##3 === <<TEST SERVER>> === <<##9The ##2test server##9 allows players to test new content before it gets released. It can also be used to test custom character builds and stats.>> <<You can perform most debug actions through the ##2Super Menu##9:>> <<##BWrite ##3@super##9 in the chat and press enter.##b>> <<You can also access the ##2Super Menu##9 from the ##2Skills##9 window:>> <<##BPress the ##3###keyWindowSkill;##9 key. Go to the ##3Restricted##9 tab.##b>> <<To get money: ##3@esp (amount)##9>> <<To get items: ##3/createitems>> \t10;@@https://www.themanaworld.org/index.php/Dev:Testing_Server|##6<<Click here for the test server documentation>>@@.