/* * The Mana Server * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana Server. * * The Mana Server is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana Server. If not, see . */ #include "account-server/character.h" #include "account-server/account.h" #include "net/messagein.h" #include "net/messageout.h" CharacterData::CharacterData(const std::string &name, int id): mName(name), mDatabaseID(id), mCharacterSlot(0), mAccountID(-1), mAccount(nullptr), mMapId(0), mGender(0), mHairStyle(0), mHairColor(0), mAttributePoints(0), mCorrectionPoints(0), mAccountLevel(0) { } void CharacterData::serialize(MessageOut &msg) { // general character properties msg.writeInt8(getAccountLevel()); msg.writeInt8(getGender()); msg.writeInt8(getHairStyle()); msg.writeInt8(getHairColor()); msg.writeInt16(getAttributePoints()); msg.writeInt16(getCorrectionPoints()); const AttributeMap &attributes = getAttributes(); msg.writeInt16(attributes.size()); for (auto attributeIt : attributes) { msg.writeInt16(attributeIt.first); msg.writeDouble(attributeIt.second.getBase()); } // status effects currently affecting the character msg.writeInt16(getStatusEffectSize()); std::map::const_iterator status_it; for (status_it = getStatusEffectBegin(); status_it != getStatusEffectEnd(); status_it++) { msg.writeInt16(status_it->first); msg.writeInt16(status_it->second.time); } // location msg.writeInt16(getMapId()); const Point &pos = getPosition(); msg.writeInt16(pos.x); msg.writeInt16(pos.y); // kill count msg.writeInt16(getKillCountSize()); std::map::const_iterator kills_it; for (kills_it = getKillCountBegin(); kills_it != getKillCountEnd(); kills_it++) { msg.writeInt16(kills_it->first); msg.writeInt32(kills_it->second); } // character abilities const std::set &abilities = getAbilities(); msg.writeInt16(abilities.size()); for (auto &abilityId : abilities) { msg.writeInt32(abilityId); } // inventory - must be last because size isn't transmitted const Possessions &poss = getPossessions(); const EquipData &equipData = poss.getEquipment(); const InventoryData &inventoryData = poss.getInventory(); for (InventoryData::const_iterator itemIt = inventoryData.begin(), itemIt_end = inventoryData.end(); itemIt != itemIt_end; ++itemIt) { int slot = itemIt->first; msg.writeInt16(slot); msg.writeInt16(itemIt->second.itemId); msg.writeInt16(itemIt->second.amount); if (equipData.find(itemIt->first) != equipData.end()) msg.writeInt8(1); // equipped else msg.writeInt8(0); // not equipped } } void CharacterData::deserialize(MessageIn &msg) { // general character properties setAccountLevel(msg.readInt8()); setGender(ManaServ::getGender(msg.readInt8())); setHairStyle(msg.readInt8()); setHairColor(msg.readInt8()); setAttributePoints(msg.readInt16()); setCorrectionPoints(msg.readInt16()); // character attributes unsigned attrSize = msg.readInt16(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < attrSize; ++i) { unsigned id = msg.readInt16(); double base = msg.readDouble(), mod = msg.readDouble(); setAttribute(id, base); setModAttribute(id, mod); } // status effects currently affecting the character int statusSize = msg.readInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < statusSize; i++) { int status = msg.readInt16(); int time = msg.readInt16(); applyStatusEffect(status, time); } // location setMapId(msg.readInt16()); Point temporaryPoint; temporaryPoint.x = msg.readInt16(); temporaryPoint.y = msg.readInt16(); setPosition(temporaryPoint); // kill count int killSize = msg.readInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < killSize; i++) { int monsterId = msg.readInt16(); int kills = msg.readInt32(); setKillCount(monsterId, kills); } // character abilities int abilitiesSize = msg.readInt16(); clearAbilities(); for (int i = 0; i < abilitiesSize; i++) { const int id = msg.readInt32(); giveAbility(id); } // inventory - must be last because size isn't transmitted Possessions &poss = getPossessions(); InventoryData inventoryData; EquipData equipmentData; while (msg.getUnreadLength()) { InventoryItem i; i.slot = msg.readInt16(); i.itemId = msg.readInt16(); i.amount = msg.readInt16(); i.equipmentSlot = msg.readInt8(); inventoryData.insert(std::make_pair(i.slot, i)); if (i.equipmentSlot != 0) equipmentData.insert(i.slot); } poss.setInventory(inventoryData); poss.setEquipment(equipmentData); } void CharacterData::setAccount(Account *acc) { mAccount = acc; mAccountID = acc->getID(); mAccountLevel = acc->getLevel(); } void CharacterData::giveAbility(int id) { mAbilities.insert(id); }