------------------------------------- AETHYRA SOUND DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION 2. SPECS 3. DATA REQUIRED 4. SUGGESTION 1. INTRODUCTION In Aethyra we plan to have both background music and sound effects linked to beings actions. 2. SPECS The preferred file format is Ogg mastered at 22.050 Hz. Quality factor 3.0 should be enough. We strongly recomend to not convert the file from a previous format to avoid loss of quality. 22 Khz is not the best quality we can have, that's why is really important to have the sound digitally recorded and without noise at all. 3. DATA REQUIRED - Login BGM (need to be remastered to improve quality, tempo and remove noise) - Amzeroth (or whatever it's the name) BGM - South field BGM - Level up SFX - Sword slash SFX - Bow shot SFX - Monsters attack SFX - Monsters death SFX - Potion SFX (used for every recovery item) 4. SUGGESTIONS As placeholders we could use Wesnoth SFX/BGM to test the sound engine.