2005-12-03 Yohann Ferreira * src/accounthandler.cpp: Handling good conditions to register. Still lacks checking if the Email already exists. * src/dalstorage.cpp: Fixed a bug that throwed an exception when logging with an account that had no mapInfo yet. Still has to set these to defaults in such case. 2005-12-02 Yohann Ferreira * src/main.cpp, src/accounthandler.h, src/accounthandler.cpp, src/configuration.h: Made the accounthandler reopen the db for SQLite to enable registering ! Now working. 2005-11-21 Aaron Marks * src/state.cpp: Re-ordered a few statements to work better. * src/dalstorage.cpp: Now sets being's current map when getting a player's account. 2005-11-16 Aaron Marks * src/state.h, src/state.cpp: Updated world related functions. * src/accounthandler.cpp: Now adds players who have selected a character to the game world. * src/object.h: Updated to include member variable for current map the object is located. 2005-11-15 Aaron Marks * src/state.h, src/state.cpp: Updated world representation, added various methods which provide easy access to the game world. * src/defines.h: Added "private message" message. * src/client.cpp, scripts/init.rb: Added experimental remote access to Ruby's functionality. 2005-11-14 Aaron Marks * src/bindings.i: Enabled "directors", allowing scripting language to override virtual functions. 2005-11-12 Aaron Marks * src/main.cpp: Added scripting with Ruby support * src/bindings.i: Created basic SWIG bindings. * src/Makefile.am: Updated to support Ruby & generate SWIG bindings. * configure.ac: Updated to detect SWIG & Ruby, using them appropriately. * scripts/init.rb: Server initialization test script. 2005-11-10 Aaron Marks * src/client.cpp: Updated client to support moving and equipping. * src/being.h, src/being.cpp: Added "hasItem" * src/state.cpp: Added beings updating. 2005-10-24 Yohann Ferreira * src/main.cpp: Added more useful infos at startup. * src/dal/dataprovider.h, src/dal/dataprovider.cpp, src/dal/sqlitedataprovider.cpp, src/dal/mysqldataprovider.cpp, src/dal/pqdataprovider.cpp, src/main.cpp, src/client.cpp: Grammar corrections, and a little bit of work on getting the name of the Db.