{title:Act 2 - The Invasion} {date:2020-02-25} {b}Doomsday Event - The Invasion{/b} The Mage Council of Tulimshar has monitored events following the Great Quake and feel that something ominous is spreading throughout The Mana World. Monsters seem to of come out of every shadowy corner and petty dieties has begun to make presence in dark places. The council has made the call and you are just one of the many people that will battle the forces of evil, sending them back to the depths they came from. Be it warrior, archer or mage, you have answered the call from the leaders of the world to fight back the darkness that spread after the Great Quake. Even so, the monsters strength is overwhelming, and not even Tormenta is staying behind the eternal seals any longer. And sensing adventurers and the mana world residents weakness, someone decided it was a good idea to send an invading army... Read details on {link:https://forums.themanaworld.org/viewtopic.php?p=160197#p160197} {b}Minor Corrections{/b} Minor bugfixes on Joan and Constable Bob. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a patch. {author:Jesusalva}