{date:2013-09-03} {gray}First, a technical announcement. During a future restart, TMW will start requiring your username to exactly match the case that you signed up with. Previously, this was enforced erratically, and led to people losing access to their accounts. If, after the update, you are unsure of the case of the account {red}and have already tried lowercase, UPPERCASE, and TitleCase,{/red} please contact o11c or Frost. Now, back to your regularly scheduled content news.{/gray} Today we have introduced two new pieces. First of all, the Orum extension is finished. Orum and his master Waric have set a new base to mess with Sagatha. Seek them out! They hide somewhere in the Caves north of Sagatha's Forests. Someone has seen a few new spells being used. No one is yet sure what exactly it is but a dark aura has been percieved somewhere north of Hurnscald. Find it! Maybe you can gain something useful! Last but not least we have to announce bad news for the project but good news for her: Jenalya has, after finishing the Orum extension, resigned from her position as Lead Content Developer. We dedicate this news to her and wish her only the very best for her future. She contributed beyond words and her leaving will leave a spot we will have to work hard to fill. Wushin and tux9th took over as Lead Content Developers and give their best to bring quality content to you, like Jenalya did. {author:TMW Development Team}