##3 === <> === ##3 <<##BBecoming a Translator##b>> <<##9To become a translator, you need to access [@@https://www.transifex.com/akaras/|Transifex Website@@], create an account, and request to join Akaras organization.>> <<##9You can then request ##B4144##b to approve you. Once finished, you'll be able to translate not only this game, but ManaPlus and The Mana World as well!>> ##3 <<##BTranslated versus Reviewed##b>> <<##9To provide the game in multiple languages, we make use of Machine Translation. A Reviewed string means it was manually translated.>> ##3 <<##BQuickly fixing typos##b>> <<##9Machine Translation is great at making mistakes. If you are logged on Transifex and know the file name (or part of the file name, usually the NPC name is enough), you can use ##B@translate ##b to get a link which will allow you to quickly translate it.>> <<##9Be warned we take a while to update Translations. Always bug Jesusalva in order to get your reviewed translations added faster.>> ##3 <<##BGetting Manual Support##b>> <<##9You can ask for help on ##B#world##b chat tab. Be warned: we do not accept translation reviews outside transifex. Mostly because we never find time to do so, and they end up lost under piles of chat and other priorities.>> <<##9You can also highlight @4144 and @jesusalva for walkthroughs and getting added to translation teams in an easier way.>> <<##1Important: Prefix every message sent to #world with ##B!translate##b, so our #world channel bot is able to translate them to english. This way, others will be able to help you!>> ##3 <<##BAre you lost?##b>> <<##9If you're lost, you might want to read our [@@help://faq|FAQ@@].>> <<##9Otherwise, asking on ##B#world##b has proven highly effective if you can wait for a reply.>>