//################################### //playing game # // -Kric Krack Krock # // -if you said the same as NPC # // -he give you a redward depending # //-of you're betting # //################################### // var of this game # // =======================# // NPCNAME | name of the NPC # // ITEM_RAND | item you can get # //ITEM_HEALTH| Potion you can get # // kRICK |array with the tree # // BET | the betting of PC # // =======================# //################################### 009-1.gat,82,82,0 script Criker 127, { L_Main: //Var set @NPC_NAME$, "[Criker]"; set @BET, 50; //lots of array ;( setarray @KRICK$, "Krick", "Krack", "Krock"; setarray @ITEM_RAND, 613, 537, 631, 775, 703, 640, 641, 4006, 700; setarray @ITEM_HEALTH, 684, 685, 686, 687; //ends of var mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\" hello " + strcharinfo(0) + ", you want play Krick-Krack-Krock\""; menu "let's start !", L_Start, "What's this ?", L_info, "Well not for the moment", -; close; L_Start: mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\"Well, how many you want to bet with me ?\""; input @BET; if(@BET < 50 ) goto L_poor; if(@BET > 2000) goto L_Too_rich; if(zeny < @BET) goto L_No_Money; set zeny, zeny - @BET; set @NPC_KRICK, rand(2); mes "(Choose Krick, Krack or Krock)"; menu @KRICK$[0], -, @KRICK$[1], -, @KRICK$[2], -; //menu = min 1 & not 0 so I change it set @menu, @menu - 1; mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\" "+ @KRICK$[@NPC_KRICK] +" !\""; if( @menu == @NPC_KRICK ) goto L_Work; mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\"well, to bad We were not lucky !\""; close; L_Work: mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\"wow that has Work ... what present you want ?\""; menu "Money !", L_Money, "Item !", L_Item, "Health !", L_Health_item; close; L_Money: mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\"Here is your money\""; set zeny, zeny + (@BET*2); close; L_Item: //item if( @BET > 50) getitem @ITEM_RAND[rand(1)], 1; if( @BET > 200) getitem @ITEM_RAND[1 + rand(1)], 1; if( @BET > 500) getitem @ITEM_RAND[2 + rand(1)], 1; if( @BET > 1000) getitem @ITEM_RAND[3 + rand(1)], 1; if( @BET > 1200) getitem @ITEM_RAND[4 + rand(1)], 1; if( @BET > 1500) getitem @ITEM_RAND[5 + rand(1)], 1; if( @BET == 2000) getitem @ITEM_RAND[6 + rand(1)], 1; mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\"here it is !\""; close; L_Health_item: // health item if( @BET > 50) getitem @ITEM_HEALTH[rand(1)], 1; if( @BET > 200) getitem @ITEM_HEALTH[ 1 +rand(1)], 1 + rand(1); if( @BET > 500) getitem @ITEM_HEALTH[2 + rand(1)], 1 + rand(3); if( @BET > 1000) getitem @ITEM_HEALTH[3], 2 + rand(1); if( @BET > 1500) getitem @ITEM_HEALTH[3], 3 + rand(2); if( @BET == 2000) getitem @ITEM_HEALTH[3], 5 + rand(10); mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\"here it is !\""; close; L_poor: mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\"Erm... if you want to play you HAVE to bet, and you can't bet "+ @BET +" gold piece you need to bet something more of 50gp .\""; close; L_Too_rich: mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\"Mh... you have bet too for me. How I'll get a present who is "+ @BET +" ?\""; close; L_No_Money: mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\"well you don't have "+ @BET +" money\""; close; L_info: mes @NPC_NAME$; mes "\"Well, if you want to do Krick Krack Krock with me you need to bet some money if you say the same thing like me (Krack, Krick or Krock) you can win the double of your money you have bet or an item depend of what you bet too. \""; goto L_Main; //Do by : //========================================= // __ _ _____ _ _ == // | | |_| | ____| | \ | | == // | | _ | |___ | \ | | == // | |__ | | | |___ | |\ \_| | == // |____| |_| |_____| |_| \____| == // == //========================================= }