THE MANA WORLD ============== Version: 0.0.12 Date: ?/5/2005 Development team: - See AUTHORS file for a list Powered by: - SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer (Media framework) - Guichan (GUI framework) - libxml2 (XML parsing and writing) - PhysFS (Data files) 0. Index -------- 1. Account 2. Commands 1. Account ---------- To create an account, add "_M" after your username when you login for the first time and enter a password of your choice. Remember that the server is only for demo and development purposes. 2. Commands ----------- Use arrow keys (or left mouse button) to move around and the right mouse button over NPC's feet to talk to them. Other keys: - Left Ctrl attack - Alt + 0-9 show emotions - F1 take a screenshot - F5 sit down / stand up - F6 toggle debug pathfinding feature - F7 play test sound - G pick up item - Enter focus chat window / send message - Alt + K show skills - Alt + S show stats - Alt + I show inventory - Alt + E show equipment - Alt + C show setup window Please read docs/faq.txt if you're having troubles.