/* * The Mana World * Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ #include "char_select.h" #include #include #include "button.h" #include "confirm_dialog.h" #include "ok_dialog.h" #include "playerbox.h" #include "slider.h" #include "textfield.h" #include "unregisterdialog.h" #include "../game.h" #include "../localplayer.h" #include "../main.h" #include "../logindata.h" #include "../net/accountserver/account.h" #include "../net/charserverhandler.h" #include "../net/messageout.h" #include "../utils/gettext.h" #include "../utils/strprintf.h" #include "../utils/tostring.h" // Defined in main.cpp, used here for setting the char create dialog extern CharServerHandler charServerHandler; /** * Listener for confirming character deletion. */ class CharDeleteConfirm : public ConfirmDialog { public: CharDeleteConfirm(CharSelectDialog *master); void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event); private: CharSelectDialog *master; }; CharDeleteConfirm::CharDeleteConfirm(CharSelectDialog *m): ConfirmDialog(_("Confirm"), _("Are you sure you want to delete this character?"), m), master(m) { } void CharDeleteConfirm::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { //ConfirmDialog::action(event); if (event.getId() == "yes") { master->attemptCharDelete(); } ConfirmDialog::action(event); } CharSelectDialog::CharSelectDialog(LockedArray *charInfo, LoginData *loginData): Window(_("Select Character")), mCharInfo(charInfo), mCharSelected(false), mLoginData(loginData) { mSelectButton = new Button(_("Ok"), "ok", this); mCancelButton = new Button(_("Cancel"), "cancel", this); mNewCharButton = new Button(_("New"), "new", this); mDelCharButton = new Button(_("Delete"), "delete", this); mPreviousButton = new Button(_("Previous"), "previous", this); mNextButton = new Button(_("Next"), "next", this); mUnRegisterButton = new Button(_("Unregister"), "unregister", this); mNameLabel = new gcn::Label(strprintf(_("Name: %s"), "")); mLevelLabel = new gcn::Label(strprintf(_("Level: %d"), 0)); mMoneyLabel = new gcn::Label(strprintf(_("Money: %d"), 0)); mPlayerBox = new PlayerBox(); int w = 195; int h = 220; setContentSize(w, h); mPlayerBox->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(5, 5, w - 10, 90)); mNameLabel->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(10, 100, 128, 16)); mLevelLabel->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(10, 116, 128, 16)); mMoneyLabel->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(10, 148, 128, 16)); mPreviousButton->setPosition(5, 170); mNextButton->setPosition(mPreviousButton->getWidth() + 10, 170); mNewCharButton->setPosition(5, h - 5 - mNewCharButton->getHeight()); mDelCharButton->setPosition( 5 + mNewCharButton->getWidth() + 5, mNewCharButton->getY()); mCancelButton->setPosition( w - 5 - mCancelButton->getWidth(), mNewCharButton->getY()); mSelectButton->setPosition( mCancelButton->getX() - 5 - mSelectButton->getWidth(), mNewCharButton->getY()); mUnRegisterButton->setPosition( w - 5 - mUnRegisterButton->getWidth(), mCancelButton->getY() - 5 - mUnRegisterButton->getHeight()); add(mPlayerBox); add(mSelectButton); add(mCancelButton); add(mUnRegisterButton); add(mNewCharButton); add(mDelCharButton); add(mPreviousButton); add(mNextButton); add(mNameLabel); add(mLevelLabel); add(mMoneyLabel); setLocationRelativeTo(getParent()); setVisible(true); mSelectButton->requestFocus(); updatePlayerInfo(); } void CharSelectDialog::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { // The pointers are set to NULL if there is no character stored if (event.getId() == "ok" && (mCharInfo->getEntry())) { // Start game mNewCharButton->setEnabled(false); mDelCharButton->setEnabled(false); mSelectButton->setEnabled(false); mUnRegisterButton->setEnabled(false); mPreviousButton->setEnabled(false); mNextButton->setEnabled(false); mCharSelected = true; Net::AccountServer::Account::selectCharacter(mCharInfo->getPos()); mCharInfo->lock(); } else if (event.getId() == "cancel") { state = STATE_EXIT; } else if (event.getId() == "new") { // TODO: Search the first free slot, and start CharCreateDialog // maybe add that search to the constructor. if (!(mCharInfo->getEntry())) { // Start new character dialog CharCreateDialog *charCreateDialog = new CharCreateDialog(this, mCharInfo->getPos()); charServerHandler.setCharCreateDialog(charCreateDialog); } } else if (event.getId() == "delete") { // Delete character if (mCharInfo->getEntry()) { new CharDeleteConfirm(this); } } else if (event.getId() == "previous") { mCharInfo->prev(); } else if (event.getId() == "next") { mCharInfo->next(); } else if (event.getId() == "unregister") { new UnRegisterDialog(this, mLoginData); } } void CharSelectDialog::updatePlayerInfo() { LocalPlayer *pi = mCharInfo->getEntry(); if (pi) { mNameLabel->setCaption(strprintf(_("Name: %s"), pi->getName().c_str())); mLevelLabel->setCaption(strprintf(_("Level: %d"), pi->getLevel())); mMoneyLabel->setCaption(strprintf(_("Money: %d"), pi->getMoney())); if (!mCharSelected) { mNewCharButton->setEnabled(false); mDelCharButton->setEnabled(true); mSelectButton->setEnabled(true); } } else { mNameLabel->setCaption(strprintf(_("Name: %s"), "")); mLevelLabel->setCaption(strprintf(_("Level: %d"), 0)); mMoneyLabel->setCaption(strprintf(_("Money: %d"), 0)); mNewCharButton->setEnabled(true); mDelCharButton->setEnabled(false); mSelectButton->setEnabled(false); } mPlayerBox->setPlayer(pi); } void CharSelectDialog::attemptCharDelete() { Net::AccountServer::Account::deleteCharacter(mCharInfo->getPos()); mCharInfo->lock(); } void CharSelectDialog::logic() { updatePlayerInfo(); } bool CharSelectDialog::selectByName(const std::string &name) { if (mCharInfo->isLocked()) return false; unsigned int oldPos = mCharInfo->getPos(); mCharInfo->select(0); do { LocalPlayer *player = mCharInfo->getEntry(); if (player && player->getName() == name) return true; mCharInfo->next(); } while (mCharInfo->getPos()); mCharInfo->select(oldPos); return false; } std::string CharSelectDialog::getName() { return mNameLabel->getCaption(); } CharCreateDialog::CharCreateDialog(Window *parent, int slot): Window(_("Create Character"), true, parent), mSlot(slot) { mPlayer = new Player(0, 0, NULL); mPlayer->setHairStyle(rand() % NR_HAIR_STYLES); mPlayer->setHairColor(rand() % NR_HAIR_COLORS); mNameField = new TextField(""); mNameLabel = new gcn::Label(_("Name:")); mNextHairColorButton = new Button(">", "nextcolor", this); mPrevHairColorButton = new Button("<", "prevcolor", this); mHairColorLabel = new gcn::Label(_("Hair Color:")); mNextHairStyleButton = new Button(">", "nextstyle", this); mPrevHairStyleButton = new Button("<", "prevstyle", this); mHairStyleLabel = new gcn::Label(_("Hair Style:")); mCreateButton = new Button(_("Create"), "create", this); mCancelButton = new Button(_("Cancel"), "cancel", this); mPlayerBox = new PlayerBox(mPlayer); mAttributeLabel[0] = new gcn::Label(_("Strength:")); mAttributeLabel[1] = new gcn::Label(_("Agility:")); mAttributeLabel[2] = new gcn::Label(_("Dexterity:")); mAttributeLabel[3] = new gcn::Label(_("Vitality:")); mAttributeLabel[4] = new gcn::Label(_("Intelligence:")); mAttributeLabel[5] = new gcn::Label(_("Willpower:")); mAttributeLabel[6] = new gcn::Label(_("Charisma:")); for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { mAttributeLabel[i]->setWidth(70); mAttributeSlider[i] = new Slider(1, 20); mAttributeValue[i] = new gcn::Label("1"); }; mAttributesLeft = new gcn::Label(strprintf(_("Please distribute %d points"), 99)); mNameField->setActionEventId("create"); int w = 200; int h = 330; setContentSize(w, h); mPlayerBox->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle(80, 30, 110, 85)); mNameLabel->setPosition(5, 5); mNameField->setDimension( gcn::Rectangle(45, 5, w - 45 - 7, mNameField->getHeight())); mPrevHairColorButton->setPosition(90, 35); mNextHairColorButton->setPosition(165, 35); mHairColorLabel->setPosition(5, 40); mPrevHairStyleButton->setPosition(90, 64); mNextHairStyleButton->setPosition(165, 64); mHairStyleLabel->setPosition(5, 70); for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { mAttributeSlider[i]->setValue(10); mAttributeSlider[i]->setDimension(gcn::Rectangle( 75, 140 + i*20, 100, 10)); mAttributeSlider[i]->setActionEventId("statslider"); mAttributeSlider[i]->addActionListener(this); mAttributeValue[i]->setPosition(180, 140 + i*20); mAttributeLabel[i]->setPosition(5, 140 + i*20); }; mAttributesLeft->setPosition(15, 280); UpdateSliders(); mCancelButton->setPosition( w - 5 - mCancelButton->getWidth(), h - 5 - mCancelButton->getHeight()); mCreateButton->setPosition( mCancelButton->getX() - 5 - mCreateButton->getWidth(), h - 5 - mCancelButton->getHeight()); mNameField->addActionListener(this); add(mPlayerBox); add(mNameField); add(mNameLabel); add(mNextHairColorButton); add(mPrevHairColorButton); add(mHairColorLabel); add(mNextHairStyleButton); add(mPrevHairStyleButton); add(mHairStyleLabel); for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { add(mAttributeSlider[i]); add(mAttributeValue[i]); add(mAttributeLabel[i]); }; add(mAttributesLeft); add(mCreateButton); add(mCancelButton); setLocationRelativeTo(getParent()); setVisible(true); mNameField->requestFocus(); } CharCreateDialog::~CharCreateDialog() { delete mPlayer; // Make sure the char server handler knows that we're gone charServerHandler.setCharCreateDialog(0); } void CharCreateDialog::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event) { if (event.getId() == "create") { if (getName().length() >= 4) { // Attempt to create the character mCreateButton->setEnabled(false); Net::AccountServer::Account::createCharacter( getName(), mPlayer->getHairStyle(), mPlayer->getHairColor(), 0, // gender (int) mAttributeSlider[0]->getValue(), // STR (int) mAttributeSlider[1]->getValue(), // AGI (int) mAttributeSlider[2]->getValue(), // DEX (int) mAttributeSlider[3]->getValue(), // VIT (int) mAttributeSlider[4]->getValue(), // INT (int) mAttributeSlider[5]->getValue(), // WILL (int) mAttributeSlider[6]->getValue() // CHAR ); } else { new OkDialog(_("Error"), _("Your name needs to be at least 4 characters."), this); } } else if (event.getId() == "cancel") { scheduleDelete(); } else if (event.getId() == "nextcolor") { mPlayer->setHairColor((mPlayer->getHairColor() + 1) % NR_HAIR_COLORS); } else if (event.getId() == "prevcolor") { int prevColor = mPlayer->getHairColor() + NR_HAIR_COLORS - 1; mPlayer->setHairColor(prevColor % NR_HAIR_COLORS); } else if (event.getId() == "nextstyle") { mPlayer->setHairStyle((mPlayer->getHairStyle() + 1) % NR_HAIR_STYLES); } else if (event.getId() == "prevstyle") { int prevStyle = mPlayer->getHairStyle() + NR_HAIR_STYLES - 1; mPlayer->setHairStyle(prevStyle % NR_HAIR_STYLES); } else if (event.getId() == "statslider") { UpdateSliders(); } } const std::string& CharCreateDialog::getName() { return mNameField->getText(); } void CharCreateDialog::UpdateSliders() { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { // Update captions mAttributeValue[i]->setCaption( toString((int) (mAttributeSlider[i]->getValue()))); mAttributeValue[i]->adjustSize(); } // Update distributed points int pointsLeft = 70 - getDistributedPoints(); if (pointsLeft == 0) { mAttributesLeft->setCaption(_("Character stats OK")); mCreateButton->setEnabled(true); } else { mCreateButton->setEnabled(false); if (pointsLeft > 0) { mAttributesLeft->setCaption(strprintf(_("Please distribute %d points"), pointsLeft)); } else { mAttributesLeft->setCaption(strprintf(_("Please remove %d points"), -pointsLeft)); } } mAttributesLeft->adjustSize(); } void CharCreateDialog::unlock() { mCreateButton->setEnabled(true); } int CharCreateDialog::getDistributedPoints() { int points = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { points += (int) mAttributeSlider[i]->getValue(); } return points; }