// Copyright (c) Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL. // Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Evol developers #include "common/hercules.h" #include #include #include #include "common/HPMi.h" #include "common/memmgr.h" #include "common/mmo.h" #include "common/nullpo.h" #include "common/socket.h" #include "common/strlib.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "map/clif.h" #include "map/homunculus.h" #include "map/mob.h" #include "map/npc.h" #include "map/pc.h" #include "map/pet.h" #include "map/unit.h" #include "emap/send.h" #include "emap/permission.h" #include "emap/data/session.h" #include "emap/struct/sessionext.h" void send_npccommand (struct map_session_data *sd, int npcId, int cmd) { if (!sd) return; int fd = sd->fd; WFIFOHEAD (fd, 16); WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0xB00 + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOL (fd, 2) = npcId; WFIFOW (fd, 6) = cmd; WFIFOL (fd, 8) = 0; WFIFOW (fd, 12) = 0; WFIFOW (fd, 14) = 0; WFIFOSET (fd, 16); } // 0 - get client lang void send_npccommand2 (struct map_session_data *sd, int npcId, int cmd, int id, int x, int y) { if (!sd) return; int fd = sd->fd; WFIFOHEAD (fd, 16); WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0xB00 + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOL (fd, 2) = npcId; WFIFOW (fd, 6) = cmd; WFIFOL (fd, 8) = id; WFIFOW (fd, 12) = x; WFIFOW (fd, 14) = y; WFIFOSET (fd, 16); } void send_local_message(int fd, struct block_list* bl, const char* msg) { if (!msg || !bl) return; unsigned short msg_len = strlen(msg) + 1; uint8 buf[256]; int len = sizeof(buf) - 8; if (msg_len > len) { ShowWarning("clif_message: Truncating too long message '%s' (len=%u).\n", msg, msg_len); msg_len = len; } WFIFOHEAD (fd, msg_len + 8); WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x8d; WFIFOW (fd, 2) = msg_len + 8; WFIFOL (fd, 4) = bl->id; safestrncpy(WFIFOP(fd, 8), msg, msg_len); WFIFOSET (fd, msg_len + 8); } void send_changelook(struct map_session_data* sd, struct map_session_data* sd2, int fd, int id, int type, int val, int val2, struct item_data *data, int n) { struct SessionExt *tdata = session_get_bysd(sd2); int i; if (!sd) return; //ShowWarning("equip: for type %d = %d\n", type, val); if (tdata) { WFIFOHEAD (fd, 19); WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0xb17 + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOL (fd, 2) = id; WFIFOB (fd, 6) = type; WFIFOW (fd, 7) = val; WFIFOW (fd, 9) = val2; if (data) { for (i = 0; i < data->slot; i++ ) { struct item_data *data; if (sd->status.inventory[n].card[i] && (data = itemdb->exists(sd->status.inventory[n].card[i])) != NULL) { //ShowWarning("card %d\n", data->nameid); WFIFOW (fd, 11 + i * 2) = data->nameid; } else { WFIFOW (fd, 11 + i * 2) = 0; } } for (i = data->slot; i < MAX_SLOTS; i ++) WFIFOW (fd, 11 + i * 2) = 0; } else { //ShowWarning("unequip: for type %d\n", type); WFIFOW (fd, 11) = 0; WFIFOW (fd, 13) = 0; WFIFOW (fd, 15) = 0; WFIFOW (fd, 17) = 0; } WFIFOSET (fd, 19); } } void send_mapmask(int fd, int mask) { WFIFOHEAD (fd, 10); WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0xb02 + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOL (fd, 2) = mask; WFIFOL (fd, 6) = 0; WFIFOSET (fd, 10); } void send_mapmask_brodcast(const int map, const int mask) { struct block_list bl; char buf[10]; memset(&bl, 0, sizeof(bl)); bl.m = map; WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0xb02 + evolPacketOffset; WBUFL (buf, 2) = mask; WBUFL (buf, 6) = 0; clif->send(buf, 10, &bl, ALL_SAMEMAP); } void send_mob_info(struct block_list* bl1, struct block_list* bl2, enum send_target target) { if (!bl1 || bl1->type != BL_MOB) return; char buf[12]; TBL_MOB *md = (TBL_MOB *)bl1; WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0xb03 + evolPacketOffset; WBUFW (buf, 2) = 12; // len WBUFL (buf, 4) = md->bl.id; WBUFL (buf, 8) = md->status.rhw.range; clif->send(&buf, sizeof(buf), bl2, target); } void send_pc_own_flags(struct block_list* bl) { if (!bl || bl->type != BL_PC) return; struct map_session_data *sd = (struct map_session_data *)bl; struct SessionExt *data = session_get_bysd(sd); if (!data) return; const int fd = sd->fd; WFIFOHEAD(fd, 8); WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0xb25 + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOW(fd, 2) = 8; WFIFOL(fd, 4) = sd->group_id; WFIFOSET(fd, 8); } void send_pc_info(struct block_list* bl1, struct block_list* bl2, enum send_target target) { if (!bl1 || bl1->type != BL_PC) return; struct map_session_data *sd = (struct map_session_data *)bl1; struct SessionExt *data = session_get_bysd(sd); if (!data) return; struct map_session_data *tsd = (struct map_session_data *)bl2; if (!tsd) return; struct SessionExt *tdata = session_get_bysd(tsd); if (!tdata) return; int len = 14; if (tdata->clientVersion >= 24) len = 20; else if (bl1 == bl2) len = 16; char buf[len]; WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0xb0a + evolPacketOffset; WBUFW (buf, 2) = len; WBUFL (buf, 4) = sd->bl.id; if (pc_has_permission(sd, permission_send_gm_flag)) WBUFL (buf, 8) = sd->group_id; else WBUFL (buf, 8) = 0; WBUFW (buf, 12) = data->mount; if (bl1 == bl2) WBUFW (buf, 14) = data->language; if (tdata->clientVersion >= 24) { int clanId = 0; struct clan *const clan = tsd->clan; if (clan != NULL) clanId = clan->clan_id; WBUFL (buf, 16) = clanId; } clif->send(&buf, (int)sizeof(buf), bl2, target); } void send_npc_info(struct block_list* bl1, struct block_list* bl2, enum send_target target) { if (!bl1 || bl1->type != BL_NPC) return; struct map_session_data *tsd = (struct map_session_data *)bl2; if (tsd) { struct SessionExt *tdata = session_get_bysd(tsd); if (!tdata) return; } TBL_NPC *const nd = (TBL_NPC*)bl1; char buf[12]; WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0xb0b + evolPacketOffset; WBUFW (buf, 2) = 12; // len WBUFL (buf, 4) = nd->bl.id; WBUFL (buf, 8) = nd->area_size; clif->send(&buf, sizeof(buf), bl2, target); } void send_advmoving(struct unit_data* ud, bool moving, struct block_list *tbl, enum send_target target) { if (!ud) return; struct block_list *bl = ud->bl; if (ud->walkpath.path_len <= ud->walkpath.path_pos) return; const bool haveMoves = (ud->walkpath.path_len > ud->walkpath.path_pos); int i = 14; int start = ud->walkpath.path_pos; int len = ud->walkpath.path_len - start; if (moving) { start ++; len --; if (len <= 0) return; } if (haveMoves) i += len; char *buf; CREATE(buf, char, i); WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0xb04 + evolPacketOffset; WBUFW (buf, 2) = i; WBUFL (buf, 4) = bl->id; WBUFW (buf, 8) = status->get_speed(bl); WBUFW (buf, 10) = bl->x; WBUFW (buf, 12) = bl->y; if (haveMoves) memcpy(buf + 14, ud->walkpath.path + start, len); clif->send(buf, i, tbl, target); aFree(buf); } void send_changemusic(int fd, const char *music) { if (!music) return; const int sz = (int)strlen(music) + 5; char *buf; // Setup the packet CREATE(buf, char, sz); WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0xb05 + evolPacketOffset; WBUFW (buf, 2) = sz; strcpy (WBUFP (buf, 4), music); // Send the packet WFIFOHEAD(fd,sz); memcpy(WFIFOP(fd,0), buf, sz); WFIFOSET(fd,sz); // Free the buffer aFree(buf); } void send_changemusic_brodcast(const int map, const char *music) { if (!music) return; struct block_list bl; const int sz = (int)strlen(music) + 5; char *buf; memset(&bl, 0, sizeof(bl)); CREATE(buf, char, sz); bl.m = map; WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0xb05 + evolPacketOffset; WBUFW (buf, 2) = sz; strcpy (WBUFP (buf, 4), music); clif->send (buf, sz, &bl, ALL_SAMEMAP); aFree(buf); } void send_changenpc_title (struct map_session_data *sd, const int npcId, const char *name) { if (!sd || !name) return; const int fd = sd->fd; const int len = (int)strlen(name); const int sz = len + 10; WFIFOHEAD (fd, sz); WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0xb06 + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOW (fd, 2) = sz; WFIFOL (fd, 4) = npcId; WFIFOW (fd, 8) = len; strcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 10), name); WFIFOSET (fd, sz); } void send_join_ack(int fd, const char *const name, int flag) { if (!name) return; WFIFOHEAD (fd, 27); WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0xb08 + evolPacketOffset; safestrncpy (WFIFOP (fd, 2), name, 24); WFIFOB (fd, 26) = flag; WFIFOSET (fd, 27); } void send_slave_say(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl, const char *const name, const char *const message) { if (!sd || !message) return; const int len = 24 + 7 + (int)strlen(message); char *buf = NULL; CREATE(buf, char, len); snprintf(buf, len, "%s's %s : %s", sd->status.name, name, message); buf[len - 1] = 0; clif->disp_overhead(bl, buf, AREA_CHAT_WOC, NULL); aFree(buf); } void send_online_list(int fd, const char *buf, unsigned size) { if (!buf) return; const unsigned int len = size + 4 + 1; WFIFOHEAD (fd, len); WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0xb10 + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOW (fd, 2) = len; memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 4), buf, size); WFIFOB (fd, size + 4) = 0; WFIFOSET (fd, len); } void send_client_command(struct map_session_data *sd, const char *const command) { if (!command) return; struct SessionExt *data = session_get_bysd(sd); if (!data) return; const unsigned int len = (unsigned int)strlen(command); const int fd = sd->fd; WFIFOHEAD (fd, len + 4); WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0xb16 + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOW (fd, 2) = len + 4; memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 4), command, len); WFIFOSET (fd, len + 4); } void send_changelook2(struct map_session_data* sd, struct block_list *bl, int id, int type, int val, int val2, struct item_data *data, int n, enum send_target target) { //ShowWarning("equip: for type %d = %d\n", type, val); unsigned char buf[32]; int i; WBUFW(buf, 0) = 0xb17 + evolPacketOffset; WBUFL(buf, 2) = id; WBUFB(buf, 6) = type; WBUFW(buf, 7) = val; WBUFW(buf, 9) = val2; if (data && sd) { //ShowWarning("equip: for type %d\n", type); for (i = 0; i < data->slot; i++ ) { struct item_data *data; if (sd->status.inventory[n].card[i] && (data = itemdb->exists(sd->status.inventory[n].card[i])) != NULL) { //ShowWarning("card %d\n", data->nameid); WBUFW(buf, 11 + i * 2) = data->nameid; } else { WBUFW(buf, 11 + i * 2) = 0; } } for (i = data->slot; i < MAX_SLOTS; i ++) WBUFW(buf, 11 + i * 2) = 0; } else { //ShowWarning("unequip: for type %d\n", type); WBUFW(buf, 11) = 0; WBUFW(buf, 13) = 0; WBUFW(buf, 15) = 0; WBUFW(buf, 17) = 0; } clif->send(buf, 19, bl, target); } void send_setwall(int m, int layer, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int mask, enum send_target target) { unsigned char buf[50]; WBUFW(buf, 0) = 0xb1b + evolPacketOffset; WBUFW(buf, 2) = x1; WBUFW(buf, 4) = y1; WBUFW(buf, 6) = x2; WBUFW(buf, 8) = y2; WBUFL(buf, 10) = mask; WBUFL(buf, 14) = layer; mapindex->getmapname_ext(map->list[m].custom_name ? map->list[map->list[m].instance_src_map].name : map->list[m].name, WBUFP(buf, 18)); struct block_list dummy_bl; dummy_bl.type = BL_NUL; dummy_bl.x = x1; dummy_bl.y = y1; dummy_bl.m = m; clif->send(buf, 34, &dummy_bl, target); } void send_setwall_single(int fd, int m, int layer, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int mask) { struct SessionExt *data = session_get(fd); if (!data) return; WFIFOHEAD (fd, 34); WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0xb1b + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOW(fd, 2) = x1; WFIFOW(fd, 4) = y1; WFIFOW(fd, 6) = x2; WFIFOW(fd, 8) = y2; WFIFOL(fd, 10) = mask; WFIFOL(fd, 14) = layer; mapindex->getmapname_ext(map->list[m].custom_name ? map->list[map->list[m].instance_src_map].name : map->list[m].name,(char*)WFIFOP(fd, 18)); WFIFOSET(fd, 34); } void send_pc_skin(int fd, int npcId, const char *const skin) { if (!skin) return; struct SessionExt *data = session_get(fd); if (!data) return; const int sz = (int)strlen(skin) + 9; WFIFOHEAD (fd, sz); WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0xb1c + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOW(fd, 2) = sz; WFIFOL(fd, 4) = npcId; strcpy(WFIFOP (fd, 8), skin); WFIFOSET(fd, sz); } void send_pc_killed(int fd, struct block_list* bl) { struct SessionExt *data = session_get(fd); if (!data) return; WFIFOHEAD (fd, 6); WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0xb1d + evolPacketOffset; if (bl) WFIFOL(fd, 2) = bl->id; else WFIFOL(fd, 2) = 0; WFIFOSET(fd, 6); } void send_walk_fail(int fd, int x, int y) { WFIFOHEAD(fd, 10); WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0xb21 + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOL(fd, 2) = (unsigned int)timer->gettick(); WFIFOW(fd, 6) = x; WFIFOW(fd, 8) = y; WFIFOSET(fd, 10); } void send_homun_exp(struct homun_data *hd, const int exp) { nullpo_retv(hd); nullpo_retv(hd->master); const int fd = hd->master->fd; struct SessionExt *data = session_get(fd); if (!data) return; WFIFOHEAD(fd, 10); WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0xb22 + evolPacketOffset; WFIFOL(fd, 2) = exp; WFIFOL(fd, 6) = 0; WFIFOSET(fd, 10); }