// Halloween 2011 // Authors: alastrim, enchilado, o11c // This file initializes global constants, which includes dialog. // Event Configuration: // Generic stuff // $@hw2011_start_day = the first day in October the quest can be done // $@hw2011_year = the year this quest is activated, for event necromancers // $@hw2011_memory_count = Number of masks each NPC remembers // $@hw2011_min_level = Minimum level to go trick-or-treating // Global stuff // $@hw2011_big_reward$ = The main reward randomly given, usually after the counter has reached 7-10 // $@hw2011_sweets$ = Array with all the sweets to be given as treats // $@hw2011_mask_IDs = Array with the IDs of all the masks that cover your face + The Scary Axehat // $@hw2011_scare_factors = Array with the basic scare factor of each mask // 678 Noh Mask 2 // 679 Demon Mask 4 // 1221 Skull Mask 4 // 634 Face Mask 4 // 615 Pumpkin Helmet 2 // 639 Crusade Helmet 3 // 769 Guy Fawkes Mask 2 // 801 Pinkie Helmet 2 // 1218 Paper Bag 1 // 1276 Opera Mask 3 // 1277 Jester Mask 2 // 1279 Goblin Mask 4 // 4027 Yeti Mask 4 // 616 Axe Hat 4 // Per-NPC stuff // $@hw2011_npc_ = constants for @hw2011_npc_id, the index into the array // $@hw2011_npc_names$ = Array with all NPC names inside brackets, to be used in the function // $@hw2011_greetings$ = Array with all the NPC initial greetings when you "trick or treat" them // $@hw2011_trick_notscary$ = Array with the less scary menu options // $@hw2011_react_notscary$ = Array with all the reactions to the less scary menu options // $@hw2011_trick_scary$ = Array with scary menu options // $@hw2011_react_scary$ = Array with all the reactions to the scary menu options // $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$ = Array with the most scary menu options // $@hw2011_react_veryscary$ = Array with all the reactions to the very scary menu options // !!! IMPORTANT NOTE: a maximum of 15 NPCs can be used for this quest !!! -|script|#hw2011config|-1,{ OnInit: // Set this to 1 for testing, to enable for all of October set $@hw2011_start_day, 24; // Using this means the calling NPCs don't need to be edited when the event // is done, but allows the possibility of reenabling it in a later year. // If we make it an annual event it will become obsolete. set $@hw2011_year, 2011; // How many, maximum is 8 set $@hw2011_memory_count, 5; // Level to go trick-or-treating // Don't decrease this below 10 or the surgeon will be filled with plot holes set $@hw2011_min_level, 10; set $@hw2011_big_reward$, "BunchOfParsley"; set $@hw2011_got_big_reward, 0x10000; // TODO: review this list // all sweets are equal currently setarray $@hw2011_sweets$, "OrangeCupcake", "ChocolateCake", "Candy", "DecorCandy", "Cake", "CandyCane", "XmasCake", "ChocolateBar", "GingerBreadMan", "XmasCandyCane", "CherryCake", "WhiteCake", "OrangeCake", "AppleCake", "TonoriDelight", "Marshmallow", "JellySkull", "CandyPumpkin"; setarray $@hw2011_mask_IDs, 678, 679, 1221, 634, 615, 639, 769, 801, 1218, 1276, 1277, 1279, 4027, 616; setarray $@hw2011_scare_factors, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4; // temporary counter set $@n, 0; set $@hw2011_npc_caretaker, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[Caretaker]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"Alright, come on then. Show me your trick.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "Trick? You must have misheard me. I've come because the Government needs to build a road through your house."; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"And?\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "You look pretty deceased to me, old man. Undead must die! Yaah!"; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"Now listen here, I'm as alive as you - oh. Say, that was a good trick!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "Your wife... she's - she's - she's DEAD!"; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"But... I live here! My wife l... is dead here. You can't - oh. I DIDN'T mishear you. You really had me fooled!\""; set $@n, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_npc_eurni, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[Eurni the Surgeon]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"Oh, right.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "I paid good money for your services, and when I get home I find that now I'm not a man OR a woman..."; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"Heheh, sucks, buddy. But there's always a risk.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "Look out! A scorpion!"; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"Where? Darn things, I think they're what keep scaring away my customers.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "I know about your hobby of performing numerous sex changes on yourself."; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"Shut up! Look, will you hold your tongue if I give you more treats...?\""; set $@n, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_npc_george, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[George the Pirate]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"Shiver me timbers! What do ye mean?\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "Well... I do a trick, and then... you give me a treat..."; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"Arrrrh, I knew what ye meant, to be sure! I were just kidding with ye, pretending to be a crazy old pirate! Arrrrh!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "Your eyepatch is on the wrong eye!"; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"Arrrrh, so it is! Ta for pointing it out, mate - wait, no it isn't! Harhar, what a good trick!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "By the powers, ye're a daft landlubber to be sure, ye barnacle-ridden swab!"; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"Arrrrh, ye scurvy dog! I'm sure my first mate will return with the ship eventually.\""; set $@n, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_npc_inac, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[Inac]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"Oh, yes?\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "Yes, we monsters moved into the tunnels... and now we're coming out... for revenge!"; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"Haha! That's the worse trick I've seen today.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "One of those monsters you mentioned is crawling out of the well!"; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"He IS? Where!? Aah! Oh. You were just tricking, right? Hahaha, that was good, I really believed you.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "Yeah, but it's all fossil water. One day it's gonna dry up!"; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"Fossil water? You mean it's turned to STONE? But you can't drink - oh... you were just tricking, right? You WEREN'T? Aaaah!\""; set $@n, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_npc_kfahr, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[Kfahr the Warrior]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"Ah, yes!\" He rubs his hands. \"Trick away, then!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "Meh... I'm only trick-or-treating you to avoid listening to your BORING stories."; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"Boring?\" He grins. \"You must be mistaking me for someone else.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "Did you hear the bad news already? They made up a law prohibiting to serve alcoholic drinks! That means no more beer!"; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"What? But- but- why do they- oh, you tricked me. I was about to really get worried for a moment.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "Have you heard? Tulimshar was destroyed by a giant Desert Worm!"; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"What!?\" Kfahr stares. \"And no one called for me? This is appalling! But - what? That was your trick? Hm, nice one. You almost had me fooled!\""; set $@n, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_npc_nurse, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[Nurse]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"I don't know why I let the Mayor trick me into this... well, go on then.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "I ate too much Hallowe'en candy, now I'm sick!"; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"Well, no one's to blame but yourself, you know. Just make sure you don't eat any more.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "Hurnscald has been struck by plague! You must come and tend to the dying!"; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"But I don't know how to deal with plague! Oh no! You must get the Doctor! Unless... you were just tricking me! Whew, that's a relief!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "The Doctor asked me to tell you that he doesn't want to see you any more."; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"What? But we were getting it on so well. I mean, getting on so well! Oh... that was your trick! Dear me, I believed you!\""; set $@n, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_npc_pachua, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[Chief Pachua]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"Ah, the strange custom the Government man told me about.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "Look out! A scorpion!"; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"Don't mind him, he won't hurt you. Er... so I give you sweets now, or what?\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "Yes, the ritual giving of treats... LOTS of treats... or else!"; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"Alright, here you go.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "Yes, the ritual giving of treats followed by the sacrifice of the treat-giver..."; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"I do like a good sacrifice, but less so if it's me! I'll give you extra sweets if you forget the sacrifice.\""; set $@n, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_npc_tathin, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[Tathin]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"I am employed by the Tonori Government, make sure you abide the regulations we wrote down for Trick-or-Treaters this year...\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "Of course I will... not!"; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"Hm!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "Regulations, smegulations. The Tonori Government can go suck a lollipop for all I care!"; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"!? How dare you - oh, that was your trick! You did have me worried for a moment...\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "What regulations?"; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"You mean you haven't even READ - I don't believe - this is ghastly - I - oh... that was your trick... gosh, I believed you for a minute! I thought you really hadn't read them!\""; set $@n, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_npc_vincent, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[Vincent]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"Ooh, okay! Trick away!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "Look out! A scorpion!"; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"They're everywhere in this desert! Don't worry about them.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "Hey, that action figure you're building just CAME TO LIFE!"; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"Really? Cool! Where? What? You were tricking me? WAAAH!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "Wow, this is a neat action figure! Haha, check out its moves! Oops! Never mind, I'm sure it'll glue back on."; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"My Bug Leg action figure! You broke it!\""; set $@n, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_npc_weellos, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[Weellos]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"Trick me, then!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "Look out! A scorpion!"; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"Pesky things, I know, but they're everywhere around here...\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "Actually, it's a fake. It was built just ten years ago."; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"No! But I've read all the accounts... oh, haha! Very funny!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "They say the earthquake ruined the foundations of this building, and that it's going to fall down."; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"B-but it's one of the oldest buildings around! And... wait, I just remembered that it was designed to be earthquake-proof. You were tricking me!\""; set $@n, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_npc_zack, $@n; set $@hw2011_npc_names$[$@n], "[Zack]"; set $@hw2011_greetings$[$@n], "\"I thought no one would find me down here, but I'm glad I was wrong! Let's see your trick, then.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_notscary$[$@n], "You think this is something to do with Hallowe'en? Hands up!"; set $@hw2011_react_notscary$[$@n], "\"Heh... That was ok.\""; set $@hw2011_trick_scary$[$@n], "And now that I've found you, you die!"; set $@hw2011_react_scary$[$@n], "\"Aah! What did I do? Oh - wait - I see! That was a good one!\""; set $@hw2011_trick_veryscary$[$@n], "Yes, I have found you. After all these years."; set $@hw2011_react_veryscary$[$@n], "\"Uncle Henry? But how, I covered my tracks so well! I never told anyone that - wait... that was your trick! You had me worried for a minute!\""; set $@hw2011_num_npcs, $@n + 1; set $@hw2011_all_npc_bits, 0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - $@hw2011_num_npcs); set $@n, 0; }