/* * The Mana Client * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers * Copyright (C) 2009 Aethyra Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana Client. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gui/widgets/browserbox.h" #include "client.h" #include "gui/widgets/linkhandler.h" #include "resources/theme.h" #include #include #include #include BrowserBox::BrowserBox(unsigned int mode, bool opaque): gcn::Widget(), mMode(mode), mHighMode(UNDERLINE | BACKGROUND), mOpaque(opaque), mUseLinksAndUserColors(true), mSelectedLink(-1), mMaxRows(0), mHeight(0), mWidth(0), mYStart(0), mUpdateTime(-1), mAlwaysUpdate(true) { setFocusable(true); addMouseListener(this); } BrowserBox::~BrowserBox() { } void BrowserBox::setLinkHandler(LinkHandler* linkHandler) { mLinkHandler = linkHandler; } void BrowserBox::setOpaque(bool opaque) { mOpaque = opaque; } void BrowserBox::setHighlightMode(unsigned int highMode) { mHighMode = highMode; } void BrowserBox::disableLinksAndUserColors() { mUseLinksAndUserColors = false; } void BrowserBox::addRow(const std::string &row) { std::string tmp = row; std::string newRow; std::string::size_type idx1, idx2, idx3; gcn::Font *font = getFont(); // Use links and user defined colors if (mUseLinksAndUserColors) { BROWSER_LINK bLink; // Check for links in format "@@link|Caption@@" idx1 = tmp.find("@@"); while (idx1 != std::string::npos) { idx2 = tmp.find("|", idx1); idx3 = tmp.find("@@", idx2); if (idx2 == std::string::npos || idx3 == std::string::npos) break; bLink.link = tmp.substr(idx1 + 2, idx2 - (idx1 + 2)); bLink.caption = tmp.substr(idx2 + 1, idx3 - (idx2 + 1)); bLink.y1 = static_cast(mTextRows.size()) * font->getHeight(); bLink.y2 = bLink.y1 + font->getHeight(); newRow += tmp.substr(0, idx1); std::string tmp2 = newRow; idx1 = tmp2.find("##"); while (idx1 != std::string::npos) { tmp2.erase(idx1, 3); idx1 = tmp2.find("##"); } bLink.x1 = font->getWidth(tmp2) - 1; bLink.x2 = bLink.x1 + font->getWidth(bLink.caption) + 1; mLinks.push_back(bLink); newRow += "##<" + bLink.caption; tmp.erase(0, idx3 + 2); if (!tmp.empty()) { newRow += "##>"; } idx1 = tmp.find("@@"); } newRow += tmp; } // Don't use links and user defined colors else { newRow = row; } mTextRows.push_back(newRow); //discard older rows when a row limit has been set if (mMaxRows > 0) { while (mTextRows.size() > mMaxRows) { mTextRows.pop_front(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mLinks.size(); i++) { mLinks[i].y1 -= font->getHeight(); mLinks[i].y2 -= font->getHeight(); if (mLinks[i].y1 < 0) mLinks.erase(mLinks.begin() + i); } } } // Auto size mode if (mMode == AUTO_SIZE) { std::string plain = newRow; while ((idx1 = plain.find("##")) != std::string::npos) plain.erase(idx1, 3); // Adjust the BrowserBox size int w = font->getWidth(plain); if (w > getWidth()) setWidth(w); } if (mMode == AUTO_WRAP) { unsigned int y = 0; unsigned int nextChar; const char *hyphen = "~"; int hyphenWidth = font->getWidth(hyphen); int x = 0; for (TextRowIterator i = mTextRows.begin(); i != mTextRows.end(); i++) { std::string row = *i; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) { std::string character = row.substr(j, 1); x += font->getWidth(character); nextChar = j + 1; // Wraping between words (at blank spaces) if ((nextChar < row.size()) && (row.at(nextChar) == ' ')) { int nextSpacePos = static_cast( row.find(" ", (nextChar + 1))); if (nextSpacePos <= 0) nextSpacePos = static_cast(row.size()) - 1; int nextWordWidth = font->getWidth( row.substr(nextChar, (nextSpacePos - nextChar))); if ((x + nextWordWidth + 10) > getWidth()) { x = 15; // Ident in new line y += 1; j++; } } // Wrapping looong lines (brutal force) else if ((x + 2 * hyphenWidth) > getWidth()) { x = 15; // Ident in new line y += 1; } } } setHeight(font->getHeight() * (static_cast( mTextRows.size()) + y)); } else { setHeight(font->getHeight() * static_cast(mTextRows.size())); } mUpdateTime = 0; updateHeight(); } void BrowserBox::clearRows() { mTextRows.clear(); mLinks.clear(); setWidth(0); setHeight(0); mSelectedLink = -1; updateHeight(); } struct MouseOverLink { MouseOverLink(int x, int y) : mX(x), mY(y) { } bool operator() (BROWSER_LINK &link) { return (mX >= link.x1 && mX < link.x2 && mY >= link.y1 && mY < link.y2); } int mX, mY; }; void BrowserBox::mousePressed(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { if (!mLinkHandler) return; LinkIterator i = find_if(mLinks.begin(), mLinks.end(), MouseOverLink(event.getX(), event.getY())); if (i != mLinks.end()) mLinkHandler->handleLink(i->link); } void BrowserBox::mouseMoved(gcn::MouseEvent &event) { LinkIterator i = find_if(mLinks.begin(), mLinks.end(), MouseOverLink(event.getX(), event.getY())); mSelectedLink = (i != mLinks.end()) ? static_cast(i - mLinks.begin()) : -1; } void BrowserBox::draw(gcn::Graphics *graphics) { gcn::ClipRectangle cr = graphics->getCurrentClipArea(); mYStart = cr.y - cr.yOffset; int yEnd = mYStart + cr.height; if (mYStart < 0) mYStart = 0; if (getWidth() != mWidth) updateHeight(); if (mOpaque) { graphics->setColor(Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::BACKGROUND)); graphics->fillRectangle(gcn::Rectangle(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight())); } if (mSelectedLink >= 0) { if ((mHighMode & BACKGROUND)) { graphics->setColor(Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::HIGHLIGHT)); graphics->fillRectangle(gcn::Rectangle( mLinks[mSelectedLink].x1, mLinks[mSelectedLink].y1, mLinks[mSelectedLink].x2 - mLinks[mSelectedLink].x1, mLinks[mSelectedLink].y2 - mLinks[mSelectedLink].y1 )); } if ((mHighMode & UNDERLINE)) { graphics->setColor(Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::HYPERLINK)); graphics->drawLine( mLinks[mSelectedLink].x1, mLinks[mSelectedLink].y2, mLinks[mSelectedLink].x2, mLinks[mSelectedLink].y2); } } gcn::Font *font = getFont(); for (LinePartIterator i = mLineParts.begin(); i != mLineParts.end(); i ++) { const LinePart &part = *i; if (part.getY() + 50 < mYStart) continue; if (part.getY() > yEnd) break; graphics->setColor(part.getColor()); font->drawString(graphics, part.getText(), part.getX(), part.getY()); } return; } int BrowserBox::calcHeight() { int x = 0, y = 0; int wrappedLines = 0; int link = 0; gcn::Font *font = getFont(); int fontHeight = font->getHeight(); int fontWidthMinus = font->getWidth("-"); char const *hyphen = "~"; int hyphenWidth = font->getWidth(hyphen); gcn::Color selColor = Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::TEXT); const gcn::Color textColor = Theme::getThemeColor(Theme::TEXT); mLineParts.clear(); for (TextRowIterator i = mTextRows.begin(); i != mTextRows.end(); i++) { const std::string row = *(i); bool wrapped = false; x = 0; // Check for separator lines if (row.find("---", 0) == 0) { const int dashWidth = fontWidthMinus; for (x = 0; x < getWidth(); x++) { mLineParts.push_back(LinePart(x, y, selColor, "-")); x += dashWidth - 2; } y += fontHeight; continue; } gcn::Color prevColor = selColor; // TODO: Check if we must take texture size limits into account here // TODO: Check if some of the O(n) calls can be removed for (std::string::size_type start = 0, end = std::string::npos; start != std::string::npos; start = end, end = std::string::npos) { // Wrapped line continuation shall be indented if (wrapped) { y += fontHeight; x = 15; wrapped = false; } // "Tokenize" the string at control sequences if (mUseLinksAndUserColors) end = row.find("##", start + 1); if (mUseLinksAndUserColors || (!mUseLinksAndUserColors && (start == 0))) { // Check for color change in format "##x", x = [L,P,0..9] if (row.find("##", start) == start && row.size() > start + 2) { const char c = row.at(start + 2); bool valid; const gcn::Color col = Theme::getThemeColor(c, valid); if (c == '>') { selColor = prevColor; } else if (c == '<') { prevColor = selColor; selColor = col; } else if (valid) { selColor = col; } else { switch (c) { case '1': selColor = RED; break; case '2': selColor = GREEN; break; case '3': selColor = BLUE; break; case '4': selColor = ORANGE; break; case '5': selColor = YELLOW; break; case '6': selColor = PINK; break; case '7': selColor = PURPLE; break; case '8': selColor = GRAY; break; case '9': selColor = BROWN; break; case '0': default: selColor = textColor; } } if (c == '<') { const int size = font->getWidth(mLinks[link].caption) + 1; mLinks[link].x1 = x; mLinks[link].y1 = y; mLinks[link].x2 = mLinks[link].x1 + size; mLinks[link].y2 = y + fontHeight - 1; link++; } start += 3; if (start == row.size()) break; } } std::string::size_type len = end == std::string::npos ? end : end - start; if (start >= row.length()) break; std::string part = row.substr(start, len); // Auto wrap mode if (mMode == AUTO_WRAP && getWidth() > 0 && font->getWidth(part) > 0 && (x + font->getWidth(part) + 10) > getWidth()) { bool forced = false; /* FIXME: This code layout makes it easy to crash remote clients by talking garbage. Forged long utf-8 characters will cause either a buffer underflow in substr or an infinite loop in the main loop. */ do { if (!forced) end = row.rfind(' ', end); // Check if we have to (stupidly) force-wrap if (end == std::string::npos || end <= start) { forced = true; end = row.size(); x += hyphenWidth; // Account for the wrap-notifier continue; } // Skip to the start of the current character while ((row[end] & 192) == 128) end--; end--; // And then to the last byte of the previous one part = row.substr(start, end - start + 1); } while (end > start && font->getWidth(part) > 0 && (x + font->getWidth(part) + 10) > getWidth()); if (forced) { x -= hyphenWidth; // Remove the wrap-notifier accounting mLineParts.push_back(LinePart(getWidth() - hyphenWidth, y, selColor, hyphen)); end++; // Skip to the next character } else { end += 2; // Skip to after the space } wrapped = true; wrappedLines++; } mLineParts.push_back(LinePart(x, y, selColor, part.c_str())); if (mMode == AUTO_WRAP && font->getWidth(part) == 0) break; x += font->getWidth(part); } y += fontHeight; } return (static_cast(mTextRows.size()) + wrappedLines) * fontHeight; } void BrowserBox::updateHeight() { if (mAlwaysUpdate || !mUpdateTime || std::abs(mUpdateTime - tick_time) > 10 || mTextRows.size() < 3) { mWidth = getWidth(); mHeight = calcHeight(); setHeight(mHeight); mUpdateTime = tick_time; } }