/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Andrei Karas * * This file is part of Paranoid null checker. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "analysis/expression.h" #include "command.h" #include "logger.h" #include "analysis/analysis.h" #include "analysis/collections.h" #include "analysis/checks.h" #include "analysis/function.h" #include "analysis/reports.h" #include "analysis/statement.h" #include "analysis/walkitem.h" #include "nodes/expr/addr_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/bind_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/call_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/cleanuppoint_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/compound_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/cond_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/convert_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/decl_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/eq_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/init_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/modify_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/ne_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/nonlvalue_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/nop_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/pointerplus_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/return_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/truthand_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/truthandif_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/truthor_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/truthorif_expr.h" #include "nodes/expr/trycatch_expr.h" #include "nodes/decl/function_decl.h" #include "nodes/decl/var_decl.h" #include "nodes/ref/array_ref.h" #include "nodes/ref/component_ref.h" #include "nodes/ref/indirect_ref.h" #include "nodes/ref/objtype_ref.h" #include "nodes/type/array_type.h" #include "nodes/type/method_type.h" #include "nodes/type/reference_type.h" #include #include "localconsts.h" namespace Analysis { // return variable name if possible or empty string std::string getVariableName(Node *node) { if (!node) return ""; node = skipNop(node); if (!node) return ""; if (node == PARM_DECL) { ParmDeclNode *decl = static_cast(node); if (skipNop(decl->declType) != nullptr && skipNop(decl->declType) != POINTER_TYPE) { return ""; } return node->label; } if (node == VAR_DECL) { VarDeclNode *var = static_cast(node); if (skipNop(var->varType) != POINTER_TYPE) return ""; return node->label; } else if (node == COMPONENT_REF) { return getComponentRefVariable(node); } return ""; } bool isPointerArg(Node *node) { if (!node) return false; node = skipNop(node); if (!node) return false; if (node == PARM_DECL) { ParmDeclNode *decl = static_cast(node); if (skipNop(decl->declType) == nullptr || skipNop(decl->declType) == POINTER_TYPE) { return true; } } else if (node == VAR_DECL) { VarDeclNode *var = static_cast(node); if (skipNop(var->varType) == POINTER_TYPE) return true; } else if (node == COMPONENT_REF) { return true; } return false; } // return variable name in format object->field for component node std::string getComponentRefVariable(Node *node) { std::string str; ComponentRefNode *const comp = static_cast(skipNop(node)); if (comp && comp->object && comp->field) { Node *object = skipNop(comp->object); Node *field = skipNop(comp->field); if (object == INDIRECT_REF && field == FIELD_DECL) { FieldDeclNode *fieldDecl = static_cast(field); if (fieldDecl->fieldType != POINTER_TYPE) return str; IndirectRefNode *indirect = static_cast(object); Node *ref = skipNop(indirect->ref); if (ref == PARM_DECL) { ParmDeclNode *decl = static_cast(ref); if (skipNop(decl->declType) != nullptr && skipNop(decl->declType) != POINTER_TYPE) { return str; } } if (ref == VAR_DECL) { VarDeclNode *varDecl = static_cast(ref); if (varDecl->varType != POINTER_TYPE) return str; } if (ref == PARM_DECL || ref == VAR_DECL) { str.append(ref->label).append("->").append(field->label); } } } return str; } std::vector getComponentRefParts(Node *node) { std::vector str; ComponentRefNode *const comp = static_cast(skipNop(node)); if (comp && comp->object && comp->field) { Node *object = skipNop(comp->object); Node *field = skipNop(comp->field); if (object == INDIRECT_REF && field == FIELD_DECL) { FieldDeclNode *fieldDecl = static_cast(field); IndirectRefNode *indirect = static_cast(object); Node *ref = skipNop(indirect->ref); if (ref == PARM_DECL) { ParmDeclNode *parmDecl = static_cast(ref); if (skipNop(parmDecl->declType) == nullptr || skipNop(parmDecl->declType) == POINTER_TYPE) { str.push_back(ref->label); } } if (ref == VAR_DECL) { VarDeclNode *varDecl = static_cast(ref); if (varDecl->varType == POINTER_TYPE) str.push_back(ref->label); } if (ref == PARM_DECL || ref == VAR_DECL) { if (skipNop(fieldDecl->fieldType) != POINTER_TYPE) { if (skipNop(fieldDecl->fieldType) != ARRAY_TYPE) return str; ArrayTypeNode *arr = static_cast(skipNop(fieldDecl->fieldType)); if (arr->elementType != POINTER_TYPE) return str; } str.push_back(std::string(ref->label).append("->").append(field->label)); } } } return str; } std::vector getComponentRefLeftParts(Node *node) { std::vector str; ComponentRefNode *const comp = static_cast(skipNop(node)); if (comp && comp->object && comp->field) { Node *object = skipNop(comp->object); Node *field = skipNop(comp->field); if (object == INDIRECT_REF && field == FIELD_DECL) { // FieldDeclNode *fieldDecl = static_cast(field); // if (fieldDecl->fieldType != POINTER_TYPE) // return str; IndirectRefNode *indirect = static_cast(object); Node *ref = skipNop(indirect->ref); if (ref == PARM_DECL || ref == VAR_DECL) { str.push_back(ref->label); } } } return str; } void analyseModifyExpr(ModifyExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need atleast one arg for check if (node->args.empty() || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; Node *arg = skipNop(node->args[0]); if (arg) { std::string var1 = getVariableName(arg); std::string var2 = getVariableName(node->args[1]); Node *arg0 = arg; if (arg == COMPONENT_REF) { ComponentRefNode *comp = static_cast(arg); if (skipNop(comp->object) == INDIRECT_REF) arg0 = skipNop(comp->object); if (arg0 == INDIRECT_REF) { // var2 not found in known checking pointer reportParmDeclNullPointer(node, static_cast(arg0)->ref, wi); } } if (arg == INDIRECT_REF) { // var2 not found in known checking pointer reportParmDeclNullPointer(node, static_cast(arg)->ref, wi); if (!var1.empty() && isNotIn(var2, wi.needCheckNullVars) && isNotIn(var2, wi.knownVars)) { removeVar(wo, var1); } } else if (!var1.empty()) { if (var2.empty()) { // have var1 only (var1 = UNKNOWN or var1 = function(...)) if (node->args.size() < 2) return; Node *arg1 = skipNop(node->args[1]); walkTree(arg, wi, wo); walkTree(arg1, wi, wo); wo.stopWalking = true; bool handled(false); handled = handleSetVarToFunction(var1, arg, arg1, wo); // have var1 only (var1 = UNKNOWN) if (!handled) removeVar(wo, var1); } else { // have var1 and var2 (var1 = var2) if (isIn(var2, wi.knownVars)) { addLinkedVar(wo, var2, var1); } // var2 not found in known checking pointer else if (isNotIn(var2, wi.needCheckNullVars) && isNotIn(var2, wi.knownVars)) { removeVar(wo, var1); } } } } } void analysePointerPlusExpr(PointerPlusExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo A_UNUSED) { // need atleast one arg for check if (node->args.empty() || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; reportParmDeclNullPointer(node, node->args[0], wi); } void analyseAddrExpr(AddrExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo A_UNUSED) { // need atleast one arg for check if (node->args.empty() || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; // do not report code like func1(ptr) or push_back(ptr) Node *node2 = skipBackNop(node->parent); if (node2) { while (node2 == ADDR_EXPR) { node2 = skipBackNop(node2->parent); } // found what some parent is function or method call if (node2 == CALL_EXPR) { return; } } reportParmDeclNullPointer(node, node->args[0], wi); } void analyseReturnExpr(ReturnExprNode *node A_UNUSED, const WalkItem &wi A_UNUSED, WalkItem &wo) { wo.isReturned = true; } void analyseNeExpr(NeExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need two args for check if (node->args.size() < 2 || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; // PARM_DECL or VAR_DECL? Node *node1 = skipNop(node->args[0]); // INTEGER_CST? Node *node2 = skipNop(node->args[1]); reportParmDeclLeftNullPointer(node, node1, wi); reportParmDeclLeftNullPointer(node, node2, wi); std::string var = getVariableName(node1); // if (var != 0) if (!var.empty() && node2 == INTEGER_CST && node2->label == "0") { if (isIn(var, wi.needCheckNullVars) || isNotIn(var, wi.knownVars)) { wo.checkedThenNonNullVars.insert(var); wo.checkedElseNullVars.insert(var); wo.knownNonNullVars.insert(var); wo.knownVars.insert(var); wo.cleanExpr = true; wo.uselessExpr = false; return; } else if (isIn(var, wi.knownNonNullVars) || isIn(var, wi.knownNullVars)) { bool doReport(true); // exception for delete operator. it check for var != 0 before really delete node1 = skipBackNop(node->parent); if (node1 == COND_EXPR) { CondExprNode *cond = static_cast(node1); if (cond->args.size() >= 2 && skipNop(cond->args[0]) == NE_EXPR) { if (skipNop(cond->args[1]) == COMPOUND_EXPR) { CompoundExprNode *compound = static_cast( skipNop(cond->args[1])); if (compound && compound->args.size() == 2 && compound->args[0] == CALL_EXPR && compound->args[1] == CALL_EXPR) { CallExprNode *call = static_cast( skipNop(compound->args[1])); if (call && call->function == ADDR_EXPR) { AddrExprNode *addr = static_cast( skipNop(call->function)); if (addr && !addr->args.empty() && skipNop(addr->args[0]) == FUNCTION_DECL && skipNop(addr->args[0])->label == "operator delete") { doReport = false; } } } } else if (!cond->args.empty() && skipNop(cond->args[1]) == CALL_EXPR) { CallExprNode *call = static_cast( skipNop(cond->args[1])); if (call && skipNop(call->function) == OBJ_TYPE_REF) { ObjTypeRefNode *typeRef = static_cast( skipNop(call->function)); if (typeRef && !typeRef->args.empty() && skipNop(typeRef->args[0]) == INDIRECT_REF) { IndirectRefNode *indirect = static_cast( skipNop(typeRef->args[0])); if (indirect && skipNop(indirect->ref) == POINTER_PLUS_EXPR) { PointerPlusExprNode *plusExpr = static_cast( skipNop(indirect->ref)); if (plusExpr && !plusExpr->args.empty() && skipNop(plusExpr->args[0]) == COMPONENT_REF) { ComponentRefNode *comp = static_cast( skipNop(plusExpr->args[0])); if (comp && skipNop(comp->object) == INDIRECT_REF && skipNop(comp->field) == FIELD_DECL) { std::string label = skipNop(comp->field)->label; if (label.size() > 6 && label.substr(0, 6) == "_vptr.") doReport = false; } } } } } } } } if (doReport) reportUselessCheck(node, var); } } wo.cleanExpr = false; wo.uselessExpr = true; } void analyseEqExpr(EqExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need two args for check if (node->args.size() < 2 || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; // PARM_DECL or VAR_DECL ? Node *node1 = skipNop(node->args[0]); // INTEGER_CST? Node *node2 = skipNop(node->args[1]); reportParmDeclLeftNullPointer(node, node1, wi); reportParmDeclLeftNullPointer(node, node2, wi); std::string var = getVariableName(node1); // if (var == 0) if (!var.empty() && node2 == INTEGER_CST && node2->label == "0") { if (isIn(var, wi.needCheckNullVars) || isNotIn(var, wi.knownVars)) { wo.checkedThenNullVars.insert(var); wo.checkedElseNonNullVars.insert(var); wo.knownNullVars.insert(var); wo.knownVars.insert(var); wo.cleanExpr = true; wo.uselessExpr = false; if (isIn(var, wi.knownNullVars) || isIn(var, wi.knownNonNullVars)) { reportUselessCheck(node, var); } return; } else if (isIn(var, wi.knownNullVars) || isIn(var, wi.knownNonNullVars)) { reportUselessCheck(node, var); } } wo.cleanExpr = false; wo.uselessExpr = true; } void analyseOrCondition(Node *node, Node *node1, Node *node2, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { WalkItem wo1 = wo; WalkItem wo2 = wo; walkTree(node1, wi, wo1); Log::dumpWI(node, "wo1 ", wo1); WalkItem wi2 = wi; removeNeedCheckNullVarsSetAll(wi2, wo1.checkedElseNonNullVars); wi2.needCheckNullVars.insert(wo1.checkedElseNullVars.begin(), wo1.checkedElseNullVars.end()); wi2.knownVars.insert(wo1.checkedElseNonNullVars.begin(), wo1.checkedElseNonNullVars.end()); wi2.knownVars.insert(wo1.checkedElseNullVars.begin(), wo1.checkedElseNullVars.end()); Log::dumpWI(node, "wi2 ", wi2); walkTree(node2, wi2, wo2); Log::dumpWI(node, "wo2 ", wo2); intersectThenNonNullChecked(wo, wo1, wo2); intersectThenNullChecked(wo, wo1, wo2); if (!wo1.uselessExpr && !wo2.uselessExpr) { // need combine wo1 and wo2 intersectElseNullChecked(wo, wo1, wo2); } if (!wo1.uselessExpr) { mergeElseNullChecked(wo, wo1); mergeElseNonNullChecked(wo, wo1); } if (!wo2.uselessExpr) { mergeElseNullChecked(wo, wo2); mergeElseNonNullChecked(wo, wo2); } // need intersect knownNull/knownNonNull wo.cleanExpr = true; wo.stopWalking = true; wo.uselessExpr = false; } void analyseAndCondition(Node *node, Node *node1, Node *node2, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { WalkItem wo1 = wo; WalkItem wo2 = wo; walkTree(node1, wi, wo1); Log::dumpWI(node, "wo1 ", wo1); WalkItem wi2 = wi; removeNeedCheckNullVarsSetAll(wi2, wo1.checkedThenNonNullVars); wi2.needCheckNullVars.insert(wo1.checkedThenNullVars.begin(), wo1.checkedThenNullVars.end()); wi2.knownNullVars.insert(wo1.checkedThenNullVars.begin(), wo1.checkedThenNullVars.end()); wi2.knownNonNullVars.insert(wo1.checkedThenNonNullVars.begin(), wo1.checkedThenNonNullVars.end()); Log::dumpWI(node, "wi2 ", wi2); walkTree(node2, wi2, wo2); Log::dumpWI(node, "wo2 ", wo2); wo.stopWalking = true; // probably condition wrong // if (!wo1.uselessExpr && !wo2.uselessExpr) // { // need combine wo1 and wo2 // intersectThenNullChecked(wo, wo1, wo2); // } // if (!wo1.uselessExpr) { mergeThenNonNullChecked(wo, wo1); mergeThenNullChecked(wo, wo1); } // if (!wo2.uselessExpr) { mergeThenNonNullChecked(wo, wo2); mergeThenNullChecked(wo, wo2); } wo.knownNullVars.insert(wo1.knownNullVars.begin(), wo1.knownNullVars.end()); wo.knownNullVars.insert(wo2.knownNullVars.begin(), wo2.knownNullVars.end()); wo.knownNonNullVars.insert(wo1.knownNonNullVars.begin(), wo1.knownNonNullVars.end()); wo.knownNonNullVars.insert(wo2.knownNonNullVars.begin(), wo2.knownNonNullVars.end()); intersectElseNonNullChecked(wo, wo1, wo2); intersectElseNullChecked(wo, wo1, wo2); wo.cleanExpr = wo1.cleanExpr && wo2.cleanExpr; wo.uselessExpr = wo1.uselessExpr && wo2.uselessExpr; } void analyseTruthOrIfExpr(TruthOrIfExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need two args for check if (node->args.size() < 2 || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; analyseOrCondition(node, node->args[0], node->args[1], wi, wo); } void analyseTruthOrExpr(TruthOrExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need two args for check if (node->args.size() < 2 || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; analyseOrCondition(node, node->args[0], node->args[1], wi, wo); } void analyseTruthAndIfExpr(TruthAndIfExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need two args for check if (node->args.size() < 2 || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; analyseAndCondition(node, node->args[0], node->args[1], wi, wo); } void analyseTruthAndExpr(TruthAndExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need two args for check if (node->args.size() < 2 || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; analyseAndCondition(node, node->args[0], node->args[1], wi, wo); } // args[0] condition // args[1] true expr // args[2] false expr void analyseCondExpr(CondExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need tree args for check if (node->args.size() < 3 || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; analyseCondition(node, node->args[0], node->args[1], node->args[2], wi, wo); } // expression like this (expr1, expr2, ..., exprn). Only have sense exprn. void analyseCompoundExpr(CompoundExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need one arg for check if (node->args.size() < 1 || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; const size_t sz = node->args.size(); // walking and ignoring results for all args except last for (size_t f = 0; f < sz - 1; f ++) { WalkItem wo1 = wo; walkTree(node->args[f], wi, wo1); Log::dumpWI(node, "wo1 ", wo1); } WalkItem wo2 = wo; walkTree(node->args[sz - 1], wi, wo2); Log::dumpWI(node, "wo2 ", wo2); // probably condition wrong if (wo2.cleanExpr) { mergeThenNullChecked(wo, wo2); mergeThenNonNullChecked(wo, wo2); } wo.cleanExpr = true; wo.stopWalking = true; wo.uselessExpr = false; } // type var1 = var2; void analyseBindExpr(BindExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { const size_t sz = node->args.size(); if (sz < 1 || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; WalkItem wi2 = wi; // Log::log("start args 1\n"); walkTree(node->args[1], wi2, wo); // Log::log("end args 1\n"); wi2 = wo; Log::dumpWI(node, "wi2 ", wi2); // Log::log("start args 0\n"); walkTree(node->args[0], wi2, wo); // Log::log("end args 0\n"); if (sz > 2) { wi2 = wo; Log::dumpWI(node, "wi2 ", wi2); // Log::log("start args 2\n"); walkTree(node->args[2], wi2, wo); // Log::log("end args 2\n"); } handleSetVarDecl(node->args[0], wi2, wo); wo.stopWalking = true; } // type var1 = var2; void analyseDeclExpr(DeclExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need one arg for check if (node->args.empty() || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; handleSetVarDecl(node->args[0], wi, wo); } void analyseNopExpr(NopExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need one arg for check if (node->args.empty()) return; walkTree(node->args[0], wi, wo); wo.stopWalking = true; } void analyseNonLvalueExpr(NonLvalueExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need one arg for check if (node->args.empty()) return; walkTree(node->args[0], wi, wo); wo.stopWalking = true; } void analyseCallExpr(CallExprNode *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { if (checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; WalkItem wo2 = wo; walkTree(node->chain, wi, wo2); Log::dumpWI(node, "wo chain ", wo2); wo2 = wo; bool enableCheck(true); std::set nullAttrs; if (node->function) { walkTree(node->function, wi, wo2); Node *function = skipNop(node->function); Log::dumpWI(node, "wo function ", wo2); if (function == ADDR_EXPR) { AddrExprNode *addrNode = static_cast(function); if (!addrNode->args.empty()) { Node *decl = skipNop(addrNode->args[0]); if (decl == FUNCTION_DECL) { function = decl; FunctionDeclNode *declNode = static_cast( decl); if (declNode->label == "paranuckerInternalTest") { checkState(node, wi); wo.stopWalking = true; return; } if (skipNop(declNode->functionType) == FUNCTION_TYPE) { enableCheck = false; } } } } else if (function == VAR_DECL) { enableCheck = false; } else { if (function == ARRAY_REF) { ArrayRefNode *arrRef = static_cast(function); if (!arrRef->args.empty() && (skipNop(arrRef->args[0]) == COMPONENT_REF || skipNop(arrRef->args[0]) == VAR_DECL)) { function = arrRef->args[0]; } } if (function == CONVERT_EXPR) { ConvertExprNode *convExpr = static_cast(function); if (!convExpr->args.empty()) function = skipNop(convExpr->args[0]); if (function == PARM_DECL) { ParmDeclNode *parm = static_cast(function); if (skipNop(parm->declType) == REFERENCE_TYPE) { ReferenceTypeNode *ref = static_cast( skipNop(parm->declType)); if (ref->nestedType == FUNCTION_TYPE) enableCheck = false; } } } reportParmDeclNullPointer(node, function, wi); if (!getVariableName(function).empty()) enableCheck = false; } if (function == FUNCTION_DECL) { getFunctionParamsNonNullAttributes( static_cast(function), nullAttrs); } } int param = 1; FOR_EACH (it, node->args) { wo2 = wo; Node *node2 = skipNop(it); if (enableCheck) { reportParmDeclNullPointer(node, node2, wi); enableCheck = false; } else { reportParmDeclLeftNullPointer(node, node2, wi); if (isIn(param, nullAttrs)) reportParmDeclAttrNullPointer(node, node2, wi); } walkTree(node2, wi, wo2); Log::dumpWI(node, "wo arg ", wo2); param ++; } wo.stopWalking = true; } void analyseCleanupPointExpr(CleanupPointExprNode* node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { WalkItem wo2 = wo; FOR_EACH (it, node->args) { wo2 = wo; Node *node2 = skipNop(it); reportParmDeclNullPointer(node, node2, wi); walkTree(node2, wi, wo2); Log::dumpWI(node, "wo arg ", wo2); } wo = wo2; wo.stopWalking = true; } void handleSetVarDecl(Node *node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { node = skipNop(node); if (node == VAR_DECL) { VarDeclNode *varDecl = static_cast(node); if (skipNop(varDecl->varType) == POINTER_TYPE) { Node *initial = skipNop(varDecl->initial); handleSetVar(varDecl, initial, wi, wo); } } } bool handleSetVarToFunctionBack(const std::string &var, Node *node2, WalkItem &wo) { if (node2 == INTEGER_CST) { if (node2->label == "0") addNullVar(wo, var); else addNonNullVar(wo, var); return true; } return false; } bool handleSetVarToFunction(const std::string &var, Node *node1, Node *node2, WalkItem &wo) { node1 = skipNop(node1); node2 = skipNop(node2); if (!isPointerArg(node1)) return handleSetVarToFunctionBack(var, node2, wo); if (node2 == nullptr) { // type *var; addUnknownVar(wo, var); return true; } if (node2 == ADDR_EXPR) { AddrExprNode *addr = static_cast(node2); if (!addr->args.empty() && skipNop(addr->args[0]) == VAR_DECL) { VarDeclNode *varDecl = static_cast(skipNop(addr->args[0])); if (skipNop(varDecl->varType) != POINTER_TYPE) addNonNullVar(wo, var); else addUnknownVar(wo, var); return true; } } if (node2 != CALL_EXPR) { if (node2 != COMPOUND_EXPR) return handleSetVarToFunctionBack(var, node2, wo); CompoundExprNode *comp = static_cast(node2); if (comp->args.empty()) return handleSetVarToFunctionBack(var, node2, wo); node2 = skipNop(comp->args[comp->args.size() - 1]); if (node2 != COMPOUND_EXPR) return handleSetVarToFunctionBack(var, node2, wo); comp = static_cast(node2); if (comp->args.empty()) return handleSetVarToFunctionBack(var, node2, wo); if (skipNop(comp->args[0]) == TRY_CATCH_EXPR) { TryCatchExprNode *tryCatch = static_cast(skipNop(comp->args[0])); if (tryCatch->args.empty()) return handleSetVarToFunctionBack(var, node2, wo); node2 = tryCatch->args[0]; } else { node2 = comp->args[0]; } if (node2 != CALL_EXPR) return handleSetVarToFunctionBack(var, node2, wo); } CallExprNode *call = static_cast(node2); if (!call || skipNop(call->function) != ADDR_EXPR) return handleSetVarToFunctionBack(var, node2, wo); AddrExprNode *addr = static_cast(skipNop(call->function)); if (!addr || addr->args.empty() || skipNop(addr->args[0]) != FUNCTION_DECL) { return false; } FunctionDeclNode *func = static_cast(skipNop(addr->args[0])); removeVar(wo, var); if (func->label != "__comp_ctor ") { if (!func->functionType) return false; Node *returnType; if (skipNop(func->functionType) == FUNCTION_TYPE) returnType = static_cast(skipNop(func->functionType))->returnType; else if (skipNop(func->functionType) == METHOD_TYPE) returnType = static_cast(skipNop(func->functionType))->returnType; else return false; returnType = skipNop(returnType); if (returnType != POINTER_TYPE) return false; } if (findTreeListPurpose(static_cast(func->functionType->attribute), "returns_nonnull") || func->label == "operator new" || func->label == "operator new []" || func->label == "__comp_ctor ") { // function have attribute returns_nonnull. This mean result cant be null addNonNullVar(wo, var); } else { // function not have attribute returns_nonnull. This mean result can be null addUnknownVar(wo, var); } return true; } void handleSetVar(Node *node1, Node *node2, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // var1 = var2 const std::string var1 = getVariableName(node1); const std::string var2 = getVariableName(node2); if (var1.empty()) return; if (var2.empty()) { node2 = skipNop(node2); handleSetVarToFunction(var1, node1, node2, wo); return; } else { if (isIn(var2, wi.knownVars)) addLinkedVar(wo, var2, var1); else addUnknownVar(wo, var1); } } // field = var void analyseInitExpr(InitExprNode* node, const WalkItem &wi, WalkItem &wo) { // need one arg for check if (node->args.size() < 2 || checkCommand(FindArgs)) return; handleSetVar(node->args[0], node->args[1], wi, wo); } }