<?xml version="1.0"?>
// Blue effect sart from floor and to to sky, that can be use at teleportation or charging magic ice power
// TMW2 Effect
// Autor: Saulc
  <particle position-x="0" position-y="0" position-z="0" lifetime="15">
      <animation imageset="graphics/particles/blueform.png" width="17" height="17">
        <sequence start="0" end="9" delay="30"/>
        <frame index="0" delay="300"/>
      <property name="vertical-angle" value="90"/>
      <property name="power" value="4"/>
      <property name="lifetime" value="30"/>
      <property name="output" min="2" max="5"/>
      <property name="position-x" min="-15" max="15"/>
      <property name="position-y" min="-15" max="15"/>
      <property name="position-z" min="0" max="3"/>