# Ast Dumper - static code analyser for C/C++ This is [gcc](https://gcc.gnu.org) plugin for dump [AST](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree) tree and search possible null pointers. Version 1.0 Date: 2015-06-22 ## Build deps - gcc 5 with plugin includes. (gcc-5-plugin) For older gcc build possible, but need change make file. - automake/autoconf. ## Run time deps - gcc 5 / g++ 5 or older. ## Features - Dump AST tree from gcc. - Search missing basic null pointer checks for function input parameters. - Dont check parameters with attribute [NONNULL](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-5.1.0/gcc/Function-Attributes.html#index-g_t_0040code_007bnonnull_007d-function-attribute-3189). - In future probably other checks... ## Build - Run build.sh - You will get astdumper.so for gcc binary and cppastdumper.so for g++ binary ## Usage examples In directory [examples](examples) present two examples one for C++ and other for C. ## Real world usage examples - [ManaPlus](http://manaplus.org/) - [Hercules](http://herc.ws/) ## Advanced usage Ast Dumper support one plugin paramater named -fplugin-arg-astdumper-command or -fplugin-arg-cppastdumper-command depend what you using C or C++ Example: gcc-5 -fplugin=../astdumper.so -fplugin-arg-astdumper-command=detectnullpointers Known parameter values: | name | action | |:-------------------|:------------------------------------------------------| | parse | silently parse AST | | dump | dump whole AST | | smalldump | small AST dump without indention | | memoryusage | show how many nodes parsed | | dumpunsupported | dump nodes what cant be parsed | | findargs | dump functions and argument names what can be checked | | detectnullpointers | search null pointers | | dumpnullpointers | search null pointers and dump some debug info | Readme on russian [README.ru.md](README.ru.md)