/** The Mana World Copyright 2004 The Mana World Development Team This file is part of The Mana World. The Mana World is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. The Mana World is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with The Mana World; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "main.h" #include "map.h" #include "being.h" #include "log.h" #include "./gui/chat.h" #include "./gui/gui.h" #include "./gui/inventory.h" #include "./gui/shop.h" #include "./graphic/super_eagle.h" #include "./graphic/graphic.h" #include "./sound/sound.h" char map_path[480]; extern TmwSound sound; unsigned short dest_x, dest_y, src_x, src_y; unsigned int player_x, player_y; bool refresh_beings = false; unsigned char keyb_state; volatile int tick_time; volatile bool refresh = false, action_time = false; int current_npc; #define MAX_TIME 10000 /** Finite states machine to keep track of player walking status (2 steps linear prediction) 0 = Standing 1 = Walking without confirm packet 2 = Walking with confirm */ char walk_status = 0; void refresh_time(void) { tick_time++; if(tick_time==MAX_TIME)tick_time = 0; } END_OF_FUNCTION(refresh_frame); void refresh_screen(void) { refresh = true; } END_OF_FUNCTION(refresh_screen); int fps = 0, frame = 0; /** lets u only trigger an action every other second tmp. counts fps*/ void second(void) { action_time = true; fps = (fps + frame)/2; frame = 0; } END_OF_FUNCTION(second); /** Return elapsed time (Warning: very unsafe function. It supposes the delay is always < 10s) */ short get_elapsed_time(short start_time) { if(start_time<=tick_time) return tick_time-start_time; else return tick_time+(MAX_TIME-start_time); } /** Main game loop */ void game() { status("INIT"); do_init(); init_graphic(); while(state!=EXIT) { status("INPUT"); do_input(); if(refresh) { status("GRAPHIC"); do_graphic(); refresh = false; } status("PARSE"); do_parse(); status("FLUSH"); flush(); if(fps>30) rest(15); } exit_graphic(); close_session(); } /** Initialize game engine */ void do_init() { if(!load_map(map_path))error("Could not find map file"); sound.StartMOD("./data/sound/Mods/somemp.xm", -1); // Initialize timers tick_time = 0; refresh = false; LOCK_VARIABLE(tick_time); LOCK_VARIABLE(refresh); install_int_ex(refresh_time, MSEC_TO_TIMER(1)); install_int_ex(refresh_screen, /*MSEC_TO_TIMER(2000)*/BPS_TO_TIMER(75)); // Set max refresh rate to 75 fps install_int_ex(second, BPS_TO_TIMER(1)); // Interrupt drawing while in background #ifdef WIN32 set_display_switch_mode(SWITCH_AMNESIA); #else set_display_switch_mode(SWITCH_PAUSE); #endif // Initialize beings empty(); player_node = create_node(); player_node->id = account_ID; player_node->type = ACTION_NODE; set_coordinates(player_node->coordinates, x, y, 0); player_node->speed = 150; add_node(player_node); keyb_state = IDLE; remove("packet.list"); } /** Clean the engine */ void do_exit() { } /** Check user input */ void do_input() { if(walk_status==0) { int x = get_x(player_node->coordinates); int y = get_y(player_node->coordinates); if(key[KEY_UP]) { if(get_walk(x, y-1)!=0) { walk(x, y-1, NORTH); walk_status = 1; src_x = x; src_y = y; player_node->action = WALK; player_node->tick_time = tick_time; set_coordinates(player_node->coordinates, x, y-1, NORTH); } else set_coordinates(player_node->coordinates, x, y, NORTH); } else if(key[KEY_DOWN]) { if(get_walk(x, y+1)!=0) { walk(x, y+1, SOUTH); walk_status = 1; src_x = x; src_y = y; player_node->action = WALK; player_node->tick_time = tick_time; set_coordinates(player_node->coordinates, x, y+1, SOUTH); } else set_coordinates(player_node->coordinates, x, y, SOUTH); } else if(key[KEY_LEFT]) { if(get_walk(x-1, y)!=0) { walk(x-1, y, WEST); walk_status = 1; src_x = x; src_y = y; player_node->action = WALK; player_node->tick_time = tick_time; set_coordinates(player_node->coordinates, x-1, y, WEST); } else set_coordinates(player_node->coordinates, x, y, WEST); } else if(key[KEY_RIGHT]) { if(get_walk(x+1, y)!=0) { walk(x+1, y, EAST); walk_status = 1; src_x = x; src_y = y; player_node->action = WALK; player_node->tick_time = tick_time; set_coordinates(player_node->coordinates, x+1, y, EAST); } else set_coordinates(player_node->coordinates, x, y, EAST); } } if(player_node->action==STAND) if(key[KEY_LCONTROL]) { player_node->action = ATTACK; attack(get_x(player_node->coordinates), get_y(player_node->coordinates), get_direction(player_node->coordinates)); player_node->tick_time = tick_time; } if(key[KEY_F1]) { save_bitmap("./Graphic/screenshot.bmp",double_buffer,NULL); } else if(key[KEY_F12]){ sound.SetAdjVol( 1, 1, 1); } else if(key[KEY_F11]){ sound.SetAdjVol(-1,-1,-1); } if(key[KEY_F5] && action_time==true) { if(player_node->action==STAND) action(2, 0); else if(player_node->action==SIT) action(3, 0); action_time = false; } if(key[KEY_ENTER]) { if(strcmp(speech, "")!=0) { chatlog.chat_send(char_info[0].name, speech); strcpy(speech,""); } } // Emotions, Skill dialog if(key_shifts & KB_ALT_FLAG && action_time == true) { if(player_node->emotion==0) { unsigned char emotion = 0; if(key[KEY_1]) emotion = 1; else if(key[KEY_2]) emotion = 2; else if(key[KEY_3]) emotion = 3; else if(key[KEY_4]) emotion = 4; else if(key[KEY_5]) emotion = 5; else if(key[KEY_6]) emotion = 6; else if(key[KEY_7]) emotion = 7; else if(key[KEY_8]) emotion = 8; else if(key[KEY_9]) emotion = 9; else if(key[KEY_0]) emotion = 10; if(emotion!=0) { WFIFOW(0) = net_w_value(0x00bf); WFIFOB(2) = emotion; WFIFOSET(3); action_time = false; } } if(key[KEY_S]) { show_skill_dialog = !show_skill_dialog; action_time = false; } else if(key[KEY_I]) { inventory.toggle(); action_time = false; } } if(mouse_b&2) { if(!show_npc_dialog) { int npc_x = mouse_x/32+camera_x; int npc_y = mouse_y/32+camera_y; int id = find_npc(npc_x, npc_y); if(id!=0) { WFIFOW(0) = net_w_value(0x0090); WFIFOL(2) = net_l_value(id); WFIFOB(6) = 0; WFIFOSET(7); } } } if(key[KEY_ESC])state = EXIT; } /** Calculate packet length */ int get_packet_length(short id) { int len = get_length(id); if(len==-1)len = RFIFOW(2); return len; } /** Parse data received from map server into input buffer */ void do_parse() { unsigned short id; char *temp; char direction; NODE *node = NULL; PATH_NODE *pn; int len; // We need at least 2 bytes to identify a packet if(in_size>=2) { // Check if the received packet is complete while(in_size>=(len = get_packet_length(id = RFIFOW(0)))) { // Add infos to log file and dump the latest received packet char pkt_nfo[60]; sprintf(pkt_nfo,"In-buffer size: %i Packet id: %x Packet length: %i",in_size,RFIFOW(0),len); /*log_hex("Packet", "Packet_ID", RFIFOW(0)); log_int("Packet", "Packet_length", get_length(RFIFOW(0))); log_int("Packet", "Packet_in_size", RFIFOW(2)); log_int("Packet", "In_size", in_size); FILE *file = fopen("packet.dump", "wb"); for(int i=0;ispeech!=NULL) { free(node->speech); node->speech = NULL; node->speech_time = 0; } node->speech = temp; node->speech_time = SPEECH_TIME; node->speech_color = makecol(255, 255, 255); chatlog.chat_log(node->speech, BY_OTHER, gui_font); } break; case 0x008e: case 0x009a: if(RFIFOW(2)>4) { if(player_node->speech!=NULL) { free(player_node->speech); player_node->speech = NULL; } player_node->speech = (char *)malloc(RFIFOW(2)-3); memset(player_node->speech, '\0', RFIFOW(2)-3); memcpy(player_node->speech, RFIFOP(4), RFIFOW(2)-4); // receive 1 byte less than expected, server might be sending garbage instead of '\0' /-kth5 player_node->speech_time = SPEECH_TIME; player_node->speech_color = makecol(255, 255, 255); if(id==0x008e) chatlog.chat_log(player_node->speech, BY_PLAYER, gui_font); else chatlog.chat_log(player_node->speech, BY_GM, gui_font); } break; // Success to walk request case 0x0087: if(walk_status==1) walk_status = 2; break; // Add new being case 0x0078: if(find_node(RFIFOL(2))==NULL) { node = create_node(); node->id = RFIFOL(2); node->speed = RFIFOW(6); if(node->speed==0)node->speed = 150; // Else division by 0 when calculating frame node->job = RFIFOW(14); memcpy(node->coordinates, RFIFOP(46), 3); add_node(node); } break; // Remove a being case 0x0080: node = find_node(RFIFOL(2)); if(node!=NULL) { if(RFIFOB(6)==1) { // Death if(node->job>110) { node->action = MONSTER_DEAD; node->frame = 0; node->tick_time = tick_time; } else remove_node(RFIFOL(2)); } else remove_node(RFIFOL(2)); } break; // Player moving case 0x01d8: case 0x01d9: node = find_node(RFIFOL(2)); if(node==NULL) { node = create_node(); node->id = RFIFOL(2); node->job = RFIFOW(16); memcpy(node->coordinates, RFIFOP(46), 3); add_node(node); node->tick_time = tick_time; node->speed = RFIFOW(6); } break; // Monster moving case 0x007b: //case 0x01da: node = find_node(RFIFOL(2)); if(node==NULL) { node = create_node(); node->action = STAND; set_coordinates(node->coordinates, get_src_x(RFIFOP(50)), get_src_y(RFIFOP(50)), 0); node->id = RFIFOL(2); node->speed = RFIFOW(6); node->job = RFIFOW(14); add_node(node); } node->path = calculate_path(get_src_x(RFIFOP(50)),get_src_y(RFIFOP(50)),get_dest_x(RFIFOP(50)),get_dest_y(RFIFOP(50))); if(node->path!=NULL) { direction = 0; if(node->path->next) { if(node->path->next->x>node->path->x && node->path->next->y>node->path->y)direction = SE; else if(node->path->next->xpath->x && node->path->next->y>node->path->y)direction = SW; else if(node->path->next->x>node->path->x && node->path->next->ypath->y)direction = NE; else if(node->path->next->xpath->x && node->path->next->ypath->y)direction = NW; else if(node->path->next->x>node->path->x)direction = EAST; else if(node->path->next->xpath->x)direction = WEST; else if(node->path->next->y>node->path->y)direction = SOUTH; else if(node->path->next->ypath->y)direction = NORTH; } pn = node->path; node->path = node->path->next; free(pn); set_coordinates(node->coordinates, node->path->x, node->path->y, direction); node->action = WALK; node->tick_time = tick_time; } break; // Being moving case 0x01da: node = find_node(RFIFOL(2)); if(node==NULL) { node = create_node(); node->id = RFIFOL(2); node->job = RFIFOW(14); set_coordinates(node->coordinates, get_src_x(RFIFOP(50)), get_src_y(RFIFOP(50)), 0); add_node(node); } if(node->action!=WALK) { direction = get_direction(node->coordinates); node->action = WALK; if(get_dest_x(RFIFOP(50))>get_x(node->coordinates))direction = EAST; else if(get_dest_x(RFIFOP(50))coordinates))direction = WEST; else if(get_dest_y(RFIFOP(50))>get_y(node->coordinates))direction = SOUTH; else if(get_dest_y(RFIFOP(50))coordinates))direction = NORTH; else node->action = STAND; if(node->action==WALK)node->tick_time = tick_time; set_coordinates(node->coordinates, get_dest_x(RFIFOP(50)), get_dest_y(RFIFOP(50)), direction); } break; // NPC dialog case 0x00b4: if(!strstr(npc_text, RFIFOP(8))) { strcat(npc_text, RFIFOP(8)); strcat(npc_text, "\n"); show_npc_dialog = 1; } break; //Get the items case 0x01ee: for(int loop=0;loop<(RFIFOW(2)-4)/18;loop++) inventory.add_item(RFIFOW(4+loop*18), RFIFOW(4+loop*18+2), RFIFOW(4+loop*18+6)); break; case 0x00a8: // could I use the item? // index RFIFOW(2) // succes or not RFIFOB(6); //if(RFIFOB(6)) // inventory.add_item(RFIFOW(2),RFIFOW(4)); break; // Warp case 0x0091: memset(map_path, '\0', 480); append_filename(map_path, "./data/map/", RFIFOP(2), 480); if(load_map(map_path)) { empty(); player_node = create_node(); player_node->job = 0; player_node->action = STAND; player_node->frame = 0; player_node->type = ACTION_NODE; player_node->speed = 150; player_node->id = account_ID; set_coordinates(player_node->coordinates, RFIFOW(18), RFIFOW(20), 0); add_node(player_node); walk_status = 0; // Send "map loaded" WFIFOW(0) = net_w_value(0x007d); WFIFOSET(2); while(out_size>0)flush(); } else error("Could not find map file"); break; // Skill ... case 0x011a: break; case 0x01a4: break; // Action failed (ex. sit because you have not reached the right level) case 0x0110: CHATSKILL action; action.skill = RFIFOW(2); action.bskill = RFIFOW(4); action.unused = RFIFOW(6); action.success = RFIFOB(8); action.reason = RFIFOB(9); if(action.success != SKILL_FAILED && action.bskill == BSKILL_EMOTE ) { printf("Action: %d/%d", action.bskill, action.success); } chatlog.chat_log(action, gui_font); break; // Update stat values case 0x00b0: switch(RFIFOW(2)) { case 5: char_info->hp = RFIFOW(4); break; case 6: char_info->max_hp = RFIFOW(4); break; case 7: char_info->sp = RFIFOW(4); break; case 8: char_info->max_sp = RFIFOW(4); break; case 11: char_info->lv = RFIFOW(4); break; } update_stats_dialog(); if(char_info->hp==0) { ok("Message", "You're now dead, press ok to restart"); WFIFOW(0) = net_w_value(0x00b2); WFIFOB(2) = 0; WFIFOSET(3); } break; // Stop walking /*case 0x0088: // Disabled because giving some problems if(node = find_node(RFIFOL(2))) { if(node->id!=player_node->id) { node->action = STAND; node->frame = 0; set_coordinates(node->coordinates, RFIFOW(6), RFIFOW(8), get_direction(node->coordinates)); } } break;*/ // Damage, sit, stand up case 0x008a: switch(RFIFOB(26)) { case 0: // Damage node = find_node(RFIFOL(6)); if(node!=NULL) { if(node->speech!=NULL) { free(node->speech); node->speech = NULL; node->speech_time = SPEECH_TIME; } node->speech = (char *)malloc(5); memset(node->speech, '\0', 5); if(RFIFOW(22)==0) { sprintf(node->speech, "miss"); node->speech_color = makecol(255, 255, 0); } else { sprintf(node->speech, "%i", RFIFOW(22)); if(node->id!=player_node->id)node->speech_color = makecol(0, 0, 255); else node->speech_color = makecol(255, 0, 0); } node->speech_time = SPEECH_TIME; if(RFIFOL(2)!=player_node->id) { node = find_node(RFIFOL(2)); if(node!=NULL) { if(node->job<10) node->action = ATTACK; else node->action = MONSTER_ATTACK; node->frame = 0; } } } break; case 2: // Sit case 3: // Stand up node = find_node(RFIFOL(2)); if(node!=NULL) { if(RFIFOB(26)==2) node->action = SIT; else if(RFIFOB(26)==3) node->action = STAND; } break; } break; // Status change case 0x00b1: switch(RFIFOW(2)) { case 1: char_info->xp = RFIFOL(4); break; case 2: char_info->job_xp = RFIFOL(4); break; case 20: char_info->gp = RFIFOL(4); break; // case 16 and 17 missing } break; // Level up case 0x019b: if(RFIFOW(2)==0) { ok("Info", "Level up!"); } else if(RFIFOW(2)==1) { ok("Info", "Job level up!"); } break; // Emotion case 0x00c0: node = find_node(RFIFOL(2)); if(node) { node->emotion = RFIFOB(6); node->emotion_time = EMOTION_TIME; } break; // Update skill values case 0x0141: switch(RFIFOL(2)) { case 0x000d: char_info->STR = RFIFOL(6) + RFIFOL(10); // Base + Bonus break; case 0x000e: char_info->AGI = RFIFOL(6) + RFIFOL(10); break; case 0x000f: char_info->VIT = RFIFOL(6) + RFIFOL(10); break; case 0x0010: char_info->INT = RFIFOL(6) + RFIFOL(10); break; case 0x0011: char_info->DEX = RFIFOL(6) + RFIFOL(10); break; case 0x0012: char_info->LUK = RFIFOL(6) + RFIFOL(10); break; } break; // Buy/Sell dialog case 0x00c4: if(show_npc_dialog==0) { show_npc_dialog = 2; current_npc = RFIFOL(2); } break; // Buy dialog case 0x00c6: n_items = (len-4)/11; show_npc_dialog = 3; for(int k=0;k