 *  The ManaPlus Client
 *  Copyright (C) 2004-2009  The Mana World Development Team
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2010  The Mana Developers
 *  Copyright (C) 2011-2013  The ManaPlus Developers
 *  This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef MAP_H
#define MAP_H

#include "configlistener.h"
#include "position.h"
#include "properties.h"

#include "being/actor.h"

#include "render/renderers.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

class Animation;
class AmbientLayer;
class Image;
class MapLayer;
class Particle;
class Resource;
class SimpleAnimation;
class Tileset;
class SpecialLayer;
class MapItem;
class ObjectsLayer;
class WalkLayer;

typedef std::vector<Tileset*> Tilesets;
typedef std::vector<MapLayer*> Layers;
typedef Layers::const_iterator LayersCIter;

typedef std::vector<std::pair<MapLayer*, int> > TilePairVector;
typedef TilePairVector::const_iterator TilePairVectorCIter;

typedef std::vector<AmbientLayer*> AmbientLayerVector;
typedef AmbientLayerVector::const_iterator AmbientLayerVectorCIter;

 * A meta tile stores additional information about a location on a tile map.
 * This is information that doesn't need to be repeated for each tile in each
 * layer of the map.
struct MetaTile final
     * Constructor.
    MetaTile() : Fcost(0), Gcost(0), Hcost(0), whichList(0),
        parentX(0), parentY(0), blockmask(0)


    // Pathfinding members
    int Fcost;               /**< Estimation of total path cost */
    int Gcost;               /**< Cost from start to this location */
    int Hcost;               /**< Estimated cost to goal */
    unsigned whichList;      /**< No list, open list or closed list */
    int parentX;             /**< X coordinate of parent tile */
    int parentY;             /**< Y coordinate of parent tile */
    unsigned char blockmask; /**< Blocking properties of this tile */

 * Animation cycle of a tile image which changes the map accordingly.
class TileAnimation final
        explicit TileAnimation(Animation *const ani);



        bool update(const int ticks = 1);

        void addAffectedTile(MapLayer *const layer, const int index)
        { mAffected.push_back(std::make_pair(layer, index)); }

        TilePairVector mAffected;
        SimpleAnimation *mAnimation;
        Image *mLastImage;

typedef std::map<int, TileAnimation*> TileAnimationMap;
typedef TileAnimationMap::const_iterator TileAnimationMapCIter;

 * A tile map.
class Map final : public Properties, public ConfigListener
        enum BlockType
            BLOCKTYPE_NONE = -1,

        enum CollisionTypes
            COLLISION_EMPTY = 0,        // no collision
            COLLISION_WALL = 1,         // full collison
            COLLISION_AIR = 2,          // air units can walk
            COLLISION_WATER = 3,        // water units can walk
            COLLISION_GROUNDTOP = 4,    // no collision (chair, bed, etc)
            COLLISION_MAX = 5           // count index

        enum BlockMask
            BLOCKMASK_WALL      = 0x80,  // 1000 0000
            BLOCKMASK_CHARACTER = 0x01,  // 0000 0001
            BLOCKMASK_MONSTER   = 0x02,  // 0000 0010
            BLOCKMASK_AIR       = 0x04,  // 0000 0100
            BLOCKMASK_WATER     = 0x08,  // 0000 1000
            BLOCKMASK_GROUND    = 0x10,  // 0001 0000
            BLOCKMASK_GROUNDTOP = 0x20   // 0010 0000

        enum DebugType
            MAP_NORMAL  = 0,
            MAP_DEBUG   = 1,
            MAP_SPECIAL = 2,
            MAP_SPECIAL2 = 3,
            MAP_SPECIAL3 = 4,
            MAP_BLACKWHITE = 5

         * Constructor, taking map and tile size as parameters.
        Map(const int width, const int height,
            const int tileWidth, const int tileHeight);


         * Destructor.

         * Initialize ambient layers. Has to be called after all the properties
         * are set.
        void initializeAmbientLayers();

         * Updates animations. Called as needed.
        void update(const int ticks = 1);

         * Draws the map to the given graphics output. This method draws all
         * layers, actors and overlay effects.
         * TODO: For efficiency reasons, this method could take into account
         * the clipping rectangle set on the Graphics object. However,
         * currently the map is always drawn full-screen.
        void draw(Graphics *const graphics, int scrollX, int scrollY);

         * Visualizes collision layer for debugging
        void drawCollision(Graphics *const graphics,
                           const int scrollX, const int scrollY,
                           const int debugFlags) const;

         * Adds a layer to this map. The map takes ownership of the layer.
        void addLayer(MapLayer *const layer);

         * Adds a tileset to this map. The map takes ownership of the tileset.
        void addTileset(Tileset *const tileset);

         * Finds the tile set that a tile with the given global id is part of.
        Tileset *getTilesetWithGid(const int gid) const A_WARN_UNUSED;

         * Get tile reference.
        MetaTile *getMetaTile(const int x, const int y) const A_WARN_UNUSED;

         * Marks a tile as occupied.
        void blockTile(const int x, const int y, const BlockType type);

         * Gets walkability for a tile with a blocking bitmask. When called
         * without walkmask, only blocks against colliding tiles.
        bool getWalk(const int x, const int y,
                     const unsigned char walkmask = BLOCKMASK_WALL
                     | BLOCKMASK_AIR | BLOCKMASK_WATER) const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        void setWalk(const int x, const int y, const bool walkable);

        unsigned char getBlockMask(const int x, const int y);

         * Returns the width of this map in tiles.
        int getWidth() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mWidth; }

         * Returns the height of this map in tiles.
        int getHeight() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mHeight; }

         * Returns the tile width of this map.
        int getTileWidth() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mTileWidth; }

         * Returns the tile height used by this map.
        int getTileHeight() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mTileHeight; }

        const std::string getMusicFile() const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        const std::string getName() const A_WARN_UNUSED;

         * Gives the map id based on filepath (ex: 009-1)
        const std::string getFilename() const A_WARN_UNUSED;

         * Check the current position against surrounding blocking tiles, and
         * correct the position offset within tile when needed.
        Position checkNodeOffsets(int radius, const unsigned char walkMask,
                                  const Position &position)
                                  const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        Position checkNodeOffsets(const int radius,
                                  const unsigned char walkMask,
                                  const int x, const int y) const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return checkNodeOffsets(radius, walkMask, Position(x, y)); }

         * Find a pixel path from one location to the next.
        Path findPixelPath(const int startPixelX, const int startPixelY,
                           const int destPixelX, const int destPixelY,
                           const int radius, const unsigned char walkmask,
                           const int maxCost = 20) A_WARN_UNUSED;

         * Find a path from one location to the next.
        Path findPath(const int startX, const int startY,
                      const int destX, const int destY,
                      const unsigned char walkmask,
                      const int maxCost = 20) A_WARN_UNUSED;

         * Adds a particle effect
        void addParticleEffect(const std::string &effectFile,
                               const int x, const int y,
                               const int w = 0, const int h = 0);

         * Initializes all added particle effects
        void initializeParticleEffects(Particle *const particleEngine);

         * Adds a tile animation to the map
        void addAnimation(const int gid, TileAnimation *const animation)
        { mTileAnimations[gid] = animation; }

        void setDebugFlags(const int n)
        { mDebugFlags = n; }

        int getDebugFlags() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mDebugFlags; }

        void addExtraLayer();

        void saveExtraLayer() const;

        SpecialLayer *getTempLayer() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mTempLayer; }

        SpecialLayer *getSpecialLayer() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mSpecialLayer; }

        void setHasWarps(const bool n)
        { mHasWarps = n; }

        bool getHasWarps() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mHasWarps; }

        std::string getUserMapDirectory() const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        void addPortal(const std::string &name, const int type,
                       const int x, const int y, const int dx, const int dy);

        void addRange(const std::string &name, const int type,
                      const int x, const int y, const int dx, const int dy);

        void addPortalTile(const std::string &name, const int type,
                           const int x, const int y);

        void updatePortalTile(const std::string &name, const int type,
                              const int x, const int y,
                              const bool addNew = true);

        const std::vector<MapItem*> &getPortals() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mMapPortals; }

         * Gets the tile animation for a specific gid
        TileAnimation *getAnimationForGid(const int gid) const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        void optionChanged(const std::string &value) override;

        MapItem *findPortalXY(const int x, const int y) const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        int getActorsCount() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return static_cast<int>(mActors.size()); }

        void setPvpMode(const int mode);

        ObjectsLayer* getObjectsLayer() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mObjects; }

        std::string getObjectData(const unsigned x, const unsigned y,
                                  const int type) const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        void indexTilesets();

        void clearIndexedTilesets();

        void setActorsFix(const int x, const int y)
        { mActorFixX = x; mActorFixY = y; }

        int getVersion() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mVersion; }

        void setVersion(const int n)
        { mVersion = n; }

        void reduce();

        void redrawMap();

        bool empty() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mLayers.empty(); }

        void setCustom(const bool b)
        { mCustom = b; }

        bool isCustom() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mCustom; }

        const std::map<int, TileAnimation*> &getTileAnimations()
                                            const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mTileAnimations; }

        void setAtlas(Resource *const atlas)
        { mAtlas = atlas; }

        const MetaTile *getMetaTiles() const
        { return mMetaTiles; }

        WalkLayer *getWalkLayer()
        { return mWalkLayer; }

        void setWalkLayer(WalkLayer *const layer)
        { mWalkLayer = layer; }

        friend class Actor;
        friend class Minimap;

         * Adds an actor to the map.
        Actors::iterator addActor(Actor *actor);

         * Removes an actor from the map.
        void removeActor(const Actors::iterator &iterator);

        enum LayerType
            FOREGROUND_LAYERS = 0,

         * Updates scrolling of ambient layers. Has to be called each game tick.
        void updateAmbientLayers(const float scrollX, const float scrollY);

         * Draws the foreground or background layers to the given graphics output.
        void drawAmbientLayers(Graphics *const graphics, const LayerType type,
                               const int detail);

         * Tells whether the given coordinates fall within the map boundaries.
        bool contains(const int x, const int y) const A_WARN_UNUSED;

         * Blockmasks for different entities
        unsigned *mOccupation[NB_BLOCKTYPES];

        int mWidth;
        int mHeight;
        int mTileWidth, mTileHeight;
        int mMaxTileHeight;
        MetaTile *mMetaTiles;
        WalkLayer *mWalkLayer;
        Layers mLayers;
        Tilesets mTilesets;
        Actors mActors;
        bool mHasWarps;

        // debug flags
        int mDebugFlags;

        // Pathfinding members
        unsigned int mOnClosedList;
        unsigned int mOnOpenList;

        // Overlay data
        AmbientLayerVector mBackgrounds;
        AmbientLayerVector mForegrounds;
        float mLastAScrollX;
        float mLastAScrollY;

        // Particle effect data
        struct ParticleEffectData
            ParticleEffectData() :

            std::string file;
            int x;
            int y;
            int w;
            int h;
        std::vector<ParticleEffectData> mParticleEffects;

        std::vector<MapItem*> mMapPortals;

        std::map<int, TileAnimation*> mTileAnimations;

        int mOverlayDetail;
        float mOpacity;
        RenderType mOpenGL;
        int mPvp;
        bool mTilesetsIndexed;
        Tileset** mIndexedTilesets;
        int mIndexedTilesetsSize;
        int mActorFixX;
        int mActorFixY;
        int mVersion;

        SpecialLayer *mSpecialLayer;
        SpecialLayer *mTempLayer;
        ObjectsLayer *mObjects;
        MapLayer *mFringeLayer;

        int mLastX;
        int mLastY;
        int mLastScrollX;
        int mLastScrollY;

        int mDrawX;
        int mDrawY;
        int mDrawScrollX;
        int mDrawScrollY;
        bool mRedrawMap;
        bool mBeingOpacity;
        bool mCustom;
        Resource *mAtlas;

#endif  // MAP_H