------------------------------- THE MANA WORLD INVENTORY SYSTEM ------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DATABASE 3. EQUIPMENT 1. INTRODUCTION The inventory system will be based client side on a database realized by an XML document. The database will contain a list of all the items available ingame. 2. DATABASE The XML document (name to be defined, suggested items.xml) will contain a list of items. - itemId a progressive integer (will be used also to show the correct item picture). - itemImage (used if same images are used for different items) - itemName. - itemDescription (a brief description to be shown in shops, or in the inventory). - itemType (weapon, food, armor, stone, and so on...). - itemProperties (probably a series of flags). 3. EQUIPMENT Every being will have a variable number of slots to equip items. For a player we will have 6 slots: head, upper body, lower body, feet, left hand, right hand.