------------------------------- THE MANA WORLD INVENTORY SYSTEM ------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DATABASE 3. EQUIPMENT 1. INTRODUCTION The inventory system will be based client side on a database realized by an XML document. The database will contain a list of all the items available ingame. 2. DATABASE The XML document (name to be defined, suggested items.xml) will contain a list of items. An item can have the following properties: - id (a positive integer uniquely identifying an item) - image (used if same images are used for different items) - name - description (a brief description shown in shops, or in the inventory) - type (weapon, food, armor, stone, and so on...) - properties (probably a series of flags) 3. EQUIPMENT Every being will have a variable number of slots to equip items. For a player we will have 6 slots: head, upper body, lower body, feet, left hand, right hand. To equip an item you should go to the inventory, select the desired item and push the "Equip" button. To uneqip, push the "Unequip" button in the equipment window. Unequipped items should automatically go back in the inventory.