/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011 The ManaPlus Developers * Copyright (C) 2009 Aethyra Development Team * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef BROWSERBOX_H #define BROWSERBOX_H #include <guichan/mouselistener.hpp> #include <guichan/widget.hpp> #include <list> #include <vector> #include "localconsts.h" class Image; class Resource; class LinkHandler; struct BROWSER_LINK { int x1, x2, y1, y2; /**< Where link is placed */ std::string link; std::string caption; }; class LinePart { public: LinePart(int x, int y, gcn::Color color, std::string text, bool bold) : mX(x), mY(y), mColor(color), mText(text), mType(0), mImage(nullptr), mBold(bold) { } LinePart(int x, int y, gcn::Color color, Image *image) : mX(x), mY(y), mColor(color), mText(""), mType(1), mImage(image), mBold(false) { } ~LinePart(); int mX, mY; gcn::Color mColor; std::string mText; unsigned char mType; Image *mImage; bool mBold; }; /** * A simple browser box able to handle links and forward events to the * parent conteiner. */ class BrowserBox : public gcn::Widget, public gcn::MouseListener { public: /** * Constructor. */ BrowserBox(unsigned int mode = AUTO_SIZE, bool opaque = true); /** * Destructor. */ ~BrowserBox(); /** * Sets the handler for links. */ void setLinkHandler(LinkHandler *linkHandler); /** * Sets the BrowserBox opacity. */ void setOpaque(bool opaque); /** * Sets the Highlight mode for links. */ void setHighlightMode(unsigned int highMode); /** * Sets the maximum numbers of rows in the browser box. 0 = no limit. */ void setMaxRow(unsigned max) {mMaxRows = max; }; /** * Disable links & user defined colors to be used in chat input. */ /* void disableLinksAndUserColors(); */ /** * Adds a text row to the browser. */ void addRow(const std::string &row, bool atTop = false); /** * Adds a menu line to the browser. */ void addRow(const std::string &cmd, char *text); void addImage(const std::string &path); /** * Remove all rows. */ void clearRows(); // void setSize(int width, int height); // void widgetResized(const gcn::Event &event); /** * Handles mouse actions. */ void mousePressed(gcn::MouseEvent &event); void mouseMoved(gcn::MouseEvent &event); /** * Draws the browser box. */ void draw(gcn::Graphics *graphics); void updateHeight(); // void widgetResized(const gcn::Event &event); /** * BrowserBox modes. */ enum { AUTO_SIZE = 0, AUTO_WRAP /**< Maybe it needs a fix or to be redone. */ }; enum { RED = 0, GREEN = 1, BLUE = 2, ORANGE = 3, YELLOW = 4, PINK = 5, PURPLE = 6, GRAY = 7, BROWN = 8, COLORS_MAX = 9 }; /** * Highlight modes for links. * This can be used for a bitmask. */ enum { UNDERLINE = 1, BACKGROUND = 2 }; typedef std::list<std::string> TextRows; TextRows &getRows() { return mTextRows; } bool hasRows() { return !mTextRows.empty(); } void setAlwaysUpdate(bool n) { mAlwaysUpdate = n; } void setProcessVersion(bool n) { mProcessVersion = n; } void setEnableImages(bool n) { mEnableImages = n; } std::string getTextAtPos(const int x, const int y); private: int calcHeight(); typedef TextRows::iterator TextRowIterator; TextRows mTextRows; typedef std::vector<LinePart> LinePartList; typedef LinePartList::iterator LinePartIterator; LinePartList mLineParts; typedef std::vector<BROWSER_LINK> Links; typedef Links::iterator LinkIterator; Links mLinks; LinkHandler *mLinkHandler; unsigned int mMode; unsigned int mHighMode; bool mOpaque; bool mUseLinksAndUserColors; int mSelectedLink; unsigned int mMaxRows; int mHeight; int mWidth; int mYStart; int mUpdateTime; bool mAlwaysUpdate; bool mProcessVersion; bool mEnableImages; gcn::Color mBackgroundColor; gcn::Color mHighlightColor; gcn::Color mHyperLinkColor; gcn::Color mColors[COLORS_MAX]; }; #endif