<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Authors: 4144, Alige, Saulc, Jesusalva Copyright (C) 2013 ManaPlus Copyright (C) 2018 TMW2: Moubootaur Legends --> <messages> <message>You are dead.</message> <message>We regret to inform you that your character was killed in battle.</message> <message>You are not that alive anymore.</message> <message>Game Over!</message> <message>Insert coin to continue.</message> <message>No, kids. Your character did not really die. It... err... went to a better place.</message> <message>Your plan of breaking your enemies weapon by bashing it with your throat failed.</message> <message>I guess this did not run too well.</message> <message>Do you want your possessions identified?</message> <!-- NetHack reference. --> <message>Sadly, no trace of you was ever found...</message> <!-- Secret of Mana reference. --> <message>Annihilated.</message> <!-- Final Fantasy VI reference. --> <message>Looks like you got your head handed to you.</message> <!-- Earthbound reference. --> <message>You screwed up again, dump your body down the tubes and get you another one.</message> <!-- Leisure Suit Larry 1 reference. --> <message>You're not dead yet. You're just resting.</message> <!-- Monty Python reference. --> <message>You are no more.</message> <message>You have ceased to be.</message> <message>You've expired and gone to meet your maker.</message> <message>You're a stiff.</message> <message>Bereft of life, you rest in peace.</message> <message>If you weren't so animated, you'd be pushing up the daisies.</message> <message>Your metabolic processes are now history.</message> <message>You're off the twig.</message> <message>You've kicked the bucket.</message> <!-- <message>You've shuffled off your mortal coil, rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible.</message> --> <message>You are an ex-player.</message> <message>You're pining for the fjords.</message> <message>Right now, you would just love to be resurrected.</message> <message>Wait, did I just die?</message> <message>What just happened?</message> <message>I guess you're not the One.</message> <message>See you in the underworld.</message> <message>Try again.</message> <message>Don't panic, you're just a bit dead.</message> <message>It's a bit late to start digging your grave, don't you think?</message> <message>Program terminated.</message> <message>Mission failed.</message> <message>Everybody falls the first time.</message> <!-- The Matrix reference. --> <message>Welcome... to the real world.</message> <!-- The Matrix reference. --> <message>Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.</message> <!-- The Matrix reference. --> <message>There is no spoon.</message> <!-- The Matrix reference. --> <message>One shot, one kill.</message> <!-- Call of Duty reference. --> <message>Some men just want to watch the world burn.</message> <!-- The Dark Knight reference. --> <message>You are fulfilling your destiny.</message> <!-- Star Wars, Darth Sidious reference. --> <message>Rule #8: Do not die.</message> <message>There will be no order, only chaos.</message> <!-- Pi reference. --> <message>Too bad, get over it.</message> <message>There's no hope for us here, only death.</message> <!-- The Fountain reference. --> <message>Death is the road to awe.</message> <!-- The Fountain reference. --> <!-- The Fountain reference. --> <message>Stop... Stop it!</message> <!-- The Fountain reference. --> <message>Today is a good day to die.</message> <!-- Klingons. --> <message>Any last words? Oops, too late!</message> <message>Confusion will be my epitaph.</message> <!-- King Crimson reference. --> <!-- TMW2 custom dead messages --> <message>One Tap.</message> <!-- CSGO reference. --> <message>Wasted</message> <!-- GTA reference. --> <message>KO</message> <message>Critical Existance Failure.</message> <!-- TVTropes --> <message>GG</message> <message>Better luck next time.</message> <message>If you see an elevator, be sure to push the up button.</message> <!-- TMW, sightly modified (if you die in -> if you see an) --> <message>Everything is a dream.</message> <message>Back to the Soul Menhir, I guess...</message> <message>Well, that healing item was too awesome to use, anyway...</message> <!-- TVTropes reference --> <message>Oh dear, the Random Numbers are angry with you again.</message> <message>Well... That happens, I guess.</message> <message>That is just part of life-- err, death, I mean.</message> <message>Are you enjoying lying on the ground?</message> <message>Hey hey, I wasn't done yet!</message> <!-- The 'hey hey' is often spoken by Saulc --> <message>Today is not your lucky day, it seems.</message> <message>Dead already? But you were so young...</message> <message>Apana like...</message> <!-- feel disgusting to play like the legendary apana --> <message>Get Rekt noob</message> <message>Uh... Blame Saulc.</message> <!-- Long running gag with devs: Everything is Saulc's fault. (Even if it's not) --> <message>I came to carry you back to the Soul Menhir. You can be the hero another day.</message> <message>Next time, say thanks when you get off the bus.</message> <message>Is this a bug...? No, your character just died. Try again.</message> <message>Congrats, you've met Jesusalva! Now back to the Menhir, noob!</message> <message>Why you bully me!</message> <!-- CSGO S1mple twitch clip --> </messages>