// Copyright (c) Copyright (c) Hercules Dev Team, licensed under GNU GPL. // Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Evol developers #include "common/hercules.h" #include #include #include #include "common/cbasetypes.h" #include "common/HPMi.h" #include "common/memmgr.h" #include "common/mmo.h" #include "common/socket.h" #include "common/strlib.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "map/atcommand.h" #include "map/clif.h" #include "map/guild.h" #include "map/map.h" #include "map/pet.h" #include "map/pc.h" #include "map/skill.h" #include "plugins/HPMHooking.h" #include "emap/atcommand.h" #include "emap/lang.h" #include "emap/inter.h" #include "emap/struct/sessionext.h" #include "emap/data/session.h" const char* eatcommand_msgsd_pre(struct map_session_data **sdPtr, int *msgPtr) { const int msg_number = *msgPtr; struct map_session_data *sd = *sdPtr; if (!(msg_number >= 0 && msg_number < MAX_MSG)) { hookStop(); return "??"; } if (*msgPtr == 1435) { hookStop(); // service message, must be not translated return "You're now in the '#%s' channel for '%s'"; } else if (*msgPtr == 1403) { hookStop(); // service message, must be not translated return "You're now in the '#%s' channel for '-'"; } hookStop(); return lang_pctrans(atcommand->msg_table[0][msg_number], sd); } const char* eatcommand_msgfd_pre(int *fdPtr, int *msgPtr) { const int msg_number = *msgPtr; const int fd = *fdPtr; struct map_session_data *sd = sockt->session_is_valid(fd) ? sockt->session[fd]->session_data : NULL; if (!(msg_number >= 0 && msg_number < MAX_MSG)) { hookStop(); return "??"; } hookStop(); return lang_pctrans(atcommand->msg_table[0][msg_number], sd); } static bool eatcommand_jump_iterate(struct map_session_data *sd, bool forward) { struct SessionExt *session_ext = session_get_bysd(sd); if (!session_ext) return false; struct map_session_data *pl_sd = map->id2sd(session_ext->jump_iterate_id); struct map_session_data *buff_sd = NULL; int fd = NULL != pl_sd ? pl_sd->fd : sd->fd; bool has_skipped = false; int start_fd = fd; int max_counter = sockt->fd_max; do { bool has_next = false; if (forward) { fd++; has_next = fd < sockt->fd_max; } else { fd--; has_next = fd > 0; } if (!has_next) { fd = (forward ? -1 : sockt->fd_max + 1); } else if (sockt->session_is_active(fd)) { buff_sd = sockt->session[fd]->session_data; if ( NULL != buff_sd && ( (sd == buff_sd) || (map->list[buff_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarpto && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE)) || (sd->bl.m == buff_sd->bl.m && sd->bl.x == buff_sd->bl.x && sd->bl.y == buff_sd->bl.y) ) ) { if (sd != buff_sd) { has_skipped = true; } buff_sd = NULL; } } --max_counter; } while ((NULL == buff_sd) && (fd != start_fd) && (max_counter >= 0)); if (NULL == buff_sd && !has_skipped) { session_ext->jump_iterate_id = 0; clif->message(sd->fd, "You are alone at map server!"); } else if (NULL != buff_sd) { char message[80]; pc->setpos(sd, buff_sd->mapindex, buff_sd->bl.x, buff_sd->bl.y, CLR_TELEPORT); sprintf (message, "Jump to %s", buff_sd->status.name); clif->message(sd->fd, message); session_ext->jump_iterate_id = buff_sd->bl.id; } return true; } ACMD2(setSkill) { int skill_id = 0; int skill_level = 0; if (!*message || sscanf(message, "%5d %2d", &skill_id, &skill_level) < 2) { char buf[100]; if (!*message || sscanf(message, "%99s %2d", &buf[0], &skill_level) != 2 || !script->get_constant(buf, &skill_id)) { const char* text = info->help; if (text) clif->messageln (fd, text); return false; } } if (!skill->get_index(skill_id)) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,198)); // This skill number doesn't exist. return false; } pc->skill(sd, skill_id, skill_level, 0); clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,70)); // You have learned the skill. return true; } ACMD2(slide) { int x = 0; int y = 0; if (!*message || sscanf(message, "%4d %4d", &x, &y) < 2) { const char* text = info->help; if (text) clif->messageln (fd, text); return false; } if (!sd) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd, 3)); // Character not found. return false; } const int m = sd->bl.m; if (x < 0 || x >= map->list[m].xs || y < 0 || y >= map->list[m].ys) { ShowError("slide: attempt to place player %s (%d:%d) on invalid coordinates (%d,%d)\n", sd->status.name, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, x, y); return false; } if (map->getcell(m, &sd->bl, x, y, CELL_CHKNOPASS) && pc_get_group_level(sd) < battle->bc->gm_ignore_warpable_area) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd, 2)); return false; } clif->slide(&sd->bl, x, y); unit->movepos(&sd->bl, x, y, 1, 0); return true; } ACMD3(hugo) { return eatcommand_jump_iterate(sd, true); } ACMD3(linus) { return eatcommand_jump_iterate(sd, false); } ACMD1(mapExit) { int code = 1; if (!*message || sscanf(message, "%5d", &code) < 1) code = 1; map->retval = code; map->do_shutdown(); return true; } ACMD0(log) { return true; } ACMD4(tee) { clif->disp_overhead(&sd->bl, message, AREA_CHAT_WOC, NULL); return true; } // 100 - terminate all servers // 101 - restart all servers // 102 - restart char and map servers // 103 - restart map server // 104 - git pull and restart all servers // 105 - build all // 106 - rebuild all // 107 - git pull and build all // 108 - git pull and rebuild all // 109 - build plugin // 110 - git pull and build plugin ACMD1(serverExit) { int code = 0; if (!*message || sscanf(message, "%5d", &code) < 1) return false; send_char_exit(code); map->retval = code; map->do_shutdown(); return true; } ACMD1(getName) { int id = 0; if (!*message || sscanf(message, "%10d", &id) < 1) return false; const struct block_list* bl = map->id2bl(id); if (bl == NULL) { clif->message(fd, "Unit not found"); } else { clif->message(fd, status->get_name(bl)); } return true; } // TMW2 /*========================================== * @refresh (like @jumpto <>) *------------------------------------------*/ ACMD0(refresh) { clif->refresh(sd); return true; } /*========================================== * @item command (usage: @item ) (modified by [Yor] for pet_egg) * @itembound command (usage: @itembound ) (revised by [Mhalicot]) *------------------------------------------*/ ACMD0(tmw2item) { char item_name[100]; int number = 0, item_id, flag = 0, bound = 0; struct item item_tmp; struct item_data *item_data; int get_count, i; memset(item_name, '\0', sizeof(item_name)); if (!*message || ( sscanf(message, "\"%99[^\"]\" %12d", item_name, &number) < 1 && sscanf(message, "%99s %12d", item_name, &number) < 1 )) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,983)); // Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @item ). return false; } if (number <= 0) number = 1; if ((item_data = itemdb->search_name(item_name)) == NULL && (item_data = itemdb->exists(atoi(item_name))) == NULL) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,19)); // Invalid item ID or name. return false; } item_id = item_data->nameid; get_count = number; // TMW2: Check for restrictions // Strange Coins ; ; Legendary Weapons ; Fruits ; DeathPenalty if( item_id == 828 || (item_id >= 589 && item_id <= 593) || (item_id >= 3600 && item_id <= 3610) || (item_id >= 8000 && item_id <= 8006) || item_id == 7420 ) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,19)); // Invalid item ID or name clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,1481)); // TMW2 Restriction return false; } //Check if it's stackable. if (!itemdb->isstackable2(item_data)) { if( bound && (item_data->type == IT_PETEGG || item_data->type == IT_PETARMOR) ) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,498)); // Cannot create bounded pet eggs or pet armors. return false; } get_count = 1; } for (i = 0; i < number; i += get_count) { // if not pet egg if (!pet->create_egg(sd, item_id)) { memset(&item_tmp, 0, sizeof(item_tmp)); item_tmp.nameid = item_id; item_tmp.identify = 1; item_tmp.bound = (unsigned char)bound; if ((flag = pc->additem(sd, &item_tmp, get_count, LOG_TYPE_COMMAND))) clif->additem(sd, 0, 0, flag); } } if (flag == 0) clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,18)); // Item created. return true; } /*========================================== * @changegm by durf (changed by Lupus) * Changes Master of your Guild to a specified guild member *------------------------------------------*/ ACMD0(tmw2changegm) { struct guild *g; struct map_session_data *pl_sd; if (sd->status.guild_id == 0 || (g = sd->guild) == NULL) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,1181)); // You need to be a Guild Master to use this command. return false; } if (map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.guildlock || map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,1182)); // You cannot change guild leaders in this map. return false; } if (!message[0]) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,1183)); // Usage: @changegm return false; } if ((pl_sd=map->nick2sd(message, true)) == NULL || pl_sd->status.guild_id != sd->status.guild_id) { clif->message(fd, msg_fd(fd,1184)); // Target character must be online and be a guild member. return false; } guild->gm_change(sd->status.guild_id, pl_sd->status.char_id); return true; }