/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* _______ __ __ __ ______ __ __ _______ __ __ * / _____/\ / /\ / /\ / /\ / ____/\ / /\ / /\ / ___ /\ / |\/ /\ * / /\____\// / // / // / // /\___\// /_// / // /\_/ / // , |/ / / * / / /__ / / // / // / // / / / ___ / // ___ / // /| ' / / * / /_// /\ / /_// / // / // /_/_ / / // / // /\_/ / // / | / / * /______/ //______/ //_/ //_____/\ /_/ //_/ //_/ //_/ //_/ /|_/ / * \______\/ \______\/ \_\/ \_____\/ \_\/ \_\/ \_\/ \_\/ \_\/ \_\/ * * Copyright (c) 2004 - 2008 Olof Naessén and Per Larsson * * * Per Larsson a.k.a finalman * Olof Naessén a.k.a jansem/yakslem * * Visit: http://guichan.sourceforge.net * * License: (BSD) * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Guichan nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "gui/widgets/scrollarea.h" #include "graphicsvertexes.h" #include "settings.h" #include "gui/gui.h" #include "gui/skin.h" #include "resources/image.h" #include "resources/imagerect.h" #include "render/renderers.h" #include "utils/delete2.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include "debug.h" int ScrollArea::instances = 0; float ScrollArea::mAlpha = 1.0; bool ScrollArea::mShowButtons = true; int ScrollArea::mMarkerSize = 0; int ScrollArea::mScrollbarSize = 12; ImageRect ScrollArea::background; ImageRect ScrollArea::vMarker; ImageRect ScrollArea::vMarkerHi; ImageRect ScrollArea::vBackground; ImageRect ScrollArea::hBackground; Image *ScrollArea::buttons[4][2]; static std::string const buttonFiles[2] = { "scrollbuttons.xml", "scrollbuttons_pressed.xml" }; ScrollArea::ScrollArea(Widget2 *const widget2, Widget *const widget, const bool opaque, const std::string &skin) : BasicContainer(widget2), MouseListener(), WidgetListener(), mVertexes(new ImageCollection), mVertexes2(new ImageCollection), mHPolicy(SHOW_AUTO), mVPolicy(SHOW_AUTO), mVScroll(0), mHScroll(0), mScrollbarWidth(12), mUpButtonScrollAmount(10), mDownButtonScrollAmount(10), mLeftButtonScrollAmount(10), mRightButtonScrollAmount(10), mHorizontalMarkerDragOffset(0), mVerticalMarkerDragOffset(0), mX(0), mY(0), mClickX(0), mClickY(0), mXOffset(0), mYOffset(0), mDrawWidth(0), mDrawHeight(0), mVBarVisible(false), mHBarVisible(false), mUpButtonPressed(false), mDownButtonPressed(false), mLeftButtonPressed(false), mRightButtonPressed(false), mIsVerticalMarkerDragged(false), mIsHorizontalMarkerDragged(false), mOpaque(true), mHasMouse(false) { setContent(widget); addMouseListener(this); mOpaque = opaque; init(skin); } ScrollArea::~ScrollArea() { if (gui) gui->removeDragged(this); // Garbage collection delete getContent(); instances--; if (instances == 0) { Theme::unloadRect(background); Theme::unloadRect(vMarker); Theme::unloadRect(vMarkerHi); Theme::unloadRect(vBackground); Theme::unloadRect(hBackground); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i ++) { for (int f = UP; f < BUTTONS_DIR; f ++) { if (buttons[f][i]) buttons[f][i]->decRef(); } } } delete2(mVertexes); delete2(mVertexes2); setContent(nullptr); } void ScrollArea::init(std::string skinName) { setOpaque(mOpaque); setUpButtonScrollAmount(2); setDownButtonScrollAmount(2); setLeftButtonScrollAmount(2); setRightButtonScrollAmount(2); if (instances == 0) { for (int f = 0; f < 9; f ++) { background.grid[f] = nullptr; vMarker.grid[f] = nullptr; vMarkerHi.grid[f] = nullptr; vBackground.grid[f] = nullptr; hBackground.grid[f] = nullptr; } // +++ here probably need move background from static if (skinName == "") skinName = "scroll_background.xml"; if (theme) { theme->loadRect(background, skinName, "scroll_background.xml"); theme->loadRect(vMarker, "scroll.xml", ""); theme->loadRect(vMarkerHi, "scroll_highlighted.xml", "scroll.xml"); theme->loadRect(vBackground, "scroll_vbackground.xml", ""); theme->loadRect(hBackground, "scroll_hbackground.xml", ""); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i ++) { Skin *skin = nullptr; if (theme) skin = theme->load(buttonFiles[i], "scrollbuttons.xml"); if (skin) { const ImageRect &rect = skin->getBorder(); for (int f = UP; f < BUTTONS_DIR; f ++) { if (rect.grid[f]) rect.grid[f]->incRef(); buttons[f][i] = rect.grid[f]; } if (i == 0) { mShowButtons = (skin->getOption("showbuttons", 1) == 1); mMarkerSize = skin->getOption("markersize", 0); mScrollbarSize = skin->getOption("scrollbarsize", 12); } } else { for (int f = UP; f < BUTTONS_DIR; f ++) buttons[f][i] = nullptr; } if (theme) theme->unload(skin); } } mScrollbarWidth = mScrollbarSize; instances++; } void ScrollArea::logic() { BLOCK_START("ScrollArea::logic") if (!isVisible()) { BLOCK_END("ScrollArea::logic") return; } checkPolicies(); setVerticalScrollAmount(getVerticalScrollAmount()); setHorizontalScrollAmount(getHorizontalScrollAmount()); Widget *const content = getContent(); if (content) { unsigned int frameSize = content->getFrameSize(); content->setPosition(-mHScroll + frameSize, -mVScroll + frameSize); content->logic(); // When no scrollbar in a certain direction, // adapt content size to match the content dimension exactly. frameSize = 2 * content->getFrameSize(); if (mHPolicy == ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER) { content->setWidth((mVBarVisible ? (mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth) : mDimension.width) - frameSize); } if (mVPolicy == ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER) { content->setHeight((mHBarVisible ? (mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth) : mDimension.height) - frameSize); } } if (mUpButtonPressed) setVerticalScrollAmount(mVScroll - mUpButtonScrollAmount); else if (mDownButtonPressed) setVerticalScrollAmount(mVScroll + mDownButtonScrollAmount); else if (mLeftButtonPressed) setHorizontalScrollAmount(mHScroll - mLeftButtonScrollAmount); else if (mRightButtonPressed) setHorizontalScrollAmount(mHScroll + mRightButtonScrollAmount); BLOCK_END("ScrollArea::logic") } void ScrollArea::updateAlpha() { const float alpha = std::max(settings.guiAlpha, theme->getMinimumOpacity()); if (alpha != mAlpha) { mAlpha = alpha; for (int a = 0; a < 9; a++) { if (background.grid[a]) background.grid[a]->setAlpha(mAlpha); if (hBackground.grid[a]) hBackground.grid[a]->setAlpha(mAlpha); if (vBackground.grid[a]) vBackground.grid[a]->setAlpha(mAlpha); if (vMarker.grid[a]) vMarker.grid[a]->setAlpha(mAlpha); if (vMarkerHi.grid[a]) vMarkerHi.grid[a]->setAlpha(mAlpha); } } } void ScrollArea::draw(Graphics *graphics) { BLOCK_START("ScrollArea::draw") if (mVBarVisible || mHBarVisible) { if (!mOpaque) updateCalcFlag(graphics); // need add caching or remove calc calls. // if (mRedraw) { mVertexes->clear(); if (mVBarVisible) { if (mShowButtons) { calcButton(graphics, UP); calcButton(graphics, DOWN); } calcVBar(graphics); calcVMarker(graphics); } if (mHBarVisible) { if (mShowButtons) { calcButton(graphics, LEFT); calcButton(graphics, RIGHT); } calcHBar(graphics); calcHMarker(graphics); } graphics->finalize(mVertexes); } graphics->drawTileCollection(mVertexes); } updateAlpha(); if (mRedraw) { const bool redraw = graphics->getRedraw(); graphics->setRedraw(true); drawChildren(graphics); graphics->setRedraw(redraw); } else { drawChildren(graphics); } mRedraw = false; BLOCK_END("ScrollArea::draw") } void ScrollArea::safeDraw(Graphics *graphics) { BLOCK_START("ScrollArea::draw") if (mVBarVisible) { if (mShowButtons) { drawButton(graphics, UP); drawButton(graphics, DOWN); } drawVBar(graphics); drawVMarker(graphics); } if (mHBarVisible) { if (mShowButtons) { drawButton(graphics, LEFT); drawButton(graphics, RIGHT); } drawHBar(graphics); drawHMarker(graphics); } updateAlpha(); if (mRedraw) { const bool redraw = graphics->getRedraw(); graphics->setRedraw(true); drawChildren(graphics); graphics->setRedraw(redraw); } else { drawChildren(graphics); } mRedraw = false; BLOCK_END("ScrollArea::draw") } void ScrollArea::updateCalcFlag(Graphics *const graphics) { if (!mRedraw) { // because we don't know where parent windows was moved, // need recalc vertexes const ClipRect &rect = graphics->getTopClip(); if (rect.xOffset != mXOffset || rect.yOffset != mYOffset) { mRedraw = true; mXOffset = rect.xOffset; mYOffset = rect.yOffset; } else if (rect.width != mDrawWidth || rect.height != mDrawHeight) { mRedraw = true; mDrawWidth = rect.width; mDrawHeight = rect.height; } else if (graphics->getRedraw()) { mRedraw = true; } } } void ScrollArea::drawFrame(Graphics *graphics) { BLOCK_START("ScrollArea::drawFrame") if (mOpaque) { const int bs = mFrameSize * 2; const int w = mDimension.width + bs; const int h = mDimension.height + bs; updateCalcFlag(graphics); if (isBatchDrawRenders(openGLMode)) { if (mRedraw) { mVertexes2->clear(); graphics->calcWindow(mVertexes2, 0, 0, w, h, background); graphics->finalize(mVertexes2); } graphics->drawTileCollection(mVertexes2); } else { graphics->drawImageRect(0, 0, w, h, background); } } BLOCK_END("ScrollArea::drawFrame") } void ScrollArea::setOpaque(bool opaque) { mOpaque = opaque; setFrameSize(mOpaque ? 2 : 0); } Image *ScrollArea::getImageByState(Rect &dim, const BUTTON_DIR dir) { int state = 0; switch (dir) { case UP: state = mUpButtonPressed ? 1 : 0; dim = getUpButtonDimension(); break; case DOWN: state = mDownButtonPressed ? 1 : 0; dim = getDownButtonDimension(); break; case LEFT: state = mLeftButtonPressed ? 1 : 0; dim = getLeftButtonDimension(); break; case RIGHT: state = mRightButtonPressed ? 1 : 0; dim = getRightButtonDimension(); break; case BUTTONS_DIR: default: logger->log("ScrollArea::drawButton unknown dir: " + toString(static_cast<unsigned>(dir))); return nullptr; } return buttons[static_cast<size_t>(dir)][state]; } void ScrollArea::drawButton(Graphics *const graphics, const BUTTON_DIR dir) { Rect dim; const Image *const image = getImageByState(dim, dir); if (image) graphics->drawImage(image, dim.x, dim.y); } void ScrollArea::calcButton(Graphics *const graphics, const BUTTON_DIR dir) { Rect dim; const Image *const image = getImageByState(dim, dir); if (image) { static_cast<Graphics*>(graphics)->calcTileCollection( mVertexes, image, dim.x, dim.y); } } void ScrollArea::drawVBar(Graphics *const graphics) const { const Rect &dim = getVerticalBarDimension(); if (vBackground.grid[4]) { graphics->drawPattern(vBackground.grid[4], dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height); } if (vBackground.grid[1]) { graphics->drawPattern(vBackground.grid[1], dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, vBackground.grid[1]->getHeight()); } if (vBackground.grid[7]) { graphics->drawPattern(vBackground.grid[7], dim.x, dim.height - vBackground.grid[7]->getHeight() + dim.y, dim.width, vBackground.grid[7]->getHeight()); } } void ScrollArea::calcVBar(const Graphics *const graphics) { const Rect &dim = getVerticalBarDimension(); if (vBackground.grid[4]) { graphics->calcPattern(mVertexes, vBackground.grid[4], dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height); } if (vBackground.grid[1]) { graphics->calcPattern(mVertexes, vBackground.grid[1], dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, vBackground.grid[1]->getHeight()); } if (vBackground.grid[7]) { graphics->calcPattern(mVertexes, vBackground.grid[7], dim.x, dim.height - vBackground.grid[7]->getHeight() + dim.y, dim.width, vBackground.grid[7]->getHeight()); } } void ScrollArea::drawHBar(Graphics *const graphics) const { const Rect &dim = getHorizontalBarDimension(); if (hBackground.grid[4]) { graphics->drawPattern(hBackground.grid[4], dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height); } if (hBackground.grid[3]) { graphics->drawPattern(hBackground.grid[3], dim.x, dim.y, hBackground.grid[3]->getWidth(), dim.height); } if (hBackground.grid[5]) { graphics->drawPattern(hBackground.grid[5], dim.x + dim.width - hBackground.grid[5]->getWidth(), dim.y, hBackground.grid[5]->getWidth(), dim.height); } } void ScrollArea::calcHBar(const Graphics *const graphics) { const Rect &dim = getHorizontalBarDimension(); if (hBackground.grid[4]) { graphics->calcPattern(mVertexes, hBackground.grid[4], dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height); } if (hBackground.grid[3]) { graphics->calcPattern(mVertexes, hBackground.grid[3], dim.x, dim.y, hBackground.grid[3]->getWidth(), dim.height); } if (hBackground.grid[5]) { graphics->calcPattern(mVertexes, hBackground.grid[5], dim.x + dim.width - hBackground.grid[5]->getWidth(), dim.y, hBackground.grid[5]->getWidth(), dim.height); } } void ScrollArea::drawVMarker(Graphics *const graphics) { const Rect &dim = getVerticalMarkerDimension(); if ((mHasMouse) && (mX > (mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth))) { graphics->drawImageRect(dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, vMarkerHi); } else { graphics->drawImageRect(dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, vMarker); } } void ScrollArea::calcVMarker(Graphics *const graphics) { const Rect &dim = getVerticalMarkerDimension(); if ((mHasMouse) && (mX > (mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth))) { graphics->calcWindow(mVertexes, dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, vMarkerHi); } else { graphics->calcWindow(mVertexes, dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, vMarker); } } void ScrollArea::drawHMarker(Graphics *const graphics) { const Rect dim = getHorizontalMarkerDimension(); if ((mHasMouse) && (mY > (mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth))) { graphics->drawImageRect(dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, vMarkerHi); } else { graphics->drawImageRect( dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, vMarker); } } void ScrollArea::calcHMarker(Graphics *const graphics) { const Rect dim = getHorizontalMarkerDimension(); if ((mHasMouse) && (mY > (mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth))) { graphics->calcWindow(mVertexes, dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, vMarkerHi); } else { graphics->calcWindow(mVertexes, dim.x, dim.y, dim.width, dim.height, vMarker); } } void ScrollArea::mouseMoved(MouseEvent& event) { mX = event.getX(); mY = event.getY(); } void ScrollArea::mouseEntered(MouseEvent& event A_UNUSED) { mHasMouse = true; } void ScrollArea::mouseExited(MouseEvent& event A_UNUSED) { mHasMouse = false; } void ScrollArea::widgetResized(const Event &event A_UNUSED) { mRedraw = true; const unsigned int frameSize = 2 * mFrameSize; Widget *const content = getContent(); if (content) { content->setSize(mDimension.width - frameSize, mDimension.height - frameSize); } } void ScrollArea::widgetMoved(const Event& event A_UNUSED) { mRedraw = true; } void ScrollArea::mousePressed(MouseEvent& event) { const int x = event.getX(); const int y = event.getY(); if (getUpButtonDimension().isPointInRect(x, y)) { setVerticalScrollAmount(mVScroll - mUpButtonScrollAmount); mUpButtonPressed = true; event.consume(); } else if (getDownButtonDimension().isPointInRect(x, y)) { setVerticalScrollAmount(mVScroll + mDownButtonScrollAmount); mDownButtonPressed = true; event.consume(); } else if (getLeftButtonDimension().isPointInRect(x, y)) { setHorizontalScrollAmount(mHScroll - mLeftButtonScrollAmount); mLeftButtonPressed = true; event.consume(); } else if (getRightButtonDimension().isPointInRect(x, y)) { setHorizontalScrollAmount(mHScroll + mRightButtonScrollAmount); mRightButtonPressed = true; event.consume(); } else if (getVerticalMarkerDimension().isPointInRect(x, y)) { mIsHorizontalMarkerDragged = false; mIsVerticalMarkerDragged = true; mVerticalMarkerDragOffset = y - getVerticalMarkerDimension().y; event.consume(); } else if (getVerticalBarDimension().isPointInRect(x, y)) { if (y < getVerticalMarkerDimension().y) { setVerticalScrollAmount(mVScroll - static_cast<int>(getChildrenArea().height * 0.95)); } else { setVerticalScrollAmount(mVScroll + static_cast<int>(getChildrenArea().height * 0.95)); } event.consume(); } else if (getHorizontalMarkerDimension().isPointInRect(x, y)) { mIsHorizontalMarkerDragged = true; mIsVerticalMarkerDragged = false; mHorizontalMarkerDragOffset = x - getHorizontalMarkerDimension().x; event.consume(); } else if (getHorizontalBarDimension().isPointInRect(x, y)) { if (x < getHorizontalMarkerDimension().x) { setHorizontalScrollAmount(mHScroll - static_cast<int>(getChildrenArea().width * 0.95)); } else { setHorizontalScrollAmount(mHScroll + static_cast<int>(getChildrenArea().width * 0.95)); } event.consume(); } if (event.getButton() == MouseButton::LEFT) { mClickX = event.getX(); mClickY = event.getY(); } } void ScrollArea::mouseReleased(MouseEvent& event) { if (event.getButton() == MouseButton::LEFT && mClickX && mClickY) { if (!event.isConsumed()) { #ifdef ANDROID int dx = mClickX - event.getX(); int dy = mClickY - event.getY(); #else int dx = event.getX() - mClickX; int dy = event.getY() - mClickY; #endif if ((dx < 20 && dx > 0) || (dx > -20 && dx < 0)) dx = 0; if ((dy < 20 && dy > 0) || (dy > -20 && dy < 0)) dy = 0; if (abs(dx) > abs(dy)) { int s = mHScroll + dx; if (s < 0) { s = 0; } else { const int maxH = getHorizontalMaxScroll(); if (s > maxH) s = maxH; } setHorizontalScrollAmount(s); } else if (dy) { int s = mVScroll + dy; if (s < 0) { s = 0; } else { const int maxV = getVerticalMaxScroll(); if (s > maxV) s = maxV; } setVerticalScrollAmount(s); } mClickX = 0; mClickY = 0; if (mMouseConsume && (dx || dy)) event.consume(); } } mUpButtonPressed = false; mDownButtonPressed = false; mLeftButtonPressed = false; mRightButtonPressed = false; mIsHorizontalMarkerDragged = false; mIsVerticalMarkerDragged = false; if (mMouseConsume) event.consume(); mRedraw = true; } void ScrollArea::mouseDragged(MouseEvent &event) { if (mIsVerticalMarkerDragged) { const Rect barDim = getVerticalBarDimension(); const int pos = event.getY() - barDim.y - mVerticalMarkerDragOffset; const int length = getVerticalMarkerDimension().height; if ((barDim.height - length) > 0) { setVerticalScrollAmount((getVerticalMaxScroll() * pos) / (barDim.height - length)); } else { setVerticalScrollAmount(0); } } if (mIsHorizontalMarkerDragged) { const Rect barDim = getHorizontalBarDimension(); const int pos = event.getX() - barDim.x - mHorizontalMarkerDragOffset; const int length = getHorizontalMarkerDimension().width; if ((barDim.width - length) > 0) { setHorizontalScrollAmount((getHorizontalMaxScroll() * pos) / (barDim.width - length)); } else { setHorizontalScrollAmount(0); } } event.consume(); mRedraw = true; } Rect ScrollArea::getVerticalBarDimension() const { if (!mVBarVisible) return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); const int height = (mVBarVisible && mShowButtons) ? mScrollbarWidth : 0; if (mHBarVisible) { return Rect(mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth, height, mScrollbarWidth, mDimension.height - 2 * height - mScrollbarWidth); } return Rect(mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth, height, mScrollbarWidth, mDimension.height - 2 * height); } Rect ScrollArea::getHorizontalBarDimension() const { if (!mHBarVisible) return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); const int width = mShowButtons ? mScrollbarWidth : 0; if (mVBarVisible) { return Rect(width, mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth, mDimension.width - 2 * width - mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth); } return Rect(width, mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth, mDimension.width - 2 * width, mScrollbarWidth); } Rect ScrollArea::getVerticalMarkerDimension() { if (!mVBarVisible) return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); int length, pos; int height; const int h2 = mShowButtons ? mScrollbarWidth : mMarkerSize / 2; const Widget *content; if (!mWidgets.empty()) content = *mWidgets.begin(); else content = nullptr; if (mHBarVisible) height = mDimension.height - 2 * h2 - mScrollbarWidth; else height = mDimension.height - 2 * h2; const int maxV = getVerticalMaxScroll(); if (mMarkerSize && maxV) { pos = (mVScroll * height / maxV - mMarkerSize / 2); length = mMarkerSize; } else { if (content) { const int h3 = content->getHeight(); if (h3) length = (height * getChildrenArea().height) / h3; else length = height; } else { length = height; } if (length < mScrollbarWidth) length = mScrollbarWidth; if (length > height) length = height; const int maxScroll = getVerticalMaxScroll(); if (maxScroll != 0) pos = ((height - length) * mVScroll) / maxScroll; else pos = 0; } return Rect(mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth, h2 + pos, mScrollbarWidth, length); } Rect ScrollArea::getHorizontalMarkerDimension() { if (!mHBarVisible) return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); int length, pos; int width; const int w2 = mShowButtons ? mScrollbarWidth : mMarkerSize / 2; const Widget *content; if (!mWidgets.empty()) content = *mWidgets.begin(); else content = nullptr; if (mVBarVisible) width = mDimension.width - 2 * w2 - mScrollbarWidth; else width = mDimension.width - w2 - mScrollbarWidth; const int maxH = getHorizontalMaxScroll(); if (mMarkerSize && maxH) { pos = (mHScroll * width / maxH - mMarkerSize / 2); length = mMarkerSize; } else { if (content) { const int w3 = content->getWidth(); if (w3) length = (width * getChildrenArea().width) / w3; else length = width; } else { length = width; } if (length < mScrollbarWidth) length = mScrollbarWidth; if (length > width) length = width; if (getHorizontalMaxScroll() != 0) { pos = ((width - length) * mHScroll) / getHorizontalMaxScroll(); } else { pos = 0; } } return Rect(w2 + pos, mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth, length, mScrollbarWidth); } Rect ScrollArea::getUpButtonDimension() const { if (!mVBarVisible || !mShowButtons) return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); return Rect(mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth, 0, mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth); } Rect ScrollArea::getDownButtonDimension() const { if (!mVBarVisible || !mShowButtons) return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); if (mVBarVisible && mHBarVisible) { return Rect(mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth, mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth*2, mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth); } return Rect(mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth, mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth); } Rect ScrollArea::getLeftButtonDimension() const { if (!mHBarVisible || !mShowButtons) return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); return Rect(0, mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth); } Rect ScrollArea::getRightButtonDimension() const { if (!mHBarVisible || !mShowButtons) return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); if (mVBarVisible && mHBarVisible) { return Rect(mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth*2, mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth); } return Rect(mDimension.width - mScrollbarWidth, mDimension.height - mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth, mScrollbarWidth); } void ScrollArea::setContent(Widget* widget) { if (widget) { clear(); add(widget); widget->setPosition(0, 0); } else { clear(); } checkPolicies(); } Widget* ScrollArea::getContent() { if (!mWidgets.empty()) return *mWidgets.begin(); return nullptr; } void ScrollArea::setHorizontalScrollPolicy(const ScrollPolicy hPolicy) { mHPolicy = hPolicy; checkPolicies(); } void ScrollArea::setVerticalScrollPolicy(const ScrollPolicy vPolicy) { mVPolicy = vPolicy; checkPolicies(); } void ScrollArea::setScrollPolicy(const ScrollPolicy hPolicy, const ScrollPolicy vPolicy) { mHPolicy = hPolicy; mVPolicy = vPolicy; checkPolicies(); } void ScrollArea::setVerticalScrollAmount(const int vScroll) { const int max = getVerticalMaxScroll(); mVScroll = vScroll; if (vScroll > max) mVScroll = max; if (vScroll < 0) mVScroll = 0; } void ScrollArea::setHorizontalScrollAmount(int hScroll) { const int max = getHorizontalMaxScroll(); mHScroll = hScroll; if (hScroll > max) mHScroll = max; else if (hScroll < 0) mHScroll = 0; } void ScrollArea::setScrollAmount(const int hScroll, const int vScroll) { setHorizontalScrollAmount(hScroll); setVerticalScrollAmount(vScroll); } int ScrollArea::getHorizontalMaxScroll() { checkPolicies(); const Widget *const content = getContent(); if (!content) return 0; const int value = content->getWidth() - getChildrenArea().width + 2 * content->getFrameSize(); if (value < 0) return 0; return value; } int ScrollArea::getVerticalMaxScroll() { checkPolicies(); const Widget *const content = getContent(); if (!content) return 0; int value; value = content->getHeight() - getChildrenArea().height + 2 * content->getFrameSize(); if (value < 0) return 0; return value; } void ScrollArea::setScrollbarWidth(const int width) { if (width > 0) mScrollbarWidth = width; } void ScrollArea::showWidgetPart(Widget *const widget, Rect area) { const Widget *const content = getContent(); if (widget != content) return; BasicContainer::showWidgetPart(widget, area); setHorizontalScrollAmount(content->getFrameSize() - content->getX()); setVerticalScrollAmount(content->getFrameSize() - content->getY()); } Rect ScrollArea::getChildrenArea() { const Rect area = Rect(0, 0, mVBarVisible ? (getWidth() - mScrollbarWidth) : getWidth(), mHBarVisible ? (getHeight() - mScrollbarWidth) : getHeight()); if (area.width < 0 || area.height < 0) return Rect(); return area; } Widget *ScrollArea::getWidgetAt(int x, int y) { if (getChildrenArea().isPointInRect(x, y)) return getContent(); return nullptr; } void ScrollArea::setWidth(int width) { Widget::setWidth(width); checkPolicies(); } void ScrollArea::setHeight(int height) { Widget::setHeight(height); checkPolicies(); } void ScrollArea::setDimension(const Rect& dimension) { Widget::setDimension(dimension); checkPolicies(); } void ScrollArea::mouseWheelMovedUp(MouseEvent& event) { if (event.isConsumed()) return; setVerticalScrollAmount(getVerticalScrollAmount() - getChildrenArea().height / 8); event.consume(); } void ScrollArea::mouseWheelMovedDown(MouseEvent& event) { if (event.isConsumed()) return; setVerticalScrollAmount(getVerticalScrollAmount() + getChildrenArea().height / 8); event.consume(); } void ScrollArea::checkPolicies() { const int w = getWidth(); const int h = getHeight(); mHBarVisible = false; mVBarVisible = false; const Widget *const content = getContent(); if (!content) { mHBarVisible = (mHPolicy == SHOW_ALWAYS); mVBarVisible = (mVPolicy == SHOW_ALWAYS); return; } if (mHPolicy == SHOW_AUTO && mVPolicy == SHOW_AUTO) { if (content->getWidth() <= w && content->getHeight() <= h) { mHBarVisible = false; mVBarVisible = false; } if (content->getWidth() > w) { mHBarVisible = true; } if ((content->getHeight() > h) || (mHBarVisible && content->getHeight() > h - mScrollbarWidth)) { mVBarVisible = true; } if (mVBarVisible && content->getWidth() > w - mScrollbarWidth) mHBarVisible = true; return; } switch (mHPolicy) { case SHOW_NEVER: mHBarVisible = false; break; case SHOW_ALWAYS: mHBarVisible = true; break; case SHOW_AUTO: if (mVPolicy == SHOW_NEVER) { mHBarVisible = (content->getWidth() > w); } else // (mVPolicy == SHOW_ALWAYS) { mHBarVisible = (content->getWidth() > w - mScrollbarWidth); } break; default: break; } switch (mVPolicy) { case SHOW_NEVER: mVBarVisible = false; break; case SHOW_ALWAYS: mVBarVisible = true; break; case SHOW_AUTO: if (mHPolicy == SHOW_NEVER) { mVBarVisible = (content->getHeight() > h); } else // (mHPolicy == SHOW_ALWAYS) { mVBarVisible = (content->getHeight() > h - mScrollbarWidth); } break; default: break; } }