/* * The Mana Server * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana Server. * * The Mana Server is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana Server. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "game-server/character.hpp" #include "common/configuration.hpp" #include "game-server/accountconnection.hpp" #include "game-server/attributemanager.hpp" #include "game-server/buysell.hpp" #include "game-server/eventlistener.hpp" #include "game-server/inventory.hpp" #include "game-server/item.hpp" #include "game-server/itemmanager.hpp" #include "game-server/gamehandler.hpp" #include "game-server/mapcomposite.hpp" #include "game-server/mapmanager.hpp" #include "game-server/state.hpp" #include "game-server/trade.hpp" #include "scripting/script.hpp" #include "net/messagein.hpp" #include "net/messageout.hpp" #include "serialize/characterdata.hpp" #include "utils/logger.h" #include "utils/speedconv.hpp" // Experience curve related values const float Character::EXPCURVE_EXPONENT = 3.0f; const float Character::EXPCURVE_FACTOR = 10.0f; const float Character::LEVEL_SKILL_PRECEDENCE_FACTOR = 0.75f; const float Character::EXP_LEVEL_FLEXIBILITY = 1.0f; Character::Character(MessageIn &msg): Being(OBJECT_CHARACTER), mClient(NULL), mTransactionHandler(NULL), mRechargePerSpecial(0), mSpecialUpdateNeeded(false), mDatabaseID(-1), mGender(0), mHairStyle(0), mHairColor(0), mLevel(1), mLevelProgress(0), mUpdateLevelProgress(false), mRecalculateLevel(true), mParty(0), mTransaction(TRANS_NONE) { const AttributeScopes &attr = attributeManager->getAttributeInfoForType(ATTR_CHAR); LOG_DEBUG("Character creation: initialisation of " << attr.size() << " attributes."); for (AttributeScopes::const_iterator it1 = attr.begin(), it1_end = attr.end(); it1 != it1_end; ++it1) mAttributes.insert(std::make_pair(it1->first, Attribute(*it1->second))); // Get character data. mDatabaseID = msg.readInt32(); setName(msg.readString()); deserializeCharacterData(*this, msg); mOld = getPosition(); Inventory(this).initialise(); modifiedAllAttribute(); setSize(16); // Give the character some specials for testing. //TODO: Get from quest vars and equipment giveSpecial(1); giveSpecial(2); giveSpecial(3); } void Character::update() { // Update character level if (mRecalculateLevel) { mRecalculateLevel = false; recalculateLevel(); } // Update special recharge std::list rechargeNeeded; int numRechargeNeeded = 0; for (std::map::iterator i = mSpecials.begin(); i != mSpecials.end(); i++) { Special * s = i->second; if (s->currentMana < s->neededMana) { rechargeNeeded.push_back(s); numRechargeNeeded++; } } if (numRechargeNeeded > 0) { mRechargePerSpecial = getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_INT) / numRechargeNeeded; for (std::list::iterator i = rechargeNeeded.begin(); i != rechargeNeeded.end(); i++) { (*i)->currentMana += mRechargePerSpecial; } } if (mSpecialUpdateNeeded) { sendSpecialUpdate(); mSpecialUpdateNeeded = false; } mStatusEffects.clear(); StatusEffects::iterator it = mStatus.begin(); while (it != mStatus.end()) { mStatusEffects[it->first] = it->second.time; it++; } Being::update(); } void Character::perform() { if (mAction != ATTACK || mTarget == NULL) return; // wait before next attack if (mActionTime > 100) { mActionTime -= 100; return; } std::list attacks; mAutoAttacks.tick(&attacks); if (attacks.empty()) return; // TODO: Install default attack? else for (std::list::iterator it = attacks.begin(); it != attacks.end(); ++it) performAttack(mTarget, it->getDamage()); } void Character::died() { Being::died(); Script::executeGlobalEventFunction("on_chr_death", this); } void Character::respawn() { if (mAction != DEAD) { LOG_WARN("Character \"" << getName() << "\" tried to respawn without being dead"); return; } // Make it alive again setAction(STAND); // Reset target mTarget = NULL; // Execute respawn script if (!Script::executeGlobalEventFunction("on_chr_death_accept", this)) { // Script-controlled respawning didn't work - fall back to // hardcoded logic. mAttributes[ATTR_HP].setBase(mAttributes[ATTR_MAX_HP].getModifiedAttribute()); updateDerivedAttributes(ATTR_HP); // Warp back to spawn point. int spawnMap = Configuration::getValue("char_respawnMap", 1); int spawnX = Configuration::getValue("char_respawnX", 1024); int spawnY = Configuration::getValue("char_respawnY", 1024); GameState::enqueueWarp(this, MapManager::getMap(spawnMap), spawnX, spawnY); } } void Character::useSpecial(int id) { //check if the character may use this special in general std::map::iterator i = mSpecials.find(id); if (i == mSpecials.end()) { LOG_INFO("Character uses special "<second; if (special->currentMana < special->neededMana) { LOG_INFO("Character uses special "<currentMana<<"/"<neededMana<<")"); return; } //tell script engine to cast the spell special->currentMana = 0; Script::performSpecialAction(id, this); mSpecialUpdateNeeded = true; return; } void Character::sendSpecialUpdate() { //GPMSG_SPECIAL_STATUS = 0x0293, // { B specialID, L current, L max, L recharge } for (std::map::iterator i = mSpecials.begin(); i != mSpecials.end(); i++) { MessageOut msg(GPMSG_SPECIAL_STATUS ); msg.writeInt8(i->first); msg.writeInt32(i->second->currentMana); msg.writeInt32(i->second->neededMana); msg.writeInt32(mRechargePerSpecial); /* Yes, the last one is redundant because it is the same for each special, but I would like to keep the netcode flexible enough to allow different recharge speed per special when necessary */ gameHandler->sendTo(this, msg); } } int Character::getMapId() const { return getMap()->getID(); } void Character::setMapId(int id) { setMap(MapManager::getMap(id)); } void Character::cancelTransaction() { TransactionType t = mTransaction; mTransaction = TRANS_NONE; switch (t) { case TRANS_TRADE: static_cast< Trade * >(mTransactionHandler)->cancel(); break; case TRANS_BUYSELL: static_cast< BuySell * >(mTransactionHandler)->cancel(); break; case TRANS_NONE: return; } } Trade *Character::getTrading() const { return mTransaction == TRANS_TRADE ? static_cast< Trade * >(mTransactionHandler) : NULL; } BuySell *Character::getBuySell() const { return mTransaction == TRANS_BUYSELL ? static_cast< BuySell * >(mTransactionHandler) : NULL; } void Character::setTrading(Trade *t) { if (t) { cancelTransaction(); mTransactionHandler = t; mTransaction = TRANS_TRADE; } else { assert(mTransaction == TRANS_NONE || mTransaction == TRANS_TRADE); mTransaction = TRANS_NONE; } } void Character::setBuySell(BuySell *t) { if (t) { cancelTransaction(); mTransactionHandler = t; mTransaction = TRANS_BUYSELL; } else { assert(mTransaction == TRANS_NONE || mTransaction == TRANS_BUYSELL); mTransaction = TRANS_NONE; } } void Character::sendStatus() { MessageOut attribMsg(GPMSG_PLAYER_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE); for (std::set::const_iterator i = mModifiedAttributes.begin(), i_end = mModifiedAttributes.end(); i != i_end; ++i) { int attr = *i; attribMsg.writeInt16(attr); attribMsg.writeInt32(getAttribute(attr) * 256); attribMsg.writeInt32(getModifiedAttribute(attr) * 256); } if (attribMsg.getLength() > 2) gameHandler->sendTo(this, attribMsg); mModifiedAttributes.clear(); MessageOut expMsg(GPMSG_PLAYER_EXP_CHANGE); for (std::set::const_iterator i = mModifiedExperience.begin(), i_end = mModifiedExperience.end(); i != i_end; ++i) { int skill = *i; expMsg.writeInt16(skill); expMsg.writeInt32(getExpGot(skill)); expMsg.writeInt32(getExpNeeded(skill)); } if (expMsg.getLength() > 2) gameHandler->sendTo(this, expMsg); mModifiedExperience.clear(); if (mUpdateLevelProgress) { mUpdateLevelProgress = false; MessageOut progressMessage(GPMSG_LEVEL_PROGRESS); progressMessage.writeInt8(mLevelProgress); gameHandler->sendTo(this, progressMessage); } } void Character::modifiedAllAttribute() { LOG_DEBUG("Marking all attributes as changed, requiring recalculation."); for (AttributeMap::iterator it = mAttributes.begin(), it_end = mAttributes.end(); it != it_end; ++it) updateDerivedAttributes(it->first); } void Character::updateDerivedAttributes(unsigned int attr) { // Much of this is remnants from the previous attribute system (placeholder?) // This could be improved by defining what attributes are derived from others // in xml or otherwise, so only those that need to be recomputed are. LOG_DEBUG("Received modified attribute recalculation request for " << attr << "."); if (!mAttributes.count(attr)) return; double newBase = getAttribute(attr); /* * Calculate new base. */ switch (attr) { case ATTR_ACCURACY: newBase = getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_DEX); // Provisional break; case ATTR_DEFENSE: newBase = 0.3 * getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_VIT); break; case ATTR_DODGE: newBase = getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_AGI); // Provisional break; case ATTR_MAGIC_DODGE: newBase = 1.0; // TODO break; case ATTR_MAGIC_DEFENSE: newBase = 0.0; // TODO break; case ATTR_BONUS_ASPD: newBase = 0.0; // TODO break; case ATTR_HP_REGEN: { double hpPerSec = getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_VIT) * 0.05; newBase = (hpPerSec * TICKS_PER_HP_REGENERATION / 10); } break; case ATTR_HP: double diff; if ((diff = getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_HP) - getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_MAX_HP)) > 0) newBase -= diff; break; case ATTR_MAX_HP: newBase = ((getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_VIT) + 3) * (getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_VIT) + 20)) * 0.125; break; case ATTR_MOVE_SPEED_TPS: newBase = 3.0 + getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_AGI) * 0.08; // Provisional. break; case ATTR_MOVE_SPEED_RAW: newBase = utils::tpsToSpeed(getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_MOVE_SPEED_TPS)); break; case ATTR_INV_CAPACITY: // Provisional newBase = 2000.0 + getModifiedAttribute(ATTR_STR) * 180.0; break; default: break; } if (newBase != getAttribute(attr)) Being::setAttribute(attr, newBase, false); else LOG_DEBUG("No changes to sync."); flagAttribute(attr); /* * Update attributes dependent on this one, if applicable. */ switch(attr) { case ATTR_STR: updateDerivedAttributes(ATTR_INV_CAPACITY); break; case ATTR_AGI: updateDerivedAttributes(ATTR_DODGE); updateDerivedAttributes(ATTR_MOVE_SPEED_TPS); break; case ATTR_VIT: updateDerivedAttributes(ATTR_MAX_HP); updateDerivedAttributes(ATTR_HP_REGEN); updateDerivedAttributes(ATTR_DEFENSE); break; case ATTR_INT: break; case ATTR_DEX: updateDerivedAttributes(ATTR_ACCURACY); break; case ATTR_WIL: break; case ATTR_MAX_HP: updateDerivedAttributes(ATTR_HP); break; case ATTR_MOVE_SPEED_TPS: updateDerivedAttributes(ATTR_MOVE_SPEED_RAW); break; default: break; } } void Character::flagAttribute(int attr) { // Inform the client of this attribute modification. accountHandler->updateAttributes(getDatabaseID(), attr, getAttribute(attr), getModifiedAttribute(attr)); mModifiedAttributes.insert(attr); if (attr == ATTR_INT) { mSpecialUpdateNeeded = true; } } int Character::expForLevel(int level) { return int(pow(level, EXPCURVE_EXPONENT) * EXPCURVE_FACTOR); } int Character::levelForExp(int exp) { return int(pow(float(exp) / EXPCURVE_FACTOR, 1.0f / EXPCURVE_EXPONENT)); } void Character::receiveExperience(int skill, int experience, int optimalLevel) { // reduce experience when skill is over optimal level int levelOverOptimum = levelForExp(getExperience(skill)) - optimalLevel; if (optimalLevel && levelOverOptimum > 0) { experience *= EXP_LEVEL_FLEXIBILITY / (levelOverOptimum + EXP_LEVEL_FLEXIBILITY); } // Add exp int oldExp = mExperience[skill]; long int newExp = mExperience[skill] + experience; if (newExp < 0) newExp = 0; // Avoid integer underflow/negative exp. // Check the skill cap long int maxSkillCap = Configuration::getValue("game_maxSkillCap", INT_MAX); assert(maxSkillCap <= INT_MAX); // Avoid integer overflow. if (newExp > maxSkillCap) { newExp = maxSkillCap; if (oldExp != maxSkillCap) { LOG_INFO("Player hit the skill cap"); // TODO: Send a message to player letting them know they hit the cap // or not? } } mExperience[skill] = newExp; mModifiedExperience.insert(skill); // Inform account server if (newExp != oldExp) accountHandler->updateExperience(getDatabaseID(), skill, newExp); // Check for skill levelup if (Character::levelForExp(newExp) >= Character::levelForExp(oldExp)) updateDerivedAttributes(skill); mRecalculateLevel = true; } void Character::incrementKillCount(int monsterType) { std::map::iterator i = mKillCount.find(monsterType); if (i == mKillCount.end()) { // Character has never murdered this species before mKillCount[monsterType] = 1; } else { // Character is a repeated offender mKillCount[monsterType] ++; } } int Character::getKillCount(int monsterType) const { std::map::const_iterator i = mKillCount.find(monsterType); if (i != mKillCount.end()) return i->second; return 0; } void Character::recalculateLevel() { std::list levels; std::map::const_iterator a; for (a = getSkillBegin(); a != getSkillEnd(); a++) { // Only use the first 1000 skill levels in calculation if (a->first < 1000) { float expGot = getExpGot(a->first); float expNeed = getExpNeeded(a->first); levels.push_back(levelForExp(a->first) + expGot / expNeed); } } levels.sort(); std::list::iterator i = levels.end(); float level = 0.0f; float factor = 1.0f; float factorSum = 0.0f; while (i != levels.begin()) { i--; level += *i * factor; factorSum += factor; factor *= LEVEL_SKILL_PRECEDENCE_FACTOR; } level /= factorSum; level += 1.0f; // + 1.0f because the lowest level is 1 and not 0 while (mLevel < level) { levelup(); } int levelProgress = int((level - floor(level)) * 100); if (levelProgress != mLevelProgress) { mLevelProgress = levelProgress; mUpdateLevelProgress = true; } } int Character::getExpNeeded(size_t skill) const { int level = levelForExp(getExperience(skill)); return Character::expForLevel(level + 1) - expForLevel(level); } int Character::getExpGot(size_t skill) const { int level = levelForExp(getExperience(skill)); return mExperience.at(skill) - Character::expForLevel(level); } void Character::levelup() { mLevel++; mCharacterPoints += CHARPOINTS_PER_LEVELUP; mCorrectionPoints += CORRECTIONPOINTS_PER_LEVELUP; if (mCorrectionPoints > CORRECTIONPOINTS_MAX) mCorrectionPoints = CORRECTIONPOINTS_MAX; MessageOut levelupMsg(GPMSG_LEVELUP); levelupMsg.writeInt16(mLevel); levelupMsg.writeInt16(mCharacterPoints); levelupMsg.writeInt16(mCorrectionPoints); gameHandler->sendTo(this, levelupMsg); LOG_INFO(getName()<<" reached level "<isAttributeDirectlyModifiable(attribute)) return ATTRIBMOD_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE; if (!mCharacterPoints) return ATTRIBMOD_NO_POINTS_LEFT; --mCharacterPoints; setAttribute(attribute, getAttribute(attribute) + 1); updateDerivedAttributes(attribute); return ATTRIBMOD_OK; } AttribmodResponseCode Character::useCorrectionPoint(size_t attribute) { if (!attributeManager->isAttributeDirectlyModifiable(attribute)) return ATTRIBMOD_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE; if (!mCorrectionPoints) return ATTRIBMOD_NO_POINTS_LEFT; if (getAttribute(attribute) <= 1) return ATTRIBMOD_DENIED; --mCorrectionPoints; ++mCharacterPoints; setAttribute(attribute, getAttribute(attribute) - 1); updateDerivedAttributes(attribute); return ATTRIBMOD_OK; } void Character::disconnected() { for (Listeners::iterator i = mListeners.begin(), i_end = mListeners.end(); i != i_end;) { const EventListener &l = **i; ++i; // In case the listener removes itself from the list on the fly. if (l.dispatch->disconnected) l.dispatch->disconnected(&l, this); } } Character::~Character() { if (getMap()) { Map *map = getMap()->getMap(); int tileWidth = map->getTileWidth(); int tileHeight = map->getTileHeight(); Point oldP = getPosition(); map->freeTile(oldP.x / tileWidth, oldP.y / tileHeight, getBlockType()); } } void Character::giveSpecial(int id) { if (mSpecials.find(id) == mSpecials.end()) { Special *s = new Special(); Script::addDataToSpecial(id, s); mSpecials[id] = s; mSpecialUpdateNeeded = true; } } void Character::takeSpecial(int id) { std::map::iterator i = mSpecials.find(id); if (i != mSpecials.end()) { delete i->second; mSpecials.erase(i); mSpecialUpdateNeeded = true; } } void Character::clearSpecials() { for(std::map::iterator i = mSpecials.begin(); i != mSpecials.end(); i++) { delete i->second; } mSpecials.clear(); }