/* * The Mana Server * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana Server. * * The Mana Server is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana Server. If not, see . */ #include "game-server/character.h" #include "common/configuration.h" #include "game-server/accountconnection.h" #include "game-server/attack.h" #include "game-server/attributemanager.h" #include "game-server/buysell.h" #include "game-server/combatcomponent.h" #include "game-server/inventory.h" #include "game-server/item.h" #include "game-server/itemmanager.h" #include "game-server/gamehandler.h" #include "game-server/map.h" #include "game-server/mapcomposite.h" #include "game-server/mapmanager.h" #include "game-server/skillmanager.h" #include "game-server/state.h" #include "game-server/trade.h" #include "scripting/scriptmanager.h" #include "net/messagein.h" #include "net/messageout.h" #include "serialize/characterdata.h" #include "utils/logger.h" #include #include #include #include // Experience curve related values const float CharacterComponent::EXPCURVE_EXPONENT = 3.0f; const float CharacterComponent::EXPCURVE_FACTOR = 10.0f; const float CharacterComponent::LEVEL_SKILL_PRECEDENCE_FACTOR = 0.75f; const float CharacterComponent::EXP_LEVEL_FLEXIBILITY = 1.0f; Script::Ref CharacterComponent::mDeathCallback; Script::Ref CharacterComponent::mDeathAcceptedCallback; Script::Ref CharacterComponent::mLoginCallback; static bool executeCallback(Script::Ref function, Entity &entity) { if (!function.isValid()) return false; Script *script = ScriptManager::currentState(); script->prepare(function); script->push(&entity); script->execute(entity.getMap()); return true; } CharacterComponent::CharacterComponent(Entity &entity, MessageIn &msg): mClient(nullptr), mConnected(true), mTransactionHandler(nullptr), mSpecialUpdateNeeded(false), mDatabaseID(-1), mHairStyle(0), mHairColor(0), mLevel(1), mLevelProgress(0), mUpdateLevelProgress(false), mRecalculateLevel(true), mParty(0), mTransaction(TRANS_NONE), mTalkNpcId(0), mNpcThread(0), mKnuckleAttackInfo(0), mBaseEntity(&entity) { auto *beingComponent = entity.getComponent(); const AttributeManager::AttributeScope &attributes = attributeManager->getAttributeScope(CharacterScope); LOG_DEBUG("Character creation: initialisation of " << attributes.size() << " attributes."); for (auto attributeScope : attributes) beingComponent->createAttribute(attributeScope.first, *attributeScope.second); auto *actorComponent = entity.getComponent(); actorComponent->setWalkMask(Map::BLOCKMASK_WALL); actorComponent->setBlockType(BLOCKTYPE_CHARACTER); actorComponent->setSize(16); CombatComponent *combatcomponent = new CombatComponent(entity); entity.addComponent(combatcomponent); combatcomponent->getAttacks().attack_added.connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &CharacterComponent::attackAdded)); combatcomponent->getAttacks().attack_removed.connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &CharacterComponent::attackRemoved)); // Default knuckle attack int damageBase = beingComponent->getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_STR); int damageDelta = damageBase / 2; Damage knuckleDamage; knuckleDamage.skill = skillManager->getDefaultSkillId(); knuckleDamage.base = damageBase; knuckleDamage.delta = damageDelta; knuckleDamage.cth = 2; knuckleDamage.element = ELEMENT_NEUTRAL; knuckleDamage.type = DAMAGE_PHYSICAL; knuckleDamage.range = DEFAULT_TILE_LENGTH; mKnuckleAttackInfo = new AttackInfo(0, knuckleDamage, 7, 3, 0); combatcomponent->addAttack(mKnuckleAttackInfo); // Get character data. mDatabaseID = msg.readInt32(); beingComponent->setName(msg.readString()); CharacterData characterData(&entity, this); deserializeCharacterData(characterData, msg); Inventory(&entity, mPossessions).initialize(); modifiedAllAttributes(entity);; beingComponent->signal_attribute_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun( this, &CharacterComponent::attributeChanged)); } CharacterComponent::~CharacterComponent() { delete mNpcThread; delete mKnuckleAttackInfo; } void CharacterComponent::update(Entity &entity) { // Update character level if needed. if (mRecalculateLevel) { mRecalculateLevel = false; recalculateLevel(entity); } // Dead character: don't regenerate anything else if (entity.getComponent()->getAction() == DEAD) return; // Update special recharge for (SpecialMap::iterator it = mSpecials.begin(), it_end = mSpecials.end(); it != it_end; it++) { SpecialValue &s = it->second; if (s.specialInfo->rechargeable && s.currentMana < s.specialInfo->neededMana) { s.currentMana += s.rechargeSpeed; if (s.currentMana >= s.specialInfo->neededMana && s.specialInfo->rechargedCallback.isValid()) { Script *script = ScriptManager::currentState(); script->prepare(s.specialInfo->rechargedCallback); script->push(&entity); script->push(s.specialInfo->id); script->execute(entity.getMap()); } } } if (mSpecialUpdateNeeded) { sendSpecialUpdate(); mSpecialUpdateNeeded = false; } } void CharacterComponent::characterDied(Entity *being) { executeCallback(mDeathCallback, *being); } void CharacterComponent::respawn(Entity &entity) { auto *beingComponent = entity.getComponent(); if (beingComponent->getAction() != DEAD) { LOG_WARN("Character \"" << beingComponent->getName() << "\" tried to respawn without being dead"); return; } // Make it alive again beingComponent->setAction(entity, STAND); // Reset target entity.getComponent()->clearTarget(); // Execute respawn callback when set if (executeCallback(mDeathAcceptedCallback, entity)) return; // No script respawn callback set - fall back to hardcoded logic const double maxHp = beingComponent->getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_MAX_HP); beingComponent->setAttribute(entity, ATTR_HP, maxHp); // Warp back to spawn point. int spawnMap = Configuration::getValue("char_respawnMap", 1); int spawnX = Configuration::getValue("char_respawnX", 1024); int spawnY = Configuration::getValue("char_respawnY", 1024); GameState::enqueueWarp(&entity, MapManager::getMap(spawnMap), Point(spawnX, spawnY)); } bool CharacterComponent::specialUseCheck(SpecialMap::iterator it) { if (it == mSpecials.end()) { LOG_INFO("Character uses special " << it->first << " without authorization."); return false; } //check if the special is currently recharged SpecialValue &special = it->second; if (special.specialInfo->rechargeable && special.currentMana < special.specialInfo->neededMana) { LOG_INFO("Character uses special " << it->first << " which is not recharged. (" << special.currentMana << "/" << special.specialInfo->neededMana << ")"); return false; } if (!special.specialInfo->useCallback.isValid()) { LOG_WARN("No callback for use of special " << special.specialInfo->setName << "/" << special.specialInfo->name << ". Ignoring special."); return false; } return true; } void CharacterComponent::useSpecialOnBeing(Entity &user, int id, Entity *b) { SpecialMap::iterator it = mSpecials.find(id); if (!specialUseCheck(it)) return; SpecialValue &special = it->second; if (special.specialInfo->target != SpecialManager::TARGET_BEING) return; //tell script engine to cast the spell Script *script = ScriptManager::currentState(); script->prepare(special.specialInfo->useCallback); script->push(&user); script->push(b); script->push(special.specialInfo->id); script->execute(user.getMap()); } void CharacterComponent::useSpecialOnPoint(Entity &user, int id, int x, int y) { SpecialMap::iterator it = mSpecials.find(id); if (!specialUseCheck(it)) return; SpecialValue &special = it->second; if (special.specialInfo->target != SpecialManager::TARGET_POINT) return; //tell script engine to cast the spell Script *script = ScriptManager::currentState(); script->prepare(special.specialInfo->useCallback); script->push(&user); script->push(x); script->push(y); script->push(special.specialInfo->id); script->execute(user.getMap()); } bool CharacterComponent::giveSpecial(int id, int currentMana) { if (mSpecials.find(id) == mSpecials.end()) { const SpecialManager::SpecialInfo *specialInfo = specialManager->getSpecialInfo(id); if (!specialInfo) { LOG_ERROR("Tried to give not existing special id " << id << "."); return false; } mSpecials.insert(std::pair( id, SpecialValue(currentMana, specialInfo))); mSpecialUpdateNeeded = true; return true; } return false; } bool CharacterComponent::setSpecialMana(int id, int mana) { SpecialMap::iterator it = mSpecials.find(id); if (it != mSpecials.end()) { it->second.currentMana = mana; mSpecialUpdateNeeded = true; return true; } return false; } bool CharacterComponent::setSpecialRechargeSpeed(int id, int speed) { SpecialMap::iterator it = mSpecials.find(id); if (it != mSpecials.end()) { it->second.rechargeSpeed = speed; mSpecialUpdateNeeded = true; return true; } return false; } void CharacterComponent::sendSpecialUpdate() { //GPMSG_SPECIAL_STATUS = 0x0293, // { B specialID, L current, L max, L recharge } MessageOut msg(GPMSG_SPECIAL_STATUS); for (SpecialMap::iterator it = mSpecials.begin(), it_end = mSpecials.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { msg.writeInt8(it->first); msg.writeInt32(it->second.currentMana); msg.writeInt32(it->second.specialInfo->neededMana); msg.writeInt32(it->second.rechargeSpeed); } gameHandler->sendTo(mClient, msg); } void CharacterComponent::cancelTransaction() { TransactionType t = mTransaction; mTransaction = TRANS_NONE; switch (t) { case TRANS_TRADE: static_cast< Trade * >(mTransactionHandler)->cancel(); break; case TRANS_BUYSELL: static_cast< BuySell * >(mTransactionHandler)->cancel(); break; case TRANS_NONE: return; } } Trade *CharacterComponent::getTrading() const { return mTransaction == TRANS_TRADE ? static_cast< Trade * >(mTransactionHandler) : nullptr; } BuySell *CharacterComponent::getBuySell() const { return mTransaction == TRANS_BUYSELL ? static_cast< BuySell * >(mTransactionHandler) : nullptr; } void CharacterComponent::setTrading(Trade *t) { if (t) { cancelTransaction(); mTransactionHandler = t; mTransaction = TRANS_TRADE; } else { assert(mTransaction == TRANS_NONE || mTransaction == TRANS_TRADE); mTransaction = TRANS_NONE; } } void CharacterComponent::setBuySell(BuySell *t) { if (t) { cancelTransaction(); mTransactionHandler = t; mTransaction = TRANS_BUYSELL; } else { assert(mTransaction == TRANS_NONE || mTransaction == TRANS_BUYSELL); mTransaction = TRANS_NONE; } } void CharacterComponent::sendStatus(Entity &entity) { auto *beingComponent = entity.getComponent(); MessageOut attribMsg(GPMSG_PLAYER_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE); for (std::set::const_iterator i = mModifiedAttributes.begin(), i_end = mModifiedAttributes.end(); i != i_end; ++i) { int attr = *i; attribMsg.writeInt16(attr); attribMsg.writeInt32(beingComponent->getAttributeBase(attr) * 256); attribMsg.writeInt32(beingComponent->getModifiedAttribute(attr) * 256); } if (attribMsg.getLength() > 2) gameHandler->sendTo(mClient, attribMsg); mModifiedAttributes.clear(); MessageOut expMsg(GPMSG_PLAYER_EXP_CHANGE); for (std::set::const_iterator i = mModifiedExperience.begin(), i_end = mModifiedExperience.end(); i != i_end; ++i) { int skill = *i; expMsg.writeInt16(skill); expMsg.writeInt32(getExpGot(skill)); expMsg.writeInt32(getExpNeeded(skill)); expMsg.writeInt16(levelForExp(getExperience(skill))); } if (expMsg.getLength() > 2) gameHandler->sendTo(mClient, expMsg); mModifiedExperience.clear(); if (mUpdateLevelProgress) { mUpdateLevelProgress = false; MessageOut progressMessage(GPMSG_LEVEL_PROGRESS); progressMessage.writeInt8(mLevelProgress); gameHandler->sendTo(mClient, progressMessage); } } void CharacterComponent::modifiedAllAttributes(Entity &entity) { auto *beingComponent = entity.getComponent(); LOG_DEBUG("Marking all attributes as changed, requiring recalculation."); for (auto attribute : beingComponent->getAttributes()) { beingComponent->recalculateBaseAttribute(entity, attribute.first); mModifiedAttributes.insert(attribute.first); } } void CharacterComponent::attributeChanged(Entity *entity, unsigned attr) { auto *beingComponent = entity->getComponent(); // Inform the client of this attribute modification. accountHandler->updateAttributes(getDatabaseID(), attr, beingComponent->getAttributeBase(attr), beingComponent->getModifiedAttribute(attr)); mModifiedAttributes.insert(attr); // Update the knuckle Attack if required if (attr == ATTR_STR && mKnuckleAttackInfo) { // TODO: dehardcode this Damage &knuckleDamage = mKnuckleAttackInfo->getDamage(); knuckleDamage.base = beingComponent->getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_STR); knuckleDamage.delta = knuckleDamage.base / 2; } } int CharacterComponent::expForLevel(int level) { return int(pow(level, EXPCURVE_EXPONENT) * EXPCURVE_FACTOR); } int CharacterComponent::levelForExp(int exp) { return int(pow(float(exp) / EXPCURVE_FACTOR, 1.0f / EXPCURVE_EXPONENT)); } void CharacterComponent::receiveExperience(int skill, int experience, int optimalLevel) { // reduce experience when skill is over optimal level int levelOverOptimum = levelForExp(getExperience(skill)) - optimalLevel; if (optimalLevel && levelOverOptimum > 0) { experience *= EXP_LEVEL_FLEXIBILITY / (levelOverOptimum + EXP_LEVEL_FLEXIBILITY); } // Add exp int oldExp = mExperience[skill]; long int newExp = mExperience[skill] + experience; if (newExp < 0) newExp = 0; // Avoid integer underflow/negative exp. // Check the skill cap long int maxSkillCap = Configuration::getValue("game_maxSkillCap", INT_MAX); assert(maxSkillCap <= INT_MAX); // Avoid integer overflow. if (newExp > maxSkillCap) { newExp = maxSkillCap; if (oldExp != maxSkillCap) { LOG_INFO("Player hit the skill cap"); // TODO: Send a message to player letting them know they hit the cap // or not? } } mExperience[skill] = newExp; mModifiedExperience.insert(skill); // Inform account server if (newExp != oldExp) accountHandler->updateExperience(getDatabaseID(), skill, newExp); mRecalculateLevel = true; } void CharacterComponent::incrementKillCount(int monsterType) { std::map::iterator i = mKillCount.find(monsterType); if (i == mKillCount.end()) { // Character has never murdered this species before mKillCount[monsterType] = 1; } else { // Character is a repeated offender mKillCount[monsterType] ++; } } int CharacterComponent::getKillCount(int monsterType) const { std::map::const_iterator i = mKillCount.find(monsterType); if (i != mKillCount.end()) return i->second; return 0; } void CharacterComponent::recalculateLevel(Entity &entity) { std::list levels; std::map::const_iterator a; for (a = getSkillBegin(); a != getSkillEnd(); a++) { // Only use the first 1000 skill levels in calculation if (a->first < 1000) { float expGot = getExpGot(a->first); float expNeed = getExpNeeded(a->first); levels.push_back(levelForExp(a->first) + expGot / expNeed); } } levels.sort(); std::list::iterator i = levels.end(); float level = 0.0f; float factor = 1.0f; float factorSum = 0.0f; while (i != levels.begin()) { i--; level += *i * factor; factorSum += factor; factor *= LEVEL_SKILL_PRECEDENCE_FACTOR; } level /= factorSum; level += 1.0f; // + 1.0f because the lowest level is 1 and not 0 while (mLevel < level) { levelup(entity); } int levelProgress = int((level - floor(level)) * 100); if (levelProgress != mLevelProgress) { mLevelProgress = levelProgress; mUpdateLevelProgress = true; } } int CharacterComponent::getExpNeeded(size_t skill) const { int level = levelForExp(getExperience(skill)); return CharacterComponent::expForLevel(level + 1) - expForLevel(level); } int CharacterComponent::getExpGot(size_t skill) const { int level = levelForExp(getExperience(skill)); return mExperience.at(skill) - CharacterComponent::expForLevel(level); } void CharacterComponent::levelup(Entity &entity) { mLevel++; mCharacterPoints += CHARPOINTS_PER_LEVELUP; mCorrectionPoints += CORRECTIONPOINTS_PER_LEVELUP; if (mCorrectionPoints > CORRECTIONPOINTS_MAX) mCorrectionPoints = CORRECTIONPOINTS_MAX; MessageOut levelupMsg(GPMSG_LEVELUP); levelupMsg.writeInt16(mLevel); levelupMsg.writeInt16(mCharacterPoints); levelupMsg.writeInt16(mCorrectionPoints); gameHandler->sendTo(mClient, levelupMsg); LOG_INFO(entity.getComponent()->getName() << " reached level " << mLevel); } AttribmodResponseCode CharacterComponent::useCharacterPoint(Entity &entity, size_t attribute) { auto *beingComponent = entity.getComponent(); if (!attributeManager->isAttributeDirectlyModifiable(attribute)) return ATTRIBMOD_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE; if (!mCharacterPoints) return ATTRIBMOD_NO_POINTS_LEFT; --mCharacterPoints; const double base = beingComponent->getAttributeBase(attribute); beingComponent->setAttribute(entity, attribute, base + 1); beingComponent->updateDerivedAttributes(entity, attribute); return ATTRIBMOD_OK; } AttribmodResponseCode CharacterComponent::useCorrectionPoint(Entity &entity, size_t attribute) { auto *beingComponent = entity.getComponent(); if (!attributeManager->isAttributeDirectlyModifiable(attribute)) return ATTRIBMOD_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE; if (!mCorrectionPoints) return ATTRIBMOD_NO_POINTS_LEFT; if (beingComponent->getAttributeBase(attribute) <= 1) return ATTRIBMOD_DENIED; --mCorrectionPoints; ++mCharacterPoints; const double base = beingComponent->getAttributeBase(attribute); beingComponent->setAttribute(entity, attribute, base - 1); return ATTRIBMOD_OK; } void CharacterComponent::startNpcThread(Script::Thread *thread, int npcId) { if (mNpcThread) delete mNpcThread; mNpcThread = thread; mTalkNpcId = npcId; resumeNpcThread(); } void CharacterComponent::resumeNpcThread() { Script *script = ScriptManager::currentState(); assert(script->getCurrentThread() == mNpcThread); if (script->resume()) { MessageOut msg(GPMSG_NPC_CLOSE); msg.writeInt16(mTalkNpcId); gameHandler->sendTo(mClient, msg); mTalkNpcId = 0; mNpcThread = 0; } } void CharacterComponent::attackAdded(CombatComponent *combatComponent, Attack &attack) { // Remove knuckle attack if (attack.getAttackInfo() != mKnuckleAttackInfo) combatComponent->removeAttack(mKnuckleAttackInfo); } void CharacterComponent::attackRemoved(CombatComponent *combatComponent, Attack &attack) { // Add knuckle attack // 1 since the attack is not really removed yet. if (combatComponent->getAttacks().getNumber() == 1) combatComponent->addAttack(mKnuckleAttackInfo); } void CharacterComponent::disconnected(Entity &entity) { mConnected = false; // Make the dead characters respawn, even in case of disconnection. if (entity.getComponent()->getAction() == DEAD) respawn(entity); else GameState::remove(&entity); signal_disconnected.emit(entity); } bool CharacterComponent::takeSpecial(int id) { SpecialMap::iterator i = mSpecials.find(id); if (i != mSpecials.end()) { mSpecials.erase(i); mSpecialUpdateNeeded = true; return true; } return false; } void CharacterComponent::clearSpecials() { mSpecials.clear(); } void CharacterComponent::triggerLoginCallback(Entity &entity) { executeCallback(mLoginCallback, entity); }