/* * The Mana World * Copyright (C) 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "main.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "emoteshortcut.h" #include "game.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "itemshortcut.h" #include "keyboardconfig.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "lockedarray.h" #include "log.h" #ifdef USE_OPENGL #include "openglgraphics.h" #endif #include "playerrelations.h" #include "sound.h" #include "statuseffect.h" #include "units.h" #include "gui/widgets/button.h" #include "gui/widgets/desktop.h" #include "gui/widgets/label.h" #include "gui/widgets/progressbar.h" #include "gui/changeemaildialog.h" #include "gui/changepassworddialog.h" #include "gui/charselectdialog.h" #include "gui/connectiondialog.h" #include "gui/gui.h" #include "gui/skin.h" #include "gui/login.h" #include "gui/okdialog.h" #include "gui/palette.h" #include "gui/quitdialog.h" #include "gui/register.h" #include "gui/sdlinput.h" #include "gui/serverdialog.h" #include "gui/setup.h" #include "gui/unregisterdialog.h" #include "gui/updatewindow.h" #include "gui/worldselectdialog.h" #include "net/charhandler.h" #include "net/gamehandler.h" #include "net/generalhandler.h" #include "net/logindata.h" #include "net/loginhandler.h" #include "net/net.h" #include "net/worldinfo.h" #ifdef MANASERV_SUPPORT #include "net/manaserv/charhandler.h" #include "net/manaserv/connection.h" #include "net/manaserv/generalhandler.h" #include "net/manaserv/loginhandler.h" #include "net/manaserv/network.h" #endif #ifdef MANASERV_SUPPORT #include "net/manaserv/accountserver/accountserver.h" #include "net/manaserv/accountserver/account.h" #include "net/manaserv/chatserver/chatserver.h" #include "net/manaserv/gameserver/gameserver.h" #endif #include "resources/colordb.h" #include "resources/emotedb.h" #include "resources/image.h" #include "resources/itemdb.h" #include "resources/monsterdb.h" #include "resources/npcdb.h" #include "resources/resourcemanager.h" #include "utils/gettext.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include #define usleep(usec) (Sleep ((usec) / 1000), 0) #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #include #endif namespace { class SetupListener : public gcn::ActionListener { public: /** * Called when receiving actions from widget. */ void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event); } listener; } static const int defaultSfxVolume = 100; static const int defaultMusicVolume = 60; #ifdef MANASERV_SUPPORT extern Net::Connection *gameServerConnection; extern Net::Connection *chatServerConnection; extern Net::Connection *accountServerConnection; #endif Graphics *graphics; Game *game = 0; State state = STATE_START; std::string errorMessage; Sound sound; Music *bgm; Configuration config; /**< XML file configuration reader */ Configuration branding; /**< XML branding information reader */ Logger *logger; /**< Log object */ KeyboardConfig keyboard; LoginData loginData; LockedArray charInfo(MAX_CHARACTER_COUNT); Palette *guiPalette; // This anonymous namespace hides whatever is inside from other modules. namespace { std::string homeDir; std::string updateHost; std::string updatesDir; SDL_Surface *icon; /** * A structure holding the values of various options that can be passed from * the command line. */ struct Options { /** * Constructor. */ Options(): printHelp(false), printVersion(false), skipUpdate(false), chooseDefault(false), noOpenGL(false), serverPort(0) {} bool printHelp; bool printVersion; bool skipUpdate; bool chooseDefault; bool noOpenGL; std::string username; std::string password; std::string character; std::string configPath; std::string updateHost; std::string dataPath; std::string homeDir; std::string serverName; short serverPort; }; /** * Parse the update host and determine the updates directory * Then verify that the directory exists (creating if needed). */ static void setUpdatesDir() { std::stringstream updates; // If updatesHost is currently empty, fill it from config file if (updateHost.empty()) { updateHost = config.getValue("updatehost", "http://updates.themanaworld.org/"); } // Remove any trailing slash at the end of the update host if (updateHost.at(updateHost.size() - 1) == '/') updateHost.resize(updateHost.size() - 1); // Parse out any "http://" or "ftp://", and set the updates directory size_t pos; pos = updateHost.find("://"); if (pos != updateHost.npos) { if (pos + 3 < updateHost.length()) { updates << "updates/" << updateHost.substr(pos + 3); updatesDir = updates.str(); } else { logger->log("Error: Invalid update host: %s", updateHost.c_str()); errorMessage = strprintf(_("Invalid update host: %s"), updateHost.c_str()); state = STATE_ERROR; } } else { logger->log("Warning: no protocol was specified for the update host"); updates << "updates/" << updateHost; updatesDir = updates.str(); } ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); // Verify that the updates directory exists. Create if necessary. if (!resman->isDirectory("/" + updatesDir)) { if (!resman->mkdir("/" + updatesDir)) { #if defined WIN32 std::string newDir = homeDir + "\\" + updatesDir; std::string::size_type loc = newDir.find("/", 0); while (loc != std::string::npos) { newDir.replace(loc, 1, "\\"); loc = newDir.find("/", loc); } if (!CreateDirectory(newDir.c_str(), 0) && GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { logger->log("Error: %s can't be made, but doesn't exist!", newDir.c_str()); errorMessage = _("Error creating updates directory!"); state = STATE_ERROR; } #else logger->log("Error: %s/%s can't be made, but doesn't exist!", homeDir.c_str(), updatesDir.c_str()); errorMessage = _("Error creating updates directory!"); state = STATE_ERROR; #endif } } } /** * Initializes the home directory. On UNIX and FreeBSD, ~/.mana is used. On * Windows and other systems we use the current working directory. */ static void initHomeDir(const Options &options) { homeDir = options.homeDir; if (homeDir.empty()) { #ifdef __APPLE__ // Use Application Directory instead of .mana homeDir = std::string(PHYSFS_getUserDir()) + "/Library/Application Support/" + branding.getValue("appName", "Mana"); #else homeDir = std::string(PHYSFS_getUserDir()) + "/." + branding.getValue("appShort", "mana"); #endif } #if defined WIN32 if (!CreateDirectory(homeDir.c_str(), 0) && GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) #else // Create home directory if it doesn't exist already if ((mkdir(homeDir.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) != 0) && (errno != EEXIST)) #endif { logger->error(strprintf(_("%s doesn't exist and can't be created! " "Exiting."), homeDir.c_str())); } } /** * Initialize configuration. */ static void initConfiguration(const Options &options) { // Fill configuration with defaults logger->log("Initializing configuration..."); std::string defaultHost = branding.getValue("defaultServer", "server.themanaworld.org"); int defaultPort = (int)branding.getValue("defaultPort", DEFAULT_PORT); config.setValue("port", defaultPort); config.setValue("hwaccel", false); #if (defined __APPLE__ || defined WIN32) && defined USE_OPENGL config.setValue("opengl", true); #else config.setValue("opengl", false); #endif config.setValue("screen", false); config.setValue("sound", true); config.setValue("guialpha", 0.8f); config.setValue("remember", true); config.setValue("sfxVolume", 100); config.setValue("musicVolume", 60); config.setValue("fpslimit", 60); std::string defaultUpdateHost = branding.getValue("defaultUpdateHost", "http://updates.themanaworld.org"); config.setValue("updatehost", defaultUpdateHost); config.setValue("customcursor", true); config.setValue("ChatLogLength", 128); // Checking if the configuration file exists... otherwise create it with // default options. FILE *configFile = 0; std::string configPath = options.configPath; if (configPath.empty()) configPath = homeDir + "/config.xml"; configFile = fopen(configPath.c_str(), "r"); // If we can't read it, it doesn't exist ! if (configFile == NULL) { // We reopen the file in write mode and we create it configFile = fopen(configPath.c_str(), "wt"); } if (configFile == NULL) { logger->log("Can't create %s. Using defaults.", configPath.c_str()); } else { fclose(configFile); config.init(configPath); } } /** * Do all initialization stuff. */ static void initEngine(const Options &options) { // Initialize SDL logger->log("Initializing SDL..."); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_TIMER) < 0) { logger->error(strprintf("Could not initialize SDL: %s", SDL_GetError())); } atexit(SDL_Quit); SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); SDL_WM_SetCaption(branding.getValue("appName", "The Mana World").c_str(), NULL); ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); if (!resman->setWriteDir(homeDir)) { logger->error(strprintf("%s couldn't be set as home directory! " "Exiting.", homeDir.c_str())); } // Add the user's homedir to PhysicsFS search path resman->addToSearchPath(homeDir, false); // Add the main data directories to our PhysicsFS search path if (!options.dataPath.empty()) { resman->addToSearchPath(options.dataPath, true); } resman->addToSearchPath("data", true); #if defined __APPLE__ CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle(); CFURLRef resourcesURL = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(mainBundle); char path[PATH_MAX]; if (!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(resourcesURL, TRUE, (UInt8 *)path, PATH_MAX)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't find Resources directory\n"); } CFRelease(resourcesURL); strncat(path, "/data", PATH_MAX - 1); resman->addToSearchPath(path, true); #else resman->addToSearchPath(PKG_DATADIR "data", true); #endif #ifdef WIN32 static SDL_SysWMinfo pInfo; SDL_GetWMInfo(&pInfo); HICON icon = LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), "A"); if (icon) { SetClassLong(pInfo.window, GCL_HICON, (LONG) icon); } #else icon = IMG_Load(resman->getPath(branding.getValue("appIcon", "data/icons/mana.png")).c_str()); if (icon) { SDL_SetAlpha(icon, SDL_SRCALPHA, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); SDL_WM_SetIcon(icon, NULL); } #endif #ifdef USE_OPENGL bool useOpenGL = !options.noOpenGL && (config.getValue("opengl", 0) == 1); // Setup image loading for the right image format Image::setLoadAsOpenGL(useOpenGL); // Create the graphics context graphics = useOpenGL ? new OpenGLGraphics : new Graphics; #else // Create the graphics context graphics = new Graphics; #endif const int width = (int) config.getValue("screenwidth", defaultScreenWidth); const int height = (int) config.getValue("screenheight", defaultScreenHeight); const int bpp = 0; const bool fullscreen = ((int) config.getValue("screen", 0) == 1); const bool hwaccel = ((int) config.getValue("hwaccel", 0) == 1); // Try to set the desired video mode if (!graphics->setVideoMode(width, height, bpp, fullscreen, hwaccel)) { logger->error(strprintf("Couldn't set %dx%dx%d video mode: %s", width, height, bpp, SDL_GetError())); } // Initialize for drawing graphics->_beginDraw(); // Initialize the item shortcuts. itemShortcut = new ItemShortcut; // Initialize the emote shortcuts. emoteShortcut = new EmoteShortcut; gui = new Gui(graphics); // Initialize sound engine try { if (config.getValue("sound", 0) == 1) sound.init(); sound.setSfxVolume((int) config.getValue("sfxVolume", defaultSfxVolume)); sound.setMusicVolume((int) config.getValue("musicVolume", defaultMusicVolume)); } catch (const char *err) { state = STATE_ERROR; errorMessage = err; logger->log("Warning: %s", err); } // Initialize keyboard keyboard.init(); // Initialise player relations player_relations.init(); } /** Clear the engine */ static void exitEngine() { // Before config.write() since it writes the shortcuts to the config delete itemShortcut; delete emoteShortcut; config.write(); delete gui; delete graphics; // Shutdown libxml xmlCleanupParser(); // Shutdown sound sound.close(); // Unload XML databases ColorDB::unload(); EmoteDB::unload(); ItemDB::unload(); MonsterDB::unload(); NPCDB::unload(); StatusEffect::unload(); ResourceManager::deleteInstance(); SDL_FreeSurface(icon); } static void printHelp() { using std::endl; std::cout << _("mana") << endl << endl << _("Options:") << endl << _(" -C --config-file : Configuration file to use") << endl << _(" -d --data : Directory to load game data from") << endl << _(" -D --default : Choose default character server and " "character") << endl << _(" -h --help : Display this help") << endl << _(" -S --home-dir : Directory to use as home directory") << endl << _(" -H --update-host : Use this update host") << endl << _(" -P --password : Login with this password") << endl << _(" -c --character : Login with this character") << endl << _(" -p --port : Login server port") << endl << _(" -s --server : Login server name or IP") << endl << _(" -u --skip-update : Skip the update downloads") << endl << _(" -U --username : Login with this username") << endl #ifdef USE_OPENGL << _(" -O --no-opengl : Disable OpenGL for this session") << endl #endif << _(" -v --version : Display the version") << endl; } static void printVersion() { std::cout << strprintf("The Mana World %s", FULL_VERSION) << std::endl; } static void parseOptions(int argc, char *argv[], Options &options) { const char *optstring = "hvud:U:P:Dc:s:p:C:H:S:O"; const struct option long_options[] = { { "config-file", required_argument, 0, 'C' }, { "data", required_argument, 0, 'd' }, { "default", no_argument, 0, 'D' }, { "password", required_argument, 0, 'P' }, { "character", required_argument, 0, 'c' }, { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "home-dir", required_argument, 0, 'S' }, { "update-host", required_argument, 0, 'H' }, { "port", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, { "server", required_argument, 0, 's' }, { "skip-update", no_argument, 0, 'u' }, { "username", required_argument, 0, 'U' }, { "no-opengl", no_argument, 0, 'O' }, { "version", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { 0 } }; while (optind < argc) { int result = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, long_options, NULL); if (result == -1) break; switch (result) { case 'C': options.configPath = optarg; break; case 'd': options.dataPath = optarg; break; case 'D': options.chooseDefault = true; break; default: // Unknown option case 'h': options.printHelp = true; break; case 'H': options.updateHost = optarg; break; case 'c': options.character = optarg; break; case 'P': options.password = optarg; break; case 's': options.serverName = optarg; break; case 'p': options.serverPort = (short) atoi(optarg); break; case 'u': options.skipUpdate = true; break; case 'U': options.username = optarg; break; case 'v': options.printVersion = true; break; case 'S': options.homeDir = optarg; break; case 'O': options.noOpenGL = true; break; } } } /** * Reads the file "{Updates Directory}/resources2.txt" and attempts to load * each update mentioned in it. */ static void loadUpdates() { if (updatesDir.empty()) return; const std::string updatesFile = "/" + updatesDir + "/resources2.txt"; ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); std::vector lines = resman->loadTextFile(updatesFile); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { std::stringstream line(lines[i]); std::string filename; line >> filename; resman->addToSearchPath(homeDir + "/" + updatesDir + "/" + filename, false); } } class ErrorListener : public gcn::ActionListener { public: void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { state = STATE_CHOOSE_SERVER; } } errorListener; class AccountListener : public gcn::ActionListener { public: void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { state = STATE_CHAR_SELECT; } } accountListener; class LoginListener : public gcn::ActionListener { public: void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { state = STATE_LOGIN; } } loginListener; } // namespace const std::string &getHomeDirectory() { return homeDir; } // TODO Find some nice place for these functions static void accountLogin(LoginData *loginData) { logger->log("Username is %s", loginData->username.c_str()); Net::getCharHandler()->setCharInfo(&charInfo); // Send login infos if (loginData->registerLogin) { Net::getLoginHandler()->registerAccount(loginData); } else { Net::getLoginHandler()->loginAccount(loginData); } // Clear the password, avoids auto login when returning to login loginData->password = ""; // TODO This is not the best place to save the config, but at least better // than the login gui window if (loginData->remember) { config.setValue("username", loginData->username); } config.setValue("remember", loginData->remember); } extern "C" char const *_nl_locale_name_default(void); static void initInternationalization() { #if ENABLE_NLS #ifdef WIN32 putenv(("LANG=" + std::string(_nl_locale_name_default())).c_str()); // mingw doesn't like LOCALEDIR to be defined for some reason bindtextdomain("mana", "translations/"); #else bindtextdomain("mana", LOCALEDIR); #endif setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, ""); bind_textdomain_codeset("mana", "UTF-8"); textdomain("mana"); #endif } static void xmlNullLogger(void *ctx, const char *msg, ...) { // Does nothing, that's the whole point of it } // Initialize libxml2 and check for potential ABI mismatches between // compiled version and the shared library actually used. static void initXML() { xmlInitParser(); LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; // Suppress libxml2 error messages xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(NULL, xmlNullLogger); } /** Main */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Parse command line options Options options; parseOptions(argc, argv, options); if (options.printHelp) { printHelp(); return 0; } else if (options.printVersion) { printVersion(); return 0; } initInternationalization(); // Initialize PhysicsFS PHYSFS_init(argv[0]); initXML(); // Load branding information branding.init("data/branding.xml"); initHomeDir(options); // Configure logger logger = new Logger; logger->setLogFile(homeDir + std::string("/mana.log")); // Log the mana version logger->log("Mana %s", FULL_VERSION); initConfiguration(options); logger->setLogToStandardOut(config.getValue("logToStandardOut", 0)); initEngine(options); // Needs to be created in main, as the updater uses it guiPalette = new Palette; Window *currentDialog = NULL; QuitDialog* quitDialog = NULL; setupWindow = new Setup; gcn::Container *top = static_cast(gui->getTop()); Desktop *desktop = 0; ProgressBar *progressBar = 0; Button *setupButton = 0; sound.playMusic(branding.getValue("loginMusic", "Magick - Real.ogg")); // Initialize default server ServerInfo currentServer; currentServer.hostname = options.serverName; currentServer.port = options.serverPort; loginData.username = options.username; loginData.password = options.password; loginData.remember = config.getValue("remember", 0); loginData.registerLogin = false; if (currentServer.hostname.empty()) { currentServer.hostname = branding.getValue("defaultServer", "server.themanaworld.org").c_str(); } if (options.serverPort == 0) { currentServer.port = (short) branding.getValue("defaultPort", DEFAULT_PORT); } if (loginData.username.empty() && loginData.remember) { loginData.username = config.getValue("username", ""); } if (state != STATE_ERROR) state = STATE_CHOOSE_SERVER; State oldstate = STATE_START; // We start with a status change SDL_Event event; while (state != STATE_EXIT) { bool handledEvents = false; // Handle SDL events while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { handledEvents = true; switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: state = STATE_EXIT; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { if (!quitDialog) quitDialog = new QuitDialog(&quitDialog); else quitDialog->requestMoveToTop(); } break; } guiInput->pushInput(event); } if (Net::getGeneralHandler()) { Net::getGeneralHandler()->flushNetwork(); Net::getGeneralHandler()->tick(); } gui->logic(); if (progressBar && progressBar->isVisible()) { progressBar->setProgress(progressBar->getProgress() + 0.005f); if (progressBar->getProgress() == 1.0f) progressBar->setProgress(0.0f); } gui->draw(); graphics->updateScreen(); // TODO: Add connect timeouts if (state == STATE_CONNECT_GAME && Net::getGameHandler()->isConnected()) { Net::getLoginHandler()->disconnect(); #ifdef MANASERV_SUPPORT state = STATE_GAME; #endif } else if (state == STATE_CONNECT_SERVER && oldstate == STATE_CHOOSE_SERVER) { Net::connectToServer(currentServer); } else if (state == STATE_CONNECT_SERVER && oldstate != STATE_CHOOSE_SERVER && Net::getLoginHandler()->isConnected()) { Net::getCharHandler()->setCharInfo(&charInfo); state = STATE_LOGIN; } else if (oldstate == STATE_START || oldstate == STATE_GAME) { desktop = new Desktop; top->add(desktop); progressBar = new ProgressBar(0.0f, 100, 20, gcn::Color(168, 116, 31)); progressBar->setSmoothProgress(false); Label *progressLabel = new Label; top->add(progressBar, 5, top->getHeight() - 5 - progressBar->getHeight()); top->add(progressLabel, 15 + progressBar->getWidth(), progressBar->getY() + 4); progressBar->setVisible(false); setupButton = new Button(_("Setup"), "Setup", &listener); setupButton->setPosition(top->getWidth() - setupButton->getWidth() - 3, 3); top->add(setupButton); int screenWidth = (int) config.getValue("screenwidth", defaultScreenWidth); int screenHeight = (int) config.getValue("screenheight", defaultScreenHeight); desktop->setSize(screenWidth, screenHeight); } if (state == STATE_SWITCH_LOGIN && oldstate == STATE_GAME) { Net::getGameHandler()->disconnect(); } if (state != oldstate) { //printf("State change: %d to %d\n", oldstate, state); oldstate = state; // Get rid of the dialog of the previous state if (currentDialog) { delete currentDialog; currentDialog = NULL; } // State has changed, while the quitDialog was active, it might // not be correct anymore if (quitDialog) { quitDialog->scheduleDelete(); } switch (state) { case STATE_CHOOSE_SERVER: logger->log("State: CHOOSE SERVER"); // Allow changing this using a server choice dialog // We show the dialog box only if the command-line // options weren't set. if (options.serverName.empty() && options.serverPort == 0) { // Don't allow an alpha opacity // lower than the default value SkinLoader::instance()->setMinimumOpacity(0.8f); currentDialog = new ServerDialog(¤tServer, homeDir); } else { state = STATE_CONNECT_SERVER; // Reset options so that cancelling or connect // timeout will show the server dialog. options.serverName.clear(); options.serverPort = 0; } break; case STATE_CONNECT_SERVER: logger->log("State: CONNECT SERVER"); currentDialog = new ConnectionDialog(STATE_SWITCH_SERVER); break; case STATE_LOGIN: logger->log("State: LOGIN"); // Don't allow an alpha opacity // lower than the default value SkinLoader::instance()->setMinimumOpacity(0.8f); if (options.username.empty() || options.password.empty()) { currentDialog = new LoginDialog(&loginData); } else { state = STATE_LOGIN_ATTEMPT; // Clear the password so that when login fails, the // dialog will show up next time. options.password.clear(); } break; case STATE_LOGIN_ATTEMPT: logger->log("State: LOGIN ATTEMPT"); accountLogin(&loginData); break; case STATE_WORLD_SELECT: logger->log("State: WORLD SELECT"); { Worlds worlds = Net::getLoginHandler()->getWorlds(); if (worlds.size() == 0) { // Trust that the netcode knows what it's doing state = STATE_UPDATE; } else if (worlds.size() == 1) { Net::getLoginHandler()->chooseServer(0); state = STATE_UPDATE; } else { currentDialog = new WorldSelectDialog(worlds); if (options.chooseDefault) { ((WorldSelectDialog*) currentDialog)->action( gcn::ActionEvent(NULL, "ok")); } } } break; case STATE_WORLD_SELECT_ATTEMPT: logger->log("State: WORLD SELECT ATTEMPT"); currentDialog = new ConnectionDialog(STATE_WORLD_SELECT); break; case STATE_UPDATE: // Determine which source to use for the update host if (!options.updateHost.empty()) updateHost = options.updateHost; else updateHost = loginData.updateHost; setUpdatesDir(); if (options.skipUpdate) { state = STATE_LOAD_DATA; } else { logger->log("State: UPDATE"); currentDialog = new UpdaterWindow(updateHost, homeDir + "/" + updatesDir); } break; case STATE_LOAD_DATA: logger->log("State: LOAD DATA"); // If another data path has been set, // we don't load any other files... if (options.dataPath.empty()) { // Load the updates downloaded so far... loadUpdates(); // Also add customdata directory ResourceManager::getInstance()->searchAndAddArchives( "customdata/", "zip", false); } // Load XML databases ColorDB::load(); ItemDB::load(); Being::load(); // Hairstyles MonsterDB::load(); NPCDB::load(); EmoteDB::load(); StatusEffect::load(); Units::loadUnits(); desktop->reloadWallpaper(); state = STATE_GET_CHARACTERS; break; case STATE_GET_CHARACTERS: logger->log("State: GET CHARACTERS"); Net::getCharHandler()->getCharacters(); break; case STATE_CHAR_SELECT: logger->log("State: CHAR SELECT"); // Don't allow an alpha opacity // lower than the default value SkinLoader::instance()->setMinimumOpacity(0.8f); currentDialog = new CharSelectDialog(&charInfo, &loginData); if (((CharSelectDialog*) currentDialog)-> selectByName(options.character)) { ((CharSelectDialog*) currentDialog)->chooseSelected(); } else { ((CharSelectDialog*) currentDialog)->selectByName( config.getValue("lastCharacter", "")); } break; case STATE_CONNECT_GAME: logger->log("State: CONNECT GAME"); Net::getGameHandler()->connect(); currentDialog = new ConnectionDialog(STATE_SWITCH_CHARACTER); break; case STATE_GAME: logger->log("Memorizing selected character %s", player_node->getName().c_str()); config.setValue("lastCharacter", player_node->getName()); Net::getGameHandler()->inGame(); // Fade out logon-music here too to give the desired effect // of "flowing" into the game. sound.fadeOutMusic(1000); // Allow any alpha opacity SkinLoader::instance()->setMinimumOpacity(-1.0f); delete setupButton; delete desktop; setupButton = NULL; desktop = NULL; currentDialog = NULL; logger->log("State: GAME"); game = new Game; game->logic(); delete game; game = 0; if (state == STATE_GAME) state = STATE_EXIT; break; case STATE_LOGIN_ERROR: logger->log("State: LOGIN ERROR"); currentDialog = new OkDialog(_("Error"), errorMessage); currentDialog->addActionListener(&loginListener); currentDialog = NULL; // OkDialog deletes itself break; case STATE_ACCOUNTCHANGE_ERROR: logger->log("State: ACCOUNT CHANGE ERROR"); currentDialog = new OkDialog(_("Error"), errorMessage); currentDialog->addActionListener(&accountListener); currentDialog = NULL; // OkDialog deletes itself break; case STATE_REGISTER: logger->log("State: REGISTER"); currentDialog = new RegisterDialog(&loginData); break; case STATE_REGISTER_ATTEMPT: logger->log("Username is %s", loginData.username.c_str()); Net::getCharHandler()->setCharInfo(&charInfo); Net::getLoginHandler()->registerAccount(&loginData); break; case STATE_CHANGEPASSWORD: logger->log("State: CHANGE PASSWORD"); currentDialog = new ChangePasswordDialog(&loginData); break; case STATE_CHANGEPASSWORD_ATTEMPT: logger->log("State: CHANGE PASSWORD ATTEMPT"); Net::getLoginHandler()->changePassword(loginData.username, loginData.password, loginData.newPassword); break; case STATE_CHANGEPASSWORD_SUCCESS: logger->log("State: CHANGE PASSWORD SUCCESS"); currentDialog = new OkDialog(_("Password Change"), _("Password changed successfully!")); currentDialog->addActionListener(&accountListener); currentDialog = NULL; // OkDialog deletes itself loginData.password = loginData.newPassword; loginData.newPassword = ""; break; case STATE_CHANGEEMAIL: logger->log("State: CHANGE EMAIL"); currentDialog = new ChangeEmailDialog(&loginData); break; case STATE_CHANGEEMAIL_ATTEMPT: logger->log("State: CHANGE EMAIL ATTEMPT"); Net::getLoginHandler()->changeEmail(loginData.email); break; case STATE_CHANGEEMAIL_SUCCESS: logger->log("State: CHANGE EMAIL SUCCESS"); currentDialog = new OkDialog(_("Email Change"), _("Email changed successfully!")); currentDialog->addActionListener(&accountListener); currentDialog = NULL; // OkDialog deletes itself break; case STATE_UNREGISTER: logger->log("State: UNREGISTER"); currentDialog = new UnRegisterDialog(&loginData); break; case STATE_UNREGISTER_ATTEMPT: logger->log("State: UNREGISTER ATTEMPT"); Net::getLoginHandler()->unregisterAccount( loginData.username, loginData.password); break; case STATE_UNREGISTER_SUCCESS: logger->log("State: UNREGISTER SUCCESS"); #ifdef MANASERV_SUPPORT accountServerConnection->disconnect(); #endif currentDialog = new OkDialog(_("Unregister Successful"), _("Farewell, come back any time...")); loginData.clear(); //The errorlistener sets the state to STATE_CHOOSE_SERVER currentDialog->addActionListener(&errorListener); currentDialog = NULL; // OkDialog deletes itself break; case STATE_SWITCH_SERVER: logger->log("State: SWITCH SERVER"); #ifdef MANASERV_SUPPORT gameServerConnection->disconnect(); chatServerConnection->disconnect(); accountServerConnection->disconnect(); #endif state = STATE_CHOOSE_SERVER; break; case STATE_SWITCH_LOGIN: logger->log("State: SWITCH LOGIN"); Net::getLoginHandler()->logout(); state = STATE_LOGIN; break; case STATE_SWITCH_CHARACTER: logger->log("State: SWITCH CHARACTER"); // Done with game Net::getGameHandler()->disconnect(); Net::getCharHandler()->getCharacters(); break; case STATE_LOGOUT_ATTEMPT: logger->log("State: LOGOUT ATTEMPT"); // TODO break; case STATE_WAIT: logger->log("State: WAIT"); break; case STATE_EXIT: logger->log("State: EXIT"); Net::getGeneralHandler()->unload(); break; case STATE_FORCE_QUIT: logger->log("State: FORCE QUIT"); if (Net::getGeneralHandler()) Net::getGeneralHandler()->unload(); state = STATE_EXIT; break; case STATE_ERROR: logger->log("State: ERROR"); currentDialog = new OkDialog(_("Error"), errorMessage); currentDialog->addActionListener(&errorListener); currentDialog = NULL; // OkDialog deletes itself Net::getGameHandler()->disconnect(); break; default: state = STATE_FORCE_QUIT; break; } } /* * This loop can really stress the CPU, for no reason since it's * just constantly redrawing the wallpaper. Added the following * usleep to limit it to 40 FPS during the login sequence */ if (!handledEvents) usleep(25000); } delete guiPalette; /*#ifdef EATHENA_SUPPORT delete network; #endif*/ logger->log("Quitting"); exitEngine(); PHYSFS_deinit(); delete logger; return 0; } void SetupListener::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { Window *window = NULL; if (event.getId() == "Setup") window = setupWindow; if (window) { window->setVisible(!window->isVisible()); if (window->isVisible()) window->requestMoveToTop(); } }