------------------------------------------------------------- -- Mana Support Library -- -- -- -- Functions which are called by the game engine and -- -- helper functions useful for writing other scripts. -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2008 The Mana World Development Team -- -- -- -- This file is part of The Mana Server. -- -- -- -- The Mana Server is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require "scripts/lua/libmana-constants" -- Array containing the function registered by atinit. local init_fun = {} -- Table of scheduled jobs. A job is an array with 3 elements: -- 0: the UNIX timestamp when it is executed -- 1: the function which is executed -- 2: nil when it is a one-time job. Repetition interval is seconds when it is -- a repeated job. local scheduler_jobs = {} -- checks for jobs which have to be executed, executes them and reschedules -- them when they are repeated jobs. local function check_schedule() local current_time = os.time() while #scheduler_jobs~=0 and current_time > scheduler_jobs[#scheduler_jobs][0] do -- retreive the job and remove it from the schedule job = scheduler_jobs[#scheduler_jobs] table.remove(scheduler_jobs) -- reschedule the job when it is a repeated job if job[2] then schedule_every(job[2], job[1]) end -- execute the job job[1]() end end -- Registered as the function to call every tick. -- Checks for scheduled function calls and cleans obsolete connections. local function update() check_schedule() end -- Registers a function so that is is executed during map initialization. function atinit(f) init_fun[#init_fun + 1] = f end -- Called by the game for creating NPCs embedded into maps. -- Delays the creation until map initialization is performed. -- Note: Assumes that the "npc_handler" global field contains the NPC handler. local function create_npc_delayed(name, id, gender, x, y) -- Bind the name to a local variable first, as it will be reused. local h = npc_handler atinit(function() npc_create(name, id, gender, x, y, h) end) npc_handler = nil end -- Called during map initialization, for each map. -- Executes all the functions registered by atinit. local function map_initialize() for i,f in ipairs(init_fun) do f() end init_fun = {} end -- SCHEDULER -- compare function used to sort the scheduler_jobs table. -- the jobs which come first are at the end of the table. local function job_cmp(job1, job2) return (job1[0] > job2[0]) end -- schedules a function call to be executed once in n seconds function schedule_in(seconds, funct) local job = {} job[0] = os.time() + seconds job[1] = funct job[2] = nil table.insert(scheduler_jobs, job) table.sort(scheduler_jobs, job_cmp) end -- schedules a function call to be executed at regular intervals of n seconds function schedule_every(seconds, funct) local job = {} job[0] = os.time() + seconds job[1] = funct job[2] = seconds table.insert(scheduler_jobs, job) table.sort(scheduler_jobs, job_cmp) end -- schedules a function call to be executed at a given date function schedule_per_date(my_year, my_month, my_day, my_hour, my_minute, funct) local job = {} job[0] = os.time{year = my_year, month = my_month, day = my_day, hour = my_hour, min = my_minute} job[1] = funct job[2] = nil table.insert(scheduler_jobs, job) table.sort(scheduler_jobs, job_cmp) end -- MAP/WORLD VARIABLES NOTIFICATIONS local onmapvar_functs = {} local onworldvar_functs = {} local function on_mapvar_callback(key, value) local functs = onmapvar_functs[key] local mapid = get_map_id() for func, map in pairs(functs) do if map == mapid then func(key, value) end end end local function on_worldvar_callback(key, value) local functs = onworldvar_functs[key] for func, _ in pairs(functs) do func(key, value) end end function on_mapvar_changed(key, funct) if not onmapvar_functs[key] then onmapvar_functs[key] = {} on_mapvar_changed(key, on_mapvar_callback) end onmapvar_functs[key][funct] = get_map_id() end function on_worldvar_changed(key, funct) if not onworldvar_functs[key] then onworldvar_functs[key] = {} on_worldvar_changed(key, on_worldvar_callback) end onworldvar_functs[key][funct] = true end function remove_mapvar_listener(key, funct) onmapvar_functs[key][funct] = nil end function remove_worldvar_listener(key, funct) onworldvar_functs[key][funct] = nil end -- DEATH NOTIFICATIONS local ondeath_functs = {} local onremove_functs = {} -- requests the gameserver to notify the script engine when the being -- dies and adds a script function to be executed in this case. function on_death(being, funct) if ondeath_functs[being] == nil then ondeath_functs[being] = {} end table.insert(ondeath_functs[being], funct) being_register(being) end -- requests the gameserver to notify the script engine when the being -- dies and adds a script function to be executed in this case. function on_remove(being, funct) if onremove_functs[being] == nil then onremove_functs[being] = {} end table.insert(onremove_functs[being], funct) being_register(being) end -- Registered as callback for when a registered being dies. local function death_notification(being) if type(ondeath_functs[being]) == "table" then for i,funct in pairs(ondeath_functs[being]) do funct() end ondeath_functs[being] = nil end end -- Registered as callback for when a registered being is removed. local function remove_notification(being) if type(onremove_functs[being]) == "table" then for i,funct in pairs(onremove_functs[being]) do funct() end onremove_functs[being] = nil ondeath_functs[being] = nil end end -- Below are some convenience methods added to the engine API chr_money_change = function(ch, amount) being_set_base_attribute( ch, ATTR_GP, being_get_base_attribute(ch, ATTR_GP) + amount) end chr_money = function(ch) return being_get_base_attribute(ch, ATTR_GP) end -- Register callbacks on_update(update) on_create_npc_delayed(create_npc_delayed) on_map_initialize(map_initialize) on_being_death(death_notification) on_being_remove(remove_notification)