How to install TMW on my GNU/Debian Box ================================================== Author: FERREIRA Yohann (Bertram) Email: Homepage: (Take a tour on it with mozilla !) The Mana World project ====================== Homepage: IRC: / #manaworld 1) Installing The Mana World Dependancies 2) Make the latest Mana World Debian package and install it 3) Notes 1. Installing The Mana World Dependancies ============================================= The Mana World Debian Package can be installed under the Debian Testing and Unstable (Sarge/Cid). In order to have Mana World working, you'll need the following packages that are situed in : - JGMod : - AlFont : Note : If the packages names mismatches, check the page : to look for the latest version of these packages. When you've grabbed them, install them (as root) with the commands : dpkg -i jgmod_0.99_i386.deb dpkg -i libalfont_1.9.2_i386.deb liballegro4.1 must be installed before doing the previous commands, you can do install it by typing (as root) : apt-get install liballegro4.1 2. Make the latest Mana World Debian Package and install it ========================================================== The next step is now to download the latest CVS version or a tarball in the Download Section of the Mana World WebSite. (I think you've got it because you're reading this file which is included in, right !) you must have gcc and g++ installed, and also liballegro-dev. Don't forget them : apt-get install gcc g++ liballegro-dev Now open a shell and go in the root of the new extracted tarball. You should see a file named Become root, Make it executable : chmod +x And now create the Debian Package !!! : ./ Let it work : and TADAM ! The new package should be in the same directory as and should be named : manaworld_XXXXXX_i386.deb (XXXXXX is the version number...) Install it : dpkg -i manaworld_XXXXXX_i386.deb (If you've got a previous one already installed with the same version number, don't forget to remove it with :) apt-get remove manaworld (Don't worry, you configuratio files are not removed...) And now the final step : type 'manaworld' as a normal user in a shell and you're in !!! (Don't forget : To create a new account, add a '_M' after your account name the first time. After that just type your account name normally...) 3. Notes ======== you can always join team people in the IRC of Manaworld : irc://