/* The Mana World Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team This file is part of The Mana World. The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA By ElvenProgrammer aka Eugenio Favalli (umperio@users.upagiro.net) Bertram */ #include "main.h" #include "./sound/sound.h" #include "./graphic/graphic.h" #include "./graphic/2xsai.h" #include // Part of the patch - bertram #ifdef __USE_UNIX98 #include #include #include #include #endif // End of a part of the patch - bertram /* Account infos */ int account_ID, session_ID1, session_ID2; char sex, n_server, n_character; SERVER_INFO *server_info; PLAYER_INFO *char_info = new PLAYER_INFO; BITMAP *playerset; DATAFILE *graphic, *emotions; char username[25]; char password[25]; int map_address, char_ID; short map_port; char map_name[16]; unsigned char state; unsigned short x, y; unsigned char direction; unsigned short job, hair, hair_color; unsigned char stretch_mode; // new sound-engine /- kth5 TmwSound sound; void request_exit() { state = EXIT; } /** Do all initialization stuff */ void init_engine() { allegro_init(); init_log(); set_close_button_callback(request_exit); // we should not use set_window_close_hook() since it's deprecated and might be gone in the future /-kth5 // A little sample of code that will add (or not) the home user directory to read the tmw.ini file in, if we are under Linux. - Bertram // This has the goal to have each user is own ini.file under linux. And I do this because i'm expecting to make packages of manaworld for linux, so the tmw.ini will be copied at the right place before the first execution of the application... char *dir = new char[400]; strcpy(dir, ""); #ifndef __USE_UNIX98 // WIN32 and else... printf("Windows and else version\n"); strcpy(dir, "tmw.ini"); #endif #ifdef __USE_UNIX98 printf("Linux Version\n"); // Linux ! char *userHome; char *name = getlogin(); passwd *pass; if (name != NULL) pass = getpwnam(name); else pass = getpwuid(geteuid()); if (pass == NULL) { printf("Couldn't determine the user home directory. Exitting.\n"); exit(1); } userHome = pass->pw_dir; // Checking if homeuser/.manaworld folder exists. sprintf(dir, "%s/.manaworld", userHome); if ((mkdir(dir, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH) != 0) && (errno != EEXIST)) { printf("%s can't be made... And doesn't exist ! Exitting ...", dir); exit(1); } sprintf(dir, "%s/.manaworld/tmw.ini", userHome); //printf("file is : %s\n", dir); // You don't have to delete name and userHome, since they both point to datas that mustn't be destroyed while LINUX is running. #endif // Checking if the tmw.ini file exists... otherwise creates it with default options ! FILE *tmwFile = 0; tmwFile = fopen(dir, "r"); // If we can't read it, it doesn't exist ! if ( tmwFile == NULL ) { // We reopen the file in write mode and we create it printf("No file : %s\n, Creating Default Options...\n", dir); tmwFile = fopen(dir, "wt"); if ( tmwFile == NULL ) { printf("Can't create %s file. Using Defaults.\n", dir); } else { // tmw.ini creation fprintf(tmwFile, "[system]\nsystem =\nkeyboard = en\nlanguage = \ncore_version = 0.0.8\n\n"); fprintf(tmwFile, "[server]\nhost = animesites.de\nport = 6901\n\n"); fprintf(tmwFile, "[settings]\n; = Screen mode:\n; = 1 Fullscreen\n; = 2 Windowed\nscreen = 2\n"); fprintf(tmwFile, "; = Sound:\n; = 1 enabled\n; = 0 disabled\nsound = 0\n"); char * chatlogFilename = new char [400]; #ifdef __USE_UNIX98 sprintf(chatlogFilename, "%s/.manaworld/chatlog.txt", userHome); #else strcpy(chatlogFilename, "chatlog.txt"); #endif fprintf(tmwFile, "; = Chat logfile location:\nchatlog = %s\n", chatlogFilename); delete chatlogFilename; chatlogFilename = 0; fprintf(tmwFile, "; = Display strecth mode:\n; = 0 Disabled (Test only)\n; = 1 Normal\n; = 2 SuperEagle\n"); fprintf(tmwFile, "stretch = 1\n\n"); fprintf(tmwFile, "[login]\nremember = 1\nusername = Player\n"); fclose(tmwFile); } } set_config_file(dir); delete dir; dir = 0; // End of portion of code revised... Bertram // set_config_file("tmw.ini"); #ifdef MACOSX set_color_depth(32); Init_2xSaI(32); #else set_color_depth(16); Init_2xSaI(16); #endif stretch_mode = get_config_int("settings", "stretch", 0); set_window_title("The Mana World"); if(set_gfx_mode(get_config_int("settings", "screen", 0), 800, 600, 0, 0)) error(allegro_error); if(install_keyboard()) error("Unable to install keyboard"); if(install_timer()) error("Unable to install timer"); if(install_mouse()==-1) error("Unable to install mouse"); if(alfont_init()!=ALFONT_OK) error("Unable to install AllegroFont"); buffer = create_bitmap(800, 600); if(!buffer) error("Not enough memory to create buffer"); graphic = load_datafile("./data/graphic/graphic.dat"); if(graphic==NULL) error("Unable to load graphic datafile"); playerset = (BITMAP*)graphic[PLAYERSET_BMP].dat; emotions = load_datafile("./data/graphic/emotions.dat"); if(emotions==NULL) error("Unable to load emotions datafile"); init_gui(buffer, "./data/Skin/aqua.skin"); state = LOGIN; } /** Clear the engine */ void exit_engine() { gui_exit(); //alfont_exit(); destroy_bitmap(buffer); allegro_exit(); } /** Main */ int main() { init_engine(); // initialize sound-engine and start playing intro-theme /-kth5 try{ if(get_config_int("settings", "sound", 0)==1) sound.Init(32,20); // inits the sound-subsystem w/ 32 voices / 20 for mod sound.SetVol(128,128,128); // sets intial volume parameters //#ifdef WIN32 //sound.StartMIDI("Sound/Midis/city.mid",-1); // play a midi file //#endif //sound.LoadItem("test.wav", TMWSOUND_SFX); }catch(const char * err){ // catch errors and show appropriate messages on-screen (elven plz... ^^) ok("Sound Engine", err); warning(err); } while(state!=EXIT) { switch(state) { case LOGIN: status("LOGIN"); login(); break; case CHAR_SERVER: status("CHAR_SERVER"); char_server(); break; case CHAR_SELECT: status("CHAR_SELECT"); char_select(); break; case GAME: sound.StopBGM(); status("GAME"); map_start(); if( state==GAME ) game(); break; default: state = EXIT; break; } } status("EXIT"); exit_engine(); return 0; } END_OF_MAIN();