// 001-1.gat,37,73,0 script Bard 152,{ setarray @songs$, "\"There once was a bard, who had it hard, because a man in dark green, was very mean.\"", "\"At Hurnscald inn, there was a person of fairest skin, declining wedding bands from quite a many hands.\"", "\"As the Sun sets down in the forest's brown, she whom the fragrance holds counts her gold.\""; set @id, rand(3); set @name, "Bill Ballshaker the Bard"; mes "[" + @name + "]"; if (Sex) mes "\"Greetings, traveler! Have you come to listen to my stories?\""; if (!Sex) mes "\"Greetings, fair lady! Well met, on such a lovely day! Might I entertain you with a tale or two?\""; next; L_Main: menu "Sing me a song, lute man!", L_Song, "Have you heard any news?", L_News, "What do you know about...", L_Question, "Can you tell me a story?", L_Tales, "Farewell!", -; close; L_News: mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"News I have for you indeed, lest you have already overheard (for then it would no longer be news to you!)\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Rumor has it that an ancient source of magic, a Mana Seed, has been sighted in the west, beyond the fair town of Hurnscald.\""; next; set MFLAG, MFLAG | MFLAG_MANASEED_RUMOUR; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Whence it came, nobody knows... but they say that sometimes such Mana Seeds may choose a powerful individual to impart some of its mystic power to!\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"I wonder who might be qualified?\""; next; goto L_Main; L_Question: set @QQ_ELANORE, 1; set @QQ_MANASEED, 2; set @QQ_WYARA, 3; set @QQ_SAGATHA, 4; set @QQ_AULDSBEL, 5; setarray @choice$, "", "", "", "", "", ""; set @choices_nr, 0; setarray @choice_idx, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; set @choice$[@choices_nr], "...Elanore the Healer?"; set @choice_idx[@choices_nr], @QQ_ELANORE; set @choices_nr, @choices_nr + 1; if (!(MAGIC_FLAGS & (MFLAG_KNOWS_MANASEED | MFLAG_MANASEED_RUMOUR))) goto L_Q_post_manaseed; set @choice$[@choices_nr], "...the Mana Seed?"; set @choice_idx[@choices_nr], @QQ_MANASEED; set @choices_nr, @choices_nr + 1; L_Q_post_manaseed: if (!(MAGIC_FLAGS & MFLAG_KNOWS_WYARA)) goto L_Q_post_wyara; set @choice$[@choices_nr], "...Wyara the Witch?"; set @choice_idx[@choices_nr], @QQ_WYARA; set @choices_nr, @choices_nr + 1; L_Q_post_wyara: if (!(MAGIC_FLAGS & MFLAG_KNOWS_SAGATHA)) goto L_Q_post_sagatha; set @choice$[@choices_nr], "...Sagatha the Witch?"; set @choice_idx[@choices_nr], @QQ_SAGATHA; set @choices_nr, @choices_nr + 1; L_Q_post_sagatha: if (!(MAGIC_FLAGS & MFLAG_KNOWS_AULDSBEL)) goto L_Q_post_auldsbel; set @choice$[@choices_nr], "...Auldsbel the Wizard?"; set @choice_idx[@choices_nr], @QQ_AULDSBEL; set @choices_nr, @choices_nr + 1; L_Q_post_auldsbel: set @choice$[@choices_nr], "...never mind."; set @choice_idx[@choices_nr], 0; set @choices_nr, @choices_nr + 1; menu @choice$[0], -, @choice$[1], -, @choice$[2], -, @choice$[3], -, @choice$[4], -; set @menu, @menu - 1; if (@menu >= @choices_nr) set @menu, 0; set @c, @choice_idx[@menu]; if (@c == 0) goto L_Main; if (@c == @QQ_ELANORE) goto L_Q_elanore; if (@c == @QQ_MANASEED) goto L_Q_manaseed; if (@c == @QQ_WYARA) goto L_Q_wyara; if (@c == @QQ_SAGATHA) goto L_Q_sagatha; if (@c == @QQ_AULDSBEL) goto L_Q_auldsbel; close; L_Q_elanore: mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Elanore is this town's healer. Rumor has it that she traveled far and wide when she was younger, to learn the deepest secrets of healing magic, after her brother caught a mysterious illness.\""; next; goto L_Main; L_Q_manaseed: mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"The Mana Seed is said to be a source of great magic. Perhaps some witch or wizard might know more about it?\""; next; goto L_Main; L_Q_wyara: mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Wyara is not actually from Hurnscald. As a young witch, she decided to settle down there to help the people of Hurnscald. She is kind and gentle, except towards the Doctor, who seems to have little respect for her potions.\""; next; goto L_Main; L_Q_sagatha: mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Sagatha! Ah, such a wonderful and mysterious being; the center of many a tale...\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Some say that she is the most powerful witch in all of Argaes. I don't know whether that is true, but I am quite certain that the is the most beautiful of all the witches! Alas, she will let no man touch her...\""; mes "He sighs."; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"I met her only twice, back in my traveling days, but there are two pieces of advice I can give you:\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"First, she will suffer no fool easily, particularly no man.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Second, the creatures of the forest mean everything to her. Harm them, and you may find her an enemy-- and a powerful one at that...\""; next; goto L_Main; L_Q_auldsbel: mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Auldsbel is some wizard from further north, from what I have gathered. He bought a hut near Hurnscald some years back and often comes here to experiment on things, probably because he is not allowed to do these experiments where he comes from.\""; next; goto L_Main; L_Tales: mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"With pleasure! What would you like to hear about? Would you like to hear about the founding of Tulimshar, or about the fall of Grenxen?\""; next; menu "Founding of Tulimshar", L_Tale_0, "Fall of Grenxen", L_Tale_1, "Nothing, really.", -; close; L_Tale_0: mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Many centuries ago, this here was a barren wasteland-- rocks and water, devoid of any life. Only the occasional scorpion would pass by, perhaps in vain hope of finding a forgotten insect or half-dead snake to prey on.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"But somewhere south of here there was a great oasis, the only source of water and life far and wide. So large was this oasis that even a heard of mouboos lived there, among pinkies and fluffies.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Palm trees grew there, more than twice as big as the ones we have here, and mananas grew on those trees. Wild bushes with berries, too-- greenberries and hayberries and manaberries. It was a haven not only for animals, but also for human travelers: for both the nomads and the brigands that roamed the land.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"In the south, much further south than that, there stood a citadel and a city around it, ruled by Sesmar the Silver, son of Sesmar the Golden, Pecarch of Potamia, for his realm was the empire of Potamia, the greatest empire of this age.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Sesmar ruled with an iron fist. He built statues and temples and walls and armies, and a reputation for successful and ruthless warfare. Unlike his father, whose time had been a time of peace, Sesmar the Silver yearned for conquest: he wanted no less than to be ruler of the entire world.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"So Sesmar built a great fleet, and catapults, and siege machines; he raised an army the likes of which the world had never seen before.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Then he built a chariot for himself, plated with silver and flaring in the sun, so as to blind his enemies. So large and heavy was the chariot that it had to be pulled by a dozen trained war mouboos, each mouboo shielded by a polished steel harness.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"In this chariot he let his troops into battle. 'Zergamur', they called it, after the legendary silver dragon, for where it had plowed, no man was left standing.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"And into battle he rode, over and over, and one kingdom after another fell before his force.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"But not far north of his capital, resistance formed. Troops loyal to defeated leaders, monarchs wary of Sesmar, merchants and priests who had been driven out by Sesmar, but also some of Sesmar's former most trusted allies\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Hurn the marksman was one of them, but that is another story, to be told another time.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"But their leader was Bekel, once one of Sesmar's generals. He had seen his master the Pecarch's true intentions and intended to have no part his goals.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"Bekel led the alliance south from here. With their combined force, they took the capital of Potamia with ease, for Sesmar had withdrawn most of his troops to fight or as garrison for newly conquered areas.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"The Pecarch's revenge was swift and cruel. When his armies returned, he retook the city in a single night, and anyone who had been found not loyal to him was put to death.\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"The alliance troops fled north, Sesmar on their heels. \""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; close; L_Tale_1: mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; mes "[" + @name + "]"; mes "\"\""; next; close; L_Song: mes @songs$[@id]; close; }