/* * Gui Skinning * Copyright (C) 2008 The Legend of Mazzeroth Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009 Aethyra Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 The Mana Developers * * This file is part of The Mana Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "resources/theme.h" #include "client.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "log.h" #include "resources/dye.h" #include "resources/image.h" #include "resources/imageset.h" #include "resources/resourcemanager.h" #include "utils/dtor.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include "utils/xml.h" #include #include static std::string defaultThemePath; std::string Theme::mThemePath; Theme *Theme::mInstance = 0; // Set the theme path... static void initDefaultThemePath() { ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); defaultThemePath = branding.getStringValue("guiThemePath"); if (!defaultThemePath.empty() && resman->isDirectory(defaultThemePath)) return; else defaultThemePath = "graphics/gui/"; } Skin::Skin(ImageRect skin, Image *close, Image *stickyUp, Image *stickyDown, const std::string &filePath, const std::string &name): instances(0), mFilePath(filePath), mName(name), mBorder(skin), mCloseImage(close), mStickyImageUp(stickyUp), mStickyImageDown(stickyDown) {} Skin::~Skin() { // Clean up static resources for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) delete mBorder.grid[i]; mCloseImage->decRef(); delete mStickyImageUp; delete mStickyImageDown; } void Skin::updateAlpha(float minimumOpacityAllowed) { const float alpha = std::max(minimumOpacityAllowed, config.getFloatValue("guialpha")); for_each(mBorder.grid, mBorder.grid + 9, std::bind2nd(std::mem_fun(&Image::setAlpha), alpha)); mCloseImage->setAlpha(alpha); mStickyImageUp->setAlpha(alpha); mStickyImageDown->setAlpha(alpha); } int Skin::getMinWidth() const { return mBorder.grid[ImageRect::UPPER_LEFT]->getWidth() + mBorder.grid[ImageRect::UPPER_RIGHT]->getWidth(); } int Skin::getMinHeight() const { return mBorder.grid[ImageRect::UPPER_LEFT]->getHeight() + mBorder.grid[ImageRect::LOWER_LEFT]->getHeight(); } Theme::Theme(): Palette(THEME_COLORS_END), mMinimumOpacity(-1.0f), mProgressColors(ProgressColors(THEME_PROG_END)) { initDefaultThemePath(); listen(Event::ConfigChannel); loadColors(); mColors[HIGHLIGHT].ch = 'H'; mColors[CHAT].ch = 'C'; mColors[GM].ch = 'G'; mColors[PLAYER].ch = 'Y'; mColors[WHISPER].ch = 'W'; mColors[IS].ch = 'I'; mColors[PARTY].ch = 'P'; mColors[GUILD].ch = 'U'; mColors[SERVER].ch = 'S'; mColors[LOGGER].ch = 'L'; mColors[HYPERLINK].ch = '<'; } Theme::~Theme() { delete_all(mSkins); delete_all(mProgressColors); } Theme *Theme::instance() { if (!mInstance) mInstance = new Theme; return mInstance; } void Theme::deleteInstance() { delete mInstance; mInstance = 0; } gcn::Color Theme::getProgressColor(int type, float progress) { DyePalette *dye = mInstance->mProgressColors[type]; int color[3] = {0, 0, 0}; dye->getColor(progress, color); return gcn::Color(color[0], color[1], color[2]); } Skin *Theme::load(const std::string &filename, const std::string &defaultPath) { // Check if this skin was already loaded SkinIterator skinIterator = mSkins.find(filename); if (mSkins.end() != skinIterator) { skinIterator->second->instances++; return skinIterator->second; } Skin *skin = readSkin(filename); if (!skin) { // Try falling back on the defaultPath if this makes sense if (filename != defaultPath) { logger->log("Error loading skin '%s', falling back on default.", filename.c_str()); skin = readSkin(defaultPath); } if (!skin) { logger->error(strprintf("Error: Loading default skin '%s' failed. " "Make sure the skin file is valid.", defaultPath.c_str())); } } // Add the skin to the loaded skins mSkins[filename] = skin; return skin; } void Theme::setMinimumOpacity(float minimumOpacity) { if (minimumOpacity > 1.0f) return; mMinimumOpacity = minimumOpacity; updateAlpha(); } void Theme::updateAlpha() { for (SkinIterator iter = mSkins.begin(); iter != mSkins.end(); ++iter) iter->second->updateAlpha(mMinimumOpacity); } void Theme::event(Event::Channel channel, const Event &event) { if (channel == Event::ConfigChannel && event.getType() == Event::ConfigOptionChanged && event.getString("option") == "guialpha") { updateAlpha(); } } Skin *Theme::readSkin(const std::string &filename) { if (filename.empty()) return 0; logger->log("Loading skin '%s'.", filename.c_str()); XML::Document doc(resolveThemePath(filename)); xmlNodePtr rootNode = doc.rootNode(); if (!rootNode || !xmlStrEqual(rootNode->name, BAD_CAST "skinset")) return 0; const std::string skinSetImage = XML::getProperty(rootNode, "image", ""); if (skinSetImage.empty()) { logger->log("Theme::readSkin(): Skinset does not define an image!"); return 0; } logger->log("Theme::load(): defines '%s' as a skin image.", skinSetImage.c_str()); Image *dBorders = Theme::getImageFromTheme(skinSetImage); ImageRect border; memset(&border, 0, sizeof(ImageRect)); // iterate 's for_each_xml_child_node(widgetNode, rootNode) { if (!xmlStrEqual(widgetNode->name, BAD_CAST "widget")) continue; const std::string widgetType = XML::getProperty(widgetNode, "type", "unknown"); if (widgetType == "Window") { // Iterate through 's // LEEOR / TODO: // We need to make provisions to load in a CloseButton image. For // now it can just be hard-coded. for_each_xml_child_node(partNode, widgetNode) { if (!xmlStrEqual(partNode->name, BAD_CAST "part")) continue; const std::string partType = XML::getProperty(partNode, "type", "unknown"); // TOP ROW const int xPos = XML::getProperty(partNode, "xpos", 0); const int yPos = XML::getProperty(partNode, "ypos", 0); const int width = XML::getProperty(partNode, "width", 1); const int height = XML::getProperty(partNode, "height", 1); if (partType == "top-left-corner") border.grid[0] = dBorders->getSubImage(xPos, yPos, width, height); else if (partType == "top-edge") border.grid[1] = dBorders->getSubImage(xPos, yPos, width, height); else if (partType == "top-right-corner") border.grid[2] = dBorders->getSubImage(xPos, yPos, width, height); // MIDDLE ROW else if (partType == "left-edge") border.grid[3] = dBorders->getSubImage(xPos, yPos, width, height); else if (partType == "bg-quad") border.grid[4] = dBorders->getSubImage(xPos, yPos, width, height); else if (partType == "right-edge") border.grid[5] = dBorders->getSubImage(xPos, yPos, width, height); // BOTTOM ROW else if (partType == "bottom-left-corner") border.grid[6] = dBorders->getSubImage(xPos, yPos, width, height); else if (partType == "bottom-edge") border.grid[7] = dBorders->getSubImage(xPos, yPos, width, height); else if (partType == "bottom-right-corner") border.grid[8] = dBorders->getSubImage(xPos, yPos, width, height); else logger->log("Theme::readSkin(): Unknown part type '%s'", partType.c_str()); } } else { logger->log("Theme::readSkin(): Unknown widget type '%s'", widgetType.c_str()); } } dBorders->decRef(); logger->log("Finished loading skin."); // Hard-coded for now until we update the above code to look for window buttons Image *closeImage = Theme::getImageFromTheme("close_button.png"); Image *sticky = Theme::getImageFromTheme("sticky_button.png"); Image *stickyImageUp = sticky->getSubImage(0, 0, 15, 15); Image *stickyImageDown = sticky->getSubImage(15, 0, 15, 15); sticky->decRef(); Skin *skin = new Skin(border, closeImage, stickyImageUp, stickyImageDown, filename); skin->updateAlpha(mMinimumOpacity); return skin; } bool Theme::tryThemePath(std::string themePath) { if (!themePath.empty()) { themePath = defaultThemePath + themePath; if (PHYSFS_exists(themePath.c_str())) { mThemePath = themePath; return true; } } return false; } void Theme::prepareThemePath() { // Ensure the Theme object has been created instance(); // Try theme from settings if (!tryThemePath(config.getStringValue("theme"))) // Try theme from branding if (!tryThemePath(branding.getStringValue("theme"))) // Use default mThemePath = defaultThemePath; instance()->loadColors(mThemePath); } std::string Theme::resolveThemePath(const std::string &path) { // Need to strip off any dye info for the existence tests int pos = path.find('|'); std::string file; if (pos > 0) file = path.substr(0, pos); else file = path; // Might be a valid path already if (PHYSFS_exists(file.c_str())) return path; // Try the theme file = getThemePath() + "/" + file; if (PHYSFS_exists(file.c_str())) return getThemePath() + "/" + path; // Backup return std::string(defaultThemePath) + "/" + path; } Image *Theme::getImageFromTheme(const std::string &path) { ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); return resman->getImage(resolveThemePath(path)); } ImageSet *Theme::getImageSetFromTheme(const std::string &path, int w, int h) { ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); return resman->getImageSet(resolveThemePath(path), w, h); } static int readColorType(const std::string &type) { static std::string colors[] = { "TEXT", "NPC_DIALOG_TEXT", "SHADOW", "OUTLINE", "PROGRESS_BAR", "BUTTON", "BUTTON_DISABLED", "TAB", "PARTY_CHAT_TAB", "PARTY_SOCIAL_TAB", "BACKGROUND", "HIGHLIGHT", "TAB_FLASH", "SHOP_WARNING", "ITEM_EQUIPPED", "CHAT", "GM", "PLAYER", "WHISPER", "IS", "PARTY", "GUILD", "SERVER", "LOGGER", "HYPERLINK", "UNKNOWN_ITEM", "GENERIC", "HEAD", "USABLE", "TORSO", "ONEHAND", "LEGS", "FEET", "TWOHAND", "SHIELD", "RING", "NECKLACE", "ARMS", "AMMO", "SERVER_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED" }; if (type.empty()) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < Theme::THEME_COLORS_END; i++) { if (compareStrI(type, colors[i]) == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } static gcn::Color readColor(const std::string &description) { int size = description.length(); if (size < 7 || description[0] != '#') { error: logger->log("Error, invalid theme color palette: %s", description.c_str()); return Palette::BLACK; } int v = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 7; ++i) { char c = description[i]; int n; if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') n = c - '0'; else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') n = c - 'A' + 10; else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') n = c - 'a' + 10; else goto error; v = (v << 4) | n; } return gcn::Color(v); } static Palette::GradientType readColorGradient(const std::string &grad) { static std::string grads[] = { "STATIC", "PULSE", "SPECTRUM", "RAINBOW" }; if (grad.empty()) return Palette::STATIC; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (compareStrI(grad, grads[i])) return (Palette::GradientType) i; } return Palette::STATIC; } static int readProgressType(const std::string &type) { static std::string colors[] = { "DEFAULT", "HP", "MP", "NO_MP", "EXP", "INVY_SLOTS", "WEIGHT", "JOB" }; if (type.empty()) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < Theme::THEME_PROG_END; i++) { if (compareStrI(type, colors[i]) == 0) return i; } return -1; } void Theme::loadColors(std::string file) { if (file == defaultThemePath) return; // No need to reload if (file == "") file = defaultThemePath; file += "/" COLORS_XML_FILE; XML::Document doc(file); xmlNodePtr root = doc.rootNode(); if (!root || !xmlStrEqual(root->name, BAD_CAST "colors")) { logger->log("Error loading colors file: %s", file.c_str()); return; } int type; std::string temp; gcn::Color color; GradientType grad; for_each_xml_child_node(node, root) { if (xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST "color")) { type = readColorType(XML::getProperty(node, "id", "")); if (type < 0) // invalid or no type given continue; temp = XML::getProperty(node, "color", ""); if (temp.empty()) // no color set, so move on continue; color = readColor(temp); grad = readColorGradient(XML::getProperty(node, "effect", "")); mColors[type].set(type, color, grad, 10); } else if (xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST "progressbar")) { type = readProgressType(XML::getProperty(node, "id", "")); if (type < 0) // invalid or no type given continue; mProgressColors[type] = new DyePalette(XML::getProperty(node, "color", "")); } } }