin_Ice"
-	Name: "C_Luwmin_Ice"
-	Id: 31433
-	AegisName: "C_Astro_Circle"
-	Name: "C_Astro_Circle"
-	Id: 31437
-	AegisName: "C_Baby_Penguin"
-	Name: "C_Baby_Penguin"
-	Id: 31439
-	AegisName: "C_Fluffy_Heart_Earmuffs"
-	Name: "C_Fluffy_Heart_Earmuffs"
-	Id: 31452
-	AegisName: "White_Cat"
-	Name: "White_Cat"
-	Id: 31454
-	AegisName: "Love_Feeling"
-	Name: "Love_Feeling"
-	Id: 31455
-	AegisName: "Enchanted_Dog"
-	Name: "Enchanted_Dog"
-	Id: 31460
-	AegisName: "C_Blessing_Sky_Lantern"
-	Name: "C_Blessing_Sky_Lantern"
-	Id: 31463
-	AegisName: "C_Flying_Drone"
-	Name: "C_Flying_Drone"
-	Id: 31465
-	AegisName: "Egg_Minihat"
-	Name: "Egg_Minihat"
-	Id: 31489
-	AegisName: "C_Bouquet_Hat"
-	Name: "C_Bouquet_Hat"
-	Id: 31490
-	AegisName: "C_Poring_Muffler"
-	Name: "C_Poring_Muffler"
-	Id: 31494
-	AegisName: "Volume_Low_Twin"
-	Name: "Volume_Low_Twin"
-	Id: 31495
-	AegisName: "Lolita_Two_Side_Up"
-	Name: "Lolita_Two_Side_Up"
-	Id: 31498
-	AegisName: "C_Elephangel_TH"
-	Name: "C_Elephangel_TH"
-	Id: 31516
-	AegisName: "Mini_Melon"
-	Name: "Mini_Melon"
-	Id: 31518
-	AegisName: "Pop_Popcorn_Hat_"
-	Name: "Pop_Popcorn_Hat_"
-	Id: 31519
-	AegisName: "Slurp_Slurp_Hat"
-	Name: "Slurp_Slurp_Hat"
-	Id: 31529
-	AegisName: "C_Happy_Rabbit_Ribbon"
-	Name: "C_Happy_Rabbit_Ribbon"
-	Id: 31580
-	AegisName: "Autumnal_Flavor"
-	Name: "Autumnal_Flavor"
-	Id: 31589
-	Id: 31606
-	AegisName: "C_Autumn_Headband"
-	Name: "C_Autumn_Headband"
-	Id: 32005
-	AegisName: "Pole_Axe_IL"
-	Name: "Pole_Axe_IL"
-	Id: 32013
-	AegisName: "Metal_Stick"
-	Name: "Metal_Stick"
-	Id: 32019
-	AegisName: "Boost_Lance_OS"
-	Name: "Boost_Lance_OS"
-	Id: 32021
-	AegisName: "Evt_Undine_Spear_K"
-	Name: "Evt_Undine_Spear_K"
-	Id: 32207
-	AegisName: "Illusion_B_R"
-	Name: "Illusion_B_R"
-	Id: 32208
-	AegisName: "Illusion_B_L"
-	Name: "Illusion_B_L"
-	Id: 32209
-	AegisName: "Illusion_BC_R"
-	Name: "Illusion_BC_R"
-	Id: 32210
-	AegisName: "Illusion_BC_L"
-	Name: "Illusion_BC_L"
-	Id: 32221
-	AegisName: "Time_Overload_Ring"
-	Name: "Time_Overload_Ring"
-	Id: 32237
-	AegisName: "Celine_Brooch"
-	Name: "Celine_Brooch"
diff --git a/db/re/item_group.conf b/db/re/item_group.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 7646059af..000000000
--- a/db/re/item_group.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4843 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2013-2015  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//================= More Information ======================================
- ************* Entry structure ********************************************
- **************************************************************************
-<Container_Item_Name>: (
-	"Item_Name", // or
-	("Item_Name", Repeat_Count),
-	// ...
- )
-Old_Card_Album: (
-	("Poring_Card",9),
-	("Fabre_Card",10),
-	("Pupa_Card",6),
-	("Drops_Card",11),
-	"Poring__Card",
-	("Lunatic_Card",7),
-	("Pecopeco_Egg_Card",4),
-	("Picky_Card",10),
-	("Chonchon_Card",10),
-	("Wilow_Card",10),
-	("Picky__Card",10),
-	("Thief_Bug_Egg_Card",8),
-	("Andre_Egg_Card",7),
-	("Roda_Frog_Card",5),
-	("Condor_Card",7),
-	("Thief_Bug_Card",7),
-	("Savage_Babe_Card",5),
-	("Hornet_Card",5),
-	("Farmiliar_Card",5),
-	("Rocker_Card",5),
-	("Spore_Card",5),
-	("Desert_Wolf_Babe_Card",5),
-	("Plankton_Card",5),
-	("Skeleton_Card",5),
-	("Thief_Bug_Female_Card",3),
-	("Kukre_Card",3),
-	("Tarou_Card",3),
-	("Wolf_Card",3),
-	("Mandragora_Card",3),
-	("Pecopeco_Card",3),
-	("Ambernite_Card",3),
-	("Poporing_Card",3),
-	("Worm_Tail_Card",3),
-	("Hydra_Card",3),
-	("Muka_Card",3),
-	("Snake_Card",3),
-	("Zombie_Card",3),
-	("Stainer_Card",3),
-	("Coco_Card",3),
-	("Steel_Chonchon_Card",3),
-	("Andre_Card",3),
-	("Smokie_Card",3),
-	("Horn_Card",3),
-	("Martin_Card",3),
-	("Poison_Spore_Card",3),
-	("Vadon_Card",3),
-	("Thief_Bug_Male_Card",3),
-	("Yoyo_Card",3),
-	("Elder_Wilow_Card",3),
-	"Vitata_Card",
-	("Marina_Card",3),
-	("Dustiness_Card",3),
-	("Metaller_Card",2),
-	("Thara_Frog_Card",2),
-	("Goblin_Card",2),
-	("Cornutus_Card",2),
-	("Anacondaq_Card",2),
-	("Caramel_Card",2),
-	("Zerom_Card",2),
-	("Kaho_Card",2),
-	("Orc_Warrior_Card",2),
-	("Megalodon_Card",2),
-	("Scorpion_Card",2),
-	("Drainliar_Card",2),
-	("Eggyra_Card",2),
-	("Orc_Zombie_Card",2),
-	("Golem_Card",2),
-	("Pirate_Skel_Card",2),
-	("BigFoot_Card",2),
-	("Argos_Card",2),
-	("Magnolia_Card",2),
-	("Phen_Card",2),
-	("Savage_Card",2),
-	("Mantis_Card",2),
-	("Flora_Card",2),
-	("Hode_Card",2),
-	"Desert_Wolf_Card",
-	"Rafflesia_Card",
-	"Marine_Sphere_Card",
-	"Orc_Skeleton_Card",
-	"Soldier_Skeleton_Card",
-	"Giearth_Card",
-	"Frilldora_Card",
-	"Sword_Fish_Card",
-	"Munak_Card",
-	"Kobold_Card",
-	"Skel_Worker_Card",
-	"Obeaune_Card",
-	"Archer_Skeleton_Card",
-	"Marse_Card",
-	"Zenorc_Card",
-	"Matyr_Card",
-	"Dokebi_Card",
-	"Pasana_Card",
-	"Sohee_Card",
-	"Sand_Man_Card",
-	"Whisper_Card",
-	"Horong_Card",
-	"Requiem_Card",
-	"Marc_Card",
-	"Mummy_Card",
-	"Verit_Card",
-	"Myst_Card",
-	"Jakk_Card",
-	"Ghoul_Card",
-	"Strouf_Card",
-	"Marduk_Card",
-	"Marionette_Card",
-	"Argiope_Card",
-	"Hunter_Fly_Card",
-	"Isis_Card",
-	"Side_Winder_Card",
-	"Petit_Card",
-	"Bathory_Card",
-	"Petit__Card",
-	"Deviruchi_Card",
-	"Deviace_Card",
-	"Nightmare_Card",
-	"Baphomet__Card",
-	"Daydric_Card",
-	"Khalitzburg_Card",
-	"Evil_Druid_Card",
-	"Gargoyle_Card",
-	"Goat_Card",
-	"Gajomart_Card",
-	"Galapago_Card",
-	"Crab_Card",
-	"Rice_Cake_Boy_Card",
-	"Steam_Goblin_Card",
-	"Goblin_Archer_Card",
-	"Flying_Deleter_Card",
-	"Nine_Tail_Card",
-	"Antique_Firelock_Card",
-	"Grand_Peco_Card",
-	"Grizzly_Card",
-	"Gullinbursti_Card",
-	"Gig_Card",
-	"Nightmare_Terror_Card",
-	"Neraid_Card",
-	"Dark_Frame_Card",
-	"The_Paper_Card",
-	"Demon_Pungus_Card",
-	"Poison_Toad_Card",
-	"Dullahan_Card",
-	"Dryad_Card",
-	"Dragon_Tail_Card",
-	"Driller_Card",
-	"Disguise_Card",
-	"Diabolic_Card",
-	"Lava_Golem_Card",
-	"Rideword_Card",
-	"Raggler_Card",
-	"Raydric_Archer_Card",
-	"Leib_Olmai_Card",
-	"Wraith_Dead_Card",
-	"Wraith_Card",
-	"Loli_Ruri_Card",
-	"Rotar_Zairo_Card",
-	"Lude_Card",
-	"Rybio_Card",
-	"Leaf_Cat_Card",
-	"Marin_Card",
-	"Merman_Card",
-	"Megalith_Card",
-	"Majoruros_Card",
-	"Civil_Servant_Card",
-	"Mini_Demon_Card",
-	"Mimic_Card",
-	"Mystcase_Card",
-	"Miyabi_Ningyo_Card",
-	"Violy_Card",
-	"Wander_Man_Card",
-	"Bon_Gun_Card",
-	"Brilight_Card",
-	"Bloody_Murderer_Card",
-	"Blazzer_Card",
-	"Sasquatch_Card",
-	"Live_Peach_Tree_Card",
-	"Succubus_Card",
-	"Sageworm_Card",
-	"Solider_Card",
-	"Skeleton_General_Card",
-	"Skel_Prisoner_Card",
-	"Stalactic_Golem_Card",
-	"Stem_Worm_Card",
-	"Stone_Shooter_Card",
-	"Sting_Card",
-	"Spring_Rabbit_Card",
-	"Sleeper_Card",
-	"Shinobi_Card",
-	"Increase_Soil_Card",
-	"Wild_Ginseng_Card",
-	"Baby_Leopard_Card",
-	"Anolian_Card",
-	"Cookie_XMAS_Card",
-	"Owl_Duke_Card",
-	"Owl_Baron_Card",
-	"Iron_Fist_Card",
-	"Arclouse_Card",
-	"Apocalips_Card",
-	"Alarm_Card",
-	"Am_Mut_Card",
-	"Assulter_Card",
-	"Aster_Card",
-	"Ancient_Mummy_Card",
-	"Ancient_Worm_Card",
-	"Elder_Card",
-	"Alligator_Card",
-	"Alice_Card",
-	"Orc_Lady_Card",
-	"Orc_Archer_Card",
-	"Wild_Rose_Card",
-	"Wicked_Nymph_Card",
-	"Wooden_Golem_Card",
-	"Wootan_Shooter_Card",
-	"Wootan_Fighter_Card",
-	"Evil_Cloud_Hermit_Card",
-	"Wind_Ghost_Card",
-	"Li_Me_Mang_Ryang_Card",
-	"Explosion_Card",
-	"Injustice_Card",
-	"Incubus_Card",
-	"Giant_Spider_Card",
-	"Giant_Honet_Card",
-	"Dancing_Dragon_Card",
-	"Shellfish_Card",
-	"Zombie_Master_Card",
-	"Zombie_Prisoner_Card",
-	"Zherlthsh_Card",
-	"Gibbet_Card",
-	"Deleter_Card",
-	"Geographer_Card",
-	"Zipper_Bear_Card",
-	"Tengu_Card",
-	"Greatest_General_Card",
-	"Chepet_Card",
-	"Choco_Card",
-	"Karakasa_Card",
-	"Kapha_Card",
-	"Carat_Card",
-	"Caterpillar_Card",
-	"Cat_O_Nine_Tail_Card",
-	"Kobold_Archer_Card",
-	"Cookie_Card",
-	"Quve_Card",
-	"Kraben_Card",
-	"Cramp_Card",
-	"Cruiser_Card",
-	"Cremy_Fear_Card",
-	"Clock_Card",
-	"Chimera_Card",
-	"Killer_Mantis_Card",
-	"Tamruan_Card",
-	"C_Tower_Manager_Card",
-	"Kind_Of_Beetle_Card",
-	"Tri_Joint_Card",
-	"Parasite_Card",
-	"Panzer_Goblin_Card",
-	"Permeter_Card",
-	"Fur_Seal_Card",
-	"Punk_Card",
-	"Penomena_Card",
-	"Pest_Card",
-	"Fake_Angel_Card",
-	"Freezer_Card",
-	"Hylozoist_Card",
-	"High_Orc_Card",
-	"Garm_Baby_Card",
-	"Harpy_Card",
-	"See_Otter_Card",
-	"Blood_Butterfly_Card",
-	"Hyegun_Card",
-	"Phendark_Card",
-	"Heater_Card",
-	"Antonio_Card",
-	"Agav_Card",
-	"Echio_Card",
-	"Vanberk_Card",
-	"Isilla_Card",
-	"Hodremlin_Card",
-	"Seeker_Card",
-	("Snowier_Card",2),
-	"Siroma_Card",
-	"Ice_Titan_Card",
-	"Gazeti_Card",
-	"Muscipular_Card",
-	("Drosera_Card",2),
-	"Roween_Card",
-	"Galion_Card",
-	("Stapo_Card",3),
-	"Byorgue_Card",
-	"Sword_Guardian_Card",
-	"Bow_Guardian_Card",
-	"Salamander_Card",
-	"Kasa_Card",
-	("Magmaring_Card",2),
-	"Imp_Card",
-	"Knocker_Card",
-	"Zombie_Slaughter_Card",
-	("Ragged_Zombie_Card",2),
-	("Hell_Poodle_Card",2),
-	("Banshee_Card",2),
-	"Flame_Skull_Card",
-	"Necromancer_Card",
-Gift_Box: (
-	"Star_Crumb",
-	"Flame_Heart",
-	"Mistic_Frozen",
-	"Rough_Wind",
-	"Great_Nature",
-	"Scarlet_Dyestuffs",
-	"Lemon_Dyestuffs",
-	"Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs",
-	"Darkgreen_Dyestuffs",
-	"Orange_Dyestuffs",
-	"Violet_Dyestuffs",
-	"White_Dyestuffs",
-	"Black_Dyestuffs",
-	"Gold",
-	"Dark_Red_Jewel",
-	"Violet_Jewel",
-	"Skyblue_Jewel",
-	"Azure_Jewel",
-	"Scarlet_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel_",
-	"Red_Jewel",
-	"Blue_Jewel",
-	"White_Jewel",
-	"Golden_Jewel",
-	"Bluish_Green_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel_",
-	"Crystal_Jewel__",
-	"Crystal_Jewel___",
-	"Red_Frame",
-	"Blue_Porcelain",
-	"White_Platter",
-	"Black_Ladle",
-	"Pencil_Case",
-	"Rouge",
-	"Stuffed_Doll",
-	"Poring_Doll",
-	"Chonchon_Doll",
-	"Spore_Doll",
-	"Bunch_Of_Flowers",
-	"Wedding_Bouquet",
-	"Glass_Bead",
-	"Crystal_Mirror",
-	"Witherless_Rose",
-	"Frozen_Rose",
-	"Baphomet_Doll",
-	"Osiris_Doll",
-	"Grasshopper_Doll",
-	"Monkey_Doll",
-	"Raccoondog_Doll",
-	"Four_Leaf_Clover",
-	"Poring__Card",
-	"Red_Socks_With_Holes",
-	"Red_Potion",
-	"Orange_Potion",
-	"Yellow_Potion",
-	"White_Potion",
-	"Blue_Potion",
-	"Green_Potion",
-	"Royal_Jelly",
-	"Candy",
-	"Candy_Striper",
-	"Pet_Food",
-	"Well_Baked_Cookie",
-	"Piece_Of_Cake",
-	"Old_Violet_Box",
-	("Gift_Box",19),
-	("Girls_Diary",2),
-	"Emperium",
-	"Steel",
-	"Old_Blue_Box",
-	("Elunium_Stone",2),
-	("Oridecon",2),
-	("Oridecon_Stone",5),
-	"Elunium",
-Gift_Box_1: (
-	"Star_Crumb",
-	"Flame_Heart",
-	"Mistic_Frozen",
-	"Rough_Wind",
-	"Great_Nature",
-	"Scarlet_Dyestuffs",
-	"Lemon_Dyestuffs",
-	"Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs",
-	"Darkgreen_Dyestuffs",
-	"Orange_Dyestuffs",
-	"Violet_Dyestuffs",
-	"White_Dyestuffs",
-	"Black_Dyestuffs",
-	"Gold",
-	"Dark_Red_Jewel",
-	"Violet_Jewel",
-	"Skyblue_Jewel",
-	"Azure_Jewel",
-	"Scarlet_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel_",
-	"Red_Jewel",
-	"Blue_Jewel",
-	"White_Jewel",
-	"Golden_Jewel",
-	"Bluish_Green_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel_",
-	"Crystal_Jewel__",
-	"Crystal_Jewel___",
-	"Red_Frame",
-	"Blue_Porcelain",
-	"White_Platter",
-	"Black_Ladle",
-	"Pencil_Case",
-	"Rouge",
-	"Stuffed_Doll",
-	"Poring_Doll",
-	"Chonchon_Doll",
-	"Spore_Doll",
-	"Bunch_Of_Flowers",
-	"Wedding_Bouquet",
-	"Glass_Bead",
-	"Crystal_Mirror",
-	"Witherless_Rose",
-	"Frozen_Rose",
-	"Baphomet_Doll",
-	"Osiris_Doll",
-	"Grasshopper_Doll",
-	"Monkey_Doll",
-	"Raccoondog_Doll",
-	"Four_Leaf_Clover",
-	"Poring__Card",
-	"Red_Socks_With_Holes",
-	"Red_Potion",
-	"Orange_Potion",
-	"Yellow_Potion",
-	"White_Potion",
-	"Blue_Potion",
-	"Green_Potion",
-	"Royal_Jelly",
-	"Candy",
-	"Candy_Striper",
-	"Pet_Food",
-	"Well_Baked_Cookie",
-	"Piece_Of_Cake",
-	"Old_Violet_Box",
-	("Gift_Box",19),
-	"Girls_Diary",
-Gift_Box_2: (
-	"Star_Crumb",
-	"Flame_Heart",
-	"Mistic_Frozen",
-	"Rough_Wind",
-	"Great_Nature",
-	"Scarlet_Dyestuffs",
-	"Lemon_Dyestuffs",
-	"Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs",
-	"Darkgreen_Dyestuffs",
-	"Orange_Dyestuffs",
-	"Violet_Dyestuffs",
-	"White_Dyestuffs",
-	"Black_Dyestuffs",
-	"Gold",
-	"Dark_Red_Jewel",
-	"Violet_Jewel",
-	"Skyblue_Jewel",
-	"Azure_Jewel",
-	"Scarlet_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel_",
-	"Red_Jewel",
-	"Blue_Jewel",
-	"White_Jewel",
-	"Golden_Jewel",
-	"Bluish_Green_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel_",
-	"Crystal_Jewel__",
-	"Crystal_Jewel___",
-	"Red_Frame",
-	"Blue_Porcelain",
-	"White_Platter",
-	"Black_Ladle",
-	"Pencil_Case",
-	"Rouge",
-	"Stuffed_Doll",
-	"Poring_Doll",
-	"Chonchon_Doll",
-	"Spore_Doll",
-	"Bunch_Of_Flowers",
-	"Wedding_Bouquet",
-	"Glass_Bead",
-	"Crystal_Mirror",
-	"Witherless_Rose",
-	"Frozen_Rose",
-	"Baphomet_Doll",
-	"Osiris_Doll",
-	"Grasshopper_Doll",
-	"Monkey_Doll",
-	"Raccoondog_Doll",
-	"Four_Leaf_Clover",
-	"Poring__Card",
-	"Red_Socks_With_Holes",
-	"Red_Potion",
-	"Orange_Potion",
-	"Yellow_Potion",
-	"White_Potion",
-	"Blue_Potion",
-	"Green_Potion",
-	"Royal_Jelly",
-	"Candy",
-	"Candy_Striper",
-	"Pet_Food",
-	"Well_Baked_Cookie",
-	"Piece_Of_Cake",
-	"Old_Violet_Box",
-	("Gift_Box",19),
-	("Girls_Diary",2),
-	"Emperium",
-	"Steel",
-	"Old_Blue_Box",
-	("Elunium_Stone",2),
-	("Oridecon",2),
-	("Oridecon_Stone",5),
-	"Elunium",
-Gift_Box_3: (
-	"Star_Crumb",
-	"Flame_Heart",
-	"Mistic_Frozen",
-	"Rough_Wind",
-	"Great_Nature",
-	"Scarlet_Dyestuffs",
-	"Lemon_Dyestuffs",
-	"Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs",
-	"Darkgreen_Dyestuffs",
-	"Orange_Dyestuffs",
-	"Violet_Dyestuffs",
-	"White_Dyestuffs",
-	"Black_Dyestuffs",
-	"Gold",
-	"Dark_Red_Jewel",
-	"Violet_Jewel",
-	"Skyblue_Jewel",
-	"Azure_Jewel",
-	"Scarlet_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel_",
-	"Red_Jewel",
-	"Blue_Jewel",
-	"White_Jewel",
-	"Golden_Jewel",
-	"Bluish_Green_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel_",
-	"Crystal_Jewel__",
-	"Crystal_Jewel___",
-	"Red_Frame",
-	"Blue_Porcelain",
-	"White_Platter",
-	"Black_Ladle",
-	"Pencil_Case",
-	"Rouge",
-	"Stuffed_Doll",
-	"Poring_Doll",
-	"Chonchon_Doll",
-	"Spore_Doll",
-	"Bunch_Of_Flowers",
-	"Wedding_Bouquet",
-	"Glass_Bead",
-	"Crystal_Mirror",
-	"Witherless_Rose",
-	"Frozen_Rose",
-	"Baphomet_Doll",
-	"Osiris_Doll",
-	"Grasshopper_Doll",
-	"Monkey_Doll",
-	"Raccoondog_Doll",
-	"Four_Leaf_Clover",
-	"Poring__Card",
-	"Red_Socks_With_Holes",
-	"Red_Potion",
-	"Orange_Potion",
-	"Yellow_Potion",
-	"White_Potion",
-	"Blue_Potion",
-	"Green_Potion",
-	"Royal_Jelly",
-	"Candy",
-	"Candy_Striper",
-	"Pet_Food",
-	"Well_Baked_Cookie",
-	"Piece_Of_Cake",
-	"Old_Violet_Box",
-	("Gift_Box",19),
-	"Girls_Diary",
-Gift_Box_4: (
-	"Star_Crumb",
-	"Flame_Heart",
-	"Mistic_Frozen",
-	"Rough_Wind",
-	"Great_Nature",
-	"Scarlet_Dyestuffs",
-	"Lemon_Dyestuffs",
-	"Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs",
-	"Darkgreen_Dyestuffs",
-	"Orange_Dyestuffs",
-	"Violet_Dyestuffs",
-	"White_Dyestuffs",
-	"Black_Dyestuffs",
-	"Gold",
-	"Dark_Red_Jewel",
-	"Violet_Jewel",
-	"Skyblue_Jewel",
-	"Azure_Jewel",
-	"Scarlet_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel_",
-	"Red_Jewel",
-	"Blue_Jewel",
-	"White_Jewel",
-	"Golden_Jewel",
-	"Bluish_Green_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel_",
-	"Crystal_Jewel__",
-	"Crystal_Jewel___",
-	"Red_Frame",
-	"Blue_Porcelain",
-	"White_Platter",
-	"Black_Ladle",
-	"Pencil_Case",
-	"Rouge",
-	"Stuffed_Doll",
-	"Poring_Doll",
-	"Chonchon_Doll",
-	"Spore_Doll",
-	"Bunch_Of_Flowers",
-	"Wedding_Bouquet",
-	"Glass_Bead",
-	"Crystal_Mirror",
-	"Witherless_Rose",
-	"Frozen_Rose",
-	"Baphomet_Doll",
-	"Osiris_Doll",
-	"Grasshopper_Doll",
-	"Monkey_Doll",
-	"Raccoondog_Doll",
-	"Four_Leaf_Clover",
-	"Poring__Card",
-	"Red_Socks_With_Holes",
-	"Red_Potion",
-	"Orange_Potion",
-	"Yellow_Potion",
-	"White_Potion",
-	"Blue_Potion",
-	"Green_Potion",
-	"Royal_Jelly",
-	"Candy",
-	"Candy_Striper",
-	"Pet_Food",
-	"Well_Baked_Cookie",
-	"Piece_Of_Cake",
-	"Old_Violet_Box",
-	("Gift_Box",19),
-	"Girls_Diary",
-Old_Blue_Box: (
-	("Guard_",3),
-	("Buckler",3),
-	("Buckler_",3),
-	("Shield",3),
-	("Shield_",3),
-	("Mirror_Shield",3),
-	("Mirror_Shield_",3),
-	("Memorize_Book",3),
-	("Novice_Guard",3),
-	("Cotton_Shirt",3),
-	("Cotton_Shirt_",3),
-	("Leather_Jacket",3),
-	("Leather_Jacket_",3),
-	("Adventure_Suit",3),
-	("Adventureres_Suit_",3),
-	("Mantle",3),
-	("Mantle_",3),
-	("Coat",3),
-	("Coat_",3),
-	("Mink_Coat",3),
-	("Padded_Armor",3),
-	("Padded_Armor_",3),
-	("Chain_Mail",3),
-	("Chain_Mail_",3),
-	("Plate_Armor",3),
-	("Plate_Armor_",3),
-	("Clothes_Of_The_Lord",3),
-	("Formal_Suit",3),
-	("Silk_Robe",3),
-	("Silk_Robe_",3),
-	("Scapulare",3),
-	("Scapulare_",3),
-	("Saint_Robe",3),
-	("Saint_Robe_",3),
-	("Wooden_Mail",3),
-	("Wooden_Mail_",3),
-	("Tights",3),
-	("Tights_",3),
-	("Silver_Robe",3),
-	("Silver_Robe_",3),
-	("Thief_Clothes",3),
-	("Thief_Clothes_",3),
-	("Ninja_Suit",3),
-	("G_Strings",3),
-	("Novice_Breast",3),
-	("Full_Plate_Armor",3),
-	("Novice_Plate",3),
-	("Sandals",3),
-	("Sandals_",3),
-	("Shoes",3),
-	("Shoes_",3),
-	("Boots",3),
-	("Boots_",3),
-	("Chrystal_Pumps",3),
-	("Cuffs",3),
-	("Spiky_Heel",3),
-	("Grave",3),
-	("Novice_Boots",3),
-	("Hood",3),
-	("Hood_",3),
-	("Muffler",3),
-	("Muffler_",3),
-	("Manteau",3),
-	("Manteau_",3),
-	("Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord",3),
-	("Ragamuffin_Cape",3),
-	("Novice_Hood",3),
-	("Ring",3),
-	("Earring",3),
-	("Necklace",3),
-	("Glove",3),
-	("Brooch",3),
-	("Clip",3),
-	("Rosary",3),
-	("Skul_Ring",3),
-	("Gold_Ring",3),
-	("Silver_Ring",3),
-	("Flower_Ring",3),
-	("Diamond_Ring",3),
-	("Mitten_Of_Presbyter",3),
-	("Matyrs_Flea_Guard",3),
-	("Belt",3),
-	("Novice_Armlet",3),
-	("Katana",3),
-	("Katana_",3),
-	("Slayer",3),
-	("Slayer_",3),
-	("Bastard_Sword",3),
-	("Bastard_Sword_",3),
-	("Two_Hand_Sword",3),
-	("Two_Hand_Sword_",3),
-	("Broad_Sword",3),
-	("Broad_Sword_",3),
-	("Claymore",3),
-	("Jur",3),
-	("Jur_",3),
-	("Katar",3),
-	("Katar_",3),
-	("Jamadhar",3),
-	("Jamadhar_",3),
-	("Katar_Of_Cold_Icicle",3),
-	("Katar_Of_Thornbush",3),
-	("Katar_Of_Raging_Blaze",3),
-	("Katar_Of_Piercing_Wind",3),
-	("Battle_Axe",3),
-	("Battle_Axe_",3),
-	("Hammer",3),
-	("Hammer_",3),
-	("Buster",3),
-	("Buster_",3),
-	("Two_Handed_Axe",3),
-	("Two_Handed_Axe_",3),
-	("Lance",3),
-	("Lance_",3),
-	("Guisarme",3),
-	("Guisarme_",3),
-	("Glaive",3),
-	("Glaive_",3),
-	("Partizan",3),
-	("Partizan_",3),
-	("Trident",3),
-	("Trident_",3),
-	("Halberd",3),
-	("Halberd_",3),
-	("Staff_Of_Soul",3),
-	("Bow",3),
-	("Bow_",3),
-	("Composite_Bow",3),
-	("Composite_Bow_",3),
-	("Great_Bow",3),
-	("Great_Bow_",3),
-	("CrossBow",3),
-	("CrossBow_",3),
-	("Arbalest",3),
-	("Kakkung",3),
-	("Arbalest_",3),
-	("Kakkung_",3),
-	("Hunter_Bow",3),
-	("Sword",6),
-	("Sword_",6),
-	("Falchion",6),
-	("Falchion_",6),
-	("Blade",6),
-	("Blade_",6),
-	("Lapier",6),
-	("Lapier_",6),
-	("Scimiter",6),
-	("Scimiter_",6),
-	("Tsurugi",6),
-	("Tsurugi_",6),
-	("Ring_Pommel_Saber",6),
-	("Haedonggum",6),
-	("Orcish_Sword",6),
-	("Ring_Pommel_Saber_",6),
-	("Saber",6),
-	("Saber_",6),
-	("Hae_Dong_Gum_",6),
-	("Flamberge",6),
-	("Knife",3),
-	("Knife_",3),
-	("Cutter",3),
-	("Cutter_",3),
-	("Main_Gauche",3),
-	("Main_Gauche_",3),
-	("Dirk",3),
-	("Dirk_",3),
-	("Dagger",3),
-	("Dagger_",3),
-	("Stiletto",3),
-	("Stiletto_",3),
-	("Gladius",3),
-	("Gladius_",3),
-	("Damascus",3),
-	("Damascus_",3),
-	("Novice_Knife",3),
-	("Axe",3),
-	("Axe_",3),
-	("Orcish_Axe",3),
-	("Javelin",9),
-	("Javelin_",9),
-	("Spear",9),
-	("Spear_",9),
-	("Pike",9),
-	("Pike_",9),
-	("Club",6),
-	("Club_",6),
-	("Mace",6),
-	("Mace_",6),
-	("Smasher",6),
-	("Smasher_",6),
-	("Flail",6),
-	("Flail_",6),
-	("Morning_Star",6),
-	("Morning_Star_",6),
-	("Sword_Mace",6),
-	("Sword_Mace_",6),
-	("Chain",6),
-	("Chain_",6),
-	("Stunner",6),
-	("Book",3),
-	("Bible",3),
-	("Tablet",3),
-	("Book_Of_Billows",3),
-	("Book_Of_Mother_Earth",3),
-	("Book_Of_Blazing_Sun",3),
-	("Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind",3),
-	("Girls_Diary",3),
-	("Rod",3),
-	("Rod_",3),
-	("Wand",3),
-	("Wand_",3),
-	("Staff",3),
-	("Staff_",3),
-	("Arc_Wand",3),
-	("Arc_Wand_",3),
-	("Mighty_Staff",3),
-	("Blessed_Wand",3),
-	("Bone_Wand",3),
-	("Waghnakh",3),
-	("Waghnakh_",3),
-	("Knuckle_Duster",3),
-	("Knuckle_Duster_",3),
-	("Hora",3),
-	("Hora_",3),
-	("Fist",3),
-	("Fist_",3),
-	("Claw",3),
-	("Claw_",3),
-	("Finger",3),
-	("Finger_",3),
-	("Violin",3),
-	("Violin_",3),
-	("Mandolin",3),
-	("Mandolin_",3),
-	("Lute",3),
-	("Lute_",3),
-	("Guitar",3),
-	("Guitar_",3),
-	("Harp",3),
-	("Harp_",3),
-	("Guh_Moon_Goh",3),
-	("Guh_Moon_Goh_",3),
-	("Rope",3),
-	("Rope_",3),
-	("Line",3),
-	("Line_",3),
-	("Wire",3),
-	("Wire_",3),
-	("Rante",3),
-	("Rante_",3),
-	("Tail",3),
-	("Tail_",3),
-	("Whip",3),
-	("Whip_",3),
-	("Sunglasses",3),
-	("Glasses",3),
-	("Divers_Goggles",3),
-	("Wedding_Veil",3),
-	("Fancy_Flower",3),
-	("Ribbon",3),
-	("Ribbon_",3),
-	("Hair_Band",3),
-	("Bandana",3),
-	("Eye_Bandage",3),
-	("Cat_Hairband",3),
-	("Bunny_Band",3),
-	("Flower_Hairband",3),
-	("Biretta",3),
-	("Biretta_",3),
-	("Flu_Mask",3),
-	("Hat",3),
-	("Hat_",3),
-	("Turban",3),
-	("Turban_",3),
-	("Cap",3),
-	("Cap_",3),
-	("Helm",3),
-	("Helm_",3),
-	("Gemmed_Sallet",3),
-	("Gemmed_Sallet_",3),
-	("Circlet",3),
-	("Circlet_",3),
-	("Santas_Hat",3),
-	("One_Eyed_Glass",3),
-	("Granpa_Beard",3),
-	("Luxury_Sunglasses",3),
-	("Spinning_Eyes",3),
-	("Big_Sis_Ribbon",3),
-	("Sweet_Gents",3),
-	("Golden_Gear",3),
-	("Oldmans_Romance",3),
-	("Western_Grace",3),
-	("Fillet",3),
-	("Holy_Bonnet",3),
-	("Star_Sparkling",3),
-	("Sunflower",3),
-	("Snowy_Horn",3),
-	("Mini_Propeller",3),
-	("Mini_Glasses",3),
-	("Prontera_Army_Cap",3),
-	("Pierrot_Nose",3),
-	("Gangster_Patch",3),
-	("Ganster_Mask",3),
-	("Iron_Cane",3),
-	("Cigar",3),
-	("Smoking_Pipe",3),
-	("Centimental_Flower",3),
-	("Centimental_Leaf",3),
-	("Jack_A_Dandy",3),
-	("Red_Bandana",3),
-	("Eagle_Eyes",3),
-	("Nurse_Cap",3),
-	("Bomb_Wick",3),
-	("Spirit_Chain",3),
-	("Apple_Of_Archer",3),
-	("Pirate_Bandana",3),
-	("Poo_Poo_Hat",3),
-	("Funeral_Costume",3),
-	("Masquerade",3),
-	("Star_Dust",3),
-	("Blinker",3),
-	("Green_Feeler",3),
-	("Viking_Helm",3),
-	("Joker_Jester",3),
-	("Machoman_Glasses",3),
-	("Safety_Helmet",3),
-	("Indian_Hair_Piece",3),
-	("Antenna",3),
-	("Fin_Helm",3),
-	("Egg_Shell",3),
-	("Panda_Cap",3),
-	("Poring_Hat",3),
-	("Fruit_Shell",3),
-	("Novice_Egg_Cap",3),
-	("Mr_Smile",3),
-	("Mr_Scream",3),
-	("Goblini_Mask",3),
-	("Gas_Mask",3),
-	("Goblin_Mask_02",3),
-	("Goblin_Mask_03",3),
-	("Goblin_Mask_04",3),
-	("Goggle",3),
-	("Goggle_",3),
-	("Skull_Helm",3),
-	("Monster_Oxygen_Mask",3),
-	("Transparent_Headgear",3),
-	("Pacifier",3),
-	("Wig",3),
-	("Queens_Hair_Ornament",3),
-	("Silk_Ribbon",3),
-	("Punisher",3),
-	("Wild_Flower",3),
-	("Battered_Pot",3),
-	("Stellar_Hairpin",3),
-	("Tiny_Egg_Shell",3),
-	("Backpack",3),
-	("Rocker_Glasses",3),
-	("Green_Lace",3),
-	("Golden_Bell",3),
-	("Bark_Shorts",3),
-	("Monkey_Circlet",3),
-	("Red_Muffler",3),
-	("Sword_Of_Grave_Keeper",3),
-	("Ora_Ora",12),
-	("Animal_Blood",12),
-	("Hinalle",12),
-	("Aloe",12),
-	("Clover",12),
-	("Four_Leaf_Clover",12),
-	("Singing_Plant",12),
-	("Ment",12),
-	("Illusion_Flower",12),
-	("Shoot",12),
-	("Flower",12),
-	("Empty_Bottle",12),
-	("Yellow_Gemstone",12),
-	("Red_Gemstone",12),
-	("Blue_Gemstone",12),
-	("Dark_Red_Jewel",12),
-	("Violet_Jewel",12),
-	("Skyblue_Jewel",12),
-	("Azure_Jewel",12),
-	("Scarlet_Jewel",12),
-	("Cardinal_Jewel",12),
-	("Cardinal_Jewel_",12),
-	("Red_Jewel",12),
-	("Blue_Jewel",12),
-	("White_Jewel",12),
-	("Golden_Jewel",12),
-	("Bluish_Green_Jewel",12),
-	("Crystal_Jewel",12),
-	("Crystal_Jewel_",12),
-	("Crystal_Jewel__",12),
-	("Crystal_Jewel___",12),
-	("Red_Frame",12),
-	("Blue_Porcelain",12),
-	("White_Platter",12),
-	("Black_Ladle",12),
-	("Pencil_Case",12),
-	("Rouge",12),
-	("Stuffed_Doll",12),
-	("Poring_Doll",12),
-	("Chonchon_Doll",12),
-	("Spore_Doll",12),
-	("Bunch_Of_Flowers",12),
-	("Wedding_Bouquet",12),
-	("Glass_Bead",12),
-	("Crystal_Mirror",12),
-	("Witherless_Rose",12),
-	("Frozen_Rose",12),
-	("Baphomet_Doll",12),
-	("Osiris_Doll",12),
-	("Grasshopper_Doll",12),
-	("Monkey_Doll",12),
-	("Raccoondog_Doll",12),
-	("Danggie",12),
-	("Tree_Root",12),
-	("Reptile_Tongue",12),
-	("Scorpions_Tail",12),
-	("Stem",12),
-	("Pointed_Scale",12),
-	("Resin",12),
-	("Spawn",12),
-	("Jellopy",12),
-	("Garlet",12),
-	("Scell",12),
-	("Zargon",12),
-	("Tooth_Of_Bat",12),
-	("Fluff",12),
-	("Chrysalis",12),
-	("Feather_Of_Birds",12),
-	("Talon",12),
-	("Sticky_Webfoot",12),
-	("Animals_Skin",12),
-	("Claw_Of_Wolves",12),
-	("Mushroom_Spore",12),
-	("Orcish_Cuspid",12),
-	("Evil_Horn",12),
-	("Powder_Of_Butterfly",12),
-	("Bill_Of_Birds",12),
-	("Scale_Of_Snakes",12),
-	("Insect_Feeler",12),
-	("Immortal_Heart",12),
-	("Rotten_Bandage",12),
-	("Orcish_Voucher",12),
-	("Skel_Bone",12),
-	("Mementos",12),
-	("Shell",12),
-	("Scales_Shell",12),
-	("Posionous_Canine",12),
-	("Sticky_Mucus",12),
-	("Bee_Sting",12),
-	("Grasshoppers_Leg",12),
-	("Nose_Ring",12),
-	("Yoyo_Tail",12),
-	("Solid_Shell",12),
-	("Horseshoe",12),
-	("Raccoon_Leaf",12),
-	("Snails_Shell",12),
-	("Horn",12),
-	("Bears_Foot",12),
-	("Feather",12),
-	("Heart_Of_Mermaid",12),
-	("Fin",12),
-	("Cactus_Needle",12),
-	("Stone_Heart",12),
-	("Shining_Scales",12),
-	("Worm_Peelings",12),
-	("Gill",12),
-	("Decayed_Nail",12),
-	("Horrendous_Mouth",12),
-	("Rotten_Scale",12),
-	("Nipper",12),
-	("Conch",12),
-	("Tentacle",12),
-	("Sharp_Scale",12),
-	("Crap_Shell",12),
-	("Clam_Shell",12),
-	("Flesh_Of_Clam",12),
-	("Turtle_Shell",12),
-	("Voucher_Of_Orcish_Hero",12),
-	("Gold",12),
-	("Detrimindexta",12),
-	("Karvodailnirol",12),
-	("Counteragent",12),
-	("Mixture",12),
-	("Scarlet_Dyestuffs",12),
-	("Lemon_Dyestuffs",12),
-	("Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs",12),
-	("Darkgreen_Dyestuffs",12),
-	("Orange_Dyestuffs",12),
-	("Violet_Dyestuffs",12),
-	("White_Dyestuffs",12),
-	("Black_Dyestuffs",12),
-	("Anvil",12),
-	("Oridecon_Anvil",12),
-	("Golden_Anvil",12),
-	("Emperium_Anvil",12),
-	("Boody_Red",12),
-	("Crystal_Blue",12),
-	("Wind_Of_Verdure",12),
-	("Yellow_Live",12),
-	("Flame_Heart",12),
-	("Mistic_Frozen",12),
-	("Rough_Wind",12),
-	("Great_Nature",12),
-	("Iron",12),
-	("Steel",12),
-	("Star_Crumb",12),
-	("Sparkling_Dust",12),
-	("Iron_Ore",12),
-	("Coal",12),
-	("Patriotism_Marks",12),
-	("Hammer_Of_Blacksmith",12),
-	("Old_Magic_Book",12),
-	("Penetration",12),
-	("Frozen_Heart",12),
-	("Sacred_Marks",12),
-	("Phracon",12),
-	("Emveretarcon",12),
-	("Lizard_Scruff",12),
-	("Colorful_Shell",12),
-	("Jaws_Of_Ant",12),
-	("Thin_N_Long_Tongue",12),
-	("Rat_Tail",12),
-	("Moustache_Of_Mole",12),
-	("Nail_Of_Mole",12),
-	("Wooden_Block",12),
-	("Long_Hair",12),
-	("Dokkaebi_Horn",12),
-	("Fox_Tail",12),
-	("Fish_Tail",12),
-	("Chinese_Ink",12),
-	("Spiderweb",12),
-	("Acorn",12),
-	("Porcupine_Spike",12),
-	("Wild_Boars_Mane",12),
-	("Tigers_Skin",12),
-	("Limb_Of_Mantis",12),
-	("Blossom_Of_Maneater",12),
-	("Root_Of_Maneater",12),
-	("Cobold_Hair",12),
-	("Dragon_Canine",12),
-	("Dragon_Scale",12),
-	("Dragon_Train",12),
-	("Petite_DiablOfs_Horn",12),
-	("Petite_DiablOfs_Wing",12),
-	("Elder_Pixies_Beard",12),
-	("Lantern",12),
-	("Short_Leg",12),
-	("Nail_Of_Orc",12),
-	("Tooth_Of_",12),
-	("Sacred_Masque",12),
-	("Tweezer",12),
-	("Head_Of_Medusa",12),
-	("Slender_Snake",12),
-	("Skirt_Of_Virgin",12),
-	("Tendon",12),
-	("Detonator",12),
-	("Single_Cell",12),
-	("Tooth_Of_Ancient_Fish",12),
-	("Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish",12),
-	("Earthworm_Peeling",12),
-	("Grit",12),
-	("Moth_Dust",12),
-	("Wing_Of_Moth",12),
-	("Transparent_Cloth",12),
-	("Golden_Hair",12),
-	("Starsand_Of_Witch",12),
-	("Pumpkin_Head",12),
-	("Sharpened_Cuspid",12),
-	("Reins",12),
-	("Booby_Trap",12),
-	("Tree_Of_Archer_1",12),
-	("Tree_Of_Archer_2",12),
-	("Tree_Of_Archer_3",12),
-	("Morocc_Potion",12),
-	("Payon_Potion",12),
-	("Empty_Cylinder",12),
-	("Empty_Potion",12),
-	("Short_Daenggie",12),
-	("Needle_Of_Alarm",12),
-	("Round_Shell",12),
-	("Worn_Out_Page",12),
-	("Manacles",12),
-	("Worn_Out_Prison_Uniform",12),
-	("Mould_Powder",12),
-	("Ogre_Tooth",12),
-	("Anolian_Skin",12),
-	("Mud_Lump",12),
-	("Skull",12),
-	("Wing_Of_Red_Bat",12),
-	("Claw_Of_Rat",12),
-	("Stiff_Horn",12),
-	("Glitter_Shell",12),
-	("Tail_Of_Steel_Scorpion",12),
-	("Claw_Of_Monkey",12),
-	("Tough_Scalelike_Stem",12),
-	("Coral_Reef",12),
-	("Old_Portrait",12),
-	("Bookclip_In_Memory",12),
-	("Spoon_Stub",12),
-	("Key_Of_Clock_Tower",12),
-	("Underground_Key",12),
-	("Claw_Of_Desert_Wolf",12),
-	("Old_Frying_Pan",12),
-	("Piece_Of_Egg_Shell",12),
-	("Poison_Spore",12),
-	("Red_Socks_With_Holes",12),
-	("Matchstick",12),
-	("Fang_Of_Garm",12),
-	("Yarn",12),
-	("Fine_Grit",12),
-	("Alices_Apron",12),
-	("Talon_Of_Griffin",12),
-	("Stone",12),
-	("Cyfar",12),
-	("Brigan",12),
-	("Cargo_Free_Ticket",12),
-	("Warp_Free_Ticket",12),
-	("Cart_Free_Ticket",12),
-	("Soft_Feather",12),
-	("Dragon_Fly_Wing",12),
-	("Sea_Otter_Leather",12),
-	("Ice_Piece",12),
-	("Stone_Piece",12),
-	("Burn_Tree",12),
-	("Broken_Armor_Piece",12),
-	("Broken_Shell",12),
-	("Tatters_Clothes",12),
-	("Rust_Suriken",12),
-	("Wheel",12),
-	("Mystery_Piece",12),
-	("Broken_Steel_Piece",12),
-	("Cold_Magma",12),
-	("Burning_Heart",12),
-	("Live_Coal",12),
-	("Old_Magic_Circle",12),
-	("Sharp_Leaf",12),
-	("Peco_Wing_Feather",12),
-	("Goats_Horn",12),
-	("Gaoats_Skin",12),
-	("Boroken_Shiled_Piece",12),
-	("Shine_Spear_Blade",12),
-	("Vroken_Sword",12),
-	("Smooth_Paper",12),
-	("Fright_Paper_Blade",12),
-	("Broken_Pharaoh_Symbol",12),
-	("Tutankhamens_Mask",12),
-	("Harpys_Feather",12),
-	("Harpys_Claw",12),
-	("Rent_Spell_Book",12),
-	("Rent_Scroll",12),
-	("Spawns",12),
-	("Burning_Horse_Shoe",12),
-	("Honey_Jar",12),
-	("Hot_Hair",12),
-	("Dragons_Skin",12),
-	("Sand_Lump",12),
-	("Scropions_Nipper",12),
-	("Large_Jellopy",12),
-	("Medicine_Bowl",12),
-	("Fire_Bottle",12),
-	("Acid_Bottle",12),
-	("MenEater_Plant_Bottle",12),
-	("Mini_Bottle",12),
-	("Coating_Bottle",12),
-	("Yellow_Plate",12),
-	("Bamboo_Cut",12),
-	("Oil_Paper",12),
-	("Glossy_Hair",12),
-	("Old_Japaness_Clothes",12),
-	("Poison_Powder",12),
-	("Poison_Toads_Skin",12),
-	("Broken_Shuriken",12),
-	("Black_Mask",12),
-	("Broken_Wine_Vessel",12),
-	("Tengus_Nose",12),
-	("Black_Bears_Skin",12),
-	("Cloud_Piece",12),
-	("Sharp_Feeler",12),
-	("Hard_Peach",12),
-	("Limpid_Celestial_Robe",12),
-	("Soft_Silk_Cloth",12),
-	("Mystery_Iron_Bit",12),
-	("Great_Wing",12),
-	("Taegeuk_Plate",12),
-	("Leopard_Skin",12),
-	("Leopard_Talon",12),
-	("Packing_Ribbon",12),
-	("Packing_Paper",12),
-	("Cacao",12),
-	("Thin_Stem",12),
-	("Festival_Mask",12),
-	("Browny_Root",12),
-	("Heart_Of_Tree",12),
-	("Solid_Peeling",12),
-	("Lamplight",12),
-	("Blade_Of_Pinwheel",12),
-	("Germinating_Sprout",12),
-	("Soft_Leaf",12),
-	("Air_Rifle",12),
-	("Shoulder_Protection",12),
-	("Tough_Vines",12),
-	("Great_Leaf",12),
-	("Flexible_String",12),
-	("Log",12),
-	("Beetle_Nipper",12),
-	("Solid_Twig",12),
-	("Piece_Of_Black_Cloth",12),
-	("Black_Kitty_Doll",12),
-	("Old_Manteau",12),
-	("Rusty_Cleaver",12),
-	("Dullahans_Helm",12),
-	("Dullahan_Armor",12),
-	("Rojerta_Piece",12),
-	("Hanging_Doll",12),
-	("Needle_Pouch",12),
-	("Bat_Cage",12),
-	("Broken_Needle",12),
-	("Red_Scarf",12),
-	("Spool",12),
-	("Rotten_Rope",12),
-	("Striped_Socks",12),
-	("Ectoplasm",12),
-	("Tangled_Chain",12),
-	("Tree_Knot",12),
-	("Distorted_Portrait",12),
-	("Pumpkin_Bucket",12),
-	("Fan",12),
-	("Cat_Eyed_Stone",12),
-	("Dried_Sand",12),
-	("Dragon_Horn",12),
-	("Dragon_Fang",12),
-	("Tiger_Skin_Panties",12),
-	("Little_Blacky_Ghost",12),
-	("Bib",12),
-	("Milk_Bottle",12),
-	("Arrow",12),
-	("Silver_Arrow",12),
-	("Fire_Arrow",12),
-	("Steel_Arrow",12),
-	("Crystal_Arrow",12),
-	("Arrow_Of_Wind",12),
-	("Stone_Arrow",12),
-	("Immatrial_Arrow",12),
-	("Stun_Arrow",12),
-	("Freezing_Arrow",12),
-	("Flash_Arrow",12),
-	("Curse_Arrow",12),
-	("Rusty_Arrow",12),
-	("Poison_Arrow",12),
-	("Incisive_Arrow",12),
-	("Oridecon_Arrow",12),
-	("Arrow_Of_Shadow",12),
-	("Sleep_Arrow",12),
-	("Silence_Arrow",12),
-	("Iron_Arrow",12),
-	("Red_Potion",12),
-	("Orange_Potion",12),
-	("Yellow_Potion",12),
-	("White_Potion",12),
-	("Blue_Potion",12),
-	("Green_Potion",12),
-	("Red_Herb",12),
-	("Yellow_Herb",12),
-	("White_Herb",12),
-	("Blue_Herb",12),
-	("Green_Herb",12),
-	("Apple",12),
-	("Banana",12),
-	("Grape",12),
-	("Carrot",12),
-	("Sweet_Potato",12),
-	("Meat",12),
-	("Honey",12),
-	("Milk",12),
-	("Leaflet_Of_Hinal",12),
-	("Leaflet_Of_Aloe",12),
-	("Fruit_Of_Mastela",12),
-	("Holy_Water",12),
-	("Panacea",12),
-	("Royal_Jelly",12),
-	("Monsters_Feed",12),
-	("Candy",12),
-	("Candy_Striper",12),
-	("Apple_Juice",12),
-	("Banana_Juice",12),
-	("Grape_Juice",12),
-	("Carrot_Juice",12),
-	("Pumpkin",12),
-	("Ice_Cream",12),
-	("Pet_Food",12),
-	("Well_Baked_Cookie",12),
-	("Piece_Of_Cake",12),
-	("Fish_Slice",12),
-	("Red_Slim_Potion",12),
-	("Yellow_Slim_Potion",12),
-	("White_Slim_Potion",12),
-	("Cheese",12),
-	("Nice_Sweet_Potato",12),
-	("Popped_Rice",12),
-	("Shusi",12),
-	("Bun",12),
-	("Rice_Cake",12),
-	("Chocolate",12),
-	("White_Chocolate",12),
-	("Wing_Of_Fly",12),
-	("Wing_Of_Butterfly",12),
-	("Branch_Of_Dead_Tree",512),
-	("Anodyne",12),
-	("Aloebera",12),
-	("Yggdrasilberry",12),
-	("Seed_Of_Yggdrasil",12),
-	("Amulet",12),
-	("Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil",12),
-	("Spectacles",12),
-	("Portable_Furnace",12),
-	("Iron_Hammer",12),
-	("Golden_Hammer",12),
-	("Oridecon_Hammer",12),
-	("Worn_Out_Scroll",12),
-	("Unripe_Apple",12),
-	("Orange_Juice",12),
-	("Bitter_Herb",12),
-	("Rainbow_Carrot",12),
-	("Earthworm_The_Dude",12),
-	("Rotten_Fish",12),
-	("Lusty_Iron",12),
-	("Monster_Juice",12),
-	("Sweet_Milk",12),
-	("Well_Dried_Bone",12),
-	("Singing_Flower",12),
-	("Dew_Laden_Moss",12),
-	("Deadly_Noxious_Herb",12),
-	("Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm",12),
-	("Baked_Yam",12),
-	("Tropical_Banana",12),
-	("Horror_Of_Tribe",12),
-	("No_Recipient",12),
-	("Old_Broom",12),
-	("Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste",12),
-	("Armlet_Of_Obedience",12),
-	("Shining_Stone",12),
-	("Contracts_In_Shadow",12),
-	("Book_Of_Devil",12),
-	("Pet_Incubator",12),
-	("Gift_Box",312),
-	("Center_Potion",12),
-	("Awakening_Potion",12),
-	("Berserk_Potion",12),
-	("Heart_Of_Her",12),
-	("Korea_Rice_Cake",12),
-	("Gift_Box_1",12),
-	("Gift_Box_2",12),
-	("Gift_Box_3",12),
-	("Gift_Box_4",12),
-	("Handsei",12),
-	("Poison_Bottle",12),
-	("Gold_Pill",12),
-	("Guard",2),
-	"Coronet",
-	"Angelic_Chain",
-	"Satanic_Chain",
-	"Sharp_Gear",
-	"Ghost_Bandana",
-	"Ring_",
-	"Earring_",
-	"Necklace_",
-	"Glove_",
-	"Brooch_",
-	"Rosary_",
-	"Gemmed_Crown",
-	"Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon",
-	"Cinquedea",
-	"Kindling_Dagger",
-	"Obsidian_Dagger",
-	"Fishermans_Dagger",
-	"Jujube_Dagger",
-	"Dragon_Killer",
-	"Ginnungagap",
-	"Town_Sword",
-	"Town_Sword_",
-	"Star_Dust_Blade",
-	"Gae_Bolg",
-	("Various_Jur",2),
-	"Nail_Of_Loki",
-	"Bloody_Roar",
-	"Unholy_Touch",
-	"Hypnotists_Staff",
-	"Hypnotists_Staff_",
-	"Staff_Of_Wing",
-	"Luna_Bow",
-	"Dragon_Wing",
-	"Electric_Wire",
-	"Whip_Of_Red_Flame",
-	"Whip_Of_Ice_Piece",
-	"Whip_Of_Earth",
-	"Jump_Rope",
-	"Bladed_Whip",
-	"Guitar_Of_Passion",
-	"Guitar_Of_Blue_Solo",
-	"Guitar_Of_Vast_Land",
-	"Guitar_Of_Gentle_Breeze",
-	"Claw_Of_Garm",
-	"Legacy_Of_Dragon",
-	"Coward",
-	"Coward_",
-	"Windhawk",
-	"Queens_Whip",
-	"Oriental_Lute",
-	"Diary_Of_Great_Sage",
-	"Hardback",
-	"Survival_Rod",
-	"Survival_Rod_",
-	"Survival_Rod2",
-	"Survival_Rod2_",
-	"Ear_Of_Puppy",
-	"Angry_Mouth",
-	"Novice_Shield",
-	"Novice_Manteau",
-	"Celestial_Robe",
-	"Pauldron",
-	"Novice_Shoes",
-	"Fedora",
-	"Fedora_",
-	"Super_Novice_Hat",
-	"Super_Novice_Hat_",
-	"Galapago_Cap",
-	"Banana_Hat",
-	"Wing_Of_Eagle",
-	"Cursed_Lucky_Brooch",
-	"Shinobis_Sash",
-	"Hyper_Changer",
-	"Dark_Crystal_Fragment",
-	"Long_Limb",
-	"Screw",
-	"Old_Pick",
-	"Old_Steel_Plate",
-	"Air_Pollutant",
-	"Fragment_Of_Crystal",
-	"Poisonous_Gas",
-	"Battered_Kettle",
-	"Tube",
-	"Fluorescent_Liquid",
-	"Headlamp",
-	"Red_Feather",
-	"Blue_Feather",
-	"Cursed_Seal",
-	"Tri_Headed_Dragon_Head",
-	"Treasure_Box",
-	"Dragonball_Green",
-	"Dragonball_Blue",
-	"Dragonball_Red",
-	"Dragonball_Yellow",
-	"Bloody_Page",
-	"Piece_Of_Bone_Armor",
-	"Scale_Of_Red_Dragon",
-	"Yellow_Spice",
-	"Sweet_Sauce",
-	"Plain_Sauce",
-	"Hot_Sauce",
-	"Red_Spice",
-	"Cooking_Oil",
-	"Cookbook01",
-	"Cookbook02",
-	"Cookbook03",
-	"Cookbook04",
-	"Cookbook05",
-	"Pot",
-	"Burnt_Parts",
-	"Pocket_Watch",
-	("Ice_Heart",15),
-	("Ice_Scale",15),
-	("Bloody_Rune",15),
-	("Rotten_Meat",15),
-	("Sticky_Poison",15),
-	"Suspicious_Hat",
-	"White_Mask",
-	("Old_White_Cloth",34),
-	("Clattering_Skull",32),
-	("Broken_Farming_Utensil",34),
-	"Orleans_Server",
-	"Thorny_Buckler",
-	"Orleans_Gown",
-	"Strong_Shield",
-	"Angels_Arrival",
-	"Magni_Cap",
-	"Censor_Bar",
-	"Inverse_Scale",
-	"Blood_Tears",
-	"Doom_Slayer",
-	"Heart_Breaker",
-	"Hurricane_Fury",
-	"Ahlspiess",
-	"Huuma_Calm_Mind",
-	"Burning_Bow",
-	"Frozen_Bow",
-	"Earth_Bow",
-	"Gust_Bow",
-	"Magma_Fist",
-	"Icicle_Fist",
-	"Electric_Fist",
-	"Seismic_Fist",
-	"Combo_Battle_Glove",
-	"Base_Guitar",
-	"Electric_Eel",
-	"Sea_Witch_Foot",
-	"Carrot_Whip",
-	"Bullet",
-	"Silver_Bullet",
-	"Shell_Of_Blood",
-	"Flare_Sphere",
-	"Lighting_Sphere",
-	"Poison_Sphere",
-	"Blind_Sphere",
-	"Freezing_Sphere",
-	"Gate_KeeperDD",
-	"Thunder_P",
-	"Long_Barrel",
-	("Lever_Action_Rifle",2),
-	"Long_Barrel_",
-Old_Violet_Box: (
-	("Buckler_",7),
-	("Shield_",7),
-	("Mirror_Shield_",7),
-	("Memorize_Book",7),
-	("Novice_Guard",7),
-	("Cotton_Shirt_",7),
-	("Leather_Jacket_",7),
-	("Adventureres_Suit_",7),
-	("Mantle_",7),
-	("Coat_",7),
-	("Mink_Coat",7),
-	("Padded_Armor_",7),
-	("Chain_Mail_",7),
-	("Plate_Armor_",7),
-	("Clothes_Of_The_Lord",7),
-	("Formal_Suit",7),
-	("Silk_Robe_",7),
-	("Scapulare_",7),
-	("Saint_Robe_",7),
-	("Wooden_Mail_",7),
-	("Tights_",7),
-	("Silver_Robe_",7),
-	("Thief_Clothes_",7),
-	("Ninja_Suit",7),
-	("G_Strings",7),
-	("Novice_Breast",7),
-	("Novice_Plate",7),
-	("Sandals_",7),
-	("Shoes_",7),
-	("Boots_",7),
-	("Chrystal_Pumps",7),
-	("Cuffs",7),
-	("Spiky_Heel",7),
-	("Grave",7),
-	("Novice_Boots",7),
-	("Hood_",7),
-	("Muffler_",7),
-	("Manteau_",7),
-	("Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord",7),
-	("Ragamuffin_Cape",7),
-	("Novice_Hood",7),
-	("Ring",7),
-	("Earring",7),
-	("Necklace",7),
-	("Glove",7),
-	("Brooch",7),
-	("Clip",7),
-	("Rosary",7),
-	("Skul_Ring",7),
-	("Gold_Ring",7),
-	("Silver_Ring",7),
-	("Flower_Ring",7),
-	("Diamond_Ring",7),
-	("Mitten_Of_Presbyter",7),
-	("Matyrs_Flea_Guard",7),
-	("Belt",7),
-	("Novice_Armlet",7),
-	("Katana_",7),
-	("Slayer_",7),
-	("Bastard_Sword_",7),
-	("Two_Hand_Sword_",7),
-	("Broad_Sword_",7),
-	("Claymore",7),
-	("Jur_",7),
-	("Katar_",7),
-	("Jamadhar_",7),
-	("Katar_Of_Cold_Icicle",7),
-	("Katar_Of_Thornbush",7),
-	("Katar_Of_Raging_Blaze",7),
-	("Katar_Of_Piercing_Wind",7),
-	("Battle_Axe_",7),
-	("Hammer_",7),
-	("Buster_",7),
-	("Two_Handed_Axe_",7),
-	("Lance_",7),
-	("Guisarme_",7),
-	("Glaive_",7),
-	("Partizan_",7),
-	("Trident_",7),
-	("Halberd_",7),
-	("Staff_Of_Soul",7),
-	("Bow_",7),
-	("Composite_Bow_",7),
-	("Great_Bow_",7),
-	("CrossBow_",7),
-	("Arbalest_",7),
-	("Kakkung_",7),
-	("Hunter_Bow",7),
-	("Sword_",7),
-	("Falchion_",7),
-	("Blade_",7),
-	("Lapier_",7),
-	("Scimiter_",7),
-	("Tsurugi_",7),
-	("Orcish_Sword",7),
-	("Ring_Pommel_Saber_",7),
-	("Saber_",7),
-	("Hae_Dong_Gum_",7),
-	("Flamberge",7),
-	("Knife_",7),
-	("Cutter_",7),
-	("Main_Gauche_",7),
-	("Dirk_",7),
-	("Dagger_",7),
-	("Stiletto_",7),
-	("Gladius_",7),
-	("Damascus_",7),
-	("Novice_Knife",7),
-	("Axe_",7),
-	("Orcish_Axe",7),
-	("Javelin_",7),
-	("Spear_",7),
-	("Pike_",7),
-	("Club_",7),
-	("Mace_",7),
-	("Smasher_",7),
-	("Flail_",7),
-	("Morning_Star_",7),
-	("Sword_Mace_",7),
-	("Chain_",7),
-	("Stunner",7),
-	("Book",7),
-	("Bible",7),
-	("Tablet",7),
-	("Book_Of_Billows",7),
-	("Book_Of_Mother_Earth",7),
-	("Book_Of_Blazing_Sun",7),
-	("Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind",7),
-	("Girls_Diary",7),
-	("Rod_",7),
-	("Wand_",7),
-	("Staff_",7),
-	("Arc_Wand_",7),
-	("Mighty_Staff",7),
-	("Blessed_Wand",7),
-	("Bone_Wand",7),
-	("Waghnakh_",7),
-	("Knuckle_Duster_",7),
-	("Hora_",7),
-	("Fist_",7),
-	("Claw_",7),
-	("Finger_",7),
-	("Violin_",7),
-	("Mandolin_",7),
-	("Lute_",7),
-	("Guitar_",7),
-	("Harp_",7),
-	("Guh_Moon_Goh_",7),
-	("Rope_",7),
-	("Line_",7),
-	("Wire_",7),
-	("Rante_",7),
-	("Tail_",7),
-	("Whip_",7),
-	("Sunglasses",7),
-	("Glasses",7),
-	("Divers_Goggles",7),
-	("Wedding_Veil",7),
-	("Fancy_Flower",7),
-	("Ribbon",7),
-	("Ribbon_",7),
-	("Hair_Band",7),
-	("Bandana",7),
-	("Eye_Bandage",7),
-	("Cat_Hairband",7),
-	("Bunny_Band",7),
-	("Flower_Hairband",7),
-	("Biretta",7),
-	("Biretta_",7),
-	("Flu_Mask",7),
-	("Hat",7),
-	("Hat_",7),
-	("Turban",7),
-	("Turban_",7),
-	("Cap",7),
-	("Cap_",7),
-	("Helm",7),
-	("Helm_",7),
-	("Gemmed_Sallet",7),
-	("Gemmed_Sallet_",7),
-	("Circlet",7),
-	("Circlet_",7),
-	("Santas_Hat",7),
-	("One_Eyed_Glass",7),
-	("Granpa_Beard",7),
-	("Luxury_Sunglasses",7),
-	("Spinning_Eyes",7),
-	("Big_Sis_Ribbon",7),
-	("Sweet_Gents",7),
-	("Golden_Gear",7),
-	("Oldmans_Romance",7),
-	("Western_Grace",7),
-	("Fillet",7),
-	("Holy_Bonnet",7),
-	("Star_Sparkling",7),
-	("Sunflower",7),
-	("Snowy_Horn",7),
-	("Mini_Propeller",7),
-	("Mini_Glasses",7),
-	("Prontera_Army_Cap",7),
-	("Pierrot_Nose",7),
-	("Gangster_Patch",7),
-	("Ganster_Mask",7),
-	("Iron_Cane",7),
-	("Cigar",7),
-	("Smoking_Pipe",7),
-	("Centimental_Flower",7),
-	("Centimental_Leaf",7),
-	("Jack_A_Dandy",7),
-	("Red_Bandana",7),
-	("Eagle_Eyes",7),
-	("Nurse_Cap",7),
-	("Bomb_Wick",7),
-	("Spirit_Chain",7),
-	("Apple_Of_Archer",7),
-	("Pirate_Bandana",7),
-	("Poo_Poo_Hat",7),
-	("Funeral_Costume",7),
-	("Masquerade",7),
-	("Star_Dust",7),
-	("Blinker",7),
-	("Green_Feeler",7),
-	("Viking_Helm",7),
-	("Joker_Jester",7),
-	("Machoman_Glasses",7),
-	("Safety_Helmet",7),
-	("Indian_Hair_Piece",7),
-	("Antenna",7),
-	("Fin_Helm",7),
-	("Egg_Shell",7),
-	("Panda_Cap",7),
-	("Poring_Hat",7),
-	("Fruit_Shell",7),
-	("Novice_Egg_Cap",7),
-	("Mr_Smile",7),
-	("Mr_Scream",7),
-	("Goblini_Mask",7),
-	("Gas_Mask",7),
-	("Goblin_Mask_02",7),
-	("Goblin_Mask_03",7),
-	("Goblin_Mask_04",7),
-	("Goggle",7),
-	("Goggle_",7),
-	("Skull_Helm",7),
-	("Monster_Oxygen_Mask",7),
-	("Transparent_Headgear",7),
-	("Pacifier",7),
-	("Wig",7),
-	("Queens_Hair_Ornament",7),
-	("Silk_Ribbon",7),
-	("Punisher",7),
-	("Wild_Flower",7),
-	("Battered_Pot",7),
-	("Stellar_Hairpin",7),
-	("Tiny_Egg_Shell",7),
-	("Backpack",7),
-	("Rocker_Glasses",7),
-	("Green_Lace",7),
-	("Golden_Bell",7),
-	("Bark_Shorts",7),
-	("Monkey_Circlet",7),
-	("Red_Muffler",7),
-	("Sword_Of_Grave_Keeper",7),
-	("Ora_Ora",14),
-	("Animal_Blood",14),
-	("Hinalle",14),
-	("Aloe",14),
-	("Clover",14),
-	("Four_Leaf_Clover",14),
-	("Singing_Plant",14),
-	("Ment",14),
-	("Illusion_Flower",14),
-	("Shoot",14),
-	("Flower",14),
-	("Empty_Bottle",14),
-	("Yellow_Gemstone",14),
-	("Red_Gemstone",14),
-	("Blue_Gemstone",14),
-	("Dark_Red_Jewel",14),
-	("Violet_Jewel",14),
-	("Skyblue_Jewel",14),
-	("Azure_Jewel",14),
-	("Scarlet_Jewel",14),
-	("Cardinal_Jewel",14),
-	("Cardinal_Jewel_",14),
-	("Red_Jewel",14),
-	("Blue_Jewel",14),
-	("White_Jewel",14),
-	("Golden_Jewel",14),
-	("Bluish_Green_Jewel",14),
-	("Crystal_Jewel",14),
-	("Crystal_Jewel_",14),
-	("Crystal_Jewel__",14),
-	("Crystal_Jewel___",14),
-	("Red_Frame",14),
-	("Blue_Porcelain",14),
-	("White_Platter",14),
-	("Black_Ladle",14),
-	("Pencil_Case",14),
-	("Rouge",14),
-	("Stuffed_Doll",14),
-	("Poring_Doll",14),
-	("Chonchon_Doll",14),
-	("Spore_Doll",14),
-	("Bunch_Of_Flowers",14),
-	("Wedding_Bouquet",14),
-	("Glass_Bead",14),
-	("Crystal_Mirror",14),
-	("Witherless_Rose",14),
-	("Frozen_Rose",14),
-	("Baphomet_Doll",14),
-	("Osiris_Doll",14),
-	("Grasshopper_Doll",14),
-	("Monkey_Doll",14),
-	("Raccoondog_Doll",14),
-	("Danggie",14),
-	("Tree_Root",14),
-	("Reptile_Tongue",14),
-	("Scorpions_Tail",14),
-	("Stem",14),
-	("Pointed_Scale",14),
-	("Resin",14),
-	("Spawn",14),
-	("Jellopy",14),
-	("Garlet",14),
-	("Scell",14),
-	("Zargon",14),
-	("Tooth_Of_Bat",14),
-	("Fluff",14),
-	("Chrysalis",14),
-	("Feather_Of_Birds",14),
-	("Talon",14),
-	("Sticky_Webfoot",14),
-	("Animals_Skin",14),
-	("Claw_Of_Wolves",14),
-	("Mushroom_Spore",14),
-	("Orcish_Cuspid",14),
-	("Evil_Horn",14),
-	("Powder_Of_Butterfly",14),
-	("Bill_Of_Birds",14),
-	("Scale_Of_Snakes",14),
-	("Insect_Feeler",14),
-	("Immortal_Heart",14),
-	("Rotten_Bandage",14),
-	("Orcish_Voucher",14),
-	("Skel_Bone",14),
-	("Mementos",14),
-	("Shell",14),
-	("Scales_Shell",14),
-	("Posionous_Canine",14),
-	("Sticky_Mucus",14),
-	("Bee_Sting",14),
-	("Grasshoppers_Leg",14),
-	("Nose_Ring",14),
-	("Yoyo_Tail",14),
-	("Solid_Shell",14),
-	("Horseshoe",14),
-	("Raccoon_Leaf",14),
-	("Snails_Shell",14),
-	("Horn",14),
-	("Bears_Foot",14),
-	("Feather",14),
-	("Heart_Of_Mermaid",14),
-	("Fin",14),
-	("Cactus_Needle",14),
-	("Stone_Heart",14),
-	("Shining_Scales",14),
-	("Worm_Peelings",14),
-	("Gill",14),
-	("Decayed_Nail",14),
-	("Horrendous_Mouth",14),
-	("Rotten_Scale",14),
-	("Nipper",14),
-	("Conch",14),
-	("Tentacle",14),
-	("Sharp_Scale",14),
-	("Crap_Shell",14),
-	("Clam_Shell",14),
-	("Flesh_Of_Clam",14),
-	("Turtle_Shell",14),
-	("Voucher_Of_Orcish_Hero",14),
-	("Gold",14),
-	("Detrimindexta",14),
-	("Karvodailnirol",14),
-	("Counteragent",14),
-	("Mixture",14),
-	("Scarlet_Dyestuffs",14),
-	("Lemon_Dyestuffs",14),
-	("Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs",14),
-	("Darkgreen_Dyestuffs",14),
-	("Orange_Dyestuffs",14),
-	("Violet_Dyestuffs",14),
-	("White_Dyestuffs",14),
-	("Black_Dyestuffs",14),
-	("Anvil",13),
-	("Oridecon_Anvil",14),
-	("Golden_Anvil",14),
-	("Emperium_Anvil",14),
-	("Boody_Red",14),
-	("Crystal_Blue",14),
-	("Wind_Of_Verdure",14),
-	("Yellow_Live",14),
-	("Flame_Heart",14),
-	("Mistic_Frozen",14),
-	("Rough_Wind",14),
-	("Great_Nature",14),
-	("Iron",14),
-	("Steel",14),
-	("Star_Crumb",14),
-	("Sparkling_Dust",14),
-	("Iron_Ore",14),
-	("Coal",14),
-	("Patriotism_Marks",14),
-	("Hammer_Of_Blacksmith",14),
-	("Old_Magic_Book",14),
-	("Penetration",14),
-	("Frozen_Heart",14),
-	("Sacred_Marks",14),
-	("Phracon",14),
-	("Emveretarcon",14),
-	("Lizard_Scruff",14),
-	("Colorful_Shell",14),
-	("Jaws_Of_Ant",14),
-	("Thin_N_Long_Tongue",14),
-	("Rat_Tail",14),
-	("Moustache_Of_Mole",14),
-	("Nail_Of_Mole",14),
-	("Wooden_Block",14),
-	("Long_Hair",14),
-	("Dokkaebi_Horn",14),
-	("Fox_Tail",14),
-	("Fish_Tail",14),
-	("Chinese_Ink",14),
-	("Spiderweb",14),
-	("Acorn",14),
-	("Porcupine_Spike",14),
-	("Wild_Boars_Mane",14),
-	("Tigers_Skin",14),
-	("Limb_Of_Mantis",14),
-	("Blossom_Of_Maneater",14),
-	("Root_Of_Maneater",14),
-	("Cobold_Hair",14),
-	("Dragon_Canine",14),
-	("Dragon_Scale",14),
-	("Dragon_Train",14),
-	("Petite_DiablOfs_Horn",14),
-	("Petite_DiablOfs_Wing",14),
-	("Elder_Pixies_Beard",14),
-	("Lantern",14),
-	("Short_Leg",14),
-	("Nail_Of_Orc",14),
-	("Tooth_Of_",14),
-	("Sacred_Masque",14),
-	("Tweezer",14),
-	("Head_Of_Medusa",14),
-	("Slender_Snake",14),
-	("Skirt_Of_Virgin",14),
-	("Tendon",14),
-	("Detonator",14),
-	("Single_Cell",14),
-	("Tooth_Of_Ancient_Fish",14),
-	("Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish",14),
-	("Earthworm_Peeling",14),
-	("Grit",14),
-	("Moth_Dust",14),
-	("Wing_Of_Moth",14),
-	("Transparent_Cloth",14),
-	("Golden_Hair",14),
-	("Starsand_Of_Witch",14),
-	("Pumpkin_Head",14),
-	("Sharpened_Cuspid",14),
-	("Reins",14),
-	("Booby_Trap",14),
-	("Tree_Of_Archer_1",14),
-	("Tree_Of_Archer_2",14),
-	("Tree_Of_Archer_3",14),
-	("Morocc_Potion",14),
-	("Payon_Potion",14),
-	("Empty_Cylinder",14),
-	("Empty_Potion",14),
-	("Short_Daenggie",14),
-	("Needle_Of_Alarm",14),
-	("Round_Shell",14),
-	("Worn_Out_Page",14),
-	("Manacles",14),
-	("Worn_Out_Prison_Uniform",14),
-	("Mould_Powder",14),
-	("Ogre_Tooth",14),
-	("Anolian_Skin",14),
-	("Mud_Lump",14),
-	("Skull",14),
-	("Wing_Of_Red_Bat",14),
-	("Claw_Of_Rat",14),
-	("Stiff_Horn",14),
-	("Glitter_Shell",14),
-	("Tail_Of_Steel_Scorpion",14),
-	("Claw_Of_Monkey",14),
-	("Tough_Scalelike_Stem",14),
-	("Coral_Reef",14),
-	("Old_Portrait",14),
-	("Bookclip_In_Memory",14),
-	("Spoon_Stub",14),
-	("Key_Of_Clock_Tower",14),
-	("Underground_Key",14),
-	("Claw_Of_Desert_Wolf",14),
-	("Old_Frying_Pan",14),
-	("Piece_Of_Egg_Shell",14),
-	("Poison_Spore",14),
-	("Red_Socks_With_Holes",14),
-	("Matchstick",14),
-	("Fang_Of_Garm",14),
-	("Yarn",14),
-	("Fine_Grit",14),
-	("Alices_Apron",14),
-	("Talon_Of_Griffin",14),
-	("Stone",14),
-	("Cyfar",14),
-	("Brigan",14),
-	("Cargo_Free_Ticket",14),
-	("Warp_Free_Ticket",14),
-	("Cart_Free_Ticket",14),
-	("Soft_Feather",14),
-	("Dragon_Fly_Wing",14),
-	("Sea_Otter_Leather",14),
-	("Ice_Piece",14),
-	("Stone_Piece",14),
-	("Burn_Tree",14),
-	("Broken_Armor_Piece",14),
-	("Broken_Shell",14),
-	("Tatters_Clothes",14),
-	("Rust_Suriken",14),
-	("Wheel",14),
-	("Mystery_Piece",14),
-	("Broken_Steel_Piece",14),
-	("Cold_Magma",14),
-	("Burning_Heart",14),
-	("Live_Coal",14),
-	("Old_Magic_Circle",14),
-	("Sharp_Leaf",14),
-	("Peco_Wing_Feather",14),
-	("Goats_Horn",14),
-	("Gaoats_Skin",14),
-	("Boroken_Shiled_Piece",14),
-	("Shine_Spear_Blade",14),
-	("Vroken_Sword",14),
-	("Smooth_Paper",14),
-	("Fright_Paper_Blade",14),
-	("Broken_Pharaoh_Symbol",14),
-	("Tutankhamens_Mask",14),
-	("Harpys_Feather",14),
-	("Harpys_Claw",14),
-	("Rent_Spell_Book",14),
-	("Rent_Scroll",14),
-	("Spawns",14),
-	("Burning_Horse_Shoe",14),
-	("Honey_Jar",14),
-	("Hot_Hair",14),
-	("Dragons_Skin",14),
-	("Sand_Lump",14),
-	("Scropions_Nipper",14),
-	("Large_Jellopy",14),
-	("Medicine_Bowl",14),
-	("Fire_Bottle",14),
-	("Acid_Bottle",14),
-	("MenEater_Plant_Bottle",14),
-	("Mini_Bottle",14),
-	("Coating_Bottle",14),
-	("Yellow_Plate",14),
-	("Bamboo_Cut",14),
-	("Oil_Paper",14),
-	("Glossy_Hair",14),
-	("Old_Japaness_Clothes",14),
-	("Poison_Powder",14),
-	("Poison_Toads_Skin",14),
-	("Broken_Shuriken",14),
-	("Black_Mask",14),
-	("Broken_Wine_Vessel",14),
-	("Tengus_Nose",14),
-	("Black_Bears_Skin",14),
-	("Cloud_Piece",14),
-	("Sharp_Feeler",14),
-	("Hard_Peach",14),
-	("Limpid_Celestial_Robe",14),
-	("Soft_Silk_Cloth",14),
-	("Mystery_Iron_Bit",14),
-	("Great_Wing",14),
-	("Taegeuk_Plate",14),
-	("Leopard_Skin",14),
-	("Leopard_Talon",14),
-	("Packing_Ribbon",14),
-	("Packing_Paper",14),
-	("Cacao",14),
-	("Thin_Stem",14),
-	("Festival_Mask",14),
-	("Browny_Root",14),
-	("Heart_Of_Tree",14),
-	("Solid_Peeling",14),
-	("Lamplight",14),
-	("Blade_Of_Pinwheel",14),
-	("Germinating_Sprout",14),
-	("Soft_Leaf",14),
-	("Air_Rifle",14),
-	("Shoulder_Protection",14),
-	("Tough_Vines",14),
-	("Great_Leaf",14),
-	("Flexible_String",14),
-	("Log",14),
-	("Beetle_Nipper",14),
-	("Solid_Twig",14),
-	("Piece_Of_Black_Cloth",14),
-	("Black_Kitty_Doll",14),
-	("Old_Manteau",14),
-	("Rusty_Cleaver",14),
-	("Dullahans_Helm",14),
-	("Dullahan_Armor",14),
-	("Rojerta_Piece",14),
-	("Hanging_Doll",14),
-	("Needle_Pouch",14),
-	("Bat_Cage",14),
-	("Broken_Needle",14),
-	("Red_Scarf",14),
-	("Spool",14),
-	("Rotten_Rope",14),
-	("Striped_Socks",14),
-	("Ectoplasm",14),
-	("Tangled_Chain",14),
-	("Tree_Knot",14),
-	("Distorted_Portrait",14),
-	("Pumpkin_Bucket",14),
-	("Fan",14),
-	("Cat_Eyed_Stone",14),
-	("Dried_Sand",14),
-	("Dragon_Horn",14),
-	("Dragon_Fang",14),
-	("Tiger_Skin_Panties",14),
-	("Little_Blacky_Ghost",14),
-	("Bib",14),
-	("Milk_Bottle",14),
-	("Arrow",14),
-	("Silver_Arrow",14),
-	("Fire_Arrow",14),
-	("Steel_Arrow",14),
-	("Crystal_Arrow",14),
-	("Arrow_Of_Wind",14),
-	("Stone_Arrow",14),
-	("Immatrial_Arrow",14),
-	("Stun_Arrow",14),
-	("Freezing_Arrow",14),
-	("Flash_Arrow",14),
-	("Curse_Arrow",14),
-	("Rusty_Arrow",14),
-	("Poison_Arrow",14),
-	("Incisive_Arrow",14),
-	("Oridecon_Arrow",14),
-	("Arrow_Of_Shadow",14),
-	("Sleep_Arrow",14),
-	("Silence_Arrow",14),
-	("Iron_Arrow",14),
-	("Red_Potion",14),
-	("Orange_Potion",14),
-	("Yellow_Potion",14),
-	("White_Potion",14),
-	("Blue_Potion",14),
-	("Green_Potion",14),
-	("Red_Herb",14),
-	("Yellow_Herb",14),
-	("White_Herb",14),
-	("Blue_Herb",14),
-	("Green_Herb",14),
-	("Apple",14),
-	("Banana",14),
-	("Grape",14),
-	("Carrot",14),
-	("Sweet_Potato",14),
-	("Meat",14),
-	("Honey",14),
-	("Milk",14),
-	("Leaflet_Of_Hinal",14),
-	("Leaflet_Of_Aloe",14),
-	("Fruit_Of_Mastela",14),
-	("Holy_Water",14),
-	("Panacea",14),
-	("Royal_Jelly",14),
-	("Monsters_Feed",14),
-	("Candy",14),
-	("Candy_Striper",14),
-	("Apple_Juice",14),
-	("Banana_Juice",14),
-	("Grape_Juice",14),
-	("Carrot_Juice",14),
-	("Pumpkin",14),
-	("Ice_Cream",14),
-	("Pet_Food",14),
-	("Well_Baked_Cookie",14),
-	("Piece_Of_Cake",14),
-	("Fish_Slice",14),
-	("Red_Slim_Potion",14),
-	("Yellow_Slim_Potion",14),
-	("White_Slim_Potion",14),
-	("Cheese",14),
-	("Nice_Sweet_Potato",14),
-	("Popped_Rice",14),
-	("Shusi",14),
-	("Bun",14),
-	("Rice_Cake",14),
-	("Chocolate",14),
-	("White_Chocolate",14),
-	("Wing_Of_Fly",14),
-	("Wing_Of_Butterfly",14),
-	("Branch_Of_Dead_Tree",214),
-	("Anodyne",14),
-	("Aloebera",14),
-	("Yggdrasilberry",14),
-	("Seed_Of_Yggdrasil",14),
-	("Amulet",14),
-	("Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil",14),
-	("Spectacles",14),
-	("Portable_Furnace",14),
-	("Iron_Hammer",14),
-	("Golden_Hammer",14),
-	("Oridecon_Hammer",14),
-	("Worn_Out_Scroll",14),
-	("Unripe_Apple",14),
-	("Orange_Juice",14),
-	("Bitter_Herb",14),
-	("Rainbow_Carrot",14),
-	("Earthworm_The_Dude",14),
-	("Rotten_Fish",14),
-	("Lusty_Iron",14),
-	("Monster_Juice",14),
-	("Sweet_Milk",14),
-	("Well_Dried_Bone",14),
-	("Singing_Flower",14),
-	("Dew_Laden_Moss",14),
-	("Deadly_Noxious_Herb",14),
-	("Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm",14),
-	("Baked_Yam",14),
-	("Tropical_Banana",14),
-	("Horror_Of_Tribe",14),
-	("No_Recipient",14),
-	("Old_Broom",14),
-	("Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste",14),
-	("Armlet_Of_Obedience",14),
-	("Shining_Stone",14),
-	("Contracts_In_Shadow",14),
-	("Book_Of_Devil",14),
-	("Pet_Incubator",14),
-	("Gift_Box",114),
-	("Center_Potion",14),
-	("Awakening_Potion",14),
-	("Berserk_Potion",14),
-	("Heart_Of_Her",14),
-	("Korea_Rice_Cake",14),
-	("Gift_Box_1",14),
-	("Gift_Box_2",14),
-	("Gift_Box_3",14),
-	("Gift_Box_4",14),
-	("Handsei",14),
-	("Poison_Bottle",14),
-	("Gold_Pill",14),
-	("Guard_",6),
-	"Coronet",
-	"Angelic_Chain",
-	"Satanic_Chain",
-	"Sharp_Gear",
-	"Ghost_Bandana",
-	"Elven_Ears",
-	"Holy_Robe",
-	"Mage_Coat",
-	"An_Eye_Of_Dullahan",
-	"Safety_Ring",
-	"Critical_Ring",
-	"Ring_",
-	"Earring_",
-	"Necklace_",
-	"Glove_",
-	"Brooch_",
-	"Rosary_",
-	"Gemmed_Crown",
-	"Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon",
-	"Loard_Circlet",
-	"Bone_Helm",
-	"Horn_Of_Succubus",
-	"Inccubus_Horn",
-	"Spinx_Helm",
-	"Old_Card_Album",
-	"Dragon_Killer",
-	"Ginnungagap",
-	"Town_Sword_",
-	"Star_Dust_Blade",
-	"Gae_Bolg",
-	("Various_Jur",2),
-	"Nail_Of_Loki",
-	"Bloody_Roar",
-	"Unholy_Touch",
-	"Hypnotists_Staff_",
-	"Staff_Of_Wing",
-	"Luna_Bow",
-	"Dragon_Wing",
-	"Electric_Wire",
-	"Whip_Of_Red_Flame",
-	"Whip_Of_Ice_Piece",
-	"Whip_Of_Earth",
-	"Jump_Rope",
-	"Bladed_Whip",
-	"Guitar_Of_Passion",
-	"Guitar_Of_Blue_Solo",
-	"Guitar_Of_Vast_Land",
-	"Guitar_Of_Gentle_Breeze",
-	"Claw_Of_Garm",
-	"Legacy_Of_Dragon",
-	"Coward_",
-	"Windhawk",
-	"Queens_Whip",
-	"Oriental_Lute",
-	"Diary_Of_Great_Sage",
-	"Hardback",
-	"Survival_Rod_",
-	"Survival_Rod2_",
-	"Ear_Of_Puppy",
-	"Angry_Mouth",
-	"Celestial_Robe",
-	"Pauldron",
-	"Fedora_",
-	"Super_Novice_Hat_",
-	"Galapago_Cap",
-	"Banana_Hat",
-	"Wing_Of_Eagle",
-	"Cursed_Lucky_Brooch",
-	"Shinobis_Sash",
-	"Bloody_Iron_Ball",
-	"Hyper_Changer",
-	"Cookbook06",
-	"Cookbook07",
-	"Cookbook08",
-	"Cookbook09",
-	"Cookbook10",
-	"Dark_Crystal_Fragment",
-	"Long_Limb",
-	"Screw",
-	"Old_Pick",
-	"Old_Steel_Plate",
-	"Air_Pollutant",
-	"Fragment_Of_Crystal",
-	"Poisonous_Gas",
-	"Battered_Kettle",
-	"Tube",
-	"Fluorescent_Liquid",
-	"Headlamp",
-	"Piece_Of_Memory_Green",
-	"Piece_Of_Memory_Purple",
-	"Piece_Of_Memory_Blue",
-	"Piece_Of_Memory_Red",
-	"Red_Feather",
-	"Blue_Feather",
-	"Cursed_Seal",
-	"Tri_Headed_Dragon_Head",
-	"Treasure_Box",
-	"Dragonball_Green",
-	"Dragonball_Blue",
-	"Dragonball_Red",
-	"Dragonball_Yellow",
-	"Bloody_Page",
-	"Piece_Of_Bone_Armor",
-	"Scale_Of_Red_Dragon",
-	"Yellow_Spice",
-	"Sweet_Sauce",
-	"Plain_Sauce",
-	"Hot_Sauce",
-	"Red_Spice",
-	"Cooking_Oil",
-	"Cookbook01",
-	"Cookbook02",
-	"Cookbook03",
-	"Cookbook04",
-	"Cookbook05",
-	"Pot",
-	"Burnt_Parts",
-	"Pocket_Watch",
-	"Ice_Heart",
-	"Ice_Scale",
-	"Bloody_Rune",
-	"Rotten_Meat",
-	"Sticky_Poison",
-	"Suspicious_Hat",
-	"White_Mask",
-	("Old_Violet_Box",103),
-	("Old_White_Cloth",17),
-	("Clattering_Skull",16),
-	("Broken_Farming_Utensil",17),
-	"Inverse_Scale",
-	"Blood_Tears",
-	"Doom_Slayer",
-	"Heart_Breaker",
-	"Hurricane_Fury",
-	"Ahlspiess",
-	"Huuma_Calm_Mind",
-	"Burning_Bow",
-	"Frozen_Bow",
-	"Earth_Bow",
-	"Gust_Bow",
-	"Magma_Fist",
-	"Icicle_Fist",
-	"Electric_Fist",
-	"Seismic_Fist",
-	"Combo_Battle_Glove",
-	"Base_Guitar",
-	"Electric_Eel",
-	"Sea_Witch_Foot",
-	"Carrot_Whip",
-	"Bullet",
-	"Silver_Bullet",
-	"Shell_Of_Blood",
-	"Flare_Sphere",
-	"Lighting_Sphere",
-	"Poison_Sphere",
-	"Blind_Sphere",
-	"Freezing_Sphere",
-	"Gate_KeeperDD",
-	"Thunder_P",
-	"Long_Barrel",
-	("Lever_Action_Rifle",2),
-	"Long_Barrel_",
-Random_Quiver: (
-	"Iron_Arrow_Container",
-	"Steel_Arrow_Container",
-	"Ori_Arrow_Container",
-	"Fire_Arrow_Container",
-	"Silver_Arrow_Container",
-	"Wind_Arrow_Container",
-	"Stone_Arrow_Container",
-	"Crystal_Arrow_Container",
-	"Shadow_Arrow_Container",
-	"Imma_Arrow_Container",
-	"Rusty_Arrow_Container",
-	("Holy_Arrow_Quiver",2),
-Set_Of_Taiming_Item: (
-	"Orange_Juice",
-	"Bitter_Herb",
-	"Rainbow_Carrot",
-	"Earthworm_The_Dude",
-	"Rotten_Fish",
-	"Lusty_Iron",
-	"Monster_Juice",
-	"Sweet_Milk",
-	"Well_Dried_Bone",
-	"Singing_Flower",
-	"Dew_Laden_Moss",
-	"Deadly_Noxious_Herb",
-	"Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm",
-	"Baked_Yam",
-	"Tropical_Banana",
-	"Horror_Of_Tribe",
-	"No_Recipient",
-	"Old_Broom",
-	"Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste",
-	"Armlet_Of_Obedience",
-	"Shining_Stone",
-	"Contracts_In_Shadow",
-	"Book_Of_Devil",
-	"Heart_Of_Her",
-	"Prohibition_Red_Candle",
-	"Sway_Apron",
-	"Skull_Helm",
-	"Monster_Oxygen_Mask",
-	"Transparent_Headgear",
-	"Pacifier",
-	"Wig",
-	"Queens_Hair_Ornament",
-	"Silk_Ribbon",
-	"Punisher",
-	"Wild_Flower",
-	"Battered_Pot",
-	"Stellar_Hairpin",
-	"Tiny_Egg_Shell",
-	"Backpack",
-	"Rocker_Glasses",
-	"Green_Lace",
-	"Golden_Bell",
-	"Bark_Shorts",
-	"Monkey_Circlet",
-	"Red_Muffler",
-	"Sword_Of_Grave_Keeper",
-	"Flaming_Ice",
-	"Tantanmen",
-Accessory_Box: (
-	("Gold_Ring",14),
-	("Mitten_Of_Presbyter",10),
-	("Flower_Ring",14),
-	("Necklace",12),
-	("Necklace_",10),
-	("Novice_Armlet",14),
-	("Diamond_Ring",11),
-	("Skul_Ring",14),
-	("Thimble_Of_Archer",10),
-	("Rosary",14),
-	("Ring",10),
-	("Matyrs_Flea_Guard",11),
-	("Belt",10),
-	("Brooch",12),
-	("Nile_Rose_",10),
-	("Silver_Ring",14),
-	("Clip",12),
-	("Earring",11),
-	("Glove",11),
-	"Safety_Ring",
-	"Critical_Ring",
-	"Glove_",
-	"Ring_",
-	"Rosary_",
-	"Brooch_",
-	"Earring_",
-	("Vesper_Core01",2),
-	("Vesper_Core02",2),
-	("Vesper_Core03",2),
-	("Vesper_Core04",2),
-	"Thimble_Of_Archer_",
-	("Red_Silk_Seal",2),
-	"Orleans_Glove",
-	"Spiritual_Ring",
-	"Shinobis_Sash",
-	"Hyper_Changer",
-	("Lesser_Elemental_Ring",9),
-	"Expert_Ring",
-	"Librarian_Glove",
-	"Pocket_Watch_",
-	"Lunatic_Brooch",
-	"Iron_Wrist",
-Wrapped_Mask: (
-	("Phantom_Of_Opera",10),
-	("Mr_Scream",10),
-	("Welding_Mask",10),
-	("Goblini_Mask",10),
-	("Gas_Mask",10),
-	("Alarm_Mask",10),
-	("Goblin_Mask_01",10),
-	("Goblin_Mask_02",10),
-	("Goblin_Mask_03",10),
-	("Goblin_Mask_04",10),
-	("Mr_Smile",9),
-	"Zherlthsh_Mask",
-	("Hahoe_Mask",2),
-Bundle_Of_Magic_Scroll: (
-	"Earth_Scroll_1_5",
-	"Cold_Scroll_1_3",
-	"Cold_Scroll_1_5",
-	"Fire_Scroll_1_3",
-	"Fire_Scroll_1_5",
-	"Wind_Scroll_1_3",
-	"Wind_Scroll_1_5",
-	"Ghost_Scroll_1_3",
-	"Ghost_Scroll_1_5",
-	"Fire_Scroll_2_1",
-	"Fire_Scroll_2_5",
-	"Fire_Scroll_3_1",
-	"Fire_Scroll_3_5",
-	"Cold_Scroll_2_1",
-	"Cold_Scroll_2_5",
-	"Holy_Scroll_1_3",
-	"Holy_Scroll_1_5",
-Food_Package: (
-	"Candy_Striper",
-	"Apple_Juice",
-	"Banana_Juice",
-	"Grape_Juice",
-	"Carrot_Juice",
-	"Ice_Cream",
-	"Well_Baked_Cookie",
-	"Yggdrasilberry",
-	"Fish_Slice",
-	"Cheese",
-	"Nice_Sweet_Potato",
-	"Popped_Rice",
-	"Shusi",
-	"Bun",
-	"Mojji",
-	"Rice_Cake",
-	"Seed_Of_Yggdrasil",
-	"Hash_Rice_Cake",
-	"Chocolate",
-	"HandMade_Chocolate",
-	"HandMade_Chocolate_",
-	"White_Chocolate",
-	"Rice_Ball",
-	"Tomyumkung",
-	"Prawn",
-	"Korea_Rice_Cake",
-	"Prickly_Fruit",
-	"Apple",
-	"Banana",
-	"Grape",
-	"Carrot",
-	"Sweet_Potato",
-	"Meat",
-	"Honey",
-	"Rice_Cake_Soup",
-	"Leaflet_Of_Hinal",
-	"Leaflet_Of_Aloe",
-	"Fruit_Of_Mastela",
-	"Royal_Jelly",
-	"Milk",
-	"Lemon",
-	"Long_Rice_Cake",
-	"Piece_Of_Cake",
-First_Aid_Kit: (
-	("Red_Potion",5),
-	("Orange_Potion",5),
-	("Yellow_Potion",5),
-	("Slow_Down_Potion",5),
-	("White_Potion",5),
-	("Blue_Potion",5),
-	("Green_Potion",5),
-	("Red_Slim_Potion",5),
-	("Yellow_Slim_Potion",5),
-	("White_Slim_Potion",5),
-	("Water_Of_Darkness",5),
-	("Center_Potion",5),
-	("Awakening_Potion",5),
-	("Berserk_Potion",5),
-	("Novice_Potion",5),
-	("Anodyne",5),
-	("Speed_Up_Potion",5),
-Cookie_Bag: (
-	("Lucky_Candy",5),
-	("Candy_Striper",5),
-	("Lucky_Candy_Cane",5),
-	("Well_Baked_Cookie",5),
-	("Lucky_Cookie",5),
-	("Piece_Of_Cake",5),
-	("Rice_Ball",5),
-	"Sesame_Pastry",
-	"Honey_Pastry",
-	"Rainbow_Cake",
-	"Chocolate",
-	"HandMade_Chocolate",
-	"HandMade_Chocolate_",
-	"White_Chocolate",
-	"Chocolate_Drink",
-	("Candy",4),
-Red_Box_: (
-	("Magic_Eyes",9),
-	("Hibiscus",10),
-	("Charming_Ribbon",10),
-Egg_Boy: (
-	("Grape",299),
-	("Rice_Ball",522),
-	("Prohibition_Red_Candle",20),
-	("Realgar_Wine",100),
-	("Exorcize_Herb",50),
-	("Ghost_Bandana",5),
-	("Inccubus_Horn",2),
-Egg_Girl: (
-	("Grape",299),
-	("Rice_Ball",522),
-	("Sway_Apron",20),
-	("Realgar_Wine",100),
-	("Exorcize_Herb",50),
-	("Hair_Protector",5),
-	("Horn_Of_Succubus",2),
-Giftbox_China: (
-	"Orange_Potion",
-	"Yellow_Potion",
-	"White_Potion",
-	"Blue_Potion",
-	"Green_Potion",
-	"Honey",
-	"Leaflet_Of_Hinal",
-	("Leaflet_Of_Aloe",2),
-	"Panacea",
-	"Royal_Jelly",
-	"Candy",
-	"Candy_Striper",
-	("Old_Blue_Box",40),
-	("Branch_Of_Dead_Tree",9),
-	"Anodyne",
-	"Aloebera",
-	"Yggdrasilberry",
-	"Seed_Of_Yggdrasil",
-	"Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil",
-	("Portable_Furnace",5),
-	"Iron_Hammer",
-	"Golden_Hammer",
-	"Oridecon_Hammer",
-	"Ora_Ora",
-	"Animal_Blood",
-	"Hinalle",
-	"Aloe",
-	"Four_Leaf_Clover",
-	"Singing_Plant",
-	"Ment",
-	"Illusion_Flower",
-	"Yellow_Gemstone",
-	"Red_Gemstone",
-	"Blue_Gemstone",
-	"Dark_Red_Jewel",
-	"Violet_Jewel",
-	"Skyblue_Jewel",
-	"Azure_Jewel",
-	"Scarlet_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel",
-	"Cardinal_Jewel_",
-	"Red_Jewel",
-	"Blue_Jewel",
-	"White_Jewel",
-	"Golden_Jewel",
-	"Bluish_Green_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel",
-	"Crystal_Jewel_",
-	"Crystal_Jewel__",
-	"Crystal_Jewel___",
-	"Red_Frame",
-	"Blue_Porcelain",
-	"White_Platter",
-	"Black_Ladle",
-	"Pencil_Case",
-	"Stuffed_Doll",
-	"Poring_Doll",
-	"Chonchon_Doll",
-	"Spore_Doll",
-	"Wedding_Bouquet",
-	"Crystal_Mirror",
-	"Witherless_Rose",
-	"Frozen_Rose",
-	"Grasshopper_Doll",
-	"Monkey_Doll",
-	"Raccoondog_Doll",
-	"Jellopy",
-	"Garlet",
-	"Scell",
-	"Zargon",
-	"Orcish_Voucher",
-	"Mementos",
-	"Voucher_Of_Orcish_Hero",
-	"Gold",
-	"Detrimindexta",
-	"Karvodailnirol",
-	"Counteragent",
-	"Mixture",
-	"Scarlet_Dyestuffs",
-	"Lemon_Dyestuffs",
-	"Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs",
-	"Darkgreen_Dyestuffs",
-	"Orange_Dyestuffs",
-	"Violet_Dyestuffs",
-	"White_Dyestuffs",
-	"Black_Dyestuffs",
-	"Anvil",
-	"Oridecon_Anvil",
-	"Golden_Anvil",
-	"Emperium_Anvil",
-	"Boody_Red",
-	"Crystal_Blue",
-	"Wind_Of_Verdure",
-	"Yellow_Live",
-	"Flame_Heart",
-	"Mistic_Frozen",
-	"Rough_Wind",
-	"Great_Nature",
-	"Iron",
-	"Steel",
-	"Star_Crumb",
-	"Sparkling_Dust",
-	"Iron_Ore",
-	"Coal",
-	"Patriotism_Marks",
-	"Hammer_Of_Blacksmith",
-	"Old_Magic_Book",
-	"Penetration",
-	"Frozen_Heart",
-	"Sacred_Marks",
-	"Phracon",
-	"Emveretarcon",
-	"Booby_Trap",
-	"Sword_",
-	"Falchion_",
-	"Blade_",
-	"Lapier_",
-	"Scimiter_",
-	"Katana_",
-	"Tsurugi_",
-	"Ring_Pommel_Saber_",
-	"Saber_",
-	"Hae_Dong_Gum_",
-	"Flamberge",
-	"Slayer_",
-	"Bastard_Sword_",
-	"Two_Hand_Sword_",
-	"Broad_Sword_",
-	"Claymore",
-	"Knife_",
-	"Cutter_",
-	"Main_Gauche_",
-	"Dirk_",
-	"Dagger_",
-	"Stiletto_",
-	"Gladius_",
-	"Damascus_",
-	"Jur_",
-	"Katar_",
-	"Jamadhar_",
-	"Axe_",
-	"Battle_Axe_",
-	"Hammer_",
-	"Buster_",
-	"Two_Handed_Axe_",
-	"Javelin_",
-	"Spear_",
-	"Pike_",
-	"Lance",
-	"Guisarme_",
-	"Glaive_",
-	"Partizan_",
-	"Trident_",
-	"Halberd_",
-	"Club_",
-	"Mace_",
-	"Smasher_",
-	"Flail_",
-	"Morning_Star_",
-	"Sword_Mace_",
-	"Chain_",
-	"Book",
-	"Bible",
-	"Rod_",
-	"Wand_",
-	"Staff_",
-	"Arc_Wand_",
-	"Mighty_Staff",
-	"Bow_",
-	"Composite_Bow_",
-	"CrossBow_",
-	"Arbalest",
-	"Kakkung",
-	"Hunter_Bow",
-	"Bow_Of_Roguemaster",
-	"Guard_",
-	"Buckler_",
-	"Shield_",
-	"Mirror_Shield_",
-	"Fancy_Flower",
-	"Ribbon_",
-	"Cat_Hairband",
-	"Flower_Hairband",
-	"Biretta_",
-	"Hat_",
-	"Turban_",
-	"Goggle_",
-	"Cap_",
-	"Helm_",
-	"Gemmed_Sallet_",
-	"Circlet_",
-	"Santas_Hat",
-	"Big_Sis_Ribbon",
-	"Coronet",
-	"Fillet",
-	"Snowy_Horn",
-	"Sharp_Gear",
-	"Pierrot_Nose",
-	"Gangster_Patch",
-	"Ganster_Mask",
-	"Centimental_Flower",
-	"Centimental_Leaf",
-	"Jack_A_Dandy",
-	"Stop_Post",
-	"Doctor_Cap",
-	"Red_Bandana",
-	"Eagle_Eyes",
-	"Bomb_Wick",
-	"Antler",
-	"Pirate_Bandana",
-	"Poo_Poo_Hat",
-	"Funeral_Costume",
-	"Masquerade",
-	"Pretend_Murdered",
-	"Star_Dust",
-	"Blinker",
-	"Binoculars",
-	"Green_Feeler",
-	"Viking_Helm",
-	"Cotton_Shirt_",
-	"Leather_Jacket_",
-	"Adventureres_Suit_",
-	"Mantle_",
-	"Coat_",
-	"Mink_Coat",
-	"Padded_Armor_",
-	"Chain_Mail_",
-	"Plate_Armor_",
-	"Silk_Robe_",
-	"Scapulare_",
-	"Saint_Robe_",
-	"Wooden_Mail_",
-	"Tights_",
-	"Silver_Robe_",
-	"Thief_Clothes_",
-	"Ninja_Suit",
-	"G_Strings",
-	"Sandals_",
-	"Shoes_",
-	"Chrystal_Pumps",
-	"Cuffs",
-	"Spiky_Heel",
-	"Hood_",
-	"Muffler_",
-	"Manteau_",
-	"Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord",
-	"Ragamuffin_Cape",
-	"Ring",
-	"Earring",
-	"Necklace",
-	"Glove",
-	"Brooch",
-	"Clip",
-	"Rosary",
-	"Skul_Ring",
-	"Gold_Ring",
-	"Silver_Ring",
-	"Flower_Ring",
-	"Diamond_Ring",
-	"Safety_Helmet",
-	"Indian_Hair_Piece",
-	"Fin_Helm",
-	("Egg_Shell",2),
-Red_Box: (
-	("Twin_Ribbon",9),
-	("Helm_Of_Darkness",11),
-	"Puppy_Hat",
-	("Geographer_Band",11),
-	("Laurel_Wreath",11),
-	("Bird_Nest_Hat",11),
-	("Alice_Doll",11),
-	("Hibiscus",11),
-	("Magic_Eyes",11),
-	("Charming_Ribbon",11),
-	"Chinese_Crown",
-	("Crescent_Helm",11),
-	("Kabuki_Mask",12),
-	"Cat_Hat",
-Green_Box: (
-	("Str_Dish10",99),
-	("Int_Dish10",100),
-	("Vit_Dish10",100),
-	("Agi_Dish10",100),
-	("Dex_Dish10",100),
-	("Luk_Dish10",100),
-	("Yggdrasilberry",99),
-	("Seed_Of_Yggdrasil",100),
-	("Fire_Cracker",100),
-	("Chocolate_Drink",100),
-	"Puppy_Hat",
-Old_Bleu_Box: (
-	"Cold_Scroll_1_5",
-	"Fire_Scroll_1_5",
-	"Wind_Scroll_1_5",
-	"Fire_Scroll_2_5",
-	"Fire_Scroll_3_5",
-	"Holy_Scroll_1_5",
-	"Cold_Scroll_2_5",
-	"Gift_Box",
-	"Milk",
-	"Well_Baked_Cookie",
-Old_Yellow_Box: (
-	"Cookie_Hat",
-	"Silver_Tiara_",
-	"Gold_Tiara_",
-Old_Gift_Box: (
-	("Chinese_Crown_",14),
-	("Tongue_Mask_",40),
-	("Fallen_Leaves_",45),
-Magic_Card_Album: (
-	"Ghostring_Card",
-	"Angeling_Card",
-	"Gryphon_Card",
-	"Dark_Illusion_Card",
-	"Deviling_Card",
-	("Dragon_Fly_Card",10),
-	("Vagabond_Wolf_Card",10),
-	("Mastering_Card",10),
-	"Maya_Puple_Card",
-	("Mutant_Dragon_Card",10),
-	"Mysteltainn_Card",
-	"Vocal_Card",
-	("Owl_Duke_Card",5),
-	("Owl_Baron_Card",5),
-	"Archangeling_Card",
-	"Executioner_Card",
-	"Tirfing_Card",
-	("Eclipse_Card",10),
-	("Chepet_Card",10),
-	("Choco_Card",10),
-	("Cat_O_Nine_Tail_Card",5),
-	("Kobold_Leader_Card",10),
-	("Chimera_Card",10),
-	("Toad_Card",10),
-	"Bloody_Knight_Card",
-	"Ungoliant_Card",
-	"Gemini_Card",
-	"Hydro_Card",
-	("Tha_Maero_Card",3),
-	("Tha_Odium_Card",3),
-	("Tha_Despero_Card",3),
-/* currently unsupported or unknown ('Hometown_Gift')
-Hometown_Gift: (
-	("0",7),
-Masquerade_Ball_Box: (
-	("Drooping_Nine_Tail_",9),
-	"Soulless_Wing_",
-	("Marvelous_Wig_",10),
-	("Ati_Atihan_Hat_",10),
-Easter_Scroll: (
-	("Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste",109),
-	("Heart_Of_Her",110),
-	("No_Recipient",110),
-	("Old_Broom",110),
-	("Armlet_Of_Obedience",110),
-	("Shining_Stone",110),
-	("Contracts_In_Shadow",110),
-	("Book_Of_Devil",110),
-	("Pet_Incubator",205),
-	"Munak_Turban",
-	"Bongun_Hat",
-	"Munak_Turban_",
-	"Bongun_Hat_",
-	"Ghost_Bandana",
-Tresure_Box_WoE: (
-	("Wind_Arrow_Container",23),
-	("Stone_Arrow_Container",25),
-	("Crystal_Arrow_Container",26),
-	("Holy_Arrow_Quiver",7),
-	("Bullet_Case",27),
-	("Bullet_Case_Blood",27),
-	("Bullet_Case_Silver",27),
-	("Set_Of_Taiming_Item",12),
-	("First_Aid_Kit",9),
-	("Food_Package",36),
-	("Bundle_Of_Magic_Scroll",9),
-	("Old_Bleu_Box",8),
-	("Cookie_Bag",48),
-	("Hometown_Gift",6),
-	("Cool_Summer_Outfit",22),
-	("Union_Of_Tribe",6),
-	("Wrapped_Mask",2),
-	("Poison_Bottle",3),
-	("Old_Blue_Box",6),
-	("Crystal_Jewel__",9),
-Masquerade_Ball_Box2: (
-	("Black_Bunny_Band",12),
-	("Vanilmirth_Hat",10),
-	("Cap_Of_Blindness",10),
-	"Dress_Hat",
-Louise_Costume_Box: (
-	("Red_Bag",16),
-	("Cool_Summer_Outfit",2),
-Xmas_Gift: (
-	("Fire_Cracker_Love",6),
-	("Gift_Box",66),
-	("Old_Bleu_Box",36),
-	("Set_Of_Taiming_Item",6),
-	("Wrapped_Mask",6),
-	("Old_Blue_Box",24),
-	("Bundle_Of_Magic_Scroll",12),
-	("Buche_De_Noel",24),
-	("Speed_Up_Potion",12),
-	("Slow_Down_Potion",12),
-	("Cookie_Bag",12),
-	("Red_Bag",6),
-	("First_Aid_Kit",12),
-	("Crystal_Jewel__",12),
-	("HandMade_Chocolate",18),
-	("HandMade_Chocolate_",18),
-	("Chocolate_Drink",18),
-	("Santas_Hat_",12),
-	("Fire_Cracker_Xmas",4),
-Pierre_Treasurebox: (
-	("Scarlet_Dyestuffs",3),
-	("Lemon_Dyestuffs",3),
-	("Cobaltblue_Dyestuffs",3),
-	("Darkgreen_Dyestuffs",3),
-	("Orange_Dyestuffs",3),
-	("Violet_Dyestuffs",3),
-	("White_Dyestuffs",3),
-	("Black_Dyestuffs",3),
-	("Olivine",3),
-	("Phlogopite",3),
-	("Agate",3),
-	("Muscovite",3),
-	("Rose_Quartz",3),
-	("Turquoise",3),
-	("Citrine",3),
-	("Pyroxene",3),
-	("Biotite",3),
-	("Str_Dish10",3),
-	("Agi_Dish10",3),
-	("Vit_Dish10",3),
-	("Luk_Dish10",3),
-	("Dex_Dish10",3),
-	("Branch_Of_Dead_Tree",3),
-	("Old_Violet_Box",5),
-	("Gift_Box",3),
-	("Old_Blue_Box",11),
-	("Fire_Cracker",2),
-	"Bloody_Dead_Branch",
-Cherish_Box: (
-	("Geographer_Band_",4),
-	("Vacation_Hat_",5),
-Cherish_Box_Ori: (
-	("Satellite_Hairband",2),
-	("Pirate_Dagger",2),
-	("Loki_Mask",2),
-	("Ragnarok_Limited_Ed",3),
-Splendid_Box: (
-	("Imperial_Guard",2),
-	("Bone_Plate",2),
-	("Ebone_Armor",2),
-	("Krasnaya",2),
-	("Alca_Bringer",2),
-	("Chrome_Twohand_Sword",2),
-	("Krishna",2),
-	("Cakram",2),
-	("Durga",2),
-	("Vecer_Axe",2),
-	("Giant_Axe",2),
-	("Imperial_Spear",2),
-	("Rafini_Staff",2),
-	("Falken_Blitz",2),
-	("Elven_Bow",2),
-	("Green_Whistle",2),
-	("Stem_Whip",2),
-	("Krieg",2),
-	("Weihna",2),
-	("Black_Wing",2),
-	("Ruber",2),
-	("Erde",2),
-	("Red_Square_Bag",2),
-	("Carga_Mace",2),
-	("Red_Ether_Bag",2),
-	("Mystic_Bow",2),
-Old_C_Album_Armor: (
-	("Pupa_Card",2),
-	("Picky_Card",2),
-	("Picky__Card",2),
-	("Roda_Frog_Card",2),
-	("Thief_Bug_Card",2),
-	("Rocker_Card",2),
-	("Desert_Wolf_Babe_Card",2),
-	("Pecopeco_Card",2),
-	("Steel_Chonchon_Card",2),
-	("Cornutus_Card",2),
-	("Savage_Card",2),
-	("Sword_Fish_Card",2),
-	("Dokebi_Card",2),
-	("Pasana_Card",2),
-	("Sand_Man_Card",2),
-	("Marc_Card",2),
-	("Argiope_Card",2),
-	("Bathory_Card",2),
-	("Evil_Druid_Card",2),
-	("Goat_Card",2),
-	("Flying_Deleter_Card",2),
-	("Grizzly_Card",2),
-	("Nightmare_Terror_Card",2),
-	("Dark_Frame_Card",2),
-	("Demon_Pungus_Card",2),
-	("Disguise_Card",2),
-	("Wraith_Dead_Card",2),
-	("Loli_Ruri_Card",2),
-	("Rybio_Card",2),
-	("Majoruros_Card",2),
-	("Brilight_Card",2),
-	("Sasquatch_Card",2),
-	("Succubus_Card",2),
-	("Solider_Card",2),
-	("Skel_Prisoner_Card",2),
-	("Baby_Leopard_Card",2),
-	("Anolian_Card",2),
-	("Apocalips_Card",2),
-	("Antonio_Card",2),
-	("Wooden_Golem_Card",2),
-	("Giant_Spider_Card",2),
-	("Deleter_Card",2),
-	("Geographer_Card",2),
-	("Karakasa_Card",2),
-	("Kraben_Card",2),
-	("Cremy_Fear_Card",2),
-	("Clock_Card",2),
-	("Chimera_Card",2),
-	("Killer_Mantis_Card",2),
-	("Pest_Card",2),
-	("Waste_Stove_Card",2),
-	("Venomous_Card",2),
-	("Porcellio_Card",2),
-	("Obsidian_Card",2),
-	("Mineral_Card",2),
-	("Ygnizem_Card",2),
-	("Removal_Card",2),
-	("Venatu_Card",2),
-	("Dimik_Card",2),
-	("Archdam_Card",2),
-	("Novus__Card",2),
-	("Novus_Card",2),
-	("Ancient_Mimic_Card",2),
-	("Observation_Card",2),
-	("Shelter_Card",2),
-	("Aliza_Card",2),
-	("Alicel_Card",2),
-	("Skogul_Card",2),
-	("Frus_Card",2),
-	("Agav_Card",2),
-	("Echio_Card",2),
-	("Byorgue_Card",2),
-	("Banshee_Master_Card",2),
-	"Hardrock_Mommos_Card",
-Old_C_Album_Helm: (
-	("Stainer_Card",2),
-	("Coco_Card",2),
-	("Martin_Card",2),
-	("Elder_Wilow_Card",2),
-	("Giearth_Card",2),
-	("Ghoul_Card",2),
-	("Marduk_Card",2),
-	("Deviruchi_Card",2),
-	("Nightmare_Card",2),
-	("Grand_Peco_Card",2),
-	("Dark_Illusion_Card",2),
-	("Dryad_Card",2),
-	("Rideword_Card",2),
-	("Leib_Olmai_Card",2),
-	("Leaf_Cat_Card",2),
-	("Mystcase_Card",2),
-	("Stalactic_Golem_Card",2),
-	("C_Tower_Manager_Card",2),
-	("Archangeling_Card",2),
-	("Wicked_Nymph_Card",2),
-	("Wootan_Shooter_Card",2),
-	("Wootan_Fighter_Card",2),
-	("Incubus_Card",2),
-	("Giant_Honet_Card",2),
-	("Gibbet_Card",2),
-	("Carat_Card",2),
-	("Cramp_Card",2),
-	("Permeter_Card",2),
-	("Ungoliant_Card",2),
-	("Mole_Card",2),
-	("Gemini_Card",2),
-	("Seyren_Card",2),
-	("Magaleta_Card",2),
-	("Katrinn_Card",2),
-	("Acidus__Card",2),
-	("Vanberk_Card",2),
-	("Isilla_Card",2),
-	("Knocker_Card",2),
-	("Banshee_Card",2),
-	"Duneirre_Card",
-	"Lata_Card",
-	"Ringco_Card",
-	"Pillar_Card",
-	"Pinguicula_Dark_Card",
-Old_C_Album_Acc: (
-	("Kukre_Card",2),
-	("Tarou_Card",2),
-	("Poporing_Card",2),
-	("Worm_Tail_Card",2),
-	("Muka_Card",2),
-	("Creamy_Card",2),
-	("Smokie_Card",2),
-	("Poison_Spore_Card",2),
-	("Yoyo_Card",2),
-	("Vitata_Card",2),
-	("Zerom_Card",2),
-	("Pirate_Skel_Card",2),
-	("Phen_Card",2),
-	("Mantis_Card",2),
-	("Marine_Sphere_Card",2),
-	("Kobold_Card",2),
-	("Obeaune_Card",2),
-	("Horong_Card",2),
-	("Joker_Card",2),
-	("Gargoyle_Card",2),
-	("Galapago_Card",2),
-	("Rice_Cake_Boy_Card",2),
-	("Poison_Toad_Card",2),
-	("Raydric_Archer_Card",2),
-	("Wraith_Card",2),
-	("Lude_Card",2),
-	("Marin_Card",2),
-	("Mimic_Card",2),
-	("Violy_Card",2),
-	("Bon_Gun_Card",2),
-	("Blazzer_Card",2),
-	("Sageworm_Card",2),
-	("Stem_Worm_Card",2),
-	("Spring_Rabbit_Card",2),
-	("Sleeper_Card",2),
-	("Shinobi_Card",2),
-	("Wild_Ginseng_Card",2),
-	("Owl_Duke_Card",2),
-	("Owl_Baron_Card",2),
-	("Alligator_Card",2),
-	("Orc_Archer_Card",2),
-	("Evil_Cloud_Hermit_Card",2),
-	("Wind_Ghost_Card",2),
-	("Li_Me_Mang_Ryang_Card",2),
-	("Dancing_Dragon_Card",2),
-	("Tengu_Card",2),
-	("Greatest_General_Card",2),
-	("Cookie_Card",2),
-	("Quve_Card",2),
-	("Hylozoist_Card",2),
-	("See_Otter_Card",2),
-	("Blood_Butterfly_Card",2),
-	("Heater_Card",2),
-	("Anopheles_Card",2),
-	("Armaia_Card",2),
-	("Whikebain_Card",2),
-	("Erend_Card",2),
-	("Gremlin_Card",2),
-	("Beholder_Card",2),
-	("Green_Iguana_Card",2),
-	("Hydro_Card",2),
-	("Dragon_Egg_Card",2),
-	("Plasma_Card",2),
-	("Retribution_Card",2),
-	("Snowier_Card",2),
-	("Siroma_Card",2),
-	("Gazeti_Card",2),
-	("Galion_Card",2),
-	("Stapo_Card",2),
-	("Imp_Card",2),
-	("Ragged_Zombie_Card",2),
-	("Hell_Poodle_Card",2),
-Old_C_Album_Shoes: (
-	("Zombie_Card",2),
-	("Thief_Bug_Male_Card",2),
-	("Eggyra_Card",2),
-	("Matyr_Card",2),
-	("Sohee_Card",2),
-	("Verit_Card",2),
-	("Gajomart_Card",2),
-	("Antique_Firelock_Card",2),
-	("Gullinbursti_Card",2),
-	("Raggler_Card",2),
-	("Merman_Card",2),
-	("Megalith_Card",2),
-	("Mini_Demon_Card",2),
-	("Miyabi_Ningyo_Card",2),
-	("Skeleton_General_Card",2),
-	("Cookie_XMAS_Card",2),
-	("Iron_Fist_Card",2),
-	("Alarm_Card",2),
-	("Am_Mut_Card",2),
-	("Ancient_Worm_Card",2),
-	("Wild_Rose_Card",2),
-	("Explosion_Card",2),
-	("Zombie_Prisoner_Card",2),
-	("Cat_O_Nine_Tail_Card",2),
-	("Freezer_Card",2),
-	("Acidus_Card",2),
-	("Ferus__Card",2),
-	("Tha_Odium_Card",2),
-	("Ice_Titan_Card",2),
-	("Zombie_Slaughter_Card",2),
-	"Heavy_Metaling_Card",
-Old_C_Album_Shield: (
-	("Andre_Egg_Card",2),
-	("Ambernite_Card",2),
-	("Horn_Card",2),
-	("Thara_Frog_Card",2),
-	("Orc_Warrior_Card",2),
-	("Megalodon_Card",2),
-	("BigFoot_Card",2),
-	("Argos_Card",2),
-	("Rafflesia_Card",2),
-	("Munak_Card",2),
-	("Petit__Card",2),
-	("Medusa_Card",2),
-	("Khalitzburg_Card",2),
-	("Anubis_Card",2),
-	("Mysteltainn_Card",2),
-	("Live_Peach_Tree_Card",2),
-	("Sting_Card",2),
-	("Increase_Soil_Card",2),
-	("Arclouse_Card",2),
-	("Ancient_Mummy_Card",2),
-	("Executioner_Card",2),
-	("Alice_Card",2),
-	("Tirfing_Card",2),
-	("Zherlthsh_Card",2),
-	("Tamruan_Card",2),
-	("Parasite_Card",2),
-	("Penomena_Card",2),
-	("High_Orc_Card",2),
-	("Teddy_Bear_Card",2),
-	("Tha_Despero_Card",2),
-	("Hodremlin_Card",2),
-	("Seeker_Card",2),
-	("Muscipular_Card",2),
-	("Flame_Skull_Card",2),
-	("Tatacho_Card",2),
-	("Aqua_Elemental_Card",2),
-	("Draco_Card",2),
-	("Luciola_Vespa_Card",2),
-	("Centipede_Card",2),
-	("Cornus_Card",2),
-	("Dark_Shadow_Card",2),
-Old_C_Album_Garment: (
-	("Dustiness_Card",2),
-	("Orc_Zombie_Card",2),
-	("Hode_Card",2),
-	("Frilldora_Card",2),
-	("Marse_Card",2),
-	("Whisper_Card",2),
-	("Myst_Card",2),
-	("Jakk_Card",2),
-	("Marionette_Card",2),
-	("Isis_Card",2),
-	("Baphomet__Card",2),
-	("Daydric_Card",2),
-	("Nine_Tail_Card",2),
-	("Deviling_Card",2),
-	("Dragon_Tail_Card",2),
-	("Dragon_Fly_Card",2),
-	("Vagabond_Wolf_Card",2),
-	("Mastering_Card",2),
-	("Wander_Man_Card",2),
-	("Vocal_Card",2),
-	("Eclipse_Card",2),
-	("Choco_Card",2),
-	("Kapha_Card",2),
-	("Whisper_Boss_Card",2),
-	("Toad_Card",2),
-	("Punk_Card",2),
-	("Harpy_Card",2),
-	("Hyegun_Card",2),
-	("Noxious_Card",2),
-	("Kavac_Card",2),
-	("Chung_E_Card",2),
-	("Orc_Baby_Card_Card",2),
-	("Aliot_Card",2),
-	("Roween_Card",2),
-	("Salamander_Card",2),
-	("Kasa_Card",2),
-	("Magmaring_Card",2),
-Old_C_Album_Weapon: (
-	("Drops_Card",2),
-	("Poring__Card",2),
-	("Lunatic_Card",2),
-	("Pecopeco_Egg_Card",2),
-	("Savage_Babe_Card",2),
-	("Andre_Larva_Card",2),
-	("Hornet_Card",2),
-	("Farmiliar_Card",2),
-	("Plankton_Card",2),
-	("Skeleton_Card",2),
-	("Thief_Bug_Female_Card",2),
-	("Wolf_Card",2),
-	("Mandragora_Card",2),
-	("Hydra_Card",2),
-	("Snake_Card",2),
-	("Andre_Card",2),
-	("Vadon_Card",2),
-	("Marina_Card",2),
-	("Metaller_Card",2),
-	("Goblin_Card",2),
-	("Anacondaq_Card",2),
-	("Caramel_Card",2),
-	("Kaho_Card",2),
-	("Scorpion_Card",2),
-	("Drainliar_Card",2),
-	("Golem_Card",2),
-	("Magnolia_Card",2),
-	("Flora_Card",2),
-	("Desert_Wolf_Card",2),
-	("Orc_Skeleton_Card",2),
-	("Soldier_Skeleton_Card",2),
-	("Skel_Worker_Card",2),
-	("Archer_Skeleton_Card",2),
-	("Zenorc_Card",2),
-	("Requiem_Card",2),
-	("Mummy_Card",2),
-	("Strouf_Card",2),
-	("Hunter_Fly_Card",2),
-	("Side_Winder_Card",2),
-	("Petit_Card",2),
-	("Deviace_Card",2),
-	("Minorous_Card",2),
-	("Scorpion_King_Card",2),
-	("Knight_Of_Abyss_Card",2),
-	("Crab_Card",2),
-	("Goblin_Leader_Card",2),
-	("Steam_Goblin_Card",2),
-	("Goblin_Archer_Card",2),
-	("Gryphon_Card",2),
-	("Gig_Card",2),
-	("Neraid_Card",2),
-	("Dark_Priest_Card",2),
-	("The_Paper_Card",2),
-	("Dullahan_Card",2),
-	("Driller_Card",2),
-	("Diabolic_Card",2),
-	("Lava_Golem_Card",2),
-	("Rotar_Zairo_Card",2),
-	("Civil_Servant_Card",2),
-	("Mutant_Dragon_Card",2),
-	("Bloody_Murderer_Card",2),
-	("Stone_Shooter_Card",2),
-	("Assulter_Card",2),
-	("Aster_Card",2),
-	("Elder_Card",2),
-	("Orc_Lady_Card",2),
-	("Injustice_Card",2),
-	("Shellfish_Card",2),
-	("Zombie_Master_Card",2),
-	("Zipper_Bear_Card",2),
-	("Chepet_Card",2),
-	("Caterpillar_Card",2),
-	("Kobold_Leader_Card",2),
-	("Kobold_Archer_Card",2),
-	("Cruiser_Card",2),
-	("Kind_Of_Beetle_Card",2),
-	("Tri_Joint_Card",2),
-	("Panzer_Goblin_Card",2),
-	("Fur_Seal_Card",2),
-	("Fake_Angel_Card",2),
-	("Mobster_Card",2),
-	("Garm_Baby_Card",2),
-	("Phendark_Card",2),
-	("Pitman_Card",2),
-	("Metaling_Card",2),
-	("Hill_Wind_Card",2),
-	("Rawrel_Card",2),
-	("Eremes_Card",2),
-	("Harword_Card",2),
-	("Shecil_Card",2),
-	("Ferus_Card",2),
-	("Deathword_Card",2),
-	("Breeze_Card",2),
-	("Solace_Card",2),
-	("Tha_Maero_Card",2),
-	("Tha_Dolor_Card",2),
-	("Skeggiold_Card",2),
-	("Drosera_Card",2),
-	("Sword_Guardian_Card",2),
-	("Bow_Guardian_Card",2),
-	("Necromancer_Card",2),
-	("Centipede_Larva_Card",2),
-	("Hilsrion_Card",2),
-	("Bloody_Knight_Card",2),
-	"Tendrilion_Card",
-	"Aunoe_Card",
-	"Panat_Card",
-	"Beholder_Master_Card",
-	"Naga_Card",
-	"Nepenthes_Card",
-	"Egg_Of_Draco_Card",
-	"Bradium_Goram_Card",
-	"Ancient_Tree_Card",
-	"Jakudam_Card",
-	"Cobalt_Mineral_Card",
-	"Pinguicula_Card",
-	"Hell_Apocalips_Card",
-/* currently unsupported or unknown ('Splendid_Box2')
-Splendid_Box2: (
-	"Imperial_Guard",
-	"Bone_Plate",
-	"Ebone_Armor",
-	"Krasnaya",
-	"Alca_Bringer",
-	"Chrome_Twohand_Sword",
-	"Krishna",
-	"Cakram",
-	"Durga",
-	"Vecer_Axe",
-	"Giant_Axe",
-	"Imperial_Spear",
-	"Rafini_Staff",
-	"Falken_Blitz",
-	"Elven_Bow",
-	"Green_Whistle",
-	"Stem_Whip",
-	"Krieg",
-	"Weihna",
-	"Black_Wing",
-	"Ruber",
-	"Erde",
-	"Red_Square_Bag",
-	"Carga_Mace",
-	"Red_Ether_Bag",
-	"Mystic_Bow",
-	"Hunting_Spear",
-	"Piece_Of_Angent_Skin",
-	"Diabolus_Robe",
-	"Diabolus_Armor",
-	"Diabolus_Boots",
-	"Diabolus_Manteau",
-	"Bison_Horn",
-	"Dragon_Vest",
-	"Dragon_Manteau",
-	"Elven_Ears",
-	"Tidal_Shoes",
-	"Black_Leather_Boots",
-	"Black_Leather_Boots_",
-	"Variant_Shoes",
-	"Twin_Edge_B",
-	"Twin_Edge_R",
-/* currently unsupported or unknown ('Mysterious_Egg')
-Mysterious_Egg: (
-	("Lucky_Egg_C2",3),
-	("Lucky_Egg_C3",3),
-	("Lucky_Egg_C4",3),
-	("Lucky_Egg_C5",3),
-	("Lucky_Egg_C6",3),
-	("Lucky_Egg_C",2),
-High_Weapon_Box: (
-	("Mail_Breaker",5),
-	("Weeder_Knife",5),
-	("Mamas_Knife",5),
-	("Assasin_Dagger",5),
-	("Exercise",5),
-	("Azoth",5),
-	("Sucsamad",5),
-	("Grimtooth_",5),
-	("Princess_Knife",5),
-	("Cursed_Dagger",5),
-	("Counter_Dagger",5),
-	("Holy_Dagger",5),
-	("Krieg",5),
-	("Weihna",5),
-	("Black_Wing",5),
-	("Blood_Tears",5),
-	("Unholy_Touch",5),
-	("Drill_Katar",5),
-	("Krishna",5),
-	("Cakram",5),
-	("Cleaver",5),
-	("Great_Axe",5),
-	("Sabbath",5),
-	("Bradium_Stonehammer",5),
-	("Slaughter",5),
-	("Tomahawk",5),
-	("Vecer_Axe",5),
-	("Ice_Falchon",7),
-	("Fire_Brand",7),
-	("Scissores_Sword",7),
-	("Cutlas",7),
-	("Solar_Sword",7),
-	("Mysteltainn_",7),
-	("Tale_Fing_",7),
-	("Byeorrun_Gum",7),
-	("Immaterial_Sword",7),
-	("Star_Dust_Blade",7),
-	("Muramasa",7),
-	("Dragon_Slayer",7),
-	("Schweizersabel",7),
-	("Zweihander",7),
-	("Katzbalger",7),
-	("Zweihander_",7),
-	("Muscle_Cutter",7),
-	("Schweizersabel_",7),
-	("Dragon_Slayer_",7),
-	("Tae_Goo_Lyeon",7),
-	("Bloody_Eater",7),
-	("Veteran_Sword",7),
-	("Ruber",5),
-	("Krasnaya",5),
-	("Gungnir",5),
-	("Gelerdria",5),
-	("Tjungkuletti",5),
-	("Gungnir_",5),
-	("Crescent_Scythe",5),
-	("Bill_Guisarme",5),
-	("Zephyrus",5),
-	("Longinuss_Spear",5),
-	("Brionac",5),
-	("Hell_Fire",5),
-	("Gae_Bolg",5),
-	("Crescent_Scythe_",5),
-	("Spectral_Spear",5),
-	("Ahlspiess",5),
-	("Spectral_Spear_",5),
-	("Gae_Bolg_",5),
-	("Zephyrus_",5),
-	("Wizardy_Staff",5),
-	("Staff_Of_Wing",5),
-	("Walking_Stick",5),
-	("Holy_Stick",5),
-	("Dead_Tree_Cane",5),
-	("Kronos",5),
-	("Dea_Staff",5),
-	("Divine_Cross",5),
-	("Golden_Mace",5),
-	("Long_Mace",5),
-	("Quadrille",5),
-	("Golden_Mace_",5),
-	("Nemesis",5),
-	("Erde",5),
-	("Red_Square_Bag",5),
-	("Red_Ether_Bag",5),
-	("Book_Of_The_Apocalypse",5),
-	("Girls_Diary",5),
-	("Legacy_Of_Dragon",5),
-	("Hardback",5),
-	("Bible_Of_Battlefield",5),
-	("Kaiser_Knuckle",5),
-	("Claw_Of_Garm",5),
-	("Dragon_Wing",5),
-	("Bow_Of_Minstrel",5),
-	("Ixion_Wing",5),
-	("Nepenthes_Bow",5),
-	("Cursed_Lyre",5),
-	("Falken_Blitz",5),
-	("Mystic_Bow",5),
-	("Electronic_Guitar",5),
-	("Oriental_Lute",5),
-	("Oriental_Lute_",5),
-	("Harp_Of_Nepenthes",5),
-	("Lariat",5),
-	("Rapture_Rose",5),
-	("Chemeti",5),
-	("Bladed_Whip",5),
-	("Electric_Eel",5),
-	("Sea_Witch_Foot",5),
-	("Queens_Whip",5),
-	("Carrot_Whip",5),
-	("Queens_Whip_",5),
-	("Stem_Of_Nepenthes",5),
-	"Thorn_Staff",
-	"Eraser",
-	"Destruction_Rod",
-	"Infiltrator",
-	"Infiltrator_",
-	"Heart_Breaker",
-	"Hurricane_Fury",
-	"Right_Epsilon",
-	"Doom_Slayer",
-	("Sword_Breaker",4),
-	("Chrome_Sword",2),
-	("Chrome_Twohand_Sword",2),
-	("Excalibur",2),
-	("Masamune",2),
-	("Nagan",2),
-	("Executioner_",2),
-	("Executioner__",2),
-	("Altas_Weapon",2),
-	("Giant_Axe",2),
-	("Guillotine",2),
-	("Brood_Axe",2),
-	("Wild_Beast_Claw",2),
-	("Inverse_Scale",2),
-	("Bloody_Roar",2),
-	("Cardo",2),
-	("Imperial_Spear",2),
-	("Skewer",2),
-	("Battle_Hook",2),
-	("Mental_Stick",2),
-	"Doom_Slayer_",
-	"Hunting_Spear",
-	"Edge",
-	"Violet_Fear",
-	"Death_Guidance",
-	"House_Auger",
-	"Bazerald",
-	"Ancient_Dagger",
-	"Grand_Cross",
-	"Grand_Cross_",
-	"Death_Note",
-	"Berserk",
-	"Berserk_",
-	"Berserk_Guitar",
-	"Rosebine",
-	("Forturn_Sword",2),
-	("Combat_Knife",2),
-	("Moonlight_Sword",2),
-	("Spike",2),
-	("Spike_",2),
-	("Slash",2),
-	("Sura_Rampage",2),
-	("Bow_Of_Roguemaster",2),
-	("Balistar",2),
-	("Balistar_",2),
-	("Bow_Of_Rudra",2),
-	("Green_Whistle",2),
-	("Stem_Whip",2),
-	"Agent_Katar",
-	"Guillotine_Katar",
-	"Ygnus_Stale",
-	"End_Sektura",
-	"Cannon_Spear",
-	"Chilly_Spell_Book",
-	"Recovery_Light",
-	"Aztoe_Nail",
-	"Scarletto_Nail",
-	"Bloody_Cross",
-	"Catapult",
-	"Big_CrossBow",
-	"Creeper_Bow",
-Ink_Ball: (
-	("Jellopy",39),
-	("Large_Jellopy",20),
-	("Gift_Box",20),
-	("Food_Package",10),
-	("Treasure_Box",6),
-	("Blue_Gemstone",10),
-	("First_Aid_Kit",5),
-	"Old_Blue_Box",
-	"Old_Violet_Box",
-	("Hometown_Gift",14),
-	"Accessory_Box",
-	"Wrapped_Mask",
-	"Old_Card_Album",
-	("Crystal_Blue",20),
-/* currently unsupported or unknown ('God_Material_Box')
-God_Material_Box: (
-	"Iron_Glove",
-	"Iron_Maiden",
-	"Mystery_Wheel",
-	"Silver_Fancy",
-	"Anger_Of_Valkurye",
-	"Feather_Of_Angel",
-	"Foot_Step_Of_Cat",
-	"Beard_Of_Women",
-	"Root_Of_Stone",
-	"Soul_Of_Fish",
-	"Saliva_Of_Bird",
-	"Tendon_Of_Bear",
-	"Symbol_Of_Sun",
-	"Breath_Of_Soul",
-	"Crystal_Of_Snow",
-	"Indication_Of_Tempest",
-	"Slilince_Wave",
-	"Rough_Billows",
-	"Air_Stream",
-Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: (
-	"Velum_Scare",
-	"Velum_Buster",
-	("Velum_Glaive",8),
-	("Velum_Arc_Wand",8),
-	("Velum_Claymore",8),
-	"Velum_Katzbalger",
-	("Velum_Arbalest",3),
-	("Velum_CrossBow",8),
-	("Velum_Bible",8),
-	("Velum_Encyclopedia",8),
-	("Velum_Claw",3),
-	("Velum_Damascus",3),
-	("Velum_Stunner",3),
-	("Velum_Flail",3),
-	("Velum_Guillotine",8),
-	("Velum_Spear",8),
-	("Siege_Arrow_Quiver_S",13),
-	("Siege_Arrow_Quiver_A",13),
-	("Velum_Jamadhar",2),
-/* currently unsupported or unknown ('Old_Card_Album_')
-Old_Card_Album_: (
-	("Poring_Card",14),
-	("Fabre_Card",17),
-	("Pupa_Card",6),
-	("Drops_Card",18),
-	("Poring__Card",2),
-	("Lunatic_Card",14),
-	("Pecopeco_Egg_Card",4),
-	("Picky_Card",17),
-	("Chonchon_Card",17),
-	("Wilow_Card",17),
-	("Picky__Card",17),
-	("Thief_Bug_Egg_Card",19),
-	("Andre_Egg_Card",12),
-	("Roda_Frog_Card",5),
-	("Condor_Card",12),
-	("Thief_Bug_Card",12),
-	("Savage_Babe_Card",5),
-	("Hornet_Card",10),
-	("Farmiliar_Card",10),
-	("Rocker_Card",10),
-	("Spore_Card",10),
-	("Desert_Wolf_Babe_Card",5),
-	("Plankton_Card",5),
-	("Skeleton_Card",5),
-	("Thief_Bug_Female_Card",9),
-	("Kukre_Card",3),
-	("Tarou_Card",9),
-	("Wolf_Card",9),
-	("Mandragora_Card",9),
-	("Pecopeco_Card",3),
-	("Ambernite_Card",6),
-	("Poporing_Card",6),
-	("Worm_Tail_Card",6),
-	("Hydra_Card",3),
-	("Muka_Card",3),
-	("Snake_Card",3),
-	("Zombie_Card",3),
-	("Stainer_Card",3),
-	("Creamy_Card",3),
-	("Coco_Card",3),
-	("Steel_Chonchon_Card",3),
-	("Andre_Card",3),
-	("Smokie_Card",3),
-	("Horn_Card",3),
-	("Martin_Card",3),
-	"Ghostring_Card",
-	("Poison_Spore_Card",3),
-	("Vadon_Card",3),
-	("Thief_Bug_Male_Card",3),
-	("Yoyo_Card",3),
-	("Elder_Wilow_Card",3),
-	"Vitata_Card",
-	"Angeling_Card",
-	("Marina_Card",3),
-	("Dustiness_Card",3),
-	("Metaller_Card",2),
-	("Thara_Frog_Card",2),
-	("Goblin_Card",2),
-	("Cornutus_Card",2),
-	("Anacondaq_Card",2),
-	("Caramel_Card",2),
-	("Zerom_Card",2),
-	("Kaho_Card",2),
-	("Orc_Warrior_Card",2),
-	("Megalodon_Card",2),
-	("Scorpion_Card",2),
-	("Drainliar_Card",2),
-	("Eggyra_Card",2),
-	("Orc_Zombie_Card",2),
-	("Golem_Card",2),
-	("Pirate_Skel_Card",2),
-	("BigFoot_Card",2),
-	("Argos_Card",2),
-	("Magnolia_Card",2),
-	("Phen_Card",2),
-	("Savage_Card",2),
-	("Mantis_Card",2),
-	("Flora_Card",2),
-	("Hode_Card",2),
-	"Desert_Wolf_Card",
-	"Rafflesia_Card",
-	"Marine_Sphere_Card",
-	"Orc_Skeleton_Card",
-	"Soldier_Skeleton_Card",
-	"Giearth_Card",
-	"Frilldora_Card",
-	"Sword_Fish_Card",
-	"Munak_Card",
-	"Kobold_Card",
-	"Skel_Worker_Card",
-	"Obeaune_Card",
-	"Archer_Skeleton_Card",
-	"Marse_Card",
-	"Zenorc_Card",
-	"Matyr_Card",
-	"Dokebi_Card",
-	"Pasana_Card",
-	"Sohee_Card",
-	"Sand_Man_Card",
-	"Whisper_Card",
-	"Horong_Card",
-	"Requiem_Card",
-	"Marc_Card",
-	"Mummy_Card",
-	"Verit_Card",
-	"Myst_Card",
-	"Jakk_Card",
-	"Ghoul_Card",
-	"Strouf_Card",
-	"Marduk_Card",
-	"Marionette_Card",
-	"Argiope_Card",
-	"Hunter_Fly_Card",
-	"Isis_Card",
-	"Side_Winder_Card",
-	"Petit_Card",
-	"Bathory_Card",
-	"Petit__Card",
-	"Deviruchi_Card",
-	"Deviace_Card",
-	"Nightmare_Card",
-	"Baphomet__Card",
-	"Daydric_Card",
-	"Khalitzburg_Card",
-	"Joker_Card",
-	"Evil_Druid_Card",
-	"Gargoyle_Card",
-	"Goat_Card",
-	"Gajomart_Card",
-	"Galapago_Card",
-	"Crab_Card",
-	"Rice_Cake_Boy_Card",
-	"Steam_Goblin_Card",
-	"Goblin_Archer_Card",
-	"Flying_Deleter_Card",
-	"Nine_Tail_Card",
-	"Antique_Firelock_Card",
-	"Grand_Peco_Card",
-	"Grizzly_Card",
-	"Gullinbursti_Card",
-	"Gig_Card",
-	"Nightmare_Terror_Card",
-	"Neraid_Card",
-	"Dark_Frame_Card",
-	"The_Paper_Card",
-	"Demon_Pungus_Card",
-	"Poison_Toad_Card",
-	"Dullahan_Card",
-	"Dryad_Card",
-	"Dragon_Tail_Card",
-	"Driller_Card",
-	"Disguise_Card",
-	"Diabolic_Card",
-	"Lava_Golem_Card",
-	"Rideword_Card",
-	"Raggler_Card",
-	"Raydric_Archer_Card",
-	"Leib_Olmai_Card",
-	"Wraith_Dead_Card",
-	"Wraith_Card",
-	"Loli_Ruri_Card",
-	"Rotar_Zairo_Card",
-	"Lude_Card",
-	"Rybio_Card",
-	"Leaf_Cat_Card",
-	"Marin_Card",
-	"Merman_Card",
-	"Megalith_Card",
-	"Majoruros_Card",
-	"Civil_Servant_Card",
-	"Mini_Demon_Card",
-	"Mimic_Card",
-	"Mystcase_Card",
-	"Miyabi_Ningyo_Card",
-	"Violy_Card",
-	"Wander_Man_Card",
-	"Bon_Gun_Card",
-	"Brilight_Card",
-	"Bloody_Murderer_Card",
-	"Blazzer_Card",
-	"Sasquatch_Card",
-	"Live_Peach_Tree_Card",
-	"Succubus_Card",
-	"Sageworm_Card",
-	"Solider_Card",
-	"Skeleton_General_Card",
-	"Skel_Prisoner_Card",
-	"Stalactic_Golem_Card",
-	"Stem_Worm_Card",
-	"Stone_Shooter_Card",
-	"Sting_Card",
-	"Spring_Rabbit_Card",
-	"Sleeper_Card",
-	"C_Tower_Manager_Card",
-	"Shinobi_Card",
-	"Increase_Soil_Card",
-	"Wild_Ginseng_Card",
-	"Baby_Leopard_Card",
-	"Anolian_Card",
-	"Cookie_XMAS_Card",
-	"Owl_Duke_Card",
-	"Owl_Baron_Card",
-	"Iron_Fist_Card",
-	"Arclouse_Card",
-	"Apocalips_Card",
-	"Antonio_Card",
-	"Alarm_Card",
-	"Am_Mut_Card",
-	"Assulter_Card",
-	"Aster_Card",
-	"Ancient_Mummy_Card",
-	"Ancient_Worm_Card",
-	"Elder_Card",
-	"Alligator_Card",
-	"Alice_Card",
-	"Orc_Lady_Card",
-	"Orc_Archer_Card",
-	"Wild_Rose_Card",
-	"Wicked_Nymph_Card",
-	"Wooden_Golem_Card",
-	"Wootan_Shooter_Card",
-	"Wootan_Fighter_Card",
-	"Evil_Cloud_Hermit_Card",
-	"Wind_Ghost_Card",
-	"Li_Me_Mang_Ryang_Card",
-	"Explosion_Card",
-	"Injustice_Card",
-	"Incubus_Card",
-	"Giant_Spider_Card",
-	"Giant_Honet_Card",
-	"Dancing_Dragon_Card",
-	"Shellfish_Card",
-	"Zombie_Master_Card",
-	"Zombie_Prisoner_Card",
-	"Zherlthsh_Card",
-	"Gibbet_Card",
-	"Deleter_Card",
-	"Geographer_Card",
-	"Zipper_Bear_Card",
-	"Tengu_Card",
-	"Greatest_General_Card",
-	"Chepet_Card",
-	"Choco_Card",
-	"Karakasa_Card",
-	"Kapha_Card",
-	"Carat_Card",
-	"Caterpillar_Card",
-	"Cat_O_Nine_Tail_Card",
-	"Kobold_Archer_Card",
-	"Cookie_Card",
-	"Quve_Card",
-	"Kraben_Card",
-	"Cramp_Card",
-	"Cruiser_Card",
-	"Cremy_Fear_Card",
-	"Clock_Card",
-	"Chimera_Card",
-	"Killer_Mantis_Card",
-	"Tamruan_Card",
-	"Kind_Of_Beetle_Card",
-	"Tri_Joint_Card",
-	"Parasite_Card",
-	"Panzer_Goblin_Card",
-	"Permeter_Card",
-	"Fur_Seal_Card",
-	"Punk_Card",
-	"Penomena_Card",
-	"Pest_Card",
-	"Fake_Angel_Card",
-	"Freezer_Card",
-	"Hylozoist_Card",
-	"High_Orc_Card",
-	"Garm_Baby_Card",
-	"Harpy_Card",
-	"See_Otter_Card",
-	"Blood_Butterfly_Card",
-	"Hyegun_Card",
-	"Phendark_Card",
-	"Heater_Card",
-	"Waste_Stove_Card",
-	("Venomous_Card",3),
-	"Noxious_Card",
-	("Pitman_Card",3),
-	"Ungoliant_Card",
-	"Porcellio_Card",
-	"Obsidian_Card",
-	"Mineral_Card",
-	"Teddy_Bear_Card",
-	"Metaling_Card",
-	"Mole_Card",
-	("Anopheles_Card",3),
-	("Hill_Wind_Card",3),
-	"Ygnizem_Card",
-	("Armaia_Card",3),
-	"Whikebain_Card",
-	"Erend_Card",
-	("Rawrel_Card",3),
-	"Kavac_Card",
-	"Removal_Card",
-	"Gemini_Card",
-	("Gremlin_Card",3),
-	"Beholder_Card",
-	"Seyren_Card",
-	("Eremes_Card",3),
-	"Harword_Card",
-	"Katrinn_Card",
-	"Shecil_Card",
-	"Venatu_Card",
-	"Dimik_Card",
-	"Archdam_Card",
-	"Chung_E_Card",
-	"Orc_Baby_Card_Card",
-	("Green_Iguana_Card",3),
-	"Acidus_Card",
-	"Acidus__Card",
-	("Ferus_Card",3),
-	"Ferus__Card",
-	"Novus__Card",
-	("Novus_Card",3),
-	"Hydro_Card",
-	("Dragon_Egg_Card",3),
-	"Ancient_Mimic_Card",
-	("Deathword_Card",3),
-	"Plasma_Card",
-	"Breeze_Card",
-	("Retribution_Card",3),
-	"Observation_Card",
-	"Shelter_Card",
-	"Solace_Card",
-	"Tha_Maero_Card",
-	"Tha_Odium_Card",
-	"Tha_Despero_Card",
-	"Aliza_Card",
-	"Alicel_Card",
-	"Aliot_Card",
-	"Skogul_Card",
-	"Frus_Card",
-	"Agav_Card",
-	"Echio_Card",
-	"Vanberk_Card",
-	"Isilla_Card",
-	"Hodremlin_Card",
-	"Seeker_Card",
-	("Snowier_Card",2),
-	"Siroma_Card",
-	"Ice_Titan_Card",
-	"Gazeti_Card",
-	"Muscipular_Card",
-	("Drosera_Card",2),
-	"Roween_Card",
-	"Galion_Card",
-	("Stapo_Card",3),
-	"Byorgue_Card",
-	"Sword_Guardian_Card",
-	"Bow_Guardian_Card",
-	"Salamander_Card",
-	"Kasa_Card",
-	("Magmaring_Card",2),
-	"Imp_Card",
-	"Knocker_Card",
-	"Zombie_Slaughter_Card",
-	("Ragged_Zombie_Card",2),
-	("Hell_Poodle_Card",2),
-	("Banshee_Card",2),
-	"Flame_Skull_Card",
-	"Necromancer_Card",
-High_Weapon_Box_: (
-	("Mail_Breaker",5),
-	("Weeder_Knife",5),
-	("Mamas_Knife",5),
-	("Assasin_Dagger",5),
-	("Exercise",5),
-	("Azoth",5),
-	("Sucsamad",5),
-	("Grimtooth_",5),
-	("Princess_Knife",5),
-	("Cursed_Dagger",5),
-	("Counter_Dagger",5),
-	("Holy_Dagger",5),
-	("Krieg",5),
-	("Weihna",5),
-	("Black_Wing",5),
-	("Blood_Tears",5),
-	("Unholy_Touch",5),
-	("Drill_Katar",5),
-	("Krishna",5),
-	("Cakram",5),
-	("Cleaver",5),
-	("Great_Axe",5),
-	("Sabbath",5),
-	("Bradium_Stonehammer",5),
-	("Slaughter",5),
-	("Tomahawk",5),
-	("Vecer_Axe",5),
-	("Ice_Falchon",7),
-	("Fire_Brand",7),
-	("Scissores_Sword",7),
-	("Cutlas",7),
-	("Solar_Sword",7),
-	("Mysteltainn_",7),
-	("Tale_Fing_",7),
-	("Byeorrun_Gum",7),
-	("Immaterial_Sword",7),
-	("Star_Dust_Blade",7),
-	("Muramasa",7),
-	("Dragon_Slayer",7),
-	("Schweizersabel",7),
-	("Zweihander",7),
-	("Katzbalger",7),
-	("Zweihander_",7),
-	("Muscle_Cutter",7),
-	("Schweizersabel_",7),
-	("Dragon_Slayer_",7),
-	("Tae_Goo_Lyeon",7),
-	("Bloody_Eater",7),
-	("Veteran_Sword",7),
-	("Ruber",5),
-	("Krasnaya",5),
-	("Gungnir",5),
-	("Gelerdria",5),
-	("Tjungkuletti",5),
-	("Gungnir_",5),
-	("Crescent_Scythe",5),
-	("Bill_Guisarme",5),
-	("Zephyrus",5),
-	("Longinuss_Spear",5),
-	("Brionac",5),
-	("Hell_Fire",5),
-	("Gae_Bolg",5),
-	("Crescent_Scythe_",5),
-	("Spectral_Spear",5),
-	("Ahlspiess",5),
-	("Spectral_Spear_",5),
-	("Gae_Bolg_",5),
-	("Zephyrus_",5),
-	("Wizardy_Staff",5),
-	("Staff_Of_Wing",5),
-	("Walking_Stick",5),
-	("Holy_Stick",5),
-	("Dead_Tree_Cane",5),
-	("Kronos",5),
-	("Dea_Staff",5),
-	("Divine_Cross",5),
-	("Golden_Mace",5),
-	("Long_Mace",5),
-	("Quadrille",5),
-	("Golden_Mace_",5),
-	("Nemesis",5),
-	("Erde",5),
-	("Red_Square_Bag",5),
-	("Red_Ether_Bag",5),
-	("Book_Of_The_Apocalypse",5),
-	("Girls_Diary",5),
-	("Legacy_Of_Dragon",5),
-	("Hardback",5),
-	("Bible_Of_Battlefield",5),
-	("Kaiser_Knuckle",5),
-	("Claw_Of_Garm",5),
-	("Dragon_Wing",5),
-	("Bow_Of_Minstrel",5),
-	("Ixion_Wing",5),
-	("Nepenthes_Bow",5),
-	("Cursed_Lyre",5),
-	("Falken_Blitz",5),
-	("Mystic_Bow",5),
-	("Electronic_Guitar",5),
-	("Oriental_Lute",5),
-	("Oriental_Lute_",5),
-	("Harp_Of_Nepenthes",5),
-	("Lariat",5),
-	("Rapture_Rose",5),
-	("Chemeti",5),
-	("Bladed_Whip",5),
-	("Electric_Eel",5),
-	("Sea_Witch_Foot",5),
-	("Queens_Whip",5),
-	("Carrot_Whip",5),
-	("Queens_Whip_",5),
-	("Stem_Of_Nepenthes",5),
-	"Thorn_Staff",
-	"Eraser",
-	"Destruction_Rod",
-	"Infiltrator",
-	"Infiltrator_",
-	"Heart_Breaker",
-	"Hurricane_Fury",
-	"Right_Epsilon",
-	"Doom_Slayer",
-	("Sword_Breaker",4),
-	("Chrome_Sword",2),
-	("Chrome_Twohand_Sword",2),
-	("Excalibur",2),
-	("Masamune",2),
-	("Nagan",2),
-	("Executioner_",2),
-	("Executioner__",2),
-	("Altas_Weapon",2),
-	("Giant_Axe",2),
-	("Guillotine",2),
-	("Brood_Axe",2),
-	("Wild_Beast_Claw",2),
-	("Inverse_Scale",2),
-	("Bloody_Roar",2),
-	("Cardo",2),
-	("Imperial_Spear",2),
-	("Skewer",2),
-	("Battle_Hook",2),
-	("Mental_Stick",2),
-	"Doom_Slayer_",
-	"Hunting_Spear",
-	"Edge",
-	"Violet_Fear",
-	"Death_Guidance",
-	"House_Auger",
-	"Bazerald",
-	"Ancient_Dagger",
-	"Grand_Cross",
-	"Grand_Cross_",
-	"Death_Note",
-	"Berserk",
-	"Berserk_",
-	"Berserk_Guitar",
-	"Rosebine",
-	("Forturn_Sword",2),
-	("Combat_Knife",2),
-	("Moonlight_Sword",2),
-	("Spike",2),
-	("Spike_",2),
-	("Slash",2),
-	("Sura_Rampage",2),
-	("Bow_Of_Roguemaster",2),
-	("Balistar",2),
-	("Balistar_",2),
-	("Bow_Of_Rudra",2),
-	("Green_Whistle",2),
-	("Stem_Whip",2),
-	"Agent_Katar",
-	"Guillotine_Katar",
-	"Ygnus_Stale",
-	"End_Sektura",
-	"Cannon_Spear",
-	"Chilly_Spell_Book",
-	"Recovery_Light",
-	"Aztoe_Nail",
-	"Scarletto_Nail",
-	"Bloody_Cross",
-	"Catapult",
-	"Big_CrossBow",
-	"Creeper_Bow",
-Holy_Egg_2: (
-	("Oridecon",3),
-	("Elunium",10),
-	("White_Slim_Potion",30),
-	("Blue_Potion",30),
-	("Yggdrasilberry",3),
-	("Seed_Of_Yggdrasil",2),
-	("Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil",15),
-	("Old_Card_Album",5),
-	"Drooping_Bunny",
-Candy_Holder: (
-	("Honey",9),
-	("Candy",20),
-	("Well_Baked_Cookie",15),
-	("Piece_Of_Cake",10),
-	("Bread",20),
-	"Old_Blue_Box",
-	"Yggdrasilberry",
-	"Old_Card_Album",
-	"Old_Violet_Box",
-	"Contracts_In_Shadow",
-	("Niflheim_Ticket",10),
-	("Pumpkin_Cake",5),
-	("Pumpkin_Pie",5),
-Lotto_Box01: (
-	"Lotto01",
-	"Lotto02",
-	"Lotto03",
-	"Lotto04",
-	"Lotto05",
-	"Lotto06",
-	"Lotto07",
-	"Lotto08",
-	"Lotto09",
-	"Lotto10",
-Lotto_Box02: (
-	"Lotto11",
-	"Lotto12",
-	"Lotto13",
-	"Lotto14",
-	"Lotto15",
-	"Lotto16",
-	"Lotto17",
-	"Lotto18",
-	"Lotto19",
-	"Lotto20",
-Lotto_Box03: (
-	"Lotto21",
-	"Lotto22",
-	"Lotto23",
-	"Lotto24",
-	"Lotto25",
-	"Lotto26",
-	"Lotto27",
-	"Lotto28",
-	"Lotto29",
-	"Lotto30",
-Lotto_Box04: (
-	"Lotto31",
-	"Lotto32",
-	"Lotto33",
-	"Lotto34",
-	"Lotto35",
-	"Lotto36",
-	"Lotto37",
-	"Lotto38",
-	"Lotto39",
-	"Lotto40",
-Lotto_Box05: (
-	"Lotto41",
-	"Lotto42",
-	"Lotto43",
-	"Lotto44",
-	"Lotto45",
-/* currently unsupported or unknown ('Lucky_Bag')
-Lucky_Bag: (
-	("Fire_Cracker",7),
-	("Korea_Rice_Cake",6),
-	("Handsei",2),
-	("Taiwan_Luk_Coin",3),
-	"Big_Luk_Bookmark",
-	("Immortal_Heart", 30),
-	("Starsand_Of_Witch", 30),
-	("Empty_Bottle", 30),
-	("Alchol", 30),
-	("Karvodailnirol", 30),
-	("Transparent_Cloth", 30),
-	("Stem", 30),
-	("Poison_Spore", 30),
-	("Speed_Up_Potion", 5),
-	("Chocolate", 5),
-	("Guarana_Candy", 5),
-	("Seed_Of_Yggdrasil", 5),
-	"Old_Blue_Box",
-	"Old_Card_Album",
-	"Old_Violet_Box"
-Something_Candy_Holder: (
-	("Honey", 3),
-	("Candy", 7),
-	("Well_Baked_Cookie", 2),
-	"Piece_Of_Cake",
-	("Bread", 3),
-	"Pumpkin_Cake",
-	("Pumpkin_Pie", 3),
-	("Meat", 5),
-	("Trance_Candy_R", 3),
-	("Trance_Candy_B", 3),
-	("Trance_Candy_Y", 3),
-	("Trance_Candy_G", 3),
-	"Old_Blue_Box",
-	"Yggdrasilberry",
-	"Old_Card_Album",
-	"Old_Violet_Box",
-	"C_There_Is_Something",
-	"Witch_Shoes"
-Siege_Kit_Box: (
-	("Old_Blue_Box", 30),
-	"Old_Card_Album",
-	("Old_Violet_Box", 30),
-	"Union_Of_Tribe",
-	"Bloody_Dead_Branch",
-	("Sg_Violet_Potion_Box", 28),
-	("Sg_White_Potion_Box", 28),
-	("Sg_Blue_Potion_Box", 28),
-	("Snow_Flip", 7),
-	("Peony_Mommy", 7),
-	("Slapping_Herb", 7),
-	("Yggdrasil_Dust", 7),
-	"Frost_Giant_Blood",
-	"Golem_Stone",
-	("Elf_Tear_Stun", 4),
-	("Elf_Tear_Stone_Curse", 4),
-	("Elf_Tear_Freezing", 4),
-	("Elf_Tear_Sleep", 4),
-	("Elf_Tear_Curse", 4),
-	("Elf_Tear_Silence", 4),
-	("Elf_Tear_Blind", 4)
diff --git a/db/re/item_packages.conf b/db/re/item_packages.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 468d47a26..000000000
--- a/db/re/item_packages.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12871 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2013-2015  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//================= More Information ======================================
- ************* Entry structure ********************************************
- **************************************************************************
-<Container_Item_Name>: {
-	<Entry_Item_Name>: {
-		Random: 0 // Signs what group type this item belongs to, 0 is "Must", a group of items that come out whenever the package is open (doesn't use rate), anything above 0 is considered "random_group_<value>", a package with 2 random groups for example gets 2 items whenever open, one from each group
-		Count: 30 // Stands for how much <Entry_Item_Name> will be obtained.
-		Expire: 2 // Signs how many hours this item will last (makes a rental item).
-		Announce: True/False // Signs whether to relay a special item obtain announcement when this item comes out of the package.
-		Rate: 50 // If 'Random' is not 0, a rate from 1 to 10000 (0.01% - 100%) will be given.
-		Named: True/False // Signs whether the item should have the owner's name in it.
-	}
-Special_Box: {
-	Wrapped_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Set_Of_Taiming_Item: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Cookie_Bag: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Mysterious_Can2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Mysterious_PET_Bottle2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Speed_Up_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Old_Blue_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 19
-	}
-	Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 14
-	}
-	First_Aid_Kit: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 19
-	}
-	Dried_Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Angeling_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Ygnizem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Doppelganger_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Wild_Rose_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Gift_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Red_Bag: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Cool_Summer_Outfit: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Slow_Down_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-Tresure_Box_WoE: {
-	Majestic_Goat_Repl: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Jewel_Crown_Repl: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Prontera_Army_Cap_Repl: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Feather_Bonnet_Repl: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Viking_Helm_Repl: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Mysterious_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Mysterious_PET_Bottle: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Mysterious_Can2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Mysterious_PET_Bottle2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Hometown_Gift: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Dried_Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Unripe_Fruit: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	First_Aid_Kit: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Gift_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Comp_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Old_Blue_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-RWC_Parti_Box: {
-	Wrapped_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Set_Of_Taiming_Item: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Cookie_Bag: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Mysterious_Can2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Mysterious_PET_Bottle2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Speed_Up_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 19
-	}
-	Cat_Foot_Hairpin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Int_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Vit_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Agi_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Dex_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Luk_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Str_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 14
-	}
-	Dried_Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Angeling_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Ygnizem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Doppelganger_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Wild_Rose_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Old_Blue_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Hometown_Gift: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 99
-	}
-	Pink_Drooping_Kitty: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Red_Deviruchi_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-RWC_Final_Comp_Box: {
-	Comp_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-	}
-	Comp_Insurance: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-	}
-	Enriched_Slim_Pot: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 30
-	}
-	Rafini_Staff: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Round_Buckler: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Puente_Robe: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Claire_Suits: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Fricco_Shoes: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Rider_Insignia: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Undershirt_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Muffler_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-Gift_Bundle: {
-	White_Slim_Potion: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 30
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-	}
-	GM_Handwriting: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Caracas_Ring_Box: {
-	Caracas_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 72
-	}
-Crumpled_Paper: {
-	Calender_January: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 84
-	}
-	Calender_February: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 84
-	}
-	Calender_March: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 84
-	}
-	Calender_April: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 84
-	}
-	Calender_May: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 83
-	}
-	Calender_June: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 83
-	}
-	Calender_July: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 83
-	}
-	Calender_August: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 83
-	}
-	Calender_September: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 83
-	}
-	Calender_October: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 83
-	}
-	Calender_November: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 83
-	}
-	Calender_December: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 83
-	}
-Solo_Gift_Basket: {
-	Lovely_Choco_Tart: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 5
-	}
-	Cute_Strawberry_Choco: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 3
-	}
-	White_Chocolate: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 3
-	}
-	Chocolate_Drink: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-	}
-	HandMade_Chocolate: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-	}
-	HandMade_Chocolate_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-	}
-Couple_Event_Basket: {
-	Fire_Cracker_Love: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-	}
-	Fire_Cracker_Wday: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-	}
-	Fire_Cracker_Vday: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-	}
-	Fire_Cracker_Bday: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-	}
-	Fire_Cracker_Xmas: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-	}
-GM_Warp_Box: {
-	Wing_Of_Fly: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 155
-	}
-	Wing_Of_Butterfly: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 155
-	}
-	Warp_Free_Ticket: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	WOB_Rune: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 140
-	}
-	WOB_Schwaltz: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 140
-	}
-	WOB_Rachel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	WOB_Local: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-Fortune_Cookie1: {
-	Bless_Word_Paper1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bless_Word_Paper2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bless_Word_Paper3: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bless_Word_Paper4: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bless_Word_Paper5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bless_Word_Paper6: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bless_Word_Paper7: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bless_Word_Paper8: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bless_Word_Paper9: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bless_Word_Paper10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-Fortune_Cookie2: {
-	Guidebook_Exchange: {
-		Random: 0
-		Announce: true
-	}
-Fortune_Cookie3: {
-	Free_Cash_Coupon: {
-		Random: 0
-		Announce: true
-	}
-New_Gift_Envelope: {
-	Honey_Pastry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 115
-	}
-	Lucky_Cookie03: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Gingerbread: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	New_Year_Bun: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Charm_Of_Happiness: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Shaman_Hat_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Halohalo: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Traditional_Firecrack: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-Passion_FB_Hat_Box: {
-	Passion_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Cool_FB_Hat_Box: {
-	Cool_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Victory_FB_Hat_Box: {
-	Victory_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Glory_FB_Hat_Box: {
-	Glory_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 24
-	}
-Passion_Hat_Box2: {
-	Passion_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 6
-	}
-Cool_Hat_Box2: {
-	Cool_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 6
-	}
-Victory_Hat_Box2: {
-	Victory_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 6
-	}
-Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box: {
-	Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box1: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll1: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box2: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll2: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll1: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Adrenaline_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Neuralizer: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Red_Deviruchi_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll2: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Wind_Walk_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Giant_Fly_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Red_Wizardry_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-/*Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box3: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll3: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box4: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll4: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box5: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll5: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll3: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Adrenaline_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Neuralizer: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Pink_Drooping_Kitty: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll4: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Wind_Walk_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Giant_Fly_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Pink_Fur_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll5: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 135
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Giant_Fly_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Mini_Propeller_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	White_Wizardry_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-Infiltrator_Box: {
-	Infiltrator_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Muramasa_Box: {
-	Muramasa_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Excalibur_Box: {
-	Excalibur_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Combat_Knife_Box: {
-	Combat_Knife_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Counter_Dagger_Box: {
-	Counter_Dagger_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Kaiser_Knuckle_Box: {
-	Kaiser_Knuckle_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pole_Axe_Box: {
-	Pole_Axe_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Mighty_Staff_Box: {
-	Mighty_Staff_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Right_Epsilon_Box: {
-	Right_Epsilon_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Balistar_Box: {
-	Balistar_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Diary_Of_Great_Sage_Box: {
-	Diary_Of_Great_Sage_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Asura_Box: {
-	Asura_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Apple_Of_Archer_Box: {
-	Apple_Of_Archer_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Bunny_Band_Box: {
-	Bunny_Band_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Sahkkat_Box: {
-	Sahkkat_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Lord_Circlet_Box: {
-	Lord_Circlet_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Elven_Ears_Box: {
-	Elven_Ears_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Steel_Flower_Box: {
-	Steel_Flower_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Critical_Ring_Box: {
-	Critical_Ring_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Earring_Box: {
-	Earring_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Ring_Box: {
-	Ring_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Necklace_Box: {
-	Necklace_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Glove_Box: {
-	Glove_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Brooch_Box: {
-	Brooch_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Rosary_Box: {
-	Rosary_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Safety_Ring_Box: {
-	Safety_Ring_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vesper_Core01_Box: {
-	Vesper_Core01_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vesper_Core02_Box: {
-	Vesper_Core02_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vesper_Core03_Box: {
-	Vesper_Core03_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vesper_Core04_Box: {
-	Vesper_Core04_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box6: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll6: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box7: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll7: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box8: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll8: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box9: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll9: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box10: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll10: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box11: {
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll11: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll6: {
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 195
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 400
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Drooping_Kitty_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Orc_Hero_Helm_TW: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Magestic_Goat_TW: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll7: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 190
-	}
-	Megaphone_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 190
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Vit_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Succubus_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Incubus_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Smoking_Pipe_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 9
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll8: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Wind_Walk_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Giant_Fly_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 244
-	}
-	Neuralizer: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Agi_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Silver_Tiara: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Magestic_Goat_TW: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Fish_On_Head_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 9
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll9: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 160
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Adrenaline_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Neuralizer: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Str_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 208
-	}
-	Dark_Illusion_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Dark_Lord_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Orc_Hero_Helm_TW: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Bunny_Band_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll10: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Wind_Walk_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Giant_Fly_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Megaphone_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 160
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 152
-	}
-	Int_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Injustice_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Zherlthsh_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Angelic_Chain_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Satanic_Chain_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll11: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 115
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 205
-	}
-	Giant_Fly_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 205
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 115
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 55
-	}
-	Dex_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 205
-	}
-	Owl_Baron_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Owl_Duke_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Slipper: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Drooping_Kitty_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Big_Golden_Bell_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-CP_Helm_Scroll_Box: {
-	CP_Helm_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Coating_Bottle: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-CP_Shield_Scroll_Box: {
-	CP_Shield_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Coating_Bottle: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-CP_Armor_Scroll_Box: {
-	CP_Armor_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Coating_Bottle: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-CP_Weapon_Scroll_Box: {
-	CP_Weapon_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Coating_Bottle: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Repair_Scroll_Box: {
-	Repair_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Iron_Ore: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Iron: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Oridecon_Stone: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Steel: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Super_Pet_Egg1: {
-	Tiara: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Loard_Circlet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ear_Of_Angel'
-//	Ear_Of_Angel: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 5
-//	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ear_Of_Devil'
-//	Ear_Of_Devil: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 5
-//	}
-	Flying_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Dark_Lord_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Angeling_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Ghostring_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Nurse_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Centimental_Flower: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-	Tulip_Hairpin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 85
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 230
-	}
-Super_Pet_Egg2: {
-	Golden_Gear: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 6
-	}
-	Coronet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Ghost_Bandana: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 6
-	}
-	Horn_Of_Succubus: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Inccubus_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Archangeling_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Knight_Of_Abyss_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Pharaoh_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Poring_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Centimental_Leaf: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	First_Moon_Hair_Pin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Cigar: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 160
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 227
-	}
-Super_Pet_Egg3: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Oldman'
-//	Oldman: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 5
-//	}
-	Fillet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 6
-	}
-	Smoking_Pipe: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Kafra_Band: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Hair_Protector: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 6
-	}
-	Crescent_Scythe: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	House_Auger: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 33
-	}
-	Dark_Illusion_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Drake_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Maya_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Ear_Mufs: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 220
-	}
-Super_Pet_Egg4: {
-	Angelic_Chain: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Magestic_Goat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Sharp_Gear: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Helm_Of_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Orc_Hero_Helm: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 4
-	}
-	Doppelganger_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Osiris_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Phreeoni_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Green_Feeler: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Big_Sis'
-//	Big_Sis: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 50
-//	}
-	Mistic_Rose: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 36
-	}
-	Well_Baked_Toast: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 230
-	}
-Super_Card_Pet_Egg1: {
-	Orc_Lady_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Mummy_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Marina_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Desert_Wolf_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Soldier_Skeleton_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Magnolia_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Andre_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 7
-	}
-	Mandragora_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Vadon_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Baphomet_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Drainliar_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Flying_Deleter_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Nightmare_Terror_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 8
-	}
-	Pest_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Marc_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Dark_Frame_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Deleter_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 165
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 166
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-Super_Card_Pet_Egg2: {
-	Orc_Load_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Skel_Worker_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Minorous_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 55
-	}
-	Garm_Baby_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 18
-	}
-	Goblin_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Caramel_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Scorpion_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Flora_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Hunter_Fly_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Pecopeco_Egg_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Hydra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Disguise_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Rybio_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 9
-	}
-	Wraith_Dead_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Majoruros_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 18
-	}
-	Pupa_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Pecopeco_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 168
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 165
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 166
-	}
-Super_Card_Pet_Egg3: {
-	Elder_Wilow_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Deviruchi_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Marduk_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Carat_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-	Choco_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Pharaoh_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Nine_Tail_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Whisper_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Frilldora_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Dragon_Tail_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 33
-	}
-	Baphomet__Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Daydric_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Harpy_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Whisper_Boss_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Thara_Frog_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Executioner_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Khalitzburg_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 171
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 140
-	}
-Super_Card_Pet_Egg4: {
-	Thief_Bug_Male_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Verit_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Matyr_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Sohee_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 19
-	}
-	Antique_Firelock_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Blood_Butterfly_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 38
-	}
-	Mimic_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Zerom_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 38
-	}
-	Phen_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Kobold_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Moonlight_Flower_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Mantis_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-	Smokie_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 65
-	}
-	Vitata_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	High_Orc_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Penomena_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 13
-	}
-	Tirfing_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 18
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 165
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 165
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 140
-	}
-Vigorgra_Package1: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Str_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Agi_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Inc_Agi_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Blessing_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vigorgra_Package2: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Str_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Vit_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Inc_Agi_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Blessing_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vigorgra_Package3: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Int_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Dex_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Inc_Agi_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Blessing_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vigorgra_Package6: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Str_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Agi_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Adrenaline_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 24
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Holy_Water: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vigorgra_Package7: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Str_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Agi_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Inc_Agi_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Blessing_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vigorgra_Package9: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Int_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Dex_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Inc_Agi_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Blessing_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vigorgra_Package10: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Int_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Vit_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Inc_Agi_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Blessing_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-Vigorgra_Package12: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Str_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Agi_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Adrenaline_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 48
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 40
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Holy_Water: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 40
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll12: {
-	Poring_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Vit_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Dex_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Megaphone_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Luk_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Elven_Ears: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Flying_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll13: {
-	Elephant_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Happy_Wig: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 7
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Blue_Herb: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 8
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	White_Slim_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll14: {
-	Hibiscus: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Charming_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 7
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Grape_Juice: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	White_Slim_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-Super_Pet_Egg5: {
-	Bird_Nest: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Fallen_Leaves: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Sheep_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Pumpkin_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Cyclops_Visor: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 6
-	}
-	Alice_Doll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Magic_Eyes: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Minstrel_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Steel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 53
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 230
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Zeny_Scroll_Box'
-//	Zeny_Scroll_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Count: 10
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 216
-//	}
-Super_Pet_Egg6: {
-	Marionette_Doll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Gambler_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Elephant_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Baseball_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Silver_Tiara: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Joker_Jester_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 6
-	}
-	Headset_OST: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Chinese_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Steel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 53
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 230
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Zeny_Scroll_Box'
-//	Zeny_Scroll_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Count: 10
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 226
-//	}
-Super_Pet_Egg7: {
-	Candle: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Gold_Tiara: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Phrygian_Cap_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Helm_Of_Darkness: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Puppy_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Romantic_White_Flower: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 8
-	}
-	Hibiscus: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Charming_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Steel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 53
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 230
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Zeny_Scroll_Box'
-//	Zeny_Scroll_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Count: 10
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 209
-//	}
-Super_Pet_Egg8: {
-	Angeling_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Coppola: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Tongue_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Captain_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Laurel_Wreath: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Geographer_Band: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Twin_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Bird_Nest_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Steel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 53
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 230
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Zeny_Scroll_Box'
-//	Zeny_Scroll_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Count: 10
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 217
-//	}
-Pet_Egg_Scroll_E: {
-	Exorcize_Herb: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 350
-	}
-	Silk_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Realgar_Wine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 350
-	}
-	Chung_E_Cake: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Bok_Choy: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Chung_E_Ticket: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Spring_Rabbit_Ticket: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Zeny_Scroll_Box'
-//	Zeny_Scroll_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 10
-//	}
-Ramen_Hat_Box: {
-	Ramen_Hat: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 336
-		Named: true
-	}
-Mysterious_Travel_Sack1: {
-	Yellow_Baseball_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Valkyrie_Feather_Band: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Soulless_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Afro_Wig: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Happy_Wig: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Shiny_Wig: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Ring_Of_Water: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Ring_Of_Fire: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Shadow_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Holy_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Small_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Med_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	S_Def_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	S_Mdef_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Regeneration_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 205
-	}
-Mysterious_Travel_Sack2: {
-	Aussie_Flag_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Chullos: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Ati_Atihan_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Marcher_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Marvelous_Wig: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Fantastic_Wig: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Ring_Of_Wind: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Ring_Of_Earth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Shadow_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Holy_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Small_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Med_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	S_Def_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	S_Mdef_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Regeneration_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-Mysterious_Travel_Sack3: {
-	Kettle_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Deviling_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Pecopeco_Hairband: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Chick_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Vacation_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Ribbon_Black: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Ribbon_Yellow: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Ribbon_Green: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Shadow_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Holy_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Small_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Med_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	S_Def_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	S_Mdef_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Regeneration_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-Mysterious_Travel_Sack4: {
-	Twin_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Ribbon_Of_Bride: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Charming_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Ribbon_Pink: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Ribbon_Orange: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Ribbon_White: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Red_Glasses: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll1_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Shadow_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Holy_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Small_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 203
-	}
-	Med_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 203
-	}
-	S_Def_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 203
-	}
-	S_Mdef_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Regeneration_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 203
-	}
-Magician_Card_Box: {
-	Blood_Butterfly_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Parasite_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Harpy_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Miyabi_Ningyo_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Wicked_Nymph_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Loli_Ruri_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Acolyte_Card_Box: {
-	Rideword_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Fur_Seal_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Live_Peach_Tree_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Geographer_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Cookie_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Archer_Card_Box: {
-	Cruiser_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Anolian_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Merman_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Dragon_Tail_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Alligator_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Swordman_Card_Box: {
-	Freezer_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Heater_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Solider_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Permeter_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Assulter_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Thief_Card_Box: {
-	Shinobi_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Wander_Man_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Wild_Rose_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	The_Paper_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Dancing_Dragon_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Merchant_Card_Box: {
-	Mystcase_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Zipper_Bear_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Raggler_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Baby_Leopard_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Hylozoist_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Hard_Core_Set_Box: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-Kitty_Set_Box: {
-	White_Drooping_Kitty: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Blue_Drooping_Kitty: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pink_Drooping_Kitty: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Yellow_Drooping_Kitty: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gray_Drooping_Kitty: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Soft_Core_Set_Box: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-	}
-Deviruchi_Set_Box: {
-	Red_Deviruchi_Cap: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	White_Deviruchi_Cap: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gray_Deviruchi_Cap: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-MVP_Hunt_Box: {
-	Convex_Mirror: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 3
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Megaphone_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Brewing_Box: {
-	Dex_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Int_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Luk_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-Xmas_Pet_Scroll: {
-	Fish_Head_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Santa_Poring_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Bell_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ear_Of_Angel'
-//	Ear_Of_Angel: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 5
-//	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ear_Of_Devil'
-//	Ear_Of_Devil: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 5
-//	}
-	Flying_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Pecopeco_Hairband: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Nurse_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Centimental_Flower: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Tulip_Hairpin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 110
-	}
-	Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Crystal_Jewel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Crystal_Jewel__: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-Lucky_Scroll08: {
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 220
-	}
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 210
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 210
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Neuralizer: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Mini_Propeller_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Branch_Of_Dead_Tree_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Dark_Lord_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Dark_Illusion_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Angelic_Chain_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Satanic_Chain_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Magestic_Goat_TW: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Bunny_Band_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Drooping_Kitty_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Tulip_Hairpin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 65
-	}
-	Insurance_Package: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 110
-	}
-Br_SwordPackage: {
-	Plate_Armor_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Shield_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Boots_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Manteau_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pupa_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Daydric_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Helm_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Iron_Cane: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Br_MagePackage: {
-	Silk_Robe_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Guard_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Shoes_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Muffler_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pupa_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Phen_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Wizardry_Hat: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Br_AcolPackage: {
-	Saint_Robe_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Buckler_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Shoes_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Muffler_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pupa_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sohee_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Biretta_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Br_ArcherPackage: {
-	Tights_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Kakkung_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Boots_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Muffler_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Zerom_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Whisper_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Apple_Of_Archer: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Br_MerPackage: {
-	Chain_Mail_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Buckler_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Boots_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Manteau_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pupa_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Daydric_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Bankruptcy_Of_Heart: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Br_ThiefPackage: {
-	Thief_Clothes_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Buckler_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Boots_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Manteau_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Matyr_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Whisper_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Clip: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Ghost_Bandana: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Acidbomb_10_Box: {
-	Fire_Bottle: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Acid_Bottle: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-Basic_Siege_Supply_Box: {
-	Siege_White_Potion: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 25
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Siege_Blue_Potion: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-Adv_Siege_Supply_Box: {
-	Siege_White_Potion: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 50
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Siege_Blue_Potion: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-	}
-Elite_Siege_Supply_Box: {
-	Siege_White_Potion: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 100
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Siege_Blue_Potion: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 50
-		Named: true
-	}
-Cherry_Blossom_Scroll: {
-	Angelic_Chain: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Satanic_Chain: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Snowy_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Mini_Propeller: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Osiris_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Phreeoni_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Green_Feeler: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Orc_Hero_Helm: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 160
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 160
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 190
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 50
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Iron_Glove: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Kabuki_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Mistic_Rose: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-Beholder_Ring_Box: {
-	Beholder_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Hallow_Ring_Box: {
-	Hallow_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Clamorous_Ring_Box: {
-	Clamorous_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Chemical_Ring_Box: {
-	Chemical_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Insecticide_Ring_Box: {
-	Insecticide_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Fisher_Ring_Box: {
-	Fisher_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Decussate_Ring_Box: {
-	Decussate_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Bloody_Ring_Box: {
-	Bloody_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Satanic_Ring_Box: {
-	Satanic_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Dragoon_Ring_Box: {
-	Dragoon_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Angel_Scroll: {
-	Angelic_Chain: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Dress_Of_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ear_Of_Angel'
-//	Ear_Of_Angel: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 100
-//	}
-	Kiss_Of_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Angeling_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Angeling_Hairpin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Gold_Spirit_Chain: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 110
-	}
-	Angeling_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Blessing_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 420
-	}
-	Archangeling_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-Devil_Scroll: {
-	Satanic_Chain: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 4
-	}
-	Book_Of_Devil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ear_Of_Devil'
-//	Ear_Of_Devil: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 100
-//	}
-	Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 125
-	}
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Deviling_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Pet_Egg_Scroll_Box1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Horn_Of_Succubus: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-	Inccubus_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-	Diabolic_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-Surprise_Scroll: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 98
-	}
-	Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 6
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Guyak_Candy: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Bell_Ribbon_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Neuralizer: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-July7_Scroll: {
-	Basic_Siege_Supply_Box: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Str_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1550
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Convex_Mirror_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Eddga_Scroll'
-//	Eddga_Scroll: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 400
-//	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Rabbit_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Rainbow: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 56
-	}
-	Upd_Maya_Puple_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Gold_Ingot_Poring_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Berzebub_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	C_Hair_Of_The_Strong: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	RWC2010_Indonesia: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Rocket_Helm_RWC: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 75
-	}
-Bacsojin_Scroll: {
-	Magical_Moon_Cake: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Moon_Cake: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Special_Moon_Cake: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Tayelin_Doll_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Binit_Doll_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Debril_Doll_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Blessing_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Hibiscus: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Charming_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Miracle_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Slipper: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 14
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 135
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-Animal_Scroll: {
-	Tiger_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Guardian_Lion_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Luk_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 185
-	}
-	Panda_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Brown_Bear_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Smokie_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Str_Dish08: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 185
-	}
-	Lazy_Raccoon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Drooping_Bunny: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Int_Dish03: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 185
-	}
-	Elephant_Hat_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Sea_Otter_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Vit_Dish09: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 185
-	}
-	Galapago_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Magestic_Goat_TW: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Fish_On_Head_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Agi_Dish06: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 185
-	}
-Heart_Scroll: {
-	Orleans_Glove: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Wool_Scarf: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Red_Glasses: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Str_Dish08: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 7
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Vit_Dish10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Spiritual_Ring: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Agi_Dish09: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Scarf_Belt: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Lesser_Elemental_Ring: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Luk_Dish07: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 8
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Lion_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Fur_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Ulle_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Valkyrie_Feather_Band: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 4
-	}
-	Winter_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Ear_Mufs: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-New_Year_Scroll: {
-	Silver_Tiara: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Clothing_Dye_Coupon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Marcher_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Dead_Tree_Branch_Box1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 132
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Mini_Propeller_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-Valentine_Pledge_Box: {
-	Valentine_Pledge: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 8760
-		Named: true
-	}
-Ox_Tail_Scroll: {
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1420
-	}
-	Luk_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1420
-	}
-	Kafra_Card_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1420
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1420
-	}
-	Insurance_Package: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1420
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Zealotus_Scroll'
-//	Zealotus_Scroll: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Count: 5
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 300
-//	}
-	Assumptio_5_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	B_Dragon_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Rain_Cloud: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 87
-	}
-	Gold_Ingot_Poring_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Maneater_Flower_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Chilly_Breath: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Choco_Stick_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Eyes_Of_Ifrit: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Majoruros_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Sealed_D_Lord_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-Buddah_Scroll: {
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 7
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 201
-	}
-	S_Def_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 112
-	}
-	S_Mdef_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 111
-	}
-	B_Def_Potion_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 110
-	}
-	B_Mdef_Potion_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 109
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 108
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 7
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Ati_Atihan_Hat_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Drooping_Bunny: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Kabuki_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 49
-	}
-	Deprotai_Doll_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 9
-	}
-	Bright_Fury: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 8
-	}
-	Secret_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Miracle_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-Evil_Incarnation_Disable: {
-	Dead_Tree_Branch_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 224
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 124
-	}
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 123
-	}
-	Luk_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 122
-	}
-	Vit_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 121
-	}
-	Str_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Romantic_White_Flower: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 47
-	}
-	Love_Berry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 46
-	}
-	Minstrel_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 26
-	}
-	Puppy_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Kafra_Band: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Majestic_Evil_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 9
-	}
-	Secret_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Miracle_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-/* supported container but with no known entries 'F_Clover_Box_Mouth'
-F_Clover_Box_Mouth: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Leaf_Clover_In_Mouth'
-//	Leaf_Clover_In_Mouth: {
-//		Random: 0
-//		Named: true
-//	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Mouth_Bubble_Gum_Box'
-Mouth_Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-	Bubble_Gum_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-/* supported container but with no known entries 'F_Clover_Box_Mouth2'
-F_Clover_Box_Mouth2: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Leaf_Clover_In_Mouth'
-//	Leaf_Clover_In_Mouth: {
-//		Random: 0
-//		Expire: 2
-//		Named: true
-//	}
-/* supported container but with no known entries 'F_Clover_Box_Mouth4'
-F_Clover_Box_Mouth4: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Leaf_Clover_In_Mouth'
-//	Leaf_Clover_In_Mouth: {
-//		Random: 0
-//		Expire: 4
-//		Named: true
-//	}
-BGum_Box_In_Mouth2: {
-	Bubble_Gum_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 2
-		Named: true
-	}
-BGum_Box_In_Mouth4: {
-	Bubble_Gum_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 4
-		Named: true
-	}
-Tw_October_Scroll: {
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 432
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Job_Manual50_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 650
-	}
-	Black_Knitted_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Candy_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Drooping_Morocc_Minion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Dress_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Sealed_Mistress_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Asgard_Blessing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Ant_Buyanne_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Comin_Actor_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-My_Scroll1: {
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1450
-	}
-	Agi_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1450
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1450
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1450
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1450
-	}
-	Job_Manual50_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1406
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Eddga_Scroll'
-//	Eddga_Scroll: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Count: 5
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 500
-//	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Hellomother_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	King_Tiger_Doll_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Red_Glasses: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Sealed_Bacsojin_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Ancient_Civil_Man: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Poker_Card_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Upd_Maya_Puple_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Blacksmith_Blessing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-Tw_Nov_Scroll: {
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Str_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Agi_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Dex_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Luk_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Vit_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Meteor_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Storm_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Vermilion_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Necromencer'
-//	Necromencer: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 10
-//	}
-	Anubis_Helm: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Miracle_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-My_Scroll2: {
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 25
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 125
-	}
-	Regeneration_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	B_Def_Potion_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_30_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	S_Mdef_Potion_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Tyr'
-//	Tyr: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Count: 2
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 100
-//	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 6
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 6
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 75
-	}
-	Glass_Of_Illusion_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 98
-	}
-	Job_Manual50: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 49
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Miracle_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	House_Auger: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Rabbit_Bonnet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Pr_Reset_Stone_Box'
-Pr_Reset_Stone_Box: {
-	Premium_Reset_Stone: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'FPremium_Reset_Stone_Box'
-FPremium_Reset_Stone_Box: {
-	Premium_Reset_Stone: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Majestic_Devil_Scroll: {
-	Exorcize_Herb: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Realgar_Wine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Mysterious_Travel_Sack2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Old_Bleu_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 93
-	}
-	Mental_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 93
-	}
-	Teleport_Box1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 93
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 6
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 6
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Box_Of_Sunlight: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Orleans_Glove: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Majestic_Evil_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-/* supported container but with no known entries 'Ribbon_Of_Life_Box'
-Ribbon_Of_Life_Box: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Life_Ribbon'
-//	Life_Ribbon: {
-//		Random: 0
-//		Named: true
-//	}
-/* supported container but with no known entries 'Ribbon_Of_Life_Box2'
-Ribbon_Of_Life_Box2: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Life_Ribbon'
-//	Life_Ribbon: {
-//		Random: 0
-//		Expire: 2
-//		Named: true
-//	}
-/* supported container but with no known entries 'Ribbon_Of_Life_Box3'
-Ribbon_Of_Life_Box3: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Life_Ribbon'
-//	Life_Ribbon: {
-//		Random: 0
-//		Expire: 4
-//		Named: true
-//	}
-Magic_Candy_Box10: {
-	Magic_Candy: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-	}
-RWC2010_SuitcaseA: {
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 98
-	}
-	Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 6
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Guyak_Candy: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	RWC2010_Indonesia: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Neuralizer: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-RWC2010_SuitcaseB: {
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 7
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 201
-	}
-	S_Def_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 112
-	}
-	S_Mdef_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 111
-	}
-	B_Def_Potion_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 110
-	}
-	B_Mdef_Potion_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 109
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 108
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 7
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Ati_Atihan_Hat_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Drooping_Bunny: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Kabuki_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 49
-	}
-	Deprotai_Doll_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 9
-	}
-	Garuda_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 8
-	}
-	Secret_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Miracle_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-	Crown_Of_Deceit_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Crown_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 4
-	}
-	Pinguicula_Corsage: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-	Turtle_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 55
-	}
-	Mandragora_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Raven_Cap_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Mental_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 160
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Tyr'
-//	Tyr: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 110
-//	}
-Sagittarius_Scr_Box: {
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-	Spiked_Scarf_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Angelic_Ring: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Bone_Head: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Fur_Seal_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	B_Dragon_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	S_Mdef_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	S_Def_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 160
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-Sagittar_Di_Scroll_Box: {
-	Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Sagittar_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-	Santa_Poring_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Linen_Glove: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Rainbow_Scarf_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Capricorn_Crown_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Pizza_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Antonio_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 37
-	}
-	Red_Bag: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Guyak_Candy: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 6
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 6
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Adrenaline_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Wind_Walk_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-Capri_Crown_Scroll_Box: {
-	Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capri_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-	Robo_Eye_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Improved_Tights: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Capricorn_Diadem_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Sprint_Shoes: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 26
-	}
-	Cursed_Star: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	King_Tiger_Doll_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Pirate'
-//	Pirate: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 80
-//	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Med_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Abrasive_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Guyak_Candy: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Small_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-Capricon_Di_Scroll_Box: {
-	Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Capricon_Di_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-	Mask_Of_Ifrit_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Imp_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Waterdrop_Brooch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Dice_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	B_Def_Potion_Box50: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	B_Mdef_Potion_Box50: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	PhreeoniS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Abrasive_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 155
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 210
-	}
-	BGum_Box_In_Mouth4: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 155
-	}
-	Box_Of_Sunlight: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 175
-	}
-Aquarius_Di_Scroll_Box: {
-	Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-	Bradium_Brooch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 4
-	}
-	Sleepr_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 9
-	}
-	Aquarius_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Tucan_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	GhostringS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Mysterious_Dyestuff: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 140
-	}
-	Glass_Of_Illusion_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	F_Clover_Box_Mouth4: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 170
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 140
-	}
-	Fire_Cracker_Love_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-Lovely_Aquarius_Box: {
-	Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Lovely_Aquarius_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ifrit'
-//	Ifrit: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 1
-//	}
-	Bradium_Earing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Gryphon_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Vital_Tree_Shoes: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 22
-	}
-	Insurance_Package: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Orc_HeroS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Ribbon_Of_Life_Box3: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 160
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-Pisces_Diadem_Box2: {
-	Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-	Bradium_Ring: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Pisces_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Shark_Hat_Box'
-//	Shark_Hat_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 15
-//	}
-	Kafra_Ring: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Pirate_Dagger_J: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Orc_LoadS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 34
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 6
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 190
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Ramen_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-Energetic_Pisces_Box: {
-	Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Energetic_Pisces_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Aries_Scroll_: {
-	Freyja_Boots: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-	Aries_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Aries_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Scuba_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Acidus_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Pirate_Bandana_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 350
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1600
-	}
-	S_Mdef_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1800
-	}
-	S_Def_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1800
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 2300
-	}
-Aries_Scroll_Box: {
-	Aries_Scroll_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aries_Scroll_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aries_Scroll_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aries_Scroll_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aries_Scroll_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aries_Scroll_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aries_Scroll_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aries_Scroll_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aries_Scroll_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Aries_Scroll_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Boarding_Halter_Box: {
-	Boarding_Halter: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-	Freyja_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Owl_Baron_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Samurai_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 85
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Mischievous_Fairy: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ph'
-//	Ph: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 200
-//	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Job_Manual50_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Meteor_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Mysterious_Travel_Sack1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Tyr'
-//	Tyr: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1700
-//	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 2004
-	}
-Taurus_Di_Scroll_Box: {
-	Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Umbala_Spirit_Box2: {
-	Umbala_Spirit: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-F_Umbala_Spirit_Box2: {
-	Umbala_Spirit: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-	Freyja_Cape: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Centipede_Larva_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Umbala_Spirit_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Round_Eyes: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Sunflower_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 245
-	}
-	Poporing_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 400
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Mental_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Vermilion_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Mysterious_Travel_Sack2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Small_Life_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1800
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 2004
-	}
-Taurus_Crown_Scroll_Box: {
-	Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-	Salamander_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Freyja_Overcoat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Boy'
-//	Boy: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 44
-//	}
-	Gemini_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Angel_Spirit: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Gang_Scarf: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Hard_Core_Set_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 350
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Abrasive_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Meteor_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Mysterious_Travel_Sack3: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1600
-	}
-	Wind_Walk_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1800
-	}
-	Wrapped_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2004
-	}
-Gemi_Diadem_Scroll_Box: {
-	Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Diadem_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Super_Pet_Egg1_2: {
-	Tiara: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Loard_Circlet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ear_Of_Angel'
-//	Ear_Of_Angel: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 70
-//	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ear_Of_Devil'
-//	Ear_Of_Devil: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 60
-//	}
-	Flying_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Dark_Lord_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Angeling_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Ghostring_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Nurse_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 890
-	}
-	Centimental_Flower: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 450
-	}
-	Tulip_Hairpin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 700
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 950
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Rate: 2000
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Rate: 2000
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 955
-	}
-Super_Pet_Egg4_2: {
-	Angelic_Chain: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Magestic_Goat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 35
-	}
-	Sharp_Gear: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Helm_Of_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Orc_Hero_Helm: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Doppelganger_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Osiris_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Phreeoni_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Green_Feeler: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 720
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Big_Sis'
-//	Big_Sis: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 500
-//	}
-	Mistic_Rose: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 370
-	}
-	Well_Baked_Toast: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 350
-	}
-	Old_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 912
-	}
-	Old_Violet_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Rate: 1700
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Rate: 1700
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 2300
-	}
-Fire_Brand_Box: {
-	Fire_Brand_C: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-BR_Independence_Scroll: {
-	Brazilian_Emblem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Acaraje: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Br_Twin_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Navel_Ring: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Br_Beret: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Ragged_Zombie_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Job_Manual50: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Big_Bun_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Gold_Pill_1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 94
-	}
-	Int_Dish10_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Durian: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	B_Mdef_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	All_In_One_Ring_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Carmen_Mirandas_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-All_In_One_Ring_Box: {
-	All_In_One_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-		Named: true
-	}
-Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-	Dark_Snake_Lord_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Elven_Ears_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Antique_Pipe: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 47
-	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Gemini_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Hawkeyes: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bulb_Hairband: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Glass_Of_Illusion_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Mysterious_Travel_Sack4: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Adrenaline_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1600
-	}
-	Lex_Aeterna_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1800
-	}
-	MVP_Hunt_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2000
-	}
-Gemi_Crown_Scroll_Box: {
-	Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Gemi_Crown_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-RWC_Special_Scroll: {
-	Party_Recruiter_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 4
-	}
-	Convex_Mirror: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Daydric_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Pharaoh_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Marc_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Royal_Jelly_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 50
-		Rate: 190
-	}
-	Str_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-RWC_Limited_Scroll: {
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	White_Slim_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Guildsman_Recruiter: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 4
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Royal_Jelly_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Insurance_Package: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 44
-	}
-	Ygnizem_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	B_Ygnizem_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 50
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-Asgard_Scroll: {
-	Asgard_Blessing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Odin'
-//	Odin: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 5
-//	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Valkyrja'
-//	Valkyrja: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1
-//	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Daydric_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Fricca_Circlet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Secret_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Tyr'
-//	Tyr: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Count: 30
-//		Rate: 100
-//	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Valkyrie_Feather_Band: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Isilla_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Spark_Candy: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Darkness_Helm: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Regeneration_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Lucky_Cookie02: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-Ms_Cancer_Scroll: {
-	Garm_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Flame_Sprits_Armor_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 4
-	}
-	Beach_Towel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Cancer_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Cancer_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Flying_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Boarding_Halter_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	BGum_Box_In_Mouth4: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Kafra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1700
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2000
-	}
-	Storm_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-RWC_Super_Scroll: {
-	Tao_Gunka_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Mistress_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Berzebub_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Black_Devil_Mask_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	RWC2010_Indonesia: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Yggdrasil_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Immuned_Shield: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	RWC_2012_Ring: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	RWC_2012_Pendant: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	C_Hair_Of_The_Strong: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Cat_Ears_Beret: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Red_Bread_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Garuda_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Upg_Clip_Box'
-//	Upg_Clip_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 300
-//	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Upg_Formal_Dress_Box'
-//	Upg_Formal_Dress_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1000
-//	}
-	Blacksmith_Blessing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 4
-		Rate: 580
-	}
-	Blacksmith_Blessing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Unbreak_Weap_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2500
-	}
-	Unbreak_Def_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 3000
-	}
-Leo_Scroll3: {
-	Fallen_Bishop_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Wind_Sprits_Armor: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Skin_Of_Ventus: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Satanic_Chain_P: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Leo_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Leo_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Angeling_Wanna_Fly: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	F_Clover_Box_Mouth4: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 700
-	}
-	Siroma_Icetea: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Siegfried_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 1700
-	}
-	Regeneration_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1600
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Vermilion_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-Ms_Virgo_Scroll: {
-	Water_Sprits_Armor_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Piece_Of_Angent_Skin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 6
-	}
-	L_Magestic_Goat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 12
-	}
-	Virgo_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Virgo_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 645
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Ribbon_Of_Life_Box3: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Tyr'
-//	Tyr: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1000
-//	}
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1700
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Carat_Dia'
-//	Carat_Dia: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1600
-//	}
-	Wug_Blood_Cocktail: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1800
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Meteor_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-Lucky_Egg_C6: {
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 928
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Comp_Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Comp_Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Fallen_Bishop_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Sealed_Gloom_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Passion_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Cool_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Victory_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Glory_FB_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-Libra_Scroll: {
-	B_Katrinn_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Earth_Sprits_Armor_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Bravery_Bag: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 12
-	}
-	Libra_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Libra_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Angeling_Hairpin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 400
-	}
-	Orc_LoadS_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Boarding_Halter_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 4
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Light_White_Pot_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Carat_Dia'
-//	Carat_Dia: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1300
-//	}
-	Drocera_Herb_Stew: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1700
-	}
-	Branch_Of_Dead_Tree_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2500
-	}
-Hallo_Scroll: {
-	Witchs_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Red_Deviruchi_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 350
-	}
-	Insurance_Package: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Charm_Of_Happiness: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 220
-	}
-	Holy_Celestial_Axe_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 330
-	}
-	Glass_Of_Illusion_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Shadow_Armor_S_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Alice_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Ticket_Loli_Ruri: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Teddy_Bear_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Hallow_Ring_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Zherlthsh_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 140
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-Ms_Scorpio_Scroll: {
-	Thanatos_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Bone_Plate: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Thanatos_Mal_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 7
-	}
-	Scorpio_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Scorpio_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 17
-	}
-	Whike_Black_Tail: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 160
-	}
-	Miracle_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Orc_HeroS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Mental_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 700
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 4
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Minor_Brisket: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Dex_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 2500
-	}
-	Small_Life_Potion_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 2300
-	}
-TCG_Card_Scroll: {
-	TCG_Card: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Light_White_Pot: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 25
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-Boitata_Scroll: {
-	Boitata_Armor: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Guarana_Candy: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 20
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 144
-	}
-	Hell_Fire: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Pharaoh_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Resist_Fire: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Dex_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Pill_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Insurance_Package: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Job_Manual50_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-Lucky_Egg_C2: {
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Sealed_Dracula_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Drake_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Cancer_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Cancer_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Mini_Propeller_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Comp_Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Comp_Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	J_Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 948
-	}
-	Bogy_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Flame_Sprits_Armor__: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Jasper_Crest: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-Lucky_Egg_C9: {
-	Comp_Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1459
-	}
-	Comp_Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Dead_Tree_Branch_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Elven_Ears_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Holy_Marching_Hat_J: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Auger_Of_Spirit: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Orc_Hero_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Flying_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-Lucky_Egg_C7: {
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1043
-	}
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	J_Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Comp_Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Comp_Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Valkyrie_Helm: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Ifrit_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Mask_Of_Ifrit: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ifrit'
-//	Ifrit: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Announce: true
-//		Rate: 1
-//	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Lucky_Egg_C8'
-Lucky_Egg_C8: {
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 95
-	}
-	Dead_Tree_Branch_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	J_Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Comp_Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Comp_Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Black_Devil_Mask_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Drooping_Morocc_Minion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Wanderer'
-//	Wanderer: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Announce: true
-//		Rate: 150
-//	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Lucky_Egg_C10'
-Lucky_Egg_C10: {
-	Guarantee_Weapon_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Evil_Marcher_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Comp_Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Comp_Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	E_WOB_Rune: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	E_WOB_Schwaltz: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	E_WOB_Rachel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	E_WOB_Local: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	RWC2010_Indonesia: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_Kiel_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Sealed_B_Ygnizem_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Heart_Eye_Patch1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Heart_Eye_Patch2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Boy'
-//	Boy: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 400
-//	}
-	Flaming_Ice: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 400
-	}
-	Tantanmen: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 400
-	}
-	Enchant_Book: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 22
-	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Wind_Type_Scroll'
-Wind_Type_Scroll: {
-	Gemini_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Gemini_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Libra_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Libra_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Aquarius_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Aquarius_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Snowman_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Sunglasses_Bball_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 234
-	}
-	Hankie_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'New_Style_Coupon_Box'
-//	New_Style_Coupon_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 50
-//	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Kafra_Card_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Str_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Garm_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Lucky_Egg_C3'
-Lucky_Egg_C3: {
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Chung_E_Pet_Coupon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Succu_Pet_Coupon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Imp_Pet_Coupon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Leo_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Dress_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Sunglasses_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 489
-	}
-	Comp_Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Comp_Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	J_Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Upg_Buckler_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Flame_Sprits_Armor__: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Sealed_Kiel_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Donut_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	K_Rabbit_Bonnet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-Lucky_Egg_C4: {
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 790
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 720
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 720
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 700
-	}
-	J_Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 720
-	}
-	Deviling_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Comp_Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 720
-	}
-	Comp_Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 720
-	}
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 720
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 720
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 720
-	}
-	Sealed_B_Ygnizem_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Lunatic_Hat_Box'
-//	Lunatic_Hat_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Announce: true
-//		Rate: 200
-//	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Necromencer'
-//	Necromencer: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Announce: true
-//		Rate: 200
-//	}
-	Fried_Egg: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Sagittarius_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Savage_Baby_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 198
-	}
-	Fur_Seal_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Chung_E_Pet_Coupon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Succu_Pet_Coupon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Imp_Pet_Coupon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-Lucky_Egg_C5: {
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	J_Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Vanberk_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_Ktullanux_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Comp_Bubble_Gum: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Comp_Insurance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Magestic_Goat_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Fallen_Angel_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Delicious_Shaved_Ice: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 299
-	}
-	Fit_Pipe: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 299
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Gril'
-//	Gril: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Announce: true
-//		Rate: 299
-//	}
-	Ring_Of_Flame_Lord: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Samambaia_Box'
-//	Samambaia_Box: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Announce: true
-//		Rate: 200
-//	}
-	Ring_Of_Resonance: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-Weather_Report_Box: {
-	Fine_Sun: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Rainbow: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Rain_Cloud: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Lightning_Cloud: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Comin_Actor_Box: {
-	Charlie_Beard: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Charlie_Hat: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Hen_Set_Box: {
-	Chicken_Beak: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Cocks_Comb: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Lucky_Egg_C: {
-	Sealed_Mistress_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Chung_E_Pet_Coupon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Succu_Pet_Coupon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Imp_Pet_Coupon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Crown_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 290
-	}
-	Sharp_Gear_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Ribbon_Of_Bride: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Odin'
-//	Odin: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 599
-//	}
-	Archangel_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Elven_Ears_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Rabbit_Earplug: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Water_Type_Scroll'
-Water_Type_Scroll: {
-	Cancer_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Cancer_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Scorpio_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Scorpio_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Pisces_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 110
-	}
-	Pisces_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Wizard_Left_Eye: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Indi_Feather_Band: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 266
-	}
-	Unbreak_Weap_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Unbreak_Def_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Agi_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1900
-	}
-	Dex_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1900
-	}
-	Donut_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Robo_Eye_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Sealed_TurtleG_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_Amon_Ra_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Earth_Type_Scroll'
-Earth_Type_Scroll: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Capricorn_Diadem'
-//	Capricorn_Diadem: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Announce: true
-//		Rate: 150
-//	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Capricorn_Crown'
-//	Capricorn_Crown: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Announce: true
-//		Rate: 150
-//	}
-	Virgo_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Virgo_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Taurus_Diadem: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Taurus_Crown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Teardrop: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Abacus_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Unbreak_Weap_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 194
-	}
-	Unbreak_Def_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 194
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1600
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1600
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1600
-	}
-	Balloon_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Hexagon_Spectacles: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Rabbit_Bonnet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Hen_Set_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Sealed_Knight_WS_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_Lady_Tanee_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1600
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1600
-	}
-Splash_Scroll: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Songpyun_Box50'
-//	Songpyun_Box50: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1200
-//	}
-	Love_Chick_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Convex_Mirror_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 700
-	}
-	Job_Manual50_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Splash_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Gryphon_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Kafra_Card_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Enchant_Book: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Str_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Dex_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1749
-	}
-	B_Eremes_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-Vocation_Scroll: {
-	HP_Increase_PotionL: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Vit_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Boarding_Halter_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	HD_Ori_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1079
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 580
-	}
-	HD_Elu_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Gang_Scarf: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-	Sealed_Orc_Load_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Sealed_B_Magaleta_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Red_Bread_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Incant_Samurai_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-Wisdom_Scroll: {
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Dead_Tree_Branch_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	B_Def_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	B_Mdef_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Unbreak_Weap_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Unbreak_Def_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Enchant_Book: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 784
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 400
-	}
-	Trident_Helmet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Fallen_Angel_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Sealed_B_Harword_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Randgris_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Turtle_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Snake_Head: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Ghostring_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Patron_Scroll'
-Patron_Scroll: {
-	Agi_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Luk_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Enchant_Book: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 773
-	}
-	Miracle_Medicine: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1150
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Storm_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1060
-	}
-	Job_Manual50_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Songpyun_Box50'
-//	Songpyun_Box50: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1110
-//	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Immuned_Shield: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Sealed_Berz_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_Eddga_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Cat_Ears_Beret: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Snowman_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Hankie_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Mistress_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-Heaven_Scroll: {
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 280
-	}
-	SP_Increase_PotionL: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Insurance_Package: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 850
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Accuracy_30_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1075
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Convex_Mirror_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 896
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Tw_Frog_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Carrot_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 78
-	}
-	Puppy_Ears_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Powder_Snow_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_B_Shecil_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Sealed_Apocalips_H_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Green_Apple_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Enchant_Book: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-Tw_Aug_Scroll: {
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1280
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1130
-	}
-	Enchant_Book: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1021
-	}
-	Vit_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1350
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Ninja_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Pink_Fur_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Fallen_Angel_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Whisper_Boss_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Gloom_Under_Night_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-Tw_Nov_Scroll2: {
-	Dex_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Songpyun_Box50'
-//	Songpyun_Box50: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1200
-//	}
-	Enchant_Book: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 884
-	}
-	Vit_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	J_Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Candy_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Sealed_D_Lord_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Sealed_F_Bishop_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Black_Knitted_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-Illusion_Nothing: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Songpyun_Box50'
-//	Songpyun_Box50: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Named: true
-//		Rate: 1534
-//	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Agi_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Vit_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Shadow_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Sealed_Tao_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Syringe_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Singing_Bird: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Round_Eyes: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Cat_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Weather_Report_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Tw_Sep_Scroll" ] ='
-Tw_Sep_Scroll" ] =: {
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Angeling_Pot_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1477
-	}
-	Dun_Tele_Scroll_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Kafra_Card_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Holy_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Insurance_Package: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Job_Manual50_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Archangel_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Baby_Pacifier: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Red_Hood: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 149
-	}
-	Sleeping_Kitty_Cat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	B_Katrinn_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-Flame_Light: {
-	Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Str_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Shadow_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Unbreak_Weap_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 175
-	}
-	Unbreak_Def_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 175
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Mike_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 234
-	}
-	Shaving_Cream: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Deprotai_Doll_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	SLD_Garm_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Elven_Ears_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	MVP_Basketball: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-Tw_Rainbow_Scroll: {
-	Vit_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Agi_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Neko_Mimi_Kafra: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Dex_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1400
-	}
-	Unbreak_Def_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'HD_Bradium_Box5'
-//	HD_Bradium_Box5: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 250
-//	}
-	Unbreak_Weap_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1450
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Sunglasses_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Sealed_Ifrit_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Tao_Gunka_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Cowhide_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Satanic_Chain_P: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Censor_Bar: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Named: true
-		Rate: 44
-	}
-Tw_Red_Scroll: {
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1150
-	}
-	Kafra_Card_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1050
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1050
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1150
-	}
-	Convex_Mirror_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 147
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Minor_Brisket: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 824
-	}
-	Job_Manual50_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 400
-	}
-	Showy_High_Cap: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Neuralizer: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Sealed_Orc_Load_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Moonlight_Flower_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Krieger_Katar1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Leek_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Pink_Drooping_Kitty: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Majestic_Evil_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-Tw_Orange_Scroll: {
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Insurance_Package: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	B_Mdef_Potion_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 590
-	}
-	Wug_Blood_Cocktail: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 788
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 400
-	}
-	Hippo_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	SLD_Lord_Of_Death_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Doppelganger_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Krieger_Onehand_Axe1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Rose_Hairband: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Bell_Ribbon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-Tw_Yellow_Scroll: {
-	Agi_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	J_Aspersio_5_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Songpyun_Box50'
-//	Songpyun_Box50: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1100
-//	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Insurance_Package: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Unbreak_Weap_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 148
-	}
-	Unbreak_Def_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 148
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 550
-	}
-	Drocera_Herb_Stew: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 784
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 361
-	}
-	Electric_Sunglass: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 140
-	}
-	SLD_B_Katrinn_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Krieger_Onehand_Spear1: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Strawberry_In_Mouth: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	MVP_Basketball: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	RWC2010_Indonesia: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Lord_Of_Death_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	SLD_Lord_Of_Death_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Knight_Of_Abyss_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Lord_of_Death: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_6Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_6Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Pole_Axe: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	House_Auger: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 74
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_5Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	War_Axe: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Ring_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Iron_Driver: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 325
-	}
-	Enriched_Elunium_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Enriched_Oridecon_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Shadow_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Carat_Dia'
-//	Carat_Dia: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1075
-//	}
-	Petti_Tail_Noodle: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 4
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1075
-	}
-	Siegfried_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Tao_Gunka_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_Tao_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Ungoliant_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Sealed_B_Ygnizem_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Mini_Glasses_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Bravery_Bag: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Fancy_Phantom_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Tiraya_Bonnet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Bizofnil_Wing_Deco: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 265
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 350
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'HD_Bradium_Box5'
-//	HD_Bradium_Box5: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 450
-//	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'HD_Carnium_Box5'
-//	HD_Carnium_Box5: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 450
-//	}
-	Ribbon_Of_Life_Box3: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Assumptio_5_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Carat_Dia'
-//	Carat_Dia: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1000
-//	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Med_Life_Potion_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 902
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Songpyun_Box50'
-//	Songpyun_Box50: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 600
-//	}
-	HP_Increase_PotionL: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 30
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Spark_Candy_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 644
-	}
-	B_Katrinn_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_Berz_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	SLD_B_Katrinn_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Robo_Eye: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-	Rainbow_Scarf: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 53
-	}
-	Alchemy_Glove: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Orleans_Necklace: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 78
-	}
-	Orleans_Glove: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 120
-	}
-	Balloon_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Orleans_Gown: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Orleans_Server: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Enchant_Book: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 350
-	}
-	HD_Ori_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	HD_Elu_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Blessing_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Zeny_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 15
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Lady_Tanee_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_Lady_Tanee_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 4
-	}
-	Incubus_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Succubus_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Asgard_Blessing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	YinYang_Earring: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Spiked_Scarf: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Sura_Rampage: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Headband_Of_Power: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Superb_Fish_Box50: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Mental_Potion: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 700
-	}
-	Wug_Blood_Cocktail: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Savage_BBQ: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 900
-	}
-	Regeneration_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Str_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Fallen_Bishop_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	SLD_Dark_Snake_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Deviling_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Ghostring_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Black_Glasses_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Fallen_Angel_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Satanic_Chain_P: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Evil_Whisper: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ear_Of_Angel'
-//	Ear_Of_Angel: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Announce: true
-//		Rate: 80
-//	}
-	Evil_Marcher_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Rune_Boots: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Evil_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Eyes_Of_Darkness: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Helm_Of_Darkness: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Darkness_Helm: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Unbreak_Weap_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1267
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Boy'
-//	Boy: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1500
-//	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Shadow_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Maya_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_B_Magaleta_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 9
-	}
-	Angeling_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Archangeling_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_8Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 25
-	}
-	Elven_Ears_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Archangel_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	White_Feather: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	B_Feather_Beret: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Flying_Angel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Angel_Spirit: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Ear_Of_Angel'
-//	Ear_Of_Angel: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Announce: true
-//		Rate: 200
-//	}
-	Unbreak_Def_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Job_Manual50_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Inc_Agi_10_Scroll_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 965
-	}
-	Kafra_Card_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Holy_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-	J_Aspersio_5_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1100
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Gril'
-//	Gril: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1100
-//	}
-	Orc_Load_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Sealed_Atroce_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Sealed_Kiel_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Sealed_D_Lord_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Black_Devil_Mask_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Horn_Of_Ancient: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Love_Rabbit_Hood: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 130
-	}
-	Remover_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Inccubus_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Horn_Of_Succubus: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Majestic_Evil_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Bloody_Dead_Branch: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	F_Clover_Box_Mouth4: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 950
-	}
-	All_In_One_Ring_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 169
-	}
-	Max_Weight_Up_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Boarding_Halter_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 550
-	}
-	Convex_Mirror_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry_Box_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1200
-	}
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1250
-	}
-	Psychic_ArmorS: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1250
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Dead_Tree_Branch_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Gloom_Under_Night_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Maya_Puple_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Sealed_Samurai_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Sealed_Pharaoh_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Sunglasses_: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 2
-	}
-	Mercury_Helm: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Sakura_Coronet: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	King_Prawn_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Lucky_Clover: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Prison_Uniform: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Little_Fhat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Buffalo_Horn: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Superb_Fish_Box50: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Abrasive_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Blue_Herb_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Carat_Dia'
-//	Carat_Dia: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1500
-//	}
-	Guyak_Pudding: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Diabolic_Scroll: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	HE_Battle_Manual: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 5
-		Rate: 1250
-	}
-	Siegfried_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1370
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-Challenge_Kit: {
-	Blessing_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-	}
-	Inc_Agi_10_Scroll: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 20
-		Named: true
-	}
-/* unsupported/unknown item 'Tw_April_Scroll'
-Tw_April_Scroll: {
-	Str_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Luk_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Vit_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	S_Mdef_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	S_Def_Potion_Box30: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Holy_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Shadow_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Turtle_General_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	RWC2010_Indonesia: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 6
-	}
-	Neuralizer_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Fallen_Angel_Wing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Spiked_Scarf_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Rainbow_Scarf_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Fish_Head_Hat_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-Summer_Scroll3: {
-	Underripe_Yggseed: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 10
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Megaphone_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Vit_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Holy_Armor_S_Box10: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Token_Of_Siegfried_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1300
-	}
-	Int_Dish_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Unbreak_Weap_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Unbreak_Def_Box: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Scuba_Mask: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 275
-	}
-	Sugared_Fruit_Stick: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 275
-	}
-	Dress_Hat: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 275
-	}
-	Asgard_Blessing: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 45
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Maya_Puple_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 3
-	}
-	Sealed_Tao_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	B_Eremes_Card: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-/* supported container but with no known entries 'C_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_Box'
-C_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_Box: {
-//unsupported/unknown item 'C_Wing_Of_Fly'
-//	C_Wing_Of_Fly: {
-//		Random: 0
-//		Expire: 72
-//		Named: true
-//	}
-RWC_2012_Set_Box: {
-	RWC_2012_Ring: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	RWC_2012_Pendant: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-	C_Wing_Of_Fly_3Day_Box: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-Ex_Def_Potion_Box: {
-	Ex_Def_Potion: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 5
-		Named: true
-	}
-	RWC_Scroll_2012: {
-		Random: 0
-		Named: true
-	}
-RWC_Scroll_2012: {
-	RWC_Inicializer: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_7Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 90
-	}
-	Guarantee_Armor_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	Guarantee_Weapon_9Up: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 5
-	}
-	White_Slim_Pot_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Poison_Bottle_Box2: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Bubble_Gum_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-//unsupported/unknown item 'Carat_Dia'
-//	Carat_Dia: {
-//		Random: 1
-//		Rate: 1000
-//	}
-	Battle_Manual_Box5: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1500
-	}
-	Old_C_Album_Weapon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Old_C_Album_Acc: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 3
-		Rate: 1000
-	}
-	Magic_Card_Album: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	RWC_Memory_Staff: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	RWC_Memory_Mace: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	RWC_Memory_Knife: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Rainbow_Feather_Deco: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	C_Rainbow_Feather_Deco: {
-		Random: 1
-		Announce: true
-		Rate: 110
-	}
-Fruit_Basket: {
-	Apple: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Banana: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Grape: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Fruit_Of_Mastela: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Pumpkin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Lemon: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-	Prickly_Fruit: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Strawberry: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Orange: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 30
-	}
-	Prickly_Fruit_: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Yggdrasilberry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Hard_Peach: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Cacao: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Mora_Mandarin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Mora_Berry: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-Old_Ore_Box: {
-	Iron_Ore: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Iron: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 380
-	}
-	Yellow_Live: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Coal: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Wind_Of_Verdure: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Phracon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Crystal_Blue: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Boody_Red: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Steel: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Emveretarcon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 380
-	}
-	Elunium_Stone: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 70
-	}
-	Oridecon_Stone: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Great_Nature: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Rough_Wind: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Mistic_Frozen: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Flame_Heart: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Elunium: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Oridecon: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 20
-	}
-	Gold: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 10
-	}
-	Emperium: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-Old_Coin_Pocket: {
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 400
-	}
-	Splendide_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Manuk_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Sapa_Feat_Cert: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 80
-	}
-	Mora_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Anger_Seagod: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 1
-	}
-	Cgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 74
-	}
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 95
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 400
-	}
-	Splendide_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 250
-	}
-	Manuk_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Sapa_Feat_Cert: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Mora_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Agrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 15
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 40
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Splendide_Coin: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 230
-	}
-	Manuk_Coin: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 180
-	}
-	Sapa_Feat_Cert: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Mora_Coin: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 75
-	}
-	Bgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 60
-	}
-High_Coin_Pocket: {
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Sapa_Feat_Cert: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Agrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Mora_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Bgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Sapa_Feat_Cert: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Cgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 4
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Mora_Coin: {
-		Random: 4
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 4
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-Mid_Coin_Pocket: {
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Sapa_Feat_Cert: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Bgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Mora_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Cgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Manuk_Coin: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 4
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Splendide_Coin: {
-		Random: 4
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 4
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-Low_Coin_Pocket: {
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Sapa_Feat_Cert: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Cgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 600
-	}
-	Mora_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Manuk_Coin: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 3
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 4
-		Rate: 500
-	}
-	Splendide_Coin: {
-		Random: 4
-		Rate: 300
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 4
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-Sgrade_Pocket: {
-	Agrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Bgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Agrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 700
-	}
-	Bgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Anger_Seagod: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 100
-	}
-Agrade_Pocket: {
-	Agrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Bgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Cgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Cgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Bgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Cgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-Bgrade_Pocket: {
-	Bgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Cgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Cgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-Cgrade_Pocket: {
-	Cgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 50
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Rate: 150
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-Dgrade_Pocket: {
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Dgrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-Egrade_Pocket: {
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 1
-		Count: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 800
-	}
-	Egrade_Coin: {
-		Random: 2
-		Rate: 200
-	}
-Ptotection_Seagod_Box: {
-	Ptotection_Seagod: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 23
-	}
-Hairtail_Box1: {
-	Hairtail: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Hairtail_Box2: {
-	Hairtail: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-	}
-Spearfish_Box1: {
-	Spearfish_: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Spearfish_Box2: {
-	Spearfish_: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-	}
-Saurel_Box1: {
-	Saurel: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Saurel_Box2: {
-	Saurel: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-	}
-Tuna_Box1: {
-	Tuna: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Tuna_Box2: {
-	Tuna: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-	}
-Malang_Crab_Box1: {
-	Malang_Snow_Crab: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Malang_Crab_Box2: {
-	Malang_Snow_Crab: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-	}
-Brindle_Eel_Box1: {
-	Brindle_Eel: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-Brindle_Eel_Box2: {
-	Brindle_Eel: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-	}
-Ptotection_Seagod_Box2: {
-	Ptotection_Seagod: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-	}
-Ptotection_Seagod_Box3: {
-	Ptotection_Seagod: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 360
-	}
-Octo_Hstick_Box: {
-	Octopus_Hunt_Stick: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 23
-	}
-Octo_Hstick_Box2: {
-	Octopus_Hunt_Stick: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 72
-	}
-Octo_Hstick_Box3: {
-	Octopus_Hunt_Stick: {
-		Random: 0
-		Expire: 168
-	}
-Silvervine_Fruit_Box10: {
-	Silvervine: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 10
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 30
-	}
-Silvervine_Fruit_Box40: {
-	Silvervine: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 40
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 120
-	}
-Silvervine_Fruit_Box4: {
-	Silvervine: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 4
-	}
-	Malang_Sp_Can: {
-		Random: 0
-		Count: 12
-	}
-Malang_Woe_Encard_Box: {
-	Ptotection_Seagod_Box: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
-	Octo_Hstick_Box: {
-		Random: 0
-	}
diff --git a/db/re/job_db.conf b/db/re/job_db.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 21ba3f4cc..000000000
--- a/db/re/job_db.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2014 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2015  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//================= More Information ======================================
- ************* Entry structure ********************************************
- **************************************************************************
-Job_Name: { // Job names as in src/map/pc.c (they are hardcoded at the moment so if you want to add a new job you should add it there)
-	BaseExpGroup: "Exp Group Name"      (string) // Name of base exp group defined in exp_group_db.conf
-	JobExpGroup: "Exp Group Name"       (string) // Name of job exp group defined in exp_group_db.conf
-	Inherit: ("Other_Job_Name")   // Base job from which this job will inherit its max weight, base ASPD set and HP/SP table.
-	InheritHP: ("Other_Job_Name") // Base job from which this job will inherit its HP table (if different).
-	InheritSP: ("Other_Job_Name") // Base job from which this job will inherit its SP table (if different).
-	Weight: Max Weight               (int, defaults to 20000, units in Weight/10)
-	BaseASPD: {                   // Base ASPD for specific weapon type (optional)
-		Fist: 0~200                     (int, defaults to 200)
-		Dagger: 0~200                   (int, defaults to 200)
-		Sword: 0~200                    (int, defaults to 200)
-		TwoHandSword: 0~200             (int, defaults to 200)
-		Spear: 0~200                    (int, defaults to 200)
-		TwoHandSpear: 0~200             (int, defaults to 200)
-		Axe: 0~200                      (int, defaults to 200)
-		TwoHandAxe: 0~200               (int, defaults to 200)
-		Mace: 0~200                     (int, defaults to 200)
-		TwoHandMace: 0~200              (int, defaults to 200)
-		Rod: 0~200                      (int, defaults to 200)
-		Bow: 0~200                      (int, defaults to 200)
-		Knuckle: 0~200                  (int, defaults to 200)
-		Instrumen: 0~200                (int, defaults to 200)
-		Whip: 0~200                     (int, defaults to 200)
-		Book: 0~200                     (int, defaults to 200)
-		Katar: 0~200                    (int, defaults to 200)
-		Revolver: 0~200                 (int, defaults to 200)
-		Rifle: 0~200                    (int, defaults to 200)
-		GatlingGun: 0~200               (int, defaults to 200)
-		Shotgun: 0~200                  (int, defaults to 200)
-		GrenadeLauncher: 0~200          (int, defaults to 200)
-		FuumaShuriken: 0~200            (int, defaults to 200)
-		TwoHandRod: 0~200               (int, defaults to 200)
-		Shield: 0~200                   (int, defaults to 0)
-	}
-	HPTable:[1, .... 150]            (int array) // Reference table for base HP per level
-	SPTable:[1, .... 150]            (int array) // Reference table for base SP per level
-	// Note: If table index size is smaller than the max level the server will automatically generate the missing index based on the average increase per level.
-Novice: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "Novice"
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 55
-		Sword: 57
-		Axe: 50
-		Mace: 50
-		TwoHandMace: 55
-		Rod: 65
-		TwoHandRod: 65
-		Shield: 10
-	}
-	HPTable:[ 40,  45,  50,  55,  60,  65,  70,  75,  80,  85,	// 1 - 10
-			  90,  95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135,	// 11 - 20
-			 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185,	// 21 - 30
-			 190, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235,	// 31 - 40
-			 240, 245, 250, 255, 260, 265, 270, 275, 280, 285,	// 41 - 50
-			 290, 295, 300, 305, 310, 315, 320, 325, 330, 335,	// 51 - 60
-			 340, 345, 350, 355, 360, 365, 370, 375, 380, 385,	// 61 - 70
-			 390, 395, 400, 405, 410, 415, 420, 425, 430, 435,	// 71 - 80
-			 440, 445, 450, 455, 460, 465, 470, 475, 480, 485,	// 81 - 90
-			 490, 495, 500, 505, 510, 515, 520, 525, 530, 535,	// 91 - 100
-			 540, 545, 550, 555, 560, 565, 570, 575, 580, 585,	// 101 - 110
-			 590, 595, 600, 605, 610, 615, 620, 625, 630, 635,	// 111 - 120
-			 640, 645, 650, 655, 660, 665, 670, 675, 680, 685,	// 121 - 130
-			 690, 695, 700, 705, 710, 715, 720, 725, 730, 735,	// 131 - 140
-			 740, 745, 750, 755, 760, 765, 770, 775, 780, 785,	// 141 - 150
-			 790, 795, 800, 805, 810, 815, 820, 825, 830, 835]	// 151 - 160
-	SPTable:[ 11,  12,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,	// 1 - 10
-			  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  30,	// 11 - 20
-			  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,	// 21 - 30
-			  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,	// 31 - 40
-			  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60,	// 41 - 50
-			  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,	// 51 - 60
-			  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,  80,	// 61 - 70
-			  81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,	// 71 - 80
-			  91,  92,  93,  94,  95,  96,  97,  98,  99, 100,	// 81 - 90
-			 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 100,	// 91 - 100
-			 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,	// 101 - 110
-			 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120,	// 111 - 120
-			 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130,	// 121 - 130
-			 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140,	// 131 - 140
-			 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150,	// 141 - 150
-			 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160]	// 151 - 160
-Swordsman: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Weight: 28000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 47
-		Sword: 47
-		TwoHandSword: 54
-		Spear: 57
-		TwoHandSpear: 65
-		Axe: 55
-		TwoHandAxe: 60
-		Mace: 50
-		TwoHandMace: 55
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	HPTable:[  40,   46,   53,   61,   70,   79,   89,  100,  111,  123,	// 1 - 10
-			  136,  149,  163,  178,  194,  210,  227,  245,  263,  282,	// 11 - 20
-			  302,  322,  343,  365,  388,  411,  435,  460,  485,  511,	// 21 - 30
-			  538,  565,  593,  622,  652,  682,  713,  745,  777,  810,	// 31 - 40
-			  844,  878,  913,  949,  986, 1023, 1061, 1100, 1139, 1179,	// 41 - 50
-			 1220, 1261, 1303, 1346, 1390, 1434, 1479, 1525, 1571, 1618,	// 51 - 60
-			 1666, 1714, 1763, 1813, 1864, 1915, 1967, 2020, 2073, 2127,	// 61 - 70
-			 2182, 2237, 2293, 2350, 2408, 2466, 2525, 2585, 2645, 2706,	// 71 - 80
-			 2768, 2830, 2893, 2957, 3022, 3087, 3153, 3220, 3287, 3355,	// 81 - 90
-			 3424, 3493, 3563, 3634, 3706, 3778, 3851, 3925, 3999, 4073,	// 91 - 100
-			 4147, 4221, 4295, 4369, 4443, 4517, 4591, 4665, 4739, 4813,	// 101 - 110
-			 4887, 4961, 5035, 5109, 5183, 5257, 5331, 5405, 5479, 5553,	// 111 - 120
-			 5627, 5701, 5775, 5849, 5923, 5997, 6071, 6145, 6219, 6293,	// 121 - 130
-			 6367, 6441, 6515, 6589, 6663, 6737, 6811, 6885, 6959, 7033,	// 131 - 140
-			 7107, 7181, 7255, 7329, 7403, 7477, 7551, 7625, 7699, 7773,	// 141 - 150
-			 7847, 7921, 7995, 8069, 8143, 8217, 8291, 8365, 8439, 8513]	// 151 - 160
-	SPTable:[ 12,  14,  16,  18,  20,  22,  24,  26,  28,  30,	// 1 - 10
-			  32,  34,  36,  38,  40,  42,  44,  46,  48,  50,	// 11 - 20
-			  52,  54,  56,  58,  60,  62,  64,  66,  68,  70,	// 21 - 30
-			  72,  74,  76,  78,  80,  82,  84,  86,  88,  90,	// 31 - 40
-			  92,  94,  96,  98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110,	// 41 - 50
-			 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130,	// 51 - 60
-			 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150,	// 61 - 70
-			 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170,	// 71 - 80
-			 172, 174, 176, 178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190,	// 81 - 90
-			 192, 194, 196, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210,	// 91 - 100
-			 212, 214, 216, 218, 220, 222, 224, 226, 228, 230,	// 101 - 110
-			 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242, 244, 246, 248, 250,	// 111 - 120
-			 252, 254, 256, 258, 260, 262, 264, 266, 268, 270,	// 121 - 130
-			 272, 274, 276, 278, 280, 282, 284, 286, 288, 290,	// 131 - 140
-			 292, 294, 296, 298, 300, 302, 304, 306, 308, 310]	// 141 - 150
-Magician: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Weight: 22000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 50
-		Dagger: 50
-		Rod: 55
-		TwoHandRod: 55
-		Shield: 10
-	}
-	HPTable:[  40,   46,   52,   58,   65,   72,   79,   86,   94,  102,	// 1 - 10
-			  110,  119,  128,  137,  147,  157,  167,  177,  188,  199,	// 11 - 20
-			  210,  222,  234,  246,  259,  272,  285,  298,  312,  326,	// 21 - 30
-			  340,  355,  370,  385,  401,  417,  433,  449,  466,  483,	// 31 - 40
-			  500,  518,  536,  554,  573,  592,  611,  630,  650,  670,	// 41 - 50
-			  690,  711,  732,  753,  775,  797,  819,  841,  864,  887,	// 51 - 60
-			  910,  934,  958,  982, 1007, 1032, 1057, 1082, 1108, 1134,	// 61 - 70
-			 1160, 1187, 1214, 1241, 1269, 1297, 1325, 1353, 1382, 1411,	// 71 - 80
-			 1440, 1470, 1500, 1530, 1561, 1592, 1623, 1654, 1686, 1718,	// 81 - 90
-			 1750, 1783, 1816, 1849, 1883, 1917, 1951, 1985, 2020, 2054,	// 91 - 100
-			 2089, 2123, 2158, 2192, 2227, 2261, 2296, 2330, 2365, 2399,	// 101 - 110
-			 2434, 2468, 2503, 2537, 2572, 2606, 2641, 2675, 2710, 2744,	// 111 - 120
-			 2779, 2813, 2848, 2882, 2917, 2951, 2986, 3020, 3055, 3089,	// 121 - 130
-			 3124, 3158, 3193, 3227, 3262, 3296, 3331, 3365, 3400, 3434,	// 131 - 140
-			 3469, 3503, 3538, 3572, 3607, 3641, 3676, 3710, 3745, 3779,	// 141 - 150
-			 3814, 3849, 3884, 3919, 3954, 3989, 4024, 4059, 4094, 4129]	// 151 - 160
-	SPTable:[ 16,  22,  28,  34,  40,  46,  52,  58,  64,  70,	// 1 - 10
-			  76,  82,  88,  94, 100, 106, 112, 118, 124, 130,	// 11 - 20
-			 136, 142, 148, 154, 160, 166, 172, 178, 184, 190,	// 21 - 30
-			 196, 202, 208, 214, 220, 226, 232, 238, 244, 250,	// 31 - 40
-			 256, 262, 268, 274, 280, 286, 292, 298, 304, 310,	// 41 - 50
-			 316, 322, 328, 334, 340, 346, 352, 358, 364, 370,	// 51 - 60
-			 376, 382, 388, 394, 400, 406, 412, 418, 424, 430,	// 61 - 70
-			 436, 442, 448, 454, 460, 466, 472, 478, 484, 490,	// 71 - 80
-			 496, 502, 508, 514, 520, 526, 532, 538, 544, 550,	// 81 - 90
-			 556, 562, 568, 574, 580, 586, 592, 598, 604, 610,	// 91 - 100
-			 616, 622, 628, 634, 640, 646, 652, 658, 664, 670,	// 101 - 110
-			 676, 682, 688, 694, 700, 706, 712, 718, 724, 730,	// 111 - 120
-			 736, 742, 748, 754, 760, 766, 772, 778, 784, 790,	// 121 - 130
-			 796, 802, 808, 814, 820, 826, 832, 838, 844, 850,	// 131 - 140
-			 856, 862, 868, 874, 880, 886, 892, 898, 904, 910]	// 141 - 150
-Archer: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Weight: 26000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 55
-		Bow: 50
-		Shield: 9
-	}
-	InheritSP: ("Swordsman")
-	HPTable:[  40,   46,   53,   60,   68,   76,   85,   94,  104,  114,	// 1 - 10
-			  125,  136,  148,  160,  173,  186,  200,  214,  229,  244,	// 11 - 20
-			  260,  276,  293,  310,  328,  346,  365,  384,  404,  424,	// 21 - 30
-			  445,  466,  488,  510,  533,  556,  580,  604,  629,  654,	// 31 - 40
-			  680,  706,  733,  760,  788,  816,  845,  874,  904,  934,	// 41 - 50
-			  965,  996, 1028, 1060, 1093, 1126, 1160, 1194, 1229, 1264,	// 51 - 60
-			 1300, 1336, 1373, 1410, 1448, 1486, 1525, 1564, 1604, 1644,	// 61 - 70
-			 1685, 1726, 1768, 1810, 1853, 1896, 1940, 1984, 2029, 2074,	// 71 - 80
-			 2120, 2166, 2213, 2260, 2308, 2356, 2405, 2454, 2504, 2554,	// 81 - 90
-			 2605, 2656, 2708, 2760, 2813, 2866, 2920, 2974, 3029, 3083,	// 91 - 100
-			 3138, 3192, 3247, 3301, 3356, 3410, 3465, 3519, 3574, 3628,	// 101 - 110
-			 3683, 3737, 3792, 3846, 3901, 3955, 4010, 4064, 4119, 4173,	// 111 - 120
-			 4228, 4282, 4337, 4391, 4446, 4500, 4555, 4609, 4664, 4718,	// 121 - 130
-			 4773, 4827, 4882, 4936, 4991, 5045, 5100, 5154, 5209, 5263,	// 131 - 140
-			 5318, 5372, 5427, 5481, 5536, 5590, 5645, 5699, 5754, 5808,	// 141 - 150
-			 5863, 5917, 5972, 6026, 6081, 6135, 6190, 6244, 6299, 6353]	// 151 - 160
-Acolyte: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Weight: 24000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Mace: 45
-		TwoHandMace: 50
-		Rod: 60
-		TwoHandRod: 60
-		Shield: 7
-	}
-	HPTable:[  40,   46,   52,   59,   66,   73,   81,   89,   98,  107,	// 1 - 10
-			  116,  126,  136,  147,  158,  169,  181,  193,  206,  219,	// 11 - 20
-			  232,  246,  260,  275,  290,  305,  321,  337,  354,  371,	// 21 - 30
-			  388,  406,  424,  443,  462,  481,  501,  521,  542,  563,	// 31 - 40
-			  584,  606,  628,  651,  674,  697,  721,  745,  770,  795,	// 41 - 50
-			  820,  846,  872,  899,  926,  953,  981, 1009, 1038, 1067,	// 51 - 60
-			 1096, 1126, 1156, 1187, 1218, 1249, 1281, 1313, 1346, 1379,	// 61 - 70
-			 1412, 1446, 1480, 1515, 1550, 1585, 1621, 1657, 1694, 1731,	// 71 - 80
-			 1768, 1806, 1844, 1883, 1922, 1961, 2001, 2041, 2082, 2123,	// 81 - 90
-			 2164, 2206, 2248, 2291, 2334, 2377, 2421, 2465, 2510, 2554,	// 91 - 100
-			 2599, 2643, 2688, 2732, 2777, 2821, 2866, 2910, 2955, 2999,	// 101 - 110
-			 3044, 3088, 3133, 3177, 3222, 3266, 3311, 3355, 3400, 3444,	// 111 - 120
-			 3489, 3533, 3578, 3622, 3667, 3711, 3756, 3800, 3845, 3889,	// 121 - 130
-			 3934, 3978, 4023, 4067, 4112, 4156, 4201, 4245, 4290, 4334,	// 131 - 140
-			 4379, 4423, 4468, 4512, 4557, 4601, 4646, 4690, 4735, 4779,	// 141 - 150
-			 4824, 4868, 4913, 4957, 5002, 5046, 5091, 5135, 5180, 5224]	// 151 - 160
-	SPTable:[ 15,  20,  25,  30,  35,  40,  45,  50,  55,  60,	// 1 - 10
-			  65,  70,  75,  80,  85,  90,  95, 100, 105, 110,	// 11 - 20
-			 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160,	// 21 - 30
-			 165, 170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 195, 200, 205, 210,	// 31 - 40
-			 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 240, 245, 250, 255, 260,	// 41 - 50
-			 265, 270, 275, 280, 285, 290, 295, 300, 305, 310,	// 51 - 60
-			 315, 320, 325, 330, 335, 340, 345, 350, 355, 360,	// 61 - 70
-			 365, 370, 375, 380, 385, 390, 395, 400, 405, 410,	// 71 - 80
-			 415, 420, 425, 430, 435, 440, 445, 450, 455, 460,	// 81 - 90
-			 465, 470, 475, 480, 485, 490, 495, 500, 505, 510,	// 91 - 100
-			 515, 520, 525, 530, 535, 540, 545, 550, 555, 560,	// 101 - 110
-			 565, 570, 575, 580, 585, 590, 595, 600, 605, 610,	// 111 - 120
-			 615, 620, 625, 630, 635, 640, 645, 650, 655, 660,	// 121 - 130
-			 665, 670, 675, 680, 685, 690, 695, 700, 705, 710,	// 131 - 140
-			 715, 720, 725, 730, 735, 740, 745, 750, 755, 760]	// 141 - 150
-Merchant: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Weight: 28000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 52
-		Sword: 52
-		Axe: 48
-		TwoHandAxe: 55
-		Mace: 50
-		TwoHandMace: 55
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	InheritHP: ("Acolyte")
-	SPTable:[ 13,  16,  19,  22,  25,  28,  31,  34,  37,  40,	// 1 - 10
-			  43,  46,  49,  52,  55,  58,  61,  64,  67,  70,	// 11 - 20
-			  73,  76,  79,  82,  85,  88,  91,  94,  97, 100,	// 21 - 30
-			 103, 106, 109, 112, 115, 118, 121, 124, 127, 130,	// 31 - 40
-			 133, 136, 139, 142, 145, 148, 151, 154, 157, 160,	// 41 - 50
-			 163, 166, 169, 172, 175, 178, 181, 184, 187, 190,	// 51 - 60
-			 193, 196, 199, 202, 205, 208, 211, 214, 217, 220,	// 61 - 70
-			 223, 226, 229, 232, 235, 238, 241, 244, 247, 250,	// 71 - 80
-			 253, 256, 259, 262, 265, 268, 271, 274, 277, 280,	// 81 - 90
-			 283, 286, 289, 292, 295, 298, 301, 304, 307, 310,	// 91 - 100
-			 313, 316, 319, 322, 325, 328, 331, 334, 337, 340,	// 101 - 110
-			 343, 346, 349, 352, 355, 358, 361, 364, 367, 370,	// 111 - 120
-			 373, 376, 379, 382, 385, 388, 391, 394, 397, 400,	// 121 - 130
-			 403, 406, 409, 412, 415, 418, 421, 424, 427, 430,	// 131 - 140
-			 433, 436, 439, 442, 445, 448, 451, 454, 457, 460]	// 141 - 150
-Thief: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Weight: 24000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 48
-		Sword: 50
-		Axe: 60
-		Bow: 53
-		Shield: 6
-	}
-	InheritHP: ("Archer")
-	InheritSP: ("Swordsman")
-Knight: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 28000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 49
-		Sword: 45
-		TwoHandSword: 52
-		Spear: 55
-		TwoHandSpear: 60
-		Axe: 50
-		TwoHandAxe: 55
-		Mace: 45
-		TwoHandMace: 50
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	InheritSP: ("Merchant")
-	HPTable:[   40,    48,    58,    69,    82,    96,   112,   129,   148,   168,	// 1 - 10
-			   190,   213,   238,   264,   292,   321,   352,   384,   418,   453,	// 11 - 20
-			   490,   528,   568,   609,   652,   696,   742,   789,   838,   888,	// 21 - 30
-			   940,   993,  1048,  1104,  1162,  1221,  1282,  1344,  1408,  1473,	// 31 - 40
-			  1540,  1608,  1678,  1749,  1822,  1896,  1972,  2049,  2128,  2208,	// 41 - 50
-			  2290,  2373,  2458,  2544,  2632,  2721,  2812,  2904,  2998,  3093,	// 51 - 60
-			  3190,  3288,  3388,  3489,  3592,  3696,  3802,  3909,  4018,  4128,	// 61 - 70
-			  4240,  4353,  4468,  4584,  4702,  4821,  4942,  5064,  5188,  5313,	// 71 - 80
-			  5440,  5568,  5698,  5829,  5962,  6096,  6232,  6369,  6508,  6648,	// 81 - 90
-			  6790,  6933,  7078,  7224,  7372,  7521,  7672,  7824,  7978,  8053,	// 91 - 100
-			  8128,  8203,  8278,  8353,  8428,  8503,  8578,  8653,  8728,  8803,	// 101 - 110
-			  8878,  8953,  9028,  9103,  9178,  9253,  9328,  9403,  9478,  9553,	// 111 - 120
-			  9628,  9703,  9778,  9853,  9928, 10003, 10078, 10153, 10228, 10303,	// 121 - 130
-			 10378, 10453, 10528, 10603, 10678, 10753, 10828, 10903, 10978, 11053,	// 131 - 140
-			 11128, 11203, 11278, 11353, 11428, 11503, 11578, 11653, 11728, 11803]	// 141 - 150
-Priest: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 26000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Mace: 43
-		TwoHandMace: 48
-		Rod: 60
-		Knuckle: 60
-		Book: 44
-		TwoHandRod: 60
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	HPTable:[  40,   47,   54,   62,   71,   81,   91,  102,  114,  127,	// 1 - 10
-			  140,  154,  169,  185,  201,  218,  236,  255,  274,  294,	// 11 - 20
-			  315,  337,  359,  382,  406,  431,  456,  482,  509,  537,	// 21 - 30
-			  565,  594,  624,  655,  686,  718,  751,  785,  819,  854,	// 31 - 40
-			  890,  927,  964, 1002, 1041, 1081, 1121, 1162, 1204, 1247,	// 41 - 50
-			 1290, 1334, 1379, 1425, 1471, 1518, 1566, 1615, 1664, 1714,	// 51 - 60
-			 1765, 1817, 1869, 1922, 1976, 2031, 2086, 2142, 2199, 2257,	// 61 - 70
-			 2315, 2374, 2434, 2495, 2556, 2618, 2681, 2745, 2809, 2874,	// 71 - 80
-			 2940, 3007, 3074, 3142, 3211, 3281, 3351, 3422, 3494, 3567,	// 81 - 90
-			 3640, 3714, 3789, 3865, 3941, 4018, 4096, 4175, 4254, 4333,	// 91 - 100
-			 4412, 4491, 4570, 4649, 4728, 4807, 4886, 4965, 5044, 5123,	// 101 - 110
-			 5202, 5281, 5360, 5439, 5518, 5597, 5676, 5755, 5834, 5913,	// 111 - 120
-			 5992, 6071, 6150, 6229, 6308, 6387, 6466, 6545, 6624, 6703,	// 121 - 130
-			 6782, 6861, 6940, 7019, 7098, 7177, 7256, 7335, 7414, 7493,	// 131 - 140
-			 7572, 7651, 7730, 7809, 7888, 7967, 8046, 8125, 8204, 8283]	// 141 - 150
-	SPTable:[  18,   26,   34,   42,   50,   58,   66,   74,   82,   90,	// 1 - 10
-			   98,  106,  114,  122,  130,  138,  146,  154,  162,  170,	// 11 - 20
-			  178,  186,  194,  202,  210,  218,  226,  234,  242,  250,	// 21 - 30
-			  258,  266,  274,  282,  290,  298,  306,  314,  322,  330,	// 31 - 40
-			  338,  346,  354,  362,  370,  378,  386,  394,  402,  410,	// 41 - 50
-			  418,  426,  434,  442,  450,  458,  466,  474,  482,  490,	// 51 - 60
-			  498,  506,  514,  522,  530,  538,  546,  554,  562,  570,	// 61 - 70
-			  578,  586,  594,  602,  610,  618,  626,  634,  642,  650,	// 71 - 80
-			  658,  666,  674,  682,  690,  698,  706,  714,  722,  730,	// 81 - 90
-			  738,  746,  754,  762,  770,  778,  786,  794,  802,  810,	// 91 - 100
-			  818,  826,  834,  842,  850,  858,  866,  874,  882,  890,	// 101 - 110
-			  898,  906,  914,  922,  930,  938,  946,  954,  962,  970,	// 111 - 120
-			  978,  986,  994, 1002, 1010, 1018, 1026, 1034, 1042, 1050,	// 121 - 130
-			 1058, 1066, 1074, 1082, 1090, 1098, 1106, 1114, 1122, 1130,	// 131 - 140
-			 1138, 1146, 1154, 1162, 1170, 1178, 1186, 1194, 1202, 1210]	// 141 - 150
-Wizard: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 24000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 50
-		Dagger: 54
-		Rod: 53
-		TwoHandRod: 53
-		Shield: 8
-	}
-	HPTable:[  40,   46,   53,   60,   68,   76,   85,   94,  104,  115,	// 1 - 10
-			  126,  138,  150,  163,  176,  190,  204,  219,  234,  250,	// 11 - 20
-			  267,  284,  302,  320,  339,  358,  378,  398,  419,  441,	// 21 - 30
-			  463,  486,  509,  533,  557,  582,  607,  633,  659,  686,	// 31 - 40
-			  714,  742,  771,  800,  830,  860,  891,  922,  954,  987,	// 41 - 50
-			 1020, 1054, 1088, 1123, 1158, 1194, 1230, 1267, 1304, 1342,	// 51 - 60
-			 1381, 1420, 1460, 1500, 1541, 1582, 1624, 1666, 1709, 1753,	// 61 - 70
-			 1797, 1842, 1887, 1933, 1979, 2026, 2073, 2121, 2169, 2218,	// 71 - 80
-			 2268, 2318, 2369, 2420, 2472, 2524, 2577, 2630, 2684, 2739,	// 81 - 90
-			 2794, 2850, 2906, 2963, 3020, 3078, 3136, 3195, 3254, 3313,	// 91 - 100
-			 3372, 3431, 3490, 3549, 3608, 3667, 3726, 3785, 3844, 3903,	// 101 - 110
-			 3962, 4021, 4080, 4139, 4198, 4257, 4316, 4375, 4434, 4493,	// 111 - 120
-			 4552, 4611, 4670, 4729, 4788, 4847, 4906, 4965, 5024, 5083,	// 121 - 130
-			 5142, 5201, 5260, 5319, 5378, 5437, 5496, 5555, 5614, 5673,	// 131 - 140
-			 5732, 5791, 5850, 5909, 5968, 6027, 6086, 6145, 6204, 6263]	// 141 - 150
-	SPTable:[  19,   28,   37,   46,   55,   64,   73,   82,   91,  100,	// 1 - 10
-			  109,  118,  127,  136,  145,  154,  163,  172,  181,  190,	// 11 - 20
-			  199,  208,  217,  226,  235,  244,  253,  262,  271,  280,	// 21 - 30
-			  289,  298,  307,  316,  325,  334,  343,  352,  361,  370,	// 31 - 40
-			  379,  388,  397,  406,  415,  424,  433,  442,  451,  460,	// 41 - 50
-			  469,  478,  487,  496,  505,  514,  523,  532,  541,  550,	// 51 - 60
-			  559,  568,  577,  586,  595,  604,  613,  622,  631,  640,	// 61 - 70
-			  649,  658,  667,  676,  685,  694,  703,  712,  721,  730,	// 71 - 80
-			  739,  748,  757,  766,  775,  784,  793,  802,  811,  820,	// 81 - 90
-			  829,  838,  847,  856,  865,  874,  883,  892,  901,  910,	// 91 - 100
-			  919,  928,  937,  946,  955,  964,  973,  982,  991, 1000,	// 101 - 110
-			 1009, 1018, 1027, 1036, 1045, 1054, 1063, 1072, 1081, 1090,	// 111 - 120
-			 1099, 1108, 1117, 1126, 1135, 1144, 1153, 1162, 1171, 1180,	// 121 - 130
-			 1189, 1198, 1207, 1216, 1225, 1234, 1243, 1252, 1261, 1270,	// 131 - 140
-			 1279, 1288, 1297, 1306, 1315, 1324, 1333, 1342, 1351, 1360]	// 141 - 150
-Blacksmith: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 30000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 50
-		Sword: 50
-		Axe: 46
-		TwoHandAxe: 53
-		Mace: 48
-		TwoHandMace: 53
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	HPTable:[  40,   47,   55,   64,   74,   84,   95,  107,  120,  134,	// 1 - 10
-			  149,  165,  182,  200,  219,  238,  258,  279,  301,  324,	// 11 - 20
-			  348,  373,  399,  426,  454,  482,  511,  541,  572,  604,	// 21 - 30
-			  637,  671,  706,  742,  779,  816,  854,  893,  933,  974,	// 31 - 40
-			 1016, 1059, 1103, 1148, 1194, 1240, 1287, 1335, 1384, 1434,	// 41 - 50
-			 1485, 1537, 1590, 1644, 1699, 1754, 1810, 1867, 1925, 1984,	// 51 - 60
-			 2044, 2105, 2167, 2230, 2294, 2358, 2423, 2489, 2556, 2624,	// 61 - 70
-			 2693, 2763, 2834, 2906, 2979, 3052, 3126, 3201, 3277, 3354,	// 71 - 80
-			 3432, 3511, 3591, 3672, 3754, 3836, 3919, 4003, 4088, 4174,	// 81 - 90
-			 4261, 4349, 4438, 4528, 4619, 4710, 4802, 4895, 4989, 5082,	// 91 - 100
-			 5176, 5269, 5363, 5456, 5550, 5643, 5737, 5830, 5924, 6017,	// 101 - 110
-			 6111, 6204, 6298, 6391, 6485, 6578, 6672, 6765, 6859, 6952,	// 111 - 120
-			 7046, 7139, 7233, 7326, 7420, 7513, 7607, 7700, 7794, 7887,	// 121 - 130
-			 7981, 8074, 8168, 8261, 8355, 8448, 8542, 8635, 8729, 8822,	// 131 - 140
-			 8916, 9009, 9103, 9196, 9290, 9383, 9477, 9570, 9664, 9757]	// 141 - 150
-	SPTable:[ 14,  18,  22,  26,  30,  34,  38,  42,  46,  50,	// 1 - 10
-			  54,  58,  62,  66,  70,  74,  78,  82,  86,  90,	// 11 - 20
-			  94,  98, 102, 106, 110, 114, 118, 122, 126, 130,	// 21 - 30
-			 134, 138, 142, 146, 150, 154, 158, 162, 166, 170,	// 31 - 40
-			 174, 178, 182, 186, 190, 194, 198, 202, 206, 210,	// 41 - 50
-			 214, 218, 222, 226, 230, 234, 238, 242, 246, 250,	// 51 - 60
-			 254, 258, 262, 266, 270, 274, 278, 282, 286, 290,	// 61 - 70
-			 294, 298, 302, 306, 310, 314, 318, 322, 326, 330,	// 71 - 80
-			 334, 338, 342, 346, 350, 354, 358, 362, 366, 370,	// 81 - 90
-			 374, 378, 382, 386, 390, 394, 398, 402, 406, 410,	// 91 - 100
-			 414, 418, 422, 426, 430, 434, 438, 442, 446, 450,	// 101 - 110
-			 454, 458, 462, 466, 470, 474, 478, 482, 486, 490,	// 111 - 120
-			 494, 498, 502, 506, 510, 514, 518, 522, 526, 530,	// 121 - 130
-			 534, 538, 542, 546, 550, 554, 558, 562, 566, 570,	// 131 - 140
-			 574, 578, 582, 586, 590, 594, 598, 602, 606, 610]	// 141 - 150
-Hunter: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 27000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 53
-		Bow: 48
-		Shield: 9
-	}
-	InheritSP: ("Blacksmith")
-	HPTable:[  40,   47,   55,   63,   72,   82,   93,  105,  118,  132,	// 1 - 10
-			  146,  161,  177,  194,  212,  231,  250,  270,  291,  313,	// 11 - 20
-			  336,  360,  385,  410,  436,  463,  491,  520,  550,  581,	// 21 - 30
-			  612,  644,  677,  711,  746,  782,  818,  855,  893,  932,	// 31 - 40
-			  972, 1013, 1055, 1097, 1140, 1184, 1229, 1275, 1322, 1370,	// 41 - 50
-			 1418, 1467, 1517, 1568, 1620, 1673, 1726, 1780, 1835, 1891,	// 51 - 60
-			 1948, 2006, 2065, 2124, 2184, 2245, 2307, 2370, 2434, 2499,	// 61 - 70
-			 2564, 2630, 2697, 2765, 2834, 2904, 2974, 3045, 3117, 3190,	// 71 - 80
-			 3264, 3339, 3415, 3491, 3568, 3646, 3725, 3805, 3886, 3968,	// 81 - 90
-			 4050, 4133, 4217, 4302, 4388, 4475, 4562, 4650, 4739, 4827,	// 91 - 100
-			 4916, 5004, 5093, 5181, 5270, 5358, 5447, 5535, 5624, 5712,	// 101 - 110
-			 5801, 5889, 5978, 6066, 6155, 6243, 6332, 6420, 6509, 6597,	// 111 - 120
-			 6686, 6774, 6863, 6951, 7040, 7128, 7217, 7305, 7394, 7482,	// 121 - 130
-			 7571, 7659, 7748, 7836, 7925, 8013, 8102, 8190, 8279, 8367,	// 131 - 140
-			 8456, 8544, 8633, 8721, 8810, 8898, 8987, 9075, 9164, 9252]	// 141 - 150
-Assassin: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 24000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 42
-		Sword: 50
-		Axe: 51
-		Katar: 42
-		FuumaShuriken: 110
-		Shield: 6
-	}
-	InheritSP: ("Blacksmith")
-	HPTable:[   40,    47,    55,    64,    75,    87,   100,   114,   129,   145,	// 1 - 10
-			   162,   180,   199,   219,   241,   264,   288,   313,   339,   366,	// 11 - 20
-			   394,   423,   453,   484,   517,   551,   586,   622,   659,   697,	// 21 - 30
-			   736,   776,   817,   859,   903,   948,   994,  1041,  1089,  1138,	// 31 - 40
-			  1188,  1239,  1291,  1344,  1399,  1455,  1512,  1570,  1629,  1689,	// 41 - 50
-			  1750,  1812,  1875,  1939,  2005,  2072,  2140,  2209,  2279,  2350,	// 51 - 60
-			  2422,  2495,  2569,  2644,  2721,  2799,  2878,  2958,  3039,  3121,	// 61 - 70
-			  3204,  3288,  3373,  3459,  3547,  3636,  3726,  3817,  3909,  4002,	// 71 - 80
-			  4096,  4191,  4287,  4384,  4483,  4583,  4684,  4786,  4889,  4993,	// 81 - 90
-			  5098,  5204,  5311,  5419,  5529,  5640,  5752,  5865,  5979,  6092,	// 91 - 100
-			  6206,  6319,  6433,  6546,  6660,  6773,  6887,  7000,  7114,  7227,	// 101 - 110
-			  7341,  7454,  7568,  7681,  7795,  7908,  8022,  8135,  8249,  8362,	// 111 - 120
-			  8476,  8589,  8703,  8816,  8930,  9043,  9157,  9270,  9384,  9497,	// 121 - 130
-			  9611,  9724,  9838,  9951, 10065, 10178, 10292, 10405, 10519, 10632,	// 131 - 140
-			 10746, 10859, 10973, 11086, 11200, 11313, 11427, 11540, 11654, 11767]	// 141 - 150
-Crusader: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 28000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 48
-		Sword: 43
-		TwoHandSword: 55
-		Spear: 53
-		TwoHandSpear: 52
-		Axe: 50
-		TwoHandAxe: 55
-		Mace: 45
-		TwoHandMace: 50
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	HPTable:[   40,    47,    56,    62,    81,    94,   108,   128,   147,   165,	// 1 - 10
-			   184,   204,   225,   247,   271,   296,   322,   349,   377,   406,	// 11 - 20
-			   436,   467,   499,   532,   567,   603,   640,   678,   717,   757,	// 21 - 30
-			   798,   840,   883,   927,   973,  1020,  1068,  1117,  1167,  1218,	// 31 - 40
-			  1270,  1323,  1377,  1432,  1489,  1547,  1606,  1666,  1727,  1789,	// 41 - 50
-			  1852,  1916,  1981,  2047,  2115,  2184,  2254,  2325,  2397,  2470,	// 51 - 60
-			  2544,  2619,  2695,  2772,  2851,  2931,  3012,  3094,  3177,  3261,	// 61 - 70
-			  3346,  3432,  3519,  3607,  3697,  3788,  3880,  3973,  4067,  4162,	// 71 - 80
-			  4258,  4355,  4453,  4552,  4653,  4755,  4858,  4962,  5067,  5173,	// 81 - 90
-			  5280,  5388,  5497,  5607,  5719,  5832,  5946,  6061,  6177,  6292,	// 91 - 100
-			  6408,  6523,  6639,  6754,  6870,  6985,  7101,  7216,  7332,  7447,	// 101 - 110
-			  7563,  7678,  7794,  7909,  8025,  8140,  8256,  8371,  8487,  8602,	// 111 - 120
-			  8718,  8833,  8949,  9064,  9180,  9295,  9411,  9526,  9642,  9757,	// 121 - 130
-			  9873,  9988, 10104, 10219, 10335, 10450, 10566, 10681, 10797, 10912,	// 131 - 140
-			 11028, 11143, 11259, 11374, 11490, 11605, 11721, 11836, 11952, 12067]	// 141 - 150
-	SPTable:[ 14,  19,  24,  28,  33,  38,  42,  47,  52,  57,	// 1 - 10
-			  61,  66,  71,  75,  80,  85,  89,  94,  99, 104,	// 11 - 20
-			 108, 113, 118, 122, 127, 132, 136, 141, 146, 151,	// 21 - 30
-			 155, 160, 165, 169, 174, 179, 183, 188, 193, 198,	// 31 - 40
-			 202, 207, 212, 216, 221, 226, 230, 235, 240, 245,	// 41 - 50
-			 249, 254, 259, 263, 268, 273, 277, 282, 287, 292,	// 51 - 60
-			 296, 301, 306, 310, 315, 320, 324, 329, 334, 339,	// 61 - 70
-			 343, 348, 353, 357, 362, 367, 371, 376, 381, 386,	// 71 - 80
-			 390, 395, 400, 404, 409, 414, 418, 423, 428, 433,	// 81 - 90
-			 437, 442, 447, 451, 456, 461, 465, 470, 475, 480,	// 91 - 100
-			 484, 489, 494, 498, 503, 508, 512, 517, 522, 527,	// 101 - 110
-			 531, 536, 541, 545, 550, 555, 559, 564, 569, 574,	// 111 - 120
-			 578, 583, 588, 592, 597, 602, 606, 611, 616, 621,	// 121 - 130
-			 625, 630, 635, 639, 644, 649, 653, 658, 663, 668,	// 131 - 140
-			 672, 677, 682, 686, 691, 696, 700, 705, 710, 715]	// 141 - 150
-Rogue: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 24000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 45
-		Sword: 50
-		Bow: 50
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	InheritHP: ("Hunter")
-	InheritSP: ("Acolyte")
-Sage: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 24000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 45
-		Dagger: 53
-		Sword: 60
-		Rod: 55
-		Book: 43
-		TwoHandRod: 55
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	InheritHP: ("Priest")
-	SPTable:[  17,   24,   31,   38,   45,   52,   59,   66,   73,   80,	// 1 - 10
-			   87,   94,  101,  108,  115,  122,  129,  136,  143,  150,	// 11 - 20
-			  157,  164,  171,  178,  185,  192,  199,  206,  213,  220,	// 21 - 30
-			  227,  234,  241,  248,  255,  262,  269,  276,  283,  290,	// 31 - 40
-			  297,  304,  311,  318,  325,  332,  339,  346,  353,  360,	// 41 - 50
-			  367,  374,  381,  388,  395,  402,  409,  416,  423,  430,	// 51 - 60
-			  437,  444,  451,  458,  465,  472,  479,  486,  493,  500,	// 61 - 70
-			  507,  514,  521,  528,  535,  542,  549,  556,  563,  570,	// 71 - 80
-			  577,  584,  591,  598,  605,  612,  619,  626,  633,  640,	// 81 - 90
-			  647,  654,  661,  668,  675,  682,  689,  696,  703,  710,	// 91 - 100
-			  717,  724,  731,  738,  745,  752,  759,  766,  773,  780,	// 101 - 110
-			  787,  794,  801,  808,  815,  822,  829,  836,  843,  850,	// 111 - 120
-			  857,  864,  871,  878,  885,  892,  899,  906,  913,  920,	// 121 - 130
-			  927,  934,  941,  948,  955,  962,  969,  976,  983,  990,	// 131 - 140
-			  997, 1004, 1011, 1018, 1025, 1032, 1039, 1046, 1053, 1060]	// 141 - 150
-Alchemist: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 50
-		Sword: 45
-		Axe: 45
-		TwoHandAxe: 52
-		Mace: 45
-		TwoHandMace: 50
-		Shield: 4
-	}
-	Inherit: ("Blacksmith")
-Monk: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 26000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Mace: 43
-		TwoHandMace: 48
-		Rod: 60
-		Knuckle: 40
-		TwoHandRod: 58
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	InheritSP: ("Crusader")
-	HPTable:[  40,   47,   55,   64,   74,   84,   95,  107,  120,  134,	// 1 - 10
-			  149,  165,  182,  200,  219,  238,  258,  306,  329,  354,	// 11 - 20
-			  379,  406,  433,  462,  491,  521,  551,  583,  615,  649,	// 21 - 30
-			  683,  719,  755,  793,  831,  870,  909,  950,  991, 1034,	// 31 - 40
-			 1077, 1122, 1167, 1214, 1261, 1309, 1357, 1407, 1457, 1509,	// 41 - 50
-			 1561, 1615, 1669, 1725, 1781, 1838, 1895, 1954, 2013, 2074,	// 51 - 60
-			 2135, 2198, 2261, 2326, 2391, 2457, 2523, 2591, 2659, 2729,	// 61 - 70
-			 2799, 2871, 2943, 3017, 3091, 3166, 3241, 3318, 3395, 3474,	// 71 - 80
-			 3553, 3634, 3715, 3798, 3881, 3965, 4049, 4135, 4221, 4309,	// 81 - 90
-			 4397, 4487, 4577, 4669, 4761, 4854, 4947, 5042, 5137, 5232,	// 91 - 100
-			 5327, 5422, 5517, 5612, 5707, 5802, 5897, 5992, 6087, 6182,	// 101 - 110
-			 6277, 6372, 6467, 6562, 6657, 6752, 6847, 6942, 7037, 7132,	// 111 - 120
-			 7227, 7322, 7417, 7512, 7607, 7702, 7797, 7892, 7987, 8082,	// 121 - 130
-			 8177, 8272, 8367, 8462, 8557, 8652, 8747, 8842, 8937, 9032,	// 131 - 140
-			 9127, 9222, 9317, 9412, 9507, 9602, 9697, 9792, 9887, 9982]	// 141 - 150
-Bard: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 27000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 53
-		Bow: 48
-		Instrument: 45
-		Shield: 7
-	}
-	InheritSP: ("Magician")
-	HPTable:[  40,   47,   54,   62,   71,   81,   91,  102,  114,  127,	// 1 - 10
-			  140,  154,  169,  180,  196,  212,  224,  242,  260,  278,	// 11 - 20
-			  296,  316,  330,  350,  371,  393,  415,  438,  451,  477,	// 21 - 30
-			  503,  530,  558,  587,  616,  646,  677,  709,  741,  774,	// 31 - 40
-			  808,  843,  878,  914,  951,  989, 1027, 1066, 1106, 1147,	// 41 - 50
-			 1188, 1230, 1273, 1317, 1361, 1406, 1452, 1499, 1546, 1594,	// 51 - 60
-			 1643, 1693, 1743, 1794, 1846, 1899, 1952, 2006, 2061, 2117,	// 61 - 70
-			 2173, 2230, 2288, 2347, 2406, 2466, 2527, 2589, 2651, 2714,	// 71 - 80
-			 2778, 2843, 2908, 2974, 3041, 3109, 3177, 3246, 3316, 3387,	// 81 - 90
-			 3458, 3530, 3603, 3677, 3751, 3826, 3902, 3979, 4056, 4133,	// 91 - 100
-			 4210, 4287, 4364, 4441, 4518, 4595, 4672, 4749, 4826, 4903,	// 101 - 110
-			 4980, 5057, 5134, 5211, 5288, 5365, 5442, 5519, 5596, 5673,	// 111 - 120
-			 5750, 5827, 5904, 5981, 6058, 6135, 6212, 6289, 6366, 6443,	// 121 - 130
-			 6520, 6597, 6674, 6751, 6828, 6905, 6982, 7059, 7136, 7213,	// 131 - 140
-			 7290, 7367, 7444, 7521, 7598, 7675, 7752, 7829, 7906, 7983]	// 141 - 150
-Dancer: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Whip: 45
-		Instrument: 200
-	}
-	Inherit: ("Bard")
-Taekwon: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Weight: 28000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 50
-		Sword: 50
-		TwoHandSword: 50
-		Spear: 50
-		TwoHandSpear: 50
-		Axe: 50
-		TwoHandAxe: 50
-		Mace: 50
-		TwoHandMace: 50
-		Rod: 50
-		Bow: 50
-		Knuckle: 50
-		Instrument: 50
-		Whip: 50
-		Book: 50
-		Katar: 50
-		Revolver: 50
-		Rifle: 50
-		GatlingGun: 50
-		Shotgun: 50
-		GrenadeLauncher: 50
-		FuumaShuriken: 50
-		TwoHandRod: 50
-		Shield: 6
-	}
-	HPTable:[  40,   46,   53,   61,   70,   79,   89,  100,  111,  123,	// 1 - 10
-			  136,  149,  163,  178,  194,  210,  227,  245,  263,  282,	// 11 - 20
-			  302,  322,  343,  365,  388,  411,  435,  460,  485,  511,	// 21 - 30
-			  538,  565,  593,  622,  652,  682,  713,  745,  777,  810,	// 31 - 40
-			  844,  878,  913,  949,  986, 1023, 1061, 1100, 1139, 1179,	// 41 - 50
-			 1220, 1261, 1303, 1346, 1390, 1434, 1479, 1525, 1571, 1618,	// 51 - 60
-			 1666, 1714, 1763, 1813, 1864, 1915, 1967, 2020, 2073, 2127,	// 61 - 70
-			 2137, 2147, 2157, 2167, 2177, 2187, 2197, 2200, 2210, 2230,	// 71 - 80
-			 2250, 2300, 2350, 2400, 2450, 2500, 2550, 2600, 2650, 2700,	// 81 - 90
-			 2750, 2800, 2850, 2900, 2950, 3000, 3050, 3100, 3200, 3267,	// 91 - 100
-			 3342, 3417, 3492, 3567, 3642, 3717, 3792, 3867, 3942, 4017,	// 101 - 110
-			 4092, 4167, 4242, 4317, 4392, 4467, 4542, 4617, 4692, 4767,	// 111 - 120
-			 4842, 4917, 4992, 5067, 5142, 5217, 5292, 5367, 5442, 5517,	// 121 - 130
-			 5592, 5667, 5742, 5817, 5892, 5967, 6042, 6117, 6192, 6267,	// 131 - 140
-			 6342, 6417, 6492, 6567, 6642, 6717, 6792, 6867, 6942, 7017]	// 141 - 150
-	SPTable:[ 12,  14,  16,  18,  20,  22,  24,  26,  28,  30,	// 1 - 10
-			  32,  34,  36,  38,  40,  42,  44,  46,  48,  50,	// 11 - 20
-			  52,  54,  56,  58,  60,  62,  64,  66,  68,  70,	// 21 - 30
-			  72,  74,  76,  78,  80,  82,  84,  86,  88,  90,	// 31 - 40
-			  92,  94,  96,  98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110,	// 41 - 50
-			 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130,	// 51 - 60
-			 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150,	// 61 - 70
-			 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 170,	// 71 - 80
-			 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 188, 190,	// 81 - 90
-			 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 190, 200, 200,	// 91 - 100
-			 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,	// 101 - 110
-			 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,	// 111 - 120
-			 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,	// 121 - 130
-			 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,	// 131 - 140
-			 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200]	// 141 - 150
-Star_Gladiator: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "StarGladiator"
-	Inherit: ("Taekwon")
-	HPTable:[  40,   47,   55,   64,   74,   84,   95,  107,  120,  134,	// 1 - 10
-			  149,  165,  182,  200,  219,  238,  258,  306,  329,  354,	// 11 - 20
-			  379,  406,  433,  462,  491,  521,  551,  583,  615,  649,	// 21 - 30
-			  683,  719,  755,  793,  831,  870,  909,  950,  991, 1034,	// 31 - 40
-			 1077, 1122, 1167, 1214, 1261, 1309, 1357, 1407, 1457, 1509,	// 41 - 50
-			 1561, 1615, 1669, 1725, 1781, 1838, 1895, 1954, 2013, 2074,	// 51 - 60
-			 2135, 2198, 2261, 2326, 2391, 2457, 2523, 2591, 2659, 2670,	// 61 - 70
-			 2680, 2690, 2700, 2710, 2720, 2730, 2740, 2750, 2760, 3000,	// 71 - 80
-			 3020, 3040, 3060, 3080, 3100, 3120, 3140, 3160, 3180, 3455,	// 81 - 90
-			 3524, 3593, 3663, 3734, 3806, 3878, 3951, 4025, 4500, 4562,	// 91 - 100
-			 4624, 4686, 4748, 4810, 4872, 4934, 4996, 5058, 5120, 5182,	// 101 - 110
-			 5244, 5306, 5368, 5430, 5492, 5554, 5616, 5678, 5740, 5802,	// 111 - 120
-			 5864, 5926, 5988, 6050, 6112, 6174, 6236, 6298, 6360, 6422,	// 121 - 130
-			 6484, 6546, 6608, 6670, 6732, 6794, 6856, 6918, 6980, 7042,	// 131 - 140
-			 7104, 7166, 7228, 7290, 7352, 7414, 7476, 7538, 7600, 7662]	// 141 - 150
-	SPTable:[ 14,  19,  24,  28,  33,  38,  42,  47,  52,  57,	// 1 - 10
-			  61,  66,  71,  75,  80,  85,  89,  94,  99, 104,	// 11 - 20
-			 108, 113, 118, 122, 127, 132, 136, 141, 146, 151,	// 21 - 30
-			 155, 160, 165, 169, 174, 179, 183, 188, 193, 198,	// 31 - 40
-			 202, 207, 212, 216, 221, 226, 230, 235, 240, 245,	// 41 - 50
-			 249, 254, 259, 263, 268, 273, 277, 282, 287, 292,	// 51 - 60
-			 296, 301, 306, 310, 315, 320, 324, 329, 334, 339,	// 61 - 70
-			 341, 343, 345, 347, 349, 351, 353, 355, 357, 386,	// 71 - 80
-			 388, 390, 392, 394, 396, 398, 400, 402, 404, 430,	// 81 - 90
-			 433, 436, 439, 442, 445, 448, 451, 454, 500, 500,	// 91 - 100
-			 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500,	// 101 - 110
-			 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500,	// 111 - 120
-			 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500,	// 121 - 130
-			 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500,	// 131 - 140
-			 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500]	// 141 - 150
-Soul_Linker: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SoulLinker"
-	Weight: 24000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 50
-		Dagger: 50
-		Rod: 53
-		TwoHandRod: 55
-		Shield: 8
-	}
-	HPTable:[  40,   47,   54,   62,   71,   81,   91,  102,  114,  127,	// 1 - 10
-			  140,  154,  169,  185,  201,  218,  236,  255,  274,  294,	// 11 - 20
-			  315,  337,  359,  382,  406,  431,  456,  482,  509,  537,	// 21 - 30
-			  565,  594,  624,  655,  686,  718,  751,  785,  819,  854,	// 31 - 40
-			  890,  927,  964, 1002, 1041, 1081, 1121, 1162, 1204, 1247,	// 41 - 50
-			 1290, 1334, 1379, 1425, 1471, 1518, 1566, 1615, 1664, 1714,	// 51 - 60
-			 1765, 1817, 1869, 1922, 1976, 2031, 2086, 2142, 2199, 2257,	// 61 - 70
-			 2275, 2294, 2314, 2335, 2356, 2378, 2401, 2425, 2449, 2874,	// 71 - 80
-			 2890, 2907, 2924, 2942, 2971, 2991, 3011, 3032, 3054, 3567,	// 81 - 90
-			 3590, 3614, 3649, 3675, 3701, 3728, 3756, 3800, 4250, 4305,	// 91 - 100
-			 4360, 4415, 4470, 4525, 4580, 4635, 4690, 4745, 4800, 4855,	// 101 - 110
-			 4910, 4965, 5020, 5075, 5130, 5185, 5240, 5295, 5350, 5405,	// 111 - 120
-			 5460, 5515, 5570, 5625, 5680, 5735, 5790, 5845, 5900, 5955,	// 121 - 130
-			 6010, 6065, 6120, 6175, 6230, 6285, 6340, 6395, 6450, 6505,	// 131 - 140
-			 6560, 6615, 6670, 6725, 6780, 6835, 6890, 6945, 7000, 7055]	// 141 - 150
-	SPTable:[ 19,  28,  37,  46,  55,  64,  73,  82,  91, 100,	// 1 - 10
-			 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190,	// 11 - 20
-			 199, 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280,	// 21 - 30
-			 289, 298, 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370,	// 31 - 40
-			 379, 388, 397, 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460,	// 41 - 50
-			 469, 478, 487, 496, 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550,	// 51 - 60
-			 559, 568, 577, 586, 595, 604, 613, 622, 631, 635,	// 61 - 70
-			 640, 645, 650, 655, 660, 665, 670, 675, 680, 730,	// 71 - 80
-			 735, 740, 745, 750, 755, 760, 765, 770, 775, 820,	// 81 - 90
-			 825, 830, 845, 850, 855, 860, 865, 870, 900, 900,	// 91 - 100
-			 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900,	// 101 - 110
-			 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900,	// 111 - 120
-			 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900,	// 121 - 130
-			 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900,	// 131 - 140
-			 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900]	// 141 - 150
-Gunslinger: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "NinjaAndGunslinger"
-	Weight: 28000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 50
-		Revolver: 45
-		Rifle: 55
-		GatlingGun: 50
-		Shotgun: 90
-		GrenadeLauncher: 100
-		Shield: 6
-	}
-	InheritHP: ("Star_Gladiator")
-	SPTable:[ 12,  15,  18,  21,  24,  27,  30,  33,  36,  39,	// 1 - 10
-			  42,  45,  48,  51,  54,  57,  61,  64,  67,  70,	// 11 - 20
-			  73,  76,  79,  82,  85,  89,  93,  97, 101, 105,	// 21 - 30
-			 109, 113, 117, 121, 125, 129, 131, 135, 139, 141,	// 31 - 40
-			 145, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165, 169, 173, 177, 181,	// 41 - 50
-			 186, 191, 196, 201, 206, 211, 216, 221, 226, 231,	// 51 - 60
-			 236, 241, 246, 251, 256, 261, 266, 271, 276, 281,	// 61 - 70
-			 286, 291, 296, 301, 306, 312, 318, 324, 336, 342,	// 71 - 80
-			 348, 354, 360, 366, 372, 378, 384, 390, 396, 402,	// 81 - 90
-			 408, 414, 420, 426, 432, 438, 444, 450, 456, 462,	// 91 - 100
-			 468, 474, 480, 486, 492, 498, 504, 510, 516, 522,	// 101 - 110
-			 528, 534, 540, 546, 552, 558, 564, 570, 576, 582,	// 111 - 120
-			 588, 594, 600, 606, 612, 618, 624, 630, 636, 642,	// 121 - 130
-			 648, 654, 660, 666, 672, 678, 684, 690, 696, 702,	// 131 - 140
-			 708, 714, 720, 726, 732, 738, 744, 750, 756, 762]	// 141 - 150
-Ninja: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "NinjaAndGunslinger"
-	Weight: 26000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 43
-		FuumaShuriken: 55
-		Shield: 6
-	}
-	InheritHP: ("Soul_Linker")
-	SPTable:[ 14,  17,  20,  23,  26,  29,  32,  35,  38,  41,	// 1 - 10
-			  44,  47,  50,  53,  56,  59,  62,  65,  68,  71,	// 11 - 20
-			  75,  79,  83,  87,  91,  95,  99, 103, 107, 111,	// 21 - 30
-			 115, 119, 123, 127, 131, 135, 139, 143, 147, 151,	// 31 - 40
-			 156, 161, 166, 171, 176, 181, 186, 191, 196, 201,	// 41 - 50
-			 206, 211, 216, 221, 226, 231, 236, 241, 246, 251,	// 51 - 60
-			 257, 263, 269, 275, 281, 287, 293, 299, 305, 311,	// 61 - 70
-			 317, 323, 329, 335, 341, 347, 353, 359, 365, 371,	// 71 - 80
-			 378, 386, 394, 402, 410, 418, 426, 434, 442, 450,	// 81 - 90
-			 458, 466, 474, 482, 490, 498, 506, 514, 522, 530,	// 91 - 100
-			 538, 546, 554, 562, 570, 578, 586, 594, 602, 610,	// 101 - 110
-			 618, 626, 634, 642, 650, 658, 666, 674, 682, 690,	// 111 - 120
-			 698, 706, 714, 722, 730, 738, 746, 754, 762, 770,	// 121 - 130
-			 778, 786, 794, 802, 810, 818, 826, 834, 842, 850,	// 131 - 140
-			 858, 866, 874, 882, 890, 898, 906, 914, 922, 930]	// 141 - 150
-Gangsi: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "NinjaAndGunslinger"
-	Weight: 32000
-	InheritSP: ("Novice")
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 55
-		Sword: 55
-		TwoHandSword: 55
-		Spear: 55
-		TwoHandSpear: 55
-		Axe: 55
-		TwoHandAxe: 55
-		Mace: 55
-		TwoHandMace: 55
-		Rod: 55
-		Bow: 55
-		Knuckle: 55
-		Instrument: 55
-		Whip: 55
-		Book: 55
-		Katar: 55
-		Revolver: 55
-		Rifle: 55
-		GatlingGun: 55
-		Shotgun: 55
-		GrenadeLauncher: 55
-		FuumaShuriken: 55
-		TwoHandRod: 55
-		Shield: 0
-	}
-	HPTable:[  40,   46,   53,   60,   68,   76,   85,   94,  104,  114,	// 1 - 10
-			  125,  136,  148,  160,  173,  186,  200,  214,  229,  244,	// 11 - 20
-			  260,  276,  293,  310,  328,  346,  365,  384,  404,  424,	// 21 - 30
-			  445,  466,  488,  510,  533,  556,  580,  604,  629,  654,	// 31 - 40
-			  680,  706,  733,  760,  788,  816,  845,  874,  904,  934,	// 41 - 50
-			  965,  996, 1028, 1060, 1093, 1126, 1160, 1194, 1229, 1264,	// 51 - 60
-			 1300, 1336, 1373, 1410, 1448, 1486, 1525, 1564, 1604, 1644,	// 61 - 70
-			 1685, 1726, 1768, 1810, 1853, 1896, 1940, 1984, 2029, 2074,	// 71 - 80
-			 2120, 2166, 2213, 2260, 2308, 2356, 2405, 2454, 2504, 2554,	// 81 - 90
-			 2605, 2656, 2708, 2760, 2813, 2866, 2920, 2974, 3029]			// 91 - 99
-Death_Knight: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 36000
-	Inherit: ("Gangsi")
-Dark_Collector: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SecondClasses"
-	Weight: 40000
-	Inherit: ("Gangsi")
-Rune_Knight: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Weight: 35000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 50
-		Sword: 52
-		TwoHandSword: 55
-		Spear: 60
-		TwoHandSpear: 58
-		Axe: 48
-		TwoHandAxe: 52
-		Mace: 45
-		TwoHandMace: 52
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  8100,  8133,	// 91 - 100
-			  8242,  8352,  8464,  8576,  8690,  8804,  8920,  9036,  9154,  9273,	// 101 - 110
-			  9393,  9514,  9636,  9759,  9883, 10008, 10134, 10261, 10389, 10518,	// 111 - 120
-			 10648, 10779, 10912, 11045, 11180, 11315, 11452, 11589, 11728, 11868,	// 121 - 130
-			 12009, 12151, 12294, 12438, 12583, 12729, 12876, 13024, 13173, 13323,	// 131 - 140
-			 13474, 13626, 13780, 13934, 14090, 14246, 14404, 14562, 14722, 14883,	// 141 - 150
-			 15042, 15100, 15260, 15321, 15481, 15541, 15600, 15760, 15820, 15980,	// 151 - 160
-			 16141, 16303, 16466, 16630, 16795, 16961, 17128, 17296, 17465, 17635,	// 161 - 170
-			 17806, 17978, 18151, 18325, 18500]										// 171 - 175
-	SPTable:[  1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,	// 1 - 10
-			  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,	// 11 - 20
-			  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  30,	// 21 - 30
-			  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,	// 31 - 40
-			  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,	// 41 - 50
-			  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60,	// 51 - 60
-			  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,	// 61 - 70
-			  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,  80,	// 71 - 80
-			  81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,	// 81 - 90
-			  91,  92,  93,  94,  95,  96,  97,  98, 300, 310,	// 91 - 100
-			 313, 316, 319, 322, 325, 328, 331, 334, 337, 340,	// 101 - 110
-			 343, 346, 349, 352, 355, 358, 361, 364, 367, 370,	// 111 - 120
-			 373, 376, 379, 382, 385, 388, 391, 394, 397, 400,	// 121 - 130
-			 403, 406, 409, 412, 415, 418, 421, 424, 427, 430,	// 131 - 140
-			 433, 436, 439, 442, 445, 448, 451, 454, 457, 460,	// 141 - 150
-			 500, 566, 629, 672, 710, 748, 781, 824, 847, 890,	// 151 - 160
-			 894, 898, 902, 906, 910, 915, 920, 925, 930, 935,	// 161 - 170
-			 941, 947, 953, 959, 965]							// 171 - 175
-Warlock: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Weight: 30000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 45
-		Dagger: 52
-		Sword: 60
-		Rod: 50
-		TwoHandRod: 56
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  3200,  3313,	// 91 - 100
-			  3383,  3455,  3528,  3601,  3675,  3749,  3824,  3899,  3975,  4051,	// 101 - 110
-			  4129,  4208,  4287,  4367,  4447,  4528,  4609,  4691,  4773,  4857,	// 111 - 120
-			  4941,  5026,  5112,  5198,  5285,  5372,  5460,  5548,  5638,  5728,	// 121 - 130
-			  5819,  5911,  6003,  6096,  6189,  6283,  6377,  6473,  6569,  6666,	// 131 - 140
-			  6763,  6861,  6960,  7059,  7159,  7259,  7361,  7463,  7566,  7669,	// 141 - 150
-			  7771,  7874,  7976,  8079,  8181,  8284,  8386,  8489,  8591,  8730,	// 151 - 160
-			  8891,  9053,  9216,  9380,  9545,  9711,  9878, 10046, 10215, 10385,	// 161 - 170
-			 10556, 10728, 10901, 11075, 11250]										// 171 - 175
-	SPTable:[   1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,   10,	// 1 - 10
-			   11,   12,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   18,   19,   20,	// 11 - 20
-			   21,   22,   23,   24,   25,   26,   27,   28,   29,   30,	// 21 - 30
-			   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,   36,   37,   38,   39,   40,	// 31 - 40
-			   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   46,   47,   48,   49,   50,	// 41 - 50
-			   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,   58,   59,   60,	// 51 - 60
-			   61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,   67,   68,   69,   70,	// 61 - 70
-			   71,   72,   73,   74,   75,   76,   77,   78,   79,   80,	// 71 - 80
-			   81,   82,   83,   84,   85,   86,   87,   88,   89,   90,	// 81 - 90
-			   91,   92,   93,   94,   95,   96,   97,   98,  900,  910,	// 91 - 100
-			  919,  928,  937,  946,  955,  964,  973,  982,  991, 1000,	// 101 - 110
-			 1009, 1018, 1027, 1036, 1045, 1054, 1063, 1072, 1081, 1090,	// 111 - 120
-			 1099, 1108, 1117, 1126, 1135, 1144, 1153, 1162, 1171, 1180,	// 121 - 130
-			 1189, 1198, 1207, 1216, 1225, 1234, 1243, 1252, 1261, 1270,	// 131 - 140
-			 1279, 1288, 1297, 1306, 1315, 1324, 1333, 1342, 1351, 1360,	// 141 - 150
-			 1369, 1378, 1387, 1396, 1405, 1414, 1423, 1432, 1441, 1450,	// 151 - 160
-			 1460, 1470, 1480, 1490, 1500, 1511, 1522, 1533, 1544, 1555,	// 161 - 170
-			 1567, 1579, 1591, 1603, 1615]									// 171 - 175
-Ranger: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Weight: 32000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 50
-		Bow: 49
-		Shield: 8
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  4800,  4828,	// 91 - 100
-			  4918,  5009,  5101,  5194,  5288,  5382,  5477,  5573,  5670,  5768,	// 101 - 110
-			  5867,  5967,  6068,  6170,  6273,  6377,  6482,  6588,  6694,  6801,	// 111 - 120
-			  6909,  7018,  7128,  7239,  7351,  7464,  7578,  7693,  7809,  7926,	// 121 - 130
-			  8044,  8162,  8281,  8401,  8522,  8644,  8767,  8891,  9016,  9142,	// 131 - 140
-			  9269,  9397,  9526,  9656,  9786,  9917, 10049, 10182, 10316, 10451,	// 141 - 150
-			 10585, 10719, 10853, 10987, 11121, 11255, 11389, 11523, 11657, 11790,	// 151 - 160
-			 11926, 12063, 12201, 12340, 12480, 12621, 12763, 12906, 13050, 13195,	// 161 - 170
-			 13341, 13488, 13636, 13785, 13935]										// 171 - 175
-	SPTable:[  1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,	// 1 - 10
-			  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,	// 11 - 20
-			  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  30,	// 21 - 30
-			  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,	// 31 - 40
-			  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,	// 41 - 50
-			  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60,	// 51 - 60
-			  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,	// 61 - 70
-			  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,  80,	// 71 - 80
-			  81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,	// 81 - 90
-			  91,  92,  93,  94,  95,  96,  97,  98, 400, 410,	// 91 - 100
-			 414, 418, 422, 426, 430, 434, 438, 442, 446, 450,	// 101 - 110
-			 454, 458, 462, 466, 470, 474, 478, 482, 486, 490,	// 111 - 120
-			 494, 498, 502, 506, 510, 514, 518, 522, 526, 530,	// 121 - 130
-			 534, 538, 542, 546, 550, 554, 558, 562, 566, 570,	// 131 - 140
-			 574, 578, 582, 586, 590, 594, 598, 602, 606, 610,	// 141 - 150
-			 650, 675, 680, 695, 710, 725, 740, 765, 770, 785,	// 151 - 160
-			 790, 795, 800, 805, 810, 816, 822, 828, 834, 840,	// 161 - 170
-			 847, 854, 861, 868, 875]							// 171 - 175
-Arch_Bishop: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Weight: 30000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 45
-		Mace: 45
-		TwoHandMace: 45
-		Rod: 60
-		Knuckle: 50
-		Book: 44
-		TwoHandRod: 55
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  4300,  4333,	// 91 - 100
-			  4412,  4491,  4570,  4649,  4728,  4807,  4886,  4965,  5044,  5123,	// 101 - 110
-			  5202,  5281,  5360,  5439,  5518,  5597,  5676,  5755,  5834,  5913,	// 111 - 120
-			  5992,  6071,  6150,  6229,  6308,  6387,  6466,  6545,  6624,  6703,	// 121 - 130
-			  6782,  6861,  6940,  7019,  7098,  7177,  7256,  7335,  7414,  7493,	// 131 - 140
-			  7572,  7651,  7730,  7809,  7888,  7967,  8046,  8125,  8204,  8283,	// 141 - 150
-			  8362,  8441,  8520,  8599,  8678,  8757,  8836,  8915,  8994,  9115,	// 151 - 160
-			  9276,  9438,  9601,  9765,  9930, 10096, 10263, 10431, 10600, 10770,	// 161 - 170
-			 10941, 11113, 11286, 11460, 11635]										// 171 - 175
-	SPTable:[   1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,   10,	// 1 - 10
-			   11,   12,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   18,   19,   20,	// 11 - 20
-			   21,   22,   23,   24,   25,   26,   27,   28,   29,   30,	// 21 - 30
-			   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,   36,   37,   38,   39,   40,	// 31 - 40
-			   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   46,   47,   48,   49,   50,	// 41 - 50
-			   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,   58,   59,   60,	// 51 - 60
-			   61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,   67,   68,   69,   70,	// 61 - 70
-			   71,   72,   73,   74,   75,   76,   77,   78,   79,   80,	// 71 - 80
-			   81,   82,   83,   84,   85,   86,   87,   88,   89,   90,	// 81 - 90
-			   91,   92,   93,   94,   95,   96,   97,   98,  800,  810,	// 91 - 100
-			  818,  826,  834,  842,  850,  858,  866,  874,  882,  890,	// 101 - 110
-			  898,  906,  914,  922,  930,  938,  946,  954,  962,  970,	// 111 - 120
-			  978,  986,  994, 1002, 1010, 1018, 1026, 1034, 1042, 1050,	// 121 - 130
-			 1058, 1066, 1074, 1082, 1090, 1098, 1106, 1114, 1122, 1130,	// 131 - 140
-			 1138, 1146, 1154, 1162, 1170, 1178, 1186, 1194, 1202, 1210,	// 141 - 150
-			 1258, 1286, 1334, 1372, 1410, 1458, 1466, 1474, 1482, 1490,	// 151 - 160
-			 1499, 1508, 1517, 1526, 1535, 1545, 1555, 1565, 1575, 1585,	// 161 - 170
-			 1596, 1607, 1618, 1629, 1640]									// 171 - 175
-Mechanic: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Weight: 38000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 60
-		Sword: 65
-		Axe: 45
-		TwoHandAxe: 48
-		Mace: 48
-		TwoHandMace: 50
-		Shield: 6
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  5807,  5844,	// 91 - 100
-			  5952,  6061,  6172,  6283,  6396,  6510,  6625,  6741,  6857,  6974,	// 101 - 110
-			  7093,  7212,  7333,  7455,  7578,  7702,  7828,  7954,  8081,  8208,	// 111 - 120
-			  8337,  8467,  8598,  8730,  8864,  8998,  9134,  9271,  9408,  9546,	// 121 - 130
-			  9685,  9825,  9967, 10109, 10253, 10398, 10544, 10691, 10838, 10987,	// 131 - 140
-			 11136, 11287, 11439, 11592, 11746, 11901, 12057, 12215, 12372, 12531,	// 141 - 150
-			 12688, 12845, 13003, 13160, 13318, 13475, 13633, 13790, 13948, 14105,	// 151 - 160
-			 14266, 14428, 14591, 14755, 14920, 15086, 15253, 15421, 15590, 15760,	// 161 - 170
-			 15931, 16103, 16276, 16450, 16625]										// 171 - 175
-	SPTable:[   1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,   10,	// 1 - 10
-			   11,   12,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   18,   19,   20,	// 11 - 20
-			   21,   22,   23,   24,   25,   26,   27,   28,   29,   30,	// 21 - 30
-			   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,   36,   37,   38,   39,   40,	// 31 - 40
-			   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   46,   47,   48,   49,   50,	// 41 - 50
-			   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,   58,   59,   60,	// 51 - 60
-			   61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,   67,   68,   69,   70,	// 61 - 70
-			   71,   72,   73,   74,   75,   76,   77,   78,   79,   80,	// 71 - 80
-			   81,   82,   83,   84,   85,   86,   87,   88,   89,   90,	// 81 - 90
-			   91,   92,   93,   94,   95,   96,   97,   98,  400,  410,	// 91 - 100
-			  414,  418,  422,  426,  430,  434,  438,  442,  446,  450,	// 101 - 110
-			  454,  458,  462,  466,  470,  474,  478,  482,  486,  490,	// 111 - 120
-			  494,  498,  502,  506,  510,  514,  518,  522,  526,  530,	// 121 - 130
-			  534,  538,  542,  546,  550,  554,  558,  562,  566,  570,	// 131 - 140
-			  574,  578,  582,  586,  590,  594,  598,  602,  606,  610,	// 141 - 150
-			  700,  760,  820,  880,  930,  965, 1020, 1132, 1160, 1230,	// 151 - 160
-			 1235, 1240, 1245, 1250, 1255, 1261, 1267, 1273, 1279, 1285,	// 161 - 170
-			 1292, 1299, 1306, 1313, 1320]									// 171 - 175
-Guillotine_Cross: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Weight: 32000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 42
-		Sword: 65
-		Axe: 80
-		Katar: 42
-		/* Rifle: 95 */
-		/* GatlingGun: 120 */
-		/* Shotgun: 90 */
-		/* GrenadeLauncher: 100 */
-		/* FuumaShuriken: 110 */
-		Shield: 9
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  6050,  6093,	// 91 - 100
-			  6208,  6324,  6441,  6559,  6678,  6798,  6920,  7043,  7167,  7292,	// 101 - 110
-			  7418,  7545,  7673,  7802,  7932,  8063,  8196,  8330,  8465,  8601,	// 111 - 120
-			  8738,  8876,  9015,  9155,  9296,  9438,  9582,  9727,  9873, 10020,	// 121 - 130
-			 10168, 10317, 10467, 10618, 10770, 10923, 11078, 11234, 11391, 11549,	// 131 - 140
-			 11708, 11868, 12029, 12191, 12354, 12518, 12684, 12851, 13019, 13188,	// 141 - 150
-			 13351, 13518, 13684, 13850, 14016, 14182, 14349, 14515, 14681, 14830,	// 151 - 160
-			 14966, 15103, 15241, 15380, 15520, 15661, 15803, 15946, 16090, 16235,	// 161 - 170
-			 16381, 16528, 16676, 16825, 16975]										// 171 - 175
-	SPTable:[  1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,	// 1 - 10
-			  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,	// 11 - 20
-			  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  30,	// 21 - 30
-			  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,	// 31 - 40
-			  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,	// 41 - 50
-			  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60,	// 51 - 60
-			  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,	// 61 - 70
-			  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,  80,	// 71 - 80
-			  81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,	// 81 - 90
-			  91,  92,  93,  94,  95,  96,  97,  98, 400, 410,	// 91 - 100
-			 414, 418, 422, 426, 430, 434, 438, 442, 446, 450,	// 101 - 110
-			 454, 458, 462, 466, 470, 474, 478, 482, 486, 490,	// 111 - 120
-			 494, 498, 502, 506, 510, 514, 518, 522, 526, 530,	// 121 - 130
-			 534, 538, 542, 546, 550, 554, 558, 562, 566, 570,	// 131 - 140
-			 574, 578, 582, 586, 590, 594, 598, 602, 606, 610,	// 141 - 150
-			 670, 695, 700, 715, 730, 745, 760, 785, 790, 805,	// 151 - 160
-			 810, 815, 820, 825, 830, 836, 842, 848, 854, 860,	// 161 - 170
-			 867, 874, 881, 888, 895]							// 171 - 175
-Shadow_Chaser: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Weight: 28000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 43
-		Sword: 47
-		Bow: 47
-		Shield: 4
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  6050,  6093,	// 91 - 100
-			  6208,  6324,  6441,  6559,  6678,  6798,  6920,  7043,  7167,  7292,	// 101 - 110
-			  7418,  7545,  7673,  7802,  7932,  8063,  8196,  8330,  8465,  8601,	// 111 - 120
-			  8738,  8876,  9015,  9155,  9296,  9438,  9582,  9727,  9873, 10020,	// 121 - 130
-			 10168, 10317, 10467, 10618, 10770, 10923, 11078, 11234, 11391, 11549,	// 131 - 140
-			 11708, 11868, 12029, 12191, 12354, 12518, 12684, 12851, 13019, 13188,	// 141 - 150
-			 13300, 13420, 13500, 13600, 13700, 13800, 13900, 14000, 14100, 14200,	// 151 - 160
-			 14301, 14403, 14506, 14610, 14715, 14821, 14928, 15036, 15145, 15255,	// 161 - 170
-			 15366, 15478, 15591, 15705, 15820]										// 171 - 175
-	SPTable:[  1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,	// 1 - 10
-			  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,	// 11 - 20
-			  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  30,	// 21 - 30
-			  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,	// 31 - 40
-			  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,	// 41 - 50
-			  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60,	// 51 - 60
-			  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,	// 61 - 70
-			  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,  80,	// 71 - 80
-			  81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,	// 81 - 90
-			  91,  92,  93,  94,  95,  96,  97,  98, 400, 410,	// 91 - 100
-			 414, 418, 422, 426, 430, 434, 438, 442, 446, 450,	// 101 - 110
-			 454, 458, 462, 466, 470, 474, 478, 482, 486, 490,	// 111 - 120
-			 494, 498, 502, 506, 510, 514, 518, 522, 526, 530,	// 121 - 130
-			 534, 538, 542, 546, 550, 554, 558, 562, 566, 570,	// 131 - 140
-			 574, 578, 582, 586, 590, 594, 598, 602, 606, 610,	// 141 - 150
-			 614, 618, 622, 626, 630, 634, 638, 642, 646, 650,	// 151 - 160
-			 655, 660, 665, 670, 675, 681, 687, 693, 699, 705,	// 161 - 170
-			 712, 719, 726, 733, 740]							// 171 - 175
-Royal_Guard: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	InheritSP: ("Mechanic")
-	Weight: 35000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 47
-		Sword: 45
-		TwoHandSword: 53
-		Spear: 50
-		TwoHandSpear: 50
-		Axe: 48
-		TwoHandAxe: 52
-		Mace: 44
-		TwoHandMace: 50
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  6050,  6093,	// 91 - 100
-			  6208,  6324,  6441,  6559,  6678,  6798,  6920,  7043,  7167,  7292,	// 101 - 110
-			  7418,  7545,  7673,  7802,  7932,  8063,  8196,  8330,  8465,  8601,	// 111 - 120
-			  8738,  8876,  9015,  9155,  9296,  9438,  9582,  9727,  9873, 10020,	// 121 - 130
-			 10168, 10317, 10467, 10618, 10770, 10923, 11078, 11234, 11391, 11549,	// 131 - 140
-			 11708, 11868, 12029, 12191, 12354, 12518, 12684, 12851, 13019, 13188,	// 141 - 150
-			 13355, 13522, 13690, 13857, 14025, 14192, 14360, 14527, 14695, 14860,	// 151 - 160
-			 15021, 15183, 15346, 15510, 15675, 15841, 16008, 16176, 16345, 16515,	// 161 - 170
-			 16686, 16858, 17031, 17205, 17380]										// 171 - 175
-Sorcerer: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	InheritSP: ("Warlock")
-	Weight: 30000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 50
-		Sword: 50
-		Rod: 45
-		Book: 45
-		TwoHandRod: 55
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  4080,  4103,	// 91 - 100
-			  4180,  4257,  4335,  4414,  4494,  4574,  4655,  4737,  4819,  4902,	// 101 - 110
-			  4986,  5071,  5157,  5244,  5332,  5420,  5509,  5599,  5689,  5780,	// 111 - 120
-			  5872,  5965,  6058,  6153,  6248,  6344,  6441,  6539,  6637,  6737,	// 121 - 130
-			  6837,  6937,  7038,  7140,  7243,  7347,  7451,  7557,  7663,  7770,	// 131 - 140
-			  7878,  7987,  8097,  8207,  8318,  8429,  8541,  8654,  8768,  8883,	// 141 - 150
-			  8994,  9107,  9220,  9280,  9340,  9450,  9570,  9680,  9798,  9915,	// 151 - 160
-			 10036, 10158, 10281, 10405, 10530, 10656, 10783, 10911, 11040, 11170,	// 161 - 170
-			 11301, 11433, 11566, 11700, 11835]										// 171 - 175
-Minstrel: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Weight: 32000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 52
-		Bow: 49
-		Instrument: 44
-		Shield: 7
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  4800,  4828,	// 91 - 100
-			  4918,  5009,  5101,  5194,  5288,  5382,  5477,  5573,  5670,  5768,	// 101 - 110
-			  5867,  5967,  6068,  6170,  6273,  6377,  6482,  6588,  6694,  6801,	// 111 - 120
-			  6909,  7018,  7128,  7239,  7351,  7464,  7578,  7693,  7809,  7926,	// 121 - 130
-			  8044,  8162,  8281,  8401,  8522,  8644,  8767,  8891,  9016,  9142,	// 131 - 140
-			  9269,  9397,  9526,  9656,  9786,  9917, 10049, 10182, 10316, 10451,	// 141 - 150
-			 10584, 10717, 10851, 10984, 11118, 11251, 11385, 11518, 11652, 11785,	// 151 - 160
-			 11921, 12058, 12196, 12335, 12475, 12616, 12758, 12901, 13045, 13190,	// 161 - 170
-			 13336, 13483, 13631, 13780, 13930]										// 171 - 175
-	SPTable:[  1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,	// 1 - 10
-			  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20,	// 11 - 20
-			  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  30,	// 21 - 30
-			  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,	// 31 - 40
-			  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,	// 41 - 50
-			  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60,	// 51 - 60
-			  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,	// 61 - 70
-			  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,  80,	// 71 - 80
-			  81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,	// 81 - 90
-			  91,  92,  93,  94,  95,  96,  97,  98, 400, 410,	// 91 - 100
-			 414, 418, 422, 426, 430, 434, 438, 442, 446, 450,	// 101 - 110
-			 454, 458, 462, 466, 470, 474, 478, 482, 486, 490,	// 111 - 120
-			 494, 498, 502, 506, 510, 514, 518, 522, 526, 530,	// 121 - 130
-			 534, 538, 542, 546, 550, 554, 558, 562, 566, 570,	// 131 - 140
-			 574, 578, 582, 586, 590, 594, 598, 602, 606, 610,	// 141 - 150
-			 614, 648, 702, 726, 750, 774, 808, 822, 846, 850,	// 151 - 160
-			 855, 860, 865, 870, 875, 881, 887, 893, 899, 905,	// 161 - 170
-			 912, 919, 926, 933, 940]							// 171 - 175
-Wanderer: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Minstrel")
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 52
-		Bow: 49
-		Whip: 44
-		Shield: 7
-	}
-Sura: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Weight: 30000
-	InheritSP: ("Shadow_Chaser")
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 38
-		Mace: 43
-		TwoHandMace: 45
-		Rod: 48
-		Knuckle: 39
-		TwoHandRod: 50
-		Shield: 5
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  5050,  5082,	// 91 - 100
-			  5176,  5271,  5367,  5464,  5562,  5661,  5761,  5862,  5963,  6065,	// 101 - 110
-			  6168,  6272,  6377,  6483,  6590,  6698,  6807,  6917,  7027,  7138,	// 111 - 120
-			  7250,  7363,  7477,  7592,  7708,  7825,  7943,  8062,  8181,  8301,	// 121 - 130
-			  8422,  8544,  8667,  8791,  8916,  9042,  9169,  9297,  9425,  9554,	// 131 - 140
-			  9684,  9815,  9947, 10080, 10214, 10349, 10485, 10622, 10759, 10897,	// 141 - 150
-			 11033, 11170, 11307, 11444, 11581, 11718, 11855, 11992, 12129, 12265,	// 151 - 160
-			 12406, 12548, 12691, 12835, 12980, 13126, 13273, 13421, 13570, 13720,	// 161 - 170
-			 13871, 14023, 14176, 14330, 14485]										// 171 - 175
-Genetic: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Weight: 32000
-	InheritSP: ("Sorcerer")
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 50
-		Sword: 44
-		Axe: 48
-		TwoHandAxe: 51
-		Mace: 44
-		TwoHandMace: 48
-		Shield: 4
-	}
-	HPTable:[    1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,	// 1 - 10
-			    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,	// 11 - 20
-			    21,    22,    23,    24,    25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,	// 21 - 30
-			    31,    32,    33,    34,    35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,	// 31 - 40
-			    41,    42,    43,    44,    45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,	// 41 - 50
-			    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,	// 51 - 60
-			    61,    62,    63,    64,    65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,	// 61 - 70
-			    71,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,	// 71 - 80
-			    81,    82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,	// 81 - 90
-			    91,    92,    93,    94,    95,    96,    97,    98,  4730,  4766,	// 91 - 100
-			  4853,  4940,  5027,  5113,  5200,  5287,  5374,  5461,  5548,  5635,	// 101 - 110
-			  5722,  5809,  5896,  5982,  6069,  6156,  6243,  6330,  6417,  6504,	// 111 - 120
-			  6591,  6678,  6765,  6851,  6938,  7025,  7112,  7199,  7286,  7373,	// 121 - 130
-			  7460,  7547,  7634,  7720,  7807,  7894,  7981,  8068,  8155,  8242,	// 131 - 140
-			  8329,  8416,  8503,  8589,  8676,  8763,  8850,  8937,  9024,  9111,	// 141 - 150
-			  9198,  9285,  9372,  9459,  9546,  9633,  9720,  9807,  9894,  9980,	// 151 - 160
-			 10141, 10303, 10466, 10630, 10795, 10961, 11128, 11296, 11465, 11635,	// 161 - 170
-			 11806, 11978, 12151, 12325, 12500]										// 171 - 175
-Kagerou: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ExtendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ExtendedClasses"
-	Weight: 26000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 40
-		Dagger: 45
-		FuumaShuriken: 50
-		Shield: 3
-	}
-	HPTable:[   1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,   10,	// 1 - 10
-			   11,   12,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   18,   19,   20,	// 11 - 20
-			   21,   22,   23,   24,   25,   26,   27,   28,   29,   30,	// 21 - 30
-			   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,   36,   37,   38,   39,   40,	// 31 - 40
-			   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   46,   47,   48,   49,   50,	// 41 - 50
-			   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,   58,   59,   60,	// 51 - 60
-			   61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,   67,   68,   69,   70,	// 61 - 70
-			   71,   72,   73,   74,   75,   76,   77,   78,   79,   80,	// 71 - 80
-			   81,   82,   83,   84,   85,   86,   87,   88,   89,   90,	// 81 - 90
-			   91,   92,   93,   94,   95,   96,   97,   98, 4250, 4305,	// 91 - 100
-			 4360, 4415, 4470, 4525, 4580, 4635, 4690, 4745, 4800, 4855,	// 101 - 110
-			 4910, 4965, 5020, 5075, 5130, 5185, 5240, 5295, 5350, 5405,	// 111 - 120
-			 5460, 5515, 5570, 5625, 5680, 5735, 5790, 5845, 5900, 5955,	// 121 - 130
-			 6010, 6065, 6120, 6175, 6230, 6285, 6340, 6395, 6450, 6505,	// 131 - 140
-			 6560, 6615, 6670, 6725, 6780, 6835, 6890, 6945, 7000, 7055,	// 141 - 150
-			 7210, 7465, 7620, 7875, 8330, 8385, 8440, 8695, 8850, 9005]	// 151 - 160
-	SPTable:[   1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,   10,	// 1 - 10
-			   11,   12,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   18,   19,   20,	// 11 - 20
-			   21,   22,   23,   24,   25,   26,   27,   28,   29,   30,	// 21 - 30
-			   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,   36,   37,   38,   39,   40,	// 31 - 40
-			   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   46,   47,   48,   49,   50,	// 41 - 50
-			   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,   58,   59,   60,	// 51 - 60
-			   61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,   67,   68,   69,   70,	// 61 - 70
-			   71,   72,   73,   74,   75,   76,   77,   78,   79,   80,	// 71 - 80
-			   81,   82,   83,   84,   85,   86,   87,   88,   89,   90,	// 81 - 90
-			   91,   92,   93,   94,   95,   96,   97,   98,  522,  530,	// 91 - 100
-			  538,  546,  554,  562,  570,  578,  586,  594,  602,  610,	// 101 - 110
-			  618,  626,  634,  642,  650,  658,  666,  674,  682,  690,	// 111 - 120
-			  698,  706,  714,  722,  730,  738,  746,  754,  762,  770,	// 121 - 130
-			  778,  786,  794,  802,  810,  818,  826,  834,  842,  850,	// 131 - 140
-			  858,  866,  874,  882,  890,  898,  906,  914,  922,  930,	// 141 - 150
-			  938,  946,  954,  962,  970,  978,  986,  994, 1002, 1010]	// 151 - 160
-Oboro: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ExtendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ExtendedClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Kagerou")
-	HPTable:[   1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,   10,	// 1 - 10
-			   11,   12,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   18,   19,   20,	// 11 - 20
-			   21,   22,   23,   24,   25,   26,   27,   28,   29,   30,	// 21 - 30
-			   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,   36,   37,   38,   39,   40,	// 31 - 40
-			   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   46,   47,   48,   49,   50,	// 41 - 50
-			   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,   58,   59,   60,	// 51 - 60
-			   61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,   67,   68,   69,   70,	// 61 - 70
-			   71,   72,   73,   74,   75,   76,   77,   78,   79,   80,	// 71 - 80
-			   81,   82,   83,   84,   85,   86,   87,   88,   89,   90,	// 81 - 90
-			   91,   92,   93,   94,   95,   96,   97,   98, 4250, 4305,	// 91 - 100
-			 4360, 4415, 4470, 4525, 4580, 4635, 4690, 4745, 4800, 4855,	// 101 - 110
-			 4910, 4965, 5020, 5075, 5130, 5185, 5240, 5295, 5350, 5405,	// 111 - 120
-			 5460, 5515, 5570, 5625, 5680, 5735, 5790, 5845, 5900, 5955,	// 121 - 130
-			 6010, 6065, 6120, 6175, 6230, 6285, 6340, 6395, 6450, 6505,	// 131 - 140
-			 6560, 6615, 6670, 6725, 6780, 6835, 6890, 6945, 7000, 7055,	// 141 - 150
-			 7110, 7265, 7320, 7575, 7730, 7985, 8240, 8495, 8550, 8705]	// 151 - 160
-	SPTable:[   1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,   10,	// 1 - 10
-			   11,   12,   13,   14,   15,   16,   17,   18,   19,   20,	// 11 - 20
-			   21,   22,   23,   24,   25,   26,   27,   28,   29,   30,	// 21 - 30
-			   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,   36,   37,   38,   39,   40,	// 31 - 40
-			   41,   42,   43,   44,   45,   46,   47,   48,   49,   50,	// 41 - 50
-			   51,   52,   53,   54,   55,   56,   57,   58,   59,   60,	// 51 - 60
-			   61,   62,   63,   64,   65,   66,   67,   68,   69,   70,	// 61 - 70
-			   71,   72,   73,   74,   75,   76,   77,   78,   79,   80,	// 71 - 80
-			   81,   82,   83,   84,   85,   86,   87,   88,   89,   90,	// 81 - 90
-			   91,   92,   93,   94,   95,   96,   97,   98,  522,  530,	// 91 - 100
-			  538,  546,  554,  562,  570,  578,  586,  594,  602,  610,	// 101 - 110
-			  618,  626,  634,  642,  650,  658,  666,  674,  682,  690,	// 111 - 120
-			  698,  706,  714,  722,  730,  738,  746,  754,  762,  770,	// 121 - 130
-			  778,  786,  794,  802,  810,  818,  826,  834,  842,  850,	// 131 - 140
-			  858,  866,  874,  882,  890,  898,  906,  914,  922,  930,	// 141 - 150
-			  958,  976,  994, 1002, 1014, 1028, 1046, 1060, 1082, 1100]	// 151 - 160
-Rebellion: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ExtendedClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Gunslinger")
-	InheritHP: ("Soul_Linker")
-Novice_High: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "HighNovice"
-	Inherit: ("Novice")
-Swordsman_High: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedFirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Swordsman")
-Magician_High: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedFirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Magician")
-Archer_High: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedFirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Archer")
-Acolyte_High: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedFirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Acolyte")
-Merchant_High: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedFirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Merchant")
-Thief_High: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedFirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Thief")
-Lord_Knight: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Knight")
-High_Priest: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Priest")
-High_Wizard: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Wizard")
-Whitesmith: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Blacksmith")
-Sniper: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Hunter")
-Assassin_Cross: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Assassin")
-Paladin: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Crusader")
-Champion: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Monk")
-Professor: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Sage")
-Stalker: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Rogue")
-Creator: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Alchemist")
-Clown: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Bard")
-Gypsy: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "TranscendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "TranscendedSecondClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Dancer")
-Baby_Novice: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "Novice"
-	Inherit: ("Novice")
-Baby_Swordsman: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Swordsman")
-Baby_Magician: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Magician")
-Baby_Archer: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Archer")
-Baby_Acolyte: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Acolyte")
-Baby_Merchant: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Merchant")
-Baby_Thief: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Thief")
-Baby_Knight: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Knight")
-Baby_Priest: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Priest")
-Baby_Wizard: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Wizard")
-Baby_Blacksmith: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Blacksmith")
-Baby_Hunter: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Hunter")
-Baby_Assassin: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Assassin")
-Baby_Crusader: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Crusader")
-Baby_Monk: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Monk")
-Baby_Sage: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Sage")
-Baby_Rogue: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Rogue")
-Baby_Alchemist: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Alchemist")
-Baby_Bard: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Bard")
-Baby_Dancer: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Dancer")
-Super_Baby: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Novice")
-Rune_Knight_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Rune_Knight")
-Warlock_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Warlock")
-Ranger_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Ranger")
-Arch_Bishop_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Arch_Bishop")
-Mechanic_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Mechanic")
-Guillotine_Cross_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Guillotine_Cross")
-Royal_Guard_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Royal_Guard")
-Sorcerer_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Sorcerer")
-Minstrel_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Minstrel")
-Wanderer_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Wanderer")
-Sura_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Sura")
-Genetic_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Genetic")
-Shadow_Chaser_Trans: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Shadow_Chaser")
-Baby_Rune_Knight: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Rune_Knight")
-Baby_Warlock: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Warlock")
-Baby_Ranger: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Ranger")
-Baby_Arch_Bishop: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Arch_Bishop")
-Baby_Mechanic: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Mechanic")
-Baby_Guillotine_Cross: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Guillotine_Cross")
-Baby_Royal_Guard: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Royal_Guard")
-Baby_Sorcerer: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Sorcerer")
-Baby_Minstrel: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Minstrel")
-Baby_Wanderer: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Wanderer")
-Baby_Sura: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Sura")
-Baby_Genetic: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Genetic")
-Baby_Shadow_Chaser: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ThirdClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Shadow_Chaser")
-Super_Novice: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "FirstClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "SuperNovice"
-	Inherit: ("Novice")
-Expanded_Super_Novice: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ExtendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ExtendedClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Novice")
-Expanded_Super_Baby: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "ExtendedClasses"
-	JobExpGroup: "ExtendedClasses"
-	Inherit: ("Novice")
-// Summoner HP/SP is not known, below table are generated and near to official HP/SP.
-Summoner: {
-	BaseExpGroup: "Summoner"
-	JobExpGroup: "Summoner"
-	Weight: 20000
-	BaseASPD: {
-		Fist: 45
-		Dagger: 55
-		Rod: 55
-		Book: 43
-		TwoHandRod: 55
-	}
-	HPTable:[    40,    69,    80,    92,   105,   119,   134,   150,   167,   185,	// 1 - 10
-			    204,   224,   245,   268,   291,   315,   341,   367,   395,   423,	// 11 - 20
-			    453,   484,   515,   548,   582,   617,   653,   690,   728,   767,	// 21 - 30
-			    807,   848,   890,   934,   978,  1023,  1070,  1117,  1166,  1215,	// 31 - 40
-			   1266,  1317,  1370,  1424,  1479,  1534,  1591,  1649,  1708,  1768,	// 41 - 50
-			   1829,  1891,  1955,  2019,  2084,  2150,  2218,  2286,  2356,  2426,	// 51 - 60
-			   2498,  2570,  2644,  2719,  2794,  2871,  2949,  3028,  3108,  3189,	// 61 - 70
-			   3271,  3354,  3438,  3523,  3610,  3697,  3785,  3875,  3965,  4056,	// 71 - 80
-			   4149,  4242,  4337,  4433,  4529,  4627,  4726,  4826,  4927,  5029,	// 81 - 90
-			   5132,  5236,  5341,  5447,  5554,  5662,  5772,  5882,  5993,  6106,	// 91 - 100
-			   6219,  6334,  6449,  6566,  6684,  6802,  6922,  7043,  7165,  7288,	// 101 - 110
-			   7412,  7537,  7663,  7790,  7918,  8047,  8177,  8309,  8441,  8574,	// 111 - 120
-			   8709,  8844,  8981,  9118,  9257,  9397,  9537,  9679,  9822,  9966,	// 121 - 130
-			  10111, 10257, 10404, 10552, 10701, 10851, 11002, 11155, 11308, 11462,	// 131 - 140
-			  11618, 11774, 11932, 12090, 12250, 12410, 12572, 12735, 12898, 13063,	// 141 - 150
-			  13229, 13396, 13564, 13733, 13903, 14074, 14246, 14420, 14594, 14769,	// 151 - 160
-			  14946, 15123, 15301, 15481, 15661, 15843, 16026, 16209, 16394, 16580,	// 161 - 170
-			  16767, 16955, 17144, 17334, 17525]									// 171 - 175
-	SPTable:[  8,  10,  13,  15,  18,  20,  23,  25,  28,  30,	// 1 - 10
-			  33,  35,  38,  40,  43,  45,  48,  50,  53,  55,	// 11 - 20
-			  58,  60,  63,  65,  68,  70,  73,  75,  78,  80,	// 21 - 30
-			  83,  85,  88,  90,  93,  95,  98, 100, 103, 105,	// 31 - 40
-			 108, 110, 113, 115, 118, 120, 123, 125, 128, 130,	// 41 - 50
-			 133, 135, 138, 140, 143, 145, 148, 150, 153, 155,	// 51 - 60
-			 158, 160, 163, 165, 168, 170, 173, 175, 178, 180,	// 61 - 70
-			 183, 185, 188, 190, 193, 195, 198, 200, 203, 205,	// 71 - 80
-			 208, 210, 213, 215, 218, 220, 223, 225, 228, 230,	// 81 - 90
-			 233, 235, 238, 240, 243, 245, 248, 250, 253, 255,	// 91 - 100
-			 258, 260, 263, 265, 268, 270, 273, 275, 278, 280,	// 101 - 110
-			 283, 285, 288, 290, 293, 295, 298, 300, 303, 305,	// 111 - 120
-			 308, 310, 313, 315, 318, 320, 323, 325, 328, 330,	// 121 - 130
-			 333, 335, 338, 340, 343, 345, 348, 350, 353, 355,	// 131 - 140
-			 358, 360, 363, 365, 368, 370, 373, 375, 378, 380,	// 141 - 150
-			 383, 385, 388, 390, 393, 395, 398, 400, 403, 405,	// 151 - 160
-			 408, 410, 413, 415, 418, 420, 423, 425, 428, 430,	// 161 - 170
-			 433, 435, 438, 440, 443]							// 171 - 175
diff --git a/db/re/level_penalty.txt b/db/re/level_penalty.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 25005b1bf..000000000
--- a/db/re/level_penalty.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// Experience & Drop Rate Modifier Database
-// Structure of Database:
-// Type,Race,Level difference,Rate
-// TYPE:
-//   1=experience, 2=item drop
-// RACE:
-//   0=Formless, 1=Undead, 2=Brute, 3=Plant, 4=Insect,
-//   5=Fish, 6=Demon, 7=Demi-Human, 8=Angel, 9=Dragon,
-//   10=Player, 11=Boss monsters, 12=Normal monsters
-// Note: RENEWAL_DROP and/or RENEWAL_EXP must be enabled.
-// EXP modifiers due to level difference
-// Boss Type
-// Drop rate modifiers due to level difference
-// Boss Type
diff --git a/db/re/map_zone_db.conf b/db/re/map_zone_db.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 42391a6f0..000000000
--- a/db/re/map_zone_db.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2013-2015  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Copyright (C) 2013  Ind
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//= Hercules Map Zone Database
-//================= More Information ======================================
-//= (TODO: replace with wiki link and detail the wiki page in a decent format ^)
-//================= Description ===========================================
-//= A unlimited number of zones may be created, a zone may be used to create a
-//= set of disabled items, disabled skills and mapflags to be used by as many
-//= maps as one chooses.
-//= Maps can be linked to a specific zone through the zone mapflag:
-//= '<map name><tab>mapflag<tab>zone<tab><zone name>'.
-//= Available types for 'disabled_skills':
-zones: (
-	/* All zone is a dynamic (very special) zone that is forcebly inherited by ALL maps automatically */
-	name: "All" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_ALL_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */
-	disabled_skills: {
-		//both examples below disable napalm beat (id 11) to players
-		//ID11: "PLAYER"
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-		//Both examples below disable apple (id 501)
-		//Apple: true
-		//ID501: true
-		Velum_Jamadhar: true
-		Velum_Scare: true
-		Velum_Buster: true
-		Velum_Guillotine: true
-		Velum_Spear: true
-		Velum_Glaive: true
-		Velum_Bible: true
-		Velum_Encyclopedia: true
-		Velum_Claw: true
-		Velum_Arc_Wand: true
-		Velum_Damascus: true
-		Velum_Stunner: true
-		Velum_Flail: true
-		Velum_Arbalest: true
-		Velum_CrossBow: true
-		Velum_Claymore: true
-		Velum_Katzbalger: true
-		Siege_Arrow_A: true
-		Siege_Arrow_S: true
-		Siege_Greave: true
-		Siege_Boots: true
-		Siege_Shoes: true
-		Siege_Manteau: true
-		Siege_Muffler: true
-		Siege_White_Potion: true
-		Siege_Blue_Potion: true
-		Woe_Violet_Potion: true
-		Woe_White_Potion: true
-		Woe_Blue_Potion: true
-		TE_White_Potion: true
-		TE_White_Slim_Potion: true
-		Siege_Plate: true
-		Siege_Suits: true
-		Siege_Robe: true
-	}
-	mapflags: (
-	)
-	/* "command:min-group-lv-to-override" e.g. "heal: 70" */
-	disabled_commands: {
-		//Example Below makes @heal be used in maps within this zone only by those group lv 70 and above
-		//heal: 70
-	}
-	skill_damage_cap: {
-		//Example Below caps Cold Bolt damage in maps within this zone to a maximum 50 damage,
-		// (depends on HMAP_ZONE_DAMAGE_CAP_TYPE in src/config/core.h)
-		// when cast vs players and monsters.
-	}
-	/* Normal zone is applied to all maps that are not pkable (where players cant fight each other)  */
-	/* However, it wont be applied to maps with its own zones (specified through mapflag) */
-	name: "Normal" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_NORMAL_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-	}
-	mapflags: (
-	)
-	/* PvP zone is applied to all maps with a pvp mapflag */
-	name: "PvP" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_PVP_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-		Greed_Scroll: true
-		C_Beginner_Cap: true
-		Velum_Jamadhar: false
-		Velum_Scare: false
-		Velum_Buster: false
-		Velum_Guillotine: false
-		Velum_Spear: false
-		Velum_Glaive: false
-		Velum_Bible: false
-		Velum_Encyclopedia: false
-		Velum_Claw: false
-		Velum_Arc_Wand: false
-		Velum_Damascus: false
-		Velum_Stunner: false
-		Velum_Flail: false
-		Velum_Arbalest: false
-		Velum_CrossBow: false
-		Velum_Claymore: false
-		Velum_Katzbalger: false
-		Siege_Arrow_A: false
-		Siege_Arrow_S: false
-		Siege_Greave: false
-		Siege_Boots: false
-		Siege_Shoes: false
-		Siege_Manteau: false
-		Siege_Muffler: false
-		Siege_White_Potion: false
-		Siege_Blue_Potion: false
-		Woe_Violet_Potion: false
-		Woe_White_Potion: false
-		Woe_Blue_Potion: false
-		Siege_Plate: false
-		Siege_Suits: false
-		Siege_Robe: false
-	}
-	/* cashshop disabled in pvp maps */
-	mapflags: (
-		"nocashshop",
-	)
-	/* CvC zone is applied to all maps with a cvc mapflag */
-	name: "CvC" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_CVC_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-		Greed_Scroll: true
-		C_Beginner_Cap: true
-	}
-	/* cashshop disabled in cvc maps */
-	mapflags: (
-		"nocashshop",
-	)
-	/* PK Mode zone is only used when server is on pk_mode (battle.conf),
-		it applies to all pvp maps that don't have their own zone */
-	name: "PK Mode" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_PK_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-	}
-	/* PK Mode Damage Reductions */
-	/* - weapon_damage_rate -40% */
-	/* - magic_damage_rate  -40% */
-	/* - misc_damage_rate   -40% */
-	/* - long_damage_rate   -30% */
-	/* - short_damage_rate  -20% */
-	mapflags: (
-		"weapon_damage_rate	60",
-		"magic_damage_rate	60",
-		"misc_damage_rate	60",
-		"long_damage_rate	70",
-		"short_damage_rate	80",
-	)
-	/* GvG zone is applied to all maps with a gvg mapflag */
-	name: "GvG" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_GVG_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-		Assumptio_5_Scroll: true
-		Greed_Scroll: true
-		Pty_Assumptio_Scroll: true
-		Velum_Jamadhar: false
-		Velum_Scare: false
-		Velum_Buster: false
-		Velum_Guillotine: false
-		Velum_Spear: false
-		Velum_Glaive: false
-		Velum_Bible: false
-		Velum_Encyclopedia: false
-		Velum_Claw: false
-		Velum_Arc_Wand: false
-		Velum_Damascus: false
-		Velum_Stunner: false
-		Velum_Flail: false
-		Velum_Arbalest: false
-		Velum_CrossBow: false
-		Velum_Claymore: false
-		Velum_Katzbalger: false
-		Siege_Arrow_A: false
-		Siege_Arrow_S: false
-		Siege_Greave: false
-		Siege_Boots: false
-		Siege_Shoes: false
-		Siege_Manteau: false
-		Siege_Muffler: false
-		Siege_White_Potion: false
-		Siege_Blue_Potion: false
-		Woe_Violet_Potion: false
-		Woe_White_Potion: false
-		Woe_Blue_Potion: false
-		Siege_Plate: false
-		Siege_Suits: false
-		Siege_Robe: false
-		C_Beginner_Cap: true
-	}
-	/* 5 second duration increase on GvG */
-	/* knockback disabled */
-	/* GvG Mode Damage Reductions */
-	/* - weapon_damage_rate -40% */
-	/* - magic_damage_rate  -40% */
-	/* - misc_damage_rate   -40% */
-	/* - long_damage_rate   -20% */
-	/* - short_damage_rate  -20% */
-	mapflags: (
-		"invincible_time_inc	5000",
-		"noknockback",
-		"weapon_damage_rate	60",
-		"magic_damage_rate	60",
-		"misc_damage_rate	60",
-		"long_damage_rate	80",
-		"short_damage_rate	80",
-		"nocashshop",
-		"gvg_noparty",
-	)
-	/* Battlegrounds zone is applied to all maps with a battlegrounds mapflag */
-	name: "Battlegrounds" /* changing this name requires MAP_ZONE_BG_NAME to also be changed in src/map/map.h file */
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-		Assumptio_5_Scroll: true
-		Pty_Assumptio_Scroll: true
-		C_Beginner_Cap: true
-	}
-	/* knockback disabled */
-	/* Battlegrounds Damage Reductions */
-	/* - weapon_damage_rate -30% */
-	/* - magic_damage_rate  -30% */
-	/* - misc_damage_rate   -30% */
-	/* - long_damage_rate   -25% */
-	/* - short_damage_rate  -25% */
-	mapflags: (
-		"noknockback",
-		"weapon_damage_rate	70",
-		"magic_damage_rate	70",
-		"misc_damage_rate	70",
-		"long_damage_rate	75",
-		"short_damage_rate	75",
-	)
-	name: "Aldebaran Turbo Track"
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-		Wing_Of_Fly: true
-		Anodyne: true
-		Green_Potion: true
-		Panacea: true
-	}
-	name: "Jail"
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-		Wing_Of_Fly: true
-		Wing_Of_Butterfly: true
-		Giant_Fly_Wing: true
-		WOB_Rune: true
-		WOB_Schwaltz: true
-		WOB_Rachel: true
-		WOB_Local: true
-	}
-	name: "Izlude Battle Arena"
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-		Wing_Of_Fly: true
-	}
-	name: "GvG2"
-	inherit: ( "GvG" ) /* will import all gvg has */
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	name: "WoE TE"
-	inherit: ( "GvG" ) /* will import all gvg has */
-	disabled_items: {
-		TE_White_Potion: false
-		TE_White_Slim_Potion: false
-	}
-	name: "Sealed Shrine"
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	mapflags: (
-		"nobranch",
-		"noicewall",
-		"nomemo",
-		"nosave	SavePoint",
-		"noteleport",
-		"monster_noteleport",
-		"nowarpto",
-		"partylock",
-		"pvp	off",
-		"src4instance",
-	)
-	name: "Memorial Dungeon" /* ETower, Orc's Memory, Nidhoggur's Nest, etc */
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	mapflags: (
-		"nobranch",
-		"noicewall",
-		"nomemo",
-		"nosave	SavePoint",
-		"noteleport",
-		"monster_noteleport",
-		"nowarpto",
-		"partylock",
-		"pvp	off",
-		"src4instance",
-	)
-	name: "Towns"
-	disabled_skills: {
-	}
-	disabled_items: {
-		Greed_Scroll: true
-	}
diff --git a/db/re/mob_boss.txt b/db/re/mob_boss.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a1260c6e..000000000
--- a/db/re/mob_boss.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Bloody Branch Summonable Monsters Database
-// Structure of Database:
-// MobID,DummyName,Rate
-1086,Golden Thief Bug,1000000
-1087,Orc Hero,1000000
-1150,Moonlight Flower,1000000
-1190,Orc Lord,1000000
-1251,Stormy Knight,1000000
-1272,Dark Lord,1000000
-1312,Turtle General,1000000
-1373,Lord of the Dead,1000000
-1388,Arc Angeling,1000000
-1418,Evil Snake Lord,1000000
-1492,Samurai Specter,1000000
-1511,Amon Ra,1000000
-1583,Tao Gunka,1000000
-1630,White Lady,1000000
-1658,Egnigem Cenia,1000000
-1688,Lady Tanee,1000000
-1708,Thanatos Phantom,1000000
-1734,Kiel D-01,1000000
-1751,Valkyrie Randgris,1000000
-1768,Gloom Under Night,1000000
-1871,Falling Bishop,1000000
-2022,Nidhoggur's Shadow,1000000
-2087,Scaraba Queen,1000000
diff --git a/db/re/mob_branch.txt b/db/re/mob_branch.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bd119a782..000000000
--- a/db/re/mob_branch.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-// Dead Branch Summonable Monsters Database
-// Structure of Database:
-// MobID,DummyName,Rate
-1012,Roda Frog,357142
-1016,Archer Skeleton,214285
-1019,Peco Peco,357142
-1023,Orc Warrior,214285
-1028,Soldier Skeleton,214285
-1033,Elder Willow,214285
-1034,Thara Frog,214285
-1035,Hunter Fly,71428
-1037,Side Winder,71428
-1042,Steel Chonchon,357142
-1047,Peco Peco Egg,71428
-1048,Thief Bug Egg,71428
-1051,Thief Bug,357142
-1053,Thief Bug Female,357142
-1054,Thief Bug Male,357142
-1062,Santa Poring,357142
-1071,Pirate Skeleton,214285
-1077,Poison Spore,357142
-1078,Red Plant,71428
-1079,Blue Plant,71428
-1080,Green Plant,71428
-1081,Yellow Plant,71428
-1082,White Plant,71428
-1083,Shining Plant,71428
-1084,Black Mushroom,71428
-1085,Red Mushroom,71428
-1091,Dragon Fly,71428
-1092,Vagabond Wolf,71428
-1097,Ant Egg,71428
-1101,Baphomet Jr.,71428
-1106,Desert Wolf,214285
-1107,Baby Desert Wolf,71428
-1117,Evil Druid,71428
-1142,Marine Sphere,214285
-1152,Orc Skeleton,214285
-1153,Orc Zombie,214285
-1167,Savage Babe,357142
-1169,Skeleton Worker,214285
-1180,Nine Tail,71428
-1182,Thief Mushroom,71428
-1186,Giant Whisper,71428
-1189,Orc Archer,71428
-1196,Skeleton Prisoner,71428
-1197,Zombie Prisoner,71428
-1212,Iron Fist,71428
-1213,High Orc,71428
-1215,Stem Worm,214285
-1219,Abysmal Knight,71428
-1245,Christmas Goblin,71428
-1246,Christmas Cookie,214285
-1249,Myst Case,214285
-1258,Goblin Archer,214285
-1260,Dark Frame,71428
-1261,Wild Rose,214285
-1262,Mutant Dragonoid,71428
-1263,Wind Ghost,71428
-1268,Bloody Knight,71428
-1270,Clock Tower Manager,71428
-1273,Orc Lady,214285
-1276,Raydric Archer,71428
-1277,Greatest General,214285
-1278,Stalactic Golem,71428
-1279,Tri Joint,214285
-1280,Goblin Steamrider,214285
-1281,Sage Worm,71428
-1282,Kobold Archer,214285
-1289,Maya Purple,71428
-1290,Skeleton General,71428
-1291,Wraith Dead,71428
-1292,Mini Demon,71428
-1293,Creamy Fear,71428
-1294,Killer Mantis,71428
-1295,Owl Baron,71428
-1296,Kobold Leader,71428
-1297,Ancient Mummy,71428
-1298,Zombie Master,71428
-1299,Goblin Leader,71428
-1301,Am Mut,71428
-1302,Dark Illusion,71428
-1303,Giant Hornet,71428
-1304,Giant Spider,71428
-1305,Ancient Worm,71428
-1306,Leib Olmai,71428
-1307,Cat o' Nine Tails,71428
-1308,Panzer Goblin,71428
-1320,Owl Duke,71428
-1321,Dragon Tail,71428
-1322,Spring Rabbit,71428
-1323,Sea Otter,71428
-1366,Lava Golem,71428
-1369,Grand Peco,71428
-1371,False Angel,71428
-1375,The Paper,71428
-1378,Demon Pungus,71428
-1379,Nightmare Terror,71428
-1392,Rotar Zairo,214285
-1402,Poison Toad,71428
-1403,Firelock Soldier,71428
-1404,Miyabi Doll,214285
-1408,Bloody Butterfly,71428
-1409,Dumpling Child,214285
-1410,Enchanted Peach Tree,71428
-1412,Taoist Hermit,71428
-1413,Hermit Plant,71428
-1415,Baby Leopard,214285
-1416,Evil Nymph,71428
-1417,Zipper Bear,214285
-1494,Beetle King,214285
-1495,Stone Shooter,71428
-1497,Wooden Golem,71428
-1498,Wootan Shooter,214285
-1499,Wootan Fighter,71428
-1505,Loli Ruri,71428
-1507,Bloody Murderer,71428
-1512,Yao Jun,71428
-1513,Mao Guai,71428
-1514,Zhu Po Long,71428
-1515,Baby Hatii,71428
-1516,Mi Gao,71428
-1517,Jing Guai,71428
-1519,Green Maiden,71428
-1520,Boiled Rice,71428
-1586,Leaf Cat,71428
-1617,Old Stove,71428
-1622,Teddy Bear,71428
-1629,Hill Wind,71428
-1631,Green Maiden,71428
-1634,Seyren Windsor,71428
-1635,Eremes Guile,71428
-1636,Howard Alt-Eisen,71428
-1637,Margaretha Sorin,71428
-1638,Cecil Damon,71428
-1639,Kathryne Keyron,71428
-1652,Egnigem Cenia,71428
-1653,Wickebine Tres,71428
-1654,Armeyer Dinze,71428
-1655,Errende Ebecee,71428
-1656,Kavach Icarus,71428
-1657,Laurell Weinder,71428
-1664,Photon Cannon,71428
-1665,Photon Cannon,71428
-1666,Photon Cannon,71428
-1667,Photon Cannon,71428
-1680,Hill Wind,71428
-1686,Orc Baby,71428
-1699,Ancient Mimic,71428
-1703,Lady Solace,71428
-1704,Odium of Thanatos,71428
-1705,Despero of Thanatos,71428
-1706,Maero of Thanatos,71428
-1707,Dolor of Thanatos,71428
-1721,Dragon Egg,71428
-1777,Ice Titan,71428
-1829,Sword Guardian,71428
-1830,Bow Guardian,71428
-1864,Zombie Slaughter,71428
-1865,Ragged Zombie,71428
-1869,Flame Skull,71428
-1872,Hell Fly,71428
-1880,Wood Goblin,71428
-1918,Incarnation of Morroc,71428
-1919,Incarnation of Morroc,71428
-1920,Incarnation of Morroc,71428
-1921,Incarnation of Morroc,71428
-1974,Banshee Master,71428
-1975,Beholder Master,71428
-1976,Cobalt Mineral,71428
-1977,Heavy Metaling,71428
-1978,Hell Vesper,71428
-1990,Hardrock Mammoth,71428
-1994,Luciola Vespa,71428
-1999,Centipede Larva,71428
-2015,Dark Pinguicula,71428
-2016,Aqua Elemental,71428
-2019,Ancient Tree,71428
-2023,Dark Shadow,71428
-2024,Bradium Golem,71428
-2071,Headless Mule,71428
-2083,One-Horned Scaraba,71428
-2084,Two-Horned Scaraba,71428
-2085,Antler Scaraba,71428
-2086,Rake Scaraba,71428
-2088,Scaraba Egg,71428
-2089,Scaraba Egg,71428
-2090,Antler Scaraba Egg,71428
-2091,Rake Scaraba Egg,71428
diff --git a/db/re/mob_db.conf b/db/re/mob_db.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e90b478e7..000000000
--- a/db/re/mob_db.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84423 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2015  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//= Mobs Database
-mob_db: (
- ************* Entry structure ********************************************
- **************************************************************************
-	// ================ Mandatory fields ==============================
-	Id: ID                                (int)
-	SpriteName: "SPRITE_NAME"             (string)
-	Name: "Mob name"                      (string)
-	// ================ Optional fields ===============================
-	JName: "Mob name"                     (string)
-	Lv: level                             (int, defaults to 1)
-	Hp: health                            (int, defaults to 1)
-	Sp: mana                              (int, defaults to 0)
-	Exp: basic experience                 (int, defaults to 0)
-	JExp: job experience                  (int, defaults to 0)
-	AttackRange: attack range             (int, defaults to 1)
-	Attack: [attack1, attack2]            (int, defaults to 0)
-	Def: defence                          (int, defaults to 0)
-	Mdef: magic defence                   (int, defaults to 0)
-	Stats: {
-		Str: strength                 (int, defaults to 0)
-		Agi: agility                  (int, defaults to 0)
-		Vit: vitality                 (int, defaults to 0)
-		Int: intelligence             (int, defaults to 0)
-		Dex: dexterity                (int, defaults to 0)
-		Luk: luck                     (int, defaults to 0)
-	}
-	ViewRange: view range                 (int, defaults to 1)
-	ChaseRange: chase range               (int, defaults to 1)
-	Size: size                            (string, defaults to "Size_Medium")
-	Race: race                            (string, defaults to "RC_Formless")
-	Element: (type, level)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true/false           (bool, defaults to false)
-		Looter: true/false            (bool, defaults to false)
-		Aggressive: true/false        (bool, defaults to false)
-		Assist: true/false            (bool, defaults to false)
-		CastSensorIdle:true/false     (bool, defaults to false)
-		Boss: true/false              (bool, defaults to false)
-		Plant: true/false             (bool, defaults to false)
-		CanAttack: true/false         (bool, defaults to false)
-		Detector: true/false          (bool, defaults to false)
-		CastSensorChase: true/false   (bool, defaults to false)
-		ChangeChase: true/false       (bool, defaults to false)
-		Angry: true/false             (bool, defaults to false)
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true/false (bool, defaults to false)
-		ChangeTargetChase: true/false (bool, defaults to false)
-		TargetWeak: true/false        (bool, defaults to false)
-		NoKnockback: true/false       (bool, defaults to false)
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: move speed                 (int, defaults to 0)
-	AttackDelay: attack delay             (int, defaults to 4000)
-	AttackMotion: attack motion           (int, defaults to 2000)
-	DamageMotion: damage motion           (int, defaults to 0)
-	MvpExp: mvp experience                (int, defaults to 0)
-	MvpDrops: {
-		AegisName: chance             (string: int)
-		// ...
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		AegisName: chance         (string: int)
-		// ...
-	}
-	Id: 1001
-	SpriteName: "SCORPION"
-	Name: "Scorpion"
-	Lv: 16
-	Hp: 153
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 108
-	JExp: 81
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [33, 7]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 19
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1564
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Boody_Red: 70
-		Scorpions_Tail: 5500
-		Elunium_Stone: 57
-		Solid_Shell: 210
-		Fine_Grit: 100
-		Yellow_Herb: 200
-		Lusty_Iron: 20
-		Scorpion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1002
-	SpriteName: "PORING"
-	Name: "Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 36
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 1]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 7000
-		Knife_: 100
-		Sticky_Mucus: 400
-		Apple: 1000
-		Empty_Bottle: 1500
-		Apple: 150
-		Unripe_Apple: 20
-		Poring_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1003
-	SpriteName: "TESTEGG"
-	Name: "Test Egg"
-	Lv: 2
-	Hp: 100000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 10
-	JExp: 10
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [3, 9]
-	Def: 99
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 512
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 512
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1004
-	SpriteName: "HORNET"
-	Name: "Hornet"
-	Lv: 11
-	Hp: 90
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 81
-	JExp: 60
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [13, 3]
-	Def: 7
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 4
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1292
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 216
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 80
-		Bee_Sting: 9000
-		Jellopy: 3500
-		Main_Gauche_: 15
-		Green_Herb: 350
-		Honey: 150
-		Hornet_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1005
-	SpriteName: "FARMILIAR"
-	Name: "Familiar"
-	Lv: 24
-	Hp: 427
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 144
-	JExp: 162
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [68, 9]
-	Def: 26
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 20
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tooth_Of_Bat: 5500
-		Falchion_: 20
-		Ribbon_: 15
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 50
-		Grape: 100
-		Red_Herb: 700
-		Center_Potion: 50
-		Farmiliar_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1006
-	SpriteName: "THIEF_BUG_LARVA"
-	Name: "Thief Bug Larva"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 1
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 0)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Plant: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1007
-	SpriteName: "FABRE"
-	Name: "Fabre"
-	Lv: 6
-	Hp: 72
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 54
-	JExp: 41
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [12, 3]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fluff: 6500
-		Feather: 500
-		Club_: 80
-		Azure_Jewel: 5
-		Green_Herb: 700
-		Clover: 1000
-		Club: 200
-		Fabre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1008
-	SpriteName: "PUPA"
-	Name: "Pupa"
-	Lv: 4
-	Hp: 66
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 36
-	JExp: 27
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 3]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 11
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 3
-		Int: 3
-		Dex: 8
-		Luk: 6
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1001
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 80
-		Chrysalis: 5500
-		Sticky_Mucus: 600
-		Guard_: 2
-		Shell: 1000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 600
-		Iron_Ore: 200
-		Pupa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1009
-	SpriteName: "CONDOR"
-	Name: "Condor"
-	Lv: 12
-	Hp: 114
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 81
-	JExp: 60
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [14, 6]
-	Def: 7
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 14
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 6
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 13
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1148
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Talon: 9000
-		Bow_: 150
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 80
-		Arrow: 5500
-		Meat: 400
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 2000
-		Orange: 600
-		Condor_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1010
-	SpriteName: "WILOW"
-	Name: "Willow"
-	Lv: 8
-	Hp: 91
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 63
-	JExp: 47
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [13, 5]
-	Def: 38
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 13
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tree_Root: 9000
-		Wooden_Block: 100
-		Resin: 1500
-		Sweet_Potato: 700
-		Tree_Of_Archer_3: 3500
-		Tree_Of_Archer_2: 2000
-		Tree_Of_Archer_1: 1000
-		Wilow_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1011
-	SpriteName: "CHONCHON"
-	Name: "Chonchon"
-	Lv: 5
-	Hp: 57
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 45
-	JExp: 36
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [11, 3]
-	Def: 27
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 13
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 4
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 8
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1076
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 50
-		Shell: 6500
-		Jellopy: 1500
-		Cutter_: 55
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 100
-		Chonchon_Doll: 5
-		Iron_Ore: 150
-		Chonchon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1012
-	SpriteName: "RODA_FROG"
-	Name: "Roda Frog"
-	Lv: 13
-	Hp: 160
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 68
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [19, 4]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 6
-		Vit: 4
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 14
-		Luk: 9
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2016
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Webfoot: 9000
-		Spawn: 500
-		Green_Herb: 300
-		Azure_Jewel: 7
-		Empty_Bottle: 2000
-		Roda_Frog_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1013
-	SpriteName: "WOLF"
-	Name: "Wolf"
-	Lv: 45
-	Hp: 1219
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 342
-	JExp: 386
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [80, 11]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 27
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 33
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1054
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Emveretarcon: 20
-		Claw_Of_Wolves: 9000
-		Mantle_: 10
-		Meat: 650
-		Monsters_Feed: 1050
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Strawberry: 600
-		Wolf_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1014
-	SpriteName: "SPORE"
-	Name: "Spore"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 280
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 117
-	JExp: 87
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [25, 8]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mushroom_Spore: 9000
-		Red_Herb: 800
-		Blue_Herb: 50
-		Spore_Doll: 10
-		Hat: 40
-		Poison_Spore: 5
-		Strawberry: 600
-		Spore_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1015
-	SpriteName: "ZOMBIE"
-	Name: "Zombie"
-	Lv: 17
-	Hp: 234
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 117
-	JExp: 87
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [38, 12]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 17
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 15
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2612
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Decayed_Nail: 9000
-		Cardinal_Jewel_: 5
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 50
-		White_Jewel: 70
-		Zombie_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1016
-	Name: "Archer Skeleton"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 1646
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 424
-	JExp: 455
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [95, 23]
-	Def: 47
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 2864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skel_Bone: 4500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 70
-		Apple_Of_Archer: 3
-		Great_Bow_: 35
-		Fire_Arrow: 1000
-		Red_Herb: 1800
-		Bow: 150
-		Archer_Skeleton_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1017
-	SpriteName: "THIEF_BUG_FEMALE"
-	Name: "Thief Bug Female"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 170
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 35
-	JExp: 18
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [33, 40]
-	Def: 5
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 23
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Plant: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 988
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 3500
-		Garlet: 250
-		Blade_: 15
-		Insect_Feeler: 200
-		Red_Herb: 400
-		Red_Gemstone: 50
-		Iron_Ore: 400
-		Thief_Bug_Female_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1018
-	SpriteName: "CREAMY"
-	Name: "Creamy"
-	Lv: 23
-	Hp: 378
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 144
-	JExp: 162
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [61, 1]
-	Def: 28
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 16
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1136
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 840
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Powder_Of_Butterfly: 9000
-		Silk_Robe_: 10
-		Honey: 150
-		Wing_Of_Butterfly: 100
-		Fancy_Flower: 2
-		Flower: 500
-		Wind_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Creamy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1019
-	SpriteName: "PECOPECO"
-	Name: "Peco Peco"
-	Lv: 25
-	Hp: 446
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 162
-	JExp: 183
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [76, 7]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 21
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 13
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1564
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bill_Of_Birds: 9000
-		Sandals_: 20
-		Yellow_Herb: 200
-		Red_Herb: 900
-		Wand: 100
-		Orange: 1000
-		Pecopeco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1020
-	SpriteName: "MANDRAGORA"
-	Name: "Mandragora"
-	Lv: 13
-	Hp: 156
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 97
-	JExp: 73
-	AttackRange: 4
-	Attack: [20, 3]
-	Def: 13
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 10
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 50
-		Stem: 9000
-		Spear_: 30
-		Green_Herb: 350
-		Shoot: 300
-		Four_Leaf_Clover: 3
-		Whip_Of_Earth: 10
-		Mandragora_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1021
-	SpriteName: "THIEF_BUG_MALE"
-	Name: "Thief Bug Male"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 583
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 223
-	JExp: 93
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [76, 88]
-	Def: 15
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 16
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Plant: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 988
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Emveretarcon: 40
-		Insect_Feeler: 5500
-		Worm_Peelings: 1500
-		Slayer_: 10
-		Yellow_Herb: 90
-		Bluish_Green_Jewel: 5
-		Katana: 50
-		Thief_Bug_Male_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1022
-	SpriteName: "WEREWOLF"
-	Name: "Werewolf"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 28600
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 11813
-	JExp: 7289
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2560, 3280]
-	Def: 65
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 97
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 135
-		Luk: 52
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 10
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 652
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 500
-		Cobold_Hair: 4000
-		Oridecon: 500
-		Elunium: 500
-		Executioners_Mitten: 800
-		Guh_Moon_Goh_: 300
-	}
-	Id: 1023
-	SpriteName: "ORK_WARRIOR"
-	Name: "Orc Warrior"
-	Lv: 44
-	Hp: 1434
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 350
-	JExp: 540
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [71, 33]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 16
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 210
-		Orcish_Voucher: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 40
-		Cigar: 3
-		Battle_Axe_: 10
-		Orcish_Axe: 5
-		Round_Buckler: 3
-		Orc_Warrior_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1024
-	SpriteName: "WORM_TAIL"
-	Name: "Wormtail"
-	Lv: 17
-	Hp: 200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 117
-	JExp: 87
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [22, 5]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 6
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1048
-	AttackMotion: 48
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 60
-		Emveretarcon: 25
-		Pointed_Scale: 5500
-		Pike_: 30
-		Yellow_Herb: 70
-		Azure_Jewel: 5
-		Green_Lace: 100
-		Worm_Tail_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1025
-	SpriteName: "SNAKE"
-	Name: "Snake"
-	JName: "Boa"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 217
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 117
-	JExp: 87
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [23, 5]
-	Def: 9
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 18
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 14
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scale_Of_Snakes: 9000
-		Katana_: 15
-		Red_Herb: 900
-		Emveretarcon: 35
-		Posionous_Canine: 800
-		Shining_Scales: 1
-		Strawberry: 600
-		Snake_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1026
-	SpriteName: "MUNAK"
-	Name: "Munak"
-	Lv: 58
-	Hp: 2445
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 520
-	JExp: 557
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [184, 30]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 53
-		Agi: 9
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 33
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2468
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Danggie: 9000
-		Munak_Turban: 2
-		Shoes_: 15
-		Amulet: 20
-		Ninja_Suit: 1
-		Adventure_Suit: 100
-		Girls_Diary: 5
-		Munak_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1027
-	SpriteName: "RAPTICE"
-	Name: "Raptice"
-	Lv: 17
-	Hp: 600
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 100
-	JExp: 55
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 5
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 5
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2000
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 500
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 7000
-	}
-	Id: 1028
-	Name: "Soldier Skeleton"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 804
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 216
-	JExp: 243
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [84, 14]
-	Def: 53
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 14
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skel_Bone: 5500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 60
-		Dagger_: 12
-		Red_Herb: 700
-		Mementos: 10
-		Chain_Mail_: 1
-		Stiletto: 50
-		Soldier_Skeleton_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1029
-	SpriteName: "ISIS"
-	Name: "Isis"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 2092
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 558
-	JExp: 597
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [202, 37]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 43
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1384
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scales_Shell: 5335
-		Circlet_: 5
-		Necklace: 1
-		Crystal_Jewel___: 150
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 20
-		Shining_Scales: 1000
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 5
-		Isis_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1030
-	SpriteName: "ANACONDAQ"
-	Name: "Anacondaq"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 8510
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1922
-	JExp: 1202
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [504, 55]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 79
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		White_Powder: 200
-		Posionous_Canine: 9000
-		Glaive_: 10
-		Scale_Of_Snakes: 1500
-		Scales_Shell: 200
-		Yellow_Herb: 150
-		Oridecon_Stone: 50
-		Anacondaq_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1031
-	SpriteName: "POPORING"
-	Name: "Poporing"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 524
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 198
-	JExp: 224
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [74, 20]
-	Def: 36
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 17
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Mucus: 5500
-		Garlet: 1500
-		Green_Herb: 500
-		Grape: 200
-		Apple: 5
-		Main_Gauche: 5
-		Apple: 250
-		Poporing_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1032
-	SpriteName: "VERIT"
-	Name: "Verit"
-	Lv: 52
-	Hp: 1944
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 434
-	JExp: 467
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [139, 20]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 51
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2468
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Immortal_Heart: 9000
-		Zargon: 700
-		Rotten_Bandage: 1100
-		White_Herb: 600
-		Skul_Ring: 1
-		Flower_Ring: 200
-		Armlet_Of_Obedience: 20
-		Verit_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1033
-	SpriteName: "ELDER_WILOW"
-	Name: "Elder Willow"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 599
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 233
-	JExp: 263
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [80, 14]
-	Def: 45
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1372
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Boody_Red: 50
-		Resin: 9000
-		Elder_Branch: 1
-		Elunium_Stone: 40
-		Wooden_Mail_: 30
-		Fire_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 100
-		Elder_Wilow_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1034
-	SpriteName: "THARA_FROG"
-	Name: "Thara Frog"
-	Lv: 40
-	Hp: 1157
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 311
-	JExp: 350
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [73, 30]
-	Def: 37
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 25
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 2
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2016
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Emveretarcon: 45
-		Spawn: 5500
-		Scell: 600
-		White_Herb: 30
-		Red_Jewel: 5
-		Sticky_Webfoot: 2000
-		Thara_Frog_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1035
-	SpriteName: "HUNTER_FLY"
-	Name: "Hunter Fly"
-	Lv: 63
-	Hp: 2050
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 634
-	JExp: 681
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [226, 20]
-	Def: 46
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 676
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rough_Wind: 30
-		Steel: 100
-		Solid_Shell: 5335
-		Zargon: 1300
-		Oridecon_Stone: 129
-		Mini_Propeller: 1
-		Damascus_: 2
-		Hunter_Fly_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1036
-	SpriteName: "GHOUL"
-	Name: "Ghoul"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 2614
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 612
-	JExp: 656
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [227, 29]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 56
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 19
-		Int: 11
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2456
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 6000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 110
-		White_Herb: 700
-		Green_Herb: 800
-		Skul_Ring: 60
-		Mementos: 150
-		Ghoul_Leg: 1
-		Ghoul_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1037
-	SpriteName: "SIDE_WINDER"
-	Name: "Side Winder"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 2736
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 756
-	JExp: 810
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [316, 30]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Shining_Scales: 5335
-		Zargon: 1400
-		Oridecon_Stone: 134
-		Tsurugi_: 2
-		Posionous_Canine: 2500
-		Scale_Of_Snakes: 5000
-		White_Herb: 1000
-		Side_Winder_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1038
-	SpriteName: "OSIRIS"
-	Name: "Osiris"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 1175840
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 245520
-	JExp: 200880
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1980, 1503]
-	Def: 172
-	Mdef: 164
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 86
-		Int: 131
-		Dex: 165
-		Luk: 67
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 122760
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Blue_Box: 4000
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Osiris_Doll: 500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2000
-		Assasin_Dagger: 150
-		Crown: 200
-		Jamadhar_: 600
-		Sacred_Marks: 1000
-		Spinx_Helm: 150
-		Cakram: 100
-		Osiris_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1039
-	SpriteName: "BAPHOMET"
-	Name: "Baphomet"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 668000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 436178
-	JExp: 334106
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3150, 1984]
-	Def: 379
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 125
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 186
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 198262
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2000
-		Baphomet_Doll: 500
-		Evil_Horn: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Crescent_Scythe: 400
-		Magestic_Goat: 300
-		Crescent_Scythe_: 50
-		Emperium: 500
-		Magestic_Goat_: 10
-		Elunium: 5432
-		Oridecon: 4171
-		Baphomet_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1040
-	SpriteName: "GOLEM"
-	Name: "Golem"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 2245
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 566
-	JExp: 608
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [208, 25]
-	Def: 190
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1608
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 396
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 150
-		Stone_Heart: 9000
-		Zargon: 220
-		Elunium_Stone: 70
-		Siver_Guard: 5
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 200
-		Iron: 350
-		Golem_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1041
-	SpriteName: "MUMMY"
-	Name: "Mummy"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 2155
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 510
-	JExp: 548
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [180, 21]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 68
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Bandage: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 100
-		Mementos: 550
-		Glove: 1
-		Silver_Ring: 10
-		Panacea: 250
-		Yellow_Herb: 850
-		Mummy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1042
-	SpriteName: "STEEL_CHONCHON"
-	Name: "Steel Chonchon"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1199
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 369
-	JExp: 414
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [77, 35]
-	Def: 57
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 62
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 56
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1076
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 90
-		Steel: 30
-		Garlet: 2400
-		Shell: 9000
-		Solid_Shell: 30
-		Iron: 200
-		Iron_Ore: 300
-		Steel_Chonchon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1043
-	SpriteName: "SEAHORES"
-	Name: "Seahorse"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 1452
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 122
-	JExp: 78
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [100, 150]
-	Def: 15
-	Mdef: 7
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 10
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 800
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1044
-	SpriteName: "OBEAUNE"
-	Name: "Obeaune"
-	Lv: 53
-	Hp: 2158
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 500
-	JExp: 534
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [107, 45]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 26
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 40
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 13
-		Heart_Of_Mermaid: 9000
-		Fin_Helm: 1
-		Saint_Robe_: 10
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 10
-		Fin: 500
-		Witherless_Rose: 30
-		Obeaune_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1045
-	SpriteName: "MARC"
-	Name: "Marc"
-	Lv: 56
-	Hp: 2522
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 550
-	JExp: 590
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [145, 25]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 24
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 53
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1272
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 18
-		Gill: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 95
-		Fin: 1000
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 10
-		Blue_Gemstone: 200
-		White_Herb: 700
-		Marc_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1046
-	SpriteName: "DOPPELGANGER"
-	Name: "Doppelganger"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 380000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 344520
-	JExp: 250560
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2103, 1176]
-	Def: 246
-	Mdef: 86
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 122
-		Vit: 105
-		Int: 67
-		Dex: 203
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 156600
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Cardinal_Jewel_: 1500
-		Blue_Potion: 6000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Plate_Armor_: 250
-		Broad_Sword_: 220
-		Zweihander: 150
-		Sharp_Gear: 350
-		Lance_: 550
-		Elunium: 3686
-		Oridecon: 2700
-		Doppelganger_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1047
-	SpriteName: "PECOPECO_EGG"
-	Name: "Peco Peco Egg"
-	Lv: 7
-	Hp: 75
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 54
-	JExp: 41
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 0]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 4
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 8
-		Dex: 10
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1001
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 250
-		Shell: 1500
-		Guard_: 2
-		Red_Herb: 400
-		Red_Herb: 400
-		Empty_Bottle: 1800
-		White_Platter: 10
-		Pecopeco_Egg_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1048
-	SpriteName: "THIEF_BUG_EGG"
-	Name: "Thief Bug Egg"
-	Lv: 20
-	Hp: 344
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 126
-	JExp: 143
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 3
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 701
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 300
-		Chrysalis: 5000
-		Guard_: 2
-		Sticky_Mucus: 600
-		Red_Gemstone: 100
-		Black_Ladle: 10
-		Iron_Ore: 250
-		Thief_Bug_Egg_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1049
-	SpriteName: "PICKY"
-	Name: "Picky"
-	Lv: 9
-	Hp: 95
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 63
-	JExp: 47
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [18, 1]
-	Def: 21
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 14
-		Agi: 9
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 10
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 988
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 168
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 9000
-		Feather: 700
-		Cotton_Shirt_: 150
-		Red_Herb: 550
-		Milk: 300
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 50
-		Picky_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1050
-	SpriteName: "PICKY_"
-	Name: "Picky"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 89
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 72
-	JExp: 54
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [18, 20]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 9
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 988
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 168
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 9000
-		Feather: 700
-		Egg_Shell: 10
-		Red_Herb: 600
-		Milk: 300
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 50
-		Tiny_Egg_Shell: 10
-		Picky__Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1051
-	SpriteName: "THIEF_BUG"
-	Name: "Thief Bug"
-	Lv: 21
-	Hp: 354
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 126
-	JExp: 143
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [56, 5]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 19
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 2500
-		Leather_Jacket_: 80
-		Red_Herb: 350
-		Jellopy: 2000
-		Leather_Jacket: 120
-		Iron_Ore: 250
-		Thief_Bug_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1052
-	SpriteName: "ROCKER"
-	Name: "Rocker"
-	Lv: 15
-	Hp: 185
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 99
-	JExp: 74
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [19, 5]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 18
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Grasshoppers_Leg: 9000
-		Guitar_Of_Vast_Land: 10
-		Green_Feeler: 4
-		Javelin_: 80
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 10
-		Grasshopper_Doll: 10
-		Hinalle: 10
-		Rocker_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1053
-	SpriteName: "THIEF_BUG_"
-	Name: "Thief Bug Female"
-	JName: "Female Thief Bug"
-	Lv: 28
-	Hp: 531
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 180
-	JExp: 203
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [42, 16]
-	Def: 28
-	Mdef: 7
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 23
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 988
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 3500
-		Garlet: 250
-		Blade_: 15
-		Insect_Feeler: 200
-		Red_Herb: 400
-		Red_Gemstone: 50
-		Iron_Ore: 300
-		Thief_Bug_Female_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1054
-	SpriteName: "THIEF_BUG__"
-	Name: "Thief Bug Male"
-	JName: "Male Thief Bug"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 595
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 198
-	JExp: 224
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [46, 21]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 17
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 13
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 988
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Emveretarcon: 40
-		Insect_Feeler: 5500
-		Worm_Peelings: 1500
-		Slayer_: 10
-		Yellow_Herb: 90
-		Bluish_Green_Jewel: 5
-		Katana: 50
-		Thief_Bug_Male_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1055
-	SpriteName: "MUKA"
-	Name: "Muka"
-	Lv: 23
-	Hp: 468
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 144
-	JExp: 162
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [66, 9]
-	Def: 28
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 18
-		Agi: 9
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 43
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 70
-		Cactus_Needle: 9000
-		Empty_Bottle: 2000
-		Green_Herb: 400
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Guisarme: 50
-		Iron_Ore: 250
-		Muka_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1056
-	SpriteName: "SMOKIE"
-	Name: "Smokie"
-	Lv: 29
-	Hp: 591
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 180
-	JExp: 203
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [70, 11]
-	Def: 26
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 16
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 16
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 27
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Raccoon_Leaf: 5500
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Sweet_Potato: 800
-		Cat_Hairband: 1
-		Raccoondog_Doll: 2
-		Zargon: 5
-		Bluish_Green_Jewel: 2
-		Smokie_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1057
-	SpriteName: "YOYO"
-	Name: "Yoyo"
-	Lv: 38
-	Hp: 898
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 270
-	JExp: 305
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [63, 11]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 34
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 19
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1054
-	AttackMotion: 54
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yoyo_Tail: 9000
-		Banana: 1500
-		Yellow_Herb: 200
-		Cacao: 900
-		Monkey_Doll: 10
-		Oridecon_Stone: 24
-		Strawberry: 1000
-		Yoyo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1058
-	SpriteName: "METALLER"
-	Name: "Metaller"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 1687
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 472
-	JExp: 507
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [196, 41]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1708
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Boody_Red: 60
-		Grasshoppers_Leg: 6500
-		Scell: 400
-		Elunium_Stone: 49
-		Singing_Plant: 20
-		Shell: 3000
-		Guitar_Of_Passion: 10
-		Metaller_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1059
-	SpriteName: "MISTRESS"
-	Name: "Mistress"
-	Lv: 78
-	Hp: 378000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 368280
-	JExp: 301320
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [985, 1967]
-	Def: 287
-	Mdef: 192
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 186
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 113
-		Dex: 172
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1148
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 184140
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Rough_Wind: 1500
-		Royal_Jelly: 4000
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 3000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Gungnir: 150
-		Honey: 10000
-		Coronet: 250
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-		Young_Twig: 10
-		Elunium: 4268
-		Red_Square_Bag: 100
-		Mistress_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1060
-	SpriteName: "BIGFOOT"
-	Name: "Bigfoot"
-	Lv: 29
-	Hp: 587
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 180
-	JExp: 203
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [50, 12]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 7
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 18
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 7
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 192
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bears_Foot: 9000
-		Poo_Poo_Hat: 5
-		Animals_Skin: 5000
-		Stuffed_Doll: 80
-		Sweet_Potato: 1500
-		Honey: 450
-		Oridecon_Stone: 43
-		BigFoot_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1061
-	SpriteName: "NIGHTMARE"
-	Name: "Nightmare"
-	Lv: 69
-	Hp: 2872
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 526
-	JExp: 1032
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [297, 62]
-	Def: 116
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 77
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Horseshoe: 6000
-		Blue_Herb: 500
-		Rosary: 2
-		Old_Blue_Box: 30
-		Blue_Potion: 100
-		Infiltrator: 1
-		Oridecon: 60
-		Nightmare_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1062
-	SpriteName: "PORING_"
-	Name: "Santa Poring"
-	Lv: 3
-	Hp: 69
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4
-	JExp: 5
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [12, 4]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 3
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 90
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Candy: 2000
-		Candy_Striper: 1000
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Apple: 1000
-		Santas_Hat: 100
-		Apple: 7
-		Poring__Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1063
-	SpriteName: "LUNATIC"
-	Name: "Lunatic"
-	Lv: 3
-	Hp: 55
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 36
-	JExp: 27
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [11, 1]
-	Def: 18
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 3
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 8
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1456
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clover: 6500
-		Feather: 1000
-		Pierrot_Nose: 4
-		Apple: 2000
-		Red_Herb: 600
-		Carrot: 1100
-		Rainbow_Carrot: 20
-		Lunatic_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1064
-	SpriteName: "MEGALODON"
-	Name: "Megalodon"
-	Lv: 46
-	Hp: 1335
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 342
-	JExp: 386
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [117, 32]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 28
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2492
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Scale: 5500
-		Skel_Bone: 1500
-		Blue_Herb: 80
-		Blue_Gemstone: 120
-		Violet_Jewel: 10
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2
-		Rotten_Fish: 20
-		Megalodon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1065
-	SpriteName: "STROUF"
-	Name: "Strouf"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 3052
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 656
-	JExp: 705
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [170, 30]
-	Def: 67
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 49
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fin: 5335
-		Oridecon_Stone: 115
-		Chain_Mail_: 2
-		Trident_: 2
-		Feather: 3000
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 20
-		Gill: 1500
-		Strouf_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1066
-	SpriteName: "VADON"
-	Name: "Vadon"
-	Lv: 45
-	Hp: 1252
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 342
-	JExp: 386
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [78, 25]
-	Def: 54
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 21
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 33
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1632
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Blue: 40
-		Nipper: 9000
-		Garlet: 3000
-		Padded_Armor_: 5
-		Solid_Shell: 100
-		Elunium_Stone: 40
-		Blue_Gemstone: 50
-		Vadon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1067
-	SpriteName: "CORNUTUS"
-	Name: "Cornutus"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1450
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 369
-	JExp: 414
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [79, 47]
-	Def: 42
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 26
-		Dex: 27
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 48
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Blue: 45
-		Conch: 5500
-		Scell: 800
-		Elunium_Stone: 53
-		Shield_: 5
-		Solid_Shell: 1000
-		Blue_Gemstone: 100
-		Cornutus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1068
-	SpriteName: "HYDRA"
-	Name: "Hydra"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 854
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 233
-	JExp: 263
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [35, 6]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 9
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 2
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Emveretarcon: 25
-		Tentacle: 5500
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1500
-		Detrimindexta: 20
-		Panacea: 5
-		Meat: 700
-		Hydra_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1069
-	SpriteName: "SWORD_FISH"
-	Name: "Swordfish"
-	Lv: 57
-	Hp: 2600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 550
-	JExp: 590
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [156, 35]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 44
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1968
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 10
-		Sharp_Scale: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 33
-		Snowy_Horn: 2
-		Elunium_Stone: 50
-		Katana_: 25
-		Gill: 600
-		Sword_Fish_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1070
-	SpriteName: "KUKRE"
-	Name: "Kukre"
-	Lv: 42
-	Hp: 1111
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 315
-	JExp: 354
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [65, 28]
-	Def: 33
-	Mdef: 23
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 25
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 32
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1776
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Blue: 30
-		Worm_Peelings: 5500
-		Garlet: 400
-		Monsters_Feed: 500
-		Red_Herb: 650
-		Insect_Feeler: 450
-		Earthworm_The_Dude: 20
-		Kukre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1071
-	SpriteName: "PIRATE_SKEL"
-	Name: "Pirate Skeleton"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1411
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 369
-	JExp: 414
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [105, 20]
-	Def: 53
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 25
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1754
-	AttackMotion: 554
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skel_Bone: 3000
-		Pirate_Bandana: 15
-		Cookbook06: 5
-		Bandana: 250
-		Falchion: 250
-		Oridecon_Stone: 43
-		Well_Dried_Bone: 20
-		Pirate_Skel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1072
-	SpriteName: "KAHO"
-	Name: "Kaho"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 7045
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2344
-	JExp: 1463
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [655, 224]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 81
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 73
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1700
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 500
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Flame_Heart: 30
-		Coal: 150
-		Burning_Heart: 3000
-		Fire_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Elunium_Stone: 1000
-		Red_Gemstone: 300
-		Alchol: 5
-		Kaho_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1073
-	SpriteName: "CRAB"
-	Name: "Crab"
-	Lv: 43
-	Hp: 1233
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 315
-	JExp: 354
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [69, 10]
-	Def: 36
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 22
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 7
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 992
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crap_Shell: 5500
-		Nipper: 1500
-		Stone: 700
-		Sparkling_Dust: 13
-		Elunium_Stone: 37
-		Crab_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1074
-	SpriteName: "SHELLFISH"
-	Name: "Shellfish"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 1680
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 424
-	JExp: 455
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [74, 22]
-	Def: 43
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 42
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clam_Shell: 5500
-		Flesh_Of_Clam: 1000
-		Stone: 500
-		Grit: 1000
-		Sparkling_Dust: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 18
-		Shellfish_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1075
-	SpriteName: "TURTLE"
-	Name: "Turtle"
-	Lv: 3
-	Hp: 77
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 2]
-	Def: 35
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 500
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1076
-	SpriteName: "SKELETON"
-	Name: "Skeleton"
-	Lv: 27
-	Hp: 612
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 162
-	JExp: 183
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [78, 24]
-	Def: 21
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 24
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 19
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2228
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 90
-		Skel_Bone: 800
-		Mace_: 80
-		Jellopy: 3000
-		Red_Herb: 850
-		Skul_Ring: 30
-		Skeleton_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1077
-	SpriteName: "POISON_SPORE"
-	Name: "Poison Spore"
-	Lv: 26
-	Hp: 456
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 162
-	JExp: 183
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [68, 15]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 19
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 20
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Poison_Spore: 9000
-		Hat_: 20
-		Green_Herb: 550
-		Blue_Herb: 60
-		Karvodailnirol: 50
-		Mushroom_Spore: 1200
-		Zargon: 5
-		Poison_Spore_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1078
-	SpriteName: "RED_PLANT"
-	Name: "Red Plant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 5
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Herb: 5500
-		Flower: 1000
-		Shoot: 1000
-		Stem: 500
-		Poison_Herb_Rantana: 300
-		Fluff: 500
-		Ment: 50
-		Centimental_Flower: 2
-	}
-	Id: 1079
-	SpriteName: "BLUE_PLANT"
-	Name: "Blue Plant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Herb: 5500
-		Flower: 1000
-		Shoot: 1000
-		Stem: 500
-		Poison_Herb_Nerium: 300
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 50
-		Grape: 1000
-		Centimental_Leaf: 2
-	}
-	Id: 1080
-	SpriteName: "GREEN_PLANT"
-	Name: "Green Plant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 7
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Green_Herb: 7000
-		Poison_Herb_Makulata: 300
-		Bitter_Herb: 20
-		Stem: 3000
-		Pointed_Scale: 1500
-		Aloe: 50
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 50
-		Centimental_Leaf: 2
-	}
-	Id: 1081
-	SpriteName: "YELLOW_PLANT"
-	Name: "Yellow Plant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 6
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Herb: 5500
-		Flower: 1000
-		Shoot: 1000
-		Stem: 500
-		Poison_Herb_Seratum: 300
-		Singing_Plant: 5
-		Fluff: 500
-		Centimental_Flower: 2
-	}
-	Id: 1082
-	SpriteName: "WHITE_PLANT"
-	Name: "White Plant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 7
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		White_Herb: 5500
-		Flower: 1000
-		Deadly_Noxious_Herb: 20
-		Stem: 3000
-		Poison_Herb_Seratum: 300
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 50
-		Hinalle: 50
-		Centimental_Flower: 2
-	}
-	Id: 1083
-	SpriteName: "SHINING_PLANT"
-	Name: "Shining Plant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 20
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 90
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Herb: 5500
-		Yellow_Herb: 1000
-		White_Herb: 1000
-		Illusion_Flower: 5
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 20
-		Honey: 500
-		Yggdrasilberry: 50
-		Emperium: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1084
-	SpriteName: "BLACK_MUSHROOM"
-	Name: "Black Mushroom"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 7
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Alchol: 50
-		Detrimindexta: 50
-		Dew_Laden_Moss: 20
-		Feather: 2000
-		Crystal_Blue: 800
-		Mushroom_Spore: 5500
-		Mushroom_Spore: 5500
-		Poison_Spore: 5500
-	}
-	Id: 1085
-	SpriteName: "RED_MUSHROOM"
-	Name: "Red Mushroom"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 7
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Alchol: 50
-		Karvodailnirol: 50
-		Dew_Laden_Moss: 20
-		Feather: 2000
-		Boody_Red: 1000
-		Mushroom_Spore: 5500
-		Mushroom_Spore: 5500
-		Poison_Spore: 5500
-	}
-	Id: 1086
-	SpriteName: "GOLDEN_BUG"
-	Name: "Golden Thief Bug"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 222750
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 204120
-	JExp: 155520
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [952, 843]
-	Def: 159
-	Mdef: 81
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 77
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 140
-		Luk: 76
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 97200
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Gold_Ring: 2000
-		Ora_Ora: 1000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Gold: 1000
-		Golden_Mace: 150
-		Golden_Gear: 250
-		Golden_Bell: 500
-		Emperium: 300
-		Elunium: 2000
-		Oridecon: 1500
-		Golden_Bug_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1087
-	SpriteName: "ORK_HERO"
-	Name: "Orc Hero"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 362000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 106920
-	JExp: 97200
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [662, 441]
-	Def: 197
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 82
-		Vit: 107
-		Int: 71
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 43
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1678
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 53460
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Red_Jewel: 2000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 1500
-		Steel: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Voucher_Of_Orcish_Hero: 9700
-		Monkey_Circlet: 500
-		Right_Epsilon: 150
-		Shield_: 250
-		Orcish_Sword: 1000
-		Elunium: 4559
-		Giant_Axe: 100
-		Orc_Hero_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1088
-	SpriteName: "VOCAL"
-	Name: "Vocal"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 3317
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 99
-	JExp: 79
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [71, 11]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 26
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 26
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 53
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Oldmans_Romance: 50
-		Grasshoppers_Leg: 8000
-		Azure_Jewel: 1000
-		Grasshopper_Doll: 1500
-		Angels_Arrival: 1000
-		Light_Granule: 500
-		Guitar_Of_Gentle_Breeze: 10
-		Vocal_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1089
-	SpriteName: "TOAD"
-	Name: "Toad"
-	Lv: 27
-	Hp: 660
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 162
-	JExp: 183
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [70, 19]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 6
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 27
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1236
-	AttackMotion: 336
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Big_Sis_Ribbon: 50
-		Honey: 2000
-		Bluish_Green_Jewel: 1000
-		Light_Granule: 500
-		Alchol: 100
-		Detrimindexta: 100
-		Kiss_Of_Angel: 1000
-		Toad_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1090
-	SpriteName: "MASTERING"
-	Name: "Mastering"
-	Lv: 42
-	Hp: 1260
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 315
-	JExp: 354
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [80, 40]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 21
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 12
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Snowy_Horn: 200
-		Unripe_Apple: 50
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 1000
-		Angels_Safeguard: 1000
-		Light_Granule: 500
-		Apple: 8000
-		Apple_Juice: 4000
-		Mastering_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1091
-	SpriteName: "DRAGON_FLY"
-	Name: "Dragon Fly"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 1035
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 360
-	JExp: 405
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [102, 33]
-	Def: 57
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 37
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 44
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1076
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sweet_Gents: 200
-		Red_Herb: 8000
-		Violet_Jewel: 1500
-		Chonchon_Doll: 2000
-		Clip: 3000
-		Lusty_Iron: 50
-		Grape_Juice: 3000
-		Dragon_Fly_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1092
-	SpriteName: "VAGABOND_WOLF"
-	Name: "Vagabond Wolf"
-	Lv: 93
-	Hp: 8203
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1706
-	JExp: 2601
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [519, 46]
-	Def: 102
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 72
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 29
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1048
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Western_Grace: 200
-		Claw_Of_Wolves: 8000
-		Golden_Jewel: 1500
-		Star_Dust_Blade: 100
-		Angels_Warmth: 1000
-		Light_Granule: 500
-		Monster_Juice: 50
-		Vagabond_Wolf_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1093
-	SpriteName: "ECLIPSE"
-	Name: "Eclipse"
-	Lv: 31
-	Hp: 625
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 207
-	JExp: 233
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [60, 20]
-	Def: 50
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 27
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1456
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fillet: 200
-		Red_Herb: 8000
-		White_Jewel: 1200
-		Light_Granule: 500
-		Four_Leaf_Clover: 30
-		Rainbow_Carrot: 50
-		Angels_Protection: 1000
-		Eclipse_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1094
-	SpriteName: "AMBERNITE"
-	Name: "Ambernite"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 340
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 117
-	JExp: 87
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [26, 11]
-	Def: 28
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 16
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 11
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 21
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2048
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Blue: 50
-		Snails_Shell: 9000
-		Garlet: 1200
-		Shell: 3000
-		Solid_Shell: 2
-		Elunium_Stone: 14
-		Iron_Ore: 150
-		Ambernite_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1095
-	SpriteName: "ANDRE"
-	Name: "Andre"
-	Lv: 33
-	Hp: 724
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 216
-	JExp: 243
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [51, 21]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 11
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 9000
-		Garlet: 1000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 500
-		Yellow_Live: 50
-		Sparkling_Dust: 4
-		Iron_Ore: 350
-		Elunium_Stone: 28
-		Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1096
-	SpriteName: "ANGELING"
-	Name: "Angeling"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 19800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3366
-	JExp: 2693
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [391, 145]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 238
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 105
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 200
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Angelic_Chain: 100
-		Scapulare_: 60
-		Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: 500
-		Spirit_Chain: 1
-		White_Herb: 2000
-		Apple: 28
-		Emperium: 40
-		Angeling_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1097
-	SpriteName: "ANT_EGG"
-	Name: "Ant Egg"
-	Lv: 28
-	Hp: 530
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 180
-	JExp: 203
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 5
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 10
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1001
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 320
-		Shell: 2000
-		Jellopy: 2000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 650
-		Empty_Bottle: 2000
-		Iron_Ore: 200
-		Andre_Egg_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1098
-	SpriteName: "ANUBIS"
-	Name: "Anubis"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 38826
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6026
-	JExp: 2725
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [984, 415]
-	Def: 103
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 88
-		Agi: 67
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 128
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1250
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Runstone_Ancient: 10
-		Healing_Staff: 10
-		White_Wing_Suits: 100
-		Oridecon: 105
-		Sacred_Masque: 4365
-		Mitten_Of_Presbyter: 1
-		Blessed_Wand: 3
-		Anubis_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1099
-	SpriteName: "ARGIOPE"
-	Name: "Argiope"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 3105
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 890
-	JExp: 912
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [321, 50]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1792
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Short_Leg: 5335
-		Zargon: 1200
-		Elunium_Stone: 175
-		Boots_: 5
-		Green_Herb: 1500
-		Violet_Jewel: 10
-		Argiope_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1100
-	SpriteName: "ARGOS"
-	Name: "Argos"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 1005
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 360
-	JExp: 405
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [96, 33]
-	Def: 58
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 38
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 26
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1468
-	AttackMotion: 468
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Spiderweb: 9000
-		Scell: 1200
-		Short_Leg: 500
-		Elunium_Stone: 61
-		Green_Herb: 670
-		Yellow_Herb: 250
-		Bark_Shorts: 15
-		Argos_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1101
-	SpriteName: "BAPHOMET_"
-	Name: "Baphomet Jr."
-	Lv: 57
-	Hp: 2035
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 510
-	JExp: 548
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [195, 33]
-	Def: 70
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 868
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 120
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Evil_Horn: 500
-		Oridecon: 63
-		Halberd_: 2
-		Yggdrasilberry: 50
-		Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: 100
-		Yellow_Herb: 1300
-		Boots: 50
-		Baphomet__Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1102
-	SpriteName: "BATHORY"
-	Name: "Bathory"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 5242
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1286
-	JExp: 1364
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [252, 96]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 89
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 77
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1504
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 900
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sparkling_Dust: 200
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 4850
-		Star_Sparkling: 3
-		Arc_Wand_: 5
-		Star_Crumb: 30
-		Old_Magic_Book: 15
-		Old_Broom: 20
-		Bathory_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1103
-	SpriteName: "CARAMEL"
-	Name: "Caramel"
-	Lv: 25
-	Hp: 518
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 162
-	JExp: 183
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [67, 9]
-	Def: 39
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 19
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 15
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 32
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1604
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 756
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Porcupine_Spike: 9000
-		Coat_: 5
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Glaive_: 10
-		Spear_: 15
-		Pike_: 20
-		Caramel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1104
-	SpriteName: "COCO"
-	Name: "Coco"
-	Lv: 38
-	Hp: 836
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 270
-	JExp: 305
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [71, 11]
-	Def: 37
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 22
-		Agi: 13
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 38
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 1008
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Acorn: 9000
-		Hood_: 20
-		Fluff: 3000
-		Animals_Skin: 2500
-		Sweet_Potato: 500
-		Sandals_: 25
-		Strawberry: 600
-		Coco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1105
-	SpriteName: "DENIRO"
-	Name: "Deniro"
-	Lv: 31
-	Hp: 671
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 207
-	JExp: 233
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [45, 16]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 23
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 9000
-		Garlet: 3000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1200
-		Boody_Red: 50
-		Sparkling_Dust: 8
-		Iron_Ore: 450
-		Elunium_Stone: 34
-		Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1106
-	SpriteName: "DESERT_WOLF"
-	Name: "Desert Wolf"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 9447
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2160
-	JExp: 1350
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [676, 59]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 93
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Katar_: 1
-		Claw_Of_Desert_Wolf: 5500
-		Mink_Coat: 1
-		Wolf_Blood: 10
-		Durga: 1
-		Oridecon_Stone: 53
-		Stiletto_: 140
-		Desert_Wolf_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1107
-	SpriteName: "DESERT_WOLF_B"
-	Name: "Desert Wolf Baby"
-	JName: "Baby Desert Wolf"
-	Lv: 14
-	Hp: 140
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 68
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [33, 8]
-	Def: 13
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 7
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1600
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 85
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Adventureres_Suit_: 80
-		Wolf_Blood: 2
-		Cotton_Shirt: 200
-		Asura_: 5
-		Orange: 1000
-		Desert_Wolf_Babe_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1108
-	SpriteName: "DEVIACE"
-	Name: "Deviace"
-	Lv: 60
-	Hp: 3135
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 690
-	JExp: 740
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [168, 29]
-	Def: 51
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1680
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 25
-		Tooth_Of_Ancient_Fish: 9000
-		Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish: 1000
-		Antenna: 2
-		Detrimindexta: 200
-		Katar_Of_Cold_Icicle: 3
-		Oridecon_Stone: 161
-		Deviace_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1109
-	SpriteName: "DEVIRUCHI"
-	Name: "Deviruchi"
-	Lv: 93
-	Hp: 8912
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2166
-	JExp: 2166
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [477, 182]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 980
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Horn: 5335
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: 400
-		Oridecon: 2
-		Partizan_: 2
-		Sacred_Marks: 5
-		Zargon: 1500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 154
-		Deviruchi_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1110
-	SpriteName: "DOKEBI"
-	Name: "Dokebi"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 2820
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 708
-	JExp: 759
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [333, 30]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1156
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dokkaebi_Horn: 9000
-		Elunium_Stone: 150
-		Sword_Mace_: 2
-		Mighty_Staff: 1
-		Gold: 1
-		Horn_Protector: 10
-		Hammer_Of_Blacksmith: 5
-		Dokebi_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1111
-	SpriteName: "DRAINLIAR"
-	Name: "Drainliar"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 1162
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 389
-	JExp: 438
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [100, 42]
-	Def: 50
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 22
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Emveretarcon: 60
-		Tooth_Of_Bat: 3000
-		Red_Jewel: 20
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Wing_Of_Red_Bat: 5500
-		Wing_Of_Red_Bat: 1500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 40
-		Drainliar_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1112
-	SpriteName: "DRAKE"
-	Name: "Drake"
-	Lv: 91
-	Hp: 804500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 618192
-	JExp: 417960
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2519, 1403]
-	Def: 279
-	Mdef: 135
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 103
-		Vit: 114
-		Int: 107
-		Dex: 162
-		Luk: 71
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 620
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 257580
-	MvpDrops: {
-		White_Potion: 5000
-		Violet_Jewel: 500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Saber_: 600
-		Ring_Pommel_Saber_: 950
-		Cutlas: 150
-		Hae_Dong_Gum_: 400
-		Corsair: 350
-		Elunium: 3200
-		Krasnaya: 100
-		Drake_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1113
-	SpriteName: "DROPS"
-	Name: "Drops"
-	Lv: 2
-	Hp: 45
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [12, 1]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 8
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 2
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1372
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 7500
-		Rod_: 80
-		Sticky_Mucus: 500
-		Apple: 1100
-		Empty_Bottle: 1700
-		Apple: 800
-		Orange_Juice: 20
-		Drops_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1114
-	SpriteName: "DUSTINESS"
-	Name: "Dustiness"
-	Lv: 62
-	Hp: 2026
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 632
-	JExp: 678
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [166, 31]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 46
-		Agi: 22
-		Vit: 46
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 75
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1004
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moth_Dust: 9000
-		Wing_Of_Moth: 500
-		Masquerade: 4
-		Insect_Feeler: 2000
-		Sparkling_Dust: 10
-		Red_Herb: 1200
-		Dustiness_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1115
-	SpriteName: "EDDGA"
-	Name: "Eddga"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 947500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 207900
-	JExp: 148500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1509, 776]
-	Def: 166
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 92
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 103
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 872
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 99000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Tigers_Skin: 5000
-		Tiger_Footskin: 1000
-		Flame_Heart: 3000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Fire_Brand: 150
-		Smoking_Pipe: 250
-		Honey: 10000
-		Katar_Of_Raging_Blaze: 500
-		Tiger_Footskin: 800
-		Elunium: 2400
-		Krieg: 200
-		Eddga_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1116
-	SpriteName: "EGGYRA"
-	Name: "Eggyra"
-	Lv: 53
-	Hp: 1676
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 346
-	JExp: 689
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [110, 40]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 46
-		Agi: 25
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scell: 1000
-		Egg_Shell: 20
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 550
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Pet_Incubator: 300
-		Center_Potion: 250
-		Elunium_Stone: 57
-		Eggyra_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1117
-	SpriteName: "EVIL_DRUID"
-	Name: "Evil Druid"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 5149
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1472
-	JExp: 1280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [378, 68]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Biretta_: 10
-		Bone_Wand: 1
-		Ragamuffin_Cape: 2
-		Bible: 10
-		Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: 200
-		Cookbook07: 4
-		White_Herb: 2000
-		Evil_Druid_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1118
-	SpriteName: "FLORA"
-	Name: "Flora"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 2301
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 558
-	JExp: 597
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [163, 31]
-	Def: 99
-	Mdef: 29
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 49
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 46
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1432
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blossom_Of_Maneater: 9000
-		Sunflower: 3
-		Aloe: 10
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 50
-		Singing_Flower: 20
-		Stem: 2000
-		Witherless_Rose: 1
-		Flora_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1119
-	SpriteName: "FRILLDORA"
-	Name: "Frilldora"
-	Lv: 57
-	Hp: 1821
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 510
-	JExp: 548
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [181, 42]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 48
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 51
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1540
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lizard_Scruff: 5500
-		Elunium_Stone: 90
-		Reptile_Tongue: 1500
-		Azure_Jewel: 15
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 200
-		Red_Herb: 800
-		Zargon: 120
-		Frilldora_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1120
-	SpriteName: "GHOSTRING"
-	Name: "Ghostring"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 26700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4736
-	JExp: 4467
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [385, 162]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 72
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1220
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Transparent_Cloth: 5335
-		Ghost_Bandana: 100
-		Thief_Clothes_: 50
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10
-		Emperium: 30
-		Ghost_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Ghostring_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1121
-	SpriteName: "GIEARTH"
-	Name: "Giearth"
-	Lv: 42
-	Hp: 1118
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 315
-	JExp: 354
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [70, 15]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 27
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1848
-	AttackMotion: 1296
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Great_Nature: 30
-		Coal: 150
-		Elder_Pixies_Beard: 5500
-		Elven_Ears: 1
-		Cap_: 10
-		Sparkling_Dust: 100
-		Giearth_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1122
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_1"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1058
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 369
-	JExp: 414
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [87, 34]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 37
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 270
-		Scell: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 43
-		Goblini_Mask: 3
-		Dirk_: 10
-		Buckler_: 5
-		Red_Herb: 1800
-		Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1123
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_2"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 44
-	Hp: 931
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 333
-	JExp: 374
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [94, 28]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 33
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 58
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1320
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 250
-		Scell: 9000
-		Indian_Hair_Piece: 3
-		Flail_: 10
-		Siver_Guard: 5
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Goblini_Mask: 3
-		Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1124
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_3"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 44
-	Hp: 930
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 333
-	JExp: 374
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [88, 33]
-	Def: 47
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1624
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 230
-		Scell: 9000
-		Red_Bandana: 3
-		Goblin_Mask_02: 15
-		Buckler_: 1
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Yellow_Herb: 220
-		Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1125
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_4"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 49
-	Hp: 1494
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 396
-	JExp: 446
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [72, 22]
-	Def: 70
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 31
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 46
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1624
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 100
-		Iron: 170
-		Goblin_Mask_01: 15
-		Gangster_Patch: 3
-		Smasher_: 10
-		Siver_Guard: 5
-		Red_Herb: 1500
-		Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1126
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_5"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 56
-	Hp: 2342
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 510
-	JExp: 548
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [167, 31]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 51
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 42
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 3074
-	AttackMotion: 1874
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 150
-		Scell: 9000
-		Wand_: 15
-		Buckler_: 1
-		Goblin_Mask_03: 15
-		Red_Herb: 1500
-		Yellow_Herb: 220
-		Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1127
-	SpriteName: "HODE"
-	Name: "Hode"
-	Lv: 63
-	Hp: 2676
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 664
-	JExp: 710
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [179, 45]
-	Def: 91
-	Mdef: 24
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 32
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 720
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 120
-		Earthworm_Peeling: 9000
-		Elunium_Stone: 80
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Town_Sword_: 10
-		Foolishness_Of_Blind: 1
-		Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm: 20
-		Hode_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1128
-	SpriteName: "HORN"
-	Name: "Horn"
-	Lv: 32
-	Hp: 705
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 216
-	JExp: 243
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [64, 11]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 21
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 80
-		Emveretarcon: 35
-		Horn: 5500
-		Guisarme_: 15
-		Shell: 5500
-		Solid_Shell: 70
-		Horn_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1129
-	SpriteName: "HORONG"
-	Name: "Horong"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 2304
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 820
-	JExp: 879
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [275, 70]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 36
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1888
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 828
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Stone_Heart: 6500
-		Zargon: 500
-		Bomb_Wick: 5
-		Fire_Arrow: 10000
-		Elunium_Stone: 118
-		Baked_Yam: 20
-		Alchol: 50
-		Horong_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1130
-	SpriteName: "JAKK"
-	Name: "Jakk"
-	Lv: 63
-	Hp: 2054
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 664
-	JExp: 710
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [229, 37]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1180
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pumpkin_Head: 9000
-		Zargon: 900
-		Elunium: 31
-		Tights_: 5
-		Frozen_Heart: 5
-		Pumpkin: 1000
-		Light_Granule: 10
-		Jakk_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1131
-	SpriteName: "JOKER"
-	Name: "Joker"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6022
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1780
-	JExp: 1821
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [317, 60]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 76
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1364
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 2000
-		Old_Card_Album: 2
-		Contracts_In_Shadow: 20
-		Yellow_Herb: 1000
-		Katar_Of_Piercing_Wind: 1
-		Oridecon: 100
-		Ghost_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Joker_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1132
-	SpriteName: "KHALITZBURG"
-	Name: "Khalitzburg"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 23986
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3920
-	JExp: 2646
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1232, 96]
-	Def: 125
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 32
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 528
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 396
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skel_Bone: 8000
-		Elunium: 191
-		Bone_Helm: 1
-		Mirror_Shield_: 2
-		Patriotism_Marks: 10
-		Ebone_Armor: 2
-		Ur_Plate: 100
-		Khalitzburg_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1133
-	SpriteName: "KOBOLD_1"
-	Name: "Kobold"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 10483
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2728
-	JExp: 1706
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [701, 87]
-	Def: 103
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 76
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 53
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1028
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 100
-		Cobold_Hair: 5335
-		Zargon: 700
-		Elunium_Stone: 25
-		Gladius_: 2
-		Buckler_: 5
-		Kobold_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1134
-	SpriteName: "KOBOLD_2"
-	Name: "Kobold"
-	Lv: 102
-	Hp: 9152
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2332
-	JExp: 1458
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [477, 62]
-	Def: 117
-	Mdef: 59
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 96
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 100
-		Cobold_Hair: 5335
-		Zargon: 200
-		Buckler_: 3
-		Yellow_Herb: 100
-		Guard: 100
-		Kobold_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1135
-	SpriteName: "KOBOLD_3"
-	Name: "Kobold"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 9078
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2192
-	JExp: 1371
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [468, 64]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1228
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Boody_Red: 35
-		Steel: 100
-		Cobold_Hair: 5335
-		Zargon: 200
-		Hammer_: 5
-		Buckler_: 3
-		Yellow_Herb: 100
-		Kobold_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1136
-	SpriteName: "KOBOLD_4"
-	Name: "Kobold"
-	Lv: 31
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4582500
-	JExp: 4582500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [316, 62]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 31
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 55
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 50
-		Cobold_Hair: 5335
-		Zargon: 100
-		Hammer_: 5
-		Buckler_: 3
-		Yellow_Herb: 100
-		Axe: 150
-		Kobold_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1137
-	SpriteName: "KOBOLD_5"
-	Name: "Kobold"
-	Lv: 31
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4582500
-	JExp: 4582500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [223, 33]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 31
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1228
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 40
-		Cobold_Hair: 5335
-		Zargon: 100
-		Morning_Star_: 5
-		Buckler_: 3
-		Yellow_Herb: 100
-		Club: 150
-		Kobold_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1138
-	SpriteName: "MAGNOLIA"
-	Name: "Magnolia"
-	Lv: 53
-	Hp: 1984
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 462
-	JExp: 495
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [96, 165]
-	Def: 51
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 49
-		Agi: 25
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1054
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Frying_Pan: 9000
-		Garlet: 800
-		Scell: 100
-		Zargon: 10
-		Black_Ladle: 40
-		Yellow_Herb: 400
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 5
-		Magnolia_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1139
-	SpriteName: "MANTIS"
-	Name: "Mantis"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 2719
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 624
-	JExp: 669
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [187, 31]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 46
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 110
-		Limb_Of_Mantis: 9000
-		Scell: 1400
-		Elunium_Stone: 70
-		Solid_Shell: 250
-		Azure_Jewel: 10
-		Red_Herb: 650
-		Mantis_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1140
-	SpriteName: "MARDUK"
-	Name: "Marduk"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 2893
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 850
-	JExp: 872
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [198, 112]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1540
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Flame_Heart: 35
-		Sacred_Masque: 4365
-		Staff_: 10
-		Mitten_Of_Presbyter: 1
-		Blessed_Wand: 3
-		Fire_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Book_Of_Devil: 20
-		Marduk_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1141
-	SpriteName: "MARINA"
-	Name: "Marina"
-	Lv: 42
-	Hp: 1209
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 340
-	JExp: 381
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [73, 25]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 19
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 24
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 18
-		Int: 22
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2280
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Single_Cell: 5000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1500
-		Crystal_Blue: 45
-		Mistic_Frozen: 2
-		Blue_Gemstone: 200
-		Deadly_Noxious_Herb: 20
-		Marina_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1142
-	SpriteName: "MARINE_SPHERE"
-	Name: "Marine Sphere"
-	Lv: 51
-	Hp: 1924
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 468
-	JExp: 503
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 41
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	MoveSpeed: 800
-	AttackDelay: 1201
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tendon: 5000
-		Detonator: 2500
-		Chain_: 10
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 10
-		Blue_Gemstone: 150
-		Transparent_Headgear: 10
-		Marine_Sphere_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1143
-	SpriteName: "MARIONETTE"
-	Name: "Marionette"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 7166
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1586
-	JExp: 2009
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [222, 190]
-	Def: 35
-	Mdef: 24
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 105
-		Dex: 86
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 1056
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Golden_Hair: 9000
-		Star_Dust: 5
-		Brooch: 1
-		Fire_Scroll_3_5: 100
-		Chain_: 15
-		Chrystal_Pumps: 1
-		Marionette_Doll: 3
-		Marionette_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1144
-	SpriteName: "MARSE"
-	Name: "Marse"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 1456
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 389
-	JExp: 438
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [85, 20]
-	Def: 38
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 33
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 33
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1956
-	AttackMotion: 756
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Chinese_Ink: 9000
-		Tentacle: 3000
-		Blue_Gemstone: 200
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 10
-		Mistic_Frozen: 12
-		Penetration: 5
-		Grape: 300
-		Marse_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1145
-	SpriteName: "MARTIN"
-	Name: "Martin"
-	Lv: 39
-	Hp: 1056
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 311
-	JExp: 350
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [70, 18]
-	Def: 58
-	Mdef: 19
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 25
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moustache_Of_Mole: 9000
-		Nail_Of_Mole: 500
-		Jur_: 10
-		Goggle_: 5
-		Safety_Helmet: 1
-		Battered_Pot: 10
-		Goggle: 15
-		Martin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1146
-	SpriteName: "MATYR"
-	Name: "Matyr"
-	Lv: 58
-	Hp: 2087
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 520
-	JExp: 557
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [151, 26]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 48
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 47
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Matyrs_Flea_Guard: 10
-		Monsters_Feed: 5000
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Pet_Food: 400
-		Elunium_Stone: 100
-		Grape: 200
-		Matyr_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1147
-	SpriteName: "MAYA"
-	Name: "Maya"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 380000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 178560
-	JExp: 133920
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [555, 265]
-	Def: 183
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 88
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 76
-		Int: 102
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 76
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 89280
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel: 2000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 3000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Queens_Hair_Ornament: 500
-		Safety_Ring: 200
-		Tiara: 200
-		Armlet_Of_Obedience: 500
-		Mothers_Nightmare: 10
-		Elunium: 3500
-		Dea_Staff: 100
-		Maya_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1148
-	SpriteName: "MEDUSA"
-	Name: "Medusa"
-	Lv: 102
-	Hp: 10045
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2084
-	JExp: 1302
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [620, 113]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 79
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1720
-	AttackMotion: 1320
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Slender_Snake: 5335
-		Whip_Of_Red_Flame: 250
-		Animal_Blood: 200
-		Sea_Witch_Foot: 20
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 250
-		Rafini_Staff: 5
-		Penetration: 3
-		Medusa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1149
-	SpriteName: "MINOROUS"
-	Name: "Minorous"
-	Lv: 58
-	Hp: 1893
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 570
-	JExp: 602
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [247, 36]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1360
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nose_Ring: 5335
-		Oridecon_Stone: 196
-		Two_Handed_Axe_: 2
-		Hammer_Of_Blacksmith: 10
-		Beef_Head_Meat: 100
-		Axe: 200
-		Lemon: 300
-		Minorous_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1150
-	SpriteName: "MOONLIGHT"
-	Name: "Moonlight Flower"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 324000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 367488
-	JExp: 271440
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2232, 1251]
-	Def: 254
-	Mdef: 81
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 86
-		Agi: 102
-		Vit: 93
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 157
-		Luk: 120
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 167040
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Fox_Tail: 5000
-		White_Potion: 1500
-		Golden_Jewel: 500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Spectral_Spear: 500
-		Moonlight_Sword: 100
-		Long_Mace: 150
-		Punisher: 500
-		Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste: 650
-		Elunium: 2600
-		Staff_Of_Bordeaux: 100
-		Moonlight_Flower_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1151
-	SpriteName: "MYST"
-	Name: "Myst"
-	Lv: 49
-	Hp: 1223
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 396
-	JExp: 446
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [96, 20]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 41
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gas_Mask: 2
-		Wooden_Block: 800
-		Wig: 10
-		Oridecon_Stone: 65
-		Elunium_Stone: 97
-		Anodyne: 20
-		Ring: 1
-		Myst_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1152
-	SpriteName: "ORC_SKELETON"
-	Name: "Orc Skeleton"
-	Lv: 53
-	Hp: 2077
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 482
-	JExp: 524
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [121, 25]
-	Def: 82
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2420
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Orcish_Cuspid: 5500
-		Skel_Bone: 3500
-		Elunium_Stone: 80
-		Viking_Helm: 2
-		Buster_: 10
-		Green_Herb: 50
-		Orc_Skeleton_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1153
-	SpriteName: "ORC_ZOMBIE"
-	Name: "Orc Zombie"
-	Lv: 51
-	Hp: 1908
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 452
-	JExp: 498
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [114, 15]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 45
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2852
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 840
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nail_Of_Orc: 5500
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Emperium: 1
-		Orc_Zombie_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1154
-	SpriteName: "PASANA"
-	Name: "Pasana"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 3510
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1068
-	JExp: 1194
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [438, 40]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 976
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Vroken_Sword: 4365
-		Honey_Jar: 2500
-		Elunium_Stone: 20
-		Falchion_: 500
-		Stiletto_: 150
-		Undershirt: 100
-		Pasana_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1155
-	SpriteName: "PETIT"
-	Name: "Petite"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 5799
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1286
-	JExp: 1317
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [321, 66]
-	Def: 99
-	Mdef: 49
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 65
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2468
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragon_Canine: 5335
-		Dragon_Train: 300
-		Oridecon_Stone: 140
-		White_Herb: 1000
-		Flail: 150
-		Petti_Tail: 100
-		Aloebera: 15
-		Petit_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1156
-	SpriteName: "PETIT_"
-	Name: "Petite"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 3556
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 990
-	JExp: 1013
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [308, 36]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 86
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragon_Scale: 5335
-		Dragon_Train: 300
-		Elunium: 61
-		White_Herb: 1000
-		Khukri: 5
-		Zargon: 1500
-		Aloebera: 15
-		Petit__Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1157
-	SpriteName: "PHARAOH"
-	Name: "Pharaoh"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 900000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 459360
-	JExp: 334080
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1624, 1782]
-	Def: 124
-	Mdef: 269
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 98
-		Agi: 102
-		Vit: 96
-		Int: 142
-		Dex: 173
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 125
-	AttackDelay: 868
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 208800
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Royal_Jelly: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Pharaoh_Symbol: 5820
-		Tutankhamens_Mask: 2500
-		Solar_Sword: 100
-		Holy_Robe: 150
-		Gemmed_Crown: 500
-		Tablet: 300
-		Bazerald: 80
-		Pharaoh_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1158
-	SpriteName: "PHEN"
-	Name: "Phen"
-	Lv: 52
-	Hp: 1963
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 468
-	JExp: 503
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [102, 30]
-	Def: 44
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 2544
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 1152
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fish_Tail: 5500
-		Sharp_Scale: 2000
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 5
-		Meat: 1000
-		Fin: 500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 25
-		Phen_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1159
-	SpriteName: "PHREEONI"
-	Name: "Phreeoni"
-	Lv: 71
-	Hp: 300000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 127600
-	JExp: 180000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [693, 967]
-	Def: 269
-	Mdef: 98
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 88
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 112
-		Int: 87
-		Dex: 122
-		Luk: 71
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 58000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Frozen_Heart: 500
-		Crystal_Jewel: 1000
-		Star_Crumb: 4000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Thin_N_Long_Tongue: 9700
-		Forturn_Sword: 500
-		Sucsamad: 150
-		Jaws_Of_Ant: 5000
-		Mr_Scream: 300
-		Elunium: 2900
-		Weihna: 100
-		Phreeoni_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1160
-	SpriteName: "PIERE"
-	Name: "Piere"
-	Lv: 32
-	Hp: 696
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 216
-	JExp: 243
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [47, 20]
-	Def: 57
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 19
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 8
-		Dex: 27
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 9000
-		Garlet: 1100
-		Sticky_Mucus: 600
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 30
-		Sparkling_Dust: 5
-		Iron_Ore: 400
-		Elunium_Stone: 31
-		Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1161
-	SpriteName: "PLANKTON"
-	Name: "Plankton"
-	Lv: 40
-	Hp: 1232
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 334
-	JExp: 375
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [75, 36]
-	Def: 28
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 23
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 14
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2208
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 324
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Single_Cell: 9000
-		Garlet: 300
-		Sticky_Mucus: 700
-		Alchol: 4
-		Empty_Bottle: 1000
-		Dew_Laden_Moss: 20
-		Center_Potion: 50
-		Plankton_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1162
-	SpriteName: "RAFFLESIA"
-	Name: "Rafflesia"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 5819
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1286
-	JExp: 1317
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [325, 41]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 47
-		Agi: 41
-		Vit: 44
-		Int: 29
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Root_Of_Maneater: 5500
-		Scell: 1600
-		Four_Leaf_Clover: 2
-		Ment: 10
-		Hinalle: 10
-		Shoot: 550
-		White_Herb: 30
-		Rafflesia_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1163
-	SpriteName: "RAYDRIC"
-	Name: "Raydric"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 18408
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3600
-	JExp: 2076
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [901, 96]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 129
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 824
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Elunium: 106
-		Iron_Cane: 1
-		Chain_Mail_: 2
-		Two_Hand_Sword_: 2
-		Peuz_Plate: 10
-		Patriotism_Marks: 10
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Daydric_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1164
-	SpriteName: "REQUIEM"
-	Name: "Requiem"
-	Lv: 71
-	Hp: 3089
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 812
-	JExp: 831
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [348, 48]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 12
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1516
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Blue_Box: 35
-		Emperium: 1
-		Zargon: 2500
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 3500
-		Mementos: 1500
-		Mantle_: 10
-		Cookbook06: 1
-		Requiem_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1165
-	SpriteName: "SAND_MAN"
-	Name: "Sandman"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 2887
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 656
-	JExp: 705
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [164, 56]
-	Def: 126
-	Mdef: 24
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Great_Nature: 35
-		Grit: 5335
-		Elunium_Stone: 118
-		Fine_Sand: 350
-		Sparkling_Dust: 200
-		Katar_Of_Thornbush: 1
-		Hypnotists_Staff_: 5
-		Sand_Man_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1166
-	SpriteName: "SAVAGE"
-	Name: "Savage"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 2301
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 602
-	JExp: 644
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [181, 23]
-	Def: 126
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 56
-		Agi: 21
-		Vit: 54
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wild_Boars_Mane: 9000
-		Grape: 300
-		Animal_Blood: 2
-		Eagle_Eyes: 1
-		Savage_Meat: 50
-		Elunium_Stone: 70
-		Royal_Jelly: 2
-		Savage_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1167
-	SpriteName: "SAVAGE_BABE"
-	Name: "Savage Babe"
-	Lv: 14
-	Hp: 180
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 68
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [19, 6]
-	Def: 22
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 16
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 9
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 21
-		Luk: 18
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1624
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Animals_Skin: 9000
-		Axe_: 100
-		Meat: 500
-		Savage_Meat: 6
-		Feather: 850
-		Phracon: 80
-		Sweet_Milk: 40
-		Savage_Babe_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1168
-	SpriteName: "SCORPION_KING"
-	Name: "Scorpion King"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 5719
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2066
-	JExp: 1211
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [630, 113]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 91
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1700
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 500
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Flame_Heart: 45
-		Tweezer: 4850
-		Hammer_Of_Blacksmith: 15
-		Scorpions_Tail: 5000
-		Solid_Shell: 3000
-		White_Herb: 700
-		Scorpion_King_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1169
-	SpriteName: "SKEL_WORKER"
-	Name: "Skeleton Worker"
-	Lv: 44
-	Hp: 1240
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 333
-	JExp: 374
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [92, 12]
-	Def: 45
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 13
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 37
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2420
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 400
-		Lantern: 5500
-		Elunium_Stone: 90
-		Safety_Helmet: 2
-		Steel: 100
-		Coal: 200
-		Light_Granule: 10
-		Skel_Worker_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1170
-	SpriteName: "SOHEE"
-	Name: "Sohee"
-	Lv: 64
-	Hp: 2875
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 624
-	JExp: 669
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [177, 30]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 29
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 41
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2112
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Long_Hair: 9000
-		Skirt_Of_Virgin: 50
-		Nurse_Cap: 1
-		Muffler_: 5
-		Stiletto_: 5
-		Puente_Robe: 5
-		Inspector_Certificate: 350
-		Sohee_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1171
-	SpriteName: "SOLDIER_ANDRE"
-	Name: "Soldier Andre"
-	Lv: 22
-	Hp: 1245
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 219
-	JExp: 138
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [105, 127]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 22
-		Vit: 44
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 40
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1001
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jaws_Of_Ant: 2700
-		Scell: 800
-		Elunium_Stone: 10
-		Lapier_: 15
-		Sparkling_Dust: 30
-		Solid_Shell: 150
-		Soldier_Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1172
-	SpriteName: "SOLDIER_DENIRO"
-	Name: "Soldier Deniro"
-	Lv: 29
-	Hp: 2047
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 450
-	JExp: 274
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [162, 193]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 54
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2000
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 500
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jaws_Of_Ant: 5500
-		Scell: 2000
-		Elunium_Stone: 15
-		Lapier_: 20
-		Solid_Shell: 270
-		Sparkling_Dust: 50
-		Soldier_Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1173
-	SpriteName: "SOLDIER_PIERE"
-	Name: "Soldier Piere"
-	Lv: 23
-	Hp: 1217
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 240
-	JExp: 149
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [109, 131]
-	Def: 25
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 46
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 38
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1001
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jaws_Of_Ant: 3100
-		Scell: 800
-		Scell: 10
-		Scimiter_: 15
-		Sparkling_Dust: 35
-		Solid_Shell: 200
-		Soldier_Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1174
-	SpriteName: "STAINER"
-	Name: "Stainer"
-	Lv: 21
-	Hp: 365
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 126
-	JExp: 143
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [65, 9]
-	Def: 22
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 39
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1688
-	AttackMotion: 1188
-	DamageMotion: 612
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 70
-		Emveretarcon: 30
-		Colorful_Shell: 9000
-		Garlet: 2100
-		Elunium_Stone: 25
-		Solid_Shell: 10
-		Iron_Ore: 300
-		Stainer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1175
-	SpriteName: "TAROU"
-	Name: "Tarou"
-	Lv: 22
-	Hp: 420
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 135
-	JExp: 152
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [72, 6]
-	Def: 23
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 21
-		Agi: 6
-		Vit: 12
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 10
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1744
-	AttackMotion: 1044
-	DamageMotion: 684
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rat_Tail: 9000
-		Animals_Skin: 3000
-		Feather: 800
-		Monsters_Feed: 1000
-		Ora_Ora: 2
-		Tarou_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1176
-	SpriteName: "VITATA"
-	Name: "Vitata"
-	Lv: 35
-	Hp: 756
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 234
-	JExp: 264
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [68, 18]
-	Def: 44
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 21
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 90
-		Worm_Peelings: 5000
-		Scell: 200
-		Honey: 350
-		Honey: 350
-		Royal_Jelly: 200
-		Oridecon_Stone: 26
-		Vitata_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1177
-	SpriteName: "ZENORC"
-	Name: "Zenorc"
-	Lv: 54
-	Hp: 1816
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 472
-	JExp: 507
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [137, 24]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 18
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1180
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tooth_Of_: 5500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 70
-		Sticky_Mucus: 2500
-		Old_Magic_Book: 5
-		Yellow_Herb: 100
-		Shining_Stone: 20
-		Zenorc_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1178
-	SpriteName: "ZEROM"
-	Name: "Zerom"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 2687
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 756
-	JExp: 960
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [328, 38]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1780
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Emveretarcon: 55
-		Iron: 190
-		G_Strings: 200
-		Ganster_Mask: 3
-		Cuffs: 10
-		Iron_Ore: 300
-		Light_Granule: 1
-		Zerom_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1179
-	SpriteName: "WHISPER"
-	Name: "Whisper"
-	Lv: 46
-	Hp: 1109
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 242
-	JExp: 513
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [65, 55]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sparkling_Dust: 150
-		Transparent_Cloth: 5335
-		Spirit_Chain: 1
-		Silver_Robe_: 10
-		Whisper_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1180
-	SpriteName: "NINE_TAIL"
-	Name: "Nine Tail"
-	Lv: 72
-	Hp: 2783
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 976
-	JExp: 998
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [491, 50]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 840
-	AttackMotion: 540
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fox_Tail: 4656
-		Glass_Bead: 200
-		Old_Blue_Box: 100
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 100
-		Royal_Jelly: 250
-		Panacea: 350
-		Oridecon_Stone: 100
-		Nine_Tail_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1181
-	SpriteName: "ZOMBIE_DRAGON"
-	Name: "Fafnir"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 1000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 44550
-	JExp: 1485
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [7900, 1240]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 145
-		Vit: 145
-		Int: 145
-		Dex: 130
-		Luk: 120
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2700
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 500
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1182
-	SpriteName: "THIEF_MUSHROOM"
-	Name: "Thief Mushroom"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mushroom_Of_Thief_1: 3000
-		Mushroom_Of_Thief_2: 6000
-	}
-	Id: 1183
-	SpriteName: "CHONCHON_"
-	Name: "Chonchon"
-	Lv: 5
-	Hp: 63
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 36
-	JExp: 27
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [11, 3]
-	Def: 29
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 13
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 4
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 7
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1076
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 50
-		Shell: 5500
-		Jellopy: 1500
-		Cutter_: 55
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 100
-		Chonchon_Doll: 5
-		Chonchon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1184
-	SpriteName: "FABRE_"
-	Name: "Fabre"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 30
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [4, 3]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 2
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 4
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fluff: 2000
-		Feather: 250
-		Club_: 80
-		Azure_Jewel: 2
-		Green_Herb: 350
-		Clover: 500
-		Club: 200
-	}
-	Id: 1185
-	SpriteName: "WHISPER_"
-	Name: "Whisper"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 1796
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 483
-	JExp: 737
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [198, 41]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 51
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sparkling_Dust: 10
-		Transparent_Cloth: 100
-		Silver_Robe_: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1186
-	SpriteName: "WHISPER_BOSS"
-	Name: "Giant Whisper"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 2570
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 662
-	JExp: 710
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [296, 59]
-	Def: 94
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 44
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2536
-	AttackMotion: 1536
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sparkling_Dust: 150
-		Transparent_Cloth: 5335
-		Spirit_Chain: 1
-		Silver_Robe_: 10
-		Whisper_Boss_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1188
-	SpriteName: "BON_GUN"
-	Name: "Bongun"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 2510
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 558
-	JExp: 597
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [198, 29]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 37
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1720
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Short_Daenggie: 5500
-		Old_Portrait: 40
-		Worn_Out_Scroll: 60
-		Bongun_Hat: 1
-		Amulet: 15
-		Yellow_Herb: 1000
-		Yellow_Herb: 1250
-		Bon_Gun_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1189
-	SpriteName: "ORC_ARCHER"
-	Name: "Orc Archer"
-	Lv: 78
-	Hp: 4835
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1014
-	JExp: 1161
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [286, 43]
-	Def: 67
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sharpened_Cuspid: 4656
-		Steel_Arrow: 1000
-		Stone_Arrow: 2500
-		Arrow_Of_Wind: 2500
-		Orc_Archer_Bow: 2
-		Red_Herb: 1400
-		White_Herb: 900
-		Orc_Archer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1190
-	SpriteName: "ORC_LORD"
-	Name: "Orc Lord"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 552000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 156240
-	JExp: 122760
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [780, 648]
-	Def: 256
-	Mdef: 92
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 95
-		Agi: 95
-		Vit: 103
-		Int: 96
-		Dex: 155
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 31102
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Voucher_Of_Orcish_Hero: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Brood_Axe: 400
-		Ring_: 400
-		Loard_Circlet: 400
-		Doom_Slayer_: 400
-		Old_Violet_Box: 1000
-		Elunium: 4268
-		Erde: 3100
-		Orc_Load_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1191
-	SpriteName: "MIMIC"
-	Name: "Mimic"
-	Lv: 56
-	Hp: 1939
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 510
-	JExp: 548
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [232, 22]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 49
-		Agi: 120
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5
-		Old_Blue_Box: 45
-		Booby_Trap: 1200
-		Spectacles: 3000
-		Light_Granule: 1000
-		Rosary_: 1
-		Elunium_Stone: 270
-		Mimic_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1192
-	SpriteName: "WRAITH"
-	Name: "Wraith"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 5168
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1308
-	JExp: 1191
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [369, 61]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 91
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Transparent_Cloth: 5820
-		Wedding_Veil: 10
-		Manteau_: 2
-		Red_Gemstone: 650
-		Wing_Of_Butterfly: 1300
-		Manteau: 10
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 5
-		Wraith_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1193
-	SpriteName: "ALARM"
-	Name: "Alarm"
-	Lv: 88
-	Hp: 5562
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1366
-	JExp: 1398
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [319, 48]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Needle_Of_Alarm: 5335
-		Clip: 1
-		Skull: 1500
-		Spectacles: 1300
-		Oridecon: 105
-		Key_Of_Clock_Tower: 20
-		Zargon: 1500
-		Alarm_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1194
-	SpriteName: "ARCLOUSE"
-	Name: "Arclouse"
-	JName: "Arclouze"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 10020
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2212
-	JExp: 2607
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [350, 40]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 73
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 168
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Round_Shell: 3500
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Solid_Shell: 800
-		Zargon: 450
-		Red_Gemstone: 300
-		Great_Nature: 20
-		Zargon: 2500
-		Arclouse_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1195
-	SpriteName: "RIDEWORD"
-	Name: "Rideword"
-	Lv: 74
-	Hp: 3222
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 890
-	JExp: 1212
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [387, 22]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 44
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worn_Out_Page: 4850
-		Book_Of_Billows: 4
-		Book_Of_Mother_Earth: 4
-		Book_Of_Blazing_Sun: 2
-		Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind: 2
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 300
-		Old_Magic_Book: 20
-		Rideword_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1196
-	SpriteName: "SKEL_PRISONER"
-	Name: "Skeleton Prisoner"
-	Lv: 91
-	Hp: 9194
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1878
-	JExp: 1763
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [606, 55]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 1848
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Manacles: 3500
-		Spoon_Stub: 100
-		Formal_Suit: 1
-		Red_Gemstone: 600
-		Rotten_Bandage: 3500
-		Cuffs: 35
-		Mementos: 1500
-		Skel_Prisoner_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1197
-	Name: "Zombie Prisoner"
-	Lv: 89
-	Hp: 8045
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1604
-	JExp: 1647
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [392, 60]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 87
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 1768
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worn_Out_Prison_Uniform: 3500
-		Spoon_Stub: 105
-		Iron_Cane: 1
-		Red_Gemstone: 600
-		Rotten_Bandage: 3500
-		Cuffs: 39
-		Elunium: 112
-		Zombie_Prisoner_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1198
-	SpriteName: "DARK_PRIEST"
-	Name: "Dark Priest"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 12090
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 2916
-	JExp: 1667
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [462, 259]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 5
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 89
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 1252
-	DamageMotion: 476
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Book_Of_The_Apocalypse: 5
-		Rosary: 30
-		Blue_Potion: 100
-		Red_Gemstone: 450
-		Sacred_Marks: 1
-		Glittering_Clothes: 5
-		Skull: 3000
-		Dark_Priest_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1199
-	SpriteName: "PUNK"
-	Name: "Punk"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 3869
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1068
-	JExp: 1094
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [293, 54]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mould_Powder: 5335
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 800
-		Pacifier: 100
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 1000
-		Moth_Dust: 3000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1100
-		Hood_: 15
-		Punk_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1200
-	SpriteName: "ZHERLTHSH"
-	Name: "Zherlthsh"
-	JName: "Zealotus"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 61350
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9332
-	JExp: 6458
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [993, 250]
-	Def: 91
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 88
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 136
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 2112
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Executioners_Mitten: 5
-		Black_Butterfly_Mask: 10
-		Rose_Quartz: 1500
-		Tights_: 8
-		Earring_: 1
-		Queens_Whip: 100
-		Masquerade: 3
-		Zherlthsh_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1201
-	SpriteName: "RYBIO"
-	Name: "Rybio"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 8700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1890
-	JExp: 1942
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [720, 76]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 96
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1790
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Thin_N_Long_Tongue: 3880
-		Executioners_Mitten: 3
-		White_Herb: 1800
-		Oil_Bottle: 300
-		Frozen_Heart: 10
-		Oridecon: 100
-		Izidor: 30
-		Rybio_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1202
-	SpriteName: "PHENDARK"
-	Name: "Phendark"
-	Lv: 102
-	Hp: 11000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2388
-	JExp: 1882
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [872, 75]
-	Def: 440
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1744
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Thin_N_Long_Tongue: 3880
-		Executioners_Mitten: 4
-		White_Herb: 1800
-		Oridecon: 150
-		Electric_Wire: 100
-		Oil_Bottle: 500
-		Phendark_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1203
-	SpriteName: "MYSTELTAINN"
-	Name: "Mysteltainn"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 70000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 10294
-	JExp: 4987
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1079, 567]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 61
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 102
-		Agi: 139
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 182
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lokis_Whispers: 1
-		Biotite: 1500
-		Slayer_: 70
-		Bastard_Sword_: 40
-		Claymore: 2
-		Runstone_Mystic: 300
-		Oridecon: 243
-		Mysteltainn_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1204
-	SpriteName: "TIRFING"
-	Name: "Tirfing"
-	JName: "Ogretooth"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 59000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6948
-	JExp: 5009
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [948, 411]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 69
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 105
-		Agi: 105
-		Vit: 75
-		Int: 73
-		Dex: 151
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 816
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Hilt: 1
-		Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste: 50
-		Muscovite: 1500
-		Dagger_: 70
-		Stiletto_: 40
-		Steel: 120
-		Oridecon: 189
-		Tirfing_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1205
-	SpriteName: "EXECUTIONER"
-	Name: "Executioner"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 40200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5832
-	JExp: 3645
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [670, 359]
-	Def: 97
-	Mdef: 188
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 96
-		Vit: 77
-		Int: 78
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bloody_Edge: 5
-		Phlogopite: 1500
-		Lapier_: 80
-		Scimiter_: 60
-		Ring_Pommel_Saber_: 40
-		Steel: 120
-		Oridecon: 145
-		Executioner_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1206
-	SpriteName: "ANOLIAN"
-	Name: "Anolian"
-	Lv: 109
-	Hp: 15547
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3516
-	JExp: 2223
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [650, 110]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 130
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 70
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 900
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Anolian_Skin: 4850
-		Crystal_Arrow: 2000
-		Royal_Jelly: 5
-		Red_Muffler: 10
-		Carga_Mace: 1
-		Brooch_: 1
-		Oridecon: 134
-		Anolian_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1207
-	SpriteName: "STING"
-	Name: "Sting"
-	Lv: 104
-	Hp: 10143
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2606
-	JExp: 1629
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [794, 67]
-	Def: 146
-	Mdef: 34
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 108
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 68
-		Int: 34
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 24
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 528
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mud_Lump: 4850
-		Stone_Arrow: 1500
-		Glove_: 1
-		Coal: 130
-		Great_Nature: 25
-		Silk_Ribbon: 10
-		Explosive_Powder: 800
-		Sting_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1208
-	SpriteName: "WANDER_MAN"
-	Name: "Wander Man"
-	JName: "Wanderer"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 19307
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4406
-	JExp: 3726
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1695, 105]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 92
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 169
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skull: 4850
-		Old_Card_Album: 1
-		Hakujin_: 5
-		Centimental_Leaf: 5
-		Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: 650
-		Oridecon: 217
-		Muramasa: 1
-		Wander_Man_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1209
-	SpriteName: "CRAMP"
-	Name: "Cramp"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 3898
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1068
-	JExp: 1094
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [435, 48]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Claw_Of_Rat: 4656
-		Monsters_Feed: 1000
-		Blue_Jewel: 80
-		Glass_Bead: 110
-		Lemon: 250
-		Blue_Herb: 70
-		Oridecon: 95
-		Cramp_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1210
-	SpriteName: "FILAMENTOUS"
-	Name: "Filamentous"
-	Lv: 51
-	Hp: 6088
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1926
-	JExp: 1353
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [425, 525]
-	Def: 35
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Stiff_Horn: 4850
-		Horn: 8000
-		Solid_Shell: 3880
-		Yellow_Live: 200
-		Guisarme: 40
-		Elunium_Stone: 18
-		White_Herb: 1600
-		Horn_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1211
-	SpriteName: "BRILIGHT"
-	Name: "Brilight"
-	Lv: 71
-	Hp: 2772
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 812
-	JExp: 831
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [337, 33]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 51
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Glitter_Shell: 5335
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 200
-		Zargon: 1200
-		Light_Granule: 100
-		Elunium_Stone: 220
-		Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: 250
-		White_Herb: 2600
-		Brilight_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1212
-	SpriteName: "IRON_FIST"
-	Name: "Iron Fist"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 4221
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1292
-	JExp: 1368
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [430, 160]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 15
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tail_Of_Steel_Scorpion: 5335
-		Elunium_Stone: 229
-		Elunium_Stone: 22
-		Iron_Ore: 750
-		Steel: 180
-		Iron: 300
-		Iron_Fist_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1213
-	SpriteName: "HIGH_ORC"
-	Name: "High Orc"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 4193
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1208
-	JExp: 1158
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [428, 50]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ogre_Tooth: 2500
-		Orcish_Axe: 10
-		Steel: 90
-		Orcish_Voucher: 7500
-		Zargon: 1300
-		Oridecon_Stone: 196
-		Yellow_Herb: 900
-		High_Orc_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1214
-	SpriteName: "CHOCO"
-	Name: "Choco"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1080
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 369
-	JExp: 414
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [120, 47]
-	Def: 70
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 19
-		Dex: 42
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1028
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Claw_Of_Monkey: 5335
-		Yoyo_Tail: 7000
-		Elunium: 53
-		Banana: 5000
-		Tropical_Banana: 20
-		Banana_Juice: 1000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 25
-		Choco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1215
-	SpriteName: "STEM_WORM"
-	Name: "Stem Worm"
-	Lv: 84
-	Hp: 4530
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1188
-	JExp: 1215
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [293, 41]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 47
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1956
-	AttackMotion: 756
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tough_Scalelike_Stem: 5335
-		White_Herb: 1800
-		Jump_Rope: 10
-		Oridecon_Stone: 115
-		Great_Nature: 5
-		Glaive: 20
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 45
-		Stem_Worm_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1216
-	SpriteName: "PENOMENA"
-	Name: "Penomena"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 4589
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1528
-	JExp: 1556
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [481, 41]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 832
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Coral_Reef: 4850
-		Tentacle: 8000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 7000
-		Panacea: 200
-		Violet_Jewel: 15
-		Katar_Of_Raging_Blaze: 1
-		Red_Gemstone: 550
-		Penomena_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1219
-	SpriteName: "KNIGHT_OF_ABYSS"
-	Name: "Knight of Abyss"
-	JName: "Abysmal Knight"
-	Lv: 122
-	Hp: 23297
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6212
-	JExp: 4212
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1734, 192]
-	Def: 102
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 55
-		Vit: 68
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 136
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Reins: 5335
-		Blade_Lost_In_Darkness: 5
-		Clothes_Of_The_Lord: 1
-		Battle_Hook: 25
-		Broad_Sword_: 1
-		Elunium: 369
-		Ebone_Armor: 10
-		Knight_Of_Abyss_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1220
-	SpriteName: "M_DESERT_WOLF"
-	Name: "Desert Wolf"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 9447
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 349
-	JExp: 218
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [254, 313]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 93
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Katar_: 5
-		Claw_Of_Desert_Wolf: 5500
-		Mink_Coat: 1
-		Meat: 1200
-		Claw_Of_Wolves: 2000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 53
-		Desert_Wolf_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1221
-	SpriteName: "M_SAVAGE"
-	Name: "Savage"
-	Lv: 26
-	Hp: 2092
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 321
-	JExp: 203
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [146, 177]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 54
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 37
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wild_Boars_Mane: 6000
-		Grape: 150
-		Animal_Blood: 3
-		Eagle_Eyes: 2
-		Anodyne: 15
-		Elunium_Stone: 70
-		Savage_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1222
-	SpriteName: "L_HIGH_ORC"
-	Name: "High Orc"
-	Lv: 52
-	Hp: 6890
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 2128
-	JExp: 1490
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [428, 533]
-	Def: 15
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ogre_Tooth: 2500
-		Orcish_Axe: 10
-		Steel: 120
-		Orcish_Voucher: 8000
-		Zargon: 1600
-		Oridecon_Stone: 196
-		Yellow_Herb: 1100
-		Orc_Warrior_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1223
-	SpriteName: "L_ORC"
-	Name: "Orc"
-	Lv: 24
-	Hp: 1400
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 261
-	JExp: 160
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [114, 136]
-	Def: 10
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 210
-		Orcish_Voucher: 5500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 40
-		Cigar: 3
-		Battle_Axe_: 10
-		Orcish_Axe: 5
-		Axe: 100
-		Orc_Warrior_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1224
-	SpriteName: "L_POISON_SPORE"
-	Name: "Poison Spore"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 665
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 169
-	JExp: 85
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [89, 101]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mushroom_Spore: 8000
-		Hat_: 20
-		Green_Herb: 650
-		Blue_Herb: 55
-		Karvodailnirol: 35
-		Poison_Spore_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1225
-	SpriteName: "L_CHOCO"
-	Name: "Choco"
-	Lv: 43
-	Hp: 4278
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1150
-	JExp: 1150
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [315, 402]
-	Def: 5
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 65
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Claw_Of_Monkey: 5335
-		Yoyo_Tail: 7000
-		Yellow_Herb: 1900
-		Banana: 5000
-		Mink_Coat: 2
-		Banana_Juice: 1000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 25
-		Yoyo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1226
-	SpriteName: "L_KOBOLD"
-	Name: "Kobold"
-	Lv: 36
-	Hp: 3893
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 898
-	JExp: 568
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [265, 318]
-	Def: 15
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1028
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 90
-		Cobold_Hair: 5820
-		Zargon: 750
-		Elunium: 25
-		Gladius_: 2
-		Buckler_: 5
-		Kobold_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1227
-	SpriteName: "L_GOBLIN"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 25
-	Hp: 1176
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 282
-	JExp: 171
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [118, 140]
-	Def: 10
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 38
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 270
-		Scell: 1200
-		Oridecon_Stone: 43
-		Goblini_Mask: 3
-		Dirk_: 10
-		Buckler_: 5
-		Red_Herb: 800
-		Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1228
-	SpriteName: "L_PHEN"
-	Name: "Phen"
-	Lv: 26
-	Hp: 3347
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 357
-	JExp: 226
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [138, 150]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 26
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 75
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 2544
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 1152
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fish_Tail: 6000
-		Sharp_Scale: 2300
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 8
-		Meat: 1100
-		Fin: 550
-		Oridecon_Stone: 25
-		Phen_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1229
-	SpriteName: "META_FABRE"
-	Name: "Fabre"
-	Lv: 2
-	Hp: 63
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3
-	JExp: 2
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 11]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 2
-		Vit: 4
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 7
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fluff: 6500
-		Feather: 600
-		Club_: 80
-		Azure_Jewel: 8
-		Green_Herb: 750
-		Clover: 1500
-		Club: 200
-		Fabre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1230
-	SpriteName: "META_PUPA"
-	Name: "Pupa"
-	Lv: 2
-	Hp: 427
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2
-	JExp: 4
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 2]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1001
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 300
-		Chrysalis: 6000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 700
-		Guard_: 2
-		Shell: 1300
-		Sticky_Mucus: 700
-		Iron_Ore: 300
-		Pupa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1231
-	SpriteName: "META_CREAMY"
-	Name: "Creamy"
-	Lv: 16
-	Hp: 595
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 86
-	JExp: 58
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [53, 64]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 16
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 16
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1220
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Powder_Of_Butterfly: 6000
-		Silk_Robe_: 10
-		Honey: 180
-		Wing_Of_Butterfly: 200
-		Fancy_Flower: 4
-		Flower: 800
-		Creamy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1232
-	Name: "Peco Peco Egg"
-	Lv: 3
-	Hp: 420
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4
-	JExp: 4
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 2]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1001
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 120
-		Shell: 1500
-		Guard_: 2
-		Red_Herb: 450
-		Red_Herb: 450
-		Empty_Bottle: 2000
-		White_Platter: 15
-		Pecopeco_Egg_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1233
-	Name: "Peco Peco"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 531
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 159
-	JExp: 36
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [50, 64]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 13
-		Vit: 13
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 27
-		Luk: 9
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1564
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bill_Of_Birds: 6000
-		Sandals_: 20
-		Yellow_Herb: 55
-		Red_Herb: 950
-		Wand: 100
-		Orange: 1000
-		Pecopeco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1234
-	SpriteName: "PROVOKE_YOYO"
-	Name: "Yoyo"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 879
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 122
-	JExp: 77
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [71, 82]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 32
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1054
-	AttackMotion: 54
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yoyo_Tail: 6000
-		Cacao: 500
-		Yellow_Herb: 130
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Monkey_Doll: 7
-		Strawberry: 500
-		Orange: 1000
-		Yoyo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1235
-	SpriteName: "SMOKING_ORC"
-	Name: "Smoking Orc"
-	Lv: 24
-	Hp: 1400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 235
-	JExp: 144
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [114, 136]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 210
-		Orcish_Voucher: 5500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 40
-		Cigar: 3
-		Battle_Axe_: 10
-		Orcish_Axe: 5
-		Axe: 100
-		Orc_Warrior_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1236
-	SpriteName: "META_ANT_EGG"
-	Name: "Ant Egg"
-	Lv: 4
-	Hp: 420
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5
-	JExp: 4
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 2]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1001
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 135
-		Shell: 2740
-		Jellopy: 3000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 750
-		Empty_Bottle: 2000
-		Iron_Ore: 220
-		Andre_Egg_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1237
-	SpriteName: "META_ANDRE"
-	Name: "Andre"
-	Lv: 17
-	Hp: 688
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 98
-	JExp: 64
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [60, 71]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 26
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 6000
-		Garlet: 3000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		Shell: 3000
-		Sparkling_Dust: 6
-		Iron_Ore: 350
-		Elunium_Stone: 28
-		Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1238
-	SpriteName: "META_PIERE"
-	Name: "Piere"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 733
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 110
-	JExp: 70
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [64, 75]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 18
-		Vit: 26
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 27
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 5700
-		Garlet: 1100
-		Sticky_Mucus: 600
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 15
-		Sparkling_Dust: 5
-		Iron_Ore: 400
-		Elunium_Stone: 31
-		Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1239
-	SpriteName: "META_DENIRO"
-	Name: "Deniro"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 760
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 122
-	JExp: 77
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [68, 79]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 43
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 6000
-		Garlet: 3000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1200
-		Boody_Red: 45
-		Sparkling_Dust: 8
-		Iron_Ore: 450
-		Elunium_Stone: 34
-		Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1240
-	SpriteName: "META_PICKY"
-	Name: "Picky"
-	Lv: 3
-	Hp: 80
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4
-	JExp: 3
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [9, 12]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 3
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 10
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 988
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 168
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 6500
-		Feather: 850
-		Cotton_Shirt_: 150
-		Red_Herb: 650
-		Milk: 350
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 60
-		Picky_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1241
-	SpriteName: "META_PICKY_"
-	Name: "Picky"
-	Lv: 4
-	Hp: 83
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5
-	JExp: 4
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 11]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 3
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 11
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 988
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 168
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 6500
-		Feather: 850
-		Egg_Shell: 7
-		Red_Herb: 750
-		Milk: 350
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 60
-		Picky__Card: 1
-	}
-// Lutie (2.0)
-	Id: 1242
-	SpriteName: "MARIN"
-	Name: "Marin"
-	Lv: 37
-	Hp: 987
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 282
-	JExp: 317
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [69, 14]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 24
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Garlet: 3200
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1500
-		Cold_Scroll_2_1: 100
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 40
-		Blue_Herb: 75
-		Candy: 350
-		Poring_Hat: 1
-		Marin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1243
-	SpriteName: "SASQUATCH"
-	Name: "Sasquatch"
-	Lv: 72
-	Hp: 3163
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 842
-	JExp: 860
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [293, 30]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 71
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 192
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 750
-		White_Herb: 800
-		Feather: 1000
-		Panda_Cap: 1
-		Bears_Foot: 5000
-		White_Jewel: 30
-		Elunium_Stone: 90
-		Sasquatch_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1244
-	SpriteName: "JAKK_XMAS"
-	Name: "Christmas Jakk"
-	Lv: 63
-	Hp: 2054
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1052
-	JExp: 619
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [229, 37]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1180
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pumpkin_Head: 5335
-		Zargon: 900
-		Elunium: 31
-		Tights_: 5
-		Gift_Box: 20
-		Packing_Paper: 1200
-		Packing_Ribbon: 1200
-		Jakk_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1245
-	SpriteName: "GOBLINE_XMAS"
-	Name: "Christmas Goblin"
-	Lv: 25
-	Hp: 1176
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 254
-	JExp: 154
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [118, 22]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 38
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Packing_Ribbon: 550
-		Packing_Paper: 550
-		Oridecon_Stone: 43
-		Gift_Box: 10
-		Dirk_: 10
-		Buckler_: 5
-		Santas_Hat: 10
-		Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1246
-	SpriteName: "COOKIE_XMAS"
-	Name: "Christmas Cookie"
-	Lv: 37
-	Hp: 733
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 282
-	JExp: 317
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [70, 35]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 21
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 25
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Well_Baked_Cookie: 1500
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 45
-		Zargon: 200
-		Hood_: 25
-		Gift_Box: 5
-		Cold_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Red_Herb: 1700
-		Cookie_XMAS_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1247
-	SpriteName: "ANTONIO"
-	Name: "Antonio"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 2
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [13, 8]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Plant: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Socks_With_Holes: 10000
-		Gift_Box: 2000
-		Candy: 10000
-		Fire_Cracker_Xmas: 10000
-		Sweet_Candy_Striper: 2000
-		Red_Bag: 2000
-		Buche_De_Noel: 200
-		Red_Bag: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1248
-	SpriteName: "CRUISER"
-	Name: "Cruiser"
-	Lv: 41
-	Hp: 919
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 288
-	JExp: 324
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [55, 20]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 17
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 23
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1296
-	AttackMotion: 1296
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Manacles: 900
-		Holy_Bonnet: 2
-		Iron: 320
-		Rough_Wind: 5
-		Scell: 3500
-		Branch: 5
-		Oridecon_Stone: 87
-		Cruiser_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1249
-	SpriteName: "MYSTCASE"
-	Name: "Myst Case"
-	Lv: 39
-	Hp: 879
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 288
-	JExp: 324
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [68, 21]
-	Def: 50
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 26
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Candy_Striper: 90
-		Light_Granule: 10
-		Old_Blue_Box: 20
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 800
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 150
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 5
-		Candy: 340
-		Mystcase_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1250
-	SpriteName: "CHEPET"
-	Name: "Chepet"
-	Lv: 42
-	Hp: 4950
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1315
-	JExp: 1854
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [79, 33]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 21
-		Dex: 32
-		Luk: 23
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Matchstick: 2500
-		Zargon: 750
-		Apple: 5500
-		Unripe_Apple: 40
-		Red_Muffler: 5
-		Yellow_Herb: 1300
-		Ragamuffin_Cape: 5
-		Chepet_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1251
-	Name: "Knight of Windstorm"
-	JName: "Stormy Knight"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 630500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 496560
-	JExp: 302200
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3480, 1433]
-	Def: 306
-	Mdef: 166
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 165
-		Vit: 132
-		Int: 104
-		Dex: 205
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 468
-	AttackMotion: 468
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 206900
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 4500
-		Boots_: 500
-		Mistic_Frozen: 3000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Zephyrus: 150
-		Old_Blue_Box: 3000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 4000
-		Ring_: 200
-		Manteau_: 500
-		Elunium: 4559
-		Loard_Circlet: 1
-		Knight_Windstorm_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1252
-	SpriteName: "GARM"
-	Name: "Garm"
-	JName: "Hatii"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 1275500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 910656
-	JExp: 613800
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2421, 1733]
-	Def: 173
-	Mdef: 103
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 153
-		Vit: 135
-		Int: 116
-		Dex: 175
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 608
-	AttackMotion: 408
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 379440
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Fang_Of_Garm: 1000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 3000
-		Mistic_Frozen: 3000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Fang_Of_Garm: 5500
-		Ice_Falchon: 150
-		Katar_Of_Cold_Icicle: 500
-		Claw_Of_Garm: 500
-		Elunium: 3977
-		Oridecon: 2900
-		Garm_Card: 1
-	}
-// Comodo (3.0)
-	Id: 1253
-	SpriteName: "GARGOYLE"
-	Name: "Gargoyle"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 8772
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2280
-	JExp: 1425
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [498, 89]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 3880
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: 500
-		Elven_Bow: 6
-		Thimble_Of_Archer: 1
-		Silence_Arrow: 2000
-		Elunium_Stone: 238
-		Gargoyle_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1254
-	SpriteName: "RAGGLER"
-	Name: "Raggler"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1148
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 369
-	JExp: 414
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [72, 39]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 54
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 3000
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 5000
-		Center_Potion: 200
-		Grape: 200
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 90
-		Goggle_: 7
-		Oridecon_Stone: 32
-		Raggler_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1255
-	SpriteName: "NERAID"
-	Name: "Neraid"
-	JName: "Nereid"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 9550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1890
-	JExp: 1181
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [255, 71]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 776
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Earthworm_Peeling: 5100
-		Cyfar: 1000
-		Blue_Herb: 230
-		Whip_Of_Ice_Piece: 10
-		Grape: 250
-		Elunium_Stone: 180
-		Elunium: 37
-		Neraid_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1256
-	SpriteName: "PEST"
-	Name: "Pest"
-	Lv: 89
-	Hp: 5747
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1474
-	JExp: 1509
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [334, 48]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 73
-		Agi: 77
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 700
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Earthworm_Peeling: 5500
-		Brigan: 200
-		Animal_Blood: 10
-		Anodyne: 100
-		Red_Gemstone: 250
-		Oridecon_Stone: 115
-		Pest_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1257
-	SpriteName: "INJUSTICE"
-	Name: "Injustice"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 7952
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1888
-	JExp: 1997
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [447, 116]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 770
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 300
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Cyfar: 3500
-		Padded_Armor_: 5
-		Plate_Armor: 2
-		Prohibition_Red_Candle: 2
-		Jamadhar_: 2
-		Injustice_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1258
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_ARCHER"
-	Name: "Goblin Archer"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 1575
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 472
-	JExp: 507
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [100, 24]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 53
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1172
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Goblini_Mask: 3
-		Iron: 250
-		Scell: 1000
-		Oridecon_Arrow: 3000
-		Red_Herb: 600
-		Composite_Bow_: 25
-		Grape: 300
-		Goblin_Archer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1259
-	SpriteName: "GRYPHON"
-	Name: "Gryphon"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 60720
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 11292
-	JExp: 5808
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1432, 103]
-	Def: 113
-	Mdef: 72
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 101
-		Agi: 133
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 164
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 704
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Talon_Of_Griffin: 2500
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Soft_Feather: 120
-		Guisarme_: 1500
-		Pole_Axe: 1
-		Oridecon: 185
-		Rough_Wind: 150
-		Gryphon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1260
-	SpriteName: "DARK_FRAME"
-	Name: "Dark Frame"
-	Lv: 76
-	Hp: 3520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1090
-	JExp: 1115
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [350, 30]
-	Def: 67
-	Mdef: 27
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 920
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 200
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 4656
-		Red_Frame: 1000
-		Manteau: 30
-		Star_Crumb: 80
-		Crystal_Mirror: 3
-		Dark_Frame_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1261
-	SpriteName: "WILD_ROSE"
-	Name: "Wild Rose"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 2682
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 756
-	JExp: 1110
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [147, 45]
-	Def: 75
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 69
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 964
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 5335
-		Witherless_Rose: 50
-		Fruit_Shell: 120
-		Thief_Clothes_: 1
-		Rotten_Fish: 35
-		Monsters_Feed: 600
-		Big_Sis_Ribbon: 2
-		Wild_Rose_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1262
-	SpriteName: "MUTANT_DRAGON"
-	Name: "Mutant Dragon"
-	JName: "Mutant Dragonoid"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 50706
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3826
-	JExp: 12830
-	AttackRange: 4
-	Attack: [1176, 534]
-	Def: 130
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 68
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1280
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Dragon_Canine: 500
-		Dragon_Scale: 500
-		Rotten_Bandage: 500
-		Legacy_Of_Dragon: 100
-		Pyroxene: 1500
-		Dragon_Breath: 50
-		Mutant_Dragon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1263
-	SpriteName: "WIND_GHOST"
-	Name: "Wind Ghost"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 4008
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1010
-	JExp: 1334
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [182, 95]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1056
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 4559
-		Skel_Bone: 6000
-		Skull: 500
-		Wind_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Arc_Wand_: 8
-		Rough_Wind: 100
-		Bone_Wand: 1
-		Wind_Ghost_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1264
-	SpriteName: "MERMAN"
-	Name: "Merman"
-	Lv: 60
-	Hp: 2940
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 646
-	JExp: 692
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [131, 32]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 45
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 19
-		Dex: 55
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 916
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish: 1300
-		Plate_Armor_: 2
-		Lemon: 400
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 40
-		Mistic_Frozen: 35
-		Trident: 3
-		Oridecon_Stone: 203
-		Merman_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1265
-	SpriteName: "COOKIE"
-	Name: "Cookie"
-	Lv: 35
-	Hp: 666
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 234
-	JExp: 264
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [59, 25]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 12
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1036
-	AttackMotion: 936
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Well_Baked_Cookie: 1000
-		Candy_Striper: 150
-		Light_Granule: 5
-		Great_Chef_Orleans01: 50
-		Sandals_: 30
-		Holy_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Candy: 320
-		Cookie_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1266
-	SpriteName: "ASTER"
-	Name: "Aster"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 1509
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 424
-	JExp: 455
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [89, 22]
-	Def: 70
-	Mdef: 7
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 41
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 15
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1264
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 216
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Mucus: 500
-		Coral_Reef: 40
-		Single_Cell: 1200
-		Yellow_Herb: 200
-		Zargon: 60
-		Apple: 100
-		Aster_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1267
-	SpriteName: "CARAT"
-	Name: "Carat"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 9222
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2332
-	JExp: 1458
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [777, 76]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 67
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 102
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1078
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 3200
-		Ice_Cream: 1000
-		Spiky_Heel: 5
-		Joker_Jester: 1
-		White_Herb: 1450
-		Carat_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1268
-	SpriteName: "BLOODY_KNIGHT"
-	Name: "Bloody Knight"
-	Lv: 116
-	Hp: 68500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9552
-	JExp: 6511
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1319, 123]
-	Def: 122
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 132
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 828
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Helm_: 45
-		Plate_Armor_: 5
-		Strong_Shield: 62
-		Katzbalger: 1
-		Pole_Axe: 2
-		Ebone_Armor: 5
-		Bloody_Knight_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1269
-	SpriteName: "CLOCK"
-	Name: "Clock"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 5556
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1354
-	JExp: 1158
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [443, 53]
-	Def: 91
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 41
-		Dex: 97
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1092
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Needle_Of_Alarm: 5335
-		Wooden_Block: 800
-		White_Herb: 1900
-		Lemon: 320
-		Key_Of_Clock_Tower: 30
-		Underground_Key: 30
-		Elunium: 163
-		Clock_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1270
-	SpriteName: "C_TOWER_MANAGER"
-	Name: "Clock Tower Manager"
-	JName: "Tower Keeper"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1436
-	JExp: 1467
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [427, 70]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 80
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Needle_Of_Alarm: 5335
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Steel: 500
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 850
-		Memorize_Book: 1
-		Key_Of_Clock_Tower: 2000
-		Underground_Key: 2000
-		C_Tower_Manager_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1271
-	SpriteName: "ALLIGATOR"
-	Name: "Alligator"
-	Lv: 57
-	Hp: 2430
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 510
-	JExp: 548
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [158, 37]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 47
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 40
-		Luk: 26
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1100
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 1000
-		Worn_Out_Prison_Uniform: 600
-		Anolian_Skin: 2000
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 50
-		Oridecon_Stone: 129
-		Alligator_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1272
-	SpriteName: "DARK_LORD"
-	Name: "Dark Lord"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 1190900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 857088
-	JExp: 558000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3935, 2585]
-	Def: 330
-	Mdef: 168
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 136
-		Vit: 154
-		Int: 142
-		Dex: 193
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 868
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 357120
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Skull: 6000
-		Blue_Coif_: 500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Bone_Wand: 800
-		Kronos: 100
-		Grimtooth_: 300
-		Mage_Coat: 300
-		Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord: 100
-		Elunium: 5141
-		Bone_Helm_: 10
-		Dark_Lord_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1273
-	SpriteName: "ORC_LADY"
-	Name: "Orc Lady"
-	Lv: 45
-	Hp: 1520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 380
-	JExp: 435
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [77, 33]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 36
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1050
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 4656
-		Puente_Robe: 3
-		Earring: 1
-		Wedding_Veil: 1
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 10
-		Cookbook06: 3
-		Wedding_Dress: 1
-		Orc_Lady_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1274
-	SpriteName: "MEGALITH"
-	Name: "Megalith"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 2451
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 624
-	JExp: 669
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [122, 30]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1332
-	AttackMotion: 1332
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 100
-		Stone: 1000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 1
-		Elunium: 61
-		Elunium_Stone: 207
-		Megalith_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1275
-	SpriteName: "ALICE"
-	Name: "Alice"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 9230
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1956
-	JExp: 1222
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [514, 98]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 73
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 82
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 96
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 502
-	AttackMotion: 1999
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Alices_Apron: 2500
-		Old_Broom: 40
-		Chrystal_Pumps: 3
-		Rotha_Shield: 2
-		Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon: 1
-		Imperial_Cooking_Kits: 10
-		Holy_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Alice_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1276
-	SpriteName: "RAYDRIC_ARCHER"
-	Name: "Raydric Archer"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 4437
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1154
-	JExp: 1332
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [415, 18]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 53
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 134
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 4656
-		Chain_Mail_: 2
-		Claire_Suits: 5
-		Incisive_Arrow: 2000
-		Arbalest_: 3
-		Elunium: 106
-		Raydric_Archer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1277
-	Name: "Greatest General"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 1575
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 510
-	JExp: 548
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [226, 26]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 2000
-		Wooden_Block: 2000
-		Club: 100
-		Inspector_Certificate: 300
-		Stop_Post: 1
-		Yellow_Herb: 250
-		Earth_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Greatest_General_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1278
-	Name: "Stalactic Golem"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 2590
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 708
-	JExp: 759
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [358, 21]
-	Def: 230
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 69
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1264
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mud_Lump: 2000
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Star_Crumb: 250
-		Great_Nature: 30
-		Elunium_Stone: 250
-		Round_Buckler: 5
-		Elunium: 163
-		Stalactic_Golem_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1279
-	SpriteName: "TRI_JOINT"
-	Name: "Tri Joint"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 2530
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 364
-	JExp: 297
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [292, 28]
-	Def: 22
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 860
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 624
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 100
-		Solid_Shell: 380
-		Aloebera: 200
-		Yellow_Live: 160
-		Sparkling_Dust: 140
-		Elunium_Stone: 106
-		Tri_Joint_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1280
-	SpriteName: "STEAM_GOBLIN"
-	Name: "Steam Goblin"
-	JName: "Goblin Steamrider"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 2241
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 714
-	JExp: 765
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [294, 35]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 90
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scell: 2500
-		Cyfar: 3880
-		Iron: 300
-		Steel: 55
-		Coal: 320
-		The_Garrison: 5
-		Elunium_Stone: 124
-		Steam_Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1281
-	SpriteName: "SAGEWORM"
-	Name: "Sage Worm"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 2872
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 756
-	JExp: 810
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [166, 121]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 39
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 71
-		Dex: 48
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 936
-	AttackMotion: 936
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Librarian_Glove: 5
-		Worn_Out_Page: 1000
-		Earthworm_Peeling: 3000
-		Fire_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Fashionable_Glasses: 10
-		Cold_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Ph_D_Hat: 1
-		Sageworm_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1282
-	SpriteName: "KOBOLD_ARCHER"
-	Name: "Kobold Archer"
-	Lv: 108
-	Hp: 11053
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2592
-	JExp: 2620
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [762, 33]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 124
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 250
-		Steel: 60
-		Cobold_Hair: 4850
-		Ear_Of_Puppy: 50
-		Poison_Arrow: 2000
-		CrossBow_: 5
-		Oridecon_Stone: 79
-		Kobold_Archer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1283
-	SpriteName: "CHIMERA"
-	Name: "Chimera"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 26406
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5426
-	JExp: 4698
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1029, 148]
-	Def: 159
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 110
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 91
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 772
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Slender_Snake: 2500
-		Lemon: 1000
-		War_Axe: 1
-		Citrine: 1500
-		Great_Axe: 1
-		Oridecon: 160
-		Chimera_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1284
-	SpriteName: "HUGELING"
-	Name: "Hugeling"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 5000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 2
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 4
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Apple: 100
-		Apple: 100
-		Apple: 100
-		Apple: 100
-		Apple: 100
-		Apple: 100
-		Apple: 100
-		Apple: 100
-	}
-// War Of Emperium & Guild Dungeon (4.1)
-	Id: 1285
-	Name: "Archer Guardian"
-	Lv: 74
-	Hp: 28634
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 12
-	Attack: [1232, 480]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 95
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 90
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 265
-	AttackDelay: 1200
-	AttackMotion: 1200
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1286
-	Name: "Knight Guardian"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 30214
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1408, 280]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 110
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 140
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 150
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 275
-	AttackDelay: 1200
-	AttackMotion: 1200
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1287
-	Name: "Soldier Guardian"
-	Lv: 56
-	Hp: 15670
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [873, 163]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 100
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 103
-		Luk: 43
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 265
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1288
-	SpriteName: "EMPELIUM"
-	Name: "Emperium"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [66, 13]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-		NoKnockback: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1289
-	SpriteName: "MAYA_PUPLE"
-	Name: "Maya Purple"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 77670
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12884
-	JExp: 6516
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1592, 553]
-	Def: 139
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 95
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 95
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 119
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1024
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 4413
-		Elunium_Stone: 250
-		Oridecon_Stone: 300
-		Gold: 100
-		Oridecon: 150
-		Queens_Hair_Ornament: 1
-		Cookbook10: 2
-		Maya_Puple_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1290
-	Name: "Skeleton General"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 180130
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 10614
-	JExp: 10115
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1317, 1701]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 72
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 52
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 101
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burn_Tree: 2550
-		Oridecon_Stone: 160
-		Yellow_Herb: 800
-		Gladius_: 35
-		Gladius: 80
-		Sandstorm: 15
-		Ghost_Bandana: 1
-		Skeleton_General_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1291
-	SpriteName: "WRAITH_DEAD"
-	Name: "Wraith Dead"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 25990
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 3802
-	JExp: 3410
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1002, 160]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 56
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Transparent_Cloth: 4413
-		Wedding_Veil: 10
-		Manteau_: 8
-		Red_Gemstone: 700
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5
-		Old_Blue_Box: 4
-		Lemon: 300
-		Wraith_Dead_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1292
-	SpriteName: "MINI_DEMON"
-	Name: "Mini Demon"
-	Lv: 117
-	Hp: 19402
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3510
-	JExp: 2025
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [938, 114]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 130
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 111
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Horn: 4413
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: 450
-		Satanic_Chain: 3
-		Elunium_Stone: 160
-		Zargon: 2500
-		Sacred_Marks: 10
-		Ahlspiess: 5
-		Mini_Demon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1293
-	SpriteName: "CREMY_FEAR"
-	Name: "Creamy Fear"
-	Lv: 117
-	Hp: 25084
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1901
-	JExp: 1608
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [757, 110]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 49
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1136
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 840
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Powder_Of_Butterfly: 4550
-		Silver_Robe_: 10
-		Honey: 550
-		Wing_Of_Butterfly: 200
-		Book: 8
-		Icarus_Wing: 5
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 50
-		Cremy_Fear_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1294
-	SpriteName: "KILLER_MANTIS"
-	Name: "Killer Mantis"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 180141
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 11303
-	JExp: 10301
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1521, 1201]
-	Def: 107
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 82
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Limb_Of_Mantis: 4550
-		Solid_Shell: 2500
-		Azure_Jewel: 10
-		White_Herb: 15
-		Grape: 25
-		Nail_Of_Loki: 1
-		Mirror_Shield_: 1
-		Killer_Mantis_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1295
-	SpriteName: "OWL_BARON"
-	Name: "Owl Baron"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 21000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3954
-	JExp: 2282
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [629, 201]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 72
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 102
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1345
-	AttackMotion: 824
-	DamageMotion: 440
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tatters_Clothes: 3500
-		Soft_Feather: 2500
-		Kakkung_: 2
-		Staff_Of_Soul: 1
-		Walking_Stick: 2
-		Wind_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Magician_Hat: 5
-		Owl_Baron_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1296
-	SpriteName: "KOBOLD_LEADER"
-	Name: "Kobold Leader"
-	Lv: 112
-	Hp: 13520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3436
-	JExp: 2383
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [995, 96]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 135
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 68
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 116
-		Luk: 47
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1028
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 450
-		Cobold_Hair: 6305
-		Zargon: 1200
-		Flail_: 6
-		Mighty_Staff: 2
-		Panacea: 150
-		Royal_Jelly: 100
-		Kobold_Leader_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1297
-	SpriteName: "ANCIENT_MUMMY"
-	Name: "Ancient Mummy"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 27157
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5334
-	JExp: 3199
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [981, 200]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 57
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 69
-		Dex: 157
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 120
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Bandage: 4413
-		Mementos: 1800
-		Glove_: 1
-		Silver_Ring: 150
-		Runstone_Ancient: 10
-		Oridecon_Stone: 150
-		Elunium_Stone: 100
-		Ancient_Mummy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1298
-	SpriteName: "ZOMBIE_MASTER"
-	Name: "Zombie Master"
-	Lv: 119
-	Hp: 25510
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1802
-	JExp: 3502
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [824, 151]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 49
-		Dex: 86
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 2612
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tatters_Clothes: 4413
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1500
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 1500
-		Cardinal_Jewel: 200
-		White_Jewel: 100
-		Ghoul_Leg: 1
-		Tatters_Clothes: 2
-		Zombie_Master_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1299
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_LEADER"
-	Name: "Goblin Leader"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 21692
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4672
-	JExp: 5007
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [173, 49]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 67
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 23
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 1500
-		Steel: 800
-		Oridecon_Stone: 120
-		Goblin_Mask_04: 50
-		Shield_: 2
-		Yellow_Herb: 650
-		Angry_Mouth: 10
-		Goblin_Leader_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1300
-	SpriteName: "CATERPILLAR"
-	Name: "Caterpillar"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 25656
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1950
-	JExp: 1650
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1007, 125]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 54
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Feather: 3000
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Twilight_Desert: 20
-		Star_Crumb: 100
-		Great_Nature: 50
-		Old_Blue_Box: 4
-		Yellow_Herb: 500
-		Caterpillar_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1301
-	SpriteName: "AM_MUT"
-	Name: "Am Mut"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 181487
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 10014
-	JExp: 10113
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1415, 1630]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1156
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dokkaebi_Horn: 4550
-		Elunium_Stone: 250
-		Sword_Mace_: 3
-		Gold: 5
-		Spirit_Chain: 1
-		Old_Card_Album: 1
-		Glass_Bead: 500
-		Am_Mut_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1302
-	SpriteName: "DARK_ILLUSION"
-	Name: "Dark Illusion"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 46255
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4954
-	JExp: 4549
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1166, 360]
-	Def: 145
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 82
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 182
-		Luk: 88
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 1024
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bone_Wand: 3
-		Bone_Helm: 2
-		Ragamuffin_Cape: 3
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 120
-		White_Herb: 1550
-		Broad_Sword_: 2
-		Dark_Illusion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1303
-	SpriteName: "GIANT_HONET"
-	Name: "Giant Hornet"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 26521
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1801
-	JExp: 1661
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [811, 132]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1292
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 340
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Royal_Jelly: 550
-		Honey: 1200
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 12
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 12
-		Staff_: 3
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 20
-		Double_Bound: 15
-		Giant_Honet_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1304
-	SpriteName: "GIANT_SPIDER"
-	Name: "Giant Spider"
-	Lv: 117
-	Hp: 25001
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1810
-	JExp: 1601
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [743, 122]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 43
-		Int: 38
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 41
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1468
-	AttackMotion: 468
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Spiderweb: 4550
-		Short_Leg: 1200
-		Elunium_Stone: 140
-		Panacea: 450
-		Solid_Shell: 1200
-		Round_Shell: 680
-		Cyfar: 800
-		Giant_Spider_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1305
-	SpriteName: "ANCIENT_WORM"
-	Name: "Ancient Worm"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 24005
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1901
-	JExp: 1677
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1051, 133]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 56
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1792
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Short_Leg: 4413
-		Zargon: 2500
-		Boots_: 9
-		Bowman_Scarf: 5
-		Round_Shell: 680
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3500
-		Brigan: 2500
-		Ancient_Worm_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1306
-	SpriteName: "LEIB_OLMAI"
-	Name: "Leib Olmai"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 24001
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1900
-	JExp: 1720
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [895, 105]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 72
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 77
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 230
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bears_Foot: 4550
-		Poo_Poo_Hat: 8
-		Stuffed_Doll: 120
-		Honey: 500
-		Pocket_Watch_: 5
-		Gold: 5
-		Cyfar: 800
-		Leib_Olmai_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1307
-	SpriteName: "CAT_O_NINE_TAIL"
-	Name: "Cat o' Nine Tails"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 23600
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4148
-	JExp: 5792
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [467, 80]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 72
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Puppy_Love: 1
-		Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste: 150
-		Punisher: 5
-		Elunium: 600
-		Oridecon: 800
-		Gold: 6
-		Old_Violet_Box: 1
-		Cat_O_Nine_Tail_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1308
-	SpriteName: "PANZER_GOBLIN"
-	Name: "Panzer Goblin"
-	Lv: 52
-	Hp: 1471
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 468
-	JExp: 504
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [128, 58]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 75
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 840
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 4413
-		Brigan: 3500
-		Steel: 180
-		Iron: 360
-		Coal: 580
-		Butcher: 5
-		Flame_Heart: 160
-		Panzer_Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1309
-	SpriteName: "GAJOMART"
-	Name: "Gajomart"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 185098
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 11810
-	JExp: 10801
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1615, 1601]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 39
-		Int: 33
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 828
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Stone_Heart: 6500
-		Zargon: 2300
-		Yellow_Herb: 870
-		Bomb_Wick: 8
-		Fire_Arrow_Container: 200
-		Magic_Study_Vol1: 20
-		Flame_Heart: 180
-		Gajomart_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1310
-	SpriteName: "MAJORUROS"
-	Name: "Majoruros"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 11801
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3708
-	JExp: 2200
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [850, 432]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 86
-		Luk: 49
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1100
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 780
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nose_Ring: 4413
-		Two_Handed_Axe_: 4
-		Beef_Head_Meat: 1000
-		Oridecon: 16
-		White_Herb: 1850
-		Silver_Ring: 160
-		Star_Crumb: 250
-		Majoruros_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1311
-	SpriteName: "GULLINBURSTI"
-	Name: "Gullinbursti"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 25098
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1951
-	JExp: 1710
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1028, 148]
-	Def: 108
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 88
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 82
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 76
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wild_Boars_Mane: 3500
-		Grape: 290
-		Animal_Blood: 6
-		Eagle_Eyes: 1
-		Anodyne: 15
-		Belt: 1
-		Zargon: 160
-		Gullinbursti_Card: 1
-	}
-// Turtle Dungeon (4.0)
-	Id: 1312
-	SpriteName: "TURTLE_GENERAL"
-	Name: "Turtle General"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 1442000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1119744
-	JExp: 748440
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3169, 2066]
-	Def: 394
-	Mdef: 123
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 116
-		Agi: 123
-		Vit: 154
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 217
-		Luk: 98
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 900
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 500
-	MvpExp: 466560
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 5500
-		Yggdrasilberry: 1500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Iron_Driver: 8
-		War_Axe: 5
-		Cookbook09: 200
-		Pole_Axe: 9
-		Broken_Shell: 5335
-		Immaterial_Sword: 80
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 1
-		Turtle_General_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1313
-	SpriteName: "MOBSTER"
-	Name: "Mobster"
-	Lv: 58
-	Hp: 2253
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 520
-	JExp: 557
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [156, 23]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 72
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 21
-		Dex: 45
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1100
-	AttackMotion: 560
-	DamageMotion: 580
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Poison_Knife: 3
-		Blue_Jewel: 4559
-		Ring_: 1
-		Melon: 500
-		Zargon: 2500
-		Panacea: 450
-		Pineapple: 500
-		Mobster_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1314
-	SpriteName: "PERMETER"
-	Name: "Permeter"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6575
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1305
-	JExp: 1467
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [292, 56]
-	Def: 144
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1100
-	AttackMotion: 483
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 4413
-		Coconut_Fruit: 200
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Red_Herb: 2450
-		Zargon: 1240
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 25
-		Anodyne: 1
-		Permeter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1315
-	SpriteName: "ASSULTER"
-	Name: "Assaulter"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 8977
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2390
-	JExp: 2278
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [627, 67]
-	Def: 169
-	Mdef: 49
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 92
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 4413
-		Broken_Armor_Piece: 1200
-		Rust_Suriken: 840
-		Smoke_Powder: 200
-		Zargon: 1240
-		Huuma_Bird_Wing: 5
-		Old_Blue_Box: 1
-		Assulter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1316
-	SpriteName: "SOLIDER"
-	Name: "Solider"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 8768
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1784
-	JExp: 1671
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [367, 40]
-	Def: 206
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 56
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1452
-	AttackMotion: 483
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 4413
-		Broken_Shell: 64
-		Stone_Piece: 850
-		Yellow_Herb: 2100
-		Zargon: 1240
-		Honey: 850
-		Chain: 1
-		Solider_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1317
-	SpriteName: "FUR_SEAL"
-	Name: "Fur Seal"
-	JName: "Seal"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 1371
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 360
-	JExp: 405
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [87, 40]
-	Def: 42
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 37
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 19
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1612
-	AttackMotion: 622
-	DamageMotion: 583
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 4365
-		Blue_Herb: 250
-		Coat_: 5
-		Cyfar: 1200
-		Guisarme_: 1
-		Panacea: 200
-		Glass_Bead: 120
-		Fur_Seal_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1318
-	SpriteName: "HEATER"
-	Name: "Heater"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 8180
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2272
-	JExp: 1611
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [664, 79]
-	Def: 199
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 89
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1452
-	AttackMotion: 483
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 4413
-		Broken_Shell: 750
-		Fire_Scroll_2_5: 100
-		Gun_Powder: 1000
-		Royal_Jelly: 140
-		Brigan: 600
-		Burn_Tree: 1250
-		Heater_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1319
-	SpriteName: "FREEZER"
-	Name: "Freezer"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 9990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1866
-	JExp: 1749
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [604, 150]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 69
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 4413
-		Broken_Shell: 850
-		Ice_Piece: 1250
-		Zargon: 1800
-		Royal_Jelly: 160
-		Ice_Fragment: 200
-		Cold_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Freezer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1320
-	SpriteName: "OWL_DUKE"
-	Name: "Owl Duke"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 7381
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1652
-	JExp: 1953
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [624, 300]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 51
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 195
-	AttackDelay: 1345
-	AttackMotion: 824
-	DamageMotion: 440
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tatters_Clothes: 4413
-		Soft_Feather: 1500
-		Wind_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Crystal_Mirror: 1
-		Guisarme: 3
-		Morning_Star: 2
-		Magician_Hat: 1
-		Owl_Duke_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1321
-	SpriteName: "DRAGON_TAIL"
-	Name: "Dragon Tail"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 4680
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1390
-	JExp: 1422
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [200, 35]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 862
-	AttackMotion: 534
-	DamageMotion: 312
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragon_Fly_Wing: 4413
-		Round_Shell: 400
-		Solid_Shell: 800
-		Fancy_Flower: 8
-		Cap: 2
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 300
-		Wing_Of_Butterfly: 150
-		Dragon_Tail_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1322
-	SpriteName: "SPRING_RABBIT"
-	Name: "Spring Rabbit"
-	Lv: 88
-	Hp: 6684
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1474
-	JExp: 1509
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [317, 40]
-	Def: 108
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 58
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 552
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 3500
-		Cyfar: 2500
-		Feather: 2500
-		Green_Herb: 4500
-		Yellow_Herb: 800
-		Blue_Herb: 200
-		White_Herb: 800
-		Spring_Rabbit_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1323
-	SpriteName: "SEE_OTTER"
-	Name: "Sea Otter"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1820
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 428
-	JExp: 480
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [83, 42]
-	Def: 31
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 26
-		Dex: 41
-		Luk: 28
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 1132
-	AttackMotion: 583
-	DamageMotion: 532
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 150
-		Clam_Shell: 5500
-		Sea_Otter_Leather: 4365
-		Red_Jewel: 50
-		Blue_Jewel: 50
-		Glass_Bead: 650
-		Cyfar: 1200
-		See_Otter_Card: 1
-	}
-// WoE Treasure Boxes
-	Id: 1324
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX1"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1325
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX2"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		God_Material_Box: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 40
-		Accessory_Box: 40
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1326
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX3"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1327
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX4"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		God_Material_Box: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 40
-		Accessory_Box: 40
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1328
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX5"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1329
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX6"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		God_Material_Box: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 40
-		Accessory_Box: 40
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1330
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX7"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1331
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX8"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		God_Material_Box: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 40
-		Accessory_Box: 40
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1332
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX9"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1333
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX10"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
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-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
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-	Id: 1334
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
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-	Sp: 1
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-	Def: 0
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-		Detector: true
-	}
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-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
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-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
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-	Id: 1335
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	Sp: 1
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-	}
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-	Id: 1336
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
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-	Id: 1337
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	}
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-	Id: 1338
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-	}
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-	Id: 1339
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-	}
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-	Id: 1340
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	}
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-	Id: 1341
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	Sp: 1
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-	}
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-	Id: 1342
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	Sp: 1
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-	Id: 1343
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	Sp: 1
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-	}
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-	Id: 1344
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	Sp: 1
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-	Id: 1345
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	Sp: 1
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-	Id: 1346
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	Sp: 1
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-	Id: 1347
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-	Id: 1348
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	Id: 1350
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	Id: 1351
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	}
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-	Id: 1352
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-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
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-	Sp: 1
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-		Detector: true
-	}
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-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1353
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX30"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
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-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		God_Material_Box: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 40
-		Accessory_Box: 40
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1354
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX31"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
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-	Size: "Size_Small"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1355
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX32"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
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-	Size: "Size_Small"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		God_Material_Box: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 40
-		Accessory_Box: 40
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1356
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX33"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
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-	Size: "Size_Small"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1357
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX34"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		God_Material_Box: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 40
-		Accessory_Box: 40
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1358
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX35"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1359
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX36"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		God_Material_Box: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 40
-		Accessory_Box: 40
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1360
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX37"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1361
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX38"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		God_Material_Box: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 40
-		Accessory_Box: 40
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1362
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX39"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 7760
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2500
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 800
-		Siege_Supply_Box: 800
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 800
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1363
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX40"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		God_Material_Box: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 40
-		Accessory_Box: 40
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 10
-	}
-// Yuno (5.0)
-	Id: 1364
-	SpriteName: "G_ASSULTER"
-	Name: "Assaulter"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 7798
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [293, 67]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 49
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 86
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wooden_Block: 9000
-	}
-	Id: 1365
-	SpriteName: "APOCALIPS"
-	Name: "Apocalypse"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 22090
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3954
-	JExp: 2282
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1053, 116]
-	Def: 136
-	Mdef: 26
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 130
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 76
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1840
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Steel_Piece: 5335
-		Mystery_Piece: 2400
-		Wheel: 2200
-		Elunium: 5
-		Destroyer_: 1
-		Manteau_: 20
-		Runstone_Ancient: 100
-		Apocalips_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1366
-	SpriteName: "LAVA_GOLEM"
-	Name: "Lava Golem"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 8452
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2678
-	JExp: 1674
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [777, 53]
-	Def: 299
-	Mdef: 27
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 103
-		Int: 28
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2190
-	AttackMotion: 2040
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cold_Magma: 4559
-		Burning_Heart: 3686
-		Plate_Armor_: 1
-		Plate_Armor: 2
-		White_Herb: 2500
-		Magma_Fist: 20
-		Black_Powder: 500
-		Lava_Golem_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1367
-	SpriteName: "BLAZZER"
-	Name: "Blazer"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 8121
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2192
-	JExp: 1371
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [599, 94]
-	Def: 116
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1732
-	AttackMotion: 1332
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Heart: 4850
-		Live_Coal: 3400
-		White_Herb: 3000
-		Blazzer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1368
-	SpriteName: "GEOGRAPHER"
-	Name: "Geographer"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 3866
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 988
-	JExp: 1010
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [309, 82]
-	Def: 158
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 81
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1308
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blossom_Of_Maneater: 6200
-		Root_Of_Maneater: 5500
-		Sunflower: 30
-		Fancy_Flower: 50
-		Holy_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Geographer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1369
-	SpriteName: "GRAND_PECO"
-	Name: "Grand Peco"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 3150
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 976
-	JExp: 998
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [348, 56]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 23
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1460
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Peco_Wing_Feather: 4850
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 300
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 1000
-		Gold: 1
-		Orange: 500
-		Grand_Peco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1370
-	SpriteName: "SUCCUBUS"
-	Name: "Succubus"
-	Lv: 119
-	Hp: 24960
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5100
-	JExp: 3489
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1138, 394]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 115
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1306
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 1500
-		Chrystal_Pumps: 3
-		Boys_Naivety: 1
-		Diamond_Ring: 250
-		Horn_Of_Succubus: 1
-		Staff_Of_Soul: 1
-		Blue_Potion: 1000
-		Succubus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1371
-	SpriteName: "FAKE_ANGEL"
-	Name: "Fake Angel"
-	JName: "False Angel"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 10988
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2520
-	JExp: 1570
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [657, 135]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 84
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 67
-		Vit: 43
-		Int: 81
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 920
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Gemstone: 1000
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 1000
-		Red_Gemstone: 1000
-		Water_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Carrot_Whip: 20
-		Fake_Angel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1372
-	SpriteName: "GOAT"
-	Name: "Goat"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 3980
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1172
-	JExp: 1197
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [426, 60]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1380
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Goats_Horn: 4559
-		Gaoats_Skin: 2500
-		Empty_Bottle: 5000
-		Red_Herb: 500
-		Blue_Herb: 1000
-		Yellow_Herb: 2500
-		Green_Herb: 5500
-		Goat_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1373
-	SpriteName: "LORD_OF_DEATH"
-	Name: "Lord of Death"
-	JName: "Lord the Dead"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 603883
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 524544
-	JExp: 345252
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [5351, 1962]
-	Def: 336
-	Mdef: 73
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 140
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 129
-		Dex: 170
-		Luk: 90
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1446
-	AttackMotion: 1296
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 218560
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Boroken_Shiled_Piece: 5335
-		Pole_Axe: 5
-		House_Auger: 10
-		Ring_: 2
-		Shine_Spear_Blade: 10
-		War_Axe: 1
-		Iron_Driver: 2
-		Lord_Of_Death_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1374
-	SpriteName: "INCUBUS"
-	Name: "Incubus"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 28000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5106
-	JExp: 3646
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1256, 375]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 52
-		Int: 75
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 850
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 1500
-		White_Herb: 5500
-		Inccubus_Horn: 1
-		Ring_: 1
-		Gold_Ring: 500
-		Diamond_Ring: 150
-		White_Herb: 2200
-		Incubus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1375
-	SpriteName: "THE_PAPER"
-	Name: "The Paper"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 8500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1836
-	JExp: 1148
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [364, 110]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 39
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Smooth_Paper: 4947
-		Fright_Paper_Blade: 3200
-		Yellow_Herb: 1800
-		Green_Herb: 2000
-		Kamaitachi: 5
-		The_Paper_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1376
-	SpriteName: "HARPY"
-	Name: "Harpy"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 4423
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1320
-	JExp: 1520
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [340, 41]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 12
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 470
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Harpys_Feather: 4850
-		Harpys_Claw: 2500
-		Yellow_Herb: 1500
-		Yellow_Herb: 800
-		Izidor: 20
-		Electric_Fist: 20
-		Harpy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1377
-	SpriteName: "ELDER"
-	Name: "Elder"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 7341
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1652
-	JExp: 2898
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [359, 802]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1552
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Magic_Circle: 4000
-		Rent_Spell_Book: 1500
-		Elder_Branch: 1000
-		Encyclopedia: 10
-		Wizardy_Staff: 1
-		Old_Card_Album: 1
-		Underground_Key: 3000
-		Elder_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1378
-	SpriteName: "DEMON_PUNGUS"
-	Name: "Demon Pungus"
-	Lv: 91
-	Hp: 6466
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1620
-	JExp: 1520
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [556, 65]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 52
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 38
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 43
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Spawns: 4074
-		Mould_Powder: 4559
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 3880
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 5000
-		Demon_Pungus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1379
-	Name: "Nightmare Terror"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 13289
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2443
-	JExp: 1832
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [918, 226]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 63
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 43
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1216
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Horse_Shoe: 4947
-		Rosary_: 1
-		Rosary: 30
-		Blue_Potion: 50
-		Blue_Herb: 150
-		Ghost_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Infiltrator: 1
-		Nightmare_Terror_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1380
-	SpriteName: "DRILLER"
-	Name: "Driller"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 2719
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 624
-	JExp: 669
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [190, 31]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 53
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1300
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lizard_Scruff: 7500
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 3880
-		Red_Gemstone: 3500
-		Driller_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1381
-	SpriteName: "GRIZZLY"
-	Name: "Grizzly"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 2241
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 768
-	JExp: 822
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [267, 13]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 44
-		Int: 3
-		Dex: 86
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1492
-	AttackMotion: 1092
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bears_Foot: 5000
-		Animals_Skin: 5000
-		Nice_Sweet_Potato: 2500
-		Odins_Blessing: 20
-		Grizzly_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1382
-	SpriteName: "DIABOLIC"
-	Name: "Diabolic"
-	Lv: 104
-	Hp: 10572
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2172
-	JExp: 1629
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [707, 200]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 61
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 53
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 180
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Horn: 5820
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: 4850
-		Brooch: 3
-		Oridecon: 20
-		Unholy_Touch: 10
-		Diabolic_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1383
-	SpriteName: "EXPLOSION"
-	Name: "Explosion"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 7813
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1900
-	JExp: 1425
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [625, 110]
-	Def: 112
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 51
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wing_Of_Red_Bat: 5500
-		Burning_Heart: 2200
-		Hot_Hair: 3200
-		Oridecon_Stone: 800
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 400
-		Explosion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1384
-	SpriteName: "DELETER"
-	Name: "Deleter"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 10000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2099
-	JExp: 1574
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [653, 179]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 105
-		Agi: 55
-		Vit: 53
-		Int: 68
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 73
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragons_Skin: 4074
-		Dragon_Canine: 5335
-		Dragon_Train: 3880
-		Dragon_Scale: 3589
-		Flying_Deleter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1385
-	SpriteName: "DELETER_"
-	Name: "Deleter"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 10000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2099
-	JExp: 1574
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [663, 211]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 98
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 49
-		Int: 72
-		Dex: 68
-		Luk: 73
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1024
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragons_Skin: 4074
-		Dragon_Canine: 5335
-		Dragon_Train: 3880
-		Dragon_Scale: 3589
-		Stone_Buckler: 10
-		Deleter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1386
-	SpriteName: "SLEEPER"
-	Name: "Sleeper"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 5160
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1136
-	JExp: 1160
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [301, 48]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 29
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 74
-		Agi: 41
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 27
-		Dex: 65
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 195
-	AttackDelay: 1350
-	AttackMotion: 1200
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sand_Lump: 4947
-		Grit: 5335
-		Great_Nature: 2500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 300
-		Damascus_: 5
-		Hypnotists_Staff_: 5
-		Fine_Sand: 1200
-		Sleeper_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1387
-	SpriteName: "GIG"
-	Name: "Gig"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 8721
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2122
-	JExp: 1327
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [619, 123]
-	Def: 104
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 92
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1264
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scropions_Nipper: 4365
-		Scorpions_Tail: 5500
-		Red_Gemstone: 150
-		Panacea: 2500
-		Flame_Heart: 850
-		Gig_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1388
-	SpriteName: "ARCHANGELING"
-	Name: "Archangeling"
-	JName: "Arc Angeling"
-	Lv: 84
-	Hp: 25100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3578
-	JExp: 2910
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [593, 100]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 81
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Satanic_Chain: 5
-		Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: 1800
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 150
-		Agate: 1500
-		Angelic_Chain: 5
-		Plate_Armor_: 3
-		Turquoise: 1500
-		Archangeling_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1389
-	SpriteName: "DRACULA"
-	Name: "Dracula"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 350000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 343728
-	JExp: 245520
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2454, 1812]
-	Def: 252
-	Mdef: 146
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 86
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 92
-		Dex: 194
-		Luk: 82
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 1290
-	AttackMotion: 1140
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 156240
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5000
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 4700
-		Wizardy_Staff: 5
-		Balistar: 5
-		Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord: 15
-		Ring_: 4
-		Book_Of_The_Apocalypse: 4
-		Dracula_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1390
-	SpriteName: "VIOLY"
-	Name: "Violy"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 20557
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3720
-	JExp: 2147
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [767, 120]
-	Def: 74
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 86
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 76
-		Dex: 126
-		Luk: 63
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1356
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Golden_Hair: 6305
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Stuffed_Doll: 1200
-		Base_Guitar: 50
-		Royal_Jelly: 1400
-		Water_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Violin_: 500
-		Violy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1391
-	SpriteName: "GALAPAGO"
-	Name: "Galapago"
-	Lv: 45
-	Hp: 1221
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 342
-	JExp: 386
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [68, 35]
-	Def: 70
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 29
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 16
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1430
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 1080
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 5335
-		Coconut_Fruit: 300
-		Yellow_Herb: 3500
-		Aloebera: 100
-		Melon: 300
-		Galapago_Cap: 1
-		Orange: 1000
-		Galapago_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1392
-	SpriteName: "ROTAR_ZAIRO"
-	Name: "Rotar Zairo"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1088
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 399
-	JExp: 449
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [75, 40]
-	Def: 57
-	Mdef: 34
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 29
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 26
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 2416
-	AttackMotion: 2016
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Large_Jellopy: 500
-		Padded_Armor: 1
-		Cyfar: 1000
-		Steel: 450
-		Oridecon: 1
-		Zargon: 2500
-		Garlet: 5500
-		Rotar_Zairo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1393
-	SpriteName: "G_MUMMY"
-	Name: "Mummy"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 2155
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [180, 21]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 68
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1394
-	SpriteName: "G_ZOMBIE"
-	Name: "Zombie"
-	Lv: 17
-	Hp: 234
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [43, 12]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 17
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 15
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2612
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1395
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_1"
-	Name: "Wind Crystal"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 3800
-		Candy_Striper: 4500
-		White_Chocolate: 5000
-		Gift_Box_2: 4900
-		Candy: 4000
-		Banana_Juice: 6500
-		Chocolate: 5000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 100
-	}
-	Id: 1396
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_2"
-	Name: "Earth Crystal"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 3800
-		Candy_Striper: 4500
-		White_Chocolate: 5000
-		Gift_Box_4: 4900
-		Apple_Juice: 6500
-		Chocolate: 5000
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 150
-	}
-	Id: 1397
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_3"
-	Name: "Fire Crystal"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 3800
-		Candy_Striper: 4500
-		White_Chocolate: 5000
-		Gift_Box_1: 4900
-		Carrot_Juice: 6500
-		Chocolate: 5000
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 150
-	}
-	Id: 1398
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_4"
-	Name: "Water Crystal"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 3800
-		Candy_Striper: 4500
-		White_Chocolate: 5000
-		Gift_Box_3: 4900
-		Grape_Juice: 6500
-		Chocolate: 5000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 100
-	}
-// Event MVP
-	Id: 1399
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_BAPHO"
-	Name: "Baphomet"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 1264000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 82450
-	JExp: 25106
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1939, 420]
-	Def: 35
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 152
-		Vit: 96
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 132
-		Luk: 95
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 130875
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Royal_Jelly: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Pole_Axe: 550
-		War_Axe: 680
-		Holy_Avenger: 480
-		Holy_Guard: 640
-		Holy_Robe: 1500
-		Herald_Of_GOD: 500
-		Ring_: 1720
-		Magestic_Goat: 1550
-	}
-// Amatsu (6.0)
-	Id: 1400
-	SpriteName: "KARAKASA"
-	Name: "Karakasa"
-	Lv: 72
-	Hp: 3092
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 842
-	JExp: 860
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [172, 42]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 29
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 73
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1638
-	AttackMotion: 2016
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Oil_Paper: 5000
-		Bamboo_Cut: 4268
-		Wooden_Block: 3200
-		Smooth_Paper: 2200
-		Zargon: 4074
-		Glass_Bead: 30
-		Murasame: 5
-		Karakasa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1401
-	SpriteName: "SHINOBI"
-	Name: "Shinobi"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 8000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2028
-	JExp: 1902
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [573, 51]
-	Def: 49
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1003
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Shuriken: 5335
-		Ninja_Suit: 2
-		Smoke_Powder: 700
-		Shinobis_Sash: 100
-		Thief_Clothes_: 1
-		Black_Mask: 2000
-		Murasame_: 5
-		Shinobi_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1402
-	SpriteName: "POISON_TOAD"
-	Name: "Poison Toad"
-	JName: "Poisonous Toad"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 4876
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1474
-	JExp: 1509
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [233, 54]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 70
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 1148
-	AttackMotion: 1728
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Poison_Toads_Skin: 5500
-		Poison_Powder: 2400
-		Gold_Ring: 4
-		Green_Herb: 540
-		Cardinal_Jewel_: 2
-		Royal_Jelly: 2
-		Cinquedea_: 10
-		Poison_Toad_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1403
-	Name: "Antique Firelock"
-	JName: "Firelock Soldier"
-	Lv: 88
-	Hp: 7524
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1486
-	JExp: 1512
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [356, 45]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1084
-	AttackMotion: 2304
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 5500
-		Apple_Of_Archer: 1
-		Large_Jellopy: 1400
-		Yellow_Herb: 40
-		Nice_Sweet_Potato: 350
-		Panacea: 250
-		The_Cyclone_: 5
-		Antique_Firelock_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1404
-	SpriteName: "MIYABI_NINGYO"
-	Name: "Miyabi Ningyo"
-	JName: "Miyabi Doll"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 5188
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1228
-	JExp: 1256
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [238, 66]
-	Def: 57
-	Mdef: 19
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1938
-	AttackMotion: 2112
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Glossy_Hair: 5335
-		Old_Japaness_Clothes: 2500
-		White_Herb: 1550
-		Star_Crumb: 1250
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 10
-		Hakujin: 5
-		Mandolin_: 2
-		Miyabi_Ningyo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1405
-	SpriteName: "TENGU"
-	Name: "Tengu"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 10196
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2040
-	JExp: 1275
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [274, 83]
-	Def: 134
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1439
-	AttackMotion: 1920
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tengus_Nose: 3500
-		Broken_Wine_Vessel: 5500
-		Huuma_Giant_Wheel: 5
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 150
-		Huuma_Giant_Wheel_: 5
-		Imperial_Cooking_Kits: 20
-		Earth_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Tengu_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1406
-	SpriteName: "KAPHA"
-	Name: "Kapha"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 5470
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1138
-	JExp: 1164
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [306, 32]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 24
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 2012
-	AttackMotion: 1728
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Plate: 6500
-		Cyfar: 3500
-		Huuma_Calm_Mind: 20
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 2300
-		Ment: 2
-		Guitar_Of_Blue_Solo: 10
-		Jitte_: 5
-		Kapha_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1407
-	SpriteName: "DOKEBI_"
-	Name: "Dokebi"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 1
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 0)
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Gonryun (6.1)
-	Id: 1408
-	Name: "Bloody Butterfly"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 7030
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1866
-	JExp: 1749
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [361, 67]
-	Def: 79
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 472
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sharp_Feeler: 4608
-		Great_Wing: 2500
-		Wing_Of_Butterfly: 1200
-		Powder_Of_Butterfly: 5500
-		Waghnakh_: 3
-		Lariat: 1
-		Blood_Butterfly_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1409
-	SpriteName: "RICE_CAKE_BOY"
-	Name: "Rice Cake Boy"
-	JName: "Dumpling Child"
-	Lv: 60
-	Hp: 2098
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 558
-	JExp: 597
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [134, 22]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 29
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 47
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 1247
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bamboo_Cut: 3200
-		Oil_Paper: 2500
-		Pierrot_Nose: 1
-		Blade_Of_Pinwheel: 5000
-		Bun: 1000
-		Festival_Mask: 3000
-		Rice_Cake_Boy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1410
-	SpriteName: "LIVE_PEACH_TREE"
-	Name: "Live Peach Tree"
-	JName: "Enchanted Peach Tree"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 8777
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1798
-	JExp: 1724
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [351, 72]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 410
-	AttackDelay: 400
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Hard_Peach: 4365
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Royal_Jelly: 1000
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 400
-		Banana_Juice: 100
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5
-		Live_Peach_Tree_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1411
-	Name: "Enchanted Peach Tree Bullet"
-	Lv: 0
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1412
-	Name: "Evil Cloud Hermit"
-	JName: "Taoist Hermit"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 8266
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1804
-	JExp: 1127
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [611, 30]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 57
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 480
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cloud_Piece: 4656
-		Cheese: 5600
-		Popped_Rice: 4500
-		Bun: 6800
-		Guitar_: 2
-		Elunium_Stone: 150
-		Wind_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Evil_Cloud_Hermit_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1413
-	SpriteName: "WILD_GINSENG"
-	Name: "Wild Ginseng"
-	JName: "Hermit Plant"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6052
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1550
-	JExp: 1586
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [575, 71]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 51
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 91
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 756
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 3500
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 3500
-		Root_Of_Maneater: 3800
-		Blossom_Of_Maneater: 4800
-		Mandragora_Flowerpot: 800
-		Rope_: 1
-		Strawberry: 1000
-		Wild_Ginseng_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1414
-	SpriteName: "GINSENG_BULLET"
-	Name: "Hermit Bullet"
-	Lv: 0
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1415
-	SpriteName: "BABY_LEOPARD"
-	Name: "Baby Leopard"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 2590
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 524
-	JExp: 1016
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [291, 52]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 46
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 4
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 318
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leopard_Skin: 5200
-		Leopard_Talon: 3200
-		Oridecon_Stone: 150
-		Meat: 2000
-		Dagger_: 100
-		Pet_Food: 500
-		Baby_Leopard_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1416
-	SpriteName: "WICKED_NYMPH"
-	Name: "Wicked Nymph"
-	JName: "Evil Nymph"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 8491
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2130
-	JExp: 1331
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [442, 128]
-	Def: 46
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 637
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Limpid_Celestial_Robe: 3977
-		Soft_Silk_Cloth: 1380
-		Oridecon: 10
-		Mandolin_: 4
-		Lute_: 1
-		Holy_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Oriental_Lute: 10
-		Wicked_Nymph_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1417
-	SpriteName: "ZIPPER_BEAR"
-	Name: "Zipper Bear"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6620
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1436
-	JExp: 1467
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [451, 57]
-	Def: 130
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 51
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 70
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 780
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Black_Bears_Skin: 4462
-		Mystery_Iron_Bit: 3500
-		Royal_Jelly: 400
-		Honey: 900
-		Apple: 90
-		Zipper_Bear_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1418
-	SpriteName: "DARK_SNAKE_LORD"
-	Name: "Evil Snake Lord"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 1101000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 864000
-	JExp: 630000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2882, 1986]
-	Def: 314
-	Mdef: 185
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 172
-		Vit: 107
-		Int: 135
-		Dex: 235
-		Luk: 88
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 588
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 78120
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Elunium: 5500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Taegeuk_Plate: 5820
-		Sword_Of_Grave_Keeper: 5100
-		Hell_Fire: 80
-		Ph_D_Hat: 80
-		Gae_Bolg: 500
-		Pill: 900
-		Sway_Apron: 2000
-		Dark_Snake_Lord_Card: 1
-	}
-// Additional G_Mobs
-	Id: 1419
-	SpriteName: "G_FARMILIAR"
-	Name: "Familiar"
-	Lv: 24
-	Hp: 427
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [68, 9]
-	Def: 26
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 20
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1420
-	Name: "Archer Skeleton"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 1646
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [95, 23]
-	Def: 47
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 2864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1421
-	SpriteName: "G_ISIS"
-	Name: "Isis"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 2092
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [202, 37]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 43
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1384
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1422
-	SpriteName: "G_HUNTER_FLY"
-	Name: "Hunter Fly"
-	Lv: 63
-	Hp: 2050
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [226, 20]
-	Def: 46
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 676
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1423
-	SpriteName: "G_GHOUL"
-	Name: "Ghoul"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 2614
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [227, 29]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 56
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 19
-		Int: 11
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2456
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1424
-	SpriteName: "G_SIDE_WINDER"
-	Name: "Side Winder"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 2736
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [316, 30]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1425
-	SpriteName: "G_OBEAUNE"
-	Name: "Obeaune"
-	Lv: 53
-	Hp: 2158
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [102, 45]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 26
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1426
-	SpriteName: "G_MARC"
-	Name: "Marc"
-	Lv: 56
-	Hp: 2522
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [145, 25]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 24
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 53
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1272
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1427
-	SpriteName: "G_NIGHTMARE"
-	Name: "Nightmare"
-	Lv: 69
-	Hp: 2872
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [297, 62]
-	Def: 116
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 77
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1428
-	SpriteName: "G_POISON_SPORE"
-	Name: "Poison Spore"
-	Lv: 26
-	Hp: 456
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [68, 15]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 19
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 20
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1429
-	SpriteName: "G_ARGIOPE"
-	Name: "Argiope"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 3105
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [321, 50]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1792
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1430
-	SpriteName: "G_ARGOS"
-	Name: "Argos"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 1005
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [96, 33]
-	Def: 58
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 38
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 26
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1468
-	AttackMotion: 468
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1431
-	SpriteName: "G_BAPHOMET_"
-	Name: "Baphomet Jr."
-	Lv: 57
-	Hp: 2035
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [195, 33]
-	Def: 70
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 868
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 120
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1432
-	SpriteName: "G_DESERT_WOLF"
-	Name: "Desert Wolf"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 9447
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [676, 59]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 93
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1433
-	SpriteName: "G_DEVIRUCHI"
-	Name: "Deviruchi"
-	Lv: 64
-	Hp: 2300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [221, 73]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 980
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1434
-	SpriteName: "G_DRAINLIAR"
-	Name: "Drainliar"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 1162
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [100, 42]
-	Def: 50
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 22
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1435
-	SpriteName: "G_EVIL_DRUID"
-	Name: "Evil Druid"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 5149
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [378, 68]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1436
-	SpriteName: "G_JAKK"
-	Name: "Jakk"
-	Lv: 63
-	Hp: 2054
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [229, 37]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1180
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1437
-	SpriteName: "G_JOKER"
-	Name: "Joker"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6022
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [317, 60]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 76
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1364
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1438
-	SpriteName: "G_KHALITZBURG"
-	Name: "Khalitzburg"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 23986
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1232, 96]
-	Def: 125
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 32
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 528
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 396
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1439
-	SpriteName: "G_HIGH_ORC"
-	Name: "High Orc"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 4193
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [428, 50]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1440
-	SpriteName: "G_STEM_WORM"
-	Name: "Stem Worm"
-	Lv: 84
-	Hp: 4530
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [293, 41]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 47
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1441
-	SpriteName: "G_PENOMENA"
-	Name: "Penomena"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 4589
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [321, 41]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 832
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1442
-	SpriteName: "G_SASQUATCH"
-	Name: "Sasquatch"
-	Lv: 72
-	Hp: 3163
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [293, 30]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 71
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 192
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1443
-	SpriteName: "G_CRUISER"
-	Name: "Cruiser"
-	Lv: 41
-	Hp: 919
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [55, 20]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 17
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 23
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1296
-	AttackMotion: 1296
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Undelivered_Gift: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1444
-	SpriteName: "G_CHEPET"
-	Name: "Chepet"
-	Lv: 42
-	Hp: 4950
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [79, 33]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 21
-		Dex: 32
-		Luk: 23
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1445
-	SpriteName: "G_RAGGLER"
-	Name: "Raggler"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1148
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [72, 39]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 54
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1446
-	SpriteName: "G_INJUSTICE"
-	Name: "Injustice"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 7952
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [447, 116]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 770
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1447
-	SpriteName: "G_GRYPHON"
-	Name: "Gryphon"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 60720
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [932, 103]
-	Def: 113
-	Mdef: 72
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 101
-		Agi: 133
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 164
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 704
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1448
-	SpriteName: "G_DARK_FRAME"
-	Name: "Dark Frame"
-	Lv: 76
-	Hp: 3520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [350, 30]
-	Def: 67
-	Mdef: 27
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 920
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 200
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1449
-	SpriteName: "G_MUTANT_DRAGON"
-	Name: "Mutant Dragon"
-	JName: "Mutant Dragonoid"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 50706
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 4
-	Attack: [1176, 534]
-	Def: 130
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 68
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1280
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1450
-	SpriteName: "G_WIND_GHOST"
-	Name: "Wind Ghost"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 4008
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [182, 95]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1056
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1451
-	SpriteName: "G_MERMAN"
-	Name: "Merman"
-	Lv: 60
-	Hp: 2940
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [131, 32]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 45
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 19
-		Dex: 55
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 916
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1452
-	SpriteName: "G_ORC_LADY"
-	Name: "Orc Lady"
-	Lv: 45
-	Hp: 1520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [77, 33]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 36
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1050
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1453
-	SpriteName: "G_RAYDRIC_ARCHER"
-	Name: "Raydric Archer"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 4437
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [415, 18]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 53
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 134
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1454
-	SpriteName: "G_TRI_JOINT"
-	Name: "Tri Joint"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 2530
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [187, 28]
-	Def: 22
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 860
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 624
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1455
-	SpriteName: "G_KOBOLD_ARCHER"
-	Name: "Kobold Archer"
-	Lv: 108
-	Hp: 11053
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [762, 33]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1456
-	SpriteName: "G_CHIMERA"
-	Name: "Chimera"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 26406
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1029, 148]
-	Def: 159
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 110
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 91
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 772
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1457
-	SpriteName: "G_MANTIS"
-	Name: "Mantis"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 2719
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [187, 31]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 46
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1458
-	SpriteName: "G_MARDUK"
-	Name: "Marduk"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 2893
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [198, 112]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1540
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1459
-	SpriteName: "G_MARIONETTE"
-	Name: "Marionette"
-	Lv: 62
-	Hp: 2209
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [174, 56]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 1056
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1460
-	SpriteName: "G_MATYR"
-	Name: "Matyr"
-	Lv: 58
-	Hp: 2087
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [151, 26]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 48
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 47
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1461
-	SpriteName: "G_MINOROUS"
-	Name: "Minorous"
-	Lv: 58
-	Hp: 1893
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [247, 36]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1360
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1462
-	SpriteName: "G_ORC_SKELETON"
-	Name: "Orc Skeleton"
-	Lv: 53
-	Hp: 2077
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [115, 25]
-	Def: 82
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 22
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2420
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1463
-	SpriteName: "G_ORC_ZOMBIE"
-	Name: "Orc Zombie"
-	Lv: 51
-	Hp: 1908
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [114, 15]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 45
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2852
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 840
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1464
-	SpriteName: "G_PASANA"
-	Name: "Pasana"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 3510
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [438, 40]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 976
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1465
-	SpriteName: "G_PETIT"
-	Name: "Petite"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 5799
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [321, 66]
-	Def: 99
-	Mdef: 49
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 65
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1624
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1466
-	SpriteName: "G_PETIT_"
-	Name: "Petite"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 3556
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [308, 36]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 86
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1420
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1467
-	SpriteName: "G_RAYDRIC"
-	Name: "Raydric"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 18408
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [901, 96]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 129
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 824
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1468
-	SpriteName: "G_REQUIEM"
-	Name: "Requim"
-	JName: "Requiem"
-	Lv: 71
-	Hp: 3089
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [348, 48]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 12
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1516
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1469
-	SpriteName: "G_SKEL_WORKER"
-	Name: "Skeleton Worker"
-	Lv: 44
-	Hp: 1240
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [92, 12]
-	Def: 45
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 13
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 37
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2420
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1470
-	SpriteName: "G_ZEROM"
-	Name: "Zerom"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 2687
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [328, 38]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1780
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1471
-	SpriteName: "G_NINE_TAIL"
-	Name: "Nine Tail"
-	Lv: 72
-	Hp: 2783
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [491, 50]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 840
-	AttackMotion: 540
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1472
-	SpriteName: "G_BON_GUN"
-	Name: "Bongun"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 2510
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [198, 29]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 37
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1720
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1473
-	SpriteName: "G_ORC_ARCHER"
-	Name: "Orc Archer"
-	Lv: 78
-	Hp: 4835
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [286, 43]
-	Def: 67
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1474
-	SpriteName: "G_MIMIC"
-	Name: "Mimic"
-	Lv: 56
-	Hp: 1939
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [232, 22]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 49
-		Agi: 120
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1475
-	SpriteName: "G_WRAITH"
-	Name: "Wraith"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 5168
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [369, 61]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 91
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1476
-	SpriteName: "G_ALARM"
-	Name: "Alarm"
-	Lv: 88
-	Hp: 5562
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [319, 48]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1477
-	SpriteName: "G_ARCLOUSE"
-	Name: "Arclouse"
-	JName: "Arclouze"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 4320
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [296, 40]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 73
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1478
-	SpriteName: "G_RIDEWORD"
-	Name: "Rideword"
-	Lv: 74
-	Hp: 3222
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [387, 22]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 44
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1479
-	SpriteName: "G_SKEL_PRISONER"
-	Name: "Skeleton Prisoner"
-	Lv: 91
-	Hp: 9194
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [346, 55]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 1848
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1480
-	Name: "Zombie Prisoner"
-	Lv: 89
-	Hp: 8045
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [392, 60]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 87
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 1768
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1481
-	SpriteName: "G_PUNK"
-	Name: "Punk"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 3869
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [293, 54]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1482
-	SpriteName: "G_ZHERLTHSH"
-	Name: "Zherlthsh"
-	JName: "Zealotus"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 61350
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [993, 250]
-	Def: 91
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 88
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 136
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1483
-	SpriteName: "G_RYBIO"
-	Name: "Rybio"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 8700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [360, 76]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 96
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 96
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1790
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1484
-	SpriteName: "G_PHENDARK"
-	Name: "Phendark"
-	Lv: 102
-	Hp: 11000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [701, 75]
-	Def: 307
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1744
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1485
-	SpriteName: "G_MYSTELTAINN"
-	Name: "Mysteltainn"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 70000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1079, 567]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 61
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 102
-		Agi: 139
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 182
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1486
-	SpriteName: "G_TIRFING"
-	Name: "Tirfing"
-	JName: "Ogretooth"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 59000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [948, 411]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 69
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 105
-		Agi: 105
-		Vit: 75
-		Int: 73
-		Dex: 151
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 816
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1487
-	SpriteName: "G_EXECUTIONER"
-	Name: "Executioner"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 40200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [670, 359]
-	Def: 97
-	Mdef: 188
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 96
-		Vit: 77
-		Int: 78
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1488
-	SpriteName: "G_ANOLIAN"
-	Name: "Anolian"
-	Lv: 109
-	Hp: 15547
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [650, 110]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 130
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 70
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 900
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1489
-	SpriteName: "G_STING"
-	Name: "Sting"
-	Lv: 104
-	Hp: 14143
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [677, 67]
-	Def: 146
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 108
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 68
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 104
-		Luk: 24
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 528
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1490
-	SpriteName: "G_WANDER_MAN"
-	Name: "Wander Man"
-	JName: "Wanderer"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 19307
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1695, 105]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 92
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 169
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1491
-	SpriteName: "G_DOKEBI"
-	Name: "Dokebi"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 2820
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [333, 30]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1156
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Umbala (6.2)
-	Id: 1492
-	Name: "Incantation Samurai"
-	JName: "Samurai Specter"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 901000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 902016
-	JExp: 595080
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2855, 936]
-	Def: 296
-	Mdef: 140
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 145
-		Agi: 161
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 186
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 135
-	AttackDelay: 874
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 375840
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3500
-		Elunium: 5500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Masamune: 2
-		Elunium: 3500
-		Assassin_Mask_: 500
-		Yggdrasilberry: 4500
-		Steel: 6305
-		Huuma_Blaze: 7500
-		Azoth: 80
-		Incant_Samurai_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1493
-	SpriteName: "DRYAD"
-	Name: "Dryad"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 3640
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 878
-	JExp: 939
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [279, 35]
-	Def: 153
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 950
-	AttackMotion: 2520
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tough_Vines: 5335
-		Great_Leaf: 1000
-		Browny_Root: 3000
-		Pineapple: 300
-		Chemeti: 1
-		Centimental_Leaf: 10
-		Sharp_Leaf: 3000
-		Dryad_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1494
-	SpriteName: "KIND_OF_BEETLE"
-	Name: "Beetle King"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 2061
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 472
-	JExp: 507
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [116, 52]
-	Def: 79
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 53
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1247
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Solid_Peeling: 6500
-		Beetle_Nipper: 4500
-		Insect_Feeler: 1000
-		Worm_Peelings: 500
-		Guard_: 1
-		Kind_Of_Beetle_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1495
-	SpriteName: "STONE_SHOOTER"
-	Name: "Stone Shooter"
-	Lv: 64
-	Hp: 2101
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 722
-	JExp: 776
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [211, 53]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 55
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 2413
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Solid_Twig: 5000
-		Log: 5000
-		Browny_Root: 1000
-		Wooden_Block: 2000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 100
-		Stone: 1000
-		Stone_Shooter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1496
-	Name: "Stone Shooter Bullet"
-	Lv: 0
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1497
-	SpriteName: "WOODEN_GOLEM"
-	Name: "Wooden Golem"
-	Lv: 72
-	Hp: 3914
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1044
-	JExp: 1079
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [321, 42]
-	Def: 249
-	Mdef: 26
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 59
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1543
-	AttackMotion: 1632
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Heart_Of_Tree: 4000
-		Browny_Root: 4000
-		Elunium_Stone: 110
-		Centimental_Leaf: 10
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 100
-		Log: 5000
-		Poison_Herb_Scopolia: 300
-		Wooden_Golem_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1498
-	SpriteName: "WOOTAN_SHOOTER"
-	Name: "Wootan Shooter"
-	Lv: 67
-	Hp: 3096
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 746
-	JExp: 798
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [147, 35]
-	Def: 91
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 76
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 857
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Air_Rifle: 4500
-		Flexible_String: 3500
-		Banana: 1000
-		Stone: 1000
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Cacao: 100
-		Banana_Hat: 10
-		Wootan_Shooter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1499
-	SpriteName: "WOOTAN_FIGHTER"
-	Name: "Wootan Fighter"
-	Lv: 67
-	Hp: 2327
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 744
-	JExp: 798
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [255, 36]
-	Def: 103
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 912
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Meat: 4500
-		Shoulder_Protection: 4000
-		Waghnakh: 3
-		Finger_: 1
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Great_Leaf: 1000
-		Banana_Hat: 5
-		Wootan_Fighter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1500
-	SpriteName: "PARASITE"
-	Name: "Parasite"
-	Lv: 76
-	Hp: 3222
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1014
-	JExp: 1337
-	AttackRange: 8
-	Attack: [177, 45]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Germinating_Sprout: 5500
-		Soft_Leaf: 2000
-		Thin_Stem: 3880
-		Great_Leaf: 500
-		Rante_: 1
-		Bladed_Whip: 1
-		Pineapple: 800
-		Parasite_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1501
-	Name: "Parasite Bullet"
-	Lv: 0
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Event MVP
-	Id: 1502
-	SpriteName: "PORING_V"
-	Name: "Pori Pori"
-	JName: "Bring it on!"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 95000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 94230
-	JExp: 25106
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [6500, 5000]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 306
-		Luk: 255
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 43625
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Sword_Of_Grave_Keeper: 1000
-		Poring__Card: 100
-		Elven_Ears: 200
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Poring_Hat: 10000
-		Flame_Sprits_Armor: 2500
-		Water_Sprits_Armor: 2500
-		Earth_Sprits_Armor: 2500
-		Wind_Sprits_Armor: 2500
-		Bloody_Iron_Ball: 500
-		Large_Jellopy: 10000
-		Holy_Guard: 4500
-	}
-// Nifflheim (7.0)
-	Id: 1503
-	SpriteName: "GIBBET"
-	Name: "Gibbet"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 12999
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1944
-	JExp: 1458
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [697, 85]
-	Def: 116
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 917
-	AttackMotion: 1584
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Hanging_Doll: 1800
-		Rotten_Rope: 5335
-		Tree_Knot: 4074
-		Cardinal_Jewel_: 300
-		Red_Gemstone: 100
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Gibbet_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1504
-	SpriteName: "DULLAHAN"
-	Name: "Dullahan"
-	Lv: 108
-	Hp: 19546
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3010
-	JExp: 2976
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1066, 175]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 847
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dullahans_Helm: 3200
-		Dullahan_Armor: 4850
-		An_Eye_Of_Dullahan: 1
-		Manteau: 13
-		Manteau_: 1
-		Nab_Cloth: 10
-		Dullahan_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1505
-	SpriteName: "LOLI_RURI"
-	Name: "Loli Ruri"
-	Lv: 109
-	Hp: 15280
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3348
-	JExp: 2093
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1123, 280]
-	Def: 53
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 79
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 125
-	AttackDelay: 747
-	AttackMotion: 1632
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Black_Kitty_Doll: 800
-		Striped_Socks: 3000
-		Bat_Cage: 5044
-		Elunium: 100
-		Lokis_Whispers: 1
-		Lunatic_Brooch: 5
-		Sabah_Cloth: 10
-		Loli_Ruri_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1506
-	SpriteName: "DISGUISE"
-	Name: "Disguise"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 13895
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2678
-	JExp: 1674
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [338, 82]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 92
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 75
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 147
-	AttackDelay: 516
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Scarf: 4850
-		Tangled_Chain: 3686
-		White_Powder: 100
-		Honey: 100
-		Ragamuffin_Cape: 50
-		Muffler_: 2
-		Rider_Insignia: 5
-		Disguise_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1507
-	Name: "Bloody Murderer"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 14099
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3268
-	JExp: 2244
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1397, 298]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 41
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 26
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 914
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Manteau: 4171
-		Distorted_Portrait: 1000
-		Rusty_Cleaver: 2000
-		Mr_Scream: 50
-		Oridecon: 100
-		Mamas_Knife: 3
-		Ginnungagap: 1
-		Bloody_Murderer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1508
-	SpriteName: "QUVE"
-	Name: "Quve"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 11090
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1966
-	JExp: 1229
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [294, 97]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 912
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Black_Cloth: 3200
-		Ectoplasm: 5723
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1000
-		Poison_Powder: 100
-		Oridecon_Stone: 10
-		Black_Powder: 500
-		Quve_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1509
-	SpriteName: "LUDE"
-	Name: "Lude"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 11574
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2030
-	JExp: 1269
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [283, 78]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 890
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pumpkin_Bucket: 3200
-		Ectoplasm: 5723
-		Transparent_Cloth: 1000
-		Spirit_Chain: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 10
-		Holy_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Yellow_Powder: 300
-		Lude_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1510
-	SpriteName: "HYLOZOIST"
-	Name: "Hylozoist"
-	JName: "Heirozoist"
-	Lv: 102
-	Hp: 12000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2250
-	JExp: 1406
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [548, 81]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 68
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 67
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 741
-	AttackMotion: 1536
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Needle: 4365
-		Spool: 5335
-		Needle_Pouch: 2000
-		Stuffed_Doll: 80
-		Ectoplasm: 300
-		Elunium_Stone: 10
-		Angry_Mouth: 1
-		Hylozoist_Card: 1
-	}
-// Pyramid Basement
-	Id: 1511
-	SpriteName: "AMON_RA"
-	Name: "Amon Ra"
-	Lv: 69
-	Hp: 1009000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 240120
-	JExp: 187920
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2090, 2052]
-	Def: 213
-	Mdef: 123
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 86
-		Agi: 89
-		Vit: 120
-		Int: 131
-		Dex: 101
-		Luk: 92
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 854
-	AttackMotion: 2016
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 120060
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Spinx_Helm: 150
-		Safety_Ring: 50
-		Rojerta_Piece: 7760
-		Elunium: 3880
-		Old_Card_Album: 400
-		Tablet: 10
-		Yggdrasilberry: 3000
-		Amon_Ra_Card: 1
-	}
-// Louyang (8.0)
-	Id: 1512
-	SpriteName: "HYEGUN"
-	Name: "Hyegun"
-	JName: "Yao Jun"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 6996
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1410
-	JExp: 1445
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [271, 48]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 890
-	AttackMotion: 1320
-	DamageMotion: 720
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 3880
-		Amulet: 100
-		Elunium: 10
-		Boots_: 1
-		Munak_Doll: 300
-		Claire_Suits: 10
-		Hyegun_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1513
-	SpriteName: "CIVIL_SERVANT"
-	Name: "Civil Servant"
-	JName: "Mao Guai"
-	Lv: 89
-	Hp: 5292
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1484
-	JExp: 1512
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [304, 61]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 56
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 76
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1257
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fan: 4171
-		Cat_Eyed_Stone: 2000
-		Aloebera: 10
-		Fish_Tail: 100
-		Wind_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Civil_Servant_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1514
-	SpriteName: "DANCING_DRAGON"
-	Name: "Dancing Dragon"
-	JName: "Zhu Po Long"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 3943
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1068
-	JExp: 1094
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [295, 35]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 59
-		Agi: 76
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 600
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragon_Fang: 4365
-		Dragon_Horn: 3000
-		Little_Blacky_Ghost: 800
-		Dragon_Scale: 1000
-		Yarn: 3000
-		Dancing_Dragon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1515
-	SpriteName: "GARM_BABY"
-	Name: "Garm Baby"
-	JName: "Hatii Baby"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 10016
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1866
-	JExp: 1749
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [498, 61]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 450
-	AttackDelay: 879
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Milk_Bottle: 1500
-		Bib: 2500
-		Ice_Piece: 4365
-		Frozen_Rose: 100
-		Cold_Scroll_2_5: 100
-		Garm_Baby_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1516
-	SpriteName: "INCREASE_SOIL"
-	Name: "Increase Soil"
-	JName: "Mi Gao"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 5335
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1320
-	JExp: 1529
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [365, 30]
-	Def: 112
-	Mdef: 39
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 49
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 445
-	AttackDelay: 106
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dried_Sand: 4365
-		Mud_Lump: 2300
-		Great_Nature: 10
-		Gold: 2
-		Increase_Soil_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1517
-	SpriteName: "LI_ME_MANG_RYANG"
-	Name: "Li Me Mang Ryang"
-	JName: "Jing Guai"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 5187
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1172
-	JExp: 1197
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [197, 41]
-	Def: 110
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 22
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tiger_Skin_Panties: 4500
-		Little_Blacky_Ghost: 400
-		Club: 10
-		Spike: 1
-		Li_Me_Mang_Ryang_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1518
-	SpriteName: "BACSOJIN"
-	Name: "Bacsojin"
-	JName: "White Lady"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 720500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 801792
-	JExp: 542880
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1414, 2036]
-	Def: 210
-	Mdef: 178
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 244
-		Vit: 98
-		Int: 126
-		Dex: 246
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Long_Hair: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2
-		Limpid_Celestial_Robe: 3000
-		Soft_Silk_Cloth: 1000
-		Crystal_Mirror: 500
-		White_Snake_Hat: 500
-		Tiara: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1519
-	SpriteName: "CHUNG_E"
-	Name: "Chung E"
-	JName: "Green Maiden"
-	Lv: 49
-	Hp: 23900
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 2156
-	JExp: 894
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [460, 590]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 38
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 43
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 90
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1728
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 1188
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 4850
-		Stuffed_Doll: 100
-		Hora_: 10
-		Honey: 500
-		Iris: 1000
-		Hair_Protector: 2
-	}
-	Id: 1520
-	SpriteName: "BOILED_RICE"
-	Name: "Boiled Rice"
-	JName: "Dumpling"
-	Lv: 15
-	Hp: 777
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7
-	JExp: 7
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 7]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 7
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 7
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 7
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Exorcize_Herb: 3000
-		Iris: 1000
-		Realgar_Wine: 3000
-		Rice_Ball: 8000
-		Meat_Dumpling_Doll: 4000
-		Tw_Rice_Ball: 500
-	}
-// Additional G_Mobs & Bosses
-	Id: 1521
-	SpriteName: "G_ALICE"
-	Name: "Alice"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 9230
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [514, 98]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 73
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 82
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 96
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 520
-	AttackMotion: 2304
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1522
-	SpriteName: "G_ANCIENT_MUMMY"
-	Name: "Ancient Mummy"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 29157
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [981, 100]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 27
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 57
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 69
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 120
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1523
-	Name: "Antique Firelock"
-	JName: "Firelock Soldier"
-	Lv: 88
-	Hp: 7524
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [356, 45]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1084
-	AttackMotion: 2304
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1524
-	SpriteName: "G_BABY_LEOPARD"
-	Name: "Baby Leopard"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 2590
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [291, 52]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 46
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 4
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 318
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1525
-	SpriteName: "G_BATHORY"
-	Name: "Bathory"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 5242
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [252, 96]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 89
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 77
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1504
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 900
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1526
-	Name: "Bloody Butterfly"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 7030
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [361, 67]
-	Def: 79
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 472
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1527
-	SpriteName: "G_C_TOWER_MANAGER"
-	Name: "Clock Tower Manager"
-	JName: "Tower Keeper"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [427, 70]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 80
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1528
-	SpriteName: "G_CLOCK"
-	Name: "Clock"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 5556
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [443, 53]
-	Def: 91
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 41
-		Dex: 97
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1092
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1529
-	SpriteName: "G_DARK_SNAKE_LORD"
-	Name: "Dark Snake Lord"
-	JName: "Evil Snake Lord"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 1101000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2882, 1986]
-	Def: 314
-	Mdef: 185
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 172
-		Vit: 107
-		Int: 135
-		Dex: 235
-		Luk: 88
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 588
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1530
-	SpriteName: "G_DRACULA"
-	Name: "Dracula"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 350000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1454, 1812]
-	Def: 152
-	Mdef: 146
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 86
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 92
-		Dex: 174
-		Luk: 82
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 1290
-	AttackMotion: 1140
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1531
-	Name: "Evil Cloud Hermit"
-	JName: "Taoist Hermit"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 8266
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [611, 30]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 57
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 480
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1532
-	SpriteName: "G_EXPLOSION"
-	Name: "Explosion"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 7813
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [625, 110]
-	Def: 112
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 51
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1533
-	SpriteName: "G_FUR_SEAL"
-	Name: "Fur Seal"
-	JName: "Seal"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 1371
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [87, 40]
-	Def: 42
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 37
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 19
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1612
-	AttackMotion: 622
-	DamageMotion: 583
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1534
-	SpriteName: "G_GOBLIN_1"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1058
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [87, 34]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 37
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1535
-	SpriteName: "G_GOBLIN_2"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 44
-	Hp: 931
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [94, 28]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 33
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 58
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1320
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1536
-	SpriteName: "G_GOBLIN_3"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 44
-	Hp: 930
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [88, 33]
-	Def: 47
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1624
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1537
-	SpriteName: "G_GOBLIN_4"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 49
-	Hp: 1494
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [72, 22]
-	Def: 70
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 31
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 46
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1624
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1538
-	SpriteName: "G_GOBLIN_5"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	Lv: 56
-	Hp: 2342
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [167, 31]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 51
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 42
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 3074
-	AttackMotion: 1874
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1539
-	SpriteName: "G_GOBLIN_LEADER"
-	Name: "Goblin Leader"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 21692
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [173, 49]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 67
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 23
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1540
-	SpriteName: "G_GOLEM"
-	Name: "Golem"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 2245
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [208, 25]
-	Def: 190
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1608
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 396
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1541
-	Name: "Greatest General"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 1575
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [226, 26]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1542
-	Name: "Incantation Samurai"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 901000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2196, 3132]
-	Def: 296
-	Mdef: 140
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 145
-		Agi: 161
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 155
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 135
-	AttackDelay: 874
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1543
-	SpriteName: "G_KAPHA"
-	Name: "Kapha"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 5470
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [306, 32]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 24
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 2012
-	AttackMotion: 1728
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1544
-	SpriteName: "G_KARAKASA"
-	Name: "Karakasa"
-	Lv: 72
-	Hp: 3092
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [172, 42]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 29
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 73
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1638
-	AttackMotion: 2016
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1545
-	SpriteName: "G_KOBOLD_1"
-	Name: "Kobold"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 10483
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [701, 87]
-	Def: 103
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 76
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 53
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1028
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1546
-	SpriteName: "G_KOBOLD_2"
-	Name: "Kobold"
-	Lv: 102
-	Hp: 9152
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [477, 62]
-	Def: 117
-	Mdef: 59
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 96
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1547
-	SpriteName: "G_KOBOLD_3"
-	Name: "Kobold"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 9078
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [468, 64]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1228
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1548
-	SpriteName: "G_KOBOLD_LEADER"
-	Name: "Kobold Leader"
-	Lv: 112
-	Hp: 13520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [995, 96]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 135
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 68
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 116
-		Luk: 47
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1028
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1549
-	SpriteName: "G_LAVA_GOLEM"
-	Name: "Lava Golem"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 8452
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [777, 53]
-	Def: 299
-	Mdef: 27
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 103
-		Int: 28
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2190
-	AttackMotion: 2040
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1550
-	SpriteName: "G_LIVE_PEACH_TREE"
-	Name: "Live Peach Tree"
-	JName: "Enchanted Peach Tree"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 8777
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [351, 72]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 410
-	AttackDelay: 400
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1551
-	SpriteName: "G_MARSE"
-	Name: "Marse"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 1456
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [85, 20]
-	Def: 38
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 33
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 33
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1956
-	AttackMotion: 756
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1552
-	SpriteName: "G_MIYABI_NINGYO"
-	Name: "Miyabi Ningyo"
-	JName: "Miyabi Doll"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 5188
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [238, 66]
-	Def: 57
-	Mdef: 19
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1938
-	AttackMotion: 2112
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1553
-	SpriteName: "G_MYST"
-	Name: "Myst"
-	Lv: 49
-	Hp: 1223
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [96, 20]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 41
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1554
-	Name: "Nightmare Terror"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 13289
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [818, 126]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 63
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 43
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1216
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1555
-	SpriteName: "G_PARASITE"
-	Name: "Parasite"
-	Lv: 76
-	Hp: 3222
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 8
-	Attack: [177, 45]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1556
-	SpriteName: "G_POISON_TOAD"
-	Name: "Poison Toad"
-	JName: "Poisonous Toad"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 4876
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [233, 54]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 70
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 1148
-	AttackMotion: 1728
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1557
-	SpriteName: "G_ROTAR_ZAIRO"
-	Name: "Rotar Zairo"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 1088
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [75, 40]
-	Def: 57
-	Mdef: 34
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 29
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 26
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 2416
-	AttackMotion: 2016
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1558
-	SpriteName: "G_SAND_MAN"
-	Name: "Sandman"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 2887
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [164, 56]
-	Def: 126
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1559
-	SpriteName: "G_SCORPION"
-	Name: "Scorpion"
-	Lv: 16
-	Hp: 153
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [39, 7]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 14
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 33
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1564
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1560
-	SpriteName: "G_SHINOBI"
-	Name: "Shinobi"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 8000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [573, 51]
-	Def: 49
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1003
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1561
-	SpriteName: "G_SMOKIE"
-	Name: "Smokie"
-	Lv: 29
-	Hp: 591
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [70, 11]
-	Def: 26
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 16
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 16
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 27
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1562
-	Name: "Soldier Skeleton"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 804
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [84, 14]
-	Def: 53
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 14
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1563
-	SpriteName: "G_TENGU"
-	Name: "Tengu"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 10196
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [274, 83]
-	Def: 134
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1439
-	AttackMotion: 1920
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1564
-	SpriteName: "G_WICKED_NYMPH"
-	Name: "Wicked Nymph"
-	JName: "Evil Nymph"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 8491
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [283, 128]
-	Def: 46
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 637
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1565
-	SpriteName: "G_WILD_GINSENG"
-	Name: "Wild Ginseng"
-	JName: "Hermit Plant"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6052
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [575, 71]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 51
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 91
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 756
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1566
-	SpriteName: "G_WRAITH_DEAD"
-	Name: "Wraith Dead"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 10035
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [442, 60]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 56
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1567
-	SpriteName: "G_ANCIENT_WORM"
-	Name: "Ancient Worm"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 4140
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [329, 35]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 56
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1792
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1568
-	SpriteName: "G_ANGELING"
-	Name: "Angeling"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 19800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [391, 145]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 238
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 105
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 200
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1569
-	SpriteName: "G_BLOODY_KNIGHT"
-	Name: "Bloody Knight"
-	Lv: 116
-	Hp: 68500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1319, 123]
-	Def: 122
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 132
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 828
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1570
-	SpriteName: "G_CRAMP"
-	Name: "Cramp"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 3898
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [435, 48]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1571
-	SpriteName: "G_DEVIACE"
-	Name: "Deviace"
-	Lv: 60
-	Hp: 3135
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [168, 29]
-	Def: 51
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1680
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1572
-	SpriteName: "G_DROPS"
-	Name: "Drops"
-	Lv: 2
-	Hp: 45
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [12, 1]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 8
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 2
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1372
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1573
-	SpriteName: "G_ELDER"
-	Name: "Elder"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 7341
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [359, 402]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1552
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1574
-	SpriteName: "G_ELDER_WILOW"
-	Name: "Elder Willow"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 599
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [80, 14]
-	Def: 45
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1372
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1575
-	SpriteName: "G_FLORA"
-	Name: "Flora"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 2301
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [163, 31]
-	Def: 99
-	Mdef: 29
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 49
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 46
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1432
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1576
-	SpriteName: "G_GHOSTRING"
-	Name: "Ghostring"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 26700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [385, 162]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 72
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1220
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1577
-	SpriteName: "G_GOBLIN_ARCHER"
-	Name: "Goblin Archer"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 1575
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [100, 24]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 53
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1172
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1578
-	SpriteName: "G_HORONG"
-	Name: "Horong"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 2304
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [275, 70]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 36
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1888
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 828
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1579
-	SpriteName: "G_HYDRA"
-	Name: "Hydra"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 854
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [35, 6]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 9
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 2
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1580
-	SpriteName: "G_INCUBUS"
-	Name: "Incubus"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 28000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [956, 375]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 52
-		Int: 75
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 850
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1581
-	SpriteName: "G_VOCAL"
-	Name: "Vocal"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 3317
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [71, 11]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 26
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 26
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 53
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1582
-	SpriteName: "DEVILING"
-	Name: "Deviling"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 16890
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2394
-	JExp: 2379
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [313, 183]
-	Def: 67
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 48
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 75
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 200
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: 3000
-		Zargon: 4850
-		Satanic_Chain: 100
-		Apple: 5000
-		Blade_Lost_In_Darkness: 1
-		Black_Dyestuffs: 100
-		Ghost_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Deviling_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1583
-	SpriteName: "TAO_GUNKA"
-	Name: "Tao Gunka"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 1252000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1080000
-	JExp: 720000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3757, 1260]
-	Def: 404
-	Mdef: 143
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 135
-		Agi: 175
-		Vit: 98
-		Int: 110
-		Dex: 239
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 144
-	MvpExp: 450000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Oridecon: 6000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 3000
-		Blue_Potion: 6000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Gemstone: 4850
-		Stone_Piece: 4850
-		Golden_Jewel: 1000
-		Binoculars: 400
-		White_Potion: 3000
-		Runstone_Rare: 200
-		Gemmed_Sallet_: 5
-		Tao_Gunka_Card: 1
-	}
-// Ayothaya (9.0)
-	Id: 1584
-	SpriteName: "TAMRUAN"
-	Name: "Tamruan"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 3195
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 988
-	JExp: 1010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [336, 37]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sword_Accessory: 4850
-		Broken_Armor_Piece: 3000
-		Katana_: 40
-		Bastard_Sword_: 8
-		Chain_Mail_: 3
-		Runstone_Mystic: 300
-		Tamruan_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1585
-	SpriteName: "MIME_MONKEY"
-	Name: "Mime Monkey"
-	Lv: 40
-	Hp: 6000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 200
-	JExp: 22
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [300, 350]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 40
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 7000
-		Knife_: 100
-		Sticky_Mucus: 400
-		Apple: 1000
-		Empty_Bottle: 1500
-		Poring_Doll: 5
-		Unripe_Apple: 20
-	}
-	Id: 1586
-	SpriteName: "LEAF_CAT"
-	Name: "Leaf Cat"
-	Lv: 64
-	Hp: 2635
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 624
-	JExp: 669
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [147, 41]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 46
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 12
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 29
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 720
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Great_Leaf: 4365
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 300
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 5
-		Fish_Tail: 1100
-		Lemon: 250
-		Prawn: 500
-		Leaf_Clothes: 5335
-		Leaf_Cat_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1587
-	SpriteName: "KRABEN"
-	Name: "Kraben"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 2901
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 536
-	JExp: 1095
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [279, 45]
-	Def: 108
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 68
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1536
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 3500
-		Milk: 3000
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 1000
-		Guard_: 1
-		Bamboo_Basket: 4850
-		Chilli: 1000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10
-		Kraben_Card: 1
-	}
-// Additional G_Mobs & Xmas_Orc
-	Id: 1588
-	SpriteName: "ORC_XMAS"
-	Name: "Christmas Orc"
-	Lv: 24
-	Hp: 1400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 235
-	JExp: 144
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [104, 22]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 210
-		Orcish_Voucher: 5500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 40
-		Packing_Paper: 1600
-		Battle_Axe_: 10
-		Gift_Box: 15
-		Packing_Ribbon: 1600
-		Orc_Warrior_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1589
-	SpriteName: "G_MANDRAGORA"
-	Name: "Mandragora"
-	Lv: 13
-	Hp: 156
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 4
-	Attack: [38, 3]
-	Def: 13
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 10
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1590
-	SpriteName: "G_GEOGRAPHER"
-	Name: "Geographer"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 3866
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [309, 82]
-	Def: 158
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 81
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1308
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1591
-	SpriteName: "A_LUNATIC"
-	Name: "Lunatic"
-	Lv: 29
-	Hp: 2334
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [221, 24]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 40
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1456
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Orange_Potion: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1592
-	SpriteName: "A_MOBSTER"
-	Name: "Gangster"
-	Lv: 40
-	Hp: 8000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [300, 55]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 27
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1100
-	AttackMotion: 560
-	DamageMotion: 580
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Stone: 10000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 2000
-		Cutter__: 3000
-		Empty_Bottle: 1000
-		Popped_Rice: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1593
-	SpriteName: "A_ANCIENT_MUMMY"
-	Name: "Ancient Mummy"
-	Lv: 52
-	Hp: 8613
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [830, 100]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 27
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 69
-		Luk: 26
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 120
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Orange_Potion: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1594
-	SpriteName: "G_FREEZER"
-	Name: "Freezer"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 9990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [604, 50]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1452
-	AttackMotion: 483
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1595
-	SpriteName: "G_MARIN"
-	Name: "Marin"
-	Lv: 37
-	Hp: 987
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [69, 14]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 24
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1596
-	SpriteName: "G_TAMRUAN"
-	Name: "Tamruan"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 3195
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [336, 37]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1597
-	SpriteName: "G_GARGOYLE"
-	Name: "Gargoyle"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 8772
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [498, 89]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1598
-	SpriteName: "G_BLAZZER"
-	Name: "Blazzer"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 8121
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [599, 94]
-	Def: 116
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1732
-	AttackMotion: 1332
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1599
-	SpriteName: "G_WHISPER_BOSS"
-	Name: "Giant Whisper"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 2570
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [191, 59]
-	Def: 94
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 44
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2536
-	AttackMotion: 1536
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1600
-	SpriteName: "G_HEATER"
-	Name: "Heater"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 7480
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [644, 79]
-	Def: 186
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 96
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1452
-	AttackMotion: 483
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1601
-	SpriteName: "G_PERMETER"
-	Name: "Permeter"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6575
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [292, 56]
-	Def: 144
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1100
-	AttackMotion: 483
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1602
-	SpriteName: "G_SOLIDER"
-	Name: "Solider"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 8768
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [367, 40]
-	Def: 206
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 56
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1452
-	AttackMotion: 483
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1603
-	SpriteName: "G_BIGFOOT"
-	Name: "Bigfoot"
-	Lv: 29
-	Hp: 587
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [50, 12]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 7
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 18
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 7
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 192
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1604
-	SpriteName: "G_GIANT_HONET"
-	Name: "Giant Hornet"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 3960
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [303, 53]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1292
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 340
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1605
-	SpriteName: "G_DARK_ILLUSION"
-	Name: "Dark Illusion"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 46255
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1166, 360]
-	Def: 145
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 82
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 182
-		Luk: 88
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 1024
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1606
-	SpriteName: "G_GARM_BABY"
-	Name: "Garm Baby"
-	JName: "Hatii Baby"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 10016
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [498, 61]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 450
-	AttackDelay: 879
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1607
-	SpriteName: "G_GOBLINE_XMAS"
-	Name: "Christmas Goblin"
-	JName: "Santa Goblin"
-	Lv: 25
-	Hp: 1176
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [118, 22]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 38
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1608
-	SpriteName: "G_THIEF_BUG__"
-	Name: "Thief Bug Male"
-	JName: "Male Thief Bug"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 583
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [76, 12]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 16
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 988
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1609
-	SpriteName: "G_DANCING_DRAGON"
-	Name: "Dancing Dragon"
-	JName: "Zhu Po Long"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 3943
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [295, 35]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 59
-		Agi: 76
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 600
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lucky_Candy: 500
-		Lucky_Candy_Cane: 50
-		Lucky_Cookie: 20
-		Carrot: 10000
-		Fire_Cracker: 5000
-		Handsei: 100
-	}
-	Id: 1610
-	SpriteName: "A_MUNAK"
-	Name: "Munak"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 2872
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [40, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 2468
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Orange_Potion: 2000
-		Slow_Down_Potion: 100
-		Speed_Up_Potion: 100
-	}
-	Id: 1611
-	SpriteName: "A_BON_GUN"
-	Name: "Bongun"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 2510
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [189, 29]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1720
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Orange_Potion: 2000
-		Slow_Down_Potion: 100
-		Speed_Up_Potion: 100
-	}
-	Id: 1612
-	SpriteName: "A_HYEGUN"
-	Name: "Hyegun"
-	JName: "Yao Jun"
-	Lv: 56
-	Hp: 9981
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [710, 418]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 890
-	AttackMotion: 1320
-	DamageMotion: 720
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Orange_Potion: 2000
-		Slow_Down_Potion: 100
-		Speed_Up_Potion: 100
-	}
-// Einbroch (10.1)
-	Id: 1613
-	SpriteName: "METALING"
-	Name: "Metaling"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 4300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1048
-	JExp: 1074
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [188, 39]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 49
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tube: 4000
-		Iron_Ore: 1000
-		Iron: 500
-		Large_Jellopy: 1000
-		Screw: 200
-		Crimson_Bolt_: 5
-		Jubilee: 5000
-		Metaling_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1614
-	SpriteName: "MINERAL"
-	Name: "Mineral"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 8300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1604
-	JExp: 2026
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [751, 57]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 23
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 648
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fragment_Of_Crystal: 3000
-		Golden_Jewel: 500
-		Emperium: 2
-		Oridecon: 80
-		Emveretarcon: 800
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 100
-		Gold: 2
-		Mineral_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1615
-	SpriteName: "OBSIDIAN"
-	Name: "Obsidian"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 10088
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1782
-	JExp: 2038
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [767, 80]
-	Def: 129
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dark_Crystal_Fragment: 3000
-		Crystal_Jewel: 500
-		Coal: 500
-		Elunium: 50
-		Steel: 500
-		Unholy_Touch: 10
-		Obsidian_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1616
-	SpriteName: "PITMAN"
-	Name: "Pitman"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 7208
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1550
-	JExp: 1586
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [200, 60]
-	Def: 104
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 78
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 336
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Pick: 3000
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 500
-		Gun_Powder: 900
-		Steel: 500
-		Coal: 100
-		Lantern: 1000
-		Headlamp: 80
-		Pitman_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1617
-	SpriteName: "WASTE_STOVE"
-	Name: "Waste Stove"
-	JName: "Old Stove"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 7400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1652
-	JExp: 1548
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [530, 60]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Battered_Kettle: 1000
-		Burn_Tree: 1000
-		Tear_Gas: 200
-		Lusty_Iron: 50
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 50
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 3800
-		Waste_Stove_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1618
-	SpriteName: "UNGOLIANT"
-	Name: "Ungoliant"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 27070
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4100
-	JExp: 2456
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1296, 144]
-	Def: 108
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 110
-		Luk: 38
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 420
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Long_Limb: 4500
-		Jaws_Of_Ant: 3500
-		Colorful_Shell: 1000
-		Olivine: 1500
-		Fluorescent_Liquid: 2500
-		Dark_Red_Jewel: 1500
-		Boots_: 500
-		Ungoliant_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1619
-	SpriteName: "PORCELLIO"
-	Name: "Porcellio"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 5544
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1422
-	JExp: 1455
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [293, 53]
-	Def: 79
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jubilee: 5000
-		Main_Gauche_: 25
-		Insect_Feeler: 1000
-		Single_Cell: 3000
-		Dew_Laden_Moss: 2
-		Fluorescent_Liquid: 30
-		Porcellio_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1620
-	SpriteName: "NOXIOUS"
-	Name: "Noxious"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 5430
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 976
-	JExp: 1785
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [281, 71]
-	Def: 117
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 68
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Poisonous_Gas: 1000
-		Mould_Powder: 3000
-		Anodyne: 50
-		Air_Pollutant: 3000
-		Explosive_Powder: 600
-		Tear_Gas: 300
-		Old_Blue_Box: 1
-		Noxious_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1621
-	SpriteName: "VENOMOUS"
-	Name: "Venomous"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 4770
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1306
-	JExp: 1337
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [316, 50]
-	Def: 104
-	Mdef: 65
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 54
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Air_Pollutant: 5000
-		Spawns: 3000
-		Poison_Powder: 1000
-		Poisonous_Gas: 2000
-		Explosive_Powder: 300
-		Tear_Gas: 600
-		Old_Blue_Box: 1
-		Venomous_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1622
-	SpriteName: "TEDDY_BEAR"
-	Name: "Teddy Bear"
-	Lv: 91
-	Hp: 7238
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1620
-	JExp: 1799
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [482, 62]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 39
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 81
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Screw: 3800
-		Honey: 1000
-		Oridecon_Hammer: 300
-		Gold_Lux: 5
-		Angry_Mouth: 50
-		Cursed_Lucky_Brooch: 10
-		Elunium: 100
-		Teddy_Bear_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1623
-	SpriteName: "RSX_0806"
-	Name: "RSX 0806"
-	JName: "RSX-0806"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 1001000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 864000
-	JExp: 576000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3010, 976]
-	Def: 317
-	Mdef: 96
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 153
-		Agi: 143
-		Vit: 110
-		Int: 128
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 84
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 128
-	AttackMotion: 1104
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 360000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Dark_Blindfold: 3500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Wheel: 6000
-		House_Auger: 5
-		House_Auger_: 1
-		Old_Violet_Box: 1000
-		Headlamp: 5000
-		Counter_Dagger: 100
-		Spanner: 40
-		Rsx_0806_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1624
-	SpriteName: "G_WASTE_STOVE"
-	Name: "Waste Stove"
-	JName: "Old Stove"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 7400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [530, 60]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1625
-	SpriteName: "G_PORCELLIO"
-	Name: "Porcellio"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 5544
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1014
-	JExp: 624
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [182, 53]
-	Def: 79
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Hellion Revenant
-	Id: 1626
-	SpriteName: "G_DARK_PRIEST"
-	Name: "Hellion Revenant"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 8600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [196, 60]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 78
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 99
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Eye_Of_Hellion: 8000
-		Eye_Of_Hellion: 5000
-		Eye_Of_Hellion: 3000
-		Eye_Of_Hellion: 1000
-		Eye_Of_Hellion: 500
-		Eye_Of_Hellion: 100
-	}
-// Lighthalzen (10.2)
-	Id: 1627
-	SpriteName: "ANOPHELES"
-	Name: "Anopheles"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 7238
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2028
-	JExp: 1902
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [315, 18]
-	Def: 7
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 64
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 58
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1084
-	AttackMotion: 2304
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1000
-		Spawns: 500
-		Anopheles_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1628
-	SpriteName: "MOLE"
-	Name: "Mole"
-	JName: "Holden"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 6228
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1326
-	JExp: 1358
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [286, 49]
-	Def: 82
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 53
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 58
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1400
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moustache_Of_Mole: 5000
-		Nail_Of_Mole: 5000
-		Super_Novice_Hat_: 50
-		Six_Shooter_: 5
-		Mole_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1629
-	SpriteName: "HILL_WIND"
-	Name: "Hill Wind"
-	Lv: 43
-	Hp: 2870
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 340
-	JExp: 340
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [290, 190]
-	Def: 9
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 21
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 59
-		Luk: 23
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 336
-	AttackMotion: 540
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Meat: 1000
-		Monsters_Feed: 1000
-		Hill_Wind_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1630
-	SpriteName: "BACSOJIN_"
-	Name: "Bacsojin"
-	JName: "White Lady"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 720500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 801792
-	JExp: 542880
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1414, 2036]
-	Def: 210
-	Mdef: 178
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 244
-		Vit: 98
-		Int: 126
-		Dex: 246
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 334080
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Celestial_Robe: 2000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Long_Hair: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 3000
-		Limpid_Celestial_Robe: 3000
-		Tantanmen: 50
-		Red_Silk_Seal: 100
-		Tiara: 10
-		Bacsojin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1631
-	SpriteName: "CHUNG_E_"
-	Name: "Chung E"
-	JName: "Green Maiden"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 3901
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1154
-	JExp: 1481
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [272, 63]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 43
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1728
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 1188
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 4200
-		Stuffed_Doll: 100
-		Hora_: 10
-		Honey: 500
-		Tantanmen: 10
-		Hair_Protector: 50
-		Chung_E_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1632
-	SpriteName: "GREMLIN"
-	Name: "Gremlin"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 20313
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4018
-	JExp: 2318
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [848, 138]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 141
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 126
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 540
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Will_Of_Darkness: 3000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Violet_Jewel: 100
-		Boots_: 1
-		Bloody_Roar: 1
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2
-		Gremlin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1633
-	SpriteName: "BEHOLDER"
-	Name: "Beholder"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 19280
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4270
-	JExp: 2463
-	AttackRange: 6
-	Attack: [823, 130]
-	Def: 50
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 96
-		Agi: 82
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 107
-		Dex: 132
-		Luk: 82
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 336
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Prickly_Fruit: 3000
-		Anodyne: 100
-		Rough_Wind: 100
-		Elunium: 10
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2
-		Beholder_Card: 1
-	}
-// Normal advanced class mobs
-	Id: 1634
-	SpriteName: "SEYREN"
-	Name: "Seyren"
-	JName: "Seyren Windsor"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 204962
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 17751
-	JExp: 14895
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3505, 1317]
-	Def: 166
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 162
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 186
-		Int: 49
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 3000
-		Dragon_Killer: 2
-		High_Weapon_Box: 5
-		Carnium: 10
-		Goast_Chill: 1
-		Will_Of_Warrior: 200
-		Ruber: 100
-		Seyren_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1635
-	SpriteName: "EREMES"
-	Name: "Eremes"
-	JName: "Eremes Guile"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 220525
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 16714
-	JExp: 13423
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3055, 1171]
-	Def: 122
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 145
-		Agi: 137
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 67
-		Dex: 191
-		Luk: 76
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lab_Staff_Record: 2000
-		Carnium: 1
-		Pauldron: 1
-		Nail_Of_Loki: 3
-		Various_Jur: 30
-		Poison_Bottle: 110
-		Krishna: 100
-		Eremes_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1636
-	SpriteName: "HARWORD"
-	Name: "Harword"
-	JName: "Howard Alt-Eisen"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 378100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 17055
-	JExp: 13620
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2762, 1282]
-	Def: 131
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 158
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 92
-		Int: 53
-		Dex: 123
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 3000
-		Goast_Chill: 1
-		Vecer_Axe: 100
-		High_Weapon_Box: 3
-		Will_Of_Warrior: 200
-		Clothes_Of_The_Lord: 1
-		Carnium: 10
-		Harword_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1637
-	SpriteName: "MAGALETA"
-	Name: "Magaleta"
-	JName: "Margaretha Sorin"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 250800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 15432
-	JExp: 11710
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1277, 3554]
-	Def: 108
-	Mdef: 93
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 74
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 123
-		Dex: 149
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lab_Staff_Record: 2000
-		Croce_Staff: 100
-		Goast_Chill: 1
-		Hardback: 5
-		Bible_Of_Promise2: 5
-		Recovery_Light: 10
-		Will_Of_Warrior: 200
-		Magaleta_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1638
-	SpriteName: "SHECIL"
-	Name: "Shecil"
-	JName: "Cecil Damon"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 200255
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 16567
-	JExp: 13788
-	AttackRange: 14
-	Attack: [3737, 1248]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 308
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 3000
-		Imma_Arrow_Container: 110
-		Big_CrossBow: 10
-		High_Weapon_Box: 3
-		Will_Of_Warrior: 200
-		Goast_Chill: 1
-		Falken_Blitz: 100
-		Shecil_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1639
-	SpriteName: "KATRINN"
-	Name: "Katrinn"
-	JName: "Kathryne Keyron"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 209780
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 13484
-	JExp: 13452
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1089, 3123]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 333
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 108
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 144
-		Dex: 209
-		Luk: 49
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 3000
-		Carnium: 1
-		Lacryma_Stick: 100
-		High_Weapon_Box: 1
-		Will_Of_Warrior: 200
-		Pair_Of_Red_Ribbon: 1
-		Goast_Chill: 1
-		Katrinn_Card: 1
-	}
-// MVP Slaves
-	Id: 1640
-	SpriteName: "G_SEYREN"
-	Name: "Lord Knight Seyren"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 2680000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [6435, 2342]
-	Def: 567
-	Mdef: 155
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 303
-		Agi: 165
-		Vit: 181
-		Int: 110
-		Dex: 267
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Carnium: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1641
-	SpriteName: "G_EREMES"
-	Name: "Assassin Cross Eremes"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 1230000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [6083, 1378]
-	Def: 445
-	Mdef: 98
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 211
-		Agi: 338
-		Vit: 114
-		Int: 83
-		Dex: 338
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Carnium: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1642
-	SpriteName: "G_HARWORD"
-	Name: "Whitesmith Harword"
-	JName: "MasterSmith Howard"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 3750000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5250, 1465]
-	Def: 301
-	Mdef: 106
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 275
-		Agi: 148
-		Vit: 156
-		Int: 72
-		Dex: 266
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Carnium: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1643
-	SpriteName: "G_MAGALETA"
-	Name: "High Priest Magaleta"
-	JName: "High Priest Margaretha"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 2800000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2499, 3396]
-	Def: 231
-	Mdef: 349
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 172
-		Agi: 150
-		Vit: 164
-		Int: 203
-		Dex: 233
-		Luk: 88
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 125
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Carnium: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1644
-	SpriteName: "G_SHECIL"
-	Name: "Sniper Shecil"
-	JName: "Sniper Cecil"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4140000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 14
-	Attack: [4155, 1550]
-	Def: 178
-	Mdef: 135
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 176
-		Agi: 258
-		Vit: 155
-		Int: 132
-		Dex: 464
-		Luk: 95
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Carnium: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1645
-	SpriteName: "G_KATRINN"
-	Name: "High Wizard Katrinn"
-	JName: "High Wizard Kathryne"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4500000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2097, 4254]
-	Def: 215
-	Mdef: 555
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 165
-		Agi: 190
-		Vit: 142
-		Int: 236
-		Dex: 299
-		Luk: 93
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Carnium: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-	}
-// MVP Monsters
-	Id: 1646
-	SpriteName: "B_SEYREN"
-	Name: "Lord Knight Seyren"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4680000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6035328
-	JExp: 3481920
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [6435, 2342]
-	Def: 567
-	Mdef: 155
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 303
-		Agi: 165
-		Vit: 181
-		Int: 110
-		Dex: 267
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 2321280
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Edge: 2500
-		Full_Plate_Armor_: 3500
-		Grave_: 9000
-		Brionac: 3500
-		Longinuss_Spear: 3000
-		Dragon_Slayer: 2500
-		Skewer: 1500
-		B_Seyren_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1647
-	SpriteName: "B_EREMES"
-	Name: "Assassin Cross Eremes"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4230000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5440500
-	JExp: 3147120
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [6083, 1378]
-	Def: 445
-	Mdef: 98
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 211
-		Agi: 338
-		Vit: 114
-		Int: 83
-		Dex: 338
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 2092500
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Moonlight_Sword: 1500
-		House_Auger: 1500
-		Glittering_Clothes: 9000
-		Exercise: 3500
-		Assasin_Dagger: 3500
-		Bloody_Roar: 3500
-		Ginnungagap: 3500
-		B_Eremes_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1648
-	SpriteName: "B_HARWORD"
-	Name: "Whitesmith Harword"
-	JName: "MasterSmith Howard"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 6750000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4621500
-	JExp: 2664000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5250, 1465]
-	Def: 301
-	Mdef: 106
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 275
-		Agi: 148
-		Vit: 156
-		Int: 72
-		Dex: 266
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 1777500
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Mysteltainn_: 3500
-		Byeorrun_Gum: 2500
-		Clothes_Of_The_Lord: 9000
-		Sabbath: 3500
-		Great_Axe: 3500
-		Guillotine: 2500
-		Tomahawk: 3500
-		B_Harword_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1649
-	SpriteName: "B_MAGALETA"
-	Name: "High Priest Magaleta"
-	JName: "High Priest Margaretha"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4800000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4504500
-	JExp: 2520000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2499, 3396]
-	Def: 231
-	Mdef: 349
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 172
-		Agi: 150
-		Vit: 164
-		Int: 203
-		Dex: 233
-		Luk: 88
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 125
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 1732500
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Berserk: 3500
-		Safety_Ring: 2500
-		Celestial_Robe: 9000
-		Book_Of_The_Apocalypse: 3500
-		Quadrille: 3500
-		Grand_Cross: 2500
-		Diary_Of_Great_Sage: 3500
-		B_Magaleta_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1650
-	SpriteName: "B_SHECIL"
-	Name: "Sniper Shecil"
-	JName: "Sniper Cecil"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4140000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5338944
-	JExp: 3080160
-	AttackRange: 14
-	Attack: [4155, 1550]
-	Def: 178
-	Mdef: 135
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 176
-		Agi: 258
-		Vit: 155
-		Int: 132
-		Dex: 464
-		Luk: 95
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 2053440
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Luna_Bow: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Combat_Knife: 3500
-		Sucsamad: 3500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 9000
-		Moonlight_Sword: 1500
-		Grimtooth_: 3500
-		Bow_Of_Rudra: 1500
-		Dragon_Wing: 2500
-		B_Shecil_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1651
-	SpriteName: "B_KATRINN"
-	Name: "High Wizard Katrinn"
-	JName: "High Wizard Kathryne"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4500000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4212000
-	JExp: 2430000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2097, 4254]
-	Def: 215
-	Mdef: 555
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 165
-		Agi: 190
-		Vit: 142
-		Int: 236
-		Dex: 299
-		Luk: 93
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 1620000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Cursed_Dagger: 3500
-		Counter_Dagger: 3500
-		Critical_Ring: 9000
-		Robe_Of_Casting: 2500
-		Celestial_Robe: 2500
-		Survival_Rod_: 3000
-		Glittering_Clothes: 3500
-		B_Katrinn_Card: 1
-	}
-// 1'st Class Mobs
-	Id: 1652
-	SpriteName: "YGNIZEM"
-	Name: "Ygnizem"
-	JName: "Egnigem Cenia"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 40327
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7398
-	JExp: 5460
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1985, 328]
-	Def: 224
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 144
-		Agi: 92
-		Vit: 86
-		Int: 69
-		Dex: 149
-		Luk: 68
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lab_Staff_Record: 1000
-		Katzbalger: 1
-		Two_Hand_Sword_: 20
-		Saber_: 20
-		Padded_Armor_: 10
-		Slayer_: 80
-		Plate_Armor_: 1
-		Ygnizem_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1653
-	SpriteName: "WHIKEBAIN"
-	Name: "Whikebain"
-	JName: "Wickebine Tres"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 43191
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6622
-	JExp: 4721
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1414, 144]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 114
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 69
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 128
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 2000
-		Forturn_Sword: 1
-		Adventureres_Suit_: 40
-		Gladius_: 10
-		Chain_Mail_: 2
-		Ring_Of_Rogue: 1
-		Coward_: 10
-		Whikebain_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1654
-	SpriteName: "ARMAIA"
-	Name: "Armaia"
-	JName: "Armeyer Dinze"
-	Lv: 134
-	Hp: 46878
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6364
-	JExp: 5908
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1390, 155]
-	Def: 199
-	Mdef: 4
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 123
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 85
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 62
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 1000
-		Muffler_: 1
-		Buster_: 50
-		Battle_Axe_: 40
-		Mink_Coat: 10
-		Axe_: 80
-		Windhawk: 10
-		Armaia_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1655
-	SpriteName: "EREND"
-	Name: "Erend"
-	JName: "Errende Ebecee"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 42764
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6318
-	JExp: 4545
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [937, 552]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 90
-		Int: 145
-		Dex: 131
-		Luk: 62
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 500
-		Biretta_: 5
-		Morning_Star_: 50
-		Sword_Mace_: 20
-		Saint_Robe_: 5
-		Scapulare_: 10
-		Spike: 1
-		Erend_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1656
-	SpriteName: "KAVAC"
-	Name: "Kavac"
-	JName: "Kavach Icarus"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 43079
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6934
-	JExp: 5276
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [1195, 129]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 109
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 274
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lab_Staff_Record: 2000
-		Kakkung_: 1
-		Steel_Arrow_Container: 100
-		Great_Bow_: 10
-		Mantle_: 5
-		Sandals_: 30
-		Shoes_: 2
-		Kavac_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1657
-	SpriteName: "RAWREL"
-	Name: "Rawrel"
-	JName: "Laurell Weinder"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 40282
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5850
-	JExp: 5476
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [668, 1032]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 180
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 162
-		Dex: 168
-		Luk: 57
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mementos: 1000
-		Staff_Of_Wing: 1
-		Guard_: 5
-		Staff_: 50
-		Silk_Robe_: 10
-		Silver_Robe_: 30
-		Clip: 1
-		Rawrel_Card: 1
-	}
-// 1'st Class MvP (Ygnizem/Egnigem Cenia) and her mobs.
-	Id: 1658
-	SpriteName: "B_YGNIZEM"
-	Name: "Ygnizem"
-	JName: "Egnigem Cenia"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 2910088
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1370720
-	JExp: 1860000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5986, 2351]
-	Def: 373
-	Mdef: 175
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 188
-		Agi: 177
-		Vit: 165
-		Int: 142
-		Dex: 278
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 527200
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Broad_Sword_: 1000
-		Gift_Box: 5000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Schweizersabel: 1000
-		Formal_Suit: 1000
-		Boots_: 1000
-		Nagan: 1000
-		B_Ygnizem_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1659
-	SpriteName: "G_WHIKEBAIN"
-	Name: "Whikebain"
-	JName: "Wickebine Tres"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 43191
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1414, 144]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 114
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 69
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 128
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gift_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1660
-	SpriteName: "G_ARMAIA"
-	Name: "Armaia"
-	JName: "Armeyer Dinze"
-	Lv: 134
-	Hp: 46878
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1390, 155]
-	Def: 199
-	Mdef: 4
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 123
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 85
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 62
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gift_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1661
-	SpriteName: "G_EREND"
-	Name: "Erend"
-	JName: "Errende Ebecee"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 42764
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [937, 552]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 90
-		Int: 145
-		Dex: 131
-		Luk: 62
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gift_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1662
-	SpriteName: "G_KAVAC"
-	Name: "Kavac"
-	JName: "Kavach Icarus"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 43079
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [1195, 129]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 109
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 274
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gift_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1663
-	SpriteName: "G_RAWREL"
-	Name: "Rawrel"
-	JName: "Laurell Weinder"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 40282
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [668, 832]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 180
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 162
-		Dex: 168
-		Luk: 57
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gift_Box: 10
-	}
-// Juperos
-	Id: 1664
-	SpriteName: "POTON_CANON"
-	Name: "Photon Cannon"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 8000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 840
-	JExp: 600
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [840, 100]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Large_Jellopy: 5000
-		Dark_Red_Jewel: 1000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1665
-	SpriteName: "POTON_CANON_1"
-	Name: "Photon Cannon"
-	Lv: 67
-	Hp: 7500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 630
-	JExp: 800
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [735, 100]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Large_Jellopy: 5000
-		Blue_Jewel: 1000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		Destroyer: 5
-	}
-	Id: 1666
-	SpriteName: "POTON_CANON_2"
-	Name: "Photon Cannon"
-	Lv: 64
-	Hp: 7100
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 840
-	JExp: 600
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [840, 100]
-	Def: 13
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 29
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 91
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Large_Jellopy: 5000
-		Azure_Jewel: 1000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1667
-	SpriteName: "POTON_CANON_3"
-	Name: "Photon Cannon"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 7800
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 630
-	JExp: 800
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [735, 100]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 23
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 99
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Large_Jellopy: 5000
-		Golden_Jewel: 1000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1668
-	SpriteName: "ARCHDAM"
-	Name: "Archdam"
-	Lv: 119
-	Hp: 20700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3720
-	JExp: 2147
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [844, 119]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 580
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Screw: 5000
-		Steel: 500
-		Oridecon: 200
-		Elunium: 200
-		Gate_Keeper: 5
-		Gate_KeeperDD: 5
-		Archdam_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1669
-	SpriteName: "DIMIK"
-	Name: "Dimik"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 10000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 5
-	Attack: [1144, 840]
-	Def: 45
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 76
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dimik_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1670
-	SpriteName: "DIMIK_1"
-	Name: "Dimik"
-	Lv: 116
-	Hp: 17552
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3790
-	JExp: 2586
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [1618, 107]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 114
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 52
-		Dex: 201
-		Luk: 41
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 2000
-		Transparent_Plate01: 50
-		Oil_Bottle: 70
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Dusk: 5
-		Oridecon: 10
-		Imperial_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Dimik_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1671
-	SpriteName: "DIMIK_2"
-	Name: "Dimik"
-	Lv: 116
-	Hp: 23840
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3790
-	JExp: 2586
-	AttackRange: 5
-	Attack: [982, 103]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 153
-		Luk: 38
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 2000
-		Transparent_Plate02: 50
-		Steel: 300
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Thunder_P_: 10
-		Oridecon: 10
-		Imperial_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Dimik_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1672
-	SpriteName: "DIMIK_3"
-	Name: "Dimik"
-	Lv: 116
-	Hp: 21920
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3790
-	JExp: 2586
-	AttackRange: 5
-	Attack: [954, 95]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 24
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 115
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 68
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 135
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 2000
-		Transparent_Plate03: 50
-		Steel: 300
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Hyper_Changer: 10
-		Oridecon: 10
-		Imperial_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Dimik_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1673
-	SpriteName: "DIMIK_4"
-	Name: "Dimik"
-	Lv: 116
-	Hp: 16940
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3790
-	JExp: 2586
-	AttackRange: 5
-	Attack: [1079, 124]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 53
-		Dex: 150
-		Luk: 47
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 2000
-		Transparent_Plate04: 50
-		Steel: 300
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Hyper_Changer: 10
-		Oridecon: 10
-		Oil_Bottle: 70
-		Dimik_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1674
-	SpriteName: "MONEMUS"
-	Name: "Monemus"
-	Lv: 88
-	Hp: 80000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 5
-	Attack: [2640, 1000]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 90
-		Int: 24
-		Dex: 173
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1368
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Stone: 2000
-		Stone_Heart: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1675
-	SpriteName: "VENATU"
-	Name: "Venatu"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 12717
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [717, 127]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 58
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Venatu_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1676
-	SpriteName: "VENATU_1"
-	Name: "Venatu"
-	Lv: 113
-	Hp: 15900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3182
-	JExp: 2036
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1662, 85]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Screw: 2000
-		Piece_Of_Crest1: 350
-		Oil_Bottle: 100
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Drifter: 5
-		Elunium: 10
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 100
-		Venatu_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1677
-	SpriteName: "VENATU_2"
-	Name: "Venatu"
-	Lv: 113
-	Hp: 14717
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3428
-	JExp: 2080
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [917, 107]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 73
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Screw: 2000
-		Piece_Of_Crest2: 500
-		Steel: 300
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Long_Barrel_: 10
-		Elunium: 10
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 100
-		Venatu_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1678
-	SpriteName: "VENATU_3"
-	Name: "Venatu"
-	Lv: 113
-	Hp: 21040
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3436
-	JExp: 2082
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [977, 100]
-	Def: 104
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 97
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Screw: 2000
-		Piece_Of_Crest3: 400
-		Steel: 300
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Hyper_Changer: 10
-		Elunium: 10
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 100
-		Venatu_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1679
-	SpriteName: "VENATU_4"
-	Name: "Venatu"
-	Lv: 113
-	Hp: 21810
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3436
-	JExp: 2082
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [918, 89]
-	Def: 74
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 101
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Screw: 2000
-		Piece_Of_Crest4: 300
-		Steel: 300
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Hyper_Changer: 10
-		Elunium: 10
-		Oil_Bottle: 100
-		Venatu_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1680
-	SpriteName: "HILL_WIND_1"
-	Name: "Hill Wind"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 9100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2280
-	JExp: 1425
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [400, 67]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 105
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 96
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Harpys_Feather: 4000
-		Harpys_Claw: 3000
-		Monsters_Feed: 1000
-		Blue_Herb: 10
-		Hill_Wind_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1681
-	SpriteName: "GEMINI"
-	Name: "Gemini-S58"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 108999
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6071
-	JExp: 4771
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2178, 622]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 115
-		Agi: 92
-		Vit: 81
-		Int: 92
-		Dex: 141
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skull: 3000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 1000
-		Butcher_: 5
-		Yellow_Slim_Potion: 500
-		White_Slim_Potion: 400
-		Cookbook08: 6
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 300
-		Gemini_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1682
-	SpriteName: "REMOVAL"
-	Name: "Removal"
-	JName: "Remover"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 32235
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4504
-	JExp: 2829
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [998, 120]
-	Def: 110
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 127
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 82
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 1152
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Empty_Bottle: 5000
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 5000
-		Gas_Mask: 10
-		Nice_Sweet_Potato: 500
-		Detrimindexta: 50
-		Karvodailnirol: 100
-		Fedora_: 6
-		Removal_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1683
-	SpriteName: "G_POTON_CANON"
-	Name: "Photon Cannon"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 8000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [840, 100]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1684
-	SpriteName: "G_ARCHDAM"
-	Name: "Archdam"
-	Lv: 119
-	Hp: 20700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [844, 119]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1685
-	SpriteName: "APOCALIPS_H"
-	Name: "Vesper"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 3802000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3510000
-	JExp: 2250000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [3668, 4656]
-	Def: 402
-	Mdef: 109
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 177
-		Agi: 195
-		Vit: 165
-		Int: 130
-		Dex: 255
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 100000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Steel_Piece: 5000
-		Mystery_Piece: 3000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 1000
-		Vesper_Core01: 100
-		Vesper_Core02: 100
-		Vesper_Core03: 100
-		Vesper_Core04: 100
-		Apocalips_H_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1686
-	SpriteName: "ORC_BABY"
-	Name: "Orc Baby"
-	Lv: 43
-	Hp: 1122
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 315
-	JExp: 354
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [64, 11]
-	Def: 49
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 25
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Large_Jellopy: 1000
-		Pacifier: 100
-		Viking_Helm: 1
-		Milk: 5000
-		Milk_Bottle: 200
-		Bib: 100
-		Orc_Baby_Card_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1687
-	SpriteName: "GREEN_IGUANA"
-	Name: "Green Iguana"
-	JName: "Grove"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 2090
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 510
-	JExp: 548
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [146, 35]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 17
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 1500
-		Reptile_Tongue: 1000
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 1000
-		Green_Herb: 1000
-		Monsters_Feed: 2000
-		Aloebera: 10
-		Melon: 500
-		Green_Iguana_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1688
-	SpriteName: "LADY_TANEE"
-	Name: "Lady Tanee"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 360000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 367488
-	JExp: 261000
-	AttackRange: 14
-	Attack: [1936, 925]
-	Def: 241
-	Mdef: 104
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 86
-		Agi: 108
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 121
-		Dex: 240
-		Luk: 71
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 167040
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Dex_Dish10: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Agi_Dish10: 5000
-		Tropical_Banana: 4000
-		Fantastic_Cooking_Kits: 1000
-		Banana_Hat: 1000
-		Elunium: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2000
-		Kakkung_: 6000
-		Lady_Tanee_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1689
-	SpriteName: "G_BACSOJIN"
-	Name: "Bacsojin"
-	JName: "White Lady"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 720500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1414, 2036]
-	Def: 210
-	Mdef: 178
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 244
-		Vit: 98
-		Int: 126
-		Dex: 246
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1690
-	SpriteName: "G_SPRING_RABBIT"
-	Name: "Spring Rabbit"
-	JName: "Lunar Rabbit"
-	Lv: 12
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Plant: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 552
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		New_Year_Rice_Cake: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1691
-	SpriteName: "G_KRABEN"
-	Name: "Kraben"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 2901
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [279, 45]
-	Def: 108
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 68
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1536
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 1
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 1
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 1
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 1
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 1
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 1
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 1
-	}
-// Thanatos Tower (10.3)
-	Id: 1692
-	SpriteName: "BREEZE"
-	Name: "Breeze"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 6755
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1918
-	JExp: 1797
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [493, 52]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 101
-		Vit: 46
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Raccoon_Leaf: 500
-		Four_Leaf_Clover: 10
-		Centimental_Leaf: 10
-		Gust_Bow: 10
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10
-		Centimental_Flower: 10
-		Rough_Wind: 10
-		Breeze_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1693
-	SpriteName: "PLASMA_Y"
-	Name: "Plasma"
-	Lv: 119
-	Hp: 20600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2744
-	JExp: 2882
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [861, 135]
-	Def: 130
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 141
-		Agi: 94
-		Vit: 75
-		Int: 91
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1056
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scell: 100
-		Gift_Box: 10
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 2
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 100
-		Gold: 1
-		Light_Granule: 300
-		Plasma_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1694
-	SpriteName: "PLASMA_R"
-	Name: "Plasma"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 16789
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4614
-	JExp: 2661
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1169, 100]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 147
-		Agi: 77
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 133
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 912
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scell: 100
-		Gift_Box: 10
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 2
-		Red_Gemstone: 100
-		Boody_Red: 45
-		Plasma_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1695
-	SpriteName: "PLASMA_G"
-	Name: "Plasma"
-	Lv: 116
-	Hp: 24975
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4352
-	JExp: 2511
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [851, 112]
-	Def: 120
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scell: 100
-		Gift_Box: 10
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 2
-		Blue_Gemstone: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 40
-		Plasma_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1696
-	SpriteName: "PLASMA_P"
-	Name: "Plasma"
-	Lv: 117
-	Hp: 18955
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4352
-	JExp: 2511
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [872, 139]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 49
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 130
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 122
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scell: 100
-		Gift_Box: 10
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 2
-		Red_Gemstone: 100
-		Cardinal_Jewel_: 100
-		Plasma_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1697
-	SpriteName: "PLASMA_B"
-	Name: "Plasma"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 24651
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4134
-	JExp: 2384
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [599, 70]
-	Def: 51
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 124
-		Agi: 74
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scell: 100
-		Gift_Box: 10
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 2
-		Blue_Gemstone: 100
-		Crystal_Blue: 35
-		Plasma_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1698
-	SpriteName: "DEATHWORD"
-	Name: "Deathword"
-	JName: "Death Word"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 16390
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3334
-	JExp: 1923
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [834, 125]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 53
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 176
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worn_Out_Page: 4000
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 300
-		Legend_Of_Kafra01: 50
-		Bloody_Page: 500
-		Vidars_Boots: 10
-		Cookbook08: 2
-		Cookbook09: 1
-		Deathword_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1699
-	SpriteName: "ANCIENT_MIMIC"
-	Name: "Ancient Mimic"
-	Lv: 112
-	Hp: 14700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3182
-	JExp: 2069
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [959, 84]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 141
-		Luk: 67
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 168
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Blue_Box: 30
-		Old_Violet_Box: 1
-		Gift_Box: 50
-		Shoes_: 5
-		Manteau_: 1
-		Fricco_Shoes: 10
-		Gold_Ring: 100
-		Ancient_Mimic_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1700
-	SpriteName: "OBSERVATION"
-	Name: "Observation"
-	JName: "Dame of Sentinel"
-	Lv: 127
-	Hp: 34538
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5556
-	JExp: 5100
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1400, 152]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 52
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 178
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Feather: 500
-		Ring_: 1
-		Cursed_Seal: 100
-		Golden_Jewel: 1000
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 100
-		Hair_Band: 10
-		Golden_Bracelet: 100
-		Observation_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1701
-	SpriteName: "SHELTER"
-	Name: "Shelter"
-	JName: "Mistress of Shelter"
-	Lv: 125
-	Hp: 27000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5212
-	JExp: 5050
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1067, 944]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 89
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 153
-		Dex: 133
-		Luk: 89
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Feather: 200
-		Cursed_Seal: 1
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 50
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 1000
-		Skull: 1000
-		Cursed_Seal: 50
-		Shelter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1702
-	SpriteName: "RETRIBUTION"
-	Name: "Retribution"
-	JName: "Baroness of Retribution"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 22152
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4986
-	JExp: 4462
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1117, 804]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 127
-		Dex: 149
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 360
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Feather: 400
-		Ring_: 1
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 50
-		Cardinal_Jewel: 1000
-		Manteau_: 5
-		Two_Hand_Sword_: 10
-		Cursed_Seal: 50
-		Retribution_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1703
-	SpriteName: "SOLACE"
-	Name: "Solace"
-	JName: "Lady Solace"
-	Lv: 123
-	Hp: 24729
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4884
-	JExp: 4818
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1234, 165]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 96
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Feather: 200
-		Ring_: 1
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 50
-		Dark_Red_Jewel: 1000
-		Harp_: 50
-		Harp: 100
-		Cursed_Seal: 50
-		Solace_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1704
-	SpriteName: "THA_ODIUM"
-	Name: "Thanatos Odium"
-	JName: "Odium of Thanatos"
-	Lv: 129
-	Hp: 40200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5148
-	JExp: 3666
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [1061, 144]
-	Def: 120
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 54
-		Dex: 181
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 1000
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 100
-		Piece_Of_Memory_Blue: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 10
-		Goibnes_Shoulder_Arms: 1000
-		Tha_Odium_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1705
-	SpriteName: "THA_DESPERO"
-	Name: "Thanatos Despero"
-	JName: "Despero of Thanatos"
-	Lv: 129
-	Hp: 41111
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5148
-	JExp: 3666
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1032, 171]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 69
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 96
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 127
-		Luk: 52
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 160
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 1000
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 100
-		Piece_Of_Memory_Red: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 10
-		Goibnes_Combat_Boots: 1000
-		Tha_Despero_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1706
-	SpriteName: "THA_MAERO"
-	Name: "Thanatos Maero"
-	JName: "Maero of Thanatos"
-	Lv: 129
-	Hp: 42599
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5148
-	JExp: 3666
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1058, 245]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 90
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 111
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 133
-		Dex: 115
-		Luk: 67
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 160
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 1000
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 100
-		Piece_Of_Memory_Purple: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 10
-		Goibnes_Armor: 1000
-		Tha_Maero_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1707
-	SpriteName: "THA_DOLOR"
-	Name: "Thanatos Dolor"
-	JName: "Dolor of Thanatos"
-	Lv: 129
-	Hp: 45000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5148
-	JExp: 3666
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [980, 201]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 80
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 96
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 160
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 1000
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 100
-		Piece_Of_Memory_Green: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 10
-		Goibnes_Helmet: 1000
-		Tha_Dolor_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1708
-	SpriteName: "THANATOS"
-	Name: "Thanatos"
-	JName: "Memory of Thanatos"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 1445660
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1559280
-	JExp: 1930554
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [4956, 1671]
-	Def: 364
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 129
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 86
-		Dex: 247
-		Luk: 32
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 115
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 649700
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Treasure_Box: 1000
-		Morriganes_Manteau: 1000
-		Piece_Of_Bone_Armor: 5000
-		Full_Plate_Armor_: 5000
-		Grave_: 5000
-		Wing_Of_Eagle: 1000
-		Bloody_Iron_Ball: 500
-		Thanatos_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1709
-	SpriteName: "G_THA_ODIUM"
-	Name: "Thanatos Odium"
-	JName: "Odium of Thanatos"
-	Lv: 129
-	Hp: 40200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [1061, 144]
-	Def: 120
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 54
-		Dex: 181
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 115
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 1000
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 100
-	}
-	Id: 1710
-	SpriteName: "G_THA_DESPERO"
-	Name: "Thanatos Despero"
-	JName: "Despero of Thanatos"
-	Lv: 129
-	Hp: 41111
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1032, 171]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 69
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 96
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 127
-		Luk: 52
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 160
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 1000
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 100
-	}
-	Id: 1711
-	SpriteName: "G_THA_MAERO"
-	Name: "Thanatos Maero"
-	JName: "Maero of Thanatos"
-	Lv: 129
-	Hp: 42599
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1058, 245]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 90
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 111
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 133
-		Dex: 115
-		Luk: 67
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 160
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 1000
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 100
-	}
-	Id: 1712
-	SpriteName: "G_THA_DOLOR"
-	Name: "Thanatos Dolor"
-	JName: "Dolor of Thanatos"
-	Lv: 129
-	Hp: 45000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [980, 201]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 80
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 96
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 160
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 1000
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 100
-	}
-// Abyss Lake
-	Id: 1713
-	SpriteName: "ACIDUS"
-	Name: "Acidus"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 48430
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6176
-	JExp: 3988
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [871, 695]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 90
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 168
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Light_Granule: 500
-		Dragon_Canine: 4000
-		Treasure_Box: 5
-		White_Wing_Brooch: 10
-		Dragonball_Yellow: 800
-		Inverse_Scale: 10
-		Stone_Buckler: 50
-		Acidus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1714
-	SpriteName: "FERUS"
-	Name: "Ferus"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 25668
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5180
-	JExp: 2989
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [969, 115]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 94
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 108
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Black_wing_Brooch: 10
-		Dragon_Canine: 1000
-		Dragons_Skin: 1000
-		Dragon_Scale: 2000
-		Dragonball_Red: 800
-		Flame_Heart: 20
-		Magni_Cap: 50
-		Ferus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1715
-	SpriteName: "NOVUS"
-	Name: "Novus"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6670
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1436
-	JExp: 1505
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [427, 57]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 74
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 151
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Green_Herb: 3000
-		Cyfar: 1035
-		Dragon_Scale: 589
-		Novus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1716
-	SpriteName: "ACIDUS_"
-	Name: "Acidus"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 40718
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5876
-	JExp: 3389
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1484, 158]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 110
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 53
-		Dex: 133
-		Luk: 53
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 168
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Potion: 150
-		Dragon_Canine: 4000
-		White_Wing_Brooch: 10
-		Dragon_Scale: 3589
-		Dragonball_Blue: 800
-		Rough_Wind: 20
-		Dragonball_Blue: 100
-		Acidus__Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1717
-	SpriteName: "FERUS_"
-	Name: "Ferus"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 39054
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5440
-	JExp: 2989
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [906, 122]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 57
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 87
-		Luk: 51
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 108
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Delicious_Fish: 5100
-		Dragon_Canine: 1000
-		Black_wing_Brooch: 10
-		Dragon_Scale: 3589
-		Dragonball_Green: 800
-		Great_Nature: 20
-		Dragonball_Green: 100
-		Ferus__Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1718
-	SpriteName: "NOVUS_"
-	Name: "Novus"
-	Lv: 84
-	Hp: 5028
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1188
-	JExp: 1215
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [293, 48]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 53
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 43
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 58
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 252
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Herb: 2000
-		Cyfar: 1035
-		Dragon_Scale: 589
-		Novus__Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1719
-	SpriteName: "DETALE"
-	Name: "Detale"
-	JName: "Detardeurus"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 6005000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5616000
-	JExp: 3420000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [6108, 2662]
-	Def: 364
-	Mdef: 166
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 165
-		Agi: 153
-		Vit: 171
-		Int: 136
-		Dex: 278
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 936
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 2160000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Morpheuss_Armlet: 1000
-		Morpheuss_Ring: 1000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		Scale_Of_Red_Dragon: 3589
-		Int_Dish10: 1000
-		Pole_Axe: 100
-		Gemmed_Crown: 500
-		Detale_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1720
-	SpriteName: "HYDRO"
-	Name: "Hydro"
-	JName: "Hydrolancer"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 41500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 8170
-	JExp: 4463
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1064, 150]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 123
-		Luk: 58
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragons_Skin: 4000
-		Dragon_Canine: 4000
-		Tri_Headed_Dragon_Head: 3880
-		Morpheuss_Hood: 500
-		Morriganes_Helm: 500
-		Vit_Dish10: 300
-		Fricca_Circlet: 500
-		Hydro_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1721
-	SpriteName: "DRAGON_EGG"
-	Name: "Dragon Egg"
-	Lv: 119
-	Hp: 20990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3720
-	JExp: 2147
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [704, 150]
-	Def: 172
-	Mdef: 85
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 85
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 165
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 24
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Elunium: 5
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 100
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 10
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5
-		Dark_Red_Jewel: 10
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 10
-		Golden_Jewel: 10
-		Dragon_Egg_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1722
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_JAKK"
-	Name: "Jakk"
-	JName: "Halloween Jakk"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 10310
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 112
-	JExp: 90
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [150, 67]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 18
-		Int: 13
-		Dex: 42
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 240
-	AttackDelay: 1180
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pumpkin_Bucket: 1000
-		Pumpkin_Head: 1000
-		Pumpkin: 1000
-		Pumpkin_Hat: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1723
-	SpriteName: "A_SHECIL"
-	Name: "Shecil Damon"
-	JName: "Cecil Damon"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 30000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 14
-	Attack: [660, 300]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 145
-		Vit: 27
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 161
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1724
-	SpriteName: "A_POTON_CANON"
-	Name: "Photon Cannon"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 8000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [1000, 300]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1725
-	SpriteName: "R_PORING"
-	Name: "Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 3]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Stone: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1726
-	SpriteName: "R_LUNATIC"
-	Name: "Lunatic"
-	Lv: 3
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [9, 3]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 3
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 8
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1456
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1727
-	SpriteName: "R_SAVAGE_BABE"
-	Name: "Savage Babe"
-	Lv: 7
-	Hp: 182
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [20, 5]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1624
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1728
-	SpriteName: "R_DESERT_WOLF_B"
-	Name: "Desert Wolf Baby"
-	JName: "Baby Desert Wolf"
-	Lv: 14
-	Hp: 140
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [33, 8]
-	Def: 13
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 7
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1600
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1729
-	SpriteName: "R_BAPHOMET_"
-	Name: "Baphomet Jr."
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 8578
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [487, 103]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 93
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 868
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 120
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1730
-	SpriteName: "R_DEVIRUCHI"
-	Name: "Deviruchi"
-	Lv: 64
-	Hp: 2300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [210, 73]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 980
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1731
-	SpriteName: "G_DOPPELGANGER"
-	Name: "Doppelganger"
-	JName: "Outrageous Doppelganger"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 380000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1803, 1176]
-	Def: 246
-	Mdef: 86
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 122
-		Vit: 105
-		Int: 67
-		Dex: 203
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Warrior_Symbol: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1732
-	SpriteName: "G_TREASURE_BOX"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	JName: "New Year Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		3rd_Floor_Pass: 1000
-	}
-// Kiel Dungeon (10.4)
-	Id: 1733
-	SpriteName: "KIEL"
-	Name: "Kiel"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 523500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 36134
-	JExp: 21065
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2220, 1629]
-	Def: 45
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 112
-		Vit: 76
-		Int: 89
-		Dex: 187
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-	}
-	Id: 1734
-	SpriteName: "KIEL_"
-	Name: "Kiel D-01"
-	Lv: 125
-	Hp: 2502000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2340000
-	JExp: 1440000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [4112, 3580]
-	Def: 314
-	Mdef: 232
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 166
-		Agi: 187
-		Vit: 155
-		Int: 141
-		Dex: 279
-		Luk: 180
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 900000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Pocket_Watch: 3000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 3000
-		Morriganes_Pendant: 1000
-		Glittering_Clothes: 1000
-		Survival_Rod_: 500
-		Counter_Dagger: 500
-		Morriganes_Belt: 1000
-		Kiel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1735
-	SpriteName: "ALICEL"
-	Name: "Alicel"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 18000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3334
-	JExp: 1961
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [952, 398]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 63
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burnt_Parts: 2000
-		Sturdy_Iron_Piece: 3000
-		Rotha_Shield: 5
-		Smoke_Powder: 200
-		Drill_Katar: 5
-		Elunium: 10
-		Valis_Manteau: 20
-		Alicel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1736
-	SpriteName: "ALIOT"
-	Name: "Aliot"
-	Lv: 112
-	Hp: 15669
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3182
-	JExp: 1918
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1051, 89]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 75
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1296
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burnt_Parts: 2000
-		Sturdy_Iron_Piece: 3000
-		Falcon_Robe: 10
-		Smoke_Powder: 200
-		Claw_: 10
-		Elunium: 10
-		Curved_Sword: 15
-		Aliot_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1737
-	SpriteName: "ALIZA"
-	Name: "Aliza"
-	Lv: 112
-	Hp: 14450
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2448
-	JExp: 1836
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [840, 397]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 115
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 1440
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 4000
-		Morpheuss_Shawl: 10
-		Rosary_: 10
-		Alices_Apron: 5
-		Imperial_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Sway_Apron: 1
-		Orleans_Server: 5
-		Aliza_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1738
-	SpriteName: "CONSTANT"
-	Name: "Constant"
-	Lv: 108
-	Hp: 12050
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 3006
-	JExp: 1879
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [858, 144]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 82
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 98
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burnt_Parts: 100
-		Sturdy_Iron_Piece: 1500
-		Tube: 10
-		Steel: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1739
-	SpriteName: "G_ALICEL"
-	Name: "Alicel"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 18000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [952, 398]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 63
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sturdy_Iron_Piece: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1740
-	SpriteName: "G_ALIOT"
-	Name: "Aliot"
-	Lv: 112
-	Hp: 15669
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1051, 89]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 75
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1296
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sturdy_Iron_Piece: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1741
-	SpriteName: "G_COOKIE_XMAS"
-	Name: "Christmas Cookie"
-	Lv: 37
-	Hp: 733
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [70, 35]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 21
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 25
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Undelivered_Gift: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1742
-	SpriteName: "G_CARAT"
-	Name: "Carat"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 9222
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [777, 76]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 67
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 102
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1078
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1743
-	SpriteName: "G_MYSTCASE"
-	Name: "Myst Case"
-	Lv: 39
-	Hp: 879
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [68, 21]
-	Def: 50
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 26
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Undelivered_Gift: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1744
-	SpriteName: "G_WILD_ROSE"
-	Name: "Wild Rose"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 2682
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [147, 45]
-	Def: 75
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 69
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 964
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1745
-	SpriteName: "G_CONSTANT"
-	Name: "Constant"
-	Lv: 108
-	Hp: 2000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [728, 144]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 82
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 98
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sturdy_Iron_Piece: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1746
-	SpriteName: "G_ALIZA"
-	Name: "Aliza"
-	Lv: 112
-	Hp: 14450
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [840, 397]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 115
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 1440
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sturdy_Iron_Piece: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1747
-	SpriteName: "G_SNAKE"
-	Name: "Snake"
-	JName: "Boa"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 217
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [29, 5]
-	Def: 9
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 18
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 14
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1748
-	SpriteName: "G_ANACONDAQ"
-	Name: "Anacondaq"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 8510
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [504, 55]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 79
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1749
-	SpriteName: "G_MEDUSA"
-	Name: "Medusa"
-	Lv: 102
-	Hp: 10045
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [620, 113]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 79
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1720
-	AttackMotion: 1320
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1750
-	SpriteName: "G_RED_PLANT"
-	Name: "Red Plant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [100, 100]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Odin's Temple
-	Id: 1751
-	SpriteName: "RANDGRIS"
-	Name: "Valkyrie Randgris"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 3205000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2600000
-	JExp: 2200000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [7343, 4412]
-	Def: 588
-	Mdef: 506
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 196
-		Agi: 131
-		Vit: 125
-		Int: 276
-		Dex: 401
-		Luk: 156
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 1000000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Valhalla_Flower: 6000
-		Valkyrie_Armor: 600
-		Valkyrie_Manteau: 2000
-		Valkyrie_Shoes: 2000
-		Helm_: 6000
-		Bloody_Edge: 3000
-		Randgris_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1752
-	SpriteName: "SKOGUL"
-	Name: "Skogul"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 34240
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5904
-	JExp: 5210
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1007, 456]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 115
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 3500
-		Peuz_Seal: 10
-		Red_Gemstone: 1000
-		Rouge: 500
-		Skul_Ring: 100
-		Elunium_Stone: 500
-		Blood_Tears: 5
-		Skogul_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1753
-	SpriteName: "FRUS"
-	Name: "Frus"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 39520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5930
-	JExp: 5420
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1494, 169]
-	Def: 65
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 114
-		Agi: 77
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 111
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 480
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 3500
-		Peuz_Seal: 10
-		Red_Gemstone: 1000
-		Earring_: 3
-		Mantle_: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 500
-		Frus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1754
-	SpriteName: "SKEGGIOLD"
-	Name: "Skeggiold"
-	Lv: 131
-	Hp: 53290
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7218
-	JExp: 4419
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1100, 325]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 92
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 89
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 118
-		Dex: 147
-		Luk: 75
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 6000
-		Angelic_Chain: 1
-		Soft_Feather: 1000
-		Divine_Cross: 25
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Silk_Robe_: 100
-		Odins_Blessing: 100
-		Skeggiold_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1755
-	SpriteName: "SKEGGIOLD_"
-	Name: "Skeggiold"
-	Lv: 131
-	Hp: 52280
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7214
-	JExp: 4411
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1151, 218]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 86
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 86
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 116
-		Dex: 153
-		Luk: 71
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 6000
-		Angelic_Chain: 1
-		Soft_Feather: 1000
-		Divine_Cross: 25
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Silk_Robe_: 100
-		Odins_Blessing: 100
-		Skeggiold_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1756
-	SpriteName: "G_HYDRO"
-	Name: "Hydro"
-	JName: "Hydrolancer"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 41500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1064, 150]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 95
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 123
-		Luk: 58
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1757
-	SpriteName: "G_ACIDUS"
-	Name: "Acidus"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 48430
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [871, 695]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 168
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1758
-	SpriteName: "G_FERUS"
-	Name: "Ferus"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 25668
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [969, 115]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 94
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 108
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1759
-	SpriteName: "G_ACIDUS_"
-	Name: "Acidus"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 40718
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1484, 158]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 90
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 110
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 53
-		Dex: 133
-		Luk: 53
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 168
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1760
-	SpriteName: "G_FERUS_"
-	Name: "Ferus"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 39054
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [906, 122]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 57
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 87
-		Luk: 51
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 108
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1761
-	SpriteName: "G_SKOGUL"
-	Name: "Skogul"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 34240
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1007, 456]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 115
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1762
-	SpriteName: "G_FRUS"
-	Name: "Frus"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 39520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1494, 169]
-	Def: 65
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 114
-		Agi: 77
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 111
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 480
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1763
-	SpriteName: "G_SKEGGIOLD"
-	Name: "Skeggiold"
-	Lv: 131
-	Hp: 53290
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1100, 325]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 92
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 89
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 118
-		Dex: 147
-		Luk: 75
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1764
-	SpriteName: "G_SKEGGIOLD_"
-	Name: "Skeggiold"
-	Lv: 131
-	Hp: 52280
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1151, 218]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 86
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 86
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 116
-		Dex: 153
-		Luk: 71
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1765
-	SpriteName: "G_RANDGRIS"
-	Name: "Valkyrie"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 1005000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 13000
-	JExp: 10000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [6343, 3206]
-	Def: 588
-	Mdef: 506
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 196
-		Agi: 131
-		Vit: 125
-		Int: 276
-		Dex: 401
-		Luk: 156
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Valhalla_Flower: 160
-		Old_Violet_Box: 40
-		Valkyrjas_Shield: 100
-	}
-	Id: 1766
-	SpriteName: "EM_ANGELING"
-	Name: "Angeling"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 128430
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [78, 11]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 151
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Jellopy: 5000
-		Jellopy: 5000
-		Poring_Doll: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1767
-	SpriteName: "EM_DEVILING"
-	Name: "Deviling"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 128430
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [78, 11]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 151
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Jellopy: 5000
-		Jellopy: 5000
-		Poring_Doll: 5000
-	}
-// Rachel / Ice Dungeon (11.1)
-	Id: 1768
-	Name: "Gloom Under Night"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 3005000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2808000
-	JExp: 1800000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [6592, 2785]
-	Def: 479
-	Mdef: 262
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 191
-		Agi: 223
-		Vit: 187
-		Int: 155
-		Dex: 362
-		Luk: 163
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1344
-	AttackMotion: 2880
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 1080000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Will_Of_Darkness_: 7000
-		Blade_Lost_In_Darkness: 4000
-		Old_Hilt: 2000
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Celestial_Robe: 1000
-		Hurricane_Fury: 100
-		Gloom_Under_Night_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1769
-	SpriteName: "AGAV"
-	Name: "Agav"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 40000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5112
-	JExp: 2949
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [892, 181]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 82
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 113
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Suspicious_Hat: 2500
-		High_Fashion_Sandals: 2
-		Bloody_Rune: 4000
-		Memorize_Book: 1
-		Holy_Arrow_Quiver: 50
-		Bloody_Rune: 100
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 2500
-		Agav_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1770
-	SpriteName: "ECHIO"
-	Name: "Echio"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 31620
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4796
-	JExp: 2768
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [848, 159]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 132
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Suspicious_Hat: 2500
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 10
-		Bloody_Rune: 4000
-		Beret: 25
-		Holy_Arrow_Quiver: 20
-		Bloody_Rune: 100
-		Divine_Cloth: 20
-		Echio_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1771
-	SpriteName: "VANBERK"
-	Name: "Vanberk"
-	Lv: 123
-	Hp: 24605
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4212
-	JExp: 2430
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [918, 141]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 6
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 122
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		White_Mask: 2500
-		Royal_Jelly: 10
-		Bloody_Rune: 1000
-		Beret: 25
-		Scalpel: 5
-		Bloody_Rune: 100
-		Ur_Seal: 10
-		Vanberk_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1772
-	SpriteName: "ISILLA"
-	Name: "Isilla"
-	Lv: 124
-	Hp: 26324
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4492
-	JExp: 2592
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [848, 168]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 19
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 43
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 127
-		Luk: 75
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		White_Mask: 2500
-		High_Fashion_Sandals: 1
-		Bloody_Rune: 1000
-		Gold_Ring: 10
-		Ring: 1
-		Bloody_Rune: 100
-		Ur_Seal: 10
-		Isilla_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1773
-	SpriteName: "HODREMLIN"
-	Name: "Hodremlin"
-	Lv: 122
-	Hp: 23182
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4884
-	JExp: 2819
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [955, 154]
-	Def: 75
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 77
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Prickly_Fruit_: 1000
-		Will_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Boots_: 2
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		Bloody_Rune: 1000
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 2000
-		Shadow_Walk: 10
-		Hodremlin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1774
-	SpriteName: "SEEKER"
-	Name: "Seeker"
-	Lv: 124
-	Hp: 24500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5212
-	JExp: 3006
-	AttackRange: 6
-	Attack: [855, 120]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 75
-		Dex: 176
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Prickly_Fruit_: 1000
-		Will_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Elunium: 20
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 4000
-		Bloody_Rune: 1000
-		Berdysz: 20
-		Seeker_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1775
-	SpriteName: "SNOWIER"
-	Name: "Snowier"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 13934
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2332
-	JExp: 1458
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [763, 82]
-	Def: 121
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 936
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Heart: 3000
-		Ice_Piece: 1000
-		Elunium_Stone: 100
-		Blue_Herb: 50
-		White_Herb: 500
-		Icicle_Fist: 3
-		Crystal_Blue: 100
-		Snowier_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1776
-	SpriteName: "SIROMA"
-	Name: "Siroma"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 11910
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1827
-	JExp: 1369
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [506, 100]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 83
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 96
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Heart: 500
-		Ice_Piece: 1500
-		Blue_Herb: 10
-		Crystal_Blue: 20
-		Siroma_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1777
-	SpriteName: "ICE_TITAN"
-	Name: "Ice Titan"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 20820
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3268
-	JExp: 2644
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1088, 98]
-	Def: 344
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 133
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 78
-		Int: 33
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 26
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 861
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 144
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Heart: 5000
-		Ice_Piece: 3000
-		Frozen_Rose: 100
-		Oridecon: 10
-		Elunium: 30
-		Cold_Ice: 500
-		Mistic_Frozen: 100
-		Ice_Titan_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1778
-	SpriteName: "GAZETI"
-	Name: "Gazeti"
-	Lv: 106
-	Hp: 14000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2430
-	JExp: 1518
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [775, 68]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 105
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 38
-		Dex: 116
-		Luk: 38
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 370
-	DamageMotion: 270
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Heart: 3000
-		Ice_Piece: 3000
-		Elunium: 20
-		Frozen_Bow: 1
-		Cold_Ice: 100
-		Ice_Fragment: 500
-		Gazeti_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1779
-	SpriteName: "KTULLANUX"
-	Name: "Ktullanux"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 2626000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1242690
-	JExp: 949942
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [3754, 2680]
-	Def: 129
-	Mdef: 78
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 125
-		Dex: 212
-		Luk: 112
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 216
-	MvpExp: 517788
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Scale: 9000
-		Old_Card_Album: 3000
-		Clack_Of_Servival: 3000
-		Herald_Of_GOD: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5000
-		Ktullanux_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1780
-	SpriteName: "MUSCIPULAR"
-	Name: "Muscipular"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 12550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2332
-	JExp: 1458
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [521, 76]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 47
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Poison: 3000
-		Blossom_Of_Maneater: 3000
-		Singing_Flower: 2
-		Root_Of_Maneater: 2000
-		Stem: 1000
-		Deadly_Noxious_Herb: 3
-		Mandragora_Flowerpot: 400
-		Muscipular_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1781
-	SpriteName: "DROSERA"
-	Name: "Drosera"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 10878
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1620
-	JExp: 1013
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [218, 54]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 52
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 79
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 64
-		Int: 38
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 14
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Poison: 3000
-		Drocera_Tentacle: 100
-		Blossom_Of_Maneater: 2000
-		Root_Of_Maneater: 2000
-		Bitter_Herb: 3
-		Stem: 1000
-		Mandragora_Flowerpot: 200
-		Drosera_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1782
-	SpriteName: "ROWEEN"
-	Name: "Roween"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 7385
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2028
-	JExp: 1902
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [588, 35]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 82
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Meat: 3000
-		Animals_Skin: 3000
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 50
-		Combo_Battle_Glove: 2
-		Roween_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1783
-	SpriteName: "GALION"
-	Name: "Galion"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 8821
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2122
-	JExp: 1327
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [527, 77]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 36
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Meat: 3000
-		Animals_Skin: 3000
-		Rough_Wind: 10
-		Ulfhedinn: 5
-		Galion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1784
-	SpriteName: "STAPO"
-	Name: "Stapo"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 8805
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1888
-	JExp: 1772
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [573, 51]
-	Def: 129
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 936
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 1000
-		Jubilee: 1000
-		Apple: 1000
-		Large_Jellopy: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 10
-		Seismic_Fist: 3
-		Stapo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1785
-	SpriteName: "ATROCE"
-	Name: "Atroce"
-	Lv: 113
-	Hp: 1502000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1404000
-	JExp: 855000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2843, 1503]
-	Def: 316
-	Mdef: 176
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 165
-		Vit: 135
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 213
-		Luk: 113
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 540000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Bloody_Rune: 7000
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 1000
-		Ring_: 1000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5000
-		Ulle_Cap: 100
-		Altas_Weapon: 100
-		Atroce_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1786
-	SpriteName: "G_AGAV"
-	Name: "Agav"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 40000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [892, 181]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 82
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 113
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Suspicious_Hat: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1787
-	SpriteName: "G_ECHIO"
-	Name: "Echio"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 31620
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [848, 159]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 132
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Suspicious_Hat: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1788
-	SpriteName: "G_ICE_TITAN"
-	Name: "Ice Titan"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 20820
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1088, 98]
-	Def: 344
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 133
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 78
-		Int: 33
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 26
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 861
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 144
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Heart: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1789
-	SpriteName: "ICEICLE"
-	Name: "Iceicle"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 1012
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 196
-	JExp: 122
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [553, 1]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 194
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1344
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Piece: 1000
-		Ice_Piece: 1000
-		Ice_Crystal: 500
-		Ice_Piece: 500
-		Ice_Piece: 500
-		Ice_Piece: 500
-		Ice_Piece: 500
-		Ice_Piece: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1790
-	SpriteName: "G_RAFFLESIA"
-	Name: "Rafflesia"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 5819
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [325, 41]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 47
-		Agi: 41
-		Vit: 44
-		Int: 29
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Golden_Jewel_: 3000
-		Red_Jewel_: 4000
-		Blue_Jewel_: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1791
-	SpriteName: "G_GALION"
-	Name: "Galion"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 8821
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [527, 77]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 36
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1792
-	SpriteName: "SOCCER_BALL"
-	Name: "Soccer Ball"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 128
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 96
-	DamageMotion: 96
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Small_Horn_Of_Devil: 5000
-		Small_Horn_Of_Devil: 3000
-		J_Firecracker: 3000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 1000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1793
-	SpriteName: "G_MEGALITH"
-	Name: "Megalith"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 2451
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [122, 30]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1332
-	AttackMotion: 1332
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-	}
-	Id: 1794
-	SpriteName: "G_ROWEEN"
-	Name: "Roween"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 7385
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [228, 35]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 82
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 412
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1795
-	SpriteName: "BLOODY_KNIGHT_"
-	Name: "Bloody Knight"
-	Lv: 116
-	Hp: 68500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1319, 123]
-	Def: 122
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 132
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 828
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pole_Axe: 100
-		Grave_: 100
-		Pauldron: 200
-		Full_Plate_Armor_: 300
-		Celestial_Robe: 200
-		Survival_Rod2_: 200
-		Old_Violet_Box: 7000
-		Anti_Spell_Bead: 10000
-	}
-// WoE SE Guild Dungeon
-	Id: 1796
-	SpriteName: "AUNOE"
-	Name: "Aunoe"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 13050
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 2322
-	JExp: 1454
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [840, 81]
-	Def: 107
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 77
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		White_Mask: 2500
-		High_Fashion_Sandals: 2
-		Bloody_Rune: 4000
-		Memorize_Book: 1
-		Holy_Arrow_Quiver: 50
-		Bloody_Rune: 100
-		Musika: 5
-		Aunoe_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1797
-	SpriteName: "FANAT"
-	Name: "Fanat"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 21000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3954
-	JExp: 2282
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [839, 106]
-	Def: 81
-	Mdef: 64
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 102
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 47
-		Dex: 111
-		Luk: 57
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Kandura: 10
-		High_Fashion_Sandals: 2
-		Bloody_Rune: 4000
-		Memorize_Book: 1
-		Holy_Arrow_Quiver: 50
-		White_Mask: 2500
-		Panat_Card: 1
-	}
-// Additional Event Monsters
-	Id: 1798
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX_"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gem_Of_Ruin: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1799
-	SpriteName: "B_SEYREN_"
-	Name: "Lord Knight Seyren"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 1647590
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 5222448
-	JExp: 1412973
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [9409, 3802]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 110
-		Vit: 81
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 156
-		Luk: 52
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Evil_Mind: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1800
-	SpriteName: "B_EREMES_"
-	Name: "Assassin Cross Eremes"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 1411230
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4410072
-	JExp: 1433142
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5446, 4100]
-	Def: 37
-	Mdef: 39
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 181
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 146
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Evil_Mind: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1801
-	SpriteName: "B_HARWORD_"
-	Name: "Whitesmith Harword"
-	JName: "Master Smith Howard"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 1460000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4322526
-	JExp: 1278900
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [10169, 429]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 73
-		Vit: 112
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 163
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Evil_Mind: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1802
-	SpriteName: "B_MAGALETA_"
-	Name: "High Priest Magaleta"
-	JName: "High Priest Margaretha"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 1092910
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4597560
-	JExp: 1186920
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [6094, 892]
-	Def: 35
-	Mdef: 78
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 84
-		Vit: 64
-		Int: 182
-		Dex: 110
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 125
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 9000
-	Drops: {
-		Evil_Mind: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1803
-	SpriteName: "B_SHECIL_"
-	Name: "Sniper Shecil"
-	JName: "Sniper Cecil"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 1349000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4420440
-	JExp: 1373400
-	AttackRange: 14
-	Attack: [6360, 4221]
-	Def: 22
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 180
-		Vit: 39
-		Int: 67
-		Dex: 232
-		Luk: 130
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Evil_Mind: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1804
-	SpriteName: "B_KATRINN_"
-	Name: "High Wizard Katrinn"
-	JName: "High Wizard Kathryne"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 1069920
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4328856
-	JExp: 1473030
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1556, 3197]
-	Def: 10
-	Mdef: 88
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 89
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 223
-		Dex: 154
-		Luk: 93
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Evil_Mind: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1805
-	SpriteName: "G_SEYREN_"
-	Name: "Lord Knight Seyren"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		3D_Glasses_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1806
-	SpriteName: "G_EREMES_"
-	Name: "Assassin Cross Eremes"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		3D_Glasses_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1807
-	SpriteName: "G_HARWORD_"
-	Name: "Whitesmith Harword"
-	JName: "MasterSmith Howard"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		3D_Glasses_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1808
-	SpriteName: "G_MAGALETA_"
-	Name: "High Priest Magaleta"
-	JName: "High Priest Margaretha"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 125
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		3D_Glasses_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1809
-	SpriteName: "G_SHECIL_"
-	Name: "Sniper Shecil"
-	JName: "Sniper Cecil"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 14
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		3D_Glasses_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1810
-	SpriteName: "G_KATRINN_"
-	Name: "High Wizard Katrinn"
-	JName: "High Wizard Kathryne"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		3D_Glasses_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1811
-	SpriteName: "G_SMOKIE_"
-	Name: "Smokie"
-	JName: "Bandit"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 641
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [61, 11]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 18
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 26
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sunglasses: 100
-		Tiger_Skin_Panties: 500
-		Aloebera: 1000
-		Ice_Cream: 2000
-		Bamboo_Basket: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1812
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_LUDE"
-	Name: "Lude"
-	JName: "Delightful Lude"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 20
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [13, 8]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 890
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Chocolate: 10000
-		White_Chocolate: 6000
-		Candy: 16000
-		Candy_Striper: 16000
-	}
-	Id: 1813
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_HYDRO"
-	Name: "Hydro"
-	JName: "Hydrolancer"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 1880000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4320000
-	JExp: 1800000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [19500, 32767]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 142
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 250
-		Dex: 227
-		Luk: 32
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Evil_Dragon_Head: 10000
-		Dragon_Killer: 500
-		Gemmed_Crown: 500
-		Pole_Axe: 500
-		Int_Dish10: 1500
-		Treasure_Box: 5500
-	}
-	Id: 1814
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_MOON"
-	Name: "Moonlight Flower"
-	JName: "Fox Queen"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 30000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 29700
-	JExp: 27000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [550, 300]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 112
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 93
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1815
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_RICECAKE"
-	Name: "Rice Cake"
-	JName: "Hot Ricecake"
-	Lv: 12
-	Hp: 777
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7
-	JExp: 7
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 7]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 7
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 7
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 7
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1320
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1816
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_GOURD"
-	Name: "Gourd"
-	Lv: 12
-	Hp: 1000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 96
-	DamageMotion: 96
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm: 5000
-		Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm: 5000
-		Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Apple: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1817
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_DETALE"
-	Name: "Detale"
-	JName: "Detardeurus"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 8880000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4860000
-	JExp: 2250000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [42597, 32767]
-	Def: 104
-	Mdef: 65
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 142
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 250
-		Dex: 227
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 936
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Bloody_Dead_Branch: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Dragon_Spirit: 10000
-		Dragon_Wing: 500
-		Wizardy_Staff: 500
-		Bloody_Roar: 500
-		Int_Dish10: 1500
-		Luk_Dish10: 1500
-	}
-	Id: 1818
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_ALARM"
-	Name: "Alarm"
-	JName: "Imperfect Alarm"
-	Lv: 58
-	Hp: 10647
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 62
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Cogwheel: 7000
-	}
-	Id: 1819
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_BATHORY"
-	Name: "Bathory"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 5242
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [252, 96]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1504
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 900
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wooden_Block_: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1820
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_BIGFOOT"
-	Name: "Bigfoot"
-	Lv: 29
-	Hp: 587
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [50, 12]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 7
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 18
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 7
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 192
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wooden_Block_: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1821
-	Name: "Desert Wolf"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 9447
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [676, 59]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 93
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wooden_Block_: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1822
-	Name: "Deviruchi"
-	Lv: 64
-	Hp: 2300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [210, 73]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 980
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wooden_Block_: 3000
-	}
-	Id: 1823
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_FREEZER"
-	Name: "Freezer"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 9990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [244, 50]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 59
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1452
-	AttackMotion: 483
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wooden_Block_: 3000
-	}
-	Id: 1824
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_GARM_BABY"
-	Name: "Garm Baby"
-	JName: "Baby Hatii"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 10016
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [238, 61]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 450
-	AttackDelay: 879
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wooden_Block_: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1825
-	Name: "Christmas Goblin"
-	JName: "Santa Goblin"
-	Lv: 25
-	Hp: 1176
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [118, 22]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 38
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wooden_Block_: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1826
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_MYST"
-	Name: "Myst"
-	Lv: 39
-	Hp: 879
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [68, 21]
-	Def: 50
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 26
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wooden_Block_: 3000
-	}
-	Id: 1827
-	Name: "Sasquatch"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 3163
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [250, 30]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 25
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 192
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wooden_Block_: 3000
-	}
-	Id: 1828
-	Name: "Gullinbrusti"
-	JName: "Gullinbursti"
-	Lv: 20
-	Hp: 20
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [59, 13]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 19
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bag_Of_Rice: 6000
-		Lucky_Candy: 9000
-		Lucky_Candy_Cane: 8000
-	}
-// Thor Volcano (11.2)
-	Id: 1829
-	SpriteName: "SWORD_GUARDIAN"
-	Name: "Sword Guardian"
-	JName: "Sword Master"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 70000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 5850
-	JExp: 3375
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1127, 129]
-	Def: 122
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 54
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 155
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Armor_Piece: 3000
-		Doom_Slayer: 30
-		Claymore: 50
-		Zweihander: 1
-		Platinum_Shield: 10
-		Muscle_Cutter: 50
-		Carnium: 100
-		Sword_Guardian_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1830
-	SpriteName: "BOW_GUARDIAN"
-	Name: "Bow Guardian"
-	JName: "Bow Master"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 63000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 5710
-	JExp: 3294
-	AttackRange: 12
-	Attack: [1149, 120]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 52
-		Dex: 183
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Armor_Piece: 3000
-		Luna_Bow: 30
-		Bow: 50
-		Sniping_Suit: 20
-		Orleans_Glove: 4
-		Carnium: 100
-		Bow_Guardian_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1831
-	SpriteName: "SALAMANDER"
-	Name: "Salamander"
-	Lv: 138
-	Hp: 80390
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7694
-	JExp: 7139
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2299, 600]
-	Def: 141
-	Mdef: 68
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 189
-		Agi: 105
-		Vit: 92
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Heart: 3000
-		Flame_Heart: 30
-		Carnium: 20
-		Lesser_Elemental_Ring: 1
-		Berserk_Guitar: 50
-		Ring_: 1
-		Meteo_Plate_Armor: 20
-		Salamander_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1832
-	SpriteName: "IFRIT"
-	Name: "Ifrit"
-	Lv: 146
-	Hp: 6935000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8704800
-	JExp: 4860000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [8063, 3389]
-	Def: 436
-	Mdef: 218
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 180
-		Agi: 201
-		Vit: 156
-		Int: 190
-		Dex: 299
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 212
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 3348000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Carnium: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Flame_Heart: 12000
-		Spiritual_Ring: 3000
-		Ring_Of_Flame_Lord: 100
-		Ring_Of_Resonance: 100
-		Hell_Fire: 2400
-		Fire_Brand: 2000
-		Flame_Sprits_Armor_: 200
-		Ifrit_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1833
-	SpriteName: "KASA"
-	Name: "Kasa"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 70128
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7278
-	JExp: 7709
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1506, 305]
-	Def: 104
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 74
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 78
-		Dex: 162
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Heart: 3000
-		Hot_Hair: 2500
-		Flame_Heart: 30
-		Lesser_Elemental_Ring: 1
-		Flame_Sprits_Armor: 10
-		Burning_Bow: 10
-		Piercing_Staff: 10
-		Kasa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1834
-	SpriteName: "G_SALAMANDER"
-	Name: "Salamander"
-	Lv: 138
-	Hp: 80390
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2299, 600]
-	Def: 141
-	Mdef: 68
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 189
-		Agi: 105
-		Vit: 92
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1835
-	SpriteName: "G_KASA"
-	Name: "Kasa"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 70128
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1506, 305]
-	Def: 104
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 74
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 78
-		Dex: 162
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1836
-	SpriteName: "MAGMARING"
-	Name: "Magmaring"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 13079
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3042
-	JExp: 1903
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [881, 44]
-	Def: 190
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 107
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 47
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1472
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Heart: 3000
-		Elunium_Stone: 34
-		Magmaring_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1837
-	SpriteName: "IMP"
-	Name: "Imp"
-	Lv: 129
-	Hp: 36830
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5972
-	JExp: 3445
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1239, 406]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 75
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 83
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 101
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 824
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Hot_Hair: 3000
-		Huuma_Blaze: 100
-		Live_Coal: 2500
-		Heart_Breaker: 10
-		Electric_Eel: 25
-		Flaming_Ice: 1
-		Carnium: 1
-		Imp_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1838
-	SpriteName: "KNOCKER"
-	Name: "Knocker"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 43900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4796
-	JExp: 3768
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [886, 103]
-	Def: 126
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 93
-		Agi: 62
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1548
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Great_Nature: 30
-		Coal: 150
-		Elder_Pixies_Beard: 5500
-		Elven_Ears: 1
-		Carnium: 10
-		Thorny_Buckler: 3
-		Earth_Bow: 5
-		Knocker_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1839
-	SpriteName: "BYORGUE"
-	Name: "Byorgue"
-	JName: "Byrogue"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 92544
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 10042
-	JExp: 5543
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1190, 141]
-	Def: 120
-	Mdef: 13
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 114
-		Agi: 86
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 122
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Drill_Katar: 50
-		Assassin_Mask_: 3
-		Scalpel: 150
-		Agi_Dish07: 100
-		Old_Blue_Box: 40
-		Rider_Insignia_: 1
-		Vroken_Sword: 4365
-		Byorgue_Card: 1
-	}
-// Additional Event Monsters
-	Id: 1840
-	SpriteName: "GOLDEN_SAVAGE"
-	Name: "Golden Savage"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [650, 200]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: 3000
-		Treasure_Box: 100
-		Old_Card_Album: 5
-		Gold: 500
-		Emperium: 100
-		Golden_Gear_: 1
-		New_Year_Rice_Cake_1: 3000
-		New_Year_Rice_Cake_2: 3000
-	}
-	Id: 1841
-	SpriteName: "G_SNAKE_"
-	Name: "Snake Lord's Minion"
-	Lv: 15
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [46, 9]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 15
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Copper_Coin_: 1000
-		Black_Treasure_Box: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1842
-	SpriteName: "G_ANACONDAQ_"
-	Name: "Snake Lord's Minion"
-	Lv: 23
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [124, 33]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 51
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Copper_Coin_: 1000
-		Copper_Coin_: 1000
-		Black_Treasure_Box: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1843
-	SpriteName: "G_SIDE_WINDER_"
-	Name: "Snake Lord's Minion"
-	Lv: 43
-	Hp: 18
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [240, 80]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 38
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 115
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Copper_Coin_: 1000
-		Silver_Coin_: 1000
-		Black_Treasure_Box: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1844
-	SpriteName: "G_ISIS_"
-	Name: "Snake Lord's Minion"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 25
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [423, 84]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 38
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 43
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1384
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Copper_Coin_: 1000
-		Silver_Coin_: 1000
-		Copper_Coin_: 1000
-		Silver_Coin_: 1000
-		Black_Treasure_Box: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1845
-	SpriteName: "G_TREASURE_BOX_"
-	Name: "Treasure Box"
-	JName: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gold_Coin_US: 10000
-		Gold_Coin_US: 10000
-		Gold_Coin_US: 10000
-		Treasure_Box_: 10000
-		Green_Ale_US: 2500
-		Gold_Coin_US: 5000
-		Green_Ale_US: 2500
-		Green_Ale_US: 2500
-	}
-	Id: 1846
-	SpriteName: "DREAMMETAL"
-	Name: "Dream Metal"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 1499
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragonball_Yellow_: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1848
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_BAPHOMET"
-	Name: "Baphomet"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 10000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 900
-	JExp: 900
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1500, 1500]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 15
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 160
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1849
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_OSIRIS"
-	Name: "Osiris"
-	Lv: 60
-	Hp: 125000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1800
-	JExp: 1800
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3500, 1500]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 160
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1850
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_ORCHERO"
-	Name: "Orc Hero"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 175000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 2700
-	JExp: 2700
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [4000, 1500]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 160
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1678
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1851
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_MOBSTER"
-	Name: "Mobster"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 7991
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [910, 218]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 76
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1100
-	AttackMotion: 560
-	DamageMotion: 580
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1852
-	SpriteName: "G_EM_ANGELING"
-	Name: "Angeling"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 120
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [60, 71]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 126
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1853
-	SpriteName: "G_EM_DEVILING"
-	Name: "Deviling"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 120
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [60, 71]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 126
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1854
-	SpriteName: "E_MUKA"
-	Name: "Muka"
-	Lv: 17
-	Hp: 610
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 246
-	JExp: 108
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [40, 49]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 20
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 70
-		Cactus_Needle: 9000
-		Empty_Bottle: 2000
-		Kaong: 400
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Guisarme: 50
-		Iron_Ore: 250
-		Muka_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1855
-	SpriteName: "E_POISONSPORE"
-	Name: "Poison Spore"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 665
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 167
-	JExp: 84
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [89, 101]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Poison_Spore: 9000
-		Hat_: 20
-		Green_Herb: 550
-		Gulaman: 60
-		Karvodailnirol: 50
-		Mushroom_Spore: 1200
-		Zargon: 5
-		Poison_Spore_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1856
-	SpriteName: "E_MAGNOLIA"
-	Name: "Magnolia"
-	Lv: 26
-	Hp: 3195
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 354
-	JExp: 223
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [120, 151]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 26
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 39
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1560
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Frying_Pan: 9000
-		Garlet: 800
-		Scell: 100
-		Zargon: 10
-		Black_Ladle: 40
-		Leche_Flan: 400
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 5
-		Magnolia_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1857
-	SpriteName: "E_MARIN"
-	Name: "Marin"
-	Lv: 15
-	Hp: 742
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 59
-	JExp: 40
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [39, 43]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Garlet: 3200
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1500
-		Cold_Scroll_2_1: 100
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 40
-		Ube_Jam: 75
-		Candy: 350
-		Poring_Hat: 1
-		Marin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1858
-	SpriteName: "E_PLANKTON"
-	Name: "Plankton"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 354
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 21
-	JExp: 16
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [26, 31]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 15
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2208
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 324
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Single_Cell: 9000
-		Sago: 300
-		Sticky_Mucus: 700
-		Alchol: 4
-		Empty_Bottle: 1000
-		Dew_Laden_Moss: 20
-		Center_Potion: 50
-		Plankton_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1859
-	SpriteName: "E_MANDRAGORA"
-	Name: "Mandragora"
-	Lv: 12
-	Hp: 405
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 41
-	JExp: 29
-	AttackRange: 4
-	Attack: [26, 35]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 50
-		Stem: 9000
-		Spear_: 30
-		Langka: 350
-		Shoot: 300
-		Four_Leaf_Clover: 3
-		Whip_Of_Earth: 10
-		Mandragora_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1860
-	SpriteName: "E_COCO"
-	Name: "Coco"
-	Lv: 17
-	Hp: 817
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 108
-	JExp: 70
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [56, 67]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 24
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 34
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 1008
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Acorn: 9000
-		Hood_: 20
-		Fluff: 3000
-		Animals_Skin: 2500
-		Sweet_Potato: 500
-		Sandals_: 25
-		Sweet_Bean: 600
-		Coco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1861
-	SpriteName: "E_CHOCO"
-	Name: "Choco"
-	Lv: 43
-	Hp: 4278
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1139
-	JExp: 1139
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [315, 402]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 65
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Claw_Of_Monkey: 5335
-		Yoyo_Tail: 7000
-		Elunium: 53
-		Banana: 5000
-		Tropical_Banana: 20
-		Sweet_Banana: 1000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 25
-		Choco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1862
-	SpriteName: "E_MARTIN"
-	Name: "Martin"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 1109
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 121
-	JExp: 77
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [52, 63]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 18
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 15
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moustache_Of_Mole: 9000
-		Macapuno: 500
-		Jur_: 10
-		Goggle_: 5
-		Safety_Helmet: 1
-		Battered_Pot: 10
-		Goggle: 15
-		Martin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1863
-	SpriteName: "E_SPRING_RABBIT"
-	Name: "Spring Rabbit"
-	Lv: 25
-	Hp: 4500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [292, 406]
-	Def: 23
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 15
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 15
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 552
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Peeps: 5000
-		Jelly_Bean: 5000
-		Marshmallow: 5000
-	}
-// Cursed Abbey (11.3)
-	Id: 1864
-	Name: "Zombie Slaughter"
-	Lv: 124
-	Hp: 40440
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4138
-	JExp: 2702
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1190, 117]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 117
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 82
-		Int: 13
-		Dex: 136
-		Luk: 21
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 676
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clattering_Skull: 3000
-		Platinum_Shotel: 10
-		Mementos: 1500
-		Broken_Farming_Utensil: 3000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Carnium: 1
-		Sabah_Ring: 10
-		Zombie_Slaughter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1865
-	SpriteName: "RAGGED_ZOMBIE"
-	Name: "Ragged Zombie"
-	Lv: 123
-	Hp: 38574
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3814
-	JExp: 3087
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [1334, 130]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 81
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 64
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 178
-		Luk: 23
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clattering_Skull: 3000
-		Tidal_Shoes: 15
-		Nab_Ring: 100
-		Skel_Bone: 4500
-		Expert_Ring: 2
-		Wasteland_Outlaw: 10
-		Carnium: 1
-		Ragged_Zombie_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1866
-	SpriteName: "HELL_POODLE"
-	Name: "Hell Poodle"
-	JName: "Hellhound"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 17168
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3334
-	JExp: 1923
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [899, 145]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 114
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 824
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Monsters_Feed: 5000
-		Tooth_Blade: 10
-		Wild_Beast_Claw: 10
-		Skel_Bone: 4500
-		Well_Dried_Bone: 20
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Pet_Food: 400
-		Hell_Poodle_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1867
-	SpriteName: "BANSHEE"
-	Name: "Banshee"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 48666
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5876
-	JExp: 3500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1014, 703]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 96
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 143
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 676
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_White_Cloth: 3000
-		Orleans_Gown: 10
-		Scalpel: 10
-		Wool_Scarf: 10
-		Mementos: 1500
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Banshee_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1868
-	SpriteName: "G_BANSHEE"
-	Name: "Banshee"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 48666
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1014, 703]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 96
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 143
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 676
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1869
-	SpriteName: "FLAME_SKULL"
-	Name: "Flame Skull"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 21276
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2332
-	JExp: 2890
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1074, 135]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skull: 5000
-		Black_Leather_Boots: 20
-		Lever_Action_Rifle: 20
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 6000
-		Flame_Skull_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1870
-	SpriteName: "NECROMANCER"
-	Name: "Necromancer"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 91304
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5980
-	JExp: 5980
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1359, 1006]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 73
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 108
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 77
-		Int: 116
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 1320
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clattering_Skull: 3000
-		Lich_Bone_Wand: 20
-		Skel_Bone: 4500
-		Mithril_Magic_Cape: 10
-		Blue_Gemstone: 100
-		Amulet: 100
-		Rent_Spell_Book: 1500
-		Necromancer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1871
-	Name: "Fallen Bishop"
-	JName: "Falling Bishop"
-	Lv: 138
-	Hp: 5655000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3510000
-	JExp: 1890000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [4290, 4636]
-	Def: 274
-	Mdef: 382
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 186
-		Agi: 165
-		Vit: 95
-		Int: 226
-		Dex: 273
-		Luk: 86
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 1350000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Holy_Water: 10000
-		Long_Horn: 1000
-		Spiritual_Ring: 500
-		Hunting_Spear: 1000
-		Elunium: 5432
-		Blessed_Wand: 2000
-		Carnium: 500
-		Fallen_Bishop_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1872
-	SpriteName: "BEELZEBUB_FLY"
-	Name: "Hell Fly"
-	Lv: 127
-	Hp: 502000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [900, 152]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 52
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1873
-	SpriteName: "BEELZEBUB"
-	Name: "Beelzebub"
-	Lv: 147
-	Hp: 6805000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5250, 2100]
-	Def: 288
-	Mdef: 265
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 155
-		Agi: 235
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 225
-		Dex: 306
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 100
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1874
-	SpriteName: "BEELZEBUB_"
-	Name: "Beelzebub"
-	Lv: 147
-	Hp: 4805000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9165000
-	JExp: 7050000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [6666, 4444]
-	Def: 418
-	Mdef: 265
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 178
-		Agi: 236
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 250
-		Dex: 327
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 212
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 3525000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5000
-		Box_Of_Grudge: 5500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Crown: 9000
-		Variant_Shoes: 2000
-		Death_Note: 2000
-		Destruction_Rod: 2000
-		Bison_Horn: 2000
-		Carnium: 1000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2750
-		Berzebub_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1875
-	SpriteName: "TRISTAN_3RD"
-	Name: "Tristan III"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 43000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1503, 260]
-	Def: 25
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 5
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 69
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Crown: 9000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 9000
-	}
-	Id: 1876
-	SpriteName: "E_LORD_OF_DEATH"
-	Name: "Lord of the Dead"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 99000000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 141850
-	JExp: 39011
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [4459, 802]
-	Def: 75
-	Mdef: 73
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 120
-		Vit: 120
-		Int: 169
-		Dex: 180
-		Luk: 106
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1446
-	AttackMotion: 1296
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 59104
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Helm_Of_Sun: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1877
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_5"
-	Name: "Crystal"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		GOLD_ID4: 10
-		Gift_Box: 100
-	}
-	Id: 1878
-	SpriteName: "E_SHINING_PLANT"
-	Name: "Shining Plant"
-	JName: "Mystic Plant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 100
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 90
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Love_Flower: 3000
-		Pointed_Scale: 1500
-		Green_Herb: 500
-		Red_Herb: 2000
-		Yellow_Herb: 1500
-		Fluff: 500
-	}
-	Id: 1879
-	SpriteName: "ECLIPSE_P"
-	Name: "Eclipse Pet"
-	Lv: 6
-	Hp: 1800
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [20, 6]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 6
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 11
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1456
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Moscovia
-	Id: 1880
-	SpriteName: "WOOD_GOBLIN"
-	Name: "Wood Goblin"
-	JName: "Leshij"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 5499
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1216
-	JExp: 1245
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [212, 15]
-	Def: 144
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 73
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 56
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 320
-	AttackDelay: 2304
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron_Wrist: 5
-		Solid_Twig: 4000
-		Log: 2000
-		Resin: 2000
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 500
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 500
-		Egg: 50
-	}
-	Id: 1881
-	SpriteName: "LES"
-	Name: "Les"
-	JName: "Lesavka"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 6216
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1326
-	JExp: 1356
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [297, 30]
-	Def: 123
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 230
-	AttackDelay: 1728
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sharp_Leaf: 2000
-		Green_Herb: 1000
-		Shoot: 1000
-		Stem: 2500
-		Centimental_Leaf: 1
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 500
-		Blue_Herb: 50
-	}
-	Id: 1882
-	SpriteName: "VAVAYAGA"
-	Name: "Baba Yaga"
-	JName: "Baba-Yaga"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 6498
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1306
-	JExp: 1337
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [310, 71]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 270
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Magic_Circle: 1000
-		Yaga_Pestle: 5000
-		Release_Of_Wish: 10
-		Pill: 150
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 1500
-		Milk: 1500
-		Bread: 1500
-	}
-	Id: 1883
-	SpriteName: "UZHAS"
-	Name: "Uzhas"
-	JName: "Kikimora"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 7140
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1422
-	JExp: 1455
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [298, 35]
-	Def: 49
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 900
-		Ancient_Magic: 5
-		Bitter_Herb: 100
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 100
-		Sticky_Webfoot: 3500
-		Delicious_Fish: 1500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 3
-	}
-	Id: 1884
-	SpriteName: "MAVKA"
-	Name: "Mavka"
-	Lv: 84
-	Hp: 5421
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1378
-	JExp: 1530
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [289, 60]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 31
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 97
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Principles_Of_Magic: 5
-		Singing_Flower: 300
-		Singing_Plant: 300
-		Illusion_Flower: 50
-		Crystal_Mirror: 1500
-		Witherless_Rose: 300
-		Blue_Herb: 3000
-	}
-	Id: 1885
-	SpriteName: "GOPINICH"
-	Name: "Gopinich"
-	JName: "Gopinch"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 1120500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 857088
-	JExp: 580320
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2584, 1861]
-	Def: 355
-	Mdef: 121
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 127
-		Agi: 102
-		Vit: 143
-		Int: 102
-		Dex: 182
-		Luk: 76
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 357120
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 4000
-		Ring_: 200
-		Int_Dish10: 1000
-		Ixion_Wing: 100
-		Pole_Axe: 5
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		Loard_Circlet: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1886
-	SpriteName: "G_MAVKA"
-	Name: "Mavka"
-	Lv: 84
-	Hp: 5421
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [289, 60]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 31
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 97
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Additional Monsters
-	Id: 1887
-	SpriteName: "FREEZER_R"
-	Name: "Freezer"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 9990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [604, 50]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 59
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1452
-	AttackMotion: 483
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 2000
-		Ice_Piece: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1888
-	SpriteName: "GARM_BABY_R"
-	Name: "Hatii Baby"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 15199
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 90
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [680, 900]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 13
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 45
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 450
-	AttackDelay: 879
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Piece: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1889
-	SpriteName: "GARM_R"
-	Name: "Marozka's Guard"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 100000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 990
-	JExp: 900
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [990, 1300]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 23
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 114
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 608
-	AttackMotion: 408
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 2000
-		Ice_Piece: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 1890
-	SpriteName: "GOPINICH_R"
-	Name: "Koschei the Immortal"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 599321
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 990
-	JExp: 900
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2055, 4256]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 182
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1891
-	SpriteName: "G_RANDGRIS_"
-	Name: "Valkyrie"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 1005000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [6343, 3206]
-	Def: 588
-	Mdef: 506
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 196
-		Agi: 131
-		Vit: 125
-		Int: 276
-		Dex: 401
-		Luk: 156
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-	}
-	Id: 1892
-	SpriteName: "G_LOLI_RURI"
-	Name: "Lolo Ruri"
-	Lv: 109
-	Hp: 15280
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [787, 1017]
-	Def: 53
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 79
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 125
-	AttackDelay: 747
-	AttackMotion: 1632
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1893
-	SpriteName: "G_KNIGHT_OF_ABYSS"
-	Name: "Knight of the Abyss"
-	JName: "Abysmal Knight"
-	Lv: 122
-	Hp: 23297
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [810, 1002]
-	Def: 102
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 55
-		Vit: 68
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 97
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1894
-	SpriteName: "POURING"
-	Name: "Pouring"
-	Lv: 15
-	Hp: 777
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7
-	JExp: 7
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 7]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 7
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 7
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 7
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 7
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Unknown_Fish: 10000
-		Unknown_Fish: 10000
-		Unknown_Fish: 10000
-		Unknown_Fish: 10000
-		Unknown_Fish: 10000
-		Unknown_Fish: 10000
-		Unknown_Fish: 10000
-		Unknown_Fish: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 1895
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_SEYREN"
-	Name: "Seyren"
-	JName: "Seyren Windsor"
-	Lv: 91
-	Hp: 88902
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2100, 2530]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 89
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1896
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_KATRINN"
-	Name: "Katrinn"
-	JName: "Kathryne Keyron"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 47780
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [497, 1697]
-	Def: 10
-	Mdef: 74
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 77
-		Int: 180
-		Dex: 110
-		Luk: 39
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1897
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_BAPHOMET_"
-	Name: "Baphomet"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 668000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3220, 4040]
-	Def: 35
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 152
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 95
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1898
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_ZOMBIE"
-	Name: "Zombie"
-	Lv: 12
-	Hp: 434
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [67, 79]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2612
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jade_Plate: 10000
-	}
-// WoE Second Edition; Battlegrounds
-	Id: 1899
-	SpriteName: "SWORD_GUARDIAN_"
-	Name: "Sword Guardian"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 70000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [677, 129]
-	Def: 122
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 54
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 155
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1900
-	SpriteName: "BOW_GUARDIAN_"
-	Name: "Archer Guardian"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 80404
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 12
-	Attack: [2024, 680]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 95
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 90
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1901
-	SpriteName: "E_CONDOR"
-	Name: "Condor"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 90
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [13, 7]
-	Def: 10
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1148
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Immortality_Egg: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1902
-	SpriteName: "E_TREASURE1"
-	Name: "Treasure Box"
-	JName: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 49
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gold_Key77: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1903
-	SpriteName: "E_TREASURE2"
-	Name: "Treasure Box"
-	JName: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 49
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Silver_Key77: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1904
-	SpriteName: "BOMBPORING"
-	Name: "Bomb Poring"
-	JName: "Bombring"
-	Lv: 28
-	Hp: 1000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 415
-	JExp: 256
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [120, 200]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 33
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1905
-	SpriteName: "BARRICADE"
-	Name: "Barricade"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 600500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 151
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1906
-	SpriteName: "BARRICADE_"
-	Name: "Barricade"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 151
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1907
-	SpriteName: "S_EMPEL_1"
-	Name: "Guardian Stone"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 120500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1908
-	SpriteName: "S_EMPEL_2"
-	Name: "Guardian Stone"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 120500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1909
-	SpriteName: "OBJ_A"
-	Name: "Food Storage"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 750
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1910
-	SpriteName: "OBJ_B"
-	Name: "Food Depot"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 750
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1911
-	SpriteName: "OBJ_NEUTRAL"
-	Name: "Neutrality Flag"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 650
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1912
-	SpriteName: "OBJ_FLAG_A"
-	Name: "Lion Flag"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 650
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1913
-	SpriteName: "OBJ_FLAG_B"
-	Name: "Eagle Flag"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 650
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1914
-	SpriteName: "OBJ_A2"
-	Name: "Blue Crystal"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 750
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1915
-	SpriteName: "OBJ_B2"
-	Name: "Pink Crystal"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 750
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Dimentional Gorge (12.1)
-	Id: 1916
-	SpriteName: "MOROCC"
-	Name: "Satan Morroc"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 7000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [5340, 2640]
-	Def: 400
-	Mdef: 65
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 165
-		Agi: 182
-		Vit: 180
-		Int: 225
-		Dex: 270
-		Luk: 89
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 312
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Diabolus_Helmet: 1500
-		Diabolus_Robe: 7000
-		Diabolus_Armor: 7000
-		Diabolus_Boots: 7000
-		Dark_Crystal: 9000
-		Dark_Debris: 9000
-	}
-	Id: 1917
-	SpriteName: "MOROCC_"
-	Name: "Wounded Morroc"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 5000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5265000
-	JExp: 3042000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [4530, 2880]
-	Def: 425
-	Mdef: 65
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 165
-		Agi: 185
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 245
-		Dex: 270
-		Luk: 89
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 312
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 2025000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Diabolus_Helmet: 1000
-		Diabolus_Robe: 5000
-		Diabolus_Armor: 5000
-		Diabolus_Boots: 5000
-		Dark_Crystal: 9000
-		Dark_Debris: 9000
-	}
-	Id: 1918
-	SpriteName: "MOROCC_1"
-	Name: "Incarnation of Morroc"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 63900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5710
-	JExp: 3294
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1901, 145]
-	Def: 199
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 114
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Herald_Of_GOD: 10
-		Dark_Crystal: 1000
-		Dark_Debris: 3000
-		Elunium: 160
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Diabolus_Manteau: 3
-		Nemesis: 20
-	}
-	Id: 1919
-	SpriteName: "MOROCC_2"
-	Name: "Incarnation of Morroc"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 64922
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6622
-	JExp: 3821
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1625, 159]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 86
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 113
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skin_Of_Ventus: 3
-		Dark_Crystal: 1000
-		Dark_Debris: 3000
-		Oridecon: 160
-		Cyfar: 3500
-		Cross_Shield: 15
-	}
-	Id: 1920
-	SpriteName: "MOROCC_3"
-	Name: "Incarnation of Morroc"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 94800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6786
-	JExp: 3780
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1218, 363]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 102
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 147
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 212
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ragamuffin_Cape: 10
-		Dark_Crystal: 1000
-		Dark_Debris: 3000
-		Elunium: 160
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Cursed_Hand: 3
-		Bloody_Eater: 15
-	}
-	Id: 1921
-	SpriteName: "MOROCC_4"
-	Name: "Incarnation of Morroc"
-	Lv: 134
-	Hp: 77389
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5990
-	JExp: 4056
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1235, 599]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 54
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 114
-		Agi: 88
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 97
-		Dex: 164
-		Luk: 43
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Diabolus_Ring: 5
-		Dark_Crystal: 1000
-		Dark_Debris: 3000
-		Oridecon: 160
-		Cyfar: 3500
-		Exorcism_Bible: 20
-	}
-	Id: 1922
-	SpriteName: "G_MOROCC_1"
-	Name: "Incarnation of Morroc"
-	JName: "Shadow of Morroc"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 63900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1901, 145]
-	Def: 199
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 114
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 312
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1923
-	SpriteName: "G_MOROCC_2"
-	Name: "Incarnation of Morroc"
-	JName: "Shadow of Morroc"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 64922
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1625, 159]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 86
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 113
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 312
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1924
-	SpriteName: "G_MOROCC_3"
-	Name: "Incarnation of Morroc"
-	JName: "Shadow of Morroc"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 94800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1218, 363]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 102
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 147
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 212
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1925
-	SpriteName: "G_MOROCC_4"
-	Name: "Incarnation of Morroc"
-	JName: "Shadow of Morroc"
-	Lv: 134
-	Hp: 77389
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1235, 599]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 54
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 114
-		Agi: 88
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 97
-		Dex: 164
-		Luk: 43
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-// God Item Creation (WoE SE); Catacombs
-	Id: 1926
-	SpriteName: "JAKK_H"
-	Name: "Jakk"
-	JName: "Shameless Jakk"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 1000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1180
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pumpkin_Pie: 2000
-		Pumpkin: 10000
-		Pumpkin_Head_Crushed: 5000
-		Pumpkin_Pie: 1000
-		Pumpkin: 5000
-		Cookie_Bag: 1000
-		Pumpkin_Cake: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1927
-	SpriteName: "WHISPER_H"
-	Name: "Whisper"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 1000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pumpkin_Pie: 2000
-		Worn_Cloth_Piece: 5000
-		Pumpkin: 10000
-		Cookie_Bag: 2000
-		Pumpkin_Cake: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 1928
-	SpriteName: "DEVIRUCHI_H"
-	Name: "Deviruchi"
-	Lv: 46
-	Hp: 500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5, 5]
-	Def: 10
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 70
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 980
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Horn: 3000
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: 3000
-	}
-	Id: 1929
-	SpriteName: "BAPHOMET_I"
-	Name: "Great Demon Baphomet"
-	JName: "Unsealed Baphomet"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 4520500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4881600
-	JExp: 2268000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [5460, 2300]
-	Def: 190
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 140
-		Agi: 152
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 240
-		Luk: 95
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bapho_Doll: 500
-		Pauldron: 7000
-		Tae_Goo_Lyeon: 5000
-		Bloody_Iron_Ball: 100
-		Celestial_Robe: 7000
-		Holy_Robe: 7000
-		Crescent_Scythe: 9000
-		Baphomet_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1930
-	SpriteName: "PIAMETTE"
-	Name: "Piamette"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 3000500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1650, 1200]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1931
-	SpriteName: "WISH_MAIDEN"
-	Name: "Wish Maiden"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 3567700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [8450, 3300]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 120
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 120
-		Dex: 264
-		Luk: 210
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1932
-	SpriteName: "GARDEN_KEEPER"
-	Name: "Garden Keeper"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Key: 9000
-	}
-	Id: 1933
-	SpriteName: "GARDEN_WATCHER"
-	Name: "Garden Watcher"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 300000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1833, 943]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 57
-		Vit: 56
-		Int: 126
-		Dex: 154
-		Luk: 114
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1934
-	SpriteName: "BLUE_FLOWER"
-	Name: "Blue Flower"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 10500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1935
-	SpriteName: "RED_FLOWER"
-	Name: "Red Flower"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 10500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1936
-	SpriteName: "YELL_FLOWER"
-	Name: "Yellow Flower"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 10500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1937
-	SpriteName: "CONSTANT_"
-	Name: "Constant"
-	Lv: 108
-	Hp: 11000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [858, 144]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 82
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 98
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1938
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX41"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Goddess_Tear: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10000
-		Oridecon: 4850
-		Elunium: 7275
-		Pauldron: 40
-		Healing_Staff: 150
-		Wild_Beast_Claw: 150
-	}
-	Id: 1939
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX42"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Valkyrie_Token: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10000
-		Oridecon: 4850
-		Elunium: 7275
-		Celestial_Robe: 40
-		Berdysz: 150
-		Inverse_Scale: 150
-	}
-	Id: 1940
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX43"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brynhild_Armor_Piece: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10000
-		Oridecon: 4850
-		Elunium: 7275
-		Scalpel: 150
-		Heart_Breaker: 150
-		Blood_Tears: 150
-	}
-	Id: 1941
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX44"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Hero_Remains: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10000
-		Oridecon: 4850
-		Elunium: 7275
-		Platinum_Shotel: 150
-		Burning_Bow: 150
-		Divine_Cross: 50
-	}
-	Id: 1942
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX45"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Andvari_Ring: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10000
-		Oridecon: 4850
-		Elunium: 7275
-		Muscle_Cutter: 150
-		Orc_Archer_Bow: 150
-		Icicle_Fist: 150
-	}
-	Id: 1943
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX46"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dusk_Glow: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10000
-		Oridecon: 4850
-		Elunium: 7275
-		Battle_Hook: 150
-		Frozen_Bow: 150
-		Combo_Battle_Glove: 150
-	}
-	Id: 1944
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX47"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dawn_Essence: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10000
-		Oridecon: 4850
-		Elunium: 7275
-		Ahlspiess: 150
-		Earth_Bow: 150
-		Ulfhedinn: 50
-	}
-	Id: 1945
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX48"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cold_Moonlight: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10000
-		Oridecon: 4850
-		Elunium: 7275
-		Lich_Bone_Wand: 150
-		Gust_Bow: 150
-		Seismic_Fist: 150
-	}
-	Id: 1946
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX49"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Hazy_Starlight: 10
-		Union_Of_Tribe: 500
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10000
-		Oridecon: 4850
-		Elunium: 7275
-		Piercing_Staff: 150
-		Drill_Katar: 150
-		Mithril_Magic_Cape: 50
-	}
-	Id: 1947
-	SpriteName: "PIAMETTE_"
-	Name: "Piamette"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 500500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1650, 1200]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1948
-	SpriteName: "G_YGNIZEM"
-	Name: "Ygnizem"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 40327
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1985, 328]
-	Def: 224
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 144
-		Agi: 92
-		Vit: 86
-		Int: 69
-		Dex: 149
-		Luk: 68
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Battlegrounds Guardians
-	Id: 1949
-	SpriteName: "B_S_GUARDIAN"
-	Name: "Camp Guardian"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 457599
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [8349, 1550]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 110
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 150
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1950
-	SpriteName: "B_B_GUARDIAN"
-	Name: "Camp Guardian"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 241212
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 12
-	Attack: [2024, 680]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 95
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 90
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Ravies Sister's 'Valyrie's Gift' monsters.
-	Id: 1951
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_6"
-	Name: "Crystal"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 3800
-		Candy_Striper: 4500
-		White_Chocolate: 5000
-		Gift_Box_2: 4900
-		Banana_Juice: 6500
-		Chocolate: 5000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 200
-	}
-	Id: 1952
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_7"
-	Name: "Crystal"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 3800
-		Candy_Striper: 4500
-		White_Chocolate: 5000
-		Gift_Box_4: 4900
-		Apple_Juice: 6500
-		Chocolate: 5000
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 250
-	}
-	Id: 1953
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_8"
-	Name: "Crystal"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 3800
-		Candy_Striper: 4500
-		White_Chocolate: 5000
-		Gift_Box_1: 4900
-		Carrot_Juice: 6500
-		Chocolate: 5000
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 300
-	}
-	Id: 1954
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_9"
-	Name: "Crystal"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 3800
-		Candy_Striper: 4500
-		White_Chocolate: 5000
-		Gift_Box_3: 4900
-		Grape_Juice: 6500
-		Chocolate: 5000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 100
-	}
-// ?
-	Id: 1955
-	SpriteName: "TREASURE_BOX_I"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 40
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fools_Day_Box: 1000
-		Fools_Day_Box2: 1000
-		Halloween_Fragment: 1000
-		Jellopy: 5000
-		Well_Baked_Cookie: 1000
-		Candy_Striper: 1000
-	}
-// Endless Tower
-	Id: 1956
-	SpriteName: "NAGHT_SIEGER"
-	Name: "Naght Sieger"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 5000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4320000
-	JExp: 1800000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [7020, 3200]
-	Def: 410
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 190
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 220
-		Dex: 317
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 16
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Twin_Edge_B: 9000
-		Twin_Edge_R: 9000
-		Flame_Manteau: 9000
-		Bone_Helm: 9000
-		Old_Card_Album: 9000
-		Pauldron: 9000
-		Turquoise: 9000
-		Nahtzigger_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1957
-	SpriteName: "ENTWEIHEN"
-	Name: "Entweihen Crothen"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 2400500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1573000
-	JExp: 1215000
-	AttackRange: 12
-	Attack: [4840, 3600]
-	Def: 171
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 160
-		Dex: 228
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 540
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Thorn_Staff: 9000
-		Holy_Stick: 9000
-		Celestial_Robe: 9000
-		Lich_Bone_Wand: 9000
-		Old_Card_Album: 9000
-		Survival_Rod_: 9000
-		Agate: 9000
-		Ant_Buyanne_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1958
-	SpriteName: "G_ENTWEIHEN_R"
-	Name: "Thorny Skeleton"
-	Lv: 89
-	Hp: 5400000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 12
-	Attack: [4444, 680]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 180
-		Dex: 150
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1959
-	SpriteName: "G_ENTWEIHEN_H"
-	Name: "Thorn of Recovery"
-	Lv: 89
-	Hp: 350000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 12
-	Attack: [2244, 680]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 180
-		Dex: 150
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 2864
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1960
-	SpriteName: "G_ENTWEIHEN_M"
-	Name: "Thorn of Magic"
-	Lv: 89
-	Hp: 5400000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 12
-	Attack: [2244, 680]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 180
-		Dex: 150
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 1024
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1961
-	SpriteName: "G_ENTWEIHEN_S"
-	Name: "Thorn of Purification"
-	Lv: 89
-	Hp: 5400000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 12
-	Attack: [2244, 680]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 180
-		Dex: 150
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 2864
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Additional Monsters
-	Id: 1962
-	SpriteName: "ANTONIO_"
-	Name: "Christmas Thief"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [13, 7]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1963
-	SpriteName: "P_CHUNG_E"
-	Name: "New Year Doll"
-	Lv: 49
-	Hp: 23900
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 2156
-	JExp: 894
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [460, 590]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 38
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 43
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 90
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1728
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 1188
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1964
-	SpriteName: "NIGHTMARE_T"
-	Name: "Nightmare"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 2000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 461
-	JExp: 348
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [100, 200]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Potion: 2000
-		Blue_Herb: 3000
-		Test_Certificate: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 1965
-	SpriteName: "M_WILD_ROSE"
-	Name: "Wild Rose"
-	Lv: 38
-	Hp: 4000
-	Sp: 50
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [100, 45]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 15
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 65
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 964
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1966
-	SpriteName: "M_DOPPELGANGER"
-	Name: "Doppelganger"
-	Lv: 72
-	Hp: 7800
-	Sp: 200
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [220, 50]
-	Def: 30
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 300
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1967
-	SpriteName: "M_YGNIZEM"
-	Name: "Ygnizem"
-	JName: "Egnigem Cenia"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 7800
-	Sp: 200
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [220, 50]
-	Def: 30
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 300
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1968
-	SpriteName: "E_STROUF"
-	Name: "Strouf"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 11990
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 5544
-	JExp: 3776
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [200, 1050]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 92
-		Dex: 43
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fin: 5335
-		Oridecon_Stone: 230
-		Granpa_Beard: 4
-		Trident_: 4
-		Feather: 3000
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 40
-		Gill: 1500
-		Strouf_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1969
-	SpriteName: "E_MARC"
-	Name: "Marc"
-	Lv: 36
-	Hp: 6900
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1778
-	JExp: 1125
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [220, 60]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 56
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1272
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 36
-		Gill: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 190
-		Fin: 1000
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 20
-		Blue_Gemstone: 200
-		White_Herb: 700
-		Marc_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1970
-	SpriteName: "E_OBEAUNE"
-	Name: "Obeune"
-	JName: "Obeaune"
-	Lv: 31
-	Hp: 3952
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1159
-	JExp: 733
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [141, 24]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 31
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 26
-		Heart_Of_Mermaid: 9000
-		Fin_Helm: 2
-		Saint_Robe_: 20
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 20
-		Fin: 500
-		Witherless_Rose: 60
-		Obeaune_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1971
-	SpriteName: "E_VADON"
-	Name: "Vadon"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 5000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 243
-	JExp: 153
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [74, 11]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 16
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1632
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Blue: 40
-		Nipper: 9000
-		Garlet: 3000
-		Padded_Armor_: 10
-		Solid_Shell: 100
-		Elunium_Stone: 80
-		Blue_Gemstone: 50
-		Vadon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1972
-	SpriteName: "E_MARINA"
-	Name: "Marina"
-	Lv: 21
-	Hp: 2087
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 392
-	JExp: 252
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [84, 22]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 21
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2280
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Single_Cell: 5000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1500
-		Crystal_Blue: 90
-		Mistic_Frozen: 4
-		Blue_Gemstone: 200
-		Deadly_Noxious_Herb: 40
-		Marina_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1973
-	SpriteName: "E_PORING"
-	Name: "Poring"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 2
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 3]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gift_Box: 10000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Jellopy: 5000
-	}
-// WoE SE Guild Dungeon
-	Id: 1974
-	SpriteName: "BANSHEE_MASTER"
-	Name: "Banshee Master"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 20320
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4422
-	JExp: 2556
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [839, 298]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 94
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 122
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 676
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_White_Cloth: 3000
-		Orleans_Gown: 10
-		Cursed_Star: 2
-		Wool_Scarf: 10
-		Mementos: 1500
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Shadow_Guard: 20
-		Banshee_Master_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1975
-	Name: "Beholder Master"
-	Lv: 106
-	Hp: 10135
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 2916
-	JExp: 1845
-	AttackRange: 6
-	Attack: [612, 88]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 67
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 69
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 32
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 336
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Prickly_Fruit: 3000
-		Anodyne: 100
-		Rough_Wind: 100
-		Elunium: 10
-		Chameleon_Armor: 10
-		Linen_Glove: 2
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2
-		Beholder_Master_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1976
-	SpriteName: "COBALT_MINERAL"
-	Name: "Cobalt Mineral"
-	Lv: 113
-	Hp: 15800
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 3510
-	JExp: 2070
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [903, 92]
-	Def: 113
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 110
-		Agi: 55
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 133
-		Luk: 41
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 648
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fragment_Of_Crystal: 3000
-		Golden_Jewel: 500
-		Elemental_Sword: 5
-		Oridecon: 80
-		Emveretarcon: 800
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 100
-		Gold: 2
-		Cobalt_Mineral_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1977
-	SpriteName: "HEAVY_METALING"
-	Name: "Heavy Metaling"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 11500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 3132
-	JExp: 1980
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [874, 112]
-	Def: 134
-	Mdef: 65
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 105
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 86
-		Int: 58
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 38
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tube: 4000
-		Iron_Ore: 1000
-		Iron: 500
-		Large_Jellopy: 1000
-		Screw: 200
-		Dagger_Of_Hunter: 5
-		Jubilee: 5000
-		Heavy_Metaling_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1978
-	SpriteName: "HELL_APOCALIPS"
-	Name: "Hell Apocalips"
-	JName: "Hell Vesper"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 22100
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4352
-	JExp: 3020
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1092, 122]
-	Def: 155
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 135
-		Agi: 62
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1840
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Steel_Piece: 5335
-		Mystery_Piece: 2400
-		Wheel: 2200
-		Elunium: 5
-		Life_Link: 10
-		Cardo: 4
-		Steel: 2500
-		Hell_Apocalips_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1979
-	SpriteName: "ZAKUDAM"
-	Name: "Zukadam"
-	JName: "Zakudam"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 17200
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 3744
-	JExp: 2160
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [910, 130]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 92
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 580
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Screw: 5000
-		Steel: 500
-		Oridecon: 200
-		Elunium: 200
-		Gate_Keeper: 5
-		Gate_KeeperDD: 5
-		Improved_Tights: 10
-		Jakudam_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1980
-	SpriteName: "KUBLIN"
-	Name: "Kubkin"
-	JName: "Kublin"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 633600
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 99000
-	JExp: 90000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1298, 220]
-	Def: 22
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 81
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 964
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 45000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Pickaxe: 10000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 270
-		Scell: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 43
-		Goblini_Mask: 3
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 2500
-		Red_Herb: 1800
-	}
-// Orc Dungeon Instance
-	Id: 1981
-	SpriteName: "I_HIGH_ORC"
-	Name: "Safeguard Chief"
-	JName: "Orc Elite Guard"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 44193
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [538, 150]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1982
-	SpriteName: "I_ORC_ARCHER"
-	Name: "Orc Sniper"
-	JName: "Orc Bowman"
-	Lv: 78
-	Hp: 54835
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [506, 43]
-	Def: 67
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 150
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1983
-	SpriteName: "I_ORC_SKELETON"
-	Name: "Depraved Orc Spirit"
-	JName: "Orc Undead"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 80087
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [546, 263]
-	Def: 23
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 31
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 93
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 2420
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1984
-	SpriteName: "I_ORC_LADY"
-	Name: "Shaman Cargalache"
-	JName: "Orc Lady"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 50058
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [465, 389]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 52
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 1050
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Another World (13.1)
-	Id: 1985
-	SpriteName: "DANDELION"
-	Name: "Dandelion Member"
-	Lv: 37
-	Hp: 45000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [305, 55]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 28
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 63
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1986
-	SpriteName: "TATACHO"
-	Name: "Tatacho"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 33336
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4890
-	JExp: 3092
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1018, 72]
-	Def: 151
-	Mdef: 14
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 119
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lunakaligo: 20
-		Cello: 10
-		Fur: 4000
-		Peaked_Hat: 3000
-		Delicious_Fish: 3100
-		Bradium: 10
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 2500
-		Tatacho_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1987
-	SpriteName: "CENTIPEDE"
-	Name: "Centipede"
-	Lv: 125
-	Hp: 24992
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4160
-	JExp: 2711
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [841, 112]
-	Def: 143
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 133
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 69
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 49
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cold_Heart: 2
-		Black_Cat: 2
-		Cursed_Lyre: 10
-		Short_Leg: 5335
-		Zargon: 5000
-		Bradium: 10
-		Solid_Shell: 2500
-		Centipede_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1988
-	SpriteName: "NEPENTHES"
-	Name: "Nepenthes"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 15099
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3378
-	JExp: 1793
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [843, 125]
-	Def: 25
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 94
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 210
-		Luk: 59
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 500
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mandragora_Cap: 1
-		Stem_Of_Nepenthes: 1
-		Harp_Of_Nepenthes: 1
-		Nepenthes_Bow: 1
-		Strong_Bine: 3000
-		Yellow_Live: 50
-		Stem: 9000
-		Nepenthes_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1989
-	SpriteName: "HILLSRION"
-	Name: "Hillslion"
-	Lv: 123
-	Hp: 21422
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3782
-	JExp: 1698
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [630, 102]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 110
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 41
-		Dex: 143
-		Luk: 12
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 400
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sprint_Shoes: 10
-		Horn_Of_Hilthrion: 20
-		Horn_Of_Hilsrion: 3000
-		Fur: 2000
-		Wild_Beast_Claw: 10
-		Light_Granule: 1200
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Hilsrion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1990
-	Name: "Hardrock Mammoth"
-	Lv: 137
-	Hp: 1900944
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 184980
-	JExp: 81178
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2328, 774]
-	Def: 449
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 191
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 102
-		Int: 49
-		Dex: 197
-		Luk: 51
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 588
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bone_Head: 100
-		Tournament_Shield: 200
-		Ivory_Lance: 500
-		Ivory_Knife: 400
-		Hard_Skin: 9000
-		Snowy_Horn: 20
-		Elunium: 9000
-		Hardrock_Mommos_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1991
-	SpriteName: "TENDRILRION"
-	Name: "Tendrillion"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 1397451
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 131004
-	JExp: 75299
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1403, 1320]
-	Def: 132
-	Mdef: 123
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 144
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 77
-		Int: 181
-		Dex: 203
-		Luk: 132
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 500
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leather_Of_Tendrilion: 500
-		Death_Guidance: 100
-		Eraser: 100
-		Horn_Of_Tendrilion: 9000
-		Bradium: 10
-		Tough_Vines: 5335
-		Stiff_Horn: 4850
-		Tendrilion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1992
-	SpriteName: "CORNUS"
-	Name: "Cornus"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 20722
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8112
-	JExp: 4004
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [403, 522]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 95
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 51
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 130
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sprint_Mail: 10
-		Angelic_Ring: 1
-		Mystic_Horn: 4000
-		Soft_Feather: 3000
-		Bradium: 10
-		Snowy_Horn: 2
-		Long_Horn: 1
-		Cornus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1993
-	SpriteName: "NAGA"
-	Name: "Naga"
-	Lv: 117
-	Hp: 21099
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3826
-	JExp: 2212
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [685, 102]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 400
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armor_Of_Naga: 10
-		Shield_Of_Naga: 10
-		Battle_Fork: 10
-		Bradium: 10
-		Scales_Shell: 3500
-		Shining_Scales: 2000
-		Pike_: 20
-		Naga_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1994
-	SpriteName: "LUCIOLA_VESPA"
-	Name: "Luciola Vespa"
-	Lv: 109
-	Hp: 12466
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2946
-	JExp: 1806
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [589, 111]
-	Def: 59
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 88
-		Agi: 89
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 143
-		Luk: 59
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-		TargetWeak: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sprint_Ring: 2
-		Bradium: 1
-		Black_Wing_Suits: 10
-		Honey: 300
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 160
-		Royal_Jelly: 200
-		Solid_Shell: 3000
-		Luciola_Vespa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1995
-	SpriteName: "PINGUICULA"
-	Name: "Pinguicula"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 13058
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2920
-	JExp: 2662
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [546, 322]
-	Def: 46
-	Mdef: 77
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 64
-		Int: 107
-		Dex: 77
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 700
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pinguicula_Corsage: 1
-		Whip_Of_Balance: 10
-		Centimental_Leaf: 10
-		Sharp_Leaf: 5000
-		Great_Leaf: 2000
-		Browny_Root: 3000
-		Elder_Branch: 1000
-		Pinguicula_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1996
-	SpriteName: "BACSOJIN_T"
-	Name: "White Lady"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 720500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 801792
-	JExp: 542880
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1414, 2036]
-	Def: 210
-	Mdef: 178
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 244
-		Vit: 98
-		Int: 126
-		Dex: 246
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		White_Snake_Hat: 3
-		Exorcize_Sachet: 80
-		Purification_Sachet: 80
-	}
-	Id: 1997
-	SpriteName: "G_TATACHO"
-	Name: "Tatacho"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 33336
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1018, 72]
-	Def: 151
-	Mdef: 14
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 119
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1998
-	SpriteName: "G_HILLSRION"
-	Name: "Hillslion"
-	Lv: 123
-	Hp: 21422
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [630, 102]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 110
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 41
-		Dex: 143
-		Luk: 12
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 400
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 1999
-	Name: "Centipede Larva"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 20667
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3808
-	JExp: 2003
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [729, 88]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 62
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 27
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Boots_: 9
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 50
-		Short_Leg: 5335
-		Zargon: 5000
-		Worm_Peelings: 9000
-		Solid_Shell: 2500
-		Centipede_Larva_Card: 1
-	}
-// Additional Monsters
-	Id: 2000
-	SpriteName: "M_GAMEMASTER"
-	Name: "Male Game Master"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 7000
-	Sp: 250
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [25, 0]
-	Def: 10
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 121
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 75
-		Luk: 110
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 300
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2001
-	SpriteName: "F_GAMEMASTER"
-	Name: "Female Game Master"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 7000
-	Sp: 250
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [25, 0]
-	Def: 10
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 121
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 75
-		Luk: 110
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 300
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2002
-	SpriteName: "T_SPRING_RABBIT"
-	Name: "Talisman Ghost"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 8000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 3584
-	JExp: 1589
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [585, 228]
-	Def: 47
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 45
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 77
-		Luk: 90
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 552
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Magical_Moon_Cake: 1000
-		Plantain: 500
-		Rabbit_Skin: 1500
-	}
-	Id: 2003
-	SpriteName: "T_BACSOJIN"
-	Name: "Talisman Ghost"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 720500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1414, 2036]
-	Def: 210
-	Mdef: 178
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 244
-		Vit: 98
-		Int: 126
-		Dex: 246
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake1: 1000
-		Moon_Cake2: 1000
-		Moon_Cake15: 1000
-		Moon_Cake16: 1000
-		Moon_Cake17: 1000
-		Moon_Cake18: 1000
-		Moon_Cake19: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2004
-	SpriteName: "T_WICKED_NYMPH"
-	Name: "Talisman Ghost"
-	Lv: 63
-	Hp: 16029
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [399, 691]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 75
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 12
-		Int: 69
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 637
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake1: 800
-		Moon_Cake2: 800
-		Moon_Cake16: 800
-		Moon_Cake17: 800
-		Moon_Cake18: 800
-		Moon_Cake19: 800
-		Moon_Cake20: 800
-	}
-	Id: 2005
-	SpriteName: "T_PLASMA_B"
-	Name: "Plasma"
-	Lv: 44
-	Hp: 8200
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [300, 400]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 73
-		Dex: 90
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 608
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake1: 500
-		Moon_Cake2: 500
-		Moon_Cake15: 500
-		Moon_Cake16: 500
-		Moon_Cake17: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2006
-	SpriteName: "T_PLASMA_P"
-	Name: "Plasma"
-	Lv: 49
-	Hp: 5900
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [300, 400]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 54
-		Dex: 90
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 608
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake15: 500
-		Moon_Cake16: 500
-		Moon_Cake17: 500
-		Moon_Cake18: 500
-		Moon_Cake19: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2007
-	SpriteName: "T_PLASMA_R"
-	Name: "Plasma"
-	Lv: 43
-	Hp: 5700
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [300, 400]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 90
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 608
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake1: 500
-		Moon_Cake2: 500
-		Moon_Cake17: 500
-		Moon_Cake18: 500
-		Moon_Cake19: 500
-		Moon_Cake20: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2008
-	SpriteName: "WOOMAWANG"
-	Name: "Woomawang"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 4000000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 99000
-	JExp: 90000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [8800, 2000]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 110
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 250
-		Dex: 199
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 828
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2009
-	SpriteName: "WOOMAWANG_"
-	Name: "Woomawang"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 2000000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 99000
-	JExp: 90000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [17600, 4000]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 110
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 250
-		Dex: 199
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 414
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cowkings_Nose_Ring: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 2010
-	SpriteName: "G_MAJORUROS"
-	Name: "Ox"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 500000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 9
-	JExp: 9
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1260, 2000]
-	Def: 25
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1100
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 780
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2011
-	SpriteName: "E_GHOUL"
-	Name: "Tenacious Ghoul"
-	Lv: 40
-	Hp: 99999
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 979
-	JExp: 560
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [420, 80]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 29
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 45
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2456
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 6000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 110
-		White_Herb: 700
-		Green_Herb: 800
-		Pumpkin_Pie: 100
-		Ghoul_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2012
-	SpriteName: "E_ZOMBIE"
-	Name: "Tenacious Zombie"
-	Lv: 15
-	Hp: 99999
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 45
-	JExp: 30
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [67, 12]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 7
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 15
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2612
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Decayed_Nail: 9000
-		Cardinal_Jewel_: 6
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 50
-		Pumpkin_Pie: 100
-		Zombie_Card: 1
-	}
-// Enter The Unknown (13.2)
-	Id: 2013
-	SpriteName: "DRACO"
-	Name: "Draco"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 20099
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2594
-	JExp: 1205
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [778, 110]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 21
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 34
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragons_Mane: 3000
-		Dragons_Skin: 100
-		Dragon_Canine: 100
-		Dragon_Train: 1000
-		Dragon_Scale: 1000
-		Honey: 500
-		Dragon_Vest: 10
-		Draco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2014
-	SpriteName: "DRACO_EGG"
-	Name: "Draco Egg"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 100000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2400
-	JExp: 1500
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 384
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 135
-		Int: 92
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 98
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 24
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 5000
-		Egg_Shell: 20
-		Egg_Of_Draco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2015
-	SpriteName: "PINGUICULA_D"
-	Name: "Dark Pinguicula"
-	Lv: 113
-	Hp: 17002
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2730
-	JExp: 2419
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [451, 789]
-	Def: 59
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 89
-		Agi: 55
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 95
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 12
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 290
-	AttackDelay: 1426
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sharp_Leaf: 5000
-		Great_Leaf: 2000
-		Browny_Root: 3000
-		Karvodailnirol: 10
-		Withered_Flower: 1000
-		Elder_Branch: 1500
-		Rotha_Shield: 10
-		Pinguicula_Dark_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2016
-	SpriteName: "AQUA_ELEMENTAL"
-	Name: "Aqua Elemental"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 33209
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5402
-	JExp: 4155
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [862, 450]
-	Def: 23
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 95
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 230
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystalized_Teardrop: 1000
-		Fluorescent_Liquid: 5000
-		Tiny_Waterbottle: 100
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 2500
-		Waterdrop_Brooch: 10
-		Aqua_Elemental_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2017
-	SpriteName: "RATA"
-	Name: "Rata"
-	Lv: 131
-	Hp: 58299
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 10122
-	JExp: 6119
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1080, 211]
-	Def: 81
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 101
-		Agi: 74
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 147
-		Luk: 56
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 792
-	AttackMotion: 540
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Unripe_Acorn: 5000
-		Acorn: 5000
-		Piece_Of_Darkness: 500
-		Veteran_Hammer: 100
-		Bradium: 10
-		Lata_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2018
-	SpriteName: "DUNEYRR"
-	Name: "Duneyrr"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 63342
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 11180
-	JExp: 7298
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1250, 301]
-	Def: 144
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 133
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 165
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Carrot: 5000
-		Fur: 4000
-		Piece_Of_Darkness: 500
-		Eyes_Stone_Ring: 1
-		Veteran_Sword: 10
-		Veteran_Axe: 100
-		Bradium: 10
-		Duneirre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2019
-	SpriteName: "ANCIENT_TREE"
-	Name: "Ancient Tree"
-	Lv: 144
-	Hp: 388933
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9500
-	JExp: 5481
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1182, 76]
-	Def: 226
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 148
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 93
-		Int: 58
-		Dex: 149
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 290
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tough_Vines: 1000
-		Great_Leaf: 1000
-		Log: 5000
-		Dead_Tree_Cane: 10
-		Vital_Tree_Shoes: 30
-		Elder_Branch: 1000
-		Ancient_Tree_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2020
-	SpriteName: "RHYNCHO"
-	Name: "Rhyncho"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 337220
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7938
-	JExp: 4579
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [863, 201]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 119
-		Agi: 98
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 46
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 240
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fluorescent_Liquid: 5000
-		Karvodailnirol: 5
-		Crystal_Of_Soul_01: 500
-		Ringco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2021
-	SpriteName: "PHYLLA"
-	Name: "Phylla"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 345560
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7938
-	JExp: 4579
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [825, 176]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 14
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 107
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 58
-		Dex: 152
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 240
-	AttackDelay: 360
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fluorescent_Liquid: 5000
-		Detrimindexta: 5
-		Crystal_Of_Soul_02: 500
-		Pillar_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2022
-	SpriteName: "S_NYDHOG"
-	Name: "Nidhoggr's Shadow"
-	JName: "Nidhoggur's Shadow"
-	Lv: 117
-	Hp: 3452000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 5616000
-	JExp: 3510000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [6656, 3840]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 75
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 236
-		Dex: 263
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1596
-	AttackMotion: 1620
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 2160000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Dark_Red_Scale: 5000
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		Bradium: 1000
-		Cardo: 500
-		Katzbalger: 500
-		Pole_Axe: 500
-		Piece_Of_Angent_Skin: 2000
-		Nidhogg_Shadow_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2023
-	SpriteName: "DARK_SHADOW"
-	Name: "Dark Shadow"
-	Lv: 147
-	Hp: 434300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9918
-	JExp: 5721
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1353, 157]
-	Def: 140
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 155
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 89
-		Int: 108
-		Dex: 213
-		Luk: 76
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1776
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Black_Cloth: 5000
-		Skul_Ring: 1000
-		Dagger_Of_Hunter: 5
-		Piece_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Eyes_Stone_Ring: 5
-		Bradium_Stonehammer: 10
-		Bradium: 10
-		Dark_Shadow_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2024
-	SpriteName: "BRADIUM_GOLEM"
-	Name: "Bradium Golem"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 45739
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8518
-	JExp: 3595
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1307, 103]
-	Def: 559
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 189
-		Agi: 25
-		Vit: 125
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 104
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 1200
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Stone_Piece: 3000
-		Stone_Heart: 5000
-		Purified_Bradium: 500
-		Bradium_Shield: 10
-		Runstone_Rare: 10
-		Bradium: 500
-		Bradium_Goram_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2025
-	SpriteName: "MYSTCASE_EVENT"
-	Name: "Wild Gift Box"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 77
-	JExp: 77
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [10, 10]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 48
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Chocolate: 5000
-		Chocolate: 5000
-		HandMade_Chocolate: 1000
-		HandMade_Chocolate_: 1000
-		White_Chocolate: 1000
-		Chocolate_Drink: 1000
-		Chocolate_Drink: 10
-		Chocolate_Drink: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2026
-	SpriteName: "DANDELION_"
-	Name: "Runaway Dandelion Member"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 552500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 49500
-	JExp: 22500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3355, 1250]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 230
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Frying_Pan: 5000
-		Delicious_Fish: 500
-		Spoon_Stub: 2000
-		Mushroom: 3000
-		Outdoor_Cooking_Kits: 500
-		Green_Herb: 5000
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 3000
-		Tree_Root: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 2027
-	SpriteName: "G_DARK_SHADOW"
-	Name: "Dark Shadow"
-	Lv: 147
-	Hp: 434300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1353, 157]
-	Def: 140
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 155
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 89
-		Int: 108
-		Dex: 213
-		Luk: 76
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1776
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Additional Monsters
-	Id: 2028
-	SpriteName: "E_MINOROUS"
-	Name: "Minorous"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 741
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [30, 48]
-	Def: 4
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 6
-		Int: 6
-		Dex: 5
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1360
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Coin: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 2029
-	SpriteName: "E_MINOROUS_"
-	Name: "Minorous"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 9
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [100, 150]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1360
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nose_Ring: 10
-		Natural_Leather: 2000
-		Natural_Leather: 4000
-		Natural_Leather: 1000
-		Sweet_Potato: 1000
-		Poo_Poo_Hat: 1
-		Grain: 1000
-		Gift_Box: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2030
-	SpriteName: "HIDEN_PRIEST"
-	Name: "Hiden Priest"
-	JName: "Hidden Priest"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 240500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1430, 683]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Popes_Cookie: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 2031
-	SpriteName: "DANDELION_H"
-	Name: "Dandelion"
-	JName: "Dandelion Executive"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 120000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [336, 305]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 76
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Popes_Cookie: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 2032
-	Name: "Forest Guardian"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 99999
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3000, 3000]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 100
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 868
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 120
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2033
-	SpriteName: "GOLDEN_TULIP"
-	Name: "Golden Tulip"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 100
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gold_Tulip: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 2034
-	SpriteName: "M_DESERT_WOLF_B"
-	Name: "Baby Desert Wolf"
-	Lv: 9
-	Hp: 164
-	Sp: 15
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [500, 100]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 9
-		Vit: 9
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 40
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1600
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2035
-	SpriteName: "NIHILITY_ZEM"
-	Name: "Nihility Zem"
-	JName: "Stone of Futility"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 200500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1001
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2036
-	SpriteName: "VALKYRIE_N"
-	Name: "Valkyrie Randgris"
-	JName: "Valkyrie"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 11780
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1014, 150]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 39
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 86
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Horn_Pipe: 9000
-		Broken_Horn_Pipe: 5000
-		Broken_Horn_Pipe: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 2037
-	SpriteName: "VALKYRIE_A"
-	Name: "Valkyrie"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 5500
-	Sp: 15
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [11, 150]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2038
-	SpriteName: "VALKYRIE_B"
-	Name: "Valkyrie"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 10500
-	Sp: 15
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [330, 150]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 96
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2039
-	SpriteName: "EXECUTIONER_R"
-	Name: "Executioner"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 28980
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [599, 380]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 64
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 97
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2040
-	SpriteName: "TIRFING_R"
-	Name: "Tirfing"
-	JName: "Ogretooth"
-	Lv: 71
-	Hp: 29900
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1045, 196]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 158
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 816
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2041
-	SpriteName: "MYSTELTAINN_R"
-	Name: "Mysteltainn"
-	Lv: 76
-	Hp: 33350
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1276, 280]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 139
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 191
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Mechanic Fixed Autonomous Weapon Platforms
-	Id: 2042
-	SpriteName: "SILVERSNIPER"
-	Name: "Silver Sniper"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 4500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [390, 0]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2043
-	Name: "Magic Decoy"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 2500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [195, 0]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2044
-	Name: "Magic Decoy"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 2500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [195, 0]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2045
-	Name: "Magic Decoy"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 2500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [195, 0]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2046
-	Name: "Magic Decoy"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 2500
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [195, 0]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 1000
-	}
-// Additional Monsters
-	Id: 2047
-	SpriteName: "W_NAGA"
-	Name: "Naga"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 46708
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [640, 113]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 113
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 146
-		Luk: 13
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 400
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scale_Of_Snakes: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 2048
-	SpriteName: "W_PINGUICULA_D"
-	Name: "Dark Pinguicula"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 8780
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [697, 120]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 2
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 290
-	AttackDelay: 1426
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Withered_Flower: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2049
-	SpriteName: "W_BRADIUM_GOLEM"
-	Name: "Bradium Golem"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 45200
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [936, 166]
-	Def: 125
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 82
-		Int: 2
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 12
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 1200
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Purified_Bradium: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2050
-	SpriteName: "W_AQUA_ELEMENTAL"
-	Name: "Aqua Elemental"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 33220
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [547, 95]
-	Def: 13
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 19
-		Int: 8
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 2
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 230
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tiny_Waterbottle: 100
-	}
-	Id: 2051
-	SpriteName: "E_BAPHOMET"
-	Name: "Baphomet"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 1
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fools_Day_Box: 5000
-		Fools_Day_Box2: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 2052
-	SpriteName: "E_DARKLORD"
-	Name: "Dark Lord"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 1
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 868
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	Drops: {
-		Fools_Day_Box: 5000
-		Fools_Day_Box2: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 2053
-	SpriteName: "NC_DIMIK"
-	Name: "Dimik"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 10000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 5
-	Attack: [1144, 840]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 2000
-		Transparent_Plate01: 50
-		Steel: 300
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Dusk: 5
-		Oridecon: 10
-		Imperial_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Dimik_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2054
-	SpriteName: "E_BATHORY"
-	Name: "Bathory"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 5242
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [229, 325]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 56
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1504
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 900
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2055
-	SpriteName: "E_INCUBUS"
-	Name: "Incubus"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 17281
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 58
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 97
-		Vit: 95
-		Int: 103
-		Dex: 89
-		Luk: 87
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 850
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2056
-	SpriteName: "E_ZHERLTHSH"
-	Name: "Zherlthsh"
-	Lv: 63
-	Hp: 18300
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 10
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 2112
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2057
-	SpriteName: "E_CRAMP"
-	Name: "Suspicious Mouse"
-	JName: "Sticky Rat"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 4720
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 100
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2058
-	SpriteName: "M_MIMIC"
-	Name: "Mimic"
-	Lv: 51
-	Hp: 6120
-	Sp: 182
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [800, 150]
-	Def: 10
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 121
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 75
-		Luk: 110
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2059
-	SpriteName: "M_DISGUISE"
-	Name: "Disguise"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 7543
-	Sp: 180
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [526, 167]
-	Def: 18
-	Mdef: 29
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 48
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 147
-	AttackDelay: 516
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2060
-	SpriteName: "M_ALICE"
-	Name: "Alice"
-	Lv: 62
-	Hp: 10000
-	Sp: 221
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [700, 150]
-	Def: 5
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 64
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 130
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 502
-	AttackMotion: 1999
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2061
-	SpriteName: "E_STAPO"
-	Name: "Stapo"
-	Lv: 23
-	Hp: 666
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 299
-	JExp: 199
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [135, 370]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 15
-		Int: 12
-		Dex: 23
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 936
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 1000
-		Jubilee: 1000
-		Apple: 1000
-		Large_Jellopy: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 10
-		Seismic_Fist: 3
-		Lost_Card2: 5000
-		Stapo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2062
-	SpriteName: "E_POPORING"
-	Name: "Poporing"
-	Lv: 14
-	Hp: 344
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 73
-	JExp: 40
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [59, 72]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 19
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Mucus: 5500
-		Garlet: 1500
-		Green_Herb: 500
-		Grape: 200
-		Lost_Card3: 2000
-		Main_Gauche: 5
-		Apple: 250
-		Poporing_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2063
-	SpriteName: "E_DROPS"
-	Name: "Drops"
-	Lv: 3
-	Hp: 55
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 4
-	JExp: 3
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [10, 13]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 3
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1372
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 7500
-		Rod_: 80
-		Sticky_Mucus: 500
-		Apple: 1100
-		Empty_Bottle: 1700
-		Lost_Card1: 2000
-		Orange_Juice: 20
-		Drops_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2064
-	SpriteName: "E_MAGMARING"
-	Name: "Magmaring"
-	Lv: 40
-	Hp: 5300
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1899
-	JExp: 1719
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [550, 700]
-	Def: 25
-	Mdef: 24
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 17
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1472
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Heart: 3000
-		Elunium_Stone: 34
-		Lost_Card1: 2000
-		Lost_Card2: 2000
-		Lost_Card3: 2000
-		Lost_Card4: 2000
-		Magmaring_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2065
-	SpriteName: "E_METALING"
-	Name: "Metaling"
-	Lv: 26
-	Hp: 889
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 443
-	JExp: 224
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [135, 270]
-	Def: 5
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 2
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tube: 4000
-		Lost_Card4: 4000
-		Iron: 500
-		Large_Jellopy: 1000
-		Screw: 200
-		Crimson_Bolt_: 5
-		Jubilee: 5000
-		Metaling_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2066
-	SpriteName: "E_ANOPHELES"
-	Name: "Anopheles"
-	Lv: 5
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [140, 158]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1084
-	AttackMotion: 2304
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Mosquito_Coil: 10000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1000
-		Anopheles_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2067
-	SpriteName: "E_ANOPHELES_"
-	Name: "Anopheles"
-	Lv: 3
-	Hp: 500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [40, 58]
-	Def: 8
-	Mdef: 100
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1084
-	AttackMotion: 2304
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1000
-		Animal_Blood: 10
-		Anopheles_Card: 1
-	}
-// Brasilis
-	Id: 2068
-	SpriteName: "BOITATA"
-	Name: "Boitata"
-	Lv: 93
-	Hp: 1283990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 89146
-	JExp: 77950
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1378, 962]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 140
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 109
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 90
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 37144
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		Hurricane_Fury: 100
-		Hunting_Spear: 100
-		Yggdrasilberry: 500
-		Elunium: 1000
-		Oridecon: 1000
-		Hell_Fire: 100
-	}
-	Id: 2069
-	SpriteName: "IARA"
-	Name: "Iara"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 5890
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1176
-	JExp: 890
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [188, 99]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 76
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 5
-		Heart_Of_Mermaid: 9000
-		Fin: 500
-		Witherless_Rose: 50
-		Crystal_Mirror: 100
-		Illusion_Flower: 10
-		Mage_Coat: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2070
-	SpriteName: "PIRANHA"
-	Name: "Piranha"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 4522
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 988
-	JExp: 1023
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [200, 41]
-	Def: 7
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gill: 600
-		Mistic_Frozen: 5
-		Sharp_Scale: 9000
-		Tooth_Of_Ancient_Fish: 500
-		Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish: 500
-		Scalpel: 1
-		Fishermans_Dagger: 5
-	}
-	Id: 2071
-	SpriteName: "HEADLESS_MULE"
-	Name: "Headless Mule"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 6620
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1112
-	JExp: 1120
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [231, 57]
-	Def: 33
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 51
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1216
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Horse_Shoe: 4000
-		Plate_Armor_: 5
-		Burning_Heart: 1000
-		Hot_Hair: 1000
-		Inverse_Scale: 1
-		Plate_Armor_: 1
-		Jamadhar_: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2072
-	SpriteName: "JAGUAR"
-	Name: "Jaguar"
-	Lv: 71
-	Hp: 3914
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 792
-	JExp: 512
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [211, 42]
-	Def: 44
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 71
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leopard_Skin: 3000
-		Leopard_Talon: 2000
-		Animals_Skin: 1000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 40
-		Claw_: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2073
-	SpriteName: "TOUCAN"
-	Name: "Toucan"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 3640
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 692
-	JExp: 544
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [174, 35]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 48
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 960
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Talon: 3000
-		Cyfar: 1000
-		Blue_Herb: 50
-		Yellow_Herb: 100
-		Flower_Ring: 200
-	}
-	Id: 2074
-	SpriteName: "CURUPIRA"
-	Name: "Curupira"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 3096
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 652
-	JExp: 450
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [147, 35]
-	Def: 42
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 528
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Meat: 3000
-		Elunium_Stone: 250
-		Emveretarcon: 10
-		Tiger_Skin_Panties: 500
-		Mace_: 100
-	}
-// Event MVP
-	Id: 2075
-	SpriteName: "E_VADON_X"
-	Name: "Vadon"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 700
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 32000
-	JExp: 26000
-	AttackRange: 5
-	Attack: [4620, 7220]
-	Def: 42
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 200
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 222
-		Luk: 32
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1632
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nipper: 5000
-		Broken_Steel_Piece: 3000
-		Wheel: 3000
-		Oridecon: 1000
-		Elunium: 500
-		Treasure_Box: 50
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-		Vadon_Card: 1
-	}
-// Additional Monsters
-	Id: 2076
-	SpriteName: "S_WIND_GHOST"
-	Name: "Shadow of Deception"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 190800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [601, 495]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 105
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1056
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2077
-	SpriteName: "S_SKOGUL"
-	Name: "Shadow of Illusion"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 244400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1183, 256]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 88
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 114
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2078
-	SpriteName: "S_SUCCUBUS"
-	Name: "Shadow of Pleasure"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 206660
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1144, 324]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 110
-		Dex: 122
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1306
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2079
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_H"
-	Name: "Mother Crystal"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 7777777
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4155554
-	JExp: 3777777
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [19555, 7777]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 77
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 7
-		Int: 77
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 177
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2080
-	SpriteName: "CRYSTAL_L"
-	Name: "Large Crystal"
-	Lv: 7
-	Hp: 77
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7
-	JExp: 7
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [7, 7]
-	Def: 7
-	Mdef: 7
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 7
-		Int: 7
-		Dex: 7
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 177
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2081
-	SpriteName: "E_HYDRA"
-	Name: "Suspicious Hydra"
-	JName: "Strange Hydra"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 854
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 100
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2082
-	SpriteName: "G_PIRANHA"
-	Name: "Piranha"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 4522
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [200, 41]
-	Def: 7
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-// El Dicastes (13.3)
-	Id: 2083
-	SpriteName: "HORN_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Scaraba"
-	JName: "Uni Horn Scaraba"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 51100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5220
-	JExp: 4011
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [886, 91]
-	Def: 135
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 21
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Singlehorn_Helm: 6500
-		Imperial_Spear: 10
-		Runstone_Ancient: 10
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 100
-		Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2084
-	SpriteName: "HORN_SCARABA2"
-	Name: "Scaraba"
-	JName: "Horn Scaraba"
-	Lv: 134
-	Hp: 58900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5780
-	JExp: 4549
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1935, 105]
-	Def: 150
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 126
-		Luk: 51
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 336
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Twinhorn_Helm: 6500
-		Black_Wing: 10
-		Runstone_Ancient: 10
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 100
-		Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2085
-	SpriteName: "ANTLER_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Antler Scaraba"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 62600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6330
-	JExp: 5255
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1418, 410]
-	Def: 155
-	Mdef: 102
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 23
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 129
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Antler_Helm: 6500
-		Green_Whistle: 10
-		Runstone_Ancient: 10
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 100
-		Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2086
-	SpriteName: "RAKE_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Rake Scaraba"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 67700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6990
-	JExp: 5995
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1645, 112]
-	Def: 250
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 145
-		Int: 52
-		Dex: 168
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 588
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rakehorn_Helm: 6500
-		Red_Ether_Bag: 10
-		Runstone_Ancient: 10
-		Bone_Plate: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 100
-		Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2087
-	SpriteName: "QUEEN_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Queen Scaraba"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 2441600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 533286
-	JExp: 212200
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2834, 1240]
-	Def: 350
-	Mdef: 220
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 88
-		Vit: 82
-		Int: 149
-		Dex: 317
-		Luk: 144
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 205110
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 5500
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Queen_Wing_Piece: 7000
-		Alca_Bringer: 1000
-		Meteo_Plate_Armor: 1000
-		Chrome_Twohand_Sword: 400
-		Mystic_Bow: 500
-		Q_Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2088
-	SpriteName: "HORN_SCARABA_EGG"
-	Name: "Scaraba Egg"
-	JName: "Uni Horn Scaraba Egg"
-	Lv: 125
-	Hp: 63000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5200
-	JExp: 3000
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 230
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 34
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 5000
-		Honey: 100
-		Elunium: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2089
-	SpriteName: "HORN_SCARABA2_EGG"
-	Name: "Scaraba Egg"
-	JName: "Horn Scaraba Egg"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 66000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5200
-	JExp: 3000
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 250
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 5000
-		Honey: 100
-		Elunium: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2090
-	Name: "Antler Scaraba Egg"
-	Lv: 127
-	Hp: 69000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5200
-	JExp: 3000
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 235
-	Mdef: 180
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 5000
-		Honey: 100
-		Elunium: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2091
-	SpriteName: "RAKE_SCARABA_EGG"
-	Name: "Rake Scaraba Egg"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 72000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5200
-	JExp: 3000
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 290
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 5000
-		Honey: 100
-		Elunium: 10
-		Imperial_Guard: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2092
-	SpriteName: "DOLOMEDES"
-	Name: "Dolomedes"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 54591
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6702
-	JExp: 5154
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1016, 286]
-	Def: 112
-	Mdef: 52
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 149
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 82
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 143
-		Luk: 67
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 360
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Small_Bradium: 3000
-		White_Spider_Limb: 5000
-		Purified_Bradium: 500
-		Bradium_Ring: 10
-		Runstone_Rare: 10
-		Bradium: 500
-		Stem_Whip: 10
-		Dolomedes_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2093
-	SpriteName: "BOTARING"
-	Name: "Botaring"
-	Lv: 15
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7
-	JExp: 7
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [20, 20]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 77
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crumpled_Paper: 7000
-		Crumpled_Paper: 3500
-		Crumpled_Paper: 1000
-		Event_Pierrot_Nose: 700
-		Gift_Box_1: 2000
-		Gift_Box_2: 2000
-		Gift_Box_3: 2000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 500
-	}
-// Additional MVPs
-	Id: 2094
-	SpriteName: "E_ORK_HERO2"
-	Name: "Orc Hero"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 362000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2010
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [662, 441]
-	Def: 197
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 82
-		Vit: 107
-		Int: 71
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 43
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1678
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Red_Jewel: 2000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Voucher_Of_Orcish_Hero: 9700
-		Monkey_Circlet: 500
-		Right_Epsilon: 150
-		Splendid_Box: 50
-		Orcish_Sword: 1000
-		Elunium: 4559
-		Giant_Axe: 100
-		Orc_Hero_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2095
-	SpriteName: "E_EDDGA"
-	Name: "Eddga"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 947500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2010
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1509, 776]
-	Def: 166
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 92
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 103
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 872
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Tigers_Skin: 5000
-		Tiger_Footskin: 3000
-		Tiger_Footskin: 3000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Fire_Brand: 150
-		Smoking_Pipe: 250
-		Honey: 10000
-		Splendid_Box: 50
-		Tiger_Footskin: 250
-		Elunium: 2300
-		Krieg: 100
-		BigFoot_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2096
-	SpriteName: "E_OSIRIS2"
-	Name: "Osiris"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 475840
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2010
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1580, 903]
-	Def: 172
-	Mdef: 164
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 86
-		Int: 131
-		Dex: 145
-		Luk: 67
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Blue_Box: 4000
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 500
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2000
-		Assasin_Dagger: 150
-		Crown: 200
-		Splendid_Box: 50
-		Sacred_Marks: 1000
-		Spinx_Helm: 150
-		Cakram: 100
-		Osiris_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2097
-	SpriteName: "E_DRACULA"
-	Name: "Dracula"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 350000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2210
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1454, 1812]
-	Def: 152
-	Mdef: 146
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 86
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 92
-		Dex: 174
-		Luk: 82
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 1290
-	AttackMotion: 1140
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 4700
-		Wizardy_Staff: 5
-		Balistar: 5
-		Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord: 15
-		Ring_: 4
-		Book_Of_The_Apocalypse: 4
-		Splendid_Box: 50
-		Dracula_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2098
-	SpriteName: "E_DOPPELGANGER"
-	Name: "Doppelganger"
-	Lv: 77
-	Hp: 380000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2210
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1803, 1176]
-	Def: 246
-	Mdef: 86
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 122
-		Vit: 105
-		Int: 67
-		Dex: 203
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Cardinal_Jewel_: 1500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Plate_Armor_: 250
-		Broad_Sword_: 220
-		Zweihander: 150
-		Sharp_Gear: 350
-		Splendid_Box: 50
-		Elunium: 3686
-		Oridecon: 2700
-		Nightmare_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2099
-	SpriteName: "E_MISTRESS"
-	Name: "Mistress"
-	Lv: 78
-	Hp: 378000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2010
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [985, 1367]
-	Def: 187
-	Mdef: 192
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 186
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 113
-		Dex: 172
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1148
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Rough_Wind: 1500
-		Royal_Jelly: 3000
-		Royal_Jelly: 3000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Splendid_Box: 50
-		Honey: 10000
-		Coronet: 250
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-		Young_Twig: 10
-		Elunium: 4268
-		Red_Square_Bag: 100
-		Mistress_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2100
-	SpriteName: "E_BAPHOMET2"
-	Name: "Baphomet"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 668000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2210
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3150, 1284]
-	Def: 279
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 125
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 186
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2000
-		Baphomet_Doll: 5000
-		Baphomet_Doll: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Splendid_Box: 100
-		Magestic_Goat: 300
-		Crescent_Scythe_: 50
-		Emperium: 500
-		Magestic_Goat_: 10
-		Elunium: 5432
-		Oridecon: 4171
-		Baphomet_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2101
-	SpriteName: "E_LORD_OF_DEATH2"
-	Name: "Lord of Death"
-	JName: "Lord of the Dead"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 603883
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2412
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [5351, 962]
-	Def: 336
-	Mdef: 73
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 140
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 109
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 90
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1446
-	AttackMotion: 1296
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5000
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Boroken_Shiled_Piece: 5335
-		Pole_Axe: 5
-		Splendid_Box: 100
-		Ring_: 2
-		Shine_Spear_Blade: 10
-		War_Axe: 1
-		Iron_Driver: 2
-		Wander_Man_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2102
-	SpriteName: "E_DARK_LORD"
-	Name: "Dark Lord"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 1190900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2412
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3935, 2085]
-	Def: 330
-	Mdef: 168
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 136
-		Vit: 154
-		Int: 142
-		Dex: 193
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 868
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Skull: 6000
-		Blue_Coif_: 2000
-		Blue_Coif_: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Bone_Wand: 800
-		Kronos: 100
-		Grimtooth_: 300
-		Mage_Coat: 300
-		Splendid_Box: 100
-		Elunium: 5141
-		Bone_Helm_: 10
-		Dark_Illusion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2103
-	SpriteName: "E_KTULLANUX"
-	Name: "Ktullanux"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 2626000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2412
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [3754, 2680]
-	Def: 129
-	Mdef: 78
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 125
-		Dex: 212
-		Luk: 112
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 216
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Scale: 9000
-		Old_Card_Album: 3000
-		Clack_Of_Servival: 3000
-		Herald_Of_GOD: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5000
-		Splendid_Box: 100
-		Ktullanux_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2104
-	SpriteName: "E_DARK_SNAKE_LORD"
-	Name: "Dark Snake Lord"
-	JName: "Evil Snake Lord"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 1101000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2412
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2882, 1986]
-	Def: 314
-	Mdef: 185
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 172
-		Vit: 107
-		Int: 135
-		Dex: 235
-		Luk: 88
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 588
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Taegeuk_Plate: 5820
-		Sword_Of_Grave_Keeper: 5100
-		Hell_Fire: 80
-		Splendid_Box: 50
-		Gae_Bolg: 500
-		Pill: 900
-		Sway_Apron: 2000
-		Dark_Snake_Lord_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2105
-	SpriteName: "E_TURTLE_GENERAL"
-	Name: "Turtle General"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 1442000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2412
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3169, 2066]
-	Def: 394
-	Mdef: 123
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 116
-		Agi: 123
-		Vit: 154
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 217
-		Luk: 98
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 900
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 500
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 5500
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Iron_Driver: 8
-		War_Axe: 5
-		Cookbook09: 200
-		Pole_Axe: 9
-		Broken_Shell: 5335
-		Immaterial_Sword: 80
-		Splendid_Box: 50
-		Assulter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2106
-	SpriteName: "E_APOCALIPS_H"
-	Name: "Vesper"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 3802000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2612
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [3668, 4656]
-	Def: 402
-	Mdef: 109
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 177
-		Agi: 195
-		Vit: 165
-		Int: 130
-		Dex: 255
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Steel_Piece: 5000
-		Mystery_Piece: 3000
-		Splendid_Box: 50
-		Vesper_Core01: 100
-		Vesper_Core02: 100
-		Vesper_Core03: 100
-		Vesper_Core04: 100
-		Apocalips_H_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2107
-	Name: "Fallen Bishop"
-	Lv: 138
-	Hp: 5655000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2612
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [4290, 4636]
-	Def: 274
-	Mdef: 382
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 186
-		Agi: 165
-		Vit: 95
-		Int: 226
-		Dex: 273
-		Luk: 86
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 2000
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Holy_Water: 10000
-		Long_Horn: 1000
-		Spiritual_Ring: 500
-		Hunting_Spear: 1000
-		Elunium: 5432
-		Splendid_Box: 200
-		Carnium: 500
-		Fallen_Bishop_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2108
-	Name: "Gloom Under Night"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 3005000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2612
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [6592, 2785]
-	Def: 479
-	Mdef: 262
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 191
-		Agi: 223
-		Vit: 187
-		Int: 155
-		Dex: 362
-		Luk: 163
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1344
-	AttackMotion: 2880
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Will_Of_Darkness_: 7000
-		Blade_Lost_In_Darkness: 4000
-		Old_Hilt: 2000
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Celestial_Robe: 1000
-		Hurricane_Fury: 100
-		Splendid_Box: 200
-		Echio_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2109
-	SpriteName: "E_RANDGRIS"
-	Name: "Valkyrie Randgris"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 3205000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2612
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [7343, 4412]
-	Def: 588
-	Mdef: 506
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 196
-		Agi: 131
-		Vit: 125
-		Int: 276
-		Dex: 401
-		Luk: 156
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Valhalla_Flower: 5000
-		Valkyrie_Armor: 1600
-		Valkyrie_Manteau: 3000
-		Valkyrie_Shoes: 3000
-		Helm_: 5000
-		Bloody_Edge: 2500
-		Splendid_Box: 200
-		Randgris_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2110
-	SpriteName: "E_IFRIT"
-	Name: "Ifrit"
-	Lv: 146
-	Hp: 6935000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2612
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [8063, 3389]
-	Def: 436
-	Mdef: 218
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 180
-		Agi: 201
-		Vit: 156
-		Int: 190
-		Dex: 299
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 212
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Carnium: 2000
-		Carnium: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Flame_Heart: 10000
-		Spiritual_Ring: 3000
-		Ring_Of_Flame_Lord: 200
-		Ring_Of_Resonance: 200
-		Hell_Fire: 2000
-		Fire_Brand: 2000
-		Splendid_Box: 200
-		Ifrit_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2111
-	SpriteName: "E_B_HARWORD"
-	Name: "Whitesmith Harword"
-	JName: "MasterSmith Howard"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 6750000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2612
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5250, 1465]
-	Def: 301
-	Mdef: 106
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 275
-		Agi: 148
-		Vit: 156
-		Int: 72
-		Dex: 266
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Mysteltainn_: 3500
-		Byeorrun_Gum: 2500
-		Splendid_Box: 200
-		Sabbath: 3500
-		Great_Axe: 3500
-		Guillotine: 2500
-		Tomahawk: 3500
-		B_Harword_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2112
-	SpriteName: "E_B_SEYREN"
-	Name: "Lord Knight Seyren"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4680000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2612
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [6435, 2342]
-	Def: 567
-	Mdef: 155
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 303
-		Agi: 165
-		Vit: 181
-		Int: 110
-		Dex: 267
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Edge: 2500
-		Full_Plate_Armor_: 3500
-		Splendid_Box: 200
-		Brionac: 3500
-		Longinuss_Spear: 3000
-		Dragon_Slayer: 2500
-		Skewer: 1500
-	}
-	Id: 2113
-	SpriteName: "E_B_EREMES"
-	Name: "Assassin Cross Eremes"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4230000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2612
-	JExp: 2010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [6083, 1378]
-	Def: 445
-	Mdef: 98
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 211
-		Agi: 181
-		Vit: 114
-		Int: 83
-		Dex: 338
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 1005
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 2000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Moonlight_Sword: 1500
-		House_Auger: 1500
-		Splendid_Box: 200
-		Exercise: 3500
-		Assasin_Dagger: 3500
-		Bloody_Roar: 3500
-		Ginnungagap: 3500
-		B_Eremes_Card: 1
-	}
-// Sorcerer Elemental Spirits
-	Id: 2114
-	SpriteName: "EL_AGNI_S"
-	Name: "Agni"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
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-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2115
-	SpriteName: "EL_AGNI_M"
-	Name: "Agni"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
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-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2116
-	SpriteName: "EL_AGNI_L"
-	Name: "Agni"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
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-	Size: "Size_Large"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2117
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-	Name: "Aqua"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
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-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2118
-	SpriteName: "EL_AQUA_M"
-	Name: "Aqua"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2119
-	SpriteName: "EL_AQUA_L"
-	Name: "Aqua"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2120
-	SpriteName: "EL_VENTUS_S"
-	Name: "Ventus"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 4
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2121
-	SpriteName: "EL_VENTUS_M"
-	Name: "Ventus"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 4
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2122
-	SpriteName: "EL_VENTUS_L"
-	Name: "Ventus"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 4
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
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-	Size: "Size_Large"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2123
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-	Name: "Tera"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2124
-	SpriteName: "EL_TERA_M"
-	Name: "Tera"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2125
-	SpriteName: "EL_TERA_L"
-	Name: "Tera"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 5
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Large"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2126
-	SpriteName: "M_ANOPHELES"
-	Name: "Anopheles"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 8000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [300, 400]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1084
-	AttackMotion: 2304
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2127
-	SpriteName: "M_HORNET"
-	Name: "Hornet"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 9000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [350, 450]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 90
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1292
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 216
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2128
-	SpriteName: "M_HORNET2"
-	Name: "Hornet"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 10000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [400, 500]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1292
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 216
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2129
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-	Name: "Luciola Vespa"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 11000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [450, 650]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 110
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-		TargetWeak: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2130
-	SpriteName: "M_LUCIOLA_VESPA2"
-	Name: "Luciola Vespa"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 12000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [500, 700]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-		TargetWeak: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Bifrost (14.1)
-	Id: 2131
-	SpriteName: "LOST_DRAGON"
-	Name: "Lost Dragon"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 608920
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 39000
-	JExp: 30000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1975, 530]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 140
-		Agi: 81
-		Vit: 69
-		Int: 122
-		Dex: 147
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 840
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Gold_Ring: 1000
-		Alchemy_Glove: 100
-		Ancient_Dagger: 100
-		Yggdrasilberry: 500
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 500
-		Rosebine: 100
-	}
-	Id: 2132
-	SpriteName: "POM_SPIDER"
-	Name: "Pom Spider"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 122110
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 10412
-	JExp: 8037
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [948, 215]
-	Def: 240
-	Mdef: 115
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 156
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 178
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 209
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fruit_Basket: 500
-		Mora_Mandarin: 1000
-		Short_Leg: 1000
-		Mental_Stick: 2
-		Chrome_Sword: 50
-		Pom_Spider_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2133
-	SpriteName: "ANGRA_MANTIS"
-	Name: "Angra Mantis"
-	Lv: 144
-	Hp: 91720
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 10126
-	JExp: 7020
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [869, 177]
-	Def: 175
-	Mdef: 81
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 155
-		Vit: 119
-		Int: 81
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Withered_Flower: 3000
-		Soft_Leaf: 1000
-		Great_Nature: 10
-		Sura_Rampage: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2134
-	SpriteName: "PARUS"
-	Name: "Parus"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 86990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9502
-	JExp: 6990
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [767, 152]
-	Def: 161
-	Mdef: 39
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 80
-		Agi: 136
-		Vit: 128
-		Int: 44
-		Dex: 158
-		Luk: 51
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Round_Feather: 3000
-		Soft_Feather: 1000
-		Runstone_Mystic: 100
-		Clue_Of_Lope: 3000
-		Clue_Of_Lope: 3000
-		Clue_Of_Lope: 3000
-		Parus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2135
-	SpriteName: "CREEPER"
-	Name: "Creeper"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 1000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 192
-	AttackMotion: 192
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2136
-	SpriteName: "LITTLE_FATUM"
-	Name: "Little Fatum"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 85100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9750
-	JExp: 6500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [663, 452]
-	Def: 51
-	Mdef: 198
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 17
-		Int: 148
-		Dex: 222
-		Luk: 97
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 300
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Angel_Magic_Power: 3000
-		Light_Granule: 100
-		Beef_Toast: 100
-		Dance_Shoes: 2
-		Little_Fatum_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2137
-	SpriteName: "MIMING"
-	Name: "Miming"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 81200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9230
-	JExp: 6300
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [645, 222]
-	Def: 120
-	Mdef: 120
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 105
-		Int: 77
-		Dex: 200
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 1140
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Golden_Feather: 3000
-		Light_Granule: 100
-		Gold: 1
-		Telekinetic_Orb: 2
-		Miming_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2138
-	SpriteName: "NYDHOG_MEMORY1_1"
-	Name: "Nydhogg's Memory"
-	JName: "Nydhoggur Memory"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 1248
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2139
-	SpriteName: "NYDHOG_MEMORY1_2"
-	Name: "Nydhogg's Memory"
-	JName: "Nydhoggur Memory"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 1248
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2140
-	SpriteName: "NYDHOG_MEMORY2_1"
-	Name: "Nydhogg's Memory"
-	JName: "Nydhoggur Memory"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 1248
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2141
-	SpriteName: "NYDHOG_MEMORY2_2"
-	Name: "Nydhogg's Memory"
-	JName: "Nydhoggur Memory"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 1248
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2142
-	SpriteName: "NYDHOG_MEMORY3_1"
-	Name: "Nydhogg's Memory"
-	JName: "Nydhoggur Memory"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 1248
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2143
-	SpriteName: "NYDHOG_MEMORY3_2"
-	Name: "Nydhogg's Memory"
-	JName: "Nydhoggur Memory"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 1248
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2144
-	SpriteName: "G_ANTLER_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Antler Scaraba"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 62600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1418, 410]
-	Def: 155
-	Mdef: 102
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 23
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 129
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2145
-	SpriteName: "G_RAKE_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Rake Scaraba"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 67700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1645, 112]
-	Def: 250
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 145
-		Int: 52
-		Dex: 168
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 588
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2146
-	SpriteName: "G_S_NYDHOG"
-	Name: "G_S_NYDHOG"
-	JName: "Shade of Dragon"
-	Lv: 117
-	Hp: 300000
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1176, 840]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 136
-		Dex: 123
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1596
-	AttackMotion: 1620
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2147
-	SpriteName: "E_WHITE_PLANT"
-	Name: "White Plant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2148
-	SpriteName: "E_BLUE_PLANT"
-	Name: "Blue Plant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2149
-	SpriteName: "E_SAVAGE_BABE"
-	Name: "Savage Babe"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2150
-	SpriteName: "WATERMELON"
-	Name: "Watermelon"
-	JName: "Ripe Watermelon"
-	Lv: 12
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 96
-	DamageMotion: 96
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Stem: 3000
-		Thin_Stem: 2000
-		Great_Leaf: 3000
-		Ripe_Watermelon: 14000
-		Ripe_Watermelon: 2000
-		Ripe_Watermelon: 2000
-	}
-// Dewata
-	Id: 2151
-	SpriteName: "ALNOLDI"
-	Name: "Rafflesia Arnoldi"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 5149
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1472
-	JExp: 1280
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [378, 69]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 500
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clover: 250
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 426
-		Stem: 4500
-		Shoot: 300
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 250
-		Centimental_Flower: 100
-		Alnoldi_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2152
-	SpriteName: "COMODO"
-	Name: "Comodo"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 4002
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1178
-	JExp: 1480
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [427, 42]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 500
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Comodo_L: 5000
-		Meat: 9000
-		Scell: 9000
-		Spawn: 5000
-		Comodo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2153
-	SpriteName: "CENDRAWASIH"
-	Name: "Cendrawasih"
-	Lv: 84
-	Hp: 5556
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1442
-	JExp: 1486
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [297, 170]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 77
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 58
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cendrawasih_F: 9000
-		Soft_Feather: 8000
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 9000
-		Cendrawasih_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2154
-	SpriteName: "BANASPATY"
-	Name: "Banaspaty"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 4680
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1610
-	JExp: 1088
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [200, 182]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 89
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 77
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 2304
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Coal: 1000
-		Zargon: 2000
-		Elunium: 1500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 1500
-		Fire_Arrow: 500
-		Banaspaty_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2155
-	SpriteName: "BUTOIJO"
-	Name: "Butoijo"
-	Lv: 88
-	Hp: 7524
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1490
-	JExp: 1552
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [358, 102]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Mucus: 2750
-		Meat: 500
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 450
-		Butoijo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2156
-	SpriteName: "LEAK"
-	Name: "Leak"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 1266000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 472800
-	JExp: 300120
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3723, 1284]
-	Def: 280
-	Mdef: 128
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 125
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 186
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Hunting_Spear: 10
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2500
-		Yggdrasilberry: 1250
-		Tidung: 500
-		Runstone_Rare: 3500
-		Honey: 2500
-		Gold: 2000
-		Leak_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2157
-	SpriteName: "G_BANASPATY"
-	Name: "Butoijo"
-	JName: "Banaspaty"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 4680
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [182, 182]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 89
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 77
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Homunculus S Summons
-	Id: 2158
-	SpriteName: "S_HORNET"
-	Name: "Hornet"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 5000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [381, 494]
-	Def: 7
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 54
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 76
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1292
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 216
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2159
-	SpriteName: "S_GIANT_HORNET"
-	Name: "Giant Hornet"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 11960
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [456, 579]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 117
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 72
-		Dex: 77
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1292
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 340
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2160
-	SpriteName: "S_LUCIOLA_VESPA"
-	Name: "Luciola Vespa"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 16466
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [677, 831]
-	Def: 59
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 88
-		Agi: 89
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 59
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Nightmare Scaraba Hole
-	Id: 2161
-	SpriteName: "I_HORN_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Scaraba"
-	JName: "Uni Horn Scaraba"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 204400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 17880
-	JExp: 16044
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1270, 590]
-	Def: 135
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 109
-		Vit: 115
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 111
-		Luk: 53
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Singlehorn_Helm: 6500
-		Imperial_Spear: 10
-		Runstone_Ancient: 100
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-		Wrapped_Mask: 10
-		Gold_Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2162
-	SpriteName: "I_HORN_SCARABA2"
-	Name: "Scaraba"
-	JName: "Horn Scaraba"
-	Lv: 134
-	Hp: 235600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20120
-	JExp: 18196
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [690, 3090]
-	Def: 150
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 125
-		Dex: 184
-		Luk: 51
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 336
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Twinhorn_Helm: 6500
-		Black_Wing: 10
-		Runstone_Ancient: 100
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-		Wrapped_Mask: 10
-		Gold_Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2163
-	SpriteName: "I_ANTLER_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Antler Scaraba"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 250400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20320
-	JExp: 21020
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [412, 3211]
-	Def: 155
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 23
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 209
-		Dex: 191
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Antler_Helm: 6500
-		Green_Whistle: 10
-		Runstone_Ancient: 100
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 10
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-		Wrapped_Mask: 10
-		Gold_Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2164
-	SpriteName: "I_RAKE_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Rake Scaraba"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 270800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 22960
-	JExp: 23980
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1830, 630]
-	Def: 250
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 94
-		Agi: 136
-		Vit: 145
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 152
-		Luk: 97
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 588
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rakehorn_Helm: 6500
-		Red_Ether_Bag: 10
-		Runstone_Ancient: 100
-		Bone_Plate: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-		Wrapped_Mask: 10
-		Gold_Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2165
-	SpriteName: "I_QUEEN_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Queen Scaraba"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 6441600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1210220
-	JExp: 612200
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [4889, 6440]
-	Def: 350
-	Mdef: 220
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 88
-		Vit: 82
-		Int: 149
-		Dex: 211
-		Luk: 144
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Queen_Wing_Piece: 5000
-		Alca_Bringer: 700
-		Meteo_Plate_Armor: 700
-		Chrome_Twohand_Sword: 400
-		Mystic_Bow: 500
-		Splendid_Box2: 1000
-		Splendid_Box: 1000
-		Bloody_Dead_Branch: 100
-		Gold_Q_Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2166
-	SpriteName: "I_HORN_SCARABA_EGG"
-	Name: "Scaraba Egg"
-	JName: "Uni Horn Scaraba Egg"
-	Lv: 125
-	Hp: 126000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12000
-	JExp: 9000
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 280
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 34
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 5000
-		Honey: 100
-		Elunium: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2167
-	SpriteName: "I_HORN_SCARABA2_EGG"
-	Name: "Scaraba Egg"
-	JName: "Horn Scaraba Egg"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 132000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12000
-	JExp: 9000
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 300
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 5000
-		Honey: 100
-		Elunium: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2168
-	Name: "Antler Scaraba Egg"
-	Lv: 127
-	Hp: 138000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12000
-	JExp: 9000
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 285
-	Mdef: 180
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 5000
-		Honey: 100
-		Elunium: 100
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2169
-	SpriteName: "I_RAKE_SCARABA_EGG"
-	Name: "Rake Scaraba Egg"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 144000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12000
-	JExp: 9000
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 340
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 96
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 5000
-		Honey: 100
-		Elunium: 100
-		Imperial_Guard: 500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2170
-	SpriteName: "I_G_ANTLER_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Antler Scaraba"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 250400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [412, 3211]
-	Def: 155
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 23
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 209
-		Dex: 191
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2171
-	SpriteName: "I_G_RAKE_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Rake Scaraba"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 270800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1830, 630]
-	Def: 250
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 94
-		Agi: 136
-		Vit: 145
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 152
-		Luk: 97
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 588
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2172
-	SpriteName: "I_G_HORN_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Scaraba"
-	JName: "Rake Scaraba"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 204400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1270, 590]
-	Def: 135
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 109
-		Vit: 115
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 111
-		Luk: 53
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2173
-	SpriteName: "I_G_HORN_SCARABA2"
-	Name: "Scaraba"
-	JName: "Horn Scaraba"
-	Lv: 134
-	Hp: 235600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [690, 3090]
-	Def: 150
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 125
-		Dex: 184
-		Luk: 51
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 336
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Malangdo Island
-	Id: 2174
-	SpriteName: "MD_VADON"
-	Name: "Ancient Crustacean"
-	JName: "Ancient Crustacea"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 120000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1500
-	JExp: 1500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [778, 225]
-	Def: 154
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 145
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 138
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 113
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1632
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Blue: 40
-		Nipper: 9000
-		Garlet: 3000
-		Padded_Armor_: 6
-		Solid_Shell: 100
-		Elunium_Stone: 40
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4
-	}
-	Id: 2175
-	SpriteName: "MD_MARSE"
-	Name: "Deepsea Marse"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 120000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1500
-	JExp: 1500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [500, 820]
-	Def: 58
-	Mdef: 218
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 133
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 85
-		Int: 156
-		Dex: 133
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1956
-	AttackMotion: 756
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Chinese_Ink: 9000
-		Tentacle: 3000
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 10
-		Mistic_Frozen: 12
-		Penetration: 6
-		Grape: 300
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4
-	}
-	Id: 2176
-	SpriteName: "MD_CRAB"
-	Name: "Deepsea Crab"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 120000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1500
-	JExp: 1500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [696, 234]
-	Def: 136
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 84
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 992
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crap_Shell: 5500
-		Nipper: 1500
-		Stone: 700
-		Sparkling_Dust: 14
-		Elunium_Stone: 38
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4
-	}
-	Id: 2177
-	SpriteName: "MD_CORNUTUS"
-	Name: "Deepsea Cornutus"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 160000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1500
-	JExp: 1500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1129, 237]
-	Def: 342
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 135
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 75
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 48
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Blue: 46
-		Conch: 5500
-		Scell: 800
-		Elunium_Stone: 54
-		Shield_: 6
-		Solid_Shell: 1000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 6
-	}
-	Id: 2178
-	SpriteName: "MD_SHELLFISH"
-	Name: "Deepsea Shellfish"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 160000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1500
-	JExp: 1500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [720, 1122]
-	Def: 43
-	Mdef: 215
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 72
-		Agi: 31
-		Vit: 68
-		Int: 225
-		Dex: 166
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clam_Shell: 5500
-		Flesh_Of_Clam: 1000
-		Stone: 500
-		Grit: 1000
-		Sparkling_Dust: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 18
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4
-	}
-	Id: 2179
-	SpriteName: "MD_KUKRE"
-	Name: "Ancient Kukre"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 160000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1500
-	JExp: 1500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [975, 118]
-	Def: 123
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 125
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 112
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1776
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Blue: 30
-		Worm_Peelings: 5500
-		Garlet: 400
-		Monsters_Feed: 500
-		Insect_Feeler: 450
-		Earthworm_The_Dude: 20
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4
-	}
-	Id: 2180
-	SpriteName: "MD_STROUF"
-	Name: "Ancient Sea Lord"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 400000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2000
-	JExp: 2000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1200, 3500]
-	Def: 67
-	Mdef: 221
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 149
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 81
-		Int: 252
-		Dex: 183
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fin: 5336
-		Oridecon_Stone: 116
-		Trident_: 2
-		Feather: 3000
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 20
-		Gill: 1500
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 6
-	}
-	Id: 2181
-	SpriteName: "MD_SWORD_FISH"
-	Name: "Ancient Sword Fish"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 400000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2000
-	JExp: 2000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1849, 235]
-	Def: 255
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 155
-		Agi: 156
-		Vit: 115
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 194
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1968
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 10
-		Sharp_Scale: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 34
-		Snowy_Horn: 2
-		Elunium_Stone: 50
-		Gill: 600
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 6
-	}
-	Id: 2182
-	SpriteName: "MD_MARC"
-	Name: "Ancient Seahorse"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 400000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2000
-	JExp: 2000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1423, 331]
-	Def: 255
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 150
-		Agi: 145
-		Vit: 221
-		Int: 83
-		Dex: 148
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1272
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 18
-		Gill: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 96
-		Fin: 1000
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 10
-		White_Herb: 700
-		Old_Coin_Pocket: 6
-	}
-	Id: 2183
-	SpriteName: "MD_ANOLIAN"
-	Name: "Mutant Anolian"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 700000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2200
-	JExp: 2200
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2122, 312]
-	Def: 268
-	Mdef: 22
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 177
-		Agi: 188
-		Vit: 205
-		Int: 126
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 900
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Anolian_Skin: 4850
-		Crystal_Arrow: 2000
-		Red_Muffler: 10
-		Carga_Mace: 6
-		Brooch_: 2
-		Oridecon: 134
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 6
-	}
-	Id: 2184
-	SpriteName: "MD_OBEAUNE"
-	Name: "Deepsea Mermaid"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 700000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2200
-	JExp: 2200
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1502, 3845]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 326
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 166
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 101
-		Int: 233
-		Dex: 196
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 14
-		Heart_Of_Mermaid: 9000
-		Saint_Robe_: 10
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 10
-		Fin: 500
-		Witherless_Rose: 30
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 6
-	}
-	Id: 2185
-	SpriteName: "MD_KAPHA"
-	Name: "Transform Kapha"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 700000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2200
-	JExp: 2200
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2590, 256]
-	Def: 261
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 167
-		Agi: 209
-		Vit: 128
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 191
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 2012
-	AttackMotion: 1728
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Plate: 6500
-		Cyfar: 3500
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 2300
-		Ment: 2
-		Guitar_Of_Blue_Solo: 10
-		Jitte_: 6
-		Old_Coin_Pocket: 6
-	}
-	Id: 2186
-	SpriteName: "COELACANTH_N_E"
-	Name: "Coelacanth"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 1200000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 400000
-	JExp: 400000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1290, 1290]
-	Def: 280
-	Mdef: 280
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 160
-		Agi: 160
-		Vit: 160
-		Int: 160
-		Dex: 160
-		Luk: 160
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Agrade_Pocket: 10000
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 4000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 1400
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 4000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4000
-	}
-	Id: 2187
-	SpriteName: "COELACANTH_N_A"
-	Name: "Dark Coelacanth"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 2200000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1000000
-	JExp: 1000000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1890, 1890]
-	Def: 280
-	Mdef: 280
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 160
-		Agi: 160
-		Vit: 160
-		Int: 160
-		Dex: 160
-		Luk: 160
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Agrade_Pocket: 10000
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 1500
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Black_Coelacanth_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2188
-	SpriteName: "COELACANTH_N_M"
-	Name: "Grotesque Coelacanth"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 2200000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1000000
-	JExp: 1000000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1890, 1890]
-	Def: 280
-	Mdef: 280
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 160
-		Agi: 160
-		Vit: 160
-		Int: 160
-		Dex: 160
-		Luk: 160
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Agrade_Pocket: 10000
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Odd_Coelacanth_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2189
-	SpriteName: "COELACANTH_H_M"
-	Name: "Mutant Coelacanth"
-	Lv: 155
-	Hp: 5200000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3000000
-	JExp: 3000000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5500, 5500]
-	Def: 280
-	Mdef: 280
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 260
-		Agi: 260
-		Vit: 260
-		Int: 260
-		Dex: 260
-		Luk: 260
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Agrade_Pocket: 14000
-		Anger_Seagod: 14000
-		Old_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Mutant_Coelacanth_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2190
-	SpriteName: "COELACANTH_H_A"
-	Name: "Ferocious Coelacanth"
-	Lv: 155
-	Hp: 5200000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3000000
-	JExp: 3000000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5500, 5500]
-	Def: 280
-	Mdef: 280
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 260
-		Agi: 260
-		Vit: 260
-		Int: 260
-		Dex: 260
-		Luk: 260
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Agrade_Pocket: 14000
-		Anger_Seagod: 10000
-		Old_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 10000
-		Cruel_Coelacanth_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2191
-	SpriteName: "MD_SEAWEED"
-	Name: "Seaweed"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 100000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2192
-	SpriteName: "MD_OCTOPUS"
-	Name: "Small Octopus"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 6000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4000
-	JExp: 2000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [778, 225]
-	Def: 154
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 145
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 138
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 113
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 2160
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Chinese_Ink: 5000
-		Tentacle: 5000
-		Mini_Octopus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2193
-	SpriteName: "MD_OCTOPUS_LEG"
-	Name: "Octupus Leg"
-	JName: "Octopus Leg"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 500000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4000
-	JExp: 2000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [778, 225]
-	Def: 154
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 145
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 138
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 113
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Chinese_Ink: 9000
-		Tentacle: 5000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 5000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2194
-	SpriteName: "MD_GIANT_OCTOPUS"
-	Name: "Giant Octopus"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 500000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 40000
-	JExp: 20000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1900, 1200]
-	Def: 154
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 145
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 138
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 113
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 1584
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bgrade_Pocket: 3000
-		Mid_Coin_Pocket: 1000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 500
-		Light_White_Pot_Box: 3000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4000
-		Low_Coin_Pocket: 4000
-		Giant_Octopus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2195
-	SpriteName: "MD_G_KUKRE"
-	Name: "Ancient Kukre"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 160000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [975, 118]
-	Def: 123
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 125
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 112
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1776
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2196
-	SpriteName: "MD_G_STROUF"
-	Name: "Ancient Sea Lord"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 400000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1200, 3500]
-	Def: 67
-	Mdef: 221
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 149
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 81
-		Int: 252
-		Dex: 183
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2197
-	SpriteName: "RED_ERUMA"
-	Name: "Red Eruma"
-	Lv: 91
-	Hp: 9900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1908
-	JExp: 1908
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [620, 290]
-	Def: 102
-	Mdef: 102
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 21
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 21
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1224
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clam_Shell: 5000
-		Flesh_Of_Clam: 2000
-		Grit: 3000
-		Elunium_Stone: 100
-		Oridecon_Stone: 100
-		Old_Blue_Box: 20
-		Bad_Can: 1400
-		Red_Eruma_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2198
-	SpriteName: "KING_DRAMOH"
-	Name: "King Kray"
-	Lv: 117
-	Hp: 28800
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 6700
-	JExp: 2600
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1320, 330]
-	Def: 480
-	Mdef: 22
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 119
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 150
-		Int: 89
-		Dex: 130
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 720
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Fragment: 100
-		Nipper: 5000
-		Solid_Shell: 5000
-		Spike: 50
-		Light_Granule: 200
-		Mistic_Frozen: 50
-		Crystal_Blue: 50
-		King_Dramoh_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2199
-	SpriteName: "SIORAVA"
-	Name: "Siorava"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 6500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1200
-	JExp: 1200
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [450, 210]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 1296
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Delicious_Jelly: 1400
-		Skull: 1000
-		Skel_Bone: 1000
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 1000
-		Tatters_Clothes: 1000
-		Twilight_Desert: 2
-		Knife_: 2
-		Siorava_Card: 1
-	}
-// Izlude Dungeon F6
-	Id: 2200
-	SpriteName: "J_TAINI"
-	Name: "Taini"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2201
-	SpriteName: "SROPHO"
-	Name: "Sropho"
-	JName: "Squidgitte"
-	Lv: 113
-	Hp: 24002
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 3868
-	JExp: 3800
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [571, 565]
-	Def: 44
-	Mdef: 91
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 133
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fin: 5000
-		Electric_Eel: 4
-		Electric_Wire: 4
-		Crystal_Arrow_Container: 100
-		Oridecon_Stone: 100
-		Light_Granule: 100
-		Crystal_Blue: 50
-		Sropho_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2202
-	SpriteName: "KRAKEN"
-	Name: "Kraken"
-	Lv: 124
-	Hp: 5602800
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 1966664
-	JExp: 1922222
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [3823, 1830]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 229
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 196
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 165
-		Int: 117
-		Dex: 162
-		Luk: 99
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 491666
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Tentacle: 5000
-		Cardo: 500
-		Ice_Falchon: 500
-		Hunting_Spear: 500
-		Water_Sprits_Armor_: 500
-		Treasure_Box: 5000
-		Mistic_Frozen: 500
-		Kraken_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2203
-	SpriteName: "POT_DOFLE"
-	Name: "Pot Dofle"
-	JName: "Octo Pot"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 25211
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 5300
-	JExp: 2700
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1088, 212]
-	Def: 122
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 133
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 78
-		Int: 33
-		Dex: 114
-		Luk: 26
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 936
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Crystal: 10
-		Coral_Reef: 1000
-		Gold: 6
-		Grit: 1000
-		Chinese_Ink: 1000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 20
-		Crystal_Blue: 50
-		Pot_Dofle_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2204
-	SpriteName: "SEDORA"
-	Name: "Sedora"
-	JName: "Lamp Rey"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 22050
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 3706
-	JExp: 3478
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [758, 444]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 118
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 107
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 84
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tentacle: 5000
-		Tidal_Shoes: 6
-		Ice_Fragment: 30
-		Elder_Branch: 30
-		Chinese_Ink: 3000
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10
-		Crystal_Blue: 50
-		Sedora_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2205
-	SpriteName: "TACNU"
-	Name: "Tacnu"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2206
-	SpriteName: "KRAKEN_LEG"
-	Name: "Kraken Leg"
-	JName: "Kraken Tentacle"
-	Lv: 124
-	Hp: 39190
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1685, 555]
-	Def: 128
-	Mdef: 158
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 130
-		Agi: 92
-		Vit: 53
-		Int: 128
-		Dex: 189
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Poison: 2
-		Cold_Ice: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2207
-	SpriteName: "RACARCH"
-	Name: "Racarch"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2208
-	SpriteName: "WILD_RIDER"
-	Name: "Wild Rider"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 33300
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 8300
-	JExp: 3300
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1320, 330]
-	Def: 480
-	Mdef: 22
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 89
-		Agi: 124
-		Vit: 89
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 112
-		Luk: 56
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Delicious_Jelly: 5000
-		Gill: 5000
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 5000
-		Light_Granule: 1000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2000
-		Mistic_Frozen: 1000
-		Wild_Rider_Card: 1
-	}
-// Additional Monsters
-	Id: 2209
-	SpriteName: "E_THIEF_BUG"
-	Name: "Thief Bug"
-	JName: "Agile Shadow"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2210
-	SpriteName: "XMAS_LUNATIC"
-	Name: "Xmas Lunatic"
-	JName: "Christmas Snow Rabbit"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1456
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2211
-	SpriteName: "E_TEDDY_BEAR"
-	Name: "Teddy Bear"
-	JName: "Christmas Teddy Bear"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Blue_Box: 1000
-		Gift_Box: 3000
-		Candy_Striper: 1000
-		Candy: 1000
-		Gift_Box: 500
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-		Red_Socks_With_Holes: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2212
-	Name: "Knight of Windstorm"
-	JName: "Stormy Knight"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2213
-	SpriteName: "M_WANDER_MAN"
-	Name: "Wander Man"
-	JName: "Wanderer"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 8614
-	Sp: 220
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1100, 200]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 80
-		Agi: 110
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 90
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2214
-	SpriteName: "M_WICKED_NYMPH"
-	Name: "Wicked Nymph"
-	JName: "Evil Nymph"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 6157
-	Sp: 256
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [420, 200]
-	Def: 30
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 92
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 110
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 637
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2215
-	SpriteName: "M_KASA"
-	Name: "Kasa"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 9815
-	Sp: 234
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1100, 200]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2216
-	SpriteName: "M_SALAMANDER"
-	Name: "Salamander"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 9517
-	Sp: 260
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [900, 200]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 68
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 87
-		Luk: 95
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2217
-	SpriteName: "M_TEDDY_BEAR"
-	Name: "Teddy Bear"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 14493
-	Sp: 243
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [600, 200]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 85
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 75
-		Luk: 130
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2218
-	SpriteName: "E_OCTOPUS_LEG"
-	Name: "Octopus Leg"
-	JName: "Octopus Tentacle"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2219
-	SpriteName: "E_GIANT_OCTOPUS"
-	Name: "Giant Octopus"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2220
-	SpriteName: "E_QUVE"
-	Name: "Quve"
-	JName: "Messenger of Devil"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 20
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [13, 8]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 912
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Chocolate: 10000
-		White_Chocolate: 6000
-		Candy: 16000
-		Candy_Striper: 16000
-	}
-// Lighthalzen Biolab F4
-	Id: 2221
-	SpriteName: "RANDEL"
-	Name: "Randal"
-	JName: "Randel"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 478745
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 64734
-	JExp: 48110
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3055, 1230]
-	Def: 180
-	Mdef: 56
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 158
-		Agi: 74
-		Vit: 213
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 185
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 4000
-		Goast_Chill: 2
-		Old_Violet_Box: 200
-		Elunium: 200
-		Cannon_Spear: 20
-		Bible_Of_Promise2: 20
-		Blood_Thirst: 300
-		Randel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2222
-	SpriteName: "FLAMEL"
-	Name: "Flamel"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 316468
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 52794
-	JExp: 46160
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2017, 1602]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 141
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 81
-		Dex: 147
-		Luk: 51
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 4000
-		Goast_Chill: 2
-		Old_Violet_Box: 200
-		Oridecon: 200
-		Green_Operation_Coat: 20
-		Red_Ether_Bag: 2
-		Blood_Thirst: 300
-		Flamel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2223
-	SpriteName: "CELIA"
-	Name: "Celia"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 253145
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 44214
-	JExp: 38034
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1612, 2450]
-	Def: 74
-	Mdef: 312
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 136
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 121
-		Dex: 121
-		Luk: 49
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 4000
-		Goast_Chill: 2
-		Telekinetic_Orb: 40
-		Elunium: 200
-		Creeper_Bow: 20
-		Mental_Stick: 2
-		Blood_Thirst: 300
-		Ceila_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2224
-	SpriteName: "CHEN"
-	Name: "Chen"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 279562
-	Sp: 25
-	Exp: 51368
-	JExp: 39620
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2501, 1248]
-	Def: 125
-	Mdef: 56
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 81
-		Vit: 83
-		Int: 130
-		Dex: 201
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Goast_Chill: 2
-		Lab_Staff_Record: 4000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 200
-		Oridecon: 200
-		Sura_Rampage: 20
-		Berserk: 10
-		Blood_Thirst: 300
-		Chen_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2225
-	SpriteName: "GERTIE"
-	Name: "Gertie"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 266926
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 48534
-	JExp: 40466
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3684, 1207]
-	Def: 108
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 180
-		Agi: 125
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 211
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Goast_Chill: 2
-		Lab_Staff_Record: 4000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 200
-		Elunium: 200
-		Catapult: 20
-		Black_Wing: 20
-		Blood_Thirst: 300
-		Gertie_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2226
-	SpriteName: "ALPHOCCIO"
-	Name: "Alphoccio"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 256202
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 44384
-	JExp: 40644
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1273, 3076]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 97
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 181
-		Dex: 81
-		Luk: 81
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Goast_Chill: 2
-		Lab_Staff_Record: 4000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 200
-		Oridecon: 200
-		Geffenia_Book_Water: 20
-		Green_Whistle: 20
-		Blood_Thirst: 300
-		Alphoccio_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2227
-	SpriteName: "TRENTINI"
-	Name: "Trentini"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 204962
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 31990
-	JExp: 26496
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1070, 3206]
-	Def: 70
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 115
-		Agi: 81
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 194
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 76
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Goast_Chill: 2
-		Lab_Staff_Record: 4000
-		Dance_Shoes: 40
-		Elunium: 200
-		Assassin_Handcuffs: 20
-		Stem_Whip: 20
-		Blood_Thirst: 300
-		Trentini_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2228
-	SpriteName: "G_RANDEL"
-	Name: "Paladin Randel"
-	JName: "Randel"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 3163000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5537, 3017]
-	Def: 667
-	Mdef: 151
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 291
-		Agi: 155
-		Vit: 201
-		Int: 101
-		Dex: 265
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2229
-	SpriteName: "G_FLAMEL"
-	Name: "Biochemist Flamel"
-	JName: "Flamel"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 2531750
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2355, 2514]
-	Def: 253
-	Mdef: 113
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 159
-		Agi: 175
-		Vit: 157
-		Int: 170
-		Dex: 237
-		Luk: 71
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2230
-	SpriteName: "G_CELIA"
-	Name: "Scholar Celia"
-	JName: "Celia"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 2025160
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2481, 3114]
-	Def: 201
-	Mdef: 543
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 165
-		Agi: 148
-		Vit: 171
-		Int: 155
-		Dex: 267
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2231
-	SpriteName: "G_CHEN"
-	Name: "Champion Chen"
-	JName: "Chen"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 2236500
-	Sp: 1553
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3617, 1947]
-	Def: 216
-	Mdef: 134
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 180
-		Agi: 165
-		Vit: 165
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 298
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2232
-	SpriteName: "G_GERTIE"
-	Name: "Stalker Gertie"
-	JName: "Gertie"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 2135410
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [6162, 1274]
-	Def: 251
-	Mdef: 107
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 217
-		Agi: 315
-		Vit: 127
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 333
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2233
-	SpriteName: "G_ALPHOCCIO"
-	Name: "Minstel Alphoccio"
-	JName: "Alphoccio"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 2049620
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2641, 3749]
-	Def: 201
-	Mdef: 109
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 219
-		Agi: 161
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 107
-		Dex: 270
-		Luk: 99
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2234
-	SpriteName: "G_TRENTINI"
-	Name: "Gypsy Trentini"
-	JName: "Trentini"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 2049620
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2016, 4036]
-	Def: 181
-	Mdef: 112
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 167
-		Agi: 247
-		Vit: 165
-		Int: 217
-		Dex: 233
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2235
-	SpriteName: "B_RANDEL"
-	Name: "Paladin Randel"
-	JName: "Randel"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 6870000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7348978
-	JExp: 3908302
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5537, 3017]
-	Def: 667
-	Mdef: 151
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 291
-		Agi: 155
-		Vit: 201
-		Int: 101
-		Dex: 265
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Magic_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Goast_Chill: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Sgrade_Pocket: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 6000
-		Bradium: 4000
-		Giant_Shield: 4000
-		Ancient_Dagger: 4000
-		Paladin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2236
-	SpriteName: "B_FLAMEL"
-	Name: "Biochemist Flamel"
-	JName: "Flamel"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4230000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5223570
-	JExp: 2630354
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2355, 2514]
-	Def: 253
-	Mdef: 113
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 159
-		Agi: 175
-		Vit: 157
-		Int: 170
-		Dex: 237
-		Luk: 71
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Magic_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Goast_Chill: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Sgrade_Pocket: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 6000
-		Carnium: 4000
-		End_Sektura: 4000
-		Ygnus_Stale: 4000
-		Giant_Axe: 4000
-		Creator_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2237
-	SpriteName: "B_CELIA"
-	Name: "Scholar Celia"
-	JName: "Celia"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 3847804
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5027308
-	JExp: 2509792
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2481, 3114]
-	Def: 201
-	Mdef: 543
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 165
-		Agi: 148
-		Vit: 171
-		Int: 155
-		Dex: 267
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Magic_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Goast_Chill: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Sgrade_Pocket: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 6000
-		Bradium: 4000
-		Alchemy_Glove: 4000
-		Professor_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2238
-	SpriteName: "B_CHEN"
-	Name: "Champion Chen"
-	JName: "Chen"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4249350
-	Sp: 1553
-	Exp: 5113568
-	JExp: 2934974
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3617, 1947]
-	Def: 216
-	Mdef: 134
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 180
-		Agi: 165
-		Vit: 165
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 298
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Magic_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Goast_Chill: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Sgrade_Pocket: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 6000
-		Carnium: 4000
-		Cakram: 4000
-		Kaiser_Knuckle: 4000
-		Champion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2239
-	SpriteName: "B_GERTIE"
-	Name: "Stalker Gertie"
-	JName: "Gertie"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 4057279
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4420698
-	JExp: 2691274
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [6162, 1274]
-	Def: 251
-	Mdef: 107
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 217
-		Agi: 315
-		Vit: 127
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 333
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Magic_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Goast_Chill: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Sgrade_Pocket: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 6000
-		Bradium: 4000
-		Scarletto_Nail: 4000
-		Aztoe_Nail: 4000
-		Stalker_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2240
-	SpriteName: "B_ALPHOCCIO"
-	Name: "Minstel Alphoccio"
-	JName: "Alphoccio"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 3894278
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4226036
-	JExp: 2468972
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2641, 3749]
-	Def: 201
-	Mdef: 109
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 219
-		Agi: 161
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 107
-		Dex: 270
-		Luk: 99
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Magic_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Goast_Chill: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Sgrade_Pocket: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 6000
-		Carnium: 4000
-		Mystic_Bow: 4000
-		Clown_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2241
-	SpriteName: "B_TRENTINI"
-	Name: "Gypsy Trentini"
-	JName: "Trentini"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 3894278
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4463758
-	JExp: 2563096
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2016, 4036]
-	Def: 181
-	Mdef: 112
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 167
-		Agi: 247
-		Vit: 165
-		Int: 217
-		Dex: 233
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Magic_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Goast_Chill: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Sgrade_Pocket: 10000
-		Old_Card_Album: 6000
-		Bradium: 4000
-		Rosebine: 4000
-		Mystic_Bow: 4000
-		Gypsy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2242
-	SpriteName: "MD_DESERT_WOLF"
-	Name: "Desert Wolf"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 551578
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [676, 59]
-	Def: 151
-	Mdef: 39
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 151
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 72
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 200
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2243
-	SpriteName: "MD_DESERT_WOLF_B"
-	Name: "Baby Desert Wolf"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 274531
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [33, 8]
-	Def: 13
-	Mdef: 123
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 101
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 121
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 7
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 200
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2244
-	SpriteName: "QUEST_CHEN"
-	Name: "Champion Chen"
-	JName: "Dark Martial Arts Master"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [103, 23]
-	Def: 25
-	Mdef: 56
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 81
-		Vit: 83
-		Int: 130
-		Dex: 201
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 200
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2245
-	SpriteName: "EXP_TEST"
-	Name: "EXP_TEST"
-	JName: "Experience Test"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 200
-	JExp: 200
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 1]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2246
-	SpriteName: "Q_WOOTAN_FIGHTER"
-	JName: "Wootan Fighter"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 9000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2800
-	JExp: 4000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [255, 36]
-	Def: 103
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 912
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2247
-	SpriteName: "Q_INCREASE_SOIL"
-	JName: "Mi Gao"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 20000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2800
-	JExp: 4000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [365, 30]
-	Def: 112
-	Mdef: 39
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 49
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	MoveSpeed: 445
-	AttackDelay: 106
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2248
-	SpriteName: "GOLDPORING"
-	Name: "Golden Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Card_C: 4000
-		BlueCard_2: 4000
-		BlueCard_0: 4000
-		BlueCard_1: 4000
-		BlueCard_W: 4000
-		BlueCard_R: 4000
-		RWC_Cele_Fire: 10000
-		RWC_Cele_Fire2: 10000
-	}
-// Hall of Abyss Guild Dungeon
-	Id: 2249
-	SpriteName: "PYURIEL"
-	Name: "Pyuriel"
-	JName: "Angry Student Pyuriel"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 2205000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3000246
-	JExp: 2400000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2515, 1513]
-	Def: 388
-	Mdef: 206
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 196
-		Agi: 131
-		Vit: 125
-		Int: 276
-		Dex: 401
-		Luk: 156
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 1380
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 750061
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 200
-		Old_Violet_Box: 6000
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 6000
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 4000
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 2000
-		Pyuriel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2250
-	SpriteName: "LORA"
-	Name: "Lora"
-	JName: "Warrior Laura"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 500255
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 33134
-	JExp: 27576
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1985, 1701]
-	Def: 224
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 144
-		Agi: 92
-		Vit: 86
-		Int: 69
-		Dex: 149
-		Luk: 68
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 1600
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10
-		Old_Violet_Box: 6000
-		Old_Card_Album: 100
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 100
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 1000
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 1000
-		Lora_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2251
-	SpriteName: "GIOIA"
-	Name: "Gioia"
-	Lv: 146
-	Hp: 2507989
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3006902
-	JExp: 2607094
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1105, 2601]
-	Def: 436
-	Mdef: 218
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 180
-		Agi: 201
-		Vit: 156
-		Int: 190
-		Dex: 299
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1344
-	AttackMotion: 2592
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 751725
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 200
-		Old_Violet_Box: 6000
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 6000
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 4000
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 2000
-		Gioia_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2252
-	SpriteName: "ELVIRA"
-	Name: "Elvira"
-	Lv: 138
-	Hp: 501765
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 35694
-	JExp: 27138
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [699, 2101]
-	Def: 171
-	Mdef: 68
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 189
-		Agi: 105
-		Vit: 92
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 880
-	AttackMotion: 1224
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10
-		Old_Violet_Box: 6000
-		Old_Card_Album: 100
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 100
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 1000
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 1000
-		Elvira_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2253
-	SpriteName: "DAEHYON"
-	Name: "Daehyon"
-	JName: "General Daehyon"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 2500148
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3003122
-	JExp: 2548440
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2710, 1410]
-	Def: 494
-	Mdef: 123
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 116
-		Agi: 123
-		Vit: 154
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 217
-		Luk: 98
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 900
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 750780
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 200
-		Old_Violet_Box: 6000
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 6000
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 4000
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 2000
-		Daehyon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2254
-	SpriteName: "SOHEON"
-	Name: "Soheon"
-	JName: "Samurai Soheon"
-	Lv: 137
-	Hp: 502015
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 31430
-	JExp: 25080
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1591, 1036]
-	Def: 210
-	Mdef: 178
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 244
-		Vit: 98
-		Int: 126
-		Dex: 246
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10
-		Old_Violet_Box: 6000
-		Old_Card_Album: 100
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 100
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 1000
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 1000
-		Soheon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2255
-	SpriteName: "KADES"
-	Name: "Kades"
-	JName: "Dark Guardian Kades"
-	Lv: 143
-	Hp: 2505000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3208000
-	JExp: 2620000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2201, 2001]
-	Def: 479
-	Mdef: 262
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 191
-		Agi: 223
-		Vit: 187
-		Int: 155
-		Dex: 362
-		Luk: 163
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 900
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 802000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 200
-		Old_Violet_Box: 6000
-		Old_Card_Album: 1000
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 6000
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 4000
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 2000
-		Kades_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2256
-	SpriteName: "RUDO"
-	Name: "Rudo"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 501489
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27266
-	JExp: 24818
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1401, 1501]
-	Def: 196
-	Mdef: 96
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10
-		Old_Violet_Box: 6000
-		Old_Card_Album: 100
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 100
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 1000
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 1000
-		Rudo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2257
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-	Name: "Piamette"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2258
-	SpriteName: "I_PIAMETTE_"
-	Name: "Piamette"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2259
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-	Name: "Garden Keeper"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2260
-	SpriteName: "G_GARDEN_KEEPER"
-	Name: "Garden Keeper"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
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-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2261
-	SpriteName: "I_GARDEN_WATCHER"
-	Name: "Garden Watcher"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2262
-	SpriteName: "G_GARDEN_WATCHER"
-	Name: "Garden Watcher"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2263
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-	Name: "Wish Maiden"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
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-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2264
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-	Name: "Armaia"
-	JName: "Armeyer Dinze"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2265
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-	Name: "Armaia"
-	JName: "Armeyer Dinze"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2266
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-	Name: "Erend"
-	JName: "Errende Ebecee"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
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-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2267
-	SpriteName: "I_EREND_"
-	Name: "Erend"
-	JName: "Errende Ebecee"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
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-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2268
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-	Name: "Kavac"
-	JName: "Kavach Icarus"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
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-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2269
-	SpriteName: "I_KAVAC_"
-	Name: "Kavac"
-	JName: "Kavach Icarus"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2270
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-	Name: "Rawrel"
-	JName: "Laurell Weinder"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
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-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2271
-	SpriteName: "I_RAWREL_"
-	Name: "Rawrel"
-	JName: "Laurell Weinder"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2272
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-	Name: "Whikebain"
-	JName: "Wickebine Tres"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
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-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2273
-	SpriteName: "I_WHIKEBAIN_"
-	Name: "Whikebain"
-	JName: "Wickebine Tres"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2274
-	SpriteName: "I_YGNIZEM"
-	Name: "Ygnizem"
-	JName: "Egnigem Cenia"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
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-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
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-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2275
-	SpriteName: "I_YGNIZEM_"
-	Name: "Ygnizem"
-	JName: "Egnigem Cenia"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2276
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-	Name: "Doppelganger"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
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-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2277
-	SpriteName: "G_LORA"
-	Name: "Lora"
-	JName: "Warrior Laura"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 500255
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1985, 1701]
-	Def: 224
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 144
-		Agi: 92
-		Vit: 86
-		Int: 69
-		Dex: 149
-		Luk: 68
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 1600
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2278
-	SpriteName: "G_ELVIRA"
-	Name: "Elvira"
-	Lv: 138
-	Hp: 501765
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [699, 2101]
-	Def: 171
-	Mdef: 68
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 189
-		Agi: 105
-		Vit: 92
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 880
-	AttackMotion: 1224
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2279
-	SpriteName: "G_SOHEON"
-	Name: "Soheon"
-	Lv: 137
-	Hp: 502015
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1591, 1036]
-	Def: 210
-	Mdef: 178
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 244
-		Vit: 98
-		Int: 126
-		Dex: 246
-		Luk: 102
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2280
-	SpriteName: "G_RUDO"
-	Name: "Rudo"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 501489
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1401, 1501]
-	Def: 196
-	Mdef: 96
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2281
-	SpriteName: "GLD_DARK_SHADOW"
-	Name: "Abysmal Dark Shadow"
-	JName: "Dark Shadow"
-	Lv: 147
-	Hp: 204109
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 23000
-	JExp: 20200
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1653, 1621]
-	Def: 140
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 155
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 89
-		Int: 108
-		Dex: 213
-		Luk: 76
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1776
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Black_Cloth: 5000
-		Skul_Ring: 1000
-		Dagger_Of_Hunter: 6
-		Piece_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Eyes_Stone_Ring: 2
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 4
-		Bradium: 4
-	}
-	Id: 2282
-	SpriteName: "GLD_DARK_FRAME"
-	Name: "Abysmal Dark Frame"
-	JName: "Dark Frame"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 180018
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20202
-	JExp: 20006
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1850, 1601]
-	Def: 81
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 920
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 200
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 4656
-		Red_Frame: 1000
-		Manteau: 30
-		Velum_Encyclopedia: 2
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 100
-		Star_Crumb: 80
-		Crystal_Mirror: 4
-	}
-	Id: 2283
-	SpriteName: "GLD_DARK_PRIEST"
-	Name: "Abysmal Dark Priest"
-	JName: "Dark Priest"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 181878
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 21096
-	JExp: 21602
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1326, 1651]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 5
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 89
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 1252
-	DamageMotion: 476
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Velum_Bible: 2
-		Black_Rosary: 2
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 4
-		Red_Gemstone: 450
-		Sacred_Marks: 2
-		Glittering_Clothes: 6
-		Skull: 3000
-	}
-	Id: 2284
-	SpriteName: "GLD_KOBOLD_1"
-	Name: "Abysmal Kobold"
-	JName: "Dark Axe Kobold"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 194830
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 22080
-	JExp: 21460
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1851, 201]
-	Def: 103
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 76
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 53
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1028
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 100
-		Cobold_Hair: 5336
-		Zargon: 700
-		Elunium: 26
-		Velum_Guillotine: 2
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 4
-	}
-	Id: 2285
-	SpriteName: "GLD_KOBOLD_2"
-	Name: "Abysmal Kobold"
-	JName: "Dark Hammer Kobold"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 181340
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20720
-	JExp: 20300
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1401, 133]
-	Def: 117
-	Mdef: 59
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 96
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 100
-		Cobold_Hair: 5336
-		Zargon: 700
-		Elunium: 26
-		Velum_Guillotine: 2
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 4
-	}
-	Id: 2286
-	SpriteName: "GLD_KOBOLD_3"
-	Name: "Abysmal Kobold"
-	JName: "Dark Mace Kobold"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 182830
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20240
-	JExp: 20600
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1301, 134]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1228
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 100
-		Cobold_Hair: 5336
-		Zargon: 700
-		Elunium: 26
-		Velum_Spear: 2
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 4
-	}
-	Id: 2287
-	Name: "Abysmal Kobold Archer"
-	JName: "Dark Kobold Archer"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 180530
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 21140
-	JExp: 20200
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [1504, 121]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 124
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 250
-		Steel: 60
-		Cobold_Hair: 4850
-		Ear_Of_Puppy: 50
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 10
-		Velum_CrossBow: 10
-		Oridecon_Stone: 80
-	}
-	Id: 2288
-	SpriteName: "GLD_TREASURE"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 5
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Woe_Violet_Potion: 4000
-		Woe_White_Potion: 2000
-		Woe_Blue_Potion: 2000
-		Sg_Weapon_Supply_Box: 100
-		Treasure_Box: 100
-		Sg_Blue_Potion_Box: 100
-		Woe_Violet_Potion: 4000
-		Mental_Destroyer: 20
-	}
-// Additional Monsters
-	Id: 2289
-	SpriteName: "E_FABRE"
-	Name: "Fabre"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2290
-	SpriteName: "J_THIEF_BUG"
-	Name: "Thief Bug"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2291
-	SpriteName: "E_HORNET"
-	Name: "Hornet"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2292
-	SpriteName: "E_HORN"
-	Name: "Horn"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2293
-	SpriteName: "E_KIND_OF_BEETLE"
-	Name: "Beetle King"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2294
-	SpriteName: "E_ARGIOPE"
-	Name: "Argiope"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2295
-	SpriteName: "E_GIANT_SPIDER"
-	Name: "Giant Spider"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2296
-	SpriteName: "E_KILLER_MANTIS"
-	Name: "Killer Mantis"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2297
-	SpriteName: "E_GIANT_HONET"
-	Name: "Giant Hornet"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2298
-	SpriteName: "E_DRAGON_TAIL"
-	Name: "Dragon Tail"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2299
-	SpriteName: "E_STAINER"
-	Name: "Stainer"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2300
-	SpriteName: "E_CHONCHON"
-	Name: "Chonchon"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2301
-	SpriteName: "E_STEEL_CHONCHON"
-	Name: "Steel Chonchon"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2302
-	SpriteName: "E_HUNTER_FLY"
-	Name: "Hunter Fly"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2303
-	SpriteName: "E_MAYA"
-	Name: "Maya"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2304
-	SpriteName: "E_QUEEN_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Queen Scaraba"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2305
-	SpriteName: "E_UNGOLIANT"
-	Name: "Ungoliant"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2306
-	SpriteName: "E_GOLDEN_BUG"
-	Name: "Golden Thief Bug"
-	Lv: 12
-	Hp: 15
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2307
-	SpriteName: "J_MISTRESS"
-	Name: "Mistress"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2308
-	SpriteName: "KO_KAGE"
-	Name: "Zanzou"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 1
-	ChaseRange: 1
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Malaya Port
-	Id: 2309
-	SpriteName: "BUNGISNGIS"
-	Name: "Bungisngis"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 25513
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 3880
-	JExp: 3300
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [851, 151]
-	Def: 115
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 19
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1568
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 2000
-		Beautiful_Flower: 2000
-		Elunium: 20
-		Insideout_Shirt: 200
-		Bungisngis_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2310
-	SpriteName: "ENGKANTO"
-	Name: "Engkanto"
-	Lv: 125
-	Hp: 23948
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3446
-	JExp: 3094
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [675, 124]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 57
-		Vit: 49
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 81
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1424
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 2000
-		Beautiful_Flower: 2000
-		Monsters_Feed: 2000
-		Insideout_Shirt: 200
-		Engkanto_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2311
-	SpriteName: "MANANANGGAL"
-	Name: "Manananggal"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 20451
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2830
-	JExp: 2820
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [801, 103]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 71
-		Dex: 75
-		Luk: 46
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 280
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Silver_Bracelet: 4000
-		Elegant_Flower: 2000
-		Wing_Of_Red_Bat: 2000
-		Tooth_Of_Bat: 2000
-		Beautiful_Flower: 2000
-		Mysterious_Flower: 2000
-		Insideout_Shirt: 200
-		Manananggal_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2312
-	SpriteName: "MANGKUKULAM"
-	Name: "Mangkukulam"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 20151
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3034
-	JExp: 2702
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [582, 196]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 75
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 52
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1664
-	AttackMotion: 336
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 2000
-		Elegant_Flower: 2000
-		Tatters_Clothes: 2000
-		Beautiful_Flower: 2000
-		Mysterious_Flower: 2000
-		Insideout_Shirt: 200
-		Mangkukulam_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2313
-	SpriteName: "TIKBALANG"
-	Name: "Tikbalang"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 22131
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3512
-	JExp: 2702
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [781, 115]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 34
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 84
-		Int: 44
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 46
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 130
-	AttackDelay: 1064
-	AttackMotion: 936
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tikbalang_Thick_Spine: 1000
-		Oridecon: 20
-		Insideout_Shirt: 200
-		Tikbalang_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2314
-	SpriteName: "TIYANAK"
-	Name: "Tiyanak"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 17146
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2628
-	JExp: 2202
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [457, 251]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 41
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 47
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 496
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Silver_Bracelet: 3000
-		Mysterious_Flower: 2000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 2000
-		Tiyanak_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2315
-	SpriteName: "WAKWAK"
-	Name: "Wakwak"
-	Lv: 111
-	Hp: 20012
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2748
-	JExp: 2508
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [561, 301]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 71
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 64
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 77
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 424
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Silver_Bracelet: 3000
-		Mysterious_Flower: 2000
-		Insideout_Shirt: 400
-		Wakwak_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2316
-	SpriteName: "JEJELING"
-	Name: "Jejeling"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 10247
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1602
-	JExp: 1482
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [450, 715]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 26
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 51
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 84
-		Int: 54
-		Dex: 15
-		Luk: 104
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1328
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jejellopy: 4000
-		Jellopy: 2000
-		Beautiful_Flower: 200
-		Elegant_Flower: 200
-		Mysterious_Flower: 200
-		Insideout_Shirt: 200
-		Jejeling_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2317
-	SpriteName: "BANGUNGOT_1"
-	Name: "Bangungot"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 1519517
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2561, 1504]
-	Def: 411
-	Mdef: 95
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 151
-		Agi: 192
-		Vit: 110
-		Int: 112
-		Dex: 251
-		Luk: 57
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 920
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bangungot_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2318
-	SpriteName: "BANGUNGOT_2"
-	Name: "Bangungot"
-	Lv: 99
-	Hp: 1409758
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2561, 1504]
-	Def: 411
-	Mdef: 95
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 151
-		Agi: 192
-		Vit: 110
-		Int: 112
-		Dex: 251
-		Luk: 57
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 920
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2319
-	SpriteName: "BUWAYA"
-	Name: "Buwaya"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 4090365
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6000024
-	JExp: 5603128
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3614, 3501]
-	Def: 201
-	Mdef: 78
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 151
-		Agi: 201
-		Vit: 130
-		Int: 231
-		Dex: 310
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1424
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 1500006
-	Drops: {
-		Buwaya_Doll: 4000
-		Buwaya_Spirit_Piece: 100
-		Ancient_Grudge: 4000
-		Buwaya_Cloth: 2000
-		Kalasak: 200
-		Ancient_Grudge: 20000
-		Buwaya_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2320
-	SpriteName: "BAKONAWA_1"
-	Name: "Bakonawa"
-	Lv: 156
-	Hp: 3351884
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [4801, 2501]
-	Def: 472
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 251
-		Agi: 134
-		Vit: 194
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 237
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 440
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bakonawa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2321
-	SpriteName: "BAKONAWA_2"
-	Name: "Bakonawa"
-	Lv: 156
-	Hp: 3351884
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [4801, 2501]
-	Def: 472
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 251
-		Agi: 134
-		Vit: 194
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 237
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 440
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2322
-	SpriteName: "BAKONAWA_3"
-	Name: "Bakonawa"
-	Lv: 156
-	Hp: 3351884
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5020222
-	JExp: 4690302
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [4801, 2501]
-	Def: 472
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 251
-		Agi: 134
-		Vit: 194
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 237
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 440
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2323
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_BOMB"
-	Name: "Bomb Poring"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 50000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [120, 320]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 33
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gift_Box_1: 1000
-		Gift_Box_2: 1000
-		Gift_Box_3: 1000
-		Gift_Box_4: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2324
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_RANGE"
-	Name: "Penomena"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 50000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [481, 522]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 832
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gift_Box_1: 1000
-		Gift_Box_2: 1000
-		Gift_Box_3: 1000
-		Gift_Box_4: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2325
-	SpriteName: "M_BAPHOMET_"
-	Name: "Baphomet"
-	JName: "Baphomet Jr."
-	Lv: 57
-	Hp: 7510
-	Sp: 204
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [810, 145]
-	Def: 70
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 868
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 120
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2326
-	SpriteName: "M_GALAPAGO"
-	Name: "Galapago"
-	Lv: 45
-	Hp: 7513
-	Sp: 201
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [760, 155]
-	Def: 70
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 29
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 16
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1430
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 1080
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2327
-	SpriteName: "BANGUNGOT_3"
-	Name: "Bangungot"
-	JName: "Bangungot Doll"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 250
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1563082
-	JExp: 1522402
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2561, 1504]
-	Def: 411
-	Mdef: 95
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 151
-		Agi: 192
-		Vit: 110
-		Int: 112
-		Dex: 251
-		Luk: 57
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bangungot_Doll: 4000
-		Bangungot_Spirit_Piece: 100
-		Ancient_Grudge: 4000
-		Bangungot_Boots: 2000
-		Kalasak: 200
-		Ancient_Grudge: 20000
-	}
-	Id: 2328
-	SpriteName: "MA_DRUM"
-	Name: "Drum"
-	JName: "Book"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 200
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2329
-	SpriteName: "BUWAYA_EGG"
-	Name: "Buwaya's Egg"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 10000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 90
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1001
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2330
-	SpriteName: "BUWAYA_SLAVE"
-	Name: "Buwaya's Slave"
-	JName: "Slave"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 20145
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2413, 2041]
-	Def: 105
-	Mdef: 71
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 151
-		Agi: 120
-		Vit: 110
-		Int: 102
-		Dex: 143
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2331
-	SpriteName: "MA_SEAW"
-	Name: "Seaweed"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Plant: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2332
-	SpriteName: "BUWAYA_GHOST"
-	Name: "Fake Buwaya"
-	JName: "Buwaya"
-	Lv: 138
-	Hp: 30000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1280, 1252]
-	Def: 481
-	Mdef: 78
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 201
-		Agi: 248
-		Vit: 174
-		Int: 112
-		Dex: 371
-		Luk: 57
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1424
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2333
-	SpriteName: "BUWAYA_WEAK"
-	Name: "Buwaya's Weakness"
-	JName: "Weakpoint"
-	Lv: 138
-	Hp: 20
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 1]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 78
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1
-	AttackMotion: 1
-	DamageMotion: 1
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2334
-	SpriteName: "G_WAKWAK"
-	Name: "Wakwak"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 194830
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1544, 3171]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 104
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 101
-		Agi: 154
-		Vit: 104
-		Int: 184
-		Dex: 151
-		Luk: 71
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 424
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2335
-	SpriteName: "MA_TREASURE"
-	Name: "Treasure Chest"
-	JName: "Bakonawa's Treasure"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 5
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1199
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Boss: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 0
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bakonawa_Doll: 4000
-		Bakonawa_Spirit_Piece: 100
-		Ancient_Grudge: 4000
-		Bakonawa_Armor: 2000
-		Kalasak: 200
-		Gold: 4000
-		Ancient_Grudge: 20000
-	}
-	Id: 2336
-	SpriteName: "DOMOVOI"
-	Name: "Domovoi"
-	Lv: 38
-	Hp: 898
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 135
-	JExp: 152
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [63, 74]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 34
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 19
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 1200
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2337
-	SpriteName: "HIDDEN_MOB"
-	Name: "Hidden Mob"
-	JName: "Monster"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 10000
-	Sp: 200
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [0, 1000]
-	Def: 200
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 200
-		Agi: 200
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 200
-		Dex: 200
-		Luk: 200
-	}
-	ViewRange: 12
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Plant: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2338
-	SpriteName: "MD_MANANANGGAL"
-	Name: "Bangungot Manananggal"
-	JName: "Manananggal"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 204511
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [801, 103]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 71
-		Dex: 75
-		Luk: 46
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 280
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2339
-	SpriteName: "MD_MANGKUKULAM"
-	Name: "Bangungot Mangkukulam"
-	JName: "Mangkukulam"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 102154
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [582, 196]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 75
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 52
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1664
-	AttackMotion: 336
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2340
-	SpriteName: "MD_TIYANAK"
-	Name: "Tiyanak"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 50211
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [457, 251]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 41
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 47
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 496
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2341
-	SpriteName: "RWC_BOSS2011"
-	Name: "RWC Boss"
-	JName: "2011 RWC Boss"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 3205000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2600000
-	JExp: 2200000
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [7343, 4412]
-	Def: 588
-	Mdef: 506
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 196
-		Agi: 131
-		Vit: 125
-		Int: 276
-		Dex: 401
-		Luk: 156
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 650000
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Splendid_Box: 10000
-		Treasure_Box: 10000
-		Splendid_Box2: 10000
-		White_Slim_Pot_Box2: 10000
-		High_Weapon_Box: 10000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10000
-		RWC_Cele_Fire: 10000
-		RWC_Cele_Fire2: 10000
-	}
-// Additional Mercenary Monsters
-	Id: 2342
-	SpriteName: "MER_DIABOLIC"
-	Name: "Diabolic"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 9815
-	Sp: 234
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1100, 200]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 180
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2343
-	SpriteName: "HIDDEN_MOB_W"
-	Name: "Hidden Mob"
-	JName: "Monster"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 10000
-	Sp: 200
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [0, 1000]
-	Def: 200
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 200
-		Agi: 200
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 200
-		Dex: 200
-		Luk: 200
-	}
-	ViewRange: 12
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Plant: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 2000
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2344
-	SpriteName: "MER_WISH_MAIDEN"
-	Name: "Wish Maiden"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2345
-	SpriteName: "MER_ZHERLTHSH"
-	Name: "Zherlthsh"
-	JName: "Zealotus"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 9815
-	Sp: 234
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1100, 200]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 180
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2346
-	SpriteName: "MER_KTULLANUX"
-	Name: "Ktullanux"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2347
-	SpriteName: "MER_EDDGA"
-	Name: "Eddga"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 9815
-	Sp: 234
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1100, 200]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 180
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2348
-	Name: "Civil Servant"
-	JName: "Mao Guai"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 9815
-	Sp: 234
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1100, 200]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 180
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2349
-	SpriteName: "MER_LOLI_RURI"
-	Name: "Loli Ruri"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 9815
-	Sp: 234
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1100, 200]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 180
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2350
-	SpriteName: "MER_SEDORA"
-	Name: "Sedora"
-	JName: "Lamp Rey"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 9815
-	Sp: 234
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1100, 200]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 180
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2351
-	SpriteName: "MER_CHEPET"
-	Name: "Chepet"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 9815
-	Sp: 234
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1100, 200]
-	Def: 60
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 71
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 180
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Nightmare Pyramids
-	Id: 2352
-	SpriteName: "E_RSX_0805"
-	Name: "RSX 0805"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2353
-	SpriteName: "N_MINOROUS"
-	Name: "Nightmare Minorous"
-	JName: "Minorous (Nightmare)"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 27141
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4402
-	JExp: 3820
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [853, 154]
-	Def: 131
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 81
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1360
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nose_Ring: 10000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 400
-		Two_Handed_Axe_: 4
-		Hammer_Of_Blacksmith: 20
-		Beef_Head_Meat: 200
-		Axe: 400
-		Lemon: 600
-		Minorous_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2354
-	SpriteName: "N_MUMMY"
-	Name: "Nightmare Mummy"
-	JName: "Mummy (Nightmare)"
-	Lv: 117
-	Hp: 22557
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4300
-	JExp: 3242
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [761, 192]
-	Def: 110
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Bandage: 18000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 200
-		Mementos: 1000
-		Glove: 4
-		Silver_Ring: 20
-		Panacea: 500
-		Yellow_Herb: 2000
-		Mummy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2355
-	SpriteName: "N_VERIT"
-	Name: "Nightmare Verit"
-	JName: "Verit (Nightmare)"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 21034
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4148
-	JExp: 3142
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [623, 142]
-	Def: 82
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 7
-		Luk: 7
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2468
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Immortal_Heart: 18000
-		Zargon: 1400
-		Rotten_Bandage: 2200
-		White_Herb: 1200
-		Skul_Ring: 4
-		Flower_Ring: 400
-		Armlet_Of_Obedience: 40
-		Verit_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2356
-	SpriteName: "N_MIMIC"
-	Name: "Nightmare Mimic"
-	JName: "Mimic (Nightmare)"
-	Lv: 137
-	Hp: 63101
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6402
-	JExp: 5408
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1345, 413]
-	Def: 210
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 180
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 21
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 12
-		Old_Blue_Box: 100
-		Booby_Trap: 2400
-		Light_Granule: 2000
-		Rosary_: 4
-		Elunium_Stone: 540
-		Mimic_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2357
-	SpriteName: "G_N_MIMIC"
-	Name: "Nightmare Mimic"
-	JName: "Mimic (Nightmare)"
-	Lv: 137
-	Hp: 63101
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1345, 413]
-	Def: 210
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 180
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 21
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2358
-	SpriteName: "N_ARCLOUSE"
-	Name: "Nightmare Arclouse"
-	JName: "Arclouze (Nightmare)"
-	Lv: 134
-	Hp: 48013
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5012
-	JExp: 4606
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1104, 341]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 251
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Round_Shell: 7000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 6000
-		Solid_Shell: 1600
-		Zargon: 1000
-		Red_Gemstone: 600
-		Great_Nature: 40
-		Zargon: 5000
-		Arclouse_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2359
-	SpriteName: "G_N_ARCLOUSE"
-	Name: "Nightmare Arclouse"
-	JName: "Arclouze (Nightmare)"
-	Lv: 134
-	Hp: 48013
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1104, 341]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 251
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2360
-	SpriteName: "N_ANCIENT_MUMMY"
-	Name: "Nightmare Ancient Mummy"
-	JName: "Ancient Mummy"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 90157
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9424
-	JExp: 8002
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1841, 347]
-	Def: 142
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 187
-		Luk: 24
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 120
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Bandage: 9000
-		Mementos: 3600
-		Glove_: 4
-		Silver_Ring: 300
-		Runstone_Ancient: 20
-		Oridecon_Stone: 300
-		Elunium_Stone: 200
-		Ancient_Mummy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2361
-	SpriteName: "G_N_ANCIENT_MUMMY"
-	Name: "Nightmare Ancient Mummy"
-	JName: "Ancient Mummy (Nightmare)"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 90157
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1841, 347]
-	Def: 142
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 187
-		Luk: 24
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 120
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2362
-	SpriteName: "N_AMON_RA"
-	Name: "Nightmare Amon Ra"
-	JName: "Amon Ra (Nightmare)"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 2515784
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3252974
-	JExp: 2604174
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [4106, 3201]
-	Def: 367
-	Mdef: 301
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 86
-		Agi: 89
-		Vit: 120
-		Int: 131
-		Dex: 101
-		Luk: 92
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 854
-	AttackMotion: 2016
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 813243
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 5500
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 3500
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 5500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Spinx_Helm: 300
-		Safety_Ring: 100
-		Rojerta_Piece: 14000
-		Elunium: 7600
-		Old_Card_Album: 800
-		Tablet: 20
-		Yggdrasilberry: 3000
-		Amon_Ra_Card: 1
-	}
-// Eclage (14.2)
-	Id: 2363
-	SpriteName: "MENBLATT"
-	Name: "Menblatt"
-	Lv: 143
-	Hp: 82200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4150
-	JExp: 4105
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [816, 201]
-	Def: 79
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 472
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fancy_Fairy_Wing: 3000
-		Great_Wing: 1000
-		Sharp_Feeler: 2304
-		Peony_Mommy: 5
-		Menblatt_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2364
-	SpriteName: "PETAL"
-	Name: "Petal"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 81031
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4058
-	JExp: 4033
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [671, 173]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 82
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pile_Of_Acorn: 3000
-		Unripe_Acorn: 1000
-		Acorn: 1000
-		Piece_Of_Darkness: 250
-		Slapping_Herb: 5
-		Petal_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2365
-	SpriteName: "CENERE"
-	Name: "Cenere"
-	Lv: 146
-	Hp: 130131
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7117
-	JExp: 6854
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1802, 1031]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 81
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dustball: 5000
-		Poisonous_Gas: 500
-		Mould_Powder: 1500
-		Air_Pollutant: 1000
-		Yggdrasil_Dust: 500
-		Cenere_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2366
-	SpriteName: "ANTIQUE_BOOK"
-	Name: "Antique Book"
-	Lv: 148
-	Hp: 134615
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7225
-	JExp: 7044
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1861, 1213]
-	Def: 74
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 44
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leaf_Bookmark: 3000
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 1000
-		Worn_Out_Page: 1000
-		Snow_Flip: 5
-		AntiqueBook_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2367
-	SpriteName: "LICHTERN_B"
-	Name: "Blue Lichtern"
-	JName: "Lichtern"
-	Lv: 149
-	Hp: 131211
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7187
-	JExp: 6841
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1513, 1410]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 124
-		Agi: 74
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 480
-	AttackMotion: 1728
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Star_Crumb: 1000
-		Sparkling_Dust: 1000
-		Mistic_Frozen: 20
-		Snow_Flip: 5
-		LichternB_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2368
-	SpriteName: "LICHTERN_Y"
-	Name: "Yellow Lichtern"
-	JName: "Lichtern"
-	Lv: 147
-	Hp: 131513
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7071
-	JExp: 6972
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1416, 1561]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 141
-		Agi: 94
-		Vit: 75
-		Int: 91
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 2304
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Star_Crumb: 1000
-		Sparkling_Dust: 1000
-		Rough_Wind: 20
-		Slapping_Herb: 5
-		LichternG_Card: 1 // FIXME: Are the yellow and green intended to be swapped? (see names in the item db)
-	}
-	Id: 2369
-	SpriteName: "LICHTERN_R"
-	Name: "Red Lichtern"
-	JName: "Lichtern"
-	Lv: 149
-	Hp: 135718
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7201
-	JExp: 7215
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1647, 1449]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 147
-		Agi: 77
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 133
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 4032
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Star_Crumb: 1000
-		Sparkling_Dust: 1000
-		Flame_Heart: 20
-		Peony_Mommy: 5
-		LichternR_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2370
-	SpriteName: "LICHTERN_G"
-	Name: "Green Lichtern"
-	JName: "Lichtern"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 133451
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7214
-	JExp: 6852
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1547, 1594]
-	Def: 120
-	Mdef: 57
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 3456
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Star_Crumb: 1000
-		Sparkling_Dust: 1000
-		Great_Nature: 20
-		Yggdrasil_Dust: 5
-		LichternY_Card: 1 // FIXME: Are the yellow and green intended to be swapped? (see names in the item db)
-	}
-	Id: 2371
-	Name: "Faithful Manager"
-	Lv: 155
-	Hp: 151548
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8676
-	JExp: 7801
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2091, 1607]
-	Def: 204
-	Mdef: 141
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 80
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 480
-	AttackMotion: 1536
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Eye_Drops: 3000
-		Tiny_Waterbottle: 1000
-		Alchol: 100
-		Detrimindexta: 100
-		Karvodailnirol: 100
-		FaithfulManager_Card: 1
-	}
-// Additional Monsters
-	Id: 2372
-	SpriteName: "SOIL"
-	Name: "Soil"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2373
-	SpriteName: "ROCK"
-	Name: "Rock"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2374
-	SpriteName: "THICKET"
-	Name: "Thicket"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2375
-	SpriteName: "MOROCC_4_142"
-	Name: "Incarnation of Morroc"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2376
-	SpriteName: "MOROCC_2_142"
-	Name: "Incarnation of Morroc"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2377
-	SpriteName: "E_NOVUS_"
-	Name: "Novus"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 50
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [7, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2378
-	Name: "Antler Scaraba"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 30000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1418, 410]
-	Def: 155
-	Mdef: 102
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 23
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 129
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2379
-	SpriteName: "XMAS_SMOKEY_SOCK"
-	Name: "Smokey Sock"
-	JName: "Socks Stealing Raccoon"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [70, 11]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 16
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Cloth: 6000
-		Red_Cloth: 6000
-	}
-	Id: 2380
-	SpriteName: "XMAS_SMOKEY_GIFT"
-	Name: "Smokey Gift"
-	JName: "Gift Stealing Raccoon"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [70, 11]
-	Def: 1
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 16
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Stolen_Cookie: 6000
-		Stolen_Candy: 6000
-		Stolen_Cookie: 6000
-		Stolen_Candy: 6000
-	}
-// Monsters Waiting To Be Coded In
-	Id: 2398
-	SpriteName: "LITTLE_PORING"
-	JName: "Baby Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 40
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 18
-	JExp: 10
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 1]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 9000
-		Knife_: 100
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		Apple: 5000
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Apple: 500
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Novice_Poring_Card: 100
-	}
-	Id: 2401
-	SpriteName: "G_PORING"
-	Name: "G_PORING"
-	JName: "Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 1]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2402
-	JName: "Poporing"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 524
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 99
-	JExp: 112
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [74, 20]
-	Def: 36
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 17
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2403
-	JName: "Poporing"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 524
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 99
-	JExp: 112
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [74, 20]
-	Def: 36
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 17
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2404
-	SpriteName: "DEAD_PLANKTON"
-	Lv: 9
-	Hp: 95
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 15
-	JExp: 11
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [18, 19]
-	Def: 21
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 14
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 10
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2208
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 324
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Single_Cell: 2000
-		Garlet: 70
-		Sticky_Mucus: 170
-		Alchol: 1
-		Dew_Laden_Moss: 5
-		Center_Potion: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2405
-	SpriteName: "WEAK_SKELETON"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 280
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 29
-	JExp: 21
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [25, 33]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2228
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 45
-		Skel_Bone: 800
-		Mace_: 40
-		Jellopy: 1500
-		Red_Herb: 500
-		Skul_Ring: 15
-	}
-	Id: 2406
-	Lv: 23
-	Hp: 468
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 36
-	JExp: 40
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [66, 75]
-	Def: 28
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 18
-		Agi: 9
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 43
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skel_Bone: 1300
-		Oridecon_Stone: 15
-		Dagger_: 3
-		Red_Herb: 170
-		Mementos: 2
-		Chain_Mail_: 1
-		Stiletto: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2407
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 310
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 29
-	JExp: 21
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [27, 35]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2228
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skel_Bone: 700
-		Pirate_Bandana: 4
-		Cookbook06: 1
-		Bandana: 60
-		Falchion: 60
-		Oridecon_Stone: 10
-		Well_Dried_Bone: 5
-	}
-	Id: 2408
-	SpriteName: "DUMMY_10"
-	Name: "Lv 10"
-	JName: "Lv 10"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 99999999
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		NoKnockback: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2409
-	SpriteName: "DUMMY_50"
-	Name: "Lv 50"
-	JName: "Lv 50"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 99999999
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 50
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		NoKnockback: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2410
-	SpriteName: "DUMMY_100"
-	Name: "Lv 100"
-	JName: "Lv 100"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 99999999
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 90
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		NoKnockback: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2411
-	SpriteName: "DUMMY_150"
-	Name: "Lv 150"
-	JName: "Lv 150"
-	Lv: 150
-	Hp: 99999999
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 120
-	Mdef: 120
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		NoKnockback: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2413
-	SpriteName: "DUMMY_10_FIRE"
-	Name: "Lv 10 (Fire)"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 99999999
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 0
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		NoKnockback: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-// Old Glast Heim
-	Id: 2464
-	SpriteName: "MG_ZOMBIE"
-	Name: "Corrupted Steward"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 135600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 13332
-	JExp: 15998
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2364, 444]
-	Def: 15
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 22
-		Vit: 77
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 22
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2612
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	Drops: {
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 1000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 1000
-		Coagulated_Spell: 10
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		White_Jewel: 500
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2465
-	SpriteName: "MG_WRAITH"
-	Name: "Corrupted Monk"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 100168
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 13998
-	JExp: 16796
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [999, 2787]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 200
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 16
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 115
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Detector: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 100
-		Crystal_Mirror: 500
-		Wedding_Veil: 100
-		Coagulated_Spell: 10
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 1000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 1000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2466
-	SpriteName: "MG_GHOUL"
-	Name: "Grand Chamberlain in Pain"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 208100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 14222
-	JExp: 17066
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2965,666]
-	Def: 30
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 88
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 21
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2456
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	Drops: {
-		Oridecon_Stone: 100
-		Skul_Ring: 100
-		Coagulated_Spell: 10
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 1000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 1000
-		Old_White_Cloth: 1000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2467
-	SpriteName: "MG_ARCLOUSE"
-	Name: "Maggot"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 80811
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 22
-	JExp: 26
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1246, 1257]
-	Def: 121
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 103
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 172
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Detector: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	Drops: {
-		Great_Nature: 100
-		Round_Shell: 3000
-		Coagulated_Spell: 10
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 1000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 1000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2468
-	SpriteName: "MG_RAYDRIC"
-	Name: "Corrupted Palace Guard"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 184080
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 16306
-	JExp: 6944
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3167, 138]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 159
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 33
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 824
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 3000
-		Elunium: 50
-		Coagulated_Spell: 10
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 1000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 1000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-		Plate_Armor: 200
-	}
-	Id: 2469
-	Name: "Wandering Archer"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 144370
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 14248
-	JExp: 9378
-	AttackRange: 14
-	Attack: [3891 , 167]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 53
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 156
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 3000
-		Elunium: 50
-		Coagulated_Spell: 10
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 1000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 1000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-		Tights: 200
-	}
-	Id: 2470
-	SpriteName: "MG_KNIGHT_OF_ABYSS"
-	Name: "Corrupted Abysmal Knight"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 225789
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 18584
-	JExp: 16576
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3200, 22]
-	Def: 102
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 55
-		Vit: 99
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 126
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		Boss: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	Drops: {
-		Reins: 5000
-		Patriotism_Marks: 10
-		Coagulated_Spell: 50
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 3000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 2000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-		Full_Plate_Armor: 200
-	}
-	Id: 2471
-	SpriteName: "MG_KHALITZBURG"
-	Name: "Suffering Khalitzburg"
-	Lv: 143
-	Hp: 236851
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 17542
-	JExp: 14662
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2800, 100]
-	Def: 125
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 142
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 81
-		Dex: 105
-		Luk: 32
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		Boss: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 528
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 396
-	Drops: {
-		Elunium: 50
-		Patriotism_Marks: 10
-		Coagulated_Spell: 50
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 3000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 2000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-		Lapier: 300
-	}
-	Id: 2472
-	SpriteName: "MG_BLOODY_KNIGHT"
-	Name: "Bloody Knight"
-	Lv: 143
-	Hp: 246751
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20448
-	JExp: 21882
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1881, 3200]
-	Def: 122
-	Mdef: 300
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 132
-		Agi: 55
-		Vit: 89
-		Int: 151
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Boss: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 828
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	Drops: {
-		Two_Hand_Sword: 100
-		Broad_Sword: 100
-		Coagulated_Spell: 50
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 3000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 2000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-		Brigan: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2473
-	SpriteName: "MG_M_UNDEAD_KNIGHT"
-	Name: "1st Commander of Destruction"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 950033
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 160018
-	JExp: 135184
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3321, 1009]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 150
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 165
-		Agi: 82
-		Vit: 110
-		Int: 122
-		Dex: 154
-		Luk: 52
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	Drops: {
-		Claymore: 100
-		Alca_Bringer: 10
-		Coagulated_Spell: 50
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 5000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 5000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-		Halberd: 200
-		UndeadKnightM_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2474
-	SpriteName: "MG_F_UNDEAD_KNIGHT"
-	Name: "2nd Commander of Destruction"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 848011
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 159672
-	JExp: 120398
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [3090, 1488]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 180
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 155
-		Agi: 88
-		Vit: 110
-		Int: 135
-		Dex: 154
-		Luk: 59
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 16
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	Drops: {
-		Holy_Avenger: 50
-		Claymore: 100
-		Coagulated_Spell: 50
-		Glast_Decayed_Nail: 5000
-		Glast_Horrendous_Mouth: 5000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-		UndeadKnightF_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2475
-	Name: "Corrupted Soul"
-	Lv: 150
-	Hp: 1820000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2199906
-	JExp: 2008478
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [3887, 3887]
-	Def: 333
-	Mdef: 333
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 201
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 90
-		Int: 201
-		Dex: 201
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 14
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 854
-	AttackMotion: 2016
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 449977
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10000
-		Temporal_Crystal: 5000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 10000
-		Alchemy_Glove: 1000
-		Will_Of_Darkness_: 10000
-		Corrupted_Charm: 500
-		CorruptionRoot_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2476
-	SpriteName: "MG_AMDARAIS"
-	Name: "Amdarais"
-	Lv: 150
-	Hp: 4290000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2291324
-	JExp: 2197024
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [5290, 3900]
-	Def: 30
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 255
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 90
-		Int: 169
-		Dex: 166
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 472831
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 5000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10000
-		Temporal_Crystal: 5000
-		Yggdrasilberry: 10000
-		Death_Guidance: 1000
-		Patriotism_Marks: 10000
-		Amdarais_Card: 1
-	}
-// Nightmare Glast Heim
-	Id: 2477
-	SpriteName: "NG_WANDER_MAN"
-	Name: "Nightmare Wander Man"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 130682
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 19814
-	JExp: 17228
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2827, 218]
-	Def: 129
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 208
-		Agi: 151
-		Vit: 76
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 231
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 12
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	Drops: {
-		Skull: 4850
-		Old_Card_Album: 2
-		Hakujin_: 5
-		Centimental_Leaf: 5
-		Muramasa_: 1
-		Oridecon: 110
-		Muramasa: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2478
-	SpriteName: "NG_RIDEWORD"
-	Name: "Nightmare Rideword"
-	Lv: 146
-	Hp: 103220
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 10500
-	JExp: 15840
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2320, 166]
-	Def: 140
-	Mdef: 59
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 131
-		Agi: 195
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 263
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 12
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	Drops: {
-		Worn_Out_Page: 4850
-		Book_Of_Billows_: 5
-		Book_Of_Mother_Earth_: 5
-		Book_Of_Blazing_Sun_: 5
-		Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind_: 5
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 150
-		Cursed_Book: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2479
-	SpriteName: "NG_MIMIC"
-	Name: "Nightmare Mimic"
-	Lv: 143
-	Hp: 24958
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2768
-	JExp: 2354
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1787, 159]
-	Def: 139
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 145
-		Agi: 162
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 49
-		Dex: 213
-		Luk: 57
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10
-		Old_Blue_Box: 50
-		Special_Alloy_Trap: 1000
-		Light_Granule: 1000
-		Rosary_: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 270
-		Apple: 22
-	}
-	Id: 2480
-	SpriteName: "NG_EVIL_DRUID"
-	Name: "Nightmare Evil Druid"
-	Lv: 134
-	Hp: 72837
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6740
-	JExp: 5886
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1409, 143]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 137
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 158
-		Luk: 28
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	Drops: {
-		Biretta_: 10
-		Lich_Bone_Wand: 1
-		Ragamuffin_Cape: 10
-		Book_Of_The_Apocalypse: 5
-		Cookbook07: 5
-		White_Herb: 2000
-	}
-	Id: 2481
-	SpriteName: "NG_WRAITH_DEAD"
-	Name: "Nightmare Wraith Dead"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 15579
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2554
-	JExp: 2760
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [761, 122]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 56
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 28
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	Drops: {
-		Transparent_Cloth: 4400
-		Wedding_Veil: 10
-		Manteau_: 5
-		Red_Gemstone: 750
-		Manteau: 10
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2482
-	SpriteName: "G_MG_KHALITZBURG"
-	Name: "Nightmare Khalitzburg"
-	Lv: 143
-	Hp: 236851
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 13085
-	JExp: 10023
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2800, 100]
-	Def: 125
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 142
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 81
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 32
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 528
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 396
-	Id: 2483
-	SpriteName: "NG_BAPHOMET"
-	Name: "Nightmare Baphomet"
-	Lv: 154
-	Hp: 4008000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1308530
-	JExp: 1002320
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2794, 1260]
-	Def: 379
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 125
-		Vit: 230
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 186
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 198262
-	Id: 2484
-	SpriteName: "G_NG_BAPHOMET_"
-	Name: "Nightmare Baphomet Jr."
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 49675
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 13085
-	JExp: 10023
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1302, 558]
-	Def: 175
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 90
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 868
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 120
-	Id: 2485
-	SpriteName: "NG_CHIMERA"
-	Name: "Nightmare Chimera"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 528120
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 54260
-	JExp: 46980
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1887, 823]
-	Def: 159
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 101
-		Agi: 76
-		Vit: 110
-		Int: 176
-		Dex: 182
-		Luk: 170
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 772
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	Id: 2529
-	SpriteName: "FACEWORM_QUEEN"
-	Name: "Faceworm Queen"
-	Lv: 155
-	Hp: 50000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 200000
-	JExp: 200000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [4024, 1609]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 200
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 200
-		Dex: 200
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 540
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 90909
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2500
-		Magic_Card_Album: 2500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 1000
-		FaceWormQueen_Leg: 100
-		Broken_Horn: 5000
-		Faceworm_Queen_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2533
-	SpriteName: "FACEWORM_QUEEN_G"
-	Name: "Faceworm Queen (Green)"
-	Lv: 155
-	Hp: 50000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 200000
-	JExp: 200000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [5000, 2000]
-	Def: 500
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 200
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 400
-		Int: 200
-		Dex: 200
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 540
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 90909
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2500
-		Magic_Card_Album: 2500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Horn: 5000
-		FaceWormQueen_Leg: 100
-		Great_Nature: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 2534
-	SpriteName: "FACEWORM_QUEEN_B"
-	Name: "Faceworm Queen (Blue)"
-	Lv: 155
-	Hp: 50000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 200000
-	JExp: 200000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [5000, 2000]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 400
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 200
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 400
-		Dex: 200
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 540
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 90909
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2500
-		Magic_Card_Album: 2500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Horn: 5000
-		FaceWormQueen_Leg: 100
-		Mistic_Frozen: 5000
-	}
-	Id: 2535
-	SpriteName: "FACEWORM_QUEEN_Y"
-	Name: "Faceworm Queen (Yellow)"
-	Lv: 155
-	Hp: 50000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 200000
-	JExp: 200000
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [5000, 2000]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 200
-		Agi: 400
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 200
-		Dex: 200
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 540
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 90909
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 2500
-		Magic_Card_Album: 2500
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Horn: 5000
-		FaceWormQueen_Leg: 100
-		Rough_Wind: 5000
-	}
-// Sara's Memory
-	Id: 2542
-	SpriteName: "IRENE_ELDER"
-	Name: "Irene Elder"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 433110
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 11360
-	JExp: 27032
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1582, 699]
-	Def: 145
-	Mdef: 73
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 82
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 182
-		Luk: 88
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 73
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	Drops: {
-		Str_Dish07: 300
-		Vit_Dish07: 300
-		Agi_Dish07: 300
-		Int_Dish07: 300
-		Dex_Dish07: 300
-		Luk_Dish07: 300
-		Cookbook10: 2
-		Fantastic_Cooking_Kits: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2543
-	SpriteName: "PAYONSOLDIER"
-	Name: "1st Payon Soldier"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 20099
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1083
-	JExp: 2688
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [545, 51]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 225
-	AttackDelay: 73
-	AttackMotion: 348
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	Drops: {
-		Vit_Dish04: 500
-		Str_Dish04: 500
-		Agi_Dish04: 500
-		Luk_Dish04: 500
-		Int_Dish04: 500
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 250
-		Dex_Dish04: 500
-		Cookbook08: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2544
-	SpriteName: "PAYONSOLDIER2"
-	Name: "2nd Payon Soldier"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 21099
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1136
-	JExp: 2703
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [697, 51]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 73
-	AttackMotion: 348
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	Drops: {
-		Str_Dish06: 500
-		Int_Dish06: 500
-		Dex_Dish06: 500
-		Vit_Dish06: 500
-		Luk_Dish06: 500
-		Agi_Dish06: 500
-		Imperial_Cooking_Kits: 150
-		Cookbook09: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2545
-	SpriteName: "GUARDDOG"
-	Name: "1st Guard Dog"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 20099
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 944
-	JExp: 2658
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [547, 51]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 73
-	AttackMotion: 348
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	Drops: {
-		Str_Dish03: 600
-		Luk_Dish03: 600
-		Cookbook06: 2
-		Int_Dish03: 600
-		Vit_Dish03: 600
-		Agi_Dish03: 600
-		Dex_Dish03: 600
-		Outdoor_Cooking_Kits: 350
-	}
-	Id: 2546
-	SpriteName: "GUARDDOG2"
-	Name: "2nd Guard Dog"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 21099
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1014
-	JExp: 2673
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [573, 51]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 73
-	AttackMotion: 348
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	Drops: {
-		Str_Dish05: 466
-		Cookbook07: 1
-		Int_Dish05: 466
-		Vit_Dish05: 466
-		Agi_Dish05: 466
-		Dex_Dish05: 466
-		Luk_Dish05: 466
-		Indoor_Cooking_Kits: 200
-	}
-// Geffen Magic Tournament Monsters
-	Id: 2549
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_1"
-	Name: "Ahri"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 100000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8900
-	JExp: 4550
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [329, 424]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 130
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2550
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_2"
-	Name: "Dio Anemos"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 200000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9440
-	JExp: 4430
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [478, 649]
-	Def: 129
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 130
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2551
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_3_1"
-	Name: "Geffen Shoplifter"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 300000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9780
-	JExp: 3665
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [478, 632]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 140
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2552
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_3_2"
-	Name: "Geffen Bully"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 300000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9780
-	JExp: 3665
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [478, 362]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 140
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2553
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_3_3"
-	Name: "Geffen Gang Member"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 300000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9780
-	JExp: 3665
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [468, 622]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 80
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 140
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2554
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_4"
-	Name: "Faymont"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 400000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 11660
-	JExp: 4370
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [477, 633]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 140
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2555
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_5"
-	Name: "Ordre"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 600000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 15610
-	JExp: 4861
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [654, 906]
-	Def: 107
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 150
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2556
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_6"
-	Name: "Blut Hase"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 1000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20560
-	JExp: 10010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [480, 601]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 120
-		Vit: 120
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 150
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2557
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_7"
-	Name: "Kuro Akuma"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 1200000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 26100
-	JExp: 12030
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [761, 1026]
-	Def: 134
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 100
-		Int: 100
-		Dex: 145
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2558
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_8"
-	Name: "Ifodes"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 1400000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 46150
-	JExp: 18900
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [676, 869]
-	Def: 120
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 150
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 100
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 170
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2559
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_9"
-	Name: "Licheniyes"
-	Lv: 145
-	Hp: 1600000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 52060
-	JExp: 24105
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [763, 1048]
-	Def: 140
-	Mdef: 57
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 200
-		Dex: 220
-		Luk: 75
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2560
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_10"
-	Name: "Orodic"
-	Lv: 150
-	Hp: 2000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 60027
-	JExp: 40237
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [950, 1250]
-	Def: 165
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 200
-		Agi: 150
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 170
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2561
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_11"
-	Name: "Ju"
-	Lv: 155
-	Hp: 5000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 75335
-	JExp: 52130
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1045, 1465]
-	Def: 170
-	Mdef: 65
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 100
-		Int: 200
-		Dex: 220
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2562
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_MAGE_12"
-	Name: "Dwigh"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 7000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 151317
-	JExp: 123000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1410, 2010]
-	Def: 175
-	Mdef: 65
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 100
-		Int: 250
-		Dex: 220
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2563
-	SpriteName: "FEI_KANABIAN"
-	Name: "Fay Kanavian"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 8000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 157975
-	JExp: 110571
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1710, 2460]
-	Def: 175
-	Mdef: 65
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 100
-		Int: 250
-		Dex: 220
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2564
-	SpriteName: "GEFFEN_FENRIR"
-	Name: "Fenrir"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 20000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 323300
-	JExp: 300000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2160, 3060]
-	Def: 200
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 200
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 200
-		Dex: 220
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2565
-	SpriteName: "ALPHONSE"
-	Name: "Alphonse"
-	Lv: 150
-	Hp: 1000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [650, 850]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 170
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2566
-	SpriteName: "ALPHONSE_JR"
-	Name: "Alphonse Jr"
-	Lv: 150
-	Hp: 100000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [450, 550]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 170
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2567
-	SpriteName: "E_GEFFEN_MAGE_3_2"
-	Name: "E_GEFFEN_MAGE_3_2" /* Needs more information */
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2568
-	SpriteName: "E_GEFFEN_MAGE_3_3"
-	Name: "E_GEFFEN_MAGE_3_3" /* Needs more information */
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 0
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [0, 0]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {  /* Needs more information */
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackDelay: 676 /* Needs more information */
-	AttackMotion: 648 /* Needs more information */
-	DamageMotion: 432 /* Needs more information */
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		/* Needs more information */
-	}
-	Id: 2603
-	Name: "Swift Zombie Slaughter"
-	Lv: 124
-	Hp: 202200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 10345
-	JExp: 24315
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1383, 571]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 117
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 82
-		Int: 13
-		Dex: 136
-		Luk: 21
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 676
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clattering_Skull: 3000
-		Platinum_Shotel: 10
-		Mementos: 1500
-		Broken_Farming_Utensil: 3000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Carnium: 1
-		Sabah_Ring: 10
-		Zombie_Slaughter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2604
-	SpriteName: "C2_ZOMBIE_PRISONER"
-	Name: "Solid Zombie Prisoner"
-	Lv: 89
-	Hp: 80450
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4010
-	JExp: 12345
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [552, 188]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 87
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 1768
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worn_Out_Prison_Uniform: 3500
-		Spoon_Stub: 105
-		Iron_Cane: 1
-		Red_Gemstone: 600
-		Rotten_Bandage: 3500
-		Cuffs: 39
-		Elunium: 112
-		Zombie_Prisoner_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2605
-	SpriteName: "C3_ZOMBIE_MASTER"
-	Name: "Zombie Master Ringleader"
-	Lv: 119
-	Hp: 127550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9010
-	JExp: 31515
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [964, 395]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 49
-		Dex: 86
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 2612
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tatters_Clothes: 4413
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1500
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 1500
-		Cardinal_Jewel: 200
-		White_Jewel: 100
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 1
-		Scapulare_: 2
-		Zombie_Master_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2606
-	SpriteName: "C4_ZOMBIE"
-	Name: "Furious Zombie"
-	Lv: 17
-	Hp: 1170
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 290
-	JExp: 645
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [67, 17]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 17
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 15
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2612
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Decayed_Nail: 9000
-		Cardinal_Jewel_: 5
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 50
-		White_Jewel: 70
-		Zombie_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2607
-	SpriteName: "C5_ZAKUDAM"
-	Name: "Elusive Zakudam"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 86000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9360
-	JExp: 19440
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1110, 437]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 92
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 580
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Screw: 5000
-		Steel: 500
-		Oridecon: 200
-		Elunium: 200
-		Gate_Keeper: 5
-		Gate_KeeperDD: 5
-		Improved_Tights: 10
-		Jakudam_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2608
-	SpriteName: "C1_YOYO"
-	Name: "Swift Yoyo"
-	Lv: 38
-	Hp: 4490
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 675
-	JExp: 2280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [118, 30]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 34
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 19
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1054
-	AttackMotion: 54
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yoyo_Tail: 9000
-		Banana: 1500
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 200
-		Cacao: 900
-		Monkey_Doll: 10
-		Oridecon_Stone: 24
-		Strawberry: 1000
-		Yoyo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2609
-	SpriteName: "C2_YOYO"
-	Name: "Solid Yoyo"
-	Lv: 38
-	Hp: 8980
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 675
-	JExp: 2280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [118, 30]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 34
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 19
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1054
-	AttackMotion: 54
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yoyo_Tail: 9000
-		Banana: 1500
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 200
-		Cacao: 900
-		Monkey_Doll: 10
-		Oridecon_Stone: 24
-		Strawberry: 1000
-		Yoyo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2610
-	SpriteName: "C3_WORM_TAIL"
-	Name: "Wormtail Ringleader"
-	Lv: 17
-	Hp: 1000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 290
-	JExp: 645
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [47, 11]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 6
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1048
-	AttackMotion: 48
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 60
-		Emveretarcon: 25
-		Pointed_Scale: 5500
-		Pike_: 30
-		Yellow_Herb: 70
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 5
-		Green_Lace: 100
-		Worm_Tail_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2611
-	SpriteName: "C4_WOOTAN_FIGHTER"
-	Name: "Furious Wootan Fighter"
-	Lv: 67
-	Hp: 11635
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1860
-	JExp: 5985
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [374, 123]
-	Def: 103
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 18
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 912
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Meat: 4500
-		Shoulder_Protection: 4000
-		Waghnakh: 3
-		Finger_: 1
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Great_Leaf: 1000
-		Banana_Hat: 5
-		Wootan_Fighter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2612
-	SpriteName: "C5_WOOD_GOBLIN"
-	Name: "Elusive Wood Goblin"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 27495
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3040
-	JExp: 9330
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [357, 101]
-	Def: 144
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 73
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 56
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 320
-	AttackDelay: 2304
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron_Wrist: 5
-		Solid_Twig: 4000
-		Log: 2000
-		Resin: 2000
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 500
-		Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 500
-		Egg: 50
-	}
-	Id: 2613
-	SpriteName: "C1_WOLF"
-	Name: "Swift Wolf"
-	Lv: 45
-	Hp: 6095
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 855
-	JExp: 2895
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [148, 39]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 27
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 33
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1054
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Emveretarcon: 20
-		Claw_Of_Wolves: 9000
-		Mantle_: 10
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 650
-		Monsters_Feed: 150
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Strawberry: 600
-		Wolf_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2614
-	SpriteName: "C2_WIND_GHOST"
-	Name: "Solid Wind Ghost"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 40080
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2525
-	JExp: 10005
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [316, 87]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1056
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 4559
-		Skel_Bone: 6000
-		Skull: 500
-		Wind_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Arc_Wand_: 8
-		Rough_Wind: 100
-		Bone_Wand: 1
-		Wind_Ghost_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2615
-	SpriteName: "C3_WILOW"
-	Name: "Willow Ringleader"
-	Lv: 8
-	Hp: 455
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 155
-	JExp: 345
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [33, 6]
-	Def: 38
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 13
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tree_Root: 9000
-		Wooden_Block: 100
-		Resin: 1500
-		Sweet_Potato: 700
-		Tree_Of_Archer_3: 3500
-		Tree_Of_Archer_2: 2000
-		Tree_Of_Archer_1: 1000
-		Wilow_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2616
-	SpriteName: "C4_WILD_ROSE"
-	Name: "Furious Wild Rose"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 13410
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1890
-	JExp: 8325
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [254, 71]
-	Def: 75
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 113
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 69
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 964
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 5335
-		Witherless_Rose: 50
-		Fruit_Shell: 120
-		Thief_Clothes_: 1
-		Rotten_Fish: 35
-		Monsters_Feed: 600
-		Big_Sis_Ribbon: 2
-		Wild_Rose_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2617
-	SpriteName: "C5_WICKED_NYMPH"
-	Name: "Elusive Evil Nymph"
-	Lv: 97
-	Hp: 42455
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5325
-	JExp: 9975
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [605, 212]
-	Def: 46
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 637
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Limpid_Celestial_Robe: 3977
-		Soft_Silk_Cloth: 1380
-		Oridecon: 10
-		Mandolin_: 4
-		Lute_: 1
-		Holy_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Oriental_Lute: 10
-		Wicked_Nymph_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2618
-	SpriteName: "C2_WHISPER"
-	Name: "Solid Whisper"
-	Lv: 46
-	Hp: 11090
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 605
-	JExp: 3840
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [140, 31]
-	Def: 20
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sparkling_Dust: 150
-		Transparent_Cloth: 5335
-		Spirit_Chain: 1
-		Silver_Robe_: 10
-		Whisper_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2619
-	SpriteName: "C3_WEAK_SKELETON"
-	Name: "Weak Skeleton Ringleader"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 1400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 290
-	JExp: 645
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [57, 12]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2228
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 45
-		Skel_Bone: 800
-		Mace_: 40
-		Jellopy: 1500
-		Red_Herb: 500
-		Skul_Ring: 15
-	}
-	Id: 2620
-	SpriteName: "C4_WANDER_MAN"
-	Name: "Furious Wanderer"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 96535
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 11015
-	JExp: 33525
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1865, 813]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 119
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 169
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skull: 4850
-		Old_Card_Album: 1
-		Hakujin_: 5
-		Centimental_Leaf: 5
-		Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: 650
-		Oridecon: 217
-		Muramasa: 1
-		Wander_Man_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2621
-	SpriteName: "C5_VIOLY"
-	Name: "Elusive Violy"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 102785
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9300
-	JExp: 19305
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [944, 368]
-	Def: 74
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 86
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 76
-		Dex: 126
-		Luk: 63
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1356
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Golden_Hair: 6305
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Stuffed_Doll: 1200
-		Base_Guitar: 50
-		Royal_Jelly: 1400
-		Water_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Violin_: 500
-		Violy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2622
-	SpriteName: "C1_VIOLY"
-	Name: "Swift Violy"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 102785
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9300
-	JExp: 19305
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [944, 368]
-	Def: 74
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 86
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 76
-		Dex: 126
-		Luk: 63
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1356
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Golden_Hair: 6305
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Stuffed_Doll: 1200
-		Base_Guitar: 50
-		Royal_Jelly: 1400
-		Water_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Violin_: 500
-		Violy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2623
-	SpriteName: "C2_VIOLY"
-	Name: "Solid Violy"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 205570
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9300
-	JExp: 19305
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [944, 368]
-	Def: 74
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 86
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 76
-		Dex: 126
-		Luk: 63
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1356
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Golden_Hair: 6305
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Stuffed_Doll: 1200
-		Base_Guitar: 50
-		Royal_Jelly: 1400
-		Water_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Violin_: 500
-		Violy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2624
-	SpriteName: "C3_VENOMOUS"
-	Name: "Venomous Ringleader"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 23850
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3265
-	JExp: 10020
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [451, 151]
-	Def: 104
-	Mdef: 65
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 54
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Air_Pollutant: 5000
-		Spawns: 3000
-		Poison_Powder: 1000
-		Poisonous_Gas: 2000
-		Explosive_Powder: 300
-		Tear_Gas: 600
-		Old_Blue_Box: 1
-		Venomous_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2625
-	SpriteName: "C4_VENATU_1"
-	Name: "Furious Venatu"
-	Lv: 113
-	Hp: 79500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7955
-	JExp: 18315
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1817, 797]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Screw: 2000
-		Piece_Of_Crest1: 350
-		Oil_Bottle: 100
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Drifter: 5
-		Elunium: 10
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 100
-		Venatu_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2626
-	SpriteName: "C5_VAVAYAGA"
-	Name: "Elusive Vavayaga"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 32490
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3265
-	JExp: 10020
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [453, 149]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 270
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Magic_Circle: 1000
-		Yaga_Pestle: 5000
-		Release_Of_Wish: 10
-		Pill: 150
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 1500
-		Milk: 1500
-		Bread: 1500
-	}
-	Id: 2627
-	SpriteName: "C1_VANBERK"
-	Name: "Swift Vanberk"
-	Lv: 123
-	Hp: 123025
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 10530
-	JExp: 21870
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1112, 441]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 6
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 122
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		White_Mask: 2500
-		Royal_Jelly: 10
-		Bloody_Rune: 1000
-		Beret: 25
-		Scalpel: 5
-		Bloody_Rune: 100
-		Ur_Seal: 10
-		Vanberk_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2628
-	SpriteName: "C2_VADON"
-	Name: "Solid Vadon"
-	Lv: 45
-	Hp: 12520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 855
-	JExp: 2895
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [154, 37]
-	Def: 54
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 21
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 33
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1632
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nipper: 10000
-		Garlet: 10000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 3000
-		Padded_Armor_: 5
-		Solid_Shell: 100
-		Elunium_Stone: 40
-		Crystal_Blue: 50
-		Vadon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2629
-	SpriteName: "C3_UNGOLIANT"
-	Name: "Ungoliant Ringleader"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 135350
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20500
-	JExp: 36840
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1409, 622]
-	Def: 108
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 110
-		Luk: 38
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 420
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Long_Limb: 4500
-		Jaws_Of_Ant: 3500
-		Colorful_Shell: 1000
-		Olivine: 1500
-		Fluorescent_Liquid: 2500
-		Dark_Red_Jewel: 1500
-		Boots_: 500
-		Ungoliant_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2630
-	SpriteName: "C4_TOUCAN"
-	Name: "Furious Toucan"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 18200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1730
-	JExp: 4080
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [290, 83]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 18
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 48
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 960
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Talon: 3000
-		Cyfar: 1000
-		Blue_Herb: 50
-		Yellow_Herb: 100
-		Flower_Ring: 200
-	}
-	Id: 2631
-	SpriteName: "C5_TIYANAK"
-	Name: "Elusive Tiyanak"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 85730
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6570
-	JExp: 19815
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [584, 219]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 41
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 51
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 47
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 496
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Silver_Bracelet: 1500
-		Mysterious_Flower: 1000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		Tiyanak_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2632
-	SpriteName: "C2_THIEF_BUG"
-	Name: "Solid Thief Bug"
-	Lv: 21
-	Hp: 3540
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 315
-	JExp: 1065
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [93, 27]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 19
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 2500
-		Leather_Jacket_: 80
-		Red_Herb: 350
-		Jellopy: 2000
-		Leather_Jacket: 120
-		Iron_Ore: 250
-		Thief_Bug_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2633
-	SpriteName: "C3_THIEF_BUG"
-	Name: "Thief Bug Ringleader"
-	Lv: 21
-	Hp: 1770
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 315
-	JExp: 1065
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [93, 27]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 19
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 2500
-		Leather_Jacket_: 80
-		Red_Herb: 350
-		Jellopy: 2000
-		Leather_Jacket: 120
-		Iron_Ore: 250
-		Thief_Bug_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2634
-	SpriteName: "C4_THIEF_BUG"
-	Name: "Furious Thief Bug"
-	Lv: 21
-	Hp: 1770
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 315
-	JExp: 1065
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [92, 27]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 19
-		Agi: 9
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 2500
-		Leather_Jacket_: 80
-		Red_Herb: 350
-		Jellopy: 2000
-		Leather_Jacket: 120
-		Iron_Ore: 250
-		Thief_Bug_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2635
-	SpriteName: "C5_THARA_FROG"
-	Name: "Elusive Thara Frog"
-	Lv: 40
-	Hp: 5785
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 775
-	JExp: 2625
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [134, 35]
-	Def: 37
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 25
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 2
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2016
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Emveretarcon: 45
-		Spawn: 5500
-		Scell: 600
-		White_Herb: 30
-		Red_Jewel: 5
-		Sticky_Webfoot: 2000
-		Thara_Frog_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2636
-	SpriteName: "C1_TEDDY_BEAR"
-	Name: "Swift Teddy Bear"
-	Lv: 91
-	Hp: 36190
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4050
-	JExp: 13485
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [610, 231]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 39
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 57
-		Agi: 81
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Screw: 3800
-		Honey: 1000
-		Oridecon_Hammer: 300
-		Gold_Lux: 5
-		Angry_Mouth: 50
-		Cursed_Lucky_Brooch: 10
-		Elunium: 100
-		Teddy_Bear_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2637
-	SpriteName: "C2_TATACHO"
-	Name: "Solid Tatacho"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 333360
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12225
-	JExp: 27825
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1223, 489]
-	Def: 151
-	Mdef: 14
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 119
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 70
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lunakaligo: 20
-		Cello: 10
-		Fur: 4000
-		Peaked_Hat: 3000
-		Delicious_Fish: 3100
-		Bradium: 10
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 2500
-		Tatacho_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2638
-	SpriteName: "C3_TAROU"
-	Name: "Tarou Ringleader"
-	Lv: 22
-	Hp: 2100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 335
-	JExp: 1140
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [111, 35]
-	Def: 23
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 21
-		Agi: 6
-		Vit: 12
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 10
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1744
-	AttackMotion: 1044
-	DamageMotion: 684
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rat_Tail: 9000
-		Animals_Skin: 3000
-		Feather: 800
-		Monsters_Feed: 1000
-		Ora_Ora: 2
-		Tarou_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2639
-	SpriteName: "C4_TAMRUAN"
-	Name: "Furious Tamruan"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 15975
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2470
-	JExp: 7575
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [454, 161]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sword_Accessory: 4850
-		Broken_Armor_Piece: 3000
-		Katana_: 40
-		Bastard_Sword_: 8
-		Chain_Mail_: 3
-		Runstone_Mystic: 300
-		Tamruan_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2640
-	SpriteName: "C5_STING"
-	Name: "Elusive Sting"
-	Lv: 104
-	Hp: 50715
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6515
-	JExp: 14640
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [973, 381]
-	Def: 146
-	Mdef: 34
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 108
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 68
-		Int: 34
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 24
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 528
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mud_Lump: 4850
-		Stone_Arrow: 1500
-		Glove_: 1
-		Coal: 130
-		Great_Nature: 25
-		Silk_Ribbon: 10
-		Explosive_Powder: 800
-		Sting_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2641
-	SpriteName: "C1_STEM_WORM"
-	Name: "Swift Stem Worm"
-	Lv: 84
-	Hp: 22650
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2970
-	JExp: 9105
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [419, 141]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 47
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1956
-	AttackMotion: 756
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tough_Scalelike_Stem: 5335
-		White_Herb: 1800
-		Jump_Rope: 10
-		Oridecon_Stone: 115
-		Great_Nature: 5
-		Glaive: 20
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 45
-		Stem_Worm_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2642
-	SpriteName: "C2_STEEL_CHONCHON"
-	Name: "Solid Steel Chonchon"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 11990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 920
-	JExp: 3105
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [151, 37]
-	Def: 57
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 62
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 56
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1076
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 90
-		Steel: 30
-		Garlet: 2400
-		Shell: 9000
-		Solid_Shell: 30
-		Iron: 200
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 300
-		Steel_Chonchon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2643
-	SpriteName: "C3_STAPO"
-	Name: "Stapo Ringleader"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 44025
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4720
-	JExp: 13290
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [664, 275]
-	Def: 129
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 20
-		Agi: 46
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 936
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 1000
-		Jubilee: 1000
-		Apple: 1000
-		Large_Jellopy: 100
-		Yellow_Live: 10
-		Seismic_Fist: 3
-		Stapo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2644
-	SpriteName: "C4_STALACTIC_GOLEM"
-	Name: "Furious Stalactic Golem"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 12950
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1770
-	JExp: 5685
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [477, 171]
-	Def: 230
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 69
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1264
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mud_Lump: 2000
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Star_Crumb: 250
-		Great_Nature: 30
-		Elunium_Stone: 250
-		Round_Buckler: 5
-		Elunium: 163
-		Stalactic_Golem_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2645
-	SpriteName: "C5_STAINER"
-	Name: "Elusive Stainer"
-	Lv: 21
-	Hp: 1825
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 315
-	JExp: 1065
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [93, 31]
-	Def: 22
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 39
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1688
-	AttackMotion: 1188
-	DamageMotion: 612
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 70
-		Emveretarcon: 30
-		Colorful_Shell: 9000
-		Garlet: 2100
-		Elunium_Stone: 25
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10
-		Iron_Ore: 300
-		Stainer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2646
-	SpriteName: "C1_SPORE"
-	Name: "Swift Spore"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 1400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 290
-	JExp: 645
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [57, 12]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mushroom_Spore: 9000
-		Red_Herb: 800
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 50
-		Spore_Doll: 10
-		Hat: 40
-		Poison_Spore: 5
-		Strawberry: 600
-		Spore_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2647
-	SpriteName: "C2_SOLIDER"
-	Name: "Solid Solider"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 87680
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4460
-	JExp: 12525
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [509, 176]
-	Def: 206
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 56
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1452
-	AttackMotion: 483
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 4413
-		Broken_Shell: 64
-		Stone_Piece: 850
-		Yellow_Herb: 2100
-		Zargon: 1240
-		Honey: 850
-		Chain: 1
-		Solider_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2648
-	Name: "Soldier Skeleton Ringleader"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 4020
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 540
-	JExp: 1815
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [128, 40]
-	Def: 53
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 14
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skel_Bone: 5500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 60
-		Dagger_: 12
-		Red_Herb: 700
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10
-		Chain_Mail_: 1
-		Stiletto: 50
-		Soldier_Skeleton_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2649
-	Name: "Furious Soldier Skeleton"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 4020
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 540
-	JExp: 1815
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [128, 40]
-	Def: 53
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 14
-		Agi: 13
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skel_Bone: 5500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 60
-		Dagger_: 12
-		Red_Herb: 700
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10
-		Chain_Mail_: 1
-		Stiletto: 50
-		Soldier_Skeleton_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2650
-	SpriteName: "C5_SOLACE"
-	Name: "Elusive Lady Solace"
-	Lv: 123
-	Hp: 123645
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12210
-	JExp: 36135
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1413, 592]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 96
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Feather: 200
-		Ring_: 1
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 50
-		Dark_Red_Jewel: 1000
-		Harp_: 50
-		Harp: 100
-		Cursed_Seal: 50
-		Solace_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2651
-	SpriteName: "C1_SOHEE"
-	Name: "Swift Sohee"
-	Lv: 64
-	Hp: 14375
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1560
-	JExp: 5010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [294, 85]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 21
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 29
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 41
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2112
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Long_Hair: 9000
-		Skirt_Of_Virgin: 50
-		Nurse_Cap: 1
-		Muffler_: 5
-		Stiletto_: 5
-		Puente_Robe: 5
-		Inspector_Certificate: 350
-		Sohee_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2652
-	SpriteName: "C2_SNOWIER"
-	Name: "Solid Snowier"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 139340
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5830
-	JExp: 13110
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [926, 366]
-	Def: 121
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 936
-	AttackMotion: 1020
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Heart: 3000
-		Ice_Piece: 1000
-		Elunium_Stone: 100
-		Blue_Herb: 50
-		White_Herb: 500
-		Icicle_Fist: 3
-		Crystal_Blue: 100
-		Snowier_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2653
-	SpriteName: "C3_SNAKE"
-	Name: "Boa Ringleader"
-	Lv: 18
-	Hp: 1085
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 290
-	JExp: 645
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [49, 11]
-	Def: 9
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 18
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 14
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scale_Of_Snakes: 9000
-		Katana_: 15
-		Red_Herb: 900
-		Emveretarcon: 35
-		Posionous_Canine: 800
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1
-		Strawberry: 600
-		Snake_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2654
-	SpriteName: "C4_SMOKIE"
-	Name: "Furious Smokie"
-	Lv: 29
-	Hp: 2955
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 450
-	JExp: 1515
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [112, 33]
-	Def: 26
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 16
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 16
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 27
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Raccoon_Leaf: 5500
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Sweet_Potato: 800
-		Cat_Hairband: 1
-		Raccoondog_Doll: 2
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 5
-		Bluish_Green_Jewel: 2
-		Smokie_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2655
-	SpriteName: "C5_SLEEPER"
-	Name: "Elusive Sleeper"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 25800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2840
-	JExp: 8700
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [443, 145]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 29
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 74
-		Agi: 41
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 27
-		Dex: 65
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 195
-	AttackDelay: 1350
-	AttackMotion: 1200
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sand_Lump: 4947
-		Grit: 5335
-		Great_Nature: 2500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 300
-		Damascus_: 5
-		Hypnotists_Staff_: 5
-		Fine_Sand: 1200
-		Sleeper_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2656
-	SpriteName: "C1_SLEEPER"
-	Name: "Swift Sleeper"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 25800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2840
-	JExp: 8700
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [443, 145]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 29
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 74
-		Agi: 41
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 27
-		Dex: 65
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 195
-	AttackDelay: 1350
-	AttackMotion: 1200
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sand_Lump: 4947
-		Grit: 5335
-		Great_Nature: 2500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 300
-		Damascus_: 5
-		Hypnotists_Staff_: 5
-		Fine_Sand: 1200
-		Sleeper_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2657
-	SpriteName: "C2_SKOGUL"
-	Name: "Solid Skogul"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 342400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 14760
-	JExp: 46890
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1192, 483]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 115
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rune_Of_Darkness: 3500
-		Peuz_Seal: 10
-		Red_Gemstone: 1000
-		Rouge: 500
-		Skul_Ring: 100
-		Elunium_Stone: 500
-		Blood_Tears: 5
-		Skogul_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2658
-	Name: "Skeleton General Ringleader"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 900650
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 53070
-	JExp: 182070
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1475, 632]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 72
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 52
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 101
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burn_Tree: 2550
-		Oridecon_Stone: 160
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Gladius_: 35
-		Velum_Claymore: 80
-		Sandstorm: 15
-		Ghost_Bandana: 1
-		Skeleton_General_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2659
-	Name: "Furious Skeleton General"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 900650
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 53070
-	JExp: 182070
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1475, 632]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 72
-		Agi: 44
-		Vit: 52
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 101
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burn_Tree: 2550
-		Oridecon_Stone: 160
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 800
-		Gladius_: 35
-		Velum_Claymore: 80
-		Sandstorm: 15
-		Ghost_Bandana: 1
-		Skeleton_General_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2660
-	SpriteName: "C5_SKEL_WORKER"
-	Name: "Elusive Skeleton Worker"
-	Lv: 44
-	Hp: 6200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 830
-	JExp: 2805
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [162, 44]
-	Def: 45
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 13
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 37
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2420
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Iron: 400
-		Lantern: 5500
-		Elunium_Stone: 90
-		Safety_Helmet: 2
-		Steel: 100
-		Coal: 200
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10
-		Skel_Worker_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2661
-	SpriteName: "C1_SIROMA"
-	Name: "Swift Siroma"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 59550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4565
-	JExp: 10260
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [666, 243]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 83
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 96
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Heart: 1000
-		Ice_Piece: 500
-		Blue_Herb: 10
-		Crystal_Blue: 20
-		Siroma_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2662
-	SpriteName: "C2_SIDE_WINDER"
-	Name: "Solid Side Winder"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 27360
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1890
-	JExp: 6075
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [425, 151]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Shining_Scales: 5335
-		Zargon: 1400
-		Oridecon_Stone: 134
-		Tsurugi_: 2
-		Posionous_Canine: 2500
-		Scale_Of_Snakes: 5000
-		White_Herb: 1000
-		Side_Winder_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2663
-	SpriteName: "C3_SIDE_WINDER"
-	Name: "Side Winder Ringleader"
-	Lv: 70
-	Hp: 13680
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1890
-	JExp: 6075
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [425, 151]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Shining_Scales: 5335
-		Zargon: 1400
-		Oridecon_Stone: 134
-		Tsurugi_: 2
-		Posionous_Canine: 2500
-		Scale_Of_Snakes: 5000
-		White_Herb: 1000
-		Side_Winder_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2664
-	SpriteName: "C4_SHINOBI"
-	Name: "Furious Shinobi"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 40000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5070
-	JExp: 14265
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [714, 275]
-	Def: 49
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1003
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Shuriken: 5335
-		Ninja_Suit: 2
-		Smoke_Powder: 700
-		Shinobis_Sash: 100
-		Thief_Clothes_: 1
-		Black_Mask: 2000
-		Murasame_: 5
-		Shinobi_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2665
-	SpriteName: "C5_SHELTER"
-	Name: "Elusive Mistress of Shelter"
-	Lv: 125
-	Hp: 135000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 13030
-	JExp: 37875
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1248, 512]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 89
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 153
-		Dex: 133
-		Luk: 89
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Feather: 200
-		Cursed_Seal: 1
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 50
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 1000
-		Skull: 1000
-		Cursed_Seal: 50
-		Shelter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2666
-	SpriteName: "C1_SHELLFISH"
-	Name: "Swift Shellfish"
-	Lv: 50
-	Hp: 8400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1060
-	JExp: 3405
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [162, 35]
-	Def: 43
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 42
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clam_Shell: 5500
-		Flesh_Of_Clam: 1000
-		Stone: 500
-		Grit: 1000
-		Sparkling_Dust: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 18
-		Shellfish_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2667
-	SpriteName: "C2_SHECIL"
-	Name: "Solid Cecil Damon"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 2002550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 82835
-	JExp: 248175
-	AttackRange: 14
-	Attack: [3849, 1793]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 80
-		Dex: 308
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 1500
-		Imma_Arrow_Container: 55
-		Big_CrossBow: 10
-		High_Weapon_Box: 3
-		Will_Of_Warrior: 200
-		Goast_Chill: 1
-		Falken_Blitz: 200
-		Shecil_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2668
-	SpriteName: "C3_SEE_OTTER"
-	Name: "Sea Otter Ringleader"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 9100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1070
-	JExp: 3600
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [159, 39]
-	Def: 31
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 26
-		Dex: 41
-		Luk: 28
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 1132
-	AttackMotion: 583
-	DamageMotion: 532
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 150
-		Clam_Shell: 5500
-		Sea_Otter_Leather: 4365
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 50
-		Blue_Jewel: 50
-		Glass_Bead: 650
-		Cyfar: 1200
-		See_Otter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2669
-	SpriteName: "C4_SEDORA"
-	Name: "Furious Lamp Rey"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 110250
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9265
-	JExp: 31290
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [962, 363]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 153
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 107
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 84
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tentacle: 2500
-		Tidal_Shoes: 3
-		Ice_Fragment: 15
-		Elder_Branch: 15
-		Chinese_Ink: 1500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5
-		Crystal_Blue: 25
-		Sedora_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2670
-	SpriteName: "C5_SCORPION"
-	Name: "Elusive Scorpion"
-	Lv: 16
-	Hp: 765
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 270
-	JExp: 600
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [59, 15]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 19
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1564
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Boody_Red: 70
-		Scorpions_Tail: 5500
-		Elunium_Stone: 57
-		Solid_Shell: 210
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 100
-		Yellow_Herb: 200
-		Lusty_Iron: 20
-		Scorpion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2671
-	SpriteName: "C1_SAVAGE_BABE"
-	Name: "Swift Savage Babe"
-	Lv: 14
-	Hp: 900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 225
-	JExp: 510
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [47, 9]
-	Def: 22
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 16
-		Agi: 8
-		Vit: 9
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 21
-		Luk: 18
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1624
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Animals_Skin: 9000
-		Axe_: 100
-		Meat: 500
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1
-		Feather: 850
-		Phracon: 80
-		Sweet_Milk: 40
-		Savage_Babe_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2672
-	SpriteName: "C2_SAVAGE"
-	Name: "Solid Savage"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 23010
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1505
-	JExp: 4830
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [288, 87]
-	Def: 126
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 56
-		Agi: 21
-		Vit: 54
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wild_Boars_Mane: 9000
-		Grape: 300
-		Animal_Blood: 2
-		Eagle_Eyes: 1
-		Savage_Meat: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 70
-		Royal_Jelly: 2
-		Savage_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2673
-	SpriteName: "C3_SAVAGE"
-	Name: "Savage Ringleader"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 11505
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1505
-	JExp: 4830
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [288, 87]
-	Def: 126
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 56
-		Agi: 21
-		Vit: 54
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wild_Boars_Mane: 9000
-		Grape: 300
-		Animal_Blood: 2
-		Eagle_Eyes: 1
-		Savage_Meat: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 70
-		Royal_Jelly: 2
-		Savage_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2674
-	SpriteName: "C4_SAND_MAN"
-	Name: "Furious Sandman"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 14435
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1640
-	JExp: 5280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [261, 79]
-	Def: 126
-	Mdef: 24
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Great_Nature: 35
-		Grit: 5335
-		Elunium_Stone: 118
-		Fine_Sand: 350
-		Sparkling_Dust: 200
-		Katar_Of_Thornbush: 1
-		Hypnotists_Staff_: 5
-		Sand_Man_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2675
-	SpriteName: "C5_SALAMANDER"
-	Name: "Elusive Salamander"
-	Lv: 138
-	Hp: 401950
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 19235
-	JExp: 53535
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [2533, 1103]
-	Def: 141
-	Mdef: 68
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 189
-		Agi: 105
-		Vit: 92
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Heart: 3000
-		Flame_Heart: 30
-		Carnium: 10
-		Lesser_Elemental_Ring: 1
-		Berserk_Guitar: 50
-		Ring_: 1
-		Meteo_Plate_Armor: 20
-		Salamander_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2676
-	SpriteName: "C1_SAILOR_SKELETON"
-	Name: "Swift Sailor Skeleton"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 1550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 290
-	JExp: 645
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [59, 13]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2228
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 528
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Skel_Bone: 700
-		Pirate_Bandana: 4
-		Cookbook06: 1
-		Bandana: 60
-		Falchion: 60
-		Oridecon_Stone: 10
-		Well_Dried_Bone: 5
-	}
-	Id: 2677
-	SpriteName: "C2_ROWEEN"
-	Name: "Solid Roween"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 73850
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5070
-	JExp: 14265
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [729, 282]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 82
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Meat: 3000
-		Animals_Skin: 3000
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 50
-		Combo_Battle_Glove: 2
-		Roween_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2678
-	SpriteName: "C3_RODA_FROG"
-	Name: "Roda Frog Ringleader"
-	Lv: 13
-	Hp: 800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 225
-	JExp: 510
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [42, 9]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 6
-		Vit: 4
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 14
-		Luk: 9
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2016
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Webfoot: 9000
-		Spawn: 500
-		Green_Herb: 300
-		Azure_Jewel: 7
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 2000
-		Roda_Frog_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2679
-	SpriteName: "C4_RODA_FROG"
-	Name: "Furious Roda Frog"
-	Lv: 13
-	Hp: 800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 225
-	JExp: 510
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [42, 9]
-	Def: 12
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 7
-		Vit: 4
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 14
-		Luk: 9
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2016
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Webfoot: 9000
-		Spawn: 500
-		Green_Herb: 300
-		Azure_Jewel: 7
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 2000
-		Roda_Frog_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2680
-	SpriteName: "C5_ROCKER"
-	Name: "Elusive Rocker"
-	Lv: 15
-	Hp: 925
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 245
-	JExp: 555
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [44, 9]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 18
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Grasshoppers_Leg: 9000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10000
-		Green_Feeler: 4
-		Javelin_: 80
-		Guitar_Of_Vast_Land: 10
-		Grasshopper_Doll: 10
-		Hinalle: 10
-		Rocker_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2681
-	SpriteName: "C1_RIDEWORD"
-	Name: "Swift Rideword"
-	Lv: 74
-	Hp: 16110
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2225
-	JExp: 9090
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [512, 185]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 44
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worn_Out_Page: 4850
-		Book_Of_Billows: 4
-		Book_Of_Mother_Earth: 4
-		Book_Of_Blazing_Sun: 2
-		Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind: 2
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 300
-		Old_Magic_Book: 20
-		Rideword_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2682
-	SpriteName: "C2_RIDEWORD"
-	Name: "Solid Rideword"
-	Lv: 74
-	Hp: 32220
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2225
-	JExp: 9090
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [512, 185]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 44
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worn_Out_Page: 4850
-		Book_Of_Billows: 4
-		Book_Of_Mother_Earth: 4
-		Book_Of_Blazing_Sun: 2
-		Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind: 2
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 300
-		Old_Magic_Book: 20
-		Rideword_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2683
-	SpriteName: "C3_RICE_CAKE_BOY"
-	Name: "Dumpling Child Ringleader"
-	Lv: 60
-	Hp: 10490
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1395
-	JExp: 4470
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [238, 64]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 50
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 29
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 47
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 1247
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bamboo_Cut: 3200
-		Oil_Paper: 2500
-		Pierrot_Nose: 1
-		Blade_Of_Pinwheel: 5000
-		Bun: 1000
-		Festival_Mask: 3000
-		Rice_Cake_Boy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2684
-	SpriteName: "C4_RETRIBUTION"
-	Name: "Furious Baroness of Retribution"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 110760
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12465
-	JExp: 33465
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1305, 536]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 127
-		Dex: 149
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 360
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Feather: 400
-		Ring_: 1
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 50
-		Cardinal_Jewel: 1000
-		Manteau_: 5
-		Two_Hand_Sword_: 10
-		Cursed_Seal: 50
-		Retribution_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2685
-	SpriteName: "C5_RETRIBUTION"
-	Name: "Elusive Baroness of Retribution"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 110760
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12465
-	JExp: 33465
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1305, 536]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 127
-		Dex: 149
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 360
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Feather: 400
-		Ring_: 1
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 50
-		Cardinal_Jewel: 1000
-		Manteau_: 5
-		Two_Hand_Sword_: 10
-		Cursed_Seal: 50
-		Retribution_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2686
-	SpriteName: "C1_RETRIBUTION"
-	Name: "Swift Baroness of Retribution"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 110760
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12465
-	JExp: 33465
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1305, 536]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 127
-		Dex: 149
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 360
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Feather: 400
-		Ring_: 1
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 50
-		Cardinal_Jewel: 1000
-		Manteau_: 5
-		Two_Hand_Sword_: 10
-		Cursed_Seal: 50
-		Retribution_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2687
-	SpriteName: "C2_REQUIEM"
-	Name: "Solid Requiem"
-	Lv: 71
-	Hp: 30890
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2030
-	JExp: 6225
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [462, 167]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 12
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1516
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Blue_Box: 35
-		Emperium: 1
-		Zargon: 2500
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 3500
-		Mementos: 1500
-		Mantle_: 10
-		Cookbook06: 1
-		Requiem_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2688
-	SpriteName: "C3_REMOVAL"
-	Name: "Remover Ringleader"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 161175
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 11260
-	JExp: 25440
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1205, 479]
-	Def: 110
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 127
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 82
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1536
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 1152
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Empty_Bottle: 5000
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 5000
-		Gas_Mask: 10
-		Nice_Sweet_Potato: 500
-		Detrimindexta: 50
-		Karvodailnirol: 100
-		Fedora_: 6
-		Removal_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2689
-	SpriteName: "C5_RED_ERUMA"
-	Name: "Elusive Red Eruma"
-	Lv: 91
-	Hp: 49500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4770
-	JExp: 14310
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [763, 297]
-	Def: 102
-	Mdef: 102
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 88
-		Int: 21
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 21
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1224
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clam_Shell: 2500
-		Flesh_Of_Clam: 1000
-		Grit: 1500
-		Elunium_Stone: 50
-		Oridecon_Stone: 50
-		Old_Blue_Box: 10
-		Bad_Can: 700
-		Red_Eruma_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2690
-	SpriteName: "C1_RAYDRIC"
-	Name: "Swift Raydric"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 92040
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9000
-	JExp: 18675
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1108, 433]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 129
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 824
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Elunium: 106
-		Iron_Cane: 1
-		Chain_Mail_: 2
-		Two_Hand_Sword_: 2
-		Peuz_Plate: 100
-		Patriotism_Marks: 10
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Daydric_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2691
-	SpriteName: "C2_RAYDRIC"
-	Name: "Solid Raydric"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 184080
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9000
-	JExp: 18675
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1108, 433]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 129
-		Agi: 87
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 824
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Elunium: 106
-		Iron_Cane: 1
-		Chain_Mail_: 2
-		Two_Hand_Sword_: 2
-		Peuz_Plate: 100
-		Patriotism_Marks: 10
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Daydric_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2692
-	SpriteName: "C3_RAWREL"
-	Name: "Laurell Weinder Ringleader"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 201410
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 14625
-	JExp: 49275
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [840, 321]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 180
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 162
-		Dex: 168
-		Luk: 57
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Goast_Chill: 1000
-		Staff_Of_Wing: 1
-		Lab_Staff_Record: 5
-		Staff_: 50
-		Silk_Robe_: 10
-		Silver_Robe_: 30
-		Clip: 1
-		Rawrel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2693
-	SpriteName: "C4_RAKE_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Furious Rake Scaraba"
-	Lv: 139
-	Hp: 338500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 17475
-	JExp: 53940
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1808, 789]
-	Def: 250
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 145
-		Int: 52
-		Dex: 168
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 588
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rakehorn_Helm: 6500
-		Red_Ether_Bag: 1
-		Runstone_Ancient: 10
-		Bone_Plate: 10
-		Yellow_Live: 1
-		Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2694
-	SpriteName: "C5_RAGGLER"
-	Name: "Elusive Raggler"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 5740
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 920
-	JExp: 3105
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [146, 35]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 30
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 54
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 3000
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 5000
-		Center_Potion: 200
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 200
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 90
-		Goggle_: 7
-		Oridecon_Stone: 32
-		Raggler_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2695
-	SpriteName: "C1_RAFFLESIA"
-	Name: "Swift Rafflesia"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 29095
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3215
-	JExp: 9870
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [445, 156]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 47
-		Agi: 41
-		Vit: 44
-		Int: 29
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Root_Of_Maneater: 5500
-		Scell: 1600
-		Four_Leaf_Clover: 2
-		Ment: 10
-		Hinalle: 10
-		Shoot: 550
-		White_Herb: 30
-		Rafflesia_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2696
-	SpriteName: "C3_PORING"
-	Name: "Poring Ringleader"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 150
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [14, 3]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 7000
-		Knife_: 100
-		Sticky_Mucus: 400
-		Apple: 1000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1500
-		Apple: 150
-		Unripe_Apple: 20
-		Poring_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2697
-	SpriteName: "C4_PORING"
-	Name: "Furious Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 150
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [13, 3]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 7000
-		Knife_: 100
-		Sticky_Mucus: 400
-		Apple: 1000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1500
-		Apple: 150
-		Unripe_Apple: 20
-		Poring_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2698
-	SpriteName: "C5_PORING"
-	Name: "Elusive Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 150
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [14, 3]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 7000
-		Knife_: 100
-		Sticky_Mucus: 400
-		Apple: 1000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1500
-		Apple: 150
-		Unripe_Apple: 20
-		Poring_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2699
-	SpriteName: "C1_PORING"
-	Name: "Swift Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 150
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [14, 3]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 7000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 10000
-		Apple: 10000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1000
-		Knife_: 1500
-		Apple: 150
-		Unripe_Apple: 20
-		Poring_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2700
-	SpriteName: "C2_PORCELLIO"
-	Name: "Solid Porcellio"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 55440
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3555
-	JExp: 10905
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [432, 141]
-	Def: 79
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jubilee: 5000
-		Main_Gauche_: 25
-		Insect_Feeler: 1000
-		Single_Cell: 3000
-		Dew_Laden_Moss: 2
-		Fluorescent_Liquid: 30
-		Porcellio_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2701
-	SpriteName: "C3_POPORING"
-	Name: "Poporing Ringleader"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 2620
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 495
-	JExp: 1680
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [117, 35]
-	Def: 36
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 17
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Mucus: 5500
-		Garlet: 1500
-		Green_Herb: 500
-		Grape: 200
-		Apple: 5
-		Main_Gauche: 5
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 250
-		Poporing_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2702
-	SpriteName: "C4_POPORING"
-	Name: "Furious Poporing"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 2620
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 495
-	JExp: 1680
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [117, 35]
-	Def: 36
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 17
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Mucus: 5500
-		Garlet: 1500
-		Green_Herb: 500
-		Grape: 200
-		Apple: 5
-		Main_Gauche: 5
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 250
-		Poporing_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2703
-	SpriteName: "C5_POPORING"
-	Name: "Elusive Poporing"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 2620
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 495
-	JExp: 1680
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [117, 35]
-	Def: 36
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 17
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Mucus: 5500
-		Garlet: 1500
-		Green_Herb: 500
-		Grape: 200
-		Apple: 5
-		Main_Gauche: 5
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 250
-		Poporing_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2704
-	SpriteName: "C1_POISON_TOAD"
-	Name: "Swift Poison Toad"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 24380
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3685
-	JExp: 11310
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [376, 111]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 70
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 1148
-	AttackMotion: 1728
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Poison_Toads_Skin: 5500
-		Poison_Powder: 2400
-		Gold_Ring: 4
-		Green_Herb: 540
-		Cardinal_Jewel_: 2
-		Royal_Jelly: 2
-		Cinquedea_: 10
-		Poison_Toad_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2705
-	SpriteName: "C2_POISON_SPORE"
-	Name: "Solid Poison Spore"
-	Lv: 26
-	Hp: 4560
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 405
-	JExp: 1365
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [109, 33]
-	Def: 40
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 19
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 20
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Poison_Spore: 9000
-		Hat_: 20
-		Green_Herb: 550
-		Blue_Herb: 60
-		Karvodailnirol: 50
-		Mushroom_Spore: 1200
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 5
-		Poison_Spore_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2706
-	SpriteName: "C3_PLASMA_Y"
-	Name: "Plasma Ringleader"
-	Lv: 119
-	Hp: 103000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6860
-	JExp: 25935
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1086, 413]
-	Def: 130
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 141
-		Agi: 94
-		Vit: 75
-		Int: 91
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1056
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scell: 100
-		Gift_Box: 10
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 2
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 100
-		Gold: 1
-		Light_Granule: 300
-		Plasma_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2707
-	SpriteName: "C4_PLANKTON"
-	Name: "Furious Plankton"
-	Lv: 40
-	Hp: 6160
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 835
-	JExp: 2805
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [135, 36]
-	Def: 28
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 23
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 14
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2208
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 324
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Single_Cell: 9000
-		Garlet: 300
-		Sticky_Mucus: 700
-		Alchol: 4
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1000
-		Dew_Laden_Moss: 20
-		Center_Potion: 50
-		Plankton_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2708
-	SpriteName: "C5_PITMAN"
-	Name: "Elusive Pitman"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 36040
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3875
-	JExp: 11895
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [360, 96]
-	Def: 104
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 78
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 336
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Pick: 3000
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 500
-		Gun_Powder: 900
-		Steel: 500
-		Coal: 100
-		Lantern: 1000
-		Headlamp: 80
-		Pitman_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2709
-	SpriteName: "C1_PIRANHA"
-	Name: "Swift Piranha"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 22610
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2470
-	JExp: 7665
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [336, 96]
-	Def: 7
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Gill: 600
-		Mistic_Frozen: 5
-		Sharp_Scale: 9000
-		Tooth_Of_Ancient_Fish: 500
-		Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish: 500
-		Scalpel: 1
-		Fishermans_Dagger: 5
-	}
-	Id: 2710
-	SpriteName: "C2_PINGUICULA_D"
-	Name: "Solid Dark Pinguicula"
-	Lv: 113
-	Hp: 170020
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6825
-	JExp: 21750
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [634, 217]
-	Def: 59
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 89
-		Agi: 55
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 95
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 12
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 290
-	AttackDelay: 1426
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sharp_Leaf: 5000
-		Great_Leaf: 2000
-		Browny_Root: 3000
-		Karvodailnirol: 10
-		Withered_Flower: 1000
-		Elder_Branch: 1500
-		Rotha_Shield: 10
-		Pinguicula_Dark_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2711
-	SpriteName: "C3_PINGUICULA"
-	Name: "Pinguicula Ringleader"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 65290
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7300
-	JExp: 23955
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [696, 262]
-	Def: 46
-	Mdef: 77
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 64
-		Int: 107
-		Dex: 77
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 700
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pinguicula_Corsage: 1
-		Whip_Of_Balance: 10
-		Centimental_Leaf: 10
-		Sharp_Leaf: 5000
-		Great_Leaf: 2000
-		Browny_Root: 3000
-		Elder_Branch: 500
-		Pinguicula_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2712
-	SpriteName: "C4_PICKY_"
-	Name: "Furious Picky"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 445
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 180
-	JExp: 405
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [41, 8]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 9
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 988
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 168
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Feather_Of_Birds: 9000
-		Feather: 700
-		Egg_Shell: 10
-		Red_Herb: 600
-		Milk: 300
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 50
-		Tiny_Egg_Shell: 10
-		Picky__Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2713
-	SpriteName: "C5_PHEN"
-	Name: "Elusive Phen"
-	Lv: 52
-	Hp: 9815
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1170
-	JExp: 3765
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [203, 49]
-	Def: 44
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 2544
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 1152
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fish_Tail: 5500
-		Sharp_Scale: 2000
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 5
-		Meat: 1000
-		Fin: 500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 25
-		Phen_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2714
-	SpriteName: "C1_PETIT"
-	Name: "Swift Petite"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 28995
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3215
-	JExp: 9870
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [449, 154]
-	Def: 99
-	Mdef: 49
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 65
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2468
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragon_Canine: 5335
-		Dragon_Train: 300
-		Oridecon_Stone: 140
-		White_Herb: 1000
-		Flail: 150
-		Petti_Tail: 40
-		Aloebera: 15
-		Petit_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2715
-	SpriteName: "C2_PETIT"
-	Name: "Solid Petite"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 57990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3215
-	JExp: 9870
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [449, 154]
-	Def: 99
-	Mdef: 49
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 38
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 65
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2468
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragon_Canine: 5335
-		Dragon_Train: 300
-		Oridecon_Stone: 140
-		White_Herb: 1000
-		Flail: 150
-		Petti_Tail: 40
-		Aloebera: 15
-		Petit_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2716
-	SpriteName: "C3_PENOMENA"
-	Name: "Penomena Ringleader"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 22945
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3820
-	JExp: 11670
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [622, 231]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 832
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Coral_Reef: 4850
-		Tentacle: 8000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 7000
-		Panacea: 200
-		Violet_Jewel: 15
-		Katar_Of_Raging_Blaze: 1
-		Red_Gemstone: 550
-		Penomena_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2717
-	SpriteName: "C4_PENOMENA"
-	Name: "Furious Penomena"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 22945
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3820
-	JExp: 11670
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [621, 231]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 832
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Coral_Reef: 4850
-		Tentacle: 8000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 7000
-		Panacea: 200
-		Violet_Jewel: 15
-		Katar_Of_Raging_Blaze: 1
-		Red_Gemstone: 550
-		Penomena_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2718
-	SpriteName: "C5_PECOPECO"
-	Name: "Elusive Peco Peco"
-	Lv: 25
-	Hp: 2230
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 405
-	JExp: 1365
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [118, 37]
-	Def: 48
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 21
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 13
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1564
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bill_Of_Birds: 9000
-		Sandals_: 20
-		Yellow_Herb: 200
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 900
-		Wand: 100
-		Orange: 1000
-		Pecopeco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2719
-	SpriteName: "C1_PASANA"
-	Name: "Swift Pasana"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 17550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2670
-	JExp: 8955
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [575, 210]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 36
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 976
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Vroken_Sword: 4365
-		Honey_Jar: 2500
-		Elunium_Stone: 20
-		Falchion_: 500
-		Stiletto_: 150
-		Undershirt: 100
-		Pasana_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2720
-	SpriteName: "C2_PARASITE"
-	Name: "Solid Parasite"
-	Lv: 76
-	Hp: 32220
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2535
-	JExp: 10020
-	AttackRange: 8
-	Attack: [300, 85]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Germinating_Sprout: 5500
-		Soft_Leaf: 2000
-		Thin_Stem: 3880
-		Great_Leaf: 500
-		Rante_: 1
-		Bladed_Whip: 1
-		Pineapple: 800
-		Parasite_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2721
-	SpriteName: "C3_OWL_DUKE"
-	Name: "Owl Duke Ringleader"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 36905
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4130
-	JExp: 14640
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [744, 299]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 51
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 195
-	AttackDelay: 1345
-	AttackMotion: 824
-	DamageMotion: 440
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tatters_Clothes: 4413
-		Soft_Feather: 1500
-		Wind_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Crystal_Mirror: 1
-		Guisarme: 3
-		Morning_Star: 2
-		Magician_Hat: 1
-		Owl_Duke_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2722
-	SpriteName: "C4_ORK_WARRIOR"
-	Name: "Furious Orc Warrior"
-	Lv: 44
-	Hp: 7170
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 875
-	JExp: 4050
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [143, 33]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 16
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 210
-		Orcish_Voucher: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 40
-		Cigar: 3
-		Battle_Axe_: 10
-		Orcish_Axe: 5
-		Round_Buckler: 3
-		Orc_Warrior_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2723
-	SpriteName: "C5_ORC_ZOMBIE"
-	Name: "Elusive Orc Zombie"
-	Lv: 51
-	Hp: 9540
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1130
-	JExp: 3735
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [204, 55]
-	Def: 71
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 45
-		Agi: 17
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2852
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 840
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nail_Of_Orc: 5500
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Emperium: 1
-		Orc_Zombie_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2724
-	SpriteName: "C1_ORC_SKELETON"
-	Name: "Swift Orc Skeleton"
-	Lv: 53
-	Hp: 10385
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1205
-	JExp: 3930
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [221, 58]
-	Def: 82
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 2420
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Orcish_Cuspid: 5500
-		Skel_Bone: 3500
-		Elunium_Stone: 80
-		Viking_Helm: 2
-		Buster_: 10
-		Green_Herb: 50
-		Orc_Skeleton_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2725
-	SpriteName: "C2_ORC_LADY"
-	Name: "Solid Orc Lady"
-	Lv: 45
-	Hp: 15200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 950
-	JExp: 3255
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [154, 37]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 36
-		Agi: 11
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 57
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1050
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cyfar: 4656
-		Puente_Robe: 3
-		Earring: 1
-		Wedding_Veil: 1
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10
-		Cookbook06: 3
-		Wedding_Dress: 1
-		Orc_Lady_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2726
-	SpriteName: "C3_OBSERVATION"
-	Name: "Dame of Sentinel Ringleader"
-	Lv: 127
-	Hp: 172690
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 13890
-	JExp: 38250
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1570, 672]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 52
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 178
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Feather: 500
-		Ring_: 1
-		Cursed_Seal: 100
-		Golden_Jewel: 1000
-		Stone_Of_Intelligence_: 100
-		Hair_Band: 10
-		Golden_Bracelet: 100
-		Observation_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2727
-	SpriteName: "C4_NOXIOUS"
-	Name: "Furious Noxious"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 27150
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2440
-	JExp: 13380
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [413, 135]
-	Def: 117
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 68
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Poisonous_Gas: 1000
-		Mould_Powder: 3000
-		Anodyne: 50
-		Air_Pollutant: 3000
-		Explosive_Powder: 600
-		Tear_Gas: 300
-		Old_Blue_Box: 1
-		Noxious_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2728
-	SpriteName: "C5_NOVUS"
-	Name: "Elusive Novus"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 33350
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3590
-	JExp: 11280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [573, 205]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 74
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 151
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Green_Herb: 3000
-		Cyfar: 135
-		Dragon_Scale: 589
-		Novus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2729
-	SpriteName: "C1_NOVUS"
-	Name: "Swift Novus"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 33350
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3590
-	JExp: 11280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [573, 205]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 74
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 151
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Green_Herb: 3000
-		Cyfar: 135
-		Dragon_Scale: 589
-		Novus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2730
-	SpriteName: "C2_NOVUS"
-	Name: "Solid Novus"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 66700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3590
-	JExp: 11280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [573, 205]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 74
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 151
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Green_Herb: 3000
-		Cyfar: 135
-		Dragon_Scale: 589
-		Novus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2731
-	SpriteName: "C3_NOVUS"
-	Name: "Novus Ringleader"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 33350
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3590
-	JExp: 11280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [573, 205]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 48
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 74
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 151
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Green_Herb: 3000
-		Cyfar: 135
-		Dragon_Scale: 589
-		Novus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2732
-	Name: "Furious Nightmare Terror"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 66445
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6105
-	JExp: 16485
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1105, 440]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 118
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 63
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 43
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1216
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Horse_Shoe: 4947
-		Rosary_: 1
-		Rosary: 30
-		Blue_Potion: 50
-		Blue_Herb: 150
-		Ghost_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Infiltrator: 1
-		Nightmare_Terror_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2733
-	SpriteName: "C5_NG_WRAITH_DEAD"
-	Name: "Elusive Wraith Dead"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 77895
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6385
-	JExp: 20700
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [909, 1274]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 28
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2734
-	SpriteName: "C1_NG_WANDER_MAN"
-	Name: "Swift Wanderer"
-	Lv: 151
-	Hp: 653410
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 49535
-	JExp: 129210
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3072, 1357]
-	Def: 129
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 208
-		Agi: 151
-		Vit: 76
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 231
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 2735
-	SpriteName: "C2_NEPENTHES"
-	Name: "Solid Nephentes"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 150990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8445
-	JExp: 16125
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [1016, 405]
-	Def: 25
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 94
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 210
-		Luk: 59
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 500
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mandragora_Cap: 1
-		Stem_Of_Nepenthes: 1
-		Harp_Of_Nepenthes: 1
-		Nepenthes_Bow: 1
-		Strong_Bine: 3000
-		Yellow_Live: 50
-		Stem: 9000
-		Nepenthes_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2736
-	SpriteName: "C3_NECROMANCER"
-	Name: "Necromancer Ringleader"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 456520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 14950
-	JExp: 44850
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1545, 652]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 73
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 108
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 77
-		Int: 116
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1816
-	AttackMotion: 1320
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clattering_Skull: 3000
-		Lich_Bone_Wand: 20
-		Skel_Bone: 4500
-		Mithril_Magic_Cape: 10
-		Blue_Gemstone: 100
-		Amulet: 100
-		Rent_Spell_Book: 1500
-		Necromancer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2737
-	SpriteName: "C4_MYSTCASE"
-	Name: "Furious Myst Case"
-	Lv: 39
-	Hp: 4395
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 720
-	JExp: 2430
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [129, 32]
-	Def: 50
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 26
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Candy_Striper: 90
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10
-		Old_Blue_Box: 20
-		Piece_Of_Cake: 800
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 150
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 5
-		Candy: 340
-		Mystcase_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2738
-	SpriteName: "C5_MUSCIPULAR"
-	Name: "Elusive Muscipular"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 62750
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5830
-	JExp: 13110
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [705, 250]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 47
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Poison: 3000
-		Blossom_Of_Maneater: 3000
-		Singing_Flower: 2
-		Root_Of_Maneater: 2000
-		Stem: 1000
-		Deadly_Noxious_Herb: 3
-		Mandragora_Flowerpot: 200
-		Muscipular_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2739
-	SpriteName: "C1_MUMMY"
-	Name: "Swift Mummy"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 10775
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1275
-	JExp: 4110
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [281, 87]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 68
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Bandage: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 100
-		Mementos: 550
-		Glove: 1
-		Silver_Ring: 10
-		Panacea: 250
-		Yellow_Herb: 850
-		Mummy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2740
-	SpriteName: "C2_MUMMY"
-	Name: "Solid Mummy"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 21550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1275
-	JExp: 4110
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [281, 87]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 14
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 68
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1772
-	AttackMotion: 72
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Bandage: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 100
-		Mementos: 550
-		Glove: 1
-		Silver_Ring: 10
-		Panacea: 250
-		Yellow_Herb: 850
-		Mummy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2741
-	SpriteName: "C3_MUKA"
-	Name: "Muka Ringleader"
-	Lv: 23
-	Hp: 2340
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 360
-	JExp: 1215
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [104, 31]
-	Def: 28
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 18
-		Agi: 9
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 43
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 70
-		Cactus_Needle: 9000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 2000
-		Green_Herb: 400
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Guisarme: 50
-		Iron_Ore: 250
-		Muka_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2742
-	SpriteName: "C4_MOROCC_1"
-	Name: "Furious Incarnation of Morroc"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 319500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 14275
-	JExp: 24705
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2082, 912]
-	Def: 199
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 118
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 114
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Herald_Of_GOD: 10
-		Dark_Crystal: 1000
-		Dark_Debris: 3000
-		Elunium: 160
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Diabolus_Manteau: 3
-		Nemesis: 20
-	}
-	Id: 2743
-	SpriteName: "C5_MOROCC_1"
-	Name: "Elusive Incarnation of Morroc"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 319500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 14275
-	JExp: 24705
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2082, 913]
-	Def: 199
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 114
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Herald_Of_GOD: 10
-		Dark_Crystal: 1000
-		Dark_Debris: 3000
-		Elunium: 160
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Diabolus_Manteau: 3
-		Nemesis: 20
-	}
-	Id: 2744
-	SpriteName: "C1_MOROCC_1"
-	Name: "Swift Incarnation of Morroc"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 319500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 14275
-	JExp: 24705
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2082, 913]
-	Def: 199
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 91
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 114
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Herald_Of_GOD: 10
-		Dark_Crystal: 1000
-		Dark_Debris: 3000
-		Elunium: 160
-		Brigan: 4850
-		Diabolus_Manteau: 3
-		Nemesis: 20
-	}
-	Id: 2745
-	SpriteName: "C2_MOLE"
-	Name: "Solid Holden"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 62280
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3315
-	JExp: 10185
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [412, 137]
-	Def: 82
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 53
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 31
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 58
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1400
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moustache_Of_Mole: 5000
-		Nail_Of_Mole: 5000
-		Super_Novice_Hat_: 50
-		Six_Shooter_: 5
-		Mole_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2746
-	SpriteName: "C3_MIYABI_NINGYO"
-	Name: "Miyabi Doll Ringleader"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 25940
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3070
-	JExp: 9420
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [379, 114]
-	Def: 57
-	Mdef: 19
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1938
-	AttackMotion: 2112
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Glossy_Hair: 5335
-		Old_Japaness_Clothes: 2500
-		White_Herb: 1550
-		Star_Crumb: 1250
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 10
-		Hakujin: 5
-		Mandolin_: 2
-		Miyabi_Ningyo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2747
-	SpriteName: "C4_MINOROUS"
-	Name: "Furious Minorous"
-	Lv: 58
-	Hp: 9465
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1425
-	JExp: 4515
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [359, 119]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1360
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nose_Ring: 5335
-		Oridecon_Stone: 196
-		Two_Handed_Axe_: 2
-		Hammer_Of_Blacksmith: 10
-		Beef_Head_Meat: 10
-		Axe: 200
-		Lemon: 300
-		Minorous_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2748
-	SpriteName: "C5_MINOROUS"
-	Name: "Elusive Minorous"
-	Lv: 58
-	Hp: 9465
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1425
-	JExp: 4515
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [359, 119]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1360
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nose_Ring: 5335
-		Oridecon_Stone: 196
-		Two_Handed_Axe_: 2
-		Hammer_Of_Blacksmith: 10
-		Beef_Head_Meat: 10
-		Axe: 200
-		Lemon: 300
-		Minorous_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2749
-	SpriteName: "C1_MINOROUS"
-	Name: "Swift Minorous"
-	Lv: 58
-	Hp: 9465
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1425
-	JExp: 4515
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [359, 119]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1360
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nose_Ring: 5335
-		Oridecon_Stone: 196
-		Two_Handed_Axe_: 2
-		Hammer_Of_Blacksmith: 10
-		Beef_Head_Meat: 10
-		Axe: 200
-		Lemon: 300
-		Minorous_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2750
-	SpriteName: "C2_MINERAL"
-	Name: "Solid Mineral"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 83000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4010
-	JExp: 15195
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [886, 361]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 23
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 648
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fragment_Of_Crystal: 3000
-		Golden_Jewel: 500
-		Emperium: 2
-		Oridecon: 80
-		Emveretarcon: 800
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 100
-		Gold: 2
-		Mineral_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2751
-	SpriteName: "C3_MIMING"
-	Name: "Miming Ringleader"
-	Lv: 140
-	Hp: 406000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 23075
-	JExp: 56700
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [849, 309]
-	Def: 120
-	Mdef: 120
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 105
-		Int: 77
-		Dex: 200
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 1140
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Golden_Feather: 5000
-		Light_Granule: 100
-		Gold: 1
-		Telekinetic_Orb: 1
-		Miming_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2752
-	SpriteName: "C4_MIMIC"
-	Name: "Furious Mimic"
-	Lv: 56
-	Hp: 9695
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1275
-	JExp: 4110
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [327, 111]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 49
-		Agi: 156
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5
-		Old_Blue_Box: 45
-		Booby_Trap: 1200
-		Spectacles: 3000
-		Light_Granule: 1000
-		Rosary_: 1
-		Elunium_Stone: 270
-		Mimic_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2753
-	SpriteName: "C5_MIMIC"
-	Name: "Elusive Mimic"
-	Lv: 56
-	Hp: 9695
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1275
-	JExp: 4110
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [327, 111]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 49
-		Agi: 120
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Violet_Box: 5
-		Old_Blue_Box: 45
-		Booby_Trap: 1200
-		Spectacles: 3000
-		Light_Granule: 1000
-		Rosary_: 1
-		Elunium_Stone: 270
-		Mimic_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2754
-	SpriteName: "C1_METALLER"
-	Name: "Swift Metaller"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 8435
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1180
-	JExp: 3795
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [295, 94]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 52
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1708
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Boody_Red: 60
-		Grasshoppers_Leg: 6500
-		Scell: 400
-		Elunium_Stone: 49
-		Singing_Plant: 20
-		Shell: 3000
-		Guitar_Of_Passion: 10
-		Metaller_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2755
-	SpriteName: "C2_METALING"
-	Name: "Solid Metaling"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 43000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2620
-	JExp: 8055
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [319, 90]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 49
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tube: 4000
-		Iron_Ore: 1000
-		Iron: 500
-		Large_Jellopy: 1000
-		Screw: 200
-		Crimson_Bolt_: 5
-		Jubilee: 5000
-		Metaling_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2756
-	SpriteName: "C3_METALING"
-	Name: "Metaling Ringleader"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 21500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2620
-	JExp: 8055
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [319, 90]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 49
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tube: 4000
-		Iron_Ore: 1000
-		Iron: 500
-		Large_Jellopy: 1000
-		Screw: 200
-		Crimson_Bolt_: 5
-		Jubilee: 5000
-		Metaling_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2757
-	SpriteName: "C4_MERMAN"
-	Name: "Furious Merman"
-	Lv: 60
-	Hp: 14700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1615
-	JExp: 5190
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [229, 63]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 45
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 19
-		Dex: 55
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 916
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lip_Of_Ancient_Fish: 1300
-		Plate_Armor_: 2
-		Lemon: 400
-		Skyblue_Jewel: 40
-		Mistic_Frozen: 35
-		Trident: 3
-		Oridecon_Stone: 203
-		Merman_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2758
-	SpriteName: "C5_MENBLATT"
-	Name: "Elusive Menblatt"
-	Lv: 143
-	Hp: 411000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20750
-	JExp: 61575
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [996, 391]
-	Def: 79
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 472
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fancy_Fairy_Wing: 2000
-		Great_Wing: 1000
-		Sharp_Feeler: 2304
-		Menblatt_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2759
-	SpriteName: "C1_MEDUSA"
-	Name: "Swift Medusa"
-	Lv: 102
-	Hp: 50225
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5210
-	JExp: 11715
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [796, 297]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 66
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 79
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1720
-	AttackMotion: 1320
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Slender_Snake: 5335
-		Whip_Of_Red_Flame: 250
-		Animal_Blood: 200
-		Sea_Witch_Foot: 20
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 250
-		Rafini_Staff: 5
-		Penetration: 3
-		Medusa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2760
-	SpriteName: "C2_MARTIN"
-	Name: "Solid Martin"
-	Lv: 39
-	Hp: 10560
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 775
-	JExp: 2625
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [131, 33]
-	Def: 58
-	Mdef: 19
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 25
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moustache_Of_Mole: 9000
-		Nail_Of_Mole: 500
-		Jur_: 10
-		Goggle_: 5
-		Safety_Helmet: 1
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10
-		Goggle: 15
-		Martin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2761
-	SpriteName: "C3_MARIONETTE"
-	Name: "Marionette Ringleader"
-	Lv: 90
-	Hp: 35830
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3965
-	JExp: 15060
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [354, 107]
-	Def: 35
-	Mdef: 24
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 105
-		Dex: 86
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 1056
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Golden_Hair: 9000
-		Star_Dust: 5
-		Brooch: 1
-		Fire_Scroll_3_5: 100
-		Chain_: 15
-		Chrystal_Pumps: 1
-		Marionette_Doll: 3
-		Marionette_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2762
-	SpriteName: "C4_MARIN"
-	Name: "Furious Marin"
-	Lv: 37
-	Hp: 4935
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 705
-	JExp: 2370
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [126, 33]
-	Def: 32
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 24
-		Agi: 6
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Garlet: 3200
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1500
-		Cold_Scroll_2_1: 100
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 40
-		Blue_Herb: 75
-		Candy: 350
-		Poring_Hat: 1
-		Marin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2763
-	SpriteName: "C5_MARDUK"
-	Name: "Elusive Marduk"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 14465
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2125
-	JExp: 6540
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [328, 95]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1540
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Flame_Heart: 35
-		Sacred_Masque: 4365
-		Staff_: 10
-		Mitten_Of_Presbyter: 1
-		Blessed_Wand: 3
-		Fire_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Book_Of_Devil: 20
-		Marduk_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2764
-	SpriteName: "C1_MANTIS"
-	Name: "Swift Mantis"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 13595
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1560
-	JExp: 5010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [299, 89]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 55
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 46
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 110
-		Limb_Of_Mantis: 9000
-		Scell: 1400
-		Elunium_Stone: 70
-		Solid_Shell: 250
-		Azure_Jewel: 10
-		Red_Herb: 650
-		Mantis_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2765
-	SpriteName: "C2_MANDRAGORA"
-	Name: "Solid Mandragora"
-	Lv: 13
-	Hp: 1560
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 240
-	JExp: 540
-	AttackRange: 4
-	Attack: [44, 9]
-	Def: 13
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 10
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 1000
-	AttackDelay: 1768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 50
-		Stem: 9000
-		Spear_: 30
-		Green_Herb: 350
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 300
-		Four_Leaf_Clover: 3
-		Whip_Of_Earth: 10
-		Mandragora_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2766
-	SpriteName: "C3_MANANANGGAL"
-	Name: "Manananggal Ringleader"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 102255
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7075
-	JExp: 25380
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [950, 385]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 71
-		Dex: 75
-		Luk: 46
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 280
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Silver_Bracelet: 2000
-		Elegant_Flower: 1000
-		Wing_Of_Red_Bat: 1000
-		Tooth_Of_Bat: 1000
-		Beautiful_Flower: 1000
-		Mysterious_Flower: 1000
-		Insideout_Shirt: 100
-		Manananggal_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2767
-	SpriteName: "C4_MAJORUROS"
-	Name: "Furious Majoruros"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 59005
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9270
-	JExp: 19800
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1035, 408]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 75
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 86
-		Luk: 49
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1100
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 780
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Nose_Ring: 4413
-		Two_Handed_Axe_: 4
-		Beef_Head_Meat: 300
-		Oridecon: 16
-		White_Herb: 1850
-		Silver_Ring: 160
-		Star_Crumb: 250
-		Majoruros_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2768
-	SpriteName: "C5_MAGNOLIA"
-	Name: "Elusive Magnolia"
-	Lv: 53
-	Hp: 9920
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1155
-	JExp: 3705
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [194, 46]
-	Def: 51
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 49
-		Agi: 25
-		Vit: 21
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 85
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1054
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Frying_Pan: 9000
-		Garlet: 800
-		Yellow_Herb: 10000
-		Zargon: 10
-		Black_Ladle: 40
-		Scell: 400
-		High_end_Cooking_Kits: 5
-		Magnolia_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2769
-	SpriteName: "C1_MAGMARING"
-	Name: "Swift Magmaring"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 65395
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7605
-	JExp: 17115
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1062, 423]
-	Def: 190
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 107
-		Agi: 33
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 47
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1472
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Heart: 3000
-		Elunium_Stone: 34
-		Magmaring_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2770
-	SpriteName: "C2_LUNATIC"
-	Name: "Solid Lunatic"
-	Lv: 3
-	Hp: 550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 195
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [23, 5]
-	Def: 18
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 3
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 8
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1456
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clover: 6500
-		Feather: 1000
-		Apple: 10000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 5000
-		Carrot: 10000
-		Pierrot_Nose: 1100
-		Rainbow_Carrot: 20
-		Lunatic_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2771
-	SpriteName: "C3_LUNATIC"
-	Name: "Lunatic Ringleader"
-	Lv: 3
-	Hp: 275
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 195
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [23, 5]
-	Def: 18
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 3
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 8
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1456
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clover: 6500
-		Feather: 1000
-		Pierrot_Nose: 4
-		Apple: 2000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 600
-		Carrot: 1100
-		Rainbow_Carrot: 20
-		Lunatic_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2772
-	SpriteName: "C4_LUDE"
-	Name: "Furious Lude"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 57870
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5075
-	JExp: 11400
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [468, 135]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 890
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pumpkin_Bucket: 3200
-		Ectoplasm: 5723
-		Transparent_Cloth: 1000
-		Spirit_Chain: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 10
-		Holy_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Yellow_Powder: 300
-		Lude_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2773
-	SpriteName: "C5_LUCIOLA_VESPA"
-	Name: "Elusive Luciola Vespa"
-	Lv: 109
-	Hp: 62330
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7365
-	JExp: 16245
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [761, 283]
-	Def: 59
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 88
-		Agi: 89
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 143
-		Luk: 59
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-		TargetWeak: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 110
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sprint_Ring: 2
-		Bradium: 1
-		Black_Wing_Suits: 9000
-		Honey: 300
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 160
-		Royal_Jelly: 200
-		Solid_Shell: 3000
-		Luciola_Vespa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2774
-	SpriteName: "C1_LOLI_RURI"
-	Name: "Swift Loli Ruri"
-	Lv: 109
-	Hp: 76400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8370
-	JExp: 18825
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1297, 539]
-	Def: 53
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 79
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 125
-	AttackDelay: 747
-	AttackMotion: 1632
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Black_Kitty_Doll: 800
-		Striped_Socks: 3000
-		Bat_Cage: 5044
-		Elunium: 100
-		Lokis_Whispers: 1
-		Lunatic_Brooch: 5
-		Sabah_Cloth: 100
-		Loli_Ruri_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2775
-	SpriteName: "C2_LIVE_PEACH_TREE"
-	Name: "Solid Enchanted Peach Tree"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 87770
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4495
-	JExp: 12930
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [504, 169]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 76
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 92
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 410
-	AttackDelay: 400
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Hard_Peach: 4365
-		Elder_Branch: 100
-		Royal_Jelly: 1000
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 400
-		Banana_Juice: 100
-		Old_Blue_Box: 5
-		Live_Peach_Tree_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2776
-	SpriteName: "C3_LITTLE_PORING"
-	Name: "Baby Poring Ringleader"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 90
-	JExp: 150
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [14, 3]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 9000
-		Knife_: 100
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		Apple: 5000
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Apple: 500
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Novice_Poring_Card: 100
-	}
-	Id: 2777
-	SpriteName: "C4_LITTLE_FATUM"
-	Name: "Furious Little Fatum"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 425500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 24375
-	JExp: 58500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [787, 317]
-	Def: 51
-	Mdef: 198
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 85
-		Vit: 17
-		Int: 148
-		Dex: 222
-		Luk: 97
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 300
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Angel_Magic_Power: 5000
-		Light_Granule: 100
-		Beef_Toast: 100
-		Dance_Shoes: 1
-		Little_Fatum_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2778
-	SpriteName: "C5_LI_ME_MANG_RYANG"
-	Name: "Elusive Jing Guai"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 25935
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2930
-	JExp: 8970
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [329, 95]
-	Def: 110
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 22
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tiger_Skin_Panties: 4500
-		Little_Blacky_Ghost: 400
-		Club: 10
-		Spike: 1
-		Li_Me_Mang_Ryang_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2779
-	SpriteName: "C1_LES"
-	Name: "Swift Les"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 31080
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3315
-	JExp: 10170
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [429, 143]
-	Def: 123
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 230
-	AttackDelay: 1728
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sharp_Leaf: 2000
-		Green_Herb: 1000
-		Shoot: 1000
-		Stem: 2500
-		Centimental_Leaf: 1
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 500
-		Blue_Herb: 50
-	}
-	Id: 2780
-	SpriteName: "C2_LEIB_OLMAI"
-	Name: "Solid Leib Olmai"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 240010
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9500
-	JExp: 30960
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1049, 429]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 72
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 80
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 77
-		Luk: 27
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 230
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bears_Foot: 4550
-		Poo_Poo_Hat: 8
-		Stuffed_Doll: 120
-		Honey: 500
-		Pocket_Watch_: 5
-		Gold: 5
-		Cyfar: 800
-		Leib_Olmai_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2781
-	SpriteName: "C3_LEAF_CAT"
-	Name: "Leaf Cat Ringleader"
-	Lv: 64
-	Hp: 13175
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1560
-	JExp: 5010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [250, 71]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 46
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 12
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 29
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 720
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Great_Leaf: 4365
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 300
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 5
-		Fish_Tail: 1100
-		Lemon: 250
-		Prawn: 500
-		Leaf_Clothes: 5335
-		Leaf_Cat_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2784
-	SpriteName: "C1_KOBOLD_ARCHER"
-	Name: "Swift Kobold Archer"
-	Lv: 108
-	Hp: 55265
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6480
-	JExp: 23580
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [938, 365]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 99
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 124
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 250
-		Steel: 60
-		Cobold_Hair: 4850
-		Ear_Of_Puppy: 50
-		Poison_Arrow: 2000
-		CrossBow_: 5
-		Oridecon_Stone: 79
-		Kobold_Archer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2785
-	SpriteName: "C2_KOBOLD_1"
-	Name: "Solid Kobold"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 104830
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6820
-	JExp: 15345
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [888, 337]
-	Def: 103
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 109
-		Agi: 76
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 53
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1028
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 100
-		Cobold_Hair: 5335
-		Zargon: 700
-		Elunium_Stone: 25
-		Gladius_: 2
-		Buckler_: 5
-		Kobold_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2786
-	SpriteName: "C3_KNOCKER"
-	Name: "Knocker Ringleader"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 219500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 11990
-	JExp: 33900
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1069, 425]
-	Def: 126
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 93
-		Agi: 62
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1548
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Great_Nature: 30
-		Coal: 150
-		Elder_Pixies_Beard: 5500
-		Elven_Ears: 1
-		Carnium: 10
-		Thorny_Buckler: 3
-		Earth_Bow: 5
-		Knocker_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2787
-	SpriteName: "C4_KIND_OF_BEETLE"
-	Name: "Furious Beetle King"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 10305
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1180
-	JExp: 3795
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [218, 55]
-	Def: 79
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 53
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 10
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1247
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Solid_Peeling: 6500
-		Beetle_Nipper: 4500
-		Insect_Feeler: 1000
-		Worm_Peelings: 500
-		Guard_: 1
-		Kind_Of_Beetle_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2788
-	SpriteName: "C5_KASA"
-	Name: "Elusive Kasa"
-	Lv: 135
-	Hp: 350640
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 18195
-	JExp: 57810
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1691, 723]
-	Def: 104
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 74
-		Vit: 65
-		Int: 78
-		Dex: 162
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 800
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burning_Heart: 3000
-		Hot_Hair: 2500
-		Flame_Heart: 30
-		Lesser_Elemental_Ring: 1
-		Flame_Sprits_Armor: 10
-		Burning_Bow: 10
-		Piercing_Staff: 10
-		Kasa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2789
-	SpriteName: "C1_KARAKASA"
-	Name: "Swift Karakasa"
-	Lv: 72
-	Hp: 15460
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2105
-	JExp: 6450
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [302, 83]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 29
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 73
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1638
-	AttackMotion: 2016
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Oil_Paper: 5000
-		Bamboo_Cut: 4268
-		Wooden_Block: 3200
-		Smooth_Paper: 2200
-		Zargon: 4074
-		Glass_Bead: 30
-		Murasame: 5
-		Karakasa_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2790
-	SpriteName: "C2_ISIS"
-	Name: "Solid Isis"
-	Lv: 59
-	Hp: 20920
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1395
-	JExp: 4470
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [310, 97]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 43
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 43
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1384
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Scales_Shell: 5335
-		Circlet_: 5
-		Necklace: 1
-		Crystal_Jewel___: 150
-		Crystal_Jewel__: 20
-		Shining_Scales: 1000
-		Crystal_Jewel_: 5
-		Isis_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2791
-	SpriteName: "C3_ISILLA"
-	Name: "Isilla Ringleader"
-	Lv: 124
-	Hp: 131620
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 11230
-	JExp: 23325
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1027, 407]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 19
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 90
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 43
-		Int: 82
-		Dex: 127
-		Luk: 75
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		White_Mask: 2500
-		High_Fashion_Sandals: 1
-		Bloody_Rune: 1000
-		Gold_Ring: 10
-		Ring: 1
-		Bloody_Rune: 100
-		Ur_Seal: 10
-		Isilla_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2792
-	SpriteName: "C4_INJUSTICE"
-	Name: "Furious Injustice"
-	Lv: 95
-	Hp: 39760
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4720
-	JExp: 14970
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [600, 215]
-	Def: 76
-	Mdef: 31
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 77
-		Agi: 76
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 65
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 770
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 300
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Cyfar: 3500
-		Padded_Armor_: 5
-		Plate_Armor: 2
-		Prohibition_Red_Candle: 2
-		Jamadhar_: 2
-		Injustice_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2793
-	SpriteName: "C5_INCREASE_SOIL"
-	Name: "Elusive Mi Gao"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 26675
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3300
-	JExp: 11460
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [500, 175]
-	Def: 112
-	Mdef: 39
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 49
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 445
-	AttackDelay: 106
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dried_Sand: 4365
-		Mud_Lump: 2300
-		Great_Nature: 10
-		Gold: 2
-		Increase_Soil_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2794
-	SpriteName: "C1_ICE_TITAN"
-	Name: "Swift Ice Titan"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 104100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8170
-	JExp: 23790
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1287, 522]
-	Def: 344
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 133
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 78
-		Int: 33
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 26
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 861
-	AttackMotion: 660
-	DamageMotion: 144
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ice_Heart: 5000
-		Ice_Piece: 3000
-		Frozen_Rose: 100
-		Oridecon: 10
-		Huuma_Fluttering_Snow: 30
-		Cold_Ice: 500
-		Mistic_Frozen: 100
-		Ice_Titan_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2795
-	SpriteName: "C2_IARA"
-	Name: "Solid Iara"
-	Lv: 79
-	Hp: 58900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2940
-	JExp: 6675
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [328, 90]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 76
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Mistic_Frozen: 5
-		Heart_Of_Mermaid: 9000
-		Fin: 500
-		Witherless_Rose: 50
-		Crystal_Mirror: 100
-		Illusion_Flower: 10
-		Mage_Coat: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2796
-	SpriteName: "C3_HYEGUN"
-	Name: "Yao Jun Ringleader"
-	Lv: 87
-	Hp: 34980
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3525
-	JExp: 10830
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [416, 130]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 38
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 890
-	AttackMotion: 1320
-	DamageMotion: 720
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 3880
-		Amulet: 100
-		Elunium: 10
-		Boots_: 1
-		Munak_Doll: 300
-		Claire_Suits: 10
-		Hyegun_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2797
-	SpriteName: "C4_HUNTER_FLY"
-	Name: "Furious Hunter Fly"
-	Lv: 63
-	Hp: 10250
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1585
-	JExp: 5100
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [311, 108]
-	Def: 46
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 93
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 676
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rough_Wind: 30
-		Steel: 100
-		Solid_Shell: 5335
-		Zargon: 1300
-		Oridecon_Stone: 129
-		Mini_Propeller: 1
-		Damascus_: 2
-		Hunter_Fly_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2798
-	SpriteName: "C5_HORNET"
-	Name: "Elusive Hornet"
-	Lv: 11
-	Hp: 450
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 200
-	JExp: 450
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [35, 6]
-	Def: 7
-	Mdef: 1
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 4
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1292
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 216
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 80
-		Bee_Sting: 9000
-		Jellopy: 3500
-		Main_Gauche_: 15
-		Green_Herb: 350
-		Honey: 150
-		Hornet_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2799
-	SpriteName: "C1_HORN_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Swift Uni-horn Scaraba"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 255500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 13050
-	JExp: 36090
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1024, 425]
-	Def: 135
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 44
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 21
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Singlehorn_Helm: 6500
-		Imperial_Spear: 1
-		Runstone_Ancient: 10
-		Elder_Branch: 10
-		Yellow_Live: 1
-		Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2800
-	SpriteName: "C2_HORN"
-	Name: "Solid Horn"
-	Lv: 32
-	Hp: 7050
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 540
-	JExp: 1815
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [102, 31]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 21
-		Luk: 35
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 80
-		Emveretarcon: 35
-		Horn: 5500
-		Guisarme_: 15
-		Shell: 5500
-		Solid_Shell: 70
-		Horn_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2801
-	SpriteName: "C3_HODREMLIN"
-	Name: "Hodremlin Ringleader"
-	Lv: 122
-	Hp: 115910
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 12210
-	JExp: 25350
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1144, 459]
-	Def: 75
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 77
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 140
-	AttackDelay: 960
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Prickly_Fruit_: 1000
-		Will_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Boots_: 2
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1000
-		Bloody_Rune: 1000
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 2000
-		Shadow_Walk: 10
-		Hodremlin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2802
-	SpriteName: "C4_HODE"
-	Name: "Furious Hode"
-	Lv: 63
-	Hp: 13380
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1660
-	JExp: 5325
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [295, 85]
-	Def: 91
-	Mdef: 24
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 42
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 32
-		Luk: 40
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1480
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 720
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yellow_Live: 120
-		Earthworm_Peeling: 9000
-		Elunium_Stone: 80
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Town_Sword_: 10
-		Foolishness_Of_Blind: 1
-		Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm: 20
-		Hode_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2803
-	SpriteName: "C5_HILL_WIND_1"
-	Name: "Elusive Hill Wind"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 45500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5700
-	JExp: 12810
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [590, 192]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 105
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 96
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Harpys_Feather: 4000
-		Harpys_Claw: 3000
-		Monsters_Feed: 1000
-		Blue_Herb: 10
-		Hill_Wind_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2804
-	SpriteName: "C1_HILL_WIND_1"
-	Name: "Swift Hill Wind"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 45500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5700
-	JExp: 12810
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [590, 192]
-	Def: 90
-	Mdef: 37
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 105
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 96
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Harpys_Feather: 4000
-		Harpys_Claw: 3000
-		Monsters_Feed: 1000
-		Blue_Herb: 10
-		Hill_Wind_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2805
-	SpriteName: "C2_HIGH_ORC"
-	Name: "Solid High Orc"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 41930
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3020
-	JExp: 8685
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [566, 205]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 83
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Ogre_Tooth: 2500
-		Orcish_Axe: 10
-		Steel: 90
-		Orcish_Voucher: 7500
-		Zargon: 1300
-		Oridecon_Stone: 196
-		Yellow_Herb: 900
-		High_Orc_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2806
-	SpriteName: "C3_HARPY"
-	Name: "Harpy Ringleader"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 22115
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3300
-	JExp: 11400
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [480, 163]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 12
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 470
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Harpys_Feather: 4850
-		Harpys_Claw: 2500
-		Yellow_Herb: 1500
-		Yellow_Herb: 800
-		Izidor: 20
-		Electric_Fist: 20
-		Harpy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2807
-	SpriteName: "C4_HARPY"
-	Name: "Furious Harpy"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 22115
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3300
-	JExp: 11400
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [480, 163]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 12
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 470
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Harpys_Feather: 4850
-		Harpys_Claw: 2500
-		Yellow_Herb: 1500
-		Yellow_Herb: 800
-		Izidor: 20
-		Electric_Fist: 20
-		Harpy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2808
-	SpriteName: "C5_GREEN_IGUANA"
-	Name: "Elusive Grove"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 10450
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1275
-	JExp: 4110
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [253, 70]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 42
-		Vit: 22
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 17
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 1500
-		Reptile_Tongue: 1000
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 1000
-		Green_Herb: 1000
-		Monsters_Feed: 2000
-		Aloebera: 10
-		Melon: 500
-		Green_Iguana_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2809
-	Name: "Swift Greatest General"
-	Lv: 55
-	Hp: 7875
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1275
-	JExp: 4110
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [329, 109]
-	Def: 114
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 28
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 2000
-		Wooden_Block: 2000
-		Club: 100
-		Inspector_Certificate: 300
-		Stop_Post: 1
-		Yellow_Herb: 250
-		Earth_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Greatest_General_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2810
-	SpriteName: "C2_GRAND_PECO"
-	Name: "Solid Grand Peco"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 31500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2440
-	JExp: 7485
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [471, 167]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 23
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1460
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Peco_Wing_Feather: 4850
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 300
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 1000
-		Gold: 1
-		Orange: 500
-		Grand_Peco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2811
-	SpriteName: "C3_GRAND_PECO"
-	Name: "Grand Peco Ringleader"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 15750
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2440
-	JExp: 7485
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [471, 167]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 23
-		Dex: 61
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1460
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Peco_Wing_Feather: 4850
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 300
-		Wind_Of_Verdure: 1000
-		Gold: 1
-		Orange: 500
-		Grand_Peco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2812
-	SpriteName: "C4_GOLEM"
-	Name: "Furious Golem"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 11225
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1415
-	JExp: 4560
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [329, 99]
-	Def: 190
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 67
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 34
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1608
-	AttackMotion: 816
-	DamageMotion: 396
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 150
-		Stone_Heart: 9000
-		Zargon: 220
-		Elunium_Stone: 70
-		Siver_Guard: 5
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 200
-		Iron: 350
-		Golem_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2813
-	SpriteName: "C5_GOBLIN_1"
-	Name: "Elusive Goblin"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 5290
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 920
-	JExp: 3105
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [168, 41]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 37
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 270
-		Scell: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 43
-		Goblini_Mask: 3
-		Dirk_: 10
-		Buckler_: 5
-		Red_Herb: 1800
-		Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2814
-	SpriteName: "C1_GOBLIN_1"
-	Name: "Swift Goblin"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 5290
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 920
-	JExp: 3105
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [168, 41]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 37
-		Agi: 54
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1120
-	AttackMotion: 620
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 270
-		Scell: 9000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 43
-		Goblini_Mask: 3
-		Dirk_: 10
-		Buckler_: 5
-		Red_Herb: 1800
-		Goblin_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2815
-	SpriteName: "C2_GOAT"
-	Name: "Solid Goat"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 39800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2930
-	JExp: 8970
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [549, 205]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1380
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Goats_Horn: 4559
-		Gaoats_Skin: 2500
-		Empty_Bottle: 5000
-		Red_Herb: 500
-		Blue_Herb: 1000
-		Yellow_Herb: 2500
-		Green_Herb: 5500
-		Goat_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2816
-	SpriteName: "C3_GOAT"
-	Name: "Goat Ringleader"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 19900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2930
-	JExp: 8970
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [549, 205]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 31
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1380
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Goats_Horn: 4559
-		Gaoats_Skin: 2500
-		Empty_Bottle: 5000
-		Red_Herb: 500
-		Blue_Herb: 1000
-		Yellow_Herb: 2500
-		Green_Herb: 5500
-		Goat_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2817
-	SpriteName: "C4_GLD_KOBOLD_2"
-	Name: "Furious Dark Hammer Kobold"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 906700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 51800
-	JExp: 182700
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1582, 672]
-	Def: 117
-	Mdef: 59
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 96
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 50
-		Cobold_Hair: 2668
-		Zargon: 350
-		Elunium: 13
-		Velum_Guillotine: 1
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2818
-	SpriteName: "C5_GLD_KOBOLD_2"
-	Name: "Elusive Dark Hammer Kobold"
-	Lv: 142
-	Hp: 906700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 51800
-	JExp: 182700
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1582, 673]
-	Def: 117
-	Mdef: 59
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 96
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 48
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1528
-	AttackMotion: 528
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Steel: 50
-		Cobold_Hair: 2668
-		Zargon: 350
-		Elunium: 13
-		Velum_Guillotine: 1
-		Sg_White_Potion_Box: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2819
-	SpriteName: "C1_GLD_DARK_SHADOW"
-	Name: "Swift Dark Shadow"
-	Lv: 147
-	Hp: 1020550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 57500
-	JExp: 181800
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1888, 793]
-	Def: 140
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 155
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 89
-		Int: 108
-		Dex: 213
-		Luk: 76
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1776
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Black_Cloth: 2500
-		Skul_Ring: 500
-		Dagger_Of_Hunter: 3
-		Piece_Of_Darkness: 500
-		Eyes_Stone_Ring: 1
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 2
-		Bradium: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2820
-	SpriteName: "C2_GLD_DARK_SHADOW"
-	Name: "Solid Dark Shadow"
-	Lv: 147
-	Hp: 2041090
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 57500
-	JExp: 181800
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1888, 793]
-	Def: 140
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 155
-		Agi: 126
-		Vit: 89
-		Int: 108
-		Dex: 213
-		Luk: 76
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1776
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Piece_Of_Black_Cloth: 2500
-		Skul_Ring: 500
-		Dagger_Of_Hunter: 3
-		Piece_Of_Darkness: 500
-		Eyes_Stone_Ring: 1
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 2
-		Bradium: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2821
-	SpriteName: "C3_GIANT_HONET"
-	Name: "Giant Hornet Ringleader"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 132605
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9005
-	JExp: 29895
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [968, 389]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 45
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 32
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 1292
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 340
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Royal_Jelly: 550
-		Honey: 1200
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 12
-		Sg_Violet_Potion_Box: 15
-		Staff_: 3
-		Scarlet_Jewel: 20
-		Double_Bound: 15
-		Giant_Honet_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2822
-	SpriteName: "C4_GHOUL"
-	Name: "Furious Ghoul"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 13070
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1530
-	JExp: 4920
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [334, 109]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 56
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 19
-		Int: 11
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2456
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 6000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 110
-		White_Herb: 700
-		Green_Herb: 800
-		Skul_Ring: 60
-		Mementos: 150
-		Ghoul_Leg: 1
-		Ghoul_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2823
-	SpriteName: "C5_GHOUL"
-	Name: "Elusive Ghoul"
-	Lv: 61
-	Hp: 13070
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1530
-	JExp: 4920
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [334, 109]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 56
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 19
-		Int: 11
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2456
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 6000
-		Oridecon_Stone: 110
-		White_Herb: 700
-		Green_Herb: 800
-		Skul_Ring: 60
-		Mementos: 150
-		Ghoul_Leg: 1
-		Ghoul_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2824
-	SpriteName: "C1_GEOGRAPHER"
-	Name: "Swift Geographer"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 19330
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2470
-	JExp: 7575
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [450, 148]
-	Def: 158
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 81
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1308
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blossom_Of_Maneater: 6200
-		Root_Of_Maneater: 5500
-		Sunflower: 30
-		Fancy_Flower: 50
-		Holy_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Geographer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2825
-	SpriteName: "C2_GEOGRAPHER"
-	Name: "Solid Geographer"
-	Lv: 73
-	Hp: 38660
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2470
-	JExp: 7575
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [450, 148]
-	Def: 158
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 81
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 72
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 1308
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blossom_Of_Maneater: 6200
-		Root_Of_Maneater: 5500
-		Sunflower: 30
-		Fancy_Flower: 50
-		Holy_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Geographer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2826
-	SpriteName: "C3_GARGOYLE"
-	Name: "Gargoyle Ringleader"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 43860
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5700
-	JExp: 12810
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [677, 239]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 3880
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: 500
-		Manteau_: 2
-		Elven_Bow: 5
-		Thimble_Of_Archer: 1
-		Silence_Arrow: 2000
-		Elunium_Stone: 238
-		Gargoyle_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2827
-	SpriteName: "C4_GARGOYLE"
-	Name: "Furious Gargoyle"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 43860
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5700
-	JExp: 12810
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [676, 239]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 70
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 3880
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: 500
-		Manteau_: 2
-		Elven_Bow: 5
-		Thimble_Of_Archer: 1
-		Silence_Arrow: 2000
-		Elunium_Stone: 238
-		Gargoyle_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2828
-	SpriteName: "C5_GALION"
-	Name: "Elusive Galion"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 44105
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5305
-	JExp: 9945
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [711, 253]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 62
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 79
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 36
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		Assist: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Rotten_Meat: 3000
-		Animals_Skin: 3000
-		Rough_Wind: 10
-		Ulfhedinn: 5
-		Galion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2829
-	SpriteName: "C1_FUR_SEAL"
-	Name: "Swift Seal"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 6855
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 900
-	JExp: 3030
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [167, 41]
-	Def: 42
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 37
-		Agi: 40
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 35
-		Luk: 19
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1612
-	AttackMotion: 622
-	DamageMotion: 583
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 4365
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 250
-		Coat_: 5
-		Cyfar: 1200
-		Guisarme_: 1
-		Panacea: 200
-		Glass_Bead: 120
-		Fur_Seal_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2830
-	SpriteName: "C2_FREEZER"
-	Name: "Solid Freezer"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 99900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4665
-	JExp: 13110
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [741, 289]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 69
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 4413
-		Broken_Shell: 850
-		Ice_Piece: 1250
-		Zargon: 1800
-		Royal_Jelly: 160
-		Ice_Fragment: 200
-		Cold_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Freezer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2831
-	SpriteName: "C3_FREEZER"
-	Name: "Freezer Ringleader"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 49950
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4665
-	JExp: 13110
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [741, 289]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 47
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 69
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 672
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 4413
-		Broken_Shell: 850
-		Ice_Piece: 1250
-		Zargon: 1800
-		Royal_Jelly: 160
-		Ice_Fragment: 200
-		Cold_Scroll_1_5: 100
-		Freezer_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2832
-	SpriteName: "C4_FERUS_"
-	Name: "Furious Ferus"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 195270
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 13600
-	JExp: 26880
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1085, 435]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 33
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 74
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 87
-		Luk: 51
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 120
-	AttackDelay: 108
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Delicious_Fish: 5100
-		Dragon_Canine: 1000
-		Dragon_Scale: 3589
-		Dragonball_Green: 800
-		Great_Nature: 20
-		Dragonball_Green: 100
-		Ferus__Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2833
-	SpriteName: "C5_FARMILIAR"
-	Name: "Elusive Familiar"
-	Lv: 24
-	Hp: 2135
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 360
-	JExp: 1215
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [103, 33]
-	Def: 26
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 19
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 20
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tooth_Of_Bat: 5500
-		Falchion_: 20
-		Ribbon_: 15
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 50
-		Grape: 100
-		Red_Herb: 700
-		Center_Potion: 50
-		Farmiliar_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2834
-	SpriteName: "C1_FAKE_ANGEL"
-	Name: "Swift False Angel"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 54940
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6300
-	JExp: 14130
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [847, 315]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 84
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 67
-		Vit: 43
-		Int: 81
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 80
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 920
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Gemstone: 1000
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 1000
-		Red_Gemstone: 1000
-		Water_Of_Darkness: 1000
-		Carrot_Whip: 20
-		Fake_Angel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2835
-	SpriteName: "C2_FABRE"
-	Name: "Solid Fabre"
-	Lv: 6
-	Hp: 720
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 135
-	JExp: 300
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [29, 5]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fluff: 6500
-		Feather: 500
-		Club_: 80
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 5
-		Green_Herb: 700
-		Clover: 1000
-		Club: 200
-		Fabre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2836
-	SpriteName: "C3_FABRE"
-	Name: "Fabre Ringleader"
-	Lv: 6
-	Hp: 360
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 135
-	JExp: 300
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [29, 5]
-	Def: 24
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 12
-		Agi: 5
-		Vit: 5
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fluff: 6500
-		Feather: 500
-		Club_: 80
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 5
-		Green_Herb: 700
-		Clover: 1000
-		Club: 200
-		Fabre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2837
-	SpriteName: "C4_EXPLOSION"
-	Name: "Furious Explosion"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 39065
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4750
-	JExp: 12810
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [791, 300]
-	Def: 112
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 78
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Wing_Of_Red_Bat: 5500
-		Burning_Heart: 2200
-		Hot_Hair: 3200
-		Oridecon_Stone: 800
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 400
-		Explosion_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2838
-	SpriteName: "C5_EVIL_DRUID"
-	Name: "Elusive Evil Druid"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 25745
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3680
-	JExp: 9600
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [504, 181]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 2276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Biretta_: 10
-		Bone_Wand: 1
-		Ragamuffin_Cape: 2
-		Bible: 10
-		Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: 200
-		Cookbook07: 4
-		White_Herb: 2000
-		Evil_Druid_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2839
-	SpriteName: "C1_ELDER_WILOW"
-	Name: "Swift Elder Willow"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 2995
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 580
-	JExp: 1965
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [120, 39]
-	Def: 45
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1372
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Resin: 5000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10000
-		Elder_Branch: 1
-		Elunium_Stone: 40
-		Boody_Red: 30
-		Fire_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 100
-		Elder_Wilow_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2840
-	SpriteName: "C2_ELDER_WILOW"
-	Name: "Solid Elder Willow"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 5990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 580
-	JExp: 1965
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [120, 39]
-	Def: 45
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1372
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Resin: 5000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 5000
-		Elder_Branch: 1
-		Elunium_Stone: 40
-		Boody_Red: 30
-		Fire_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 100
-		Elder_Wilow_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2841
-	SpriteName: "C3_ECHIO"
-	Name: "Echio Ringleader"
-	Lv: 126
-	Hp: 158100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 11990
-	JExp: 24900
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1050, 407]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 37
-		Dex: 132
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Suspicious_Hat: 2500
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 10
-		Bloody_Rune: 4000
-		Beret: 25
-		Holy_Arrow_Quiver: 20
-		Bloody_Rune: 100
-		Divine_Cloth: 20
-		Echio_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2842
-	SpriteName: "C4_DUSTINESS"
-	Name: "Furious Dustiness"
-	Lv: 62
-	Hp: 10130
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1580
-	JExp: 5085
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [266, 79]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 46
-		Agi: 28
-		Vit: 46
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 75
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1004
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moth_Dust: 9000
-		Wing_Of_Moth: 500
-		Insect_Feeler: 10000
-		Red_Herb: 10000
-		Sparkling_Dust: 10
-		Masquerade: 1200
-		Dustiness_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2843
-	SpriteName: "C1_DRYAD"
-	Name: "Swift Dryad"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 18200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2195
-	JExp: 7035
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [389, 133]
-	Def: 153
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 54
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 950
-	AttackMotion: 2520
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Tough_Vines: 5335
-		Great_Leaf: 1000
-		Browny_Root: 3000
-		Pineapple: 500
-		Chemeti: 1
-		Centimental_Leaf: 100
-		Sharp_Leaf: 3000
-		Dryad_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2844
-	SpriteName: "C2_DROSERA"
-	Name: "Solid Drosera"
-	Lv: 101
-	Hp: 108780
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4050
-	JExp: 9105
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [388, 105]
-	Def: 86
-	Mdef: 52
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 79
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 64
-		Int: 38
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 14
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Poison: 3000
-		Drocera_Tentacle: 200
-		Blossom_Of_Maneater: 2000
-		Root_Of_Maneater: 2000
-		Bitter_Herb: 3
-		Stem: 1000
-		Mandragora_Flowerpot: 50
-		Drosera_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2845
-	SpriteName: "C3_DROPS"
-	Name: "Drops Ringleader"
-	Lv: 2
-	Hp: 225
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 65
-	JExp: 150
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [21, 5]
-	Def: 16
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 8
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 2
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1372
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 7500
-		Rod_: 80
-		Sticky_Mucus: 500
-		Apple: 1100
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1700
-		Apple: 800
-		Orange_Juice: 20
-		Drops_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2846
-	SpriteName: "C4_DRILLER"
-	Name: "Furious Driller"
-	Lv: 65
-	Hp: 13595
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1560
-	JExp: 5010
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [309, 91]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 18
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 53
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1300
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Lizard_Scruff: 7500
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 3880
-		Red_Gemstone: 3500
-		Driller_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2847
-	SpriteName: "C5_DRAINLIAR"
-	Name: "Elusive Drainliar"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 5810
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 970
-	JExp: 3285
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [178, 48]
-	Def: 50
-	Mdef: 15
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 35
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 22
-		Dex: 50
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1276
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Emveretarcon: 60
-		Tooth_Of_Bat: 3000
-		Red_Jewel: 20
-		Red_Herb: 1000
-		Wing_Of_Red_Bat: 5500
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 1500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 40
-		Drainliar_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2848
-	SpriteName: "C1_DRAGON_TAIL"
-	Name: "Swift Dragon Tail"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 23400
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3475
-	JExp: 10665
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [339, 96]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 62
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 862
-	AttackMotion: 534
-	DamageMotion: 312
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragon_Fly_Wing: 4413
-		Round_Shell: 400
-		Solid_Shell: 800
-		Fancy_Flower: 8
-		Cap: 2
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 300
-		Wing_Of_Butterfly: 150
-		Dragon_Tail_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2849
-	SpriteName: "C2_DRACO"
-	Name: "Solid Draco"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 200990
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6485
-	JExp: 10830
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [881, 373]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 21
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 47
-		Int: 34
-		Dex: 99
-		Luk: 66
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragons_Mane: 3000
-		Dragons_Skin: 100
-		Dragon_Canine: 100
-		Dragon_Train: 1000
-		Dragon_Scale: 1000
-		Honey: 500
-		Dragon_Vest: 10
-		Draco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2850
-	SpriteName: "C3_DOLOMEDES"
-	Name: "Dolomedes Ringleader"
-	Lv: 132
-	Hp: 272955
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 16755
-	JExp: 46380
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [1256, 487]
-	Def: 112
-	Mdef: 52
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 149
-		Agi: 34
-		Vit: 82
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 143
-		Luk: 67
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 360
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Small_Bradium: 3000
-		White_Spider_Limb: 5000
-		Purified_Bradium: 500
-		Bradium_Ring: 1
-		Runstone_Rare: 10
-		Bradium: 500
-		Stem_Whip: 1
-		Dolomedes_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2851
-	SpriteName: "C4_DOKEBI"
-	Name: "Furious Dokebi"
-	Lv: 68
-	Hp: 14100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1770
-	JExp: 5685
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [438, 159]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 52
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1156
-	AttackMotion: 456
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dokkaebi_Horn: 9000
-		Elunium_Stone: 150
-		Sword_Mace_: 2
-		Mighty_Staff: 1
-		Gold: 1
-		Club: 300
-		Hammer_Of_Blacksmith: 5
-		Dokebi_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2852
-	SpriteName: "C5_DISGUISE"
-	Name: "Elusive Disguise"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 69475
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 6695
-	JExp: 15060
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [519, 162]
-	Def: 85
-	Mdef: 58
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 92
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 57
-		Int: 75
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 147
-	AttackDelay: 516
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Red_Scarf: 4850
-		Tangled_Chain: 3686
-		White_Powder: 100
-		Honey: 100
-		Ragamuffin_Cape: 50
-		Muffler_: 2
-		Rider_Insignia: 5
-		Disguise_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2853
-	SpriteName: "C1_DIMIK_1"
-	Name: "Swift Dimik"
-	Lv: 116
-	Hp: 87760
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9475
-	JExp: 23265
-	AttackRange: 7
-	Attack: [1782, 777]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 114
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 52
-		Dex: 201
-		Luk: 41
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Steel_Plate: 2000
-		Transparent_Plate01: 50
-		Oil_Bottle: 70
-		Mystery_Piece: 300
-		Dusk: 5
-		Oridecon: 10
-		Imperial_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Dimik_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2854
-	SpriteName: "C2_DEVIRUCHI"
-	Name: "Solid Deviruchi"
-	Lv: 93
-	Hp: 89120
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5415
-	JExp: 16245
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [611, 229]
-	Def: 72
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 980
-	AttackMotion: 600
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Horn: 5335
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: 400
-		Oridecon: 2
-		Partizan_: 2
-		Sacred_Marks: 5
-		Zargon: 1500
-		Oridecon_Stone: 154
-		Deviruchi_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2855
-	SpriteName: "C3_DESERT_WOLF_B"
-	Name: "Baby Desert Wolf Ringleader"
-	Lv: 14
-	Hp: 700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 225
-	JExp: 510
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [55, 15]
-	Def: 13
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 7
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1600
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 85
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Adventureres_Suit_: 80
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 200
-		Cotton_Shirt: 200
-		Asura_: 5
-		Orange: 1000
-		Desert_Wolf_Babe_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2856
-	SpriteName: "C4_DESERT_WOLF_B"
-	Name: "Furious Baby Desert Wolf"
-	Lv: 14
-	Hp: 700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 225
-	JExp: 510
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [54, 15]
-	Def: 13
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 15
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 17
-		Luk: 7
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1600
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Phracon: 85
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Adventureres_Suit_: 80
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 200
-		Cotton_Shirt: 200
-		Asura_: 5
-		Orange: 1000
-		Desert_Wolf_Babe_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2857
-	SpriteName: "C5_DENIRO"
-	Name: "Elusive Deniro"
-	Lv: 31
-	Hp: 3355
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 515
-	JExp: 1740
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [89, 21]
-	Def: 52
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 16
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 23
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 9000
-		Garlet: 3000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 1200
-		Boody_Red: 50
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 8
-		Iron_Ore: 450
-		Elunium_Stone: 34
-		Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2858
-	SpriteName: "C1_DEATHWORD"
-	Name: "Swift Death Word"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 81950
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8335
-	JExp: 17295
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1005, 400]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 53
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 176
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worn_Out_Page: 4000
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 300
-		Legend_Of_Kafra01: 50
-		Bloody_Page: 500
-		Vidars_Boots: 10
-		Cookbook08: 2
-		Cookbook09: 1
-		Deathword_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2859
-	SpriteName: "C2_DEATHWORD"
-	Name: "Solid Death Word"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 163900
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8335
-	JExp: 17295
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1005, 400]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 53
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 176
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worn_Out_Page: 4000
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 300
-		Legend_Of_Kafra01: 50
-		Bloody_Page: 500
-		Vidars_Boots: 10
-		Cookbook08: 2
-		Cookbook09: 1
-		Deathword_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2860
-	SpriteName: "C3_DEATHWORD"
-	Name: "Death Word Ringleader"
-	Lv: 114
-	Hp: 81950
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8335
-	JExp: 17295
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1005, 400]
-	Def: 68
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 91
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 53
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 176
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worn_Out_Page: 4000
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 300
-		Legend_Of_Kafra01: 50
-		Bloody_Page: 500
-		Vidars_Boots: 10
-		Cookbook08: 2
-		Cookbook09: 1
-		Deathword_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2861
-	SpriteName: "C4_DARK_PRIEST"
-	Name: "Furious Dark Priest"
-	Lv: 98
-	Hp: 60450
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7290
-	JExp: 12495
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [546, 221]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 5
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 41
-		Int: 89
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 42
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 1252
-	DamageMotion: 476
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Book_Of_The_Apocalypse: 5
-		Rosary: 30
-		Blue_Potion: 100
-		Red_Gemstone: 450
-		Sacred_Marks: 1
-		Glittering_Clothes: 5
-		Skull: 3000
-		Dark_Priest_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2862
-	SpriteName: "C5_DANCING_DRAGON"
-	Name: "Elusive Zhu Po Long"
-	Lv: 82
-	Hp: 19715
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2670
-	JExp: 8205
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [424, 141]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 59
-		Agi: 76
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 160
-	AttackDelay: 600
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dragon_Fang: 4365
-		Dragon_Horn: 3000
-		Little_Blacky_Ghost: 800
-		Dragon_Scale: 1000
-		Yarn: 3000
-		Dancing_Dragon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2863
-	SpriteName: "C1_CREAMY"
-	Name: "Swift Creamy"
-	Lv: 23
-	Hp: 1890
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 360
-	JExp: 1215
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [97, 29]
-	Def: 28
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 16
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1136
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 840
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Powder_Of_Butterfly: 9000
-		Silk_Robe_: 10
-		Honey: 150
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 100
-		Fancy_Flower: 2
-		Flower: 500
-		Wind_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Creamy_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2864
-	SpriteName: "C2_CORNUTUS"
-	Name: "Solid Cornutus"
-	Lv: 48
-	Hp: 14500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 920
-	JExp: 3105
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [155, 37]
-	Def: 42
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 26
-		Dex: 27
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1248
-	AttackMotion: 48
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Blue: 45
-		Conch: 5500
-		Scell: 800
-		Elunium_Stone: 53
-		Shield_: 5
-		Solid_Shell: 1000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 100
-		Cornutus_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2865
-	SpriteName: "C3_COOKIE"
-	Name: "Cookie Ringleader"
-	Lv: 35
-	Hp: 3330
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 585
-	JExp: 1980
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [106, 28]
-	Def: 56
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 15
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 12
-		Dex: 31
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1036
-	AttackMotion: 936
-	DamageMotion: 240
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Well_Baked_Cookie: 1000
-		Candy_Striper: 150
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 5
-		Great_Chef_Orleans01: 50
-		Sandals_: 30
-		Holy_Scroll_1_3: 100
-		Candy: 320
-		Cookie_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2866
-	SpriteName: "C4_CONSTANT"
-	Name: "Furious Constant"
-	Lv: 108
-	Hp: 60250
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7515
-	JExp: 16890
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1056, 411]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 82
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 126
-		Agi: 127
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 109
-		Luk: 34
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burnt_Parts: 100
-		Sturdy_Iron_Piece: 1500
-		Tube: 10
-		Steel: 10
-		Elunium_Stone: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2867
-	SpriteName: "C5_COMODO"
-	Name: "Elusive Comodo"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 20010
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2945
-	JExp: 11100
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [555, 205]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 65
-		Agi: 52
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 94
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 432
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Comodo_L: 2500
-		Meat: 4500
-		Scell: 4500
-		Spawn: 2500
-		Comodo_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2868
-	SpriteName: "C1_COCO"
-	Name: "Swift Coco"
-	Lv: 38
-	Hp: 4180
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 675
-	JExp: 2280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [128, 34]
-	Def: 37
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 22
-		Agi: 13
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 38
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 1008
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Acorn: 9000
-		Fluff: 10000
-		Animals_Skin: 10000
-		Sweet_Potato: 10000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10000
-		Sandals_: 25
-		Hood_: 600
-		Coco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2869
-	SpriteName: "C2_COCO"
-	Name: "Solid Coco"
-	Lv: 38
-	Hp: 8360
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 675
-	JExp: 2280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [128, 34]
-	Def: 37
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 22
-		Agi: 13
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 38
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1864
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 1008
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Fluff: 3333
-		Animals_Skin: 3333
-		Acorn: 10000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 2500
-		Sweet_Potato: 500
-		Sandals_: 25
-		Hood_: 600
-		Coco_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2870
-	SpriteName: "C3_CLOCK"
-	Name: "Clock Ringleader"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 27780
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3385
-	JExp: 8685
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [573, 213]
-	Def: 91
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 24
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 41
-		Dex: 97
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1092
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Needle_Of_Alarm: 5335
-		Wooden_Block: 800
-		White_Herb: 1900
-		Lemon: 320
-		Key_Of_Clock_Tower: 30
-		Underground_Key: 30
-		Elunium: 163
-		Clock_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2871
-	SpriteName: "C4_CLOCK"
-	Name: "Furious Clock"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 27780
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3385
-	JExp: 8685
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [573, 212]
-	Def: 91
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 68
-		Agi: 31
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 41
-		Dex: 97
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1092
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Needle_Of_Alarm: 5335
-		Wooden_Block: 800
-		White_Herb: 1900
-		Lemon: 320
-		Key_Of_Clock_Tower: 30
-		Underground_Key: 30
-		Elunium: 163
-		Clock_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2872
-	SpriteName: "C5_CHONCHON"
-	Name: "Elusive Chonchon"
-	Lv: 5
-	Hp: 285
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 110
-	JExp: 270
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [28, 5]
-	Def: 27
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 13
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 4
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 8
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1076
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Jellopy: 10000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 10000
-		Shell: 1500
-		Cutter_: 55
-		Iron: 100
-		Chonchon_Doll: 5
-		Iron_Ore: 150
-		Chonchon_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2873
-	SpriteName: "C1_CENTIPEDE"
-	Name: "Swift Centipede"
-	Lv: 125
-	Hp: 124960
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 10400
-	JExp: 24390
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1065, 403]
-	Def: 143
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 133
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 69
-		Int: 39
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 49
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cold_Heart: 2
-		Black_Cat: 2
-		Cursed_Lyre: 10
-		Short_Leg: 5335
-		Zargon: 5000
-		Bradium: 10
-		Solid_Shell: 2500
-		Centipede_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2874
-	SpriteName: "C2_CENERE"
-	Name: "Solid Cenere"
-	Lv: 146
-	Hp: 1301310
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 35585
-	JExp: 102810
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1942, 865]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 81
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Dustball: 2000
-		Poisonous_Gas: 500
-		Mould_Powder: 1500
-		Air_Pollutant: 1000
-		Cenere_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2875
-	SpriteName: "C3_CELIA"
-	Name: "Celia Ringleader"
-	Lv: 141
-	Hp: 1265730
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 110535
-	JExp: 342300
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1824, 773]
-	Def: 74
-	Mdef: 312
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 136
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 121
-		Dex: 121
-		Luk: 49
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1152
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Armlet_Of_Prisoner: 2000
-		Goast_Chill: 1
-		Telekinetic_Orb: 20
-		Elunium: 100
-		Creeper_Bow: 10
-		Mental_Stick: 1
-		Blood_Thirst: 150
-		Ceila_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2876
-	SpriteName: "C4_CATERPILLAR"
-	Name: "Furious Caterpillar"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 128280
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9750
-	JExp: 29700
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1145, 483]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 54
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Feather: 3000
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Twilight_Desert: 20
-		Star_Crumb: 100
-		Great_Nature: 50
-		Old_Blue_Box: 12
-		Glove_Of_Shura: 500
-		Caterpillar_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2877
-	SpriteName: "C5_CARAT"
-	Name: "Elusive Carat"
-	Lv: 103
-	Hp: 46110
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5830
-	JExp: 13110
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [950, 373]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 67
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 102
-		Agi: 64
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 40
-		Dex: 80
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1078
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 3200
-		Ice_Cream: 1000
-		Spiky_Heel: 5
-		Joker_Jester: 1
-		White_Herb: 1450
-		Carat_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2878
-	SpriteName: "C1_CARAMEL"
-	Name: "Swift Caramel"
-	Lv: 25
-	Hp: 2590
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 405
-	JExp: 1365
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [108, 32]
-	Def: 39
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 19
-		Agi: 10
-		Vit: 15
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 32
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1604
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 756
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Porcupine_Spike: 9000
-		Coat_: 5
-		Animals_Skin: 5500
-		Glaive_: 10
-		Spear_: 15
-		Pike_: 20
-		Caramel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2879
-	SpriteName: "C2_BUNGISNGIS"
-	Name: "Solid Bungisngis"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 255130
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9700
-	JExp: 29700
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1008, 409]
-	Def: 115
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 19
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1568
-	AttackMotion: 432
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 1000
-		Beautiful_Flower: 1000
-		Elunium: 10
-		Insideout_Shirt: 100
-		Bungisngis_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2880
-	SpriteName: "C3_BREEZE"
-	Name: "Breeze Ringleader"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 33775
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4795
-	JExp: 13470
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [639, 237]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 101
-		Vit: 46
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Raccoon_Leaf: 500
-		Four_Leaf_Clover: 10
-		Centimental_Leaf: 10
-		Gust_Bow: 10
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10
-		Centimental_Flower: 10
-		Rough_Wind: 10
-		Breeze_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2881
-	SpriteName: "C4_BREEZE"
-	Name: "Furious Breeze"
-	Lv: 92
-	Hp: 33775
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4795
-	JExp: 13470
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [639, 236]
-	Def: 83
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 75
-		Agi: 131
-		Vit: 46
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 55
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 140
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Raccoon_Leaf: 500
-		Four_Leaf_Clover: 10
-		Centimental_Leaf: 10
-		Gust_Bow: 10
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 10
-		Centimental_Flower: 10
-		Rough_Wind: 10
-		Breeze_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2882
-	SpriteName: "C5_BRADIUM_GOLEM"
-	Name: "Elusive Bradium Golem"
-	Lv: 133
-	Hp: 228695
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 21295
-	JExp: 32340
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1576, 627]
-	Def: 559
-	Mdef: 12
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 189
-		Agi: 25
-		Vit: 125
-		Int: 45
-		Dex: 104
-		Luk: 33
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1008
-	AttackMotion: 1200
-	DamageMotion: 540
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Stone_Piece: 3000
-		Stone_Heart: 5000
-		Purified_Bradium: 500
-		Bradium_Shield: 10
-		Runstone_Rare: 10
-		Bradium: 500
-		Bradium_Goram_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2883
-	SpriteName: "C1_BLOOD_BUTTERFLY"
-	Name: "Swift Bloody Butterfly"
-	Lv: 94
-	Hp: 35150
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4665
-	JExp: 13110
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [510, 173]
-	Def: 79
-	Mdef: 50
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 145
-	AttackDelay: 472
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sharp_Feeler: 4608
-		Great_Wing: 2500
-		Wing_Of_Butterfly: 1200
-		Powder_Of_Butterfly: 5500
-		Waghnakh_: 3
-		Lariat: 1
-		Blood_Butterfly_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2884
-	SpriteName: "C3_BIGFOOT"
-	Name: "Bigfoot Ringleader"
-	Lv: 29
-	Hp: 2935
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 450
-	JExp: 1515
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [95, 24]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 7
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 18
-		Agi: 4
-		Vit: 7
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1260
-	AttackMotion: 192
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Bears_Foot: 9000
-		Poo_Poo_Hat: 5
-		Animals_Skin: 5000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 80
-		Sweet_Potato: 1500
-		Honey: 450
-		Oridecon_Stone: 43
-		BigFoot_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2885
-	SpriteName: "C4_BATHORY"
-	Name: "Furious Bathory"
-	Lv: 86
-	Hp: 26210
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3215
-	JExp: 10230
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [393, 121]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 89
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 66
-		Agi: 49
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 77
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1504
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 900
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Sparkling_Dust: 200
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 4850
-		Star_Sparkling: 3
-		Arc_Wand_: 5
-		Star_Crumb: 30
-		Old_Magic_Book: 15
-		Old_Broom: 20
-		Bathory_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2886
-	SpriteName: "C5_BANSHEE_MASTER"
-	Name: "Elusive Banshee Master"
-	Lv: 118
-	Hp: 101600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 11055
-	JExp: 22995
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1043, 403]
-	Def: 87
-	Mdef: 94
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 48
-		Int: 122
-		Dex: 84
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 676
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_White_Cloth: 3000
-		Orleans_Gown: 10
-		Cursed_Star: 2
-		Wool_Scarf: 10
-		Mementos: 1500
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Banshee_Master_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2887
-	SpriteName: "C1_BANSHEE"
-	Name: "Swift Banshee"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 243330
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 14690
-	JExp: 31500
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1199, 487]
-	Def: 73
-	Mdef: 96
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 97
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 143
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 676
-	AttackMotion: 504
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_White_Cloth: 3000
-		Orleans_Gown: 10
-		Scalpel: 10
-		Wool_Scarf: 10
-		Mementos: 1500
-		Brigan: 5335
-		Carnium: 1
-		Banshee_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2888
-	SpriteName: "C2_BANASPATY"
-	Name: "Solid Banaspaty"
-	Lv: 85
-	Hp: 46800
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4025
-	JExp: 8160
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [338, 96]
-	Def: 63
-	Mdef: 89
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 61
-		Agi: 78
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 77
-		Dex: 79
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Coal: 500
-		Zargon: 1000
-		Elunium: 750
-		Oridecon_Stone: 750
-		Fire_Arrow: 250
-		Banaspaty_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2889
-	SpriteName: "C3_ASSULTER"
-	Name: "Assaulter Ringleader"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 44885
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5975
-	JExp: 20490
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [801, 301]
-	Def: 169
-	Mdef: 49
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 92
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 144
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Turtle_Shell: 4413
-		Broken_Armor_Piece: 1200
-		Rust_Suriken: 840
-		Smoke_Powder: 200
-		Zargon: 1240
-		Huuma_Bird_Wing: 5
-		Old_Blue_Box: 1
-		Assulter_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2890
-	SpriteName: "C4_ARGOS"
-	Name: "Furious Argos"
-	Lv: 47
-	Hp: 5025
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 900
-	JExp: 3030
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [176, 45]
-	Def: 58
-	Mdef: 8
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 38
-		Agi: 22
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 26
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 512
-	AttackMotion: 780
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Spiderweb: 9000
-		Scell: 1200
-		Short_Leg: 500
-		Elunium_Stone: 61
-		Green_Herb: 670
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 250
-		Bark_Shorts: 15
-		Argos_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2891
-	SpriteName: "C5_ARGIOPE"
-	Name: "Elusive Argiope"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 15525
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2225
-	JExp: 6840
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [443, 154]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1792
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Short_Leg: 5335
-		Zargon: 1200
-		Elunium_Stone: 175
-		Boots_: 5
-		Green_Herb: 1500
-		Violet_Jewel: 10
-		Argiope_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2892
-	SpriteName: "C1_ARGIOPE"
-	Name: "Swift Argiope"
-	Lv: 75
-	Hp: 15525
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2225
-	JExp: 6840
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [443, 154]
-	Def: 88
-	Mdef: 32
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 23
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 30
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1792
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Short_Leg: 5335
-		Zargon: 1200
-		Elunium_Stone: 175
-		Boots_: 5
-		Green_Herb: 1500
-		Violet_Jewel: 10
-		Argiope_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2893
-	SpriteName: "C2_ARCLOUSE"
-	Name: "Solid Arclouze"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 100200
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5530
-	JExp: 23445
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [503, 168]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 73
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 168
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1840
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Round_Shell: 3500
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Solid_Shell: 800
-		Zargon: 450
-		Red_Gemstone: 300
-		Great_Nature: 20
-		Zargon: 2500
-		Arclouse_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2894
-	SpriteName: "C3_ARCLOUSE"
-	Name: "Arclouze Ringleader"
-	Lv: 107
-	Hp: 50100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5530
-	JExp: 23445
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [503, 168]
-	Def: 101
-	Mdef: 36
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 60
-		Agi: 73
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 168
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1840
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Round_Shell: 3500
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Solid_Shell: 800
-		Zargon: 450
-		Red_Gemstone: 300
-		Great_Nature: 20
-		Zargon: 2500
-		Arclouse_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2895
-	SpriteName: "C4_APOCALIPS"
-	Name: "Furious Apocalypse"
-	Lv: 121
-	Hp: 110450
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9885
-	JExp: 20535
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1260, 505]
-	Def: 136
-	Mdef: 26
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 130
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 76
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1840
-	AttackMotion: 1440
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Broken_Steel_Piece: 5335
-		Mystery_Piece: 2400
-		Wheel: 2200
-		Elunium: 5
-		Destroyer_: 1
-		Manteau_: 20
-		Runstone_Ancient: 100
-		Apocalips_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2896
-	SpriteName: "C5_ANTLER_SCARABA"
-	Name: "Elusive Antler Scaraba"
-	Lv: 136
-	Hp: 313000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 15825
-	JExp: 47280
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1519, 681]
-	Def: 155
-	Mdef: 102
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 23
-		Agi: 99
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 129
-		Dex: 137
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 504
-	AttackMotion: 624
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Antler_Helm: 6500
-		Green_Whistle: 1
-		Runstone_Ancient: 10
-		Elder_Branch: 10
-		Yellow_Live: 1
-		Scaraba_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2897
-	SpriteName: "C1_ANTIQUE_BOOK"
-	Name: "Swift Antique Book"
-	Lv: 148
-	Hp: 673075
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 36125
-	JExp: 105660
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2001, 893]
-	Def: 74
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 44
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leaf_Bookmark: 2000
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 1000
-		Worn_Out_Page: 1000
-		AntiqueBook_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2898
-	SpriteName: "C2_ANTIQUE_BOOK"
-	Name: "Solid Antique Book"
-	Lv: 148
-	Hp: 1346150
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 36125
-	JExp: 105660
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2001, 893]
-	Def: 74
-	Mdef: 42
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 67
-		Agi: 53
-		Vit: 32
-		Int: 44
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 864
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Leaf_Bookmark: 2000
-		Bookclip_In_Memory: 1000
-		Worn_Out_Page: 1000
-		AntiqueBook_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2899
-	SpriteName: "C4_ANOLIAN"
-	Name: "Furious Anolian"
-	Lv: 109
-	Hp: 77735
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 8790
-	JExp: 19995
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [863, 312]
-	Def: 61
-	Mdef: 11
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 130
-		Agi: 81
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 66
-		Dex: 70
-		Luk: 48
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Fish"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 900
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 864
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Anolian_Skin: 4850
-		Crystal_Arrow: 2000
-		Royal_Jelly: 5
-		Red_Muffler: 10
-		Carga_Mace: 1
-		Brooch_: 1
-		Oridecon: 134
-		Anolian_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2900
-	SpriteName: "C5_ANGRA_MANTIS"
-	Name: "Elusive Angra Mantis"
-	Lv: 144
-	Hp: 458600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 25315
-	JExp: 63180
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1099, 417]
-	Def: 175
-	Mdef: 81
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 155
-		Vit: 119
-		Int: 81
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Withered_Flower: 5000
-		Soft_Leaf: 1000
-		Great_Nature: 10
-		Sura_Rampage: 5
-		Angra_Mantis_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2901
-	SpriteName: "C1_ANGRA_MANTIS"
-	Name: "Swift Angra Mantis"
-	Lv: 144
-	Hp: 458600
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 25315
-	JExp: 63180
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1099, 417]
-	Def: 175
-	Mdef: 81
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 122
-		Agi: 155
-		Vit: 119
-		Int: 81
-		Dex: 198
-		Luk: 79
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Withered_Flower: 5000
-		Soft_Leaf: 1000
-		Great_Nature: 10
-		Sura_Rampage: 5
-		Angra_Mantis_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2902
-	SpriteName: "C2_ANDRE"
-	Name: "Solid Andre"
-	Lv: 33
-	Hp: 7240
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 540
-	JExp: 1815
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [92, 25]
-	Def: 55
-	Mdef: 16
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 11
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 24
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1288
-	AttackMotion: 288
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Worm_Peelings: 9000
-		Garlet: 1000
-		Sticky_Mucus: 500
-		Yellow_Live: 50
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 4
-		Iron_Ore: 350
-		Elunium_Stone: 28
-		Andre_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2903
-	SpriteName: "C3_ANCIENT_MIMIC"
-	Name: "Ancient Mimic Ringleader"
-	Lv: 112
-	Hp: 73500
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7955
-	JExp: 18600
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1153, 460]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 70
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 141
-		Luk: 67
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 168
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Blue_Box: 30
-		Old_Violet_Box: 1
-		Gift_Box: 50
-		Shoes_: 5
-		Manteau_: 1
-		Fricco_Shoes: 10
-		Gold_Ring: 100
-		Ancient_Mimic_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2904
-	SpriteName: "C4_ANACONDAQ"
-	Name: "Furious Anacondaq"
-	Lv: 100
-	Hp: 42550
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4805
-	JExp: 10815
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [662, 241]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 79
-		Agi: 59
-		Vit: 28
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 67
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1576
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		White_Powder: 200
-		Posionous_Canine: 9000
-		Glaive_: 10
-		Scale_Of_Snakes: 1500
-		Scales_Shell: 200
-		Yellow_Herb: 150
-		Oridecon_Stone: 50
-		Anacondaq_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2905
-	SpriteName: "C5_AMBERNITE"
-	Name: "Elusive Ambernite"
-	Lv: 19
-	Hp: 1700
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 290
-	JExp: 645
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [59, 13]
-	Def: 28
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 16
-		Agi: 20
-		Vit: 11
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 21
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Insect"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 2048
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Crystal_Blue: 50
-		Snails_Shell: 9000
-		Garlet: 1200
-		Shell: 3000
-		Wing_Of_Fly: 2
-		Elunium_Stone: 14
-		Iron_Ore: 150
-		Ambernite_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2906
-	SpriteName: "C1_ALNOLDI"
-	Name: "Swift Rafflesia Arnoldi"
-	Lv: 80
-	Hp: 25745
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3680
-	JExp: 9600
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [482, 181]
-	Def: 80
-	Mdef: 20
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 40
-		Agi: 32
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 61
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 30
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Clover: 125
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 213
-		Stem: 2250
-		Shoot: 150
-		Leaflet_Of_Aloe: 125
-		Centimental_Flower: 50
-		Alnoldi_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2907
-	SpriteName: "C2_ALLIGATOR"
-	Name: "Solid Alligator"
-	Lv: 57
-	Hp: 24300
-	Sp: 24300
-	Exp: 1275
-	JExp: 4110
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [255, 75]
-	Def: 62
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 47
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 24
-		Int: 15
-		Dex: 40
-		Luk: 26
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Brute"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1100
-	AttackMotion: 900
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Zargon: 1000
-		Worn_Out_Prison_Uniform: 600
-		Anolian_Skin: 2000
-		Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 50
-		Oridecon_Stone: 129
-		Alligator_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2908
-	SpriteName: "C3_ALIZA"
-	Name: "Aliza Ringleader"
-	Lv: 112
-	Hp: 72250
-	Sp: 72250
-	Exp: 6120
-	JExp: 16515
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1033, 403]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 115
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 88
-		Luk: 54
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 220
-	AttackDelay: 1440
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 600
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Brigan: 4000
-		Morpheuss_Shawl: 10
-		Rosary_: 10
-		Alices_Apron: 5
-		Imperial_Cooking_Kits: 50
-		Sway_Apron: 1
-		Orleans_Server: 5
-		Aliza_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2909
-	SpriteName: "C4_ALICEL"
-	Name: "Furious Alicel"
-	Lv: 115
-	Hp: 90000
-	Sp: 90000
-	Exp: 8335
-	JExp: 35295
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1149, 457]
-	Def: 109
-	Mdef: 30
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 68
-		Vit: 59
-		Int: 63
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 60
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Assist: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 1080
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Burnt_Parts: 2000
-		Sturdy_Iron_Piece: 3000
-		Rotha_Shield: 5
-		Smoke_Powder: 200
-		Drill_Katar: 5
-		Elunium: 10
-		Valis_Manteau: 20
-		Alicel_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2910
-	SpriteName: "C5_ALARM"
-	Name: "Elusive Alarm"
-	Lv: 88
-	Hp: 27810
-	Sp: 27810
-	Exp: 3415
-	JExp: 10485
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [463, 153]
-	Def: 106
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 72
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 25
-		Dex: 66
-		Luk: 25
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Needle_Of_Alarm: 5335
-		Clip: 1
-		Skull: 1500
-		Spectacles: 1300
-		Oridecon: 105
-		Key_Of_Clock_Tower: 20
-		Zargon: 1500
-		Alarm_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2911
-	SpriteName: "C1_AGAV"
-	Name: "Swift Agav"
-	Lv: 128
-	Hp: 200000
-	Sp: 200000
-	Exp: 12780
-	JExp: 26520
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1069, 428]
-	Def: 77
-	Mdef: 82
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 85
-		Agi: 66
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 113
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 360
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Suspicious_Hat: 2500
-		High_Fashion_Sandals: 2
-		Bloody_Rune: 4000
-		Memorize_Book: 1
-		Holy_Arrow_Quiver: 50
-		Bloody_Rune: 100
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 2500
-		Agav_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2912
-	SpriteName: "C2_ACIDUS_"
-	Name: "Solid Acidus"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 407180
-	Sp: 407180
-	Exp: 14690
-	JExp: 30480
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1660, 712]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 110
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 53
-		Dex: 133
-		Luk: 53
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 168
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Potion: 150
-		Dragon_Canine: 4000
-		White_Wing_Brooch: 10
-		Dragon_Scale: 3589
-		Dragonball_Blue: 800
-		Rough_Wind: 20
-		Dragonball_Blue: 100
-		Acidus__Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2913
-	SpriteName: "C3_ACIDUS_"
-	Name: "Acidus Ringleader"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 203590
-	Sp: 203590
-	Exp: 14690
-	JExp: 30480
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1660, 712]
-	Def: 98
-	Mdef: 47
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 110
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 53
-		Dex: 133
-		Luk: 53
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 168
-	AttackMotion: 768
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Blue_Potion: 150
-		Dragon_Canine: 4000
-		White_Wing_Brooch: 10
-		Dragon_Scale: 3589
-		Dragonball_Blue: 800
-		Rough_Wind: 20
-		Dragonball_Blue: 100
-		Acidus__Card: 1
-	}
-// Nightmare Clock Tower Dungeon
-	Id: 2916
-	SpriteName: "BIG_BEN"
-	Name: "Big Ben"
-	Lv: 150
-	Hp: 220240
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7447
-	JExp: 7005
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [3101, 212]
-	Def: 125
-	Mdef: 43
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 102
-		Agi: 58
-		Vit: 69
-		Int: 75
-		Dex: 131
-		Luk: 49
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1092
-	AttackMotion: 792
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	Drops: {
-		Needle_Of_Alarm: 3000
-		Wooden_Block: 500
-		White_Herb: 950
-		Lemon: 160
-		Elunium_Stone: 100
-		Key_Of_Twisted_Time: 15
-		Key_Of_Twisted_Time: 15
-		Big_Ben_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2917
-	SpriteName: "BIG_BELL"
-	Name: "Big Bell"
-	Lv: 163
-	Hp: 166860
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7513
-	JExp: 8457
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [4785, 192]
-	Def: 138
-	Mdef: 53
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 102
-		Agi: 104
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 98
-		Luk: 57
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1020
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 768
-	Drops: {
-		Needle_Of_Alarm: 3000
-		Clip: 1
-		Skull: 750
-		Oridecon: 100
-		Zargon: 750
-		Key_Of_Twisted_Time: 10
-		Big_Bell_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2918
-	SpriteName: "TIME_KEEPER"
-	Name: "Time Keeper"
-	Lv: 155
-	Hp: 256000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 7898
-	JExp: 8869
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2989, 280]
-	Def: 128
-	Mdef: 60
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 57
-		Dex: 120
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	Drops: {
-		Needle_Of_Alarm: 3000
-		Brigan: 3000
-		Steel: 250
-		Leaflet_Of_Hinal: 425
-		Memorize_Book: 1
-		Key_Of_Twisted_Time: 1000
-		Key_Of_Twisted_Time: 1000
-		Time_Keeper_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2919
-	SpriteName: "NEO_PUNK"
-	Name: "Neo Punk"
-	Lv: 155
-	Hp: 154760
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 5874
-	JExp: 6618
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [2051, 216]
-	Def: 99
-	Mdef: 55
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 98
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 30
-		Int: 35
-		Dex: 95
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	Drops: {
-		Mould_Powder: 3000
-		Yellow_Gemstone: 500
-		Starsand_Of_Witch: 500
-		Moth_Dust: 1500
-		Hood_: 8
-		Baby_Pacifier: 50
-		Neo_Punk_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2920
-	SpriteName: "ARC_ELDER"
-	Name: "Arc Elder"
-	Lv: 168
-	Hp: 293640
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9086
-	JExp: 17532
-	AttackRange: 3
-	Attack: [2513, 802]
-	Def: 105
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 63
-		Vit: 35
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 61
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 165
-	AttackDelay: 1552
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	Drops: {
-		Old_Magic_Circle: 3000
-		Rent_Spell_Book: 1000
-		Encyclopedia: 5
-		Wizardy_Staff: 1
-		Old_Card_Album: 2
-		Key_Of_Twisted_Time: 1500
-		Elder_Branch: 500
-		Arc_Elder_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2921
-	SpriteName: "OWL_VISCOUNT"
-	Name: "Owl Viscount"
-	Lv: 168
-	Hp: 295240
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 9086
-	JExp: 11089
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [4368, 900]
-	Def: 113
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 87
-		Agi: 51
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 88
-		Dex: 106
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 195
-	AttackDelay: 1345
-	AttackMotion: 824
-	DamageMotion: 440
-	Drops: {
-		Tatters_Clothes: 2500
-		Soft_Feather: 1000
-		One_Eyed_Glass_: 1
-		Crystal_Mirror: 1
-		Pocket_Watch__: 2
-		Quadrille_: 1
-		Lounge_Suit: 1
-		Owl_Viscount_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2923
-	SpriteName: "OWL_MARQUEES"
-	Name: "Owl Marquis"
-	Lv: 170
-	Hp: 630000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 21747
-	JExp: 13806
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1887, 603]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 25
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 112
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 55
-		Int: 102
-		Dex: 108
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 1345
-	AttackMotion: 824
-	DamageMotion: 440
-	Drops: {
-		Tatters_Clothes: 2000
-		Soft_Feather: 1500
-		Kakkung_: 1
-		Staff_Of_Soul: 1
-		Lounge_Suit: 3
-		Sword_Stick: 1
-		One_Eyed_Glass_: 1
-		Owl_Marquees_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2924
-	SpriteName: "T_ELDER_WILOW"
-	Name: "Elder Willow"
-	Lv: 34
-	Hp: 599
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 116
-	JExp: 131
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [80, 14]
-	Def: 45
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 10
-		Agi: 14
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 29
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Fire", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1372
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake20: 500
-		Moon_Cake1: 500
-		Moon_Cake2: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2925
-	SpriteName: "T_WILOW"
-	Name: "Willow"
-	Lv: 8
-	Hp: 91
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 31
-	JExp: 23
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [13, 5]
-	Def: 38
-	Mdef: 2
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 13
-		Agi: 3
-		Vit: 8
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 12
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake18: 500
-		Moon_Cake19: 500
-		Moon_Cake20: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2926
-	SpriteName: "T_HARPY"
-	Name: "Harpy"
-	Lv: 83
-	Hp: 4423
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 660
-	JExp: 760
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [340, 41]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 44
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 71
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 50
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 12
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 470
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake1: 500
-		Moon_Cake2: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2927
-	SpriteName: "T_MINERAL"
-	Name: "Mineral"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 8300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 802
-	JExp: 1013
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [751, 57]
-	Def: 127
-	Mdef: 23
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 70
-		Agi: 61
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 50
-		Dex: 74
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 648
-	AttackMotion: 480
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake1: 500
-		Moon_Cake2: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2928
-	SpriteName: "T_GIBBET"
-	Name: "Gibbet"
-	Lv: 105
-	Hp: 12999
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 972
-	JExp: 874
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [697, 85]
-	Def: 116
-	Mdef: 45
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 103
-		Agi: 56
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 73
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 917
-	AttackMotion: 1584
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake1: 500
-		Moon_Cake2: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2929
-	SpriteName: "T_PLASMA_G"
-	Name: "Plasma"
-	Lv: 116
-	Hp: 24975
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2176
-	JExp: 1506
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [851, 112]
-	Def: 120
-	Mdef: 3
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 60
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 62
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 50
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1000
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 1000
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake18: 500
-		Moon_Cake19: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2930
-	SpriteName: "T_SOLACE"
-	Name: "Solace"
-	Lv: 123
-	Hp: 24729
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2442
-	JExp: 2409
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1234, 165]
-	Def: 96
-	Mdef: 96
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 106
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 61
-		Int: 42
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 72
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 576
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake20: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2931
-	SpriteName: "T_METALING"
-	Name: "Metaling"
-	Lv: 81
-	Hp: 4300
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 524
-	JExp: 537
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [188, 39]
-	Def: 69
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 58
-		Agi: 30
-		Vit: 49
-		Int: 17
-		Dex: 60
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 384
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake20: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2932
-	SpriteName: "T_POPORING"
-	Name: "Poporing"
-	Lv: 30
-	Hp: 524
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 99
-	JExp: 112
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [74, 20]
-	Def: 36
-	Mdef: 17
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 17
-		Agi: 26
-		Vit: 20
-		Int: 18
-		Dex: 36
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Poison", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1672
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake20: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2933
-	SpriteName: "T_DEVILING"
-	Name: "Deviling"
-	Lv: 66
-	Hp: 16890
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1197
-	JExp: 1189
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [313, 183]
-	Def: 67
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 48
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 33
-		Int: 75
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 200
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake5: 500
-		Moon_Cake6: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2934
-	SpriteName: "T_ARCHANGELING"
-	Name: "Arc Angeling"
-	Lv: 84
-	Hp: 25100
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1789
-	JExp: 1455
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [593, 100]
-	Def: 92
-	Mdef: 81
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 32
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 62
-		Int: 99
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 105
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Angel"
-	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 180
-	AttackDelay: 1072
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake5: 500
-		Moon_Cake6: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2935
-	Name: "Taoist Hermit"
-	Lv: 96
-	Hp: 8266
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 902
-	JExp: 563
-	AttackRange: 10
-	Attack: [611, 30]
-	Def: 66
-	Mdef: 46
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 63
-		Agi: 57
-		Vit: 45
-		Int: 60
-		Dex: 119
-		Luk: 45
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Formless"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 190
-	AttackDelay: 480
-	AttackMotion: 840
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Moon_Cake20: 500
-	}
-	Id: 2936
-	SpriteName: "E_GHOSTRING"
-	Name: "Ghostring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 0
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 2]
-	Def: 100
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 0
-		Agi: 0
-		Vit: 0
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 0
-		Luk: 0
-	}
-	ViewRange: 7
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	MoveSpeed: 300
-	AttackDelay: 1220
-	AttackMotion: 1080
-	DamageMotion: 648
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pumpkin: 2000
-		Pumpkin_Pie: 2000
-		Pumpkin_Bucket: 2000
-		Halloween_Coin: 4000
-	}
-	Id: 2948
-	SpriteName: "CURSED_SOLDIER"
-	Name: "Cursed Solider"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 18574
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1907
-	JExp: 1851
-	AttackRange: 9
-	Attack: [1258, 533]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 35
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 81
-		Agi: 50
-		Vit: 64
-		Int: 56
-		Dex: 178
-		Luk: 23
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 576
-	DamageMotion: 420
-	Drops: {
-		Decayed_Nail: 3000
-		Gray_Shard: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2949
-	Name: "Cursed Sentinel"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 14099
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1634
-	JExp: 1346
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1347, 559]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 120
-		Agi: 65
-		Vit: 66
-		Int: 41
-		Dex: 107
-		Luk: 26
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 175
-	AttackDelay: 914
-	AttackMotion: 1344
-	DamageMotion: 384
-	Drops: {
-		Mementos: 2500
-		Worn_Out_Page: 1500
-		Gray_Shard: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2950
-	SpriteName: "BROKEN_MIND"
-	Name: "Broken Mind"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 13520
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1545
-	JExp: 1557
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1259, 540]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 69
-		Agi: 37
-		Vit: 36
-		Int: 10
-		Dex: 64
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 920
-	AttackMotion: 720
-	DamageMotion: 200
-	Drops: {
-		Exorcize_Herb: 1000
-		Withered_Flower: 2500
-		Gray_Shard: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2951
-	SpriteName: "FLOATING_WORD"
-	Name: "Floating Word"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 11276
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1166
-	JExp: 1034
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1080, 429]
-	Def: 93
-	Mdef: 40
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 111
-		Agi: 90
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 70
-		Dex: 139
-		Luk: 65
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 972
-	AttackMotion: 648
-	DamageMotion: 432
-	Drops: {
-		Sticky_Mucus: 3000
-		Horn: 2500
-		Gray_Shard: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2952
-	SpriteName: "LIKE_LOVE"
-	Name: "Like Love"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 14008
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1505
-	JExp: 1667
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1182, 1]
-	Def: 64
-	Mdef: 51
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 62
-		Agi: 27
-		Vit: 25
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 102
-		Luk: 20
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Wind", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 150
-	AttackDelay: 1056
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 336
-	Drops: {
-		Immortal_Heart: 2500
-		Gray_Shard: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2953
-	SpriteName: "CURSED_MEMORY"
-	Name: "Cursed Memory"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 18045
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1802
-	JExp: 1623
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1310, 557]
-	Def: 89
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 87
-		Agi: 39
-		Vit: 58
-		Int: 5
-		Dex: 82
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 1768
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 192
-	Drops: {
-		Decayed_Nail: 3000
-		Gray_Shard: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2954
-	SpriteName: "COLORLESS_VOW"
-	Name: "Colorless Vow"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 19194
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1939
-	JExp: 1881
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1478, 643]
-	Def: 95
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 84
-		Agi: 35
-		Vit: 60
-		Int: 20
-		Dex: 85
-		Luk: 15
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 1848
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	Drops: {
-		Horrendous_Mouth: 3500
-		Sharpened_Cuspid: 2000
-		Gray_Shard: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2955
-	SpriteName: "OLD_FRIENDSHIP"
-	Name: "Old Friendship"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 12614
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1306
-	JExp: 1328
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1147, 491]
-	Def: 78
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 56
-		Agi: 12
-		Vit: 19
-		Int: 11
-		Dex: 30
-		Luk: 10
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 250
-	AttackDelay: 2456
-	AttackMotion: 912
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	Drops: {
-		Skel_Bone: 3500
-		Manacles: 2500
-		Gray_Shard: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2956
-	Name: "Sweet Slaughter"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 13986
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1960
-	JExp: 1587
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1216, 493]
-	Def: 125
-	Mdef: 10
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 48
-		Vit: 40
-		Int: 31
-		Dex: 125
-		Luk: 32
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 350
-	AttackDelay: 528
-	AttackMotion: 1000
-	DamageMotion: 396
-	Drops: {
-		Realgar_Wine: 1000
-		Immortal_Heart: 2000
-		Gray_Shard: 1000
-	}
-	Id: 2957
-	SpriteName: "FORGOTTEN_NAME"
-	Name: "Forgotten Name"
-	Lv: 110
-	Hp: 19546
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1505
-	JExp: 1485
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1093, 427]
-	Def: 111
-	Mdef: 38
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 121
-		Agi: 29
-		Vit: 51
-		Int: 43
-		Dex: 100
-		Luk: 3
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 155
-	AttackDelay: 847
-	AttackMotion: 1152
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	Drops: {
-		Realgar_Wine: 5000
-		Exorcize_Herb: 5000
-		Gray_Shard: 1500
-	}
-	Id: 2958
-	SpriteName: "FATAL_DAYS"
-	Name: "Fatal Days"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 24240
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2052
-	JExp: 2026
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [1025, 403]
-	Def: 84
-	Mdef: 41
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 100
-		Agi: 71
-		Vit: 63
-		Int: 85
-		Dex: 115
-		Luk: 37
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 720
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	Drops: {
-		Petite_DiablOfs_Horn: 2500
-		Tendon: 2500
-		Gray_Shard: 1500
-	}
-	Id: 2959
-	Name: "Torturous Redeemer"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 103342
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 10599
-	JExp: 8378
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1253, 500]
-	Def: 144
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 133
-		Agi: 69
-		Vit: 72
-		Int: 55
-		Dex: 165
-		Luk: 44
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	Drops: {
-		Evil_Horn: 2000
-		Gray_Shard: 10000
-		Gray_Shard: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 2961
-	Name: "Torturous Redeemer"
-	Lv: 120
-	Hp: 103342
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 1
-	JExp: 1
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1, 1]
-	Def: 144
-	Mdef: 28
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_DemiHuman"
-	Element: ("Ele_Earth", 3)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		Angry: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 672
-	AttackMotion: 420
-	DamageMotion: 360
-	Id: 2996
-	SpriteName: "XM_CELINE_KIMI"
-	Name: "Celine Kimi"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 66666666
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 4444444
-	JExp: 4033332
-	AttackRange: 2
-	Attack: [5636, 8303]
-	Def: 479
-	Mdef: 444
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 144
-		Agi: 166
-		Vit: 44
-		Int: 444
-		Dex: 166
-		Luk: 166
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 768
-	AttackMotion: 1056
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 444444
-	MvpDrops: {
-		Old_Card_Album: 10000
-		Old_Violet_Box: 10000
-		Closedmind_Box: 10000
-	}
-	Drops: {
-		Closedmind_Box: 4000
-		Butterfly_Hairpin: 4000
-		Bloody_Coin: 4000
-		C_Red_Bonnet: 100
-		Old_Parasol: 100
-		Flower: 10000
-	}
-	Id: 3029
-	Name: "Grim Reaper Ankou"
-	Lv: 159
-	Hp: 50000000
-	Sp: 1553
-	Exp: 300000
-	JExp: 330000
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [1500, 2500]
-	Def: 200
-	Mdef: 70
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 200
-		Agi: 100
-		Vit: 200
-		Int: 200
-		Dex: 220
-		Luk: 100
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Undead"
-	Element: ("Ele_Undead", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 900
-	AttackMotion: 864
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Yggdrasilberry: 500
-		Old_Blue_Box: 200
-		Branch_Of_Dead_Tree: 200
-		PrizeOfHero: 10000
-		Fruit_Of_Mastela: 200
-	}
-	Id: 3074
-	SpriteName: "TIMEHOLDER"
-	Name: "Time Holder"
-	Lv: 170
-	Hp: 25000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 2291250
-	JExp: 1938750
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [5250, 2100]
-	Def: 288
-	Mdef: 265
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 224
-		Agi: 152
-		Vit: 251
-		Int: 257
-		Dex: 402
-		Luk: 77
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 4)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Aggressive: true
-		CastSensorIdle: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-		Detector: true
-		CastSensorChase: true
-		ChangeChase: true
-		ChangeTargetMelee: true
-		ChangeTargetChase: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 76
-	AttackMotion: 384
-	DamageMotion: 288
-	MvpExp: 2291250
-	Drops: {
-		Needle_Of_Alarm: 3000
-		Memorize_Book_: 10
-		Brigan: 3000
-		Key_Of_Twisted_Time: 3000
-		One_Eyed_Glass_: 20
-		Quadrille_: 5
-		Lounge_Suit: 3
-		Timeholder_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 3181
-	SpriteName: "E1_FELOCK"
-	Name: "Captain Ferlock"
-	Lv: 130
-	Hp: 3000000
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 3088
-	JExp: 333333
-	AttackRange: 10
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Large"
-	Race: "RC_Dragon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 2)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 170
-	AttackDelay: 1018
-	AttackMotion: 1008
-	DamageMotion: 300
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Felock_Armor: 100
-		Felock_Cape: 100
-		Felock_Boots: 100
-		Vit_Dish07: 3000
-		Str_Dish07: 3000
-		Agi_Dish07: 3000
-		Int_Dish07: 3000
-		Dex_Dish07: 3000
-		Captain_Felock_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 3190
-	SpriteName: "MM_SARAH"
-	Name: "Sarah"
-	Lv: 160
-	Hp: 100000000
-	Sp: 1
-	AttackRange: 12
-	Attack: [1090, 2755]
-	Def: 276
-	Mdef: 255
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 43
-		Agi: 161
-		Vit: 6
-		Int: 188
-		Dex: 225
-		Luk: 136
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Human"
-	Element: ("Ele_Neutral", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		Aggressive: true
-		Boss: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 2000
-	AttackDelay: 500
-	AttackMotion: 500
-	Drops: {
-		Robe_Of_Sarah: 1000
-		Sarah_Card: 1
-	}
-	Id: 3201
-	SpriteName: "JT_LUCKYCASE"
-	Name: "Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 3202
-	SpriteName: "ORGANIC_JAKK"
-	Name: "Organic Pumpkin"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 40
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20
-	JExp: 13
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [100, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cigar: 100
-		Pumpkin_Head: 1000
-		Gift_Box_1: 100
-		Yellow_Slim_Potion: 1000
-		Pumpkin_Pie: 100
-	}
-	Id: 3203
-	SpriteName: "INORGANIC_JAKK"
-	Name: "Inorganic Pumpkin"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 40
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 20
-	JExp: 13
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [100, 0]
-	Def: 160
-	Mdef: 99
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 999
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Small"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Boss: true
-		Plant: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 200
-	AttackDelay: 0
-	AttackMotion: 0
-	DamageMotion: 0
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Cigar: 100
-		Pumpkin_Head: 1000
-		Gift_Box_1: 100
-		Yellow_Slim_Potion: 1000
-		Pumpkin_Pie: 100
-	}
-	Id: 3204
-	SpriteName: "PIXY_PINK_PORING"
-	Name: "Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 3205
-	SpriteName: "PIXY_BLUE_PORING"
-	Name: "Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 3206
-	Name: "Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Id: 3207
-	SpriteName: "E_AQUA_ELEMENTAL"
-	Name: "Poring"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 60
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 27
-	JExp: 20
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [8, 9]
-	Def: 2
-	Mdef: 5
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 6
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 0
-		Dex: 6
-		Luk: 5
-	}
-	ViewRange: 10
-	ChaseRange: 12
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Plant"
-	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		Looter: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 400
-	AttackDelay: 1872
-	AttackMotion: 672
-	DamageMotion: 480
-	MvpExp: 0
-// 2014 Halloween Event
-	Id: 3381
-	SpriteName: "DARK_SOUL"
-	Name: "Dark Soul"
-	Lv: 10
-	Hp: 20
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [20, 20]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Dark", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 1960
-	AttackMotion: 960
-	DamageMotion: 504
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pumpkin_Pie: 2000
-		Black_Soul: 4000
-	}
-	Id: 3382
-	SpriteName: "WANDERING_SOUL"
-	Name: "Wandering Soul"
-	Lv: 1
-	Hp: 10
-	Sp: 1
-	Exp: 0
-	JExp: 0
-	AttackRange: 1
-	Attack: [10, 10]
-	Def: 0
-	Mdef: 0
-	Stats: {
-		Str: 1
-		Agi: 1
-		Vit: 1
-		Int: 1
-		Dex: 1
-		Luk: 1
-	}
-	ViewRange: 0
-	ChaseRange: 0
-	Size: "Size_Medium"
-	Race: "RC_Demon"
-	Element: ("Ele_Ghost", 1)
-	Mode: {
-		CanMove: true
-		CanAttack: true
-	}
-	MoveSpeed: 100
-	AttackDelay: 912
-	AttackMotion: 1248
-	DamageMotion: 576
-	MvpExp: 0
-	Drops: {
-		Pumpkin_Pie: 2000
-		Captured_Soul: 4000
-	}
diff --git a/db/re/mob_poring.txt b/db/re/mob_poring.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7435ea413..000000000
--- a/db/re/mob_poring.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Poring Box Summonable Monsters Database
-// Structure of Database:
-// MobID,DummyName,Rate
-1062,Santa Poring,200000
-1388,Arc Angeling,200000
diff --git a/db/re/mob_race2_db.txt b/db/re/mob_race2_db.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ac90caf1c..000000000
--- a/db/re/mob_race2_db.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Monster Racial Groups Database
-// Structure of Database:
-// Race2ID,MobID1,MobID2,MobID3,...,MobID9
-// Goblins
-// Kobolds
-// Orcs
-// Golems
-// Guardians
-// Ninja Classes (Pirates_Pride)
-// Scarabas
-// Turtles (Drooping_Permeter)
diff --git a/db/re/mob_skill_db.conf b/db/re/mob_skill_db.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d06ebef4..000000000
--- a/db/re/mob_skill_db.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100667 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2018  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//= Monster Skill Database
- ************* Entry structure ********************************************
- **************************************************************************
-	<Monster_Constant>: {
-		<Skill_Constant>: {
-			ClearSkills:   (boolean, defaults to false) allows cleaning all previous defined skills for the mob.
-			SkillLevel:    (int, defaults to 1)
-			SkillState:    (int, defaults to 0)
-			SkillTarget:   (int, defaults to 0)
-			Rate:          (int, defaults to 1)
-			CastTime:      (int, defaults to 0)
-			Delay:         (int, defaults to 0)
-			Cancelable:    (boolean, defaults to false)
-			CastCondition: (int, defaults to 0)
-			ConditionData: (int, defaults to 0)
-			val0:          (int, defaults to 0)
-			val1:          (int, defaults to 0)
-			val2:          (int, defaults to 0)
-			val3:          (int, defaults to 0)
-			val4:          (int, defaults to 0)
-			Emotion:       (int, defaults to 0)
-			ChatMsgID:     (int, defaults to 0)
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	FABRE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	PUPA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	WILOW: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	WOLF: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	SPORE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 36000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	SNAKE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	MUNAK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	ISIS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	VERIT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	GHOUL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1029
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1522
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1522
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1431
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1431
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1101
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-	GOLEM: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	MUMMY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-	MARC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1427
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1427
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1049
-			val1: 1050
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-	}
-	PICKY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	PICKY_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	THIEF_BUG__: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	MUKA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	YOYO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1156
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1604
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1604
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	PORING_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	VADON: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	HYDRA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	KUKRE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-	}
-	KAHO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	CRAB: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1608
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1608
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1054
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1439
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1439
-		}
-	}
-	VOCAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1052
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1052
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1052
-		}
-	}
-	TOAD: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1012
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1012
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1002
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1011
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1011
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1011
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1013
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1013
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1013
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1063
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1063
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	ANDRE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1031
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-	ANT_EGG: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1095
-			val1: 1105
-			val2: 1160
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-	}
-	ARGOS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	COCO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	DRAKE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1566
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1566
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1192
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-	}
-	DROPS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	EDDGA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 4000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1603
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1603
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1060
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	FLORA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1186
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	GOBLIN_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	GOBLIN_2: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	GOBLIN_3: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	GOBLIN_4: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	GOBLIN_5: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	HODE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	HORN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-	JAKK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	JOKER: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-			val1: 131
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-	KOBOLD_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	KOBOLD_2: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	KOBOLD_3: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALCHEMIST"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALCHEMIST"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 173
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 700
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	MARSE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	MATYR: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-	}
-	MAYA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1477
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1477
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1194
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1471
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1471
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1180
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 89
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	MYST: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	PETIT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	PETIT_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1458
-			val1: 1464
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1458
-			val1: 1464
-		}
-	}
-	PHEN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1558
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1558
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1127
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	PIERE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-		}
-	}
-	SOHEE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	TAROU: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	ZEROM: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	BON_GUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1473
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1473
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1189
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-	MIMIC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	ALARM: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 300
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	PUNK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1257
-		}
-	}
-	RYBIO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-	}
-	STING: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	CRAMP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 36000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-	}
-	CHOCO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1057
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1057
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 600000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1132
-		}
-	}
-	MARIN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		NPC_RUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		NPC_RUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 24
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 27
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 17
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 17
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 17
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1743
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1743
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_FRIENDSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "MSC_ANY"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_FRIENDSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "MSC_ANY"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1607
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1607
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-	}
-	GARM: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1606
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1606
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	PEST: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 16
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-	}
-	CARAT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 600000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-	}
-	CLOCK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 145
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1605
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1605
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	ALICE: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1744
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 20
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1253
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1194
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1028
-			val1: 1016
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 18
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1109
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1109
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1018
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1139
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1320
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1133
-			val1: 1134
-			val2: 1135
-			val3: 1282
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1133
-			val1: 1134
-			val2: 1135
-			val3: 1282
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1036
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1122
-			val1: 1123
-			val2: 1124
-			val3: 1125
-			val4: 1126
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1122
-			val1: 1123
-			val2: 1124
-			val3: 1125
-			val4: 1126
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	AM_MUT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1110
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1100
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1099
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1243
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1180
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1149
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1166
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1364
-			val1: 1594
-			val2: 1600
-			val3: 1601
-			val4: 1602
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1364
-			val1: 1594
-			val2: 1600
-			val3: 1601
-			val4: 1602
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-			val0: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 24
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 600000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 131
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1367
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-	GOAT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 4233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1490
-			val1: 1490
-			val2: 1509
-			val3: 1508
-			val4: 1179
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1490
-			val1: 1490
-			val2: 1509
-			val3: 1508
-			val4: 1179
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-	HARPY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	ELDER: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	GIG: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 16
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1419
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 16
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1419
-		}
-	}
-	VIOLY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-			val1: 4235
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-	}
-	G_MUMMY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1026
-			val1: 1170
-			val2: 1029
-			val3: 1044
-			val4: 1749
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1026
-			val1: 1170
-			val2: 1029
-			val3: 1044
-			val4: 1749
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 31
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 31
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_DEAD"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 3600000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	TENGU: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	KAPHA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 16
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 16
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1531
-			val1: 1531
-			val2: 1564
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1531
-			val1: 1531
-			val2: 1564
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_ISIS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_GHOUL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_MARC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_ARGOS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_JAKK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_JOKER: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 36000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_FRIENDSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "MSC_ANY"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_FRIENDSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "MSC_ANY"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_FRIENDSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "MSC_ANY"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_FRIENDSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "MSC_ANY"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_MATYR: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_PETIT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_PETIT_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_ZEROM: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_BON_GUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_MIMIC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_ALARM: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_PUNK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_RYBIO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_STING: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1560
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1560
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	DRYAD: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 16
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1491
-			val1: 1431
-			val2: 1433
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 16
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1491
-			val1: 1431
-			val2: 1433
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			val0: 1509
-			val1: 1508
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-	QUVE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1509
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	LUDE: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1508
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-	AMON_RA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			val0: 1474
-			val1: 1477
-			val2: 1438
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			val0: 1474
-			val1: 1477
-			val2: 1438
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			val0: 1474
-			val1: 1477
-			val2: 1438
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			val0: 1474
-			val1: 1477
-			val2: 1438
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			val0: 1474
-			val1: 1477
-			val2: 1438
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 89
-			val0: 1474
-			val1: 1477
-			val2: 1438
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 21
-			val0: 1474
-			val1: 1477
-			val2: 1438
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 1474
-			val1: 1477
-			val2: 1438
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 79
-			val0: 1474
-			val1: 1477
-			val2: 1438
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 83
-			val0: 1474
-			val1: 1477
-			val2: 1438
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 21
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 79
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 83
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 89
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			CastTime: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1516
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 24
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	CHUNG_E: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 4000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MASTERATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-	G_FLORA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MASTERATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-	G_HYDRA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MASTERATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1793
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1793
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MASTERATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MASTERATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1625
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1625
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 25
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 173
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 173
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	RSX_0806: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1624
-			val1: 1624
-			val2: 1621
-			val3: 1620
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1624
-			val1: 1624
-			val2: 1621
-			val3: 1620
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1617
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 25
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	MOLE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1519
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1519
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1519
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	CHUNG_E_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 150000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 100
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 100
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 100
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 35000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 1500
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 137
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 150000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 100
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 100
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND3"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND3"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND3"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND3"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND3"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND3"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 1500
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 137
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1641
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1641
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1641
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 150000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 100
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 100
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1642
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1642
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1642
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1642
-			val3: 1643
-			val4: 1645
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1642
-			val3: 1643
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1642
-			val3: 1643
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 1500
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 137
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1642
-			val3: 1643
-			val4: 1644
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1642
-			val3: 1643
-			val4: 1644
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1642
-			val3: 1643
-			val4: 1644
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 52
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 42
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	EREND: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	KAVAC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 46
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 89
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 84
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1659
-			val1: 1660
-			val2: 1661
-			val3: 1662
-			val4: 1663
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1659
-			val1: 1660
-			val2: 1661
-			val3: 1662
-			val4: 1663
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 52
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 42
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_EREND: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_KAVAC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 46
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	DIMIK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	DIMIK_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	DIMIK_2: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	DIMIK_3: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	DIMIK_4: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-	}
-	VENATU_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-	}
-	VENATU_2: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	VENATU_3: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-	}
-	VENATU_4: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	HILL_WIND_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 31
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 15
-			val0: 1365
-			val1: 1669
-			val2: 1675
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1365
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1023
-			val1: 1273
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1023
-			val1: 1273
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1023
-			val1: 1273
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1691
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1691
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1690
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1690
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1690
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 131
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 250000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 250000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1711
-			val1: 1710
-			val2: 1709
-			val3: 1712
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1711
-			val1: 1710
-			val2: 1709
-			val3: 1712
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 44
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-	}
-	FERUS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 36
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	NOVUS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 37
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	ACIDUS_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	FERUS_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 44
-		}
-	}
-	NOVUS_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1756
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1756
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1756
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	HYDRO: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1757
-			val1: 1758
-			val2: 1759
-			val3: 1760
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1757
-			val1: 1758
-			val2: 1759
-			val3: 1760
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1757
-			val1: 1758
-			val2: 1759
-			val3: 1760
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 1715
-			val1: 1718
-		}
-	}
-	KIEL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2500
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2500
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	KIEL_: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1739
-			val1: 1740
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1739
-			val1: 1740
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	ALIOT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_DEAD"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-	ALIZA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 54
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 52
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_ALIOT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_DEAD"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	G_CARAT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 90000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1891
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1891
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1891
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1765
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 700
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 3600000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1762
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-	FRUS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 3600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1761
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1763
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1764
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-	G_HYDRO: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1757
-			val1: 1758
-			val2: 1759
-			val3: 1760
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1757
-			val1: 1758
-			val2: 1759
-			val3: 1760
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1757
-			val1: 1758
-			val2: 1759
-			val3: 1760
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 700
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-	G_FRUS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1786
-			val1: 1787
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1786
-			val1: 1787
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	AGAV: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 137
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-	}
-	ECHIO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 52
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 52
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1788
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1788
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1794
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1794
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	STAPO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 25
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1791
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1791
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-	G_AGAV: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 137
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-	}
-	G_ECHIO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	AUNOE: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-	}
-	FANAT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 2500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 24
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 8000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 900
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 100
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 12
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 12
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-	IFRIT: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1834
-			val1: 1835
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1834
-			val1: 1835
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1834
-			val1: 1835
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-	}
-	KASA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-	G_KASA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	IMP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 4000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 18000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1829
-			val1: 1830
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1829
-			val1: 1830
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1829
-			val1: 1830
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		NPC_RUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-		NPC_RUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1864
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1864
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1864
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 44
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1868
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1868
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			val0: 1874
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			val0: 1874
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1872
-			val1: 1872
-			val2: 1011
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1872
-			val1: 1872
-			val2: 1011
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1872
-			val1: 1872
-			val2: 1011
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-		NPC_RUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-		NPC_RUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1872
-			val1: 1872
-			val2: 1011
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1872
-			val1: 1872
-			val2: 1011
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1872
-			val1: 1872
-			val2: 1011
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	LES: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	UZHAS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	MAVKA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1886
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1886
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1886
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_MAVKA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	GARM_R: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			ChatMsgID: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			ChatMsgID: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			ChatMsgID: 17
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			ChatMsgID: 17
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			ChatMsgID: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			ChatMsgID: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1922
-			val1: 1923
-			val2: 1924
-			val3: 1925
-			ChatMsgID: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1922
-			val1: 1923
-			val2: 1924
-			val3: 1925
-			ChatMsgID: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1922
-			val1: 1923
-			val2: 1924
-			val3: 1925
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 1
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			ChatMsgID: 16
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			ChatMsgID: 16
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			ChatMsgID: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			ChatMsgID: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			ChatMsgID: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			ChatMsgID: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			ChatMsgID: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			ChatMsgID: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-	}
-	MOROCC_: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			ChatMsgID: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			ChatMsgID: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			ChatMsgID: 17
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			ChatMsgID: 17
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			ChatMsgID: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			ChatMsgID: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1922
-			val1: 1923
-			val2: 1924
-			val3: 1925
-			ChatMsgID: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1922
-			val1: 1923
-			val2: 1924
-			val3: 1925
-			ChatMsgID: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1922
-			val1: 1923
-			val2: 1924
-			val3: 1925
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 1
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			ChatMsgID: 16
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			ChatMsgID: 16
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			ChatMsgID: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			ChatMsgID: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			ChatMsgID: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			ChatMsgID: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			ChatMsgID: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			ChatMsgID: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-	}
-	MOROCC_1: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	MOROCC_2: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 5000
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	MOROCC_3: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-	}
-	MOROCC_4: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-	}
-	G_MOROCC_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_MOROCC_2: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1937
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1937
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_MOROCC_3: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-	}
-	G_MOROCC_4: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			ChatMsgID: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 30000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			ChatMsgID: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			ChatMsgID: 24
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			ChatMsgID: 24
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			ChatMsgID: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			ChatMsgID: 24
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1431
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1431
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 19
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			ChatMsgID: 25
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			ChatMsgID: 25
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 90000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 90000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1933
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1933
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1933
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		NPC_RUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-		NPC_RUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 400000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 400000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 300
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1605
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1605
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 30000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 21
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 79
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 83
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 89
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 4000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 4000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 40000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	E_VADON: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 98
-			val0: 2075
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 98
-			val0: 2075
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 98
-			val0: 2075
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 52
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 46741
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-	}
-// Can't find skill with id 696 in skill_db
-		696: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-// Can't find skill with id 696 in skill_db
-		696: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND1"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 30000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1997
-			val1: 1997
-			val2: 1997
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1997
-			val1: 1997
-			val2: 1997
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1997
-			val1: 1997
-			val2: 1997
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 30000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 14469
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-	}
-	NAGA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND1"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	DRACO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 44
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	RATA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 24
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 100
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 120000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 95
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			ChatMsgID: 33
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 75
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 7000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			ChatMsgID: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 7000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			ChatMsgID: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 15
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 40000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 31
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			ChatMsgID: 34
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			ChatMsgID: 34
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2027
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2027
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 2027
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 75
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 75
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 95
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 95
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 120000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 6000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			ChatMsgID: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			ChatMsgID: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 28
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MASTERATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	W_NAGA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-			val1: 131
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2082
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2082
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2082
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-	IARA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 3
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 300
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 300
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2145
-			val1: 2144
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2145
-			val1: 2144
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2083
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2084
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2085
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2086
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-	}
-	E_ORK_HERO2: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1439
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1439
-		}
-	}
-	E_EDDGA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 4000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1603
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1603
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1060
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	E_OSIRIS2: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1522
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1522
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1029
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 16
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1419
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 16
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			val0: 1419
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1427
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1427
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1604
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1604
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1156
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1431
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1431
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1101
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1490
-			val1: 1490
-			val2: 1509
-			val3: 1508
-			val4: 1179
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1490
-			val1: 1490
-			val2: 1509
-			val3: 1508
-			val4: 1179
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 7000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 7000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1788
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1788
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1531
-			val1: 1531
-			val2: 1564
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			val0: 1531
-			val1: 1531
-			val2: 1564
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1364
-			val1: 1594
-			val2: 1600
-			val3: 1601
-			val4: 1602
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1364
-			val1: 1594
-			val2: 1600
-			val3: 1601
-			val4: 1602
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 15
-			val0: 1669
-			val1: 1675
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1365
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 44
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1868
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1868
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1787
-			val1: 1787
-			val2: 1786
-			val3: 1786
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1787
-			val1: 1787
-			val2: 1786
-			val3: 1786
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 90000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1891
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1891
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1891
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 1765
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	E_IFRIT: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1834
-			val1: 1835
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1834
-			val1: 1835
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 1834
-			val1: 1835
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 150000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1641
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1641
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1641
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1641
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1640
-			val1: 1642
-			val2: 1643
-			val3: 1644
-			val4: 1645
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 120000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 20000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 20000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 95
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 180000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 75
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 7000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			ChatMsgID: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 7000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			ChatMsgID: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 15
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 40000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 31
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			ChatMsgID: 34
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			ChatMsgID: 34
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 75
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 75
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 75
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 75
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 95
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 95
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 120000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 700
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-		}
-	}
-	PARUS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 2139
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 35
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 35
-		}
-	}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 36
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 36
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 2141
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 37
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 37
-		}
-	}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 40
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 38
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 38
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 2143
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 39
-		}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 39
-		}
-	}
-		NPC_TALK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 40
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 35000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 7000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 7000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 40000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-	LEAK: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2157
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2157
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2157
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12949
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 4000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12949
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 4000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12949
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12949
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2145
-			val1: 2171
-			val2: 2170
-			val3: 2172
-			val4: 2173
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2145
-			val1: 2171
-			val2: 2170
-			val3: 2172
-			val4: 2173
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2161
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2162
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2163
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 429
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 430
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 400
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 428
-			val0: 2164
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 4000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12949
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 4000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 2008
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 6000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 145
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 200
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	MD_MARC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 16
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 16
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 7000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2195
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2195
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 7000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2195
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2195
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 7000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 7000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 7000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2196
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2196
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 7000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 7000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 7000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2196
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2196
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 38
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2206
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2206
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 2206
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1300
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	E_QUVE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 200000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 200000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	CELIA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 137
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 33
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	CHEN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 43
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-// Can't find skill with id 2540 in skill_db
-		2540: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-// Can't find skill with id 2541 in skill_db
-		2541: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 200000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 200000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-	G_CELIA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 33
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-	G_CHEN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 34
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-// Can't find skill with id 2540 in skill_db
-		2540: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-// Can't find skill with id 2541 in skill_db
-		2541: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 120000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 200000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 200000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 2229
-			val1: 2230
-			val2: 2231
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2229
-			val1: 2230
-			val2: 2231
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2229
-			val1: 2230
-			val2: 2231
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 12000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2500
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2230
-			val2: 2231
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2230
-			val2: 2231
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2230
-			val2: 2231
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-	}
-	B_CELIA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2231
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2231
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2231
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	B_CHEN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 240000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2232
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2231
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2231
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2231
-			val4: 2233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 37
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-// Can't find skill with id 2539 in skill_db
-		2539: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 150000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2231
-			val4: 2232
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2231
-			val4: 2232
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2231
-			val4: 2232
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2231
-			val4: 2232
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2231
-			val4: 2232
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2228
-			val1: 2229
-			val2: 2230
-			val3: 2231
-			val4: 2232
-		}
-// Can't find skill with id 2541 in skill_db
-		2541: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 70000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 70
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 90000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2277
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2277
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2277
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	LORA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	GIOIA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2278
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2278
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2278
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2279
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2279
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	KADES: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 50000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2280
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 2280
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	RUDO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-	G_LORA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 15
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 5
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 15000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	G_RUDO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 300
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 20
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 16
-		}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 37
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_DEAD"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 90000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 90
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 47
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2330
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 44
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	MA_SEAW: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 100
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_DEAD"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	RWC_BOSS2011: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 90000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	N_MUMMY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	N_VERIT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	N_MIMIC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-	G_N_MIMIC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	N_AMON_RA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			val0: 2359
-			val1: 2357
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			val0: 2359
-			val1: 2357
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			val0: 2359
-			val1: 2357
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			val0: 2359
-			val1: 2357
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			val0: 2359
-			val1: 2357
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 89
-			val0: 2359
-			val1: 2357
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 21
-			val0: 2359
-			val1: 2357
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			val0: 2359
-			val1: 2357
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 79
-			val0: 2359
-			val1: 2357
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 83
-			val0: 2359
-			val1: 2357
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 2000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 28
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 21
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 79
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 83
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 89
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-	PETAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-	DUMMY_10: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-	}
-	DUMMY_50: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-	}
-	DUMMY_100: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-	}
-	DUMMY_150: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 26
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 8000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			ChatMsgID: 26
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 8000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 8000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 1000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 50
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 100
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 4000
-			Delay: 100
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 42
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NJ_ISSEN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 2000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2484
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 2484
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SPAWN"
-			val0: 2484
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1253
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1298
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C4_ZOMBIE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_YOYO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C2_YOYO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1024
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 120000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_WOLF: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C3_WILOW: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1010
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 2405
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_VIOLY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-	C1_VIOLY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-	C2_VIOLY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 173
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1621
-		}
-	}
-	C4_VENATU_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-	}
-	C2_VADON: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1618
-		}
-	}
-	C4_TOUCAN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_DEAD"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1051
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		NPC_LICK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	C3_TAROU: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1175
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-	C5_STING: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C3_STAPO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 25
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1784
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_SPORE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1028
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_SOLACE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-	C1_SOHEE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-	}
-	C3_SNAKE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1025
-		}
-	}
-	C4_SMOKIE: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_SKOGUL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 700
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 3600000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1762
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 180000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1290
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1028
-			val1: 1016
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-		}
-	}
-	C1_SIROMA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 1
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1037
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_DEAD"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 3600000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_SHECIL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 35000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 100000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 25000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 1500
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1323
-		}
-	}
-	C4_SEDORA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_SAVAGE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C3_SAVAGE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1166
-		}
-	}
-	C4_SAND_MAN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 100000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-	C2_ROWEEN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1012
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_ROCKER: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1409
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1682
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C3_RAWREL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1657
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 300
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C3_PORING: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1002
-		}
-	}
-	C4_PORING: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_PORING: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_PORING: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 25
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1031
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C3_PLASMA_Y: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 4000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 39
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1693
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_PITMAN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 40
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1995
-		}
-	}
-	C4_PICKY_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_PHEN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	C1_PETIT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_PETIT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1216
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	C1_PASANA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-	C3_OWL_DUKE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1320
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 27
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 36000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_ORC_LADY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1700
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 14
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 173
-			Emotion: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_NOVUS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 37
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_NOVUS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 37
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_NOVUS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 37
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C3_NOVUS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 37
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1715
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 6000000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 300
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1870
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_MUMMY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_MUMMY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C3_MUKA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1055
-		}
-	}
-	C4_MOROCC_1: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_MOROCC_1: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_MOROCC_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 45
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 100
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_MOLE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 25000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1404
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 50000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	C3_MIMING: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 2137
-		}
-	}
-	C4_MIMIC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-	C5_MIMIC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1613
-		}
-	}
-	C4_MERMAN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-	C1_MEDUSA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-	}
-	C2_MARTIN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1143
-		}
-	}
-	C4_MARIN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_MARDUK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-	C1_MANTIS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 2311
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1149
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1063
-		}
-	}
-	C4_LUDE: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			val0: 1508
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 2398
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 24
-		}
-	}
-	C1_LES: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1243
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C3_LEAF_CAT: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1586
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C2_KOBOLD_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 4000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 18000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 5
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1838
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-	C5_KASA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 15000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 31
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 31
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C2_ISIS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-	}
-	C3_ISILLA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1772
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			CastTime: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1516
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-	C2_IARA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 3
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C3_HYEGUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1512
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_HORNET: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_HORN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 52
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1773
-		}
-	}
-	C4_HODE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C5_HILL_WIND_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C1_HILL_WIND_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C2_HIGH_ORC: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 36000000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-	}
-	C3_HARPY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1376
-		}
-	}
-	C4_HARPY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1369
-		}
-	}
-	C4_GOLEM: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C5_GOBLIN_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_GOBLIN_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_GOAT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 4233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C3_GOAT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 4233
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1372
-		}
-	}
-	C4_GLD_KOBOLD_2: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C5_GLD_KOBOLD_2: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 12429
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1303
-		}
-	}
-	C4_GHOUL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_GHOUL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1253
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_GALION: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1794
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			ConditionData: 3
-			val0: 1794
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_FUR_SEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 1
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 20
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1319
-		}
-	}
-	C4_FERUS_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 44
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-	C2_FABRE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C3_FABRE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1007
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C3_ECHIO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1770
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_DRYAD: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C3_DROPS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1113
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_FOLLOW"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 100
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_DRACO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 44
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 2092
-		}
-	}
-	C4_DOKEBI: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 8
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 60000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			val0: 1509
-			val1: 1508
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_DIMIK_1: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 19
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1107
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_DENIRO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1698
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 300
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C1_CREAMY: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C3_COOKIE: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 4
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1265
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_COMODO: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 28
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C1_COCO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C2_COCO: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C3_CLOCK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1269
-		}
-	}
-	C4_CLOCK: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND1"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 7000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-	}
-	C2_CENERE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C3_CELIA: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 137
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 33
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 2223
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_CARAT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 50
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 600
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 20
-		}
-	}
-	C3_BREEZE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1692
-		}
-	}
-	C4_BREEZE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1060
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 21
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 20
-			val0: 23
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 24
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 600000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1315
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 600000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-		}
-	}
-	C4_ARGOS: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1194
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 10
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 300
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 22
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 700
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 700
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-		}
-	}
-	C2_ANDRE: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_LOOT"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 250000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 250000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1699
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 60
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 18
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 4
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 145
-		}
-	}
-	C3_ALIZA: {
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 5000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 54
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_WALK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 2
-		}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 52
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1737
-		}
-	}
-	C4_ALICEL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 20000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C5_ALARM: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-	C1_AGAV: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_FRIEND"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 3000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-			Emotion: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 50
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SKILLUSED"
-			ConditionData: 137
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 5000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_CASTTARGETED"
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-	}
-	C2_ACIDUS_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-	C3_ACIDUS_: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 8
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		NPC_STOP: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 6
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 30000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 1716
-		}
-	}
-	BIG_BEN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 13973
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 80
-			Emotion: 36
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14469
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 9
-			val1: 145
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 129
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 7
-			val1: 12437
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_RANDOM"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 9
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_RANDOM"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_RANDOM"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 12
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_RANDOM"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 11
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-		NPC_RUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-		NPC_RUN: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 99
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14261
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_RUDEATTACKED"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 32
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 200
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 19
-			val1: 161
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 6
-			val1: 14261
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 10000
-			CastTime: 2000
-			Delay: 60000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 2921
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 7
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 7
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 1
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 26
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 0
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 300000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			val0: 29
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 9
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 2
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_ANGRY"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 800
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ATTACKPCGE"
-			ConditionData: 2
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 1500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 1
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 500
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-			Emotion: 6
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 700
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYSTATUSON"
-			ConditionData: "SC_HIDING"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 3000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-		SM_BASH: {
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 5000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 3
-			Rate: 1000
-			Delay: 200000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_AROUND2"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-	}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 10000
-			Delay: 10000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE"
-			ConditionData: 30
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 2000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 11
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 500
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_TARGET"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_RUSH"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 10
-			Rate: 3000
-			CastTime: 1000
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 2000
-			Delay: 30000
-			Cancelable: true
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_ALWAYS"
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_BERSERK"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 2917
-		}
-			SkillState: "MSS_IDLE"
-			SkillLevel: 5
-			Rate: 1000
-			CastTime: 700
-			Delay: 10000
-			SkillTarget: "MST_SELF"
-			CastCondition: "MSC_SLAVELE"
-			val0: 2917
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/db/re/pet_db.conf b/db/re/pet_db.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index a28da61ff..000000000
--- a/db/re/pet_db.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2026 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2018  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//= Pets Database
- ************* Entry structure ********************************************
- **************************************************************************
-	// ================ Mandatory fields ==============================
-	Id: ID                               (int)
-	SpriteName: "Sprite_Name"            (string)
-	Name: "Pet Name"                     (string)
-	// ================ Optional fields ===============================
-	TamingItem: Taming Item              (string, defaults to 0)
-	EggItem: Egg Id                      (string, defaults to 0)
-	AccessoryItem: Equipment Id          (string, defaults to 0)
-	FoodItem: Food Id                    (string, defaults to 0)
-	FoodEffectiveness: hunger points     (int, defaults to 0)
-	HungerDelay: hunger time             (int, defaults to 0)
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: start intimacy                   (int, defaults to 0)
-		FeedIncrement: feeding intimacy           (int, defaults to 0)
-		OverFeedDecrement: overfeeding intimacy   (int, defaults to 0)
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: owner die intimacy   (int, defaults to 0)
-	}
-	CaptureRate: capture rate            (int, defaults to 0)
-	Speed: speed                         (int, defaults to 0)
-	SpecialPerformance: true/false       (boolean, defaults to false)
-	TalkWithEmotes: convert talk         (boolean, defaults to false)
-	AttackRate: attack rate              (int, defaults to 0)
-	DefendRate: Defence attack           (int, defaults to 0)
-	ChangeTargetRate: change target      (int, defaults to 0)
-	Evolve: {
-		EggID: {						 (string, Evolved Pet EggID)
-			Name: Amount                 (items required to perform evolution)
-			...
-		}
-	}
-	AutoFeed: true/false                 (boolean, defaults to false)
-	PetScript: <" Pet Script (can also be multi-line) ">
-	EquipScript: <" Equip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
-	Id: 1002
-	SpriteName: "PORING"
-	Name: "Poring"
-	TamingItem: "Unripe_Apple"
-	EggItem: "Poring_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
-	FoodItem: "Apple_Juice"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 50
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 2000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 350
-	DefendRate: 400
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petloot(10); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bLuk, 2);
-		bonus(bCritical, 1);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Mastering_Egg: {
-			Leaf_Of_Yggdrasil: 10
-			Unripe_Apple: 3
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1011
-	SpriteName: "CHONCHON"
-	Name: "ChonChon"
-	TamingItem: "Rotten_Fish"
-	EggItem: "Chonchon_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Monster_Oxygen_Mask"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 30
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1500
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 500
-	DefendRate: 500
-	ChangeTargetRate: 250
-	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAgi, 4, 10, 50); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bAgi, 1);
-		bonus(bFlee, 2);
-	">
-	Id: 1014
-	SpriteName: "SPORE"
-	Name: "Spore"
-	TamingItem: "Dew_Laden_Moss"
-	EggItem: "Spore_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Bark_Shorts"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 30
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 350
-	DefendRate: 500
-	ChangeTargetRate: 500
-	PetScript: <" petrecovery(SC_POISON, 60); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bHit, 5);
-		bonus(bAtk, -2);
-	">
-	Id: 1019
-	SpriteName: "PECOPECO"
-	Name: "PecoPeco"
-	TamingItem: "Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm"
-	EggItem: "PecoPeco_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Battered_Pot"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 30
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 400
-	DefendRate: 500
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bSpeedRate, 25, 20, 20); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bMaxHP, 150);
-		bonus(bMaxSP, -10);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Grand_Peco_Peco_Egg: {
-			Pet_Food: 10
-			Fatty_Chubby_Earthworm: 3
-			Peco_Wing_Feather: 300
-			Pecopeco_Card: 1
-			Fruit_Of_Mastela: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1023
-	SpriteName: "ORK_WARRIOR"
-	Name: "Orc Warrior"
-	TamingItem: "Horror_Of_Tribe"
-	EggItem: "Orc_Warrior_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Wild_Flower"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 600
-	DefendRate: 200
-	ChangeTargetRate: 300
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_PIERCINGATT", 100, 1, 0, 10); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bAtk, 10);
-		bonus(bDef, -3);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		High_Orc_Egg: {
-			Horror_Of_Tribe: 3
-			Orcish_Sword: 1
-			Orcish_Voucher: 500
-			Cigar: 1
-			Orc_Warrior_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1026
-	SpriteName: "MUNAK"
-	Name: "Munak"
-	TamingItem: "No_Recipient"
-	EggItem: "Munak_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Punisher"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 750
-	ChangeTargetRate: 300
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_DARKNESSATTACK", 444, 1, 0, 10); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bInt, 1);
-		bonus(bDef, 1);
-	">
-	Id: 1029
-	SpriteName: "ISIS"
-	Name: "Isis"
-	TamingItem: "Armlet_Of_Obedience"
-	EggItem: "Isis_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Queens_Hair_Ornament"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 650
-	DefendRate: 450
-	ChangeTargetRate: 150
-	PetScript: <" petskillsupport("PR_MAGNIFICAT", 2, 60, 50, 50); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bMatkRate, -1);
-		bonus(bAtkRate, 1);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Little_Isis_Egg: {
-			Armlet_Of_Obedience: 3
-			Queens_Hair_Ornament: 1
-			Shining_Scales: 300
-			Crystal_Jewel__: 6
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1031
-	SpriteName: "POPORING"
-	Name: "Poporing"
-	TamingItem: "Bitter_Herb"
-	EggItem: "Poporing_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
-	FoodItem: "Green_Herb"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 30
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 500
-	ChangeTargetRate: 400
-	PetScript: <" petloot(15); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bLuk, 2);
-		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Poison, 10);
-	">
-	Id: 1035
-	SpriteName: "HUNTER_FLY"
-	Name: "Hunter Fly"
-	TamingItem: "Monster_Juice"
-	EggItem: "Hunter_Fly_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Monster_Oxygen_Mask"
-	FoodItem: "Red_Gemstone"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 500
-	DefendRate: 500
-	ChangeTargetRate: 200
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_WINDATTACK", 888, 2, 0, 10); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bFlee, -5);
-		bonus(bFlee2, 2);
-	">
-	Id: 1042
-	SpriteName: "STEEL_CHONCHON"
-	Name: "Steel ChonChon"
-	TamingItem: "Lusty_Iron"
-	EggItem: "Steel_Chonchon_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Monster_Oxygen_Mask"
-	FoodItem: "Iron_Ore"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 500
-	DefendRate: 500
-	ChangeTargetRate: 200
-	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAgiVit, 4, 20, 40); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bFlee, 6);
-		bonus(bAgi, -1);
-	">
-	Id: 1049
-	SpriteName: "PICKY"
-	Name: "Picky"
-	TamingItem: "Earthworm_The_Dude"
-	EggItem: "Picky_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Tiny_Egg_Shell"
-	FoodItem: "Red_Herb"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 40
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 2000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 500
-	DefendRate: 600
-	ChangeTargetRate: 50
-	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bStr, 3, 10, 50); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bStr, 1);
-		bonus(bAtk, 5);
-	">
-	Id: 1052
-	SpriteName: "ROCKER"
-	Name: "Rocker"
-	TamingItem: "Singing_Flower"
-	EggItem: "Rocker_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Rocker_Glasses"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 30
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 350
-	DefendRate: 350
-	ChangeTargetRate: 600
-	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAllStats, 1, 10, 50); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bHPrecovRate, 5);
-		bonus(bMaxHP, 25);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Metaller_Egg: {
-			Singing_Plant: 3
-			Grasshoppers_Leg: 777
-			Yellow_Herb: 200
-			Metaller_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1056
-	SpriteName: "SMOKIE"
-	Name: "Smokie"
-	TamingItem: "Baked_Yam"
-	EggItem: "Smokie_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Red_Muffler"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 30
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 600
-	DefendRate: 600
-	ChangeTargetRate: 100
-	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bPerfectHide, 1, 3600, 0); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bAgi, 1);
-		bonus(bFlee2, 1);
-	">
-	Id: 1057
-	SpriteName: "YOYO"
-	Name: "Yoyo"
-	TamingItem: "Tropical_Banana"
-	EggItem: "Yoyo_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Monkey_Circlet"
-	FoodItem: "Banana_Juice"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 800
-	ChangeTargetRate: 400
-	PetScript: <" petloot(20); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bCritical, 3);
-		bonus(bLuk, -1);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Choco_Egg: {
-			Tropical_Banana: 3
-			Monkey_Doll: 2
-			Cacao: 300
-			Yoyo_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1063
-	SpriteName: "LUNATIC"
-	Name: "Lunatic"
-	TamingItem: "Rainbow_Carrot"
-	EggItem: "Lunatic_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Silk_Ribbon"
-	FoodItem: "Carrot_Juice"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 40
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 1000
-	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bLuk, 3, 10, 50); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bCritical, 2);
-		bonus(bAtk, 2);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Leaf_Lunatic_Egg: {
-			Great_Leaf: 100
-			Clover: 250
-			Four_Leaf_Clover: 30
-			Leaf_Lunatic_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1077
-	SpriteName: "POISON_SPORE"
-	Name: "Poison Spore"
-	TamingItem: "Deadly_Noxious_Herb"
-	EggItem: "Poison_Spore_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Bark_Shorts"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1000
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 600
-	DefendRate: 200
-	ChangeTargetRate: 400
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_POISON", 20, 0, 0, 10); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bStr, 1);
-		bonus(bInt, 1);
-	">
-	Id: 1101
-	SpriteName: "BAPHOMET_"
-	Name: "Baphomet Jr."
-	TamingItem: "Book_Of_Devil"
-	EggItem: "Bapho_Jr_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Skull_Helm"
-	FoodItem: "Honey"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 200
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 1000
-	DefendRate: 100
-	ChangeTargetRate: 200
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_DARKNESSATTACK", 1776, 4, 0, 5); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bDef, 1);
-		bonus(bMdef, 1);
-		bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Stun, -100);
-	">
-	Id: 1107
-	SpriteName: "DESERT_WOLF_B"
-	Name: "Baby Desert Wolf"
-	TamingItem: "Well_Dried_Bone"
-	EggItem: "Baby_Desert_Wolf_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Transparent_Headgear"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 40
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1000
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 400
-	DefendRate: 400
-	ChangeTargetRate: 400
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("SM_PROVOKE", 1, 0, 0, 5);">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bInt, 1);
-		bonus(bMaxSP, 50);
-	">
-	Id: 1109
-	SpriteName: "DEVIRUCHI"
-	Name: "Deviruchi"
-	TamingItem: "Contracts_In_Shadow"
-	EggItem: "Deviruchi_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Pacifier"
-	FoodItem: "Shoot"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 800
-	DefendRate: 200
-	ChangeTargetRate: 100
-	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bAgiDexStr, 6, 20, 40); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bMatkRate, 1);
-		bonus(bAtkRate, 1);
-		bonus(bMaxHPrate, -3);
-		bonus(bMaxSPrate, -3);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Diabolic_Egg_: {
-			Contracts_In_Shadow: 3
-			Petite_DiablOfs_Wing: 250
-			Sacred_Marks: 30
-			Deviruchi_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1110
-	SpriteName: "DOKEBI"
-	Name: "Dokebi"
-	TamingItem: "Old_Broom"
-	EggItem: "Dokkaebi_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Wig"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("BS_HAMMERFALL", 1, 0, 0, 10); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bMatkRate, 1);
-		bonus(bAtkRate, -1);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Am_Mut_Egg: {
-			Old_Broom: 3
-			Violet_Dyestuffs: 3
-			Dokkaebi_Horn: 300
-			Gold: 3
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1113
-	SpriteName: "DROPS"
-	Name: "Drops"
-	TamingItem: "Orange_Juice"
-	EggItem: "Drops_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
-	FoodItem: "Yellow_Herb"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 40
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1500
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 400
-	ChangeTargetRate: 500
-	PetScript: <" petloot(10); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bHit, 3);
-		bonus(bAtk, 3);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Eggring_Egg: {
-			Piece_Of_Egg_Shell: 20
-			Old_Frying_Pan: 10
-			Apple_Juice: 3
-			Eggring_Card: 1
-		}
-		Sweet_Drops_Egg: {
-			25290: 500
-			Candy: 50
-			Candy_Striper: 50
-			Drops_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1155
-	SpriteName: "PETIT"
-	Name: "Petite"
-	TamingItem: "Shining_Stone"
-	EggItem: "Green_Petite_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Stellar_Hairpin"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 800
-	DefendRate: 400
-	ChangeTargetRate: 100
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("WZ_HEAVENDRIVE", 500, 1, 0, 10); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bDef, -2);
-		bonus(bMdef, -2);
-		bonus(bAspdRate, 1);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Earth_Deleter_Egg: {
-			Shining_Stone: 3
-			Petti_Tail: 100
-			Aloebera: 150
-			Deleter_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1167
-	SpriteName: "SAVAGE_BABE"
-	Name: "Savage Babe"
-	TamingItem: "Sweet_Milk"
-	EggItem: "Savage_Bebe_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Green_Lace"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 40
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 500
-	DefendRate: 500
-	ChangeTargetRate: 200
-	PetScript: <" petskillbonus(bVit, 4, 10, 50); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bVit, 1);
-		bonus(bMaxHP, 50);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Savage_Egg: {
-			Pet_Food: 10
-			Sweet_Milk: 3
-			Meat: 100
-			Feather: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1170
-	SpriteName: "SOHEE"
-	Name: "Sohee"
-	TamingItem: "Silver_Knife_Of_Chaste"
-	EggItem: "Sohee_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Golden_Bell"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 100
-	DefendRate: 1000
-	ChangeTargetRate: 200
-	PetScript: <" petskillsupport(AL_HEAL, 10, 60, 33, 100); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bStr, 1);
-		bonus(bDex, 1);
-	">
-	Id: 1188
-	SpriteName: "BON_GUN"
-	Name: "Bon Gun"
-	TamingItem: "Heart_Of_Her"
-	EggItem: "Bongun_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Sword_Of_Grave_Keeper"
-	FoodItem: "Pet_Food"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 30
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 600
-	DefendRate: 200
-	ChangeTargetRate: 400
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_DARKNESSATTACK", 555, 1, 1, 1); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bVit, 1);
-		bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Stun, 100);
-	">
-	Evolve: {
-		Hyegun_Egg: {
-			Hyegun_Hat: 1
-			Munak_Doll: 100
-			Old_Portrait: 50
-			Hyegun_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1200
-	SpriteName: "ZHERLTHSH"
-	Name: "Zealotus"
-	TamingItem: "Prohibition_Red_Candle"
-	EggItem: "Zherlthsh_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Immortal_Heart"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 300
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 1000
-	DefendRate: 100
-	ChangeTargetRate: 500
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("AS_SONICBLOW", 1, 0, 0, 3); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus2(bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 2);
-		bonus2(bMagicAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 2);
-	">
-	Id: 1245
-	SpriteName: "GOBLINE_XMAS"
-	Name: "Christmas Goblin"
-	TamingItem: "Sweet_Candy_Striper"
-	EggItem: "Santa_Goblin_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Scell"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 50
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 2000
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("MG_SIGHT", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bMaxHP, 30);
-		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Water, 1);
-	">
-	Id: 1275
-	SpriteName: "ALICE"
-	Name: "Alice"
-	TamingItem: "Sway_Apron"
-	EggItem: "Alice_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "White_Potion"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 800
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 100
-	DefendRate: 1000
-	ChangeTargetRate: 200
-	PetScript: <" petskillsupport("AL_HEAL", 5, 60, 25, 100); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bMdef, 1);
-		bonus2(bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 1);
-	">
-// New Pets
-	Id: 1122
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_1"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	TamingItem: "Knife_Goblin_Ring"
-	EggItem: "Knife_Goblin_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Green_Apple"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 50
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 800
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_WINDATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
-	Id: 1123
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_2"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	TamingItem: "Flail_Goblin_Ring"
-	EggItem: "Flail_Goblin_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Green_Apple"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 50
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 800
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_FIREATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
-	Id: 1125
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_4"
-	Name: "Goblin"
-	TamingItem: "Hammer_Goblin_Ring"
-	EggItem: "Hammer_Goblin_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Green_Apple"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 50
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 800
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_GROUNDATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
-	Id: 1208
-	SpriteName: "WANDER_MAN"
-	Name: "Wanderer"
-	TamingItem: "Skull_Of_Vagabond"
-	EggItem: "Wanderer_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Spirit_Liquor"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 800
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("NPC_UNDEADATTACK", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
-	Id: 1382
-	SpriteName: "DIABOLIC"
-	Name: "Diabolic"
-	TamingItem: "Red_Burning_Stone"
-	EggItem: "Diabolic_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Meat_Veg_Skewer"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 800
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("WZ_METEOR", 2, 0, 5, 5); ">
-	Id: 1385
-	SpriteName: "DELETER_"
-	Name: "Deleter"
-	TamingItem: "Holy_Marble"
-	EggItem: "Red_Deleter_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Whole_Barbecue"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 800
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("SM_MAGNUM", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
-	Id: 1879
-	SpriteName: "ECLIPSE_P"
-	Name: "Spring Rabbit"
-	EggItem: "Spring_Rabbit_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Bok_Choy"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 50
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 2000
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("TF_THROWSTONE", 1, 0, 5, 5); ">
-// Episode 12
-	Id: 1963
-	SpriteName: "P_CHUNG_E"
-	Name: "New Year Doll"
-	EggItem: "New_Year_Doll_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Mojji"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 30
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 800
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("CR_SHIELDCHARGE", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
-// Episode 13
-	Id: 1815
-	SpriteName: "EVENT_RICECAKE"
-	Name: "Rice Cake"
-	EggItem: "Rice_Cake_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Green_Herb"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 50
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 2000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 500
-	DefendRate: 500
-	ChangeTargetRate: 200
-	PetScript: <" petskillsupport("CR_DEFENDER", 3, 240, 50, 100); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Neutral, 1);
-		bonus(bMaxHPrate, -1);
-	">
-	Id: 2210
-	SpriteName: "XMAS_LUNATIC"
-	Name: "Christmas Snow Rabbit"
-	EggItem: "Snow_Rabbit_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Candy"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bExpAddRace, RC_All, 5); ">
-// Episode 13.2
-	Id: 1040
-	SpriteName: "GOLEM"
-	Name: "Golem"
-	TamingItem: "Magical_Lithography"
-	EggItem: "Golem_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Windup_Spring"
-	FoodItem: "Mystic_Stone"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bMaxHP, 100);
-		bonus(bFlee, -5);
-	">
-	Id: 1143
-	SpriteName: "MARIONETTE"
-	Name: "Marionette"
-	TamingItem: "Delicious_Shaved_Ice"
-	EggItem: "Marionette_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Star_Hairband"
-	FoodItem: "Small_Snow_Flower"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <" bonus(bSPrecovRate, 3); ">
-	Id: 1148
-	SpriteName: "MEDUSA"
-	Name: "Medusa"
-	TamingItem: "Splendid_Mirror"
-	EggItem: "Medusa_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Queens_Coronet"
-	FoodItem: "Apple_Pudding"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 200
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bVit, 1);
-		bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Stone, 500);
-	">
-	Id: 1179
-	SpriteName: "WHISPER"
-	Name: "Whisper"
-	TamingItem: "Fit_Pipe"
-	EggItem: "Whisper_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Spirit_Chain_"
-	FoodItem: "Damp_Darkness"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bFlee, 7);
-		bonus(bDef, -3);
-	">
-	Id: 1299
-	SpriteName: "GOBLIN_LEADER"
-	Name: "Goblin Leader"
-	TamingItem: "Staff_Of_Leader"
-	EggItem: "Goblin_Leader_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Nice_Badge"
-	FoodItem: "Big_Cell"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 50
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bAddRace, RC_DemiPlayer, 3); ">
-	Id: 1370
-	SpriteName: "SUCCUBUS"
-	Name: "Succubus"
-	TamingItem: "Boys_Naivety"
-	EggItem: "Succubus_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Black_Butterfly_Mask"
-	FoodItem: "Vital_Flower_"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 200
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bHPDrainRate, 50, 5); ">
-	Id: 1374
-	SpriteName: "INCUBUS"
-	Name: "Incubus"
-	TamingItem: "Grils_Naivety"
-	EggItem: "Incubus_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Ball_Mask"
-	FoodItem: "Vital_Flower"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 50
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <" bonus(bMaxSPrate, 3); ">
-	Id: 1379
-	Name: "Nightmare Terror"
-	TamingItem: "Hell_Contract"
-	EggItem: "Nightmare_Terror_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Hell_Horn"
-	FoodItem: "Fresh_Plant"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 200
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bResEff, Eff_Sleep, 10000); ">
-	Id: 1401
-	SpriteName: "SHINOBI"
-	Name: "Shinobi"
-	TamingItem: "Kuloren"
-	EggItem: "Shinobi_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Wine_On_Sleeve"
-	FoodItem: "Grilled_Rice_Cake"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <" bonus(bAgi, 2); ">
-	Id: 1404
-	SpriteName: "MIYABI_NINGYO"
-	Name: "Miyabi Doll"
-	TamingItem: "Gril_Doll"
-	EggItem: "Miyabi_Ningyo_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Summer_Fan"
-	FoodItem: "Well_Ripened_Berry"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 15
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 200
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bInt, 1);
-		bonus(bCastrate, -3);
-	">
-	Id: 1416
-	SpriteName: "WICKED_NYMPH"
-	Name: "Evil Nymph"
-	TamingItem: "Charming_Lotus"
-	EggItem: "Wicked_Nymph_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Jade_Trinket"
-	FoodItem: "Morning_Dew"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 15
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bMaxSP, 30);
-		bonus(bSPrecovRate, 5);
-	">
-	Id: 1495
-	SpriteName: "STONE_SHOOTER"
-	Name: "Stone Shooter"
-	TamingItem: "Oilpalm_Coconut"
-	EggItem: "Stone_Shooter_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Apro_Hair"
-	FoodItem: "Plant_Neutrient"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <" bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Fire, 3); ">
-	Id: 1504
-	SpriteName: "DULLAHAN"
-	Name: "Dullahan"
-	TamingItem: "Luxury_Whisky_Bottle"
-	EggItem: "Dullahan_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Death_Coil"
-	FoodItem: "Sunset_On_The_Rock"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 200
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <" bonus(bCritAtkRate, 5); ">
-	Id: 1505
-	SpriteName: "LOLI_RURI"
-	Name: "Loli Ruri"
-	TamingItem: "Very_Red_Juice"
-	EggItem: "Loli_Ruri_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Fashionable_Glasses"
-	FoodItem: "Pumpkin_Pie_"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 15
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 200
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bMaxHPrate, 3);
-		bonus3(bAutoSpellWhenHit, "AL_HEAL", 1, 50);
-	">
-	Id: 1513
-	SpriteName: "CIVIL_SERVANT"
-	Name: "Mao Guai"
-	TamingItem: "Fan_Of_Wind"
-	EggItem: "Civil_Servant_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Golden_Earing"
-	FoodItem: "Flavored_Alcohol"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 500
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <" bonus(bMaxSP, 10); ">
-	Id: 1519
-	SpriteName: "CHUNG_E"
-	Name: "Green Maiden"
-	TamingItem: "Tantanmen"
-	EggItem: "Chung_E_Egg"
-	FoodItem: "Bun_"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 50
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 2000
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petskillattack("CR_SHIELDCHARGE", 5, 0, 5, 5); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bDef, 1);
-		bonus2(bAddRaceTolerance, RC_DemiPlayer, 1);
-	">
-	Id: 1586
-	SpriteName: "LEAF_CAT"
-	Name: "Leaf Cat"
-	TamingItem: "Very_Soft_Plant"
-	EggItem: "Leaf_Cat_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Green_Lucky_Bag"
-	FoodItem: "Fish_With_Blue_Back"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 20
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 200
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus2(bAddRaceTolerance, RC_Brute, 3);
-	">
-	Id: 1630
-	SpriteName: "BACSOJIN_"
-	Name: "White Lady"
-	TamingItem: "Shiny_Wing_Gown"
-	EggItem: "Bacsojin_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Round_Hair_Ornament"
-	FoodItem: "Traditional_Cookie"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 2000
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	Id: 1837
-	SpriteName: "IMP"
-	Name: "Fire Imp"
-	TamingItem: "Flaming_Ice"
-	EggItem: "Imp_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Horn_Protector"
-	FoodItem: "Flame_Gemstone"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 200
-	Speed: 150
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus2(bSubEle, Ele_Fire, 2);
-		bonus2(bAddEle, Ele_Fire, 2);
-	">
-// Episode 13.2 Brasilis
-	Id: 2057
-	SpriteName: "E_CRAMP"
-	Name: "Strange Cramp"
-	TamingItem: "Leaf_Cat_Ball"
-	EggItem: "Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball"
-	CaptureRate: 50
-	AttackRate: 350
-	DefendRate: 400
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	Id: 2081
-	SpriteName: "E_HYDRA"
-	Name: "Strange Hydra"
-	TamingItem: "Leaf_Cat_Ball"
-	EggItem: "Mystic_Leaf_Cat_Ball"
-	CaptureRate: 50
-	AttackRate: 350
-	DefendRate: 400
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-// Episode 14.1
-	Id: 2313
-	SpriteName: "TIKBALANG"
-	Name: "Tikbalang"
-	TamingItem: "Tikbalang_Belt"
-	EggItem: "Tikbalang_Pet"
-	FoodItem: "Monsters_Feed"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 1000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2320, 10);
-		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2321, 10);
-		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2322, 10);
-		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2317, 10);
-		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2318, 10);
-		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2327, 10);
-		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2319, 10);
-		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2333, 10);
-		bonus2(bAddDamageClass, 2332, 10);
-	">
-// New Pets
-	Id: 1242
-	SpriteName: "MARIN"
-	Name: "Marin"
-	TamingItem: "Juicy_Fruit"
-	EggItem: "Marin_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Tw_Backpack"
-	FoodItem: "Fruit_Sundae"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 50
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 2000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	Id: 2200
-	SpriteName: "J_TAINI"
-	Name: "Tiny"
-	EggItem: "Egg_Of_Tiny"
-	FoodItem: "Apple"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 10
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 300
-	DefendRate: 300
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-// Episode 14.2
-	Id: 2398
-	SpriteName: "LITTLE_PORING"
-	Name: "Little Poring"
-	TamingItem: "Unripe_Apple2"
-	EggItem: "Novice_Poring_Egg"
-	AccessoryItem: "Backpack"
-	FoodItem: "Apple_Juice"
-	FoodEffectiveness: 80
-	HungerDelay: 60
-	Intimacy: {
-		Initial: 250
-		FeedIncrement: 50
-		OverFeedDecrement: 100
-		OwnerDeathDecrement: 20
-	}
-	CaptureRate: 2000
-	Speed: 150
-	SpecialPerformance: true
-	AttackRate: 350
-	DefendRate: 400
-	ChangeTargetRate: 800
-	PetScript: <" petloot(10); ">
-	EquipScript: <"
-		bonus(bLuk, 2);
-		bonus(bCritical, 1);
-	">
-// New Pets [Need Info]
-	Id: 1090
-	SpriteName: "MASTERING"
-	Name: "Mastering"
-	EggItem: "Mastering_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Evolve: {
-		Angeling_Egg: {
-			Yellow_Potion: 20
-			Spirit_Chain: 1
-			White_Herb: 50
-			Jellopy: 200
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1096
-	SpriteName: "ANGELING"
-	Name: "Angeling"
-	EggItem: "Angeling_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1301
-	SpriteName: "AM_MUT"
-	Name: "Am Mut"
-	EggItem: "Am_Mut_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 3636
-	SpriteName: "LITTLE_ISIS"
-	Name: "Little Isis"
-	EggItem: "Little_Isis_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1214
-	SpriteName: "CHOCO"
-	Name: "Choco"
-	EggItem: "Choco_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 3495
-	SpriteName: "DR_EGGRING"
-	Name: "Eggring"
-	EggItem: "Eggring_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1512
-	SpriteName: "HYEGUN"
-	Name: "Hyegun"
-	EggItem: "Hyegun_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 3496
-	SpriteName: "DR_LUNATIC"
-	Name: "Leaf Lunatic"
-	EggItem: "Leaf_Lunatic_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1180
-	SpriteName: "NINE_TAIL"
-	Name: "Nine Tails"
-	EggItem: "Nine_Tails_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Evolve: {
-		Cat_o_Nine_Tails_Egg: {
-			23187: 3
-			Fox_Tail: 999
-			Punisher: 1
-			Nine_Tail_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1307
-	SpriteName: "CAT_O_NINE_TAIL"
-	Name: "Cat o' Nine Tails"
-	EggItem: "Cat_o_Nine_Tails_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Evolve: {
-		Moonlight_Flower_Egg: {
-			25375: 30
-			Nine_Tail_Card: 10
-			Sohee_Card: 10
-			Munak_Card: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3669
-	SpriteName: "DIABOLIC2"
-	Name: "Diabolic"
-	EggItem: "Diabolic_Egg_"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 3670
-	SpriteName: "DELETER_2"
-	Name: "Earth Deleter"
-	EggItem: "Earth_Deleter_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1622
-	SpriteName: "TEDDY_BEAR"
-	Name: "Teddy Bear"
-	EggItem: "Teddy_Bear_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Evolve: {
-		Abandoned_Teddy_Bear_Egg: {
-			23189: 3
-			Cursed_Seal: 300
-			Cardinal_Jewel_: 50
-			Teddy_Bear_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1632
-	SpriteName: "GREMLIN"
-	Name: "Gremlin"
-	EggItem: "Gremlin_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Evolve: {
-		Hodremlin_Egg: {
-			23188: 3
-			Damp_Darkness: 50
-			Will_Of_Darkness: 200
-			Hodremlin_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3731
-	SpriteName: "SCATLETON"
-	Name: "Scatleton Crate"
-	EggItem: "Scatleton_Crate"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1041
-	SpriteName: "MUMMY"
-	Name: "Mummy"
-	EggItem: "Mummy_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Evolve: {
-		Ancient_Mummy_Egg: {
-			23256: 3
-			Rune_Of_Darkness: 200
-			Gold: 30
-			Ancient_Mummy_Card: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1010
-	SpriteName: "WILOW"
-	Name: "Willow"
-	EggItem: "Willow_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1782
-	SpriteName: "ROWEEN"
-	Name: "Roween"
-	EggItem: "Roween_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1773
-	SpriteName: "HODREMLIN"
-	Name: "Hodremlin"
-	EggItem: "Hodremlin_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1058
-	SpriteName: "METALLER"
-	Name: "Metaller"
-	EggItem: "Metaller_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1297
-	SpriteName: "ANCIENT_MUMMY"
-	Name: "Ancient Mummy"
-	EggItem: "Ancient_Mummy_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 2995
-	SpriteName: "XM_TEDDY_BEAR"
-	Name: "Abandoned Teddy Bear"
-	EggItem: "Abandoned_Teddy_Bear_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 0
-	SpriteName: "X"
-	Name: "Sweet Drops"
-	EggItem: "Sweet_Drops_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1159
-	SpriteName: "PHREEONI"
-	Name: "Phreeoni"
-	EggItem: "Phreeoni_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 1150
-	SpriteName: "MOONLIGHT"
-	Name: "Moonlight Flower"
-	EggItem: "Moonlight_Flower_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
-	Id: 3971
-	SpriteName: "SKELION"
-	Name: "Skelion"
-	EggItem: "Skelion_Egg"
-	AutoFeed: true
diff --git a/db/re/refine_db.conf b/db/re/refine_db.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4974e0033..000000000
--- a/db/re/refine_db.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2015  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//= Renewal Refine Database
- ************* Entry structure ********************************************
- **************************************************************************
-Armors/WeaponLevel1~4: {                                       // Specifies weapon level or armor type.
-															   // - For armors, values of 100 add 1 armor defense.
-															   // - For weapons, values of 100 add 1 ATK & MATK.
-	StatsPerLevel: (int)                                       // This value is applied for ever level.
-	RandomBonusStartLevel: (int)                               // This value specifies the start point for those levels that give a random bonus value (usually the first unsafe upgrade).
-															   // - RandomBonusStartLevel is only applied for weapons, and not displayed client-side.
-	RandomBonusValue: (int)                                    // A random number between 0 and (Random bonus start level - Upgrade level + 1) * this value is applied for all upgrades past.
-	Rates: {                                                   // Per level configuration of the refine rates.
-		Lv1~20: {                                              // Lv1 ~ Lv20.
-			NormalChance: (int)                                // (optional, defaults to 100) Chance of successful refine using normal ores (100 = 100%).
-			EnrichedChance: (int)                              // (optional, defaults to 100 for weapons below refine level 20, otherwise 0.) Chance of successful refine using enriched ores (100 = 100%).
-			EventNormalChance: (int)                           // (optional, defaults to 100) Chance of successful refine using normal ores (100 = 100%) during a refine event.
-			EventEnrichedChance: (int)                         // (optional, defaults to 100 for weapons below refine level 10, otherwise 0.) Chance of successful refine using enriched ores (100 = 100%) during a refine event.
-			Bonus: (int)                                       // (optional, defaults to 0) Bonus (Armor) for this level of refine.
-		}
-		// Note: Refine levels that use default values need not be listed. (Example: Lv1: { NormalChance: 100 Bonus: 0 })
-	}
-Armors: {
-	StatsPerLevel: 0
-	RandomBonusStartLevel: 0
-	RandomBonusValue: 0
-	Rates: {
-		Lv1: {
-			Bonus: 100
-		}
-		Lv2: {
-			Bonus: 100
-		}
-		Lv3: {
-			Bonus: 100
-		}
-		Lv4: {
-			Bonus: 100
-		}
-		Lv5: {
-			NormalChance: 60
-			EnrichedChance: 90
-			EventNormalChance: 60
-			EventEnrichedChance: 95
-			Bonus: 200
-		}
-		Lv6: {
-			NormalChance: 40
-			EnrichedChance: 70
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 80
-			Bonus: 200
-		}
-		Lv7: {
-			NormalChance: 40
-			EnrichedChance: 70
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 80
-			Bonus: 200
-		}
-		Lv8: {
-			NormalChance: 20
-			EnrichedChance: 40
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 60
-			Bonus: 200
-		}
-		Lv9: {
-			NormalChance: 20
-			EnrichedChance: 40
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 50
-			Bonus: 300
-		}
-		Lv10: {
-			NormalChance: 9
-			EnrichedChance: 20
-			EventNormalChance: 9
-			EventEnrichedChance: 35
-			Bonus: 300
-		}
-		Lv11: {
-			NormalChance: 8
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 20
-			Bonus: 300
-		}
-		Lv12: {
-			NormalChance: 8
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 20
-			Bonus: 300
-		}
-		Lv13: {
-			NormalChance: 8
-			EventNormalChance: 16
-			EventEnrichedChance: 16
-			Bonus: 400
-		}
-		Lv14: {
-			NormalChance: 8
-			EventNormalChance: 16
-			EventEnrichedChance: 16
-			Bonus: 400
-		}
-		Lv15: {
-			NormalChance: 7
-			EventNormalChance: 15
-			EventEnrichedChance: 15
-			Bonus: 400
-		}
-		Lv16: {
-			NormalChance: 7
-			EventNormalChance: 15
-			EventEnrichedChance: 15
-			Bonus: 400
-		}
-		Lv17: {
-			NormalChance: 7
-			EventNormalChance: 14
-			EventEnrichedChance: 14
-			Bonus: 500
-		}
-		Lv18: {
-			NormalChance: 7
-			EventNormalChance: 14
-			EventEnrichedChance: 14
-			Bonus: 500
-		}
-		Lv19: {
-			NormalChance: 5
-			EventNormalChance: 10
-			EventEnrichedChance: 10
-			Bonus: 500
-		}
-		Lv20: {
-			NormalChance: 5
-			EventNormalChance: 10
-			EventEnrichedChance: 10
-			Bonus: 500
-		}
-	}
-WeaponLevel1: {
-	StatsPerLevel: 200
-	RandomBonusStartLevel: 8
-	RandomBonusValue: 300
-	Rates: {
-		Lv8: {
-			NormalChance: 60
-			EnrichedChance: 90
-			EventNormalChance: 60
-			EventEnrichedChance: 95
-		}
-		Lv9: {
-			NormalChance: 40
-			EnrichedChance: 70
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 85
-		}
-		Lv10: {
-			NormalChance: 19
-			EnrichedChance: 30
-			EventNormalChance: 19
-			EventEnrichedChance: 55
-		}
-		Lv11: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 40
-		}
-		Lv12: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 40
-		}
-		Lv13: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 35
-			EventEnrichedChance: 35
-		}
-		Lv14: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 35
-			EventEnrichedChance: 35
-		}
-		Lv15: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 30
-			EventEnrichedChance: 30
-		}
-		Lv16: {
-			NormalChance: 17
-			EventNormalChance: 30
-			EventEnrichedChance: 30
-			Bonus: 300
-		}
-		Lv17: {
-			NormalChance: 17
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 20
-			Bonus: 300
-		}
-		Lv18: {
-			NormalChance: 17
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 20
-			Bonus: 300
-		}
-		Lv19: {
-			NormalChance: 15
-			EventNormalChance: 15
-			EventEnrichedChance: 15
-			Bonus: 300
-		}
-		Lv20: {
-			NormalChance: 15
-			EventNormalChance: 15
-			EventEnrichedChance: 15
-			Bonus: 300
-		}
-	}
-WeaponLevel2: {
-	StatsPerLevel: 300
-	RandomBonusStartLevel: 7
-	RandomBonusValue: 500
-	Rates: {
-		Lv7: {
-			NormalChance: 60
-			EnrichedChance: 90
-			EventNormalChance: 60
-			EventEnrichedChance: 95
-		}
-		Lv8: {
-			NormalChance: 40
-			EnrichedChance: 70
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 85
-		}
-		Lv9: {
-			NormalChance: 20
-			EnrichedChance: 40
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 60
-		}
-		Lv10: {
-			NormalChance: 19
-			EnrichedChance: 30
-			EventNormalChance: 19
-			EventEnrichedChance: 45
-		}
-		Lv11: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 40
-		}
-		Lv12: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 40
-		}
-		Lv13: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 35
-			EventEnrichedChance: 35
-		}
-		Lv14: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 35
-			EventEnrichedChance: 35
-		}
-		Lv15: {
-			NormalChance:18
-			EventNormalChance: 30
-			EventEnrichedChance: 30
-		}
-		Lv16: {
-			NormalChance: 17
-			EventNormalChance: 30
-			EventEnrichedChance: 30
-			Bonus: 600
-		}
-		Lv17: {
-			NormalChance: 17
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 20
-			Bonus: 600
-		}
-		Lv18: {
-			NormalChance: 17
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 20
-			Bonus: 600
-		}
-		Lv19: {
-			NormalChance: 15
-			EventNormalChance: 15
-			EventEnrichedChance: 15
-			Bonus: 600
-		}
-		Lv20: {
-			NormalChance: 15
-			EventNormalChance: 15
-			EventEnrichedChance: 15
-			Bonus: 600
-		}
-	}
-WeaponLevel3: {
-	StatsPerLevel: 500
-	RandomBonusStartLevel: 6
-	RandomBonusValue: 800
-	Rates: {
-		Lv6: {
-			NormalChance: 60
-			EnrichedChance: 90
-			EventNormalChance: 60
-			EventEnrichedChance: 95
-		}
-		Lv7: {
-			NormalChance: 50
-			EnrichedChance: 80
-			EventNormalChance: 50
-			EventEnrichedChance: 90
-		}
-		Lv8: {
-			NormalChance: 20
-			EnrichedChance: 40
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 70
-		}
-		Lv9: {
-			NormalChance: 20
-			EnrichedChance: 40
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 60
-		}
-		Lv10: {
-			NormalChance: 19
-			EnrichedChance: 30
-			EventNormalChance: 19
-			EventEnrichedChance: 45
-		}
-		Lv11: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 40
-		}
-		Lv12: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 40
-		}
-		Lv13: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 35
-			EventEnrichedChance: 35
-		}
-		Lv14: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 35
-			EventEnrichedChance: 35
-		}
-		Lv15: {
-			NormalChance: 18
-			EventNormalChance: 30
-			EventEnrichedChance: 30
-		}
-		Lv16: {
-			NormalChance: 17
-			EventNormalChance: 30
-			EventEnrichedChance: 30
-			Bonus: 900
-		}
-		Lv17: {
-			NormalChance: 17
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 20
-			Bonus: 900
-		}
-		Lv18: {
-			NormalChance: 17
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 20
-			Bonus: 900
-		}
-		Lv19: {
-			NormalChance: 15
-			EventNormalChance: 15
-			EventEnrichedChance: 15
-			Bonus: 900
-		}
-		Lv20: {
-			NormalChance: 15
-			EventNormalChance: 15
-			EventEnrichedChance: 15
-			Bonus: 900
-		}
-	}
-WeaponLevel4: {
-	StatsPerLevel: 700
-	RandomBonusStartLevel: 5
-	RandomBonusValue: 1400
-	Rates: {
-		Lv5: {
-			NormalChance: 60
-			EnrichedChance: 90
-			EventNormalChance: 60
-			EventEnrichedChance: 95
-		}
-		Lv6: {
-			NormalChance: 40
-			EnrichedChance: 70
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 80
-		}
-		Lv7: {
-			NormalChance: 40
-			EnrichedChance: 70
-			EventNormalChance: 40
-			EventEnrichedChance: 80
-		}
-		Lv8: {
-			NormalChance: 20
-			EnrichedChance: 40
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 60
-		}
-		Lv9: {
-			NormalChance: 20
-			EnrichedChance: 40
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 50
-		}
-		Lv10: {
-			NormalChance: 9
-			EnrichedChance: 20
-			EventNormalChance: 9
-			EventEnrichedChance: 35
-		}
-		Lv11: {
-			NormalChance: 8
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 20
-		}
-		Lv12: {
-			NormalChance: 8
-			EventNormalChance: 20
-			EventEnrichedChance: 20
-		}
-		Lv13: {
-			NormalChance: 8
-			EventNormalChance: 16
-			EventEnrichedChance: 16
-		}
-		Lv14: {
-			NormalChance: 8
-			EventNormalChance: 16
-			EventEnrichedChance: 16
-		}
-		Lv15: {
-			NormalChance: 7
-			EventNormalChance: 15
-			EventEnrichedChance: 15
-		}
-		Lv16: {
-			NormalChance: 7
-			EventNormalChance: 15
-			EventEnrichedChance: 15
-			Bonus: 1200
-		}
-		Lv17: {
-			NormalChance: 7
-			EventNormalChance: 14
-			EventEnrichedChance: 14
-			Bonus: 1200
-		}
-		Lv18: {
-			NormalChance: 7
-			EventNormalChance: 14
-			EventEnrichedChance: 14
-			Bonus: 1200
-		}
-		Lv19: {
-			NormalChance: 5
-			EventNormalChance: 10
-			EventEnrichedChance: 10
-			Bonus: 1200
-		}
-		Lv20: {
-			NormalChance: 5
-			EventNormalChance: 10
-			EventEnrichedChance: 10
-			Bonus: 1200
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/db/re/size_fix.txt b/db/re/size_fix.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e8e3774d5..000000000
--- a/db/re/size_fix.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// Database for size fix for weapon damage.
-// Columns: Weapon type, Rows: Target size.
-// Unarmed, Knife, 1H Sword, 2H Sword, 1H Spear, 2H Spears, 1H Axe, 2H Axe, Mace, 2H Mace, Staff, Bow, Knuckle, Musical Instrument, Whip, Book, Katar, Revolver, Rifle, Shotgun, Gatling Gun, Grenade Launcher, Fuuma Shuriken, 2H Staff
-100,100, 75, 75, 75, 75, 50, 50, 75, 75,100,100,100, 75, 75,100, 75,100,100,100,100,100, 75,100	// Size: Small
-100, 75,100, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75,100,100,100,100, 75,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100, 75,100	// Size: Medium
-100, 50, 75,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100, 75, 50, 75, 50, 50, 75,100,100,100,100,100,100,100	// Size: Large
diff --git a/db/re/skill_db.conf b/db/re/skill_db.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8548ab2..000000000
--- a/db/re/skill_db.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38553 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database ==========================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ====================================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2014-2017  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//= Renewal Skill Database [Hercules]
-//= @Format Notes:
-//= - All string entries are case-sensitive and must be quoted.
-//= - All setting names are case-sensitive and must be keyed accurately.
-********************************* Entry structure *****************************
-	// ------------------------------ Mandatory Fields ----------------------------
-	Id: ID                                      (int)     (Required)
-	Name: "Skill Name"                          (string)  (Required)
-	MaxLevel: Skill Level                       (int)     (Required)
-	// ------------------------------ Optional Fields -----------------------------
-	Description: "Skill Description"            (string)  (optional but recommended)
-	Range: Skill Range                          (int) (optional, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	                                            Note: Range < 5 is considered Melee range.
-	Hit: Hit Type                               (int) (optional, default "BDT_NORMAL")
-	                                            Types - "BDT_SKILL", "BDT_MULTIHIT" or "BDT_NORMAL"
-	SkillType: {                                (bool, defaults to "Passive")
-		Passive: true/false                     (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Enemy: true/false                       (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Place: true/false                       (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Self: true/false                        (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Friend: true/false                      (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Trap: true/false                        (boolean, defaults to false)
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {                                (bool, defaults to "None")
-		Quest: true/false                       (boolean, defaults to false)
-		NPC: true/false                         (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Wedding: true/false                     (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Spirit: true/false                      (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Guild: true/false                       (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Song: true/false                        (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Ensemble: true/false                    (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Trap: true/false                        (boolean, defaults to false)
-		TargetSelf: true/false                  (boolean, defaults to false)
-		NoCastSelf: true/false                  (boolean, defaults to false)
-		PartyOnly: true/false                   (boolean, defaults to false)
-		GuildOnly: true/false                   (boolean, defaults to false)
-		NoEnemy: true/false                     (boolean, defaults to false)
-		IgnoreLandProtector: true/false         (boolean, defaults to false)
-		Chorus: true/false                      (boolean, defaults to false)
-		FreeCastReduced: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-							Works like skill SA_FREECAST, allow move and attack with reduced speed.
-		FreeCastNormal: true/false              (boolean, defaults to false)
-							Works like FreeCastReduced, but not reduce speed.
-		ShowSkillScale: true/false              (boolean, defaults to false)
-		AllowReproduce: true/false              (boolean, defaults to false)
-	}
-	AttackType: "Attack Type"                   (string, defaults to "None")
-	                                            Types: "None", "Weapon", "Magic" or "Misc"
-	Element: "Element Type"                     (string) (Optional field - Default "Ele_Neutral")
-	                                            (can be grouped by Levels)
-	                                            Types: "Ele_Neutral", "Ele_Water", "Ele_Earth", "Ele_Fire", "Ele_Wind"
-	                                            "Ele_Poison", "Ele_Holy", "Ele_Dark", "Ele_Ghost", "Ele_Undead"
-	                                            "Ele_Weapon" - Uses weapon's element.
-	                                            "Ele_Endowed" - Uses Endowed element.
-	                                            "Ele_Random" - Uses random element.
-	DamageType: {                               (bool, default to "NoDamage")
-		NoDamage: true/false                     No damage skill
-		SplashArea: true/false                   Has splash area (requires source modification)
-		SplitDamage: true/false                  Damage should be split among targets (requires 'SplashArea' in order to work)
-		IgnoreCards: true/false                  Skill ignores caster's % damage cards (misc type always ignores)
-		IgnoreElement: true/false                Skill ignores elemental adjustments
-		IgnoreDefense: true/false                Skill ignores target's defense (misc type always ignores)
-		IgnoreFlee: true/false                   Skill ignores target's flee (magic type always ignores)
-		IgnoreDefCards: true/false               Skill ignores target's def cards
-	}
-	SplashRange: Damage Splash Area             (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	                                            Note: -1 for screen-wide.
-	NumberOfHits: Number of Hits                (int, defaults to 1) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	                                            Note: when positive, damage is increased by hits,
-	                                            negative values just show number of hits without
-	                                            increasing total damage.
-	InterruptCast: Cast Interruption            (bool, defaults to false)
-	CastDefRate: Cast Defense Reduction         (int, defaults to 0)
-	SkillInstances: Skill instances             (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	                                            Notes: max amount of skill instances to place on the ground when
-	                                            player_land_skill_limit/monster_land_skill_limit is enabled. For skills
-	                                            that attack using a path, this is the path length to be used.
-	KnockBackTiles: Knock-back by 'n' Tiles     (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	CastTime: Skill cast Time (in ms)           (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	AfterCastActDelay: Skill Delay (in ms)      (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: Walk Delay (in ms)      (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	SkillData1: Skill Data/Duration (in ms)     (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	SkillData2: Skill Data/Duration (in ms)     (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	CoolDown: Skill Cooldown (in ms)            (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	FixedCastTime: Fixed Cast Time (in ms)      (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-	                                            Note: when 0, uses 20% of cast time and less than
-	                                            0 means no fixed cast time.
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true/false                   (boolean, defaults to false)
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true/false          (boolean, defaults to false)
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-		                                        Note: Delay setting 'IgnoreDex' only makes sense when
-		                                        delay_dependon_dex is enabled.
-	}
-	SkillDelayOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true/false                   (boolean, defaults to false)
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true/false          (boolean, defaults to false)
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-		                                        Note: Delay setting 'IgnoreDex' only makes sense when
-		                                        delay_dependon_dex is enabled.
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		HPCost: HP Cost                         (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		SPCost: SP Cost                         (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		HPRateCost: HP % Cost                   (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		                                        Note: If positive, it is a percent of your current hp,
-		                                        otherwise it is a percent of your max hp.
-		SPRateCost: SP % Cost                   (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		                                        Note: If positive, it is a percent of your current sp,
-		                                        otherwise it is a percent of your max sp.
-		ZenyCost: Zeny Cost                     (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		WeaponTypes: {                          (bool or string, defaults to "All")
-			NoWeapon: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Daggers: true/false                 (boolean, defaults to false)
-			1HSwords: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			2HSwords: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			1HSpears: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			2HSpears: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			1HAxes: true/false                  (boolean, defaults to false)
-			2HAxes: true/false                  (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Maces: true/false                   (boolean, defaults to false)
-			2HMaces: true/false                 (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Staves: true/false                  (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Bows: true/false                    (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Knuckles: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Instruments: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Whips: true/false                   (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Books: true/false                   (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Katars: true/false                  (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Revolvers: true/false               (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Rifles: true/false                  (boolean, defaults to false)
-			GatlingGuns: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-			Shotguns: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true/false        (boolean, defaults to false)
-			FuumaShurikens: true/false          (boolean, defaults to false)
-			2HStaves: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			MaxSingleWeaponType: true/false     (boolean, defaults to false)
-			DWDaggers: true/false               (boolean, defaults to false)
-			DWSwords: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			DWAxes: true/false                  (boolean, defaults to false)
-			DWDaggerSword: true/false           (boolean, defaults to false)
-			DWDaggerAxe: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-			DWSwordAxe: true/false              (boolean, defaults to false)
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {                            (for all types use string "All")
-			A_ARROW: true/false                 (boolean, defaults to false)
-			A_DAGGER: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			A_BULLET: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			A_SHELL: true/false                 (boolean, defaults to false)
-			A_GRENADE: true/false               (boolean, defaults to false)
-			A_SHURIKEN: true/false              (boolean, defaults to false)
-			A_KUNAI: true/false                 (boolean, defaults to false)
-			A_CANNONBALL: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-			A_THROWWEAPON: true/false           (boolean, defaults to false)
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: Ammunition Amount           (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		State: "Required State"                 (string, defaults to "None") (can be grouped by Levels)
-		                                        Types : 'None' = Nothing special
-		                                        'Moveable' = Requires to be able to move
-		                                        'NotOverWeight' = Requires to be less than 50% weight
-		                                        'InWater' = Requires to be standing on a water cell
-		                                        'Cart' = Requires a Pushcart
-		                                        'Riding' = Requires to ride either a peco or a dragon
-		                                        'Falcon' = Requires a Falcon
-		                                        'Sight' = Requires Sight skill activated
-		                                        'Hiding' = Requires Hiding skill activated
-		                                        'Cloaking' = Requires Cloaking skill activated
-		                                        'ExplosionSpirits' = Requires Fury skill activated
-		                                        'CartBoost' = Requires a Pushcart and Cart Boost skill activated
-		                                        'Shield' = Requires a 0,shield equipped
-		                                        'Warg' = Requires a Warg
-		                                        'Dragon' = Requires to ride a Dragon
-		                                        'RidingWarg' = Requires to ride a Warg
-		                                        'Mado' = Requires to have an active mado
-		                                        'PoisonWeapon' = Requires to be under Poisoning Weapon.
-		                                        'RollingCutter' = Requires at least one Rotation Counter from Rolling Cutter.
-		                                        'ElementalSpirit' = Requires to have an Elemental Spirit summoned.
-		                                        'MH_Fighting' = Requires Eleanor fighthing mode
-		                                        'MH_Grappling' = Requires Eleanor grappling mode
-		                                        'Peco' = Requires riding a peco
-		SpiritSphereCost: Spirit Sphere Cost    (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		Items: {
-			ItemID or Aegis_Name : Amount       (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-			                                    Item example: "ID717" or "Blue_Gemstone".
-			                                    Notes: Items with amount 0 will not be consumed.
-			                                    Amount can also be grouped by levels.
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: [ UnitID, UnitID2 ]                 (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		Layout: Unit Layout                     (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		Range: Unit Range                       (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		Interval: Unit Interval                 (int, defaults to 0) (can be grouped by Levels)
-		Target: "Unit Target"                   (string, defaults to "None")
-		                                        Types:
-		                                        All             - affects everyone
-		                                        NotEnemy        - affects anyone who isn't an enemy
-		                                        Friend          - affects party, guildmates and neutral players
-		                                        Party           - affects party only
-		                                        Guild           - affects guild only
-		                                        Ally            - affects party and guildmates only
-		                                        Sameguild       - affects guild but not allies
-		                                        Enemy           - affects enemies only
-		                                        None            - affects nobody
-		Flag: {
-			UF_DEFNOTENEMY: true/false          (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_NOREITERATION: true/false        (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true/false            (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_NOPC: true/false                 (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_NOMOB: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_SKILL: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_DANCE: true/false                (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_SONG: true/false                 (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_DUALMODE: true/false             (boolean, defaults to false)
-			UF_RANGEDSINGLEUNI: true/false      (boolean, defaults to false)
-		}
-	}
-skill_db: (
-	Id: 1
-	Name: "NV_BASIC"
-	Description: "Basic Skill"
-	MaxLevel: 9
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2
-	Name: "SM_SWORD"
-	Description: "Sword Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 3
-	Name: "SM_TWOHAND"
-	Description: "Two-Handed Sword Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 4
-	Description: "Increase HP Recovery"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 5
-	Name: "SM_BASH"
-	Description: "Bash"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 8
-			Lv2: 8
-			Lv3: 8
-			Lv4: 8
-			Lv5: 8
-			Lv6: 15
-			Lv7: 15
-			Lv8: 15
-			Lv9: 15
-			Lv10: 15
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			NoWeapon: true
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 6
-	Name: "SM_PROVOKE"
-	Description: "Provoke"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 4
-			Lv2: 5
-			Lv3: 6
-			Lv4: 7
-			Lv5: 8
-			Lv6: 9
-			Lv7: 10
-			Lv8: 11
-			Lv9: 12
-			Lv10: 13
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 7
-	Name: "SM_MAGNUM"
-	Description: "Magnum Break"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 2000
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		HPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 19
-			Lv4: 19
-			Lv5: 18
-			Lv6: 18
-			Lv7: 17
-			Lv8: 17
-			Lv9: 16
-			Lv10: 16
-		}
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 8
-	Name: "SM_ENDURE"
-	Description: "Endure"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 13000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 19000
-		Lv5: 22000
-		Lv6: 25000
-		Lv7: 28000
-		Lv8: 31000
-		Lv9: 34000
-		Lv10: 37000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 9
-	Description: "Increase SP Recovery"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 10
-	Name: "MG_SIGHT"
-	Description: "Sight"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 11
-	Description: "Napalm Beat"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Ghost"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		SplitDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 400
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1000
-		Lv3: 1000
-		Lv4: 900
-		Lv5: 900
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 700
-		Lv9: 600
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 100
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 9
-			Lv2: 9
-			Lv3: 9
-			Lv4: 12
-			Lv5: 12
-			Lv6: 12
-			Lv7: 15
-			Lv8: 15
-			Lv9: 15
-			Lv10: 18
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 12
-	Description: "Safety Wall"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Ghost"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3200
-		Lv2: 2880
-		Lv3: 2560
-		Lv4: 2240
-		Lv5: 1920
-		Lv6: 1600
-		Lv7: 1280
-		Lv8: 960
-		Lv9: 640
-		Lv10: 320
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 20000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 35000
-		Lv8: 40000
-		Lv9: 45000
-		Lv10: 50000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 720
-		Lv3: 640
-		Lv4: 560
-		Lv5: 480
-		Lv6: 400
-		Lv7: 320
-		Lv8: 240
-		Lv9: 160
-		Lv10: 80
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 35
-			Lv6: 35
-			Lv7: 40
-			Lv8: 40
-			Lv9: 40
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x7e
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 13
-	Description: "Soul Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Ghost"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 4
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 400
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1200
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1600
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2400
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2800
-		Lv10: 2500
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 100
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 20
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 26
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 32
-			Lv9: 42
-			Lv10: 38
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 14
-	Description: "Cold Bolt"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 640
-		Lv2: 960
-		Lv3: 1280
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1920
-		Lv6: 2100
-		Lv7: 1560
-		Lv8: 2880
-		Lv9: 3200
-		Lv10: 3520
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 160
-		Lv2: 240
-		Lv3: 320
-		Lv4: 400
-		Lv5: 480
-		Lv6: 700
-		Lv7: 640
-		Lv8: 720
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 880
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 15
-	Description: "Frost Diver"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 640
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1500
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 9000
-		Lv4: 12000
-		Lv5: 15000
-		Lv6: 18000
-		Lv7: 21000
-		Lv8: 24000
-		Lv9: 27000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 160
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 25
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 23
-			Lv4: 22
-			Lv5: 21
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 19
-			Lv8: 18
-			Lv9: 17
-			Lv10: 16
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 16
-	Description: "Stone Curse"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 800
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 25
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 23
-			Lv4: 22
-			Lv5: 21
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 19
-			Lv8: 18
-			Lv9: 17
-			Lv10: 16
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Red_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 17
-	Description: "Fire Ball"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1280
-		Lv2: 1280
-		Lv3: 1280
-		Lv4: 1280
-		Lv5: 1280
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 800
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 800
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1500
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 1500
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 1500
-		Lv6: 1000
-		Lv7: 1000
-		Lv8: 1000
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 1000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 320
-		Lv2: 320
-		Lv3: 320
-		Lv4: 320
-		Lv5: 320
-		Lv6: 200
-		Lv7: 200
-		Lv8: 200
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 200
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-	}
-	Id: 18
-	Description: "Fire Wall"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1600
-		Lv2: 1440
-		Lv3: 1280
-		Lv4: 1120
-		Lv5: 960
-		Lv6: 880
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 720
-		Lv9: 640
-		Lv10: 560
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 7000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 9000
-		Lv6: 10000
-		Lv7: 11000
-		Lv8: 12000
-		Lv9: 13000
-		Lv10: 14000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 400
-		Lv2: 360
-		Lv3: 320
-		Lv4: 280
-		Lv5: 240
-		Lv6: 220
-		Lv7: 200
-		Lv8: 180
-		Lv9: 160
-		Lv10: 140
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x7f
-		Layout: -1
-		Interval: 20
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 19
-	Description: "Fire Bolt"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 640
-		Lv2: 960
-		Lv3: 1280
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1920
-		Lv6: 2100
-		Lv7: 1560
-		Lv8: 2880
-		Lv9: 3200
-		Lv10: 3520
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 160
-		Lv2: 240
-		Lv3: 320
-		Lv4: 400
-		Lv5: 480
-		Lv6: 700
-		Lv7: 640
-		Lv8: 720
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 880
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 20
-	Description: "Lightning Bolt"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 640
-		Lv2: 960
-		Lv3: 1280
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1920
-		Lv6: 2100
-		Lv7: 1560
-		Lv8: 2880
-		Lv9: 3200
-		Lv10: 3520
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 160
-		Lv2: 240
-		Lv3: 320
-		Lv4: 400
-		Lv5: 480
-		Lv6: 700
-		Lv7: 640
-		Lv8: 720
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 880
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 21
-	Description: "Thunderstorm"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 640
-		Lv2: 1280
-		Lv3: 1920
-		Lv4: 2560
-		Lv5: 3200
-		Lv6: 3840
-		Lv7: 4480
-		Lv8: 5120
-		Lv9: 5760
-		Lv10: 6400
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2000
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2000
-		Lv8: 2000
-		Lv9: 2000
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	SkillData1: 500
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 160
-		Lv2: 320
-		Lv3: 480
-		Lv4: 640
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 960
-		Lv7: 1120
-		Lv8: 1280
-		Lv9: 1440
-		Lv10: 1600
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 29
-			Lv2: 34
-			Lv3: 39
-			Lv4: 44
-			Lv5: 49
-			Lv6: 54
-			Lv7: 59
-			Lv8: 64
-			Lv9: 69
-			Lv10: 74
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 22
-	Name: "AL_DP"
-	Description: "Divine Protection"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 23
-	Description: "Demon Bane"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 24
-	Name: "AL_RUWACH"
-	Description: "Ruwach"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 25
-	Name: "AL_PNEUMA"
-	Description: "Pneuma"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x85
-		Layout: 1
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 26
-	Description: "Teleport"
-	MaxLevel: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 9
-			Lv3: 8
-			Lv4: 7
-			Lv5: 6
-			Lv6: 5
-			Lv7: 4
-			Lv8: 3
-			Lv9: 2
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 27
-	Name: "AL_WARP"
-	Description: "Warp Portal"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 20000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 35000
-		Lv8: 40000
-		Lv9: 45000
-		Lv10: 50000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 35
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 29
-			Lv4: 26
-			Lv5: 23
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 17
-			Lv8: 14
-			Lv9: 11
-			Lv10: 8
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: [ 0x81, 0x80 ]
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 28
-	Name: "AL_HEAL"
-	Description: "Heal"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 13
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 19
-			Lv4: 22
-			Lv5: 25
-			Lv6: 28
-			Lv7: 31
-			Lv8: 34
-			Lv9: 37
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 29
-	Name: "AL_INCAGI"
-	Description: "Increase AGI"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 100000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 140000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 200000
-		Lv9: 220000
-		Lv10: 240000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		HPCost: 15
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 21
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 27
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 33
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 39
-			Lv9: 42
-			Lv10: 45
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 30
-	Name: "AL_DECAGI"
-	Description: "Decrease AGI"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 750
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 40000
-		Lv2: 50000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 70000
-		Lv5: 80000
-		Lv6: 90000
-		Lv7: 100000
-		Lv8: 110000
-		Lv9: 120000
-		Lv10: 130000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 250
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 17
-			Lv3: 19
-			Lv4: 21
-			Lv5: 23
-			Lv6: 25
-			Lv7: 27
-			Lv8: 29
-			Lv9: 31
-			Lv10: 33
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 31
-	Description: "Aqua Benedicta"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		State: "InWater"
-	}
-	Id: 32
-	Name: "AL_CRUCIS"
-	Description: "Signum Crucis"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 15
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 350
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: 150
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 35
-	}
-	Id: 33
-	Name: "AL_ANGELUS"
-	Description: "Angelus"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 350
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 180000
-		Lv7: 210000
-		Lv8: 240000
-		Lv9: 270000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 150
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 23
-			Lv2: 26
-			Lv3: 29
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 35
-			Lv6: 38
-			Lv7: 41
-			Lv8: 44
-			Lv9: 47
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 34
-	Description: "Blessing"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 100000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 140000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 200000
-		Lv9: 220000
-		Lv10: 240000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 28
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 36
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 44
-			Lv6: 48
-			Lv7: 52
-			Lv8: 56
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 64
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 35
-	Name: "AL_CURE"
-	Description: "Cure"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData2: 6000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-	}
-	Id: 36
-	Description: "Enlarge Weight Limit"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 37
-	Description: "Discount"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 38
-	Description: "Overcharge"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 39
-	Description: "Pushcart"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 40
-	Description: "Item Appraisal"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 41
-	Name: "MC_VENDING"
-	Description: "Vending"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		State: "Cart"
-	}
-	Id: 42
-	Description: "Mammonite"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-		ZenyCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 200
-			Lv3: 300
-			Lv4: 400
-			Lv5: 500
-			Lv6: 600
-			Lv7: 700
-			Lv8: 800
-			Lv9: 900
-			Lv10: 1000
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 43
-	Name: "AC_OWL"
-	Description: "Owl's Eye"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 44
-	Name: "AC_VULTURE"
-	Description: "Vulture's Eye"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 45
-	Description: "Improve Concentration"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 100000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 140000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 200000
-		Lv9: 220000
-		Lv10: 240000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 25
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 35
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 45
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 55
-			Lv8: 60
-			Lv9: 65
-			Lv10: 70
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 46
-	Name: "AC_DOUBLE"
-	Description: "Double Strafe"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 100
-	SkillData1: 100
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 47
-	Name: "AC_SHOWER"
-	Description: "Arrow Shower"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		IgnoreLandProtector: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 2
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 3
-		Lv8: 3
-		Lv9: 3
-		Lv10: 3
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 100
-	SkillData1: 100
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 1
-			Lv3: 1
-			Lv4: 1
-			Lv5: 1
-			Lv6: 2
-			Lv7: 2
-			Lv8: 2
-			Lv9: 2
-			Lv10: 2
-		}
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_SKILL: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 48
-	Name: "TF_DOUBLE"
-	Description: "Double Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -1
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 2
-	Id: 49
-	Name: "TF_MISS"
-	Description: "Improve Dodge"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 50
-	Name: "TF_STEAL"
-	Description: "Steal"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 51
-	Name: "TF_HIDING"
-	Description: "Hiding"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 180000
-		Lv7: 210000
-		Lv8: 240000
-		Lv9: 270000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 52
-	Name: "TF_POISON"
-	Description: "Envenom"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-	}
-	Id: 53
-	Description: "Detoxify"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 54
-	Description: "Resurrection"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 4800
-		Lv2: 3200
-		Lv3: 1600
-		Lv4: 0
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 0
-		Lv2: 1000
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 3000
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 5000
-		Lv7: 6000
-		Lv8: 7000
-		Lv9: 8000
-		Lv10: 9000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1200
-		Lv2: 800
-		Lv3: 400
-		Lv4: 0
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 60
-		Items: {
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 55
-	Description: "Spear Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 56
-	Name: "KN_PIERCE"
-	Description: "Pierce"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 3
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 7
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 57
-	Description: "Brandish Spear"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	CastTime: 350
-	FixedCastTime: 350
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-		State: "Riding"
-	}
-	Id: 58
-	Description: "Spear Stab"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -4
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 6
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 9
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 59
-	Description: "Spear Boomerang"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 9
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 13
-		Lv7: 15
-		Lv8: 17
-		Lv9: 19
-		Lv10: 21
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 60
-	Description: "Twohand Quicken"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 180000
-		Lv7: 210000
-		Lv8: 240000
-		Lv9: 270000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 14
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 22
-			Lv4: 26
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 34
-			Lv7: 38
-			Lv8: 42
-			Lv9: 46
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			2HSwords: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 61
-	Description: "Counter Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 400
-		Lv2: 800
-		Lv3: 1200
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 2400
-		Lv7: 2800
-		Lv8: 3200
-		Lv9: 3600
-		Lv10: 4000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 3
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			NoWeapon: true
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 62
-	Description: "Bowling Bash"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	KnockBackTiles: 1
-	CastTime: 350
-	FixedCastTime: 350
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 13
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 15
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 17
-			Lv6: 18
-			Lv7: 19
-			Lv8: 20
-			Lv9: 21
-			Lv10: 22
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 63
-	Name: "KN_RIDING"
-	Description: "Peco Peco Riding"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 64
-	Description: "Cavalier Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 65
-	Description: "Mace Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 66
-	Description: "Impositio Manus"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 13
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 19
-			Lv4: 22
-			Lv5: 25
-			Lv6: 28
-			Lv7: 31
-			Lv8: 34
-			Lv9: 37
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 67
-	Description: "Suffragium"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 10000
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 8
-	}
-	Id: 68
-	Description: "Aspersio"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 150000
-		Lv5: 180000
-		Lv6: 210000
-		Lv7: 240000
-		Lv8: 270000
-		Lv9: 300000
-		Lv10: 330000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 14
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 22
-			Lv4: 26
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 34
-			Lv7: 38
-			Lv8: 42
-			Lv9: 46
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Holy_Water: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 69
-	Description: "B.S. Sacramenti"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 40000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 160000
-		Lv5: 200000
-		Lv6: 240000
-		Lv7: 280000
-		Lv8: 320000
-		Lv9: 360000
-		Lv10: 400000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Id: 70
-	Description: "Sanctuary"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 1
-	CastTime: 4000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 7000
-		Lv3: 10000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 16000
-		Lv6: 19000
-		Lv7: 22000
-		Lv8: 25000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 31000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 21
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 27
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 33
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 39
-			Lv10: 42
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x83
-		Layout: -1
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 71
-	Description: "Slow Poison"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 40000
-		Lv5: 50000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 70000
-		Lv8: 80000
-		Lv9: 90000
-		Lv10: 100000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 6
-			Lv2: 8
-			Lv3: 10
-			Lv4: 12
-			Lv5: 14
-			Lv6: 16
-			Lv7: 18
-			Lv8: 20
-			Lv9: 22
-			Lv10: 24
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 72
-	Description: "Status Recovery"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 73
-	Name: "PR_KYRIE"
-	Description: "Kyrie Eleison"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1600
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 120000
-	FixedCastTime: 400
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 25
-			Lv5: 25
-			Lv6: 25
-			Lv7: 30
-			Lv8: 30
-			Lv9: 30
-			Lv10: 35
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 74
-	Description: "Magnificat"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3200
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 800
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 75
-	Name: "PR_GLORIA"
-	Description: "Gloria"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Id: 76
-	Description: "Lex Divina"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 35000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 45000
-		Lv5: 50000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 60000
-		Lv8: 60000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 20
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 18
-			Lv7: 16
-			Lv8: 14
-			Lv9: 12
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 77
-	Description: "Turn Undead"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreCards: true
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Id: 78
-	Description: "Lex Aeterna"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 79
-	Name: "PR_MAGNUS"
-	Description: "Magnus Exorcismus"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 12000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 4000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 7000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 9000
-		Lv6: 10000
-		Lv7: 11000
-		Lv8: 12000
-		Lv9: 13000
-		Lv10: 14000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 42
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 46
-			Lv5: 48
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 52
-			Lv8: 54
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 58
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x84
-		Layout: -1
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 80
-	Description: "Fire Pillar"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 2
-		Lv7: 2
-		Lv8: 2
-		Lv9: 2
-		Lv10: 2
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: -3
-		Lv2: -4
-		Lv3: -5
-		Lv4: -6
-		Lv5: -7
-		Lv6: -8
-		Lv7: -9
-		Lv8: -10
-		Lv9: -11
-		Lv10: -12
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 5
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1920
-		Lv2: 1728
-		Lv3: 1536
-		Lv4: 1344
-		Lv5: 1152
-		Lv6: 960
-		Lv7: 768
-		Lv8: 576
-		Lv9: 384
-		Lv10: 192
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 600
-		Lv2: 800
-		Lv3: 1000
-		Lv4: 1200
-		Lv5: 1400
-		Lv6: 1600
-		Lv7: 1800
-		Lv8: 2000
-		Lv9: 2200
-		Lv10: 2400
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 480
-		Lv2: 432
-		Lv3: 384
-		Lv4: 336
-		Lv5: 288
-		Lv6: 240
-		Lv7: 192
-		Lv8: 144
-		Lv9: 96
-		Lv10: 48
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 75
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: [ 0x87, 0x88 ]
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 2000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 81
-	Description: "Sightrasher"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 5
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 500
-	FixedCastTime: 80
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 35
-			Lv2: 37
-			Lv3: 39
-			Lv4: 41
-			Lv5: 43
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 47
-			Lv8: 49
-			Lv9: 51
-			Lv10: 53
-		}
-		State: "Sight"
-	}
-	Id: 83
-	Name: "WZ_METEOR"
-	Description: "Meteor Storm"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 3
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 3
-		Lv8: 3
-		Lv9: 3
-		Lv10: 3
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 4
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 9600
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 3000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 5000
-		Lv7: 5000
-		Lv8: 6000
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 7000
-	}
-	SkillData1: 500
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 2400
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 34
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 44
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 54
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 64
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 3
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 84
-	Name: "WZ_JUPITEL"
-	Description: "Jupitel Thunder"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 4
-		Lv6: 5
-		Lv7: 5
-		Lv8: 6
-		Lv9: 6
-		Lv10: 7
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1600
-		Lv2: 1920
-		Lv3: 2240
-		Lv4: 2560
-		Lv5: 2880
-		Lv6: 3200
-		Lv7: 3520
-		Lv8: 3840
-		Lv9: 4160
-		Lv10: 4480
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 400
-		Lv2: 480
-		Lv3: 560
-		Lv4: 640
-		Lv5: 720
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 880
-		Lv8: 960
-		Lv9: 1040
-		Lv10: 1120
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 23
-			Lv3: 26
-			Lv4: 29
-			Lv5: 32
-			Lv6: 35
-			Lv7: 38
-			Lv8: 41
-			Lv9: 44
-			Lv10: 47
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 85
-	Description: "Lord of Vermilion"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	NumberOfHits: -10
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 9600
-		Lv2: 9280
-		Lv3: 8960
-		Lv4: 8640
-		Lv5: 8320
-		Lv6: 8000
-		Lv7: 7680
-		Lv8: 7360
-		Lv9: 7040
-		Lv10: 6720
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 5000
-	SkillData1: 4000
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 5500
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 6500
-		Lv4: 7000
-		Lv5: 7500
-		Lv6: 8000
-		Lv7: 8500
-		Lv8: 9000
-		Lv9: 9500
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2400
-		Lv2: 2320
-		Lv3: 2240
-		Lv4: 2160
-		Lv5: 2080
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 1920
-		Lv8: 1840
-		Lv9: 1760
-		Lv10: 1680
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 64
-			Lv3: 68
-			Lv4: 72
-			Lv5: 76
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 84
-			Lv8: 88
-			Lv9: 92
-			Lv10: 96
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Layout: 5
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 1
-			Lv3: 1
-			Lv4: 1
-			Lv5: 1
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-		Interval: 1250
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 86
-	Description: "Water Ball"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 640
-		Lv2: 1280
-		Lv3: 1920
-		Lv4: 2560
-		Lv5: 3200
-		Lv6: 3200
-		Lv7: 3200
-		Lv8: 3200
-		Lv9: 3200
-		Lv10: 3200
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 160
-		Lv2: 320
-		Lv3: 480
-		Lv4: 640
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 800
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 800
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 25
-			Lv5: 25
-			Lv6: 25
-			Lv7: 25
-			Lv8: 25
-			Lv9: 25
-			Lv10: 25
-		}
-		State: "InWater"
-	}
-	Id: 87
-	Name: "WZ_ICEWALL"
-	Description: "Ice Wall"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 20000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 35000
-		Lv8: 40000
-		Lv9: 45000
-		Lv10: 50000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x8d
-		Layout: -1
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 88
-	Description: "Frost Nova"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 640
-		Lv2: 640
-		Lv3: 576
-		Lv4: 576
-		Lv5: 512
-		Lv6: 512
-		Lv7: 448
-		Lv8: 448
-		Lv9: 384
-		Lv10: 384
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 200
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 5000
-		Lv3: 6000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 10000
-		Lv6: 12000
-		Lv7: 13000
-		Lv8: 15000
-		Lv9: 16000
-		Lv10: 17000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 160
-		Lv2: 160
-		Lv3: 144
-		Lv4: 144
-		Lv5: 128
-		Lv6: 128
-		Lv7: 112
-		Lv8: 112
-		Lv9: 96
-		Lv10: 96
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 45
-			Lv2: 43
-			Lv3: 41
-			Lv4: 39
-			Lv5: 37
-			Lv6: 35
-			Lv7: 33
-			Lv8: 31
-			Lv9: 29
-			Lv10: 27
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 89
-	Description: "Storm Gust"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3840
-		Lv2: 4480
-		Lv3: 5120
-		Lv4: 5760
-		Lv5: 6400
-		Lv6: 7040
-		Lv7: 7680
-		Lv8: 8320
-		Lv9: 8960
-		Lv10: 9600
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 5000
-	SkillData1: 4600
-	SkillData2: 12000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 960
-		Lv2: 1120
-		Lv3: 1280
-		Lv4: 1440
-		Lv5: 1600
-		Lv6: 1760
-		Lv7: 1920
-		Lv8: 2080
-		Lv9: 2240
-		Lv10: 2400
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 78
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Layout: 4
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 450
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 90
-	Description: "Earth Spike"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 448
-		Lv2: 896
-		Lv3: 1344
-		Lv4: 1792
-		Lv5: 2240
-		Lv6: 2240
-		Lv7: 2240
-		Lv8: 2240
-		Lv9: 2240
-		Lv10: 2240
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 112
-		Lv2: 224
-		Lv3: 336
-		Lv4: 448
-		Lv5: 560
-		Lv6: 560
-		Lv7: 560
-		Lv8: 560
-		Lv9: 560
-		Lv10: 560
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 91
-	Description: "Heaven's Drive"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 640
-		Lv2: 1280
-		Lv3: 1920
-		Lv4: 2560
-		Lv5: 3200
-		Lv6: 3200
-		Lv7: 3200
-		Lv8: 3200
-		Lv9: 3200
-		Lv10: 3200
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 500
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 160
-		Lv2: 320
-		Lv3: 480
-		Lv4: 640
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 800
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 800
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 28
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 36
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 44
-			Lv6: 48
-			Lv7: 52
-			Lv8: 56
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 64
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 92
-	Description: "Quagmire"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 20000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 35000
-		Lv8: 40000
-		Lv9: 45000
-		Lv10: 50000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 20000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 35000
-		Lv8: 40000
-		Lv9: 45000
-		Lv10: 50000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 5
-			Lv2: 10
-			Lv3: 15
-			Lv4: 20
-			Lv5: 25
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 35
-			Lv8: 40
-			Lv9: 45
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x8e
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 93
-	Description: "Sense"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 94
-	Name: "BS_IRON"
-	Description: "Iron Tempering"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 95
-	Name: "BS_STEEL"
-	Description: "Steel Tempering"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 96
-	Description: "Enchanted Stone Craft"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 97
-	Description: "Oridecon Research"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 98
-	Name: "BS_DAGGER"
-	Description: "Smith Dagger"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 99
-	Name: "BS_SWORD"
-	Description: "Smith Sword"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 100
-	Description: "Smith Two-handed Sword"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 101
-	Name: "BS_AXE"
-	Description: "Smith Axe"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 102
-	Name: "BS_MACE"
-	Description: "Smith Mace"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 103
-	Name: "BS_KNUCKLE"
-	Description: "Smith Knucklebrace"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 104
-	Name: "BS_SPEAR"
-	Description: "Smith Spear"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 105
-	Description: "Hilt Binding"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 106
-	Description: "Ore Discovery"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 107
-	Description: "Weaponry Research"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 108
-	Description: "Weapon Repair"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2500
-	FixedCastTime: 2500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 109
-	Description: "Skin Tempering"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 110
-	Description: "Hammer Fall"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 2
-		Lv6: 14
-		Lv7: 14
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 14
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 111
-	Description: "Adrenaline Rush"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 180000
-		Lv7: 210000
-		Lv8: 240000
-		Lv9: 270000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 23
-			Lv3: 26
-			Lv4: 29
-			Lv5: 32
-			Lv6: 35
-			Lv7: 38
-			Lv8: 41
-			Lv9: 44
-			Lv10: 47
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 112
-	Description: "Weapon Perfection"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 40000
-		Lv5: 50000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 70000
-		Lv8: 80000
-		Lv9: 90000
-		Lv10: 100000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 12
-			Lv5: 10
-			Lv6: 8
-			Lv7: 6
-			Lv8: 4
-			Lv9: 2
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 113
-	Description: "Power-Thrust"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 40000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 80000
-		Lv5: 100000
-		Lv6: 120000
-		Lv7: 140000
-		Lv8: 160000
-		Lv9: 180000
-		Lv10: 200000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 12
-			Lv5: 10
-			Lv6: 8
-			Lv7: 6
-			Lv8: 4
-			Lv9: 2
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 114
-	Description: "Maximize Power"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 7000
-		Lv8: 8000
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 115
-	Description: "Skid Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: {
-		Lv1: 6
-		Lv2: 7
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 9
-		Lv5: 10
-		Lv6: 11
-		Lv7: 12
-		Lv8: 13
-		Lv9: 14
-		Lv10: 15
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 300000
-		Lv2: 240000
-		Lv3: 180000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Booby_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x90
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 116
-	Description: "Land Mine"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 200000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 80000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Booby_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x93
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 117
-	Description: "Ankle Snare"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 250000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 150000
-		Lv4: 100000
-		Lv5: 50000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 8000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 16000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 24000
-		Lv7: 28000
-		Lv8: 32000
-		Lv9: 36000
-		Lv10: 40000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-		Items: {
-			Booby_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x91
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 118
-	Description: "Shockwave Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 200000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 80000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 45
-		Items: {
-			Booby_Trap: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x94
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 119
-	Name: "HT_SANDMAN"
-	Description: "Sandman"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 60000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-		Items: {
-			Booby_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x95
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 120
-	Name: "HT_FLASHER"
-	Description: "Flasher"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 60000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 17000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 19000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-		Items: {
-			Booby_Trap: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x96
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 121
-	Description: "Freezing Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 60000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 9000
-		Lv4: 12000
-		Lv5: 15000
-		Lv6: 18000
-		Lv7: 21000
-		Lv8: 24000
-		Lv9: 27000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Booby_Trap: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x97
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 122
-	Description: "Blast Mine"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		SplitDamage: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 25000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 10000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Booby_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x8f
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 123
-	Description: "Claymore Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		SplitDamage: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 40000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 80000
-		Lv5: 100000
-		Lv6: 120000
-		Lv7: 140000
-		Lv8: 160000
-		Lv9: 180000
-		Lv10: 200000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		Items: {
-			Booby_Trap: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x98
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 124
-	Description: "Remove Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 125
-	Description: "Talkie Box"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-		Items: {
-			Booby_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x99
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-	}
-	Id: 126
-	Description: "Beast Bane"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 127
-	Name: "HT_FALCON"
-	Description: "Falconry Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 128
-	Description: "Steel Crow"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 129
-	Description: "Blitz Beat"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 13
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 19
-			Lv5: 22
-			Lv6: 25
-			Lv7: 28
-			Lv8: 31
-			Lv9: 34
-			Lv10: 37
-		}
-		State: "Falcon"
-	}
-	Id: 130
-	Description: "Detect"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 9
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 13
-		Lv7: 15
-		Lv8: 17
-		Lv9: 19
-		Lv10: 21
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 8
-		State: "Falcon"
-	}
-	Id: 131
-	Description: "Spring Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 4
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 6
-		Lv4: 7
-		Lv5: 8
-		Lv6: 9
-		Lv7: 10
-		Lv8: 11
-		Lv9: 12
-		Lv10: 13
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		State: "Falcon"
-	}
-	Id: 132
-	Name: "AS_RIGHT"
-	Description: "Righthand Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 133
-	Name: "AS_LEFT"
-	Description: "Lefthand Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 134
-	Name: "AS_KATAR"
-	Description: "Katar Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 135
-	Description: "Cloaking"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 500
-		Lv2: 1000
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 3000
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 5000
-		Lv7: 6000
-		Lv8: 7000
-		Lv9: 8000
-		Lv10: 9000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-	}
-	Id: 136
-	Description: "Sonic Blow"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -8
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: 2000
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	SkillDelayOptions: {
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 16
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 22
-			Lv5: 24
-			Lv6: 26
-			Lv7: 28
-			Lv8: 30
-			Lv9: 32
-			Lv10: 34
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Katars: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 137
-	Description: "Grimtooth"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 3
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Katars: true
-		}
-		State: "Hiding"
-	}
-	Id: 138
-	Description: "Enchant Poison"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		PartyOnly: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 40000
-		Lv5: 50000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 70000
-		Lv8: 80000
-		Lv9: 90000
-		Lv10: 100000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Id: 139
-	Description: "Poison React"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 25000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 35000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 45000
-		Lv7: 50000
-		Lv8: 55000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 65000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 25
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 35
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 45
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 55
-			Lv8: 60
-			Lv9: 45
-			Lv10: 45
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 140
-	Description: "Venom Dust"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 20000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 35000
-		Lv8: 40000
-		Lv9: 45000
-		Lv10: 50000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		Items: {
-			Red_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x92
-		Layout: -1
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 141
-	Description: "Venom Splasher"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 5500
-		Lv3: 6000
-		Lv4: 6500
-		Lv5: 7000
-		Lv6: 7500
-		Lv7: 8000
-		Lv8: 8500
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 9500
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 7500
-		Lv2: 8000
-		Lv3: 8500
-		Lv4: 9000
-		Lv5: 9500
-		Lv6: 10000
-		Lv7: 10500
-		Lv8: 11000
-		Lv9: 11500
-		Lv10: 12000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Red_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 142
-	Description: "First Aid"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 3
-	}
-	Id: 143
-	Description: "Play Dead"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 144
-	Description: "Moving HP-Recovery"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 145
-	Description: "Fatal Blow"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 146
-	Description: "Auto Berserk"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 147
-	Description: "Arrow Crafting"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		State: "NotOverWeight"
-	}
-	Id: 148
-	Description: "Arrow Repel"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 6
-	FixedCastTime: 1500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 149
-	Description: "Sand Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 9
-	}
-	Id: 150
-	Description: "Back Slide"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 5
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 7
-	}
-	Id: 151
-	Description: "Find Stone"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 3
-		State: "NotOverWeight"
-	}
-	Id: 152
-	Description: "Stone Fling"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 100
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	SkillData2: 8000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 2
-		Items: {
-			Stone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 153
-	Description: "Cart Revolution"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-		State: "Cart"
-	}
-	Id: 154
-	Description: "Change Cart"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-		State: "Cart"
-	}
-	Id: 155
-	Name: "MC_LOUD"
-	Description: "Crazy Uproar"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 8
-	}
-	Id: 156
-	Description: "Holy Light"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1600
-	FixedCastTime: 400
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-	}
-	Id: 157
-	Description: "Energy Coat"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 5000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 158
-	Description: "Piercing Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Id: 159
-	Description: "Spirit Destruction"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	Id: 160
-	Description: "Stand off attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Id: 161
-	Description: "Attribute Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 162
-	Description: "Water Attribute Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 163
-	Description: "Earth Attribute Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 164
-	Description: "Fire Attribute Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 165
-	Description: "Wind Attribute Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 166
-	Description: "Poison Attribute Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 167
-	Description: "Holy Attribute Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 168
-	Description: "Shadow Attribute Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 169
-	Description: "Ghost Attribute Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Ghost"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 170
-	Description: "Defense disregard attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	Id: 171
-	Description: "Multi-stage Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: -2
-		Lv2: -3
-		Lv3: -4
-		Lv4: -5
-		Lv5: -6
-		Lv6: -7
-		Lv7: -8
-		Lv8: -9
-		Lv9: -10
-		Lv10: -11
-	}
-	Id: 172
-	Description: "Guided Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	Id: 173
-	Description: "Suicide bombing"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-		IgnoreDefCards: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 5
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	SkillData1: 3500
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 174
-	Description: "Splash attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	Id: 175
-	Description: "Suicide"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	Id: 176
-	Name: "NPC_POISON"
-	Description: "Poison Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 177
-	Description: "Blind Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 178
-	Description: "Silence Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 179
-	Description: "Stun Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 180
-	Description: "Petrify Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 181
-	Description: "Curse Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 182
-	Description: "Sleep attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 183
-	Description: "Random Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Id: 184
-	Description: "Water Attribute Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	Id: 185
-	Description: "Earth Attribute Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	Id: 186
-	Description: "Fire Attribute Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	Id: 187
-	Description: "Wind Attribute Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	Id: 188
-	Description: "Poison Attribute Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	Id: 189
-	Description: "Holy Attribute Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	Id: 190
-	Description: "Shadow Attribute Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	Id: 191
-	Description: "Ghost Attribute Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Ghost"
-	Id: 192
-	Description: "Demon Shock Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 193
-	Description: "Metamorphosis"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 194
-	Description: "Provocation"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 195
-	Description: "Smoking"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	Id: 196
-	Description: "Follower Summons"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 197
-	Description: "Emotion"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 198
-	Description: "Transformation"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 199
-	Description: "Sucking Blood"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	Id: 200
-	Description: "Energy Drain"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	Id: 201
-	Description: "Keeping"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 70000
-		Lv3: 80000
-		Lv4: 90000
-		Lv5: 100000
-		Lv6: 110000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 130000
-		Lv9: 140000
-		Lv10: 150000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 202
-	Description: "Dark Breath"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	Id: 203
-	Description: "Dark Blessing"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 204
-	Description: "Barrier"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 70000
-		Lv3: 80000
-		Lv4: 90000
-		Lv5: 100000
-		Lv6: 110000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 130000
-		Lv9: 140000
-		Lv10: 150000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 205
-	Description: "Defender"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 70000
-		Lv3: 80000
-		Lv4: 90000
-		Lv5: 100000
-		Lv6: 110000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 130000
-		Lv9: 140000
-		Lv10: 150000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 206
-	Name: "NPC_LICK"
-	Description: "Lick"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 207
-	Description: "Hallucination"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 40000
-		Lv3: 50000
-		Lv4: 60000
-		Lv5: 70000
-		Lv6: 80000
-		Lv7: 90000
-		Lv8: 100000
-		Lv9: 110000
-		Lv10: 120000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 208
-	Description: "Rebirth"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 209
-	Description: "Monster Summons"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 210
-	Description: "Gank"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 211
-	Description: "Mug"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-	}
-	Id: 212
-	Description: "Back Stab"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 16
-	}
-	Id: 213
-	Description: "Stalk"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 214
-	Name: "RG_RAID"
-	Description: "Sightless Mind"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		State: "Hiding"
-	}
-	Id: 215
-	Description: "Divest Weapon"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 560
-		Lv2: 720
-		Lv3: 880
-		Lv4: 1140
-		Lv5: 1200
-		Lv6: 1200
-		Lv7: 1200
-		Lv8: 1200
-		Lv9: 1200
-		Lv10: 1200
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 75000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 105000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 135000
-		Lv6: 150000
-		Lv7: 165000
-		Lv8: 180000
-		Lv9: 195000
-		Lv10: 210000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 140
-		Lv2: 180
-		Lv3: 220
-		Lv4: 260
-		Lv5: 300
-		Lv6: 300
-		Lv7: 300
-		Lv8: 300
-		Lv9: 300
-		Lv10: 300
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 17
-			Lv2: 19
-			Lv3: 21
-			Lv4: 23
-			Lv5: 25
-			Lv6: 27
-			Lv7: 29
-			Lv8: 31
-			Lv9: 33
-			Lv10: 35
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 216
-	Description: "Divest Shield"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 560
-		Lv2: 720
-		Lv3: 880
-		Lv4: 1140
-		Lv5: 1200
-		Lv6: 1200
-		Lv7: 1200
-		Lv8: 1200
-		Lv9: 1200
-		Lv10: 1200
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 75000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 105000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 135000
-		Lv6: 150000
-		Lv7: 165000
-		Lv8: 180000
-		Lv9: 195000
-		Lv10: 210000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 140
-		Lv2: 180
-		Lv3: 220
-		Lv4: 260
-		Lv5: 300
-		Lv6: 300
-		Lv7: 300
-		Lv8: 300
-		Lv9: 300
-		Lv10: 300
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 217
-	Description: "Divest Armor"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 560
-		Lv2: 720
-		Lv3: 880
-		Lv4: 1140
-		Lv5: 1200
-		Lv6: 1200
-		Lv7: 1200
-		Lv8: 1200
-		Lv9: 1200
-		Lv10: 1200
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 75000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 105000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 135000
-		Lv6: 150000
-		Lv7: 165000
-		Lv8: 180000
-		Lv9: 195000
-		Lv10: 210000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 140
-		Lv2: 180
-		Lv3: 220
-		Lv4: 260
-		Lv5: 300
-		Lv6: 300
-		Lv7: 300
-		Lv8: 300
-		Lv9: 300
-		Lv10: 300
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 17
-			Lv2: 19
-			Lv3: 21
-			Lv4: 23
-			Lv5: 25
-			Lv6: 27
-			Lv7: 29
-			Lv8: 31
-			Lv9: 33
-			Lv10: 35
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 218
-	Description: "Divest Helm"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 560
-		Lv2: 720
-		Lv3: 880
-		Lv4: 1140
-		Lv5: 1200
-		Lv6: 1200
-		Lv7: 1200
-		Lv8: 1200
-		Lv9: 1200
-		Lv10: 1200
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 75000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 105000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 135000
-		Lv6: 150000
-		Lv7: 165000
-		Lv8: 180000
-		Lv9: 195000
-		Lv10: 210000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 140
-		Lv2: 180
-		Lv3: 220
-		Lv4: 260
-		Lv5: 300
-		Lv6: 300
-		Lv7: 300
-		Lv8: 300
-		Lv9: 300
-		Lv10: 300
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 219
-	Description: "Snatch"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 13
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 19
-			Lv4: 22
-			Lv5: 25
-			Lv6: 28
-			Lv7: 31
-			Lv8: 34
-			Lv9: 37
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 220
-	Description: "Scribble"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		Items: {
-			Red_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb0
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 221
-	Description: "Piece"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 222
-	Name: "RG_CLEANER"
-	Description: "Remover"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 5
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 223
-	Description: "Slyness"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 224
-	Description: "Haggle"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 225
-	Description: "Intimidate"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 226
-	Description: "Axe Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 227
-	Description: "Potion Research"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 228
-	Description: "Prepare Potion"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-		Items: {
-			Medicine_Bowl: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 229
-	Description: "Bomb"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreCards: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 40000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 50000
-		Lv4: 55000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 65000
-		Lv7: 70000
-		Lv8: 75000
-		Lv9: 80000
-		Lv10: 85000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Fire_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb1
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 500
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 230
-	Description: "Acid Terror"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreCards: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 7
-		Lv3: 10
-		Lv4: 12
-		Lv5: 13
-		Lv6: 13
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 13
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 13
-	}
-	SkillData2: 120000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		Items: {
-			Acid_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 231
-	Description: "Aid Potion"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		PartyOnly: true
-		GuildOnly: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-		Items: {
-			Red_Potion: 1
-			Orange_Potion: 1
-			Yellow_Potion: 1
-			White_Potion: 1
-			Blue_Potion: 1
-			Fruit_Of_Mastela: 1
-			Royal_Jelly: 1
-			Seed_Of_Yggdrasil: 1
-			Yggdrasilberry: 1
-			Berserk_Potion: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 232
-	Description: "Summon Flora"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 4
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillInstances: 5
-	CastTime: 1600
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 300000
-		Lv2: 240000
-		Lv3: 180000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 400
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		Items: {
-			MenEater_Plant_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 233
-	Description: "Summon Marine Sphere"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	CastTime: 1600
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 400
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Mini_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 234
-	Name: "AM_CP_WEAPON"
-	Description: "Alchemical Weapon"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 240000
-		Lv3: 360000
-		Lv4: 480000
-		Lv5: 600000
-		Lv6: 720000
-		Lv7: 840000
-		Lv8: 960000
-		Lv9: 1080000
-		Lv10: 1200000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		Items: {
-			Coating_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 235
-	Name: "AM_CP_SHIELD"
-	Description: "Synthesized Shield"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 240000
-		Lv3: 360000
-		Lv4: 480000
-		Lv5: 600000
-		Lv6: 720000
-		Lv7: 840000
-		Lv8: 960000
-		Lv9: 1080000
-		Lv10: 1200000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-		Items: {
-			Coating_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 236
-	Name: "AM_CP_ARMOR"
-	Description: "Synthetic Armor"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 240000
-		Lv3: 360000
-		Lv4: 480000
-		Lv5: 600000
-		Lv6: 720000
-		Lv7: 840000
-		Lv8: 960000
-		Lv9: 1080000
-		Lv10: 1200000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-		Items: {
-			Coating_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 237
-	Name: "AM_CP_HELM"
-	Description: "Biochemical Helm"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 240000
-		Lv3: 360000
-		Lv4: 480000
-		Lv5: 600000
-		Lv6: 720000
-		Lv7: 840000
-		Lv8: 960000
-		Lv9: 1080000
-		Lv10: 1200000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-		Items: {
-			Coating_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 238
-	Description: "Bioethics"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 243
-	Description: "Call Homunculus"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Germination_Breed: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 244
-	Name: "AM_REST"
-	Description: "Vaporize"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-	}
-	Id: 247
-	Description: "Homunculus Resurrection"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	CastTime: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 74
-			Lv2: 68
-			Lv3: 62
-			Lv4: 56
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 44
-			Lv7: 38
-			Lv8: 32
-			Lv9: 26
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 248
-	Name: "CR_TRUST"
-	Description: "Faith"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 249
-	Description: "Guard"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 250
-	Description: "Smite"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	KnockBackTiles: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 251
-	Description: "Shield Boomerang"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 9
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 13
-		Lv7: 15
-		Lv8: 17
-		Lv9: 19
-		Lv10: 21
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 700
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 252
-	Description: "Shield Reflect"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 35
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 45
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 55
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 65
-			Lv8: 70
-			Lv9: 75
-			Lv10: 80
-		}
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 253
-	Description: "Holy Cross"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	NumberOfHits: -2
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 17000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 19000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 11
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 13
-			Lv4: 14
-			Lv5: 15
-			Lv6: 16
-			Lv7: 17
-			Lv8: 18
-			Lv9: 19
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 254
-	Description: "Grand Cross"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		TargetSelf: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreCards: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	CastDefRate: 33
-	CastTime: 1500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1500
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: 900
-	SkillData1: 900
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 17000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 19000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 37
-			Lv2: 44
-			Lv3: 51
-			Lv4: 58
-			Lv5: 65
-			Lv6: 72
-			Lv7: 79
-			Lv8: 86
-			Lv9: 93
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-		HPRateCost: 20
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Layout: -1
-		Interval: 300
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 255
-	Description: "Sacrifice"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-		PartyOnly: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1500
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-	}
-	Id: 256
-	Description: "Resistant Souls"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1500
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 1500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 257
-	Description: "Defending Aura"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 800
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 258
-	Description: "Spear Quicken"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 180000
-		Lv7: 210000
-		Lv8: 240000
-		Lv9: 270000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 24
-			Lv2: 28
-			Lv3: 32
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 44
-			Lv7: 48
-			Lv8: 52
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 259
-	Description: "Iron Fists"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 260
-	Description: "Spiritual Cadence"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 261
-	Description: "Summon Spirit Sphere"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 500
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 8
-	}
-	Id: 262
-	Description: "Absorb Spirit Sphere"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 263
-	Description: "Raging Trifecta Blow"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	SkillDelayOptions: {
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Id: 264
-	Description: "Snap"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 18
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 14
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 265
-	Name: "MO_DODGE"
-	Description: "Dodge"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 266
-	Description: "Occult Impaction"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 17
-			Lv4: 19
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 20
-			Lv8: 20
-			Lv9: 20
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 267
-	Description: "Throw Spirit Sphere"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	CastTime: 500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: {
-		Lv1: 0
-		Lv2: 200
-		Lv3: 400
-		Lv4: 600
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 1000
-		Lv7: 1200
-		Lv8: 1400
-		Lv9: 1600
-		Lv10: 1800
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		SpiritSphereCost: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 6
-			Lv7: 7
-			Lv8: 8
-			Lv9: 9
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 268
-	Description: "Mental Strength"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 2500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 180000
-		Lv7: 210000
-		Lv8: 240000
-		Lv9: 270000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 2500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 200
-		SpiritSphereCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 269
-	Description: "Root"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 500
-		Lv2: 700
-		Lv3: 900
-		Lv4: 1100
-		Lv5: 1300
-		Lv6: 1500
-		Lv7: 1700
-		Lv8: 1900
-		Lv9: 2100
-		Lv10: 2300
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			NoWeapon: true
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 270
-	Description: "Fury"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		SpiritSphereCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 271
-	Description: "Asura Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 1750
-		Lv3: 1500
-		Lv4: 1250
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 1000
-		Lv8: 1000
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 1000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	SkillData2: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 1750
-		Lv3: 1500
-		Lv4: 1250
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 1000
-		Lv8: 1000
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 1000
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			NoWeapon: true
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-		State: "ExplosionSpirits"
-		SpiritSphereCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 272
-	Description: "Raging Quadruple Blow"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -4
-	SkillDelayOptions: {
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 11
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 13
-			Lv4: 14
-			Lv5: 15
-			Lv6: 16
-			Lv7: 17
-			Lv8: 18
-			Lv9: 19
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			NoWeapon: true
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 273
-	Description: "Raging Thrust"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillDelayOptions: {
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 11
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 13
-			Lv4: 14
-			Lv5: 15
-			Lv6: 16
-			Lv7: 17
-			Lv8: 18
-			Lv9: 19
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			NoWeapon: true
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 274
-	Description: "Study"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 275
-	Description: "Cast Cancel"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 276
-	Description: "Magic Rod"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 400
-		Lv2: 600
-		Lv3: 800
-		Lv4: 1000
-		Lv5: 1200
-		Lv6: 1400
-		Lv7: 1600
-		Lv8: 1800
-		Lv9: 2000
-		Lv10: 2200
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 277
-	Description: "Spell Breaker"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 560
-	FixedCastTime: 140
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 278
-	Description: "Free Cast"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 279
-	Description: "Hindsight"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 150000
-		Lv3: 180000
-		Lv4: 210000
-		Lv5: 240000
-		Lv6: 270000
-		Lv7: 300000
-		Lv8: 330000
-		Lv9: 360000
-		Lv10: 390000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 35
-	}
-	Id: 280
-	Description: "Endow Blaze"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		PartyOnly: true
-		GuildOnly: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 1200000
-		Lv2: 1200000
-		Lv3: 1200000
-		Lv4: 1200000
-		Lv5: 1800000
-		Lv6: 1800000
-		Lv7: 1800000
-		Lv8: 1800000
-		Lv9: 1800000
-		Lv10: 1800000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-		Items: {
-			Boody_Red: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 281
-	Description: "Endow Tsunami"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		PartyOnly: true
-		GuildOnly: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 1200000
-		Lv2: 1200000
-		Lv3: 1200000
-		Lv4: 1200000
-		Lv5: 1800000
-		Lv6: 1800000
-		Lv7: 1800000
-		Lv8: 1800000
-		Lv9: 1800000
-		Lv10: 1800000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-		Items: {
-			Crystal_Blue: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 282
-	Description: "Endow Tornado"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		PartyOnly: true
-		GuildOnly: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 1200000
-		Lv2: 1200000
-		Lv3: 1200000
-		Lv4: 1200000
-		Lv5: 1800000
-		Lv6: 1800000
-		Lv7: 1800000
-		Lv8: 1800000
-		Lv9: 1800000
-		Lv10: 1800000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-		Items: {
-			Wind_Of_Verdure: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 283
-	Description: "Endow Quake"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		PartyOnly: true
-		GuildOnly: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 1200000
-		Lv2: 1200000
-		Lv3: 1200000
-		Lv4: 1200000
-		Lv5: 1800000
-		Lv6: 1800000
-		Lv7: 1800000
-		Lv8: 1800000
-		Lv9: 1800000
-		Lv10: 1800000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Live: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 284
-	Description: "Dragonology"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 285
-	Name: "SA_VOLCANO"
-	Description: "Volcano"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 4000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 180000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 300000
-		Lv6: 360000
-		Lv7: 420000
-		Lv8: 480000
-		Lv9: 540000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 48
-			Lv2: 46
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 42
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 38
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 34
-			Lv9: 32
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x9a
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 286
-	Name: "SA_DELUGE"
-	Description: "Deluge"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 4000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 180000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 300000
-		Lv6: 360000
-		Lv7: 420000
-		Lv8: 480000
-		Lv9: 540000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 48
-			Lv2: 46
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 42
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 38
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 34
-			Lv9: 32
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x9b
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 287
-	Description: "Whirlwind"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 4000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 180000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 300000
-		Lv6: 360000
-		Lv7: 420000
-		Lv8: 480000
-		Lv9: 540000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 48
-			Lv2: 46
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 42
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 38
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 34
-			Lv9: 32
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x9c
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 288
-	Description: "Magnetic Earth"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 4000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 165000
-		Lv2: 210000
-		Lv3: 255000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 345000
-		Lv6: 390000
-		Lv7: 435000
-		Lv8: 480000
-		Lv9: 525000
-		Lv10: 570000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 66
-			Lv2: 62
-			Lv3: 58
-			Lv4: 54
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 46
-			Lv7: 42
-			Lv8: 38
-			Lv9: 34
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-			Yellow_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x9d
-		Layout: {
-			Lv1: 3
-			Lv2: 3
-			Lv3: 4
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 5
-			Lv7: 6
-			Lv8: 6
-			Lv9: 7
-			Lv10: 7
-		}
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 289
-	Name: "SA_DISPELL"
-	Description: "Dispell"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-		PartyOnly: true
-		GuildOnly: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 0
-		Lv2: 0
-		Lv3: 0
-		Lv4: 0
-		Lv5: 0
-		Lv6: -1
-		Lv7: -1
-		Lv8: -1
-		Lv9: -1
-		Lv10: -1
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1600
-	FixedCastTime: 400
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 290
-	Description: "Hocus-pocus"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Gemstone: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 291
-	Description: "Monocell"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 292
-	Description: "Class Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 293
-	Description: "Monster Chant"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 294
-	Description: "Grampus Morph"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 1200000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 295
-	Name: "SA_DEATH"
-	Description: "Grim Reaper"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 296
-	Name: "SA_FORTUNE"
-	Description: "Gold Digger"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 297
-	Description: "Beastly Hypnosis"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 298
-	Description: "Questioning"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 299
-	Name: "SA_GRAVITY"
-	Description: "Gravity"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 300
-	Name: "SA_LEVELUP"
-	Description: "Leveling"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 301
-	Description: "Suicide"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 302
-	Description: "Rejuvenation"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 303
-	Name: "SA_COMA"
-	Description: "Coma"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 304
-	Description: "Amp"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 305
-	Name: "BD_ENCORE"
-	Description: "Encore"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 306
-	Name: "BD_LULLABY"
-	Description: "Lullaby"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x9e
-		Layout: 4
-		Interval: 6000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 307
-	Description: "Mental Sensing"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x9f
-		Layout: 4
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOPC: true
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 308
-	Description: "Down Tempo"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xa0
-		Layout: 4
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 309
-	Description: "Battle Theme"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 38
-			Lv2: 41
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 47
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 53
-			Lv7: 56
-			Lv8: 59
-			Lv9: 62
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xa1
-		Layout: 4
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Party"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 310
-	Description: "Harmonic Lick"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 38
-			Lv2: 41
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 47
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 53
-			Lv7: 56
-			Lv8: 59
-			Lv9: 62
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xa2
-		Layout: 4
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Party"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 311
-	Description: "Classical Pluck"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xa3
-		Layout: 4
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 312
-	Description: "Power Chord"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xa4
-		Layout: 4
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Party"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 313
-	Description: "Acoustic Rhythm"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xa5
-		Layout: 4
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Party"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 315
-	Description: "Music Lessons"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 316
-	Description: "Melody Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	CastTime: 1200
-	FixedCastTime: 300
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 3
-			Lv3: 5
-			Lv4: 7
-			Lv5: 9
-			Lv6: 11
-			Lv7: 13
-			Lv8: 15
-			Lv9: 17
-			Lv10: 19
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 317
-	Description: "Unchained Serenade"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Song: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	SkillData2: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 21
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 27
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 33
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 39
-			Lv9: 42
-			Lv10: 45
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xa6
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_SONG: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 318
-	Description: "Unbarring Octave"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 4000
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 17000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 19000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 319
-	Name: "BA_WHISTLE"
-	Description: "Perfect Tablature"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Song: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 24
-			Lv2: 28
-			Lv3: 32
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 44
-			Lv7: 48
-			Lv8: 52
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xa7
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-			UF_SONG: true
-			UF_DUALMODE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 320
-	Description: "Impressive Riff"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Song: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 120000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 38
-			Lv2: 41
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 47
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 53
-			Lv7: 56
-			Lv8: 59
-			Lv9: 62
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xa8
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-			UF_SONG: true
-			UF_DUALMODE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 321
-	Description: "Magic Strings"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Song: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xa9
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-			UF_SONG: true
-			UF_DUALMODE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 322
-	Description: "Song of Lutie"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Song: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xaa
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 6000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-			UF_SONG: true
-			UF_DUALMODE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 323
-	Description: "Dance Lessons"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 324
-	Description: "Slinging Arrow"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	CastTime: 1200
-	FixedCastTime: 300
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 3
-			Lv3: 5
-			Lv4: 7
-			Lv5: 9
-			Lv6: 11
-			Lv7: 13
-			Lv8: 15
-			Lv9: 17
-			Lv10: 19
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Whips: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 325
-	Description: "Hip Shaker"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Song: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	SkillData2: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 23
-			Lv2: 26
-			Lv3: 29
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 35
-			Lv6: 38
-			Lv7: 41
-			Lv8: 44
-			Lv9: 47
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xab
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_DANCE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 326
-	Name: "DC_SCREAM"
-	Description: "Dazzler"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 4000
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 327
-	Name: "DC_HUMMING"
-	Description: "Focus Ballet"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Song: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 26
-			Lv4: 28
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 32
-			Lv7: 34
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 38
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xac
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-			UF_DANCE: true
-			UF_DUALMODE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 328
-	Description: "Slow Grace"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Song: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 28
-			Lv2: 31
-			Lv3: 34
-			Lv4: 37
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 43
-			Lv7: 46
-			Lv8: 49
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 55
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xad
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_DANCE: true
-			UF_DUALMODE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 329
-	Description: "Lady Luck"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Song: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 120000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 43
-			Lv2: 46
-			Lv3: 49
-			Lv4: 52
-			Lv5: 55
-			Lv6: 58
-			Lv7: 61
-			Lv8: 64
-			Lv9: 67
-			Lv10: 70
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xae
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-			UF_DANCE: true
-			UF_DUALMODE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 330
-	Description: "Gypsy's Kiss"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Song: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xaf
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-			UF_DANCE: true
-			UF_DUALMODE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 331
-	Description: "Random Move"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 332
-	Description: "Speed UP"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 333
-	Description: "Revenge"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 334
-	Name: "WE_MALE"
-	Description: "I Will Protect You"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Wedding: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1500
-	FixedCastTime: 1500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-		HPRateCost: -10
-	}
-	Id: 335
-	Name: "WE_FEMALE"
-	Description: "I Look up to You"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Wedding: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1500
-	FixedCastTime: 1500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-		SPRateCost: -10
-	}
-	Id: 336
-	Description: "I miss You"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Wedding: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	SkillData1: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb2
-		Range: -1
-		Interval: -1
-	}
-	Id: 337
-	Description: "Throw Tomahawk"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 338
-	Description: "Cross of Darkness"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -1
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	NumberOfHits: -2
-	Id: 339
-	Description: "Grand cross of Darkness"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		TargetSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreCards: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: 900
-	SkillData1: 900
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 17000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 19000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Layout: -1
-		Interval: 300
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 340
-	Description: "Soul Strike of Darkness"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 4
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Id: 341
-	Description: "Darkness Jupitel"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 4
-		Lv6: 5
-		Lv7: 5
-		Lv8: 6
-		Lv9: 6
-		Lv10: 7
-	}
-	Id: 342
-	Name: "NPC_STOP"
-	Description: "Stop"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 343
-	Description: "Break weapon"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Id: 344
-	Description: "Break armor"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Id: 345
-	Description: "Break helm"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Id: 346
-	Description: "Break shield"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Id: 347
-	Description: "Undead Element Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Undead"
-	Id: 348
-	Description: "Undead Attribute Change"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Undead"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 349
-	Description: "Power Up"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 350
-	Name: "NPC_AGIUP"
-	Description: "Agility UP"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 351
-	Description: "Siege Mode"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 352
-	Description: "Recall Slaves"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 2
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 353
-	Description: "Invisible"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 354
-	Name: "NPC_RUN"
-	Description: "Run"
-	MaxLevel: 20
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 355
-	Description: "Aura Blade"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 40000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 80000
-		Lv4: 100000
-		Lv5: 120000
-		Lv6: 140000
-		Lv7: 160000
-		Lv8: 180000
-		Lv9: 200000
-		Lv10: 220000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 26
-			Lv3: 34
-			Lv4: 42
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 58
-			Lv7: 66
-			Lv8: 74
-			Lv9: 82
-			Lv10: 90
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Bows: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 356
-	Description: "Parrying"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			2HSwords: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 357
-	Description: "Concentration"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 25000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 35000
-		Lv4: 40000
-		Lv5: 45000
-		Lv6: 50000
-		Lv7: 55000
-		Lv8: 60000
-		Lv9: 65000
-		Lv10: 70000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 14
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 22
-			Lv4: 26
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 34
-			Lv7: 38
-			Lv8: 42
-			Lv9: 46
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 358
-	Description: "Relax"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-	}
-	Id: 359
-	Name: "LK_BERSERK"
-	Description: "Frenzy"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	SkillData2: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 200
-	}
-	Id: 361
-	Description: "Assumptio"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1600
-		Lv4: 2000
-		Lv5: 2400
-		Lv6: 2400
-		Lv7: 2400
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2400
-		Lv10: 2400
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1100
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1300
-		Lv4: 1400
-		Lv5: 1500
-		Lv6: 1600
-		Lv7: 1700
-		Lv8: 1800
-		Lv9: 1900
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 40000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 80000
-		Lv5: 100000
-		Lv6: 120000
-		Lv7: 140000
-		Lv8: 160000
-		Lv9: 180000
-		Lv10: 200000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 200
-		Lv2: 300
-		Lv3: 400
-		Lv4: 500
-		Lv5: 600
-		Lv6: 700
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 900
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 1100
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 110
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 362
-	Description: "Basilica"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 4
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 3000
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 5000
-		Lv5: 6000
-		Lv6: 7000
-		Lv7: 8000
-		Lv8: 9000
-		Lv9: 10000
-		Lv10: 11000
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 25000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 35000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 45000
-		Lv7: 50000
-		Lv8: 55000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 65000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 25000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 35000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 45000
-		Lv7: 50000
-		Lv8: 55000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 65000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 7000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 9000
-		Lv6: 10000
-		Lv7: 11000
-		Lv8: 12000
-		Lv9: 13000
-		Lv10: 14000
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 130
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 150
-			Lv9: 160
-			Lv10: 170
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Gemstone: 1
-			Red_Gemstone: 1
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-			Holy_Water: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb4
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 300
-		Target: "All"
-	}
-	Id: 363
-	Description: "Meditatio"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 364
-	Description: "Soul Drain"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Id: 365
-	Description: "Stave Crasher"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 240
-	AfterCastActDelay: 300
-	FixedCastTime: 60
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 8
-	}
-	Id: 366
-	Description: "Mystical Amplification"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 14
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 22
-			Lv4: 26
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 34
-			Lv7: 38
-			Lv8: 42
-			Lv9: 46
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 367
-	Description: "Gloria Domini"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-		IgnoreDefCards: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 1600
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 3500
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 4500
-		Lv7: 5000
-		Lv8: 5500
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 6500
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 3000
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 5000
-		Lv5: 6000
-		Lv6: 7000
-		Lv7: 8000
-		Lv8: 9000
-		Lv9: 10000
-		Lv10: 11000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 400
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 55
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 65
-			Lv9: 70
-			Lv10: 75
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 368
-	Description: "Martyr's Reckoning"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreCards: true
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 369
-	Name: "PA_GOSPEL"
-	Description: "Battle Chant"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 80
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 80
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb3
-		Layout: -1
-		Interval: 10000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 370
-	Description: "Raging Palm Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 300
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 2
-			Lv2: 4
-			Lv3: 6
-			Lv4: 8
-			Lv5: 10
-			Lv6: 12
-			Lv7: 14
-			Lv8: 16
-			Lv9: 18
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-		State: "ExplosionSpirits"
-	}
-	Id: 371
-	Description: "Glacier Fist"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 4000
-		Lv3: 6000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 10000
-		Lv6: 12000
-		Lv7: 14000
-		Lv8: 16000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 20000
-	}
-	SkillDelayOptions: {
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 4
-			Lv2: 6
-			Lv3: 8
-			Lv4: 10
-			Lv5: 12
-			Lv6: 14
-			Lv7: 16
-			Lv8: 18
-			Lv9: 20
-			Lv10: 22
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 372
-	Description: "Chain Crush Combo"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: -1
-		Lv2: -1
-		Lv3: -2
-		Lv4: -2
-		Lv5: -3
-		Lv6: -3
-		Lv7: -4
-		Lv8: -4
-		Lv9: -5
-		Lv10: -5
-	}
-	SkillDelayOptions: {
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 4
-			Lv2: 6
-			Lv3: 8
-			Lv4: 10
-			Lv5: 12
-			Lv6: 14
-			Lv7: 16
-			Lv8: 18
-			Lv9: 20
-			Lv10: 22
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 373
-	Description: "Indulge"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 6
-			Lv7: 7
-			Lv8: 8
-			Lv9: 9
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 374
-	Description: "Soul Exhale"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-		PartyOnly: true
-		GuildOnly: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 375
-	Description: "Soul Siphon"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreCards: true
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreDefCards: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 10000
-		Lv4: 10000
-		Lv5: 15000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 15000
-		Lv8: 15000
-		Lv9: 15000
-		Lv10: 15000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 130
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 150
-			Lv9: 160
-			Lv10: 170
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 376
-	Name: "ASC_KATAR"
-	Description: "Advanced Katar Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 378
-	Name: "ASC_EDP"
-	Description: "Enchant Deadly Poison"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 40000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 50000
-		Lv4: 55000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 65000
-		Lv7: 70000
-		Lv8: 75000
-		Lv9: 80000
-		Lv10: 85000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 70
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 90
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 110
-			Lv7: 120
-			Lv8: 130
-			Lv9: 140
-			Lv10: 150
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Bows: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Poison_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 379
-	Description: "Soul Destroyer"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 250
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 250
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 20
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 30
-			Lv8: 30
-			Lv9: 30
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 380
-	Name: "SN_SIGHT"
-	Description: "Falcon Eyes"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 25
-			Lv4: 25
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 35
-			Lv8: 35
-			Lv9: 40
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 381
-	Description: "Falcon Assault"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 34
-			Lv3: 38
-			Lv4: 42
-			Lv5: 46
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 54
-			Lv8: 58
-			Lv9: 62
-			Lv10: 66
-		}
-		State: "Falcon"
-	}
-	Id: 382
-	Description: "Focused Arrow Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SplashRange: 2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 13
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1500
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 21
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 27
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 33
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 39
-			Lv9: 42
-			Lv10: 45
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 383
-	Description: "Wind Walker"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1500
-		Lv2: 1800
-		Lv3: 2100
-		Lv4: 2400
-		Lv5: 2700
-		Lv6: 3000
-		Lv7: 3300
-		Lv8: 3600
-		Lv9: 3900
-		Lv10: 4200
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 130000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 190000
-		Lv4: 220000
-		Lv5: 250000
-		Lv6: 280000
-		Lv7: 310000
-		Lv8: 340000
-		Lv9: 370000
-		Lv10: 400000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 500
-		Lv2: 600
-		Lv3: 700
-		Lv4: 800
-		Lv5: 900
-		Lv6: 1000
-		Lv7: 1100
-		Lv8: 1200
-		Lv9: 1300
-		Lv10: 1400
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 46
-			Lv2: 52
-			Lv3: 58
-			Lv4: 64
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 76
-			Lv7: 82
-			Lv8: 88
-			Lv9: 94
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 384
-	Description: "Shattering Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 6
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 50
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 80
-			Lv9: 90
-			Lv10: 90
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 387
-	Description: "Cart Boost"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		State: "Cart"
-	}
-	Id: 389
-	Description: "Stealth"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 500
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 390
-	Description: "Counter Instinct"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 15
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 25
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 35
-			Lv7: 40
-			Lv8: 45
-			Lv9: 50
-			Lv10: 55
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 392
-	Name: "CR_ALCHEMY"
-	Description: "Alchemy"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Id: 393
-	Description: "Potion Synthesis"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Id: 394
-	Description: "Vulcan Arrow"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -9
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1600
-		Lv2: 1760
-		Lv3: 1920
-		Lv4: 2080
-		Lv5: 2240
-		Lv6: 2400
-		Lv7: 2560
-		Lv8: 2720
-		Lv9: 2880
-		Lv10: 3040
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 400
-		Lv2: 440
-		Lv3: 480
-		Lv4: 520
-		Lv5: 560
-		Lv6: 600
-		Lv7: 640
-		Lv8: 680
-		Lv9: 720
-		Lv10: 760
-	}
-	SkillDelayOptions: {
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 395
-	Name: "CG_MOONLIT"
-	Description: "Sheltering Bliss"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 25000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 35000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 45000
-		Lv7: 50000
-		Lv8: 55000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 65000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb5
-		Layout: 4
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 396
-	Description: "Marionette Control"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-		PartyOnly: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 397
-	Description: "Spiral Pierce"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 5
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 150
-		Lv2: 250
-		Lv3: 350
-		Lv4: 450
-		Lv5: 500
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 500
-		Lv8: 500
-		Lv9: 500
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1200
-		Lv2: 1400
-		Lv3: 1600
-		Lv4: 1800
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 2200
-		Lv7: 2400
-		Lv8: 2600
-		Lv9: 2800
-		Lv10: 3000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 150
-		Lv2: 250
-		Lv3: 350
-		Lv4: 450
-		Lv5: 500
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 500
-		Lv8: 500
-		Lv9: 500
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 21
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 27
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 33
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 39
-			Lv9: 42
-			Lv10: 45
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 398
-	Description: "Traumatic Blow"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 4
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData2: 120000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 23
-	}
-	Id: 399
-	Description: "Vital Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 4
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 800
-		Lv3: 800
-		Lv4: 800
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 1000
-		Lv7: 1000
-		Lv8: 1000
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 1000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 14
-			Lv5: 16
-			Lv6: 16
-			Lv7: 18
-			Lv8: 18
-			Lv9: 20
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 400
-	Description: "Napalm Vulcan"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Ghost"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		SplitDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData2: 45000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 85
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 115
-			Lv9: 130
-			Lv10: 145
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 401
-	Description: "Zen"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Id: 402
-	Description: "Mind Breaker"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 900
-		Lv3: 1000
-		Lv4: 1100
-		Lv5: 1200
-		Lv6: 1300
-		Lv7: 1400
-		Lv8: 1500
-		Lv9: 1600
-		Lv10: 1700
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 15
-			Lv3: 18
-			Lv4: 21
-			Lv5: 24
-			Lv6: 27
-			Lv7: 30
-			Lv8: 33
-			Lv9: 36
-			Lv10: 39
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 403
-	Description: "Foresight"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	FixedCastTime: 5000
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 404
-	Name: "PF_FOGWALL"
-	Description: "Blinding Mist"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		TargetSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 2
-	SkillData1: 20000
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb6
-		Layout: -1
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-	}
-	Id: 405
-	Description: "Fiber Lock"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	SkillData2: 8000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		Items: {
-			Spiderweb: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb7
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 406
-	Description: "Meteor Assault"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreCards: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	CastTime: 250
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 5000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 120000
-		Lv6: 120000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 120000
-		Lv9: 120000
-		Lv10: 120000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 250
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 18
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 22
-			Lv8: 24
-			Lv9: 26
-			Lv10: 28
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 407
-	Name: "ASC_CDP"
-	Description: "Create Deadly Poison"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	AfterCastActDelay: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-	}
-	Id: 408
-	Name: "WE_BABY"
-	Description: "Baby"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Wedding: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-		SPRateCost: -10
-	}
-	Id: 409
-	Description: "Call Parent"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Wedding: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	SkillData1: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb2
-		Range: -1
-		Interval: -1
-	}
-	Id: 410
-	Description: "Call Baby"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Wedding: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	SkillData1: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb2
-		Range: -1
-		Interval: -1
-	}
-	Id: 411
-	Name: "TK_RUN"
-	Description: "Running"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 4
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 100
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 0
-		Lv8: 0
-		Lv9: 0
-		Lv10: 0
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 300
-	SkillData1: 1000
-	SkillData2: 150000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 0
-		Lv8: 0
-		Lv9: 0
-		Lv10: 0
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 40
-			Lv8: 30
-			Lv9: 20
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-		State: "Moveable"
-	}
-	Id: 412
-	Description: "Tornado Stance"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 413
-	Description: "Tornado Kick"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 14
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 10
-			Lv4: 8
-			Lv5: 6
-			Lv6: 4
-			Lv7: 2
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 414
-	Description: "Heel Drop Stance"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 415
-	Description: "Heel Drop"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	SkillData2: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 14
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 10
-			Lv4: 8
-			Lv5: 6
-			Lv6: 4
-			Lv7: 2
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 416
-	Description: "Roundhouse Stance"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 417
-	Description: "Roundhouse Kick"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	SkillData2: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 14
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 10
-			Lv4: 8
-			Lv5: 6
-			Lv6: 4
-			Lv7: 2
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 418
-	Description: "Counter Kick Stance"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 419
-	Name: "TK_COUNTER"
-	Description: "Counter Kick"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 14
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 10
-			Lv4: 8
-			Lv5: 6
-			Lv6: 4
-			Lv7: 2
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 420
-	Name: "TK_DODGE"
-	Description: "Tumbling"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 421
-	Description: "Flying Kick"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 10
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 422
-	Name: "TK_HPTIME"
-	Description: "Peaceful Break"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 423
-	Name: "TK_SPTIME"
-	Description: "Happy Break"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 424
-	Name: "TK_POWER"
-	Description: "Kihop"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 425
-	Description: "Mild Wind"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: {
-		Lv1: "Ele_Earth"
-		Lv2: "Ele_Wind"
-		Lv3: "Ele_Water"
-		Lv4: "Ele_Fire"
-		Lv5: "Ele_Ghost"
-		Lv6: "Ele_Dark"
-		Lv7: "Ele_Holy"
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 20
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 50
-			Lv9: 50
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 426
-	Description: "Taekwon Jump"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2500
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 1500
-		Lv4: 1000
-		Lv5: 500
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 500
-		Lv8: 500
-		Lv9: 500
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2500
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 1500
-		Lv4: 1000
-		Lv5: 500
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 500
-		Lv8: 500
-		Lv9: 500
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-	}
-	Id: 427
-	Name: "SG_FEEL"
-	Description: "Feeling the Sun Moon and Stars"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 428
-	Name: "SG_SUN_WARM"
-	Description: "Warmth of the Sun"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 60000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 60000
-		Lv8: 60000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 429
-	Name: "SG_MOON_WARM"
-	Description: "Warmth of the Moon"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 60000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 60000
-		Lv8: 60000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 430
-	Name: "SG_STAR_WARM"
-	Description: "Warmth of the Stars"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 60000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 60000
-		Lv8: 60000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 431
-	Description: "Comfort of the Sun"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 80000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 240000
-		Lv4: 320000
-		Lv5: 400000
-		Lv6: 480000
-		Lv7: 560000
-		Lv8: 640000
-		Lv9: 720000
-		Lv10: 800000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 10
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 432
-	Description: "Comfort of the Moon"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 80000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 240000
-		Lv4: 320000
-		Lv5: 400000
-		Lv6: 480000
-		Lv7: 560000
-		Lv8: 640000
-		Lv9: 720000
-		Lv10: 800000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 10
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 433
-	Description: "Comfort of the Stars"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 80000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 240000
-		Lv4: 320000
-		Lv5: 400000
-		Lv6: 480000
-		Lv7: 560000
-		Lv8: 640000
-		Lv9: 720000
-		Lv10: 800000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 10
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 434
-	Name: "SG_HATE"
-	Description: "Hatred of the Sun Moon and Stars"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 435
-	Name: "SG_SUN_ANGER"
-	Description: "Anger of the Sun"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 436
-	Description: "Anger of the Moon"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 437
-	Description: "Anger of the Stars"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 438
-	Name: "SG_SUN_BLESS"
-	Description: "Blessing of the Sun"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 439
-	Description: "Blessing of the Moon"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 440
-	Description: "Blessing of the Stars"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 441
-	Name: "SG_DEVIL"
-	Description: "Demon of the Sun Moon and Stars"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 442
-	Name: "SG_FRIEND"
-	Description: "Friend of the Sun Moon and Stars"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 443
-	Description: "Knowledge of the Sun Moon and Stars"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 444
-	Name: "SG_FUSION"
-	Description: "Union of the Sun Moon and Stars"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 445
-	Description: "Spirit of the Alchemist"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 446
-	Description: "Aid Berserk Potion"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Spirit: true
-		PartyOnly: true
-		GuildOnly: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		SPRateCost: 8
-		Items: {
-			Berserk_Potion: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 447
-	Name: "SL_MONK"
-	Description: "Spirit of the Monk"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 448
-	Name: "SL_STAR"
-	Description: "Spirit of the Star Gladiator"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 800
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 449
-	Name: "SL_SAGE"
-	Description: "Spirit of the Sage"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 450
-	Description: "Spirit of the Crusader"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 451
-	Description: "Spirit of the Supernovice"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 452
-	Name: "SL_KNIGHT"
-	Description: "Spirit of the Knight"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 453
-	Name: "SL_WIZARD"
-	Description: "Spirit of the Wizard"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 454
-	Name: "SL_PRIEST"
-	Description: "Spirit of the Priest"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 455
-	Description: "Spirit of the Artist"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 456
-	Name: "SL_ROGUE"
-	Description: "Spirit of the Rogue"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 457
-	Name: "SL_ASSASIN"
-	Description: "Spirit of the Assasin"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 458
-	Description: "Spirit of the Blacksmith"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 459
-	Description: "Advanced Adrenaline Rush"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Spirit: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	KnockBackTiles: 0
-	SkillData1: 150000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 64
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			NoWeapon: true
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 460
-	Name: "SL_HUNTER"
-	Description: "Spirit of the Hunter"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 461
-	Description: "Spirit of the Soul Linker"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 462
-	Name: "SL_KAIZEL"
-	Description: "Kaizel"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3600
-		Lv2: 3200
-		Lv3: 2800
-		Lv4: 2400
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2000
-		Lv8: 2000
-		Lv9: 2000
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	SkillData2: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 900
-		Lv2: 800
-		Lv3: 700
-		Lv4: 600
-		Lv5: 500
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 500
-		Lv8: 500
-		Lv9: 500
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 120
-			Lv2: 110
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 90
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 50
-			Lv9: 40
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 463
-	Name: "SL_KAAHI"
-	Description: "Kaahi"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	SkillData2: 500
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 464
-	Name: "SL_KAUPE"
-	Description: "Kaupe"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 400
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 100
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 110
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 465
-	Name: "SL_KAITE"
-	Description: "Kaite"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 4800
-		Lv2: 4400
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 3600
-		Lv5: 3200
-		Lv6: 2800
-		Lv7: 2400
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2400
-		Lv10: 2400
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 180000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 300000
-		Lv6: 360000
-		Lv7: 600000
-		Lv8: 600000
-		Lv9: 600000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1200
-		Lv2: 1100
-		Lv3: 1000
-		Lv4: 900
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 700
-		Lv7: 600
-		Lv8: 600
-		Lv9: 600
-		Lv10: 600
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 70
-	}
-	Id: 466
-	Name: "SL_KAINA"
-	Description: "Kaina"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Id: 467
-	Name: "SL_STIN"
-	Description: "Estin"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Endowed"
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	CastTime: 80
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: 20
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 22
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 26
-			Lv6: 28
-			Lv7: 30
-			Lv8: 32
-			Lv9: 34
-			Lv10: 36
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 468
-	Name: "SL_STUN"
-	Description: "Estun"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Endowed"
-	CastTime: 80
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: 20
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 22
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 26
-			Lv6: 28
-			Lv7: 30
-			Lv8: 32
-			Lv9: 34
-			Lv10: 36
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 469
-	Name: "SL_SMA"
-	Description: "Esma"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Endowed"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1600
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: 400
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 8
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 48
-			Lv7: 56
-			Lv8: 64
-			Lv9: 72
-			Lv10: 80
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 470
-	Name: "SL_SWOO"
-	Description: "Eswoo"
-	MaxLevel: 7
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 7000
-		Lv8: 8000
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 75
-			Lv2: 65
-			Lv3: 55
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 35
-			Lv6: 25
-			Lv7: 15
-			Lv8: 5
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 471
-	Name: "SL_SKE"
-	Description: "Eske"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2400
-		Lv2: 1600
-		Lv3: 800
-		Lv4: 800
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 800
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 800
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 40000
-		Lv5: 50000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 70000
-		Lv8: 80000
-		Lv9: 90000
-		Lv10: 100000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 600
-		Lv2: 400
-		Lv3: 200
-		Lv4: 200
-		Lv5: 200
-		Lv6: 200
-		Lv7: 200
-		Lv8: 200
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 200
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 55
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 15
-			Lv4: 1
-			Lv5: 1
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 472
-	Name: "SL_SKA"
-	Description: "Eska"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2400
-		Lv2: 1600
-		Lv3: 800
-		Lv4: 800
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 800
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 800
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 40000
-		Lv5: 50000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 70000
-		Lv8: 80000
-		Lv9: 90000
-		Lv10: 100000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 600
-		Lv2: 400
-		Lv3: 200
-		Lv4: 200
-		Lv5: 200
-		Lv6: 200
-		Lv7: 200
-		Lv8: 200
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 200
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 80
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 473
-	Description: "Provoke Self"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	Id: 474
-	Description: "Emotion ON"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 475
-	Description: "Preserve"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 476
-	Description: "Divest All"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 75000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 105000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 135000
-		Lv6: 150000
-		Lv7: 165000
-		Lv8: 180000
-		Lv9: 195000
-		Lv10: 210000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 26
-			Lv4: 28
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 32
-			Lv7: 34
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 38
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 477
-	Description: "Upgrade Weapon"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 478
-	Description: "Aid Condensed Potion"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		Items: {
-			Red_Slim_Potion: 1
-			Red_Slim_Potion: 1
-			Red_Slim_Potion: 1
-			Red_Slim_Potion: 1
-			Red_Slim_Potion: 1
-			Yellow_Slim_Potion: 1
-			Yellow_Slim_Potion: 1
-			Yellow_Slim_Potion: 1
-			Yellow_Slim_Potion: 1
-			White_Slim_Potion: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 479
-	Description: "Full Protection"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 240000
-		Lv3: 360000
-		Lv4: 480000
-		Lv5: 600000
-		Lv6: 720000
-		Lv7: 840000
-		Lv8: 960000
-		Lv9: 1080000
-		Lv10: 1200000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-		Items: {
-			Coating_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 480
-	Description: "Shield Chain"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 5
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 28
-			Lv2: 31
-			Lv3: 34
-			Lv4: 37
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 43
-			Lv7: 46
-			Lv8: 49
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 55
-		}
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 481
-	Description: "Mana Recharge"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 482
-	Description: "Double Casting"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 1600
-	SkillData1: 90000
-	FixedCastTime: 400
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 483
-	Description: "Ganbantein"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 16
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Gemstone: 1
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 484
-	Description: "Gravitation Field"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 18
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreDefCards: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 7000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 9000
-		Lv6: 10000
-		Lv7: 11000
-		Lv8: 12000
-		Lv9: 13000
-		Lv10: 14000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 5000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 80
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 120
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 160
-			Lv9: 180
-			Lv10: 200
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb8
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: 500
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_DUALMODE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 485
-	Description: "Cart Termination"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreCards: true
-	}
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		ZenyCost: {
-			Lv1: 600
-			Lv2: 700
-			Lv3: 800
-			Lv4: 900
-			Lv5: 1000
-			Lv6: 1100
-			Lv7: 1200
-			Lv8: 1300
-			Lv9: 1400
-			Lv10: 1500
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			NoWeapon: true
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-		State: "CartBoost"
-	}
-	Id: 486
-	Description: "Maximum Power Thrust"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		ZenyCost: {
-			Lv1: 3000
-			Lv2: 3500
-			Lv3: 4000
-			Lv4: 4500
-			Lv5: 5000
-			Lv6: 5500
-			Lv7: 6000
-			Lv8: 6500
-			Lv9: 7000
-			Lv10: 7500
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			NoWeapon: true
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 487
-	Description: "Longing for Freedom"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-	}
-	Id: 488
-	Name: "CG_HERMODE"
-	Description: "Wand of Hermode"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Ensemble: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 110
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xb9
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_ENSEMBLE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 489
-	Description: "Tarot Card of Fate"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 490
-	Description: "Acid Demonstration"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: -1
-		Lv2: -2
-		Lv3: -3
-		Lv4: -4
-		Lv5: -5
-		Lv6: -6
-		Lv7: -7
-		Lv8: -8
-		Lv9: -9
-		Lv10: -10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		Items: {
-			Fire_Bottle: 1
-			Acid_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 491
-	Description: "Plant Cultivation"
-	MaxLevel: 2
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Mushroom_Spore: 1
-			Stem: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 492
-	Description: "Weapon Enchantment"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	Element: {
-		Lv1: "Ele_Neutral"
-		Lv2: "Ele_Water"
-		Lv3: "Ele_Earth"
-		Lv4: "Ele_Fire"
-		Lv5: "Ele_Wind"
-		Lv6: "Ele_Poison"
-		Lv7: "Ele_Holy"
-		Lv8: "Ele_Dark"
-		Lv9: "Ele_Ghost"
-		Lv10: "Ele_Undead"
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 493
-	Name: "TK_MISSION"
-	Description: "Taekwon Mission"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 494
-	Name: "SL_HIGH"
-	Description: "Spirit of Rebirth"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 200000
-		Lv3: 250000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 350000
-		Lv6: 400000
-		Lv7: 450000
-		Lv8: 500000
-		Lv9: 550000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 460
-			Lv2: 360
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 1
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 495
-	Name: "KN_ONEHAND"
-	Description: "Onehand Quicken"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Spirit: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSwords: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 496
-	Name: "AM_TWILIGHT1"
-	Description: "Twilight Alchemy 1"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Spirit: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 200
-		Items: {
-			Medicine_Bowl: 200
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 497
-	Name: "AM_TWILIGHT2"
-	Description: "Twilight Alchemy 2"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Spirit: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 200
-		Items: {
-			Medicine_Bowl: 200
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 498
-	Name: "AM_TWILIGHT3"
-	Description: "Twilight Alchemy 3"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Spirit: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 200
-		Items: {
-			Medicine_Bowl: 200
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 499
-	Name: "HT_POWER"
-	Description: "Beast Strafing"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Spirit: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 100
-	SkillData1: 100
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 500
-	Description: "Flip the Coin"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 2
-		ZenyCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 501
-	Name: "GS_FLING"
-	Description: "Fling"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		SpiritSphereCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 502
-	Description: "Triple Action"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 3
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		AmmoTypes: "All"
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 503
-	Description: "Bulls Eye"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreCards: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		AmmoTypes: "All"
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 504
-	Description: "Madness Canceller"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 1600
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: 400
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		SpiritSphereCost: 4
-	}
-	Id: 505
-	Description: "AdJustment"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		SpiritSphereCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 506
-	Description: "Increasing Accuracy"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		SpiritSphereCost: 4
-	}
-	Id: 507
-	Description: "Magical Bullet"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Ghost"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 7
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 508
-	Name: "GS_CRACKER"
-	Description: "Cracker"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		AmmoTypes: "All"
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 509
-	Description: "Single Action"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 510
-	Description: "Snake Eye"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 511
-	Description: "Chain Action"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 2
-	Id: 512
-	Description: "Tracking"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 600
-		Lv2: 700
-		Lv3: 800
-		Lv4: 900
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 1100
-		Lv7: 1200
-		Lv8: 1300
-		Lv9: 1400
-		Lv10: 1500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1500
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 600
-		Lv2: 700
-		Lv3: 800
-		Lv4: 900
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 1100
-		Lv7: 1200
-		Lv8: 1300
-		Lv9: 1400
-		Lv10: 1500
-	}
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 25
-			Lv4: 30
-			Lv5: 35
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 45
-			Lv8: 50
-			Lv9: 55
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_BULLET: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 513
-	Name: "GS_DISARM"
-	Description: "Disarm"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	CastTime: 1600
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 400
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 25
-			Lv4: 30
-			Lv5: 35
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 45
-			Lv8: 50
-			Lv9: 55
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_BULLET: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 514
-	Description: "Piercing Shot"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 1200
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData2: 120000
-	FixedCastTime: 300
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 11
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 13
-			Lv4: 14
-			Lv5: 15
-			Lv6: 16
-			Lv7: 17
-			Lv8: 18
-			Lv9: 19
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_BULLET: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 515
-	Description: "Rapid Shower"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 5
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1500
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 26
-			Lv4: 28
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 32
-			Lv7: 34
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 38
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Revolvers: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_BULLET: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 5
-	}
-	Id: 516
-	Description: "Desperado"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 32
-			Lv2: 34
-			Lv3: 36
-			Lv4: 38
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 42
-			Lv7: 44
-			Lv8: 46
-			Lv9: 48
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Revolvers: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_BULLET: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 10
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 517
-	Description: "Gatling Fever"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 34
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 38
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 42
-			Lv8: 44
-			Lv9: 46
-			Lv10: 48
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			GatlingGuns: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 518
-	Name: "GS_DUST"
-	Description: "Dust"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	KnockBackTiles: 5
-	CastTime: 1200
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 300
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 3
-			Lv2: 6
-			Lv3: 9
-			Lv4: 12
-			Lv5: 15
-			Lv6: 18
-			Lv7: 21
-			Lv8: 24
-			Lv9: 27
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Shotguns: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_BULLET: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 519
-	Description: "Full Buster"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1200
-		Lv2: 1400
-		Lv3: 1600
-		Lv4: 1800
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 2200
-		Lv7: 2400
-		Lv8: 2600
-		Lv9: 2800
-		Lv10: 3000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Shotguns: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_BULLET: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: {
-			Lv1: 2
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 4
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 6
-			Lv6: 6
-			Lv7: 8
-			Lv8: 8
-			Lv9: 10
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 520
-	Description: "Spread Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 2
-		Lv6: 2
-		Lv7: 3
-		Lv8: 3
-		Lv9: 3
-		Lv10: 4
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 25
-			Lv4: 30
-			Lv5: 35
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 45
-			Lv8: 50
-			Lv9: 55
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_BULLET: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 5
-	}
-	Id: 521
-	Description: "Ground Drift"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 9000
-		Lv4: 12000
-		Lv5: 15000
-		Lv6: 18000
-		Lv7: 21000
-		Lv8: 24000
-		Lv9: 27000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 4
-			Lv2: 8
-			Lv3: 12
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 24
-			Lv7: 28
-			Lv8: 32
-			Lv9: 36
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_GRENADE: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xbe
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 522
-	Description: "Shuriken Training"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Id: 523
-	Description: "Throw Shuriken"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 2
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_SHURIKEN: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 524
-	Name: "NJ_KUNAI"
-	Description: "Throw Kunai"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 15
-			Lv5: 10
-			Lv6: 5
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 1
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_KUNAI: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 525
-	Name: "NJ_HUUMA"
-	Description: "Throw Huuma Shuriken"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: -3
-		Lv2: -3
-		Lv3: -4
-		Lv4: -4
-		Lv5: -5
-		Lv6: -5
-		Lv7: -6
-		Lv8: -6
-		Lv9: -7
-		Lv10: -7
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2400
-		Lv2: 2400
-		Lv3: 2400
-		Lv4: 2400
-		Lv5: 2400
-		Lv6: 2400
-		Lv7: 2400
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2400
-		Lv10: 2400
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 100
-	FixedCastTime: 600
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 526
-	Description: "Throw Zeny"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		ZenyCost: {
-			Lv1: 500
-			Lv2: 1000
-			Lv3: 1500
-			Lv4: 2000
-			Lv5: 2500
-			Lv6: 3000
-			Lv7: 3500
-			Lv8: 4000
-			Lv9: 4500
-			Lv10: 5000
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 527
-	Description: "Improvised Defense"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	KnockBackTiles: 4
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	SkillData1: 3000
-	SkillData2: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xbc
-		Layout: -1
-		Interval: 2000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 528
-	Description: "Vanishing Slash"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 180000
-		Lv7: 210000
-		Lv8: 240000
-		Lv9: 270000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-	}
-	Id: 529
-	Description: "Shadow Leap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 9
-		Lv3: 11
-		Lv4: 13
-		Lv5: 15
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 19
-		Lv8: 21
-		Lv9: 23
-		Lv10: 25
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		State: "Hiding"
-	}
-	Id: 530
-	Description: "Shadow Slash"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 9
-		Lv3: 11
-		Lv4: 13
-		Lv5: 15
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 19
-		Lv8: 21
-		Lv9: 23
-		Lv10: 25
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		State: "Hiding"
-	}
-	Id: 531
-	Description: "Cicada Skin Sheeding"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 7
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 15
-			Lv3: 18
-			Lv4: 21
-			Lv5: 24
-			Lv6: 27
-			Lv7: 30
-			Lv8: 33
-			Lv9: 36
-			Lv10: 39
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 532
-	Description: "Mirror Image"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3200
-		Lv2: 2800
-		Lv3: 2400
-		Lv4: 2000
-		Lv5: 1600
-		Lv6: 1200
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 800
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 800
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 100000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 140000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 200000
-		Lv9: 220000
-		Lv10: 240000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 700
-		Lv3: 600
-		Lv4: 500
-		Lv5: 400
-		Lv6: 300
-		Lv7: 200
-		Lv8: 200
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 200
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 34
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 38
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 42
-			Lv8: 44
-			Lv9: 46
-			Lv10: 48
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Shadow_Orb: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 533
-	Name: "NJ_NINPOU"
-	Description: "Spirit of the Blade"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 534
-	Name: "NJ_KOUENKA"
-	Description: "Crimson Fire Petal"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 560
-		Lv2: 1120
-		Lv3: 1680
-		Lv4: 2240
-		Lv5: 2800
-		Lv6: 3360
-		Lv7: 3840
-		Lv8: 4480
-		Lv9: 5040
-		Lv10: 5600
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 140
-		Lv2: 280
-		Lv3: 420
-		Lv4: 560
-		Lv5: 700
-		Lv6: 840
-		Lv7: 960
-		Lv8: 1120
-		Lv9: 1260
-		Lv10: 1400
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 22
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 26
-			Lv6: 28
-			Lv7: 30
-			Lv8: 32
-			Lv9: 34
-			Lv10: 36
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 535
-	Name: "NJ_KAENSIN"
-	Description: "Crimson Fire Formation"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 4800
-		Lv2: 4400
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 3600
-		Lv5: 3200
-		Lv6: 2800
-		Lv7: 2400
-		Lv8: 2000
-		Lv9: 1600
-		Lv10: 1200
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1200
-		Lv2: 1100
-		Lv3: 1000
-		Lv4: 900
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 700
-		Lv7: 600
-		Lv8: 500
-		Lv9: 400
-		Lv10: 300
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-		Items: {
-			Flame_Stone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xbd
-		Layout: -1
-		Interval: 20
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 536
-	Description: "Raging Fire Dragon"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	NumberOfHits: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2400
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: 600
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Flame_Stone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 537
-	Description: "Spear of Ice"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 560
-		Lv2: 1120
-		Lv3: 1680
-		Lv4: 2240
-		Lv5: 2800
-		Lv6: 3360
-		Lv7: 3840
-		Lv8: 4480
-		Lv9: 5040
-		Lv10: 5600
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 140
-		Lv2: 280
-		Lv3: 420
-		Lv4: 560
-		Lv5: 700
-		Lv6: 840
-		Lv7: 960
-		Lv8: 1120
-		Lv9: 1260
-		Lv10: 1400
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 21
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 27
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 33
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 39
-			Lv10: 42
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 538
-	Name: "NJ_SUITON"
-	Description: "Hidden Water"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2400
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 600
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 21
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 27
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 33
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 39
-			Lv10: 42
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Ice_Stone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xbb
-		Layout: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 1
-			Lv3: 1
-			Lv4: 2
-			Lv5: 2
-			Lv6: 2
-			Lv7: 3
-			Lv8: 3
-			Lv9: 3
-			Lv10: 4
-		}
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 539
-	Description: "Ice Meteor"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1600
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 2400
-		Lv4: 2800
-		Lv5: 3200
-		Lv6: 3200
-		Lv7: 3200
-		Lv8: 3200
-		Lv9: 3200
-		Lv10: 3200
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 17000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 19000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 400
-		Lv2: 500
-		Lv3: 600
-		Lv4: 700
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 800
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 800
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Ice_Stone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 540
-	Name: "NJ_HUUJIN"
-	Description: "Wind Blade"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 3
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 4
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 5
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 6
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1600
-		Lv4: 2000
-		Lv5: 2400
-		Lv6: 2800
-		Lv7: 3200
-		Lv8: 3600
-		Lv9: 4000
-		Lv10: 4400
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 200
-		Lv2: 300
-		Lv3: 400
-		Lv4: 500
-		Lv5: 600
-		Lv6: 700
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 900
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 1100
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 541
-	Description: "Lightning Strike of Destruction"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 3
-		Lv5: 4
-		Lv6: 4
-		Lv7: 5
-		Lv8: 5
-		Lv9: 6
-		Lv10: 6
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3200
-	SkillData1: 100
-	FixedCastTime: 800
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 16
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 28
-			Lv5: 32
-			Lv6: 36
-			Lv7: 40
-			Lv8: 44
-			Lv9: 48
-			Lv10: 52
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Wind_Stone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 3
-			Lv2: 3
-			Lv3: 4
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 5
-			Lv7: 6
-			Lv8: 6
-			Lv9: 7
-			Lv10: 7
-		}
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 542
-	Description: "Kamaitachi"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	CastTime: 3200
-	FixedCastTime: 800
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 24
-			Lv2: 28
-			Lv3: 32
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 44
-			Lv7: 48
-			Lv8: 52
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Wind_Stone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 543
-	Name: "NJ_NEN"
-	Description: "Soul"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 3200
-		Lv3: 2400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 800
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 800
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 800
-		Lv3: 600
-		Lv4: 400
-		Lv5: 200
-		Lv6: 200
-		Lv7: 200
-		Lv8: 200
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 200
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 110
-		}
-		HPRateCost: -5
-	}
-	Id: 544
-	Name: "NJ_ISSEN"
-	Description: "Final Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -5
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 55
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 65
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 75
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 85
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 95
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 653
-	Description: "Earthquake"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		IgnoreLandProtector: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		SplitDamage: true
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 7
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 13
-		Lv6: 5
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 9
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 13
-	}
-	SkillData1: 900
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xc6
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 5
-			Lv2: 7
-			Lv3: 9
-			Lv4: 11
-			Lv5: 13
-			Lv6: 5
-			Lv7: 7
-			Lv8: 9
-			Lv9: 11
-			Lv10: 13
-		}
-		Interval: 300
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 654
-	Description: "Fire Breath"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SplashRange: 5
-	SkillInstances: 14
-	Id: 655
-	Description: "Ice Breath"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	SplashRange: 5
-	SkillInstances: 14
-	SkillData2: 12000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 656
-	Description: "Thunder Breath"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	SplashRange: 5
-	SkillInstances: 14
-	Id: 657
-	Description: "Acid Breath"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	SplashRange: 5
-	SkillInstances: 14
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 658
-	Description: "Darkness Breath"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	SplashRange: 5
-	SkillInstances: 14
-	Id: 659
-	Description: "Dragon Fear"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 14
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 26
-		Lv10: 29
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 120000
-		Lv6: 120000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 120000
-		Lv9: 120000
-		Lv10: 120000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 660
-	Description: "Bleeding"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData2: 120000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 661
-	Description: "Pulse Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 7
-	KnockBackTiles: 7
-	Id: 662
-	Description: "Hell's Judgement"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 14
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 663
-	Description: "Wide Silence"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 14
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 26
-		Lv10: 29
-	}
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 664
-	Description: "Wide Freeze"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 14
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 26
-		Lv10: 29
-	}
-	SkillData2: 12000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 665
-	Description: "Wide Bleeding"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 14
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 26
-		Lv10: 29
-	}
-	SkillData2: 120000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 666
-	Description: "Wide Petrify"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 14
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 26
-		Lv10: 29
-	}
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 667
-	Description: "Wide Confusion"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 14
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 26
-		Lv10: 29
-	}
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 668
-	Description: "Wide Sleep"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 14
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 26
-		Lv10: 29
-	}
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 669
-	Description: "Wide Sight"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 5
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 670
-	Description: "Evil Land"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Dark"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreDefCards: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xc7
-		Layout: 1
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 4
-			Lv2: 7
-			Lv3: 10
-			Lv4: 13
-			Lv5: 16
-			Lv6: 19
-			Lv7: 22
-			Lv8: 25
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 31
-		}
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 671
-	Description: "Magic Mirror"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 672
-	Description: "Slow Cast"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 14
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 26
-		Lv10: 29
-	}
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 673
-	Description: "Critical Wounds"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 674
-	Description: "Expulsion"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 675
-	Description: "Stone Skin"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 676
-	Description: "Anti Magic"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 677
-	Description: "Wide Curse"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 14
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 26
-		Lv10: 29
-	}
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 678
-	Description: "Wide Stun"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 14
-		Lv6: 17
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 26
-		Lv10: 29
-	}
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 679
-	Description: "Vampire Gift"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 7
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 13
-		Lv6: 13
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 13
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 13
-	}
-	Id: 680
-	Description: "Wide Soul Drain"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		ShowSkillScale: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 7
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 11
-		Lv5: 13
-		Lv6: 13
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 13
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 13
-	}
-	Id: 681
-	Description: "Increase Weight Limit R"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 682
-	Name: "NPC_TALK"
-	Description: "Talk"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Id: 683
-	Description: "Hell Power"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData2: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 684
-	Description: "Hell Dignity"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	SkillData2: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 685
-	Description: "Invincible"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 686
-	Description: "Invincible off"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 687
-	Description: "Full Heal"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Id: 688
-	Name: "GM_SANDMAN"
-	Description: "GM Sandman"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 689
-	Description: "Party Blessing"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 100000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 140000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 200000
-		Lv9: 220000
-		Lv10: 240000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 690
-	Description: "Party Increase AGI"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 100000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 140000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 200000
-		Lv9: 220000
-		Lv10: 240000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 691
-	Description: "Party Assumptio"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 40000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 80000
-		Lv5: 100000
-		Lv6: 120000
-		Lv7: 140000
-		Lv8: 160000
-		Lv9: 180000
-		Lv10: 200000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Id: 692
-	Name: "ALL_CATCRY"
-	Description: "Cat Cry"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-	}
-	Id: 693
-	Description: "Party Flee"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Id: 694
-	Description: "Angel's Protection"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 6
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 695
-	Description: "Summer Night Dream"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 12000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 697
-	Description: "Reverse Orcish"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 1200000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 698
-	Name: "ALL_WEWISH"
-	Description: "Christmas Carol"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NPC: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1001
-	Description: "Charge Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	CastTime: 250
-	FixedCastTime: 250
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 1002
-	Name: "CR_SHRINK"
-	Description: "Shrink"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 1003
-	Description: "Sonic Acceleration"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 1004
-	Description: "Throw Venom Knife"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreCards: true
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_DAGGER: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1005
-	Description: "Close Confine"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-	}
-	Id: 1006
-	Description: "Sight Blaster"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	CastTime: 1280
-	SkillData1: 120000
-	FixedCastTime: 320
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 1007
-	Description: "Create Elemental Converter"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 1008
-	Description: "Elemental Change Water"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		Items: {
-			Elemental_Water: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1009
-	Description: "Phantasmic Arrow"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1010
-	Description: "Pang Voice"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 17000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Id: 1011
-	Description: "Wink of Charm"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	SkillData2: 17000
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 1012
-	Description: "Unfair Trick"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 1013
-	Name: "BS_GREED"
-	Description: "Greed"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 1014
-	Description: "Redemptio"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 14
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3200
-	FixedCastTime: 800
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 400
-	}
-	Id: 1015
-	Description: "Ki Translation"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-		PartyOnly: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 600000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 1016
-	Description: "Ki Explosion"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	KnockBackTiles: 5
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		HPCost: 10
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Id: 1017
-	Description: "Elemental Change Earth"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		Items: {
-			Elemental_Earth: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1018
-	Description: "Elemental Change Fire"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		Items: {
-			Elemental_Fire: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 1019
-	Description: "Elemental Change Wind"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		Items: {
-			Elemental_Wind: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2001
-	Description: "Enchant Blade"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2002
-	Description: "Sonic Wave"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 55
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 65
-			Lv9: 70
-			Lv10: 75
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2003
-	Description: "Death Bound"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 2000
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 28
-			Lv2: 31
-			Lv3: 34
-			Lv4: 37
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 43
-			Lv7: 46
-			Lv8: 49
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 55
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2004
-	Description: "Hundred Spear"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -5
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 900
-		Lv3: 800
-		Lv4: 700
-		Lv5: 600
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 400
-		Lv8: 300
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 100
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 60
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2005
-	Description: "Wind Cutter"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 28
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 36
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 44
-			Lv8: 48
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 56
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2006
-	Description: "Ignition Break"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 5
-	CastTime: 1000
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 35
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 45
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 55
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 65
-			Lv8: 70
-			Lv9: 75
-			Lv10: 80
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2007
-	Description: "Dragon Training"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2008
-	Description: "Dragon Breath"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 2
-		Lv6: 2
-		Lv7: 3
-		Lv8: 3
-		Lv9: 4
-		Lv10: 4
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 0
-		Lv2: 0
-		Lv3: 0
-		Lv4: 1000
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 1000
-		Lv7: 1500
-		Lv8: 1500
-		Lv9: 2000
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 55
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 65
-			Lv9: 70
-			Lv10: 75
-		}
-		State: "Dragon"
-	}
-	Id: 2009
-	Description: "Dragon Howling"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		State: "Dragon"
-	}
-	Id: 2010
-	Description: "Rune Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2011
-	Description: "Millenium Shield"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	SkillData2: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2012
-	Description: "Crush Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SplashRange: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2013
-	Name: "RK_REFRESH"
-	Description: "Refresh"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 120000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2014
-	Description: "Giant Growth"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2015
-	Description: "Stone Hard Skin"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2016
-	Description: "Vitality Activation"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2017
-	Description: "Storm Blast"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	KnockBackTiles: 7
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2018
-	Description: "Fighting Spirit"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2019
-	Description: "Abundance"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2020
-	Description: "Phantom Thrust"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 21
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 27
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 33
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 39
-			Lv10: 42
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2021
-	Description: "Venom Impress"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 40000
-		Lv5: 50000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 70000
-		Lv8: 80000
-		Lv9: 90000
-		Lv10: 100000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 28
-			Lv6: 32
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 40
-			Lv9: 44
-			Lv10: 48
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2022
-	Description: "Cross Impact"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -7
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 2500
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 1500
-		Lv4: 1000
-		Lv5: 500
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-		State: "Moveable"
-	}
-	Id: 2023
-	Description: "Dark Illusion"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2024
-	Description: "Research New Poison"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2025
-	Description: "Create New Poison"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2026
-	Description: "Antidote"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Guillotine_Antidote: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2027
-	Description: "Poisoning Weapon"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 180000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 300000
-		Lv6: 360000
-		Lv7: 420000
-		Lv8: 480000
-		Lv9: 540000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 28
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 36
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 44
-			Lv8: 48
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 56
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2028
-	Description: "Weapon Blocking"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 36
-			Lv3: 32
-			Lv4: 28
-			Lv5: 24
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 16
-			Lv8: 12
-			Lv9: 8
-			Lv10: 4
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2029
-	Description: "Counter Slash"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 5
-			Lv2: 8
-			Lv3: 11
-			Lv4: 14
-			Lv5: 17
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 23
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 29
-			Lv10: 32
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2030
-	Description: "Weapon Crush"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-	}
-	Id: 2031
-	Description: "Venom Pressure"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-		State: "PoisonWeapon"
-	}
-	Id: 2032
-	Description: "Poison Smoke"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 6000
-		Lv2: 8000
-		Lv3: 10000
-		Lv4: 12000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 16000
-		Lv7: 18000
-		Lv8: 20000
-		Lv9: 22000
-		Lv10: 24000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-		State: "PoisonWeapon"
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xe1
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2033
-	Description: "Cloaking Exceed"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 45
-	}
-	Id: 2034
-	Description: "Phantom Menace"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 2035
-	Description: "Hallucination Walk"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 35000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 45000
-		Lv5: 50000
-		Lv6: 55000
-		Lv7: 60000
-		Lv8: 65000
-		Lv9: 70000
-		Lv10: 75000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 25000
-	CoolDown: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 2036
-	Description: "Rolling Cutter"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 2
-		Lv6: 2
-		Lv7: 2
-		Lv8: 2
-		Lv9: 2
-		Lv10: 2
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 200
-	SkillData1: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Katars: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2037
-	Description: "Cross Ripper Slasher"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 9
-		Lv2: 10
-		Lv3: 11
-		Lv4: 12
-		Lv5: 13
-		Lv6: 14
-		Lv7: 15
-		Lv8: 16
-		Lv9: 17
-		Lv10: 18
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 28
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 36
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 44
-			Lv8: 48
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 56
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Katars: true
-		}
-		State: "RollingCutter"
-	}
-	Id: 2038
-	Name: "AB_JUDEX"
-	Description: "Judex"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 23
-			Lv3: 26
-			Lv4: 29
-			Lv5: 32
-			Lv6: 35
-			Lv7: 38
-			Lv8: 41
-			Lv9: 44
-			Lv10: 47
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2039
-	Name: "AB_ANCILLA"
-	Description: "Ancilla"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		SPRateCost: -30
-	}
-	Id: 2040
-	Description: "Adoramus"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 11
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	NumberOfHits: -10
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 6000
-		Lv2: 7000
-		Lv3: 8000
-		Lv4: 9000
-		Lv5: 10000
-		Lv6: 11000
-		Lv7: 12000
-		Lv8: 13000
-		Lv9: 14000
-		Lv10: 15000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 28
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 36
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 44
-			Lv8: 48
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 56
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2041
-	Description: "Crementia"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 7
-		Lv3: 15
-		Lv4: 15
-		Lv5: 15
-		Lv6: 15
-		Lv7: 15
-		Lv8: 15
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 15
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 180000
-		Lv3: 240000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 360000
-		Lv6: 420000
-		Lv7: 480000
-		Lv8: 540000
-		Lv9: 600000
-		Lv10: 660000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 280
-			Lv2: 320
-			Lv3: 360
-			Lv4: 400
-			Lv5: 440
-			Lv6: 480
-			Lv7: 520
-			Lv8: 560
-			Lv9: 600
-			Lv10: 640
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2042
-	Name: "AB_CANTO"
-	Description: "Canto Candidus"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 7
-		Lv3: 15
-		Lv4: 15
-		Lv5: 15
-		Lv6: 15
-		Lv7: 15
-		Lv8: 15
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 15
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 180000
-		Lv3: 240000
-		Lv4: 300000
-		Lv5: 360000
-		Lv6: 420000
-		Lv7: 480000
-		Lv8: 540000
-		Lv9: 600000
-		Lv10: 660000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 200
-			Lv2: 220
-			Lv3: 240
-			Lv4: 260
-			Lv5: 280
-			Lv6: 300
-			Lv7: 320
-			Lv8: 340
-			Lv9: 360
-			Lv10: 380
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2043
-	Name: "AB_CHEAL"
-	Description: "Coluceo Heal"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 7
-		Lv3: 15
-		Lv4: 15
-		Lv5: 15
-		Lv6: 15
-		Lv7: 15
-		Lv8: 15
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 15
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3000
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 500
-		Lv3: -1
-		Lv4: -1
-		Lv5: -1
-		Lv6: -1
-		Lv7: -1
-		Lv8: -1
-		Lv9: -1
-		Lv10: -1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 200
-			Lv2: 220
-			Lv3: 240
-			Lv4: 260
-			Lv5: 280
-			Lv6: 300
-			Lv7: 320
-			Lv8: 340
-			Lv9: 360
-			Lv10: 380
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2044
-	Description: "Epiclesis"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 3500
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 4500
-		Lv7: 5000
-		Lv8: 5500
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 6500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 18000
-		Lv2: 21000
-		Lv3: 24000
-		Lv4: 27000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 33000
-		Lv7: 36000
-		Lv8: 39000
-		Lv9: 42000
-		Lv10: 45000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 300
-		Items: {
-			Ansila: 1
-			Holy_Water: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xca
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2045
-	Description: "Praefatio"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 15
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	SkillData1: 120000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 13000
-		Lv2: 16000
-		Lv3: 19000
-		Lv4: 22000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 28000
-		Lv7: 31000
-		Lv8: 34000
-		Lv9: 37000
-		Lv10: 40000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 90
-			Lv2: 100
-			Lv3: 110
-			Lv4: 120
-			Lv5: 130
-			Lv6: 140
-			Lv7: 150
-			Lv8: 160
-			Lv9: 170
-			Lv10: 180
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2046
-	Name: "AB_ORATIO"
-	Description: "Oratio"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 15
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 4000
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 35
-			Lv2: 38
-			Lv3: 41
-			Lv4: 44
-			Lv5: 47
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 53
-			Lv8: 56
-			Lv9: 59
-			Lv10: 62
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2047
-	Description: "Lauda Agnus"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 15
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 70
-			Lv4: 80
-			Lv5: 90
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 110
-			Lv8: 120
-			Lv9: 130
-			Lv10: 140
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2048
-	Description: "Lauda Ramus"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 15
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 70
-			Lv4: 80
-			Lv5: 90
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 110
-			Lv8: 120
-			Lv9: 130
-			Lv10: 140
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2049
-	Description: "Eucharistica"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2050
-	Description: "Renovatio"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3000
-	SkillData1: 90000
-	CoolDown: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 70
-	}
-	Id: 2051
-	Description: "Highness Heal"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 100
-			Lv3: 130
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 190
-			Lv6: 220
-			Lv7: 250
-			Lv8: 280
-			Lv9: 310
-			Lv10: 340
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2052
-	Description: "Clearance"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 4000
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 54
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 66
-			Lv4: 72
-			Lv5: 78
-			Lv6: 84
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 96
-			Lv9: 102
-			Lv10: 108
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2053
-	Description: "Expiatio"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 180000
-		Lv3: 210000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 270000
-		Lv6: 300000
-		Lv7: 330000
-		Lv8: 360000
-		Lv9: 390000
-		Lv10: 420000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 35
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 45
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 55
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 65
-			Lv8: 70
-			Lv9: 75
-			Lv10: 80
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2054
-	Description: "Duple Light"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 90000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 150000
-		Lv4: 180000
-		Lv5: 210000
-		Lv6: 240000
-		Lv7: 270000
-		Lv8: 300000
-		Lv9: 330000
-		Lv10: 360000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 55
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 65
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 75
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 85
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 95
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2055
-	Description: "Duple Light Melee"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2056
-	Description: "Duple Light Magic"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2057
-	Description: "Silentium"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 4
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 6
-		Lv4: 7
-		Lv5: 8
-		Lv6: 9
-		Lv7: 10
-		Lv8: 11
-		Lv9: 12
-		Lv10: 13
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 4000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 64
-			Lv2: 68
-			Lv3: 72
-			Lv4: 76
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 84
-			Lv7: 88
-			Lv8: 92
-			Lv9: 96
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2201
-	Description: "White Imprison"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 6000
-		Lv2: 8000
-		Lv3: 10000
-		Lv4: 12000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 16000
-		Lv7: 18000
-		Lv8: 20000
-		Lv9: 22000
-		Lv10: 24000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 15000
-	CoolDown: 4000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 55
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 65
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 75
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 85
-			Lv9: 90
-			Lv10: 95
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2202
-	Description: "Soul Expansion"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Ghost"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 2
-		Lv6: 2
-		Lv7: 2
-		Lv8: 2
-		Lv9: 2
-		Lv10: 2
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: -2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 55
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 65
-			Lv9: 70
-			Lv10: 75
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2203
-	Description: "Frosty Misty"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 13
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: -3
-		Lv2: -4
-		Lv3: -5
-		Lv4: -6
-		Lv5: -7
-		Lv6: -8
-		Lv7: -9
-		Lv8: -10
-		Lv9: -11
-		Lv10: -12
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 3500
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 4500
-		Lv7: 5000
-		Lv8: 5500
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 6500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 40000
-	CoolDown: 4000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 48
-			Lv3: 56
-			Lv4: 64
-			Lv5: 72
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 88
-			Lv8: 96
-			Lv9: 104
-			Lv10: 112
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2204
-	Description: "Jack Frost"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 13
-	NumberOfHits: -5
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 3500
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 4500
-		Lv7: 5000
-		Lv8: 5500
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 6500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 70
-			Lv4: 80
-			Lv5: 90
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 110
-			Lv8: 120
-			Lv9: 130
-			Lv10: 140
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2205
-	Description: "Marsh of Abyss"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 2500
-		Lv2: 3000
-		Lv3: 3500
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 4500
-		Lv6: 5000
-		Lv7: 5500
-		Lv8: 6000
-		Lv9: 6500
-		Lv10: 7000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 42
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 46
-			Lv5: 48
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 52
-			Lv8: 54
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 58
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2206
-	Description: "Recognized Spell"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 150000
-		Lv5: 180000
-		Lv6: 210000
-		Lv7: 240000
-		Lv8: 270000
-		Lv9: 300000
-		Lv10: 330000
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 50000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 110000
-		Lv4: 140000
-		Lv5: 170000
-		Lv6: 200000
-		Lv7: 230000
-		Lv8: 260000
-		Lv9: 290000
-		Lv10: 320000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 120
-			Lv3: 140
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 180
-			Lv6: 200
-			Lv7: 220
-			Lv8: 240
-			Lv9: 260
-			Lv10: 280
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2207
-	Description: "Sienna Execrate"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 3
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 4
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 5
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 6
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 12000
-		Lv3: 14000
-		Lv4: 16000
-		Lv5: 18000
-		Lv6: 20000
-		Lv7: 22000
-		Lv8: 24000
-		Lv9: 26000
-		Lv10: 28000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 32
-			Lv2: 34
-			Lv3: 36
-			Lv4: 38
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 42
-			Lv7: 44
-			Lv8: 46
-			Lv9: 48
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Red_Gemstone: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2208
-	Name: "WL_RADIUS"
-	Description: "Radius"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2209
-	Name: "WL_STASIS"
-	Description: "Stasis"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 9
-		Lv2: 10
-		Lv3: 11
-		Lv4: 12
-		Lv5: 13
-		Lv6: 14
-		Lv7: 15
-		Lv8: 16
-		Lv9: 17
-		Lv10: 18
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 1000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 180000
-		Lv2: 190000
-		Lv3: 200000
-		Lv4: 210000
-		Lv5: 220000
-		Lv6: 230000
-		Lv7: 240000
-		Lv8: 250000
-		Lv9: 260000
-		Lv10: 270000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 70
-			Lv4: 80
-			Lv5: 90
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 110
-			Lv8: 120
-			Lv9: 130
-			Lv10: 140
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2210
-	Description: "Drain Life"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 4000
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 28
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 36
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 44
-			Lv8: 48
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 56
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2211
-	Description: "Crimson Rock"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	NumberOfHits: -7
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	CastTime: 5000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 70
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 90
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 110
-			Lv7: 120
-			Lv8: 130
-			Lv9: 140
-			Lv10: 150
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2212
-	Description: "Hell Inferno"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 35
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 45
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 55
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 65
-			Lv8: 70
-			Lv9: 75
-			Lv10: 80
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2213
-	Name: "WL_COMET"
-	Description: "Comet"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	NumberOfHits: -20
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 17000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 19000
-	}
-	SkillData1: 100
-	SkillData2: 42000
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 4000
-		Lv8: 4500
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5500
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 480
-			Lv2: 560
-			Lv3: 640
-			Lv4: 720
-			Lv5: 800
-			Lv6: 880
-			Lv7: 960
-			Lv8: 1040
-			Lv9: 1120
-			Lv10: 1200
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Red_Gemstone: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 8
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2214
-	Description: "Chain Lightning"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3500
-		Lv2: 4000
-		Lv3: 4500
-		Lv4: 5000
-		Lv5: 5500
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 6500
-		Lv8: 7000
-		Lv9: 7500
-		Lv10: 8000
-	}
-	SkillData1: 100
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 130
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 150
-			Lv9: 160
-			Lv10: 170
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2215
-	Description: "Chain Lightning Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2216
-	Description: "Earth Strain"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: -6
-		Lv2: -7
-		Lv3: -8
-		Lv4: -9
-		Lv5: -10
-		Lv6: -11
-		Lv7: -12
-		Lv8: -13
-		Lv9: -14
-		Lv10: -15
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 3000
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 5000
-		Lv5: 6000
-		Lv6: 7000
-		Lv7: 8000
-		Lv8: 9000
-		Lv9: 10000
-		Lv10: 11000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 100
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 75000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 105000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 135000
-		Lv6: 150000
-		Lv7: 165000
-		Lv8: 180000
-		Lv9: 195000
-		Lv10: 210000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 78
-			Lv3: 86
-			Lv4: 94
-			Lv5: 102
-			Lv6: 110
-			Lv7: 118
-			Lv8: 126
-			Lv9: 134
-			Lv10: 142
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xcb
-		Layout: -1
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2217
-	Description: "Tetra Vortex"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 7000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 9000
-		Lv6: 10000
-		Lv7: 11000
-		Lv8: 12000
-		Lv9: 13000
-		Lv10: 14000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 5000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 5000
-		Lv7: 5000
-		Lv8: 5000
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 120
-			Lv2: 150
-			Lv3: 180
-			Lv4: 210
-			Lv5: 240
-			Lv6: 270
-			Lv7: 300
-			Lv8: 330
-			Lv9: 360
-			Lv10: 390
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2218
-	Description: "Tetra Vortex Fire"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2219
-	Description: "Tetra Vortex Water"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2220
-	Description: "Tetra Vortex Wind"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2221
-	Description: "Tetra Vortex Earth"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2222
-	Description: "Summon Fire Ball"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 200000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 280000
-		Lv6: 320000
-		Lv7: 360000
-		Lv8: 400000
-		Lv9: 440000
-		Lv10: 480000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 18
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 22
-			Lv8: 24
-			Lv9: 26
-			Lv10: 28
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2223
-	Description: "Summon Lightning Ball"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 200000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 280000
-		Lv6: 320000
-		Lv7: 360000
-		Lv8: 400000
-		Lv9: 440000
-		Lv10: 480000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 18
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 22
-			Lv8: 24
-			Lv9: 26
-			Lv10: 28
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2224
-	Description: "Summon Water Ball"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 200000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 280000
-		Lv6: 320000
-		Lv7: 360000
-		Lv8: 400000
-		Lv9: 440000
-		Lv10: 480000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 18
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 22
-			Lv8: 24
-			Lv9: 26
-			Lv10: 28
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2225
-	Description: "Summon Attack Fire"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2226
-	Description: "Summon Attack Wind"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2227
-	Description: "Summon Attack Water"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2228
-	Description: "Summon Attack Earth"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2229
-	Description: "Summon Stone"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 120000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 200000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 280000
-		Lv6: 320000
-		Lv7: 360000
-		Lv8: 400000
-		Lv9: 440000
-		Lv10: 480000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 18
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 22
-			Lv8: 24
-			Lv9: 26
-			Lv10: 28
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2230
-	Name: "WL_RELEASE"
-	Description: "Release"
-	MaxLevel: 2
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 3
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 37
-			Lv4: 54
-			Lv5: 71
-			Lv6: 88
-			Lv7: 105
-			Lv8: 122
-			Lv9: 139
-			Lv10: 156
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2231
-	Description: "Reading Spellbook"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 5000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 2232
-	Name: "WL_FREEZE_SP"
-	Description: "Freeze Spell"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2233
-	Description: "Arrow Storm"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 3
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 4
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 4
-		Lv9: 4
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2200
-		Lv3: 2400
-		Lv4: 2600
-		Lv5: 2800
-		Lv6: 3000
-		Lv7: 3200
-		Lv8: 3400
-		Lv9: 3600
-		Lv10: 3800
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 4800
-		Lv3: 4600
-		Lv4: 4400
-		Lv5: 4200
-		Lv6: 4000
-		Lv7: 3800
-		Lv8: 3600
-		Lv9: 3400
-		Lv10: 3200
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 34
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 38
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 42
-			Lv8: 44
-			Lv9: 46
-			Lv10: 48
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2234
-	Description: "Fear Breeze"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 150000
-		Lv5: 180000
-		Lv6: 210000
-		Lv7: 240000
-		Lv8: 270000
-		Lv9: 300000
-		Lv10: 330000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 55
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 65
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 75
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 85
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 95
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2235
-	Description: "Ranger Main"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2236
-	Description: "Aimed Bolt"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 4000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 34
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 38
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 42
-			Lv8: 44
-			Lv9: 46
-			Lv10: 48
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2237
-	Description: "Detonator"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	SkillData1: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-	}
-	Id: 2238
-	Description: "Electric Shocker"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 22000
-		Lv3: 24000
-		Lv4: 26000
-		Lv5: 28000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 32000
-		Lv8: 34000
-		Lv9: 36000
-		Lv10: 38000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 35
-		Items: {
-			Special_Alloy_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xd8
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2239
-	Description: "Cluster Bomb"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		Items: {
-			Special_Alloy_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xd9
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2240
-	Description: "Warg Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-		Items: {
-			Wolfs_Flute: 0
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2241
-	Description: "Warg Rider"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2242
-	Name: "RA_WUGDASH"
-	Description: "Warg Dash"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 4
-		State: "Moveable"
-	}
-	Id: 2243
-	Description: "Warg Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 22
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 26
-			Lv5: 28
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 32
-			Lv8: 34
-			Lv9: 36
-			Lv10: 38
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2244
-	Name: "RA_WUGBITE"
-	Description: "Warg Bite"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 7000
-		Lv8: 8000
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 8000
-		Lv4: 10000
-		Lv5: 12000
-		Lv6: 14000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 18000
-		Lv9: 20000
-		Lv10: 22000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 42
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 46
-			Lv5: 48
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 52
-			Lv8: 54
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 58
-		}
-		State: "Warg"
-	}
-	Id: 2245
-	Description: "Tooth of Warg"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2246
-	Description: "Sensitive Keen"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-		State: "Warg"
-	}
-	Id: 2247
-	Description: "Camouflage"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 2248
-	Description: "Research Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2249
-	Description: "Magenta Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Special_Alloy_Trap: 1
-			Boody_Red: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xd2
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOPC: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2250
-	Description: "Cobalt Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Special_Alloy_Trap: 1
-			Crystal_Blue: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xd3
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOPC: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2251
-	Description: "Maize Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Special_Alloy_Trap: 1
-			Yellow_Live: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xd4
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOPC: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2252
-	Description: "Verdure Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Special_Alloy_Trap: 1
-			Wind_Of_Verdure: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xd5
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOPC: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2253
-	Description: "Firing Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillInstances: 2
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	SkillData2: 40000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Special_Alloy_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xd6
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2254
-	Description: "Icebound Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillInstances: 2
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		Items: {
-			Special_Alloy_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xd7
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2255
-	Description: "Mado License"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2256
-	Description: "Boost Knuckle"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 200
-		Lv2: 400
-		Lv3: 600
-		Lv4: 800
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 1200
-		Lv7: 1400
-		Lv8: 1600
-		Lv9: 1800
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 3
-			Lv2: 6
-			Lv3: 9
-			Lv4: 12
-			Lv5: 15
-			Lv6: 18
-			Lv7: 21
-			Lv8: 24
-			Lv9: 27
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-		State: "MadoGear"
-	}
-	Id: 2257
-	Description: "Pile Bunker"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Pilebuncker: 0
-			Pilebuncker_S: 0
-			Pilebuncker_P: 0
-			Pilebuncker_T: 0
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2258
-	Description: "Vulcan Arm"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 13
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 300
-		Lv2: 200
-		Lv3: 100
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 2
-			Lv2: 4
-			Lv3: 6
-			Lv4: 8
-			Lv5: 10
-			Lv6: 12
-			Lv7: 14
-			Lv8: 16
-			Lv9: 18
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Vulcan_Bullet: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2259
-	Description: "Flame Launcher"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillInstances: 5
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 500
-		Lv2: 1000
-		Lv3: 1500
-		Lv4: 2000
-		Lv5: 2500
-		Lv6: 3000
-		Lv7: 3500
-		Lv8: 4000
-		Lv9: 4500
-		Lv10: 5000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1500
-		Lv2: 1000
-		Lv3: 500
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 7000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 21000
-		Lv4: 28000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 42000
-		Lv7: 49000
-		Lv8: 56000
-		Lv9: 63000
-		Lv10: 70000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Flame_Thrower: 0
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2260
-	Description: "Cold Slower"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 4
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 6
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 9
-		Lv9: 10
-		Lv10: 11
-	}
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 7000
-		Lv8: 8000
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 7000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 21000
-		Lv4: 28000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 42000
-		Lv7: 49000
-		Lv8: 56000
-		Lv9: 63000
-		Lv10: 70000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 40000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 1
-			Liquid_Condensed_Bullet: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2261
-	Description: "Arm Cannon"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 9
-		Lv2: 11
-		Lv3: 13
-		Lv4: 15
-		Lv5: 17
-		Lv6: 19
-		Lv7: 21
-		Lv8: 23
-		Lv9: 25
-		Lv10: 27
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1400
-		Lv2: 1600
-		Lv3: 1800
-		Lv4: 2000
-		Lv5: 2200
-		Lv6: 2400
-		Lv7: 2600
-		Lv8: 2800
-		Lv9: 3000
-		Lv10: 3200
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 500
-		Lv2: 1000
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2000
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2000
-		Lv8: 2000
-		Lv9: 2000
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 600
-		Lv2: 400
-		Lv3: 200
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_CANNONBALL: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2262
-	Description: "Acceleration"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 150000
-		Lv5: 180000
-		Lv6: 210000
-		Lv7: 240000
-		Lv8: 270000
-		Lv9: 300000
-		Lv10: 330000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 80
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 120
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 160
-			Lv9: 180
-			Lv10: 200
-		}
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Accelerator: 0
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2263
-	Description: "Hovering"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 90000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Hovering_Booster: 0
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2264
-	Description: "Front-Side Slide"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 7
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2265
-	Description: "Back-Side Slide"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 7
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2266
-	Description: "Mainframe Restructure"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2267
-	Description: "Self Destruction"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-		IgnoreDefCards: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 4
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 6
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 9
-		Lv9: 10
-		Lv10: 11
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 5
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 1000
-		Lv4: 500
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	CoolDown: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Suicidal_Device: 0
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 3
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2268
-	Description: "Shape Shift"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Scarlet_Pts: 1
-			Lime_Green_Pts: 1
-			Yellow_Wish_Pts: 1
-			Indigo_Pts: 1
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 2
-			Shape_Shifter: 0
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2269
-	Description: "Emergency Cool"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Cooling_Device: 0
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2270
-	Description: "Infrared Scan"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 7
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: 3000
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 45
-		State: "MadoGear"
-	}
-	Id: 2271
-	Name: "NC_ANALYZE"
-	Description: "Analyze"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2272
-	Description: "Magnetic Field"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 8000
-		Lv4: 10000
-		Lv5: 12000
-		Lv6: 14000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 18000
-		Lv9: 20000
-		Lv10: 22000
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 10000
-		Lv4: 5000
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 70
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 90
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 110
-			Lv7: 120
-			Lv8: 130
-			Lv9: 140
-			Lv10: 150
-		}
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Mag_Field_Generator: 0
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2273
-	Description: "Neutral Barrier"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 90000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 130
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 150
-			Lv9: 160
-			Lv10: 170
-		}
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Barrier_Builder: 0
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xe2
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: 500
-		Target: "Friend"
-	}
-	Id: 2274
-	Description: "Stealth Field"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 10000
-		Lv4: 5000
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 100
-			Lv3: 120
-			Lv4: 140
-			Lv5: 160
-			Lv6: 180
-			Lv7: 200
-			Lv8: 220
-			Lv9: 240
-			Lv10: 260
-		}
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Camouflage_Generator: 0
-			Magic_Gear_Fuel: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xe3
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: 500
-		Target: "All"
-	}
-	Id: 2275
-	Name: "NC_REPAIR"
-	Description: "Repair"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 200
-		Lv2: 300
-		Lv3: 400
-		Lv4: 500
-		Lv5: 600
-		Lv6: 700
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 900
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 1100
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 25
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 35
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 45
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 55
-			Lv8: 60
-			Lv9: 65
-			Lv10: 70
-		}
-		State: "MadoGear"
-		Items: {
-			Repair_Kit: 0
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2276
-	Description: "Axe Training"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2277
-	Description: "Research Fire/Earth"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2278
-	Description: "Axe Boomerang"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	KnockBackTiles: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 4
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 6
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 9
-		Lv9: 10
-		Lv10: 11
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 4500
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 3500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 2500
-		Lv7: 2000
-		Lv8: 1500
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 22
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 26
-			Lv5: 28
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 32
-			Lv8: 34
-			Lv9: 36
-			Lv10: 38
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2279
-	Description: "Power Swing"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 22
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 26
-			Lv5: 28
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 32
-			Lv8: 34
-			Lv9: 36
-			Lv10: 38
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2280
-	Description: "Axe Tornado"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 3
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 3
-		Lv8: 3
-		Lv9: 3
-		Lv10: 3
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 3500
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 1500
-		Lv7: 1000
-		Lv8: 500
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		HPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 80
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 120
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 160
-			Lv9: 180
-			Lv10: 200
-		}
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 22
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 26
-			Lv6: 28
-			Lv7: 30
-			Lv8: 32
-			Lv9: 34
-			Lv10: 36
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2281
-	Description: "FAW - Silver Sniper"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 2
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1800
-		Lv2: 1600
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1200
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 600
-		Lv8: 400
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 25
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 35
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 45
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 55
-			Lv8: 60
-			Lv9: 65
-			Lv10: 70
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Portable_Furnace: 0
-			Oridecon_Hammer: 0
-			Iron: 1
-			Steel: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2282
-	Description: "FAW - Magic Decoy"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 2
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1800
-		Lv2: 1600
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1200
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 600
-		Lv8: 400
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Portable_Furnace: 0
-			Oridecon_Hammer: 0
-			Iron: 2
-			Brigan: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2283
-	Description: "FAW Removal"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		Items: {
-			Monkey_Wrench: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2284
-	Description: "Fatal Menace"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2285
-	Description: "Reproduce"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2286
-	Description: "Auto Shadow Spell"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 3600
-		Lv3: 3200
-		Lv4: 2800
-		Lv5: 2400
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 1600
-		Lv8: 1200
-		Lv9: 800
-		Lv10: 400
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 100000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 140000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 200000
-		Lv9: 220000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2287
-	Description: "Shadow Form"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 40000
-		Lv3: 50000
-		Lv4: 60000
-		Lv5: 70000
-		Lv6: 80000
-		Lv7: 90000
-		Lv8: 100000
-		Lv9: 110000
-		Lv10: 120000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 50
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 90
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 110
-			Lv9: 120
-			Lv10: 130
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2288
-	Description: "Triangle Shot"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 7
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 9
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 9
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 11
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 11
-	}
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 26
-			Lv4: 28
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 32
-			Lv7: 34
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 38
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 3
-	}
-	Id: 2289
-	Description: "Body Painting"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 7000
-		Lv3: 9000
-		Lv4: 11000
-		Lv5: 13000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 17000
-		Lv8: 19000
-		Lv9: 21000
-		Lv10: 23000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 15
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 25
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 35
-			Lv7: 40
-			Lv8: 45
-			Lv9: 50
-			Lv10: 55
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Paint_Brush: 0
-			Surface_Paint: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2290
-	Description: "Invisibility"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 2291
-	Description: "Deadly Infect"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 44
-			Lv3: 48
-			Lv4: 52
-			Lv5: 56
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 64
-			Lv8: 68
-			Lv9: 72
-			Lv10: 76
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2292
-	Description: "Masquerade - Enervation"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Face_Paint: 1
-			Makeover_Brush: 0
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2293
-	Name: "SC_GROOMY"
-	Description: "Masquerade - Gloomy"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Face_Paint: 1
-			Makeover_Brush: 0
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2294
-	Description: "Masquerade - Ignorance"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Face_Paint: 1
-			Makeover_Brush: 0
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2295
-	Description: "Masquerade - Laziness"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Face_Paint: 1
-			Makeover_Brush: 0
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2296
-	Name: "SC_UNLUCKY"
-	Description: "Masquerade - Unlucky"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Face_Paint: 1
-			Makeover_Brush: 0
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2297
-	Description: "Masquerade - Weakness"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Face_Paint: 1
-			Makeover_Brush: 0
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2298
-	Description: "Strip Accessory"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 70000
-		Lv3: 80000
-		Lv4: 90000
-		Lv5: 100000
-		Lv6: 110000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 130000
-		Lv9: 140000
-		Lv10: 150000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 21
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 27
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 33
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 39
-			Lv10: 42
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2299
-	Name: "SC_MANHOLE"
-	Description: "Man Hole"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 20000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 35000
-		Lv8: 40000
-		Lv9: 45000
-		Lv10: 50000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 20000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 35000
-		Lv8: 40000
-		Lv9: 45000
-		Lv10: 50000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Paint_Brush: 0
-			Surface_Paint: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xcc
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2300
-	Description: "Dimension Door"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 8000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 16000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 24000
-		Lv7: 28000
-		Lv8: 32000
-		Lv9: 36000
-		Lv10: 40000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 36
-			Lv3: 42
-			Lv4: 48
-			Lv5: 54
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 66
-			Lv8: 72
-			Lv9: 78
-			Lv10: 84
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Paint_Brush: 0
-			Surface_Paint: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xcd
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2301
-	Description: "Chaos Panic"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 20000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 35000
-		Lv8: 40000
-		Lv9: 45000
-		Lv10: 50000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 8000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 16000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 24000
-		Lv7: 28000
-		Lv8: 32000
-		Lv9: 36000
-		Lv10: 40000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 36
-			Lv3: 42
-			Lv4: 48
-			Lv5: 54
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 66
-			Lv8: 72
-			Lv9: 78
-			Lv10: 84
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Paint_Brush: 0
-			Surface_Paint: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xce
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2302
-	Description: "Maelstrom"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 7000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 21000
-		Lv4: 28000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 42000
-		Lv7: 49000
-		Lv8: 56000
-		Lv9: 63000
-		Lv10: 70000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 55
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 65
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 75
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 85
-			Lv9: 90
-			Lv10: 95
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Paint_Brush: 0
-			Surface_Paint: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xcf
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2303
-	Description: "Bloody Lust"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 20000
-		Lv5: 25000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 35000
-		Lv8: 40000
-		Lv9: 45000
-		Lv10: 50000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 70
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 90
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 110
-			Lv7: 120
-			Lv8: 130
-			Lv9: 140
-			Lv10: 150
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Paint_Brush: 0
-			Surface_Paint: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xd0
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2304
-	Description: "Feint Bomb"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 1000
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 24
-			Lv2: 28
-			Lv3: 32
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 44
-			Lv7: 48
-			Lv8: 52
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Paint_Brush: 0
-			Surface_Paint: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xd1
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2307
-	Description: "Cannon Spear"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillInstances: 10
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 28
-			Lv6: 32
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 40
-			Lv9: 44
-			Lv10: 48
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2308
-	Description: "Banishing Point"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 20
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 25
-			Lv7: 25
-			Lv8: 25
-			Lv9: 25
-			Lv10: 25
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2309
-	Name: "LG_TRAMPLE"
-	Description: "Trample"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 75
-			Lv5: 90
-			Lv6: 105
-			Lv7: 120
-			Lv8: 135
-			Lv9: 150
-			Lv10: 165
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2310
-	Description: "Shield Press"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5500
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 6500
-		Lv4: 7000
-		Lv5: 7500
-	}
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 18
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 22
-			Lv8: 24
-			Lv9: 26
-			Lv10: 28
-		}
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 2311
-	Description: "Reflect Damage"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 80
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 120
-			Lv5: 140
-			Lv6: 160
-			Lv7: 180
-			Lv8: 200
-			Lv9: 220
-			Lv10: 240
-		}
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 2312
-	Description: "Pinpoint Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2313
-	Description: "Force of Vanguard"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 2314
-	Description: "Rage Burst"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 150
-	}
-	Id: 2315
-	Description: "Shield Spell"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	Element: {
-		Lv1: "Ele_Neutral"
-		Lv2: "Ele_Holy"
-		Lv3: "Ele_Neutral"
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 0
-		Lv3: 0
-		Lv4: 0
-		Lv5: 0
-		Lv6: 0
-		Lv7: 0
-		Lv8: 0
-		Lv9: 0
-		Lv10: 0
-	}
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 2316
-	Description: "Exceed Break"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 5500
-		Lv3: 6000
-		Lv4: 6500
-		Lv5: 7000
-		Lv6: 7500
-		Lv7: 8000
-		Lv8: 8500
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 9500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 56
-			Lv5: 68
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 92
-			Lv8: 104
-			Lv9: 116
-			Lv10: 128
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2317
-	Description: "Over Brand"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 110
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2318
-	Description: "Prestige"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 75
-			Lv2: 80
-			Lv3: 85
-			Lv4: 90
-			Lv5: 95
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 105
-			Lv8: 110
-			Lv9: 115
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2319
-	Name: "LG_BANDING"
-	Description: "Banding"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	SkillData1: -1
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 4000
-		Lv3: 6000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 10000
-		Lv6: 12000
-		Lv7: 14000
-		Lv8: 16000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 20000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 36
-			Lv3: 42
-			Lv4: 48
-			Lv5: 54
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 66
-			Lv8: 72
-			Lv9: 78
-			Lv10: 84
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xec
-		Range: 3
-		Interval: 5000
-		Target: "All"
-	}
-	Id: 2320
-	Description: "Moon Slasher"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 6000
-		Lv2: 5000
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 3000
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 1000
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 28
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 36
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 44
-			Lv8: 48
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 56
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2321
-	Description: "Ray of Genesis"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 5
-	NumberOfHits: -7
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 3500
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 4500
-		Lv7: 5000
-		Lv8: 5500
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 6500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 65
-			Lv3: 70
-			Lv4: 75
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 85
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 95
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 105
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2322
-	Name: "LG_PIETY"
-	Description: "Piety"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 100000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 140000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 200000
-		Lv9: 220000
-		Lv10: 240000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Holy_Water: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2323
-	Description: "Earth Drive"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 4
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: -5
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 9000
-		Lv4: 12000
-		Lv5: 15000
-		Lv6: 18000
-		Lv7: 21000
-		Lv8: 24000
-		Lv9: 27000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 7000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 5000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 1000
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 52
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 68
-			Lv4: 76
-			Lv5: 84
-			Lv6: 92
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 108
-			Lv9: 116
-			Lv10: 124
-		}
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 2324
-	Description: "Hesperus Lit"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	CoolDown: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 130
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 150
-			Lv9: 160
-			Lv10: 170
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2325
-	Description: "Inspiration"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 540000
-		Lv2: 480000
-		Lv3: 420000
-		Lv4: 360000
-		Lv5: 300000
-		Lv6: 240000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 120000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 130
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 150
-			Lv9: 160
-			Lv10: 170
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2519
-	Description: "Over Brand"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	KnockBackTiles: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	Id: 2326
-	Description: "Dragon Combo"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -2
-	SkillData1: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 3
-			Lv2: 4
-			Lv3: 5
-			Lv4: 6
-			Lv5: 7
-			Lv6: 8
-			Lv7: 9
-			Lv8: 10
-			Lv9: 11
-			Lv10: 12
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2327
-	Description: "Sky Net Blow"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 8
-			Lv2: 9
-			Lv3: 10
-			Lv4: 11
-			Lv5: 12
-			Lv6: 13
-			Lv7: 14
-			Lv8: 15
-			Lv9: 16
-			Lv10: 17
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2328
-	Description: "Earth Shaker"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 3000
-		Lv5: 3000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 36
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 48
-			Lv5: 52
-			Lv6: 56
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 64
-			Lv9: 68
-			Lv10: 72
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2329
-	Description: "Fallen Empire"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -2
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 500
-		Lv2: 1000
-		Lv3: 1500
-		Lv4: 2000
-		Lv5: 2500
-		Lv6: 3000
-		Lv7: 3500
-		Lv8: 4000
-		Lv9: 4500
-		Lv10: 5000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 110
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2330
-	Description: "Tiger Cannon"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 2
-		Lv7: 2
-		Lv8: 2
-		Lv9: 2
-		Lv10: 2
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1100
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1300
-		Lv4: 1400
-		Lv5: 1500
-		Lv6: 1600
-		Lv7: 1700
-		Lv8: 1800
-		Lv9: 1900
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 6
-			Lv7: 7
-			Lv8: 8
-			Lv9: 9
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-		HPRateCost: {
-			Lv1: -12
-			Lv2: -14
-			Lv3: -16
-			Lv4: -18
-			Lv5: -20
-			Lv6: -22
-			Lv7: -24
-			Lv8: -26
-			Lv9: -28
-			Lv10: -30
-		}
-		SPRateCost: {
-			Lv1: -6
-			Lv2: -7
-			Lv3: -8
-			Lv4: -9
-			Lv5: -10
-			Lv6: -11
-			Lv7: -12
-			Lv8: -13
-			Lv9: -14
-			Lv10: -15
-		}
-		State: "ExplosionSpirits"
-		SpiritSphereCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2331
-	Description: "Hell Gate"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2332
-	Description: "Rampage Blaster"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 150
-	}
-	Id: 2333
-	Description: "Crescent Elbow"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 4000
-		Lv3: 5000
-		Lv4: 6000
-		Lv5: 7000
-		Lv6: 8000
-		Lv7: 9000
-		Lv8: 10000
-		Lv9: 11000
-		Lv10: 12000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 80
-		SpiritSphereCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2334
-	Description: "Cursed Circle"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 4
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 4000
-		Lv3: 5000
-		Lv4: 6000
-		Lv5: 7000
-		Lv6: 8000
-		Lv7: 9000
-		Lv8: 10000
-		Lv9: 11000
-		Lv10: 12000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 100
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 140
-			Lv7: 160
-			Lv8: 180
-			Lv9: 200
-			Lv10: 220
-		}
-		HPRateCost: {
-			Lv1: -1
-			Lv2: -2
-			Lv3: -3
-			Lv4: -4
-			Lv5: -5
-			Lv6: -6
-			Lv7: -7
-			Lv8: -8
-			Lv9: -9
-			Lv10: -10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2335
-	Description: "Lightning Walk"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 7000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 9000
-		Lv6: 10000
-		Lv7: 11000
-		Lv8: 12000
-		Lv9: 13000
-		Lv10: 14000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 70
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 20
-			Lv8: 10
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-		HPRateCost: {
-			Lv1: -5
-			Lv2: -4
-			Lv3: -3
-			Lv4: -2
-			Lv5: -1
-			Lv6: 0
-			Lv7: 1
-			Lv8: 2
-			Lv9: 3
-			Lv10: 4
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2336
-	Description: "Knuckle Arrow"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	KnockBackTiles: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 4
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 6
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 9
-		Lv9: 10
-		Lv10: 11
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 15
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 25
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 35
-			Lv7: 40
-			Lv8: 45
-			Lv9: 50
-			Lv10: 55
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2337
-	Description: "Windmill"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 45
-	}
-	Id: 2338
-	Description: "Raising Dragon"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 120
-	}
-	Id: 2339
-	Description: "Gentle Touch"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2340
-	Description: "Assimilate Power"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2341
-	Description: "Power Velocity"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1500
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		SpiritSphereCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 2342
-	Description: "Crescent Elbow Autospell"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 7
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2343
-	Description: "Gate of Hell"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 3
-		Lv5: 4
-		Lv6: 4
-		Lv7: 5
-		Lv8: 5
-		Lv9: 6
-		Lv10: 7
-	}
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -7
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 100
-		Lv2: 200
-		Lv3: 300
-		Lv4: 400
-		Lv5: 500
-		Lv6: 600
-		Lv7: 700
-		Lv8: 800
-		Lv9: 900
-		Lv10: 1000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 11
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 13
-			Lv4: 14
-			Lv5: 15
-			Lv6: 16
-			Lv7: 17
-			Lv8: 18
-			Lv9: 19
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-		SPRateCost: {
-			Lv1: -11
-			Lv2: -12
-			Lv3: -13
-			Lv4: -14
-			Lv5: -15
-			Lv6: -16
-			Lv7: -17
-			Lv8: -18
-			Lv9: -19
-			Lv10: -20
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 2344
-	Description: "Gentle Touch - Quiet"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 7000
-		Lv3: 9000
-		Lv4: 11000
-		Lv5: 13000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 17000
-		Lv8: 19000
-		Lv9: 21000
-		Lv10: 23000
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 4000
-		Lv8: 4500
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5500
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2345
-	Description: "Gentle Touch - Cure"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 4000
-		Lv8: 4500
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5500
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 50
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 90
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 110
-			Lv9: 120
-			Lv10: 130
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 6
-			Lv7: 7
-			Lv8: 8
-			Lv9: 9
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2346
-	Description: "Gentle Touch - Energy Gain"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 240000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 4000
-		Lv8: 4500
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5500
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 50
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 90
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 110
-			Lv9: 120
-			Lv10: 130
-		}
-		HPRateCost: {
-			Lv1: -1
-			Lv2: -2
-			Lv3: -3
-			Lv4: -4
-			Lv5: -5
-			Lv6: -6
-			Lv7: -7
-			Lv8: -8
-			Lv9: -9
-			Lv10: -10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2347
-	Description: "Gentle Touch - Change"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 240000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 200000
-		Lv2: 180000
-		Lv3: 160000
-		Lv4: 140000
-		Lv5: 120000
-		Lv6: 100000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 60000
-		Lv9: 40000
-		Lv10: 20000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 50
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 90
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 110
-			Lv9: 120
-			Lv10: 130
-		}
-		HPRateCost: {
-			Lv1: -2
-			Lv2: -4
-			Lv3: -6
-			Lv4: -8
-			Lv5: -10
-			Lv6: -12
-			Lv7: -14
-			Lv8: -16
-			Lv9: -18
-			Lv10: -20
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 6
-			Lv7: 7
-			Lv8: 8
-			Lv9: 9
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2348
-	Description: "Gentle Touch - Revitalize"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 240000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 200000
-		Lv2: 180000
-		Lv3: 160000
-		Lv4: 140000
-		Lv5: 120000
-		Lv6: 100000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 60000
-		Lv9: 40000
-		Lv10: 20000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 50
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 90
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 110
-			Lv9: 120
-			Lv10: 130
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 6
-			Lv7: 7
-			Lv8: 8
-			Lv9: 9
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2350
-	Description: "Swing Dance"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 96
-			Lv2: 112
-			Lv3: 128
-			Lv4: 144
-			Lv5: 160
-			Lv6: 176
-			Lv7: 192
-			Lv8: 208
-			Lv9: 224
-			Lv10: 240
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2351
-	Description: "Symphony of Lovers"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 69
-			Lv3: 78
-			Lv4: 87
-			Lv5: 96
-			Lv6: 105
-			Lv7: 114
-			Lv8: 123
-			Lv9: 132
-			Lv10: 141
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2352
-	Description: "Moonlit Serenade"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 84
-			Lv2: 96
-			Lv3: 108
-			Lv4: 120
-			Lv5: 134
-			Lv6: 134
-			Lv7: 134
-			Lv8: 134
-			Lv9: 134
-			Lv10: 134
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2381
-	Description: "Windmill Rush Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 82
-			Lv2: 88
-			Lv3: 94
-			Lv4: 100
-			Lv5: 106
-			Lv6: 112
-			Lv7: 118
-			Lv8: 124
-			Lv9: 130
-			Lv10: 136
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2382
-	Description: "Echo Song"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 86
-			Lv2: 92
-			Lv3: 98
-			Lv4: 104
-			Lv5: 110
-			Lv6: 116
-			Lv7: 122
-			Lv8: 128
-			Lv9: 134
-			Lv10: 140
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2383
-	Description: "Harmonize"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 75
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 85
-			Lv5: 90
-			Lv6: 95
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 105
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 115
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2412
-	Name: "WM_LESSON"
-	Description: "Lesson"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2413
-	Description: "Metallic Sound"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: -2
-		Lv2: -2
-		Lv3: -3
-		Lv4: -3
-		Lv5: -4
-		Lv6: -4
-		Lv7: -5
-		Lv8: -5
-		Lv9: -6
-		Lv10: -6
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 4000
-		Lv8: 4500
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 3500
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 4500
-		Lv7: 5000
-		Lv8: 5500
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 6500
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 64
-			Lv2: 68
-			Lv3: 72
-			Lv4: 76
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 84
-			Lv7: 88
-			Lv8: 92
-			Lv9: 96
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2414
-	Description: "Reverberation"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1100
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1300
-		Lv4: 1400
-		Lv5: 1500
-		Lv6: 1600
-		Lv7: 1700
-		Lv8: 1800
-		Lv9: 1900
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 9000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 11000
-		Lv4: 12000
-		Lv5: 13000
-		Lv6: 14000
-		Lv7: 15000
-		Lv8: 16000
-		Lv9: 17000
-		Lv10: 18000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 28
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 38
-			Lv4: 42
-			Lv5: 48
-			Lv6: 52
-			Lv7: 58
-			Lv8: 62
-			Lv9: 68
-			Lv10: 72
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xda
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 2415
-	Description: "Reverberation Melee"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2416
-	Description: "Reverberation Magic"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2417
-	Description: "Dominion Impulse"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 5
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2418
-	Description: "Severe Rainstorm"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1500
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 2500
-		Lv4: 3000
-		Lv5: 3500
-		Lv6: 4000
-		Lv7: 4500
-		Lv8: 5000
-		Lv9: 5500
-		Lv10: 6000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 3400
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 5500
-		Lv3: 6000
-		Lv4: 6500
-		Lv5: 7000
-		Lv6: 7500
-		Lv7: 8000
-		Lv8: 8500
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 9500
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 130
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 150
-			Lv9: 160
-			Lv10: 170
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Bows: true
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 20
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xdb
-		Range: 5
-		Interval: 300
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_DUALMODE: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2419
-	Description: "Poem of The Netherworld"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 5
-	CastTime: 3000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 9000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 13000
-		Lv4: 15000
-		Lv5: 17000
-		Lv6: 19000
-		Lv7: 21000
-		Lv8: 23000
-		Lv9: 25000
-		Lv10: 27000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 8000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 14000
-		Lv5: 16000
-		Lv6: 18000
-		Lv7: 20000
-		Lv8: 22000
-		Lv9: 24000
-		Lv10: 26000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 28
-			Lv6: 32
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 40
-			Lv9: 44
-			Lv10: 48
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Protect_Neck_Candy: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xde
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2420
-	Description: "Voice of Siren"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 4
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 6
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 9
-		Lv9: 10
-		Lv10: 11
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2200
-		Lv3: 2400
-		Lv4: 2600
-		Lv5: 2800
-		Lv6: 3000
-		Lv7: 3200
-		Lv8: 3400
-		Lv9: 3600
-		Lv10: 3800
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 18000
-		Lv3: 21000
-		Lv4: 24000
-		Lv5: 27000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 33000
-		Lv8: 36000
-		Lv9: 39000
-		Lv10: 42000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 48
-			Lv2: 56
-			Lv3: 64
-			Lv4: 72
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 88
-			Lv7: 96
-			Lv8: 104
-			Lv9: 112
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2421
-	Description: "Valley of Death"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 53
-			Lv3: 56
-			Lv4: 59
-			Lv5: 62
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 68
-			Lv8: 71
-			Lv9: 74
-			Lv10: 77
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Heartbroken_Tears: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2422
-	Description: "Deep Sleep Lullaby"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 130
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 150
-			Lv9: 160
-			Lv10: 170
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2423
-	Description: "Circle of Nature's Sound"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 42
-			Lv2: 46
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 54
-			Lv5: 58
-			Lv6: 62
-			Lv7: 66
-			Lv8: 70
-			Lv9: 74
-			Lv10: 78
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2424
-	Description: "Improvised Song"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2425
-	Description: "Gloomy Day"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 75
-			Lv3: 90
-			Lv4: 105
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 135
-			Lv7: 150
-			Lv8: 165
-			Lv9: 180
-			Lv10: 195
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2426
-	Description: "Great Echo"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 4
-		Lv6: 5
-		Lv7: 5
-		Lv8: 6
-		Lv9: 6
-		Lv10: 7
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2200
-		Lv3: 2400
-		Lv4: 2600
-		Lv5: 2800
-		Lv6: 3000
-		Lv7: 3200
-		Lv8: 3400
-		Lv9: 3600
-		Lv10: 3800
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 130
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 150
-			Lv9: 160
-			Lv10: 170
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Protect_Neck_Candy: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2427
-	Description: "Song of Mana"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 180000
-		Lv7: 210000
-		Lv8: 240000
-		Lv9: 270000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 90000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 120
-			Lv2: 140
-			Lv3: 160
-			Lv4: 180
-			Lv5: 200
-			Lv6: 220
-			Lv7: 240
-			Lv8: 260
-			Lv9: 280
-			Lv10: 300
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2428
-	Description: "Dance With A Warg"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1500
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 2500
-		Lv4: 3000
-		Lv5: 3500
-		Lv6: 4000
-		Lv7: 4500
-		Lv8: 5000
-		Lv9: 5500
-		Lv10: 6000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 180000
-		Lv7: 210000
-		Lv8: 240000
-		Lv9: 270000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 90000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 120
-			Lv2: 140
-			Lv3: 160
-			Lv4: 180
-			Lv5: 200
-			Lv6: 220
-			Lv7: 240
-			Lv8: 260
-			Lv9: 280
-			Lv10: 300
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2429
-	Description: "Sound of Destruction"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 4
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 6
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 7
-		Lv9: 8
-		Lv10: 8
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 0
-		Lv2: 500
-		Lv3: 1000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 2500
-		Lv7: 3000
-		Lv8: 3500
-		Lv9: 4000
-		Lv10: 4500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 6000
-		Lv2: 7000
-		Lv3: 8000
-		Lv4: 9000
-		Lv5: 10000
-		Lv6: 11000
-		Lv7: 12000
-		Lv8: 13000
-		Lv9: 14000
-		Lv10: 15000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 70
-			Lv4: 80
-			Lv5: 90
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 110
-			Lv8: 120
-			Lv9: 130
-			Lv10: 140
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2430
-	Description: "Saturday Night Fever"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 7000
-		Lv8: 8000
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 3000
-	CoolDown: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 150
-			Lv2: 160
-			Lv3: 170
-			Lv4: 180
-			Lv5: 190
-			Lv6: 200
-			Lv7: 210
-			Lv8: 220
-			Lv9: 230
-			Lv10: 240
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2431
-	Description: "Lerad's Dew"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 6
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 9
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 120
-			Lv2: 130
-			Lv3: 140
-			Lv4: 150
-			Lv5: 160
-			Lv6: 170
-			Lv7: 180
-			Lv8: 190
-			Lv9: 200
-			Lv10: 210
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2432
-	Description: "Melody of Sink"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 6
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 9
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 120
-			Lv2: 130
-			Lv3: 140
-			Lv4: 150
-			Lv5: 160
-			Lv6: 170
-			Lv7: 180
-			Lv8: 190
-			Lv9: 200
-			Lv10: 210
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2433
-	Description: "Warcry of Beyond"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 6
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 9
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 120
-			Lv2: 130
-			Lv3: 140
-			Lv4: 150
-			Lv5: 160
-			Lv6: 170
-			Lv7: 180
-			Lv8: 190
-			Lv9: 200
-			Lv10: 210
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2434
-	Description: "Unlimited Humming Voice"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 6
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 9
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 150000
-		Lv5: 180000
-		Lv6: 210000
-		Lv7: 240000
-		Lv8: 270000
-		Lv9: 300000
-		Lv10: 330000
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 110000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 130000
-		Lv4: 140000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 170000
-		Lv8: 180000
-		Lv9: 190000
-		Lv10: 200000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 120
-			Lv2: 130
-			Lv3: 140
-			Lv4: 150
-			Lv5: 160
-			Lv6: 170
-			Lv7: 180
-			Lv8: 190
-			Lv9: 200
-			Lv10: 210
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2443
-	Description: "Fire Walk"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: {
-		Lv1: 8
-		Lv2: 10
-		Lv3: 12
-		Lv4: 14
-		Lv5: 16
-		Lv6: 18
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 22
-		Lv9: 24
-		Lv10: 26
-	}
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 12000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 34
-			Lv3: 38
-			Lv4: 42
-			Lv5: 46
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 54
-			Lv8: 58
-			Lv9: 62
-			Lv10: 66
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xdc
-		Interval: 300
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2444
-	Description: "Electric Walk"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: {
-		Lv1: 8
-		Lv2: 10
-		Lv3: 12
-		Lv4: 14
-		Lv5: 16
-		Lv6: 18
-		Lv7: 20
-		Lv8: 22
-		Lv9: 24
-		Lv10: 26
-	}
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 12000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 34
-			Lv3: 38
-			Lv4: 42
-			Lv5: 46
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 54
-			Lv8: 58
-			Lv9: 62
-			Lv10: 66
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xdd
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2445
-	Description: "Spell Fist"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 25000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 35000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 45000
-		Lv7: 50000
-		Lv8: 55000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 65000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 44
-			Lv3: 48
-			Lv4: 52
-			Lv5: 56
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 64
-			Lv8: 68
-			Lv9: 72
-			Lv10: 76
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2446
-	Description: "Earth Grave"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	NumberOfHits: -3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2200
-		Lv2: 2400
-		Lv3: 2600
-		Lv4: 2800
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3200
-		Lv7: 3400
-		Lv8: 3600
-		Lv9: 3800
-		Lv10: 4000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 500
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 8000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 14000
-		Lv4: 17000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 23000
-		Lv7: 26000
-		Lv8: 29000
-		Lv9: 32000
-		Lv10: 35000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1800
-		Lv2: 1600
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1200
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 600
-		Lv8: 400
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 62
-			Lv2: 70
-			Lv3: 78
-			Lv4: 86
-			Lv5: 94
-			Lv6: 102
-			Lv7: 110
-			Lv8: 118
-			Lv9: 126
-			Lv10: 134
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 3
-			Lv2: 3
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 4
-			Lv6: 4
-			Lv7: 4
-			Lv8: 4
-			Lv9: 4
-			Lv10: 4
-		}
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2447
-	Description: "Diamond Dust"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	NumberOfHits: -5
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 5500
-		Lv3: 6000
-		Lv4: 6500
-		Lv5: 7000
-		Lv6: 7500
-		Lv7: 8000
-		Lv8: 8500
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 9500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 500
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 600
-		Lv3: 400
-		Lv4: 200
-		Lv5: -1
-		Lv6: -1
-		Lv7: -1
-		Lv8: -1
-		Lv9: -1
-		Lv10: -1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 56
-			Lv3: 62
-			Lv4: 68
-			Lv5: 74
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 86
-			Lv8: 92
-			Lv9: 98
-			Lv10: 104
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 3
-			Lv2: 3
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 4
-			Lv6: 4
-			Lv7: 4
-			Lv8: 4
-			Lv9: 4
-			Lv10: 4
-		}
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2448
-	Description: "Poison Buster"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 2
-		Lv6: 2
-		Lv7: 2
-		Lv8: 2
-		Lv9: 2
-		Lv10: 2
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2200
-		Lv2: 3400
-		Lv3: 4600
-		Lv4: 5800
-		Lv5: 6000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 6000
-		Lv8: 6000
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 6000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 600
-		Lv3: 400
-		Lv4: 200
-		Lv5: -1
-		Lv6: -1
-		Lv7: -1
-		Lv8: -1
-		Lv9: -1
-		Lv10: -1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 110
-			Lv4: 130
-			Lv5: 150
-			Lv6: 170
-			Lv7: 190
-			Lv8: 210
-			Lv9: 230
-			Lv10: 250
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2449
-	Description: "Psychic Wave"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 8000
-		Lv2: 9000
-		Lv3: 10000
-		Lv4: 11000
-		Lv5: 12000
-		Lv6: 13000
-		Lv7: 14000
-		Lv8: 15000
-		Lv9: 16000
-		Lv10: 17000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 1200
-		Lv2: 1700
-		Lv3: 2200
-		Lv4: 2700
-		Lv5: 3200
-		Lv6: 3700
-		Lv7: 4200
-		Lv8: 4700
-		Lv9: 5200
-		Lv10: 5700
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 900
-		Lv3: 800
-		Lv4: 700
-		Lv5: 600
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 400
-		Lv8: 300
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 100
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 48
-			Lv2: 56
-			Lv3: 64
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 78
-			Lv6: 78
-			Lv7: 78
-			Lv8: 78
-			Lv9: 78
-			Lv10: 78
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xdf
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 3
-			Lv2: 3
-			Lv3: 4
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 5
-			Lv7: 6
-			Lv8: 6
-			Lv9: 7
-			Lv10: 7
-		}
-		Interval: 500
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2450
-	Description: "Cloud Kill"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2300
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 2700
-		Lv4: 2900
-		Lv5: 3100
-		Lv6: 3300
-		Lv7: 3500
-		Lv8: 3700
-		Lv9: 3900
-		Lv10: 4100
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 8000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 14000
-		Lv5: 16000
-		Lv6: 18000
-		Lv7: 20000
-		Lv8: 22000
-		Lv9: 24000
-		Lv10: 26000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 700
-		Lv2: 500
-		Lv3: 300
-		Lv4: 100
-		Lv5: -1
-		Lv6: -1
-		Lv7: -1
-		Lv8: -1
-		Lv9: -1
-		Lv10: -1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 48
-			Lv2: 56
-			Lv3: 64
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 78
-			Lv6: 78
-			Lv7: 78
-			Lv8: 78
-			Lv9: 78
-			Lv10: 78
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Red_Gemstone: 2
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xe0
-		Layout: 3
-		Interval: 500
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2451
-	Description: "Striking"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 50
-			Lv2: 55
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 65
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 75
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 85
-			Lv9: 90
-			Lv10: 95
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2452
-	Name: "SO_WARMER"
-	Description: "Warmer"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2200
-		Lv2: 2400
-		Lv3: 2600
-		Lv4: 2800
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3200
-		Lv7: 3400
-		Lv8: 3600
-		Lv9: 3800
-		Lv10: 4000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 40000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 50000
-		Lv4: 55000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 65000
-		Lv7: 70000
-		Lv8: 75000
-		Lv9: 80000
-		Lv10: 85000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 30000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 35000
-		Lv2: 40000
-		Lv3: 45000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 55000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 65000
-		Lv8: 70000
-		Lv9: 75000
-		Lv10: 80000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1800
-		Lv2: 1600
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1200
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 600
-		Lv8: 400
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 52
-			Lv3: 64
-			Lv4: 76
-			Lv5: 88
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 112
-			Lv8: 124
-			Lv9: 136
-			Lv10: 148
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xe4
-		Range: 3
-		Interval: 3000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2453
-	Description: "Vacuum Extreme"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 4000
-		Lv8: 4500
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 8000
-		Lv4: 10000
-		Lv5: 12000
-		Lv6: 14000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 18000
-		Lv9: 20000
-		Lv10: 22000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 34
-			Lv2: 42
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 58
-			Lv5: 66
-			Lv6: 74
-			Lv7: 82
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 98
-			Lv10: 106
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xeb
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 1
-			Lv3: 2
-			Lv4: 2
-			Lv5: 3
-			Lv6: 3
-			Lv7: 4
-			Lv8: 4
-			Lv9: 5
-			Lv10: 5
-		}
-		Interval: 500
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2454
-	Description: "Varetyr Spear"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 4
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2200
-		Lv2: 2400
-		Lv3: 2600
-		Lv4: 2800
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3200
-		Lv7: 3400
-		Lv8: 3600
-		Lv9: 3800
-		Lv10: 4000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 2200
-		Lv2: 2400
-		Lv3: 2600
-		Lv4: 2800
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3200
-		Lv7: 3400
-		Lv8: 3600
-		Lv9: 3800
-		Lv10: 4000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1800
-		Lv2: 1600
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1200
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 600
-		Lv8: 400
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 55
-			Lv2: 62
-			Lv3: 69
-			Lv4: 76
-			Lv5: 83
-			Lv6: 90
-			Lv7: 97
-			Lv8: 104
-			Lv9: 111
-			Lv10: 118
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2455
-	Name: "SO_ARRULLO"
-	Description: "Arrullo"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 4
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2200
-		Lv2: 2400
-		Lv3: 2600
-		Lv4: 2800
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3200
-		Lv7: 3400
-		Lv8: 3600
-		Lv9: 3800
-		Lv10: 4000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 8000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 14000
-		Lv5: 16000
-		Lv6: 18000
-		Lv7: 20000
-		Lv8: 22000
-		Lv9: 24000
-		Lv10: 26000
-	}
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 7000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 9000
-		Lv6: 10000
-		Lv7: 11000
-		Lv8: 12000
-		Lv9: 13000
-		Lv10: 14000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 600
-		Lv3: 400
-		Lv4: 200
-		Lv5: -1
-		Lv6: -1
-		Lv7: -1
-		Lv8: -1
-		Lv9: -1
-		Lv10: -1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 55
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 65
-			Lv9: 70
-			Lv10: 75
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2456
-	Description: "Spirit Control"
-	MaxLevel: 4
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		State: "ElementalSpirit"
-	}
-	Id: 2457
-	Description: "Summon Fire Spirit Agni"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 7000
-		Lv8: 8000
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 600000
-		Lv2: 900000
-		Lv3: 1200000
-		Lv4: 1500000
-		Lv5: 1800000
-		Lv6: 2100000
-		Lv7: 2400000
-		Lv8: 2700000
-		Lv9: 3000000
-		Lv10: 3300000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 150
-			Lv3: 200
-			Lv4: 250
-			Lv5: 300
-			Lv6: 350
-			Lv7: 400
-			Lv8: 450
-			Lv9: 500
-			Lv10: 550
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Boody_Red: 3
-			Boody_Red: 6
-			Flame_Heart: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2458
-	Description: "Summon Water Spirit Aqua"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 7000
-		Lv8: 8000
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 600000
-		Lv2: 900000
-		Lv3: 1200000
-		Lv4: 1500000
-		Lv5: 1800000
-		Lv6: 2100000
-		Lv7: 2400000
-		Lv8: 2700000
-		Lv9: 3000000
-		Lv10: 3300000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 150
-			Lv3: 200
-			Lv4: 250
-			Lv5: 300
-			Lv6: 350
-			Lv7: 400
-			Lv8: 450
-			Lv9: 500
-			Lv10: 550
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Crystal_Blue: 3
-			Crystal_Blue: 6
-			Mistic_Frozen: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2459
-	Description: "Summon Wind Spirit Ventus"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 7000
-		Lv8: 8000
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 600000
-		Lv2: 900000
-		Lv3: 1200000
-		Lv4: 1500000
-		Lv5: 1800000
-		Lv6: 2100000
-		Lv7: 2400000
-		Lv8: 2700000
-		Lv9: 3000000
-		Lv10: 3300000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 150
-			Lv3: 200
-			Lv4: 250
-			Lv5: 300
-			Lv6: 350
-			Lv7: 400
-			Lv8: 450
-			Lv9: 500
-			Lv10: 550
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Wind_Of_Verdure: 3
-			Wind_Of_Verdure: 6
-			Rough_Wind: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2460
-	Description: "Summon Earth Spirit Tera"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 7000
-		Lv8: 8000
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 600000
-		Lv2: 900000
-		Lv3: 1200000
-		Lv4: 1500000
-		Lv5: 1800000
-		Lv6: 2100000
-		Lv7: 2400000
-		Lv8: 2700000
-		Lv9: 3000000
-		Lv10: 3300000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 150
-			Lv3: 200
-			Lv4: 250
-			Lv5: 300
-			Lv6: 350
-			Lv7: 400
-			Lv8: 450
-			Lv9: 500
-			Lv10: 550
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Live: 3
-			Yellow_Live: 6
-			Great_Nature: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2461
-	Name: "SO_EL_ACTION"
-	Description: "Elemental Action"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		State: "ElementalSpirit"
-	}
-	Id: 2462
-	Description: "Four Spirit Analysis"
-	MaxLevel: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 80
-			Lv9: 90
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2463
-	Description: "Spirit Sympathy"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2464
-	Name: "SO_EL_CURE"
-	Description: "Spirit Recovery"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		State: "ElementalSpirit"
-	}
-	Id: 2465
-	Description: "Fire Insignia"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 38
-			Lv4: 46
-			Lv5: 54
-			Lv6: 62
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 78
-			Lv9: 86
-			Lv10: 94
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Scarlet_Pts: 1
-			Scarlet_Pts: 2
-			Scarlet_Pts: 3
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xf1
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2466
-	Description: "Water Insignia"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 38
-			Lv4: 46
-			Lv5: 54
-			Lv6: 62
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 78
-			Lv9: 86
-			Lv10: 94
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Indigo_Pts: 1
-			Indigo_Pts: 2
-			Indigo_Pts: 3
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xf2
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2467
-	Description: "Wind Insignia"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 38
-			Lv4: 46
-			Lv5: 54
-			Lv6: 62
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 78
-			Lv9: 86
-			Lv10: 94
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Yellow_Wish_Pts: 1
-			Yellow_Wish_Pts: 2
-			Yellow_Wish_Pts: 3
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xf3
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2468
-	Description: "Earth Insignia"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 38
-			Lv4: 46
-			Lv5: 54
-			Lv6: 62
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 78
-			Lv9: 86
-			Lv10: 94
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Lime_Green_Pts: 1
-			Lime_Green_Pts: 2
-			Lime_Green_Pts: 3
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xf4
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2474
-	Description: "Sword Training"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2475
-	Description: "Cart Remodeling"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 2476
-	Description: "Cart Tornado"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 0
-		Lv2: 500
-		Lv3: 1000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 2000
-		Lv6: 2500
-		Lv7: 3000
-		Lv8: 3500
-		Lv9: 4000
-		Lv10: 4500
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		State: "Cart"
-	}
-	Id: 2477
-	Description: "Cart Cannon"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 4
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 4000
-		Lv8: 4500
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 42
-			Lv3: 44
-			Lv4: 46
-			Lv5: 48
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 52
-			Lv8: 54
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 58
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_CANNONBALL: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-		State: "Cart"
-	}
-	Id: 2478
-	Description: "Cart Boost"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: 90000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 28
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 36
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 44
-			Lv8: 48
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 56
-		}
-		State: "Cart"
-	}
-	Id: 2479
-	Description: "Thorn Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 5
-	CastTime: 1500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 12000
-		Lv3: 14000
-		Lv4: 16000
-		Lv5: 18000
-		Lv6: 20000
-		Lv7: 22000
-		Lv8: 24000
-		Lv9: 26000
-		Lv10: 28000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 26
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 34
-			Lv5: 38
-			Lv6: 42
-			Lv7: 46
-			Lv8: 50
-			Lv9: 54
-			Lv10: 58
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Seed_Of_Horny_Plant: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xe5
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2480
-	Description: "Blood Sucker"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	CastTime: 1500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 22000
-		Lv3: 24000
-		Lv4: 26000
-		Lv5: 28000
-		Lv6: 30000
-		Lv7: 32000
-		Lv8: 34000
-		Lv9: 36000
-		Lv10: 38000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 55
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 65
-			Lv9: 70
-			Lv10: 75
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Bloodsuck_Plant_Seed: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2481
-	Description: "Spore Explosion"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 3000
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 4000
-		Lv7: 5000
-		Lv8: 5000
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 6000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 55
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 65
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 75
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 85
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 95
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Bomb_Mushroom_Spore: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2482
-	Description: "Wall of Thorns"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	CastTime: 1500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 17000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 19000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 50
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 90
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 110
-			Lv9: 120
-			Lv10: 130
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Seed_Of_Horny_Plant: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: [ 0xe6, 0x7f ]
-		Layout: -1
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-	}
-	Id: 2483
-	Description: "Crazy Weed"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 4
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 3500
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 4500
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 5500
-		Lv7: 6000
-		Lv8: 6500
-		Lv9: 7000
-		Lv10: 7500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 24
-			Lv2: 28
-			Lv3: 32
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 44
-			Lv7: 48
-			Lv8: 52
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Seed_Of_Horny_Plant: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2484
-	Description: "Crazy Weed Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	SkillData1: 100
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_SKILL: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2485
-	Description: "Demonic Fire"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 3500
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 4500
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 5500
-		Lv7: 6000
-		Lv8: 6500
-		Lv9: 7000
-		Lv10: 7500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 12000
-		Lv3: 14000
-		Lv4: 16000
-		Lv5: 18000
-		Lv6: 20000
-		Lv7: 22000
-		Lv8: 24000
-		Lv9: 26000
-		Lv10: 28000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 8000
-		Lv2: 16000
-		Lv3: 24000
-		Lv4: 32000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 48000
-		Lv7: 56000
-		Lv8: 64000
-		Lv9: 72000
-		Lv10: 80000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 24
-			Lv2: 28
-			Lv3: 32
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 44
-			Lv7: 48
-			Lv8: 52
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Fire_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xe7
-		Range: 3
-		Interval: 2000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-			UF_SKILL: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2486
-	Description: "Fire Expansion"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 55
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 65
-			Lv9: 70
-			Lv10: 75
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Oil_Bottle: 1
-			Explosive_Powder: 1
-			Smoke_Powder: 1
-			Tear_Gas: 1
-			Acid_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2487
-	Description: "Fire Expansion Smoke Powder"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 12000
-		Lv3: 14000
-		Lv4: 16000
-		Lv5: 18000
-		Lv6: 20000
-		Lv7: 22000
-		Lv8: 24000
-		Lv9: 26000
-		Lv10: 28000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xe8
-		Range: 3
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 2488
-	Description: "Fire Expansion Tear Gas"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 12000
-		Lv3: 14000
-		Lv4: 16000
-		Lv5: 18000
-		Lv6: 20000
-		Lv7: 22000
-		Lv8: 24000
-		Lv9: 26000
-		Lv10: 28000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xe9
-		Range: 3
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 2489
-	Description: "Fire Expansion Acid"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2490
-	Description: "Hell's Plant"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 4
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 6
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 9
-		Lv9: 10
-		Lv10: 11
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 3500
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 4500
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 5500
-		Lv7: 6000
-		Lv8: 6500
-		Lv9: 7000
-		Lv10: 7500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 14000
-		Lv2: 21000
-		Lv3: 28000
-		Lv4: 35000
-		Lv5: 42000
-		Lv6: 49000
-		Lv7: 56000
-		Lv8: 63000
-		Lv9: 70000
-		Lv10: 77000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-		Items: {
-			MenEater_Plant_Bottle: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xea
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2491
-	Description: "Hell's Plant Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-		IgnoreDefCards: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2492
-	Description: "Howling of Mandragora"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 6
-		Lv4: 7
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 9
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Mandragora_Flowerpot: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2493
-	Description: "Sling Item"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CoolDown: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 4
-		AmmoTypes: {
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2494
-	Description: "Change Material"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 2495
-	Description: "Mix Cooking"
-	MaxLevel: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 5
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 75
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 145
-			Lv6: 180
-			Lv7: 215
-			Lv8: 250
-			Lv9: 285
-			Lv10: 320
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2496
-	Description: "Create Bomb"
-	MaxLevel: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 5
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 75
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 145
-			Lv6: 180
-			Lv7: 215
-			Lv8: 250
-			Lv9: 285
-			Lv10: 320
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2497
-	Description: "Special Pharmacy"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-	}
-	Id: 2498
-	Description: "Sling Item Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	SkillData1: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2515
-	Description: "Secrament"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 150000
-		Lv5: 180000
-		Lv6: 210000
-		Lv7: 240000
-		Lv8: 270000
-		Lv9: 300000
-		Lv10: 330000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 120
-			Lv3: 140
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 180
-			Lv6: 200
-			Lv7: 220
-			Lv8: 240
-			Lv9: 260
-			Lv10: 280
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2516
-	Description: "Severe Rainstorm Melee"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 5
-	Id: 2517
-	Description: "Howling of Lion"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 6
-			Lv7: 7
-			Lv8: 8
-			Lv9: 9
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2518
-	Description: "Ride In Lightening"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		AllowReproduce: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 3
-		Lv5: 4
-		Lv6: 4
-		Lv7: 5
-		Lv8: 5
-		Lv9: 6
-		Lv10: 6
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 4000
-		Lv5: 5000
-		Lv6: 6000
-		Lv7: 7000
-		Lv8: 8000
-		Lv9: 9000
-		Lv10: 10000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 50
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 90
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 110
-			Lv9: 120
-			Lv10: 130
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 5
-			Lv6: 6
-			Lv7: 7
-			Lv8: 8
-			Lv9: 9
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2534
-	Description: "Return To Eldicastes"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	CastTime: 3000
-	CoolDown: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	SkillDelayOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2535
-	Description: "Open Buying Store"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-		Items: {
-			Buy_Market_Permit: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2536
-	Description: "Guardian's Recall"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	CastTime: 3000
-	CoolDown: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	SkillDelayOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2537
-	Description: "Odin's Power"
-	MaxLevel: 2
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 100
-			Lv3: 130
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 190
-			Lv6: 220
-			Lv7: 250
-			Lv8: 280
-			Lv9: 310
-			Lv10: 340
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2544
-	Description: "Change Cart 2"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-		State: "Cart"
-	}
-	Id: 2551
-	Description: "Flip The Coin Greed"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2552
-	Description: "Rich's Coin"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2553
-	Description: "Mass Spiral"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 15
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 84
-			Lv3: 88
-			Lv4: 92
-			Lv5: 96
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 104
-			Lv8: 108
-			Lv9: 112
-			Lv10: 116
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2554
-	Description: "Banishing Buster"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 55
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 65
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 75
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 85
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 95
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2555
-	Name: "RL_B_TRAP"
-	Description: "Bind Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 11000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 14000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 17000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 19000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 34
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 38
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 42
-			Lv8: 44
-			Lv9: 46
-			Lv10: 48
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x104
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 2
-			Lv4: 3
-			Lv5: 3
-			Lv6: 4
-			Lv7: 4
-			Lv8: 5
-			Lv9: 5
-			Lv10: 6
-		}
-		Interval: 500
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2556
-	Name: "RL_FLICKER"
-	Description: "Flicker"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 2557
-	Name: "RL_S_STORM"
-	Description: "Shatter Storm"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 55
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 65
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 75
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 85
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 95
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2558
-	Name: "RL_E_CHAIN"
-	Description: "Eternal Chain"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 45
-	}
-	Id: 2559
-	Name: "RL_QD_SHOT"
-	Description: "Quick Draw Shot"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 2560
-	Name: "RL_C_MARKER"
-	Description: "Crimson Marker"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 2561
-	Description: "Fire Dance"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 15
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 25
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 35
-			Lv7: 40
-			Lv8: 45
-			Lv9: 50
-			Lv10: 55
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2562
-	Name: "RL_H_MINE"
-	Description: "Howling Mine"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 45
-			Lv2: 50
-			Lv3: 55
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 65
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 75
-			Lv8: 80
-			Lv9: 85
-			Lv10: 90
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2563
-	Name: "RL_P_ALTER"
-	Description: "Platinum Alter"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 28
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 36
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 44
-			Lv8: 48
-			Lv9: 52
-			Lv10: 56
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2564
-	Description: "Fallen Angel"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 90
-	}
-	Id: 2565
-	Name: "RL_R_TRIP"
-	Description: "Round Trip"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 4
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 6
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 9
-		Lv9: 10
-		Lv10: 11
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2566
-	Name: "RL_D_TAIL"
-	Description: "Dragon Tail"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 70
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 90
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 110
-			Lv7: 120
-			Lv8: 130
-			Lv9: 140
-			Lv10: 150
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2567
-	Name: "RL_FIRE_RAIN"
-	Description: "Fire Rain"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 70
-	}
-	Id: 2568
-	Description: "Heat Barrel"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2569
-	Name: "RL_AM_BLAST"
-	Description: "Anti-Material Blast"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 84
-			Lv3: 88
-			Lv4: 92
-			Lv5: 96
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 104
-			Lv8: 108
-			Lv9: 112
-			Lv10: 116
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2570
-	Description: "Slug Shot"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	KnockBackTiles: 6
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 55
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 65
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 75
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 85
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 95
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2571
-	Description: "Hammer of God"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 80
-			Lv3: 90
-			Lv4: 100
-			Lv5: 110
-			Lv6: 120
-			Lv7: 130
-			Lv8: 140
-			Lv9: 150
-			Lv10: 160
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 2572
-	Description: "Round Trip Plus Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2573
-	Description: "Bind Flicker Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 2574
-	Description: "Flip The Coin Greed Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 3001
-	Description: "Yamikumo"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 3002
-	Name: "KO_RIGHT"
-	Description: "Right Hand Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 3003
-	Name: "KO_LEFT"
-	Description: "Left Hand Mastery"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 3004
-	Description: "Cross Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: 3000
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 18
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 22
-			Lv8: 24
-			Lv9: 26
-			Lv10: 28
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			DWDaggers: true
-			DWSwords: true
-			DWDaggerSword: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3005
-	Description: "Soul Sever"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 24
-			Lv5: 28
-			Lv6: 32
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 40
-			Lv9: 44
-			Lv10: 48
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3006
-	Description: "Bakuretsu Kunai"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1400
-		Lv3: 1800
-		Lv4: 2200
-		Lv5: 2600
-		Lv6: 3000
-		Lv7: 3400
-		Lv8: 3800
-		Lv9: 4200
-		Lv10: 4600
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 100
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 5
-			Lv2: 6
-			Lv3: 7
-			Lv4: 8
-			Lv5: 9
-			Lv6: 10
-			Lv7: 11
-			Lv8: 12
-			Lv9: 13
-			Lv10: 14
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Explosive_Kunai: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3007
-	Description: "Happo Kunai"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 4
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 4
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 5
-		Lv7: 5
-		Lv8: 5
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 8
-			Lv2: 9
-			Lv3: 10
-			Lv4: 11
-			Lv5: 12
-			Lv6: 13
-			Lv7: 14
-			Lv8: 15
-			Lv9: 16
-			Lv10: 17
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_KUNAI: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 8
-	}
-	Id: 3008
-	Description: "Mucha Nage"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreElement: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	NumberOfHits: -10
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 100
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		ZenyCost: {
-			Lv1: 10000
-			Lv2: 20000
-			Lv3: 30000
-			Lv4: 40000
-			Lv5: 50000
-			Lv6: 60000
-			Lv7: 70000
-			Lv8: 80000
-			Lv9: 90000
-			Lv10: 100000
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3009
-	Description: "Huuma Shuriken Ranka"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 9
-		Lv2: 10
-		Lv3: 11
-		Lv4: 12
-		Lv5: 13
-		Lv6: 14
-		Lv7: 15
-		Lv8: 16
-		Lv9: 17
-		Lv10: 18
-	}
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	NumberOfHits: -5
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 100
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 24
-			Lv2: 28
-			Lv3: 32
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 44
-			Lv7: 48
-			Lv8: 52
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 3
-		Interval: 100
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3010
-	Description: "Makibishi"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 9
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 15
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 21
-			Lv6: 24
-			Lv7: 27
-			Lv8: 30
-			Lv9: 33
-			Lv10: 36
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Makibishi: {
-				Lv1: 3
-				Lv2: 4
-				Lv3: 5
-				Lv4: 6
-				Lv5: 7
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xfc
-		Interval: 5000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3011
-	Description: "Meikyo Shisui"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3000
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 3012
-	Name: "KO_ZANZOU"
-	Description: "Zanzou"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	KnockBackTiles: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 27000
-		Lv3: 24000
-		Lv4: 21000
-		Lv5: 18000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 12000
-		Lv8: 9000
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 3000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 44
-			Lv3: 48
-			Lv4: 52
-			Lv5: 56
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 64
-			Lv8: 68
-			Lv9: 72
-			Lv10: 76
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3013
-	Description: "Kyougaku"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 44
-			Lv3: 48
-			Lv4: 52
-			Lv5: 56
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 64
-			Lv8: 68
-			Lv9: 72
-			Lv10: 76
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3014
-	Description: "Jyusatsu"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 8000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 14000
-		Lv5: 16000
-		Lv6: 18000
-		Lv7: 20000
-		Lv8: 22000
-		Lv9: 24000
-		Lv10: 26000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 44
-			Lv3: 48
-			Lv4: 52
-			Lv5: 56
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 64
-			Lv8: 68
-			Lv9: 72
-			Lv10: 76
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3015
-	Description: "Kahu Enten"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 2000
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		Items: {
-			Charm_Fire: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3016
-	Description: "Hyouhu Hubuki"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 2000
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		Items: {
-			Charm_Ice: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3017
-	Description: "Kazehu Seiran"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 2000
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		Items: {
-			Charm_Wind: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3018
-	Description: "Dohu Koukai"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 2000
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 20
-		Items: {
-			Charm_Earth: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3019
-	Name: "KO_KAIHOU"
-	Description: "Technique Kaihou"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 3020
-	Name: "KO_ZENKAI"
-	Description: "Zenkai"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	NumberOfHits: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xf8
-		Range: 3
-		Interval: 500
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3021
-	Name: "KO_GENWAKU"
-	Description: "Genwaku"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 1500
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 44
-			Lv3: 48
-			Lv4: 52
-			Lv5: 56
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 64
-			Lv8: 68
-			Lv9: 72
-			Lv10: 76
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3022
-	Name: "KO_IZAYOI"
-	Description: "Izayoi"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 75
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 85
-			Lv5: 90
-			Lv6: 95
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 105
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 115
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3023
-	Description: "Kagehumi"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 4
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 6
-		Lv6: 7
-		Lv7: 8
-		Lv8: 9
-		Lv9: 10
-		Lv10: 11
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 7000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 9000
-		Lv6: 10000
-		Lv7: 11000
-		Lv8: 12000
-		Lv9: 13000
-		Lv10: 14000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 65
-			Lv3: 70
-			Lv4: 75
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 85
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 95
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 105
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3024
-	Name: "KG_KYOMU"
-	Description: "Kyomu"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-		Items: {
-			Shadow_Orb: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3025
-	Description: "Kagemusha"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 150000
-		Lv5: 180000
-		Lv6: 210000
-		Lv7: 240000
-		Lv8: 270000
-		Lv9: 300000
-		Lv10: 330000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 25
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 35
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 45
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 55
-			Lv8: 60
-			Lv9: 65
-			Lv10: 70
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Shadow_Orb: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3026
-	Description: "Zangetsu"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 4000
-		Lv8: 4500
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 75000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 105000
-		Lv5: 120000
-		Lv6: 135000
-		Lv7: 150000
-		Lv8: 165000
-		Lv9: 180000
-		Lv10: 195000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 70
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 90
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 110
-			Lv7: 120
-			Lv8: 130
-			Lv9: 140
-			Lv10: 150
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3027
-	Description: "Oboro Gensou"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 55
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 65
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 75
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 85
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 95
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3028
-	Description: "Hazy Moonlight Illusion Transition Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	Id: 3029
-	Description: "Akaitsuki"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 4000
-		Lv8: 4500
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 2000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 110
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 3031
-	Description: "Snow Flip"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 3032
-	Description: "Peony Mamy"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 3033
-	Description: "Sadagui"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 3034
-	Description: "Sequoia Dust"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CoolDown: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Id: 3035
-	Description: "Return To Eclage"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CoolDown: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 3000
-	Id: 5001
-	Description: "Dark Claw"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 3
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1500
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	CoolDown: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 34
-			Lv3: 46
-			Lv4: 58
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 82
-			Lv7: 94
-			Lv8: 106
-			Lv9: 118
-			Lv10: 130
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5002
-	Name: "RA_UNLIMIT"
-	Description: "Unlimited"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 500
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 120
-			Lv3: 140
-			Lv4: 160
-			Lv5: 180
-			Lv6: 200
-			Lv7: 220
-			Lv8: 240
-			Lv9: 260
-			Lv10: 280
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5003
-	Description: "Illusion Doping"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 4
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 6
-		Lv4: 7
-		Lv5: 8
-		Lv6: 9
-		Lv7: 10
-		Lv8: 11
-		Lv9: 12
-		Lv10: 13
-	}
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 70
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 90
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 110
-			Lv7: 120
-			Lv8: 130
-			Lv9: 140
-			Lv10: 150
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Alchol: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5004
-	Description: "Dragon Breath - Water"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 2
-		Lv6: 2
-		Lv7: 3
-		Lv8: 3
-		Lv9: 4
-		Lv10: 4
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 0
-		Lv2: 0
-		Lv3: 0
-		Lv4: 1000
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 1000
-		Lv7: 1500
-		Lv8: 1500
-		Lv9: 2000
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 55
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 65
-			Lv9: 70
-			Lv10: 75
-		}
-		State: "Dragon"
-	}
-	Id: 5005
-	Description: "Lux Anima"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 5006
-	Description: "Magma Eruption"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	SkillData2: 42000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 70
-			Lv3: 80
-			Lv4: 90
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 110
-			Lv7: 120
-			Lv8: 130
-			Lv9: 140
-			Lv10: 150
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x101
-		Range: 3
-		Interval: 2000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5007
-	Description: "Frigg's Song"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 200
-			Lv2: 230
-			Lv3: 260
-			Lv4: 290
-			Lv5: 320
-			Lv6: 350
-			Lv7: 380
-			Lv8: 410
-			Lv9: 440
-			Lv10: 470
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Heartbroken_Tears: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5008
-	Description: "Elemental Shield"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 15
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 120
-		State: "ElementalSpirit"
-		Items: {
-			Blue_Gemstone: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x7e
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5009
-	Description: "Flash Combo"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 4000
-	SkillData1: 4000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 65
-		SpiritSphereCost: {
-			Lv1: 5
-			Lv2: 5
-			Lv3: 4
-			Lv4: 4
-			Lv5: 3
-			Lv6: 3
-			Lv7: 2
-			Lv8: 2
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5010
-	Name: "SC_ESCAPE"
-	Description: "Emergency Escape"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 1000
-	CoolDown: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 26
-			Lv3: 22
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 14
-			Lv6: 10
-			Lv7: 6
-			Lv8: 2
-			Lv9: 1
-			Lv10: 1
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Special_Alloy_Trap: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xfe
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Enemy"
-	}
-	Id: 5011
-	Description: "Offertorium"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 4000
-	SkillData1: 90000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 90
-			Lv4: 120
-			Lv5: 150
-			Lv6: 180
-			Lv7: 210
-			Lv8: 240
-			Lv9: 270
-			Lv10: 300
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5012
-	Description: "Intense Telekinesis"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	CoolDown: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 100
-			Lv2: 150
-			Lv3: 200
-			Lv4: 250
-			Lv5: 300
-			Lv6: 350
-			Lv7: 400
-			Lv8: 450
-			Lv9: 500
-			Lv10: 550
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5013
-	Description: "King's Grace"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 5
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 100000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 80000
-		Lv4: 70000
-		Lv5: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 200
-			Lv2: 180
-			Lv3: 160
-			Lv4: 140
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 60
-			Lv9: 40
-			Lv10: 20
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5014
-	Description: "Full Throttle"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 10000
-		Lv2: 15000
-		Lv3: 20000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 40000
-		Lv8: 45000
-		Lv9: 50000
-		Lv10: 55000
-	}
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	CoolDown: 1800000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 5018
-	Description: "New Basic Skill"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 5019
-	Name: "SU_BITE"
-	Description: "Bite"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 5020
-	Name: "SU_HIDE"
-	Description: "Hide"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: -1
-	CoolDown: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 5021
-	Name: "SU_SCRATCH"
-	Description: "Scratch"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 1000
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 1
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5022
-	Name: "SU_STOOP"
-	Description: "Stoop"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 6000
-	CoolDown: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 5023
-	Name: "SU_LOPE"
-	Description: "Lope"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 6
-		Lv2: 10
-		Lv3: 14
-		Lv4: 18
-		Lv5: 22
-		Lv6: 26
-		Lv7: 30
-		Lv8: 34
-		Lv9: 38
-		Lv10: 42
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 4000
-		Lv3: 6000
-		Lv4: 8000
-		Lv5: 10000
-		Lv6: 12000
-		Lv7: 14000
-		Lv8: 16000
-		Lv9: 18000
-		Lv10: 20000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 30
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 30
-			Lv8: 30
-			Lv9: 30
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5024
-	Description: "Spirit Marble"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 5025
-	Description: "Power of Land"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 5026
-	Description: "Silvervine Stem Spear"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: {
-		Lv1: "Ele_Earth"
-		Lv2: "Ele_Fire"
-		Lv3: "Ele_Water"
-		Lv4: "Ele_Wind"
-		Lv5: "Ele_Ghost"
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 40
-			Lv7: 40
-			Lv8: 40
-			Lv9: 40
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5027
-	Description: "Catnip Powdering"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 7
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: 1500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 4000
-		Lv3: 5000
-		Lv4: 6000
-		Lv5: 7000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 36
-			Lv3: 32
-			Lv4: 28
-			Lv5: 24
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Catnip_Fruit: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x106
-		Layout: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 1
-			Lv3: 2
-			Lv4: 2
-			Lv5: 3
-		}
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5028
-	Name: "SU_CN_METEOR"
-	Description: "Catnip Meteor"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 3
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 5
-		Lv5: 7
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 6000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 1500
-		Lv2: 2000
-		Lv3: 2500
-		Lv4: 3000
-		Lv5: 3500
-	}
-	SkillData2: 20000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 3000
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 5000
-		Lv5: 6000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 65
-			Lv5: 80
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Catnip_Fruit: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 500
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5029
-	Description: "Silvervine Root Twist"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 7000
-		Lv2: 9000
-		Lv3: 11000
-		Lv4: 13000
-		Lv5: 15000
-		Lv6: 17000
-		Lv7: 19000
-		Lv8: 21000
-		Lv9: 23000
-		Lv10: 25000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 12
-			Lv3: 14
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 18
-			Lv6: 20
-			Lv7: 22
-			Lv8: 24
-			Lv9: 26
-			Lv10: 28
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x107
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5030
-	Description: "Silver Vine Root Twist Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 5031
-	Description: "Power of Life"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 5032
-	Description: "Scar of Tarou"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 9000
-	SkillData2: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 18
-			Lv4: 22
-			Lv5: 26
-			Lv6: 30
-			Lv7: 34
-			Lv8: 38
-			Lv9: 42
-			Lv10: 46
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5033
-	Description: "Picky Peck"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -5
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 19
-			Lv3: 28
-			Lv4: 37
-			Lv5: 46
-			Lv6: 55
-			Lv7: 64
-			Lv8: 73
-			Lv9: 82
-			Lv10: 91
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5034
-	Description: "Picky Peck Double Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: -5
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 5035
-	Description: "Arclouse Dash"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2500
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 70000
-		Lv3: 80000
-		Lv4: 90000
-		Lv5: 100000
-		Lv6: 110000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 130000
-		Lv9: 140000
-		Lv10: 150000
-	}
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
- 	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 28
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 44
-			Lv6: 52
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 68
-			Lv9: 76
-			Lv10: 84
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5036
-	Description: "Lunatic Carrot Beat"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
- 	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 2
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 3
-		Lv6: 3
-		Lv7: 4
-		Lv8: 4
-		Lv9: 5
-		Lv10: 5
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 1000
-	CoolDown: 8000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 35
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 55
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 75
-			Lv8: 85
-			Lv9: 95
-			Lv10: 105
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5037
-	Description: "Power of Sea"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 5038
-	Description: "Tuna Belly"
- 	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
- 	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
- 	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	CoolDown: {
-		Lv1: 8000
-		Lv2: 10000
-		Lv3: 12000
-		Lv4: 14000
-		Lv5: 16000
-		Lv6: 18000
-		Lv7: 20000
-		Lv8: 22000
-		Lv9: 24000
-		Lv10: 26000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 110
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5039
-	Description: "Tuna Party"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
- 	}
- 	DamageType: {
- 		NoDamage: true
- 	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	CoolDown: 20000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
- 	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 70
-			Lv7: 80
-			Lv8: 90
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 110
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5040
-	Description: "Bunch of Shrimp"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 150000
-		Lv5: 180000
-		Lv6: 210000
-		Lv7: 240000
-		Lv8: 270000
-		Lv9: 300000
-		Lv10: 330000
- 	}
-	CoolDown: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 44
-			Lv2: 48
-			Lv3: 52
-			Lv4: 56
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 64
-			Lv7: 68
-			Lv8: 72
-			Lv9: 76
-			Lv10: 80
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Prawn: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5041
-	Description: "Fresh Shrimp"
- 	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
- 	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
- 	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
- 	}
- 	DamageType: {
- 		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 120000
-	CoolDown: 7000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 26
-			Lv4: 28
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 32
-			Lv7: 34
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 38
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5042
-	Description: ""
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 65
-			Lv5: 80
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Catnip_Fruit: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 5043
-	Description: "Lunatic Carrot Beat 2"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Chorus: true
- 	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	InterruptCast: true
- 	Requirements: {
- 		SPCost: 1
- 	}
-	Id: 8001
-	Name: "HLIF_HEAL"
-	Description: "Healing Touch"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 13
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 19
-			Lv4: 22
-			Lv5: 25
-			Lv6: 28
-			Lv7: 31
-			Lv8: 34
-			Lv9: 37
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-		Items: {
-			Red_Slim_Potion: 1
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8002
-	Name: "HLIF_AVOID"
-	Description: "Avoid"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	AfterCastActDelay: 35000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 40000
-		Lv2: 35000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 10000
-		Lv8: 5000
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8003
-	Name: "HLIF_BRAIN"
-	Description: "Brain Surgery"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 8004
-	Description: "Change"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 600000
-		Lv2: 900000
-		Lv3: 1200000
-		Lv4: 1500000
-		Lv5: 1800000
-		Lv6: 2100000
-		Lv7: 2400000
-		Lv8: 2700000
-		Lv9: 3000000
-		Lv10: 3300000
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 180000
-		Lv4: 240000
-		Lv5: 300000
-		Lv6: 360000
-		Lv7: 420000
-		Lv8: 480000
-		Lv9: 540000
-		Lv10: 600000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 8005
-	Description: "Castling"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	CoolDown: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 8006
-	Description: "Defense"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 40000
-		Lv2: 35000
-		Lv3: 30000
-		Lv4: 25000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 15000
-		Lv7: 10000
-		Lv8: 5000
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8007
-	Name: "HAMI_SKIN"
-	Description: "Adamantium Skin"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 8008
-	Description: "Bloodlust"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 180000
-		Lv3: 300000
-		Lv4: 420000
-		Lv5: 540000
-		Lv6: 660000
-		Lv7: 780000
-		Lv8: 900000
-		Lv9: 1020000
-		Lv10: 1140000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 300000
-		Lv2: 600000
-		Lv3: 900000
-		Lv4: 1200000
-		Lv5: 1500000
-		Lv6: 1800000
-		Lv7: 2100000
-		Lv8: 2400000
-		Lv9: 2700000
-		Lv10: 3000000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 120
-	}
-	Id: 8009
-	Name: "HFLI_MOON"
-	Description: "Moonlight"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: -1
-		Lv2: -2
-		Lv3: -2
-		Lv4: -2
-		Lv5: -3
-		Lv6: -3
-		Lv7: -3
-		Lv8: -3
-		Lv9: -3
-		Lv10: -3
-	}
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 4
-			Lv2: 8
-			Lv3: 12
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 24
-			Lv7: 28
-			Lv8: 32
-			Lv9: 36
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8010
-	Name: "HFLI_FLEET"
-	Description: "Fleeting Move"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 55000
-		Lv3: 50000
-		Lv4: 45000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 30000
-		Lv8: 25000
-		Lv9: 20000
-		Lv10: 15000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 70000
-		Lv3: 80000
-		Lv4: 90000
-		Lv5: 120000
-		Lv6: 120000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 120000
-		Lv9: 120000
-		Lv10: 120000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8011
-	Name: "HFLI_SPEED"
-	Description: "Speed"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 55000
-		Lv3: 50000
-		Lv4: 45000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 35000
-		Lv7: 30000
-		Lv8: 25000
-		Lv9: 20000
-		Lv10: 15000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 70000
-		Lv3: 80000
-		Lv4: 90000
-		Lv5: 120000
-		Lv6: 120000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 120000
-		Lv9: 120000
-		Lv10: 120000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 80
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 110
-			Lv10: 120
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8012
-	Name: "HFLI_SBR44"
-	Description: "S.B.R.44"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8013
-	Description: "Caprice"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	NumberOfHits: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 4
-		Lv5: 5
-		Lv6: 6
-		Lv7: 7
-		Lv8: 8
-		Lv9: 9
-		Lv10: 10
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 22
-			Lv2: 24
-			Lv3: 26
-			Lv4: 28
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 32
-			Lv7: 34
-			Lv8: 36
-			Lv9: 38
-			Lv10: 40
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8014
-	Description: "Benediction of Chaos"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 8015
-	Description: "Instruct"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 8016
-	Description: "Bio Explosion"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	Range: 4
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreElement: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-		IgnoreDefCards: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 4
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8018
-	Description: "Summon Legion"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1600
-		Lv2: 1400
-		Lv3: 1200
-		Lv4: 1000
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 600
-		Lv7: 400
-		Lv8: 200
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 400
-		Lv2: 600
-		Lv3: 800
-		Lv4: 1000
-		Lv5: 1200
-		Lv6: 1400
-		Lv7: 1600
-		Lv8: 1800
-		Lv9: 2000
-		Lv10: 2200
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 80
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 120
-			Lv5: 140
-			Lv6: 160
-			Lv7: 180
-			Lv8: 200
-			Lv9: 220
-			Lv10: 240
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8019
-	Description: "Needle of Paralyze"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1100
-		Lv3: 1200
-		Lv4: 1300
-		Lv5: 1400
-		Lv6: 1500
-		Lv7: 1600
-		Lv8: 1700
-		Lv9: 1800
-		Lv10: 1900
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 500
-		Lv2: 400
-		Lv3: 300
-		Lv4: 200
-		Lv5: 100
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 48
-			Lv2: 60
-			Lv3: 72
-			Lv4: 84
-			Lv5: 96
-			Lv6: 108
-			Lv7: 120
-			Lv8: 132
-			Lv9: 144
-			Lv10: 156
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8020
-	Description: "Poison Mist"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Poison"
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 500
-		Lv2: 700
-		Lv3: 900
-		Lv4: 1100
-		Lv5: 1300
-		Lv6: 1500
-		Lv7: 1700
-		Lv8: 1900
-		Lv9: 2100
-		Lv10: 2300
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 4000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 8000
-		Lv4: 10000
-		Lv5: 12000
-		Lv6: 14000
-		Lv7: 16000
-		Lv8: 18000
-		Lv9: 20000
-		Lv10: 22000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 65
-			Lv2: 75
-			Lv3: 85
-			Lv4: 95
-			Lv5: 105
-			Lv6: 115
-			Lv7: 125
-			Lv8: 135
-			Lv9: 145
-			Lv10: 155
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xf5
-		Range: 3
-		Interval: 2300
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8021
-	Description: "Pain Killer"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 20000
-		Lv2: 30000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 50000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 70000
-		Lv7: 80000
-		Lv8: 90000
-		Lv9: 100000
-		Lv10: 110000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 800
-		Lv3: 600
-		Lv4: 400
-		Lv5: 200
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 48
-			Lv2: 52
-			Lv3: 56
-			Lv4: 60
-			Lv5: 64
-			Lv6: 68
-			Lv7: 72
-			Lv8: 76
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 84
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8022
-	Description: "Light of Regene"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 0
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 360000
-		Lv2: 420000
-		Lv3: 480000
-		Lv4: 540000
-		Lv5: 600000
-		Lv6: 660000
-		Lv7: 720000
-		Lv8: 780000
-		Lv9: 840000
-		Lv10: 900000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1600
-		Lv2: 1400
-		Lv3: 1200
-		Lv4: 1000
-		Lv5: 800
-		Lv6: 600
-		Lv7: 400
-		Lv8: 200
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 50
-			Lv3: 60
-			Lv4: 70
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 90
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 110
-			Lv9: 120
-			Lv10: 130
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8023
-	Description: "Overed Boost"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 0
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 700
-		Lv3: 600
-		Lv4: 500
-		Lv5: 400
-		Lv6: 300
-		Lv7: 200
-		Lv8: 100
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 200
-		Lv2: 300
-		Lv3: 400
-		Lv4: 500
-		Lv5: 600
-		Lv6: 700
-		Lv7: 800
-		Lv8: 900
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 1100
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 70
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 110
-			Lv4: 130
-			Lv5: 150
-			Lv6: 170
-			Lv7: 190
-			Lv8: 210
-			Lv9: 230
-			Lv10: 250
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8024
-	Description: "Eraser Cutter"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: {
-		Lv1: "Ele_Wind"
-		Lv2: "Ele_Neutral"
-		Lv3: "Ele_Wind"
-		Lv4: "Ele_Neutral"
-		Lv5: "Ele_Wind"
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: -6
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 2000
-		Lv4: 2500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 4000
-		Lv8: 4500
-		Lv9: 5000
-		Lv10: 5500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 25
-			Lv2: 30
-			Lv3: 35
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 45
-			Lv6: 50
-			Lv7: 55
-			Lv8: 60
-			Lv9: 65
-			Lv10: 70
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8025
-	Description: "Xeno Slasher"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: {
-		Lv1: "Ele_Wind"
-		Lv2: "Ele_Neutral"
-		Lv3: "Ele_Wind"
-		Lv4: "Ele_Neutral"
-		Lv5: "Ele_Wind"
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 2
-		Lv2: 2
-		Lv3: 3
-		Lv4: 3
-		Lv5: 4
-		Lv6: 4
-		Lv7: 5
-		Lv8: 5
-		Lv9: 6
-		Lv10: 6
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: -6
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1500
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 3500
-		Lv4: 4500
-		Lv5: 5500
-		Lv6: 6500
-		Lv7: 7500
-		Lv8: 8500
-		Lv9: 9500
-		Lv10: 10500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 5000
-	SkillData1: 500
-	FixedCastTime: 500
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 90
-			Lv2: 100
-			Lv3: 110
-			Lv4: 120
-			Lv5: 130
-			Lv6: 140
-			Lv7: 150
-			Lv8: 160
-			Lv9: 170
-			Lv10: 180
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: {
-			Lv1: 2
-			Lv2: 2
-			Lv3: 3
-			Lv4: 3
-			Lv5: 4
-			Lv6: 4
-			Lv7: 5
-			Lv8: 5
-			Lv9: 6
-			Lv10: 6
-		}
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8026
-	Description: "Silent Breeze"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 5
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 7
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 9
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 11
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 13
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 9000
-		Lv2: 12000
-		Lv3: 15000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 21000
-		Lv6: 24000
-		Lv7: 27000
-		Lv8: 30000
-		Lv9: 33000
-		Lv10: 36000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 800
-		Lv3: 600
-		Lv4: 400
-		Lv5: 200
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 45
-			Lv2: 54
-			Lv3: 63
-			Lv4: 72
-			Lv5: 81
-			Lv6: 90
-			Lv7: 99
-			Lv8: 108
-			Lv9: 117
-			Lv10: 126
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8027
-	Description: "Style Change"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 35
-	}
-	Id: 8028
-	Description: "Sonic Claw"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-		State: "MH_Fighting"
-	}
-	Id: 8029
-	Description: "Silver Bain Rush"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 15
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 25
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 35
-			Lv7: 40
-			Lv8: 45
-			Lv9: 50
-			Lv10: 55
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8030
-	Description: "Midnight Frenzy"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 8
-			Lv2: 16
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 32
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 48
-			Lv7: 56
-			Lv8: 64
-			Lv9: 72
-			Lv10: 80
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 8031
-	Description: "Steel Horn"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 5
-		Lv2: 6
-		Lv3: 7
-		Lv4: 8
-		Lv5: 9
-		Lv6: 10
-		Lv7: 11
-		Lv8: 12
-		Lv9: 13
-		Lv10: 14
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 800
-		Lv2: 600
-		Lv3: 400
-		Lv4: 200
-		Lv5: 0
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 200
-		Lv2: 400
-		Lv3: 600
-		Lv4: 800
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 1200
-		Lv7: 1400
-		Lv8: 1600
-		Lv9: 1800
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 40
-			Lv2: 45
-			Lv3: 50
-			Lv4: 55
-			Lv5: 60
-			Lv6: 65
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 75
-			Lv9: 80
-			Lv10: 85
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8032
-	Description: "Golden Heel"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1000
-		Lv2: 1200
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1600
-		Lv5: 1800
-		Lv6: 2000
-		Lv7: 2200
-		Lv8: 2400
-		Lv9: 2600
-		Lv10: 2800
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 65
-			Lv3: 70
-			Lv4: 75
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 85
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 95
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 105
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8033
-	Description: "Stone Wall"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 80
-			Lv2: 90
-			Lv3: 100
-			Lv4: 110
-			Lv5: 120
-			Lv6: 130
-			Lv7: 140
-			Lv8: 150
-			Lv9: 160
-			Lv10: 170
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x7e
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "All"
-		Flag: {
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8034
-	Description: "Holy Pole"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Holy"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 1
-		Lv5: 2
-		Lv6: 2
-		Lv7: 2
-		Lv8: 2
-		Lv9: 2
-		Lv10: 2
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 200
-		Lv2: 400
-		Lv3: 600
-		Lv4: 800
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 1200
-		Lv7: 1400
-		Lv8: 1600
-		Lv9: 1800
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 1800
-		Lv2: 1600
-		Lv3: 1400
-		Lv4: 1200
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 800
-		Lv7: 600
-		Lv8: 400
-		Lv9: 200
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 68
-			Lv3: 76
-			Lv4: 84
-			Lv5: 100
-			Lv6: 100
-			Lv7: 100
-			Lv8: 100
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8035
-	Description: "Attack Mode"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 200
-		Lv2: 400
-		Lv3: 600
-		Lv4: 800
-		Lv5: 1000
-		Lv6: 1200
-		Lv7: 1400
-		Lv8: 1600
-		Lv9: 1800
-		Lv10: 2000
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 65
-			Lv3: 70
-			Lv4: 75
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 85
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 95
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 105
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8036
-	Description: "Tinder Breaker"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 3
-		Lv2: 4
-		Lv3: 5
-		Lv4: 6
-		Lv5: 7
-		Lv6: 8
-		Lv7: 9
-		Lv8: 10
-		Lv9: 11
-		Lv10: 12
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 25
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 35
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 45
-			Lv7: 50
-			Lv8: 55
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 65
-		}
-		State: "MH_Grappling"
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8037
-	Name: "MH_CBC"
-	Description: "Continual Break Combo"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 10
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 30
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 70
-			Lv8: 80
-			Lv9: 90
-			Lv10: 100
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8038
-	Name: "MH_EQC"
-	Description: "Eternal Quick Combo"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 24
-			Lv2: 28
-			Lv3: 32
-			Lv4: 36
-			Lv5: 40
-			Lv6: 44
-			Lv7: 48
-			Lv8: 52
-			Lv9: 56
-			Lv10: 60
-		}
-		SpiritSphereCost: 2
-	}
-	Id: 8039
-	Description: "Magma Flow"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: {
-		Lv1: 1
-		Lv2: 1
-		Lv3: 1
-		Lv4: 2
-		Lv5: 2
-		Lv6: 2
-		Lv7: 2
-		Lv8: 2
-		Lv9: 2
-		Lv10: 2
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 2500
-		Lv3: 3000
-		Lv4: 3500
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 4500
-		Lv7: 5000
-		Lv8: 5500
-		Lv9: 6000
-		Lv10: 6500
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 2000
-		Lv2: 1500
-		Lv3: 1000
-		Lv4: 500
-		Lv5: -1
-		Lv6: -1
-		Lv7: -1
-		Lv8: -1
-		Lv9: -1
-		Lv10: -1
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 34
-			Lv2: 38
-			Lv3: 42
-			Lv4: 46
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 54
-			Lv7: 58
-			Lv8: 62
-			Lv9: 66
-			Lv10: 70
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8040
-	Description: "Granitic Armor"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 6000
-		Lv2: 5500
-		Lv3: 5000
-		Lv4: 4500
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 3000
-		Lv8: 2500
-		Lv9: 2000
-		Lv10: 1500
-	}
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 54
-			Lv2: 58
-			Lv3: 62
-			Lv4: 66
-			Lv5: 70
-			Lv6: 74
-			Lv7: 78
-			Lv8: 82
-			Lv9: 86
-			Lv10: 90
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8041
-	Description: "Lava Slide"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SkillInstances: 1
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 6000
-		Lv2: 5500
-		Lv3: 5000
-		Lv4: 4500
-		Lv5: 4000
-		Lv6: 3500
-		Lv7: 3000
-		Lv8: 2500
-		Lv9: 2000
-		Lv10: 1500
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 30
-			Lv2: 35
-			Lv3: 40
-			Lv4: 45
-			Lv5: 50
-			Lv6: 55
-			Lv7: 60
-			Lv8: 65
-			Lv9: 70
-			Lv10: 75
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xf6
-		Layout: {
-			Lv1: 1
-			Lv2: 1
-			Lv3: 2
-			Lv4: 2
-			Lv5: 3
-			Lv6: 3
-			Lv7: 4
-			Lv8: 4
-			Lv9: 5
-			Lv10: 5
-		}
-		Interval: 2000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8042
-	Description: "Pyroclastic"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 4500
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 3500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 2500
-		Lv7: 2000
-		Lv8: 1500
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 90000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 150000
-		Lv5: 180000
-		Lv6: 210000
-		Lv7: 240000
-		Lv8: 270000
-		Lv9: 300000
-		Lv10: 330000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 28
-			Lv3: 36
-			Lv4: 44
-			Lv5: 52
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 68
-			Lv8: 76
-			Lv9: 84
-			Lv10: 92
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8043
-	Description: "Volcanic Ash"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 5000
-		Lv2: 4500
-		Lv3: 4000
-		Lv4: 3500
-		Lv5: 3000
-		Lv6: 2500
-		Lv7: 2000
-		Lv8: 1500
-		Lv9: 1000
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 60
-			Lv2: 65
-			Lv3: 70
-			Lv4: 75
-			Lv5: 80
-			Lv6: 85
-			Lv7: 90
-			Lv8: 95
-			Lv9: 100
-			Lv10: 105
-		}
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xf7
-		Layout: 1
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8201
-	Name: "MS_BASH"
-	Description: "Bash"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 8
-			Lv2: 8
-			Lv3: 8
-			Lv4: 8
-			Lv5: 8
-			Lv6: 15
-			Lv7: 15
-			Lv8: 15
-			Lv9: 15
-			Lv10: 15
-		}
-		WeaponTypes: {
-			NoWeapon: true
-			Daggers: true
-			1HSwords: true
-			2HSwords: true
-			1HSpears: true
-			2HSpears: true
-			1HAxes: true
-			2HAxes: true
-			Maces: true
-			2HMaces: true
-			Staves: true
-			Knuckles: true
-			Instruments: true
-			Whips: true
-			Books: true
-			Katars: true
-			Revolvers: true
-			Rifles: true
-			GatlingGuns: true
-			Shotguns: true
-			GrenadeLaunchers: true
-			FuumaShurikens: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8202
-	Name: "MS_MAGNUM"
-	Description: "Magnum_Break"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1500
-	AfterCastWalkDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 2000
-	SkillData2: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		HPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 19
-			Lv4: 19
-			Lv5: 18
-			Lv6: 18
-			Lv7: 17
-			Lv8: 17
-			Lv9: 16
-			Lv10: 16
-		}
-		SPCost: 30
-	}
-	Id: 8203
-	Description: "Bowling_Bash"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	KnockBackTiles: 1
-	CastTime: 700
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2500
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 13
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 15
-			Lv4: 16
-			Lv5: 17
-			Lv6: 18
-			Lv7: 19
-			Lv8: 20
-			Lv9: 21
-			Lv10: 22
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8204
-	Description: "Parry"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 15000
-		Lv2: 20000
-		Lv3: 25000
-		Lv4: 30000
-		Lv5: 35000
-		Lv6: 40000
-		Lv7: 45000
-		Lv8: 50000
-		Lv9: 55000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 50
-	}
-	Id: 8205
-	Description: "Shield_Reflect"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 35
-			Lv2: 40
-			Lv3: 45
-			Lv4: 50
-			Lv5: 55
-			Lv6: 60
-			Lv7: 65
-			Lv8: 70
-			Lv9: 75
-			Lv10: 80
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8206
-	Name: "MS_BERSERK"
-	Description: "Frenzy"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	SkillData2: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 8207
-	Name: "MA_DOUBLE"
-	Description: "Double_Strafe"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: 100
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8208
-	Name: "MA_SHOWER"
-	Description: "Arrow_Shower"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		IgnoreLandProtector: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1200
-	SkillData1: 100
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x86
-		Range: 2
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_SKILL: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8209
-	Description: "Skid_Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: {
-		Lv1: 6
-		Lv2: 7
-		Lv3: 8
-		Lv4: 9
-		Lv5: 10
-		Lv6: 11
-		Lv7: 12
-		Lv8: 13
-		Lv9: 14
-		Lv10: 15
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 300000
-		Lv2: 240000
-		Lv3: 180000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 60000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x90
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8210
-	Description: "Land_Mine"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 200000
-		Lv2: 160000
-		Lv3: 120000
-		Lv4: 80000
-		Lv5: 40000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x93
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8211
-	Name: "MA_SANDMAN"
-	Description: "Sandman"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 60000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 12000
-		Lv2: 14000
-		Lv3: 16000
-		Lv4: 18000
-		Lv5: 20000
-		Lv6: 22000
-		Lv7: 24000
-		Lv8: 26000
-		Lv9: 28000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x95
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8212
-	Description: "Freezing_Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Place: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-		IgnoreFlee: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 1
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 150000
-		Lv2: 120000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 60000
-		Lv5: 30000
-		Lv6: 1
-		Lv7: 1
-		Lv8: 1
-		Lv9: 1
-		Lv10: 1
-	}
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 3000
-		Lv2: 6000
-		Lv3: 9000
-		Lv4: 12000
-		Lv5: 15000
-		Lv6: 18000
-		Lv7: 21000
-		Lv8: 24000
-		Lv9: 27000
-		Lv10: 30000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0x97
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOFOOTSET: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8213
-	Description: "Remove_Trap"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Trap: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Misc"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 8214
-	Description: "Arrow_Repel"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: -9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Quest: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 6
-	CastTime: 750
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: 750
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 15
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8215
-	Description: "Focused_Arrow_Strike"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 9
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	SplashRange: 2
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillInstances: 13
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2500
-	FixedCastTime: 1000
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 21
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 27
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 33
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 39
-			Lv9: 42
-			Lv10: 45
-		}
-		AmmoTypes: {
-			A_ARROW: true
-		}
-		AmmoAmount: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8216
-	Name: "ML_PIERCE"
-	Description: "Pierce"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 3
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 7
-	}
-	Id: 8217
-	Description: "Brandish_Spear"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: -2
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 3
-	CastTime: 350
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1200
-	FixedCastTime: 350
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 12
-	}
-	Id: 8218
-	Description: "Spiral_Pierce"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 5
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		IgnoreDefense: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 5
-	CastTime: {
-		Lv1: 150
-		Lv2: 250
-		Lv3: 350
-		Lv4: 450
-		Lv5: 500
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 500
-		Lv8: 500
-		Lv9: 500
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2500
-	SkillData2: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: {
-		Lv1: 150
-		Lv2: 250
-		Lv3: 350
-		Lv4: 450
-		Lv5: 500
-		Lv6: 500
-		Lv7: 500
-		Lv8: 500
-		Lv9: 500
-		Lv10: 500
-	}
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 21
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 27
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 33
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 39
-			Lv9: 42
-			Lv10: 45
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8219
-	Description: "Defending_Aura"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	AfterCastActDelay: 800
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 30
-		State: "Shield"
-	}
-	Id: 8220
-	Description: "Guard"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 12
-			Lv2: 14
-			Lv3: 16
-			Lv4: 18
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 22
-			Lv7: 24
-			Lv8: 26
-			Lv9: 28
-			Lv10: 30
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8221
-	Description: "Sacrifice"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: {
-		Lv1: 7
-		Lv2: 8
-		Lv3: 9
-		Lv4: 10
-		Lv5: 11
-		Lv6: 12
-		Lv7: 13
-		Lv8: 14
-		Lv9: 15
-		Lv10: 16
-	}
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoCastSelf: true
-		PartyOnly: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1500
-	SkillData2: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 1500
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 25
-	}
-	Id: 8222
-	Description: "Magnificat"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: -1
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3200
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 45000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 75000
-		Lv5: 90000
-		Lv6: 105000
-		Lv7: 120000
-		Lv8: 135000
-		Lv9: 150000
-		Lv10: 165000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 800
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 8223
-	Description: "Two-Hand_Quicken"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 60000
-		Lv3: 90000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 150000
-		Lv6: 180000
-		Lv7: 210000
-		Lv8: 240000
-		Lv9: 270000
-		Lv10: 300000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 14
-			Lv2: 18
-			Lv3: 22
-			Lv4: 26
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 34
-			Lv7: 38
-			Lv8: 42
-			Lv9: 46
-			Lv10: 50
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8224
-	Name: "MER_SIGHT"
-	Description: "Sight"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 3
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 10000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 8225
-	Name: "MER_CRASH"
-	Description: "Crash"
-	MaxLevel: 5
-	Range: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Weapon"
-	NumberOfHits: 3
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData2: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 8226
-	Name: "MER_REGAIN"
-	Description: "Regain"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoEnemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 8227
-	Name: "MER_TENDER"
-	Description: "Tender"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoEnemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 8228
-	Description: "Benediction"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoEnemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 8229
-	Description: "Recuperate"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoEnemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 8230
-	Description: "Mental_Cure"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoEnemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 8231
-	Description: "Compress"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		NoEnemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 8232
-	Description: "Provoke"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 30000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 4
-			Lv2: 5
-			Lv3: 6
-			Lv4: 7
-			Lv5: 8
-			Lv6: 9
-			Lv7: 10
-			Lv8: 11
-			Lv9: 12
-			Lv10: 13
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8233
-	Description: "Berserk"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 5
-	}
-	Id: 8234
-	Name: "MER_DECAGI"
-	Description: "Decrease_AGI"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 800
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 40000
-		Lv2: 50000
-		Lv3: 60000
-		Lv4: 70000
-		Lv5: 80000
-		Lv6: 90000
-		Lv7: 100000
-		Lv8: 110000
-		Lv9: 120000
-		Lv10: 130000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 200
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 15
-			Lv2: 17
-			Lv3: 19
-			Lv4: 21
-			Lv5: 23
-			Lv6: 25
-			Lv7: 27
-			Lv8: 29
-			Lv9: 31
-			Lv10: 33
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8235
-	Description: "Scapegoat"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 3000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-		HPRateCost: 100
-	}
-	Id: 8236
-	Description: "Lex_Divina"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	AfterCastActDelay: 3000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 30000
-		Lv2: 35000
-		Lv3: 40000
-		Lv4: 45000
-		Lv5: 50000
-		Lv6: 60000
-		Lv7: 60000
-		Lv8: 60000
-		Lv9: 60000
-		Lv10: 60000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 20
-			Lv5: 20
-			Lv6: 18
-			Lv7: 16
-			Lv8: 14
-			Lv9: 12
-			Lv10: 10
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8237
-	Description: "Sense"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 10
-	}
-	Id: 8238
-	Name: "MER_KYRIE"
-	Description: "Kyrie Eleison"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 2000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 2000
-	SkillData1: 120000
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 20
-			Lv2: 20
-			Lv3: 20
-			Lv4: 25
-			Lv5: 25
-			Lv6: 25
-			Lv7: 30
-			Lv8: 30
-			Lv9: 30
-			Lv10: 35
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8239
-	Description: "Blessing"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 100000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 140000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 200000
-		Lv9: 220000
-		Lv10: 240000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 28
-			Lv2: 32
-			Lv3: 36
-			Lv4: 40
-			Lv5: 44
-			Lv6: 48
-			Lv7: 52
-			Lv8: 56
-			Lv9: 60
-			Lv10: 64
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8240
-	Name: "MER_INCAGI"
-	Description: "Increase Agility"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Friend: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	InterruptCast: true
-	CastTime: 1000
-	AfterCastActDelay: 1000
-	SkillData1: {
-		Lv1: 60000
-		Lv2: 80000
-		Lv3: 100000
-		Lv4: 120000
-		Lv5: 140000
-		Lv6: 160000
-		Lv7: 180000
-		Lv8: 200000
-		Lv9: 220000
-		Lv10: 240000
-	}
-	FixedCastTime: 0
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		HPCost: 15
-		SPCost: {
-			Lv1: 18
-			Lv2: 21
-			Lv3: 24
-			Lv4: 27
-			Lv5: 30
-			Lv6: 33
-			Lv7: 36
-			Lv8: 39
-			Lv9: 42
-			Lv10: 45
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8401
-	Description: "Circle of Fire"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 8402
-	Description: "Fire Cloak"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 60
-	}
-	Id: 8403
-	Description: "Fire Mantle"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SkillInstances: 3
-	KnockBackTiles: 2
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 80
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xed
-		Layout: -1
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: 1000
-		Target: "Enemy"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8404
-	Description: "Water Screen"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 8405
-	Description: "Water Drop"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 60
-	}
-	Id: 8406
-	Description: "Water Barrier"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 80
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xee
-		Layout: 1
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Friend"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8407
-	Name: "EL_WIND_STEP"
-	Description: "Wind Step"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	KnockBackTiles: 5
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 8408
-	Description: "Wind Curtain"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 60
-	}
-	Id: 8409
-	Name: "EL_ZEPHYR"
-	Description: "Zephyr"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 80
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xef
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Friend"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8410
-	Description: "Solid Skin"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 8411
-	Description: "Stone Shield"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 60
-	}
-	Id: 8412
-	Description: "Power of Gaia"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 80
-	}
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xf0
-		Range: 1
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Friend"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOOVERLAP: true
-			UF_PATHCHECK: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 8413
-	Description: "Pyrotechnic"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8414
-	Name: "EL_HEATER"
-	Description: "Heater"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8415
-	Name: "EL_TROPIC"
-	Description: "Tropic"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8416
-	Description: "Aqua Play"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8417
-	Name: "EL_COOLER"
-	Description: "Cooler"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8418
-	Description: "Cool Air"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8419
-	Name: "EL_GUST"
-	Description: "Gust"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8420
-	Name: "EL_BLAST"
-	Description: "Blast"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8421
-	Description: "Wild Storm"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8422
-	Description: "Petrology"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8423
-	Description: "Cursed Soil"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8424
-	Description: "Upheaval"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-	}
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8425
-	Description: "Fire Arrow"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 6
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 8426
-	Name: "EL_FIRE_BOMB"
-	Description: "Fire Bomb"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 6
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 60
-	}
-	Id: 8427
-	Description: "Fire Bomb Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 6
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8428
-	Name: "EL_FIRE_WAVE"
-	Description: "Fire Wave"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 6
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 80
-	}
-	Id: 8429
-	Description: "Fire Wave Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 6
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Fire"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8430
-	Description: "Ice Needle"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 8431
-	Description: "Water Screw"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 60
-	}
-	Id: 8432
-	Description: "Water Screw Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8433
-	Description: "Tidal Weapon"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Water"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	SkillData1: -1
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 80
-	}
-	Id: 8434
-	Description: "Wind Slasher"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	CastTime: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 8435
-	Description: "Hurricane Rage"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	CastTime: 1000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 60
-	}
-	Id: 8436
-	Description: "Hurricane Rage Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 7
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8437
-	Description: "Typhoon Missile"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	CastTime: 1000
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 80
-	}
-	Id: 8438
-	Description: "Typhoon Missile Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 11
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Wind"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8439
-	Description: "Stone Hammer"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	SkillData1: 5000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 40
-	}
-	Id: 8440
-	Description: "Rock Launcher"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 3
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 60
-	}
-	Id: 8441
-	Description: "Rock Launcher Attack"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 5
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Magic"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	SkillData1: 15000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 8442
-	Description: "Stone Rain"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	Range: 9
-	Hit: "BDT_SKILL"
-	SkillType: {
-		Enemy: true
-	}
-	AttackType: "Weapon"
-	Element: "Ele_Earth"
-	SplashRange: 1
-	NumberOfHits: -5
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 80
-	}
-	Id: 10000
-	Description: "Official Guild Approval"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 10001
-	Description: "Kafra Contract"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 10002
-	Description: "Guardian Research"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 10003
-	Name: "GD_GUARDUP"
-	Description: "Strengthen Guardians"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 10004
-	Description: "Guild Extension"
-	MaxLevel: 10
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 10005
-	Description: "Guild's Glory"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	Id: 10006
-	Description: "Great Leadership"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xc1
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Sameguild"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 10007
-	Description: "Glorious Wounds"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xc2
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Sameguild"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 10008
-	Description: "Cold Heart"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xc3
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Sameguild"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 10009
-	Description: "Sharp Gaze"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 2
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	SkillData1: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	Unit: {
-		Id: 0xc4
-		Layout: 2
-		Interval: -1
-		Target: "Sameguild"
-		Flag: {
-			UF_NOMOB: true
-		}
-	}
-	Id: 10010
-	Description: "Battle Orders"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 15
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 180000
-	SkillData2: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 10011
-	Description: "Regeneration"
-	MaxLevel: 3
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 15
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData1: 60000
-	SkillData2: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: -1
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 10012
-	Name: "GD_RESTORE"
-	Description: "Restoration"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	SplashRange: 15
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData2: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 10000
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 10013
-	Description: "Urgent Call"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillType: {
-		Self: true
-	}
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	DamageType: {
-		NoDamage: true
-		SplashArea: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
-	InterruptCast: true
-	SkillData2: 300000
-	FixedCastTime: 5000
-	CastTimeOptions: {
-		IgnoreDex: true
-		IgnoreStatusEffect: true
-		IgnoreItemBonus: true
-	}
-	Requirements: {
-		SPCost: 1
-	}
-	Id: 10014
-	Description: "Permanent Development"
-	MaxLevel: 1
-	SkillInfo: {
-		Guild: true
-	}
-	NumberOfHits: 0
diff --git a/db/re/skill_tree.conf b/db/re/skill_tree.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e9feb2111..000000000
--- a/db/re/skill_tree.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4044 +0,0 @@
-//================= Hercules Database =====================================
-//=       _   _                     _
-//=      | | | |                   | |
-//=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
-//=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
-//=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
-//=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
-//================= License ===============================================
-//= This file is part of Hercules.
-//= -
-//= Copyright (C) 2013-2015  Hercules Dev Team
-//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-//= (at your option) any later version.
-//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-//= GNU General Public License for more details.
-//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-//================= More Information ======================================
- ************* Entry structure ********************************************
- **************************************************************************
-Job_Name: { // Job names as in src/map/pc.c (they are hardcoded at the moment so if you want to add a new job you should add it there)
-	inherit: ( "Other_Job_Name" ); // Base job from which this job will inherit its skill tree. NV_TRICKDEAD inheritance is skipped for non-novices from the source
-	skills: { // SKILL_NAMEs come from the Name (16th column) value in db/re/skill_db.txt
-		SKILL_NAME1: Max_Level // Use this for skills that don't have other skill prerequisite; Max_Level is a numeric value that should match your client side files
-		SKILL_NAME2: { // Use this for skills which have other skills as prerequisites
-			MaxLevel: Max_Level // Max_Level is a numeric value that should match your client side files
-			SKILL_NAME_PREREQUISITE: Level_Prerequisite // The prerequisite skill and min level for having this skill available. Should also match your client side files
-			SKILL_NAME_PREREQUISITE2: Level_Prerequisite2 // You can add as many prerequisite skills as you want. Minimum of 1 if you add a skill this way
-	}
-Novice: {
-	skills: {
-		NV_BASIC: 9
-		WE_BABY: 1
-	}
-Swordsman: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-	skills: {
-		SM_SWORD: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			SM_SWORD: 1
-		}
-		SM_BASH: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			SM_BASH: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Magician: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-	skills: {
-		MG_SIGHT: 1
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			MG_SIGHT: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Archer: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-	skills: {
-		AC_OWL: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AC_OWL: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-		AC_DOUBLE: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AC_DOUBLE: 5
-		}
-	}
-Acolyte: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-	skills: {
-		AL_DP: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_DP: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			AL_WARP: 4
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 2
-			AL_RUWACH: 1
-		}
-		AL_WARP: {
-			MaxLevel: 4
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_HEAL: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_INCAGI: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_DP: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_DP: 5
-		}
-		AL_CURE: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			AL_HEAL: 2
-		}
-	}
-Merchant: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-		MC_LOUD: 1
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-	}
-Thief: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-	skills: {
-		TF_DOUBLE: 10
-		TF_MISS: 10
-		TF_STEAL: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			TF_STEAL: 5
-		}
-		TF_POISON: 10
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			TF_POISON: 3
-		}
-	}
-Knight: {
-	inherit: ( "Swordsman" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			KN_RIDING: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			KN_PIERCE: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			KN_PIERCE: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			SM_BASH: 10
-			SM_MAGNUM: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			SM_ENDURE: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			KN_RIDING: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-	}
-Priest: {
-	inherit: ( "Acolyte" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 4
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			PR_GLORIA: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_HEAL: 1
-		}
-		PR_KYRIE: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			PR_KYRIE: 4
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_RUWACH: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Wizard: {
-	inherit: ( "Magician" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			MG_SIGHT: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Blacksmith: {
-	inherit: ( "Merchant" );
-	skills: {
-		BS_IRON: 5
-		BS_STEEL: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			BS_IRON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			BS_IRON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		BS_SWORD: {
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			BS_DAGGER: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			BS_SWORD: 1
-		}
-		BS_AXE: {
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			BS_SWORD: 2
-		}
-		BS_MACE: {
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			BS_DAGGER: 1
-		}
-		BS_SPEAR: {
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			BS_DAGGER: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			BS_STEEL: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		BS_GREED: 1
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-	}
-Hunter: {
-	inherit: ( "Archer" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			HT_FALCON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 4
-			HT_FALCON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			HT_FALCON: 1
-		}
-		HT_POWER: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			AC_DOUBLE: 10
-		}
-	}
-Assassin: {
-	inherit: ( "Thief" );
-	skills: {
-		AS_RIGHT: 5
-		AS_LEFT: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			AS_RIGHT: 2
-		}
-		AS_KATAR: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			TF_HIDING: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AS_KATAR: 4
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			TF_POISON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Crusader: {
-	inherit: ( "Swordsman" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			SM_ENDURE: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			KN_RIDING: 1
-		}
-		AL_CURE: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			CR_TRUST: 5
-		}
-		AL_DP: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_CURE: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_DP: 3
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			CR_TRUST: 10
-		}
-		CR_TRUST: 10
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			CR_TRUST: 7
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			CR_TRUST: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			AL_DP: 5
-			AL_HEAL: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Monk: {
-	inherit: ( "Acolyte" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_DP: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			MO_DODGE: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-		MO_DODGE: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			MO_DODGE: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Sage: {
-	inherit: ( "Magician" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SA_DELUGE: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Rogue: {
-	inherit: ( "Thief" );
-	skills: {
-		SM_SWORD: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AC_VULTURE: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			AC_DOUBLE: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			TF_STEAL: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			TF_HIDING: 1
-		}
-		RG_RAID: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			RG_RAID: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Alchemist: {
-	inherit: ( "Merchant" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			AM_CP_ARMOR: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			AM_CP_HELM: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		AM_CP_HELM: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			AM_REST: 1
-		}
-		AM_REST: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-	}
-Bard: {
-	inherit: ( "Archer" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			BD_ENCORE: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			BA_WHISTLE: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Dancer: {
-	inherit: ( "Archer" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			BD_ENCORE: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			DC_HUMMING: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Super_Novice: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-	skills: {
-		SM_SWORD: 10
-		SM_BASH: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			SM_BASH: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-		MG_SIGHT: 1
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			MG_SIGHT: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-		AL_DP: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_DP: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			AL_WARP: 4
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 2
-			AL_RUWACH: 1
-		}
-		AL_WARP: {
-			MaxLevel: 4
-		}
-		AL_HEAL: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_HEAL: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_INCAGI: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_DP: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_DP: 5
-		}
-		AL_CURE: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			AL_HEAL: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-		AC_OWL: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AC_OWL: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-		TF_DOUBLE: 10
-		TF_MISS: 10
-		TF_STEAL: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			TF_STEAL: 5
-		}
-		TF_POISON: 10
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			TF_POISON: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-	}
-Gunslinger: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-	skills: {
-		GS_FLING: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			GS_DISARM: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-		GS_DUST: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			GS_DUST: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Ninja: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-		NJ_KUNAI: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		NJ_HUUMA: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_KUNAI: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			NJ_HUUMA: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			NJ_NEN: 1
-		}
-		NJ_NINPOU: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			NJ_NINPOU: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_NINPOU: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			NJ_NINPOU: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_NINPOU: 10
-			NJ_SUITON: 7
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			NJ_NINPOU: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_HUUJIN: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_NINPOU: 10
-		}
-		NJ_NEN: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_NINPOU: 5
-		}
-		NJ_ISSEN: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			NJ_NEN: 1
-		}
-	}
-Novice_High: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-Swordsman_High: {
-	inherit: ( "Swordsman" );
-Magician_High: {
-	inherit: ( "Magician" );
-Archer_High: {
-	inherit: ( "Archer" );
-Acolyte_High: {
-	inherit: ( "Acolyte" );
-Merchant_High: {
-	inherit: ( "Merchant" );
-Thief_High: {
-	inherit: ( "Thief" );
-Lord_Knight: {
-	inherit: ( "Knight" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SM_BASH: 5
-			SM_MAGNUM: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			SM_TWOHAND: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			KN_RIDING: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			SM_ENDURE: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			MinJobLevel: 50
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			KN_PIERCE: 5
-			KN_RIDING: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			KN_RIDING: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-High_Priest: {
-	inherit: ( "Priest" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			PR_GLORIA: 2
-			PR_KYRIE: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-High_Wizard: {
-	inherit: ( "Wizard" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Whitesmith: {
-	inherit: ( "Blacksmith" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Sniper: {
-	inherit: ( "Hunter" );
-	skills: {
-		SN_SIGHT: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AC_OWL: 10
-			AC_VULTURE: 10
-			HT_FALCON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			HT_FALCON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			AC_DOUBLE: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Assassin_Cross: {
-	inherit: ( "Assassin" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			TF_DOUBLE: 5
-			AS_KATAR: 7
-		}
-		ASC_EDP: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			ASC_CDP: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			TF_DOUBLE: 5
-			TF_POISON: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AS_RIGHT: 3
-			AS_KATAR: 5
-		}
-		ASC_CDP: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			TF_POISON: 10
-		}
-	}
-Paladin: {
-	inherit: ( "Crusader" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SM_ENDURE: 5
-			CR_TRUST: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SM_ENDURE: 1
-			CR_TRUST: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			CR_TRUST: 8
-			AL_DP: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Champion: {
-	inherit: ( "Monk" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-	}
-Professor: {
-	inherit: ( "Sage" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			SA_DELUGE: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Stalker: {
-	inherit: ( "Rogue" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			TF_HIDING: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Creator: {
-	inherit: ( "Alchemist" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			AM_CP_ARMOR: 5
-			AM_CP_HELM: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Clown: {
-	inherit: ( "Bard" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AC_SHOWER: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Gypsy: {
-	inherit: ( "Dancer" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AC_SHOWER: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Baby_Novice: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-Baby_Swordsman: {
-	inherit: ( "Swordsman" );
-Baby_Magician: {
-	inherit: ( "Magician" );
-Baby_Archer: {
-	inherit: ( "Archer" );
-Baby_Acolyte: {
-	inherit: ( "Acolyte" );
-Baby_Merchant: {
-	inherit: ( "Merchant" );
-Baby_Thief: {
-	inherit: ( "Thief" );
-Baby_Knight: {
-	inherit: ( "Knight" );
-Baby_Priest: {
-	inherit: ( "Priest" );
-Baby_Wizard: {
-	inherit: ( "Wizard" );
-Baby_Blacksmith: {
-	inherit: ( "Blacksmith" );
-Baby_Hunter: {
-	inherit: ( "Hunter" );
-Baby_Assassin: {
-	inherit: ( "Assassin" );
-Baby_Crusader: {
-	inherit: ( "Crusader" );
-Baby_Monk: {
-	inherit: ( "Monk" );
-Baby_Sage: {
-	inherit: ( "Sage" );
-Baby_Rogue: {
-	inherit: ( "Rogue" );
-Baby_Alchemist: {
-	inherit: ( "Alchemist" );
-Baby_Bard: {
-	inherit: ( "Bard" );
-Baby_Dancer: {
-	inherit: ( "Dancer" );
-Super_Baby: {
-	inherit: ( "Super_Novice" );
-Taekwon: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-	skills: {
-		TK_RUN: 10
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-		TK_DODGE: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-		TK_HPTIME: 10
-		TK_SPTIME: 10
-		TK_POWER: 5
-			MaxLevel: 7
-			TK_HPTIME: 5
-			TK_SPTIME: 5
-			TK_POWER: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			TK_POWER: 5
-		}
-	}
-Star_Gladiator: {
-	inherit: ( "Taekwon" );
-	skills: {
-		SG_FEEL: 3
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SG_FEEL: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SG_FEEL: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SG_FEEL: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 4
-			SG_FEEL: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 4
-			SG_FEEL: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 4
-			SG_FEEL: 3
-		}
-		SG_HATE: 3
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SG_HATE: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SG_HATE: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SG_HATE: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SG_FEEL: 1
-			SG_HATE: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SG_FEEL: 2
-			SG_HATE: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SG_FEEL: 3
-			SG_HATE: 3
-		}
-		SG_DEVIL: 10
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-	}
-Soul_Linker: {
-	inherit: ( "Taekwon" );
-	skills: {
-		SL_MONK: 5
-		SL_STAR: 5
-		SL_SAGE: 5
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SL_SAGE: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SL_MONK: 1
-		}
-		SL_ROGUE: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SL_STAR: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 7
-			SL_PRIEST: 1
-		}
-		SL_KAAHI: {
-			MaxLevel: 7
-			SL_PRIEST: 1
-		}
-		SL_KAUPE: {
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SL_ROGUE: 1
-		}
-		SL_KAITE: {
-			MaxLevel: 7
-			SL_WIZARD: 1
-		}
-		SL_KAINA: {
-			MaxLevel: 7
-			TK_SPTIME: 1
-		}
-		SL_STIN: {
-			MaxLevel: 7
-			SL_WIZARD: 1
-		}
-		SL_STUN: {
-			MaxLevel: 7
-			SL_WIZARD: 1
-		}
-		SL_SMA: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			SL_STIN: 7
-			SL_STUN: 7
-		}
-		SL_SWOO: {
-			MaxLevel: 7
-			SL_PRIEST: 1
-		}
-		SL_SKE: {
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SL_KNIGHT: 1
-		}
-		SL_SKA: {
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SL_MONK: 1
-		}
-		SL_HIGH: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Gangsi: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-Death_Knight: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-Dark_Collector: {
-	inherit: ( "Novice" );
-Rune_Knight: {
-	inherit: ( "Knight" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-	}
-Warlock: {
-	inherit: ( "Wizard" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WL_STASIS: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WL_RADIUS: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		WL_COMET: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WZ_METEOR: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Ranger: {
-	inherit: ( "Hunter" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Arch_Bishop: {
-	inherit: ( "Priest" );
-	skills: {
-		AB_JUDEX: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			PR_MAGNUS: 1
-			AB_JUDEX: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-		AB_CANTO: {
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			AL_INCAGI: 1
-		}
-		AB_CHEAL: {
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			AL_HEAL: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			PR_KYRIE: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 4
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 4
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			AB_CHEAL: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			AB_ORATIO: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Mechanic: {
-	inherit: ( "Blacksmith" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 4
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 4
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-	}
-Guillotine_Cross: {
-	inherit: ( "Assassin" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			AS_LEFT: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Rune_Knight_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Lord_Knight", "Rune_Knight" );
-Warlock_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "High_Wizard", "Warlock" );
-Ranger_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Sniper", "Ranger" );
-Arch_Bishop_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "High_Priest", "Arch_Bishop" );
-Mechanic_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Whitesmith", "Mechanic" );
-Guillotine_Cross_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Assassin_Cross", "Guillotine_Cross" );
-Royal_Guard: {
-	inherit: ( "Crusader" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		LG_PIETY: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			CR_TRUST: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			LG_PIETY: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Sorcerer: {
-	inherit: ( "Sage" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SA_DELUGE: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			SO_WARMER: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 4
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SO_WARMER: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		SO_EL_CURE: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Minstrel: {
-	inherit: ( "Bard" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		WM_LESSON: 10
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WM_LESSON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WM_LESSON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WM_LESSON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WM_LESSON: 1
-		}
-	}
-Wanderer: {
-	inherit: ( "Dancer" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		WM_LESSON: 10
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WM_LESSON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WM_LESSON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WM_LESSON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			WM_LESSON: 1
-		}
-	}
-Sura: {
-	inherit: ( "Monk" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Genetic: {
-	inherit: ( "Alchemist" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 2
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Shadow_Chaser: {
-	inherit: ( "Rogue" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AC_DOUBLE: 7
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SC_GROOMY: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SC_GROOMY: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Royal_Guard_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Paladin", "Royal_Guard" );
-Sorcerer_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Professor", "Sorcerer" );
-Minstrel_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Clown", "Minstrel" );
-Wanderer_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Gypsy", "Wanderer" );
-Sura_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Champion", "Sura" );
-Genetic_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Creator", "Genetic" );
-Shadow_Chaser_Trans: {
-	inherit: ( "Stalker", "Shadow_Chaser" );
-Baby_Rune_Knight: {
-	inherit: ( "Rune_Knight" );
-Baby_Warlock: {
-	inherit: ( "Warlock" );
-Baby_Ranger: {
-	inherit: ( "Ranger" );
-Baby_Arch_Bishop: {
-	inherit: ( "Arch_Bishop" );
-Baby_Mechanic: {
-	inherit: ( "Mechanic" );
-Baby_Guillotine_Cross: {
-	inherit: ( "Guillotine_Cross" );
-Baby_Royal_Guard: {
-	inherit: ( "Royal_Guard" );
-Baby_Sorcerer: {
-	inherit: ( "Sorcerer" );
-Baby_Minstrel: {
-	inherit: ( "Minstrel" );
-Baby_Wanderer: {
-	inherit: ( "Wanderer" );
-Baby_Sura: {
-	inherit: ( "Sura" );
-Baby_Genetic: {
-	inherit: ( "Genetic" );
-Baby_Shadow_Chaser: {
-	inherit: ( "Shadow_Chaser" );
-Expanded_Super_Novice: {
-	inherit: ( "Super_Novice" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_HEAL: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			MG_SIGHT: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			TF_POISON: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			TF_HIDING: 1
-		}
-		CR_TRUST: 10
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			CR_TRUST: 7
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-			AL_DP: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-	}
-Expanded_Super_Baby: {
-	inherit: ( "Expanded_Super_Novice" );
-Kagerou: {
-	inherit: ( "Ninja" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-		KO_RIGHT: 5
-		KO_LEFT: 5
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_KUNAI: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_HUUMA: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_NINPOU: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			KO_KAIHOU: 1
-			KO_IZAYOI: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_NINPOU: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			KO_ZANZOU: 1
-		}
-		KG_KYOMU: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			KG_KYOMU: 3
-		}
-	}
-Oboro: {
-	inherit: ( "Ninja" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-		KO_RIGHT: 5
-		KO_LEFT: 5
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_KUNAI: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_HUUMA: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_NINPOU: 10
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			KO_KAIHOU: 1
-			KO_IZAYOI: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			NJ_NINPOU: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-	}
-Rebellion: {
-	inherit: ( "Gunslinger" );
-	skills: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			RL_S_STORM: 1
-		}
-		RL_B_TRAP: 5
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			GS_FLING: 1
-		}
-		RL_S_STORM: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			GS_DISARM: 1
-			GS_DUST: 1
-		}
-		RL_E_CHAIN: {
-			MaxLevel: 10
-		}
-		RL_QD_SHOT: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			RL_E_CHAIN: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		RL_H_MINE: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		RL_P_ALTER: 5
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		RL_R_TRIP: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-		RL_D_TAIL: {
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			RL_H_MINE: 3
-			RL_C_MARKER: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-			RL_AM_BLAST: 3
-		}
-	}
-Summoner: {
-	skills: {
-		SU_BITE: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-		SU_HIDE: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			SU_BITE: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SU_HIDE: 1
-		}
-		SU_STOOP: {
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-		SU_LOPE: {
-			MaxLevel: 3
-			SU_STOOP: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-			SU_LOPE: 3
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 1
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}
-			MaxLevel: 5
-		}	
-	}
diff --git a/db/re/statpoint.txt b/db/re/statpoint.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b2329983..000000000
--- a/db/re/statpoint.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2