From b185a09d7c0ba7695a738ad16ccfcc9cac5a2f84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Saulc <>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2018 22:01:27 +0100
Subject: add 004-1

 maps/003-1.tmx |  332 ++++++------
 maps/004-1.tmx | 1550 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1716 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 maps/004-1.tmx

(limited to 'maps')

diff --git a/maps/003-1.tmx b/maps/003-1.tmx
index b3fd85cb..55258b60 100644
--- a/maps/003-1.tmx
+++ b/maps/003-1.tmx
@@ -329,102 +329,102 @@
@@ -532,84 +532,84 @@
  <layer name="Fringe" width="140" height="180">
@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@
- <layer name="Collision" width="140" height="180">
+ <layer name="Collision" width="140" height="180" visible="0">
   <data encoding="csv">
@@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@
- <objectgroup name="Object">
+ <objectgroup name="Object" visible="0">
   <object id="19" name="Plushroom Field" type="spawn" x="1920" y="3224" width="64" height="96">
     <property name="death" value="150000"/>
diff --git a/maps/004-1.tmx b/maps/004-1.tmx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7312efd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/004-1.tmx
@@ -0,0 +1,1550 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<map version="1.0" tiledversion="1.1.1" orientation="orthogonal" renderorder="right-down" width="140" height="140" tilewidth="32" tileheight="32" infinite="0" nextobjectid="30">
+ <properties>
+  <property name="license" value="CC BY-SA 3.0"/>
+  <property name="manaplus version" value="2"/>
+  <property name="minimap" value="graphics/minimaps/003-1.png"/>
+  <property name="music" value="bartk - the adventure begins.ogg"/>
+  <property name="name" value="Tulimshar desert"/>
+  <property name="overlay0image" value="graphics/images/ambient/cloud.png"/>
+  <property name="overlay0parallax" value="1.0"/>
+  <property name="overlay0scrollX" value="0.2"/>
+  <property name="overlay0scrollY" value="0.1"/>
+ </properties>
+ <tileset firstgid="1" source="../graphics/tilesets/collision.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="10" source="../graphics/tilesets/desert1.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="266" source="../graphics/tilesets/desert2.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="522" source="../graphics/tilesets/desert_x2.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="570" source="../graphics/tilesets/desert_x3.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="602" source="../graphics/tilesets/desert_x5.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="604" source="../graphics/tilesets/desert_city.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="860" source="../graphics/tilesets/trans_woodland_desert.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="988" source="../graphics/tilesets/docks.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="1148" source="../graphics/tilesets/desert_city_x2.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="1180" source="../graphics/tilesets/water_overflow.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="1252" source="../graphics/tilesets/water3.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="1417" source="../graphics/tilesets/waterflow.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="1489" source="../graphics/tilesets/signs_x2.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="1513" source="../graphics/tilesets/desert_city_x4.tsx"/>
+ <tileset firstgid="1529" name="Tree x3x3" tilewidth="96" tileheight="96" tilecount="1" columns="1">
+  <image source="../graphics/tilesets/tree-x3x3.png" width="96" height="96"/>
+ </tileset>
+ <tileset firstgid="1530" name="Tree x3x4" tilewidth="96" tileheight="128" tilecount="10" columns="5">
+  <image source="../graphics/tilesets/tree-x3x4.png" width="480" height="256"/>
+ </tileset>
+ <tileset firstgid="1540" source="../graphics/tilesets/desert_castle.tsx"/>
+ <layer name="Ground1" width="140" height="140">
+  <data encoding="csv">
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Ground2" width="140" height="140">
+  <data encoding="csv">
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Ground3" width="140" height="140">
+  <data encoding="csv">
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Ground4" width="140" height="140">
+  <data encoding="csv">
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Fringe" width="140" height="140">
+  <data encoding="csv">
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Over1" width="140" height="140">
+  <data encoding="csv">
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Over2" width="140" height="140" visible="0">
+  <data encoding="csv">
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Over3" width="140" height="140" visible="0">
+  <data encoding="csv">
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Collision" width="140" height="140">
+  <data encoding="csv">
+ </layer>
+ <objectgroup name="Objects" visible="0">
+  <object id="1" name="North Tulimshar" type="warp" x="1952" y="640" width="160" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="001-1"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="63"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="118"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="2" name="North Tulimshar" type="warp" x="3232" y="640" width="160" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="001-1"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="103"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="118"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="3" name="Maggot" type="spawn" x="2592" y="1856" width="800" height="320">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="11"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="0"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="4" name="Maggot" type="spawn" x="3424" y="1856" width="384" height="320">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="11"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="0"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="5" name="Maggot" type="spawn" x="3296" y="2208" width="384" height="320">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="11"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="0"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="6" name="Maggot" type="spawn" x="1952" y="672" width="128" height="512">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="6"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="0"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="7" name="Scorpion" type="spawn" x="1984" y="2560" width="800" height="1088">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="12"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="1"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="8" name="Maggot" type="spawn" x="3456" y="3552" width="352" height="256">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="11"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="0"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="9" name="Scorpion" type="spawn" x="1216" y="832" width="352" height="2272">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="6"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="1"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="10" name="Scorpion" type="spawn" x="1472" y="2656" width="1600" height="640">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="10"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="1"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="11" name="RedScorpion" type="spawn" x="992" y="2656" width="640" height="672">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="10"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="2"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="12" name="SeaSlime" type="spawn" x="1216" y="832" width="288" height="960">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="8"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="31"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="13" name="SeaSlime" type="spawn" x="928" y="1760" width="320" height="1312">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="8"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="31"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="14" name="Scorpion" type="spawn" x="2592" y="1856" width="1216" height="320">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="6"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="1"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="15" name="To Snake Desert" type="warp" x="3808" y="3008" width="32" height="96">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="006-1"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="21"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="47"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="16" name="To Desert Mine Camp" type="warp" x="2944" y="3648" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-3"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="85"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="49"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="17" name="To Desert Mine Camp" type="warp" x="1056" y="3488" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-3"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="51"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="35"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="18" name="To Weavers Shop" type="warp" x="3488" y="1440" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-2"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="75"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="100"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="19" name="To Weavers Shop" type="warp" x="3680" y="1440" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-2"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="83"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="100"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="20" name="To Jeweler" type="warp" x="3168" y="1376" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-2"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="120"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="66"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="21" name="To Trainer" type="warp" x="3648" y="1120" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-2"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="78"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="131"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="22" name="To Trainer" type="warp" x="3520" y="928" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-2"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="68"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="122"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="23" name="To Tulimshar Indoor" type="warp" x="2336" y="1120" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-2"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="44"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="33"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="24" name="To KPS" type="warp" x="1824" y="1120" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-2"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="120"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="94"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="25" name="To Tulimshar Indoor" type="warp" x="2144" y="928" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-2"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="23"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="109"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="26" name="To Snake Cave" type="warp" x="3616" y="3424" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="005-3"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="52"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="37"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="27" name="FireGoblin" type="spawn" x="2016" y="3040" width="672" height="704">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="eA_death" value="30000"/>
+    <property name="eA_spawn" value="100000"/>
+    <property name="max_beings" value="6"/>
+    <property name="monster_id" value="1011"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="28" name="To Sea Cave" type="warp" x="1568" y="640" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="004-3"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="24"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="94"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+  <object id="29" name="Omar's House" type="warp" x="1824" y="832" width="32" height="32">
+   <properties>
+    <property name="dest_map" value="002-2"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_x" value="119"/>
+    <property name="dest_tile_y" value="131"/>
+   </properties>
+  </object>
+ </objectgroup>
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2