/* * The Mana World * Copyright (C) 2008 The Mana World Development Team * * This file is part of The Mana World. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "commandhandler.h" #include "channelmanager.h" #include "channel.h" #include "game.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "gui/widgets/channeltab.h" #include "gui/widgets/chattab.h" #include "gui/chat.h" #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT #include "net/tmwserv/chatserver/chatserver.h" #include "net/tmwserv/gameserver/player.h" #else #include "party.h" #include "net/messageout.h" #include "net/ea/protocol.h" #endif #include "utils/gettext.h" #include "utils/stringutils.h" #include "utils/strprintf.h" CommandHandler::CommandHandler() {} void CommandHandler::handleCommand(const std::string &command) { std::string::size_type pos = command.find(' '); std::string type(command, 0, pos); std::string args(command, pos == std::string::npos ? command.size() : pos + 1); if (type == "announce") { handleAnnounce(args); } else if (type == "help") { handleHelp(args); } else if (type == "where") { handleWhere(); } else if (type == "who") { handleWho(); } else if (type == "msg" || type == "whisper" || type == "w") { handleMsg(args); } #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT else if (type == "join") { handleJoin(args); } else if (type == "list") { handleListChannels(); } else if (type == "users") { handleListUsers(); } else if (type == "quit") { handleQuit(); } else if (type == "topic") { handleTopic(args); } else if (type == "clear") { handleClear(); } else if (type == "op") { handleOp(args); } else if (type == "kick") { handleKick(args); } #endif else if (type == "party") { handleParty(args); } else if (type == "me") { handleMe(args); } else if (type == "record") { handleRecord(args); } else if (type == "toggle") { handleToggle(args); } else if (type == "present") { handlePresent(args); } else { localChatTab->chatLog("Unknown command"); } } void CommandHandler::handleAnnounce(const std::string &args) { #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT Net::ChatServer::announce(args); #else MessageOut outMsg(0x0099); outMsg.writeInt16(args.length() + 4); outMsg.writeString(args, args.length()); #endif } void CommandHandler::handleHelp(const std::string &args) { if (args == "") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("-- Help --")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/help > Display this help.")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/where > Display map name")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/who > Display number of online users")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/me > Tell something about yourself")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/msg > Send a private message to a user")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/whisper > Alias of msg")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/w > Alias of msg")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/close > Close the whisper tab (only works in whisper tabs)")); #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT localChatTab->chatLog(_("/list > Display all public channels")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/users > Lists the users in the current channel")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/join > Join or create a channel")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/topic > Set the topic of the current channel")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/quit > Leave a channel")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/clear > Clears this window")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/op > Make a user a channel operator")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/kick > Kick a user from the channel")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/party > Invite a user to party")); #else localChatTab->chatLog(_("/party > Party-related commands")); #endif localChatTab->chatLog(_("/record > Start recording the chat to an external file")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/toggle > Determine whether toggles the chat log")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/present > Get list of players present (sent to chat log, if logging)")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("/announce > Global announcement (GM only)")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("For more information, type /help ")); } else if (args == "announce") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /announce ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("*** only available to a GM ***")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command sends the message to " "all players currently online.")); } else if (args == "clear") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /clear")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command clears the chat log of previous chat.")); } else if (args == "help") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /help")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command displays a list of all commands available.")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /help ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command displays help on .")); } else if (args == "join") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /join ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command makes you enter .")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("If doesn't exist, it's created.")); } else if (args == "kick") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /kick ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command makes leave the channel.")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("If the has spaces in it, enclose it in " "double quotes (\").")); } else if (args == "list") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /list")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command shows a list of all channels.")); } else if (args == "me") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /me ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command tell others you are (doing) .")); } else if (args == "msg" || args == "whisper" || args == "w") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /msg ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /whisper ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /w ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command sends the text to .")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("If the has spaces in it, enclose it in " "double quotes (\").")); } else if (args == "op") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /op ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command makes a channel operator.")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("If the has spaces in it, enclose it in " "double quotes (\").")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("Channel operators can kick and op other users " "from the channel.")); } #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT else if (args == "party") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /party ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command invites to party with you.")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("If the has spaces in it, enclose it in " "double quotes (\").")); #else else if (args.substr(0, 5) == "party") { playerParty->help(args); #endif } else if (args == "present") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /present")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command gets a list of players within hearing and " "sends it to either the record log if recording, or the chat " "log otherwise.")); } else if (args == "quit") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /quit")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command leaves the current channel.")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("If you're the last person in the channel, it will be deleted.")); } else if (args == "record") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /record ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command starts recording the chat log to the file " ".")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /record")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command finishes a recording session.")); } else if (args == "toggle") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /toggle ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command sets whether the return key should toggle the " "chat log, or whether the chat log turns off automatically.")); localChatTab->chatLog(_(" can be one of \"1\", \"yes\", \"true\" to " "turn the toggle on, or \"0\", \"no\", \"false\" to turn the " "toggle off.")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /toggle")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command displays the return toggle status.")); } else if (args == "topic") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /topic ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command sets the topic to .")); } else if (args == "users") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /users ")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command shows the users in .")); } else if (args == "where") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /where")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command displays the name of the current map.")); } else if (args == "who") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Command: /who")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("This command displays the number of players currently " "online.")); } else { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Unknown command.")); localChatTab->chatLog(_("Type /help for a list of commands.")); } } void CommandHandler::handleWhere() { // TODO: add position localChatTab->chatLog(map_path, BY_SERVER); } void CommandHandler::handleWho() { #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT //TODO #else MessageOut outMsg(0x00c1); #endif } void CommandHandler::handleMsg(const std::string &args) { std::string recvnick = ""; std::string msg = ""; if (args.substr(0, 1) == "\"") { const std::string::size_type pos = args.find('"', 1); if (pos != std::string::npos) { recvnick = args.substr(1, pos - 1); if (pos + 2 < args.length()) msg = args.substr(pos + 2, args.length()); } } else { const std::string::size_type pos = args.find(" "); if (pos != std::string::npos) { recvnick = args.substr(0, pos); if (pos + 1 < args.length()) msg = args.substr(pos + 1, args.length()); } else { recvnick = std::string(args); msg = ""; } } trim(msg); if (msg.length() > 0) { std::string playerName = player_node->getName(); std::string tempNick = recvnick; toLower(playerName); toLower(tempNick); if (tempNick.compare(playerName) == 0 || args.empty()) return; chatWindow->whisper(recvnick, msg, true); } else localChatTab->chatLog("Cannont send empty whispers!"); } void CommandHandler::handleClear() { chatWindow->clearTab(); } #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT void CommandHandler::handleJoin(const std::string &args) { std::string::size_type pos = args.find(' '); std::string name(args, 0, pos); std::string password(args, pos+1); localChatTab->chatLog("Requesting to join channel " + name); Net::ChatServer::enterChannel(name, password); } void CommandHandler::handleListChannels() { Net::ChatServer::getChannelList(); } void CommandHandler::handleListUsers() { Net::ChatServer::getUserList(chatWindow->getFocused()->getCaption()); } void CommandHandler::handleTopic(const std::string &args) { ChannelTab *tab = dynamic_cast(chatWindow->getFocused()); Channel *channel = tab ? tab->getChannel() : NULL; if (channel) { Net::ChatServer::setChannelTopic(channel->getId(), args); } else { localChatTab->chatLog("Unable to set this channel's topic", BY_CHANNEL); } } void CommandHandler::handleQuit() { ChannelTab *tab = dynamic_cast(chatWindow->getFocused()); Channel *channel = tab ? tab->getChannel() : NULL; if (channel) { Net::ChatServer::quitChannel(channel->getId()); } else { localChatTab->chatLog("Unable to quit this channel", BY_CHANNEL); } } void CommandHandler::handleOp(const std::string &args) { ChannelTab *tab = dynamic_cast(chatWindow->getFocused()); Channel *channel = tab ? tab->getChannel() : NULL; if (channel) { // set the user mode 'o' to op a user if (args != "") { Net::ChatServer::setUserMode(channel->getId(), args, 'o'); } } else { localChatTab->chatLog("Unable to set this user's mode", BY_CHANNEL); } } void CommandHandler::handleKick(const std::string &args) { ChannelTab *tab = dynamic_cast(chatWindow->getFocused()); Channel *channel = tab ? tab->getChannel() : NULL; if (channel) { if (args != "") { Net::ChatServer::kickUser(channel->getId(), args); } } else { localChatTab->chatLog("Unable to kick user", BY_CHANNEL); } } #endif void CommandHandler::handleParty(const std::string &args) { #ifdef TMWSERV_SUPPORT if (args != "") { player_node->inviteToParty(args); } #else if (args.empty()) { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Unknown party command... Type \"/help\" party for more " "information."), BY_SERVER); return; } const std::string::size_type space = args.find(" "); std::string command; std::string rest; if (space == std::string::npos) { command = args; } else { command = args.substr(0, space); rest = args.substr(space + 1, args.length()); } if (command == "prefix") { if (rest.empty()) { char temp[2] = "."; *temp = chatWindow->getPartyPrefix(); localChatTab->chatLog(_("The current party prefix is ") + std::string(temp)); } else if (rest.length() != 1) { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Party prefix must be one character long.")); } else { if (rest == "/") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Cannot use a '/' as the prefix.")); } else { chatWindow->setPartyPrefix(rest.at(0)); localChatTab->chatLog(_("Changing prefix to ") + rest); } } } else playerParty->respond(command, rest); #endif } void CommandHandler::handleMe(const std::string &args) { std::string action = strprintf("*%s*", args.c_str()); chatWindow->chatInput(action); } void CommandHandler::handleRecord(const std::string &args) { chatWindow->setRecordingFile(args); } void CommandHandler::handleToggle(const std::string &args) { if (args.empty()) { localChatTab->chatLog(chatWindow->getReturnTogglesChat() ? _("Return toggles chat.") : _("Message closes chat.")); return; } std::string opt = args.substr(0, 1); if (opt == "1" || opt == "y" || opt == "Y" || opt == "t" || opt == "T") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Return now toggles chat.")); chatWindow->setReturnTogglesChat(true); return; } else if (opt == "0" || opt == "n" || opt == "N" || opt == "f" || opt == "F") { localChatTab->chatLog(_("Message now closes chat.")); chatWindow->setReturnTogglesChat(false); return; } else localChatTab->chatLog(_("Options to /toggle are \"yes\", \"no\", \"true\", " "\"false\", \"1\", \"0\".")); } void CommandHandler::handlePresent(const std::string &args) { chatWindow->doPresent(); }