/* * The Mana World * Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ #include "window.h" #include #include "gccontainer.h" #include "windowcontainer.h" #include "../configlistener.h" #include "../configuration.h" #include "../graphics.h" #include "../log.h" #include "../graphic/imagerect.h" #include "../resources/image.h" #include "../resources/resourcemanager.h" ConfigListener *Window::windowConfigListener = NULL; WindowContainer *Window::windowContainer = NULL; int Window::instances = 0; ImageRect Window::border; Image *Window::resizeGrip; class WindowConfigListener : public ConfigListener { void optionChanged(const std::string &) { for_each(Window::border.grid, Window::border.grid + 9, std::bind2nd(std::mem_fun(&Image::setAlpha), config.getValue("guialpha", 0.8))); } }; Window::Window(const std::string& caption, bool modal, Window *parent): gcn::Window(caption), mParent(parent), mWindowName("window"), mSnapSize(8), mShowTitle(true), mModal(modal), mResizable(false), mMouseResize(false), mSticky(false), mMinWinWidth(100), mMinWinHeight(28), mMaxWinWidth(INT_MAX), mMaxWinHeight(INT_MAX) { logger->log("Window::Window(\"%s\")", caption.c_str()); if (!windowContainer) { throw GCN_EXCEPTION("Window::Window. no windowContainer set"); } if (instances == 0) { // Load static resources ResourceManager *resman = ResourceManager::getInstance(); Image *dBorders = resman->getImage("graphics/gui/vscroll_grey.png"); border.grid[0] = dBorders->getSubImage(0, 0, 4, 4); border.grid[1] = dBorders->getSubImage(4, 0, 3, 4); border.grid[2] = dBorders->getSubImage(7, 0, 4, 4); border.grid[3] = dBorders->getSubImage(0, 4, 4, 10); border.grid[4] = resman->getImage("graphics/gui/bg_quad_dis.png"); border.grid[5] = dBorders->getSubImage(7, 4, 4, 10); border.grid[6] = dBorders->getSubImage(0, 15, 4, 4); border.grid[7] = dBorders->getSubImage(4, 15, 3, 4); border.grid[8] = dBorders->getSubImage(7, 15, 4, 4); resizeGrip = resman->getImage("graphics/gui/resize.png"); dBorders->decRef(); windowConfigListener = new WindowConfigListener(); // Send GUI alpha changed for initialization windowConfigListener->optionChanged("guialpha"); config.addListener("guialpha", windowConfigListener); } instances++; setBorderSize(0); setPadding(3); setTitleBarHeight(20); // Add chrome mChrome = new GCContainer(); mChrome->setOpaque(false); gcn::Window::add(mChrome); // Add this window to the window container windowContainer->add(this); if (mModal) { requestModalFocus(); } // Windows are invisible by default setVisible(false); } Window::~Window() { logger->log("Window::~Window(\"%s\")", getCaption().c_str()); const std::string &name = mWindowName; // Saving X, Y and Width and Height for resizables in the config config.setValue(name + "WinX", getX()); config.setValue(name + "WinY", getY()); if (mResizable) { config.setValue(name + "WinWidth", getWidth()); config.setValue(name + "WinHeight", getHeight()); } instances--; if (instances == 0) { config.removeListener("guialpha", windowConfigListener); delete windowConfigListener; windowConfigListener = NULL; // Clean up static resources delete border.grid[0]; delete border.grid[1]; delete border.grid[2]; delete border.grid[3]; border.grid[4]->decRef(); delete border.grid[5]; delete border.grid[6]; delete border.grid[7]; delete border.grid[8]; resizeGrip->decRef(); } delete mChrome; } void Window::setWindowContainer(WindowContainer *wc) { windowContainer = wc; } void Window::draw(gcn::Graphics* graphics) { Graphics *g = (Graphics*)graphics; g->drawImageRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), border); // Draw grip if (mResizable) { g->drawImage(Window::resizeGrip, getWidth() - resizeGrip->getWidth(), getHeight() - resizeGrip->getHeight()); } // Draw title if (mShowTitle) { graphics->setFont(getFont()); graphics->drawText(getCaption(), 7, 5, gcn::Graphics::LEFT); } drawChildren(graphics); } void Window::setContentWidth(int width) { mChrome->setWidth(width); resizeToContent(); } void Window::setContentHeight(int height) { mChrome->setHeight(height); resizeToContent(); } void Window::setLocationRelativeTo(gcn::Widget* widget) { int wx, wy; int x, y; widget->getAbsolutePosition(wx, wy); getAbsolutePosition(x, y); setPosition(getX() + (wx + (widget->getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2 - x), getY() + (wy + (widget->getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2 - y)); } void Window::setContentSize(int width, int height) { setContentWidth(width); setContentHeight(height); } void Window::setMinWidth(unsigned int width) { mMinWinWidth = width; } void Window::setMinHeight(unsigned int height) { mMinWinHeight = height; } void Window::setMaxWidth(unsigned int width) { mMaxWinWidth = width; } void Window::setMaxHeight(unsigned int height) { mMaxWinHeight = height; } void Window::setResizable(bool r) { mResizable = r; } bool Window::isResizable() { return mResizable; } void Window::setSticky(bool sticky) { mSticky = sticky; } bool Window::isSticky() { return mSticky; } void Window::setVisible(bool visible) { if(isSticky()) { gcn::Window::setVisible(true); } else { gcn::Window::setVisible(visible); } } void Window::scheduleDelete() { windowContainer->scheduleDelete(this); } void Window::add(gcn::Widget *w, bool delChild) { mChrome->add(w, delChild); } void Window::add(gcn::Widget *w, int x, int y, bool delChild) { mChrome->add(w, x, y, delChild); } void Window::mousePress(int x, int y, int button) { // Let Guichan move window to top and figure out title bar drag gcn::Window::mousePress(x, y, button); // If the mouse is not inside the content, the press must have been on the // border, and is a candidate for a resize. if (isResizable() && button == 1 && getGripDimension().isPointInRect(x, y) && !getChildrenArea().isPointInRect(x, y) && hasMouse() && !(mMouseDrag && y > (int)getPadding())) { mMouseResize = true; mMouseXOffset = x; mMouseYOffset = y; } } void Window::mouseMotion(int x, int y) { if (mMouseDrag || mMouseResize) { int dx = x - mMouseXOffset; int dy = y - mMouseYOffset; gcn::Rectangle newDim = getDimension(); // Change the dimension according to dragging and moving if (mMouseResize && isResizable()) { // We're dragging bottom right newDim.height += dy; newDim.width += dx; } else if (mMouseDrag && isMovable()) { newDim.x += dx; newDim.y += dy; } // Keep guichan window inside screen if (newDim.x < 0) { if (mMouseResize) { newDim.width += newDim.x; } newDim.x = 0; } if (newDim.y < 0) { if (mMouseResize) { newDim.height += newDim.y; } newDim.y = 0; } if (newDim.x + newDim.width > windowContainer->getWidth()) { if (mMouseResize) { newDim.width = windowContainer->getWidth() - newDim.x; } else { newDim.x = windowContainer->getWidth() - newDim.width; } } if (newDim.y + newDim.height > windowContainer->getHeight()) { if (mMouseResize) { newDim.height = windowContainer->getHeight() - newDim.y; } else { newDim.y = windowContainer->getHeight() - newDim.height; } } // Keep the window at least its minimum size if (newDim.width < mMinWinWidth) { newDim.width = mMinWinWidth; } else if (newDim.width > mMaxWinWidth) { newDim.width = mMaxWinWidth; } if (newDim.height < mMinWinHeight) { newDim.height = mMinWinHeight; } else if (newDim.height > mMaxWinHeight) { newDim.height = mMaxWinHeight; } // Snap window to edges //if (x < snapSize) x = 0; //if (y < snapSize) y = 0; //if (x + winWidth + snapSize > screen->w) x = screen->w - winWidth; //if (y + winHeight + snapSize > screen->h) y = screen->h - winHeight; // Update mouse offset when dragging bottom or right border if (mMouseResize) { mMouseYOffset += newDim.height - getHeight(); mMouseXOffset += newDim.width - getWidth(); } // Set the new window and content dimensions setDimension(newDim); const gcn::Rectangle area = getChildrenArea(); mChrome->setSize(area.width, area.height); } } void Window::mouseRelease(int x, int y, int button) { if (button == 1) { mMouseResize = false; mMouseDrag = false; } } gcn::Rectangle Window::getGripDimension() { return gcn::Rectangle(getWidth() - resizeGrip->getWidth(), getHeight() - resizeGrip->getHeight(), getWidth(), getHeight()); } void Window::loadWindowState() { const std::string &name = mWindowName; setPosition((int) config.getValue(name + "WinX", getX()), (int) config.getValue(name + "WinY", getY())); if (mResizable) { setSize((int) config.getValue(name + "WinWidth", getWidth()), (int) config.getValue(name + "WinHeight", getHeight())); const gcn::Rectangle area = getChildrenArea(); mChrome->setSize(area.width, area.height); } } void Window::setDefaultSize(int defaultX, int defaultY, int defaultWidth, int defaultHeight) { mDefaultX = defaultX; mDefaultY = defaultY; mDefaultWidth = defaultWidth; mDefaultHeight = defaultHeight; setPosition(mDefaultX, mDefaultY); setContentSize(mDefaultWidth, mDefaultHeight); } void Window::resetToDefaultSize() { setPosition(mDefaultX, mDefaultY); setContentSize(mDefaultWidth, mDefaultHeight); }