/* * The ManaPlus Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 The ManaPlus Developers * * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "gui/gui.h" #include "gui/focushandler.h" #include "gui/palette.h" #include "gui/sdlfont.h" #include "gui/sdlinput.h" #include "gui/theme.h" #include "gui/widgets/mouseevent.h" #include "gui/widgets/window.h" #include "gui/widgets/windowcontainer.h" #include "configlistener.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "keydata.h" #include "keyevent.h" #include "keyinput.h" #include "logger.h" #include "resources/image.h" #include "resources/imageset.h" #include "resources/resourcemanager.h" #include "utils/langs.h" #include <guichan/exception.hpp> #include <guichan/image.hpp> #include "debug.h" // Guichan stuff Gui *gui = nullptr; SDLInput *guiInput = nullptr; // Bolded font SDLFont *boldFont = nullptr; class GuiConfigListener : public ConfigListener { public: GuiConfigListener(Gui *g): mGui(g) {} void optionChanged(const std::string &name) { if (name == "customcursor" && mGui) { bool bCustomCursor = config.getBoolValue("customcursor"); mGui->setUseCustomCursor(bCustomCursor); } } private: Gui *mGui; }; Gui::Gui(Graphics *graphics): mCustomCursor(false), mMouseCursors(nullptr), mMouseCursorAlpha(1.0f), mMouseInactivityTimer(0), mCursorType(CURSOR_POINTER) { logger->log1("Initializing GUI..."); // Set graphics setGraphics(graphics); // Set input guiInput = new SDLInput; setInput(guiInput); // Set focus handler delete mFocusHandler; mFocusHandler = new FocusHandler; // Initialize top GUI widget WindowContainer *guiTop = new WindowContainer; guiTop->setFocusable(true); guiTop->setSize(graphics->mWidth, graphics->mHeight); guiTop->setOpaque(false); Window::setWindowContainer(guiTop); setTop(guiTop); const StringVect langs = getLang(); const bool isJapan = (!langs.empty() && langs[0].size() > 3 && langs[0].substr(0, 3) == "ja_"); // Set global font const int fontSize = config.getIntValue("fontSize"); std::string fontFile = config.getValue("font", ""); if (isJapan) { fontFile = config.getValue("japanFont", ""); if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("japanFont"); } if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("font"); try { mGuiFont = new SDLFont(fontFile, fontSize); } catch (const gcn::Exception &e) { logger->error(std::string("Unable to load '") + fontFile + std::string("': ") + e.getMessage()); } // Set particle font fontFile = config.getValue("particleFont", ""); if (isJapan) { fontFile = config.getValue("japanFont", ""); if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("japanFont"); } if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("particleFont"); try { mInfoParticleFont = new SDLFont( fontFile, fontSize, TTF_STYLE_BOLD); } catch (const gcn::Exception &e) { logger->error(std::string("Unable to load '") + fontFile + std::string("': ") + e.getMessage()); } // Set bold font fontFile = config.getValue("boldFont", ""); if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("boldFont"); try { boldFont = new SDLFont(fontFile, fontSize); } catch (const gcn::Exception &e) { logger->error(std::string("Unable to load '") + fontFile + std::string("': ") + e.getMessage()); } // Set help font fontFile = config.getValue("helpFont", ""); if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("helpFont"); try { mHelpFont = new SDLFont(fontFile, fontSize); } catch (const gcn::Exception &e) { logger->error(std::string("Unable to load '") + fontFile + std::string("': ") + e.getMessage()); } // Set secure font fontFile = config.getValue("secureFont", ""); if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("secureFont"); try { mSecureFont = new SDLFont(fontFile, fontSize); } catch (const gcn::Exception &e) { logger->error(std::string("Unable to load '") + fontFile + std::string("': ") + e.getMessage()); } gcn::Widget::setGlobalFont(mGuiFont); // Initialize mouse cursor and listen for changes to the option setUseCustomCursor(config.getBoolValue("customcursor")); mConfigListener = new GuiConfigListener(this); config.addListener("customcursor", mConfigListener); } Gui::~Gui() { config.removeListener("customcursor", mConfigListener); delete mConfigListener; mConfigListener = nullptr; if (mMouseCursors) { mMouseCursors->decRef(); mMouseCursors = nullptr; } delete mGuiFont; mGuiFont = nullptr; delete boldFont; boldFont = nullptr; delete mHelpFont; mHelpFont = nullptr; delete mSecureFont; mSecureFont = nullptr; delete mInfoParticleFont; mInfoParticleFont = nullptr; delete getTop(); delete guiInput; guiInput = nullptr; Theme::deleteInstance(); } void Gui::logic() { ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); resman->clearScheduled(); if (!mTop) return; handleModalFocus(); handleModalMouseInputFocus(); if (mInput) handleMouseInput(); mTop->logic(); } void Gui::slowLogic() { Palette::advanceGradients(); // Fade out mouse cursor after extended inactivity if (mMouseInactivityTimer < 100 * 15) { ++mMouseInactivityTimer; mMouseCursorAlpha = std::min(1.0f, mMouseCursorAlpha + 0.05f); } else { mMouseCursorAlpha = std::max(0.0f, mMouseCursorAlpha - 0.005f); } if (mGuiFont) mGuiFont->slowLogic(); if (mInfoParticleFont) mInfoParticleFont->slowLogic(); if (mHelpFont) mHelpFont->slowLogic(); if (mSecureFont) mSecureFont->slowLogic(); if (boldFont) boldFont->slowLogic(); } bool Gui::handleInput() { if (mInput) return handleKeyInput2(); else return false; } bool Gui::handleKeyInput2() { if (!guiInput) return false; bool consumed(false); while (!mInput->isKeyQueueEmpty()) { KeyInput keyInput = guiInput->dequeueKeyInput2(); // Save modifiers state mShiftPressed = keyInput.isShiftPressed(); mMetaPressed = keyInput.isMetaPressed(); mControlPressed = keyInput.isControlPressed(); mAltPressed = keyInput.isAltPressed(); KeyEvent keyEventToGlobalKeyListeners(nullptr, mShiftPressed, mControlPressed, mAltPressed, mMetaPressed, keyInput.getType(), keyInput.isNumericPad(), keyInput.getActionId(), keyInput.getKey()); distributeKeyEventToGlobalKeyListeners( keyEventToGlobalKeyListeners); // If a global key listener consumes the event it will not be // sent further to the source of the event. if (keyEventToGlobalKeyListeners.isConsumed()) { consumed = true; continue; } if (mFocusHandler) { bool keyEventConsumed = false; // Send key inputs to the focused widgets if (mFocusHandler->getFocused()) { KeyEvent keyEvent(getKeyEventSource(), mShiftPressed, mControlPressed, mAltPressed, mMetaPressed, keyInput.getType(), keyInput.isNumericPad(), keyInput.getActionId(), keyInput.getKey()); if (!mFocusHandler->getFocused()->isFocusable()) mFocusHandler->focusNone(); else distributeKeyEvent(keyEvent); keyEventConsumed = keyEvent.isConsumed(); if (keyEventConsumed) consumed = true; } // If the key event hasn't been consumed and // tabbing is enable check for tab press and // change focus. if (!keyEventConsumed && mTabbing && keyInput.getActionId() == Input::KEY_GUI_TAB && keyInput.getType() == gcn::KeyInput::PRESSED) { if (keyInput.isShiftPressed()) mFocusHandler->tabPrevious(); else mFocusHandler->tabNext(); } } } // end while return consumed; } void Gui::draw() { mGraphics->pushClipArea(getTop()->getDimension()); getTop()->draw(mGraphics); int mouseX, mouseY; uint8_t button = SDL_GetMouseState(&mouseX, &mouseY); if ((SDL_GetAppState() & SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS || button & SDL_BUTTON(1)) && mMouseCursors && mCustomCursor && mMouseCursorAlpha > 0.0f) { Image *mouseCursor = mMouseCursors->get(mCursorType); if (mouseCursor) { mouseCursor->setAlpha(mMouseCursorAlpha); static_cast<Graphics*>(mGraphics)->drawImage( mouseCursor, mouseX - 15, mouseY - 17); } } mGraphics->popClipArea(); } void Gui::videoResized() { WindowContainer *top = static_cast<WindowContainer*>(getTop()); if (top) { int oldWidth = top->getWidth(); int oldHeight = top->getHeight(); top->setSize(mainGraphics->mWidth, mainGraphics->mHeight); top->adjustAfterResize(oldWidth, oldHeight); } } void Gui::setUseCustomCursor(bool customCursor) { if (customCursor != mCustomCursor) { mCustomCursor = customCursor; if (mCustomCursor) { // Hide the SDL mouse cursor SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); // Load the mouse cursor if (mMouseCursors) mMouseCursors->decRef(); mMouseCursors = Theme::getImageSetFromTheme("mouse.png", 40, 40); if (!mMouseCursors) logger->log("Error: Unable to load mouse cursors."); } else { // Show the SDL mouse cursor SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); // Unload the mouse cursor if (mMouseCursors) { mMouseCursors->decRef(); mMouseCursors = nullptr; } } } } void Gui::handleMouseMoved(const gcn::MouseInput &mouseInput) { gcn::Gui::handleMouseMoved(mouseInput); mMouseInactivityTimer = 0; } void Gui::updateFonts() { const int fontSize = config.getIntValue("fontSize"); std::string fontFile = config.getValue("font", ""); if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("font"); mGuiFont->loadFont(fontFile, fontSize); fontFile = config.getValue("particleFont", ""); if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("particleFont"); mInfoParticleFont->loadFont(fontFile, fontSize, TTF_STYLE_BOLD); fontFile = config.getValue("boldFont", ""); if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("boldFont"); boldFont->loadFont(fontFile, fontSize); fontFile = config.getValue("secureFont", ""); if (fontFile.empty()) fontFile = branding.getStringValue("secureFont"); mSecureFont->loadFont(fontFile, fontSize); } void Gui::distributeMouseEvent(gcn::Widget* source, int type, int button, int x, int y, bool force, bool toSourceOnly) { if (!source || !mFocusHandler) return; gcn::Widget* parent = source; gcn::Widget* widget = source; if (!force && mFocusHandler->getModalFocused() != nullptr && !widget->isModalFocused()) { return; } if (!force && mFocusHandler->getModalMouseInputFocused() != nullptr && !widget->isModalMouseInputFocused()) { return; } MouseEvent mouseEvent(source, mShiftPressed, mControlPressed, mAltPressed, mMetaPressed, type, button, x, y, mClickCount); while (parent) { // If the widget has been removed due to input // cancel the distribution. if (!gcn::Widget::widgetExists(widget)) break; parent = widget->getParent(); if (widget->isEnabled() || force) { int widgetX, widgetY; widget->getAbsolutePosition(widgetX, widgetY); mouseEvent.setX(x - widgetX); mouseEvent.setY(y - widgetY); std::list<gcn::MouseListener*> mouseListeners = widget->_getMouseListeners(); // Send the event to all mouse listeners of the widget. for (std::list<gcn::MouseListener*>::const_iterator it = mouseListeners.begin(); it != mouseListeners.end(); ++ it) { switch (mouseEvent.getType()) { case gcn::MouseEvent::ENTERED: (*it)->mouseEntered(mouseEvent); break; case gcn::MouseEvent::EXITED: (*it)->mouseExited(mouseEvent); break; case gcn::MouseEvent::MOVED: (*it)->mouseMoved(mouseEvent); break; case gcn::MouseEvent::PRESSED: (*it)->mousePressed(mouseEvent); break; case gcn::MouseEvent::RELEASED: (*it)->mouseReleased(mouseEvent); break; case gcn::MouseEvent::WHEEL_MOVED_UP: (*it)->mouseWheelMovedUp(mouseEvent); break; case gcn::MouseEvent::WHEEL_MOVED_DOWN: (*it)->mouseWheelMovedDown(mouseEvent); break; case gcn::MouseEvent::DRAGGED: (*it)->mouseDragged(mouseEvent); break; case gcn::MouseEvent::CLICKED: (*it)->mouseClicked(mouseEvent); break; default: break; // throw GCN_EXCEPTION("Unknown mouse event type."); } } if (toSourceOnly) break; } gcn::Widget* swap = widget; widget = parent; parent = swap->getParent(); // If a non modal focused widget has been reach // and we have modal focus cancel the distribution. if (mFocusHandler->getModalFocused() && !widget->isModalFocused()) { break; } // If a non modal mouse input focused widget has been reach // and we have modal mouse input focus cancel the distribution. if (mFocusHandler->getModalMouseInputFocused() && !widget->isModalMouseInputFocused()) { break; } } }