How to compile and install TMW on my GNU/Linux Box ================================================== The Mana World project ====================== Homepage: IRC: / #manaworld 1) Requirements 2) Installing The Mana World 3) Notes 1. Requirements =============== To get The Mana World to compile, you need a compile (GCC) and some libraries. The required libraries are: 1) SDL 2) SDL_mixer 3) SDL_image 4) Guichan 0.2.0 Installing these dependencies is distributions-specific, and we'll leave it to you to figure this out. 2. Installing The Mana World ============================ The final step... I assume you have already downloaded the latest tarball or checked out a recent version from the CVS. In any case follow the last 3 steps: 1) Go to the directory you have extracted the source to. 2) Run "./" (only when using CVS, not when using a source release) 3) Run "./configure" 4) Run "make" It should have generated the executable in src/tmw, you should run it from the main directory for it to be able to find its data. If you have any problems, you are welcome to post your questions on our forums, or talk about them in our IRC channel.