/* * The Mana World * Copyright (C) 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include "skilldialog.h" #include "icon.h" #include "button.h" #include "listbox.h" #include "scrollarea.h" #include "windowcontainer.h" #include "progressbar.h" #include "widgets/tabbedarea.h" #include "../localplayer.h" #include "../utils/dtor.h" #include "../utils/gettext.h" #include "../utils/stringutils.h" class Skill_Tab : public GCContainer, public gcn::ActionListener { public: /** * The type of this skill tab */ const std::string type; /** * Constructor */ Skill_Tab(const std::string &type); /** * Update this tab */ void update(); /** * Called when receiving actions from widget. */ void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) {} private: /** * Update the information of a skill at * the given index */ void updateSkill(int index); /** * Gets the number of skills in this particular * type of tab. */ int getSkillNum(); /** * Get the first enumeration of this skill tab's * skill type. */ int getSkillBegin(); /** * Get the icon associated with the given index */ Icon* getIcon(int index); std::vector mSkillIcons; std::vector mSkillNameLabels; std::vector mSkillLevelLabels; std::vector mSkillExpLabels; std::vector mSkillProgress; }; SkillDialog::SkillDialog(): Window(_("Skills")) { setWindowName("Skills"); setCloseButton(true); setDefaultSize(windowContainer->getWidth() - 280, 30, 275, 425); TabbedArea *panel = new TabbedArea; panel->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(5, 5, 270, 420)); Skill_Tab *tab; // Add each type of skill tab to the panel tab = new Skill_Tab("Weapon"); panel->addTab(_("Weapons"), tab); mTabs.push_back(tab); tab = new Skill_Tab("Magic"); panel->addTab(_("Magic"), tab); mTabs.push_back(tab); tab = new Skill_Tab("Craft"); panel->addTab(_("Crafts"), tab); mTabs.push_back(tab); add(panel); update(); setLocationRelativeTo(getParent()); loadWindowState(); } SkillDialog::~SkillDialog() { delete_all(mTabs); } void SkillDialog::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { if (event.getId() == "skill") { } else if (event.getId() == "close") { setVisible(false); } } void SkillDialog::draw(gcn::Graphics *g) { update(); Window::draw(g); } void SkillDialog::update() { for(std::list::const_iterator i = mTabs.begin(); i != mTabs.end(); ++i) { (*i)->update(); } } Skill_Tab::Skill_Tab(const std::string &type): type(type) { setOpaque(false); setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(0, 0, 270, 420)); int skillNum = getSkillNum(); mSkillIcons.resize(skillNum); mSkillNameLabels.resize(skillNum); mSkillLevelLabels.resize(skillNum); mSkillExpLabels.resize(skillNum); mSkillProgress.resize(skillNum); // Set the initial positions of the skill information for (int a=0; a < skillNum; a++) { mSkillIcons.at(a) = getIcon(a); mSkillIcons.at(a)->setPosition(1, a*32); add(mSkillIcons.at(a)); mSkillNameLabels.at(a) = new gcn::Label(""); mSkillNameLabels.at(a)->setPosition(35, a*32 ); add(mSkillNameLabels.at(a)); mSkillProgress.at(a) = new ProgressBar(0.0f, 200, 20, 150, 150, 150); mSkillProgress.at(a)->setPosition(35, a*32 + 13); add(mSkillProgress.at(a)); mSkillExpLabels.at(a) = new gcn::Label(""); mSkillExpLabels.at(a)->setPosition(45, a*32 + 16); add(mSkillExpLabels.at(a)); mSkillLevelLabels.at(a) = new gcn::Label(""); mSkillLevelLabels.at(a)->setPosition(165, a*32); add(mSkillLevelLabels.at(a)); } update(); } int Skill_Tab::getSkillNum() { int skillNum = 0; if (type == "Weapon") { skillNum = CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_NB; return skillNum; } else if (type == "Magic") { skillNum = CHAR_SKILL_MAGIC_NB; return skillNum; } else if (type == "Craft") { skillNum = CHAR_SKILL_CRAFT_NB; return skillNum; } else return skillNum; } int Skill_Tab::getSkillBegin() { int skillBegin = 0; if (type == "Weapon") { skillBegin = CHAR_SKILL_WEAPON_BEGIN - CHAR_SKILL_BEGIN; return skillBegin; } else if (type == "Magic") { skillBegin = CHAR_SKILL_MAGIC_BEGIN - CHAR_SKILL_BEGIN; return skillBegin; } else if (type == "Craft") { skillBegin = CHAR_SKILL_CRAFT_BEGIN - CHAR_SKILL_BEGIN; return skillBegin; } else return skillBegin; } Icon* Skill_Tab::getIcon(int index) { int skillBegin = getSkillBegin(); std::string icon = LocalPlayer::getSkillInfo(index + skillBegin).icon; return new Icon(icon); } void Skill_Tab::updateSkill(int index) { int skillBegin = getSkillBegin(); int baseLevel = player_node->getAttributeBase(index + skillBegin + CHAR_SKILL_BEGIN); int effLevel = player_node->getAttributeEffective(index + skillBegin + CHAR_SKILL_BEGIN); if(baseLevel <= 0) { mSkillProgress.at(index)->setVisible(false); mSkillExpLabels.at(index)->setVisible(false); mSkillLevelLabels.at(index)->setVisible(false); mSkillNameLabels.at(index)->setVisible(false); mSkillIcons.at(index)->setVisible(false); } else { mSkillProgress.at(index)->setVisible(true); mSkillExpLabels.at(index)->setVisible(true); mSkillLevelLabels.at(index)->setVisible(true); mSkillNameLabels.at(index)->setVisible(true); mSkillIcons.at(index)->setVisible(true); std::string skillLevel("Lvl: " + toString(baseLevel)); if (effLevel < baseLevel) { skillLevel.append(" - " + toString(baseLevel - effLevel)); } else if (effLevel > baseLevel) { skillLevel.append(" + " + toString(effLevel - baseLevel)); } mSkillLevelLabels.at(index)->setCaption(skillLevel); std::pair exp = player_node->getExperience(index + skillBegin); std::string sExp (toString(exp.first) + " / " + toString(exp.second)); mSkillNameLabels.at(index)->setCaption(LocalPlayer::getSkillInfo(index + skillBegin).name); mSkillNameLabels.at(index)->adjustSize(); mSkillLevelLabels.at(index)->adjustSize(); mSkillExpLabels.at(index)->setCaption(sExp); mSkillExpLabels.at(index)->adjustSize(); mSkillExpLabels.at(index)->setAlignment(gcn::Graphics::RIGHT); // More intense red as exp grows int color = 150 - (int)(150 * ((float) exp.first / exp.second)); mSkillProgress.at(index)->setColor(244, color, color); mSkillProgress.at(index)->setProgress((float) exp.first / exp.second); } } void Skill_Tab::update() { int skillNum = getSkillNum(); // Update the skill information for reach skill for (int a = 0; a < skillNum; a++) { updateSkill(a); } }