--[[ Basic stroll ai --]] local STROLL_TIMEOUT = 20 local STROLL_TIMEOUT_RANDOMNESS = 10 local TARGET_SEARCH_DELAY = 10 local mob_stati = {} local angerlist = {} local mob_config = require "scripts/monster/settings" local function calculate_position_priority(x1, y1, x2, y2, anger, range) if math.floor(x1 / TILESIZE) == math.floor(x2 / TILESIZE) and math.floor(y1 / TILESIZE) == math.floor(y2 / TILESIZE) then -- Both on the same tile return anger * range end local path_length = get_path_length(x1, y1, x2, y2, range, "w") return (range - path_length) * anger end local function update_attack_ai(mob, tick) local config = mob_config[mob:name()] local target local target_priority local attack_x, attack_y local mob_status = mob_stati[mob] local timer = mob_status.update_target_timer if timer and timer > tick then return false end for _, being in ipairs(get_beings_in_circle(mob, config.trackrange)) do if being:type() == TYPE_CHARACTER and being:action() ~= ACTION_DEAD then local anger = angerlist[being] or 0 if anger == 0 and config.aggressive then anger = 1 end local possible_attack_positions = { { x = being:x() - config.attack_distance, y = being:y(), }, { x = being:x(), y = being:y() - config.attack_distance, }, { x = being:x() + config.attack_distance, y = being:y(), }, { x = being:x(), y = being:y() + config.attack_distance, }, } for _, point in ipairs(possible_attack_positions) do local priority = calculate_position_priority(mob:x(), mob:y(), point.x, point.y, anger, config.trackrange) if priority > 0 and (not target or priority > target_priority) then target = being target_priority = priority attack_x, attack_y = point.x, point.y end end end end mob_status.update_target_timer = tick + TARGET_SEARCH_DELAY if not target then return false end local x, y = mob:position() if x == attack_x and y == attack_y then mob:use_ability(config.ability_id, target) else mob:walk(attack_x, attack_y) end return true end local function update_stroll_timer(mob_status, tick) mob_status.stroll_timer = tick + STROLL_TIMEOUT + math.random(STROLL_TIMEOUT_RANDOMNESS) end local function update_stroll(mob, tick) local mobconfig = mob_config[mob:name()] local mob_status = mob_stati[mob] local strollrange = mobconfig and mobconfig.strollrange or nil if (not mob_status.stroll_timer or mob_status.stroll_timer <= tick) and strollrange then local x, y = mob:position() local destination_x = math.random(x - strollrange, x + strollrange) local destination_y = math.random(y - strollrange, y + strollrange) if is_walkable(destination_x, destination_y) then mob:walk(destination_x, destination_y) end update_stroll_timer(mob_status, tick) end end local function remove_mob(mob) mob_stati[mob] = nil end local function update(mob, tick) local mob_status = mob_stati[mob] if not mob_status then mob_status = {} mob_stati[mob] = mob_status on_remove(mob, remove_mob) end local stop_stroll = update_attack_ai(mob, tick) if stop_stroll then update_stroll_timer(mob_status, tick) else update_stroll(mob, tick) end end local function mob_attack(mob, target, ability_id) local config = mob_config[mob:name()] target:damage(mob, config.damage) end local function mob_recharged(mob, ability_id) mob_stati[mob].update_target_timer = 0 -- Enforce looking for new target end local mob_attack_ability = get_ability_info("Monster attack_Basic Monster strike") mob_attack_ability:on_use(mob_attack) mob_attack_ability:on_recharged(mob_recharged) -- Register all update functions for the ai for _, monsterclass in pairs(get_monster_classes()) do monsterclass:on_update(update) end