/* * The Mana World Server * Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ #include #include "game-server/being.hpp" #include "defines.h" #include "game-server/collisiondetection.hpp" #include "game-server/eventlistener.hpp" #include "game-server/mapcomposite.hpp" #include "utils/logger.h" Being::Being(int type, int id): MovingObject(type, id), mAction(STAND) { Attribute attr = { 0, 0 }; mAttributes.resize(NB_BEING_ATTRIBUTES, attr); // Initialize element resistance to 100 (normal damage). for (int i = BASE_ELEM_BEGIN; i < BASE_ELEM_END; ++i) { mAttributes[i].base = 100; } } int Being::damage(Object *, Damage const &damage) { if (mAction == DEAD) return 0; int HPloss = damage.base; if (damage.delta) { HPloss += rand() / (RAND_MAX / (damage.delta + 1)); } /* Damage can either be avoided, or applied, or critical (applied twice). This is decided by comparing CTH and Evade. If they are equal, the probabilities are 10%, 80%, 10%. Otherwise, the bigger the CTH, the higher the chance to do a critical, up to 50%; and the bigger the Evade, the higher the chance to do evade the hit, up to 50% again. */ int avoidChance = 10, criticalChance = 10; int diff = damage.cth - getModifiedAttribute(BASE_ATTR_EVADE); if (diff > 0) { // CTH - Evade >= 200 => 50% critical criticalChance += diff * diff / 1000; if (criticalChance > 50) criticalChance = 50; } else if (diff < 0) { // Evade - CTH >= 200 => 50% avoid avoidChance += diff * diff / 10000; if (avoidChance > 50) avoidChance = 50; } int chance = rand() / (RAND_MAX / 100); if (chance <= avoidChance) { mHitsTaken.push_back(0); return 0; } if (chance >= 100 - criticalChance) HPloss *= 2; /* Elemental modifier at 100 means normal damage. At 0, it means immune. And at 200, it means vulnerable (double damage). */ int mod1 = getModifiedAttribute(BASE_ELEM_BEGIN + damage.element); /* Resistance to damage at 0 gives normal damage. At 100, it gives halved damage. At 200, it divides damage by 3. And so on. */ int mod2 = 0; switch (damage.type) { case DAMAGE_PHYSICAL: mod2 = getModifiedAttribute(BASE_ATTR_PHY_RES); break; case DAMAGE_MAGICAL: mod2 = getModifiedAttribute(BASE_ATTR_MAG_RES); break; default: break; } HPloss = HPloss * mod1 / (100 + mod2); mHitsTaken.push_back(HPloss); LOG_DEBUG("Being " << getPublicID() << " got hit."); Attribute &HP = mAttributes[BASE_ATTR_HP]; if (HPloss >= HP.base + HP.mod) HPloss = HP.base + HP.mod; if (HPloss > 0) { HP.mod -= HPloss; modifiedAttribute(BASE_ATTR_HP); if (HP.base + HP.mod == 0) died(); } return HPloss; } void Being::died() { if (mAction == DEAD) return; LOG_DEBUG("Being " << getPublicID() << " died."); setAction(DEAD); // dead beings stay where they are clearDestination(); for (Listeners::iterator i = mListeners.begin(), i_end = mListeners.end(); i != i_end;) { EventListener const &l = **i; ++i; // In case the listener removes itself from the list on the fly. if (l.dispatch->died) l.dispatch->died(&l, this); } } void Being::move() { MovingObject::move(); if (mAction == WALK || mAction == STAND) { if (mActionTime) { mAction = WALK; } else { mAction = STAND; } } } void Being::performAttack(Damage const &damage) { int SHORT_RANGE = 60; int SMALL_ANGLE = 35; Point ppos = getPosition(); int dir = getDirection(); int attackAngle = 0; switch (dir) { case DIRECTION_UP: attackAngle = 90; break; case DIRECTION_DOWN: attackAngle = 270; break; case DIRECTION_LEFT: attackAngle = 180; break; case DIRECTION_RIGHT: attackAngle = 0; break; default: break; } for (MovingObjectIterator i(getMap()->getAroundObjectIterator(this, SHORT_RANGE)); i; ++i) { MovingObject *o = *i; if (o == this) continue; int type = o->getType(); if (type != OBJECT_CHARACTER && type != OBJECT_MONSTER) continue; Point opos = o->getPosition(); if (Collision::diskWithCircleSector( opos, o->getSize(), ppos, SHORT_RANGE, SMALL_ANGLE, attackAngle) ) { static_cast< Being * >(o)->damage(this, damage); } } } void Being::setAction(Action action) { mAction = action; if (action != Being::ATTACK && // The players are informed about these actions action != Being::WALK) // by other messages { raiseUpdateFlags(UPDATEFLAG_ACTIONCHANGE); } } void Being::applyModifier(int attr, int amount, int duration, int lvl) { if (duration) { AttributeModifier mod; mod.attr = attr; mod.value = amount; mod.duration = duration; mod.level = lvl; mModifiers.push_back(mod); } mAttributes[attr].mod += amount; modifiedAttribute(attr); } void Being::dispellModifiers(int level) { AttributeModifiers::iterator i = mModifiers.begin(); while (i != mModifiers.end()) { if (i->level && i->level <= level) { mAttributes[i->attr].mod -= i->value; modifiedAttribute(i->attr); i = mModifiers.erase(i); continue; } ++i; } } int Being::getModifiedAttribute(int attr) const { int res = mAttributes[attr].base + mAttributes[attr].mod; return res <= 0 ? 0 : res; } void Being::update() { // Update lifetime of effects. AttributeModifiers::iterator i = mModifiers.begin(); while (i != mModifiers.end()) { --i->duration; if (!i->duration) { mAttributes[i->attr].mod -= i->value; modifiedAttribute(i->attr); i = mModifiers.erase(i); continue; } ++i; } }