// Part of Annual halloween 026-1,24,37,0|script|Munro|183 { callfunc "HalloweenCheckOld"; callfunc "TrickOrTreatTally"; if (($@halloween_time == $@halloween_reward_time) && (@npc_tally >= $@halloween_charm_count) && !(HALLOWEENTIME & $@halloween_got_charm_reward)) goto L_Halloween; goto L_NoReward; L_NoReward: mes "[Munro]"; mes "\"Greetings mortal.\""; next; mes "\"Once again we come to that time of year when the veil is thin\""; next; mes "\"All those who have passed on can part the veil to return.\""; next; mes "\"A time to celebrate our ancestors and chase evil away.\""; next; mes "\"Celebrate the holiday with me and I will reward you later.\""; goto L_Exit; L_Halloween: mes "[Munro]"; mes "\"You have shown to have the Halloween spirit. Take this charm.\""; set HALLOWEENTIME, HALLOWEENTIME | $@halloween_got_charm_reward; getitem "SkeletonCharm",1; goto L_Exit; L_Exit: close; } function|script|SpawnMunro { if ($@halloween_time) goto L_EnableMunro; goto L_DisableMunro; L_EnableMunro: enablenpc "Munro"; goto L_Return; L_DisableMunro: disablenpc "Munro"; goto L_Return; L_Return: return; } function|script|CheckMunro { if (($@halloween_time) || ($@xmas_time)) goto L_Return; callfunc "UnequipLater"; goto L_Return; L_Return: return; }