/* * The Mana Server * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana Server. * * The Mana Server is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana Server. If not, see . */ #include "game-server/monstermanager.h" #include "common/defines.h" #include "game-server/attributemanager.h" #include "game-server/itemmanager.h" #include "game-server/monster.h" #include "utils/logger.h" #define MAX_MUTATION 99 #define DEFAULT_MONSTER_SIZE 16 #define DEFAULT_MONSTER_SPEED 4.0f void MonsterManager::reload() { deinitialize(); initialize(); } void MonsterManager::initialize() { } void MonsterManager::deinitialize() { for (MonsterClasses::iterator i = mMonsterClasses.begin(), i_end = mMonsterClasses.end(); i != i_end; ++i) { delete i->second; } mMonsterClasses.clear(); mMonsterClassesByName.clear(); } MonsterClass *MonsterManager::getMonsterByName(const std::string &name) const { return mMonsterClassesByName.value(name); } MonsterClass *MonsterManager::getMonster(int id) const { MonsterClasses::const_iterator i = mMonsterClasses.find(id); return i != mMonsterClasses.end() ? i->second : 0; } /** * Read a element from settings. * Used by SettingsManager. */ void MonsterManager::readMonsterNode(xmlNodePtr node, const std::string &filename) { if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST "monster")) return; int id = XML::getProperty(node, "id", 0); std::string name = XML::getProperty(node, "name", std::string()); if (id < 1) { LOG_WARN("Monster Manager: Ignoring monster (" << name << ") without Id in " << filename << "! It has been ignored."); return; } MonsterClasses::iterator i = mMonsterClasses.find(id); if (i != mMonsterClasses.end()) { LOG_WARN("Monster Manager: Ignoring duplicate definition of " "monster '" << id << "'!"); return; } MonsterClass *monster = new MonsterClass(id); mMonsterClasses[id] = monster; if (!name.empty()) { monster->setName(name); if (mMonsterClassesByName.contains(name)) LOG_WARN("Monster Manager: Name not unique for monster " << id); else mMonsterClassesByName.insert(name, monster); } MonsterDrops drops; bool attributesSet = false; bool behaviorSet = false; for_each_xml_child_node(subnode, node) { if (xmlStrEqual(subnode->name, BAD_CAST "drop")) { MonsterDrop drop; std::string item = XML::getProperty(subnode, "item", std::string()); ItemClass *itemClass; if (utils::isNumeric(item)) itemClass = itemManager->getItem(utils::stringToInt(item)); else itemClass = itemManager->getItemByName(item); if (!itemClass) { LOG_WARN("Monster Manager: Invalid item name \"" << item << "\""); break; } drop.item = itemClass; drop.probability = XML::getFloatProperty(subnode, "percent", 0.0) * 100 + 0.5; if (drop.probability) drops.push_back(drop); } else if (xmlStrEqual(subnode->name, BAD_CAST "attributes")) { attributesSet = true; const int hp = XML::getProperty(subnode, "hp", -1); monster->setAttribute(ATTR_MAX_HP, hp); monster->setAttribute(ATTR_HP, hp); monster->setAttribute(ATTR_DODGE, XML::getProperty(subnode, "evade", -1)); monster->setAttribute(ATTR_MAGIC_DODGE, XML::getProperty(subnode, "magic-evade", -1)); monster->setAttribute(ATTR_ACCURACY, XML::getProperty(subnode, "hit", -1)); monster->setAttribute(ATTR_DEFENSE, XML::getProperty(subnode, "physical-defence", -1)); monster->setAttribute(ATTR_MAGIC_DEFENSE, XML::getProperty(subnode, "magical-defence", -1)); monster->setSize(XML::getProperty(subnode, "size", -1)); float speed = (XML::getFloatProperty(subnode, "speed", -1.0f)); monster->setMutation(XML::getProperty(subnode, "mutation", 0)); std::string genderString = XML::getProperty(subnode, "gender", std::string()); monster->setGender(getGender(genderString)); // Checking attributes for completeness and plausibility if (monster->getMutation() > MAX_MUTATION) { LOG_WARN(filename << ": Mutation of monster Id:" << id << " more than " << MAX_MUTATION << "%. Defaulted to 0."); monster->setMutation(0); } bool attributesComplete = true; const AttributeManager::AttributeScope &mobAttr = attributeManager->getAttributeScope(MonsterScope); for (AttributeManager::AttributeScope::const_iterator it = mobAttr.begin(), it_end = mobAttr.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { if (!monster->mAttributes.count(it->first)) { LOG_WARN(filename << ": No attribute " << it->first << " for monster Id: " << id << ". Defaulted to 0."); attributesComplete = false; monster->setAttribute(it->first, 0); } } if (monster->getSize() == -1) { LOG_WARN(filename << ": No size set for monster Id:" << id << ". " << "Defaulted to " << DEFAULT_MONSTER_SIZE << " pixels."); monster->setSize(DEFAULT_MONSTER_SIZE); attributesComplete = false; } if (speed == -1.0f) { LOG_WARN(filename << ": No speed set for monster Id:" << id << ". " << "Defaulted to " << DEFAULT_MONSTER_SPEED << " tiles/second."); speed = DEFAULT_MONSTER_SPEED; attributesComplete = false; } monster->setAttribute(ATTR_MOVE_SPEED_TPS, speed); if (!attributesComplete) { LOG_WARN(filename << ": Attributes incomplete for monster Id:" << id << ". Defaults values may have been applied!"); } } else if (xmlStrEqual(subnode->name, BAD_CAST "attribute")) { const int id = XML::getProperty(subnode, "id", 0); auto *attributeInfo = attributeManager->getAttributeInfo(id); if (!attributeInfo) { LOG_WARN(filename << ": Invalid attribute id " << id << " for monster Id: " << id << ". Skipping!"); continue; } const double value = XML::getFloatProperty(subnode, "value", 0.0); monster->setAttribute(id, value); } else if (xmlStrEqual(subnode->name, BAD_CAST "ability")) { const std::string idText = XML::getProperty(subnode, "id", std::string()); AbilityManager::AbilityInfo *info = 0; if (utils::isNumeric(idText)) { const int id = utils::stringToInt(idText); info = abilityManager->getAbilityInfo(id); } else { info = abilityManager->getAbilityInfo(idText); } if (!info) { LOG_WARN(filename << ": Invalid ability id " << idText << " for monster id: " << id << " Skipping!"); continue; } monster->addAbility(info); } else if (xmlStrEqual(subnode->name, BAD_CAST "exp")) { xmlChar *exp = subnode->xmlChildrenNode->content; monster->setExp(atoi((const char*)exp)); monster->setOptimalLevel(XML::getProperty(subnode, "level", 0)); } else if (xmlStrEqual(subnode->name, BAD_CAST "behavior")) { behaviorSet = true; if (XML::getBoolProperty(subnode, "aggressive", false)) monster->setAggressive(true); monster->setTrackRange( XML::getProperty(subnode, "track-range", 1)); monster->setStrollRange( XML::getProperty(subnode, "stroll-range", 0)); monster->setAttackDistance( XML::getProperty(subnode, "attack-distance", 0)); } else if (xmlStrEqual(subnode->name, BAD_CAST "vulnerability")) { Element element = elementFromString( XML::getProperty(subnode, "element", std::string())); double factor = XML::getFloatProperty(subnode, "factor", 1.0); monster->setVulnerability(element, factor); } } monster->setDrops(drops); if (!attributesSet) { LOG_WARN(filename << ": No attributes defined for monster Id:" << id << " (" << name << ")"); } if (!behaviorSet) { LOG_WARN(filename << ": No behavior defined for monster Id:" << id << " (" << name << ")"); } if (monster->getExp() == -1) { LOG_WARN(filename << ": No experience defined for monster Id:" << id << " (" << name << ")"); monster->setExp(0); } } /** * Check the status of recently loaded configuration. */ void MonsterManager::checkStatus() { LOG_INFO("Loaded " << mMonsterClasses.size() << " monsters"); }