/* * The Mana Server * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana Server. * * The Mana Server is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana Server. If not, see . */ #include "game-server/attributemanager.h" #include "common/defines.h" #include "game-server/attributeinfo.h" #include "utils/string.h" #include "utils/logger.h" void AttributeManager::initialize() { } void AttributeManager::reload() { deinitialize(); initialize(); } void AttributeManager::deinitialize() { mTagMap.clear(); mAttributeNameMap.clear(); for (auto &it : mAttributeMap) delete it.second; mAttributeMap.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < MaxScope; ++i) mAttributeScopes[i].clear(); } AttributeInfo *AttributeManager::getAttributeInfo( int id) const { auto ret = mAttributeMap.find(id); if (ret == mAttributeMap.end()) return 0; return ret->second; } AttributeInfo *AttributeManager::getAttributeInfo( const std::string &name) const { if (mAttributeNameMap.contains(name)) return mAttributeNameMap.value(name); return 0; } const std::set &AttributeManager::getAttributeScope(ScopeType type) const { return mAttributeScopes[type]; } ModifierLocation AttributeManager::getLocation(const std::string &tag) const { if (mTagMap.find(tag) != mTagMap.end()) return mTagMap.at(tag); else return ModifierLocation(0, 0); } const std::string *AttributeManager::getTag(const ModifierLocation &location) const { for (auto &it : mTagMap) { if (it.second == location) return &it.first; } return 0; } /** * Read a element from settings. * Used by SettingsManager. */ void AttributeManager::readAttributeNode(xmlNodePtr attributeNode) { int id = XML::getProperty(attributeNode, "id", 0); if (id <= 0) { LOG_WARN("Attribute manager: attribute '" << id << "' has an invalid id and will be ignored."); return; } std::string name = XML::getProperty(attributeNode, "name", std::string()); if (name.empty()) { LOG_WARN("Attribute manager: attribute '" << id << "' does not have a name! Skipping..."); return; } AttributeInfo *attribute = new AttributeInfo(id, name); attribute->persistent = XML::getBoolProperty(attributeNode, "persistent", false); attribute->modifiers = std::vector(); attribute->minimum = XML::getFloatProperty(attributeNode, "minimum", std::numeric_limits::min()); attribute->maximum = XML::getFloatProperty(attributeNode, "maximum", std::numeric_limits::max()); attribute->modifiable = XML::getBoolProperty(attributeNode, "modifiable", false); const std::string scope = utils::toUpper( XML::getProperty(attributeNode, "scope", std::string())); bool hasScope = false; if (scope.find("CHARACTER") != std::string::npos) { mAttributeScopes[CharacterScope].insert(attribute); LOG_DEBUG("Attribute manager: attribute '" << id << "' added to default character scope."); hasScope = true; } if (scope.find("MONSTER") != std::string::npos) { mAttributeScopes[MonsterScope].insert(attribute); LOG_DEBUG("Attribute manager: attribute '" << id << "' added to default monster scope."); hasScope = true; } if (scope == "BEING") { mAttributeScopes[BeingScope].insert(attribute); LOG_DEBUG("Attribute manager: attribute '" << id << "' added to default being scope."); hasScope = true; } if (!hasScope) { LOG_WARN("Attribute manager: attribute '" << id << "' has no (valid) scope. Skipping..."); delete attribute; return; } for_each_xml_child_node(subNode, attributeNode) { if (xmlStrEqual(subNode->name, BAD_CAST "modifier")) { readModifierNode(subNode, id, attribute); } } mAttributeMap[id] = attribute; mAttributeNameMap[name] = attribute; } /** * Check the status of recently loaded configuration. */ void AttributeManager::checkStatus() { LOG_DEBUG("attribute map:"); LOG_DEBUG("Stackable is " << Stackable << ", NonStackable is " << NonStackable << ", NonStackableBonus is " << NonStackableBonus << "."); LOG_DEBUG("Additive is " << Additive << ", Multiplicative is " << Multiplicative << "."); const std::string *tag; unsigned count = 0; for (auto &attributeIt : mAttributeMap) { unsigned lCount = 0; LOG_DEBUG(" "<< attributeIt.first<<" : "); for (auto &modifierIt : attributeIt.second->modifiers) { tag = getTag(ModifierLocation(attributeIt.first, lCount)); std::string end = tag ? "tag of '" + (*tag) + "'." : "no tag."; LOG_DEBUG(" stackableType: " << modifierIt.stackableType << ", effectType: " << modifierIt.effectType << ", and " << end); ++lCount; ++count; } } LOG_INFO("Loaded '" << mAttributeMap.size() << "' attributes with '" << count << "' modifier layers."); for (auto &tagIt : mTagMap) { LOG_DEBUG("Tag '" << tagIt.first << "': '" << tagIt.second.attributeId << "', '" << tagIt.second.layer << "'."); } LOG_INFO("Loaded '" << mTagMap.size() << "' modifier tags."); } void AttributeManager::readModifierNode(xmlNodePtr modifierNode, int attributeId, AttributeInfo *info) { const std::string stackableTypeString = utils::toUpper( XML::getProperty(modifierNode, "stacktype", std::string())); const std::string effectTypeString = utils::toUpper( XML::getProperty(modifierNode, "modtype", std::string())); const std::string tag = XML::getProperty(modifierNode, "tag", std::string()); if (stackableTypeString.empty()) { LOG_WARN("Attribute manager: attribute '" << attributeId << "' has undefined stackable type, skipping modifier!"); return; } if (effectTypeString.empty()) { LOG_WARN("Attribute manager: attribute '" << attributeId << "' has undefined modification type, skipping modifier!"); return; } StackableType stackableType; ModifierEffectType effectType; if (stackableTypeString == "STACKABLE") stackableType = Stackable; else if (stackableTypeString == "NON STACKABLE") stackableType = NonStackable; else if (stackableTypeString == "NON STACKABLE BONUS") stackableType = NonStackableBonus; else { LOG_WARN("Attribute manager: attribute '" << attributeId << "' has unknown stackable type '" << stackableTypeString << "', skipping modifier!"); return; } if (effectTypeString == "ADDITIVE") effectType = Additive; else if (effectTypeString == "MULTIPLICATIVE") effectType = Multiplicative; else { LOG_WARN("Attribute manager: attribute '" << attributeId << "' has unknown modification type '" << effectTypeString << "', skipping modifier!"); return; } if (stackableType == NonStackable && effectType == Multiplicative) { LOG_WARN("Attribute manager: attribute '" << attributeId << "' has a non sense modifier. " << "Having NonStackable and Multiplicative makes no sense! " << "Skipping modifier!"); return; } info->modifiers.push_back( AttributeModifier(stackableType, effectType)); if (!tag.empty()) { const int layer = info->modifiers.size() - 1; mTagMap.insert(std::make_pair(tag, ModifierLocation(attributeId, layer))); } }