 *  The ManaPlus Client
 *  Copyright (C) 2009  The Mana World Development Team
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2010  Andrei Karas
 *  Copyright (C) 2011-2015  The ManaPlus Developers
 *  This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "gui/widgets/tabs/setup_chat.h"

#include "gui/windows/chatwindow.h"

#include "gui/widgets/containerplacer.h"
#include "gui/widgets/layouthelper.h"
#include "gui/widgets/scrollarea.h"
#include "gui/widgets/setupitem.h"

#include "utils/gettext.h"

#include "debug.h"

Setup_Chat::Setup_Chat(const Widget2 *const widget) :
    // TRANSLATORS: settings tab name

    // Do the layout
    LayoutHelper h(this);
    ContainerPlacer place = h.getPlacer(0, 0);
    place(0, 0, mScroll, 10, 10);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings group
    new SetupItemLabel(_("Window"), "", this);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Auto hide chat window"), 
        _("Chat window will be automatically hidden when not in use.\n\n"
        "Hit Enter or hover mouse to show chat again."),
        "autohideChat", this, "autohideChatEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Protect chat focus"), 
        _("Enables aggressive protection of input focus in chat window.\n\n" 
        "Note: no other text inputs will be allowed to receive text input "
        "when you typing in chat window."),
        "protectChatFocus", this, "protectChatFocusEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings group
    new SetupItemLabel(_("Colors"), "", this);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Remove colors from received chat messages"), 
        _("Enable this setting to strip colors from incoming chat messages. "
        "All messages will use default chat text color if this enabled."),
        "removeColors", this, "removeColorsEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show chat colors list"),
        _("Enable this setting to show color selection drop-down in chat "
        "window. Chat window will display color selection drop-down.\n\n"
        "It allows to select default color of outgoing chat messages easily, "
        "but also occupies some space in chat window."),
        "showChatColorsList", this, "showChatColorsListEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemLabel(_("Commands"), "", this);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Allow magic and GM commands in all chat tabs"),
        _("Enable this setting to be able to type spells and GM commands in "
        "any tab."),
        "allowCommandsInChatTabs", this, "allowCommandsInChatTabsEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings group
    new SetupItemLabel(_("Limits"), "", this);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemIntTextField(_("Limit max chars in chat line"),
        _("Limits how many characters will be shown in longest lines "
        "of text displayed in chat.\n\n"
        "Note: long lines can make client slower. Lines longer than this " 
        "limit will be truncated."),
        "chatMaxCharLimit", this, "chatMaxCharLimitEvent", 0, 500);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemIntTextField(_("Limit max lines in chat"),
        _("Limits how many lines chat will keep in scrollback buffer. Chat " 
        "keeps specified number of last lines of text. Oldest lines exceeding "
        "this limit are discarded from scrollback buffer.\n\n"
        "Note: keeping too many lines in scroll buffer can slow client down."),
        "chatMaxLinesLimit", this, "chatMaxLinesLimitEvent", 0, 500);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings group
    new SetupItemLabel(_("Logs"), "", this);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable chat Log"),
        _("If you enable this setting, chat logs will be written to disk.\n\n"
        "Note: chat logs can take noticeable amount of disk space over time."),
        "enableChatLog", this, "enableChatLogEvent");

    // TODO: ask 4144 if popup description is correct. 
    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable debug chat Log"),
        _("If you enable thus, debug chat tab also will be logged to disk."),
        "enableDebugLog", this, "enableDebugLogEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show chat history"), 
        _("If this setting enabled, client will load old chat tabs content "
         "from logs on startup instead of starting with empty chat tabs."),
        "showChatHistory", this, "showChatHistoryEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show party online messages"),
        _("If this setting is enabled, online status changes of party members"
        " will be shown in party tab of chat.\n\nThis adds some extra noise "
        "to chat, but allows to see when your buddies are coming online."),
        "showPartyOnline", this, "showPartyOnlineEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show guild online messages"),
        _("If this setting is enabled, online status changes of guild members"
        " will be shown in guild tab of chat.\n\nThis adds some extra noise "
        "to chat, but allows to see when your buddies are coming online."),
        "showGuildOnline", this, "showGuildOnlineEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings group
    new SetupItemLabel(_("Messages"), "", this);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Hide shop messages"), 
        _("If this setting enabled, no messages related to built-in ManaPlus"
        "shop will be displayed in chat. Disable this setting if you want "
        "to see shop-related messages.\n\nNote: technically, ManaPlus shop "
        "implemented as usual private messages with special content. If you "
        "disable this setting, you will be able to see these messages and get "
        "idea when other players are looking at your shop."),
        "hideShopMessages", this, "hideShopMessagesEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show MVP messages"),
        _("Enable this setting to see MVP messages from server.\n\n"
        "Note: MVP messages are not used on TMW/Evol/etc servers, so this "
        "feature usually makes little difference."),
        "showMVP", this, "showMVPEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings group
    new SetupItemLabel(_("Tabs"), "", this);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Put all whispers in tabs"),
        _("If this setting enabled, all whispers (private messages) will "
        "be placed in separate tabs, separate tab for each player. If this "
        "setting disabled, all whispers will appear in General tab.\n\n"
        "Note: putting all whispers to single General tab is known to be "
        "confusing. Think twice before disabling this feature."),
        "whispertab", this, "whispertabEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Log magic messages in debug tab"),
        _("If this setting is enabled, spell invocation will be shown in "
        "Debug tab. If disabled, it will be shown in General tab instead.\n\n"
        "Note: it does not affects server replies related to spells."),
        "showMagicInDebug", this, "showMagicInDebugEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show server messages in debug tab"),
        _("If this setting is enabled, server messages will be shown in "
        "Debug tab of chat. If disabled, server messages will appear in "
        "General chat instead.\n\nNote: according to 4144, disabling this "
        "could also make you to lose some debug messages from client in "
        "Debug tab since these are fake server messages."),
        "serverMsgInDebug", this, "serverMsgInDebugEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable trade tab"), 
        _("Enables trade tab. Trade tab is basically some filter. Messages "
        "containing words typical for trades will go to Trade tab. This "
        "will make General tab less noisy. If this setting is disabled, all " 
        "trade related players messages will stay in General tab."),
        "enableTradeTab", this, "enableTradeTabEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable gm tab"), 
        _("If enabled, GM tab will appear in chat. It displays text related "
        "GM activity.\n\nNote: this setting only makes difference for "
        "GMs (Game Masters) since this tab only appears for GMs."),
        "enableGmTab", this, "enableGmTabEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable language tab"),
        _("If this feature enabled, language tab will appear if server "
        "supports this feature.\n\nNote: only supported by Evol server yet."),
        "enableLangTab", this, "enableLangTabEvent", false);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show all languages messages"),
        _("If this setting enabled and server supports different chats "
        "for different languages, you will see messages for all languages, "
        "regardless of your language preferences.\n\nNote: it only works "
        "on servers supporting language tabs feature, like Evol."),
        "showAllLang", this, "showAllLangEvent", false);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Enable battle tab"), 
        _("If this setting enabled, Battle tab will appear in chat. This "
        "tab will contain messages related to battles, like damage and "
        "experience gain, if battle messages are enabled.\n\n"
        "Note: client restart required to take effect."),
        "enableBattleTab", this, "enableBattleTabEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show battle events"),
        _("If this setting enabled, messages related to battle like damage "
        "or experience gain will be displayed in Debug or Battle tab. If "
        "disabled, no battle messages will be displayed."),
        "showBattleEvents", this, "showBattleEventsEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Resize chat tabs if need"), 
        _("If this feature enabled, text in chat will be automatically"
        "adjusted to adapt to appearance of chat input field when you"
        "typing message and when input field of chat disappears. If disabled, "
        "chat input area will allways occupy its place, which could be "
        "otherwise usable for text.\n\n"
        "Note: its mostly about jumpy attitude vs less usable space for text."),
        "hideChatInput", this, "hideChatInputEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings group
    new SetupItemLabel(_("Time"), "", this);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Use local time"), 
        _("If this feature enabled, timestamps in chat will use locak times."
        "If disabled, server time will be used (often it is GMT+0)."),
        "useLocalTime", this, "useLocalTimeEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings group
    new SetupItemLabel(_("Other"), "", this);

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemTextField(_("Highlight words (separated by comma)"), 
        _("Here you can specify some extra words which will also cause " 
        "highlighting. Use comma to separate words.\n\nNote: frequent"
        "hilights are annoying - use it with caution."),
        "highlightWords", this, "highlightWordsEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemTextField(_("Globals ignore names (separated by comma)"), 
        _("This setting allows you to ignore some global messages if "
        "particular sender (NPC, GM) annoys you too much. Global will be "
        "moved to Debug instead.\n\nNote: careless use of this feature can "
        "make you to miss important announces!"),
        "globalsFilter", this, "globalsFilterEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show emotes button in chat"),
        _("If this setting enabled, button will appear near text input "
        "field. This button allows to invoke composing window, which allows "
        "to insert smiles and text formatting easily.\n\n"
        "Note: same window can also be invoked by hotkey when typing, usually "
        "F1 by default."),
        "showEmotesButton", this, "showEmotesButtonEvent");

    // TRANSLATORS: settings option
    new SetupItemCheckBox(_("Show motd server message on start"),
        _("If this setting enabled, client will display server MOTD (message"
        " of the day) once you connect to server. Disable it to hide MOTD."),
        "showmotd", this, "showmotdEvent");

    setDimension(Rect(0, 0, 550, 350));

void Setup_Chat::apply()

    if (chatWindow)

void Setup_Chat::externalUpdated()