017-9.gat,0,0,0|script|#GlobalHandler|-1,-1,-1, { end; OnPCLoginEvent: // this does not work yet but as soon as it is implemented it will start working callfunc "ClearVariables"; end; OnPCKillEvent: set Death_Kill, Death_Kill + 1; // this counts the number of players you have killed end; OnPCKilledEvent: goto L_Fightclub_Killed; // this is used by the 1v1 arena OnPCDieEvent: callfunc "fightclub_GoBack"; // this used by the battle master goto L_Fightclub_Die; // this is used by the 1v1 arena // custom handlers below L_Fightclub_Killed: set @killer, 0; if(@Duel_Fighter != 1) goto L_End; if(getmap() != "009-7") goto L_End; set $@duel_loser, getcharid(3); // grab the rid of the victim set $@duel_winner, @killerrid; // grab the rid of the killer set @killerrid, 0; // reset killerid callfunc "fightclub_death"; goto L_End; L_Fightclub_Die: set @killer, 0; if(@Duel_Fighter != 1) goto L_End; if(getmap() != "009-7") goto L_End; set @killerrid, 0; // since the player was not murdered, the killerrid is 0 set $@duel_loser, getcharid(3); // grab the rid of the victim callfunc "fightclub_death"; goto L_End; L_End: end; }