/* * The Mana World Server * Copyright 2007 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ #ifndef _TMW_TOKENCOLLECTOR_HPP #define _TMW_TOKENCOLLECTOR_HPP #include #include #include /** * Base class containing the generic implementation of TokenCollector. */ class TokenCollectorBase { struct Item { std::string token; /**< Cookie used by the client. */ intptr_t data; /**< User data. */ time_t timeStamp; /**< Creation time. */ }; /** * List containing client already connected. Newer clients are at the * back of the list. */ std::list mPendingClients; /** * List containing server data waiting for clients. Newer data are at * the back of the list. */ std::list mPendingConnects; /** * Time at which the TokenCollector performed its last check. */ time_t mLastCheck; protected: virtual void removedClient(intptr_t) = 0; virtual void removedConnect(intptr_t) = 0; virtual void foundMatch(intptr_t client, intptr_t connect) = 0; TokenCollectorBase(); virtual ~TokenCollectorBase(); void insertClient(std::string const &, intptr_t); void removeClient(intptr_t); void insertConnect(std::string const &, intptr_t); void removeOutdated(time_t); }; /** * Compile-time check to ensure that Client and ServerData are simple enough * for TokenCollector. */ template< class T > struct _TC_CheckData; template<> struct _TC_CheckData< int > {}; template< class T > struct _TC_CheckData< T * > {}; /** * A class for storing and matching tokens. * * The Handler class must provide three member functions: * - deletePendingClient(Client), * - deletePendingConnect(ServerData), and * - tokenMatched(Client, ServerData). * * The delete members will be called whenever the collector considers that a * token has become obsolete and it is about to remove it. */ template< class Handler, class Client, class ServerData > class TokenCollector: private TokenCollectorBase { public: TokenCollector(Handler *h): mHandler(h) { _TC_CheckData ClientMustBeSimple; (void)&ClientMustBeSimple; _TC_CheckData ServerDataMustBeSimple; (void)&ServerDataMustBeSimple; } /** * Checks if the server expected this client token. If so, calls * Handler::tokenMatched. Otherwise marks the client as pending. */ void addPendingClient(std::string const &token, Client data) { insertClient(token, (intptr_t)data); } /** * Checks if a client already registered this token. If so, calls * Handler::tokenMatched. Otherwise marks the data as pending. */ void addPendingConnect(std::string const &token, ServerData data) { insertConnect(token, (intptr_t)data); } /** * Removes a pending client. * @note Does not call destroyPendingClient. */ void deletePendingClient(Client data) { removeClient((intptr_t)data); } private: void removedClient(intptr_t data) { mHandler->deletePendingClient((Client)data); } void removedConnect(intptr_t data) { mHandler->deletePendingConnect((ServerData)data); } void foundMatch(intptr_t client, intptr_t data) { mHandler->tokenMatched((Client)client, (ServerData)data); } Handler *mHandler; }; #endif // _TMW_TOKENCOLLECTOR_HPP