/* * The Mana World * Copyright 2008 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include "defines.h" #include "commandhandler.hpp" #include "accountconnection.hpp" #include "character.hpp" #include "gamehandler.hpp" #include "inventory.hpp" #include "item.hpp" #include "itemmanager.hpp" #include "mapmanager.hpp" #include "monster.hpp" #include "monstermanager.hpp" #include "state.hpp" #include "../utils/string.hpp" static void say(const std::string error, Character *player) { GameState::sayTo(player, NULL, error); } static bool checkPermission(Character *player, unsigned int permissions) { if (player->getAccountLevel() & permissions) { return true; } say("Invalid permissions", player); return false; } static std::string getArgument(std::string &args) { std::string argument = ""; std::string::size_type pos = args.find(' '); if (pos != std::string::npos) { argument = args.substr(0, pos); args = args.substr(pos+1); } else { argument = args.substr(0); args = ""; } return argument; } static Character* getPlayer(const std::string &player) { // get character, via the client, as they may be // on a different game server GameClient *client = gameHandler->getClientByNameSlow(player); if (!client) { return NULL; } if (client->status != CLIENT_CONNECTED) { return NULL; } return client->character; } static void handleHelp(Character *player, std::string &args) { if (args == "") { if (player->getAccountLevel() & AL_PLAYER) { say("=General Commands=", player); say("@help [command]", player); say("@report ", player); say("@where", player); say("@rights", player); } if (player->getAccountLevel() & AL_TESTER) { say("=Tester Commands=", player); say("@warp ", player); say("@goto ", player); } if (player->getAccountLevel() & AL_GM) { say("=Game Master Commands=", player); say("@recall ", player); say("@ban ", player); } if (player->getAccountLevel() & AL_DEV) { say("=Developer Commands=", player); say("@item ", player); say("@drop ", player); say("@money ", player); say("@spawn ", player); say("@attribute ", player); } if (player->getAccountLevel() & AL_ADMIN) { say("=Administrator Commands=", player); say("@reload", player); say("@setgroup ", player); say("@announce ", player); } } else { } } static void handleWarp(Character *player, std::string &args) { int x, y; MapComposite *map; Character *other; // get the arguments std::string character = getArgument(args); std::string mapstr = getArgument(args); std::string xstr = getArgument(args); std::string ystr = getArgument(args); // if any of them are empty strings, no argument was given if (character == "" || mapstr == "" || xstr == "" || ystr == "") { say("Invalid number of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @warp ", player); return; } // if it contains # then it means the player if (character == "#") { other = player; } else { // check for valid player other = getPlayer(character); if (!other) { say("Invalid character, or they are offline", player); return; } } // if it contains # then it means the player's map if (mapstr == "#") { map = player->getMap(); } else { // check for valid map id int id; if (!utils::isNumeric(mapstr)) { say("Invalid map", player); return; } id = utils::stringToInt(mapstr); // get the map map = MapManager::getMap(id); if (!map) { say("Invalid map", player); return; } } if (!utils::isNumeric(xstr)) { say("Invalid x", player); return; } if (!utils::isNumeric(ystr)) { say("Invalid y", player); return; } // change the x and y to integers x = utils::stringToInt(xstr); y = utils::stringToInt(ystr); // now warp the player GameState::warp(other, map, x, y); } static void handleItem(Character *player, std::string &args) { Character *other; ItemClass *ic; int value; int id; // get arguments std::string character = getArgument(args); std::string itemclass = getArgument(args); std::string valuestr = getArgument(args); // check all arguments are there if (character == "" || itemclass == "" || valuestr == "") { say("Invalid number of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @item ", player); return; } // if it contains # that means the player if (character == "#") { other = player; } else { // check for valid player other = getPlayer(character); if (!other) { say("Invalid character or they are offline", player); return; } } // check we have a valid item if (!utils::isNumeric(itemclass)) { say("Invalid item", player); return; } // put the itemclass id into an integer id = utils::stringToInt(itemclass); // check for valid item class ic = ItemManager::getItem(id); if (!ic) { say("Invalid item", player); return; } if (!utils::isNumeric(valuestr)) { say("Invalid value", player); return; } value = utils::stringToInt(valuestr); if (value < 0) { say("Invalid amount", player); return; } // insert the item into the inventory Inventory(other).insert(ic->getDatabaseID(), value); } static void handleDrop(Character *player, std::string &args) { ItemClass *ic; int value, id; // get arguments std::string itemclass = getArgument(args); std::string valuestr = getArgument(args); // check all arguments are there if (itemclass == "" || valuestr == "") { say("Invalid number of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @drop ", player); return; } // check that itemclass id and value are really integers if (!utils::isNumeric(itemclass) || !utils::isNumeric(valuestr)) { say("Invalid arguments passed.", player); return; } // put the item class id into an integer id = utils::stringToInt(itemclass); // check for valid item ic = ItemManager::getItem(id); if (!ic) { say("Invalid item", player); return; } // put the value into an integer value = utils::stringToInt(valuestr); if (value < 0) { say("Invalid amount", player); return; } // create the integer and put it on the map Item *item = new Item(ic, value); item->setMap(player->getMap()); item->setPosition(player->getPosition()); GameState::insertSafe(item); } static void handleMoney(Character *player, std::string &args) { Character *other; int value; // get arguments std::string character = getArgument(args); std::string valuestr = getArgument(args); // check all arguments are there if (character == "" || valuestr == "") { say("Invalid number of arguments given", player); say("Usage: @money ", player); return; } // check if its the player itself if (character == "#") { other = player; } else { // check for valid player other = getPlayer(character); if (!other) { say("Invalid character or they are offline", player); return; } } // check value is an integer if (!utils::isNumeric(valuestr)) { say("Invalid argument", player); return; } // change value into an integer value = utils::stringToInt(valuestr); // change how much money the player has Inventory(other).changeMoney(value); } static void handleSpawn(Character *player, std::string &args) { MonsterClass *mc; MapComposite *map = player->getMap(); Point const &pos = player->getPosition(); int value, id; // get the arguments std::string monsterclass = getArgument(args); std::string valuestr = getArgument(args); // check all arguments are there if (monsterclass == "" || valuestr == "") { say("Invalid amount of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @spawn ", player); return; } // check they are really numbers if (!utils::isNumeric(monsterclass) || !utils::isNumeric(valuestr)) { say("Invalid arguments", player); return; } // put the monster class id into an integer id = utils::stringToInt(monsterclass); // check for valid monster mc = MonsterManager::getMonster(id); if (!mc) { say("Invalid monster", player); return; } // put the amount into an integer value = utils::stringToInt(valuestr); if (value < 0) { say("Invalid amount", player); return; } // create the monsters and put them on the map for (int i = 0; i < value; ++i) { Being *monster = new Monster(mc); monster->setMap(map); monster->setPosition(pos); monster->clearDestination(); if (!GameState::insertSafe(monster)) { // The map is full. Break out. break; } } } static void handleGoto(Character *player, std::string &args) { Character *other; // get the arguments std::string character = getArgument(args); // check all arguments are there if (character == "") { say("Invalid amount of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @goto ", player); return; } // check for valid player other = getPlayer(character); if (!other) { say("Invalid character, or they are offline.", player); return; } // move the player to where the other player is MapComposite *map = other->getMap(); Point const &pos = other->getPosition(); GameState::warp(player, map, pos.x, pos.y); } static void handleRecall(Character *player, std::string &args) { Character *other; // get the arguments std::string character = getArgument(args); // check all arguments are there if (character == "") { say("Invalid amount of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @recall ", player); return; } // check for valid player other = getPlayer(character); if (!other) { say("Invalid character, or they are offline.", player); return; } // move the other player to where the player is MapComposite *map = player->getMap(); Point const &pos = player->getPosition(); GameState::warp(other, map, pos.x, pos.y); } static void handleReload(Character *player) { // reload the items and monsters ItemManager::reload(); MonsterManager::reload(); } static void handleBan(Character *player, std::string &args) { Character *other; int length; // get arguments std::string character = getArgument(args); std::string valuestr = getArgument(args); // check all arguments are there if (character == "" || valuestr == "") { say("Invalid number of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @ban ", player); return; } // check for valid player other = getPlayer(character); if (!other) { say("Invalid character", player); return; } // check the length is really an integer if (!utils::isNumeric(valuestr)) { say("Invalid argument", player); return; } // change the length to an integer length = utils::stringToInt(valuestr); if (length < 0) { say("Invalid length", player); return; } // ban the player accountHandler->banCharacter(other, length); } static void handleSetGroup(Character *player, std::string &args) { Character *other; int level = 0; // get the arguments std::string character = getArgument(args); std::string levelstr = getArgument(args); // check all arguments are there if (character == "" || levelstr == "") { say("Invalid number of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @setgroup ", player); return; } // check if its to effect the player if (character == "#") { other = player; } else { // check for valid player other = getPlayer(character); if (!other) { say("Invalid character", player); return; } } // check which level they should be // refer to defines.h for level info if (levelstr == "AL_PLAYER") { level = AL_PLAYER; } else if (levelstr == "AL_TESTER") { level = AL_PLAYER | AL_TESTER; } else if (levelstr == "AL_GM") { level = AL_PLAYER | AL_TESTER | AL_GM; } else if (levelstr == "AL_DEV") { level = AL_PLAYER | AL_TESTER | AL_DEV; } else if (levelstr == "AL_ADMIN") { level = 255; } if (level == 0) { say("Invalid group", player); return; } // change the player's account level accountHandler->changeAccountLevel(other, level); } static void handleAttribute(Character *player, std::string &args) { Character *other; int attr, value; // get arguments std::string character = getArgument(args); std::string attrstr = getArgument(args); std::string valuestr = getArgument(args); // check all arguments are there if (character == "" || valuestr == "" || attrstr == "") { say("Invalid number of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @attribute ", player); return; } // check if its the player or another player if (character == "#") { other = player; } else { // check for valid player other = getPlayer(character); if (!other) { say("Invalid character", player); return; } } // check they are really integers if (!utils::isNumeric(valuestr) || !utils::isNumeric(attrstr)) { say("Invalid argument", player); return; } // put the attribute into an integer attr = utils::stringToInt(attrstr); if (attr < 0) { say("Invalid Attribute", player); return; } // put the value into an integer value = utils::stringToInt(valuestr); if (value < 0) { say("Invalid amount", player); return; } // change the player's attribute other->setAttribute(attr, value); } static void handleReport(Character *player, std::string &args) { std::string bugReport = getArgument(args); if (bugReport == "") { say("Invalid number of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @report ", player); return; } // TODO: Send the report to a developer or something } static void handleAnnounce(Character *player, std::string &args) { std::string msg = getArgument(args); if (msg == "") { say("Invalid number of arguments given.", player); say("Usage: @announce ", player); return; } GameState::sayToAll(msg); } static void handleWhere(Character *player) { std::stringstream str; str << "Your current location is map " << player->getMapId() << " [" << player->getPosition().x << ":" << player->getPosition().y << "]"; say (str.str(), player); } static void handleRights(Character *player) { std::stringstream str; str << "Your rights level is: " << player->getAccountLevel() << " (AL_PLAYER"; if (player->getAccountLevel() & AL_TESTER) str << ", AL_TESTER"; if (player->getAccountLevel() & AL_GM) str << ", AL_GM"; if (player->getAccountLevel() & AL_ADMIN) str << ", AL_ADMIN"; str << ")"; say(str.str(), player); } void CommandHandler::handleCommand(Character *player, const std::string &command) { // get command type, and arguments // remove first character (the @) std::string::size_type pos = command.find(' '); std::string type(command, 1, pos == std::string::npos ? pos : pos - 1); std::string args(command, pos == std::string::npos ? command.size() : pos + 1); // handle the command if (type == "help") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_PLAYER)) handleHelp(player, args); } else if (type == "where" || type == "location") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_PLAYER)) handleWhere(player); } else if (type == "rights" || type == "right" || type == "permission") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_PLAYER)) handleRights(player); } else if (type == "warp") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_TESTER)) handleWarp(player, args); } else if (type == "item") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_DEV)) handleItem(player, args); } else if (type == "drop") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_DEV)) handleDrop(player, args); } else if (type == "money") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_DEV)) handleMoney(player, args); } else if (type == "spawn") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_DEV)) handleSpawn(player, args); } else if (type == "goto") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_TESTER)) handleGoto(player, args); } else if (type == "recall") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_GM)) handleRecall(player, args); } else if (type == "reload") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_ADMIN)) handleReload(player); } else if (type == "ban") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_GM)) handleBan(player, args); } else if (type == "setgroup") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_ADMIN)) handleSetGroup(player, args); } else if (type == "attribute") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_DEV)) handleAttribute(player, args); } else if (type == "report") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_PLAYER)) handleReport(player, args); } else if (type == "announce") { if (checkPermission(player, AL_ADMIN)) handleAnnounce(player, args); } else { say("command not found", player); } }