deheader1Dec 01 2010deheaderdeheaderDevelopment Toolsdeheaderreport which includes in C or C++ compiles can be removeddeheader-h -m command-i pattern-q -r -v -x pattern-V file-or-dirDESCRIPTIONThis tool takes a list of C or C++ sourcefiles and generates a
report on which #includes can be omitted from them; also, what
standard inclusions may be required for portability. The test, for
each foo.c or or foo.cpp, is simply whether "rm foo.o; make
foo.o" returns a zero status (but the build command may be
overridden).Exception: Under cmake, foo.o is a phoney target. Therefore,
when a "CMakeList.txt" is detected, "make clean" is done rather than
"rm foo.o".Optionally, with the switch, the
unneeded headers are removed from the sourcefiles. Don't use
this option unless you have your sourcefiles safely under version
control and can revert!If a sourcefile argument is a directory, the report is generated
on all source files beneath it. Subdirectories beginning with a dot
are assumed to be repository directories for version-control systems
and ignored. If no arguments are given, the program runs as if the
name of the current directory had been passed to it.Inclusions within the scope of #if/#ifdef/#else/#endif
directives are left alone, because trying to reason about potential
combinations of -D and U options would be too complicated and prone to
weird errors. One exception: headers protected only by S_SPLINT_S, the
conditional for blocking scanning by the static analysis tool
are scanned normally.The tool will also emit warnings about duplicate inclusions, and
inclusions required for portability but not present.It is recommended that you arrange to compile with options that
will stop the compiler on warnings when using this tool; otherwise it
will report headers that only declare prototypes and return types
(and thus throw only warnings) as being not required. Under gcc the
compiler options to accomplish this are -Werror -Wfatal-errors. If
your makefile follows normal conventions, running with -m
"make CFLAGS='-Werror -Wfatal-errors'" may do the right thing; you
can check this by running with -v -v -v to see what compilation
commands are actually emitted.On each test compile, the original sourcefile is moved to a name
with an .orig suffix and restored on interrupt or after processing
with its original timestamp, unless the option was
given and headers removed.If the first test compilation from the top-level directory fails,
deheader descends into the subdirectory of the source file and retries
compiling inside there.At verbosity level 0, only messages indicating removable headers
are issued. At verbosity 1, test compilations are timed and progess
indicated with a twirling-baton prompt. At verbosity level 2, you get
verbose progress messages on the analysis. At verbosity level 3, you
see the output from the make and compilation commands.If the -q (--quiet) option flag was not set, the last line of the
output will be a statistical summary.Running deheader will leave a lot of binaries in your directory
that were compiled in ways possibly not invoked by your normal build
process. Running "make clean" afterwards (or the equivalent under
whatever build system you are using) is strongly recommended.OPTIONS-hDisplay some help and exit.-mSet the build command used for test compiles. Defaults to 'make'.-iSet a pattern for includes to be ignored.
Takes a Python regular expression.-qSuppress statistical summary.-rRemove header inclusions from sourcefiles where they are not required.-vSet verbosity.-xExclude files with names matching the specified Python regexp.-VShow version of program and exit.BUGSVery rarely, test-compiling after running with
may show that this tool removed some headers that
are actually required for your build. This can happen because
deheader doesn't know about all the strange things
your build system gets up to, and the problem of analyzing your build
to understand them would be Turing-complete. Simply revert the
altered files and continue.Due to minor variations in system headers, it is possible your
program may not port correctly to other Unix variants after being
deheadered. This is normally not a problem with the portion of the API
specified by POSIX and ANSI C, but may be for headers that are not
standardized or only weakly standardized. The sockets API
(sys/select.h, sys/sockets.h, and friends such as sys/types.h and
sys.stat.h) is perhaps the most serious trouble
spot. deheader has an internal table of rules that
heads off the most common problems by suppressing deletion of headers
that are required for portability, but your mileage may vary.Sufficiently perverse C++ can silently invalidate the brute-force
algorithm this tool uses. Example: if an overloaded function has
different overloads from two different files, removing one may expose
the other, changing runtime semantics without a compile-time warning.
Similarly, removing a later file containing a template specialization
may lead to undefined behavior from a template defined in an earlier
file. Use this with caution near such features, and test carefully.AUTHOREric S. Raymond; (home page at